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Background of study

The policy of a leader in the educational institutions that became the basis of the attention
of experts, both in the field of science itself and other fields of science. In this case kususnya
associated with the principal's law as the main responsibility of the existence or place of an
educational institution.

The principal is the leader of the institution he leads, the progress and development of an
institution is the task and responsibility of the principal. Leader is a person who undertakes
activities in an effort to influence others in their environment in certain situations so that others
will work with a sense of responsibility for the achievement of the established goals. The success
of the principal in the implementation of the policy program mentioned above, is assumed to be
the result of work hard and expertise of the principal in making policies operational in improving
teacher professionalism.

This assumption can't released from the mindset that the key to successful education in
schools / Madrasah is fundamentally dependent on the principal / Madrasah policies in
enhancing the professionalism of teachers and in implementing an educational leadership and
way of acting. Similarly, success is certainly inseparable from the success leadership of the
principal. The principal's policy in the process of implementing the prohibition on wearing the
hijab freewill at MAN 2 Langsa.

The principal's policy as a leader as well as supervisor and education administrator at the
school he leads, because the leadership is a role model for his subordinates, the leader must be
positive and democratic towards his leadership, because the principal in managing educational
institutions are required for the learning process takes place effectively and efficiently .

To improve ability of students, principal leadership is very important in organizing the

teaching and learning process. In addition, the principal is also directly responsible for the
implementation of all types and forms of rules or rules that must be implemented either by
teachers or by students. The principal also plays an important and strategic role in running the
wheel of education. The education office has determined that the principal should be able to
implement his job as an educator, manager, administrator and supervisor.
The policy carried out by the principal at Policies undertaken by principals at MAN 2
Langsa to improve student adherence in discipline and Islamic dress.

From the basic idea it attracts the attention for researchers to conduct in-depth research
of researchers to conduct an in-depth study of the problem of prohibition on wearing the hijab
freewill at MAN 2 Langsa is running well and really efectif to improve student discipline in
Islamic dress.

B. Research questions

Is the effective of prohibition on wearing the hijab freewill to improve student discipline in
Islamic dress?

C. Purpose of study
This study aims to assess the accuracy of the free hijab freewill program is one of
the principal efforts at MAN 2 Langsa to improve student discipline in Islamic dress.
D. Bemefit of study
As for the benefits of this research are as follows:
a. For this researcher as new information useful in improving quality and
professionalism in doing research.
b. For the school, this research can provide new ideas or ideas in the effort to
implement the policy and as a reference material (mechanism) of the principal's
policy program implementation, as an evaluation step in measuring the success,
and know what the strengths and weaknesses in this policy program in an effort
improving islamic dress for studens in MAN 2 langsa.
E. Theory
In this study researchers used the theory of, Sanders and Worthen states that
"evaluation as judging the worth or merit of something". Based on the definition of this
Scriven further Fitzpatrick, Sanders and Worthen confirm that the evaluation is
mendeterminasi benefit or value of an object evaluation. More broadly evaluation can be
defined as identifying, clarifying and applying a number of criteria to determine the
object being evaluated. Tayibnapis cites Tyler's opinion that evaluation is the process of
determining to what extent a student's ability to attain in the learning process. Then it is
also explained that evaluation is done through measurement and assessment which is the
basis for improving learning process and learning system as a whole.
Brinkerhoff was quoted by Widoyoko as saying that evaluation is a process of
determining the extent to which educational goals can be achieved. Further explained
also that there are seven elements that must be done in the implementation of the
evaluation. The seven elements include: 1) determining the focus to be evaluated, 2)
preparation of evaluation design, 3) information gathering, 4) analysis and interpretation
of information, 5) preparing reports, 6) evaluation management, and 7) evaluation for
evaluation. Arikunto states that evaluation is an activity to gather information about the
operation of something and then the information is used to determine the right alternative
when making a decision.

F. Research Metodolology
1. Kind of research

Evaluation of the learning hours addition program using the CIPP Model
developed by Stufflebeam et al in the year 1967 at Ohio State University, cited Suharsimi
Arikunto, and Cepi Syafruddin Abduljabar (2008: 45), CIPP is an abbreviation of the
initial four words: Context Evaluation, Input Evaluation, Process Evaluation and Product
Evaluation. So CIPP as the evaluation method looks at the program being evaluated as a
system, then CIPP will analyze the program based on context, input, process and product

The CIPP model is a decision-oriented model, meaning as a systematic

investigation of the success of a goal, and its process at a value based on an objective
standard or evaluation standard that has been established to take decisions of the
evaluated results.

