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Building Solid Foundation

by strengthening leadership position, accelerating
new footprints growth and pursuing
multiple value through strategic investment

Telin secara konsisten memfokuskan bisnis pada pasar yang memberikan

kontribusi pertumbuhan yang tinggi bagi Perusahaan. Selama tahun
2015, Telin terus mencari peluang-peluang bisnis global baru di dalam
portofolio TIMES dengan melanjutkan inisiatif yang telah dilakukan di
tahun sebelumnya. Setelah berhasil mewujudkan fondasi yang kokoh
melalui sebaran footprints di tingkat internasional, pada tahun 2015,
Telin memperkuat leadership position-nya serta strategic investment
untuk mengelola perusahaan dengan sebaik-baiknya demi memenuhi
ekspektasi Pemangku Kepentingan kami.

Menangkap peluang di masa yang akan datang, Telin akan fokus pada
inisiasi bisnis baru dan melakukan assessment potensi baru di kawasan
regional sehingga dapat mendorong pertumbuhan Perusahaan tidak
hanya melalui aktivitas core business tapi juga melalui kegiatan investasi.
Keberhasilan dalam menerapkan strategi tersebut menghasilkan
portfolio bisnis Telin yang lebih kuat serta kontribusi yang signifikan
bagi ekspansi internasional Telkom Group.

Telin consistently focuses its business on the market which contributes a high growth
to the Company. Throughout 2015, Telin continues to seek the new global business
opportunities in the TIMES portfolio by continuing initiatives that have been carried out in
previous years. After successfully building a solid foundation through various footprints
worldwide, in 2015, Telin strengthens the leadership aspects and strategic investment to
manage the company as good as possible in order to meet our stakeholders’ expectations.

Seizing opportunities in the future, Telin will focus on the new business initiation and conducts
the assessment of new potentials in the regional areas so as to encourage the growth of
Company not only through core business activities but also through investment activities.
Successfully implementing this strategy generates the Telin’s stronger business portfolio and
provides significant contribution to the international expansion of Telkom Group.

ii Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 01
Daftar Isi

Tema dan Penjelasan ii

Themes and Explanations
Kesinambungan Tema Laporan Tahunan 6
Annual Report Theme Continuity
Ringkasan Kinerja 2015 8
Performance Summary 2015
Ikhtisar Keuangan 10
Financial Highlights

Laporan Dewan Komisaris 18
Report from Board of Commissioners
Profil Dewan Komisaris 25
Board Of Commissioners Profile
Laporan Direktur Utama 30
Report from President Director
Profil Direksi 43
Board of Directors Profile
Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab atas
Laporan Tahunan 2015
Statement of Responsibility for 48
Annual Financial Report 2015

Identitas Perusahaan 52
Company Identity
Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan 54
A Brief History of The Company
Bidang Usaha 58
Business Lines
Struktur Organisasi 68
Organizational structure
Profil Pejabat
Profile of Committes Under Board of Directors 70
Visi misi, strategi nilai,
dan Budaya Perusahaan 82
Vision, mission, Value strategy, and Corporate

02 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Jejak langkah 92
Kepemilikan Saham anak Perusahaan dan
Perusahaan Afiliasi 96
Shareholding of Subsidiaries and Affiliates
Struktur dan Kepemilikan saham 113
Structure and Shareholding
Nama dan alamat
Lembaga Penunjang Perusahaan 120
Names and Address of Supporting
Organizational Companies
Wilayah Operasi 122
Operational Areas
Peristiwa Penting 124
Highlight Events
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 138
Awards and Certifications


Kebijakan Pengelolaan SDM 142
HR Management Policy
Kinerja SDM 146
HR Performance
Pengembangan dan Pelatihan SDM 148
HR Training and Development
Penghargaan Karyawan 155
Employee Rewards
Program Kerja SDM 157
HR Work Program
Program HC tahun 2016 160
HC Program 2016

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 03


Tinjauan Operasional 164

Operational Review
Layanan Suara 167
Voice service
Layanan Data 168
Data service
Jasa Pelayanan Telekomunikasi
Internasional 169
International Telecommunication Services
Kinerja Operasional Per Segmen Pelanggan
Operational Performance Per Customer 173
Strategi Pemasaran 178
Marketing strategy
Pengembangan Usaha dan Infrastruktur Likuiditas
180 213
Business and Infrastructure Development Liquidity
Tinjauan Keuangan Kemampuan Membayar Utang
186 214
Financial Review Ability To Pay Debt
Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian Informasi dan Fakta Material Yang Terjadi
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan 226
Material Information and Facts Subsequent to
Aset 189 Date of Accountant Report
Prospek Usaha Telin 2015
Liabilitas 227
194 Telin Business Prospects 2015
Kebijakan Dividen
Ekuitas 229
198 Dividend Policy
Perubahan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Pendapatan Usaha 236
204 Changes in Laws and Regulations
Operating Income
Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi
Rasio Kinerja Keuangan 236
212 Changes in Accounting Policy
Financial Performance Ratios
Kelangsungan Usaha 240
Business sustainability



Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik 244

Good Corporate Governance
Pernyataan dan Komitmen GCG 245
Statement and Commitment of GCG
Roadmap GCG 248
Roadmap of GCG
Tujuan Penerapan GCG 249
Objectives of GCG Implementation
Kerangka Kerja GCG 251
Framework of GCG
Aktivitas GCG Telin Tahun 2015 256
Telin GCG Activity 2015

04 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Workshop dan Sosialisasi GCG 261
Workshop and Socialization on GCG
Informasi Kepada Pemegang saham 266
Information to the Shareholders
Dewan Komisaris 267
Board of Commissioners
Direksi 272
Board of Directors
Penilaian Kinerja Dewan Komisaris
dan Direksi 278
Assesment of The Performance of The Board
of Commissioners and Board of Directors
Kebijakan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris
dan Direksi 282
Remuneration Policy for Board of
Commissioners and Board of directors
Frekuensi dan Tingkat Kehadiran Rapat
Gabungan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi,
dan rapat direksi 284
Frequency and Attendance for joint meeting
of Board of Commissioners and Board of
Directors, and board of directors meeting
Informasi Pemegang Saham Utama 286 Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan terhadap
Information on Major Shareholders
Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Pengungkapan Hubungan afiliasi direksi, 350
Corporate Responsibility for the Community
dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang saham Fostering and Development
Utama dan/ atau Pengendali 287 Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan Terhadap
Disclosure of Affiliate Relations of Board
of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Lingkungan 354
Controlling and/or Majority Shareholders Corporate Responsibility for Environment
Sekretaris Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan Terhadap
291 Karyawan 355
Company Secretary
Corporate Responsibility for Employees
Internal Audit 304 Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan Terhadap
Internal Audit
Produk dan Pelanggan 358
Auditor Independen Responsibility for Products and Customers
Independent auditor
Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan
Sistem Pengendalian 367
Customer satisfaction Index
Internal (SPI) 314
Internal Control System (SPI)
Perkara Penting yang Dihadapi Perusahaan 318
Some critical cases faced by the Company
Akses Informasi 318
Information Access
Manajemen RIsIko 320
Risk Management
Etika Bisnis 334
Business Ethics
Pemberian Dana untuk Kegiatan
Sosial dan Politik 339
Fund Provision for Social and Politics Activities
Whistleblowing System 340
Whistleblowing System
Kebijakan Mengenai Keberagaman
Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 346
Board of Commissioners and Board of
Directors Composition Diversity Policy

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 05

Tema Laporan Tahunan


Sebagai perpanjangan tangan induk Perusahaan (Telkom), di tahun 2013
Telin konsisten berinovasi dan mengembangkan produk-produk baru dan
melakukan International Expansion. Langkah-langkah tersebut dilakukan
melalui penambahan portofolio iMaC (IPX, Media Content Hub dan CDN) dan
Telepresence, pengembangan footprint; serta penguatan core business Telin
(layanan suara dan data). Kesemuanya merupakan rangkaian upaya yang
dilakukan Telin guna mempersiapkan diri sebagai emperor di dunia bisnis
telekomunikasi internasional.

As the extension of its parent company (Telkom), in 2013 Telin consistently

innovated and developed new products and performed International Expansion.
These steps have been taken by increasing additional portfolio/products of
iMaC (consists of IPX, Media Content Hub and CDN) and Telepresence products
portfolio, footprints development, as well as Telin core business strengthening
(voice and data service). Those are series of Telin’s initatives to prepare itself as
the Emperor in global telecommunication business industry.


Langkah untuk mendominasi industri telekomunikasi global semakin mantap
setelah Telin berhasil membangun dasar-dasar yang kuat pada tahun 2014.
Untuk segera mewujudkan visi untuk menjadi penghubung layanan TIMES
tingkat dunia, Telin mempercepat implementasi inisiatif strategis Perusahaan
dalam tiga aspek utama yaitu infrastruktur, footprints dan bisnis.

Our journey to win global telecommunication industry is getting closer after Telin
succeeded in building strong foundations in 2014. To soon achieve our vision to
be a hub of global TIMES services, Telin accelerates the implementation of the
Company’s strategic initiatives in three main aspects: infrastructure, footprints
and business.

06 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report


Setelah berhasil mewujudkan fondasi yang kokoh melalui

sebaran footprints di tingkat internasional, Telin juga
memperkuat aspek leadership position untuk mengelola
perusahaan dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk memenuhi
ekspektasi Pemangku Kepentingan kami. Menangkap peluang
di masa yang akan datang, Telin akan fokus pada inisiasi bisnis
baru dan melakukan assessment potensi baru di kawasan
regional sehingga dapat mendorong pertumbuhan serta terus
fokus untuk menghasilkan portfolio bisnis Telin yang lebih kuat
serta kontribusi yang signifikan bagi ekspansi internasional
Telkom Group.

After successfully building a solid foundation through various

footprints worldwide, Telin also strengthens the leadership
aspects to manage the company as good as possible in order
to meet our stakeholders’ expectations. Seizing opportunities
in the future, Telin will focus on the new business initiation
and conducts the assessment of new potentials in the regional
areas so as to encourage the growth and constantly focuses on
producing the Telin’s stronger business portfolio and provides
significant contribution to the international expansion of
Telkom Group.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 07

Ringkasan Kinerja 2015

Saat ini Telin memiliki 10 footprints yang tersebar di

beberapa negara yaitu: Singapura, Hong Kong, Timor
Leste, Australia, Malaysia, Macau, Taiwan, Amerika
Serikat, Myanmar, dan Kerajaan Saudi Arabia.

Telin currently has 10 footprints across some countries:

Singapore, Hong Kong, East Timor, Australia, Malaysia, Macau,
Taiwan, United States, Myanmar, and kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Pendapatan Usaha Pendapatan usaha

Net Revenues mencapai Rp3.236,4 miliar,
(Rp miliar)
(Rp billion) 3.236,4
tumbuh sebesar Rp726,1
miliar atau 28,9%
Operating income was recorded at
Rp3,236.4 billions, growing Rp 726.1
billions, or 28.9%

2014 2015
08 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report
Best Performance Management
st dan Top 10 Companies
Indonesia pada ajang Indonesia
Human Capital Award 2015
Best Performance Management
and Top 10 Companies Indonesia in
Indonesian Human Capital Award
2015 event

Volume penjualan layanan data

mencapai 1.039.404 Mbps pada tahun
2015, atau naik 87,4% dibandingkan

tahun 2014.
The sales volume of data services
reached 1,039,404 Mbps in 2015, or
increased 87.4% compared in 2014.

Laba Komprehensif tumbuh 83,6% pada

tahun 2015 yaitu Rp306.4 miliar.

Comprehensive profits grew at 83.6% in
2015 or Rp306.4 billions.

Produktivitas karyawan mencapai Rp8,1

miliar pada tahun 2015.

Productivity of employees reached Rp8.1
billions in 2015. miliar

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 09

Ikhtisar Keuangan

Pendapatan Usaha Laba Usaha

Net Revenues Operating Income
(Rp miliar) (Rp miliar)
(Rp billion) 3.236,4 (Rp billion)



2014 2015 2014 2015

Rasio Lancar Rasio Pinjaman

Current Ratio Debt Ratio

168,0% 15,2

162,3% 14,2

2014 2015 2014 2015

Tingkat Pengembalian Aset Tingkat Pengembalian Modal

Return on Assets Return on Equity



2014 2015 2014 2015

10 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report


KINERJA KEUANGAN 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 PERFORMANCE

Laporan Posisi Keuangan Statement of Financial

(Dalam Rp juta) Position (In Rp million)

Aset tidak lancar 3.182.941 2.587.796 2.199.180 1.498.140 1.070.629 Non-current assets

Aset lancar 2.421.041 1.960.894 1.604.782 941.630 1.208,282 Current assets

Jumlah aset 2.439.770 2.278.911 Total assets

5.603,982 4.548.690 3.803.962

Jumlah ekuitas 3.260.100 2.716.417 2.217.684 1.709.511 1.696.669 Total equity

Liabilitas jangka panjang 851.890 664.985 455.235 108.772 133.648 Non-current liabilities

Liabilitas jangka pendek 1,491.992 1.167.288 1.131.043 621.487 448.594 Current liabilities

Jumlah liabilitas 2.343.882 1.832.273 1.586.278 730.259 582.242 Total liabilities

Jumlah liabilitas dan Total liabilities and

2.439.770 2.278.911
ekuitas 5.603.982 4.548.690 3,803.962 equity

Modal kerja bersih 929.049 793.606 473.739 320,143 759.688 Net working capital

Investasi pada entitas Investments in

pengendali bersama 5.544 5.473 17.864 97.179 99.852 associates and jointly
entitas controlled entity

Grafik Pertumbuhan Aset, Liabilitas dan Ekuitas

Charts for Growth of assets, liabilities and equity

Aset Ekuitas Liabilitas Jangka Panjang Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Liabilitas Modal Kerja Bersih
Asset Equity Long-Term Liabilities Short-Term Liabilities Liabilities Net Working Capital















2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 11


2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

(Dalam Rp juta) (in Rp million)

Statement of
Laporan laba rugi

3.236.415 2.510.303 2.068.711 1.533.287 1.285.828 Net revenues
pendapatan usaha

Beban usaha 2.852.858 2.173.662 1.581.665 1.271.327 837.190

Jumlah laba usaha 383.557 336.641 487.046 261.960 448.638 Operating profit

Pendapatan Profit before

(15.508) (29.058) 62.394 6.544 1.812
(Beban) lain-lain income tax

Laba sebelum Profit before

368.049 307.583 549.440 268.504 450.450
pajak penghasilan income tax

Laba tahun
179.871 143.176 388.054 192.998 343.565 Profit for the year

Laba tahun
Profit for the year
yang dapat
attributable to:

Pemilik Entitas Owners of the

181.957 140.370 388.054 192.998 343.565
Induk Parent Entity

Kepentingan Non-controlling
(2.086) 2.806 - - -
nonpengendali interest

Laba tahun
179.871 143.176 388.054 192.998 343.565 Profit for the year

Laba komprehensif
tahun berjalan Comprehensive
yang dapat income for the year
diatribusikan attributable to:

Pemilik Entitas Owners of the

308.493 163.830 516.231 218.980 253.749
Induk Parent Entity

Kepentingan Non-controlling
(2.086) 3.051 - - -
nonpengendali interest

Laba komprehensif Comprehensive

306.407 166.881 516.231 218.980 253.749
tahun berjalan income for the year

12 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Grafik Pertumbuhan Laba
Profit Growth Chart

Pendapatan Usaha Laba Usaha Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan Laba tahun berjalan
Operating revenues Operating profit Profit before income tax Current year profit










2011 2012 2013 2014 2015



2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Rasio likuiditas Liquidity Ratio

Rasio kas 89,8% 94,8% 82,2% 102,6% 140,0% Cash Ratio

Rasio cepat 162,3% 168,0% 141,9% 151,5% 269,3% Quick Ratio

Rasio lancar 162,3% 168,0% 141,9% 151,5% 269,4% Current Ratio

Rasio profitabilitas Profitability Ratio

Margin operasi 11,9% 13,4% 23,5% 17,1% 35,0% Operating Margin

Margin laba bersih 5,6% 5,7% 18,8% 12,6% 26,7% Net Income Margin

Margin EBITDA 22,1% 24,2% 27,9% 21,8% 39,3% EBITDA Margin

EBITDA/Beban EBITDA/Interest
1316,7% 1999,7% 4127,6% 3613,2% 4540,3%
bunga Expense

bunga+pokok 86,3% 84,1% 133,8% 258,9% 339,8%

Tingkat Return on
3,2% 3,1% 10,2% 7,9% 15,1%
pengembalian aset Investment

pengembalian 5,5% 5,3% 17,5% 11,3% 20,3% Return on Equity

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 13


2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Return on
pengembalian 3244,6% 2616,0% 2172,3% 198,6% 344,1%

Rasio solvabilitas Solvability Ratio

Rasio pinjaman 14,2% 15,2% 11,0% 4,9% 25,6% Debt Ratio

Rasio pinjaman Debt to Equity

24,5% 25,4% 18,8% 7,0% 9,4%
terhadap modal Ratio

Rasio aktivitas Activity Ratio

Periode penagihan
69,3 87,2 72,0 95,9 76,3 Collectibility Ratio

Perputaran aset 57,8% 55,2% 54,4% 62,8% 56,4% Asset Turnover

Rasio modal Equity to Assets

58,2% 59,7% 58,3% 70,1% 74,5%
terhadap aset Ratio

Grafik Pertumbuhan Rasio

Ratio Growth Chart

Rasio Lancar Tingkat pengembalian aset Tingkat pengembalian modal Rasio pinjaman
Current ratio The return on assets The return on capital The ratio of loans










2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

14 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Telin’s Global Submarine Cable System

Mermaris Hermosa Beach,
(Turkey) California
(United States).

San Luis Obispo,

Chikura California
Catania (Japan) (United States)
(Italy) Kalba
Abu Talat Qalhad (UAE) Karachi
(Egypt) (Oman) (Pakistan) Shantou
Zafarana (China)
(Egypt) Kuakata South Lantau
(Bangladesh) (Hong Kong)
(Saudi Arabia)
Pathein Makaha, Hawaii
(Myanmar) La Union (United States)
Matara (Philippines)
(Srilanka) Sri Racha Piti (Guam)
Djibouti City Keawaula, Hawaii
(Djibouti) (United States)
Tungku Tanguisson Point
Mersing (Brunei) (Guam)
Medan Singapore Kauditan, Manado
(Indonesia) Melacca
Batam(Malaysia) (Indonesia)


Batam Singapore Cable System (BSCS) : 73 km

Dumai Melacca Cable System (DMCS) : 200 km
Asia America Gateway (AAG) : 20.000 km
Southeast Asia Japan Cable (SJC) : 8.900 km
Southeast Asia Middle East Western Europe (SEA-ME-WE5) : 20.000 km
Southeast Asia United States (SEA-US) : 15.000 km
Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG) : Under Development

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 15 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 15
Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Kinerja keuangan Telin tahun 2015 menunjukkan pencapaian

target dan hasil yang baik, terutama apabila dibandingkan dengan
pencapaian hasil tahun buku sebelumnya. Terdapat perbaikan
kuantitas maupun kualitas pada pos-pos dan rasio keuangan,
yang besarannya tercermin pada pencapaian membukukan laba
komprehensif tahun berjalan tahun 2015 sebesar Rp306,4 miliar,
lebih tinggi Rp139,5 miliar atau 83,6% dibandingkan tahun 2014
sebesar Rp166,9 miliar.

In 2015, Financial Performance booked by Telin indicated target

achievement and positive results, primarily if compared with achievement in
the preceding year. There are quantity and quality improvements in financial
accounts and ratio with amounts reflected on comprehensive income for
the year achievement amounted Rp306.4 billion, or Rp139.5 billion or 83.6%
higher from Rp166.9 billion booked in 2014.

1 Manajemen

16 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 17

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Laporan Dewan Komisaris


18 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Telin membukukan laba komprehensif tahun

berjalan tahun 2015 sebesar Rp306,4 miliar,
lebih tinggi Rp139,5 miliar atau tumbuh 83,6%
dibandingkan tahun 2014 sebesar Rp166,9 miliar.
Telin booked comprehensive income for the year amounted
Rp306.4 billion in 2015, Ro139.5 billion higher or increased
83.6% from Rp166.9 billion achieved in 2014.

Pemegang Saham Yang Terhormat, Dear Shareholders,

Merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bagi kami It is a pride for us to report on the performance
untuk melaporkan pencapaian kinerja Telin yang kembali achievement of TELIN which recorded a new record in
mencatat kinerja yang membanggakan pada tahun 2015. A number of factors have contributed significantly
2015. Sejumlah faktor telah memberikan kontribusi to such performance achievements, but the most
penting bagi prestasi yang telah dicapai, tetapi yang important one is the consistency of the management in
paling penting adalah konsistensi manajemen dalam applying the right strategies on an ongoing basis.
menerapkan strategi yang tepat secara berkelanjutan.

Tugas pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat dilakukan Supervisory and advisory tasks are performed by the
oleh Dewan Komisaris demi kepentingan Perusahaan Board of Commissioners for the interest of the Company
dan untuk memastikan bahwa pelaksanaan tugas Direksi and to ensure that the the duties of Directors have been
telah sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan executed in accordance with the aims and goals of the
serta memastikan bahwa Perusahaan dikelola untuk Company and to ensure that the Company is managed
menjaga kepentingan pemegang saham dan para to safeguard the interests of shareholders and other
Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya. stakeholders.

Perekonomian domestik sepanjang tahun 2015 cukup The domestic economy is quite favorable throughout
kondusif, dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi mencapai 2015, economic growth reached 4.7% and the reference
4,9% dan tingkat bunga rujukan BI stabil dikisaran interest rate of BI was stable in the range of 6.5%.
6,5%. kurs rupiah tercatat membaik hingga akhir Rupiah exchange rate was recorded to increase until
tahun dan cadangan devisa juga meningkat. Beberapa the end of the year and foreign reserves also increased
pakar perekonomian meyakini bahwa perekonomian accordingly. Some economic experts believe that the
nasional mulai memasuki tahap yang membaik hingga national economy began to mprove until a few years,

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 19

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

beberapa tahun mendatang, terutama ditunjang juga it was also mainly supported by the serious efforts of
oleh kesungguhan pemerintah dalam menggenjot the government to boost infrastructure development.
pembangunan infrastruktur. Tentu hal ini berdampak Of course it has a positive impact on the businesses
positif bagi perkembangan dunia usaha, termasuk development, including telecommunication industry
industri telekomunikasi tak terkecuali Telin. and TELIN.

Penilaian atas Kinerja 2015 Assessment of Performance in 2015

Kinerja keuangan Telin tahun 2015 menunjukkan TELIN’s financial performance in 2015 showed
pencapaian target dan hasil yang baik, terutama the achievement of targets and the good results,
apabila dibandingkan dengan pencapaian hasil tahun especially when it is compared with the results of the
buku sebelumnya. Pencapaian ini tercermin pada previous financial year. This achievement is reflected
dibukukannya laba komprehensif tahun berjalan tahun in comprehensive profit booked for the year 2015
2015 sebesar Rp306,4 miliar, lebih tinggi Rp139,5 miliar amounted to Rp306,4 billion, or Rp139,5 billion higher or
atau tumbuh 83,6% dibandingkan tahun 2014 sebesar increased 83.6% from Rp166,9 billion in 2014. In addition,
Rp166,9 miliar. Selain itu, total aset yang dikelola Telin the total assets managed by Telin until the end of 2015
sampai dengan akhir tahun 2015 sebesar Rp5.603,9 amounted to Rp5.603,9 billion, or grow 23.2% from
miliar atau tumbuh sebesar 23,2% dibandingkan tahun Rp4.548,7 in 2014.
2014 yaitu sebesar Rp4.548,7.

Kinerja keuangan Telin tahun 2015 menunjukkan pencapaian

target dan hasil yang baik, terutama apabila dibandingkan
dengan pencapaian hasil tahun buku sebelumnya.
In 2015, Financial Performance booked by Telin indicating target
achievement and positive result, primarily if compared with
achievement in preceding fiscal year.

Kami menilai Perseroan telah mampu mempertahankan We notice that the Company has been able to maintain
kinerja melalui inisiatif strategis dengan menjalankan the performance through strategic initiatives by
program pengembangan bisnis penyediaan layanan running a business development program providing
telekomunikasi dan strategic investment melalui telecommunications services and strategic investment by
peningkatan kapasitas infrastruktur yang sudah ada increasing the capacity of existing infrastructure, they are,
antara lain South East Asia Japan Cable System (SJC), South East Asia Japan Cable System (SJC), Asia - America
Asia – America Gateway (AAG) serta infrastruktur CDN Gateway (AAG), and CDN infrastructure and IPX devices in
dan perangkat IPX di Malaysia dan Amerika Serikat. Malaysia and the United States. Board of commissioners
Dewan Komisaris menilai langkah tersebut berkontribusi argue that these steps contribute positively to the
positif untuk meningkatkan kapasitas jaringan yang ada. increased capacity of the existing network.

Telin juga telah mampu mempertahankan kinerja TELIN is also able to maintain financial performance
keuangan yang ditunjukkan dengan pencapaian laba demonstrated by the profit achievement for the year
tahun berjalan sebesar Rp179,9 miliar. Pencapaian kinerja amounted to Rp179,9 billion. The achievement of

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keuangan ini diupayakan melalui pengendalian biaya Financial performance was done through cost control
dengan program efisiensi dan sinergi yang dijalankan with efficiency and synergy program which is run
dengan sungguh-sungguh. seriously.

Kami juga menilai banyak kemajuan yang dicapai We also notice that significant progress is achieved
Perseroan dalam merealisasikan pembangunan proyek- by the company in realizing the Company’s strategic
proyek strategisnya yakni pembangunan kabel bawah development projects namely the construction of
laut SEA-ME-WE5, pembangunan kabel bawah laut SEA submarine cable SEA-ME-WE5, the construction of
US, Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG). Inisiatif tersebut submarine cable SEA US, Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG).
sejalan dengan rencana pengembangan usaha Telin The initiative is in line with Telin business development
sebagai pemegang mandat internasional ekspansi plan as the mandate holder of Telkom international
Telkom. expansion.

Di sisi lain, Dewan Komisaris juga mempertimbangkan On the other hand, the Board of commissioners is
munculnya peluang dari perbaikan kondisi also considering the opportunities from the improved
perekonomian, sehingga Dewan Komisaris economic condition, so the Board of Commissioners
mengamanatkan direksi untuk memastikan mandated the board of directors to ensure the on-time
penyelesaian proyek proyek yang ditangani Telin completion of projects handled by Telin.
dengan tepat waktu.

Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance

Telin berkomitmen untuk Telin is committed to
menetapkan prinsip Good implementing the
Corporate Governance principles of Good
(GCG) sebagai dasar Corporate Governance
pembuatan kebijakan (GCG) as the basis for
dan pelaksanaan policy making and
kegiatan operasional the implementation
Perusahaan, hal of corporate
ini merupakan operational activities,
p e r w u j u d a n it is a manifestation
kepatuhan dan of obedience and
ketaatan terhadap adherence to the
ketentuan dan peraturan applicable laws and
perundang- undangan yang regulations.

Seiring dengan hal tersebut, Dewan Along with this, the Board of
komisaris senantiasa memastikan bahwa Commissioners always ensure that the quality
kualitas Tata Kelola Perusahaan tetap dipertahankan of corporate governance is maintained and enhanced
dan ditingkatkan dengan melengkapi seluruh struktur by completing the entire governance structures and
tata kelola dan proses tata kelola untuk menjamin governance process to ensure the best practices of
peningkatan praktik terbaik Tata Kelola Perusahaan. corporate governance.

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Corporate Social Responsibilities Corporate Social Responsibilities

Dewan Komisaris senantiasa mengingatkan direksi The Board of Commissioners constantly remind directors
untuk konsisten menerapkan prinsip triple bottom to consistently apply the principles of triple bottom line,
line, yaitu harmoni antara Profit (ekonomi), Planet which are harmony between Profit (economics), Planet
(lingkungan) dan People (masyarakat), sehingga (environment) and People (community), so that Telin in
Telin dalam operasionalnya mendapat dukungan dari its operation received support from the local community.
masyarakat sekitar. Selain itu kami juga mendorong In addition, we also encourage the management
manajemen untuk senantiasa berupaya menjaga to constantly strive to maintain environmental
pengelolaan lingkungan guna berpartisipasi dalam management in order to participate in the endeavor to
upaya menurunkan dampak pemanasan global. reduce the impact of global warming.

Perubahan Komposisi Komisaris Changes in the Composition of Commissioners

Selama Tahun 2015 Telin telah melakukan dua perubahan Throughout 2015, Telin experienced two changes of
komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris yaitu dilantiknya Board of Commissioners composition with appointment
Honesti Basyir menggantikan Ririek sebagai Komisaris of Honesti Basyir replacing Ririek as the President
Utama. Sedangkan Nanang Hendarno menggantikan Commissioner and Nanang Hendrarno replacing Era
Era Kamali. Kamali.

Apresiasi Appreciation
Atas hasil kinerja Telin tahun 2015, Regarding Telin performance
Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan in 2015, the Board of
apresiasi kepada Direksi Commissioners expressed
atas keberhasilan appreciation to the Board of
kepemimpinannya, kepada Directors for their successful
seluruh karyawan atas leadership, to all employees
dedikasinya dan segenap for their dedication and to
Pemangku Kepentingan all stakeholders for their
Telin atas dukungan yang support. The Board of
tiada henti. Dewan Komisaris Commissioners believes that
berpendapat, bahwa kinerja the successful performance is
tersebut merupakan hasil the result of dedication and hard
dedikasi dan kerja keras dari work of all Telin management and
seluruh jajaran manajemen dan employees.
karyawan Telin.

Dewan Komisaris memandang tahun 2016 merupakan The Board of Commissioners argue that the year 2016 is
tahun yang penuh tantangan bagi manajemen, disamping a year full of challenges for the management, as well as
karena tuntutan untuk mendukung pembangunan the demand to support national development through
nasional melalui penciptaan dunia usaha yang sehat the creation of the healthy business and to revitalize
dan ikut memajukan pembangunan infrastruktur the development of telecommunication infrastructure.
telekomunikasi, dalam tahun 2016 manajemen juga In 2016 the management needs to be improved,

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masih banyak hal yang perlu diperbaiki, terutama yang especially related to some project developments and the
terkait dengan pembangunan beberapa proyek dan operational performance of the subsidiaries. The Board
kinerja operasional anak perusahaan. Dewan Komisaris of Commissioners will continue to seriously oversee any
akan terus mengawasi dengan serius langkah-langkah steps taken by management to improve the condition in
yang diambil oleh manajemen untuk memperbaiki 2016.
kondisi tersebut dalam menjalani tahun 2016.

Dewan Komisaris berharap bahwa kerja keras yang telah The Board of Commissioners expects that the hard
dicapai di tahun 2015 dapat dilanjutkan dan ditingkatkan work done in 2015 can be continued and enhanced
walaupun harus menghadapi berbagai tantangan, although it has to face various challenges. The Board of
Dewan Komisaris mendukung jajaran manajemen untuk Commissioners supports the management to continue
terus melanjutkan upaya meraih kinerja terbaik dan the efforts to achieve the best performance and achieve
mencapai semua target tahun 2016. all the targets in 2016.

Atas Nama Dewan Komisaris On behalf of the Board of Commissioners

Honesti Basyir
President Commissioner

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Profil Dewan Komisaris


Setyanto Hantoro Nanang Hendarno Honesti Basyir Budi Satria Purba

Komisaris Komisaris Komisaris Utama Komisaris
Commissioner Commissioner President Commissioner Commissioner

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Profil Dewan Komisaris


Honesti Basyir
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Padang tanggal 24 Indonesian Citizen, born in Padang on June 24, 1968.
Juni 1968. Beliau menyelesaikan studi di Teknik Industri He graduated from Industrial Engineering of Institut
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) tahun 1992 dan Magister Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1992, and Master Degree
Corporate Finance dari Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen of Corporate Finance from Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen
Bandung tahun 2004. Diangkat sebagai Komisaris Bandung in 2004. He was appointed as President
Utama Telin berdasarkan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Commissioner based on Telin Extraordinary General
Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) tanggal 13 Maret 2015. Meeting of Shareholders resolution on March 13, 2015.

Selain menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama Telin, saat ini Besides serving as President Commissioner, He also
beliau juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Wholesale dan serves as Director of Wholesale and International
International Service di Telkom (2014 – sekarang). Services Telkom (2014- present).

Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Prior to his appointment as President Commissioner at
Keuangan Telkom (2012–2014). Telin, He was Finance Director at Telkom (2012 - 2014).

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Budi Satria Purba


Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Sinaksak tanggal 10 Indonesian Citizen, born in Sinaksak on May 10, 1973.
Mei 1973. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Teknik Elektro, STT He graduated from Bachelor Degree of Electrical
Telkom Bandung pada tahun 1995 dan Magister Elektro Engineering, Insitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1995,
dengan konsentrasi Telecommunication Engineering di and Master of Engineering in Telecommunication
RMIT University (Australia) pada tahun 1997. Diangkat Engineering, RMIT University (Australia), in 1997. He
sebagai Komisaris Telin berdasarkan hasil Rapat Umum was appointed as Commissioner based on Telin Circular
Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tanggal 13 Maret 2015. General Meeting of Shareholders Resolution on March
13, 2015.

Selain menjabat sebagai Komisaris Telin, beliau juga Besides serving as President Commissioner, He also
menjabat sebagai Vice President – Wholesale & serves as Vice President – Wholesale & International
International Network Services Telkom (2012 - sekarang), network Services Telkom (2012- present), Director
Director of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USa),
(USA), Inc. (“Telkom USA”) (2013 - sekarang), Director of Inc. (“Telkom USa”) (2013- present), Director of
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Malaysia), Sdn. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Malaysia), Sdn.
Bhd (2013 – sekarang). Bhd (2013 – present).

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Komisaris Telin, beliau Prior to his appointment as Commissioner at Telin, he
menjabat sebagai Vice President - Carrier Relation was Vice President - Carrier Relation & Sales, Marketing
and Sales Division of Telin (2008- 2012).
& Sales, Marketing and Sales Division di Telin (2008 –

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Profil Dewan Komisaris


Setyanto Hantoro

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Purwokerto tanggal Indonesian Citizen, born in Purwokerto on July 2, 1973.
2 Juli 1973. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Teknik Industri He graduated from Industrial Engineering from Sekolah
di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi (STT) Telkom) dan Magister Tinggi Teknologi (STT) Telkom and Master Degree of
Manajemen di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis Telkom. Management from Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis
Diangkat sebagai Komisaris Telin berdasarkan hasil Telkom). appointed as Commissioner based on Telin
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Sirkuler tanggal 14 Mei Circular General Meeting of Shareholders Resolution on
2013. May 14, 2013.

Selain menjabat sebagai Komisaris Telin, beliau juga Besides serving as President Commissioner, He also
menjabat sebagai EVP Strategic Investment, Direktorat serves as EVP Strategic Investment, Direktorat Innovation
Innovation & Strategic Portfolio Telkom. & Strategic Portfolio Telkom.

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Komisaris Telin, beliau Prior to his appointment as Commissioner at Telin, He
menjabat sebagai Vice President - Strategic Business was appointed as assistant of Vice President - Strategic
Business Development - Innovation and Strategic Portfolio
Development - Direktorat Innovation and Strategic
Directorate at Telkom (2009 - 2012),
Portfolio di Telkom (2009 -2012),

28 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Nanang Hendarno

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Surabaya tanggal 21 Indonesian Citizen, born in Surabaya on February 21, 1968.
Februari 1968. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Teknik Elekro He graduated Electrical Engineering studies from Institut
di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya (ITS) in 1991 and
pada tahun 1991 dan Magister Space Engineering dari Delft Master Degree of Space Engineering fro Delft University of
University of Technology di Belanda tahun 1997. Technology in Netherlands in 1997.

Diangkat sebagai Komisaris Telin berdasarkan hasil Rapat Appointed as Telin’s commissioner based on Telin Circular
Umum Pemegang Sirkuler tanggal 4 Desember 2015, General Meetings of Shareholders Resolution on December
menggantikan Era Kamali Nasution. Selain menjabat 3, 2015, replacing Era Kamali Nasution. Besides appointed
sebagai Komisaris Telin, saat ini beliau juga menjabat as Telin Commissioner, he also serves as EGM Service
sebagai EGM Service Operations Telkom. Sebelumnya, Operations at Telkom. He previously served as EGM IP
beliau menjabat sebagai Deputi EGM IP Network & Network & Operation Support Deputy at Telkom.
Operation Support Telkom.

Era Kamali Nasution

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Purworejo tanggal 30 Indonesian Citizen, born in Purworejo on april 30, 1967. He
April 1967. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Teknik Fisika & graduated from Physics Engineering & Instrumentation,
Instrumenasi di Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Magister Universitas Gadjah Mada and Master Degree of Information
Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Multimedia di Institut System and Multimedia Engineering, Institut Teknologi
Teknologi Bandung. Diangkat sebagai Komisaris Telin Bandung (ITB). appointed as Commissioner based on Telin
berdasarkan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders resolution
Biasa tanggal 24 Juni tahun 2014. Menjabat sebagai on June 24, 2014. Serving as Telin Commissioner until
Komisaris Telin hingga 4 Desember 2015. December 3, 2015.

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Laporan Direktur Utama


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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Volume penjualan IP Transit meningkat sebesar

50,7% dari tahun sebelumnya, hal yang sama
juga terjadi terhadap volume penjualan IPLC/IEPL
yaitu meningkat sebesar 183,6% dan Global IP VPN
meningkat sebesar 43,8%.
Sales volume of IP Transit increased by 50.7% from the last
year, the same thing also happened to sales volume of IPIC /
IEPI in which increased by 183.6% and Global IP VPN increased
by 43.8%.

Para Pemegang Saham Yang Terhormat, Valued Shareholders,

Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang We thank God The Almighty for blessings and mercies,
Maha Esa. Atas berkah dan karuniaNya, Telin dapat so that Telin could pass through 2015 with a very good
melalui tahun 2015 dengan pencapai yang sangat baik. achievement. Furthermore, allow us to report Telin
Selanjutnya, izinkan kami untuk menyampaikan Laporan Annual Report for the Financial Year 2015, which is
Tahunan Telin Tahun Buku 2015 yang merupakan bagian part of the accountability of Directors in running the
dari pertanggung jawaban Direksi dalam menjalankan management function.
fungsi pengelolaan perusahaan.

Kinerja Tahun 2015 Performance In 2015

Pada akhir tahun 2015, pencapaian kinerja ekonomi At the end of 2015, the Indonesia’s economic
Indonesia semakin membaik. Indikator ekonomi makro performance has improved. Macro-economic indicators
seperti tingkat suku bunga dan inflasi tetap terkendali. such as interest rates and inflation remained under
Nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap mata uang asing mengalami control. Rupiah exchange rate against foreign currencies
penguatan dan kinerja pasar saham dan keuangan, has strengthened and stock market and financial
menunjukkan tren positif. Hal ini mengindikasikan performance showed a positive trend. This indicated that
ekonomi Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan yang baik. Indonesia’s economic growth was good.

Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) per Kapita Indonesia 2015 In 2015, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in
telah mencapai pertumbuhan sebesar 4,79% dibanding Indonesia grew by 4.79% compared with the year 2014.
tahun 2014. PDB yang menjadi ukuran pertumbuhan GDP which becomes a measurement of economic growth

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ekonomi Indonesia mencapai Rp11.540,8 triliun dan in Indonesia reached Rp11.540,8 trillion and GDP per
PDB per kapita mencapai Rp45,2 juta. Namun demikian capita reached Rp45,2 million. However, the government
pelaksanaan beberapa proyek-proyek infrastruktur infrastructure projects cannot be implemented as
pemerintah masih tertunda, sehingga realisasi planned, so that the realization of budget absorption of
penyerapan anggaran proyek-proyek pemerintah pun Government projects was not achieved. Nevertheless,
tidak tercapai. Walaupun demikian, pemerintah terus the Government continues to increase the acceleration
berupaya meningkatkan akselerasi pengembangan of infrastructure development distributed evenly
infrastruktur yang merata di seluruh Indonesia melalui throughout Indonesia by various priority development
berbagai program prioritas pembangunan. programs.

Sebagai upaya dalam mewujudkan visi “The World’s In the endeavor to implement the vision of “The World’s
Hub for Telecommunication, Information, Media, Hub for Telecommunication, Information, Media,
Edutainment & Services (TIMES)” Telin terus melakukan Edutainment & Services (TIMES)”, TELIN consistently
pengembangan Infrastruktur, Footprint, dan Commerce carried out Development of Infrastructures, Footprints,
untuk memberikan kontribusi positif bagi kinerja Telkom and Commerce to make a positive contribution to the
Group. performance of Telkom Group.

Sebagai upaya dalam mewujudkan visi “The World’s Hub for

TIMES” Telin terus melakukan pengembangan Infrastruktur,
Footprint, dan Commerce
As an effort to achieve vision “The World’s Hub for Telecommunication,
Information, Media, Edutainment & Services (TIMES)” Telin continued
infrastructure, Footprint and Commerce development

Untuk itu, Telin terus melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan For that reason, Telin consistently made efforts to
kinerja operasional dan pelayanan sehingga hasilnya improve operational and service performances, so that
terlihat nyata dari pertumbuhan pendapatan pada setiap the results were reflected from the revenue growth in
segmen bisnis pada tahun 2015 ini. each business segment in 2015.

Kinerja Operasional Telin Telin operational performance

Infrastruktur Infrastructure
Di tahun 2015, infrastruktur strategis yang In 2015, strategic infrastructures whose construction
pembangunannya dimulai di tahun 2014 telah began in 2014 have shown significant progress.
menunjukkan progres yang signifikan. Diawali dengan Beginning with the development of SEA-US cables that
pembangunan kabel SEA-US yang telah melampaui have surpassed the important milestone, namely the
milestone penting, yaitu fase CIF (Contract In Force) pada phase of CIF (Contract In Force) on March 21, 2015, as well
21 Maret 2015, serta pelaksanaan event public hearing as the implementation of a Public Hearing event related
terkait pengajuan lisensi FCC untuk cable landing di USA. to submission of a certificate for the cable landing

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SEA-US adalah kabel bawah laut sepanjang 15.000km FCC in the USA. SEA-US is a submarine cable along the
yang menghubungkan Manado dan California, USA 15.000km connecting Manado and California, USA via
melalui Guam dan Hawaii. Guam and Hawaii.

Pembangunan kabel laut SEA-ME-WE-5 telah berjalan Construction of submarine cable SEA-ME-WE-5 has
lancar dan menyelesaikan milestone penting berupa been running smoothly and completed an important
cable landing di Dumai pada 19 November 2015. SEA-ME- milestone in the form of cable landing in Dumai on
WE-5 merupakan kabel bawah laut sepanjang 20.000 November 19, 2015. SEA-ME- WE-5 is a submarine cable
km yang menghubungkan Dumai dengan negara- along the 20,000 km connecting Dumai and some
negara di Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah, dan Eropa. countries in Southeast Asia, Middle East, and Europe.

Di samping itu, kabel-kabel laut yang sudah In addition, the capacity of the existing
ada seperti America-Asia Gateway cables such as America - Asia Gateway
(AAG) dan South East Asia-Japan (AAG) and the Southeast Asia -
Cable (SJC) juga ditingkatkan Japan Cable (SJC) was also
kapasitasnya untuk enhanced to meet the
memenuhi pertumbuhan growing demands.
Two IPX nodes have
Dua IPX node juga also been built in
telah digelar di Malaysia and USA
Malaysia dan USA to complement the
untuk melengkapi existing nodes in
node yang sudah Batam and Hong
ada di Batam dan Kong in forming
Hong Kong dalam reliable configurations
membentuk konfigurasi and being able to pick
yang handal dan mampu up the potential IPX-based
menjemput potensi-potensi services market.
pasar layanan berbasis IPX.
In line with the increased traffics and
Sejalan dengan meningkatnya trafik dan utilitas CDN utilities, the CDN server capacity and cache
CDN, maka kapasitas server CDN dan cache juga terus were also continually added up, so that the internet
ditambah, sehingga tujuan untuk mengoptimalkan bandwidth could be maximized and the user experience
bandwidth internet dan menjaga user experience dapat can be maintained well.

Di tahun 2015, Telin juga mengembangkan platform In 2015, Telin also developed infrastructure platforms,
infrastruktur yaitu Mobile Virtual Network Enabler namely Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE), a
(MVNE), platform untuk mendukung bisnis Mobile platform to support business of Mobile Virtual Network
Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) di entitas anak Operator (MVNO) in the subsidiaries of TELIN. MVNE
Telin. Platform MVNE yang dibangun tersebut dengan platform was constructed with the capacity to reach 3

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kapasitas mencapai 3 juta pelanggan, dan dirancang million customers, and designed for multi MVNO, multi
untuk multi MVNO, multi countries dan multi currencies. countries and multi currencies.

