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Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar

Matematika Belajar dengan Realistic Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika (RME) Berbasis Pada Open

Source - Berakhir untuk Meningkatkan Matematika Komunikasi

Akhmad Fauzi 1 • . St Budi Waluya 2 & Masrukan 2

1 SMK Askhabul Kahfi, Semarang, Indonesia

2 Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Info Pasal Abstrak

________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
sejarah Artikel
menentukan kelayakan dan efektivitas penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan buku ajaran aritmatika
Menerima: Januari
sosial dengan pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) berdasarkan pada masalah
2018 Diterima:
Februari 2018 Open-Berakhir. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan
Diterbitkan: April Pengembangan model Plomp. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Askhabul Kahfi
tahun akademik 2017 / 2018. Pelaksanaan Desain menggunakan Posttest Hanya Control-Group Design.
Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam bentuk analisis hasil validasi ahli dan uji efektivitas. Hasil post test
pada kelas yang dilakukan oleh aksi dibandingkan dengan kelas non-tindakan untuk memastikan, hal itu
Kata kunci:
pendidikan matematika dilakukan oleh (1) Lengkap Test, (2) Uji berbeda, dan (3) Regresi Linier Sederhana Uji. μ> 70) dan
(RME), komunikasi penguasaan klasik 76,6% (π> 75%); (B) tingkat rata-rata kelas menggunakan aplikasi matematika alat
matematika, aritmatika
dengan RME belajar pendekatan berdasarkan masalah openended (73,42) lebih besar dari kelas yang
sosial dan perbandingan
tidak menggunakan aplikasi matematika alat dengan pendekatan RME pembelajaran berbasis masalah
openended ( 64,57) dan (c) dari t uji regresi diperoleh hitung = 2,012, t count ( 2,012)> t meja

(1,99834). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa (1) perangkat
pembelajaran aritmatika dengan pendekatan RME dikembangkan valid digunakan didasarkan pada
penilaian ahli. Menurut hasil tes kelas besar kecil, dan (2) alat pembelajaran aritmatika dengan RME
pendekatan dikembangkan secara efektif.

© 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Alamat korespondensi: p-ISSN 2252-6404
Raya Cangkiran-Gunungpati, Semarang, Jawa Tengah (50.216) E-mail:
e-ISSN 2502-4515

10 JPE 7 (1)
Akhmad Fauzi, St. Budi Waluya & Masrukan / JPE 7 (1) (2018): 10-17

PENGANTAR berkembang sesuai dengan kondisi (Dickinson,, 2010).

Itu mendasar masalah dihadapi RME masalah terbuka sebagai salah satu pendekatan
pemerintah adalah bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. baru dalam pembelajaran matematika, dan mendukung siswa
Kualitas pendidikan selalu dikaitkan dengan pencapaian hasil untuk mengontekstualisasikan pola pikir siswa yang
yang diperoleh oleh siswa yang diidentifikasi dengan skor hasil dikembangkan dari hal-hal konkret untuk hal-hal abstrak
tes belajar. Selain itu, kualitas pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan (Naibaho, 2016). Pembelajaran matematika dengan model yang
dari proses pengajaran berkualitas. RME dengan masalah terbuka pada dasarnya adalah
pemanfaatan realitas dan lingkungan yang dipahami oleh siswa
untuk memperlancar proses matematika pembelajaran sehingga
Matematika merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang mencapai tujuan pendidikan matematika yang lebih baik daripada
menempati peran penting dalam pendidikan. Hal ini karena masa lalu. Kenyataannya adalah hal-hal yang nyata atau konkret
matematika digunakan dalam semua bidang kehidupan manusia. yang dapat diamati dan dipahami siswa dengan membayangkan,
Oleh karena itu, pelajaran matematika dalam pelaksanaan sedangkan lingkungan adalah di mana siswa (Soedjadi,
pendidikan diberikan dengan tingkat pendidikan mulai dari
sekolah dasar hingga perguruan tinggi. Kualitas pendidikan
matematika dari tahun 1975 hingga sekarang tampaknya tidak 2000). Fauzan (2011) menyatakan bahwa RME memberikan

meningkat, Hal ini dapat dilihat ketika negara-negara lain yang kesempatan bagi siswa untuk bertindak secara aktif dalam mencari

digunakan relatif sama dengan Indonesia, seperti Malaysia, jawaban untuk masalah yang dihadapi dan mencari untuk memeriksa,

