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Mosquito Systematics Vol.

21(l) 1989 25

Literature Pertaining to the Mosquito Fauna

and the Mosquito-borne Diseases on Guam. Addendum.

WesleyR. Nowelll andRonaldA. Ward

ABSTRACT. An additional 117 referenceshavebeencompiled

for inclusionwith the annotatedbibliographyof the mosquitoes
and the diseases associatedwith them on the island of Guam
pub1 ished in earlier issuesof ffos~~~~o

INTRODUCTION. Documentationof the mosquitofauna and incidenceof

mosquito-bornediseaseson Guambegansoonafter the cedingby Spain of
the island of Guamto the United States of America uponconclusionof the
SpanishAmericanWar in 1898.

The needfor a definitive bibliographyemergedas the numberof species

increased and medical significance of the mosquito population became
apparent. An initial bibliographywas publishedin this journal (Vol. 8(4);
355-385 ( 1976)) and supplementedsoon thereafter (Vol. lO(2): 211-224
(197811. This addendumincreasesthe numberof annotatedreferences to
the mosquito fauna and the mosquito-bornediseases on Guam to 430
articles, studies and reports. While many of the references are to
unpublishedU.S. military and other report&which are difficult to find,
they are includedso that the bibliographywill be as comprehensiveas

’ Hailing address: 357 Reindollar Ave., Marina, California 93933-3639, U.S.A.

2 Department of Entomology,Walter Reed Army institute of Research, Washington,D.C. 20307-5100.

Research Associate, Department of Entomology,SmithsonianInstitution, Washington,D.C., U.S.A.

Ajax. 191 1. Ouch! GuamNewsLetter 2( 8): 4. Describesin rhyme the introductionand

fever. It is assumed
ravagesof dengue thatthis ditty waswritten for a localvariety show

Bailey,S.F. 1946. Mosquito

controlin the Marianaislands.Proc.Caiif. Mosg.ControlAssoc.
14: 103- 104. Providesan informalreview of mosquito
onGuamduring 1945

Beller, S, 1948. A summaryof the insectsandflora of Guam. U.S.Dep.Agric., Agric. Res.

Admin.,Bur. Entomol.Pl. Quar.,Div. ForeignPl. Quar. (Honolulu,Hawaii). 282 p, Lists
six speciesof Culicidaewith their breedingsourcesonGuam,p, 25.

Bram,R.A. 1967 Contributions to themosquitofaunaof SoutheastAsia.II. ThegenusCu?exin

Thailand(Diptera: Culicidae). Contrib.Am. Entomol.Inst. (Ann Arbor) 2( 1): l-296.
Includesthe Marlanaislands[Guam?]in thedistributionfor Cu/exh&%xi’ Theobald, p.

Bunn,R.W. 1948. TheArmy campaign againstmosquitoes.Rep.Annu.Meet.Fla, Anti-Mosq.

Assoc.19: 65-69. References a recentoutbreakof Japanese
B encephalitison a Pacific
island,p. 68. [Inference is to theNov.1947-Jan. 1948 outbreakonGuamIsland.]

Centerfor DiseaseControl,Bureauof TropicalDiseases.1979a, Biologyandcontrolof A&c

egyx’i VectorTopicsNo. 4, 68 p. U.S. Dep.Health, Education, andWelfare, Public
HealthServ., Atlanta,Georgia. Notesthat at leastsix confirmedcasesof denguefever
were importedontoGuamfrom Vietnamin 1975 duringthe admission of refugeesfrom
thatcountry,p. 6.

Centerfor DiseaseControl,Bureauof TropicalDiseases.1979b. Controlof dengue.Vector

TopicsNo. 2, 39 p, U.S. Dep. Health, Education,and Welfare, Public Health Serv.,
Atlanta, Georgia. Commentsthat while at least six confirmedcasesof denguewere
importedontoGuamduringthe admission to the UnitedStatesof refugeesfrom VietnamIn
1975, no spread to the residentsof Guamoccurredbecauseof early detectionand
control,p, 3.

Centersfor DiseaseControl.198 1. Annualsummary1980: reportedmorbidityandmortality

in the UnitedStates.U.S.Dep.HealthandHumanServices, PublicHealthServ., Atlanta,
Georgia,MorbidityMortality WeeklyRep.29( 54): I- 128 ( 198 1). Reportsfour cases
of malaria on Guamin Part 1: Summariesof diseasesin the UnitedStates- Reported
casesby geographicdivisionandby state,UnitedStates,1980, p. 7.

Centersfor Disease
Control.1982a. Annualsummary198 1: reportedmorbidityandmortality
in the UnitedStates. U. S. Dep.Healthand HumanServices, Public Health Service,
MosquitoSystematics Vol. 21(l) 1989 27

Atlanta, Georgia.
Morbidity MortalityWeekly Rep. 30(54): 1- 132 ( 1982). Reports
three casesof malariaon Guamin Part 1: Summariesof notifiablediseasesin the United
States- Reportedcases,by geographic
divisionandarea, UnitedStates,198 1, p, 7.

Centersfor DiseaseControl. 1982b. Malaria surveillanceannualsummary1980. U.S. Dep.

Healthand HumanServices, Public HealthServ., Atlanta, Georgia, 36 p. Showsa
singlecasefor Guamin thegeographic distributionof cases,Fig. 2, p. 3, andincludesthe
islandin the list of malaria-free countriesor areas, Tab.19, p, 2 1 , and Tab.20, p,

Centersfor DiseaseControl. 1983. Annu8l summary1982: reportedmorbidityandmortality

in the UnitedStates.U. S. Dep.HealthandHumanServices,PublicHealthServ., Atlanta,
Georgia. Morbidity Mortality Weekly Rep. 3 l(54): 1- 153 ( 1983). Reportstwo
casesof malariaon GuamIn Part 1: Summaries of notifiablediseases
In theUnitedStates
- Reportedcases,by geographic divisionandarea, UnitedStates,1982, p. 7.