Footprint Footprint
Percepatan inisiatif selanjutnya dilakukan melalui The next initiative acceleration is carried out through the
footprints, yaitu negara tempat dimana Telin menjalankan footprint. Footprint is the country where Telin runs its
bisnis telekomunikasinya, yang direalisasikan ke dalam telecommunication business, and it is realized in various
berbagai bentuk yaitu entitas anak, pengendalian forms, such as in the form of subsidiaries, the control
bersama entitas, maupun kantor cabang. together with subsidiaries, or branch offices.

Pada 5 Juni 2015, Telin Singapore melakukan On June 5, 2015, Telin Singapore carried out groundbreaking
groundbreaking pembangunan Center and for development of Center and Telecommunication Hub in
Telecommunication Hub di Singapura. Pembangunan Singapore. This construction was inaugurated by Minister
ini diresmikan oleh Menteri BUMN Indonesia, Rini M. of Indonesia State-Owned Enterprises, Rini M. Soemarno
Soemarno dan Senior Minister of State, Lee Yi Shyan and Senior Minister of State, Lee Yi Shyan in Jurong as
di Jurong menandakan hubungan baik diantara kedua an indication of the good relationship between the two
negara, terutama dalam dunia telekomunikasi. Telin countries, especially in the world of telecommunications.
memberikan apresiasi yang luar biasa kepada pemerintah Telin gives tremendous appreciation to Singapore’s
Singapura yang telah memberikan dukungan terhadap Government that has given support to the development
pembangunan Data Center Jurong ini. Data center yang of this Jurong Data Center. The data center called as Telin-3
dinamakan Telin-3 ini menjadi data center ketiga setelah has become the third data center after the previous data
data center yang berada di Changi dan Tai Seng. center located in Changi and Tai Seng.

Telkom Taiwan yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2013, di Telkom Taiwan that was established since 2013, in 2015
tahun 2015 melakukan dua milestone penting yaitu: conducted two important milestones as follows:
1. Menerima lisensi komersialisasi Rantau, sebuah 1. To receive Rantau commercialization license, an Over
aplikasi berbasis Over the Top (OTT), untuk layanan the Top(OTT) application, for Voice services that use
Voice yang menggunakan jaringan internet, pada internet connection, on March 30, 2015.
tanggal 30 Maret 2015.
2. Menghadirkan Kartu As 2in1 untuk masyarakat 2. To launch Kartu As 2in1 for Indonesian people in
Indonesia di Taiwan pada tanggal 19 Mei 2015. Untuk Taiwan on May 19 2015. The product itself was
peluncuran produknya sendiri, dilakukan pada tanggal launched on June 14 2015 by inviting the Chairman of
14 Juni 2015 dengan mengundang Kepala Kamar Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Economics,
Dagang dan Ekonomi Indonesia, jajaran manajemen and the management of Telkom Group, as well as
Telkom Group, serta warga negara Indonesia di Indonesian people in Taiwan.
Tanggal 11 September 2015, layanan selular Telin juga On September 11, 2015, Telin mobile service was made
hadir di Malaysia yang ditandai dengan acara launching available in Malaysia marked by the launching event of
Kartu AS 2 in 1 Malaysia, produk satu kartu dua nomor Kartu As 2in1 in Malaysia, a product with two numbers of
yaitu Indonesia dan Malaysia, bermitra dengan operator Indonesia and Malaysia in one card, in partnership with
telekomunikasi setempat, U Mobile. local telecommunication operator, U Mobile.

34 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Bersinergi dengan Telkom Group melalui Finnet, Telin Synergy with Telkom Group through Finnet, Telin Timor
Timor Leste di tanggal 19 Agustus 2015, melakukan Leste on August 19, 2015 was in cooperation with BNCTL
kerjasama dengan BNCTL (Banco Nacional de Comercio (Banco Nacional de Comercio de Timor Leste) to extend
de Timor Leste) untuk memperluas layanan solusi the integrated solution services in conducting financial
terintegrasi dalam melakukan transaksi keuangan baik transactions both in the domestic area and overseas.
yang ada didalam negeri maupun diluar negeri.

Commerce Commerce
Selama tahun 2015, volume trafik Layanan suara Throughout 2015, the traffic volume of voice services
(wholesale) sebesar 2.110.953 ribu menit, mengalami (wholesale) amounted to 2,110,953 thousand minutes
peningkatan sebesar 47,7% dibanding tahun 2014. increased by 47.7% compared with the year 2014.
Pertumbuhan volume trafik voice wholesale yang sangat The growth of wholesale voice traffic volumes was
signifikan dipicu oleh implementasi New Equilibrium significantly triggered by the implementation of the New
(Revenue Cap Scheme) dengan mitra-mitra besar. Equilibrium (Revenue Cap Scheme) with big partners.
Disamping itu, Telin secara aktif menerapkan skema In addition, Telin actively implemented scheme of an
bisnis bilateral yang tepat dengan seluruh mitra global appropriate bilateral business with all global partners
berdasarkan identifikasi potensial trafik dan perubahan based on the identification of potential traffics and
tren di pasar. Pertumbuhan trafik juga didukung oleh changing trends in the market. Traffic growth was also
pertumbuhan trafik outgoing khususnya SLI007 dengan supported by the outgoing traffic growth, particularly
adanya Promo Flat Call (IDR 5000/30 menit ke all SLI007 on Flat Promo Call (5000/30 minutes to all
destination) dari Maret sampai Juni 2015 dan dilanjutkan destinations) from March to June 2015 and continued
dengan Flat Call ke 20 negara sampai dengan 31 with Flat Call to 20 countries until December 31, 2015.
Desember 2015.

Selama tahun 2015, volume trafik Layanan suara (wholesale)

sebesar 2.110.953 ribu menit, mengalami peningkatan sebesar
47,7% dibanding tahun 2014
In 2015, voice service wholesale traffic volume achieved 2,110,953
thousand minutes, increased 47.7% from 2014.

Pertumbuhan volume trafik voice wholesale didorong The growth of wholesale voice traffic volume was also
pula oleh Telkomcel yang telah mencatatkan total encouraged by Telkomsel which has recorded a total of
pelanggan sebesar 257.313 ditahun 2015. Untuk 257.313 customers on December 31 2015. To encourage
mendorong kinerja operasional Telkomcel, sejak operational performance of Telkomsel, since 2014, Telin
2014 Telin telah mengimplementasikan program One has been implementing One Community program with
Community dengan Telkomsel yang memberikan tarif Telkomsel that provides special rates between Telkomsel

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

khusus antara pelanggan Telkomcel dan Telkomsel di customers and Telkomsel in the border areas. This
area perbatasan. Program ini juga turut mendorong program also encourages the growth of wholesale voice
pertumbuhan trafik voice wholesale terutama dari dan traffic, especially from and to Timor Leste.
ke Timor Leste.

Sedangkan untuk segmen layanan data, volume While for the data service segment, sales volume of data
penjualan layanan data sebesar 1.039.404 Mbps, services amounted to 1,039,404 Mbps, increased by
mengalami peningkatan sebesar 87,4% (484.869 Mbps) 87.4% (484 869 Mbps) compared with 2014. Achievement
dibandingkan tahun 2014. Pencapaian penjualan ini of this sales was contributed by IP Transit which grew by
dikontribusikan oleh IP Transit tumbuh sebesar 50,7% 50.7% (200 954 Mbps), IPLC / IEPL grew by 183.6% (281
(200.954 Mbps), IPLC/IEPL tumbuh sebesar 816 Mbps) and Global IP VPN grew by 43.8%
183,6% (281.816 Mbps) dan Global (2,098 Mbps) compared with the
IP VPN tumbuh sebesar 43,8% previous year.
(2.098 Mbps) dibanding
tahun sebelumnya.

Perusahaan juga The Company is

mengembangkan also developing
New Business a New Business
yang meliputi which comprises
Content Delivery a Content Delivery
Network (CDN) Network (CDN)
dan Application and Application to
to Person (A2P) Person (A2P) SMS.
SMS. Selama tahun Throughout 2015, CDn
2015, volume trafik traffic volume amounted
CDN sebesar 228.728 TB, to 228.728 TB, increased by
mengalami peningkatan 28.5% compared with 2014.
sebesar 28,5% dibanding tahun The growth of CDN traffic volume
2014. Pertumbuhan volume trafik CDN was driven by the increase of Sales and
dipicu oleh kenaikan trafik Sales dan Federation Federation traffic for sales on the domestic and
untuk penjualan pada partner domestik dan global. global partners. Traffic volume of A2P SMS services was
Layanan A2P SMS volume trafik sebesar 255.329 ribu 255.329 of SMS, increased by 171.8% compared with the
SMS, mengalami peningkatan sebesar 171,8% dibanding previous year. The growth of SMS traffic volume was
tahun sebelumnya. Pertumbuhan volume trafik SMS triggered by the increased SMS traffic to Telkomsel and
dipicu oleh kenaikan trafik SMS menuju Telkomsel other mobile operators. In addition, the increase of A2P
dan operator seluler lainnya. Selain itu, kenaikan trafik SMS traffic was also supported by filtering SMS traffic
A2P SMS juga didukung oleh filtering trafik SMS dan and the setting of the doorways of A2P SMS.
pengaturan terhadap pintu-pintu masuk A2P SMS.

Kinerja Keuangan Telin Telin Financial Performance

Selaku entitas anak Telkom, Telin memegang peranan As the subsidiary of Telkom, TELIN plays an important
penting dalam pengelolaan dan pengembangan bisnis role in the management and development of the
penyediaan layanan telekomunikasi dan strategic telecommunication service business and strategic
investment dalam industri telekomunikasi internasional. investment in the international telecommunication

36 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Adapun solusi penyediaan jasa layanan yang diberikan industry. Telin provided solutions through connectivity
Telin dilakukan melalui layanan konektivitas berupa services such as voice, data and internet services,
layanan suara, data dan internet, jasa pelayanan international telecommunication services and global
telekomunikasi internasional serta solusi bisnis secara business solution from and to Indonesia. To carry out
global dari dan ke Indonesia. dalam melaksanakan peran these roles, TELIN booked a proud financial performance
tersebut, Telin mencatatkan kinerja keuangan yang in 2015.
membanggakan di tahun 2015.

Selama tahun 2015 Telin berhasil mencatatkan Throughout 2015 TELIN successfully booked a net
pendapatan usaha sebesar Rp3.236,4 miliar atau tumbuh revenue of Rp3.236,4 billion or up 28.9% compared with
28,9% dibandingkan Rp2.510,3 miliar pada tahun the year 2014 by Rp2.510,3 billion. This increase is due
2014. Peningkatan pendapatan ini disebabkan oleh to the increased revenue of data network services and
peningkatan pendapatan jasa jaringan data dan voice, voice BPO, and New Business. Operating expenses also
BPO, dan New Business. Beban usaha juga mengalami increased to Rp2.852,9 billion or up 31.2% compared
kenaikan menjadi Rp2.852,9 miliar atau tumbuh sebesar with the year 2014 by Rp2.173,7 billion. This increase was
31,2 % dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2.173,7 caused by the increasing costs for services of data and
miliar. Kenaikan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya voice networks, repair and maintenance, and salaries and
biaya atas jasa jaringan data dan voice, perbaikan dan personnel expenses. This resulted in the operating profit
pemeliharaan, dan gaji dan beban karyawan. Hal ini amounted to Rp383,6 billion, or up by 13.4% compared
berakibat pada kenaikan laba usaha menjadi sebesar with 2014 by Rp336,6 billion.
Rp383,6 miliar atau tumbuh sebesar 13,4% dibandingkan
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp336,6 miliar.

Selama tahun 2015 Telin berhasil mencatatkan pendapatan

usaha sebesar Rp3.236,4 miliar atau tumbuh 28,9%
dibandingkan Rp2.510,3 miliar pada tahun 2014.
Throughout 2015, Telin booked revenue amounting Rp3,236.4 billion
or increased by 28.9% from Rp2,510.3 billion in 2014.

Laba bersih yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik The net profit attributable to owners of the parent
entitas induk berhasil dibukukan sebesar Rp182,0 miliar company was successfully booked at Rp182,0 billion, or
atau tumbuh sebesar 29,6% dibandingkan tahun 2014 up 29.6% compared with 2014 amounted 140.4 billion.
yaitu sebesar 140,4 miliar. Kenaikan ini disebabkan oleh This was due to the increase in operating profit and
kenaikan laba usaha dan penghasilan pendanaan. Laba income from financing. Comprehensive income was
komprehensif dicatatkan sebesar Rp306,4 miliar atau booked at Rp306,4 billion, or up 83.6% compared with
tumbuh sebesar 83,6% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu 2014 by Rp166,9 billion. This increase was caused by the
sebesar Rp166,9 miliar. Kenaikan ini disebabkan oleh growth of difference in exchange rates since translation

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

pertumbuhan selisih kurs karena penjabaran laporan of financial statements in foreign currencies is due to the
keuangan dalam mata uang asing yang disebabkan oleh depreciated Rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar
melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika and the actuarial losses on the defined benefit plans.
dan rugi aktuaria atas program imbalan pasti.

Selain itu, total aset yang dikelola Telin sampai dengan In addition, the total assets managed by Telin until the
akhir tahun 2015 sebesar Rp5.603,9 miliar atau tumbuh end of 2015 amounted to Rp5.603,9 billion, or up 23.2%
sebesar 23,2% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar compared with 2014 amounting to Rp4.548,7. This
Rp4.548,7. Kenaikan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya increase was due to the increase in non-current assets
aset tidak lancar sebesar Rp595,1 miliar atau tumbuh amounted to Rp595,1 billion, or up 23.0% compared with
sebesar 23,0% dibandingkan tahun 2014. 2014.

Pengembangan dan Prospek Usaha Development and Business Prospects

Telin melakukan pengembangan usaha sesuai dengan Telin develops its business in accordance with the work
rencana kerja yang ditetapkan sendiri maupun plan which is established by itself or by assignment
berdasarkan penugasan dari PT Telekomunikasi from PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (The Company) Tbk.
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Kegiatan pengembangan Business development activities, through subsidiaries or
usaha, melalui keberadaan anak perusahaan maupun the formation of affiliated companies, has been studied
pembentukan perusahaan afiliasi, dikaji sedemikian in such a way and focused on creating added value in
rupa dan difokuskan pada penciptaan nilai tambah supporting the business growth of TELIN in the long
dalam menunjang pertumbuhan bisnis Telin dalam term..
jangka panjang.

Pengembangan usaha pada perusahaan afiliasi memberikan kontribusi

peningkatan saldo penyertaan Rp5,54 miliar dan anak perusahaan juga
memberikan kontribusi sebesar Rp726,11 miliar atau 28,9%.
Result of business development conducted in affiliation company had
contributed Rp5.54 billion investment balance growth our subsidiaries
contributed Rp726.11 billion or 28.9% revenue growth

Hasil pengembangan usaha yang dilaksanakan pada The results of business development conducted in
perusahaan afiliasi telah memberikan kontribusi berupa affiliated companies have contributed in the form of
peningkatan saldo penyertaan Rp5,54 miliar dan anak an increase in the investment balance of Rp5,54 billion
perusahaan juga memberikan kontribusi peningkatan and its subsidiaries also contributed to the increase in
pendapatan sebesar Rp726,11 miliar atau 28,9%. revenues of Rp726,11 billion, or 28.9%.

38 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Di tengah melambatnya pertumbuhan industri In the midst of slowing growth in international voice
international voice baik di Indonesia maupun Asia industry both in Indonesia and Asia Pacific, the Board of
Pasifik, Direksi tetap optimis memandang prospek usaha Directors remains optimistic of Telin business prospects
Telin di masa yang akan datang. Penurunan dalam pasar in the future. The decline in the market will be supported
tersebut akan ditopang oleh pertumbuhan market size by the growth in market size of data and internet services
layanan data dan internet di Indonesia yang sejalan in Indonesia in line with the growth of data traffic. Frost &
dengan pertumbuhan trafik data. Frost & Sullivan Sullivan noted that Data Center market has been globally
mencatat bahwa pendataan dari pasar Data Center growing by CAGR 20% during the period 2013 to 2018.
secara global tumbuh dengan CGAR 20% selama periode
2013 sampai 2018.

Untuk menangkap peluang pertumbuhan Telin telah To seize growth opportunities, Telin has prepared several
mempersiapkan beberapa inisiasi bisnis baru misalnya new business initiations e.g. Content Delivery Network
Content Delivery Network (CDN), Go Presence, (CDN), Go Presence, International Data Roaming Services
International Data Roaming Services (IPX Platform) dan (IPX Platform) and MaCH. Based on the analysis, the
MaCH. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, inisiasi bisnis baru initiation of new business promises significant potentials
diatas menjanjikan potensi yang signifikan di pasar in both domestic and regional markets.
domestik maupun regional.

Prospek bisnis Telin ke depan juga turut didukung The future Telin prospects are also supported by
pertumbuhan ekonomi dan GDP Indonesia yang berada the economic growth and GDP Indonesia which
dikisaran 5,5% - 6,0% yang diharapkan membawa is around 5.5% - 6.0% expected to bring a positive
dampak positif terhadap iklim usaha dan investasi di impact on the business and investment climate in the
sektor telekomunikasi secara keseluruhan. telecommunications sectors as a whole.

Pengembangan Organisasi dan Sumber Daya Organization and Human Resources Development
Strategi pengembangan organisasi dan sumber daya The strategies of organization and human resources
manusia dilakukan dengan memperkuat budaya development have been conducted by strengthening
perusahaan Telkom Way yang fokus pada nilai-nilai culture in the Telkom Way that focuses on the company’s
perusahaan. Hal tersebut diharapkan dapat mendorong values. It is expected to encourage all members of
segenap jajaran Telin untuk memberikan kinerja terbaik TELIN to give the best performance in order to achieve
dalam rangka mencapai keunggulan kompetitif dalam a competitive advantage in the long run.
jangka panjang.

Selama tahun 2015 Telin senantiasa melakukan penyempurnaan

pengelolaan SDM di segenap lini bisnis dan penguatan penerapan
budaya perusahaan yang fokus pada tata nilai dalam Telin Way.
Throughout 2015, Telin continued to improve Human Capital management
at entire business line and also strengthen corporate culture implementation
focusing on values included in Telin Way.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Telin telah memberikan perhatian pada aspek sumber Telin has given attention to the aspect of human
daya manusia yang menjadi aset utama bagi perusahaan resources becoming a main asset for the company to
dengan memperlakukan karyawan sebagai aset yang treat its employees as most valuable asset with a fair,
paling berharga secara wajar, adil dan menghargai setiap equitable treatment and appreciate every contribution
kontribusi yang diberikan baik secara individu maupun given either individually or in groups to achieve optimum
kelompok dalam mencapai kinerja yang optimal. Selama performance. Throughout 2015, TELIN constantly
tahun 2015 Telin senantiasa melakukan penyempurnaan improved the enhancement of human resource
pengelolaan SDM di segenap lini bisnis dan penguatan management in all business lines and strengthened the
penerapan budaya perusahaan yang fokus pada tata implementation of a corporate culture focused on values
nilai dalam Telin Way. in Telin Way.

Pengembangan kompetensi dan kapabilitas karyawan Development of competencies and capabilities for Telin
Telin diarahkan untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu meningkatkan employees is to achieve their goals, to increase the
efektivitas penyelesaian pekerjaan, menyesuaikan effectiveness of the work completion, to adjust the needs
kebutuhan jabatan, serta menyiapkan individu karyawan of positions, and to prepare every employee getting
untuk menduduki jabatan yang baru. Tahun 2015, Telin new position. In 2015, Telin has developed a master
telah melakukan masterplan SDM yang menjadi acuan plan of Human Resources as the reference for human
pengelolaan human capital, kemudian melakukan capital management and then improved organization
penyempurnaan organisasi dengan memperkuat fungsi by strengthening the function of business development
business development serta New Business Sales yang and New Business Sales to improve Telin’s business
akan meningkatkan pengelolaan bisnis Telin, kemudian management, then the supporting aspect for Human
dukungan aspek HR dalam inisasi Footprint, khususnya di Resources in the Footprint initiation, particularly in Saudi
Saudi Arabia, Amerika Serikat dan M&A project. Dukungan Arabia, the United States and M&A projects. The support
yang diberikan mulai dari set up organisasi berdasarkan given started from setting up organization based on
bisnis di lokasi tersebut, perumusan anggaran HR dan business in the location, HR budget formulation and the
ketentuan tentang ketenagakerjaan yang relevan untuk regulation of manpower relevant to be used as guidelines
dijadikan pedoman di negara tujuan. in the destination country.

Saat ini, Telin juga tengah melaksanakan proses Recently, Telin has also been developing a human
pengembangan aplikasi SDM yang dirancang untuk resources application designed to meet the needs of
memenuhi kebutuhan Telin Group yaitu IHCMS Telkom TELIN Group, which is IHCMS Telkom Group (Integrated
Group (Integrated Human Capital Management System Human Capital Management System Telkom Group) and
Telkom Group) dan aplikasi Career Management - Career Management applications - InGEnIUM.

Penerapan praktik GCG dengan mengacu pada praktik terbaik

yang ada dan dapat diterapkan sesuai kondisi budaya Perseroan
yaitu Bekerja Cerdas, Berintegritas, dan Bersahaja
Implementation of GCG practices with current best practice and also
to be implemented according to corporate culture condition which are
Smart Working, Integrity and Humble

40 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Penerapan Tata Kelola Perseroan yang Baik Implementation of Corporate Governance

Implementasi praktik GCG Telin terus dipertahankan dan Implementation of GCG TELIN is constantly maintained
ditingkatkan. Untuk itu, setiap tahun selalu diupayakan and enhanced. For that reason, every year it always strives
untuk meningkatkan kualitas penerapan praktik GCG to improve the implementation quality of corporate
dengan mengacu pada praktik terbaik yang ada dan governance practices in accordance with the existing
dapat diterapkan sesuai kondisi budaya Perseroan best practices and can be implemented to fit the cultural
yaitu Bekerja Cerdas, Berintegritas, dan Bersahaja serta condition of the Company namely Work Smart, Integrity,
budaya Indonesia pada umumnya. Implementasi GCG and Unpretentious as well as Indonesian culture in
juga didorong dengan pengorganisasian semua aktifitas general. GCG implementation is also encouraged by the
bisnis sehingga simpel, jelas, akuntabel, dan efisien. organization of all business activities, so that it makes it
simple, clear, accountable, and efficient.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility

Telin telah menunjukkan komitmen dan inisiatif Telin has shown commitments and initiatives over
tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan melalui social and environmental responsibility through the
pelaksanaan serangkaian program CSR, serta program- implementation of a series of CSR programs, the
program yang berhubungan dengan pemenuhan hak- environmental management and monitoring, as well as
hak karyawan yang memberikan dampak ganda bagi programs related to the fulfillment of employees’ rights
peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar dan which have double impacts on the increased welfare of
karyawan. employees and community around Telin.

Berbagai program tersebut dilaksanakan secara Such various programs were implemented in integrated
terintegrasi dan melibatkan berbagai unsur way and involved many elements of community, the
masyarakat, lingkungan dan internal Telin. Cakupan environment and the internal Telin. This comprehensive
program yang menyeluruh ini juga berhasil program also successfully created a good balance
menciptakan keseimbangan antara operasional bisnis between business operations and Telin CSR in which
dan CSR Telin di mana setiap pihak tidak hanya cukup each party is not beneficiaries only, but also willing to
menjadi penerima manfaat semata, namun juga turut participate in the implementation of CSR programs on
memegang andil dalam penerapan program-program an ongoing basis.
CSR secara berkelanjutan.

Apresiasi Appreciation
Kami mengapresiasi seluruh unit di Telin yang telah We appreciate all the units in Telin that have worked
berupaya keras sehingga di tahun 2015 ini kami berhasil hard, so that in 2015 we won the Most Innovative
meraih Most Innovative Wholesaler Award dalam ajang Wholesaler Award in the Carrier World Awards (CWa)
Carrier World Awards (CWA) 2015. Telin mengajukan 2015. TELIN proposed a concept of business process
sebuah konsep proses bisnis bernama “New Equilibrium”. named “New Equilibrium”. The concept is mere-profile
Konsep ini mere-profile model trafik eksisting melalui model of existing traffic through collaboration of
kolaborasi Organic to Organic (O2O) sehingga trafik Organic to Organic (O2O), so that the traffic of each
dari masing-masing perusahaan dapat ditingkatkan. company could be improved. Telin was nominated in this
Telin dinominasikan dalam kategori ini bersama dengan category along with eight global telecommunications
delapan perusahaan telekomunikasi global yaitu BICS, companies, such as BICS, TATA, NTT, Etisalat, IDT,
TATA, NTT, Etisalat, IDT, Epsilon, DIDX, and SSE Enterprise Epsilon, DIDX, and SSE Enterprise Telecom.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 41

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Di tahun 2015 ini kami berhasil meraih Most Innovative Wholesaler

Award dalam ajang Carrier World Awards (CWA) 2015.
In 2015, We are named Most Innovative Wholesaler Award at Carrier
World Awards (CWA) 2015.

Seluruh pencapaian Telin di tahun 2015 ini tidak lepas All Telin achievements in 2015 thanked to the supports
dari dukungan dan arahan Dewan Komisaris kepada and guidance of the Board of Commissioners to the
Direksi. Penghargaan yang sama juga disampaikan Board of Directors. The same appreciation was also
kepada pemegang saham, pelanggan dan mitra usaha delivered to the shareholders, customers and business
atas dukungan, kepercayaan dan kerjasamanya. partners for their support, trust and cooperation.

Terima kasih kepada seluruh karyawan atas kerja keras

serta dedikasi yang dibuktikan dengan diraihnya 1st Thank all employees for their hard work and dedication
Best Performance Management dan Top 10 Companies as evidenced by the 1st Best Performance Management
Indonesia 2015 dalam Indonesia Human Capital Awards and Top 10 Companies in Indonesia 2015 by Human
2015. Dengan menjadikan pekerjaan sebagai ibadah, Capital Award 2015. By making the work as worship,
memungkinkan Telin mampu mempertahankan kinerja Telin is capable of maintaining the performance of the
usaha dan menyiapkan landasan yang baik bagi business and setting up a good foundation for business
pertumbuhan usaha di masa mendatang. growth in the future.

Atas Nama Direksi On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Syarif Syarial Ahmad

President Director

42 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Profil Direksi

S.P Natigor Sitorus Tulus Sudarsono Syarif Syarial Ahmad Sunarto Parto
Marketing and Sales Director Network and Information President Director Finance and Human Capital
Technology Director Director

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 43

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Profil Direksi

Syarif Syarial Ahmad

President Director

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Salatiga, 4 November Indonesian Citizen. Born in Salatiga on november
1960. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Teknik Elektro dan 4, 1960. Graduated from Electrical Engineering and
Teknik Telekomunikasi di Institut Teknologi Bandung. Telecommunication Engineering from Institut Teknologi
Diangkat sebagai Presiden Direktur berdasarkan Bandung. He was appointed as President Director based
Keputusan RUPS pada 31 Mei 2012. on Telin General Meeting of Shareholder Resolution on
May 31, 2012.

Selain sebagai Presiden Direktur Telin, saat ini beliau Besides serving as President Director at Telin, He also
juga menjabat sebagai Member of Director Telin Timor- serves as Member of Director Telin Timor-Leste, Member
Leste, Member of Director Telin Hong Kong, Member of of Director Telin Hong Kong, Member of Director Telin
Director Telin Singapore, dan Member of Director Telkom Singapore, and Member of Director Telkom australia.

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama Telin, beliau Prior to his appointment as Telin’s President Director, he
menjabat sebagai Vice President Wholesale of the served as Vice President Wholesale of the Enterprise and
Enterprise and Wholesale Directorate Telkom (2009- Wholesale Directorate Telkom (2009 - 2012).

44 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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S.P Natigor Sitorus

Marketing and Sales Director

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Silaen, 24 Maret 1963. Indonesian Citizen, born in Silaen on March 24, 1963.
Menyelesaikan pendidikan Teknik Elektro di Institut Graduated Electrical Engineering from Institut Teknologi
Teknologi Bandung dan Magister Teknik Telekomunikasi Bandung and Master Degree of Telecommunication
di Bradford University, Inggris. Diangkat sebagai Engineering from Bradford University, England. He was
Marketing and Sales Director berdasarkan Keputusan RU appointed as Marketing and Sales Director based on
PS pada 28 Februari 2011. Telin General Meeting of Shareholders Resolution on
February 28, 2011.

Selain sebagai Marketing dan Sales Director Telin, Besides serving as Marketing and Sales Director at Telin,
beliau juga menjabat sebagai Member of Director Telin he also serves as Member of Director Telin Malaysia.

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Marketing and Sales Director Prior to his appointment as Marketing and Sales Director
Telin, beliau menjabat sebagai Deputy of Executive at Telin, he served as Deputy Executive General Manager
General Manager of Telkom Carrier and Interconnection of Telkom Carrier and Interconnection Service Division
Service Division (2005-2010), (2005 - 2010),

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 45

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Profil Direksi

Sunarto Parto
Finance and Human Capital

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Cilacap, 12 Desember Indonesian Citizen, born in Cilacap on December 12,
1960. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Akuntansi di 1960. He graduated accounting studies from Universitas
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta dan Magister Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta and Master Degree of Business
Manajemen Bisnis di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Management in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. He
Diangkat sebagai Finance and Business Support Director was appointed as Finance and Business Support Director
berdasarkan Keputusan RUPS Sirkuler Telin pada 8 based on Telin Circular General Meeting of Shareholders
Januari 2013. Berdasarkan KD Restrukturisasi Organisasi Resolution on January 8, 2013. Regarding to Director’s
no: 179 tahun 2015, jabatan Finance and Business Resolution no: 179 year 2015, the naming of Finance and
Support Director berubah menjadi Finance and Human Business Support Director is changed to Finance and
Capital Director. Human Capital Director.

Selain sebagai Finance and Human Capital Director Besides serving as Finance and Human Capital Director
Telin, saat ini beliau juga menjabat sebagai Member of at Telin, He currently serves as Member of Director Telin
Director Telin Singapore dan Member of Director Telin Singapore and Member of Director Telin Hong Kong.
Hong Kong.

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Finance and Human Capital Prior to his position as Finance and Human Capital
Director di Telin, beliau menjabat sebagai Vice President Director at Telin, he served as Vice President Financial
Financial Accounting-Direktorat Keuangan Telkom accounting - Telkom Finance Directorate (2009 -
(2009-2012). 2012),

46 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Tulus Sudarsono
Network and Information
Technology Director

Warga Negara Indonesia. Lahir di Magelang tanggal 9 Indonesian Citizen, born in Magelang on April 9,
April 1960. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Teknik Mesin di 1960. Graduated Mechanical Engineering from
Institut Teknologi Bandung dan Magister Manajemen Insitut Teknologi Bandung and Master Degree of
Sistem Informasi dari Ecole Nationale SupeÅLrieure Information System from Ecole Nationale Superieure
des TeÅLlecommunications de Bretagne (ENSTB), des Telecommunications de Bretagne (ENSTB), France.
Prancis. Diangkat sebagai Network Operation Director Appointed as Network Operation Director based on
berdasarkan Keputusan RUPS pada 28 Februari 2011. GMS Resolution on February 28, 2011. According to BOD
Berdasarkan KD Restrukturisasi Organisasi no: 179 tahun Decree on Organization Restructuring No. 179 of 2015,
2015, jabatan Network Operation Director berubah Network Operation Director position was changed into
menjadi Network and Information Technology Director. Network and Information Technology Director.

Selain sebagai Network and Information Technology Besides serving as Network and Information Technology
Director Telin, saat ini beliau juga menjabat sebagai Director at Telin, he is also appointed as Member of
Member of Director Telin-Timor Leste. Director Telin – Timor Leste.

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Network and Information Before appointed as Network and Information
Technology Director di Telin, beliau pernah menjabat Technology Director at Telin, He served Deputy of
sebagai Deputy of Executive General Manager Telkom Executive General Manager at Telkom (2010).

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 47

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab atas

Laporan Tahunan 2015

Laporan Tahunan ini berikut laporan keuangan dan The annual Report along with accompanying financial
informasi lain yang terkait merupakan tanggung statements and other related information are the
jawab Dewan Komisaris PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia responsibility of Board of Commissioners of PT
International dan telah disetujui oleh seluruh anggota Telekomunikasi Indonesia and have been approved
Dewan Komisaris dengan membubuhkan tanda tangan by the member of the Board of Commissioners whose
masing-masing di bawah ini. signatures appear below

Jakarta, 30 Maret 2016 Jakarta, 30 March 2016

Honesti Basyir
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner

Budi Satria Purba Nanang Hendarno Setyanto Hantoro

Komisaris Komisaris Komisaris
Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner

48 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab atas

Laporan Tahunan 2015

Laporan Tahunan ini berikut laporan keuangan dan The annual Report along with accompanying financial
informasi lain yang terkait merupakan tanggung jawab statements and other related information are the
Direksi PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International dan responsibility of Board of Directors of PT Telekomunikasi
telah disetujui oleh seluruh anggota Direksi dengan Indonesia and have been approved by the member of
membubuhkan tanda tangan masing-masing di bawah the Board of Directors whose signatures appear below.

Jakarta, 30 Maret 2016 Jakarta, 30 March 2016

Syarif Syarial Ahmad

President Director

S.P. Natigor Sitorus Sunarto Parto Tulus Sudarsono

Marketing and Sales Director Finance and Human Capital Network and Information
Director Technology Director

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 49

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Bisnis internasional melalui Telin diharapkan dapat tumbuh dan

berkembang sesuai dengan harapan para Pemangku Kepentingan,
serta berkontribusi optimal terhadap pertumbuhan Telkom
Group. Selain itu, diharapkan pula visi induk Perusahaan (Telkom)
To become a leading Telecommunications, Information, Media
and Edutainment, Services (TIMES) Player in the Region dapat
berkembang lebih jauh di kancah bisnis internasional melalui Telin
sebagai kepanjangan tangan Telkom.

International Business via Telin is expected to grow and evolve according to

stakeholders’ expectation, and give optimum contribution for Telkom Group
development. In addition, vision of our Parent Company (Telkom) To become
a leading Telecommunications, Information, media and edutainment, services
(Times) player in the region is expected to grow in global business with Telin
as the international arm of Telkom.

2 Perusahaan

50 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Sistem Kabel Laut SEA-ME-WE 5

Sistem Kabel Laut SEA-ME-WE 5

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 51

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Identitas Perusahaan


PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International, disingkat PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International, abbreviated
Telin. Berdomisili di Jakarta Telin. Placed in Jakarta


Menara Jamsostek, Menara Utara, lantai 24, Menara Jamsostek, North Tower, 24th Floor, Jl. Jendral
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 38 Gatot Subroto, Kav. 38
Jakarta Selatan 12710 INDONESIA
South Jakarta 12710 Indonesia
Telepon : +62 21 2995 2300 Phone : +62 21 2995 2300
Fax : +62 215296 2358 Fax : +62 215296 2358
Website : Website :
E-mail : E-mail :

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Under the Decision Letter of Minister of Justice and
Manusia Nomor W8-00573 HT.01.04-TH 2007 tanggal 14 Human Rights W8-00573 No. HT.01.04.TH. 2007, dated
Maret 2007. March 14th, 2007.

Modal Dasar Authorized capital

Rp6.,- Rp6.,-

Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Issued and paid-up capital

Rp1.713.228.970.000,- Rp1.713.228.970.000,-

Kepemilikan Ownership
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk 99,99999% PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk 99.99999%
Yusuf Wibisono 0,00001% Yusuf Wibisono 0.00001%

52 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Kegiatan Usaha Perusahaan Business activities of the Company

Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Kegiatan Usaha Perusahaan Pursuant to the Articles of Association, its Business
meliputi: Activities include:
a. Jasa Telekomunikasi: a. Telecommunication Services:
Merencanakan, membangun, menyediakan, Planning, constructing, providing, developing,
mengembangkan, mengoperasikan, memasarkan/ operating, marketing/selling/leasing and
menjual/menyewakan dan memelihara jaringan dan maintaining networks and services of international
jasa informatika telekomunikasi international. telecommunications and informatics

b. Bisnis Internasional mencakup tapi tidak terbatas b. International Businesses include but not limited to:
pada bidang:
1) Investasi/penyertaan modal di luar negeri 1) Investment/capital investment abroad
2) Jasa Konsultasi 2) Consulting Services
3) Kerjasama Operasi 3) Joint Operation
4) Kerjasama Manajemen 4) Joint Management
5) Pendanaan 5) Funding

c. Jasa-jasa terkait lainnya yang berhubungan dan c. Related services and supports related to the efforts in
menunjang usaha-usaha tersebut pada butir a dan b points a and b above.
di atas.

Alamat Address
Kantor Pusat Head Office
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International
Menara Jamsostek, Menara Utara, lantai 24, Menara Jamsostek, North Tower, 24th Floor,
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 38 Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 38
Jakarta Selatan 12710 INDONESIA South Jakarta 12710 Indonesia
Tel.: (021) 299 52 300; Fax: (021) 529 62 358 Phone: (021) 299 52 300; Fax: (021) 529 62 358
Website: Website:
Info: Info:

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 53

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan


PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin)

merupakan sebuah Perusahaan yang dimiliki
sepenuhnya oleh PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia,
Tbk. (Telkom).
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) is a company fully-
owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (Telkom).

54 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International

(Telin) merupakan sebuah Perusahaan (Telin) is a Company that is fully-owned by
yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh PT PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (Telkom).
Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (Telkom). The company was previously acknowl-
Perusahaan ini sebelumnya bernama edged as PT Aria West International (Aria
PT Aria West International (Aria West). West). The change of its name and busi-
Perubahan nama dan kegiatan usaha ness activities was then approved by the
Perusahaan kemudian disahkan Decision Letter of the Minister of Justice
berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Hukum and Human Rights No. HT.01.04-W8-00573.
dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor W8-00573 TH.2007 dated March 14th, 2007.
HT.01.04-TH 2007 tanggal 14 Maret 2007.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Based on the Decisions of the Circular
Di Luar Rapat (Sirkuler), pada 12 Agustus Shareholders, on August 12th, 2008, the
2008, Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Company’s Articles of Association
diubah untuk disesuaikan dengan was changed to be pursuant
ketentuan UU No. 40 Tahun to the provisions of Law No.
2007 Tentang Perusahaan 40.TH.2007 on Limited
Terbatas sebagaimana telah Company as approved by
mendapat persetujuan dari Minister of Law and Human
Menteri Hukum dan Hak Rights No. AHU-35266.
Asasi Manusia tanggal 24 aH.01.02TH.2009 dated July
Juli 2009 No. AHU-35266. 24th, 2009 and registered
AH.01.02. tahun 2009 dan in State Gazette No. 7627.TH.
tertuang dalam Berita Negara 2010, Supplement No. 63 on
No. 7627 tahun 2010 Tambahan August 6th, 2010.
Berita Negara tanggal 6 Agustus
2010 No. 63.

Untuk memperkuat bisnis internasional To strengthen its international business

di pasar global, pada 6 Desember 2007, Telin at global market, on December 6th, 2007, Telin
mendirikan entitas anak di Singapura yang diberi nama established a subsidiary in Singapore under the name
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte. Ltd. (Telin of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte. Ltd. (Telin
Singapore) dan memperoleh lisensi Facilities Based Singapore) and obtained Facilities-Based Operator (FBO)
Operator (FBO). license.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 55

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Seiring berjalan waktu, pada 8 Desember 2010, Within times, on December 8th, 2010, Telekomunikasi
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Hong Kong) Ltd. Indonesia International (Hong Kong) Ltd. (Telin Hong
(Telin Hong Kong) berdiri dengan lisensi Unified Carrier Kong) was established under Unified Carrier License
Licence (UCL) dan Services-Based Operator (SBO) untuk (UCL) license and Service- Based Operator (SBO) for
Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO). Selain itu, Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) license.
Telin mendapatkan lisensi dari Pemerintah Timor Moreover, Telin also obtained license from Timor-Leste
Leste pada 10 Juli 2012 dan mendirikan entitas anak Government to establish subsidiary in Timor-Leste under
di Timor Leste dengan nama Telekomunikasi Indonesia the name of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International S.A
Internasional S.A (Telin Timor-Leste). Kemudian pada (Telin Timor-Leste) on July 10th, 2012. On September
tanggal 17 September 2012, Telin Timor-Leste secara 17th, 2012 Telin Timor-Leste officially received license
resmi menerima pengalihan lisensi dan menjalankan hak awarding and operating rights and obligations as a
dan kewajiban sebagai operator telekomunikasi di Timor telecommunication provider in East Timor.

Pada tahun 2013, Telin semakin gencar mengembangkan In 2013, Telin expanded its business more intensively in
usahanya di pasar internasional. Entitas anak Telekomunikasi international market. The subsidiary of Telekomunikasi
Indonesia International Australia Pty. Ltd. (Telkom Australia) Indonesia International Australia Pty. Ltd. (Telkom
berdiri pada tanggal 14 Januari 2013, kemudian secara Australia) was established on January 14th, 2013, followed
berturut-turut menyusul pendirian entitas anak dengan consecutively with indirect ownership subsidiary
kepemilikan tidak langsung Telkom Macau pada 13 Mei 2013 establishment of Telkom Macau on May 13th and Telkom
dan Telkom Taiwan pada 3 Juni 2013, keduanya merupakan Taiwan on June 3rd, 2013, both are Telin Hong Kong
entitas anak dari Telin Hong Kong. Pada 2 Juli 2013, berdiri subsidiaries. On July 2nd, 2013 Telekomunikasi Indonesia
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd (Malaysia Telin) was
(Telin Malaysia) dan sebuah kantor cabang di Myanmar pada established, and a branch office in Myanmar on August
16 Agustus 2013 dengan nama PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia 16th, 2013 under the name of PT Telekomunikasi
International (Myanmar Branch). Pengembangan footprint Indonesia International (Myanmar Branch). Footprint
di tahun 2013 ditutup dengan pendirian Telekomunikasi development in 2013 was closed with the establishment
Indonesia International (USA) Inc. (Telkom USA) pada 11 of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA) Inc.
Desember 2013. (Telkom USA) on December 11th, 2013.

Pada 2015, terdapat penambahan modal dasar menjadi sebesar

600.000.000 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp. 10.000 per
lembar saham atau dengan nilai total Rp.
In 2015, there was additional authorized capital amounted
600,000,000 shares or par value RP10,000 per share or total

Di tahun 2014, Telin melakukan kerjasama co-branding In 2014, Telin made a co-branding agreement with
dengan salah satu operator di Arab Saudi yaitu Mobile an operator in Saudi Arabia named SA Mobile
Telecommunications Company SA (Zain KSA), yang Telecommunications Company (Zain KSA), marked by
ditandai dengan ditandatanganinya perjanjian kerjasama signing a cooperation agreement on June 23rd, 2014.

56 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

pada tanggal 23 Juni 2014. Hasil dari kerjasama co- The result of the co-branding agreement was the launch
branding ini adalah diluncurkannya produk SIM Card of co-branding SIM card named “SimPATI Saudi” on
co-branding yaitu “simPATI Saudi” pada tanggal 7 November 7th, 2014 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
November 2014 di Riyadh, Arab Saudi.

Di tahun 2014, tepatnya tanggal 25 September Telkom On September 25th, 2014, Telkom Australia acquired the
Australia melakukan akuisisi Contact Centres Australia ownership of 75% shares of Contact Centre Australia
(CCA) sebesar 75% kepemilikan, yang merupakan (CCA) which is a company dealing in the Contact Center
perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Contact centre service for fundraising (nonprofit organization) and
service for fundraising (not for profit organization) and commercial business. CCA has subsidiaries namely
commercial business. CCA memiliki anak perusahaan Financial Information Service Pty. Ltd. (FIS) and Contact
yaitu Financial Information Service Pty Ltd (FIS) dan Centre New Zealand Ltd. (CCNZ).
Contact Centres New Zealand Ltd (CCNZ).

Pada 2015, terdapat penambahan modal dasar menjadi In 2015, the authorized capital increased 600,000,000
sebesar 600.000.000 saham dengan nilai nominal shares with a nominal value of IDR 10,000 per share or
Rp10.000 per lembar saham atau dengan nilai total a total value of Rp6,000,000,000,000. The issued and
Rp6. Modal disetor dan ditempatkan paid up capital also increased to Rp1,758,479,160,000,
juga bertambah menjadi Rp1.758.479.160.000 yang divided into 175, 847,916 shares.
terbagi dalam 175.847.916 lembar saham.

