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More businesses than ever are taking advantage of the added peace of mind that a security

camera network can provide. These systems deliver a range of practical benefits, making
them well worth considering for business owners looking to run the most profitable business
possible. MSP has been providing these services to businesses throughout the Mid-Atlantic
region for years, and these are just a few of the immediate benefits that a monitoring system
can offer.

Deterring Vandalism
Vandalism is one of the most common crimes perpetrated in urban areas such as Dover,
Baltimore and Washington DC, and although the law takes a relatively lenient view of these
offenses, the effects they can have on businesses can be surprisingly severe.

Simple graffiti often detracts from the aesthetic appeal of a storefront, driving customers
away, and more malicious acts such as damage to the locks can leave employees without
access to key work areas, or even see your business shut down entirely at the mercy of a
locksmith´s schedule. The simple presence of a security camera can cut down significantly
on vandalism attempts, as most are crimes of opportunity alone.

Aiding Police Investigations

In the event your business is victimized by a burglary or break-in, security cameras can be
inevitable in both bringing the guilty parties to justice and discouraging future attempts.

One of the first actions typically performed by law enforcement when they arrive at the scene
of a crime is to request security camera footage from businesses in the area. This also
means that your security camera system can be useful in making your entire community a
safer place by recording crimes that take place off your individual premises as well.

Cost Saving
Shrinkage, or internal misappropriation of goods, is one of the leading causes of profit loss
among businesses of all sizes. A security system is a strong deterrent to shrinkage, and
businesses who employ surveillance systems typically see a sharp decrease in this hidden
costs over the following months.

This mean that over time, a surveillance system can pay for itself when comparing its
minimal cost of upkeep with the price of shrinkage. A monitoring system can also have an
extended effect on employee productivity, as a camera can help identify the most productive
workers so you can maximize their contributions to the business.

Legal Defense
Small businesses are often those hit the hardest by legal action. A simple slip and fall claim
can cost your company thousands in vital cashflow, which can represent a crippling blow
early in its developmental arc. A monitoring system is an unbiased witness in these
proceedings, providing a birds´eye view of a potential incident that represents the events as
accurately as possible while completely invalidating an illegitimate claim.

Ease of Integration
Where once even basic surveillance systems required significant infrastructure investments,
today´s highly adaptable options can be installed and set up quickly and more inexpensively
that ever before.

Digital cameras can even be integrated into devices like smartphones and tablets, giving
business owners and other key staff 24-hour surveillance access. MSP specializes in remote
monitoring solutions, empowering small business owners with some of the same tools that
were recently unavailable to all but the largest corporations.

A surveillance system is quickly becoming an indispensable resource for small businesses.

These growing organizations rely on assurances that everything goes to plan, and the right
security solutions can turn as may factors as possible in your favor. Contact MSP today to
find a monitoring resource that is perfectly tailored to your needs.


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