Centersfor DiseaseControl. 1984. Annualsummary1983: reportedmorbidityandmortality

in theUnitedStates.U. S. Dep.HealthandHumanServices,PublicHealthServ.,Atlanta,
Georgia.MorbidityMort8lityWeeklyRep.32( 54): 1- 125 ( 1984). Reportsthree cases
of malaria on Guamin Part 1: Summariesof notifiablediseasesin the UnitedStates-
Reported cases,by geographicdivisionandarea, UnitedStates,1983, p, 6.

Centersfor DiseaseControl. 1985. Casesof specifieddiseases,UnitedStates,weekending

December22, 1984. U.S.Dep.HealthandHumanServices,PublicHealthServ., Atlanta,
Georgia. Morbidity Mortality Rep. 33(5 1 and 52): 7 13-732. Reportsonecaseof
malaria(cumulative1984) onGuam,p. 722.

Centersfor DiseaseControl. 1986. Casesof specifiednotifiablediseases,

endingDecember2 1, 1985. U.S.Dep.HealthandHumanServices,PublicHealthServ.,
Atlanta,Georgia.MorbidityMortalityWeeklyRep.34(51 and52): 765-788. Reports
onecaseof malaria(cumulative1985) onGuam,p,776.

Colless,D.H, 1957. Records of twoPacificislandspeciesof mosquito

from Singaporeharbour.
Med.J. Malaya12: 464-467. Reportsthecollectionof CulRy~&vv/& Bohart. [Accord-
ing to S. Sirivanakarn 1976, p. 102 (Contrib.Am. Entomol.Inst. (Ann Arbor) 12(2):
l-2721, this allegedintroduction
of Culex?&f8/& Bohartwasbasedupona misidentifi-
cationof L3/;&sTheobald.]

3.0. andJ.S. Otto. 1958. Medicalentomology.US. NavalMed.School,Natl. Naval
Med.Center,Bethesda, Maryland.342 p. Places#&z&sgua.effs&in the Marianaislands,
p* 177.

Delfinado,M.D. 1966. Theculicinemosquitoes of the Philippines,Tribe Culicini (Diptera,

Culicidae).Mem.Am.Entomol.Inst. (AnnArbor) 7: 1-252. includes“Marianas”in the
distributionrecordsfor &&~~&&%Y%Y~, p. 73, 159.

Faust,EC, P.C.Beaver,andRX. Jung,editors. 1975. Animalagentsandvectorsof disease,4th

ed. Lea& Febiger, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.479 pmReportsthat ,rlq~I&s.~@~i~~~~
rirldzr’r;rlit~~ onGuamduringWorldWar I I, but that malariatransmission
appeared hasnot
takenplacethere upto the presenttime ( 19X), p.103.

Gear, H.S.andZ. Deutschman.1957. Diseasecontrolandinternationaltravel: a reviewof the

Chron.WHOlO( 9-10): 273-343. Notesthat Guamis
“boundwithoutreservation”to the InternationalSanitaryRegulations
fever control>, p. 336.

Gressitt,J.L. 1954. Insectsof Micronesia.Introduction.BerniceP, BishopMus. Insectsof

Micronesia1: l-257. Discusses thebreedinghabitatof ,~&%s~,Y~Ic&Ius
onGuam,p. 159;
lists five speciesof mosquitoes
knownto beof medic81 importanceonGu8m,p, 19 1; 8nd
providesdataonmajorcollectorsonGuam,pp. 195- 199.

Griffin, A.P.C.,editor. 1901. Guem,pp, 45-54. ln: A list of bookson S8moa8ndGuam.

Library of Congress,Div. of Bibliography.Washington,D.C. 54 p. Providesa bibli-
ographyof referenceswith annotations,includingmilitary departmentmedicalreports
pertainingto Guam,p. 5 1.

Guam,Territory of. 1974. Unioncatalogof the GuamPublic Library: GU8mandP8cificarea

materisis. Collectionsof the GU8mPublic Library andthe MicroneslanArea Rese8rch
Center. Preparedby the Staff of the NievesM. Flares MemOri81Library. 464 p.
Providesan alphabeticlist (by author)of publishedbookspertainingto GU8m. It doesnot
includetechnicalpapersor articlesprintedin journalsor otherperiodicals.

R-L., R.A.Mackie,andK. Cruz. 1979. Denguecontrolin Guam. SouthPacificBull.
29(2): 16-2 1, 24. Provides8 detailed review of the denguevectorsurveillanceand
controlprogramsduring OperatlbnNewL &+ onGuamin 1975. Six casesof dengue were
Groundfogging 8ndaerial sprayingwerecreditedwith control.

Hammon,W.McD.,WC Reeves,8ndG.E.Sather. 1951. JapaneseB encephalitisvirus in the

bloodof experimentallyinoculated birds. Epidemiological implications.Am.J. Hyg.53
(3): 249-261. Includes datafor bird set-8 collected
8nd testedfollowingan outbreakof
JapaneseB encephalitis onGuamin 1948, Fourteenpercentof the2 1 wild birds tested
were positive,p. 257 8nd260.

Hammon,W.McD.,G.E. Sather, 8nd H,E. McClure, 1958. Serologicsurvey of JapsneseB

virus infectionin birds in ;lapan.Am.J, Hyg.67( 1): 1 18- 133, Notesthat
Americanworkers beginnlngin 1945, testedsmall numbersof wild birds or chickens
from8re8sin whichJBEvirus hsdproduced epidemics,includingGuam,p, 1 19.

Harinasuta,C., S. Sucharit,T. Deesin,K. Surathin,andS. Vutikes. 1970. Bancroftianfila-

riasis in Thailand,a new endemicarea. Southeast AsianJ. Trop. Med. Public Health
l(2): 233-245. References filariasis onGuam.
Mosquito Systematics Vol. 21(l) 1989 29

Herms,W.B. 1946. Somereferencesto recentliterature andsundrynotesof interestto our

members. Proc. Calif. Mosq.ControlAssoc.15: lo- 17. References“Mosquitoesof
Okinawaand islandsin the Central Pacific”by R.M. BohartandR.L, ingram(NAVMED
10551, and notesthat 12 speciesof mosquitoeswere knownfor the Mariana islandsin
1946, p.13.