Bisnis internasional melalui Telin diharapkan dapat tumbuh Through Telin, international business is expected to grow
dan berkembang sesuai dengan harapan para Pemangku and develop in line with the shareholders’ aspiration,
Kepentingan, serta berkontribusi optimal terhadap as well as optimally contribute towards Telkom Group
pertumbuhan Telkom Group. Selain itu, diharapkan pula growth. Moreover, parent company (Telkom)’s vision to
visi induk Perusahaan (Telkom) To become a leading become a leading Telecommunications, Information,
Telecommunications, Information, Media and Edutainment, Media, Edutainment and Services (TIMES) Player in the
Services (TIMES) Player in the Region dapat berkembang Region, is expected to grow further in international
lebih jauh di kancah bisnis internasional melalui Telin business level through Telin as Telkom’s extension.
sebagai kepanjangan tangan Telkom.



Akta Notaris Ny. Liliana Arif Notarial Deed of Mrs. Liliana

1995 ARIA WEST Gondokusumo SH. No. 6 Arif Gondokusumo SH. No. 6
tanggal 19 Oktober 1995 dated October 19th, 1995

PMA menjadi Akta Notaris Siti Safarijah Notarial Deed of Siti

2003 ARIA WEST PMDN SH No. 18 tanggal 31 Juli Safarijah SH No. 18 dated
PMA to PMDN 2003 July 31st, 2003

PT Telekomunikasi Perseroan Akta Notaris Ny. Titien Notarial Deed of Mrs. Titien
2007 Indonesia Terbatas Suwartini, SH. No. 3 tanggal Suwartini, SH. No. 3 dated
International Limited Company 6 Maret 2007 March 6th, 2007

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 57

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Bidang Usaha

Telin berkomitmen penuh kepada Telin is fully committed to customers and

pelanggan dan secara berkesinambungan continuously creates innovations as the
menciptakan inovasi sebagai landasan dari cornerstone of its business.

Dalam rangka mendukung pencapaian tersebut, Telin In order to support these achievements, Telin established
menetapkan kegiatan usahanya sesuai anggaran dasar its operations pursuant to the Articles of Association
yang disahkan melalui Keputusan Menteri Hukum approved by Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the
dan HAM Republik Indonesia no: W8-00537 HT.01.04- Republic of Indonesia No: W8-00537 HT.01.04.TH.2007
TH.2007 tentang persetujuan akta perubahan anggaran on the approval of the amendment deed of the Articles
dasar Perseroan Terbatas sebagai berikut : of Association of Incorporated Company (PT) as follows:

1. Kegiatan usaha Perusahaan: 1. Company’s Business activities:

a. Merencanakan, membangun, menyediakan, a. Planning, building, delivering, developing,
mengembangkan, mengoperasikan, memasarkan/ operating, marketing/selling/leasing and
menjual/menyewakan dan memelihara jaringan maintaining networks and services of international
dan jasa informatika telekomunikasi internasional; telecommunications and informatics;
b. Menyelenggarakan bisnis internasional b. Carrying out international businesses include but
mencakup namun tidak terbatas pada bidang: not limited to the lines of:
1) Investasi / penyertaan modal di luar negeri; 1) Investment/capital investment abroad;
2) Jasa Konsultasi; 2) Consulting Services;
3) Joint Operation (Kerjasama Operasi); 3) Joint Operaton;

58 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

4) Joint Management (Kerjasama manajemen); 4) Joint Management;

5) Financing (Pendanaan) 5) Funding
c. Jasa-jasa terkait lainnya yang berhubungan dan c. Related services and support related to the efforts
menunjang usaha-usaha tersebut pada butir a in points a and b above.
dan b di atas.

2. Produk Usaha Perusahaan: 2. Company’s Business Products:

a. Telecommunication: a. Telecommunication:
1) Voice Services 1) Voice Services
2) Mobile Services (MNO/MVNO) 2) Mobile Services (MNO/MVNO)
3) Data Services 3) Data Services
c) IP Transit c) IP Transit
e) Satellite e) Satellite
b. Information: b. Information:
1) Data Center 1) Data Center
2) Content Delivery Network (CDN) 2) Content Delivery Network (CDN)
3) Internet Protocol Exchange (IPX) 3) Internet Protocol Exchange (IPX)
4) Go Presence 4) Go Presence
5) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) 5) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
6) Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE) 6) Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE)



Voice Services Data Center

Mobil Services Content Delivery Network


Internet Protocol Exchange


Data Services :


/PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Business Process Outsourcing

Mobile Virtual Network

- IP Transit
Enabler (MVNE)


- Satelite

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 59

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources



Voice Services Voice Services

Telin menyadari bahwa komunikasi adalah salah satu Telin realizes that communication is one of the basic
kebutuhan dasar bagi manusia. Tantangan terbesar needs for human beings. The biggest challenge faced
yang dihadapi adalah untuk menyampaikan kebutuhan is to convey these needs with the most appropriate,
ini dengan layanan yang paling memungkinkan, accessible and flexible services, so that users can interact
mudah diakses dan fleksibel, sehingga dimanapun dan and exchange information anywhere and anytime
kapanpun, pengguna dapat berinteraksi dan saling without any hindrance of time, do not depend on
bertukar informasi tanpa adanya halangan waktu, tidak distance and without any restrictions. This commitment
bergantung pada jarak dan tanpa batasan. Komitmen ini is conveyed by Telin through voice communication
Telin sampaikan melalui layanan komunikasi suara. services.

Di tahun 2015, Telin meluncurkan A2PSMS yang merupakan

sebuah proses di mana pesan SMS dibuat melalui aplikasi dan
dikirimkan kepada pelanggan telepon seluler.
In 2015, Telin launched A2PSMS as a process where SMS message is
composed with application and sent to mobile phone subscribers.

Peran Telin dalam menjalankan bidang usaha layanan Telin’s role in running its business field of voice services
suara adalah sebagai agen Telkom dalam mengelola serves as Telkom’s agent in managing international voice
layanan suara internasional, selain melayani segmen services, besides serving wholesale market segment
pasar wholesale, melalui entitas anak perusahaan yakni through its subsidiaries namely Telin Singapore and
Telin Singapore dan Telin Hong Kong dan bisnis Telin Telin Hong Kong and its business in Kingdom of Saudi
di Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Hal ini mendukung Arabia (KSA). This supports the Company in providing
Perusahaan dalam menyediakan jasa telekomunikasi telecommunication services between Indonesia and
antara Indonesia dengan negara-negara lain di kawasan other countries in the Asia-Australia and the Middle East.
Asia-Australia dan Timur Tengah.

Bisnis lainnya adalah sebagai penyedia layanan Other business is as an International Hubbing service
Internasional Hubbing, yang memberikan beberapa provider that provides some ease for telecommunication
kemudahan kepada perusahaan telekomunikasi untuk enterprises to transfer outbond call traffic without having
menyalurkan trafik komunikasi tanpa harus terikat to engage within a bilateral contract with a particular
dalam kontrak bilateral dengan operator telekomunikasi telecommunication operator. With International

60 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

terkait. Melalui layanan Internasional Hubbing, Hubbing service, the Company may distribute outbound
Perusahaan dapat menyalurkan trafik outbond call ke call traffic to incumbent Tier-1 Operator at a very
operator Tier-1 dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif, competitive price, supported by large network capacity
didukung kapasitas jaringan yang besar dengan harga at a competitive price.

Selain itu, Telin juga menyediakan jasa Extension In addition, Telin also provides Extension Service Line
Service Line yang merupakan produk turunan dan which is derivative product and service development
pengembangan dari jasa Sambungan Langsung of International Direct Dialing (IDD) services. These
Internasional (SLI). Jasa layanan ini terdiri dari services consist of International Operator Assisted
International Operator Assisted Call Service (IOAC), Call (IOAC) Service, Integrated Service Digital network
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Home (ISDN) Service, Home Country Direct (HCD) Service,
Country Direct (HCD) Service, International Toll Free International Toll Free Service (ITFS) Service dan
Service (ITFS) dan Universal International Freephone Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN)
Number Service (UIFN). Service.

Masing-masing layanan memiliki Each service has its own advantages. IOAC is
keunggulannya sendiri. IOAC merupakan connected to 107 service operators to
layanan 107 yang tersambung assist users in making international
ke operator untuk membantu calls. This is a 24-7 service. ISDN
pengguna melakukan Service has additional values
panggilan internasional. for users with the presented
Layanan ini tersedia 24 jam facilities of video conference,
selama 7 hari. ISDN Service fax, video streaming and
memiliki nilai lebih bagi data. HCD service enables
pelanggan dengan hadirnya foreign visitors in Indonesia
fasilitas video conference, to call home without
fax, video streaming dan having to pay instantly, as
data. Sementara layanan it is charged to receivers.
HCD memudahkan tamu asing Through ITFS service,
di Indonesia untuk melakukan customers are free of charge
panggilan ke negara asalnya to make calls from all over the
tanpa harus membayar secara instan, world with 24-hour access. With UIFN
karena biaya panggilan ditanggung oleh service, customers are facilitated to receive
penerima di negara asal. Untuk layanan ITFS, pelanggan calls from abroad with no geographical barriers that
diberikan keleluasaan melakukan panggilan dari may hinder their business processes.
seluruh penjuru dunia dengan akses 24 jam bebas biaya.
Sementara melalui fasilitas UIFN, pelanggan diberi
kemudahan menerima panggilan dari luar negeri tanpa
hambatan geografis yang dapat mengganggu proses

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Di tahun 2015, Telin meluncurkan A2P (application-to- In 2015, Telin launched A2P (application-to-person)
person) SMS atau A2PSMS merupakan sebuah proses di SMS or A2P SMS, a process in which an SMS message
mana pesan SMS dibuat melalui aplikasi dan dikirimkan is created through the application and sent to mobile
kepada pelanggan telepon seluler. Produk A2PSMS phone subscribers. A2P SMS product is a form of synergy
merupakan bentuk sinergi dari 3 (tiga) pihak di Telkom of 3 (three) parties in Telkom Group; they are Telin as SMS
Group yaitu Telin sebagai pemilik infrastruktur SMS di infrastructure owners in an international network as well
jaringan internasional serta sebagai SMS Aggregator di as SMS aggregator in global market, Telkom as a party
pasar global, kemudian Telkom yang bertanggungjawab responsible for signaling infrastructure at domestic level
dalam infrastruktur sinyal di tingkat domestik serta and Telkomsel as the owner of domestic mobile network.
Telkomsel sebagai pemilik jaringan seluler domestic. .

Mobile Services Mobile Services

Telin melakukan ekpansi bisnis ritail untuk pasar Telin expands its retail business to international markets
internasional dengan mengoperasikan jasa layanan by operating mobile services through Mobile Virtual
selular melalui Mobile Virtual Network Operator Network Operator (MVNO), Mobile Network Operator
(MVNO), Mobile Network Operator (MNO), serta co- (MNO), and co-branding products through its subsidiary
branding produk melalui entitas anak perusahaan, Telin companies, Telin Hong Kong, Telin Timor-Leste, Telin
Hong Kong, Telin Timor-Leste, Telin Malaysia, Telkom Malaysia, Telkom Taiwan, Telkom Macau, and Telin’s
Taiwan, Telkom Macau, dan bisnis Telin di KSA dengan business in KSA by providing a complete range of mobile
menyediakan rangkaian lengkap layanan seluler untuk services for voice and data features including value-
suara dan data termasuk fitur layanan nilai tambah added services (value added service). These services
(value added service). Layanan-layanan tersebut tersedia are available through mobile products both pre-paid
melalui produk-produk seluler baik produk pra-bayar and post-paid products. Features offered value-added
maupun produk pascabayar. Fitur layanan nilai tambah services among others, such as roaming, ring back tones,
yang ditawarkan antara lain seperti roaming, ringback remittances between countries, and content.
tone, pengiriman uang antar negara, dan konten.

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Data Services Data Services

Telin juga menyadari bahwa seluruh aktivitas bisnis harus Telin also realizes that all business activities should have
memiliki kesempatan untuk maju dan tetap kompetitif. a chance to get ahead and stay competitive. Therefore,
Oleh karena itu, Telin hadir untuk memberikan layanan Telin exists to provide global data connection services
koneksi data global sehingga dapat membantu rekan that can help business partners in finding appropriate
bisnis dalam menemukan solusi tepat bagi permasalahan solutions to the problems faced by their business.
bisnis yang dihadapi oleh mereka.
International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC), berupa jasa International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC), in the
layanan sirkit langganan dengan jaringan global yang form of personalized circuit with a global network
secara khusus dapat disewa perusahaan pelanggan solely leased by a subscriber and not shared by other
dan tidak berbagi dengan sirkit milik pelanggan subscriber’s circuit. IPLC network links among across
lainnya. Jaringan IPLC terhubung antar negara melalui countries through fiber optic networks and submarine
jaringan serat optik dan sistem kabel bawah laut yang cable systems owned by Telin.
dimiliki Telin.

International Ethernet Private Line (IEPL), berupa International Ethernet Private Line (IEPL) is a leased
jasa layanan sirkit langganan dengan basis jaringan circuit service on the basis of an ethernet network
ethernet yang menyediakan konektivitas data that provides international data connectivity and
internasional dan bandwidth dengan kemampuan bandwidth with the same reliability of bandwidth
setara fleksibilitas pemenuhan kapasitas bandwidth capacity of IPLC services.
jasa IPLC.

- IP Transit - IP Transit
Jasa IP Transit merupakan layanan berkualitas tinggi IP Transit service is a high-quality service that allows
yang memungkinkan pelanggan melakukan akses customer to access the global Internet by utilizing
ke internet global dengan memanfaatkan jaringan Telin’s international backbone network and Telin’s
backbone internasional dan interkoneksi yang dimiliki interconnection agreements. IP Transit is designed
Telin. IP Transit ini dikemas bagi para penyedia jasa for Internet Service Providers and Content Service
internet dan konten, serta segmen korporasi dan bisnis, Providers as well as corporations or businesses
dimana layanan tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan to access the internet, customizable to suit each
kebutuhan masing-masing pelanggan. Melalui layanan customer’s need. The IP Transit service is suitable for
IP Transit, para penyedia jasa internet dan operator Internet service providers and other service operators
lainnya dapat menggunakan nomor Autonomous with a public Autonomous System (AS) number and
System (AS) publik dan perangkat keras untuk the hardware and competence to operate dynamic
mengoperasikan routing BGPv4 yang dinamis. BGPv4 routing.

Global IP Virtual Private Network (Global IP VPN), Global IP Virtual Private Network (IP VPN Global) is
berupa jasa jaringan komunikasi yang menyediakan a communication network service that provides the
kemampuan hubungan antar negara dengan dukungan ability of multinational connectivity supported by
teknologi Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) yang Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

memberikan keuntungan dan fleksibilitas, seperti providing benefits and flexibility, such as private
jaringan pribadi. networks.

- Satelit - Satelite
Telin juga menyediakan layanan penyewaan satelit, Telin also provides satellite leasing service to meet
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan telekomunikasi aplikasi telecommunication demand of voice, data, audio and
voice, data, audio maupun video video applications.


Data Center Data Center

Data Center berlokasi di Changi, Singapura, di lokasi Data Center is located in Changi, Singapore. It is within the
yang sama dengan infrastruktur Telkom Group untuk same location as the Telkom Group’s infrastructure for
penyimpanan jaringan secara cepat. Layanan ini juga speedy network storage. The service is also integrated
terintegrasi dengan dua layanan penyimpanan besar with two other large data centers that belong to Equinix
lain yang dimiliki oleh Equinix dan Global Switch. Fasilitas and Global Switch. This facility has been specifically
ini secara khusus dibuat untuk co-location, data center, designed for colocation, data center, internet gateway,
internet gateway, disaster recovery, IT facility housing disaster recovery, IT facility housing and international
dan international submarine cable station system. submarine cable station system.

Merujuk pada kebutuhan pelanggan Referring to the customers’ needs for

akan keamanan dan kapasitas, maka security and capacity, the capacity
kapasitas data center di Singapura of the data center in Singapore is
ini mencapai 10.000 feet atau up to 10,000 feet, or 3,048 m2,
3.048 m2, desain Tier-3, dan 3-Tier design, and complies
kepatuhan dengan standar with TIA/EIA-942 standards
TIA/EIA-942 untuk co- for colocation and data
location dan data center. center. It has 24 hour on-site
Lokasi ini buka selama 24 advanced security systems,
jam dilengkapi dengan scalable uninterrupted
fasilitas keamanan tingkat power system with
tinggi, scalable uninterrupted power generator backup,
power system dengan precision air conditioning
dukungan generator sebagai systems, trend management
cadangan tenaga, penyejuk udara, and environmental monitoring
trend management system serta systems.
sistem monitorisasi lingkungan.

Dalam Data Center Services, Telin juga menyediakan In the Data Center Services, Telin also provides colocation,
layanan collocations, dimana pelanggan tidak kesulitan where customers are not difficult to find a private place
untuk mencari tempat pribadi untuk infrastruktur for their network infrastructure. This service provides a
jaringan mereka. Jasa ini menyediakan jaringan yang reliable and secure network for critical applications.
andal dan aman untuk aplikasi kritis.

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- PLC style Layer 1 SDH (Synchronized Digital Hierarchy) - PLC style Layer 1 of SDH (Synchronized Digital
serta infrastruktur transmisi internasional dengan Hierarchy) and international transmission
fleksibilitas yang tinggi terhadap teknologi ethernet. infrastructure with high flexibility to the ethernet
Kesemuanya bertujuan untuk mendukung sensitivitas technology. All of them are aimed to support the
waktu dan misi dari aplikasi PLC style Layer 1 SDH sensitivities of mission and time of such PLC style
tersebut. Layer 1 of SDH application.

Internet telah menjadi media yang memiliki kekuatan Internet has become the medium that has the greatest
terbesar dalam operasi bisnis saat ini. Perkembangan power in today’s business operations. Its rapid growth
internet yang sangat cepat menciptakan kesempatan- creates business opportunity that may enhance
kesempatan bisnis yang dapat meningkatkan performa operational performance and marketing activity better
operasi dan aktivitas marketing lebih baik dari than before. Therefore, Telin is committed to support
sebelumnya. Untuk itulah Telin memiliki komitmen its customers’ business with internet-based solution
untuk mendukung bisnis para pelanggannya melalui through Content Delivery Network (CDN) service.
solusi-solusi berbasis internet melalui jasa CDN (Content
Delivery Network).

Jasa CDN dikenal sebagai kumpulan server yang CDN Service is acknowledged as server collection placed
ditempatkan di berbagai lokasi di seluruh dunia yang in various locations worldwide that provide faster access
menyediakan akses lebih cepat bagi para pengunjung for internet site visitors. CDN service enhances network
situs-situs internet. Jasa CDN meningkatkan kinerja performance by optimizing bandwidth, accessibility
jaringan dengan memaksimalkan bandwith, as well as maintaining data accuracy through content
meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan memelihara akurasi data replication. Moreover, CDN offers access speed by
melalui replikasi konten. Selain itu, CDN menawarkan distributing content to closest location to the internet
kecepatan akses dengan mendistribusikan konten users.
kepada server yang berlokasi paling dekat ke pengguna

IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) atau IP Packet IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) or the IP Packet
Exchange adalah model interkoneksi telekomunikasi Exchange is an interconnected telecommunication
untuk pertukaran lalu lintas berbasis IP dengan model to exchange IP-based traffic with service level
tingkat layanan yang menjamin kualitas end-to-end that guarantees the end-to-end service quality, security
layanan, keamanan melalui jaringan IP khusus, layanan through a specialized IP network, interoperability
interoperabilitas dan cascading pembayaran. services and cascading payments.

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Platform IPX juga mendukung berbagai layanan IPX platform also supports a broad range of services
melalui interkoneksi tunggal. Layanan IPX terpacu through a single interconnection. IPX Service is
oleh kebutuhan mobile operator terhadap layanan LTE stimulated by the needs of mobile operators for LTE
roaming maupun layanan-layanan baru lainnya yang roaming services and other new services requiring real-
mensyaratkan transaksi /koneksi real-time yang bisa time transaction/connections that can be fulfilled by a
dipenuhi dengan Diameter Signaling. Layanan yang Diameter Signaling. The existing services such as GRX,
telah ada seperti GRX, signaling roaming 2G/3G, SMS/ 2G/3G roaming signaling, SMS/MMS or VOIP would be
MMS maupun VOIP akan menjadi lebih efisien jika more efficient if they are combined into one connection
digabungkan menjadi satu koneksi dengan layanan baru with other new services via IPX.
lainnya melalui IPX.

Go Presence Go Presence

Go Presence mentransformasikan pengalaman Go Presence transforms an experience of long distance

komunikasi jarak jauh dengan menghadirkan interaksi communication by presenting a real interaction with a
yang nyata melalui suatu pengalaman yang kaya dan rich and qualitative experience and high security, either
berkualitas serta keamanan tinggi, baik dengan sarana by means of multipoint-to-multipoint audio or video
komunikasi audio atau video secara multipoint-to- communication using MCU Bridge. Not only voice and
multipoint menggunakan Bridge MCU. Voice dan video video are two main types of information exchanged in a
adalah dua jenis informasi utama yang dipertukarkan conference, but also other types of information can be
dalam suatu conference. Namun juga dapat dipertukarkan exchanged, for example texts, spreadsheets, charts or still
jenis informasi lain, misalnya text, spreadsheet, grafik images as far as the device used compatible with each
atau gambar diam sejauh perangkat yang digunakan other.
compatible satu sama lain.

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BPO merupakan bisnis yang dioperasikan oleh entitas BPO is a business run by Telin’s subsidiaries, Telkom
anak Telin yaitu Telkom Australia. Layanan BPO Australia. BPO Service is a 24-hour- Telemarketing
hadir dalam bentuk Pelayanan Telemarketing 24 jam Service supported by the latest technology and Business
menggunakan teknologi dan Manajemen Proses Bisnis Process Management focused on Quality Assurance
terkini yang berfokus pada Jaminan Kualitas pada at each point of delivery. BPO Service is supported by
setiap poin delivery. Layanan BPO didukung oleh 15.000 15,000 employees handling 60,000 voice and non-voice
karyawan yang mengelola 60 juta layanan suara dan interactions. BPO Service consists of several products
non-suara. Layanan BPO terdiri dari beberapa produk, including:
sebagai berikut:

Order Taking Order Taking

MVNE adalah platform yang menyediakan jaringan MVNE is a platform that provides network infrastructure
infrastruktur dan layanan terkait seperti administration, and related services such as administration, billing, base
billing, base station subsystem support, operations station subsystem support, operations support systems,
support system, operations dan provisioning untuk operations and provision of back-end network elements.
elemen back-end network. MVNE bertindak sebagai MVNE provides network infrastructures for the needs of
enabler melalui penyediaan network infrastruktur untuk MVNO and does not provide the Service for end users.
kebutuhan MVNO dan tidak menyediakan Service ke MNO can also act as MVNE to support MVNO, resellers
end user. Sebuah MNO dapat juga berperan sebagai and Service Operators.
MVNE untuk mendukung MVNO, Reseller dan Service

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Struktur Organisasi

Syarif Syarial Ahmad

President Director


S.P. Natigor Sitorus Tulus Sudarsono

Network & IT Director
& Sales Director

Ahmad Fathi Husairi

Innovation & Strategic
Portfolio EVP

Corporate Strategic Marketing & Product Network Operation &

Planning VP Management VP Engineering EGM

Innovation & Business Infrastructure Planning

Development VP Voice Sales VP & Development VP

Strategic Investment VP Information

Data Sales VP Technology VP

Group Performance &

Synergy VP New Business Sales VP Network Performance VP

Sales Solution &

Administration VP

68 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Secretary VP

Corporate Affairs VP

Internal Audit VP

Sunarto Parto
Finance & Human Capital

Agus Rukmantara

Enterprise Services EVP

Corporate Finance VP Procurement VP

Accounting VP Project & Consultancy


Settlement & Billing

Collection VP General Services VP

Human Capital VP

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Profil Pejabat

Ahmad Fathi Husairi

EVP of Innovation & Strategic

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran 24 Juni 1967. Indonesian Citizen, born on June 24th, 1967. Earned a
Menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 Telekomunikasi di Bachelor Degree of Telecommunication Engineering
Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang dan mengikuti from Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang and participated
program pendidikan Mobile Business Management di in Mobile Business Management training at Carl Dulsberg
Carl Dulsberg Gesellschaft (CDG) Programme, Jerman. Gesselschaft (CDG) Programme, Germany. Previously
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat sebagai GM Interkoneksi served as GM of Interconnection of Telkomsel.
di Telkomsel.

Menjabat sebagai EVP Innovation & Strategic Portofolio Has been serving as EVP of Innovation & Strategic
sejak November 2012. Portofolio since November 2012.

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Agus Rumantara
EVP of Enterprise Services

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran 10 Oktober 1961. Indonesian Citizen, born on October 10th, 1961. Earned
Menyelesaikan S1 Legal Hukum Perdata di Universitas a Bachelor Degree of Civil Law from Universitas Katolik
Katolik Parahyangan. Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Parahyangan. Previously served as SM of Shared
sebagai SM Shared Services Divisi Wholesale Telkom. Services Wholesale Division of Telkom.

Menjabat sebagai VP Enterprise Services sejak 1 Has been serving as VP of Enterprise Services since
November 2015. November 1st, 2015.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Profil Pejabat

Nyoto Priyono
EGM of Network Operation
Engineering EGM

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran 28 Oktober 1965. Indonesian Citizen, born on October 28th, 1965. Earned a
Menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 Elektro Telekomunikasi di Bachelor Degree of Telecommunication Engineering from
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya dan S2 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya and
Manajemen di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis Telkom. a Master Degree of Management from Sekolah Tinggi
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat sebagai VP Data Sales Telin. Manajemen Bisnis (STMB) Telkom. Previously served as
VP of Data Sales of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai EGM Network Operation Engineering Has been serving as EGM of Network Operation
sejak 1 Oktober 2015. Engineering since October 1st, 2015.

72 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on October

11 Oktober 1959. Menyelesaikan 11th, 1959. Earned a Bachelor Degree
pendidikan S1 Teknik Fisika dan S2 of Physics Engineering and a Master
Teknik Elektro di Institut Teknologi Degree of Electrical Engineering
Bandung. Sebelumnya pernah from Institut Teknologi Bandung
menjabat sebagai Senior Account (ITB). Previously served as Senior
Manager Divisi Wholesale Services Account Manager of Wholesale
Telkom. Service Division of Telkom.

Menjabat sebagai VP Corporate Has been serving as VP of Corporate

Affairs sejak 12 Desember 2012. Affairs since December 12th, 2012.
Dodo Rukandi
VP of Corporate Affairs

Warga Negara Indonesia Indonesian Citizen born on

kelahiran 10 September 1964. September 10, 1964. Graduated as
Menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 a Bachelor Degree from Electrical
Electrical Telecommunication di Telecommunication, Sekolah Tinggi
Telkom/Pattel. Sebelumnya pernah Teknologi Telkom. His prior position
menjabat sebagai VP Procurement was VP Procurement and Logistic.
and Logistic.

Menjabat sebagai VP Internal Audit Serving as VP Internal Audit since

sejak 01 Juli 2015. July 1, 2015.

Sri Wiyono Herlambang

VP of Internal Audit

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on March

1 Maret 1969. Menyelesaikan 1st, 1969. Earned a Bachelor
pendidikan S1 Hukum Bisnis di Degree of Business Law from
Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta dan Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta and
S2 Manajemen di Universitas Pelita a Master Degree of Management
Harapan. Jakarta. Sebelumnya from Universitas Pelita Harapan,
pernah menjabat sebagai VP Jakarta. Previously served as VP of
Corporate Affairs Telin. Corporate Affairs of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Corporate Has been serving as VP of Corporate

Secretary sejak 12 Desember 2012. Secretary since December 12th,
G.E. Dhany Widjajanta
VP of Corporate Secretary 2012.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on

1 November 1973. Menyelesaikan November 1st, 1973. Earned a
pendidikan S1 Elektro di Sekolah Bachelor Degree of Electrical
Tinggi Teknologi Telkom dan Engineering from STT Telkom
S2 Business Administration di and a Master Degree of Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Administration from Universitas
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Previously
sebagai VP Marketing Telin. served as VP of Marketing of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai Executive Has been serving as Executive

Management Report Specialist sejak Manager of Report Specialist since
Noor Mahmudah Moorcy
Executive Manager of Report 1 Oktober 2015. October 1st, 2015.

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on June

3 Juni 1966. Menyelesaikan 3rd, 1966. Earned a Bachelor
pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro di Degree of Electrical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung dan from Institut Teknologi Bandung
S2 Space Systems Engineering (ITB) and a Master Degree of Space
di TU Delft TopTech, Belanda. Systems Engineering from TU Delft
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat TopTech, Netherlands. Previously
sebagai VP Infrastructure Planning served as VP of Infrastructure
and Development Telin. Planning and Development of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Corporate Has been serving as VP of Corporate

Arief Hidayat
Strategic Planning sejak 1 November Strategic Planning since November VP of Corporate Strategic
2015. 1st, 2015. Planning

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on

6 Desember 1973. Menyelesaikan December 6th, 1973. Earned a
pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro di Bachelor Degree of Electrical
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom. Engineering from STT Telkom.
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Previously served as VP of
sebagai VP Innovation Management Innovation Management of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Innovation & Has been serving as Innovation &

Business Development 1 Oktober Business Development VP since
2015. October 1st, 2015.
Henri Setiawan Wiyatno
VP of Innovation & Business

74 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on

12 Desember 1971. Menyelesaikan S1 December 12th, 1971. Earned a
Akuntansi di Universitas Indonesia, Bachelor Degree of Accounting
Jakarta dan S2 Manajemen from Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Keuangan di MM Universitas Gajah and a Master Degree of Finance
Mada. Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Management from MM, Universitas
sebagai VP Finance and Accounting Gadjah Mada. Previously served as
Telin. VP of Finance and Accounting of Telin

Menjabat sebagai VP Strategic Has been serving as VP of Strategic

Investment sejak 1 Oktober 2013. Investment since October 1st, 2013.
Roberto Surya Negara
VP of Strategic Investment

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian citizen, born on October

8 Oktober 1967. Menyelesaikan 8th, 1967. Earned a Bachelor Degree
pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro di of Electrical Engineering from
Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang.
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Previously served as VP of Sales
sebagai VP Sales Support Telin. Support of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Group Has been serving as VP of Group

Performance & Synergy sejak 1 Performance & Synergy since
Oktober 2015. October 1st, 2012.

Rohmat Nugroho
VP of Group Performance &
Strategy VP

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on January

15 Januari 1973. Menyelesaikan 15th, 1973. Earned a Bachelor Degree
pendidikan S1 Teknik Industri di of Industrial Engineering from
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom, STT Telkom, a Master Degree of
program S2 Manajemen dan S3 Ilmu Management and a Doctoral Degree
Ekonomi di Universitas Padjadjaran, of Economics Study from Universitas
Bandung. Sebelumnya pernah Padjajaran, Bandung. Previously
menjabat sebagai VP Corporate served as VP of Corporate Stratetic
Strategic Planning Telin. Planning of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Marketing Has been serving as VP of Marketing

Riza A. N. Rukmana
VP of Marketing & Product & Product Management sejak 1 & Product Management since
Management November 2015. November 1st, 2015.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 75

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on April

23 April 1973. Menyelesaikan 23rd, 1973. Earned a Bachelor
pendidikan S1 Elektro-Umum di Degree of Electrical Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom. from STT Telkom. Previously served
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat as Senior Account Manager of Voice
sebagai Senior Account Manager Sales.
Voice Sales.

Menjabat sebagai VP Voice Sales Has been serving as VP of Voive

sejak 1 Oktober 2015. Sales since October 1st, 2015.

Bentarto Budi Setiawan

VP of Voice Sales

Warga Negara Indonesia Indonesian Citizen, born on January

kelahiran 28 Januari 1968. 28th, 1968. Earned a Master Degree
Menyelesaikan pendidikan S2 of Satellite Communication from
Satellite Communication di ENSAE- EnSaE-SUPaERO. Previously served
SUPAERO. Sebelumnya pernah as VP of Voice Sales.
menjabat sebagai VP Voice Sales.

Menjabat sebagai VP Data Sales Has been serving as VP of Data

sejak 1 Oktober 2015. Sales since October 1st, 2015.

Widjajanto Budi Sulistijo

VP of Data Sales

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian citizen, born on April

13 April 1974. Menyelesaikan 13th, 1974. Earned a Bachelor
pendidikan S1 Informatika-Teknik Degree of Informatics Engineering
Informatika di Institut Teknologi from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Sepuluh Nopember. Pernah Nopember (ITS). Previously served
menjabat sebagai Data Services as Data Services Manager of Telin.
Manager Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP New Business Has been serving as VP of New

Sales sejak 1 Oktober 2015. Business Sales since October 1st,
Made Teja Buana
VP of New Business Sales

76 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on June 6th,

6 Juni 1964. Menyelesaikan 1964. Earned a Bachelor Degree of
pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro Electrical Engineering from Institut
di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS),
Nopember, Surabaya dan S2 Teknik Surabaya and a Master Degree of
Telekomunikasi di Institut Teknologi Telecommunication Engineering
Bandung. Sebelumnya pernah from Institut Tekonologi Bandung.
menjabat sebagai VP Corporate Previously served as Corporate
Performance & Synergy Telin. Performance & Synergy VP of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Sales Solution Has been serving as VP of Sales

Ruslan Z. Hutapea
VP of Sales Solution and and Administration sejak 1 Oktober Solution and Administration since
Administration 2015. October 1st, 2015.

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on

2 Februari 1974. Menyelesaikan February 2nd, 1974. Earned a
pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro di Bachelor Degree of Electrical
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom, Engineering from STT Telkom,
Bandung. Sebelumnya pernah Bandung. Previously served as VP
menjabat sebagai VP Project & of Project & Consultancy of Telin.
Consultancy Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Infrastructure Has been serving as VP of

Planning & Development sejak 1 Infrastructure Planning &
Januari 2016. Development since January 1st, 2016.
Iwan Budiman Saputra
VP of Infrastructure Planning &

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on May

25 Mei 1973. Menyelesaikan D3 25th, 1973. Earned a Diploma
Elektro-Umum di Sekolah Tinggi Degree of Electrical Engineering
Teknologi Telkom. Sebelumnya from STT Telkom. Previously
pernah menjabat sebagai IT Planning served as Manager of IT Planning &
& Development Manager Telin. Development of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Information Has been serving as VP of

Technology sejak 1 Oktober 2015. Information Technology since
October 1st, 2015.

Aan Helmy Ansori

VP of Information Technology

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 77

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Warga Indonesia Kelahiran 30 Indonesian Citizen, born on October

Oktober 1973. Menyelesaikan 30th, 1973. Earned a Bachelor
pendidikan S1 jurusan Teknik Degree of Telecommunication
Telekomunikasi di Sekolah Tinggi Engineering from STT Telkom.
Teknologi Telkom. Sebelumnya Previously served as Manager of
pernah menjabat sebagai Real Time Real Time Fault Handling of Telin.
Fault Handling Manager Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Network Has been serving as VP of Network

Performance sejak 12 Desember Performance since December 12th,
2012. 2012.
Rahmad Fitriyanto
VP of Network Performance

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on January

25 Januari 1973. Menyelesaikan S2 25th, 1973. Earned a Master Degree
Telecommunication Engineering of Telecommunication Engineering
di Royal Melbourne Institute from Royal Melbourne Institute of
Of Technology. Sebelumnya Technology. Previously served as
pernah menjabat sebagai Non Manager of non IP Infrastructure
IP Infrastructure Planning & Planning & Development of Telin.
Development Manager Telin.

Menjabat sebagai GM Service Has been serving as GM of Service

Configuration Provisioning sejak 1 Configuration Provisioning since
Edi Siswanto
Oktober 2015. October 1st, 2015. GM of Service Configuration

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on June

22 Juni 1965. Menyelesaikan 22nd, 1965. Earned a Bachelor
pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro di Degree of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak from Universitas Tanjungpura,
dan S2 Teknik Telekomunikasi di Pontianak and a Master Degree of
Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. Telecommunication Engineering
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat from Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
sebagai VP Global Service Previously served as VP of Global
Assurance Telin. Service Assurance of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai GM Global Service Has been serving as GM of Global

Mochamad Hadimargono Service Assurance since October
Assurance sejak 1 Oktober 2015.
GM of Global Service Assurance
1st, 2015.

78 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran 1 Indonesian Citizen, born on May

Mei 1965. Menyelesaikan pendidikan 1st, 1965. Earned a Bachelor Degree
S1 Teknik Elektro di Universitas of Electrical Engineering from
Sriwijaya, Palembang dan S2 Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang
Multimedia System and Information and a Master Degree of Multimedia
Technology di Institut Teknologi System and Information Technology
Bandung. Sebelumnya pernah from Insitut Teknologi Bandung.
menjabat sebagai VP Provisioning Previously served as VP of Network
Telin. Operation & Maintenance of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai GM Operations Has been serving as GM of

GM of Opeartions & and Maintenance 1 Oktober 2015. Operations and Maintenance since
Maintenance October 1st, 2015.

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran 22 Indonesian Citizen, born on July

Juli 1970. Menyelesaikan S1 Elektro- 22nd, 1970. Earned a Bachelor
Umum di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Degree of Electrical Engineering
Telkom. Sebelumnya pernah from STT Telkom. Previously served
menjabat sebagai Submarine Cable as Manager of Submarine Cable
Planning & Dev. Manager Telin. Planning & Development of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai GM Engineering Has been serving as GM of

sejak 1 Oktober 2015. Engineering since October 1st, 2015.

Reinaldi CL. Samsuddin

GM of Engineering

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on December

16 Desember 1973. Menyelesaikan 16th, 1973. Earned a Bachelor Degree
pendidikan S1 Ilmu Komunikasi di of Communication from Universitas
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta and
Yogyakarta dan Teknik Kimia di of Chemical Engineering from
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional
Veteran dan S2 Manajemen and a Master Degree of Financial
Keuangan di UGM. Sebelumnya Management from Universitas
pernah menjabat sebagai Senior Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Previously
Officer – Sub Direktorat Corporate served Senior Officer of Sub
Strategic Planning Telkom. Directorate Corporate Strategic
Planning of Telkom.
VP of Corporate Finance

Menjabat sebagai VP Corporate Has been serving as VP of Corporate

Finance sejak 1 Oktober 2013. Finance since October 1st, 2013.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 79

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian Citizen, born on February

8 Februari 1978. Menyelesaikan 8th, 1978. Earned a Bachelor Degree
pendidikan S1 Akuntansi di of Accounting from Universitas
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung Padjajaran, Bandung and a Master
dan S2 Business and Information Degree of Business and Information
Technology di University of Technology from University of
Melbourne, Australia. Sebelumnya Melbourne, Australia. Previously
pernah menjabat sebagai Senior served as Senior Officer of Capital
Officer Capital Management Management of Telkom.

Rini Fitriani
VP of Accounting Menjabat sebagai VP Accounting Has been serving as VP of Accounting
sejak 1 Desember 2013. since December 1st, 2013.

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian citizen, born on October

12 Oktober 1973. Menyelesaikan 12th, 1973. Earned a Bachelor Degree
pendidikan S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi of Telecommunication Engineering
di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom from STT Telkom and a Master
dan S2 Business Administration di Degree of Business Administration
AIM Philippines. Sebelumnya pernah from AIM Philippines. Previously
menjabat sebagai Buying Manager served as Manager of Purchasing of
Telin. Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Settlement Has been serving as VP of Settlement

and Billing Collection sejak 1 Oktober and Billing Collection since October
Oni Brotoseno
2013. 1st, 2013. VP of Settlement and Billing

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian citizen, born on October

7 Oktober 1972. Menyelesaikan 7th, 1972. Earned a Bachelor Degree
pendidikan S1 Teknik Industri di of Industrial Engineering from STT
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom Telkom and a Master Degree of
dan S2 Manajemen di Sekolah Management from Sekolah Tinggi
Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis Telkom. Manajemen Bisnis (STMB) Telkom.
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Previously served as Manager of
sebagai Human Resources Manager Human Resources of Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Human Capital Has been serving as VP of Human

R. Adam Kamil Khusnun Capital since October 1st, 2011.
sejak 1 Oktober 2011.
VP of Human Capital

80 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian citizen, born on February

12 Februari 1965. Menyelesaikan 12th, 1960. Earned a Bachelor
S1 Elektro-Umum di Universitas Degree of Electrical Engineering
Hasanudin. Sebelumnya pernah from Universitas Hasanudin.
menjabat sebagai Business Previously served as Manager of
Administration Manager Telin. Business Administration of Telin.
Has been serving as VP of
Menjabat sebagai VP Procurement Procurement since October 1st,
sejak 1 Oktober 2015. 2015.

Muhammad Lutfi
VP of Procurement

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran 18 Indonesian citizen, born on July

Juli 1972. Menyelesaikan S1 Elektro- 18th, 1972. Earned a Bachelor Degree
Umum di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi. of Electrical Engineering from STT
Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Telkom. Previously served as Manager
sebagai Corporate Communication of Corporate Communication of Telin.
Manager di Telin.

Menjabat sebagai VP Project & Has been serving as VP of Project &

Consultancy sejak 1 Januari 2016. Consultancy since January 1st, 2016.

Pri Handoko
VP of Project & Consultancy

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian citizen, born on July

20 Juli 1965. Menyelesaikan 20th, 1965. Earned a Bachelor
pendidikan S1 Manajemen Degree of Marketing Management
Pemasaran di Universitas Indonesia, from Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
Jakarta. Sebelumnya pernah Previously served as Manager
menjabat sebagai Manager Logistic of Logictics of Wholesale Service
Divisi Wholesale Services Telkom. Division of Telkom.

Menjabat sebagai VP General Has been serving as VP of General

Services sejak 1 April 2013. Services since April 1st, 2013.

VP of General Services

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 81

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Visi Misi, Strategi Nilai,

dan Budaya Perusahaan

Sebagai penyelenggara bisnis internasional yang As an international business operator focusing its
memfokuskan kegiatan usahanya pada industri business activities on industry of Telecommunication,
Telekomunikasi, Informasi, Media, Edutainment dan Information, Media, Edutainment and Services
Services (TIMES) Telin berupaya untuk tumbuh dan (TIMES) Telin tries to grow and develop and be able
berkembang serta mampu bersaing dengan para to compete with other operators in global market. Its
operator lainnya di pasar global. Pengembangan bisnis, business, infrastructure and footprint development are
infrastruktur dan footprint terus menerus dilakukan continuously carried out so that Telin’s strategy to give
sebagai strategi Telin untuk memberikan kontribusi a positive contribution in the performance of Telkom
positif bagi kinerja Telkom Group dapat tercapai. Untuk Group can be achieved. Therefore, Telin’s vision is set, as
itu ditetapkan visi Telin sebagai berikut : follows:

“The World’s Hub for

VISI Telecommunication, Information,
Vision Media, Edutainment & Services

Visi tersebut mencerminkan peran Telin sebagai salah The vision reflects Telin’s role as one of TIMES service
satu pusat transaksi layanan TIMES baik di Indonesia transaction centers both in Indonesia and around the
dan di seluruh belahan bumi lainnya. Telin bercita-cita world. Telin’s aspiration is to be a strong and modern
menjadi operator yang kuat dan modern serta mampu provider and able to serve all the needs of TIMES services.
melayani seluruh kebutuhan layanan TIMES.

82 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Untuk mewujudkan visi-nya, ditetapkan misi Telin To realize its vision, Telin determines its mission as
sebagai berikut: follows:
1. Menyediakan layanan TIMES yang melebihi ekspektasi 1. Delivers TIMES services that exceed customers’
pelanggan expectations
2. Meningkatkan nilai dari portfolio melalui investasi 2. Enhances portfolio value by investing TIMES
TIMES secara International dan melebarkan internationally and leverages Telkom Group’s
kapabilitas Telkom Group capabilities
3. Memaksimalkan keuntungan kepada seluruh 3. Maximizes benefits to all shareholders through
Pemangku Kepentingan melalui International International Expansion.

Visi dan misi Telin ditetapkan oleh Direksi berdasarkan Telin’s vision and mission are affirmed by the Board of
Corporate Strategic Scenario 2014-2018. Directors based on the Corporate Strategic Scenario

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 83

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Budaya Perusahaan Telin sejalan dengan kebijakan Corporate Culture of Telin aligns with the corporate
budaya perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan oleh induk culture that has been set by the parent company (Telkom),
perusahaan (Telkom), nomor: PR.201.01/r.00/HK250/ No.: PR.201.01/r.00/HK250/COP-B0400000/2013, dated
COP-B0400000/2013, tanggal 10 Juni 2013 tentang June 10th, 2013 on Corporate Culture of Telkom Group.
Budaya Perusahaan Telkom Group.

