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BIONIC JUMPING POWER by Bionic Plyometrics


To achieve your optimal results you will need access to some of the following pieces of equipment. A
medicine ball. Weights and dumbells. Rubber resistance tubing/bands. Ankle weights may be used in some
drills. Sturdy boxes for jumps. 18-24” and another that will be closer to waist height. Both need to have
landing/standing space. Stairs may work as a substitute in early stages but eventually wood boxes will be
best. If you own or choose to make jump soles you can use them, but we recommend rotating usage on & off
every couple weeks this will create a periodization effect, and the jumpsole changes mechanics of jumps.
Weight lifting exercises

Weightlifting is going to be an unavoidable issue if you want to maximize your potential. While you don’t
have to do them it is highly recommended for rapid results and breaking through plateaus. Good news is
we’re only asking to do the best-of-the-best, and thanks to new technology like EMG’s you won’t be
wasting any extra time doing countless sets and reps. Having said this lets begin. 1) Perform a brief warm
up set of each exercise before getting to the heavy weight so you don’t pull any thing. 2) It is advisable to
work all your major muscle groups for symmetry, and total body strength. 3) With this program you are
only going to have to do weight training 1 day a week. No more. This one work out will be high intensity,
short duration to maximize strength gains. What this means is I want you to do only 1 set of each exercise
with the most weight you can handle. Your goal is to find the weight you can at least do 5 reps of and work
it till your spent, aiming for 10reps. Once you’ve hit 10 on your next session add more.(aprox 5lbs.) your
next set of that exercise your performing is going to be a negative set of only 3-5 reps with weight 20 to as
much as 50% more than your 1 rep max, so you may need a spotter, smith machine, or squat cage.(if your
@ home you can improvise with saw horses) this negative or eccentric phase contraction cannot be
overlooked as has been proven build strength faster than any other! So for example were doing squats
with a 1rep max of 300lbs. 1st set heavy 275lbs say most you can do is 8. 2nd set negative (just lowering the
weight) you may do 335lbs for 3-5 reps then you are done onto next exercise! Follow this pattern and you
will get the most results, the fastest!

Squats; barbell squats are done with the weight across the back and shoulder, feet slightly more than
shoulder width apart. Keep your head up and try not to let your knees go out past
your feet while lowering. Don’t cheat your self by doing ¼ squats, make them
nice and deep. Personally I go ass to the grass after reading about NBA boys who
tried this way and made an average 5” gain in vert, in a month, and this works small muscles
around the knees & hips. I know some pseudo-gurus may say this is bad for your knees
so use caution and you be the judge. This seems to be a good time to mention a concept
called variable resistance: This is where to tension is increasing as the leverage gets easier.
Studies over a 3 month period showed groups using variable resistance vs. regular strength training
made strength increases up to 3 times the increased weight! To get variable resitance, all
you need are some large bands or chain will work. By hooking the bands to the ends of the bar
and anchoring them (you can stand on them) the constant resistance will increase as you go up
and you'll see even FASTER progress! I recommend adding this method to your squats, calf raises,
& goodmornings/stiff leg deadlifts. Click here for the best place to find very high quality bands.

1 legged extensions; Unilateral exercise is another crucial element of strength. Get on the machine, find
your optimal weight just like we said and perform same as normal only 1 leg at a time. Hold at peak
extension of the leg for 4 sec. Each rep. Doing negatives of this one is
easy, both legs to lift and 1 to lower. For the first set you can make this exercise
dramatically more effective by releasing all tension after the isometric, thereby
dropping the weight & "catching" it again at the bottom going into the next rep!
1 legged calf raises; First you need a 2x4 or some
thin block for the balls of the feet, this makes the
heel dip down thus work the calf from a stretched
position and through its full range of motion. Next
get a dumbell and go to work, also add the 2 sec.
pause at the peak as well. Avoid doing calf raises on
those seated devises you’ve probably seen @ gyms
as they only work the soleus and we want to develop
the larger gastroc muscles that require the leg to be
straight. You may use a free hand to aid in balance
though aiming to eliminate that need will strengthen
stabilizing muscles in the ankle which reduces
chance of injury and yes can add an inch or 2.More
on that later.