Higgins,M.M. 1938. Guam- Perchof theChinaClippers. Natl,Geogr.Mm. 74( 1): 99-122.

Notesonp, 120: “Guamhasnomalaria, notmuchdengue

Holway,R.T. 1958. Returnto sourcecontrol. [Panelsession:

Whereare wegoingin mosquito
control?;chemical,physicalandbiologicalcontrol- whatandhow.] Proc. Calif. Mosq.
ControlAssoc.26: 43-44. Refersto mosquitocontrolactivitiesonGuam.

Holway,R.T. 1967. Discussion,

p. 9. /n.~Proc.CINCPAC [Commander
in ChiefPacific] Con-
ferenceonQuarantineandControlMeasuresto PreventDissemination of Vectorsof Dis-
ease,5-7 July 1967. Honolulu,Hawaii. 42 p. + atchs. Discusses the military re-
sponsibilityfor diseasevector quarantineand presentsexamplesof recent mosquito
introductiononGuam.(see Holway1964)

Holway,R.T., A.W. Merrill, and F.J. Santana.1967. Mosquitocontrolactivitiesof the U.S.

armedforcesin the Republicof Vietnam. Proc.Calif. Mosq.Control Assoc.35: 23-29.
References the two casesof introduced autochthonous
malaria whichoccurredon Guam
duringNovember1966, p. 26.

Howe,G.M. 1977. A worldgeographyof humandiseases.Academic Press,London.Reportsan

estimated560,000 casesof denguewere infectedin Australiaduring 1943- 1945, and
thatepidemicsoccurredin NewGuinea,Guam,andHawaii,p, 307.

Hu, S.M.K. 1950b. Mosquito controlin Hawaii. Proc.Calif. Mosq.ControlAssoc.18: 12- 13,
Refersto the incidence
ofJapanese 6 encephalitis
in Guamandto W.C Reeves’collectionof
Antophe/~albopi2tus [shouldreadAn h&WuW.s] onGuamfor thefirst time in 1948, p.

Huang,Y-M. 1979. MedlcalEntomology Studies.Xl. Thesubgenus Stmzy/& of Ads in the

Orientalregionwith keysto thespecies(Diptera:Culicidae).Contrib,Am.Entomol.Inst.
(Ann Arbor) 15(6): l-79. Includescollectionrecordsfor A&s 61”4ypfi’and At?
s/bop/cfusin the Marianaislands(Guam),p. 39.

Hughes,J.H. andJ.E. Porter. 1958. Measures

againstyellowfeverentry intotheUnitedStates,
U.S., Public HealthRep.73( 12): 110 1- 1 106. Notesthat in 1958, Guamwasaddedto
theyellowfever receptiveareaof the UnitedStates,p. 1 102.

Husted,S.R.andS.S.Balling. 1986. TheNavyDVECC’srole in Californiavectorcontrol. Proc.

Calif. Mosq.ControlAssoc.53: 63-64. Refersto Ilpe/&& NewLB on Guamin 1975
andtheDVECG’s part in guardingagainstthe importationof dengue,
p. 63.

Hutchins, R.E. 1966. Insects. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey. 324 p. Des-
cribes the living habitat of the larva of ,&x&,&%%&i on Guam8s being in the le8f 8x11s Of
the tropical screwpine, or pandanus) p. 1 13.

Hutchinson, C.B. 1949. Welcomingaddress,University of California Proc. Calif. Mosq

ControlAssoc.17: 2. In listing specialdepartmentalpersonnelat the University of
California at Berkeley, the Speakerrefers to Dr. S. F. Bailey8s “a Navy entomologist,
whoW8Sthe savior of Guam whendengue threatened.”

Jenkins, D.W. 1964. Pathogens, parasitesand predators of medically important arthropods:

annotated list and bibliography. WHO Bull. 30 (Suppl.): l-150. Includes,+&I&
and Irlc!,&%&i from Guamin the list of mosquitoes
0&??Iw& 1;7lmifrk;
p. 5 3.

Kaiser, R.L. 1978. Vectorborne

controlandresearchat CDC- current trends. Mosq.
News38( 4): 455-46 1. Refersto field trainingand/or technic81
videdto Guamandotherareas,p, 457.

Kessel,J,F. andE. Massal, 1962. Controlof bancroftisnfilariasis in the Pacific. WHOBull.

27(4-S): 543-554. Reportsthecontrolof filariasis dueto Wuchenwbbrtncrofti in the
westernPacificthroughsimultaneous useof mosquito control with diethylcarbamazineas
8 masstreatment of the populationon Pacific islands, includingGuam.

Kindleberger,C.P. 19 14. Department of HealthandCharities.Specialsanitaryregulationsfor

Guam. GuamNewsLetter S(9): 6. Directsthat all personsafflicted with eleph8nti8SiS
(amongother diseases)shall present themselves
for treatmentat theU.S.NavalHospital,

Knight,K.L. 1978. Supplement

toA Catalog
of the Mosquitoes
of theWorld(Diptera:Culicidae).
The ThomasSay Found.6: l- 107 (Suppl.). IncludesGuam in the distribution of
Anopnel%&m[ p. 4, andfor An lhbra~/rjlp, 10.

A.B. 1986. Thesignificanceof the introductionof Atx4avbp1btus into the south-
e8sternUnitedStateswith implicationsfor the Caribbean,andperspectives of the Pan
AmericanHealth Organization.J. Am.Mosg.ControlAssoc.2( 4): 420-423. References
Rozeboom 8nd 8ridges (1982) whoreported onthedecrease in thenaturalpopulationof
A&guamem& on GU8mas the apparent result of competitionfrom AE!mkph’u~ p,

Laird, M, 1984. Overviewandperspectives,p. 29 l-325. /n.* M. Laird, editor. Commerce

andthe Spreadof PestsandDisease Vectors.PraegerScientific,NewYork. xiv + 354 p,
Discussesthe possibleintroduction
(by aerial flights) of ,4&&&qfl&‘us to theCaroline
and M8rSh811Islandsfrom Saip8nor Guam,p, 306; reviewsthe mosquito introductions
ontoGuam,p, 306-307; evaluatesGuamas a possiblesourceof Anopheksinfestationin
otherPacificareas,includingHawaii,p. 307-308,
Mosquito Systematics Vol. 21(l) 1989 31

Lang,J.T. 1979. Entomology consultation.AndersenAir Force Base,Guam. USAFOccup.