Budaya Perusahaan di dasarkan pada The Telkom Way The company culture is based on The Telkom Way in
di lingkungan Telkom Group, yang meliputi 4 (empat) Telkom Group that includes four (4) dimensions:
dimensi yaitu:
1. Dimensi Spiritual, dikelola melalui olah Ruh; 1. Spiritual Dimension, managed through Spirit management;
2. Dimensi Emotional, dikelola melalui olah Rasa; 2. Emotional Dimension, managed through Sense
3. Dimensi Intellectual, dikelola melalui olah Rasio; 3. Intellectual Dimension, managed through Logic
4. Dimensi Physical, dikelola melalui olah Raga. 4. Physical Dimension, managed through Body management.

The Telkom Way meliputi 4 dimensi yaitu Ruh, The Telkom Way includes four dimensions,
Rasa, Rasio dan Raga namely Spirit, Sense, Logic and Body

Core Value Perusahaan dan sekaligus Great Spirit The Core Values and Great Spirit of the Company is 3S,
Perusahaan adalah 3S, yakni: namely:
1. SOLID, yaitu sikap mental untuk bertindak didasari 1. SOLID, that is a mental attitude to act based on senses
adanya rasa kesatuan, kesamaan dan rasa saling of integrity, equality and trust to achieve mutual goals;
percaya dalam mencapai tujuan bersama;
2. SPEED, yaitu sikap mental untuk bertindak secara 2. SPEED, that is a mental attitude to act proactively
proaktif dalam mengelola pekerjaan/penugasan in performing work/duties in fast, accurate and
secara cepat, tepat dan berkualitas; qualitative manners;
3. SMART, yaitu sikap mental untuk bertindak 3. SMART, that is a mental attitude to act intelligently in
secara cerdas dalam menyelesaikan semua accomplishing all the work/duties to achieve glorious
pekerjaan/penugasan untuk mencapai hasil yang results.

84 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Telin di tahun 2015, mencetuskan semangat kerja yaitu In 2015, Telin sparked the morale of providing the best,
memberikan yang terbaik, terbuka, dan cinta. Giving the openness, and love (GOAL); they are used as guidelines in
best, Openness, and Love (GOAL); yang dijadikan pedo- their daily work.
man dalam bekerja sehari-hari.


Dengan visi dan misi di atas, Telin bertekad untuk menjadi With the vision and mission above, Telin is determined
penyedia layanan TIMES internasional yang mendominasi to become an international TIMES service provider
di pasar domestik dan menjadi salah satu pusat transaksi dominating domestic market and a TIMES transaction
TIMES di dunia serta memberikan kontribusi pendapatan center in the world and to give a significant international
Internasional yang signifikan bagi Telkom, dengan target revenue contribution to Telkom, with the target of “To
“To grow revenue 5x by 2018”. Telin diperkirakan akan grow revenue 5x by 2018”. Telin is expected to reach
meraih pendapatan sebesar Rp 6T dengan pertumbuhan revenues of Rp6 trillion with 20% progressive growth
progresif selama periode 2014-2019 (CAGR) pada 20% during the period of 2014-2019 (CAGR), while inorganic
sedangkan pertumbuhan inorganik akan memberikan growth will contribute as much as Rp4.2 trillion in 2019.
kontribusi Rp 4,2 Triliun pada 2019.


Dalam menyelenggarakan bisnis internasionalnya, In conducting its international business, Company’s
kegiatan usaha Perusahaan bertumpu pada portfolio business activities are based on TIMES business portfolio,
TIMES bisnis yaitu: namely:

Telecommunication Telecommunication
- Voice Services - Voice Services
- Mobile Services - Mobile Services
- Data Services - Data Services

Information Information
- Data Center - Data Center
- CDN Services - CDN Services
- Go Presence - Go Presence

Layanan T (Telecommunication) masih menjadi tumpuan T (Telecommunication) Service still becomes a focus of
perusahaan melalui produk Voice, Data dan Mobile Company’s attention with the products of Voice, Data
Services. Secara bertahap perusahaan mengembangkan and Mobile Services. Gradually the company expands
pilar bisnisnya ke layanan IMES (Information, Media and its business pillars to IMES (Information, Media and
Edutainment) melalui Data Center Services, Business Edutainment) services through Data Center Services,
Process Outsourcing (BPO) dan vertical solutions yaitu Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and vertical
Content Delivery Network (CDN), IP Exchange (IPX), solutions namely Content Delivery Network (CDN), IP

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 85

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Go Presence, BPO, dan MVNE. Portfolio IMES tersebut Exchange (IPX), Go Presence, BPO, and MVNE. IMES
diinisiasi melalui bisnis Data Center di Singapura, Portfolio was initiated by a Business Data Center in
pendirian anak perusahaan di Australia pada tahun Singapore, a subsidiary establishment in Australia in
2013, akuisisi operator contact center lokal di Australia 2013, the acquisition of a local contact center operator
di tahun 2014 serta pengembangan bisnis CDN, IPX dan in Australia in 2014 as well as business development of
Go Presence di Indonesia. Di masa yang akan datang CDN, IPX and Go Presence in Indonesia. In the future this
diharapkan layanan IMES ini menjadi pilar pendapatan IMES service is expected to be a pillar besides being a
baru disamping pendorong dari peningkatan supporting service to increase a new revenue from T
pendapatan pada layanan T. service.


Voice Services Data Center

Mobil Services Content Delivery Network


Internet Protocol Exchange


Data Services :


/PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Business Process Outsourcing

Mobile Virtual Network

- IP Transit
Enabler (MVNE)


- Satelite



Dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja keuangan dan In its effort to improve financial performance and
strategi penciptaan nilai bagi pemegang saham (creating strategies of creating shareholder value, the company
shareholders value) perusahaan memiliki aspirasi has a strategic aspiration to enhance the value through
strategis untuk meningkatkan nilai tersebut melalui acquisitions of and alliances with international companies
kegiatan akuisisi dan aliansi terhadap perusahaan- engaged in TIMES industry.
perusahaan internasional yang bergerak dalam industri

86 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Berdasarkan hasil analisa eksternal dan internal serta Based on the analysis of external and internal as well
aspirasi dari jajaran manajemen maka ditetapkan as the aspirations of the management, Telin’s corporate
strategi perusahaan Telin 2015-2019 serta main program strategy 2015-2019 and the main program in 2015 are
di tahun 2015, sebagai berikut: defined, as follows:


1 Center of Excellence

2 Optimize strategic collaboration to forge and to strengthen global voice hub

3 Strengthen position in global data for enterprise and new market

4 Enhance infrastructure capabilities and expand global coverage

5 Promote World Class Business Solution

6 Grow mobile business

7 Expand the existing and new growth engine

8 Strengthen organization effectiveness

9 Advance delivery model and support system for business enhancement

10 Enhance synergy within Telin Group, Telkom Group & with Government

1. Center of Excellence 1. Center of Excellence

Melalui inisiatif Center of Excellence diharapkan Telin Through the initiative of Center of Excellence, Telin
dapat membangun karakter yang mampu bersaing is expected to be able to build a character enabling
di persaingan Global, peningkatan kapabilitas it to compete in Global competition, enhancing its
internasional yang berbasiskan Global mindset serta international capability based on Global mindset and
pengelolaan SDM dengan standar global. implementing human resources management based
on Global standard.

2. Optimize strategic collaboration to forge and to 2. Optimize strategic collaboration to forge and to
strengthen global voice hub strengthen global voice hub
Telin memfokuskan kegiatan usahanya untuk Telin focuses its business activities to strengthen the
memperkuat pengelolaan layanan bisnis internasional management of international voice business service
voice sehingga mampu mempertahankan penguasaan so as to maintain Indonesian market share in Indonesia
pangsa pasar di Indonesia dan memperkuat and strengthen its positioning as a Global voice

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Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

positioning sebagai global voice hub. Inisiatif yang hub. The implemented initiatives include enhancing
diimplementasikan diantaranya melalui peningkatan partnership based on attractive business scheme with
kerjasama dengan skema bisnis yang atraktif dengan Key Partners, creating innovative business model and
Key Partner, menciptakan bisnis model yang inovatif collaboration between Telkom Group and Telin Group
serta kolaborasi antara Telkom Group dan Telin Group to improve International voice traffic.
untuk meningkatkan International voice traffic.

3. Strengthen position in global data for enterprise 3. Strengthen position in global data for enterprise
and new market and new market
Layanan Data Service masih memberikan kontribusi Data Service delivery still gives the highest
terbesar dalam pendapatan, namun ancaman contribution in revenue, but a threat of content
pertumbuhan bisnis konten dan penurunan harga business growth and a decline in bandwidth prices
bandwidth yang signifikan mendorong Telin untuk significantly urge Telin to continue developing its
terus melakukan pengembangan kapabiltas dalam capability of delivering data services on a global scale,
men-deliver layanan data service yang berskala partnership in new market and innovative business
global, pengembangan partnership di pasar baru models aggressively by integrating Telkom Group’s
serta inovasi model bisnis secara agresif dengan ecosystem. Hence, Telin is expected to strengthen
mengintegrasikan ekosistem TelkomGroup. Dengan its positioning as a global data service provider for
demikian diharapkan Telin mampu memperkuat enterprise market both in Indonesia and new markets.
positioning sebagai penyedia global data services
untuk enterprise pasar baik di Indonesia maupun di
pasar baru.

Telin terus melakukan ekspansi infrastruktur Global yang

meliputi PoP sebanyak 19 presence yang tersebar di Asia
Pasifik, Eropa dan Amerika.
Telin continues to expand its Global Infrastructure that include 19 PoP
spread across Asia Pacific, Europe and America.

4. Enhance infrastructure capabilities and expand 4. Enhance infrastructure capabilities and expand
global coverage global coverage
Untuk mewujudkan visinya, Telin terus melakukan To realize its vision, Telin continues to expand its
ekspansi infrastruktur Global yang meliputi PoP global infrastructure that includes the presence of 19
sebanyak 19 presence yang tersebar di Asia Pasifik, PoPs scattered in Asia Pacific, Europe and America.
Eropa dan Amerika. Telin bekerjasama dengan Telin collaborates with a consortium to build two (2)
konsorsium untuk membangun 2 (dua) international international submarine cable systems, namely new
submarine cable systems baru yakni SEA-ME-WE5 dan SEA-ME-WE5 and SEA-US which will be completed in
SEA-US yang akan selesai di tahun 2016 dan 2017, serta 2016 and 2017, as well as one (1) domestic cable system,
1 (satu) domestic cable system yaitu Indonesia Global namely Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG) which will be

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Gateway (IGG) yang akan selesai di tahun awal tahun completed in early 2017. Moreover, Telin also develops
2017. Disamping itu, Telin juga mengembangkan some platforms as new service developments such as
beberapa platform untuk pengembangan layanan CDN, IPX, Mach and MVNE platforms.
baru seperti CDN, IPX, MaCH dan MVNE platform.

5. Promote World Class Business Solution 5. Promote World Class Business Solution
Selain mengembangkan bisnis di Portfolio Besides developing its business in Telecommunication
Telecommunication, Telin juga mengembangkan Portfolio, Telin also develops Information, Media and
portofolio Information, Media and Edutainmant. Telin Edutainment portfolios. Telin needs to strengthen
perlu memperkuat portfolio yang telah ada yang the existing portfolio that is still dominated by T, and
masih didominasi oleh T, dan menyiapkan bisnis sets up future businesses existing on IME portfolio.
masa depan yang ada pada portfolio IME. Dengan By having a completed TIMES portfolio, Telin projects
dimilikinya portfolio TIMES secara lengkap, Telin the occurrence of a mutually reinforcing situation
memproyeksikan terjadinya suatu situasi yang saling between the T portfolio and the TIMES portfolio,
menguatkan antara portfolio T dan portfolio IMES thereby providing a better business result.
sehingga memberikan business result yang lebih baik

6. Grow mobile business 6. Grow mobile business

Telin mengembangkan mobile services dari yang Telin develops mobile services using Mobile Virtual
menggunakan model Mobile Virtual Network Network Operator (MVNO) model to Mobile Network
Operator (MVNO) sampai model Mobile Network Operator (MNO) model. To increase its market share
Operator (MNO). Untuk meningkatkan penguasaan in mobile business, Telin relies on a synergy and
pangsa pasar di bisnis mobile, Telin mengandalkan collaboration with Telkom Group and implements a
sinergi dan kolaborasi dengan Telkom Group serta strategic partnership.
mengimplementasikan strategic partnership.

Telin secara terus menerus melakukan assessment untuk

menemukan peluang bisnis baru di pasar internasional terutama
di “emerging market” dalam portofolio Telekomunikasi, Informasi,
Media, Edutainment dan Service (TIMES)
Telin continuously performs assessment to seek new business opportunity
in International Market mainly in “emerging market” on Telecommunication,
Information, Media, Edutainment and Service (TIMES) portfolio

7. Expand the existing and new growth engine 7. Expand the existing and new growth engine
Kehadiran dan tujuan dibentuknya Telin sebagai The presence and objective of Telin establishment
“International arm” Telkom dalam kegiatan bisnis as Telkom’s “International arm” in International
Internasional menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi Telin Business activities is a challenge for Telin to actualize
dalam mewujudkannya. Pertumbuhan pendapatan it. Revenue growth originated from outside Telkom
yang bersumber dari luar Telkom Group (non Group (non-captive revenue) is a challenge for Telin
captive revenue) menjadi tantangan bagi Telin to increase it that is expected to be a value creation

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untuk meningkatkannya sehingga diharapkan to Telkom Group’s business growth on a consolidated

mampu menciptakan nilai (value creation) bagi basis. To actualize it, Telin continuously conducts
pertumbuhan bisnis Telkom Group secara konsolidasi. an assessment to find new business opportunities
Dalam mewujudkannya, Telin secara terus menerus in international market, especially in “emerging
melakukan assessment untuk menemukan peluang markets” in Telecommunication, Information, Media,
bisnis baru di pasar internasional terutama di Edutainment and Service (TIMES) portfolio through
“emerging market” dalam portofolio Telekomunikasi, alliances and acquisitions (A & A), direct investment
Informasi, Media, Edutainment dan Service (TIMES) and partnership. Moreover, Telin also performs prudent
melalui kegiatan Alliance and Acquisition (A&A), finance management and smart financing strategy to
direct investment maupun partnership. Selain itu support the existing business developments and to
Telin juga mengimplementasikan prudent finance seek new growth.
management dan smart financing strategy untuk
mendukung pengembangan bisnis eksisting dan
mencari pertumbuhan baru.

8. Strengthen organization effectiveness 8. Strengthen organization effectiveness

Dalam meningkatkan system dan kapabiltas internal, To improve its internal systems and capabilities, Telin
Telin secara kontinu melakukan evaluasi dan consistently evaluates and develops its organizational
pengembangan pada struktur organisasi agar selalu structure in order to be always able to anticipate
dapat mengantisipasi setiap perubahan strategi dan any changes in strategies and business needs.
kebutuhan bisnis. Selain penyelarasan di sisi organisasi Besides aligning its organization, Telin also enhances
juga diimplementasikan penguatan dalam parenting parenting models to increase the values given to each
model untuk meningkatkan nilai yang diberikan Telin subsidiary of Telin Group so as to improve Telin Group’s
Group kepada setiap anak perusahaan sehingga nilai values. To support the continuity and effectiveness of
Telin Group semakin meningkat. Untuk mendukung all business processes in Telin Group, then it needs to
kesinambungan dan efektivitas seluruh proses bisnis consistently improve the process management so that
di Telin Group maka perlu diterapkan pengembangan all the business processes are in line with international
secara terus menerus terhadap manajemen proses standards.
agar seluruh proses bisnis sesuai dengan standar

Telin memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas

internal dengan cara mencari model operasi dan support system
yang tepat dan menerapkannya di dalam bisnis yang dimasuki.
Telin has a commitment to upgrade internal capability by seeking
accurate operation model and support system and implement them in the
penetrated business.

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

9. Advance delivery model and support system for 9. Advance delivery model and support system for
business enhancement business enhancement
Bisnis internasional memiliki karakteristik tersendiri International business has its own characteristics
yang tidak ditemui di level domestik. Untuk that are not found in domestic level. To conduct
menyelenggarakan layanan internasional yang international services reliable in such situations, it
handal dalam situasi tersebut, diperlukan model is necessary to have an operating model and the
operasi dan support system yang tepat yang dapat right support system that can accommodate the
mengakomodasi kekhususan karakteristik bisnis specificities and characteristics of international
internasional tersebut. Telin memiliki komitmen business. Telin is committed to improving its internal
untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas internal dengan capabilities by seeking the right operating models
cara mencari model operasi dan support system and support systems and implementing them to
yang tepat dan menerapkannya di dalam bisnis yang enter a business. They are expected to anticipate
dimasuki. Diharapkan model operasi dan support international business dynamic, thereby Telin can
system yang tepat tersebut dapat mengantisipasi still function properly in such dynamic situations. To
dinamika bisnis internasional sehingga Telin dapat measure and evaluate the company’s performance
tetap menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik dalam as a group, Telin develops performance management
situasi yang dinamis tersebut. Untuk mengukur dan systems.
mengevaluasi kinerja perusahaan secara group, maka
Telin mengembangkan sistem kinerja manajemen.

10.Enhance synergy within Telin Group, Telkom 10. Enhance a synergy within Telin Group, Telkom
Group & with Government Group & with Government
Untuk meningkatkan daya saingnya Telin juga To improve its competitiveness, Telin also consistently
senantiasa mengimplementasikan sinergi dengan implements a synergy with its subsidiaries and
anak-anak perusahaan dan dengan Telkom Group Telkom Group so as to enable Telin to improve its
serta memiliki semua kapabilitas yang sudah competitiveness and to have all the capabilities that
dimiliki oleh Telkom Group. Untuk menggali peluang are already owned by Telkom Group. To explore
bisnis International, Telin juga senantiasa menjaga International business opportunities, Telin also
hubungan kerjasama dengan Pemerintah. consistetly maintains a cooperative relationship with
the Government.

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Jejak Langkah

2003 2007 2008 2009


Telkom Indonesia Aria West berubah Telin Singapore TII memperoleh
mengambil alih 100% nama menjadi PT menerima lisensi Ijin Prinsip jaringan
kepemilikan Aria Telekomunikasi Facilities Based komunikasi
West . Indonesia International Operator (FBO) terbatas tertutup
(TII). dari Pemerintah (jartaptup) dari
JULY 31st
Singapura Menteri Komunikasi
Telkom Indonesia
MARCH 14th dan Informasi RI
took over the
Aria West changed MAY 1st No. 258/KEP/M.
ownership of 100%
its name into PT Telin Singapore was KOMINFO/8/2009
shares of Aria West.
Telekomunikasi granted Facilities tanggal 28 Agustus
Indonesia International Based Operator 2009
(Telin). (FBO) license
by Singapore AUGUST 28th
Government. Telin was granted
6 DES: a license for the
Telin Singapore fixed and closed
didirikan. communication
network Principle
DECEMBER 6th (jartaptup)
Telin Singapore was by Minister of
established. Communication
and Information
of the Republic
of Indonesia
No. 258/KEP/M.
dated August 28th,

92 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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2010 2011 2012


TII membeli 17,01% TII berubah identitas Telin menerima
saham Scicom menjadi Telin. lisensi
Malaysia Peluncuran logo penyelenggara
baru Telin menandai layanan
JANUARY 28th transformasi telekomunikasi
Telin purchased the Perusahaan mobile di Timor-
ownership of 17.01% Leste
shares of Scicom JANUARY 1st
Malaysia. Telkom Indonesia JULY 10th
2 MARET International (TII) Telin obtained a
TII memperoleh changed its identity license for mobile
lisensi jaringan into Telin. telecommunications
komunikasi The launch of Telin’s service provider in
terbatas tertutup new logo marked Timor-Leste.
(jartaptup) dari the transformation
Menteri Komunikasi of the Company
dan Informasi RI
No. 75/KEP/M.
tanggal 2 Maret 18 JULI
Telin Hong Kong
2010. Telin Hong Kong
menerima Unified
menerima lisensi
Carrier License
MARCH 2nd Money Service
Telin was granted Operator
a license for the 1MARCH 1st JULY 18th
fixed and closed Telin Hong Kong Telin Hong Kong
communication obtained Unified obtained Money
network (jartaptup) Carrier License Service Operator
by Minister of (UCL). license.
and Information
of the Republic 27 JULI
Telin Hong Kong 17 SEPTEMBER
of Indonesia Telin Timor-Leste
No. 75/KEP/M. menerima Service
Based Operator didirikan
dated March 2nd, License untuk
Mobile Virtual SEPTEMBER 17th
2010. Telin Timor-Leste
Network Operator
16 JUNI: (MVNO) was established.
TII menambah
jumlah saham
JULY 27th
Scicom menjadi
Telin Hong Kong
obtained a Services-
JUNE 16th Based Operator
Telin increased the (SBO) License for
ownership of 29.71% Mobile Virtual
shares of Scicom. network Operation
(MVnO) Services.
Telin Hong Kong

Telin Hong Kong was

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Jejak Langkah

2013 2014


Peresmian Telin memperoleh 1. Telin Singapore
Telkomcel Lisensi Peroleh Sertifikasi
Penyelenggaraan Global Ethernet
JANUARY 17th Jasa Interkoneksi Service MEF CE2.0
Telkomcel was Internet (NAP) dari 2. Telin bergabung
officially launched. Dirjen Postel RI dalam konsorsium
No.294/2013 tanggal kabel laut SEA-ME-
25 JANUARI 31 Juli 2013 WE 5
Telkom Australia 31 JULY: MARCH 7th, 2014
Telin was granted 1. Telin Singapore
a license for the was certified Global
Telkom Australia was
Provision of Internet Global Ethernet
Interconnection Service MEF CE2.0
Service (NAP) 2. Telin joined SEA
16 MARET: by Directorate – ME – WE5 cable
Komersialisasi General of Post and system consortium
Telkomcel Telecommunication
MARCH 16th of the Republic
of Indonesia 23 JUNI 2014:
Telkomcel was Telin KSA didirikan
launched. No.294/2013, dated
July 31st , 2013. JUNE 23rd, 2014
Telin memperoleh Telin KSA was
Ijin Prinsip Jasa established.
Pergantian logo Telin
Interkoneksi Internet
(NAP) dari Dirjen 28 AGUSTUS 2014
Telin changed its
Postel RI No.167/2013 Signing Ceremony
tanggal 4 April 2013 kabel laut SEA-US
APRIL 4th 25 AGUSTUS AUGUST 28th, 2014
Telin was granted Telin Malaysia resmi Telin held the
Interconnection diluncurkan Signing Ceremony
Services Principle AUGUST 25th of submarine cable
(NAP) license Telin Malaysia was SEA-US.
by Directorate officially launched.
General of Post and 8 SEPTEMBER 2014
Telecommunication Peresmian Telkom
of the Republic of Pelepasan seluruh
Indonesia No. 167/2013, saham Telin di SEPTEMBER 8th, 2014
dated April 4th, 2013. Scicom Telkom USA
13 MEI
Telkom Macau
Telin released all the 25 SEPTEMBER 2014:
shares of Scicom. Telin mengakuisi
MAY 13th saham CCA sebesar
Telkom Macau was 75%
established. 11 DESEMBER: SEPTEMBER 25th, 2014
3 JUNI Telkom USA didirikan Telin acquired the
Telkom Taiwan ownership of 75%
didirikan DECEMBER 11th shares of CCA.
Telkom USA was
JUNE 3RD established.
Telkom Taiwan was

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12 OKTOBER 2014 1 MARET 2015 11 SEPTEMBER 2015

Telkom Macau Telin KSA Telin Malaysia
luncurkan Kartu As meluncurkan Grapari luncurkan Kartu As 2
2 in 1 Mekah in 1 Malaysia
OCTOBER 12th, 2014 MARCH 1st, 2015 SEPTEMBER 11th, 2015
Telkom Macau Telin KSA launched Telin Malaysia
launched Kartu AS Grapari Mekah launched Kartu As
2 in 1 (Mecca). 2in1.

28 OKTOBER 2014 30 MARET 2015 30 SEPTEMBER

Telin Singapore Raih Telin menerima 2015
ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013 penghargaan Best Telin menerima
dan SS 584: 2013 Performance Award penghargaan
dalam IHCA 2015 Most Innovative
OCTOBER 28th, 2014
Telin Singapore MARCH 30th, 2015
achieved ISO/IEC Telin received the SEPTEMBER 30th, 2015
27001 : 2013 and SS Best Performance Telin received the Most
584: 2013. Management Award Innovative Wholesaler
on IHCA 2015 Award.

Launching simPATI 19 MEI 2015
Saudi Telkom Taiwan
NOVEMBER 7th, 2014 luncurkan Kartu As
SimPATI Saudi was 2 in 1
launched. MAY 19th, 2015
Telkom Taiwan
launched Kartu As

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Kepemilikan Saham Anak Perusahaan

dan Perusahaan Afiliasi



Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte. Ltd. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte. Ltd.
Singapore (Telin Singapore) berdiri pada 6 Desember Singapore (Telin Singapore) was established on
2007 dan merupakan entitas anak yang 100% December 6th, 2007 and becomes subsidiary with 100%
sahamnya dimililiki oleh Telin, berdasarkan Hukum of its shares owned by Telin under Singapore Law and
Republik Singapura dan tercatat dalam Registration registered under Registration no.200722592C - The
No.200722592C - The Company Act (CAP.50) Company Act (CAP.50).

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Jasa usaha termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada Internet Its business lines include but not limited to Internet
Based Voice dan layanan data, International Calling Card Based Voice and Data Services, International Calling Card
Services, Virtual Private Network Service, Managed Data Services, Virtual Private Network Service, Managed Data
Services, Call Back/ Call Re-orgination, Pre-paid Calling Services, Call Back/Call Re-origination, Pre-paid Calling
Card Services and Resale of Leased Circuit Services Card Services and Resale of Leased Circuit Services.
Sejak 1 Mei 2008, Telin Singapore telah memperoleh Since May 1st, 2008, Telin Singapore has obtained
lisensi Facilities Based Operator (FBO) dan resmi menjadi Facilities Based operator (FBO) license and officially
operator telekomunikasi di Singapura serta diizinkan become a telecommunication provider in Singapore and
melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur di Singapura. authorized to perform infrastructure development in
Telin Singapore telah membangun dan mengoperasikan Singapore. Telin Singapore has developed and operated
Data Center di Changi, Singapura, dengan luas 10.000m2 Data Center in Changi, Singapore, covering more than
untuk memenuhi layanan Collocations, Data Center, 10,000m2 to support Collocations, Data Center, Internet
Internet Gateway, Disaster Recovery, IT facility Housing Gateway, Disaster Recovery, IT facility Housing and the
dan International Submarine Cable Station. International Submarine Cable Station services.

Alamat Telin Singapore Telin Singapore Address

1 Maritime Square, #09-63 1 Maritime Square, #09-63
Harbour Front Center, Singapore - 099253 Harbour Front Center, Singapore - 099253
Phone : +65 6278 8189 Phone : +65 6278 8189
Fax : +65 6273 1169 Fax : +65 6273 1169
Website : Website :
Info : Info :

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Hong Kong) Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Hongkong)

Limited (Telin Hong Kong) berdiri pada 8 Desember Limited (Telin Hong Kong) was established on December
2010 dan merupakan entitas anak yang 100% sahamnya 8th, 2010 and becomes subsidiary with 100% of its shares
dimiliki oleh Telin, berdasarkan hukum Hong Kong dan owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International
tercatat dalam Registration No. 53437159-000-12-11-A - (Telin), under Hong Kong Law and registered under
tanggal 8 Desember 2011. Bidang usaha Telin Hong Kong Registration No. 53437159-000-12-11-A – dated December
meliputi: 8th, 2011. Telin Hong Kong’s business line includes:

1. Unified Carrier Licence (UCL), terdiri dari: 1. Unified Carrier Licence (UCL), consists of:
a. Public Telecommunications Network Services a. Public Telecommunications Network Services
(Services); (Services);
b. Telecommunication Network (Network); b. Telecommunication Network (Network);
c. Radio Communications Installations; c. Radio Communications Installations;
d. Importir terkait Customer Services and Network. d. Customer Services and Network related Importer.

2. Services-Based Operator (SBO) Licence for Mobile 2. Services-Based Operator (SBO) Licence for Mobile
Virtual Network Operation (MVNO) Services, terdiri Virtual Network Operation (MVNO) Services, consists
dari: of:
a. Public Telecommunications Network Services a. Public Telecommunications Network Services
(Services); (Services);
b. Telecommunications System (System); b. Telecommunications System (System);
c. Radio Communications Installations; c. Radio Communications Installations;
d. Importir terkait Customer Services d. Customer Services related Importer

98 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Sejak 1 Maret 2011, Telin Hong Kong telah memiliki lisensi Since March 1st, 2011, Telin Hong Kong has obtained
Unified Carrier License (UCL) dan pada 27 Juli 2011 telah Unified Carrier License (UCL) and since July 27th, 2011
memiliki lisensi Services-Based Operator (SBO) License has obtained Services-Based Operator (SBO) License for
for Mobile Virtual Network Operation (MVNO) Services. Mobile Virtual Network Operation (MVNO) Services.

Telin Hong Kong mempunyai anak perusahaan yaitu Telin Hong Kong has subsidiaries namely Telkom Taiwan
Telkom Taiwan dan Telkom Macau and Telkom Macau.

Alamat Telin Hong Kong Telin Hong Kong Address

Suite 905, 9/F, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Suite 905, 9/F, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone : +852 3102 3309 Phone : +852 3102 3309
Fax : +852 3102 3306 Fax : +852 3102 3306
Website : Website :
Info : Info :

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (TL) S.A. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (TL) S.A. (Telin
(Telin Timor-Leste) berdiri pada 17 September 2012 Timor-Leste) was established on September 17th, 2012
dan merupakan entitas anak yang mayoritas saham and becomes subsidiary with 99,9998% of its shares
99,9998% dimiliki oleh Telin dan Ririek Adriansyah dan owned by Telin, 0,0001% by Ririek Adriansyah and
Syarif Syarial Ahmad masing-masing sebesar 0,0001% 0,0001% by Syarif Syarial Ahmad under Timor-Leste
berdasarkan Hukum Timor Leste dengan Registration law with Registration No. 1135/2012 dated September
No. 1135/2012 tanggal 17 September 2012 dan registrasi 17th, 2012 and under business registration Licenca Para
bisnis Licenca Para Actividades Economicas No. 08416A/ Actividades Economicas No. 08416a/ MTCI/X/2012.

Bidang usaha Telin Timor-Leste meliputi: Telin Timor-Leste business line includes:
1. Fixed Telephone Connections; 1. Fixed Telephone Connections;
2. Mobile Connections; 2. Mobile Connections;
3. Internet Connections; 3. Internet Connections;
4. Traffic-Fixed Line; 4. Traffic-Fixed Line;
5. Traffic-Mobile 5. Traffic-Mobile

Sejak 10 Juli 2012, mendapatkan lisensi General Since July 10th, 2012, it obtained General Registration
Registration Certificate sebagai Telecommunication Certificate license as Telecommunication Service
Service Provider di Timor-Leste meliputi: Provider in Timor-Leste includes:

100 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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1. Fixed Telephone Connections; 1. Fixed Telephone Connections;

2. Mobile Connections; 2. Mobile Connections;
3. Internet Connections; 3. Internet Connections;
4. Traffic-Fixed Line; 4. Traffic-Fixed Line;
5. Traffic-Mobile 5. Traffic-Mobile

Pada tanggal 17 Januari 2013 resmi diluncurkan Telin- On January 17th, 2013, Telin Timor-Leste conducted an
Timor Leste dengan nama produknya Telkomcel dan official launch with the product name Telkomcel and
mulai beroperasi secara komersial pada 16 Maret 2013 started its operations commercially on March 16th, 2013.

Alamat Telin Timor-Leste Telin Timor-Leste Address

Timor Plaza Lantai 4, Rua Presidente Nicolao Lobato, Timor Plaza Lantai 4, Rua Presidente Nicolao Lobato,
Comoro, Dili Comoro, Dili
Phone : +670 737373 Phone : +670 737373
Fax : +670 747474 Fax : +670 747474
Website : Website :

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Australia Pty. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Australia Pty.
Ltd. (Telkom Australia) di Australia berdiri pada 14 Januari Ltd. (Telkom Australia) in Australia was established on
2013 dan merupakan entitas anak yang 100% sahamnya January 14th, 2013 and becomes subsidiary with 100%
dimiliki oleh Telin, berdasarkan hukum negara Australia of its shares owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
tanggal 14 Januari 2013 dengan registrasi bisnis No. International (Telin), under Australian Law dated January
87161934541. 14th, 2013 and business registration No. 87161934541.

Bidang usaha Telkom Australia meliputi Business Telkom Australia business line includes Business Process
Process Outsourcing (BPO), Information Technology Outsourcing (BPO), Information Technology Outsourcing
Outsourcing (ITO), dan Telecommunication Services. (ITO), dan Telecommunication Services.

Alamat Telkom Australia Telkom Australia Address

Level 19 Suite 1930, 180 Lonsdale St. Level 19 Suite 1930, 180 Lonsdale St. Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia VIC 3000, australia
Phone : 1300 TELKOM (835566) Phone : 1300 TELKOM (835566)
Website : Website :
Info : Info :

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Di tahun 2014, tepatnya tanggal 25 September Telkom On September 25th, 2014, Telkom Australia acquired the
Australia melakukan akuisisi Contact Centres Australia ownership of 75% shares of Contact Centre Australia
(CCA) sebesar 75% kepemilikan, yang merupakan (CCA), a company engaged in contact center service for
perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Contact centre fundraising (not for profit organization) and commercial
service for fundraising (not for profit organization) and business. CCA has subsidiaries namely Financial
commercial business. CCA memiliki anak perusahaan Information Service Pty. Ltd. (FIS) and Contact Centre
yaitu Financial Information Service Pty Ltd (FIS) dan New Zealand Ltd. (CCNZ).
Contact Centres New Zealand Ltd (CCNZ).

Alamat: Address:
Level 5, 241 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 . Level 5, 241 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Phone : +61 2 9288 4600 Phone : +61 2 9288 4600
Fax : +61 2 9280 0073 Fax : +61 2 9280 0073

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Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA), Inc. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA), Inc.
(Telkom USA) berdiri pada tanggal 11 Desember 2013 (Telkom USA) was established on December 11th, 2013
bertempat di California dan merupakan entitas anak located in California and becomes subsidiary with 100%
yang 100% sahamnya dimiliki oleh PT Telekomunikasi of its shares owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
Indonesia International (Telin). Official Launch Telkom International (Telin). Telkom USA was officially launched
USA pada tanggal 8 September 2014. on September 8th, 2014.

104 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Telkom USA menjalankan bisnis telecommunications Telkom USA performs telecommunication products,
products, telecommunications services, Information telecommunication services, Information Technology
Technology (IT), Information technology products dan (IT), Information technology products and information
information technology services. technology services.

Alamat Telkom USA Address of Telkom USA

The Bloc Excecutive Suites The Bloc Excecutive Suites
700 S. Flower Street, 11th floor, Suite 36 – 37 700 S. Flower Street, 11th floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90017 Suite 36 – 37 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: +1 213 232 1126 Phone: +1 213 232 1126
Website: Website:
Info: Info:

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 105

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources




Telin Malaysia menyediakan layanan Mobile Virtual Telin Malaysia provides Mobile Virtual Network Operator
Network Operator (MVNO) di Malaysia setelah menerima (MVNO) in Malaysia after obtaining Application Service
lisensi Applications Service Provider Class (ASP(C)) pada Provider Class (ASP (C)) license on July 23rd, 2013
tanggal 23 Juli 2013 dan Network Service Provider (NSP) and Network Service Provider (NSP) on August 23rd,
pada tanggal 23 Agustus 2013 dari Komisi Komunikasi 2013 from Malaysian Communication and Multimedia
dan Multimedia Malaysia. Telin Malaysia resmi beroperasi Commission. Telin Malaysia was officially operated on
pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2013. Layanan MVNO Telin August 25th, 2013. Telin Malaysia MVNO service uses
Malaysia menggunakan merek “Kartu As 2in1”. “Kartu As 2in1” brand.

106 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Kolaborasi ini akan memberikan kenyamanan lebih dan The collaboration will provide more convenient and
layanan komunikasi yang inovatif antara Malaysia dan innovative telecommunication services between
Indonesia serta tentu saja akan memperkuat hubungan Indonesia and Malaysia; and it will certainly strengthen
antar warga negara di kedua negara tersebut. citizen relationship in both countries.

Alamat Telin Malaysia Telin Malaysia Address

Suite 23 A-1, 23 A Floor, Wisma UOa II, Number 21 Suite 23 A-1, 23 A Floor, Wisma UOa II, Number 21
Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone : +60 3233 20680 Phone : +60 3233 20680
Fax : +60 3216 12276 Fax : +60 3216 12276

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 107

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources



Selain sederet entitas anak dan pengendalian Beside the list of subsidiaries and jointly controlled
bersama entitas di atas, Telin juga mempunyai kantor entities mentioned above, Telin also established a
cabang yang berlokasi di Myanmar dengan nama branch office located in Myanmar under the name PT
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Myanmar Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Myanmar
Branch), yang didirikan pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2013. Branch), established on August 16th, 2013. Myanmar
Pembukaan kantor cabang di Myanmar ini ditujukan branch office opening is aimed to support a project
untuk mendukung pelaksanaan proyek pengelolaan implementation of international network management
jaringan internasional Myanmar via Mumbai, India, from Myanmar via Mumbai, India that has been won by
yang telah dimenangkan oleh Telin melalui tender yang Telin through a Tender held by Myanmar Government.
diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah Myanmar. Selain itu, Other than that, Telin Myanmar also has a duty to
Telin Myanmar juga mengemban tugas untuk menggali explore any telecommunication business potentials in
potensi bisnis telekomunikasi di negara tersebut. the country.

Alamat Kantor Cabang Telin di Myanmar Telin Myanmar Branch Office Address
#411, 412, 415, Level – 4, Strand Square #411, 412, 415, Level – 4, Strand Square
53 Strand Road, Pabedean Township, Yangon 53 Strand Road, Pabedean Township, yangon
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Phone: +959 420 238 594, +95 9 972 460 406. Phone: +959 420 238 594, +95 9 972 460 406.

108 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Telekomunikasi Indonesia International KSA, berdiri Telekomunikasi Indonesia International KSA was
pada tanggal 7 November 2014 di Riyadh dan established on November 7, 2014 in Riyadh and
merupakan kerjasama dengan penyedia lokal, Mobile in collaboration with Mobile Telecommunications
Telecommunications Company SA (Zain KSA) dalam Company SA (Zain KSA) for co-branding business by
tipe co-branding bisnis dengan perjanjian yang signing memorandum of understanding on June 23,
ditandatangani pada tanggal 23 Juni 2014. 2014.

Produk Telin KSA dinamakan simPATI Saudi, yang Telin KSA was named simPATI Saudi and targeted for
ditargetkan untuk para pekerja Indonesia di Arab untuk Indonesian workers in Saudi Arabia to support their
lebih mudah berkomunikasi dengan keluarga mereka communication with their families and beloved relatives
dan orang-orang terkasih di Indonesia. in Indonesia.

Alamat Kantor Cabang Telin di KSA Telin Branch in KSA Address

Grapari Makkah: Abraj Al-Bait, Lt P3 (Food Court area) Grapari Makkah: Abraj Al-Bait, P3 floor (Food Court area)
Phone: +966 59 8881945 (Riyadh) Phone: +966 59 8881945 (Riyadh)
dan +966 58 1781945 (Jeddah). dan +966 58 1781945 (Jeddah).

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 109

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources




Telkom Macau Limited (Telkom Macau) merupakan Telkom Macau Limited (Telkom Macau) is a subsidiary of
entitas anak Telin Hong Kong yang didirikan pada Telin Hong Kong that was established on May 13th, 2013.
tanggal 13 Mei 2013. Pada layanan ritel Telkom Macau Under retail mobile service, Telkom Macau has launched
saat ini sudah meluncurkan Kartu As 2 in 1 pada tanggal Kartu As 2in1 on October 12th, 2015.
12 Oktober 2015.

Alamat Telkom Macau Address of Telcom Macau

Avenida Comercial de Macau, Finance & IT Centre Macau, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Finance & IT Centre Macau,
5 Andar A, Suite 31, Macau 5 andar a, Suite 31, Macau
Phone : +853 82964858 Phone : +853 82964858

110 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Telkom Taiwan Limited (Telkom Taiwan) merupakan Telkom Taiwan Limited (Telkom Taiwan) is a subsidiary of
entitas anak Telin Hong Kong yang didirikan pada Telin Hong Kong that was established on June 3rd, 2013.
tanggal 3 Juni 2013. Pada layanan ritel Telkom Taiwan Under retail mobile service, Telkom Taiwan has launched
saat ini sudah meluncurkan Kartu As 2 in 1 pada tanggal Kartu As 2in1 on May 19th, 2015.
19 Mei 2015.

Alamat Telkom Taiwan Address of Telkom Taiwan

7 F-1, No. 77 Zhouzi st., Neihu District 7 F-1, no. 77 Zhouzi st., neihu District
Taipei City, Taiwan 114 Taipei City, Taiwan 114
Phone: +8862 875 25071 Phone: +8862 875 25071

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 111

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources





Telekomunikasi USD USD

1. Telin Singapore Singapore 100% 6/12/2007
Telecommunication 85.475.957 117.831.503

Telin Telekomunikasi USD USD

2. Hong Kong 100% 8/12/2010
Hong Kong Telecommunication 19.429.949 23.620.187

Telin Timor- Telekomunikasi USD USD

3. Timor Leste 99,9998% 17/9/2012
Leste Telecommunication 66.847.711 61.933.712

Telekomunikasi AUD AUD

4. Telkom Australia Australia 100% 14/1/2013
Telecommunication 18.309.716 17.007.249

Amerika Telekomunikasi Aktif

5. Telkom USA 100% 11/12/2013 -
Serikat Telecommunication Active



Telekomunikasi Aktif
1. Telin Malaysia Malaysia 49% 23/7/2013
Telecommunication Active

112 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Struktur dan Kepemilikan Saham


Pada 2007, jumlah modal dasar dan yang disetor In 2007, a total of authorized capital and paid-up capital
Telin adalah sebesar 2.704.440 saham dengan nilai of Telin was 2,704,440 shares with a nominal value of
nominal Rp114.000,- per saham atau total sebesar Rp114,000/share or a total of Rp308,306,160,000,-. In
Rp308.306.160.000,-. Pada 2010, modal dasar tersebut 2010, the authorized capital increased to 18,000,000
mengalami peningkatan menjadi sebesar 18.000.000 shares with a nominal value of Rp114,000/share or a total
saham dengan nilai nominal Rp114.000,-per saham atau of Rp2,052,000,000,000,-.
dengan total sebesar Rp2.,-.

Pada 2010, modal dasar tersebut mengalami peningkatan In 2010, the authorized capital increased to 18,000,000
menjadi sebesar 18.000.000 saham dengan nilai shares with a nominal value of Rp114,000/share or a total of
nominal Rp114.000,- per saham atau dengan total Rp2,052,000,000,000. The paid up capital also increased
sebesar Rp2.,-. Jumlah modal yang to 9,352,677 shares, or a total of Rp1,066,205,178,000,-.
disetor pun meningkat menjadi 9.352.677 saham atau
dengan total sebesar Rp1.,-.

Pada 2014, nilai nominal saham berubah dari Rp114.000/ In 2014, the nominal value of shares changed from
lembar saham menjadi RP 10,000/lembar saham. Selain Rp114,000/share to Rp10,000/share. In addition there was
itu terdapat penambahan modal disetor sehingga jumlah additional paid up capital so that the paid up capital was
modal disetor menjadi Rp1.475.280.170.000 yang terbagi Rp1,475,280,170,000 divided into 147,528,017 shares.
dalam 147.528.017 lembar saham.

Pada 2015, terdapat penambahan modal dasar menjadi sebesar

600.000.000 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp10.000 per lembar
saham atau dengan nilai total Rp6.
In 2015, there was additional authorized capital amounted 600,000,000
shares or par value RP10,000 per share or total Rp6,000,000,000,000.