Squatted (soleus) calf raise : This exercise targets the outside muscles of the lower leg called the soleus.
No weights are required for this one. Start by placing both feet close together. Next squat all the way onto
your haunches and using 1 arm to hold onto something, rock up onto the balls of the feet. Do one set of a
maximum #. If you can find a dip to stretch the calf you will optimize this exercises effectiveness.
Eventually as you progress you will want to switch to a 1 leg squat C.R. That will require more flexibility
as well.

Barbell snatch; This is going to be in my opinion the most effective and important exercise in the whole
program. It cannot be overlooked! In fact I think if you only did this power lift alone you could achieve
impressive results. Here’s why; almost every competitive Olympic lifter has a whopping 40”+ standing
jump. They don’t do all the box/depth jumps either. Amazing as it is you won’t find this exercise in any
other programs. Remember total body plyo’s are volumes better than working legs alone. So find a desired
weight (start light to get proper technique) assume a wide squat stance with a wide grip of the bar and begin
with the clean exploding upwards all in one powerful motion you snap the hips forward and the bar
overhead with the arms straight. I only do 1 set of about 5 reps on my lifting day. Click on the upper left image.

Glute/ham raise: These are hard to do but I can think of no better exercise to target the gluteus &
hamstrings. The glutes play a prime-mover role in jumping & running. The hamstrings are stabilizers for
the powerful quads in a jump, so if you want to maximize your quadriceps potential you will need strong
hams as well. This is because receptors in the joints won’t allow one group of muscles to generate too
much force that the counter group will risk an injury (usually a pull or tear). To start, you need to fix your
heels in place w/ a partner or as I do, place them under a loaded barbell. Next start on your knees at a 90-
degree angle and slowly lower yourself (while contracting the glutes & hams) till your chest touches the
floor. Your whole body should now be straight. The idea is to raise your self back up from this position, but
only very well conditioned athletes will at first. So stick w/ the negative, lowering reps. Aim to gain control
over the drop. 1 set of 5-10 rep will be sufficient! Click the image below to see a demo of this exercise.

Good mornings or hyper-extensions; You can opt to do one or the other as both are great for hamstrings
and spinal erectors. To do back hyper-extensions you ideally need a roman chair and I use a dumbell or
plate for added wgt. Good morning are basically a straight leg deadlift and more of a power building move.
Stand on a sturdy platform to increase range of motion.

Hanging leg raise or wipers; these are more difficult abdominal exercises and also involve hip flexors. If
your not ready for these step down to hanging knee ups or v-sit ups. Likewise if they are easy And you can
kick out 20 then you’ll want to add ankle wgt. Or even squeeze a medicine ball between your ankles. So
grab a pull up bar and with legs together, knees straight lift till your toes touch the bar. Wipers are even
more difficult. Grab the bar and start lifting your legs off to the left and upward as well in a semi-circular
motion. They will pass by the bar over head and back down the right of the body. Now go back in the
opposite direction.

Kicks; perform straight leg kicks above the waist actually as high as you can. If you have ankle weights, or
resisting bands use them, shoot for 10-15 reps. This is another drill for those under developed hip flexors
and the illiopsoas. Do one more set similar except with back kicks. This works the hip extensors.

Lower leg/feet: These next few exercises will target the small neglected stabilizers of the ankles such as
the dorsiflexors and make up for a flat foot. This will further eliminate the need for expensive
“proprioceptors”! 1) Stand on 1 foot on a softball near to the ball of the foot. Play around with this, see
how long you can hold and build on it. Gradually you will notice improvement. 2) Stand on 2 basketballs at
the same time.This will develop the hip adductors as well as improve lateral quickness. 3) Farmers walk.
Grab some dumbells, aprox. 20-30% of your body weight and walk 100 paces or till your ankles fatigue.