Environ.HealthLab.,OL-AD,ClarkAir BaseRep.79-09. 12 p.w/2 atch. A routinebase
survey that reviews pest problemsand makes recommendations for improvedpest
management. Providesvectorspeciesdata,p. 2;discussesmei breeding in leaf
axilsofpandanustreesorscrewpine, p. 4.

Lang,J.T. 1980. Entomology consultation.AndersenAir Force Base,Guam. USAFOccup.

Environ.HealthLab.,OL-AD,ClarkAir BaseRep.80-02. 16 p.w/2 atch. Aroutinebase
surveyto reviewvectorsurveillance,pestcontrolactivities,andthemilitary quarantine
inspectionprogram. Reviewstheadultmosquitocollectiondataforthebaseduring 1979,
andnotesthelackof a mosquitolarvalsurveillance
program,p. 3-4.

Lang, J.T. and AC. Ramos.1979. PACAFmosquitoidentificationsummarywith mosquito

surveillanceinformationfor the Pacificarea. USAFOccup.Environ.HealthLab.,OL-AD,
Clark Air BaseRep.No.79-15. 54 p. Liststhe mosguitospeciesand numberscollected
onGuamduringl978. Dataincludeadultsfromlighttrapsandlarvalcollections.

Lang,J.T.andA.C.Ramos.1983. Distributionandrelative abundance of mosquitoes

Culicidae)on U.S. Air Force installationsin the Pacific and noteson mosquito-borne
diseasepotential.J. Med.Entomol.20(4): 455-457. IncludesAndersen AFBin thisana-
lysis of mosquito
collectiondata. ,&z&e( I?& V&ZUZ& c2rlRu~t~ef~?btus~ and

Lathrop,G.D.andP.J. Homme. 1975. An epidemicof chikungunya in the Philippine islands

possiblerole of aircraft dissemination.NATO-AGARD Conf.on Aeromed.Implicationsof
RecentExperiencewith Communicable Disease,Proc. 169(A8): 1-6. Refersto Guam
where three outbreaksof mosquito-borne diseaseshavebeenrecordedandinferentially
explainedonthebasisofvector importation,~. 1.

Lindner,R. 1979. Surveillanceofdenguefeveranddenguehaemorrhagicfever in the Western

Pacific Region1975-78. WHODengueNewsl. (SE. Asianand WesternPac. Regions)
5(l): 1. Notesthat Guamwasoneof five countrieswhich reportedzero casesof either
diseaseduringtheperiod1975- 1978.

Lucas,J. 1967, Situationreport: Marianas,p. 13. /n,. Proc.CINCPAC[Commander in Chief

Pacific] Conferenceon Quarantineand Control Measuresto Prevent Disseminationof
Vectorsof Disease,5-7 July 1967. Honolulu,Hawaii. 42 p. + atchs. Reportsfour
recentcasesof malaria on Guamandnotesthat vector mosquito controlis accomplished
by limitedaerialsprayingontheisland.

W.W. 1957. An interim review of the non-Anophelinemosquitoes
of Malaya. Stud.
Inst. Med. Res. Malaya No. 28, MalaysianParasites16: 1-34. IncludesGuamin the
distributionrecordsfor M8,mm~('i%tpfi//ettlti~~cf~~~~(? MarianaIslands),A&
(~&&j~~y~&?&~~&?I,?s (Mariana Islands),andA& (Acd/inofphus)mus(Mariana
Islands),p. 16, 20,21.

Manning,D.L., N.L. Evenhuis,andW,A.Steffan. 1982. Annotated bibliographyof ~~xu@Y?-

Ltii&& Diptera:Culicidae):SupplementI. J. Med.Entomol.19( 4): 429-486. Includes
Guamin the “Indexto Geographical
Name,”p, 479, andlists tworeferencesfor the island.

Matias,C.R.T.1957. A surveyof public healthandepidemiologicalproblems on Guambefore

WorldWar II. Stanford,California:StanfordUniv. 67 p. Thesis. includesarthropod-
p. SO-5 1, andmosquitovectors,p. 52-54.

Mattingly,P.F. 1956. Addenda andcorrigendato ChapterVI. Diptera:Mosquitoes, p. 293-295.

In.*3. Smart, editor. A handbookfor the identificationof insectsof medicalimportance,
3d ed. Br. Mus.( Nat.Hist.). London.Includes&gm#$& in thedistributionof the
speciesof the XU&#&Y&group.p. 294.

McKenna,R.J. 1982a. Medicalpestmanagement survey. Andersen AFB, Guam. USAFOccup.

Environ.HealthLab.,Aerosp.Med.Div. (AFSC),OL-AD,ClarkAir BaseTech.Rep.82- 16.
6 p. Reviewsmosquitoes, includingdiseases
vectoredandrelatedproblemswith a noteon
military quarantineinspection
programagenciesandrecommendations for the base.

McKenna,R.J. 1982b. Medicalpestmanagement survey. AndersenAFB,Guam. USAFOccup.

Environ. Health Lab., Aerosp.Med. Div. (AFSC), OL-AD, Clark Air BaseTech. Rep.
83-0160L664MEC. 12 p. Annualsurvqr of medicalpestsat AndersenAFB with
descriptionsof potentialvector-bornesituationsandpest problemsencountered
by the

McKenna,R.J.andAX. Ramos.198 1. Mosquito collections

onUSAFinstallationsin the western
Pacificregionduring1980. USAFOccup.Environ,HealthLab.,Aerosp.Med.Div. (AFSC)
OL-AD,ClarkAir BaseTech.Rep.8 l-09. 20 p. Includesthe monthlymosquito collection
datawith identifications
for Andersen

McKinney,R.Q. 1947. MicronesiaunderGermanrule 1885- 19 14. Stanford,California:

StanfordUniv. 145 p. Thesis. In citing Deutsches Kolonialblatt,Amtsblattfuer die
desDeutschen Reichs( 190 1: 73), the authornotesthat RobertKoch,in
his searchfor malaria by bloodtest in 1900, showedthat the Marianagroupwas not
anendemicmalariaarea, p. 90.