Pada 2015, terdapat penambahan modal dasar menjadi In 2015, there was additional authorized capital of
sebesar 600.000.000 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp. 600,000,000 shares with a nominal value of Rp10,000/
10.000 per lembar saham atau dengan nilai total Rp. share or a total value of Rp6,000,000,000,000. Issued Modal disetor dan ditempatkan juga and paid up capital also increased to Rp1,713,228,960,000
bertambah menjadi Rp. 1.713.228.960.000,- yang terbagi divided into 171,322,896 shares.
dalam 171.322.896 lembar saham.

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Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Adapun riwayat kepemilikan saham adalah sebagai The history of share ownership is as follows:
a. Berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Diluar a. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
Rapat (Sirkuler) Telin tentang persetujuan penambahan on the approval of Company’s capital increase dated
modal dalam Perusahaan tanggal 22 Desember 2009, December 22nd, 2009, as stated in Notarial Deed of
sebagaimana dituangkan dalam Akta Notaris Siti Siti Safarijah, SH No. 12 dated January 21st, 2010, and
Safarijah, S.H. No. 12 tanggal 21 Januari 2010, serta approved by Minister of Law and Human Rights dated
mendapat pengesahan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi March 19th, 2010 No. AHU-14 364-a.H.01.02, so that
Manusia tanggal 19 Maret 2010 Nomor: AHU-14364- in 2010, total shares of the Company (paid = 43.93%)
A.H.01.02. tahun 2010, maka jumlah saham Perusahaan became:
(yang disetor = 43,93%) berubah menjadi sebagai



PT TELKOM Tbk 7.907.866 99,99999 901.496.724.000

Faisal Syam 1 0,00001 114.000

TOTAL 7.907.867 100,00 901.496.838.000

b. Berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham b. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
Diluar Rapat (Sirkuler) Telin tentang Persetujuan on the Approval of Company’s Issued Capital Increase
Penambahan Modal Ditempatkan dalam Perusahaan with the Conversion of Shareholder Loan Agreement
dengan Pengalihan Shareholder Loan Agreement (SHLA) into Equity or Debt to Equity Swap on
(SHLA) menjadi Equity atau Debt to Equity Swap November 8th 2010, as stated in Notarial Deed of Siti
tanggal 8 November 2010, sebagaimana dituangkan Safarijah, SH No. 28 dated November 30th, 2010, and
dalam Akta Notaris Siti Safarijah, S.H. No. 28 tanggal 30 registered at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
November 2010, serta telah terdaftar di Kementerian No. AHU-0088253-a.H.01.09.2010 dated December
Hukum dan HAM Nomor: AHU-0088253-A.H.01.09. 6th, 2010, the Company’s total shares (paid up =
tahun 2010 tanggal 6 Desember 2010, maka jumlah 51,96%) became:
saham Perusahaan (yang disetor = 51,96%) berubah
menjadi sebagai berikut:



PT TELKOM Tbk 9.352.676 99,99999

Faisal Syam 1 0,00001 114.000

TOTAL 9.352.677 100,00

114 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

c. Berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Diluar c. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
Rapat (Sirkuler) Telin tentang pengalihan saham satu on the transfer of a share sheet from Faisal Syam to
lembar dari Sdr. Faisal Syam kepada Sdr. Priyantono Priyantono Rudito dated May 31st, 2012, as stated in
Rudito tanggal 31 Mei 2012, sebagaimana dituangkan Notarial Deed of Siti Safarijah, SH No. 17 dated June
dalam Akta Notaris Siti Safarijah, S.H. No. 17 tanggal 19th, 2012, and registered at the Ministry of Justice and
19 Juni 2012, serta telah terdaftar di Kementerian Human Rights No. aHU0058322.aH.01.09.2012 dated
Hukum dan HAM No. AHU0058322.AH.01.09 Tahun June 27th, 2012, the shareholder structure became:
2012 tanggal 27 Juni 2012, maka susunan pemegang
saham berubah menjadi sebagai berikut:



Shareholders Share Sheet Percentage Total Paid

PT TELKOM Tbk 9.352.676 99,99999

Faisal Syam 1 0,00001 114.000

TOTAL 9.352.677 100,00

d. Berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham d. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
Diluar Rapat (Sirkuler) Telin tentang pengalihan on the transfer of a share sheet from Priyantono Rudito
saham satu lembar dari Sdr. Priyantono Rudito to Yusuf Wibisono dated June 20th, 2014, as stated in
kepada Sdr. Yusuf Wibisono tanggal 20 Juni 2014, Notarial Deed of Siti Safarijah, SH No. 36 dated June
sebagaimana dituangkan dalam Akta Notaris Siti 30th, 2014, and registered at the Ministry of Justice
Safarijah, S.H. No. 36 tanggal 30 Juni 2014, serta telah and Human Rights No. AHU 1769240.22.2014 dated
terdaftar di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM No. AHU- July 4th, 2014, the shareholder structure became:
17692.40.22.2014 tanggal 4 Juli 2014, maka susunan
pemegang saham berubah menjadi sebagai berikut:



PT Telkom Tbk 9.352.676 99,99%

Yusuf Wibisono 1 0.00001 Rp114.000

TOTAL 9.352.677 100%

e. Berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham e. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
Diluar Rapat (Sirkuler) Telin tentang Perubahan Nilai on Nominal Value Change of Shares and Issued and
Nominal Saham dan Peningkatan Modal Ditempatkan Paid Up Capital Increase as stated in Notarial Deed of

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 115

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

dan Disetor Perusahaan sebagaimana dituangkan Siti Safarijah, SH No. 16 dated October 17th, 2014 and
dalam Akta Notaris Siti Safarijah, S.H. No. 16 tanggal registered at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
17 Oktober 2014, serta telah terdaftar di Kementerian No. AHU-07539.40.21.2014 dated October 20th, 2014,
Hukum dan HAM No. AHU-07539.40.21.2014 tanggal the shareholders after the capital increase became:
20 Oktober 2014, maka kepemilikan pemegang
saham setelah penambahan modal menjadi sebagai



PT Telkom Tbk 147.528.016 99.9999993 1.475.280.160.000

Yusuf Wibisono 1 0.00007 10.000

TOTAL 147.528.017 100% 1.475.280.170.000

f. Berdasarkan Keputusan para Pemegang Saham Di f. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
luar rapat (Sirkuler) Telin tanggal 24 April 2015 Tentang on April 24th, 2015 on the Reassertion of Notarial
Penegasan kembali Akta Notaris Siti Safarijah S.H no. Deed of Siti Safarijah S.H No. 17 dated October 17th,
17 tanggal 17 Oktober 2014 sebagaimana penegasan 2014 as the Assertion was stated in Notarial Deed
tersebut dituangkan dalam Akta Notaris Siti of Siti Safarijah SH. No. 20, on April 24th, 2015, the
Safarijah SH. Nomor 20, tanggal 24 April 2015, maka shareholders after the capital increase became:
kepemilikan pemegang saham setelah penambahan
modal menjadi sebagai berikut:



PT Telkom Tbk 155.884.709 saham 99,99% Rp. 1.558.847.090.000,-

Yusuf Wibisono 1 0,01% Rp. 10.000

TOTAL 155.884.710 saham 100% Rp. 1.558.847.100.000,-

g. Berdasarkan Keputusan para Pemegang Saham Di g. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
luar rapat (Sirkuler) Telin Tentang Peningkatan Modal on the Company’s Issued and Paid Up Capital Increase
Ditempatkan dan Disetor Perseroan TANGGAL 11 Mei dated May 11th, 2015 as stated in Notarial Deed of Siti
2015 sebagaimana dituangkan dalam Akta Notaris Safarijah SH. No. 17, dated May 13th, 2015 and notified
Siti Safarijah SH. Nomor 17, tanggal 13 Mei 2015 yang to Minister of Law and Human Rights as stated in the
telah diterima pemberitahuannya oleh Menteri Hukum Letter No. AHU-aH.01.03-0933070 dated May 19th, 2015,
dan Hak Asasi Manusia sebagaimana tertuang dalam the shareholders after the capital increase became:

116 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Surat Nomor AHU-AH.01.03-0933070 tanggal 19 Mei

2015, maka kepemilikan pemegang saham setelah
penambahan modal menjadi sebagai berikut:



PT Telkom Tbk 164.913.359 99,99% Rp. 1.649.135.900.000,-

Yusuf Wibisono 1 0,01% Rp. 10.000

TOTAL 164.913.360 100% Rp. 1.649.133.600.000,-

h. Berdasarkan Keputusan para Pemegang Saham Di h. Based on the Circular Decision of Telin’s Shareholders
luar rapat (Sirkuler) Telin Tentang Penambahan Modal on the Authorized Capital Increase and Issued and Paid
Dasar dan Penambahan Modal Ditempatkan dan Up Capital Increase of the Company dated August 8th,
Disetor Perseroan tanggal 8 Agustus 2015 sebagaimana 2015 as stated in Notarial Deed of Siti Safarijah SH. No.
dituangkan dalam Akta Notaris Siti Safarijah SH. Nomor 38, dated August 24th, 2015 and notified by the Minister
38, tanggal 24 Agustus 2015 yang telah diterima of Law and Human Rights as stated in the Letter No.
pemberitahuannya oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi AHU-0941136.aH.01.02 dated August 26th, 2015, the
Manusia sebagaimana tertuang dalam Surat Nomor shareholders after the capital increase became:
AHU-0941136.AH.01.02 tanggal 26 Agustus 2015, maka
kepemilikan pemegang saham setelah penambahan
modal menjadi sebagai berikut:



PT Telkom Tbk 171.322.896 99,99% Rp. 1.713.228.960.000,-

Yusuf Wibisono 1 0,01% Rp. 10.000

TOTAL 171.322.897 100% Rp. 1.713.228.970.000,-

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 117

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources



(International Business)








Financial Information Contact Centres New

Service Pty Ltd (FIS) Zealand Ltd (CCNZ)

118 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Kronologis Pencatatan Saham


Sampai dengan tahun 2015, Telin belum pernah Until 2015, Telin’s has never recorded its shares on the
mencatatkan saham di Bursa Saham, sehingga tidak ada Stock Exchange, so there is no information related to
informasi terkait kronologis pencatatan, jenis tindakan chronology, types of corporate actions, changes in total
korporasi (corporate action), perubahan jumlah saham, shares or names of exchange.
maupun nama bursa.

Kronologis Pencatatan Efek Lainnya


Sampai dengan tahun 2015, Telin belum pernah Until 2015, Telin has never recorded its other securities
mencatatkan efek lainnya di Bursa Efek, sehingga on the Stock Exchange, so there is no information related
tidak ada informasi terkait kronologis pencatatan, jenis to chronology, types of corporate actions (corporate
tindakan korporasi (corporate action), perubahan jumlah action), changes in the securities or names of the stock/
efek, maupun nama bursa/peringkat efek. securities ratings.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 119

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Nama dan Alamat

Lembaga Penunjang Perusahaan
Year Name of PAO Address No. of Business License
No. of Partner’s License

Indonesia Stock Exchane

Building Tower 2, Registered Public Drs. David Sungkoro,
Sungkoro & Surja
2015 7th Floor Accountants KMK CPA (Public Accountant
Jl, Jend. Sudirman Kav No.381/KM.1/2010 Registration No. AP.0691)
52-53 Jakarta 12190



Name Contract Working Scope Partner’s Name

Myanmar Vigour Company Corporate Secretary Telin

December 23, 2013 Soe Win
Limited Myanmar

Kelley Drye and Warren LLP December 4, 2013 Legal Advisor Lisensi FCC 214 Chip Yorkgitis

Legal Advisor Lisensi Cable

Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP August 20, 2014 Kent D. Bressie
Landing SEA US

Pendaftaran Trademark di
Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & KSA
December 29, 2014 Daru Lukiantono
Partners Trademark Registration in

CRA Timor - Companhia de

Legal Services Telin Timor-
Representacao e Advocacia, February 14, 2014 Duarte Simoes Carneiro

Corporate Secretary
Baker & Mc Kenzie October 2013 -
Services Telin Lim Poh Seng
Consultancy* November 2015

Corporate Secretary
PCM Malaysia 1 December 2015 Services Telin Adlin Binti Sabuli

Corporate Secretary Services

Tricor Services Limited December 8, 2010 Peony Wong
Telin HK

120 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Name Contract Working Scope Partner’s Name
Corporate Secretary & Legal Loh Lee Eng/Abdul
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP December 11, 2007
Advice Telin Singapore Jabbar Bin Karam Din

Employment Relationship
Enterprise Legal Pty. Ltd March 3, 2014 Stephen Bokos
Telkom Australia

* Digantikan dengan Adlin Binti Sabuli dari PCM Malaysia * replaced by Adlin Binti Sabuli from PCM Malaysia per
per Desember 2015. December, 2015.

Name Working Scope Notary’s Name

Akta Notaris untuk RUPS dan Legalisasi

Dokumen Perusahaan
Siti Safarijah, S.H Siti Safarijah S.H.
Notarial Deed for GMS and Company
Document Legalization

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 121

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Wilayah Operasi


Abraj Al-Bait,
Lt P3 (Food Court area)
Phone: +966 59 8881945 (Riyadh)
dan +966 58 1781945 (Jeddah).


The Bloc Executive Suite

700 S. Flower Street
11th floor, Suite: 36, 37A-B
Los Angeles, CA 90017


Avenida Comercial De Macau,

Finance & IT Centre Macau, 5
Andar A, Suite 31, Macau


Suite 905, 9/F, Ocean Centre,

5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong


1st Floor, 194 Zhouzi Street,

Neihu District,
Taipei City, Taiwan 114

122 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


411,412,415, Level-4, Strand Square

53 Strand Road, Pabedan Township,
Yangon, Myanmar


Menara Jamsostek,
North Tower, 24th Floor
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 38
Jakarta Selatan 12710


Timor Plaza Lantai 4, Rua

Presidente Nicolao Lobato,
Comoro, Dili


1 Maritime Square, Level 19 Suite 1930, 180 Lonsdale St

#09-63 Harbour Front Center, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
Singapore – 099253 P:1300 Telkom (835566)


Suite 23 A-1, 23 A Floor,

Wisma UOA II, Number 21
Jalan Pinang, 50450
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Peristiwa Penting

Apel Awal Tahun, Presdir Telin Paparkan

Role Function Directorate
Early Year Assembly, President Director of
Telin Presented Functional Rules of Directorate
Jakarta, 16 Januari 2015 – Presiden Direktur Telin, Syarif Syarial Ahmad berikan
arahan pada apel awal tahun 2015. Untuk mencapai target revenue 3 triliun di
tahun 2015 perlu adanya role function Directorate, pertama adalah Double Digit
Revenue Growth, Cost Leadership, Financial & Cashflow Management, Footprint
Performance Improvement, serta System Capabilities.

Jakarta, January 16th, 2015 – President Director of Telin, Syarial Sharif Ahmad
provided directions at an assembly in early 2015. To achieve the revenue target
of Rp3 trillion in 2015, it needs functional rules of Directorate namely Double Digit
Revenue Growth, Cost Leadership, Financial & Cash Flow Management, Footprint
Performance Improvement, and System Capabilities.

January January

Naypyitaw, 22 – 29 Januari 2015, Bersama dengan

Kemenpar dan KBRI Yangon, Telin Myanmar
mendukung program 20 juta wisatawan di tahun
2019 melalui aplikasi Indonesia Tourism One Stop
Service (iTOSS).

Naypyitaw, January 22nd to 29th, 2015, the Ministry of

Toruism and the Embassy of Yangon, Telin Myanmar
supported 20 million tourists in 2019 through the
application of Indonesian Tourism One Stop Service

Telin Myanmar Dukung Program Kemenpar

Telin Myanmar Supported Programs of the
Ministry of Tourism

Workshop MaCH Telin - 1GM dengan Telkom Group
Workshop of MaCH Telin - 1GM with Telkom Group

Jakarta, 3 Februari 2015 – Untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang Media Content Hub
(MaCH) KTB Private Equity dan 1 Global Media (1GM) berkunjung ke Telin. Hadir
mewakili Telin, VP Innovation Management, Henri Setiawan serta jajarannya dari
1GM adalah CEO 1 GM Korea, Inc, Daniel T. Hwang dan jajarannya.

Jakarta, February 3rd, 2015 – To know more about Media Content Hub (Mach), KTB
Private Equity and 1 Global Media (1GM) visited Telin. VP of Innovation Management,
Henri Setiawan and his board represented Telin, while CEO 1 of GM Korea, Inc.,
Daniel T. Hwang and his board represented 1GM.

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Penandatanganan dengan Maxis Berlangganan Tetap Biaya

Skema Bilateral Lalu Lintas Organik
Jakarta, 16 Februari 2015 – Telin melakukan signing Signing with Maxis Subscription Fees Scheme
ceremony dengan Maxis terkait Fixed Cost Based Bilateral Organic Traffic
Scheme Bilateral Organic Traffic di Telin HQ,
Menara Jamsostek lantai 24, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat
(13/2/2015). Penandatanganan dilakukan antara
Direktur Marketing and Sales, Natigor Sitorus dan
Head of Carrier and Roaming, Shaiful Othman.

Jakarta, February 16th, 2015 – Telin held a signing

ceremony dealing with Maxis Fixed Cost Based
Scheme Bilateral Organic Traffic in Telin HQ,
Menara Jamsostek 24th floor, South Jakarta, Friday
(13/02/2015). The agreement was signed by Director
of Marketing and Sales, Natigor Sitorus and Head of
Carrier and Roaming, Shaiful Othman.

Dir. FBS Telin Buka Character Building FEBRUARI

Program untuk Manager
Director of FBS Telin Opened Character
Building Program for Managers

Bogor, 4 – 5 Maret 2015 – Telin mengadakan acara Character Building Program for
Manager dengan tema “Burning the spirit of solid, speed, smart to be the world’s
hub for TIMES” di Bogor, 4-5 Maret 2015. Acara tersebut dibuka oleh Direktur
Finance and Business Support Telin, Sunarto Parto.

Bogor, March 4th – 5th, 2015 – Telin held an event of Character Building Program
for Managers with the theme of “Burning the spirit of solid, speed, smart to be the
world’s hub for TIMES” in Bogor, March 4th – 5th, 2015. The event was opened by
Director of Finance and Business Support Telin, Sunarto Parto.


Telin Perluas Jangkauan dengan

Kehadirannya di Dubai
Telin Expanded Reach with
Presence in Dubai

Dubai, UAE, 8 Maret 2015 – Untuk memberikan layanan terbaik bagi perusahaan
di Indonesia dan di Timur Tengah, Telin dan Datamena melakukan kerja sama
penempatan Point of Presence (PoP). Penandatanganan dilakukan antara VP
Sales Data Telin, Nyoto Priyono dan Chief Commercial Officer Datamena, Fahad
Al Hassawi, Minggu (8/3/2015) di Uni Emirat Arab.

Dubai, UAE, March 8th, 2015 – With the intention of offering the best services
to enterprise companies within Indonesia and Middle East countries, Telin and
Datamena had an agreement to establish a Point of Presence (PoP) service. The
agreement was signed by Telin’s Sales Data VP, Nyoto Priyono and Datamena’s
Chief Commercial Officer, Fahad Al Hassawi, on Sunday (03/08/2015) in the
United of Arab Emirates. MARET

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Jakarta, 13 Maret 2015 – Telin mengadakan RUPS RUPS Telin 2014 : Telin Bukukan Pendapatan 2,51 Triliun
Tahunan Tahun Buku 2014 di lantai 24 Menara Telin’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS)
Jamsostek, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38 Jakarta Selatan, 2014: Telin Posted Revenue of 2.51 Trillion
Jum’at (13/3/2015) dengan tema “Building Solid
Foundations : Accelerating Global Initiatives in
Infrastructure, Footprints, and Businesses”. Telin
membukukan pendapatan usaha sebesar Rp 2,5
triliun. Ebitda tercapai sebesar Rp 606,5 miliar. Laba
bersih tercapai sebesar Rp 140,4 miliar.

Jakarta, March 13th, 2015 - Telin held Annual General

Meeting of Shareholders 2014 on the 24th floor
of Menara Jamsostek, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38,
South Jakarta, on Friday (13/03/2015) with the
theme of “Building Solid Foundations: Accelerating
Global Initiatives in Infrastructure, Footprints, and
Businesses”. Telin posted operating revenue of Rp2.5
trillion. Ebitda reached Rp606.5 billion. Net Income
reached Rp140.4 billion. MARET

Telin Raih 1st Best Performance

Management dalam Ajang IHCA 2015 Jakarta, 26 Maret 2015 – Telin meraih 1st Best Performance Management
dan Top 10 Companies Indonesia 2015 dalam pengelolaan Human
Telin Achieved 1st Best Performance
Capital. Penghargaan diberikan kepada VP Human Resource, R. Adam
Management on IHCa 2015
Kamil oleh Director of Operational NBO Indonesia, Arudji Kiswanto
pada acara Indonesia Human Capital Conference & Award 2015 di
Grand Hotel Sahid, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (26/3/2015).

Jakarta, March 26th, 2015 – Telin achieved 1st Best Performance

Management and Top 10 Companies of Indonesia 2015 in Human
Capital Management. The awards were given to VP of Human
Resources, R. Adam Kamil by Operational Director of NBO Indonesia,
Arudji Kiswanto on Indonesia Human Capital Conference & Award
in 2015 at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Thursday

Telkom Taiwan Terima Lisensi Komersialisasi Rantau
Telkom Taiwan Received Rantau Commercialization License

Taiwan, 30 Maret 2015 – CEO Telkom Taiwan, Devy Parlindungan Siregar

menerima lisensi komersialisasi Rantau dari pemerintah Taiwan atau National
Communication Commission (NCC), Senin (30/3/2015). Dengan diperoleh lisensi,
Telkom Taiwan telah legal memasarkan Rantau, yakni layanan sebuah layanan
OTT. Dalam memeroleh lisensi tersebut, Telkom Taiwan bekerja sama dengan

Taiwan, March 30th, 2015 - CEO of Telkom Taiwan, Devy Parlindungan Siregar
obtained Rantau commercialization license from Taiwan government or National
Communication Commission (NCC), on Monday (30/03/2015). Having obtained
the license, Telkom Taiwan has been legally marketed Rantau, which is an OTT
(Over-The-Top) service. Telkom Taiwan cooperated with CCNET to obtain the MARET

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Telkom USA Hadiri Public Hearing di City

Hall Hermosa Beach LA
Telkom USA Attended A Public Hearing
At The City Hall Of Hermosa Beach, LA

Los Angeles, 9 April 2015 – Telkom USA menikuti Public Hearing di City Hall, City
of Hermosa Beach, 1315 Valley Drive, LA, Kamis (9/4/2015). Acara tersebut untuk
dengar pendapat dari masyarakat di sekitar pantai Hermosa tentang rencana
SEA-US Cable Landing Station.

Los Angeles, April 9th, 2015 - Telkom USA attended a public hearing at City Hall,
City of Hermosa Beach, 1315 Valley Drive, LA, on Thursday (09/04/2015). The
event was to have the hearing of the community around the coast of Hermosa
about Sea-US Cable Landing Station plan.


Wakil Dubes RI Kunjungi GraPARI Chow Kit

Deputy Ambassador of Indonesia Visited Grapari of Chow Kit

Kuala Lumpur, 13 April 2015 – Wakil Duta Besar

Republik Indonesia untuk Malaysia, Hermono
dan Ketua BNP3TKI, Nusron Wahid melakukan
kunjungan ke Community Center kedai GraPARI
Chow Kit didampingi oleh CEO Telin Malaysia, Oki
Wiranto serta perwakilan komunitas Indonesia di

Kuala Lumpur, 13 April 2015 - Deputy Ambassador

of the Republic of Indonesia for Malaysia, Hermono,
and Chairman of BnP3TKI, Nusron Wahid, visited
Community Center Grapari Chow Kit accompanied
by CEO of Telin Malaysia, Oki Wiranto and the
representatives of Indonesian community in

Pisah sambut Komisaris Telin

Telin Commissioner Farewell
Yogyakarta, 9 Mei 2015 – Pisah sambut Komisaris Telin berlangsung
di Yogyakarta, Sabtu (9/5/2015). Komisaris Telin yang lama Ririek
Adriansyah (Komut), Setyanto Hantoro, Budi Satria Dharma Purba,
Era Kamali Nasution. Komisaris Telin yang baru Honesty Basyir
(Komut), Setyanto Hantoro, Budi Satria Dharma Purba, Era Kamali

Yogyakarta, May 9th, 2015 – Farewell-welcome party for

Commissioners of Telin took place in Yogyakarta, on Saturday
(09/05/2015). The former Commissioners of Telin were Ririek
Adriansyah (General Commisioner), Setyanto Hantoro, Budi Satria,
Dharma Purba, Era Kamali Nasution attended the party. The new
MEI Commissioners were Honesty Bashir (General Commisioner),
Setyanto Hantoro, Budi Satria, Dharma Purba, Era Kamali Nasution.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Kartu As 2in1 Hadir di Taiwan

Kartu As 2in1 Presented in Taiwan
Taiwan, 19 Mei 2015 – Telkom Taiwan dan Asia Pacific
Telecom (Gt) melakukan penandatanganan kerja
sama Kartu As 2in1 di kantor Telkom Taiwan, Neihu
District, Taipei City (19/5/2015). Penandatangan
dilakukan antara CEO Telkom Taiwan, Devy
Parlindungan Siregar dengan CMO Asia Pacific
Telecom (Gt) Mr. Michael Lee.

Taiwan, May 19th, 2015 - Telkom Taiwan and Asia

Pacific Telecom (Gt) signed an agreement of Kartu
As 2in1 in Telkom Taiwan office, Neihu District, Taipei
City (19/05/2015). It was signed by CEO of Telkom
Taiwan, Devy Parlindungan Siregar and CMO of Asia
Pacific Telecom (Gt), Mr. Michael Lee.


Telin Gandeng Huawei Garap Pasar Internasional

Telin Collaborated With Huawei Working On International Market

Singapura, 3 Juni 2015 – Telin dan PT Huawei Tech Investment

melakukan penandatangan kerja sama untuk pengembangan bisnis.
Penandatanganan dilakukan antara Direktur Marketing and Sales
Telin, Natigor Sitorus dan CEO Huawei Indonesia, Sheng Kai, Rabu

Singapore, June 3rd, 2015 - TELIN and PT Huawei Tech Investment signed
a memorandum of understanding for business development. The
agreement was signed by Marketing and Sales Director of Telin, Natigor
Sitorus, and CEO of Huawei Indonesia, Sheng Kai, on Wednesday (3/6).


Ground Breaking Data Center Jurong Telin Singapore

Ground Breaking of Data Center, Jurong Telin, Singapore
Singapura, 5 Juni 2015 – Telin Singapore
melalukan groundbreaking pembangunan
Center and Telecommunication Hub di Singapura.
Pembangunan ini diresmikan oleh Menteri BUMN
Indonesia, Rini M. Soemarno dan Senior Minister of
State, Lee Yi Shyan di Jurong, Singapura (5/6). Data
center yang dinamakan Telin-3 ini menjadi data
center ketiga setelah data center yang berada di
Changi dan Tai Seng.

Singapore, June 5th, 2015 – Telin Singapore had

groundbreaking ceremony for constructing Center
and Telecommunication Hub in Singapore. This
construction was jointly officiated by Minister of
State-owned Enterprises (BUMN) of Indonesia, Rini
M. Soemarno and Senior Minister of State of State
JUNI for Trade and Industry and National Development of
JUNE Singapore, Lee Yi Shyan, in Jurong, Singapore (5/6).
This Data Center called Telin-3 has become the third
after the data centers located in Changi and Tai Seng.

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Telkom Taiwan Launching Kartu As 2in1

Telkom Taiwan Launched Kartu As 2in1

Taiwan, 14 Juni 2015 - Telkom Taiwan, meluncurkan

produk Kartu As 2in1, di Taipei, Minggu (14/6/2015).
Hadir pada acara tersebut Kepala KDEI, Arief
Fadillah, Dir. Wholesale and International Service
(WINS) Telkom, Honesti Basyir, Komisaris Telin Hong
Kong, Faizal Rochmad Djoemadi, Presdir Telin, Syarif
Syarial Ahmad, Dir. Finance and Business Support,
Sunarto Parto, dan VP Customer Care Management
Telkomsel, Andri Wibawanto

Taiwan, June 14th, 2015 - Telkom Taiwan launched

Kartu As 2in1 in Taipei on Sunday (06/14/2015).
The event was attended by IETO, Arief Fadillah,
Wholesale and International Service (WINS)
Director of Telkom, Honesty Bashir, Commissioner
of Telin Hong Kong, Faizal Rochmad Djoemadi, JUNI
President Director of Telin, Syarial Ahmad Sharif, JUNE
Director of Finance and Business Support, Sunarto
Parto, and Customer Care Management VP of
Telkomsel, Andri Wibawanto.

Moneygram Hadir di Plaza Telkomcel

Moneygram Existed in Plaza Telkomcel

Timor Leste, 19 Juni 2015 – Telkomcel melakukan kerja sama dengan Moneygram
untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan Plaza Telkomcel yang berada di distrik
seluruh Timor Leste. Penandatanganan dilakukan antara CEO Telkomcel, Dedi
Suherman dan Country Director Moneygram, Adrian Somanader di Timor Plaza,
Dili, Jumat (19/6/2015).

Timor Leste, June 19th, 2015 - Telkomcel collaborated with Moneygram to optimize
the utilization of Plaza Telkomcel located in the districts throughout Timor-Leste.
The MoU was signed by CEO of Telkomcel, Dedi Suherman and Country Director
of Moneygram, Adrian Somanader, in Timor Plaza, Dili, on Friday (19/6/2015).


Update Lisensi, Presdir Telin Kunjungi

Telin Myanmar
President Director of Telin Visited
Myanmar For License Update

Myanmar, 2 Juli 2015 – Presiden Direktur Telin melakukan

kunjungan ke Telin Myanmar untuk mengetahui update lisensi,
Kamis (2/7/2015). Pada kunjungan tersebut Presiden Direktur
Telin disambut oleh Country Branch Manager Telin Myanmar,
Dodi R. Nugroho.
Myanmar, July 2nd, 2015 - President Director of Telin visited
Telin Myanmar to acknowledge the license update on Thursday
(02/07/2015). During the visit, President Director of Telin was
welcomed by Country Branch Manager of Telin Myanmar, Dodi
R. Nugroho.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

CEO Telkom Group Kunjungi POSKO RAFI

2015 Telin
CEO of Telkom Group Visited POSKI
RAFI of Telin, 2015
Jakarta, 23 Juli 2015 – CEO Telkom Group, Alex J. Sinaga didampingi Direktur NITS,
Abdus Somad Arief, dan Direktur Consomer, Dian Rachmawan mengunjungi
Posko RAFI 2015 Telin di Network Operation Center (NOC), Kamis (23/7/2015) di
jalan Merdeka Selatan No. 12 Jakarta. Kunjungan tersebut disambut oleh Direktur
Network Operation, Tulus Sudarsono, dan Direktur Marketing and Sales, Natigor
Sitorus beserta jajarannya.

Jakarta, July 23rd, 2015 – CEO of Telkom Group, Alex J. Sinaga accompanied by
Director of NITS, Abdus Somad Arief, and Consumer Director, Dian Rachmawan
visited POSKO RAFI of Telin, 2015 at Network Operation Center (NOC) at Jl.
Merdeka Selatan No. 12, Jakarta on Thursday (07/23/2015). Their visit was
welcomed by Network Operation Director, Tulus Sudarsono, and Marketing and
JULI Sales Director, Natigor Sitorus and their board.

M. Ahsan Gantikan Efrizal Fikri Sebagai CMO Telkomcel

M. Ahsan Replaced Efrizal Fikri As CMO of Telkomcel

Jakarta, 27 Juli 2015 – CMO Telkomcel, Efrizal Fikri Yusmansyah digantikan

dengan Muhammad Ahsan yang sebelumnya sebagai VP Marketing Telkomcel.
Selanjutnya, Efrizal Fikri Yusmansyah menjabat PMO Controller di Program
Management Office Jakarta. Sertijab dilakukan di ruang rapat Tambora, lantai
24, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38 Jakarta Selatan, Senin (27/7/2015) disaksikan oleh
Presdir Telin, Syarif Syarial Ahmad.

Jakarta, July 27th, 2015 - CMO of Telkomcel, Efrizal Fikri Yusmansyah was
replaced by Muhammad Ahsan, previously served as Marketing VP of Telkomcel.
Furthermore, Efrizal Fikri Yusmansyah served as Controller PMO of Program
Management Office in Jakarta. The transfer of position was held in Tambora
conference room, 24th floor, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38 South Jakarta on Monday JULI
(07/27/2015) and witnessed by President Director of Telin, Syarial Sharif Ahmad.

Direksi GTA Kunjungi Telkom Group

Board Of Directors of GTA Visited Telkom Group
Jakarta, 6 Agustus 2015 – Untuk mengenal lebih jauh
kondisi bisnis telekomunikasi yang ada di Indonesia,
CEO Guam Telecom (GTA), Robert Haulbrook
didampingi oleh Andrew Gayle selaku COO dan
David Chase selaku CTO melakukan kunjungan
kerja ke Telkom Group selama dua hari, Kamis –
Jumat (6-7/8/2015).

Jakarta, August 6th, 2015 – To know more about

the condition of telecommunication business in
Indonesia, CEO of Guam Telecom (GTA), Robert
Haulbrook accompanied by COO, Andrew Gayle
and CTO, David Chase had a working visit to Telkom
Group for two days, Thursday - Friday (6-7/8/2015).


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Telkomcel dan Finnet Rambah

Bisnis Remittance di Timor Leste
Telkomcel and Finnet Expanded Timor Leste, 19 Agustus 2015 – Telkomcel
Remittance Business in Timor-Leste melakukan kerja sama dengan BNCTL (Banco
AUGUST Nacional de Comercio de Timor Leste) dan Finnet
untuk memperluas layanan transaksi keuangan
dalam maupun luar negeri. Penandatanganan
dilakukan antara CEO Telkomcel, Dedi Suherman,
Dir. Business Service Finnet, Syaiful R. Soenaria dan
CEO BNCTL, Sergio M. do Espirito Santo di Ballroom
Novo Turismo Hotel, Dili, Rabu (19/8/2015).

Timor-Leste, August 19th, 2015 – Telkomcel

collaborated with BNCTL (Banco Nacional De
Comercio De Timor-Leste) and Finnet to broaden
remittance transaction service within the countries
or abroad. It was signed by CEO of Telkomcel, Dedi
Suherman, Business Service Director of Finnet,
Syaiful R. Soenaria dan CEO of BNCTL, Sergio M. Do
Espirito Santo at the Ballroom of the Novo Turismo
Hotel, Dili, on Wednesday (19/8/2015).

Tulus Sudarsono Tutup Posko RAFI Telin 2015

Tulus Sudarsono Closed RAFI Posko of Telin, 2015

Jakarta, 20 Agustus 2015 – Direktur Network Operation Telin, Tulus Sudarsono

menutupan posko RAFI Telin 2015, di NOC Telin lantai 7, Telkom STO Gambir , Jl.
Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 12, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (20/8/2015) yang diikuti
oleh seluruh jajaran Direktorat Network Operation.

Jakarta, August 20th, 2015 - Network Operation Director of Telin, Tulus Sudarsono
closed RAFI Posko of Telin, 2015 at NOC of Telin, 7th floor, Telkom STO Gambir,
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 12, Central Jakarta on Thursday (08/20/2015),
followed by all the board of Network Operation Directorate.

Telin Ambil Bagian di Acara Pameran

Indonesia Hebat 2015
Telin Took Part on Indonesia Hebat
Exhibition, 2015
Jakarta, 21 Agustus 2015 – Kementerian BUMN menyelenggarakan acara
Pameran Indonesia Hebat 2015 di Parkir Selatan, Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Jumat
(21/8/2015). Acara yang diikuti oleh perusahaan plat merah tersebut dihadiri oleh
komisaris beserta jajaran direksi BUMN dan dibuka secara resmi oleh Meneg
BUMN, Rini Soemarno.

Jakarta, August 21st, 2015 - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) held
Indonesia Hebat Exhibition 2015 in the South Parking of Gelora Bung Karno (GBK)
on Friday (21/08/2015). The event was attended by the commissioners of state-
owned enterprises with their boards of directors and officially opened by Minister
of State-Owned Enterprises, Rini Soemarno.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Tech Day 2015 : Macro Challenges

in Indonesia Cyber Security
Tech Day, 2015 : Macro Challenges
in Indonesia Cyber Security

Jakarta, 26 Agustus 2015 – Telin berkolaborasi dengan Akamai menyelenggarakan

seminar Tech Day 2015 di Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu
(26/8/2015) Seminar ini mengusung tema “Macro Challenges in Indonesia Cyber

Jakarta, August 26th, 2015 - Telin collaborated with Akamai to hold Tech Day, 2015.
The seminar was held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta on
Wednesday (08/26/2015). The theme of the seminar was “Macro Challenges in
Indonesia Cyber Security”.


Telin Raih Most Innovative Wholesaler

Telin Wins Most Innovative Wholesale

London, 30 September 2015 – Telin berhasil meraih Most Innovative

Wholesaler Award dalam ajang Carrier World Awards (CWA)
2015 yang diinisiasi oleh Total Telecom. Penghargaan diserahkan
langsung oleh Managing Director Total Telecom, Rob Chambers
dan diterima oleh Mohamad Saefurahman selaku Voice Services
Innovation Manager Telin di London, Inggris, Rabu (30/9/2015).
Jakarta, August 28th, 2015 - For the sake of securing the target of 2015,
Board of Directors and members of senior leaders of Telin signed a
mutual commitment. It was held at Menara Jamsostek, 23rd floor, Jl.
Gatot Subroto Kav. 38, South Jakarta, on Friday (08/28/2015).


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HUT ke 3, Telkomcel Usung Layanan Digital Life Style

Celebrating its 3rd Birthday, Telkomcel Carried Out Digital Life Style Service

Dili, 17 September 2015 – Merayakan ulang tahun Telkomcel ke 3, Telin Timor

Leste mengadakan puncak acara yang dilaksanakan di Hotel Novo Tourismo, Dili
Timor Leste, Kamis (17/9/2015) dengan tema Broadband dan Digital Life Style.
Tema tersebut sesuai dengan visi perusahaan yakni To be a Leading Broadband
Lifestyle and Solution Provider Company.

Dili, September 17th, 2015 - Celebrating Telkomcel 3rd birthday, Telin Timor-Leste
held the peak event at the Novo Tourismo Hotel, Dili, Timor-Leste, on Thursday
(09/17/2015) with the theme of “Broadband and Digital Life Style”. The theme
aligned with the company’s vision “To be a Leading Broadband Lifestyle and
Solution Provider Company”.
Launching Kartu As 2 in 1 Telin Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, 10 September 2015 - Telin Malaysia meluncurkan produk Telin Malaysia Launched Kartu As 2in1
Kartu As 2in1 dengan menggandeng UMobile. Peluncuran dihadiri
oleh Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Salleh
Said Keruak, Chairman Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
Commission (MCMC), Dato’ Seri Halim Shafie, Dubes RI untuk Malaysia,
Herman Prayitno, Wakil Dubes RI untuk Malaysia, Hermono, dan
Konsuler KBRI, Dino Nurwahyudin. Dari sisi operator hadir Dir. Wholesale
and International Service Telkom, Honesty Basyir, Dirut Telkomsel,
Ririek Adriansyah, Dir. Sales Telkomsel, Mas’ud Khamid, Dir. Marketing
and Sales Telin, Natigor Sitorus, CEO Telin Malaysia, Oki Wiranto, CFO
UMobile Tan Hoon San, dan CMO UMobile Jasmine Lee.

Kuala Lumpur, September 10th, 2015 – Telin Malaysia collaborating with

UMobile launched Kartu As 2in1. The launch was attended by Minister
of Communications and Multimedia of Malaysia, Dato ‘Seri Salleh Said
Keruak, Chairman of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
Commission (MCMC), Dato’ Seri Halim Shafie, Indonesian Ambassador SEPTEMBER
for Malaysia Herman Prayitno, Deputy Ambassador for Malaysia, September
Hermono and Consular Embassy, Dino Nurwahyudin. The operator was
represented by Wholesale and International Service Director of Telkom,
Honesty Bashir, President Director of Telkomsel, Ririek Adriansyah, Sales
Director of Telkomsel, Mas’ud Khamid, Marketing and Sales Director
of Telin, Natigor Sitorus, CEO of Telin Malaysia, Oki Wiranto, CFO of
UMobile, Tan Hoon San and CMO of UMobile, Jasmine Lee.

Amankan Target 2015, Jajaran Telin Teken Komitmen

Securing 2015 Target, Telin Management Signed Commitment

Jakarta, 28 Agustus 2015 – Demi mengamankan target 2015, Direksi dan

jajaran senior leaders Telin melakukan penandatanganan komitmen bersama.
Penandantangan tersebut diadakan di lantai 23, gedung Menara Jamsostek, Jl.
Gatot Subroto Kav. 38, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (28/8/2015).
Jakarta, August 28, 2015 – To secure 2015 target, Board of Directors and Senior Leaders
of Telin signed joint commitment. The signing was done at 23rd floor, Menara Jamsostek
building, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38, South Jakarta, Friday (28/8/2015).

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Telin Selenggarakan Culture Ambassador for Senior Leaders

Telin Held Culture Ambassador for Senior Leaders Bogor, 2 Oktober 2015 – Telin menyelenggarakan
Culture Ambassador for Senior Leader Telin yang
diadakan di Kantor Telin dan Bogor, 30 September
2015 – 2 Oktober 2015. Acara dihadiri oleh Presdir
Telin, Syarif Syarial Ahmad, Dir. Finance and Business
Support, Sunarto Parto, Dir. Network Operation,
Tulus Sudarsono, EVP Strategic and Investment,
Ahmad Fathi Husairi, Coordinator Group Leadership
Center, Teuku Zilmarham serta diikuti oleh seluruh
Senior Leader Telin.

Bogor, October 2nd, 2015 - Telin held Culture

Ambassador for Senior Leaders of Telin at Telin
Office and in Bogor, September 30th - October 2nd,
2015. The event was attended by President Director
of Telin, Syarial Ahmad Sharif, Finance and Business
Support Director, Sunarto Parto, Network Operation
Director, Tulus Sudarsono, Strategic and Investment
OKTOBER EVP, Ahmad Fathi Husairi, Group Coordinator of
Leadership Center, Teuku Zilmarham and all Senior
Leaders of Telin.

Dir. Marsal Paparkan Bisnis InEx di Asean Marketing Summit 2015

Director of Marsal Esposed INEX Business on ASEAN
Marketing Summit 2015
Jakarta, 9 Oktober 2015 – MarkPlus, Inc., bekerja sama dengan Philip Kotler Center
for ASEAN Marketing dan Kemenpar mengadakan Asean Marketing Summit 2015,
Jumat (9/10/2015) di Ballroom, The Ritz-Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta. Bertindak
sebagai Chairman of The Day dalam acara tersebut adalah Prof. Philip Kotler
bersama CEO & Founder MarkPlus, Inc., Hermawan Kartajaya dan Dir. Marketing
Telin, S.P. Natigor Sitorus.

Jakarta, October 9th, 2015 - MarkPlus, Inc. collaborated with Philip Kotler Center
for ASEAN Marketing and the Ministry of Tourism held Asean Summit 2015, on
Friday (09/10/2015) in the Ballroom of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Pacific Place, OKTOBER
Jakarta. Prof. Philip Kotler was acting as Chairman of The Day at the event, with
CEO & Founder of MarkPlus, Inc., Hermawan Kartajaya and Marketing Director of
Telin, S.P. Natigor Sitorus.

Telin Malaysia Kenalkan Kartu As 2in1 di IATMI

Telin Malaysia Introduced Kartu as 2in1 on IATMI
Kuala Lumpur, 9 Oktober 2015 – Telin Malaysia mengenalkan produk Kartu As
2in1 ke para expatriate Indonesia yang merupakan pekerja perminyakan. Para
pekerja ini merupakan salah satu target pelanggan yang menjadi sasaran produk
Kartu As 2in1 karena mereka umumnya adalah orang yang sering bepergian ke

Kuala Lumpur, October 9th, 2015 – Telin Malaysia introduced Kartu As 2in1 to
Indonesian expatriates who are petroleum workers. These workers targeted by
Kartu As 2in1 became one of target customers because they are, typically, people
who frequently travel to Indonesia and also utilize other technology that could be
OKTOBER solved with Kartu As 2 in 1.

