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Jewel Of Success

Chapter 1

Align your boat towards your designed destiny

Goal Setting : The most important formula for success


Most people go through life liken to a ship without rudder. It is not being maneuvered properly

and just floating on the surface of the water following the direction of the wind. This fact of life

resulted with the statement that accepted by many people that “life has been fated”. Most

people surrender to the environment and accept every happening as a fact of life. They thought

nothing can be done and just let it happen. In other words, they take things for granted. As a

result, they do nothing to lead them out of the environmental trap. The reason is simply because

they have no clear personal goal to attain. In other words, just working hard will not be enough if

we want to improve the quality of our life and our future. If working hard is the foundation of

human achievement, the laborers at the port who work day and night for overtime paid will the

richest and most successful person in this world.

The Jewel Of Success is the collection of all success principles that drive any individual towards

excellent performance. This program provides you with proven process that has been used by

extra-ordinary person through out the ages to shine their names in all area of endeavors. Surely

goal setting is the core success principles that stimulate the practical action towards personal

achievement. Individual who busily acting on task which is not aligning towards their chosen

destiny is not considered as a practical action. We can just busy for the sake of busy. Most of

the motivation courses could not attend to personal specific planning needs. That is why many

people say their spirit and enthusiasm from the motivation course could not give them the result
they want. They do not have clear direction base on what they really want out of life. Most of

them act according to the situation and happening without a specific goal to fight for. They keep

on busy for the things that are not practical and their success can never be a reality.
Jewel Of Success provide you a series of practical process which is down to earth to help every

individual to achieve their success using the auto-pilot habitual formation principles. By just

understanding the success principles in this program is not enough. The most important aspect

of learning is to internalize the knowledge in your sub conscious mind so that it will be applied in

your daily life without conscious effort.

Total learning experience

The learning process introduced in this program is a combination of multi-sensory
approach. When you read this text, you will print the image of the wording in your mind.
By revising the text for a few times, you will build a stronger memory on what you have
learn compare to just listening to the recording alone. This is the reason why attending a
seminar won't give you a long lasting impact towards life changing process. Such
phenomena makes a lot people refuse to take up courses with the reason that it won't
help much. With the appreciation of total learning, it will definitely increase the quality of
life for those could apply such learning approach in the effort to develop their living

How to develop a permanent psychology impact towards success

Your readiness to accept advice and your sincerity to follow up on each idea in this
program will decide the impact of this program towards you. For those who are ready to
be taught will be voluntary take extra effort to digest the message. For sure, they will
gain more insights compare to those who goes through this program with a heavy heart.
In other words, your sincerity to develop yourself and change your life is the foundation
of all success. When we make a clear and concrete decision to find the way, such

desire will become a commitment for excellent. We will than need to cultivate such
success exploration spirit continuously without bored until it becomes a habitual action
without thinking or reminder.
Certainly, your personal success is a personal choice. When we have made a decision
to learn and to live up the success principles, we will be more than ready to allocate a
few hours a day to revise the knowledge and to plan your daily action. If we fail to do
this every day, this simply means that our commitment is still unsure and confused.
Even though you might have understand all the success skills and know how, it won't
give you any fruitful result if you do not transform them to be a clear action plan.
Jewel Of Success consist of two volume of books, which is text book and planner. The
success text book consists of ten chapters of success principles. These principles are
the core factor for personal achievement and motivation. You will discover that all the
success series and motivation books in the market are based on these basic
success principles. By understanding these principles, you will master the complete
set of success formula in this world. Every principles will be than customized towards
your unique goals and endeavor using the success planner. For example, if you are
general worker , you have your own time value and working schedule. You might need
to wake up at 5 am. If you are a manager, your will have a different working schedule
and time value. You might only need to report to the office at 9am. This program wills
not decide your life value or your action plan. You decide it yourself base on your
career’s needs. The higher your success , the higher you need to structure your value
that fit into the success principles. In other words, This program is base on principles
and not values, so it is a universal program that fit into all areas of life and careers.
(Either you plan to set up a new business, dream to be a doctor or trainer, this program
will work well for you). After you have fully understand the principles introduced in this
program, you need to transform all the know how to become a practical action in your
life using the success planner. In fact, this is the most important process for you to
relate the success principles in your career and your dreams. (Without such effort,
you are no difference than a walking dictionary with ton of unused knowledge in
your mind)

The power of this program is because it monitors and support all area of your life
towards greater attainment. Base on the success philosophies, excellent life has to be
well balance. When we fail to achieve excellent in any chosen field, it will give a
negative impact towards other area of life. This mean that success in every aspect is
inter related and support each other. For example , a successful person need to take
care on his health. With a healthy body, he is able to explore wealth and career success
with mental and physical fitness. A successful person also need to have strong religion
foundation, this will surely help him to face the worldly decision with etiquette and
righteousness. In the second part of this program, you will need to evaluate and
understand your strength and weaknesses in all area of life. This will enable you to plan
and explore your dream effectively.