Meyer, K.F. 1962. Foreword,pp. iii-v. /n.* W.C. ReevesandW. McD.Hammon,in collabo-
ration with W.A. Longshore,Jr., H.E. McClure, and A.F. Geib. Epidemiology of the
arthropod-borneviral encephalitides in Kern County,California, 1943- 1952. Univ.
Calif., Berkeley,Publ. Public Health4: viii + 257. Referencesthe authors‘studieson
Japanese encephalitis
onGuam,p. iv.

Miller, A., R.W. Burgess,andS.J.Carpenter. 1947. Potentialitiesof transportationof exotic

anophelinesby airplane. J. Natl. Malaria Sot. 6(4):227-243. Noteson p. 229:
“Anopheline mosquitoeshaveapparentlynot beenimplantedin any of the PacificIslands
previouslyfree from them, despiteextensivemilitary air andseatraffic,“ a statement
Mosquito Systematics Vol. 21(l) 1989 33

whichcouldeasily have includedthe islandof Guamwith its severalfully operational

airfields andsurfaceport which hosteda near-constantflow of aerial andsea travel
beginning in 1944 andcontinuing
to date.

Miyagi, I. andT. Toma.1980. A newspeciesof A&s (&IQz~@) from DaitoIslands,Ryukyu,

Japan( Diptera:Culicidae). Mosg.Syst. 12( 4): 428-440. Compares
Aa& fSt~my?d,
ckvte~s~snsp. to Ae.guamfls& FarnerandBohartfromGuam,p. 432.

Moore,E.S.,compiler. 1974. Indexto the GuamNewsLetter 1909- 1921. Nieves M. Fiores

MemorialLibrary, Government of Guam. 189 p. Indexesthe diseases
Guamreportedin this publication,whichwasthe localnewspaperfrom February 1909
up to March 1920.

Morlan, H.B. 1964, The&K&Sw,&’ eradicationprogramin the UnitedStates. Proc. N. 3.

Mosq.Extermin,Assoc.5 1: 65-7 1. IncludesGuamasa yellowfever receptivearea in the
UnitedStates,fig. 2, p. 68.

Nowell,W.R. 1978, Literaturepertainingto the mosquitoes

andthe mosquito-borne diseases
Guam(conclusion).Mosg.Syst. 1O(2): 2 1 l-224. Providesan additional8 1 references
to a bibliographypublishedin ~~u~l’osys(ematl~ in 1976.

Nowell,W.R. 1980. Comparative mosquito collectiondatafrom the southernMarianaislands

(Diptera: Culicidae). Proc.Calif. Mosq.andVectorControlAssoc.48: 1 12- 1 16. Gom-
paresthe initial collectiondatafor bothimmaturesandadultsfor eachspeciesof mosquito

Nowell,W.R. 1987. Vectorintroduction

andmalarla infectionon Guam.J. Am. Mosg.Control
Assoc3(2): 259-26. Reviewsthe collectionsof five speciesof Anophehs on Guam
madein 1948 andduring1970-75; describesthesmalloutbreaksof malariarecordedon
Guamin 1966 and1969, analyzesthecases,andnotesthat bothoutbreaksincludedintro-

Okuno,T. 1969. Ecology of Japanese

encephalitisvirus, pp. 6-7. /In.*Reporton the Second
Regina1SeminaronVirus Diseases: Mosquito-borne virus diseases (arbobviruses).WHO
RegionalOfficefor theWesternPacific,Manila,Philippines,6- 1 1 Oct.1969.WPR/4 16/
69: l-58. Statesthat CujRy~nnuj&s~~& ~~YY&I&?was considered to havebeenthe
vectorin theGuamepidemicof l947.

Ohio. 303 p,
Osborn,H. 1952. A brief history of entomology.Spahr& Glenn,Columbus,
Reviewsentomolw onGuamincludingtheDiptera,p. 170.

Pacific ScienceAssociation.1983. Programme,abstractsand congressinformation, 15th

Congress,Univ. O&p, Dunedin,NewZealand,Feb. 1- 11, 1983. R. Sot. N.Z. 2 ~01s.
Containsabstractsof severalpapersreferencingmosquitoes
or mosquito-bornediseases
onGuam( p, 209,220,249).

Pashley,D.N. and D.P. Pashley. 1983. Observations on &x& C"~,&ZW?YI&

mosquitoes in
MicronesiaandMelanesia. Mosq.Syst.15(1):41-49. ReviewstheJ&X& mosquito fauna
in the Marianaislands,p. 43-44.

Pillai,J.S.andS. Ramalingan.1984. Recentintroductionsofsome medicallyimportantDiptera

In the northwest,central, and SouthPacific (includingNewZealand),p. 81-101. /it
M. Laird,editor. Commerceand the spreadofpestsanddiseasevectors. PraegerScien-
tific,New York. 354 p. Refers to R.M.Bohart'sreport( 1957) of~&!!?&'us being
foundonbothGuam andSaipanp.93.

Pinkovsky,D.D. 1983. Medicalpestmanagementsurvey.AndersenAFB,Guam. USAFOccup.

84-0060L664LEC. 15 p. w/9 atch. Reviewsthe mosquitoborne
with casedata
onGuam,anddescribes the pestmanagement
andquarantineprogramsonthe base,p. 2-4.

Pinkovsky,D.D. 1985. Medicalpestmanagement survey. AndersenAF5,Guam.USAFOccup.

Environ.HealthLab.,Aerospace Med Div. (AFSC),ClarkAir Base,OLAD, USAFOEHLRep.
85-0380L664CEC. 17 p. w/ 16 atch. Reviewsthe incidence of mosquito-transmitted
andvectorson Guam,p, 2-3; discusses the mosquitosurveillanceandcontrol
programsonthe base,p. 3-4, andthe military quarantineinspection
program,p. 1 1- 14.
thefemalemosquito collectionrecordsfor 1979- 1984 onAndersen AFB,Atch.3.