Foot pulls. Attach a resistance band to something stationary and the other end loops around the top of the
foot, closer to the toes. Stretch the band out or add more for increase resistance. Now sitting pike with legs
in front, flex the
foot up and hold
for 2 sec. @ peek
of the movement.
If you don’t have
bands, you can
substitute a bungee
cord. It works

Plyometric drills

Plyos are a key ingredient to enhancing all sports performance, especially jump ability. There are dozens of
drills you could do, but we are only focusing on the best/most effective. Here are some facts worth
mentioning. First off, you need to do more than just leg plyos to achieve your true potential. Every program
I’ve reviewed has neglected upper body drills, which can account for 30% of your amplitude. So we will be
covering medicine ball exercises to develop power in the traps, delts, obliques , and spinal erectors. There
is a difference between true plyometrics and power moves, but both are taught in this segment. A
plyometric jump aims to shorten the stretch-reflex cycle. For example when you drop from a box to do a
depth jump the idea is to blast off as soon as you touch , spending as minimum time in contact with the
ground. An example of a power move is any drill performed with weight at
accelerated speed. In other words, explosive. In training with plyometrics our
focus will be on quality, not quantity. No need for mindless sets and reps. It’s
far better to give an all out 100% to a few reps. Finally when doing weighted
jumps the optimal amount to use is 30% of your max squat.
Here is the link to access & view video clips of the drills and bonus material:
Calf flicks: To perform this drill you forcefully jump off your toes with your legs straight only using the
lower leg. Each consecutive flick you should try to bounce higher than the last without pause between
repetitions. We’re going to do 2 sets of 20-50 reps. The first set we’re going to use dumbells, following the
30% rule. The second set is performed without weights and will be notably more explosive. Another
variable is to do pigeon foot flicks.

Sprint: This exercise has numerous benefits. For one, it trains every muscle in the body to move rapidly.
In addition to that, sprints will trigger the brain to release HGH (Human Growth Hormone). This allows
you to loose body fat and get stronger faster. Basically all you have to do is take off running as fast as you
possibly can while minimizing contact with the ground for about 10 seconds. Now walk off 20 seconds,
then take off for another 10. You get the idea. Five bursts should be enough.

Depth Jump: You are going to need a box 18-24” high.

Any higher will be counter- productive. Stand on the box;
step off and spring into the air as soon as your feet touch.
Again the idea is to minimize contact with the ground. You
will want to have a target you are reaching for. Personally,
I enjoy depth jumps into a slam-dunk. You only need to
perform one set of 10 reps.

Power Drops: This exercise is aimed at building eccentric strength in the large muscles of the legs. This
should only be done one day a week. Find a platform that is 5-8’ above the ground depending on your
ability. What you’re going to do is step off and land on both feet with as little bending of the knee as
possible. If your knees bend more than a quarter squat you are dropping from too high of a platform.
What’s happening is you’re building power by fighting gravity. I only do one set of 10.
Dumbell Snatch: This is basically a variation of
the barbell snatch to be done on plyo days. This
is much more difficult, so start with light weight.
One set of 5 reps is all you will need. For an
added bonus try one arm dumbell snatch.
Dumbell Jump Squats: Grab a pair of dumbells
with a total weight about 30% of your max. The
first set we will do 5 reps bending down to
parallel then exploding upwards. The next set is
rapid repetitions at only a quarter squat without
pauses in between. It’s kind of like jumping
rope. Do 15 reps. Gradually you will increase
the weight as you improve.