Surely, this program will furnish those aspire to be a winner and achiever with a quality
life foundation. With a solid life foundation, you will b able to attain greatness that others
might not believe in. When you have mastered all the success principles in this
program, you will be able to live up your dream with confident. You will soon discover,
with the help of this program, nothing can stop you from achieving your success in life.
This is because the program in this book is a practical process to channel your dream
towards reality and has been proven by countless extra ordinary persons in this world.
Success journey is a trial and error process. With the support from the success formula
in this program, you will be able to attain success easily without much mistakes
compare to your own effort to discover your success path. You will discover that
the success principles in this program will generate few hundred or million of revenue to
your life depending on the level of dreams that you associate with this program.
Success is a general term. With this program, you will start to give specific definition to
your own success. There are no perfect success in this world. When you attain what
you want in your life, that is your defined success. We do not need to compare our
success with others. Everybody has their own unique life foundation and personal
background. We can use others success as our motivation, but we do not need to
resemble them. You need to discover and understand your personal action plan which
suite to your dream and vision.

How to use this program effectively

Jewel Of Success is not an academic study. It is a practical process to help everybody to their own

success needs base on the universal success principles. In order to grow the success seeds in your mind

to be a giant tree, you need to train yourself to live up every success principles in this book by setting plan

of action using the success planner. By constantly practice the success principles in your life using

the success planner, you will make the success principles a routine in your life without being reminded.

Don’t ever treat the Jewel Of Success as an information seeking process and understand the contents for

the sake of examination in schools. After examination, we will forget all the knowledge we have learned.

For you to achieve this goal, so that or you to internalize the success principles in your sub conscious

mind, you need to read and listen to the CD for at least 21 times for each chapter. By doing so, you will

set the success principles as the foundation of thought without consciously refer to the book again. You

will than able to apply the success principles in your day to day activities of your life. You also need to

train yourself to work on the success planner which was assigned to you before you move to the next


Without the commitment to familiarize and accomplish the learning process suggested above, don’t

proceed to the next chapter. Your duty here is not just to understand the contents of this program. Your

role here is to ensure that you can make the knowledge as a habitual thinking that will automatically drive

your life forward without consciously analyze and think about it. When you can make it as part of your

mental framework, this program is totally yours. You become the knowledge and the knowledge is


Your personal block towards success

When you have internalize the success principles in your life as a life routine, you will discover

that you do not have any hindrances to read and plan your personal success in your daily life.

On the other hand, if you still fail to make the knowledge as a daily routine, you will need force

and discipline to push you and execute the responsibilities of this program. To help you live up

the knowledge as a daily routine, you need consciously practice the knowledge for at least 21

days. With out such effort to discipline yourself and cultivate a new way of life, it will not become

a routine in your life. You will still subject to the excuses, “I forget to do it”, “I could not allocate

time for this”, “ I am not interested”. If these excuses arise, success will become a choice and

not a must. This means that if have a right to decide whether you want to read or work on this

program base on your emotion and intention, this program will not become a core living factor.

In other words, the success principles that you have learn will only become knowledge in the

brain. Be ready to clean up all the mental blocks that stop you from acting on the success

principles. Start to apply the success principles in your life whether you like it or not.
When all the success principles have been firmly set in your mind, you will enjoy practice all the

principles without much stress. You will start to enjoy and appreciate the success principles

when you start yielding the fruits of your success. Let go all the things or events that will stop

you from achieving your life goal.

You might also need to avoid friends who are negative and De-motivated. Always develop

personal evaluation to screen and to protect the quality of your plan of action. You will soon

discover that what you have practiced for the last ten years has become a root in your mind

which is very difficult to let go. You will also feel difficult to let go friends whom you feel

comfortable with for years. If you keep on holding on the culture and life style, you will surely

maintain the same lifestyle in the future. Dare to say “no” if you know that the environment and

the activities will disturb your commitment to this program. If you do not have any positive

friends who can support and grow with you, learn to be alone through out your development

stage before you meet up with more positive friends in the future.

Live up the short term plan

Started from this chapter, you will be introduced planning techniques from the daily basis to a

longer term in the next few chapters. Every of these techniques are simple and easy to follow.

The main concern here is not that you can do it or not, but the most important issue here is
whether you are able to have a continue commitment to explore these daily plan of action with

out feeling bored. Never under estimate the simplicity of the activities suggested in this program.

The activities in every chapter will become the foundation of your overall success process. It is

important for you to master the simple process before you move on to more challenging process

in the later chapter. If you fail to form the mental habit suggested in chapter one, whatever you

learn from the following chapter will not give any impact to your personal success.
Every great achievement start from the small steps. Start listing five things that you want to

complete by today. You will soon discover this small act will become the root of your planning

and goal setting habit. It will give you a great psychology impact towards a goal oriented life.

Just write down whatever you want to complete today. At the end of the day, scratch off the task

that you have done. This process will give you a true satisfaction of attainment. Treat yourself

with a gift or rewards that you love when you successfully complete all the task listed in the daily

list. By doing so, you will gain encouragement and moral support to deal with more challenging

daily task in the future.

Don’t worry about the next step

Before you familiarize with the simple task in each of the chapter, never rush to the next chapter

just for the sake of understanding the text. Your greatness in applying the success principles is

not judged by the speed you complete this program, but base on your ability to internalize each

of the success principles suggested in your day to day life.

Even though you might not having any great success at this stage, don’t worry. Carry on to

practice this program in a stage by stage process. When you have live up all the principles in

this program, you will soon discover that the success that you desire will come to pass one by

one. When all these principles work at once, you become the magnet of success. You will find

that success come to you easily instead of you go after them with much effort. This is

because your positive mindset will attract all the criteria for success

Nobody will become great accidentally. You also would not gain success by just waiting and

hoping without action. Success need consistent action. This mean that before you get

something, you need to do something. Before you do something, you must become the person

you want to become.

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