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Telkomcel Luncurkan Layanan Internet Gratis di Timor-Leste

Telkomcel Launched Free Internet Service in Timor-Leste

Dili 28 Oktober 2015 – Telkomcel bekerja sama dengan Facebook Corporation,

Telkomcel menghadirkan akses Facebook gratis termasuk layanan chating. Tak
hanya itu, layanan internet gratis juga diberikan ke beberapa website lainnya.

Dili, October 28th, 2015 - Telkomcel collaborated with Facebook Corporation to

present free Facebook access including chat services. Not only that, but the free
internet service was also provided to several other websites.


Telin Juara 3 Olimpiakom

Telkom Group 2015
Telin Won 3rd Place on Telkom
Group Olimpiakom 2015
Bandung, 9 November 2015 – Telin sukses mencatatkan
peringkat ketiga saat mengikuti Olimpiakom Telkom Group
2015 di Bandung selama tiga hari (4-6 November 2015).
Sebagai juara 1 adalah kontingen 5 Surabaya dan juara 2
adalah kontingen 7 KTI. Kegiatan dipusatkan di Telkom
Corporate University dan diikuti oleh 14 Kontingen.

Bandung, November 9th, 2015 – Telin succeeded to win the

3rd place when it joined Telkom Group Olimpiakom 2015 in
Singapore for three days (4th – 6th November, 2015). The
first winner was contingent 5 from Surabaya and the 2nd
was contingent 7 from KTI. The activities were centered NOVEMBER
at Telkom Corporate University and participated by 14 NOVEMBER

Telkomcel Tanda tangani Kontrak sebagai

Provider Live Streaming Oecusse Event
Telkomcel Signed A Contract As A Live
Streaming Oecusse Event Provider
Timor Leste, 18 November 2015 – Telkomcel menjadi penyedia live streaming
Oecusse event dalam memperingati 500 tahun kedatangan Portugis di Timor
Leste yang akan berlangsung mulai dari 27 - 28 November 2015 dan puncaknya
pada 28 November 2015. Penandatanganan dilakukan antara CEO Telkomcel,
Dedi Suherman dan General Director Estatal, Edgar Sequeira Martins, di Kantor
Estatal, Dili Rabu(18/11/2015).

Timor Leste, November 18th, 2015 - Telkomcel became a provider of live streaming
Oecusse event commemorating 500 years of Portuguese arrival in East Timor
which would take place from November 27th – 28th 2015, the peak was on
November 28th, 2015. The agreement was signed by CEO of Telkomcel, Smith
and Estatal, General Director, Edgar Sequeira Martins, at Estatal Office, in Dili on
Wednesday (18/11/2015).

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Telin Sosialisasi KartuAs 2in1 di BP3TKI Lombok

Telin Sosialized Kartu As 2 in 1 on BP3TKI Lombok
Lombok, 3 Desember 2015 – Retail Marketing Alignment Manager Telin, Sotarduga
L. Sihombing mengundang Telin Malaysia untuk bersinergi dalam melakukan
sosialisasi Kartu As 2in1 dan program SLI 007 serta 01017. Acara diselenggarakan
di BP3TKI Lombok serta desa Banjar Lombok pada tanggal 3 - 5 Desember 2015
bekerja sama dengan Telkom Regional NTB.

Lombok, December 3rd, 2015 - Retail Marketing Alignment Manager of Telin,

Sotarduga L. Sihombing invited Telin Malaysia to collaborate to socialize Kartu
As 2in1 and SLI 007 and 01017 programs. The event was held in collaboration with
Telkom Regional NTB in BP3TKI Lombok and Lombok Banjar village on December
3rd – 5th, 2015.

Nanang Hendarno Gantikan Era Kamali Nasution

Sebagai Komisaris Telin
Nanang Hendarno Replaced Era Kamali Nasution As
Telin Comissioner
Jakarta, 23 Desember 2015 – EGM Service Operation Telkom, Nanang
Hendarno resmi menggantikan Era Kamali Nasution yang menduduki
jabatan sebagai Komisaris Telin. Serah terima jabatan berlangsung di
ruang Tambora, Menara Jamsostek, Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 38,
Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (23/12/2015).
Jakarta, December 23rd, 2015 - Service Operation EGM of Telkom, Nanang
Hendarno officially replaced Era Kamali Nasution who had served as
DESEMBER Commissioner of Telin. The transfer of position took place in Tambora
DECEMBER Room, Menara Jamsostek, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38, South Jakarta,
on Wednesday (23/12/2015).

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Mega Proyek Kabel Laut SEA ME WE 5 Mendarat di Dumai

SEA ME WE 5 Submarine Cable Mega Project Landed in Dumai

Jakarta, 19 November 2015 – Telkom Group sukses melakukan penggelaran kabel

bawah laut SEA ME WE 5 di Pantai Puak Dumai, Kamis (19/12/2015) disaksikan oleh
Direktur Network dan IT Telin, Tulus Sudarsono, dan EVP Telkom Regional I, Teuku
Muda Nanta. Sistem kabel bawah ini membentang dari Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah
hingga Eropa dengan panjang kabel sekitar 20.000 km.
Jakarta, November 19, 2015 – Telkom Group succeeded in deploying SEA ME WE 5 submarine
cable at Puak Beach, Dumai, Thursday (19/12/2015) witnessed by Tulus Sudarsono, Telin
Network and IT Director, and Teuku Muda Nanta, Telkom EVP Regional I. This submarine cable
system expands from Southeast Asia, Middle East to Europe with approximately 20,000 km
cable length.

Jakarta, 23 Desember 2015 – Telin dan Telkom melakukan Amankan Lonjakan Trafik, Telin Kick Off
kick off Pengamanan NARU (Natal dan Tahun Baru) yang Pengamanan NARU
dipimpin langsung oleh Dir. NITS Telkom, Abdus Somad
To Secure Traffic Serge, Telin Held a
Arief, Rabu (23/12/2015). Kick off diikuti oleh Posko Nasional
Kick Off of NARU Security
IOC-N, Posko Regional IOC-R (7 Telkom Regional), Posko
Wilayah IOC-W (58 Witel), Posko Divisi Fungsi (DSO, ISC,
DSS, DES, DBS, DGS, DWS, CONS) dan seluruh Posko Anak
Perusahaan dengan menggunakan U-Meet-M. Mewakili
Telin, EGM Network Operation and Engineering, Nyoto
Priyono beserta jajarannya.

Jakarta, December 23rd, 2015 - Telin and Telkom held a

kick off of NARU Security (Christmas and New Year) led
by Network, IT&Solution Director of Telkom, Abdus Somad
Arief, on Wednesday (12/23/2015). The kick off is followed by
National Post IOC-n, Regional Post IOC-R (Telkom Regional
7), Territorial Post IOC-W (58 Witel), Functional Division
Posts (DSO, ISC, DSS, DES, DBS, DGS, DWS, Cons) and all the
Subsidiary Posts using U-Meet-M. Network Operation and
Engineering EGM, Nyoto Priyono and his board represented

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Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi


Top 10 Companies Indonesian Human Best Performance Award di Indonesia

Capital Awards 2015 Human Capital Awards 2015

Most Innovative ISO 20000-1:2011, standar

Wholesaler pada World internasional mengenai
Carrier Awards 2015 Management Systems (ITSMS)
Most Innovative ISO 20000-1:2011, international
Wholesaler in World standard in Management
Carrier Awards 2015 Systems (ITSMS)

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

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Dinamika industri komunikasi di tingkat

internasional menempatkan Sumber Daya Manusia
tidak hanya sebagai sebagai aset penting bagi Telin
namun juga sebagai sumber keunggulan kompetitif
utama Perusahaan untuk dapat memenangkan
persaingan global.
Latest trend on global communication industry placed Human
Resources not only as key asset for Telin but also as the
accelerator of our primary competitive advantage to win the
global competition.

Sumber Daya
3 Manusia

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Kebijakan Pengelolaan SDM


Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)
di Telin dikelola melalui suatu
kebijakan pengelolaan SDM yang
mengarah pada optimalisasi
kinerja SDM dalam merealisasikan
program kerja yang sudah
Our Human Capital is managed under particular
HR management policy which leads to HR
performance optimization in realizing targeted 2015
working programs.

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Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di Telin dikelola melalui Human Resources (HR) in TELIN is managed through a
suatu kebijakan pengelolaan SDM yang mengarah pada HR management policy that leads to HR performance
optimalisasi kinerja SDM dalam merealisasikan program optimization in realizing the targeted work programs.
kerja yang sudah ditargetkan.

Manajemen SDM di Telin dilaksanakan melalui HR Management in TELIN is conducted through the
implementasi kebijakan - kebijakan peningkatan implementation of policies to improve the human capital
pengelolaan human capital, yaitu: managements, that is:

1. Perancangan Masterplan SDM 1. Design of HR Masterplan

Merupakan suatu dokumen rencana jangka panjang It is a document of long-term Human Resource
pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia yang terus management plan that is constantly improved as a
disempurnakan sebagai acuan atau guidance dalam reference or guidance in support of the Company’s
mendukung pencapaian tujuan bisnis Perusahaan business objective achievement as stated in the the
sebagaimana tertuang dalam Rencana Jangka Company’s Long Term Plan or Corporate Strategic
Panjang Perusahaan atau Corporate Strategic Scenario (CSS).
Scenario (CSS).

2. Penyempurnaan Organisasi 2. Improvement of organization

Keputusan Direksi tentang Restrukturisasi Organisasi Decree of the Board of Directors No. 179/PS.000/
No. 179/PS.000/TII-10/VII/2015 bertujuan untuk lebih TII-10/VII/2015 on Organizational Restructuring
memperkuat dan mempersiapkan proses dan inter- is intended to more strengthen and prepare the
relasi dalam fungsi Perusahaan guna mendukung process and inter-relationship in the functions
bisnis Perusahaan yang semakin kompleks. Salah of Company in order to support the Company’s
satu realisasinya, adalah dengan memperkuat fungsi increasingly complex business. This can be done by
Innovation & Business Development serta New strengthening the function of Innovation & Business
Business Sales yang akan meningkatkan pengelolaan Development as well as New Business Sales which
business organik & in-organik dan new business dari would increase the organic and in-organic business
Telin. and new business management of TELIN.

3. Penataan Outsourcing Management 3. Outsourcing Management

Untuk lebih mengefisiensikan penyerahan sebagian To more boost the efficiency of the delivery of
pekerjaan kepada pihak ketiga, telah ditetapkan some works to third parties, the Board of Directors
Keputusan Direksi tentang Pedoman Outsourcing has made the Decree No. 54/PS.000/TII-10/III/2015
No. 54/PS.000/TII-10/III/2015. Keputusan tersebut about Guidelines for Outsourcing. This decree is

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juga bertujuan untuk memenuhi aspek compliancy also intended to meet the compliance aspects to the
terhadap ketentuan perundangan yang berlaku. provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

4. Penetapan Peraturan Disiplin Karyawan 4. The Regulation on Employee Discipline

Dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja dan produktivitas The Regulation on Employee Discipline was
yang optimal, telah ditetapkan Peraturan Disiplin established to improve the performance and optimal
Karyawan melalui nota VP HR No. 00218/PS-810/ productivity, where this Regulation is established
TII-102/IX/2015. Peraturan ini menjadi guidance dan through a memorandum of VP HR No. 00218/PS-810/
penjelasan ketentuan kedisplinan yang dilandasi TII-102/IX/2015. This regulation becomes a guidance
keseimbangan hak & kewajiban antara karyawan dan and explanation of the disciplinary provisions that is
Perusahaan. based upon the well balance of rights and obligations
between the employees and Company.

5. Optimalisasi HR Support untuk Inisiasi, 5. Optimization of HR Supports for the initiation,

Pengembangan Footprint serta M&A Project Development of footprints, M&a Project
Dukungan aspek HR dalam inisasi Footprint, HR support is provided in the Footprint initiation,
khususnya di Saudi Arabia, Amerika Serikat dan M&A especially in Saudi Arabia and United States. The
project. Dukungan yang diberikan mulai dari set supports provided here are starting from the
up organisasi berdasarkan bisnis di lokasi tersebut, organization set up based on business in such as
perumusan anggaran HR dan ketentuan tentang locations, HR budget formulation and provisions on
ketenagakerjaan yang relevan untuk dijadikan the relevant manpower serve as guidelines in the
pedoman di negara tujuan serta Retention Program destination countries as well as the Retention Program
untuk Key Executives pada M&A Project. for Key Executives in the M&a Projects.

6. Penyempurnaan global Human Capital 6. Improvement of the integrated global Human

Management System yang terintegrasi Capital Management System
Sebagai wujud kontribusi terhadap pencapaian as a form of the contribution to the Company’s targets
target Perusahaan dan untuk menjawab tantangan achievement and to answer business challenges
bisnis ke depan, beberapa sistem pengelolaan ahead, human capital management system has
human capital telah disempurnakan, antara lain been refined, among others, through the design
melalui perancangan mekanisme global talent of a global talent mobility mechanisms, effective
mobility, perancangan sistem rekrut yang efektif & & efficient recruit system design, enhancement of
efisien, penajaman sistem pengembangan karyawan employee development system and explanation on
dan penjelasan tentang terminasi karyawan. the termination of employees.

Kami membangun infrastruktur komunikasi terintegrasi

untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja SDM Telin
We build integrated communication infrastructure to optimize
performance of our Human Capital

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Pengelolaan SDM Telin juga didukung oleh penerapan Telin HR management is also supported by the
Teknologi Informasi (TI) guna mengoptimalkan kinerja application of Information Technology (IT) in order
seluruh karyawan Telin. Untuk memfasilitasi proses to optimize the performance of all Telin employees.
kerja seluruh karyawan, kami membangun infrastruktur To facilitate the work process for all our employees,
komunikasi yang terintegrasi untuk mempermudah we build integrated communication infrastructure
koordinasi kebijakan dan sosialisasi strategi bisnis to facilitate policy coordination and socialization of
Perusahaan antara pembuat kebijakan, pengelola SDM Company’s business strategy among policy makers,
dan karyawan. Saat ini, Telin tengah melaksanakan human resource and employee managers. Currently,
proses pengembangan aplikasi SDM yang dirancang TELIN is implementing the HR application development
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Telin Group yaitu IHCMS process that is designed to meet the needs of TELIN
Telkom Group (Integrated Human Capital Management Group, IHCMS Telkom Group (Integrated Human Capital
System Telkom Group) dan aplikasi Career Management Management System of Telkom Group) and application
- INGENIUM. of Career Management - INGENIUM.

Produktivitas karyawan tahun 2015 mencapai Rp8,1 miliar

Our employees productivity in 2015 reached to Rp 8 billion

Implementasi pengelolaan SDM Telin dilengkapi dengan Implementation of Telin HR management is equipped with
layanan SDM berbasis TI yang terdiri dari Sasaran Kerja IT-based HR service which consists of online Individual
Individu (SKI) online, absensi online, Surat Perintah Performance Planning (SKI), online attendance, online
Perjalanan Dinas (SPPD) online, cuti online, career online Business Travel Order Letter (SPPD), online leave, online
dan Setoran Pajak Tahunan/Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) career and online Annual Tax Returns (SPT). We also
online. Kami juga menerapkan berbagai aplikasi IT adopt a wide range of ICT applications such as business
seperti proses otomatisasi bisnis Perusahaan baik berupa process automation of the company either in the form of
nota dinas elektronik, virtual meeting, shared files, memos electronic, virtual meetings, shared files, online
online survei, dan intranet. Dalam penerapan program surveys, and intranet. In the implementation of the “Go
“Go Green”, Telin telah mengganti pengadministrasian Green” program, Telin has replaced the administration
SDM dengan aplikasi Employee Self Service (ESS) atau of human resources with Employee Self Service (ESS)
paperless office. application or the paperless office.

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Ditopang oleh kebijakan manajemen SDM yang efektif, Sustained by an effective HR management policies, the
realisasi produktivitas karyawan tahun 2015 mencapai realization of employee productivity in 2015 reached Rp
Rp8,1 miliar atau naik sebesar 10% dibandingkan tahun 8.1 billion, increased at 10% compared with the previous
sebelumnya. Peningkatan produktivitas karyawan year. The increased employee productivity was caused
disebabkan adanya peningkatan revenue dari bisnis by the increased revenue from international business
internasional yang disebabkan antara lain akuisisi CCA, resulting from, among others, CCA acquisition, and the
serta peningkatan revenue dari new business seperti rising revenue from new businesses such as A2P, CDN,
A2P, CDN, dll. etc.

Profil Karyawan Berdasarkan Usia, Posisi, Tingkat Employee profiles by age, position, education
Pendidikan dan Status Kepegawaian and Employment Status


HR composition by Age

<30 109 104 5% <30

30-45 203 186 9% 30-45

>45 68 68 0% >45

Total 380 358 6% Total

Catatan: 380 di luar BoD Note: 380 beyond the BoD
(4 orang) (4 people)


HR Composition by Position

Direksi 4 4 0 Directors

Manajemen Senior 61 55 11% Senior Mangaement

Manajemen Menengah
96 98 -2% Middle Management

Staf 227 205 11% Staff

Total 384 362 6% Total

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HR composition by Gender

Laki-Laki 288 267 8% Male

Perempuan 96 91 5% Female

Total 384 358 7% Total


HR composition by Education

Pra kuliah 13 32 -59% Pre-College

Diploma 33 28 18% Diploma

Sarjana 223 207 8% Bachelor

Pasca Sarjana 115 91 26% Postgraduate

Total 384 358 7% Total


HR Composition by Employment Status

Pegawai Tetap 304 260 Permanent Employee

Pegawai Kontrak 80 97 Contract employee

Outsource 167 107 Outsource

Strategi akuisisi Talent di Telin disesuaikan dengan target Talent acquisition strategy in Telin is adjusted by the
kinerja perusahaan yang berfokus pada percepatan company’s performance target focused on accelerating
ekspansi bisnis dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan the business expansion and meeting the needs for
transformasi organisasi. Sepanjang tahun 2014, Telin organizational transformation. Throughout 2014, Telin
telah melaksanakan akuisisi talent dengan merekrut 52 has carried out talent acquisition by recruiting 52 new
karyawan baru untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional employees to support the operational activities at Telin
di Kantor Pusat Telin serta 35 karyawan baru untuk Office Head and 35 new employees to support the Telin’s
mendukung anak perusahaan Telin. subsidiaries

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Proses akuisisi talent menerapkan metode seleksi yang Talent acquisition process is conducted by a comprehensive
komprehensif dan menegakkan prinsip professional dan selection method and applying the professional and
non-diskriminatif. Dalam setiap tahap proses akuisisi non-discriminatory principles. In each stage of the talent
talent, Telin memberlakukan asas kesetaraan tanpa acquisition process, Telin adopts the principles of equal
membedakan suku, agama, ras, golongan, gender opportunity without discriminating any employees
dan kondisi fisik calon karyawan yang akan direkrut. regardless of their ethnic, religion, race, class, gender and
Dalam proses rekruitasi, telin bekerja sama dengan physical condition of the prospective employees to be
lembaga assessment independen untuk memberikan recruited. In the process of recruitment, Telin cooperates
rekomendasi terhadap calon karyawan. Untuk seleksi with an independent assessment agency to provide
personil yang akan di tempatkan di posisi kunci, proses recommendations to the prospective employees. For the
rekrutmen pegawai di Telin juga dilengkapi dengan selection of personnel who are going to be placed in key
metode asesmen dan sidang jabatan untuk mendapatkan positions, the recruitment process in Telin is also equipped
orang yang tepat untuk kondisi yang tepat. with assessment methods and auction of office position to
get the right people for the right condition.

Skema rekrutmen SDM disesuaikan dengan fokus

percepatan ekspansi bisnis dan transformasi organisasi Telin
Our HR recruitment scheme is aligned with our focus on business
expansion and organizational transformation of Telin


Menyesuaikan dengan kondisi bisnis dan tantangan In line with the business condition and the challenges
yang dihadapi di 2015, Telin menyadari pentingnya encountered in 2015, Telin is aware of the importance of
program Pengembangan kompetensi, baik leadership competence development program, both leadership and
maupun teknikal yang mendukung. supporting technical development.

Program pengembangan dan pelatihan SDM HR development and training program is conducted
didasarkan pada Competency-Based Human Resources based upon Competency-Based Human Resources
Management (CBHRM) yang terus diperbarui setiap Management (CBHRM) which is continuously updated
tahun dan dilaksanakan selaras dengan strategi bisnis every year and implemented in line with the business
yang berdasarkan kepada Corporate Strategic Scenario strategy that is based on Corporate Strategic Scenario
(CSS), Master Plan for Human Capital (MPHC), Human (CSS), a Master Plan for Human Capital (MPHC), Human
Capital Development Plan (HCD Plan), transformasi Capital Development Plan (HCD Plan), organizational
organisasi serta kondisi keuangan Perusahaan. Model transformation, as well as corporate financial condition.

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CBHRM Telin terdiri dari Core Competency (values), Telin CBHRM Model consists of Core Competency
Generic Competency (Personal Quality), dan Specific (values), Generic Competency (Personal Quality), and
Competency (Skill & Knowledge). Specific Competency (Skill & Knowledge).

Dalam framework CBHRM, pengembangan kompetensi In the CBHRM framework, employee competence
karyawan difokuskan pada beberapa aspek, yaitu: development is focused on several aspects as follows:

s Pengembangan Character yang didasarkan s Character Development based on corporate culture

pada budaya perusahaan The Telkom Way yang of The Telkom Way, resting on the philosophy “To Be
berlandaskan pada filosofi To be The Best (Ihsan), The Best” (Ihsan), “Principle to be The Star” (Solid,
Principle to be The Star (Solid, Speed, Smart) dan Speed, Smart) and “Practices to Be the Winner”
Practices to be the Winner (Imagine, Focus, Action). (Imagine, Focus, Action).
s Pengembangan Leadership, dengan fokus s Leadership Development with a emphasis on Senior
development Senior Leaders sebagai culture Leader development as a cultural ambassador
ambassador yang didasarkan pada Telkom based on Telkom Leadership Architecture, resting
Leadership Architecture yang berlandaskan prinsip on principles of Lead by Heart and Manage by Head.
Lead by Heart dan Manage by Head principles.
s Pengembangan Competence yang berstandar s Development of Competence by global standards

Selama tahun 2015, program pelatihan dan pendidikan Throughout 2015, training and education program for
bagi karyawan yang kami selenggarakan meliputi employees that we held was covering the whole fields,
seluruh bidang, namun untuk sertifikasi difokuskan pada but for the certification, it was focused on the field of
bidang teknologi, manajemen telekomunikasi, financial technology, telecommunication management, financial
dan pengembangan bisnis new wave untuk mendukung and business development of new wave to bolster the
terwujudnya visi Telin. Penyelenggaraan program realization of Telin vision. Such HR development program
pengembangan SDM tersebut juga dilakukan melalui was also conducted in synergy with Telkom Group in the
sinergi dengan Telkom Group dalam bentuk kerja sama form of program cooperation, participant cooperation
program, kerja sama partisipan dan kerja sama fasilitas. and facilitiy cooperation.

Kegiatan pengembangan dan pelatihan SDM juga HR development and training activity was also
dilaksanakan dalam bidang manajemen melalui conducted in the field of management through Telin
program pendidikan pegawai Telin dalam bentuk kerja employee education program in the form of cooperation
sama antara Divisi HR dengan Universitas Gadjah between the HR Division and Gadjah Mada University
Mada (MM-UGM). Kerja sama tersebut diberikan dalam (MM-UGM). Such cooperation was built in the form of
bentuk program Mini MBA untuk memotivasi karyawan Mini MBA program to motivate employees to continue
melanjutkan pendidikan untuk jenjang Magister (S2) their education to Master (S2) level and learn more about
serta untuk lebih mendalami kompetensi manajerial. managerial competence.

Sedangkan untuk program pelatihan, Divisi HR Telin While for the training program, Telin HR Division
melakukan kolaborasi dengan training partner di collaborated with training partners in the local and
lingkup lokal dan internasional termasuk di dalamnya international scopes including Telkom Corporate
Telkom Corporate University Center (TCUC). Kegiatan University Center (TCUC). Employee development

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pengembangan karyawan direncanakan untuk activity planed to be performed two (2) times in the form
dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 (dua) kali berupa kegiatan HCD of HCD Plan activity (Human Capital Development Plan).
Plan (Human Capital Development Plan). Sesuai dengan In accordance with the agreement of Telin & TCUC as an
kesepakatan Telin & TCUC sebagai penyelenggara, organizer, HCD Plan activity was divided into three (3)
kegiatan HCD Plan tersebut terbagi dalam 3 (tiga) categories, covering Leadership program, Functional
kategori, Leadership program, Fungsional Training Training Program (Hardskill) and Softskill Training.
Program (Hardskill) dan Pelatihan Softskill.

Pengembangan SDM Telin juga dilaksanakan untuk

mempersiapkan kader pemimpin, melalui program Culture
Ambassador yang disasarkan kepada seluruh Senior Leaders
(level VP & EVP).
Telin Human Capital development is also carried out by preparing leader
candidates, through Culture Ambassador program targeted to all Senior
Leaders (VP & EVP Levels).

Pengembangan SDM Telin juga dilaksanakan untuk Telin HR Development was also executed to prepare
mempersiapkan kader pemimpin, melalui program a regeneration of leaders, through the Cultural
Culture Ambassador yang disasarkan kepada seluruh Ambassador Program which is targeted to all Senior
Senior Leaders (level VP & EVP). Membekali para Leaders (VP & EVP level). The Leaders were equipped
Leaders dengan kompetensi yang didasari oleh with a competence from Telkom Leadership architecture,
Telkom Leadership architecture, dilengkapi dengan equipped with business simulation games and 360
business simulation games dan feedback 360 derajat degree feedback (from subordinates, peers, superiors
(dari bawahan, peers, atasan serta hasil assessment). as well as the assessment results). Competences
Kompetensi yang diberikan dalam program ini terkait given in this program are related to Personal Mastery
dengan Personal Mastery (Character, Competence, (Character, Competence, Collaboration), Governance
Collaboration), Tata Kelola (GCG, Etika Bisnis/Legal, (GCG, Business/Legal Ethics, Communication Systems in
Sistem Komunikasi dalam Parenting), International Parenting), International Expansion (INEX) as well as the
Expansion (InEx) serta Kultur Perusahaan (Leadership Corporate Culture (Leadership Architecture).

Pelatihan kepemimpinan Telin selama tahun 2015 Telin leadership training throughout 2015 was realized
direalisasikan melalui rangkaian program development through a series of Senior Leader development programs
Senior Leaders, sebagai berikut: as follows:
s Culture Ambassador Program untuk senior Leaders s Cultural Ambassador Program for Telin’s senior
Telin (VP Level) diikuti oleh 26 Senior Leaders Head Leaders (VP Level) followed by 26 Senior Leader
quarter Telin (93% Senior Leaders Join) Headquarter of Telin (93% Senior Leaders Join)
s Development Day Team 12, group senior Leaders s Training for Development Day Team 12, a group
dilakukan sebanyak 2 sesi dengan menghadirkan of senior Leaders was conducted in two sessions
expert dan mantan CEO Global Companies sebagai by inviting the experts and former CEO Global
pembicara. Companies as a speaker.

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s Kepemimpinan Tingkat Senior (Executive s Senior Leadership training (Executive Development

Development Program, Commissionership Program, Commissionership Executive Program,
Executive Program, Directorship Executive Directorship Executive Program) was attended by
Program) yang diikuti oleh jajaran direksi Telin. the Telin’s board of directors.

Program kaderisasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Telin juga Regeneration program implemented by Telin was
ditujukan bagi para leader dan karyawan yang akan also addressed to leaders and employees who will be
ditempatkan di entitas anak perusahaan melalui program placed in the subsidiary through Expatriate Orientation
Orientasi Expatriate. Penyelenggaraan program orientasi program. Orientation program for expatriate employees
untuk karyawan asing (ekspatriat) tersebut diisi oleh covered a variety of materials presented by some
berbagai materi yang disampaikan oleh narasumber speakers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Training
dari Kementrian Luar Negeri. Materi yang diberikan materials delivered was intended to provide guidance
ditujukan untuk memberikan arahan serta berbagai and information to employees and their families by
informasi untuk karyawan dan keluarganya agar lebih which they are expected to more easily adapt to the Telin
mudah dalam beradaptasi di lingkungan kerja Telin. work environment.

Program Character Building tidak selesai hanya dilakukan Character Building program was not only conducted
di Head Quarter Telin di Jakarta, sharing session terkait at Telin Head Quarter in Jakarta, but sharing session
leadership dan budaya perusahaan juga disampaikan ke related to leadership and corporate culture was also held
beberapa entitas anak Telin di luar negeri, seperti di Telin in several Telin’s subsidiaries abroad, such as in Telin
Malaysia, Telkomcel dan di Telin Singapore. Pelaksanaan Malaysia, Telkomcel and Telin Singapore. This program
program ini bekerja sama dengan TICC-TCUC dalam was implemented in cooperation with TICC-TCUC in
menyampaikan materi Budaya Perusahaan berdasar presenting the corporate cultural material focused on
Telkom Way, Spiritual Development & Motivasi kerja. Telkom Way, Spiritual Development & Work Motivation.

Sebagai realisasi kegiatan pelatihan dan pendidikan As the realization of the employee training and education
karyawan tahun 2015, Telin berhasil terlibat dalam 68 in 2015, Telin successfully engaged in 68 international
sertifikasi internasional yang diikuti oleh karyawan, dan certification that was followed by employees, and
telah berpartisipasi dalam 366 pelatihan dan seminar, has participated in 366 training and seminars, both in
baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. domestic and abroad.

Total anggaran pelatihan untuk tahun 2015 sebesar Total training budget throughout 2015 was amounted
Rp3.006.140.000 atau meningkat sebesar 19,2% to Rp3,006,140,000 or increased by 19.2% compared
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2.521.000.000. with the 2014 amounting to Rp2,521,000,000. This
Peningkatan ini bertujuan untuk mendukung seluruh increased budget is intended to support the all TELIN
program kerja Telin yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015. work programs implemented in 2015.


Sebagai bentuk support untuk kesiapan Global As a form of support for Global talents who are assigned
talent yang ditugaskan untuk menjalankan bisnis di to run the business in subsidiaries, HC Telin collaborates
subsidiaries, HC Telin bekerjasama dengan global with global professional consultants to provide coaching
consultant professional memberikan sesi Coaching sessions for Telin Ekspatriates who are placed abroad for
kepada Ekspatriate Telin yang ditempatkan di luar negeri first 3 months of placement. Coaching sessions talked

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selama 3 bulan pertama penempatan. Sesi Coaching about culture adaptiveness, business and global mindset.
yang diberikan melingkupi culture adaptiveness, Coaching sessions throughout 2015 were provided to
business dan global mindset. Sesi Coaching yang two new Expatriates placed in Hong Kong and Myanmar.
berlangsung di 2015 diberikan kepada 2 orang Ekspatriat
baru yang menempati posisi di Hongkong dan Myanmar.


Seiring dengan kebutuhan untuk mengoptimalkan In line with the need to optimize the knowledge resource
sumber daya pengetahuan (knowledge resource) di in the Company, Telin also has implemented a Knowledge
Perusahaan, Telin juga telah menerapkan Knowledge Management as part of employee competence
Management sebagai bagian dari pengembangan development Knowledge Management in Telin is
kompetensi karyawan. Implementasi Knowledge conducted by giving employees an opportunity to share
Management di Telin dilakukan dengan memberikan their ideas, concepts and information through articles
kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk bertukar ide, and media that can be accessed by all employees.
konsep serta berbagai informasi melalui artikel dan
media yang dapat diakses oleh seluruh karyawan.

Knowledge management di Telin juga dikelola dengan Knowledge management in Telin is also implemented
diadakannya kegiatan rutin setiap hari Jumat pagi through a regular event every Friday morning in the form
berupa sharing session dengan konsep dari Karyawan of a sharing session with the concept from employees for
untuk karyawan dan juga dalam beberapa kesempatan employees and on several occasions Telin also invited foreign
mengundang pembicara dari luar dengan tema-tema speakers with specific themes around olah rasa, olah raga,
khusus yang melingkupi olah rasa, raga dan rasio. and olah rasio (emotional, physical and mind management).

Telin HC juga mengadakan kelas inspirasi setiap 2 minggu Telin HC also hold the inspiration class every 2 weeks
sekali untuk memberikan sharing knowledge kepada to provide knowledge sharing for all employees from
seluruh karyawan dari sisi spiritual agama, dengan religious and spiritual views by inviting external speakers
mendatangkan pembicara dari luar yang kompeten who are competent in their fields with the main theme
dibidangnya dengan tema utama di 2015 yaitu “Bekerja “Working With God (Bekerja Ma Allah)” in 2015.
Ma Allah”.


Sesuai dengan hak-hak dasar pegawai, Telin memberikan In accordance with the fundamental rights of employees,
jaminan adanya persamaan bagi seluruh karyawan TELIN ensures that it will provide equal opportunity for
untuk memperoleh kesempatan berpartisipasi dan all employees to participate and involve in competence
terlibat dalam program pengembangan kompetensi development program in the form of training, seminar
baik berupa pelatihan, seminar maupun workshop dan and workshop and other similar activities.
kegiatan sejenis lainnya.

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Dalam memberikan program pengembangan In providing the competence development program,

kompetensi, Telin memperhatikan kebutuhan tiap TELIN considers the needs of each job profile and it
job profile dan bebas dari segala bentuk diskriminasi must be free from any forms of discrimination which
yang tidak relevan dengan kode etik dan etika bisnis are contradictory to the code of ethics and professional
profesional yang berlaku di Telin. business ethics in force at Telin.

Manajemen Telin meningkatkan gaji karyawan sebesar 9%

di tahun 2015
Telin management increased the salaries of employees by 9% in 2015


Telin memberikan paket remunerasi yang kompetitif Telin offers a competitive remuneration package in
sesuai dengan harga pasar, yang terdiri dari gaji pokok accordance with the market price, which consists of
dan tunjangan, benefit serta insentif dan bonus yang base salary, allowances, benefits and incentives and
dikaitkan dengan kinerja dan berbagai fasilitas termasuk bonuses linked to their performance and a range of
fasilitas kesehatan bagi karyawan dan keluarganya. facilities including medical facilities for employees and
Paket remunerasi ini senantiasa dievaluasi agar their families. This remuneration package is evaluated
pergerakan gaji karyawan sesuai dengan harga pasar. regularly to ensure that a movement of employee
Selain remunerasi dalam bentuk gaji, Perusahaan juga salaries is appropriate to the market prices. In addition to
mendistribusikan bonus kinerja kepada karyawan. Untuk remuneration in the form of salaries, the Company also
periode tahun 2015, Telin telah melakukan pencatatan distributes the performance bonuses for employees. For
(accrued) dalam tahun berjalan namun baru akan the period 2015, Telin has accrued bonuses in the current
mendistribusikannya pada tahun berikutnya. Pada tahun year, but will distribute them in the next year. In 2014, we
2014, kami telah membayarkan bonus tahunan berkisar have had payed annual bonuses around Rp20.3 billion.
Rp20,3 miliar. Terkait pemberian bonus tahun 2015, kami Related to bonuses given in 2015, we will rely on the audit
akan berpegang pada penyelesaian audit atas Laporan for Financial Statements in 2015 and the approval of the
Keuangan 2015 serta persetujuan dari RUPS. GMS.


Sesuai dengan prinsip keadilan dan kewajaran, In accordance with the justice and fairness principles,
penerapan kebijakan kesejahteraan pegawai the employee welfare policy is based upon the
didasarkan pada pencapaian sasaran Perusahaan. achievement of the Company’s objectives. Considering
Mempertimbangkan pencapaian kinerja positif Telin the Telin positive performance in 2014, the Telin
di tahun 2014, pihak manajemen Telin meningkatkan management increased the salaries of employees by
gaji karyawan sebesar 9% di tahun 2015 dengan 9% in 2015 with production services by 6 times the
jasa produksi sebesar 6 kali gaji. Upaya Telin salary. Telin’s efforts in increasing employee welfare

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dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan pegawai juga is also realized by providing health services for
direalisasikan dengan menyediakan layanan kesehatan employees and their family members in collaboration
bagi karyawan dan keluarga intinya yang bekerjasama with Telkomedika, a subsidiary of yaKES Telkom that
dengan Telkomedika, anak perusahaan YAKES Telkom has extensive service networks which are completely
yang memiliki jaringan layanan yang luas dengan supported by yaKES infrastructures and administrative
didukung penuh oleh infrastruktur YAKES dan layanan services online.
administratif secara online.

Hingga 31 Desember 2015, total karyawan beserta Until 31 December 2015, total employees and their family
keluarga intinya yang menjadi peserta layanan members who received health services of Telkomedika
kesehatan Telkomedika mencapai 746 orang. reached 746 people.

Untuk Entitas anak pengelolaan kesehatan dikelola For each subsidiary entity, the health services are
masing-masing dengan bekerjasama dengan asuransi managed respectively in collaboration with the credible
kesehatan yang terpercaya dan berpengalaman. and experienced health insurances.

Sebagai bagian dari peningkatan kesejahteraan As a part of the employee welfare improvement,
pegawai, Telin juga memberikan kesempatan kepada Telin also provides the opportunity for employees to
karyawan untuk berpartisipasi dalam berbagai aktivitas participate in various additional activities that can
ekstrakurikuler yang dapat mendukung produktivitas support employee productivity through Olah Rasio,
karyawan melalui kegiatan Olah Rasio, Olah Raga, Olah Olah Raga, Olah Ruh dan Olah Rasa or 4R (mind, physical,
Ruh dan Olah Rasa atau 4R. Kegiatan ini bertujuan spiritual and emotional management). These activities
untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara pekerjaan dan aim at achieving a harmonious balance between work
kehidupan sebagai katalisator untuk menciptakan and life as a catalyser for creating a healthy working
hubungan kerja yang sehat antar karyawan. Pelaksanaan relationship between employees. The implementation
kegiatan 4R tersebut mencakup berbagai bidang, antara of 4R activities cover various fields, among others:

s Olah Rasio s Olah Rasio (Mind Management)

Kegiatan Sharing Session yang dilaksanakan secara This Sharing Session Activity is held regularly every
rutin setiap hari Jumat, dengan topik bervariasi dari Friday with varying topics of the work, health, and
dunia pekerjaan, kesehatan, serta gaya hidup. lifestyle.

s Olah Raga s Olah Raga (Physical Management)

Berbagai aktivitas olah raga seperti Futsal, Bulutangkis, It includes various physical activities such as Futsal,
Tenis Lapangan dan Telin Runner. Badminton, Tennis and Telin Runner.

s Olah Ruh s Olah Ruh (Spiritual Management)

Berbagai kegiatan keagamaan seperti ceramah It encompasses a series of religious activities such
spiritual rutin tiap bulan Minggu ke tiga, kegiatan as regular spiritual lectures every Sunday for three
membaca AlQurán, serta acara rutin lain dalam rangka months, reading the Qur’an, as well as other regular
mendukung hari besar agama seperti Buka Puasa events in order to support religious holidays such
Bersama, Halal bi Halal, dan Perayaan Natal Bersama. as breaking the fast together, Halal bi Halal, and
Christmas celebrations together.

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s Olah Rasa s Olah Rasa (Emotional Management)

Dilaksanakan melalui pembinaan grup Band, paduan It is implemented through Group Band, Choral Group,
Suara, dan menyanyi solo. and Solo singing coaching.

Peningkatan kesejahteraan diberikan tidak hanya pada Employee welfare is enhanced not only in the financial
aspek financial tapi benefit yang lainnya. aspects but other benefits.



Kenaikan Salary Meningkat 9% dibanding tahun 2014

Salary Increase Increase by 9% compared with 2014
Iuran Benefit Asuransi Jamsostek Meningkat 9% dibanding tahun 2014
Benefit Contribution for Social Security Insurance Increase by 9% compared with 2014
Layanan Kesehatan Telkomedika Diberikan Double Cover, dengan BPJS
Telkomedika Health services Double Cover by BPJS
Jasa Produksi Meningkat 71% (6 x THP 2014, dibandingkan dengan 3.5xTHP 2013
Production Service Increase by 71% (6 x THP 2014 compared with 3.5xTHP 2013


Telin mengapresiasi kinerja karyawan dengan Telin greatly appreciates the employee performance
memberikan penghargaan tahunan dalam berbagai by giving annual rewards in various forms as set out
bentuk sebagaimana diatur dalam Telin Employee in TELIN Employee Rewards given to individuals and
Reward yang diberikan secara individual dan kelompok groups in different types and forms according to the
dalam berbagai jenis dan bentuk sesuai dengan tingkat level of importance. Employee Rewards are intentionally
kepentingan. Penghargaan Karyawan dimaksudkan designed to provide work motivation, both rewards due
untuk memberikan motivasi kerja, baik penghargaan to good performance or due to their participation in
karena kinerja atau penghargaan karena partisipasi improving positive work relationship:
dalam menigkatkan hubungan kerja yang positif :


Reward NUMBER OF Value
4 buah cincin emas @10 gram
Karyawan Terbaik untuk Level Mgr dan Level Officer 8 Orang 4 buah cincin emas @7,5 gram
Best Employees For Mgr Level and Officer Level 8 people 4 gold rings @10 gram
4 gold rings @7.5 gram
Penghargaan kepada Panitia, Peserta dan Pemenang Dari Telin Rp. 180.250.000,-
OLIMPIAKOM Telkom Group 35 Orang Dari Telkom Rp. 26.000.000,-
Rewards to the Committee, Participants and Winners of 35 people From Telin Rp. 180.250.000,-
OLIMPIAKOM Telkom Group From Telkom Rp. 26.000.000,-

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Telin secara konsisten memelihara hubungan industrial Telin will time after time maintain a good industrial
yang baik antara karyawan dan manajemen guna relationship between employees and management in
menciptakan lingkungan dan suasana kerja yang order to create an favorable working atmosphere and
kondusif. Hal ini sesuai merujuk pada Keputusan environment. It is in accordance with the Presidential
Presiden No.83 tahun 1998 tentang Ratifikasi Konvensi Decree No. 83 of 1998 on the Ratification of ILO Conven-
ILO No.87 tahun 1948 mengenai Kebebasan Berserikat tion No. 87 of 1948 on the Freedom of Association and
dan Perlindungan atas Hak Membentuk Organisasi. Protection of the Rights to Organize.

Pembinaan hubungan industrial di lingkungan The development of industrial relationship in

Telin merupakan bagian dari the Telin environment is a part of the
komitmen manajemen untuk management’s commitment to
selalu menghormati hak always respect the rights and
dan kewajiban karyawan obligations of employees
sesuai dengan peraturan in accordance with the
perundang-undangan laws and regulations in
yang berlaku. Selain force. In addition, the
itu, Perusahaan juga Company also guar-
menjamin kebebasan antees the freedom
dalam berserikat of association that
yang diwujudkan is realized through
melalui mekanisme the mechanism of
penyampaian aspirasi employee opinion ex-
karyawan sesuai pression in accordance
dengan kaidah etika dan with the ethics and
moral. Untuk mendukung moral rules. To support the
praktik hubungan industrial practice of industrial relation-
di Perusahaan, Telin telah ship in the company, Telin has
mendirikan organisasi karyawan, established an employee organiza-
Serikat Karyawan PT Telekomunikasi tion, employee union of PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia International atau disingkat “SEKAR Telin” Indonesia International or abbreviated “SEKAR Telin” on
pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2009. Perusahaan dan SEKAR 19 August 2009. The Company and SEKaR Telin agree
Telin sepakat untuk tunduk bersama pada Peraturan to adhere to the Telin Company Regulation of 2011-2013
Perusahaan Telin 2011-2013 yang telah disahkan oleh which has been legalized by the Manpower Agency of
Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration of the
Transmigrasi RI nomor 309/PP/PBR.I/V/D/2011 tanggal Republic of Indonesia number 309/PP/PBR.I/V/D/2011
20 Mei 2011. Sebagai penghubung antara manajemen dated 20 May 2011. As a liaison between the Manage-
dan karyawan, SEKAR Telin memiliki beberapa tugas ment and employees, SEKaR Telin has some principal
pokok, yaitu: tasks as follows:

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1. Melaksanakan pembinaan dan pengembangan 1. Fostering and developing the members’s potentials
potensi anggota melalui upaya-upaya untuk through efforts to improve the quality of knowledge
meningkatkan mutu pengetahuan dan keterampilan and skills (competence) as well as the ability to
(kompetensi) serta kemampuan berorganisasi; organize;
2. Memperjuangkan anggota untuk memperoleh 2. Fighting for members to obtain equal opportunities
kesempatan yang sama dalam pengembangan karir in the career development in accordance with their
sesuai dengan kompetensi masing-masing; respective competences;
3. Mendukung suksesnya program Perusahaan sesuai 3. Support the success of Company’s programs in
dengan bidang tugas masing-masing anggota; accordance with the duties of each member;
4. Melakukan kerjasama dengan badan dan atau 4. Cooperating with TELIN’s internal and external
lembaga internal maupun eksternal Telin untuk agencies or institutions to achieve the organizational
mencapai tujuan organisasi. objectives.

