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At start:

Namaste everyone. And welcome to this anchor delight meditation project. In this project we are encouraging all of
you to do this for the next 21 days. To just recite the Great Invocation as we are going to do here. So that we can be
one gigantic channel to bring lots of divine blessings to bless mother Earth, all her children, especially all the leaders.
With divine intelligence, with divine love, and divine will. Ok… So, the way we are going to do this, we are first going to
do the, I AM affirmation, which will energetically connect us as one powerful unit. And then we will chant Om 3 times to
widen that channel more. And then, we will bless the Earth with divine intelligence, divine love and divine will. Ok…we
will guide you through it. We will focus on specific energy centers to increase the potency of that blessing.

55 seconds in:

Alright, shall we? Let’s ask for divine blessings first. (Open Hands facing upwards) To the Divine Supreme God, Divine
Father, Divine Mother, to all Elders, Holy Masters, to all the Saints of all traditions, to all the Holy Archangels, Holy
Angels and spiritual helpers. Personally I ask the blessings of my teacher, Master Choa Kok Sui, Mahaguruji Mei Ling
(or known as Buddha Padmasambhava). We humbly invoke for divine light, love, guidance, help. Thank you for this
great, great opportunity to be instruments of divine, divine light and divine will. Thank you, in full faith, So Be It.

1 minute 27 seconds:

Alright…you ready? So hold your hands like this (facing outwards in blessing position). Ok…feel love and compassion
towards the Earth first. Then put your hands together (in prayer position on the heart). Put the attention on the top of
your head. Repeat after me: “I AM that I AM. I AM not the body, I AM not the emotions. I AM not the thoughts. I AM
the soul. I AM a spiritual being of divine intelligence, divine love and divine power. I AM that. The soul. The spiritual
self.” Allow your awareness to just drift a little higher above your head. “I AM connected and one to my higher soul. I
AM connected and one to the divine spirit in me. I AM a child of God, I AM one with God, I AM one with all. There is
only oneness. We are one. We are one. We are one with God, we are one with all. There is only oneness. And in
this oneness, we allow our entire being to simply be a channel and instrument, to bring God’s blessings of peace, love,
and healing throughout the entire Earth. So Be It.”

2 minutes 52 seconds:

Maintain your state of oneness. Open your hands in blessing. Visualize the Earth in front of you. Let us chant Om 3
times together.




Be aware of your throat (he motions hand towards throat).

From the point of light, within the mind of God, Let light stream forth into the minds of every person, every being. Let
light descend throughout the entire Earth.

3 minutes 33 seconds:

Now be aware of your heart center (he points towards heart).

From the point of love within the heart of God, let love stream forth into the hearts of every person, every being. Let
love descend throughout the entire Earth now.
3 minutes 48 seconds:

Be aware of the area between the eyebrows (points to the ajna chakra)

From the center where the will of God is known, let divine purpose guide the wills of every person, every being. The
purpose which the Holy Masters know and serve. Let good will and the willingness to do good descend throughout
the entire Earth…Now.

From the center which we call the human race. Let the plan of Love and Light workout. And may it seal the door
where any evil dwells.

Let, Light, Love and Power…descend throughout the entire Earth.

4 minutes 24 seconds:

Visualize this triple light pouring to your family. The city you live in, the state, the country. Let it pour throughout the
entire Earth.

Let Light, Love, and Power, restore the divine plan on Earth, Now. So Be It.

4 minutes 44 seconds:

Just pour this triple energy of intelligence, love and will throughout the entire Earth…Now. Simultaneously maintaining
your state of oneness.

5 minutes 11 seconds:

Now, be aware of the area between your eyebrows (points to ajna chakra).

From the point of light within the mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of every person, every being. Let
light descend throughout the entire Earth.

Be aware of your forehead area over here (points to forehead chakra).

From the point of love within the heart of God, let love stream forth into the hearts of every person, every being. Let
love descend throughout the entire Earth…Now. So Be It.

Be aware of your crown (points to crown chakra).

From the center, where the will of God is known. Let divine purpose guide the wills of every person, every being. The
purpose which the Holy Masters know and serve. Let good will and the willingness to do good descend throughout
the entire Earth now.

6 minutes:

Allow the triple energy to flow through us as one gigantic pipeline. Blessing your family, your friends. The people you
work with. Let that beautiful light just pour through the city…effecting all the people. Affecting the leaders. And let it
spread throughout the state, the country, let it affect the entire world. So Be It.

From the center which we call the human race. Let the plan of love and light workout. And may it seal the door
where any evil dwells.

Let light, love, and power descend throughout the entire Earth.

Just let the energy flow through us as one. Knowing fully well there is divine purpose, divine love, divine compassion,
divine understanding. Pouring through every person, every being. Throughout the entire Earth…Now.

And because of that…let light, love, and power restore the divine plan on Earth…Now. So Be It. So Be it.

Just allow the blessings to flow of us as one.

7 minutes 24 seconds:

And let’s seal the energy. Let’s chant the Om 3 times.




7 minutes 48 seconds:

Now open your hands on your lap…and just be still.

8 minutes 40 seconds:

Blessings be to all. Let us give thanks. To Supreme God, Divine Father, Divine Mother thank you. To all the spiritual
Elders, Holy Masters, saints, Archangels, Holy Angels and spiritual helpers. We thank you all for your immense
blessings. We thank you.

8 minutes 56 seconds:


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