Pinkovsky,D.D. 1986. Medicalpestmanagement survey. Andersen AFB, Guam. USAFOccup.

Environ.HealthLab.,AerospaceMed.Div. (AFSC),ClarkAir Base,OLAD, USAFOEHLRep.
86-0350L664EEC. 22 p. w/9 atch. Reviewsthe historyof mosquito-transmitted dis-
easesonGuamandlists the potentialvectorscollected
onthe air base,p. 3; discusses
mosquitosurveillanceandcontrolprogramsonthe base,p. 3-5, andthe military quar-
antineinspectionprogram,p. 14- 17. Includesthe femalemosquitocollectionrecords
for 1979-1986 onAndersen Air ForceBase,Atch.3.

Pinkovsky,D.D., A.C. Ramos,andM.M. Cannon. 1978. 1977 PACAFmosquitoidentification

summarywith mosquitosurveillanceinformationfor the Pacific area. USAF6201
Epidemiol.Flt. (PACAF)ENTTech.Rpt. 78-002. 57 p, Containsmosquitocollection
dataandinformationonthe mosquitoes
of Guam,p. 5-6,

Pratt, G.K., A.C.Ramos,andR.J.Macaspac.1987. 1986 mosquitoidentificationsfrom USAF

installationsin the Pacificregion. USAFOccup.Environ. HealthLab., HumanSystems
Div. (AFSC),ClarkAir Base,OperatingLocationAD, USAFOEHLRep.87-0210L0610FEC.
50 p. Contains mosquito collectiondatafor Andersen
AFB, Guam,p. 2.

Quarterman,K.D. 1963. Pastachievements, current activitiesandcontributions,anda view

to the future on researchonandcontrolof mosquitoes by the U.S.PublicHealthService.
Proc. N.J. Mosq.Extermin. Assoc.50: 59-72, Refers to the discoveryof &I&
I~~&wv&@xY?~ c~.~~~~u. and I”?&Yxzwv~~ UIVI”~& on Guamin May of 1962 by
Divisionof ForeignQuarantinepersonnel,p. 63.
Mosquito Systematics Vol. 21(l) 1989 35

Quarterman,K.D. and D.R.Johnson. 1972. ,40@&&~and malaria transmission,p, 30-33

(in BiologyandControlof ImportantInsectPestsof Disease,p. 14-45). /n.. J.V. Smith
and R. Pal, editors. VectorControlin InternationalHealth. WHO, Geneva. 144 p.
Comments on the discoveryof ,#w&!&F SU@I&+U_ r@f&& on Guamin 1948, and
notesthat six casesof malariawere reportedfrom Guamin 1969 with at leastoneof the
caseshavingbeentransmittedlocallyonthis previouslyclassifiedmalaria-free island,p.

Rai, KS. 1986. Genetics of ,~cx&s~~II%@$Ys.J. Am. Mosq.ControlAssoc.2( 4): 429-436.

Guamin thedistributionof ~~&@Y’u.s onp. 430; discusses
of Ar! &qq~‘~a‘ nd #e puamefls&onthe islandby AC!81”qz7&& p. 434.

, S. 1984a. Diseasevectorsurveillanceandtraining, Guam.WHORegional Office
West. Pac.Assignment Rep., 3-30 June 1984 (ICP/VBC/OO3), dated24 July 1984.
42 p, Describesworkshopactivitiesandprovidesa checklistandkeysto boththe larvae
and adultsof all the mosquitospeciesreportedfromGuam.Thekey includes17 species
whichwere misidentifiedor are nolongerconsidered
asoccurringonthe island.

Ramalingam,S. 1984b. A surveyof mosquitoesandmosquito-borne diseasesin somecentral

andSouthPacificislands.Trop.Biomed.1: 133- 144. Reportsonthe findingsof a series
of surveys madeto determinethe prevalenceanddensityof the vectorsof dengueand
denguehaemorrhagicfever on eight island nationsin the southand central Pacific,
includingGuam,p, 133.

Rao,VP., M.A.Ghani,T. Sankaran,andKC. Mathur. 197 1. A reviewof thebiological

insectsandother pestsin South-EastAsiaandthe Pacificregion, Commonw. Inst. Biol.
ControlTech.Commun.6: 1- 149. Includes Guamin thediscussion of 7YYxuf&fl&I”, p.

Reeves,W.C. 1958a, moderator.Panel:Whereare we goingin mosquito control?;chemical,

physicaland biologicalcontrol - what and how. Proc.Calif. Mosq.ControlAssoc.26:
40-45 Includes discussionsin whichmosquito controlactivitiesonGuamare mentioned.

Reeves,W.C. 1958b. Comment[Panel:Where are we goingin mosquito control?;chemical,

physicalandbiologicalcontrol- whatandhow]. Proc.Calif. Mosq.ControlAssoc.
26: 44.
Describes cuttingdownornamentalP~&YXLSsp.treesfor mosquito controlonGuam.

Reinert,J.F. 1976. A ventromedian

cervicalscleriteof mosquito larvae (Diptera:Culicidae).
Mosq.Syst.8( 2): 205-208. Notesthat the larvaof I#&&sL&@vI’[from Guam]pm
thesclerite, p. 205

Reisen,W.K. 1982. CujRyfaf*/llrk Cog.and Cx trikw&-hynchus Giles:similarities and

differencesin bionomicsanddiseaserelationships. Proc. Calif. Mosq.VectorControl
Assoc.49: lo- 14. Referencesthe report of collectionof & irh’&wWhynchu~
summumsus onGuamin 1972, p. 10.
36 .

Reiter, P. and RF. Darsie,Jr. 1984. A,&z$u&q&Y~ in Memphis,Tennessee (USA): an

achievement of moderntransportation? Mosq.News44( 3): 396-399. Includesthe
Marianaislandsin the list of areasin whichA$ a/&@?‘~ hasbecome established,p.

