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Raditya : Permisi Mas Anton, boleh minta waktunya untuk wawancara sebentar?

Anton : Silahkan Mas. Mau bertanya tentang apa ya?

Raditya : Mengenai lapak, CFD dan Sunday Market yang anda ketahui.

Anton : Silahkan Mas.

Raditya : Bisnis kopi Anda ini sudah berlangsung sejak CFD atau baru saja mulai di
Sunday Market?

Anton : Bisnis Kopi yang saya jalankan ini baru saja dimulai sejak Sunday Market Mas.

Raditya : Bisnis Kopi ini milik Anda sendiri?

Anton : Benar Mas, ini milik Saya sendiri.

Raditya : Mengenai lapak, agar Anda bisa memiliki lapak disini (Taman Lalu Lintas
Bantaran), apakah Anda harus mendaftar di bagian pengelola? Serta biaya
pendaftaran serta iuran per minggu ada atau tidak?

Anton : Benar Mas, Saya harus daftar ke pihak pengelola untuk diberi nomor urut serta
lokasi lapak. Biaya pendaftaran gratis, iuran per minggu hanya lima ribu rupiah
(Rp. 5.000,-)

Raditya : Saya lihat-lihat disekitar, cukup lumayan saingan Anda dalam bisnis kopi disini.
Apakah anda memiliki strategi agar kopi Anda laris?

Anton : Jadi begini Mas, kami menjual kopi di lapak serta ada yang berjualan berkeliling
di Taman Lalu Lintas Bantaran. Saya menjual kopi di lapak, dua teman kerja
saya berjualan keliling.

Raditya : Dengan strategi tersebut, apakah efektif?

Anton : Cukup efektif Mas. Pemasukannya lebih banyak dari[ada hanya berjualan

Raditya : Mengenai komsumen, anda sudah berjualan sejak Sunday Market diadakan.
Apakah ada konsumen yang setiap minggu sering membeli kopi Anda?
Anton : Ada Mas, lumayan banyak. Dari kalangan teman-teman hingga konsumen yang
Saya kurang kenal. Mereka juga memberi testimoni bahwa kopi Saya enak.
Anda harus mencobanya Mas.

Raditya : Setelah wawancara ini, Saya beli 1 Mas. Terimakasih sudah mau saya

Anton : Siap Mas. Sama-sama Mas Radit.

Raditya : Excuse me, Anton, may I ask for a moment to interview?

Anton : Please Mas. What do you want to ask about?

Raditya : Regarding stalls, CFDs and Sunday Market that you know about.

Anton : Please Mas.

Raditya : Your coffee business has been going on since the CFD or just started on the
Sunday Market?

Anton : The Coffee Business that I run has just started since Sunday Market Mas.

Raditya : Is this Coffee Business your own?

Anton : Right, Mas, this is mine.

Raditya : Regarding the stalls, so you can have stalls here (Taman Traffic Bantaran), do
you have to register at the management section? As well as registration fees and
fees per week there or not?

Anton : Right, Mas, I have to register with the management to be given the serial number
and location of the stalls. Registration fee is free, the fee per week is only five
thousand rupiah (Rp. 5,000, -)

Raditya : I have a look around, it is quite your rival in the coffee business here. Do you
have a strategy to make your coffee in demand?

Anton : So this is it, Mas, we sell coffee in the stalls and some sell around the Bantaran
Traffic Park. I sell coffee in the stalls, my two coworkers sell it around.

Raditya : With this strategy, is it effective?

Anton : Quite effective, Mas. The income is more than selling only on the ground.

Raditya : Regarding customers, you have been selling since the Sunday Market was held.
Are there consumers who often buy your coffee every week?

Anton : There are Mas, quite a lot. From friends to consumers I am not familiar. They
also testified that my coffee was delicious. You have to try it, Mas.

Raditya : After this interview, I bought 1 Mas. Thank you for wanting me to interview.

Anton : Ready, Mas. You're welcome, Mas Radit.

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