Singapura, Filipina, dan sebagainya (Marpaung, 2003). Sesuai mencari dan meringkas sendiri secara logis,

dengan fakta bahwa nilai rata-rata Ujian Nasional Matematika kritis, analitis dan
SMP Askhabul Kahfi masih menunjukkan hasil yang rendah. secara sistematis. Hal ini akan mendorong siswa untuk meningkatkan

penalaran dan berpikir bebas, terbuka dan dengan kesenangan,

untuk memperdalam pengetahuan mereka

secara independen.

Dalam transfer Bahkan pengetahuan atau proses belajar Berdasarkan data di SMP Askhabul Kahfi beberapa
mengajar yang dilakukan oleh guru saat ini berdasarkan matematika materi pembelajaran, materi sosial aritmatika
penguasaan materi pelajaran dan tidak memperhatikan arti atau termasuk bahan yang sulit. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil statistik Ujian
nilai yang terkandung dari materi pelajaran. Terutama di Nasional
Matematika di SMP Askhabul Kahfi pada materi aritmatika sosial. di SMP
Berdasarkan pengamatan SMP Askhabul Kahfi dan Matematika Askhabul Kahfi mencatat paling tingkat kesalahan Berada di
guru, beberapa siswa masih mengalami kesulitan memahami material, yang berarti siswa kurang memahami konsep materi.
materi sosial aritmatika. Siswa yang mudah dilakukan masalah penghitungan, tetapi sulit
untuk memahami konsep materi, umumnya siswa hanya
menghafal rumus yang telah diajarkan. Oleh karena itu perlu
Strategi Belajar diharapkan untuk menukar penggunaan untuk tindakan korektif untuk memudahkan siswa dalam
pembelajaran dalam model konvensional menjadi mengaktifkan memahami konsep-konsep ini dengan melatih siswa untuk
dan kreativitas siswa dalam proses belajar, terutama dalam memiliki pemahaman konsep
matematika seperti melalui pendekatan RME (Reliance
Pendidikan Matematika) (Latifah & Agoestanto belajar,
to understand the concepts in
2015). Pendekatan belajar ini merupakan strategi baru yang baik mathematics.
undangan siswa untuk lebih aktif dan kreatif dalam berpikir dan According Rahayu (2014), when students learn Math is
mengkomunikasikan ide-ide dalam memecahkan masalah separate from their daily experience it will easily to forget and
matematika untuk siswa (Murniati, et al., 2013). Pendekatan RME can’t apply mathematics. Based on the above opinion,
dapat digunakan pada setiap jenjang pendidikan, sehingga mudah mathematics learning in the class is emphasized on the
untuk interrelation between mathematical

Akhmad Fauzi, St. Budi Waluya & Masrukan / JPE 7 (1) (2018) : 10 - 17

concepts with the experience of everyday children. In addition, it expected to improve student learning outcomes on mathematical
is necessary to reapply the mathematical concepts that children material. This research is a research of mathematics learning
have in daily life or development with RME approach based on open-ended problem
in other areas. One method of mathematical which is focused to improve students' mathematical
learning that oriented to the communication ability on social arithmetic material.
mathematization of everyday experience and applying
mathematics in everyday life is RME (Febrian,et al,2013).
Mathematics learning
pada dasarnya mempertajam pemikiran logis siswa melalui METHODS
meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi matematika siswa. Jadi,
RME pembelajaran sangat cocok untuk meningkatkan The form of research used in this research is Research
kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa. and Development (R & D). In this study refers to the model of
educational development Plomp, which is a model that is divided
Sosial proses pembelajaran hitung into 5 stages. These stages are (1) initial investigation
mendekati RME, perlu disiapkan set pertama teori pembelajaran
sosial aritmatika mendekati RME yang saat ini belum stage, (2) design stage,
dipublikasikan secara luas (Saputra, 2010). Oleh karena itu, perlu (3) tahap realisasi / konstruksi, (4) tahap uji, evaluasi dan revisi,
untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran bahan aritmatika dan (5) tahap pelaksanaan (Hobri, 2009). Subjek dalam penelitian
sosial berdasarkan metodologi terbuka, terbuka untuk digunakan ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Askhabul Kahfi Pelajaran Tahun
dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan siswa pemahaman dan 2017/2018. Desain implentasi menggunakan Posttest Hanya
komunikasi kemampuan di SMP. Selain meningkatkan Control-Group Design (Creswell,
pemahaman matematika