Reuben,R. andS.G.Suguna.1983, Morphological differencesbetweensibling species of the

taxonAffophe/@subp~kfus Grassiin India,with noteson relationshipswith knownforms.
Mosq.Syst. 1S(2): 1 17- 126. Refersto specimens of this speciescollectedonGuam,p.

Rosen,L.L. 1953. Mosquitovectorsof humanfilariasis in Oceania,p, 9- 14. In.. Proc.S. Pac.

Comm.Conference onFilariasisandElephantiasis, 2 1 Aug.-1 Sep.195 1, Papeete,Tahiti.
Notesthere is practicallynoinformationonthemosquito vectorsof WUC~~%Y%~&YXYIY?~
in Micronesiaandlists membersof the scufe&W groupof genus#&&s, includingA&
gummsb in the Marianas,whichcouldbesuitablehostsfor filariasis, p. 11,

Sabin,A.B. 1964. Dengue.Part II. Researchactivities,p. 40-62. /In..3.8. Coates,Jr., EC.

Hoff,andP.M. Hoff,editors.Preventivemedicinein WorldWar II.Vol.VII. Communicable
diseaes:Arthropodborne diseasesother than malaria. Office of the SurgeonGeneral,
Dept.of the Army, Washington,DC. Statesthat neutralizationtestson sera from indi-
vidualswhohaddengue fever onGuamin 1944-45, indicated that anothertype or types
of dengueotherthanthe Hawaiitypeof virus were probablymoreprevalentthere, p. 59.

Safford,W.E. 19 12. Guam,Anaccountof its discoveryandreduction,physicalgeography and

naturalhistory,andthesocialandeconomic conditionsonthe islandduringthe first year
of the Americanoccupation. Reprint of a lecture deliveredbefore the District of
ColumbiaSocietyof the Sonsof theAmericanRevolutionat Washington, DC., April 19,
19 1 1, 32 pp. Mentionsthe useof a “smudge”
to drive mosquitoesoutof the houseprior
to retiring for thenight,p, 26.

Schreiner, I. and0. Nafus. 1986. Accidentalintroductions

of insectpeststo Guam,1945-
1985. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol.Sot. 27: 45-52. Referencesthe confirmationby R.A.
Ward ( 1984) of the establishment
on Guamof at least 14 speciesof mosquitoes
1945, p, 45,49,50.

Self, L.S.andA. Smith. 1983. Preventivemeasuresagainstimportingmalaria vectors into

Pacific islands(Abstract). Programme,abstractsand congressinformation,Pac. Sci.
Assoc.,15th Congr. Univ. Otago,Dunedin,NewZealand(Feb. 1- 1 1, 1983). 2 ~01s. 2:
209. References therecenthistoryof Amphekwspeciesbecoming establishedonGuam.

Self, LS. andA, Smith. 1984. Preventivemeasuresagainstimportingmalariavectorsinto

Pacificislands,p. 163- 175. /n.*M. Laird, editor. Commerce andthe spreadof pestsand
diseasevectors. PraegerScientific,NewYork. 354 p. Refersto the post-worldWar II
andestablishment of severalanopheline specieson Guam,p. 163; discusses
mosquitosurveillanceat GuamInternationalAirport, andmalariaonGuam,p. 169-170.
Flosquito Systematics Vol. 21(l) 1989 37

Smith, A. andI.D. Carter. 1983. Internationaltransportationof mosquitoes

of public health
importance (Abstract). Programme,abstractsandcongress information,Pac.Sci.Assoc.,
15th Congr.Univ. Otago,Dunedin,New Zealand( Feb. 1- 1 1I 1983). 2 ~01s.2: 220.
References the autochthonouscasesof malaria whichoccurredon Guamin 1966 andin
1969, andthesuspected vector,

Smith,A. andI.D. Carter. 1984, internationaltransportationof mosquitoes

of public health
importance,p. 1-2 1. I”- M. Laird, editor. Commerce andthe spreadof pestsanddisease
vectors.Prwr Scientific, NewYork. 354 pp. Comments onthe outbreaksof dengue
fever andmalariaon Guam,p. 3; considersthe possibleintroduction of A&!salbqotc&
intoGuamaboardinsufficientlydisinsected aircraft, p, 5; notesthe numberof mosquito
ontoGuamthroughinternationaltransportation,p. 18.

Steffan,W.A., N.L. Evenhuis,andD.L. Manning. 1980. Annotatedbibliographyof ruxof&~-

c&&zs(Diptera: Culicidae).J. Med.Entomol.Suppl.3: 1- 140. Includesreferencesto
the two ~~~f&.z+c~i& specieswhichwere introduced ontoGuamin 1954, p. 13, 44,
68, 134.

Stone,A. 196 1. A synopticcatalogof the mosquitoes of the world. Supplement1 (Diptera:

Culicidae). Proc. Entomol.Sot. Wash. 63( 1): 29-52. Deletes“? Mariana Islands
(Guam)”from the distributionof ~I$z’I?~&?.s (rn;oier~~~~~purpureruS, p. 32; also
deletesthe Uranotspnr&~&~~& collectionrecordfromGuam,p. 36.

Stone,A. 1967. A synopticcatalogof the mosquitoes of the world. Supplement

Culicidae). Proc. Entomol.Sot. Wash.69(3): 197-224. Describestaxonomic changes
for Ano@e/&?s (&//I&) rIz&fih/tusin the Marianaislands,p, 200.

Stone,A, 1970, A synopticcatalogof the mosquitoesof the world, SupplementIV (Diptera:

Culicidae).Proc.Entomol.Sot.Wash.72( 2): 137- 17 1. References
,4&&&&/Byi Stone,
asbeingendemicto Guam,p. 15 1.

Suzuki,T. andJ.H. Hirshman. 1977. Distributionanddensityof A& wpi in the South

Pacific. N.Z. Med.J. 85(587): 374-380. Surveysof A& wpti were madeon 26
islandscovering10 countriesor territories in the southandcentral Pacific. Guamis
includedin the study,p. 374, 375, 378. [A review of this article wasprintedin Trop.
Dis.Bull. 74( 1 1): 1061. 19771.