So the evaluation of CIPP model is the application of systematic scientific

procedures to assess the design, then presents information in order to make decisions on
the implementation and effectiveness of a program, and policies that can be done based
on the evaluation of a program, the decisions taken include: stopping the program, it is
not useful or can not be done as expected, revise the program, because there are parts that
are less in line with expectations, continue the program, because the implementation of
the program shows everything is running in the hope, disseminate the program, because
the program has been successful with both then it is very good if implemented again in
another place.

2. Subject of research.
in this study researchers took the subject of students, teachers, and principals

3. Technique collecting data.

Techniques collecting data used to evaluate the program of additional hours of
study are documentation, interviews, observations, which can be described as follows:
a. Documentation
Documentation is a record of past events. Documents may be in the form
of writing, drawing or works of a person. Writing documents can be diaries, life
history, rules, policies. Documentation data related to the addition of hours
b. Interview.
Interviews are tools for collecting data used to obtain information
pertaining to opinions, expectations, perceptions made by asking questions on
activities around the program of additional hours of study.
c. Observation.
Observation is one of the techniques of data collection through
observation. In the observation, the researcher observed directly the program of
additional hours of study by observing the activities, activities, actions,
movements, and attitudes that occur in the implementation of teaching and
4. Data analisis.
Techniques Data analysis in this study obtained from interviews for
primary data types and from other sources for secondary data will then be
analyzed to assess whether the data obtained in accordance with the required in
this study. Data analysis begins by determining the parts to be analyzed is the
program of additional hours of learning.
Data analysis is intended to understand meaning and interpretation as a
way of explaining and comparing data that has been applied and processed with
relevant theory. Based on the type of data, the analysis used is descriptive
qualitative data analysis techniques.
In data analysis techniques the author tries to compare between what
happened with what should be done and compare the results achieved with
existing standards. Bogdan in Sugiyono (2009: 334), qualitative data analysis is
the process of searching and arranging systematically the data obtained from
interviews, field notes and other materials, so it can be easy to understand, and all
of them can be informed to others. Data analysis is done by organizing data,
spelling it into sections, synthesizing, composing into patterns, choosing which
ones are important and that will be learned, making conclusions that can be
passed on to others. Data analysis is a continuous process that can be
implemented in almost all phases of data analysis as a whole from the data
obtained by not obscure the characteristics of data that has been collected. Miles
and Huberman cited Sugiyono (2009: 337), argued that the activity in qualitative
data analysis done interactively and lasted continuously until complete, so the
data is saturated. Activities that exist in the data analysis of data reduction, data
display,and decision / verification.
5. Data validity

Wahjosumidjo, Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, Jakarta: Raja PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007, h,

Jody L. Fitzpatrick, James R. Sanders, dan Blaine R. Worthen, Program Evaluation, Alternative

and Practical Guidelines (Boston: Pearson Education, 2004), p. 5.

Farida Yusuf Tayibnapis, Evaluasi Program dan Instrumen Evaluasi untuk Program Pendidikan
dan Penelitian
(Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 2008), p. 3.
S. Eko Putro Widoyoko, Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran: Panduan Praktis bagi Pendidik dan
Daniel L. Stufflebeam dan Antony J. Shinfield. Evaluation Theory, Models and Applications
(San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 2007), p. 9.
Suharsimi Arikunto dan Cepi Safruddin Abdul Jabar, Evaluasi Program Pendidikan: Pedoman
Teoritis Praktis
Bagi Praktisi Pendidikan (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2007), pp.1-2.

This assumption can't released from the mindset that the key to successful education in schools /
Madrasah is fundamentally dependent on the principal / Madrasah policies in enhancing the
professionalism of teachers and in implementing an educational leadership and way of acting.3
Similarly, success is certainly inseparable from the success leadership of the principal. The principal's
policy in the process of implementing the prohibition on wearing the hijab freewill at MAN 2 Langsa.

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