Program Kerja SDM


Untuk mendukung tercapainya sasaran dan Program To support the target achievements and work program
kerja Perusahaan, Divisi HR telah melaksanakan of the Company, HR Division has implemented HR Work
Program Kerja SDM selama tahun 2015 yang secara garis Programs for 2015 generally focused on the contribution
besar berfokus pada kontribusi SDM Perusahaan dalam of Company HR to the Telin international expansion and
ekspansi internasional Telin dan juga terdiri dari enam also consists of six excellent programs as follows:
program unggulan sebagai berikut:

1. Membangun Budaya Perusahaan melalui diseminasi 1. Build a Corporate Culture through the dissemination
Budaya Perusahaan dalam 3 tahap yaitu Learning, of corporate culture in three stages: Learning, Living
Living dan Loving. Beberapa milestone yang and Loving. One of the milestones achieved is the
dilaksanakan adalah keikutsertaan dalam festival participation in a Telkom Group cultural festival in
budaya Telkom Group di bulan November 2015, dan November 2015, and a measurement of Cultural
pengukuran Culture Entropy dan Organization Health Entropy and Organization Health in December 2015
di bulan Desember 2015
2. Membangun kompetensi dengan learning system, 2. Build a competence by learning system with the
dengan realisasi: penyusunan Telin Learning Roadmap, realization: preparation of TELIN Learning Roadmap,
staffing plan dan penyusunan tiga HR System yaitu staffing plan and the preparation of three HR Systems,
Global Talent Mobility Policy, Recuitment Policy dan including Global Talent Mobility Policy, Recuitment
Pembenahan Job Management . Policy and Improvement of Job Management.
3. Pengembangan karyawan menuju pemain global, 3. Development of Employees to be a global player with
dengan realisasi: penempatan karyawan di sejumlah realization: the placement of employees in a number
entitas anak di luar negeri dan program sosialisasi of subsidiaries abroad and Telin Culture socialization
Budaya Telin kepada karyawan. program for employees.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

4. Membangun talent pool berstandar internasional, 4. Build a international standard talent pool with
dengan realisasi: sertifikasi Global Talent Program realization: the certification of Global Talent Program
(GTP) terhadap 146 karyawan dari Telkom Group. (GTP) for the 146 employees of Telkom Group.
5. Meningkatkan Global Mindset Index sebagai tolok 5. Improve a Global Mindset Index as a benchmark of
ukur kesiapan sumber daya manusia di Telin dalam the readiness of TELIN’s human resources to manage
mengelola bisnis Internasional. international business.
6. Mengembangkan kebijakan pengelolaan Human 6. Develop Human Resources management policy to
Resource dalam rangka mendukung program support the International Expansion Program through
International Expansion melalui dukungan kebijakan policy support in the formation of new footprints.
dalam pembentukan footprint-footprint baru.

Telin memiliki 6 program kerja unggulan untuk

mengoptimalkan kinerja SDM dalam ekspansi internasional
Telin has 6 key working program to optimize HR performance on our
International Expansion

Keenam program unggulan tersebut kemudian The six excellent programs are then implemented in the
diturunkan dalam program kerja jangka pendek sebagai short-term work program as follows:

1. Program Diseminasi Budaya Perusahaan dalam 1. Corporate Culture Dissemination Program in the form
bentuk sosialisasi budaya di semua level karyawan of cultural socialization for all-level employees and
dan pengukuran Culture Awareness; Cultural Awareness measurement;
2. Peningkatan kemampuan pengelolaan bisnis 2. Improving International business management
International melalui pengikutsertaan talent-talent capabilities through Telin talent Participation in the
Telin ke dalam program International Capability International Capability Development program in
Development di lembaga-lembaga internasional credible international institutions, among others: NUS
yang kredibel, antara lain: NUS Singapore, MBS Singapore, MBS australia, Sofrecom France, INSEAD
Australia, Sofrecom Perancis, INSEAD Perancis, dan France, and Thunderbird America. A total of 35 talent
Thunderbird Amerika. Sebanyak 35 karyawan talent employees have participated and passed the program.
telah mengikuti dan lulus program tersebut.
3. Pengembangan kebijakan Remunerasi Internasional 3. Development of International Remuneration
yang berguna untuk mendukung penugasan karyawan- Policy which is useful to support the assignment
karyawan di footprint Internasional. Kebijakan yang of employees in International footprint. The policy
memakai metode Balance Sheet tersebut berguna that takes an advantage of Balance Sheet method is
untuk memastikan bahwa mobilitas talent-talent Telin helpful to ensure that the mobility of TELIN talents
di luar Indonesia tetap terjaga selaras dengan prinsip outside the Indonesia remain maintained well in
attracting, retaining & motivating talent. line with the principles of attracting, retaining and
motivating talents.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Program HC tahun 2016


Di tahun 2016, Human Capital Telin memfokuskan pada In 2016, Telin Human Capital focused on three critical
3 area penting dalam pengembangan Human Capital areas in the development of Human Capital:
1. Pengembangan Kepemimpinan dengan focus pada 1. Development of Leadership with focus on the
Karakter dan Kapabilitas, yang menargetkan pada character and capability, targeting the talent leaders
talent leaders yang menduduki posisi baru dan who hold a new position and new recruits. It is
pada new recruits. Diharapkan dengan program expected that the leadership development program
pengembangan kepemimpinan tersebut, akan di will produce Telin leaders and employees who have
dapat pemimpin-pemimpin dan karyawan Telin yang high working spirits and competent capabilities.
mempunyai spirit kerja tinggi dan kapabilitas yang Several programs to be implemented among others:
kompeten. Program-program yang akan dilaksanakan
antara lain:
a. 100% Leadership Program dilaksanakan a. 100% Leadership Program is performed
b. 55% karyawan mempunyai Sertifikat Internasional, b. 55% of employees have an International Certificate,
focus di bidang Finance & Network serta IT focus on Finance & Network and IT areas
c. 75% karyawan memanfaatkan model pembelajaran c. 75% of employees use a e-Learning model and
e-Learning dan lulus dalam pembelajaran tersebut passed this e-Learning

2. Implementasi budaya perusahaan di lingkungan 2. Implementation of Corporate Culture in the TELIN

Telin Group termasuk di anak perusahaan melalui Group environment, including in its subsidiaries
pelaksanaan “Program Budaya Saya” di setiap unit. through the implementation of “My Culture Program”
Program ini mengukur dampak dari penerapan in each unit. This program measures an impact of the
budaya di setiap unit terkait dengan pencapaian implementation of culture in each unit related to the
sasaran unit. Indikator di bidang pengembangan achievement of unit targets. Indicators in the fields of
Budaya Perusahaan adalah : Corporate Culture development are:
a. Nilai Employee Engagement sebesar 80% a. Employee Engagement value of 80%
b. Nilai Entropy budaya sebesar 8% b. Cultural Entropy value of 8%
c. Nilai Kesehatan Organisasi (Organization Health) c. Organization Health value of 74%
sebesar 74%

3. Pengembangan Sistem Pengelolaan Sumber Daya 3. Development of Human Resource Management

Manusia (SDM) secara Internasional untuk mendukung (HRM) system internationally to support the Parenting
Parenting Model dalam pengelolaan bisnis di Telin. Model in business management in Telin. This HR
Sistem Pengelolaan SDM secara Internasional ini Management System Internationally focuses on the
memfokuskan integrasi dengan system pengelolaan integration with the HR management system in the
SDM di Telkom Group melalui beberapa program Telkom Group through some programs:

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a. Implementasi Integrated Human Capital a. Implementation of Integrated Human Capital

management System yang akan mengintegrasikan Management System that will integrate the
database karyawan seluruh Telkom Group employee database of all Telkom Groups
b. Impelementasi INGENIUM yaitu program b. Implementation of InGEnIUM, an employee career
pengembangan/ pergerakan karir karyawan development/movement program globally
secara global
c. Implementasi Performance Management System c. Implementation of Performance Management
secara on-line dan terintegrasi di seluruh anak System on-line and integrated in all subsidiaries.
d. Implementasi pengelolaan Pekerjaan (Job d. Implementation of Job Management using IT.
Management) dengan memanfaatkan teknologi IT.


First year number of employees who leave after less than 1 year of employment
= x 100
turnover rate number of separations during the same period

Total karyawan yang berhenti bekerja kurang dari Total employees who stopped working less than a year
setahun masa kerja. working period.

Total angka berhenti kerja selama periode yang sama. Total employees who stopped working during the
Karyawan berhenti karena mengundurkan diri, pensiun, same period. Employees stopped working because
diberhentikan, meninggal dunia dan mutasi keluar. they resigned, retired, dismissed, died and they are
transferred to another position.

First year turnover rate 2014 = x 100% = 0,14%

First year turnover rate 2015 = x100% = 0,15%

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Telin berhasil meningkatkan produksi layanan data

sebesar 203.259 Mbps atau 50% dari 405.050 Mbps
pada tahun 2014 menjadi 608.309 Mbps pada tahun
2015. Kenaikan ini terjadi karena penambahan IP
Transit sebesar 201.152 Mbps yang dikontribusikan
dari penambahan IP Transit dari Telkom Group
sebesar 200.000 Mbps.
Telin successfully increased data service production by
203,259 Mbps or 50% from 405,050 Mbps in 2014 to
608,309 Mbps in 2015. Growth was due 201,152 Mbps
increased in IP Transit contributed from 200,000 Mbps IP
Transit growth from Telkom Group.

Analisa dan
4 Manajemen

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Tinjauan Operasional

Sebagai lahan bisnis yang selalu berkembang

pesat dari tahun ke tahun, industri
telekomunikasi menarik minat banyak pelaku
bisnis. Tak terelakkan, persaingan bisnis
telekomunikasi pun semakin ketat.
As a rapidly growing industry over years, telecommunication
industry has captured interest of business players. It is inevitable
that telecommunication business competition is getting higher.

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Sebagai lahan bisnis yang selalu berkembang pesat dari As a rapidly growing industry over years,
tahun ke tahun, industri telekomunikasi menarik minat telecommunication industry has captured interest of
banyak pelaku bisnis. Tak terelakkan, persaingan bisnis business players. It is inevitable that telecommunication
telekomunikasi pun semakin ketat. business competition is getting higher.

Dalam kondisi ini, Perusahaan giat menyusun strategi In this condition, the Company persistently formulates
guna meningkatkan pertumbuhan di atas pertumbuhan strategy to boost growth beyond industry level, that is
industri, yang diperkirakan akan tumbuh sebesar 15% estimated to increase 15% in 2015. One of the strategies
pada tahun 2015. Salah satu strateginya melalui ekspansi is international business expansion.
bisnis ke mancanegara.

2015 2014 2013 EXCEED

Fixed Fixed
173.000 173.000 134.704 - 0% -
Revenue Revenue

Wholesale Wholesale
998.091 730.708 582.734 5% 37% 478%
Voices Voices

Data Data
1.515.256 1.349.409 1.217.920 18% 12% -39%
Services Services

MVNO 83.118 88.543 87.966 10% -6% -93% MVNO

MNO 112.986 69.443 45.387 10% 63% 460% MNO

New New
93.886 25.167 273%
Business Business

BPO 260.078 74.034 - 12% 251% 733% BPO

Selaku entitas anak dari Telkom, Telin memegang As subsidiary of Telkom, Telin has important role on
peranan penting dalam pengelolaan dan pengembangan business management and development to provide
bisnis penyediaan layanan telekomunikasi dan strategic telecommunication service and strategic investment
investment dalam industri telekomunikasi internasional. in international telecommunication industry. Service
Adapun solusi penyediaan jasa layanan yang diberikan porivder solution provided by Telin is brought by
Telin dilakukan melalui layanan konektivitas berupa bringing connectivity services as voice, data and internet
layanan suara, data dan internet, jasa pelayanan services, international telecommunication servie and
telekomunikasi internasional serta solusi bisnis secara global business solution from and to Indonesia.
global dari dan ke Indonesia.

Telin memahami bahwa komunikasi adalah salah satu Telin understands that communication is human basic
kebutuhan dasar manusia. Hal ini kemudian yang needs. This inspires Telin on every product and service
menginspirasi Telin dalam mengembangkan setiap development. Telin business segment is currently
produk dan layanannya. Saat ini, segmen usaha Telin classified based on product and services, as follows:
dikelompokkan berdasarkan produk dan layanan
sebagai berikut:

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Layanan suara Internasional Wholesale

Voice Service International Wholesale

Layanan Data Domestic Wholesale dan Enterprise
Data Service (sinergi dan kolaborasi dengan Telkom Group) Wholesale dan Enterprise
(Synergy and Collboration with Telkom Group)

Jasa Layanan
Internasional Internasional Wholesale
International Internasional Wholesale

Layanan seluler Internasional Ritel

Mobile Service International Retail

Berikut adalah kinerja produksi per segmen usaha: Production performance by business segment is
explained below:



PRODUK 2015 2014 2013 PRODUCT

Ribu Menit
Wholesale Voice
Layanan suara Thousand 2.110.953 1.429.395 1.204.154 47,7%

Layanan Data Mbps 1.039.404 554.536 468.191 87,4% Data Service

Jasa Layanan Ribu Menit International

Telekomunikasi Thousand 4.584.138 4.158.738 3,885,738 10,2% Telecommunication
Internasional Minute Service

Layanan seluler Mobile Service

- MVNO 70.907 74.852 60.400 -5,3% - MVNO

- MNO 257.313 119.866 84.407 114,7% - MNO

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(%) GROWTH (%)

Wholesale (Thousand
Wholesale (Ribu Menit) 2.110.953 1.429.935 1.204.154 47,7%

Layanan suara merupakan layanan wholesale voice Voice service refers to wholesale voice product serving
yang melayani layanan suara international dari international voice service from and to Indonesia by
dan ke Indonesia melalui berbagai jaringan digital occupying various digital networks through submarine
menggunakan sistem kabel optik bawah laut. optical cable system.

Volume trafik Layanan suara (wholesale) sampai As end of 2015, (wholesale) voice traffic volume reached
dengan akhir tahun 2015 sebesar 2.110.953 ribu menit, 2,110,953 thousand minute, increased 47.7% from end
mengalami peningkatan sebesar 47,7% dibanding akhir of 2014. Significant increase in wholesale voice traffic
tahun 2014. Pertumbuhan volume trafik voice wholesale volume was encouraged by New Equilibrium (Revenue
yang sangat significant dipicu oleh implementasi New Cap Scheme) implementation with major partners.
Equilibrium (Revenue cap scheme) dengan partner-
partner besar.

Disamping itu, Telin secara aktif menerapkan skema In addition, Telin also actively implements accurate
bisnis bilateral yang tepat dengan seluruh mitra global bilateral business scheme with all of global partners
berdasarkan identifikasi potensial trafik dan perubahan based on traffic potential identification and market trend
tren di pasar. shifting.

Pertumbuhan trafik juga didukung oleh pertumbuhan Traffic growth was also supported by outgoing
trafik outgoing khususnya SLI007 dengan adanya Promo traffic growth especially SLI007 with Flat Call Promo
Flat Call (IDR 5000/30 menit ke all destination) dari (IDR5,000/30 minutes to all destination) from March
Maret sampai dengan Juni 2015 dan dilanjutkan dengan to June 2015 and followed with Flat Call promo to 20
Flat Call ke 20 negara sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015. countries until December 31, 2015.

Pertumbuhan volume trafik voice wholesale didorong Wholesale voice traffic volume growth was driven by
pula oleh mulai beroperasinya Mobile Network Operator operation of Timor-Leste Mobile Network Operator
(MNO) Timor-Leste dengan merek dagang “Telkomcel” (MNO) with “Telkomcel” brand on March 16, 2013
pada 16 Maret 2013 komersialisasi dan telah mencatatkan (commercial launch) and had booked total customers
total pelanggan sebesar 257.313 pada 31 Desember 2015. achieved 257,313 as of December 31, 2015.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Untuk mendorong kinerja operasional Telkomcel, di To increase Telkomcel’s operational performance, Telin
tahun 2015 Telin telah mengimplementasikan program has implemented Flat Call program to Timor Leste
Flat Call untuk destinasi ke Timor Leste. Program ini juga destination. This program also encouraged wholesale
turut mendorong pertumbuhan trafik voice wholesale voice traffic growth mainly from and to Timor – Leste.
terutama dari dan ke Timor-Leste.


Layanan data merupakan layanan koneksi bandwidth Data service is an international bandwidth connection
internasional yang menghubungkan antara Indonesia service connecting Indonesia with other international
dengan tujuan internasional lainnya dengan berbagai destinations through various digital network using
jaringan digital melalui sistem kabel optik bawah laut. submarine optical cable system.

Komposisi layanan data meliputi IP Transit, IPLC/ Composition of data service comprises of IP Transit,
IEPL, Metro International dan Global IP VPN termasuk IPLC/IEPL, Metro International and Global IP VPN
Network to Network Interface (NNI). Selama tahun 2015, including Network to Network Interface (NNI). In 2015,
volume penjualan layanan data sebesar 1.039.404 Mbps, data service sales volume reached 1,039,404 Mbps, grew
mengalami peningkatan sebesar 87,4% dibandingkan 87.4% from 2014. IP Transit recorded 50.7% growth from
tahun 2014. IP Transit meningkat sebesar 50,7% dari preceding year, IPLC/IEPL sales volume also increased,
tahun sebelumnya, hal yang sama juga terjadi terhadap arose 183.6% and Global IP VPN grew 43.8%
volume penjualan IPLC/IEPL yaitu meningkat sebesar
183.6% dan Global IP VPN meningkat sebesar 43,8%.



2015 2014 2013 (%)

IP Transit 597.202 396.248 333.286 50,7%

IPLC/IEPL 435.317 153.500 130.878 183,6%

Global IP VPN 6.885 4.787 4.027 43,8%

Total 1.039.404 554.535 468.191 87,4%

Peningkatan jasa IP Transit disebabkan oleh IP Transit service growth was attributable from increasing
meningkatnya permintaan kapasitas bandwidth bandwidth capacity demand from entire segments
dari seluruh segmen baik dari Telkom Group, OLO including from Telkom Group, OLO and Enterprises as
maupun Enterprise, serta subsidiaries seperti Telin well as from subsidiaries such as Telin Singapore, Telin
Singapore, Telin Timor-Leste, Telin Myanmar. Sementara, Timor-Leste, Telin Myanmar. However, IPLC/IEPL and
peningkatan IPLC/IEPL dan IPVPN disebabkan oleh IPVPn growth was driven by increasing number of global
pertumbuhan mitra global. partners.

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Telin memulai jasa pelayanan telekomunikasi internasional Telin commenced international telecommunication
pada tahun 2008 berdasarkan Berita Acara Serah Terima service in 2008 based on Handover Statement dated
tanggal 25 Januari 2008, di dalamnya tertulis bahwa Janaury 25, 2008, stipulating that Telkom transferred
Telkom mengalihkan pengelolaan bisnis internasional ke international business management to the Company.
Perusahaan. Berdasarkan Amandemen kelima terhadap Pursuant to fifth addendum of Operation Partnership
Perjanjian Kerjasama Operasi (PKSO) No.091/HK.000/ Contract (PKSO) No. 091/HK.000/TII-10/V/2013 dated May
TII-10/V/2013 tanggal 3 Mei 2013 antara Telkom dengan 3, 2013 between Telkom and the Company concerning
Perusahaan perihal pengelolaan dan pengembangan international business management and development,
bisnis internasional, Perusahaan berperan sebagai the Company actis as agent of Telkom in operating voice
agen Telkom melaksanakan jasa pengelolaan layanan international service management and partnership with
international voice serta kemitraan dengan luar negeri. international parties. However, for rental business, the
Sementara untuk jasa sewa, Perusahaan berperan Company is in charge to manage satellite communication
dalam pengelolaan penyewaan peralatan pendukung supporting equipment (satellite communication) service
komunikasi satelit (jasa komunikasi satelit). Perjanjian ini rental. The agreement will be ended on May 4, 2017.
berakhir pada tanggal 4 Mei 2017.

Selama periode 2015, Telin berhasil mencapai volume trafik

layanan suara internasional dengan total volume sebesar
4.584.138 ribu menit, mengalami peningkatan sebesar 10.2%
dibandingkan tahun 2014.
Throughout 2015, Telin succeeded achieving international voice service traffic
volume including outgoing traffic (SLI007 and TG01017) and incoming traffic
with total volume 4,584,138 thousand minutes, increased 10.2% from 2014.

Terkait dengan pelayanan telekomunikasi internasional, In accordance with international telecommunication

Telkom menargetkan Telin untuk mendapatkan trafik service, Telkom targeted Telin to acquire 632,276
outgoing (SLI007 dan TG 01017) sebesar 632.276 ribu thousand minutes outgoing traffic (SLI007 and TG01017)
menit dan trafik incoming sebesar 4.031.779 ribu menit. and 4,031,779 thousand minutes incoming traffic.
Selama periode 2015, Telin berhasil mencapai volume Throughout 2015, Telin succeeded achieving international
trafik layanan suara internasional yang meliputi trafik voice service traffic volume including outgoing traffic
outgoing (SLI007 dan TG 01017) dan trafik incoming (SLI007 and TG01017) and incoming traffic with total
dengan total volume sebesar 4.584.138 ribu menit, volume 4,584,138 thousand minutes, increased 10.2% from
mengalami peningkatan sebesar 10,2% dibandingkan 2014. The traffic was contributed from 580,791 thousand
tahun 2014. Trafik ini dikontribusikan oleh trafik outgoing minute outgoing traffic or decreased -9.6% and 4,003,347
sebesar 580.791 ribu menit mengalami penurunan thousand minutes incoming traffic, or increased 13.9%
sebesar -9,6% dan trafik incoming sebesar 4.003.347 from 2014.
ribu menit meningkat sebesar 13,9% dibanding dengan
tahun 2014.

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(%) GROWTH (%)

Trafik Outgoing 580.791 642.713 706.230 -9,6% Traffic Outgoing

s4-* 143.604 124.018 129.377 15,8% s4-*

s5( 437.187 518.695 576.853 -15,7% s5(

Trafik Incoming 4.003.347 3.516.025 3.179.642 13,9% Traffic Incoming

Total Trafik 4.584.138 4.158.738 3.885.872 10,2% Total Traffic

Sepanjang tahun 2015, serangkaian program promo Series of outgoing traffic (SLI007 and TG01017)
trafik outgoing (SLI007 dan TG01017) telah dijalankan promotion program had been executed throughout
guna meningkatkan trafik dan awareness pelanggan. 2015 to boost traffic and raise customers awareness. The
Rangkaian program tersebut antara lain: programs were including:
- Promo SLI007: Program Umroh, Program Haji, Promo - SLI007 Promo: Umra Program, Hajj Program, Flat Call
Flat Call semua tujuan dan Promo Flat Call (22 negara). Promo (all destination) and Flat Call Promo (22 countries).
- Promo TG01017: Program Talk Mania (Malaysia, - TG01017 Promo: Talk Mania Program (Malaysia,
Saudi Arabia dan China), Program One Community Saudi Arabia and China), One Community Telkonsel –
Telkomsel-Telkomcel, Program Imlek dan Program Telkomcel Program, Chinese New Year Program and
Valentine. Valentine Program.

Peningkatan trafik outgoing SLI007 disebabkan Promo Increasing SLI007 outgong traffic was contributed rom
Flat Call (All destination) periode Maret – Juni 2015 dan Flat Call (all destination) promo for March – June 2015
dilanjutkan dengan Promo Flat Call (22 negara) sampai period and followed Flat Call (22 countries) Promo until
dengan Desember 2015. December 2015.

Sedangkan peningkatan trafik incoming secara On the other hand, increasing incoming traffic was
signifikan sebesar 13.9% didukung oleh implementasi significant by 13.9% supported with New Equilibrium
New Equilibrium (Revenu Cap Scheme) terutama dengan (Revenue Cap Scheme) implementation primarily with
mitra-mitra potensial di Malaysia. potential partners in Malaysia.


MVNO Hong Kong MVNO Hong Kong
Pada 8 Desember 2010, Telin melebarkan sayapnya On December 8, 2010, Telin broaden coverage by
dengan mendirikan Telin Hong Kong. Entitas anak establishing Telin Hong Kong, Telin’s fully-owned
yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Telin ini didirikan untuk subsidiary that is established to fulfill telecommunication
memenuhi kebutuhan layanan telekomunikasi Hong service demand in Hong Kong and surrounding
Kong dan negara – negara di sekitarnya. Telin Hong Kong countries. Telin Hong Kong has Unified Carrier License
memiliki lisensi Unified Carrier License (UCL) pada 1 (UCL) received on March 1, 2011, and followed by Service
Maret 2011, yang kemudian diikuti dengan lisensi Service Based Operator (SBO) for Mobile Virtual Network

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Based Operator (SBO) untuk Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) received on July 27, 2011.
Operator (MVNO) pada 27 Juli 2011.

Dari sisi pelanggan, jumlah pelanggan MVNO From subscribers aspect, total MVNO subscribers fell
mengalami penurunan sebesar -5,3% dibanding tahun -5.3% from preceding year. With customer comparison
lalu. Dengan perbandingan pelanggan sebanyak 74.852 74,852 customers in 2014 to 70,907 customers in 2015.
di tahun 2014 menjadi 70.907 pelanggan di tahun 2015. With 70,907 customers, Telin generated 94,567 thousand
Dengan jumlah 70.907 pelanggan, Telin menghasilkan minutes voice service production, 18,606 thousnand
produksi layanan suara sebesar 94.567 ribu menit, SMS SMS and 165,998 GB personal data. Decrease was
sebesar 18.606 ribu SMS dan data personal 165.998 due mplementation of Kartu AS 2in 1 or One Card Two
GB. Penurunan tersebut disebabkan oleh implementasi Number (1C2N) program a synergy with Telkomsel that
program kartu AS 2in1 atau One Card Two Number had been imitated by the competitors that was no longer
(1C2N) yang merupakan sinergi dengan Telkomsel telah having competitive advantage in the market. However,
ditiru (imitation) oleh kompetitor sehingga tidak lagi on Data segment, there was significant increase of
mempunyai competitive advantage di market. Namun 169.5% (104,441 GB) driven by Data growth at ASInternet
disisi Data terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan sebesar card.
169,5% (104.441 GB) yang didorong oleh peningkatan
Data di kartu Asinternet.

Telin Timor-Leste memperoleh lisensi selama 15 tahun untuk

layanan mobile telecommunications
Telin Timor – Leste received license for 15 years on
telecommunications mobile

MNO Timor-Leste MNO Timor-Leste

Telin Timor-Leste resmi diluncurkan pada 17 Januari Telin Timor-Leste was officially launched on January 17,
2013 dan mulai beroperasi secara komersial sejak 16 2013 and commenced commercial operation since March
Maret 2013. Untuk operasional bisnisnya, Telin Timor- 16, 2013. For its business operation, Telin Timor – Leste
Leste memperoleh lisensi selama 15 tahun untuk layanan received license for 15 years on telecommunications
mobile telecommunications di frekuensi 850 MHz, 900 mobile service at 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, dan 2,1
MHz, 1800 MHz, dan 2,1 GHz dan Registration Service GHz frequencies and Registration Service Provider from
Provider dari Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste di Timor-Leste Democratic Republic by mid 2012.
pertengahan 2012.

Dari sisi pelanggan, jumlah pelanggan MNO di tahun On customer aspect, total MNO customers in 2015
2015 sebanyak 257.313 dengan jumlah produksi layanan reached 257,313 customers with 25,313 thousand minutes
suara sebesar 25.123 ribu menit, SMS sebesar 4.457 voice service, 4,457 thousand SMS SMS and 227,929 GB
ribu SMS dan 227.929 GB data personal. Pencapaian ini personal data. The achievement was driven by accurate
didorong oleh penerapan program marketing yang tepat marketing program execution (Rapido, New Rapido)

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

(Rapido, New Rapido) dan penguatan channel (indirect and channel intensification (Indirect and Direct) as
dan Direct) serta program peningkatan keandalan well as network reliability improvement program in
jaringan dengan Telkomsel. collaboration with Telkomsel.


Selama tahun 2015, volume trafik CDN sebesar 228.728 Throughout 2015, CDN traffic volume amounted 228,728
TB, mengalami peningkatan sebesar 28.5% dibanding TB, increased 28.5% from 2014. CDN traffic volume
tahun 2014. Pertumbuhan volume trafik CDN yang significant growth was triggered by CDN traffic increase
sangat signifikan dipicu oleh kenaikan trafik CDN from Sales (Services and Facilities) and Federation. For
dari Sales (Services dan Facilities) dan Federation. Sales Services contributed from traffic and subscription
Untuk Sales services disebabkan oleh kenaikan traffik growth from various domestic companies, while facilities
dan subcription dari berbagai perusahaan domestik, sales was contributed from Akamai. However, Federation
sedangkan untuk sales facilities dikontribusi oleh Akamai. was mainly contributed by Edgecast.
Sedangkan untuk Federation terutama dikontribusikan
oleh Edgecast.




2015 2014

CDN 228,723 178,044 28,5

Federation 14,172 2,714 422,1

Sales Facilities 214,551 175,330 22,4


Layanan SMS A2P (Application to Person) adalah layanan SMS A2P (Application to Person) Service is SMS service
SMS dari mitra agregator menuju ke Indonesia dengan from aggregator partner to Indonesia with destination
tujuan terminasi operator seluler Indonesia (Telkomsel, Indonesian mobile provider terminal (Telkomsel, XL, and
XL dan operator lainnya). other providers).

Selama tahun 2015, volume trafik SMS sebesar 255.329 Throughout 2015, SMS Traffi volume achieved 255,329
ribu SMS, mengalami peningkatan sebesar 171.8% thousand SMS, increased 171.8% comparable with 2014.
dibanding tahun 2014. Pertumbuhan volume trafik SMS Significant SMS traffic volume growth was triggered by
yang sangat signifikan dipicu oleh kenaikan trafik SMS increasing SMS traffic growth to Telkomsel and new SMS
menuju Telkomsel dan adanya trafik SMS baru menuju traffic to XL and H3I.
XL dan H3I.

Selain karena menjalin kerjasama dengan Mitra agregator Other than building partnership with international
di luar negeri, kenaikan SMS A2P juga didukung oleh aggregator partners, SMS A2P growth was also
langkah Telkom Group di domestik antara lain: supported by Telkom Group’s initiative at domestic level,

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1. Melakukan filtering/firewalling terhadap trafik SMS di 1. Filtering/Firewalling for SMS traffic at SMS A20 traffic
titik-titik masuknya trafik SMS A2P incoming points.
2. Melakukan pengaturan (arrangement) terhadap 2. Perform arrangement for SMS A2P incoming channels
pintu-pintu masuk SMS A2P di Telkom Group at Telkom Group.




2015 2014

Total 255.329 93.940 171,8

Telkomsel 240.375 93.940 155,9

XL 13.175 100,0

H3I 1.779 100,0


Dalam rangka mencapai visinya yaitu The World’s Hub for To achieve vision to be The World’s Hub for
Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment
and Services (TIMES), saat ini Telin memiliki lima entitas and Services (TIMES), Telin currently has five
anak, yaitu: Telin Singapore, Telin Hong Kong, Telin subsidiaries, Telin Singapore, Telin Hong Kong, Telin
Timor-Leste, Telkom Australia, dan Telkom USA, dan Timor-Leste, Telkom Australia, and Telkom USA, and
satu pengendalian bersama entitas yaitu Telin Malaysia. one joint-controlled entity, Telin Malaysia. Altogether
Kesemuanya berfungsi sebagai gerbang utama were functioned as main gate for international
untuk pasar telekomunikasi internasional termasuk di telecommunication market, including for Telkom and
dalamnya pelanggan Telkom dan Telkomsel di Indonesia Telkomsel customers in Indonesia both in wholesale and
baik wholesale maupun ritel. Di samping itu, pada tahun retail segments. In the other hand, in 2013, Telin Hong
2013 Telin Hong Kong juga telah melahirkan dua entitas Kong was also established two subsidiaries, Telkom
anak yakni Telkom Macau dan Telkom Taiwan. Macau dan Telkom Taiwan.

Dari segi pelanggan, konsumen Telin dapat dibagi ke From customer aspect, customers of Telin are classified
dalam empat segmen utama, yaitu: Operator (OLO)/Mitra into four main segments: Operator (OLO)/Mitra Global,
Global, Corporate (Enterprise), Personal dan Lainnya. Corporate (Enterprise), Personal and Others.

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SEGMEN 2015 2014 2013 (%) SEGMENT

Mitra Global dan Operator/ Mitra Global dan Operator/

a. Layanan data 375.662 106.369 111.122 253% Data Service
s*15SBOTJU 58 1.065 10.702 -95% IP Transit
s*1-$&1- 369.720 101.071 96.647 266% IPLC/EPL
s*171/ 5.883 4.233 3.774 39% IP VPN
Telkom Group & Enterprise Mbps Telkom Group & Enterprise
a. Layanan data 608.309 405.050 331.078 50% Data Service
s*15SBOTJU 591.620 390.467 321.604 52% IP Transit
s*1-$&1- 16.506 14.503 9.474 14% IPLC/EPL
s*171/ 183 80 128% IP VPN
3rd Party Subsidiaries Mbps 3rd Party Subsidiaries
a. Layanan data 55.433 43.116 26.097 29% Data Service
s*15SBOTJU 5.524 4.716 980 17% IP Transit
s*1-$&1- 49.090 37.927 24.757 29% IPLC/EPL
s*171/ 819 473 360 73% IP VPN
Personal Personal
Layanan Suara Voice Service
s7PJDF Ribu Menit 94.567 130.868 139.879 -28% Voice
s4.4 Thousand Minute 18.606 31.802 41.891 -41% SMS
s%BUBQFSTPOBM GB 165.998 61.587 14.183 170% Personal Data
s7PJDF Ribu Menit 25.123 24.122 13.068 5% Voice
s4.4 Thousand Minute 4.457 5.907 2.812 -25% SMS
s%BUBQFSTPOBM GB 227.929 139.725 38.070 63% Personal Data

Untuk tahun yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2015 For year ended on December 31, 2015, compared with
dibandingkan dengan tahun yang berakhir pada 31 year ended on December 2014.
Desember 2014.

Segmen Mitra Global dan Operator/OLO Segmen Mitra Global dan Operator/OLO
Dari segi pelanggan Mitra Global dan Operator/OLO, Telin From Global Partner and Operator/OLO customers
berhasil meningkatkan produksi layanan data sebesar segment, Telin managed to increase data service
269.294 Mbps atau 253% dari 106.369 Mbps pada tahun production o 269,294 Mbps or 253% from 106,269
2014 menjadi 375.662 Mbps pada tahun 2015. Kenaikan Mbps in2 014 to 375,662 Mbps in 2015. Incresae was
ini terjadi terutama karena adanya penambahan IPLC/ due 268,659 Mbps increasing IPLC/IEPL and 1,650 Mbps
IEPL sebesar 268.650 Mbps dan IP VPN sebesar 1.650 increase in 2015.
Mbps di tahun 2015.

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Sedangkan produksi layanan suara sebesar 451.052 However, 451,052 thousand minutes voice service
ribu menit atau 11% dari 3.929.763 ribu menit pada production or 11% from 3,929,763 thousand minutes in
tahun 2014 menjadi 4.380.816 ribu menit pada tahun 2014 to 4,380,816 thousand minutes achieved in 2015.
2015. Kenaikan ini terjadi terutama karena adanya Increase was driven by 500,434 thousand minutes or
penambahan produksi incoming trafik sebesar 500.434 15% incoming traffic production growth from 3,339,227
ribu menit atau 15% dari 3.339.227 ribu menit pada tahun thousandminutes in 2014 to 3,838,661 thousand minutes
2014 menjadi 3.839.661 ribu menit pada tahun 2015 yang in2 015 triggered by New Equilibrium (Revenue Cap)
didorong oleh implementasi New Equilibrium (Revenue implementation.

Segmen Telkom Group dan Enterprise/ Corporate Telkom Group and Enterprise/Corporate Segment
Telin berhasil meningkatkan produksi layanan data Telin succeeded increasing data service production
sebesar 203.259 Mbps atau 50% dari 405.050 Mbps amounting 203,259 Mbps or 50% from 405,050 Mbps
pada tahun 2014 menjadi 608.309 Mbps pada tahun in 2014 to 608,309 Mbps booked in 2015. Growth was
2015. Kenaikan ini terjadi karena penambahan IP due 201,152 Mbps increasing IP Transit contributed from
Transit sebesar 201.152 Mbps yang dikontribusikan dari 200,000 Mbps IP Transit increase from Telkom Group.
penambahan IP Transit dari Telkom Group sebesar
200.000 Mbps.

Segmen 3rd Party Subsidiaries 3rd Party Subsidiaries Segment

Dari segi pelanggan 3rd Party Subsidiaries, Telin berhasil From 3rd Party Subsidiaries customer segment, Telin
meningkatkan produksi layanan data sebesar 12.316 succeeded increasing data service production by 12,316
Mbps atau 29% dari 43.116 Mbps pada tahun 2014 Mbps or 29% from 43,116 Mbps in 2014 to 55,433 Mbps
menjadi 55.433 Mbps pada tahun 2015. Kenaikan ini in 2015. Growth was mainly driven by 11,163 Mbps IPLC/
terjadi terutama karena adanya penambahan IPLC/IEPL IEPL growth, 808 Mbps IP Transit growth and 346 Mbps
sebesar 11.163 Mbps, IP Transit sebesar 808 Mbps, dan IP IP VPN growth booked in 2015.
VPN sebesar 346 Mbps di tahun 2015.

Segmen Personal Personal Segment

Untuk layanan suara, turun sebesar 24.202 ribu menit Voice service fell 24,202 thousand minutes or -11% from
atau -11% dari 227.525 ribu menit pada tahun 2014 227,525 thousand minutes in 2014 to 203,322 thousand
menjadi 203.322 ribu menit pada tahun 2015. minutes in 2015.

Dari segi pelanggan Personal, Telin berhasil membukukan From Personal customer aspect, Telin managed to book
produksi MVNO Hong Kong untuk layanan suara sebesar 94,567 thousand minutes Hong Kong MVnO production
94.567 ribu menit atau turun -28%, SMS sebesar 18.606 voice service or -28%, 18,606 thousand SMS or decreased
ribu SMS atau turun -41% dan Data personal sebesar -41% and 165,998 GB personal Data or increased 170%.
165.998 GB atau naik 170%. Sedangkan untuk MNO However, for Timor Leste MnO, Telin recorded 25,123
Timor-Leste, Telin mencatat produksi layanan suara thousand minutes voice service production or grew 4%,
sebesar 25.123 ribu menit atau tumbuh 4%, SMS sebesar 4,457 thousand SMS or decreased -25% or decreased
4.457 ribu SMS atau turun -25% dan Data personal -25% and 227,929 GB personal Data or increased 63%
sebesar 227.929 GB atau naik 63%.

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Pangsa Pasar Market Share


2015 2014 2013

Outgoing 50,30% 47,46% 45,30% 4,05%

Incoming 56,35% 55,66% 51,68% 0,88%


TAHUN 2014-2015 2014 – 2015
Pangsa pasar untuk outgoing di 2015 meningkat sebesar In 2015 outgoing market share increased 2.84% to
2,84% menjadi 50,30% dari tahun sebelumnya sebesar 50.30% from 47.46% recorded in preceding year based
47,46% berdasarkan pendapatan. on revenue.

Kenaikan pangsa pasar outgoing ini dipengaruhi oleh Increasing outgoing market share was due synergy with
adanya sinergi dengan entitas anak Telin berupa program Telin’s subsidiaries in Hajj and Umra roaming promo,
promo roaming haji dan umrah, promo IndiHome IndiHome Global call promo, and One Community
Global Call, dan program One Community serta skema program as well as wholesale scheme to support retail
wholesale untuk mendukung ritel (Wholesale Facilitate (Wholesale Facilitate Retail/WFR) both with Telkomsel
Retail/WFR) baik dengan Telkomsel maupun OLO and OLO that international conversation via SLI007 and
sehingga percakapan internasional melalui produk TG01017 products that generated growth exceeding the
SLI007 dan TG01017 memberikan pertumbuhan di atas market.
pertumbuhan pasar.

Bisnis Outgoing Voices ini bekerjasama dengan partner Outgoing Voices Business cooperated with global
global dalam operasionalnya, terutama didominasi dari partner in its operation, especially was dominated from
area Malaysia, Singapura dan Tiongkok. Malaysia, Singapore and China area.


TAHUN 2014-2015 2014 – 2015
Sedangkan pangsa pasar untuk incoming di 2015 However, market share for incoming product increase
meningkat sebesar 0,7% menjadi 56,4% dari 55,7% pada 0.70% to 56.35% from 55.66% booked in preceding year
tahun sebelumnya berdasarkan pendapatan. Kenaikan based on revenue. Increase in incomingmarket share was
pangsa pasar incoming ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh mainly attributable from traffic growth as contribution
pertumbuhan trafik yang merupakan kontribusi dari from volume commitment, revenue cap and flat rate
skema komitmen volume, revenue cap, flat rate, serta schemes as well as revenue commitment with partners
komitmen revenue yang dilakukan dengan mitra di in destination countries for Indonesian workers and
negara tujuan tenaga kerja Indonesia dan negara tujuan countries with high a lot of business relationship with

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dimana banyaknya hubungan bisnis dengan Indonesia, Indonesia, mostly from Malaysia, Singapore, Middle East
terutama dari area Malaysia, Singapura, Middle East, dan and East Asia.
Asia Timur.


TAHUN 2014-2015 2015
Tingkat kompetisi layanan data di pasar domestik cukup Data service competition level in domestic market
ketat. Selain operator domestik seperti Indosat, Bakrie was tight. Besides Indosat, Bakrie Telecom and XL as
Telecom, XL, terdapat operator global yang ikut serta domestic operators, there were also global operators
memperebutkan pangsa pasar Indonesia yang cukup who contested Indonesian promising market share.
menarik. Beberapa pemain global tersebut antara Some of the global players were SingTel, NTT, Tata and
lain adalah SingTel, NTT, Tata dan lain-lain. Walaupun others. Although data service players were numerous,
cukup banyak pemain di layanan data ini, namun untuk in terms of IP Transit service, Telin still dominated the
layanan IP Transit, Telin masih mendominasi pangsa IP Transit market share with 53.7% share in current
pasar IP Transit sebesar 53,7% dari market size yang ada, market size with 4.2% slight decrease from 57.9% share
dengan penurunan yang tidak terlalu signifikan, yakni dominated by revenue in preceding year.
4,2% dari tahun sebelumnya sebesar 57,9% berdasarkan

Bisnis IP Transit ini bekerjasama dengan partner global IP Transit business operation collaborated with global
dalam operasionalnya, terutama didominasi dari area partners, primarily dominated with Indonesia, Singapore,
Indonesia, Singapura, Tiongkok, Myanmar, dan Timor China, Myanmar and Timor Leste area.


TAHUN 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015
Layanan IPLC/EPL menunjukkan penurunan sebesar IPLC/EPL service demonstrated 0.3% decrease. Telin’s
0,3%. Pangsa pasar Telin mencapai 20,0% dari market market share dominated 20.0% of existing market size,
size yang ada, dimana pada tahun sebelumnya Telin where Telin booked 20.2% market share by revenue
mencatatkan pangsa pasar sebesar 20,2% berdasarkan in preceding year. This demonstrated shifting of data
pendapatan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kecenderungan migration from IPLC/IEPL to IP Transit was still significant
migrasi data dari IPLC/IEPL menuju IP Transit masih in 2015. It shall be also noted that this market share only
berpengaruh pada tahun 2015. Perlu diketahui juga represented Indonesia – Singapore and Singapore –
bahwa pangsa pasar ini hanya mewakili segmen Indonesia segments.
Indonesia-Singapura dan Singapura-Indonesia.

Bisnis IPLC/IEPL ini bekerjasama dengan partner global The IPLC/IEPL business operation collaborated with
dalam operasionalnya, terutama didominasi dari area global partners, primarily dominated from Singapore,
Singapura, Hong Kong, Tiongkok, dan Malaysia. Hong Kong, China and Malaysia area.

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2014 - 2015 2014 – 2015
Layanan IP VPN menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar IP VPN Service showed 2.85% increase. Telin market
2,9%. Pangsa pasar Telin mencapai 65,0% dari market share achieved 64.98% from current market size, where
size yang ada, dimana pada tahun sebelumnya Telin Telin previously recorded 62.13% market share based on
mencatatkan pangsa pasar sebesar 62,1% berdasarkan reveue.