Dumbell box jumps: Get out the box you are using
for the depths and start out with really light dumbells
like 10 lbs. Stand in front of the box and up onto it
with dumbells in hand. You can vary this by adding
a 1-step jump. Gradually increase the weight, be
careful, and only one set of 10 good jumps will

Rapid box jumps: You will need a different box a little higher, probably close to your waist in height. The
way this drill works is you spring onto and off of the high box for ten quick, explosive reps. As your skills
improve you will want to raise the height 2” every few weeks. Another variation to this would be to stand
on the smaller (24”) box and spring from floor to the high box with out delay. Both will produce the results
we want.

High box explosions: Again we need the high box and some light dumbells. You will run from 10’ to the
box and when you jump up you also use arm swing with dumbells in hand. This exercise will develop
upper body force and teach you to turn forward momentum upwards. When you jump try to also focus on
snapping the hips forward as in the snatch.
Medicine ball tosses

The medicine ball will bring power and plyometrics upstairs like no other. Remember generating upper
body force is very beneficial. In fact if you are someone whose experienced gains from other systems and
perhaps hit a 30” plateau these along with the mighty barbell snatch are the cure! One ball is all you need
though I find it useful to have several different weight selections. I now actually do medicine ball slam
dunks, 1 handers and 2! Some sporting goods stores carry balls that bounce and handle similar to a
basketball. Later I will explain how to make a good quality medicine ball for a ¼ of the cost.

Viking throw: Using a weight that best suits your strength, hold
the ball between the knees while in a ¼ squat. Next as forcefully
as you can thrust your arms up and overhead, whipping the ball
behind you. Forcefully snap the hips forward. This will develop explosiveness in the
upper body. Do 1 set of ten max effort reps. Another variation is to add a jump into
the throw kicking your feet back behind you.

Chest pass: stand in front of a solid wall at about 4ft , and

thrust the ball into it and catch to develop chest and triceps.
For an added challenge try pushing the ball of a rebound as
soon as it makes contact.

Overhead toss: Hold the ball in both hands behind the neck and whip it overhead. You
can vary this drill by bringing the ball all the way around and to the ground.
Yet another variable to make these more challenging is trying them while standing on 1 foot!

Twist/transverse jerk: 1st one hold the ball out in front with
straight arms and swing to the left as far as you can reach. Quickly
and forcefully swing in the opposite direction. This is 2 reps. The 2nd
drill is similar only were swinging diagonal or rather transversely.
Both will develop a powerful midsection good for any sport.

1 arm throws: These are some added options for diehard athletes. 1
arm medicine ball shot put. Add a jump with it! 1 arm chest-pass, same
as above utilizing the unilateral principle. The best is the 1 arm granny
toss. This is similar to the Viking throw only you throw straight up
rather than behind.

Let me start with telling you about some university research I read of. Some athletes were given a ½ dozen
leg stretches to perform daily for 1 month with no other exercises. After the month their strength was
measured with an average 17% increase. Just imagine what the average would have been with a work out
regiment as well! Flexibility like plyos can increase performance of every sport or athlete. My
recommendations are to perform static stretches after every work out while the muscles are pliable it will
be easier to increase your range of motion. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds at the peak range of motion
and gradually increase the range each session.

Pike: This is just a simple legs together, knees straight, then sit &

Indian sit/reach: Simply sit with legs folded Indian style and reach
out as far as you can to the floor the hold. You should feel the
stretch in the hips and buttocks.

Straddle stretch : start by spreading both legs out 90 degrees or more,

then lean down to either side trying to place your head to the knee,
while grabbing the top of the same foot. Do the same with the opposite
side and down the middle.

Calf stretches : The first stretch is a lunge with hands placed on a wall in front of
you while you try to keep your back leg straight and that heel planted. For the
next you will place the ball of your foot on the wall and keep that front leg
straight, then lean into the wall.