0. 1967. Medicalentomology.NavalMed.School,Natl. NavalMed.Center,Bethesda,
Maryland. 395 p, IncludesA& guamemk from the Marianaislandsin the list of aedine
p. 181.

Tanaka,K., K. Mizusawa,andE.S.Saugstad.1979. A revisionof theadultandlarval mosquitoes

of Japan (including the RyukyuArchipelagoand the Ogasawaraislands) and Korea
(Diptera: Culicidae). Contr.Am. Entomol.Inst. (Ann Arbor) 16:1-987. Includesthe
Marianaislands(Guam)in thedistributionfor Aaksalbup~iYu~ p. 383.

Thompson,L. 1942. Guamandits people:a studyof culture changeandcolonialeducation.

Am.Council,Inst. Pac.Relations,Stud. Pac.,No.8. 308 p. Notesthat malariais absent
on Guam,p.16 1; includescasedatafor malaria anddenguefever on Guamin the table:
Communicable Diseases
RecordedonGuam,1933- 1937, p. 298-299. Thetotalsfor the
periodof recordwerezerocasesof malariaand17 c8sesof denguefever.

U.S.Departmentof Agriculture. 1967. Insectsnot knownto occurin the UnitedStates. A

mosquito( L~~TwW’?&~~U,S Giles). U.S. Dep. Agric. Coop.Econ.Inst. Rept.
17( 42): 95 l-952. Providesa descriptionandillustrationsof this specieswith noteson
its distribution,includingGuam.

US. Navy. 1944. Guideto the westernPacific. For the useof the Army, Navy, andMarine
Corpsof the UnitedStatesof America. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bull. No. 126-44. 124 p.
Notesthat filariasis and denguefever occurthroughoutthe Mariana islands,but that
malaria is rare, p. 67; alsostates“Mosquitoesare foundeverywhere,andalthoughthe
malaria-bearingmosquitohas not yet beenintroducedinto the islands,the bearer of
denguefever andthe nocturnalmosquito are bothpresent,‘I p. 67.

Utinomi,H. (Uchinomi,F.), compiler. 1944. BibliographiaMicronesica: ScientiaeNaturalis

et Cultus.Tokyo.Compiled by H. Utinomi,editedandrevisedby O.A.Bushnellandprinted
as “Bibliographyof Micronesia”
by the Univ.HawaiiPress,Honolulu,in 1952. xiv + 157
p. IncludesMarianaislandreferencesin the followingsections:
Zoology:Insects,p. 43-
45, andMedicine,p_80- 89.

Ward, R.A. 1983. Mosquitofaunaof Guam:c8sehistory of an introduced fauna(Abstract).

Programme,abstr8ctsandcongress information,Pac.Sci.Assoc.,15th Congress.Unfv.
Otago,Dunedin,NewZealand(Feb. l- 1 1, 1983). 2 ~01s. 2: 249. While analyzingthe
35 speciesof mosquitoes that hadbeenreportedin the literature 8s occurringon the
islandof Guam,the authorpointsout that only 24 are valid speciesrecords:six species
are restrictedto the island,with theremaining18 havingbeenintroduced sincethe United
Statesacquiredthe islandin 1898.

Ward, R.A. 1984. Mosquito faunaof Guam:casehistoryof an introduced fauna,pp. 143- 162.
/n.. M. L8ird, editor. Commerce 8ndthe spreadof pests8nddiseasevectors. Pr8eger
Scientific, NewYork. 354 p. Analyzesthe 41 speciesandsubspecies of mosquitoes
portedin the literature 8s h8vingbeenfoundon Guamwith emphasison their periodof
introduction, validityof occurrence onthe island,8ndtheir medic81
species8re considered to bevalid records:sevenare endemicin the Marian archipelago;
17 comprisean introduced fauna;andthe remaining17 are deletedfrom the list because
theirpresence cannotbeconfirmed.

Ward, R.A.,8ndB. Jordan. 1979. Amphe/& barhhstrjs - confirmationof introduction on

islandof Guam. Mosq.News39(4): 802-803. Pointsout that collections of the larval
form of An. barbhzst’f~s madein 1976 confirm the publishedreport in 1975 of the
introductionof this mosquito
Mosquito Systematics Vol. 21(l) 1989 39

Woodhill,A.R. 1949. A noteon experimentalcrossingof &t&s f’,%my&) ,x&I+&%

5&?&&1~ Walker andA&i& (3%5tmyf8)w~eI?w~~ k8fi$tWww3 Woodhill(Diptera,
Culicidae). Proc. Linn. Sot. N.S.W. 74: 224-226. LocatesA&%F_~@?~?S in the
Mariana islands(SaipanandGuam)in the distributionof ,&Yxwfel?wr3 Walker and
closelyrelatedspecies,Text-fig. 1, p. 224.

World HealthOrganization.197 1. Vectorquarantinein air transport. WHOChron.25(S):

236- 239. Referencesthefive newspeciesof mosquitoeswhichwererecentlyintroduced
ontoGuamandare potentialvectorsof dengue fever, Japanese
encephalitis,andfi lariasis
onthe island,p. 236.

WorldHealthOrganization.1975. Dengue feversurveillancein somecountriesof Asiaandthe

south-westPacific.W.H.O.,Wkly. Epidemiol.Rec. 50: 269-272. Notesthat while Guam
hadbeenreportedfree of A&!s &qpfi sincethe late 194Os,oneadultandtwo larval
formswere foundduringa survey in 197 1, andthat & swfe//8rk andA& 8kqm2fu.s
werealsoidentifiedonthe island,p. 27 1.

WorldHealthOrganization.1976. Vaccinationcertificaterequirements
for internationaltravel
(Situationas on 1 January 1976). W.H.O.,Geneva.53 p. ListsGuamon p. 19 with its
immunizationrequirementfor yellow fever beingthe sameas that for the U.S.A. Also:
World Health Organization.1978. Sametitle and paginationfor “Situationas on 1
January 1978.” ListsGuamon p. 19 with the yellow fever immunizationrequirement
beingthesameasthatfor the U.S.A.

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