2009). Instrumen dalam penelitian ini meliputi: (1) instrumen

konsep, penilaian / tes ahli dan mahasiswa pada produk yang
pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat menghasilkan berpikir kreatif, dikembangkan; (2) instrumen tentang
membuat keputusan penting, dan memecahkan masalah itu uji dari matematika
tepat (Padmavathy & kemampuan komunikasi materi sosial aritmatika; dan (3)
Mareesh, 2013). Pengembangan model pembelajaran yang baik instrumen lembar observasi dari penanaman sikap positif siswa.
dimulai pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang berkualitas.
alat belajar untuk dikembangkan antara lain bahan belajar siswa Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik
dalam bentuk kumpulan silabus, belajar rencana implementasi, pengukuran dalam bentuk kelayakan belajar perangkat, tes
dan lembar kerja siswa. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan terkait kemampuan komunikasi matematika dan sikap positif siswa.
dengan pengembangan alat matematika materi sosial aritmatika Analisis yang digunakan dalam bentuk analisis hasil validasi ahli
belajar. Pentingnya penelitian pengembangan dikemukakan oleh dan uji efektivitas. Hasil post test pada kelas yang dilakukan oleh
Jong (2005) yang mengatakan aksi dibandingkan dengan kelas non-tindakan dan untuk
memastikan hal itu dilakukan oleh (1) Lengkap Test, (2) Uji
bahwa berbeda, dan (3) Regresi Linier Sederhana Uji.
penelitian pengembangan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan
kolaborasi antara peneliti dan guru. Jong lanjut menunjukkan
metode penelitian yang disebut pembangunan yang melibatkan
tahapan siklus berulang-ulang melalui serangkaian tes dan revisi. Uji lengkap
uji pemahaman data nilai kemampuan komunikasi kelas
Through this research, it is expected that the teaching of menggunakan aplikasi matematika alat dengan pendekatan RME
social grade arithmetic materials VIII can achieve the berdasarkan pada masalah terbuka menggunakan perumusan
development of basic competency indicator and basic hipotesis sebagai berikut belajar.
competency that has been established and improve students'
mathematical communication ability. Ultimately

Akhmad Fauzi, St. Budi Waluya & Masrukan / JPE 7 (1) (2018): 10-17

(1) Nilai Rata-Rata H 0: μ ≤ 70 (rata-rata kelas keterampilan The hypothesis to be tested is: H 0 : There is no influence of
komunikasi kelas menggunakan aplikasi matematika alat dengan students 'positive attitude
pendekatan RME pembelajaran berbasis masalah terbuka kurang toward students' mathematical
dari atau sama dengan 70) H Sebuah : μ> (Nilai rata-rata keterampilan communication skills. H a : There is influence of students 'positive
komunikasi kelas menggunakan aplikasi matematika alat dengan attitude
pendekatan RME pembelajaran berbasis open-ended masalah toward students' mathematical
lebih besar dari 70) 70 communication ability.
By testing criteria, if t count < t table, then H a is rejected, but vice

versa if t count > t table or t count = t table

then H a accepted.

(2) Klasik Ketuntasan H 0: π ≤ 75% (ketuntasan klasikal klasik RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
menggunakan aplikasi matematika alat dengan pendekatan RME
pembelajaran berbasis masalah terbuka kurang dari atau sama Expert Validation
dengan 75%) H Sebuah : π> 75% (ketuntasan klasikal klasik Learning Tool (textbook) Arithmetic
menggunakan aplikasi matematika alat pembelajaran dengan Social and Comparison that have been prepared, validation test
pendekatan RME berbasis open-ended masalah lebih besar dari by some experts. There are 3 experts who rate, namely 2 material
75%) expert validator and 1 expert media validator. Recapitulation of
validation results is presented in Table 1.