The lunge : Take a deep step forward and straighten the back leg. Place both hands on the floor in front of
you. This done correctly will stretch the hamstring, gluteus, and the hip flexors of the
opposite leg.
Quadriceps stretch : Stand on 1 leg, and pull the other leg back behind the buttocks with the hand of the
same side. This is a common stretch for runners, and even a pose for yogis. For an
alternate stretch try sitting on your knees rest your but on the heels and lean backwards.
This stretch is done religiously by a few NFL players.
1 leg reach : Prop one leg up on something about waist high, then with the knee straight, reach for the foot.
This stretch focuses on the hamstring. Try to get your head to touch the knee.

Bonus-how to make training devices

How to make a medicine ball: This one is rather easy. You will need a pair of needle nose pliers & a
rubber ball. I use one that schools play kick ball and such with. It’s probably about $5 at
wal-mart stores. The valve where you fill with a needle can easily be pulled out with the
pliers. Next fill the open hole with water to a desired weight. The less air in the ball the
easier it is to handle. Finally replace the valve plug, you may need a small flat blade to
assist. Now your ready to go train with a new, very durable, weighted ball!
How to make a wobble/stability board: Cut 2 pieces of ¾ inch plywood in 7”x 12”segments. Next you
will need 2 tennis balls and 2 PVC endcaps that are 2” in diameter. The ball should
squeeze into the endcap nicely, but don’t do that yet. Drill a couple 1” screws into the
inside of the cap, thus screwing it down to the dead center of the wood piece. Now you
can wedge the ball in the hollow of the cap. For the tops I put down adhesive grip tape
like on skate boards for traction purposes.

How to make platform shoes (jumpsoles): you are going to need an old pair of tennis shoes, 2” thick sole
sandals that clasp around the front foot.(not thong flip-flops) and some goop brand multi
purpose adhesive or plastic epoxy. Cut the sandals back 2/3 off approx. 6”. The front
portion of the shoe will fit into the groove of the sandal well. Punch a hole on both of the
sandal straps that will later be used to run the laces through. Drill a ¾” hole through the
middle of the sandal. Now you need to heavily goop the top of the sandal as well as the
inside of the sandal straps. This goop is heavy-duty stuff and will not break free the 2
rubber bonds. Once you have placed the ball of the shoe to the sandal you need to clamp
them together with c-clamps for 24 hours to insure a solid bond. Now they’re ready to go
and work awsome, take it from someone who owns jumpsoles these are much easier to
slip on and off.

How to make calf resistors: The gastrocnemius is a powerful muscle and sometimes takes a lot to
overload them. Here is another homemade devise to do just that. These are super-simple
to make and super cheap. You are going to 1st buy 2 adjustable animal collars that need to
be around 19” or can wrap the diameter just below your knee but above the large calf.
Next you need 2 bungee cords 12-18” long or resistance tubing. The shorter the length
the more resistance they will apply to the legs. Now all you have to do is put on the straps
and connect the cords from strap to a few laces in the shoes and you can go work out!

How to make a weighted jumprope: There are a couple variations to making this. The simplest is cut a 7
½ foot segment of old garden hose (or your neighbors) and knot 1 end or better to clamp it shut with an
appropriate size hose-clamp, then fill the tubing with sand! Knot or clamp the other end and viola! You
may want to vary your length to suit you, a standard rope is 7 ½ . If you want one that will spin faster get a
vinyl speed rope and first run it through the hose before you fill it and clamp off the ends. This method
works great.


There is a lot of hoopla out to waste your money on, in the name of strength gains. I am
going to give you what will really work. To make rapid strength gains a few things need
to take place. Your body needs protein, about 1 gram per pound of body weight. The
highest quality of supplemental protein is whey. Proteins should also be consumed an
hour after a work out to feed the muscles. Assuming you’ve got that the rest is aimed at
increasing testosterone levels and lowering cortisol levels. Nothing builds muscle faster
than test! Interesting enough testosterone also keeps cortisol levels low. Now let me say
that if your under 21 most likely your test levels are plenty high and you can move on to
lowering cortisol. If you still feel you want to elevate your testosterone here are a few
things that will help. 1) trace minerals zinc, magnesium, and boron. You may find such a
supplement called ZMA. This stuff works great. Some brands will also add ecdysterone
and methoxy flavone to it. That’s even better as the 1st improves protein synthesis and the
latter increases bone mass, though no research has found methoxy to lower cortisol like it claims. 2)
Animal fats found in meat and whole milk are essential to boosting test as well.3) Herbs
such as tonkat ali and tribulus are supposed to work as well in studies, as for me I haven’t
noticed any drastic gains using them, but one with proven results is an herb called Epimedium!

Your body produces cortisol as an anti-inflammatory after any stress such as plyometrics
or weightlifting. Bad news is cortisol is a catabolic, meaning it breaks down muscle
protein, thus taking longer to build muscle and for muscles to repair. Simple things like
drinking plenty of water and taking hot and cold combo showers will help. The best
supplement I know of to suppress cortisol is Phoshatidyle serine (PS). HMB is another
supplement I used to think of as a worhthwhile anti-catabolic. While some clinincal studies have shown
shown an increase in muscle with HMB , it is always in conjuction with others like creatine or protien.
So don’t waste your money on any creatine that comes in a liquid form or HMB, both are useless.
Creatine must be powder and consumed immediately after mixing otherwise it converts
to creatinine a byproduct that you will just excrete. You can also save your money on
such products with key ingredients Avena Sativa or yohimbe as neither have been proven
to do anything. Most elite athletes take “food form” vitamins, which just means they are
derived from natural sources and are a much higher quality.

Some final thoughts and ideas

1) The world record highest slam dunk was done on a 12ft rim. WOW!
2) The highest measured standing vertical ever recorded was performed by Utah Jazz guard Darrell “Dr.
Dunkenstein” Griffith @ an amazing 48”. So there is plenty of room for anybody to make gains since
we know what can be done!
3) In the earlier part of last century researchers performed hypnosis on several test subjects to believe
they were super strong and report strength increases averaged 67% above previously measured limits.
So the subconscious mind and your beliefs can take you very far in this realm.
4) Having said that, it is crucial to set goals and visualize. Measure your desire reach on a back board and
mark it with a visible sticker to give you something solid to shoot for!
5) Don’t let your work outs become stale and routine. One thing you can do is change up to 1 leg plyo
jumps for a while to break sticking plateaus.
6) Use wave loading to trick your nervous system into gains. Go heavy on weights prior to your usual set
then the nervous system will recruit more motor units and allow you to break previous reps in the set.
Try it and watch it work!
7) Adjustable rim. This makes workouts fun as well as tricking the mind into better performance. Most at
home hoops adjust every 6”. Well I modified mine to adjust every 3” any hardly noticed subtle
increments every 2 weeks. Eventually I broke over 10’6” and even up to 11'. Being 6’1” tall that’s
the equivalent of someone 5’1” dunking on a regulation rim. There is hope for the shorter guys as well!
8) Unless you have weight problems avoid doing aerobics altogether. The reason for this is that you want
to train your body to use CP as a primary energy source for maximum power output.
9) The strongest man history has ever recorded comes out of the book of judges “Old Testament”. In one
feat of strength the spirit of the Lord came upon Samson and he collapsed a palace by pushing over
two pillars. What an amazing feat of strength!!
10) Contact us with any questions via e-mail: or visit us:
Cyclic-revolving workout schedule:

Day 1 speed plyos

Sprints; 5- ten sec. Intervals or 5 sets of 100yds. Optional downhill (overspeed runs)
Calf flicks; Set#1 20-50 reps (till you burn!). Set#2 pigeon foot flicks 20-50x.
Depth jumps; Set#1 10reps @ optimal box hgt.
Rapid box jumps; Set #1 10 reps
Kicks; Set #1 10-15 reps explosive
Medicineball tosses; Do 1 set of 10 reps of each throw explained.
Optional; stability & abdominals (I do the ab wheel on this day)