Uji berbeda
Nilai uji data yang berbeda dari kemampuan komunikasi Table 1. Expert Validation Results on Textbook
menggunakan formulasi hipotesis sebagai berikut. H 0: μ 1 ≤ μ 2 ( the Validator Score criteria
average of classes using the application of mathematics learning Material Validator 1 141 Eligible

tools with an RME approach based on open-ended problems is Material Validator 2 170 Very Eligible
Material Validator 3 107 Very Eligible
less than or equal to a class that does not use the application of
mathematics learning tools with an open-ended based RME
Based on Table 1 it can be seen that the developed
approach) H a : μ 1 > μ 2 ( the mean of classes using the application of
textbook is feasible applied to the learning process. Suggestions
mathematics learning tools with an RME approach based on
from assessors or experts on textbooks developed, basically
open-ended questions is greater than the class that does not use
already meet the criteria of writing or preparation of a good
the application of mathematics learning tools with an open-ended
textbook. Problems still have fundamental errors, such as the
based RME approach)
abuse of the term though it has a different meaning, the use of
words or the selection of words in a sentence context becomes a
reasonable mistake and is often done by other textbook writers.
The design presented in the textbook of his hope is the result of
his own creativity.
Regression Test
Regression test is used to show the influence of positive
attitude of student to student communication ability. Model of
simple linear regression equation as follows.
After the textbook is declared eligible to be used, then
implemented in the process of learning class VIII. Implementation
Ŷ = a + Bx
is done to know the effectiveness of
Ŷ = Dependent variable a =
the book on students'
mathematical communication ability based on postes
b = Coefficient of independent variable x =
value. The data analysis of
Independent variable

Akhmad Fauzi, St. Budi Waluya & Masrukan / JPE 7 (1) (2018) : 10 - 17

communication evaluation test results are

presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Recapitulation of Results of Communication Capacity

Number of Number of Students Number of
Students Completed Uncompleted Students Average
With Learning Implementation RME 64 47 17 73,43
Without Learning Implementation RME
66 15 51 64.56

In addition to testing the differences in students Completeness Test

'communication skills in the Average Value
experimental and control classes, observations were also made to The average grade hypothesis using the application of
the students' positive attitudes in the experimental class at each mathematics learning tool with RME approach based on
meeting. Observational data are used to see the extent to which open-ended problem as follows. H 0: μ ≤ 70 (average grade of
developed textbooks are able to help the application of positive classroom communication skills using the application of
attitudes on students. Observation on student attitudes was done mathematics learning tools with RME approach based on
using peer assessment method, where 1 student was assessed open-ended problem less than or equal to 70) H a: μ> 70 (average
by 2 other students. It aims to facilitate the writer to know his value of classroom communication skills using the application of
attitude and maintain objectivity mathematics learning tools with RME approach based on
open-ended problem greater than 70)

assessment during learning

(Chukwuyenum & Adeleye, 2013). The summary of observation
result of students' positive attitude as shown in Table 3.

Based on Table 2, the class rates using the application of

mathematics learning tools with RME approach based on
Table 3. Recapitulation of Positive Attitude Observation Results In open-ended problem is
the Experimental class 73.43 ( μ> 70), so H 0 is rejected. It can be concluded that the
Number of students VIII learning tool of mathematics with RME approach based on
Meeting Category
open-ended problem has a positive (effective) effect on students'
Less - 2 students
mathematical communication ability.
Enough 17 students 10 students
Meeting 1
Good 14 students 19 students
Very Good 2 students -
Less - 2 students
(2) Classical Exhaustiveness
Enough 17 students 8 students
Meeting 2
Good 14 students 21 students Classical classical mastery hypothesis using application
Very Good 2 students -
of mathematics learning tool with RME approach based on
Less - 2 students
open-ended problem as follows. H 0 : π ≤ 75% (classical classical
Enough 14 students 6 students
Meeting 3
Good 17 students 23 students completeness using the application of mathematics learning tool
Very Good 2 students -
with RME approach based on open-ended problem less than or
Less - -
equal to 75%) H a : π > 75% (classical classical completeness using
Enough 10 students 5 students
Meeting 4
Good 21 students 26 students the application of mathematics learning tools with RME approach
Very Good 2 students - based on open-ended problem greater than 75%).
Less - -
Enough 2 students 4 students
Meeting 5
Good 29 students 27 students
Very Good 2 students -
Less - -
Enough 2 students 4 students
Meeting 6
Good 29 students 27 students
Very Good 2 students -