Days 2&3 off

Day 4 heavy weights

Squats; Set #1 optimum wgt. range to 10 reps. Set #2 neg. reps 5x. set # 3 strong range ¼ squats greater
than max 5x .
Glute/ham raises; 1 set of 5-10 neg. reps
Snatch; Set #1 speed snatch 60% max 10 reps. Set # 2 max range hang snatch 5x (pause @ deadlift )
Calf raises; Set # 1 slow 10-15 reps slow. Set # 2 10-15 reps speed raises same wgt. Set #3 soleus
(squatted) calf raise 10-15x
Foot pulls; Set # 1 10 reps hold each @ peak for 2 sec.
Hang leg raise; Set#1 10-15 reps, if straight are too hard do kneeups, if too easy do wipers or add ankle
Optional; stability drills such as standing on softball, swissball or 2 basketballs

Days 5 & 6 off

Day 7 heavy plyos

Snatch; Set #1 speed snatch 60% max 10 reps. Set # 2 max range hang snatch 5x (pause @ deadlift )
Dumbell. Jump squats; Set #1 5 reps @ parallel using 30% rule. Set # 2 speed jump ¼ squats 10-15 reps
Dumbell box jumps; 10 reps w/ optimal wgt.
Dumbell calf flicks; Set#1 20-50 reps (till you burn!). experiment w/ amt of wgt, But be explosive!
High box explosions; ; Set#1 only 1 set of 8-10 are needed, start light on the wgt., work up to 15 lbs. Then
when this is easy eventually you will increase the box height a couple inches & come down w/ the pounds
Power drops; Set#1 find your optimal hgt. & do only 8-10 reps
Hang leg raise; Set#1 10-15 reps, if straight are too hard do kneeups, if too easy do wipers or add ankle

Days 8 & 9 off

Day 10 unilateral weights

1 arm dumbell snatch; Set #1 5-10 reps each side
1 leg extensions; Set#1 max weight you can do for up to 10 reps each leg.
1 leg curls; Set #1 max weight you can do for up to 10 reps each leg.
1 leg calf raises; Set #1 10-15x slow, focus on full range. Set # 2 speed set same wgt. 10-15x
Farmers walk; Set #1 as many paces w/ dumbels till your ankles fatigue
Kicks; Set #1 10-15 reps explosive front and back
Foot pulls; Set # 1 10 reps hold each @ peak for 2 sec
Roman chair back hyper-extensions; Set # 1 w/ wgt. 10 reps (optional to add a twist @ peak of ext. for
Hang leg raise; Set#1 10-15 reps, if straight are too hard do kneeups, if too easy do wipers or add ankle
weights. Note: you can switch these up w/ another favorite abdominal exercise for variety but make sure
that they are in this cycle because the enormous strength gains vs. any other ab exercise is crucial.

Days 11&12 off

Day 13 unilateral plyos

1 leg calf flicks 1 set each leg to maximum
1 leg forward bounding(hops) 1 set each leg work up to 25 reps.
1 leg rapid box jumps (low box 12") 1 set each leg 10 reps.
1 leg take offs 7-10x each leg. (run to a 1 leg jump off a 6-8" block/surface)
Drop sprints: Stand on a 2ft box, drop to 1 leg exploding into sprint. This build 1st step power and running speed.
Do 5-10 reps each leg.(you can combine this drill with the 1 leg take offs)

Kicks; 1 set 10-15 reps explosive front and back each leg. Increase resistance with bands and ankle weight
Stability drills: Standing on/squats on softball, basketball(s) & a swiss ball.
Optional; abdomonal exercises and medicineball tosses

Days 14 &15 off

Day 16 heavy weights

Repeat the cycle just as outlined, rotating every other workout w/ weights & plyos. Take 2 days off
between each workout so you don’t overtrain. Rest on off days, get plenty of sleep, & stretch-out after
every workout session to increase joint range of motion!


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