Akhmad Fauzi, St. Budi Waluya & Masrukan / JPE 7 (1) (2018) : 10 - 17

Based on Table 2 that students who complete the class Table 4. Simple Linear Regression Test
using the application of learning tools mathematics with RME Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients T
approach based on open-ended problem of 47 students, which Coefficients
Model Sig.
means classical classical completeness using the application of Std.
B Beta
mathematics learning tool with RME approach based on Error

open-ended problem of 1 (Constant) 53.052 10.197 5.203 .000

Positive 507 . 252 . 248 2.012 .049

76.6 %. Because classical attitude

completeness is greater than 75% (π > 75%), it can be concluded a. Dependent Variable: Communication Capabilities

that mathematics learning tool with RME approach based on

open-ended problem has positive effect on student's Before performing hypothesis testing in the research first

mathematical communication ability. done simple linear regression analysis to know the functional
relationship. The regression equation is Ŷ = 53.052 + 0.507x.
Based on the equation, the regression coefficient of each

Different Test independent variable is positive, meaning that positive attitude of

Test different data value of communication ability using students has a positive effect on students' mathematical

hypothesis formulation as follows. H 0 : μ 1 ≤ μ 2 ( the average of

classes using the application of mathematics learning tools with communication

an RME approach based on open-ended problems is less than or ability. Value 53.052, which means if the student's positive attitude

equal to a class that does not use the application of mathematics is equal to zero (no change),

learning tools with an open-ended based RME approach) H a : μ 1 > μ 2 then the student's mathematical communication

( the mean of classes using the application of mathematics ability will be equal to 53.052. In accordance Value of 0.507, it

learning tools with an RME approach based on open-ended means if the student's positive attitude is equal to one, then the

questions is greater than the class that does not use the student's mathematical communication ability will be equal to

application of mathematics learning tools with an open-ended 0.507.

based RME approach)

The hypothesis to be tested as follows. H 0 : There is no influence

of students 'positive attitude

Based on Table 2, the mean of classes using the toward students' mathematical

application of mathematics learning tools with RME approach communication skills. H a : There is influence of students 'positive

based on open-ended problem is 73.43, whereas the class rate attitude

that does not use mathematics learning tool with RME approach toward students' mathematical

based on open-ended problem is 64.56. Because μ 1 > μ 2, H 0 is communication ability.

rejected and it can be concluded that mathematics learning tool Based on Table 4 it can be seen that t count = 2.012. Because t count>

with RME approach based on open-ended problem has a positive t table ( 1.99834), then H 0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that the

(effective) effect on students' mathematical communication ability. positive attitude of students positively affect the ability of students'
mathematical communication.

During the use of textbooks, students practice solving

contextual problems on

Regression Test Arithmetic and Comparative Arithmetic

Regression test is used to show the influence of positive materials. The problems presented relate to the context that

attitude of student to students communication ability. This simple students can easily encounter in everyday life. The use of

linear regression test uses SPSS 17 for windows. The results of textbooks through learning with RME approach allows students to

linear regression test are presented in Table 4. find the mathematical concepts contained in each issue presented
in the textbook. Indirectly,

Akhmad Fauzi, St. Budi Waluya & Masrukan / JPE 7 (1) (2018) : 10 - 17

students have been practicing in improving their mathematical expert judgment. And according to the results of small and large
communication skills (Suyitno & Suyitno, 2015). This has an class test, and (2) Arithmetic learning tools with RME approach
impact on student achievement on the evaluation test of students' developed effectively. This is indicated by (a) the average value of
mathematical communication skills at the end of the evaluation of classroom communication skills using 73. 42 ( μ > 70)
implementation stage. The result of posttical literacy mathematics and 76.6% (π > 75%) classical completeness; (b) the average rate of
shows that the average student classes using the application of mathematics learning tools with RME
approach based on open-ended problem (73.42) is greater than the
has reached the mathematical class that does not use the application of mathematics learning tool
communication ability with the average value of with RME approach based on open-ended problem (64.57) and (c)
73.42. These results show that effective textbooks are used in from the regression test obtained t count = 2.012, t count ( 2.012)> t table ( 1.99834).
facilitating the achievement of students' mathematical
communication skills. It also shows that such a contextual
learning can improve students' mathematical communication skills
(Hidayati, et al., 2014).

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