Bisnis IP VPN ini bekerjasama dengan partner global This IP VPN business cooperated with global partners
dalam operasionalnya, terutama didominasi dari area for its operation, mostly dominated from Indonesia,
Indonesia, Singapura, Hong Kong, Malaysia, dan Korea Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and South Korea area.


Strategi Pemasaran Telin berdasarkan pada value The marketing strategy Telin base on value creation
creation framework yang menitikberatkan pada tiga framework focusing on following three grand strategy
aktivitas grand strategy yaitu: activities:

Sustaining, untuk mempertahankan pelanggan yang Sustaining, to maintain existing subscribers through
sudah ada melalui pertumbuhan pendapatan dan revenue and profit growth from existing business portfolio
laba dari portofolio bisnis eksisting serta peningkatan and increasing customer intimacy/customer loyalty and
customer intimacy/customer loyalty and satisfaction. satisfaction. The effort is acknowledged as Managing
Upaya ini disebut sebagai Managing Excellent dengan Excellent by means that Telin, as wholesaler company, has
maksud bahwa Telin sebagai perusahaan wholeseller to be able in providing excelent management for every
harus mampu memberikan pengelolaan yang terbaik channel delivery both domestic and international as the
kepada para delivery channel baik domestik maupun unit who bridges Telin with the customers. In this term,
internasional selaku unit yang menjembatani Telin involved delivery channles are namely Telkom Group,
dengan para konsumen. Dalam hal ini delivery channel domestic and international telecommunication provider
yang terlibat antara lain Telkom Group, operator that often called as global partners.
telekomunikasi domestik dan internasional yang sering
disebut sebagai mitra global.

Scaling, berupaya meningkatkan skalabilitas dari Scaling, striving to boost product scalability and
pemakaian produk oleh para pelanggan baik yang telah utilization by the subscribers both existing and new to
ada maupun pelanggan baru untuk mempertahankan maintain growth in terms of revenue and production tools
tingkat pertumbuhan Perusahaan dalam hal pendapatan development. This effort focuses on Marketing Brilliant,
maupun pengembangan alat produksi. Upaya ini fokus by seeking effective and efficient means in marketing
pada apa yang dinamakan Marketing Brilliant, yaitu the product regarding promotion aspect, or developing
mengupayakan cara-cara yang efektif dan efisien dalam partner to expand marketing and service coverage and
memasarkan produk dalam hal promosi, pengembangan innovating attractive offering package for the customers.

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mitra yang mampu memperluas cakupan pemasaran

dan layanan serta menciptakan kemasan penawaran
yang menarik bagi para pelanggan.

Scoping, lebih menekankan pada perluasan lingkup Scoping, emphasizing service coverage expansion
layanan melalui pengembangan produk-produk baru by developing new products and expanding service
serta memperluas cakupan layanan melalui kemitraan coverage through growing partnership in the market
yang berkembang di pasar dengan mempertimbangkan by concerning resource and business capital allocation
sumber daya dan alokasi modal bisnis yang dimiliki owned by the Company. This effort is acknowledged
Perusahaan. Upaya tersebut dinamakan Maturing as Maturing Inventive that aims to grow the Company
Inventive karena bertujuan untuk semakin memperbesar through business development by developing new
Perusahaan melalui perkembangan bisnis dengan excellent products.
pengembangan produk-produk baru yang berkualitas.

Selain dari pada Strategi Pemasaran yang menitik Beside these marketing strategies focusing on
beratkan pada grand strategy, Telin juga menerapkan grandstrategy, Telin also applies Marketing Strategy with
Strategi Pemasaran dengan 3 CA Strategy, yaitu: 3 CA Strategy, among others:
- Comparative Advantage Strategy, lebih menekankan - Comparative Advantage Strategy, emphasizing
pada sumber daya yang unik (tidak dimiliki oleh unique resource (not owned by competitor/not being
pesaing/ sangat tidak dominan bagi pesaing) dan a dominant factor of the competitor) and excellent
unggul sehingga sumber daya tersebut dapat resource that the resource will be optimally utilized to
dimanfaatkan secara optimal untuk dapat leading be a leading product in certain business segment.
pada suatu bisnis tertentu.
- Competitive Advantage Strategy, lebih menekankan - Competitive Advantage Strategy, emphasizing
pada pengelolaan sumber daya yang ada untuk dapat existing resource management to compete and excel
bersaing dengan kapabilitas yang telah dimiliki oleh with current competitors’ capacity. These existing
pesaing. Berbagai sumber daya yang ada tersebut resources are combined each other to win the
dikombinasikan satu sama lain untuk dapat menang competition.
dalam persaingan.
- Cooperative Advantage Strategy, lebih menekankan - Cooperative Advantage Strategy, emphasizing
pada kerjasama antara entitas dengan entitas yang partnership between entities to achieve victory in
lain untuk mencapai kemenangan dalam menghadapi overcoming business competition.
persaingan bisnis.

Strategi Pemasaran Telin berdasarkan pada value creation

framework yang menitikberatkan pada tiga aktivitas grand
strategy yaitu: Sustaining, Scalling dan Scoping
The marketing strategy Telin base on value creation framework focusing
on following three grand strategy activities: Sustaining, Scaling and Scoping

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Sebagai perwujudan dari rencana pengembangan As a realization of business development plan, Telin as
usaha Perusahaan Telin sebagai pemegang mandat the international expansion mandate holder of Telkom
internasional ekspansi Telkom telah berhasil succeeded in bringing Telkom’s footprint in 10 strategic
menghadirkan footprint Telkom di 10 wilayah strategis region which are Singapore, Hong Kong, Timor- Leste,
yaitu Singapura, Hong Kong, Timor-Leste, Australia, Australia, Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia, Myanmar, United
Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Amerika Serikat dan States and Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia.

Sesuai dengan misi Perusahaan, Telin akan terus Based on our mission, Telin will continue to develop
mengembangkan infrastruktur telekomunikasi sehingga telecommunication infrastructure that will bridge
dapat menghubungkan Indonesia dengan berbagai Indonesia with other part of the globe with strategic

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negara di belahan dunia yang memiliki posisi strategis position in supporting our business activity. The
dalam mendukung kegiatan usaha Perusahaan. infrastructure requirement is possible to be done
Penyediaan infrastruktur tersebut dapat dilakukan autonomously by the Company or under Leasing,
sendiri oleh Perusahaan maupun dengan skema leasing, Consortium and Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) schemes.
konsorsium dan Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU).

Disamping itu penyediaan layanan baru untuk In addition, new service provision to generate revenue
memberikan kontribusi pendapatan dan meningkatkan contribution and increasing corporate values through
value perusahaan melalui inovasi produk, senantiasa product innovation had already done, and will be
dilakukan Telin untuk terus tumbuh dan berkembang continuously conducted by Telin to continue growing
dalam suasana persaingan yang semakin ketat. and evolving in fiercer competition.

Pada tahun 2015 Telin berhasil membangun In 2015, Telin succeeded in developing
infrastruktur sebagai berikut: following infrastructures:

1. Penggelaran kabel 1. S E A- M E-W E

bawah laut SEA-ME- 5 submarine cable
WE 5 yang telah development recorded
mencatatkan progress based on
kemajuan sesuai plan, marked by cable
rencana, antara landing in Dumai
lain ditandai on November 19,
dengan kabel 2015. The SEA-ME-
landing di WE 5 submarine is
Dumai pada a submarine cable
tanggal 19 built by 19 members
November 2015. and connecting 15
SEA-ME-WE 5 countries in Southeast
adalah kabel bawah Asea, South Asia, Middle
laut yang dibangun East, and Western Europe.
oleh konsorsium dengan 19 The submarine cable construction
anggota dan menghubungkan 15 contract signing was done by 14 initial
negara di Asia Tenggara, Asia Selatan, Timur members of the consortium on March 7, 2014
Tengah, dan Eropa Barat. Penandatangan kontrak in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Telin investment
pembangunan kabel bawah laut telah dilakukan commitment with SEA ME WE 5 submarine
oleh 14 anggota awal dari konsorsium pada tanggal amounted 40 million US Dollar in Trunk Segment
7 Maret 2014 di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Komitmen and 23.4 million US Dollar in Branch Segment.
investasi Telin pada SKKL SEA ME WE 5 adalah 40
Juta Dolar Amerika pada Trunk Segment dan 23.4
Juta Dolar Amerika pada Branch Segment.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

2. Implementasi projek Penandatanganan kontrak 2. Implementation of SEA - US Submarine Cable

pembangunan kabel bawah laut SEA-US telah construction project had completed key milestone
menyelesaikan milestone penting yakni memasuki entering CIF (Contract In Force) condition on March
kondisi CIF (Contract In Force) pada tanggal 31 31, 2015, and cable landing license application
Maret 2015 , dan pengajuan aplikasi lisensi cable proposal in USA to FCC on June 26, 2015. SEA –
landing di USA ke FCC tanggal 26 Juni 2015. SEA- US is a submarine cable connecting Manado and
US adalah kabel bawah laut dan menghubungkan Los Angeles, California landing via Guam and
Manado dengan Los Angeles, California dengan Hawaii. The contract signing had been done by
melewati Guam dan Hawaii. Penandatanganan 5 consortium members on August 28, 2014 in
kontrak pembangunan telah dilakukan oleh 5 Jakarta, Indonesia. Telin commitment with SEA – US
anggota konsorsium pada tanggal 28 Agustus Submarine Cable amounted 40 million US Dollar
2014 di Jakarta, Indonesia. Komitmen Telin pada in East Segment, and 35 million US Dollar in West
SKKL SEA-US adalah 40 Juta Dolar Amerika Segment.
pada Segment East, dan 35 Juta Dolar pada West

3. Projek Inisiasi pembangunan kabel bawah laut 3. Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG) submarine
Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG) telah menuntaskan Construction initiation project had been completed
tahap pertama proses tender. IGG merupakan kabel for first phaed in tender process. IGG is a domestic
domestik dan internasional yang menghubungkan and international cable connecting Manado,
Manado, Dumai, Singapura, dan beberapa market Dumai, Singapore and several potential markets
yang potensial di Indonesia secara ekspres. IGG (eyeballs) in Indonesia. IGGI is a consortium of Telin
merupakan konsorsium dari Telin dan Telkom. and Telkom.

4. Sampai dengan tahun 2015, Telin memiliki 19 PoP 4. As of 2015, Telin has 19 PoP in several locations:
yang disiapkan untuk kemampuan multi service 2 in Los Angeles, San Jose, Pallo Alto, London,
(IPTransit, IP-VPN, IEPL), terletak di: di Los Angeles Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Singapore, Dubai, Malaysia,
(2 sites), San Jose, Pallo Alto, London, Frankfurt, Jakarta, Surabaya, Batam, Asburn, New York, Hong
Amsterdam, Singapura, Dubai, Malaysia, Jakarta, Kong, Tokyo, South Korea and Timor Leste.
Surabaya, Batam, Ashburn, New York, Hong Kong,
Tokyo, Korea Selatan dan Timor Leste.

5. Pengembangan kapasitas kabel bawah laut South 5. South East Asia Japan Cable System (SJC)
East Asia Japan Cable System (SJC) melalui upgrade submarine cable capacity upgrade 1 x 100 Gpbs
kapasitas sebanyak 1x100 Gbps link Singapore- link Singapore – Hong Kong and 1 x 100 Gpbs Hong
Hongkong dan 1x100 Gbps link Hongkong - Japan Kong – Japan link, that total capacity achieved 720
, sehingga kapasitas total menjadi 720 Gbps. Gbps.

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6. Pengembangan kapasitas kabel bawah laut Asia- 6. Asia America Gateway (AAG) submarine cable
America Gateway (AAG) sebanyak 1x100 Gbps upgrade 1 x 100 Gbps Singapore – Hong Kong link
link Singapore - Hongkong dan 2x100 Gbps link and 2 x 100 Gbps Hong Kong – LA link that total
Hongkong - LA sehingga kapasitas total menjadi capacity achieved 985 Gbps.
985 Gbps.

7. Pegembangan Extension kabel bawah Laut SJC 7. SJC submarine cable extension upgrade from
dari Jepang sampai dengan ke US (East Coast) Japan to US (East Coast) through Japan – US
dilakukan melalui akuisisi sistem kabel laut Japan – (JUS) submarine system acquisition with 1 x 10
US (JUS) sebesar 1x10 Gbps dan Unity sebesar 5x10 Gpbs capacity and 5 x 10 Gbps Unity under IRU
Gbps dengan skema IRU (Indefeasible Right of Use) (Indefeasible Right of Use) scheme)

8. Pengembangan infrastruktur CDN sebagai new 8. CDN infrastructure development as new revenue
revenue stream dan enhance user experience stream and enhance user experience altogether
bersama partner Akamai dan Edgecast masing with Akamai and Edgecast partner with 130 Gpbs
masing sebesar 130 Gbps dan 20 Gbps yang and 20 Gbps capacity, respectively, spread across
tersebar di lokasi Batam, Jakarta, Surabaya, several locations in Batam, Jakarta, Surabaya,
Denpasar, Banjarmasin dan Makassar. Disamping Denpasar, Banjarmasin and Makassar. In addition,
itu juga dilakukan pengembangan infrastruktur CDN infrastructure development was also carried
CDN untuk meningkatkan user experience dan cost out to increase user experience and cost saving
saving bersama mitra Google sebesar 106 Gbps altogether with Google partner achieved 106 Gbps
yang tersebar di Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Makassar, spread across Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Makassar,
Manado, Ternate dan Ambon. Manado, Ternate and Ambon.

9. Instalasi perangkat IPX telah dilakukan di Malaysia 9. IPX equipment installation carried out in Malaysia
dan USA pada bulan November 2015. Perangkat- and USA in November 2015. The infrastructures
perangkat ini melengkapi konstelasi 4 node equipped 4 IPX Node constellation (along with
IPX (bersama Batam dan Hong Kong) untuk Batam and Hong Kong) to provide IPX based
memberikan layanan berbasis IPX secara handal. service in more reliable way.

10. Penambahan BTS di Telin Timor-Leste dari 115 10. BTS development at Telin Timor – Leste from 115
di tahun 2014 menjadi 133 di tahun 2015. Hal ini in 2014 to 133 in 2015. This implied on coverage
berdampak pada perbaikan coverage dari 92% di improvement from 92% in 2014 to 94% in 2015.
tahun 2014 menjadi 94% di tahun 2015.

11. Untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan memperkuat 11. To boost revenue and improve service quality
kualitas layanan Internet Protocol Xchange (IPX), of Internet Protocol Exchange (IPX), Telin has
sepanjang 2015 Telin telah berhasil merealisasikan implemented following program throughout 2015,
program-program sebagai berikut: as follows:
a. Penambahan IPX peering partner (Syniverse a. Additiional IPX Peering Partner (Syniverse
dan iBasis) untuk memperluas jangkauan and iBasis) to expand LTE Roaming service
layanan LTE Roaming coverage.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

b. Telin sukses mendukung layanan 3G/4G data b. Telin succeeded supporting 3G/4G Telkomsel
roaming Telkomsel selama Natal dan Tahun roaming data during Christmas and New Year
Baru 2016 dan berhasil mengantisipasi lonjakan 2016and anticipating Telkomsel roaming data
trafik data roaming Telkomsel selama periode traffic hike during the Christmas and New Years
Natal dan Tahun Baru 2016 2016 period.
c. Penambahan platform IPX berupa Diameter di c. IPX Platform development in form of Diameter
USA dan SBC di Malaysia untuk memperkuat in USA and SBC in Malaysia to strengthen IPX
infrastruktur layanan IPX service infrastructure.

12. Penyediaan Mobile Virtual Network Enabler 12. Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE) Platform
(MVNE) Platform untuk mendukung bisnis Mobile provision to support Mobile Virtual Network
Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) di entitas anak Operator (MVNO) platform in Telin’s subsidiaries.
Telin. Platform MVNE yang dibangun tersebut The MVNE platform that was built has capacity
dengan kapasitas mencapai 3 juta pelanggan, dan achieving 3 million subscribers, and deisgned for
dirancang untuk multi MVNO, multi countries dan multi-MVNO, multi countries and multi currencies.
multi currencies.

13. Penambahan Applications to Person (A2P) Partners 13. Additional Application to Person (A2P) Partners
yaitu InfoBIP, SAP, Telesign, Airtel dan CLX, untuk such as InfoBIP, SAP, Telesign, Airtel and CLX
mendukung sentralisasi trafik A2P Telin sebagai to support Telin A2P traffic sentralization as
Hub SMS International serta penambahan operator International SMS Hub and additional termination
terminasi yaitu XL Axiata dan 3 Hutchison untuk operator, among others, XL Axiata and 3 Hutchison
memperluas cakupan Telin iSMS Hub. to expand Telin iSMS Hub Coverage.

“Penyediaan Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE)

Platform untuk mendukung bisnis Mobile Virtual Network
Operator (MVNO) di entitas anak Telin”
“Provision of Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNO) Platform to support
business Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) in subsidiaries TELIN “

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Tinjauan Keuangan

Pencapaian Kinerja Keuangan Telin pada tahun

2015 menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang positif. Hal
tersebut dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya kinerja
pada laporan laba rugi yang menunjukkan laba
komprehensif tahun berjalan sebesar Rp306,4
miliar dan posisi keuangan dengan jumlah aset
sebesar Rp5.604,0 miliar.
In 2015, achievement of Telin’s financial performance indicated a positive
growth. This can be seen from the improvement in its consolidated
statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income which recorded
comprehensive income for the year of Rp306.4 billion and in its consolidated
statement of financial position recorded a total assets of Rp5,604.0 billion.

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Diskusi dan analisis terkait dengan kinerja keuangan Following discussion and analysis related with financial
berikut ini disajikan berdasarkan laporan keuangan performance are presented based on consolidated
konsolidasian tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan untuk tahun financial statements as of December 31, 2015 and for the
yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut. Laporan keuangan year then ended. The consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik had been audited by public accounting firm Purwantono,
Purwantono, Sungkoro, & Surja, member firm dari Ernst Sungkoro & Surja, a member firm of Ernst & Young, with
and Young dengan memperoleh pendapat wajar, dalam the opinion of fair in all material aspects.
semua hal yang material.

Pencapaian Kinerja Keuangan Telin pada tahun 2015 Telin’s financial performance achievement in 2015 shown a
menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang positif. Hal tersebut positive growth. This can be seen from the improvement of
dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya kinerja pada laporan its performance recorded in consolidated statement of profit
laba rugi yang menunjukkan laba komprehensif tahun or loss and other comprehensive income for the year of
berjalan sebesar Rp306,4 miliar dan posisi keuangan Rp306.4 billion and in its consolidated statement of financial
dengan jumlah aset sebesar Rp5.604,0 miliar. position recorded a total assets of Rp5,604.0 billion.


Laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian menunjukkan Consolidated statement of financial position showed
posisi aset dan kekayaan yang terdiri dari aset, liabilitas assets and wealth position comprising of assets, liabilities
dan ekuitas yang membiayai Telin. and equity that finance Telin.



2015 2014*

Jumlah aset lancar 2.421.041 1.960.894 Total current assets

Jumlah aset tidak lancar 3.182.941 2.587.796 Total non-current assets

Jumlah aset 5.603.982 4.548.690 Total assets

Jumlah liabilitas jangka pendek 1.491.992 1.167.288 Total current liabilities

Jumlah liabilitas jangka panjang 851.890 664.985 Total non-current liabilities

Jumlah liabilitas 2.343.882 1.832.273 Total liabilities

Ekuitas yang diatribusikan Equity attributable to owners of

3.223.754 2.674.173
kepada pemilik entitas induk the parent entity

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2015 2014*

Kepentingan nonpengendali 36.346 42.244 Non-controlling interests

Jumlah ekuitas 3.260.100 2.716.417 Total equity

Jumlah liabilitas dan ekuitas 5.603.982 4.548.690 Total liabilities and equity

*Disajikan kembali *Restated

Aset Liabilitas
Assets Liabilities
(Rp miliar) (Rp miliar)
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
5.604,0 2.343,9
4.548,7 1.832,3

2014 2015 2014 2015

Ekuitas Komposisi Aset

Equity Assets Composition
(Rp miliar)
(Rp billion)

Aset tidak lancar
Non-current Assets 56,8%
Aset lancar
Current Assets

2014 2015

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Komposisi Liabilitas
Liabilities Composition

36,3% 2015
Liabilitas Jangka
Current Liabilities
Liabilitas Jangka 63,7%

Aset Telin terdiri dari aset lancar dan aset tidak lancar. Assets consist of current assets and non-current assets.
Pada tahun 2015, jumlah aset sebesar Rp5.604,0 miliar, In 2015, total assets of Rp5,604.0 billion, increased by
naik sebesar Rp1.055,3 miliar atau 23,2% dibandingkan Rp1,055.3 billion or 23.2%, compared to Rp4,548.7 billion
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp4.548,7 miliar. Kenaikan in 2014. The increase in total assets was mainly driven by
sebagian besar disebabkan oleh meningkatnya aset tidak the increase of non-current assets of Rp595.1 billion or
lancar sebesar Rp595,1 miliar atau 23,0% dibandingkan 23.0% compared to 2014.
tahun 2014.


Aset lancar terdiri dari kas dan setara kas, investasi Current assets comprise of cash and cash equivalents,
jangka pendek, piutang usaha, pajak dibayar di muka, short-term investments, trade receivables, prepaid
beban dibayar di muka, dan aset lancar lain-lain. Jumlah taxes, prepaid expenses and other current assets. The
aset lancar pada 31 Desember 2015 meningkat Rp460,1 total current assets as of December 31, 2015 increased
miliar atau 23,5% dari Rp1.960,9 miliar pada 31 Desember by Rp460.1 billion or 23.5% from Rp1,960.9 billion in
2014 menjadi Rp2.421,0 miliar. Peningkatan ini sebagian December 31, 2014 to Rp2,421.0 billion. The increase
besar disebabkan oleh peningkatan kas dan setara kas in total current assets was mainly contributed by the
sebesar Rp234,0 miliar atau 21,2% dibandingkan tahun increase in cash and cash equivalents by Rp234.0 billion
2014. or 21.2% compared to 2014.

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2015 % 2014* % %

Aset lancar Current assets

Cash and cash

Kas dan setara kas 1.340.396 55,4% 1.106.364 56,4% 234.032 21,2%

Investasi jangka Short-term

288.583 11,9% 109.472 5,6% 179.111 163,6%
pendek investments

Piutang usaha - Trade

585.566 24,2% 659.963 33,7% (74.397) -11,3%
bersih receivables - net

Pajak dibayar di
83.129 3,4% 32.656 1,7% 50.473 154,6% Prepaid taxes

Beban dibayar di Prepaid

40.911 1,7% 38.232 1,9% 2.679 7,0%
muka expenses

Other current
Aset lancar lain-lain 82,456 3.4% 14.207 0,7% 68.249 480,4%

Total current
Jumlah Aset lancar 2,421,041 100.0% 1.960.894 100,0% 460.147 23,5%

*Disajikan kembali *Restated


Pada akhir tahun 2015, kas dan setara kas sebesar As of December 31, 2015, cash and cash equivalents

Rp1.340,4 miliar, meningkat Rp234,0 miliar atau 21,2% were Rp1,340.4 billion, increased by Rp234.0 billion or

dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp1.106,4 miliar. 21.2%, compare to Rp1,106.4 as of December 31, 2014. The

Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya kas dari increase in cash and cash equivalents was mainly driven

aktivitas operasi. by the increase of cash flow from operating activities.


Pada akhir tahun 2015, investasi jangka pendek sebesar As of December 31, 2015, short-term investments were

Rp288,6 miliar, meningkat Rp179,1 miliar atau 163,6% Rp288.6 billion, increased by Rp179.1 billion or 163.6%,

dibandingkan tahun 2014 sebesar Rp109,5 miliar. compare to Rp109.5 billion as of December 31, 214. The

Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya deposito increase in short-term investments was mainly driven

dalam mata uang asing yang berumur lebih dari 3 bulan. by the increase of foreign currency time deposits with
maturity of more than three months.


Pada akhir tahun 2015, piutang usaha - bersih sebesar As of December 31, 2015, trade receivables – net were

Rp585,6 miliar, menurun Rp74,4 miliar atau -11,3% Rp585.6 billion, decreased by Rp74.4 billion or -11.3%,

dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp660,0 miliar. compare to Rp660.0 billion as of December 31, 2014.

Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh perputaran piutang The decrease in trade receivables – net was mainly

usaha yang lebih cepat dibandingkan tahun lalu. contributed by the faster of trade receivables turn-over
compared to previous year.

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Pada akhir tahun 2015, pajak dibayar dimuka sebesar As of December 31, 2015, prepaid taxes were Rp83.1
Rp83,1 miliar, meningkat Rp50,5 miliar atau 154,6% billion, increased by Rp50.5 billion or 154.6%, compare to
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp32,6 miliar. Rp32.6 billion as of December 31, 2014. The increase in
Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya pajak prepaid taxes was mainly driven by the increase in value
pertambahan nilai atas aktivitas usaha perusahaan added tax from business activities with third parties.
dengan pihak ketiga.


Pada akhir tahun 2015, beban dibayar di muka sebesar As of December 31, 2015, prepaid expenses were Rp40.9
Rp40,9 miliar, meningkat Rp2,7 miliar atau 7,0% billion, increased by Rp2.7 billion or 7.0%, compare to
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp38,2 miliar. Rp38.2 billion as of December 31, 2014. The increase in
Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya beban prepaid expenses was mainly driven by the increase of
sewa dibayar di muka untuk infrastruktur jaringan. prepaid rent for network infrastructure.


Pada akhir tahun 2015, aset lancar lain-lain sebesar As of December 31, 2015, other current assets were
Rp82,4 miliar, meningkat Rp68,2 miliar atau 480,4% Rp82.4 billion, increased by Rp68.2 billion or 480.4%,
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp14,2 miliar. compare to Rp14.2 billion as of December 31, 2014. The
Peningkatan ini sebagian besar disebabkan oleh increase in other current assets was mainly driven by the
pembukaan rekening escrow untuk aktivitas investasi opening of escrow account.


Aset tidak lancar terdiri dari beban dibayar di muka, Non-current assets comprise of prepaid expenses,
investasi pada pengendalian bersama entitas, aset investment in jointly controlled entity, property and
tetap, aset takberwujud, aset pajak tangguhan dan equipment, intangible assets, deferred tax assets and
aset tidak lancar lainnya. Jumlah aset tidak lancar other non-current assets. The total non-current assets
pada 31 Desember 2015 meningkat Rp595,1 miliar atau as of December 31, 2015 increased by Rp595.1 billion or
23,0% dari Rp2.587,8 miliar pada 31 Desember 2014 23.0% from Rp2,587.8 billion in December 31, 2014 to
menjadi Rp3.182,9 miliar. Peningkatan ini sebagian Rp3,182.9 billion. The increase in total non-current assets
besar dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan aset tetap sebesar was mainly contributed by the increase in property and
Rp608,1 miliar atau 27,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014. equipment by Rp608.1 billion or 27.7% compared to 2014.

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2015 % 2014* % %

Aset tidak lancar

Beban dibayar di Prepaid

150.688 4,7% 147.337 5,7% 3.351 2,3%
muka expenses

Investasi pada Investment

pengendalian 5.544 0,2% 5.473 0,2% 71 1,3% in jointly
bersama entitas controlled entity

Aset tetap
Property and
- setelah
equipment - net
dikurangi 2.800.207 88,0% 2.192.150 84,7% 608.057 27,7%
of accumulated

takberwujud Intangible
- setelah assets - net of
156.978 4,9% 174.257 6,7% (17.279) -9,9%
dikurangi accumulated
akumulasi amortization

Aset pajak Deferred tax

3.515 0,1% - 0,0% 3.515 100%
tangguhan asset

Aset tidak lancar Other non-

66.009 2,1% 68.579 2,7% (2.570) -3,7%
lainnya current assets

Jumlah aset Total non-

3.182.941 100,0% 2.587.796 100,0% 595.145 23,0%
tidak lancar current assets

*Disajikan kembali *Restated


Pada akhir tahun 2015, beban dibayar dimuka sebesar As of December 31, 2015, prepaid expenses were Rp150.7
Rp150,7 miliar, meningkat Rp3,4 miliar atau 2,3% billion, increased by Rp3.4 billion or 2.3%, compare to
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp147,3 miliar. Rp147.3 billion as of December 31, 2014. The increase in
Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya beban prepaid expenses was mainly driven by the increase of
sewa infrastruktur jaringan. prepaid rent for network infrastructure.

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Pada akhir tahun 2015, investasi pada pengendalian As of December 31, 2015, investment in jointly controlled
bersama entitas sebesar Rp5,5 miliar, meningkat Rp0,1 entity was Rp5.5 billion, increased by Rp0.1 billion or 1.3%,
miliar atau 1,3% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar compare to Rp38.2 billion as of December 31, 2014. The
Rp5,4 miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh adanya increase in investment in jointly controlled entity was
tambahan setoran modal. mainly driven by additional paid in capital.


Pada akhir tahun 2015, aset tetap sebesar Rp2.800,2 As of December 31, 2015, property and equipment were
miliar, meningkat Rp608,1 miliar atau 27,7% dibandingkan Rp2,800.2 billion, increased by Rp608.1 billion or 27.7%,
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2.192,1 miliar. Peningkatan ini compare to Rp2,192.1 billion as of December 31, 2014. The
sebagian besar disebabkan oleh aset dalam penyelesaian increase in property and equipment was mainly driven
untuk sistem kabel bawah laut dan data center. by the construction in progress of submarine cable
system and data center.


Pada akhir tahun 2015, aset takberwujud sebesar Rp157,0 As of December 31, 2015, intangible assets were Rp157.0
miliar, menurun Rp17,3 miliar atau -9,9% dibandingkan billion, decreased by Rp17.3 billion or -9.9%, compare to
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp174,3 miliar. Penurunan ini Rp174.3 billion as of December 31, 2014. The decrease
disebabkan adanya amortisasi atas aset takberwujud in intangible assets was mainly due to amortization of
yang timbul dari kombinasi bisnis. Adapun aset intangible assets arising from business combination.
takberwujud berupa perangkat lunak komputer, kontrak Intangible assets consist of software, customer contracts,
dengan pelanggan dan hubungan dengan pelanggan. customer relationships, brand and goodwill.


Pada akhir tahun 2015, aset pajak tangguhan sebesar As of December 31, 2015, deferred tax assets were Rp3.5
Rp3,5 miliar, meningkat Rp3,5 miliar atau 100% billion, increased by Rp3.5 billion or 100.0%, compare to
dibandingkan tahun 2014. Peningkatan ini disebabkan December 31, 2014. The increase in deferred tax assets
oleh pajak tangguhan yang timbul dari perbedaan tarif was mainly due to deferred tax arising from differences
penyusutan komersial dengan fiskal di Contact Centres between commercial depreciation and tax depreciation
Australia Pty.Ltd.(CCA) in Contact Centres Australia Pty. Ltd. (CCA).


Pada akhir tahun 2015, aset tidak lancar lainnya As of December 31, 2015, other non-current assets were
sebesar Rp66,0 miliar, menurun Rp2,6 miliar atau Rp66.0 billion, decreased by Rp2.6 billion or -3.7%,
-3,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp68,6 compare to Rp69.6 billion as of December 31, 2014. The
miliar. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh telah selesainya decrease in other non-current assets was mainly due to
pembangunan aset yang menggunakan uang muka. the decrease of advance for construction of assets.

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Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Liabilitas terdiri dari liabilitas jangka pendek dan liabilitas Liabilities consist of current liabilities and non-current
jangka panjang. Pada tahun 2015, jumlah liabilitas liabilities. In 2015, total liabilities was Rp2,343.9 billion,
sebesar Rp2.343,9 miliar, naik sebesar Rp511,6 miliar atau increased by Rp511.6 billion or 27.9%, compare to
27,9% dibandingkan tahun 2014 sebesar Rp1.832,3 miliar. Rp1,832.3 billion in 2014. The increase in total liabilities
Kenaikan ini dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan liabilitas jangka was mainly driven by the increase of current liabilities
pendek sebesar Rp324,7 miliar atau 27,8% dan kenaikan by Rp324.7 billion or 27.8% and non-current liabilities by
liabilitas jangka panjang sebesar Rp186,9 miliar atau Rp186.9 billion or 28.1%, compared to 2014.
28,1%, dibandingkan tahun 2014.


Liabilitas jangka pendek terdiri dari utang usaha, utang Current liabilities comprise of trade payables, other
lainnya, utang pajak, beban yang masih harus dibayar, payables, taxes payable, accrued expenses, bank loan,
utang bank, utang pemegang saham, dan liabilitas jangka shareholder loans and other current liabilities. The total
pendek lainnya. Pada 31 Desember 2015, jumlah liabilitas current liabilities as of December 31, 2015 increased
jangka pendek meningkat Rp324,7 miliar atau 27,8% by Rp324.7 billion or 27.8% from Rp1,167.3 billion in
dari Rp1.167,3 miliar pada 31 Desember 2014 menjadi December 31, 2014 to Rp1,492.0 billion. The increase in
Rp1.492,0 miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama dipengaruhi total current liabilities was mainly contributed by the
oleh peningkatan utang lainnya sebesar Rp225,3 miliar increase in other current liabilities by Rp225.3 billion or
atau 74,8% dibandingkan tahun 2014. 74.8% compared to 2014.



2015 % 2014* % %

Liabilitas jangka Current

pendek liabilities

Utang usaha 479.184 32,1% 453.167 38,8% 26.017 5,7% Trade payables

Utang lainnya 526.269 35,3% 300.986 25,8% 225.283 74,8% Other payables

Utang pajak 82.330 5,5% 72.021 6,2% 10.309 14,3% Taxes payable

Beban yang
masih harus 244.961 16,4% 172.896 14,8% 72.065 41,7%

Utang bank - 0,0% 39.966 3,4% (39.966) -100,0% Bank loan

pemegang 135.717 9,1% 115.847 9,9% 19.870 17,2%

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2015 % 2014* % %

Liabilitas jangka Other current

23.531 1,6% 12.405 1,1% 11.126 89,7%
pendek lainnya liabilities

Jumlah liabilitas Total current

1.491.992 100% 1.167.288 100,0% 324.704 27,8%
jangka pendek liabilities

*Disajikan kembali *Restated


Utang usaha pada akhir tahun 2015 sebesar Rp479,2 As of December 31, 2015, trade payables were Rp479.2
miliar, meningkat Rp26,0 miliar atau 5,7% dibandingkan billion, increased by Rp26.0 billion or 5.7%, compare to
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp453,2 miliar. Peningkatan Rp453.2 billion as of December 31, 2014. The increase in
ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya aktivitas usaha trade payables was mainly driven by the increase of the
Perusahaan. Company’s activities.


Utang lainnya pada akhir tahun 2015 sebesar Rp526,3 As of December 31, 2015, other payables were Rp526.3
miliar, meningkat Rp225,3 miliar atau 74,8% dibandingkan billion, increased by Rp225.3 billion or 74.8%, compare
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp301,0 miliar. Peningkatan ini to Rp301.0 billion as of December 31, 2014. The increase
sebagian besar disebabkan oleh meningkatnya belanja in other payables was mainly driven by the increase of
modal Telin untuk sistem kabel bawah laut dan data Telin’s capital expenditure for submarine cable system
center. and data center.


Utang pajak pada akhir tahun 2015 sebesar Rp82,3 As of December 31, 2015, taxes payable were Rp82.3
miliar, meningkat Rp10,3 miliar atau 14,3% dibandingkan billion, increased by Rp10.3 billion or 14.3%, compare
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp72,0 miliar. Peningkatan ini to Rp72.0 billion as of December 31, 2014. The increase
sebagian besar disebabkan oleh meningkatnya pajak in taxes payable was mainly driven by the increase of
penghasilan badan, seiring dengan meningkatnya corporate income tax, consistent with the increase of
aktivitas usaha Perusahaan. the Company’s activities.


Beban yang masih harus dibayar pada akhir tahun 2015 As of December 31, 2015, accrued expenses were Rp245.0
sebesar Rp245,0 miliar, meningkat Rp72,1 miliar atau billion, increased by Rp72.1 billion or 41.7%, compare to
41,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp172,9 Rp172.9 billion as of December 31, 2014. The increase in
miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya accrued expenses was mainly driven by the increase of
beban lisensi, operasi dan pemeliharaan. license expense, operation and maintenance expense.

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Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Utang bank telah dilunasi oleh Telin sebesar Rp39,97 As of December 31, 2015, current maturities of long-term
miliar pada Desember 2015 merupakan bagian yang bank loan has been fully paid amounted Rp39.97 billion.
telah jatuh tempo dari pinjaman jangka panjang.


Utang kepada pemegang saham pada akhir tahun As of December 31, 2015, current maturities of long-term
2015 sebesar Rp135,7 miliar merupakan bagian yang shareholder loans were Rp135.7 billion, increased by
akan jatuh tempo dari pinjaman jangka panjang. Utang Rp19.9 billion or 17.2%, compare to Rp115.8 billion as of
kepada pemegang saham meningkat Rp19,9 miliar atau December 31, 2014. The increase in shareholder loans
17,2% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp115,8 was mainly driven by the increase of loan to Telkom for
miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh bertambahnya Telin’s capital expenditures.
utang kepada Telkom untuk keperluan belanja modal


Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya pada akhir tahun 2015 As of December 31, 2015, other current liabilities were
sebesar Rp23,5 miliar, meningkat Rp11,1 miliar atau Rp23.5 billion, increased by Rp11.1 billion or 89.7%,
89,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp12,4 compare to Rp12.4 billion as of December 31, 2014.
miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya The increase in other current liabilities was mainly
pendapatan diterima di muka atas sewa infrastruktur driven by the increase of unearned income of network
jaringan. infrastructure rent.


Liabilitas jangka panjang terdiri dari pinjaman jangka Non-current liabilities comprise of long-term debts,
panjang, liabilitas pajak tangguhan, dan liabilitas jangka deferred tax liabilities and other non-current liabilities.
panjang lainnya. Pada 31 Desember 2015, jumlah liabilitas The total non-current liabilities as of December 31, 2015
jangka panjang meningkat Rp186,9 miliar atau 28,1% dari increased by Rp186.9 billion or 28.1%, from Rp665.0 billion
Rp665,0 miliar pada 31 Desember 2014 menjadi Rp851,9 in December 31, 2014 to Rp851.9 billion. The increase in
miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh total non-current liabilities was mainly contributed by
peningkatan utang pemegang saham sebesar Rp126,7 the increase in shareholder loans by Rp126.7 billion or
miliar atau 23,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014. 23.7% compared to 2014.

196 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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2015 % 2014* % %

Liabilitas jangka Non-current

panjang liabilities

Pinjaman jangka
panjang - setelah Long-term debts
dikurangi bagian - net of current
yang akan jatuh maturities:

pemegang 661.877 77,7% 535.158 80,5% 126.719 23,7%

Liabilitas pajak
Deferred tax
tangguhan - 83.919 9,9% 70.110 10,5% 13.809 19,7%
liabilities - net

Liabilitas jangka Other non-

106.094 12,5% 59.717 9,0% 46.377 77,7%
panjang lainnya current liabilities

Jumlah liabilitas Total non-current

851.890 100,0% 664.985 100,0% 186.905 28,1%
jangka panjang liabilities

*Disajikan kembali *Restated


Bagian jangka panjang utang kepada pemegang saham As of December 31, 2015, long-term portion of shareholder
pada akhir tahun 2015 sebesar Rp661,9 miliar. Utang loans were Rp661.9 billion, increased by Rp126.7 billion
kepada pemegang saham meningkat Rp126,7 miliar atau or 23.7%, compare to Rp535.2 billion as of December
23,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp535,2 31, 2014. The increase in shareholder loans was mainly
miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh bertambahnya driven by the increase of loan to Telkom for Telin’s capital
utang kepada Telkom untuk keperluan belanja modal expenditures.


Liabilitas pajak tangguhan- bersih pada akhir tahun 2015 As of December 31, 2015, deferred tax liabilities – net
sebesar Rp83,9 miliar, meningkat Rp13,8 miliar atau were Rp83.9 billion, increased by Rp13.8 billion or
19,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp70,1 19.7%, compare to Rp70.1 billion as of December 31,
miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan tarif 2014. The increase in deferred tax liabilities was mainly
penyusutan komersial dengan fiskal. due to deferred tax arising from differences between
commercial depreciation and tax depreciation.

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Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Liabilitas jangka panjang lainnya pada akhir tahun 2015 As of December 31, 2015, other non-current liabilities
sebesar Rp106,1 miliar, meningkat Rp46,4 miliar atau were Rp106.1 billion, increased by Rp46.4 billion or 77.7%,
77,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp59,7 compare to Rp59.7 billion as of December 31, 2014. The
miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya increase in other non-current liabilities was mainly
pendapatan diterima di muka atas pendapatan sewa driven by the increase of unearned income of network
infrastruktur jaringan. infrastructure rent.

Pada tahun 2015, jumlah ekuitas Telin sebesar In 2015, total equity was Rp3,260.1 billion, increased by
Rp3.260,1 miliar, naik sebesar Rp543,7 miliar atau 20,0% Rp543.7 billion or 20.0%, compare to Rp2,716.4 billion
dibandingkan tahun 2014 sebesar Rp2.716,4 miliar. in 2014. The increase in total equity was mainly due
Kenaikan ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan modal to additional paid in capital of Rp237.9 billion or 16.1%,
disetor sebesar Rp237,9 miliar atau 16,1% dibandingkan compared to 2014.
tahun 2014.



2015 2014* %

Ekuitas yang dapat

Equity attributable to
diatribusikan kepada pemilik
owners of the Parrent Entity
Entitas Induk

Modal saham: :Share capital

Modal dasar - 600.000.000

Authorized - 600.000.000
saham, nilai nominal
shares, par value of
Rp10.000 (nilai penuh) per
Rp10,000 (full amount)
saham pada tahun 2015 dan
per shares in 2015 and
205.200.000 saham, nilai
205.200.000 shares, par
nominal Rp10.000 (nilai
value of Rp10,000 (full
penuh) per saham pada
amount) per share in 2014
tahun 2014

Ditempatkan dan disetor

Issued and fully paid
penuh - 171.322.897 saham
171.322.897 shares in 2015
pada tahun 2015 dan 1.713.229 1.475.280 237.949 16,1%
and 147.528.017 shares in
147.528.017 saham pada
tahun 2014

Modal disetor lainnya 45.250 - 45.250 100% Other paid-in capital

Tambahan modal disetor 139.674 139.674 - 0,0% Additional paid-in capital

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2015 2014* %

Selisih kurs karena Exchange difference from

penjabaran laporan translation of financial
305.349 177.548 127.801 72,0%
keuangan dalam mata statements in foreign
uang asing currencies

Saldo laba: Retained earnings:

Dicadangkan 227.278 213.241 14.037 6,6% Appropriated

Belum dicadangkan 794.640 668.831 125.809 18,8% Unappropriated

Komponen ekuitas lainnya (1.666) (401) (1.265) 315,5% Other equity component

Jumlah 3.223.754 2.674.173 Total

Kepentingan nonpengendali 36.346 42.244 (5.898) -14,0% Non-Controlling interests

Jumlah ekuitas 3.260.100 2.716.417 543.683 20,0% Total equity

*Disajikan kembali *Restated


Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh merupakan Issued and fully paid capital refers to share capital with
saham biasa yang memberikan hak untuk membawa one voting right and participate in dividend per share. In
satu suara per saham dan berpartisipasi dalam dividen. 2015 and 2014, issued and fully paid capital was Rp1,713.2
Pada tahun 2015 dan 2014, modal ditempatkan dan billion and Rp1,475.3 billion, respectively. The increase in
disetor penuh masing-masing sebesar Rp1.713,2 miliar issued and fully paid capital of Rp237.9 billion or 16.1% was
dan Rp1.475,3 miliar. Peningkatan sebesar Rp237,9 miliar mainly due to additional share capital from shareholder.
atau 16,1% ini disebabkan oleh adanya tambahan modal
disetor oleh pemegang saham.


Modal disetor lainnya tahun 2015 sebesar Rp45,3 Other paid-in capital as of December 31, 2015 was Rp45.3
miliar atau 100% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014, billion, increased byRp45.3 billion or 100%, compare to
sehubungan dengan proses hukum atas perubahan 2014. The increase in other paid-in capital was mainly
anggaran dasar Telin masih dalam proses karena adanya due to the changes in Article of Association of Telin in
tambahan modal disetor oleh pemegang saham. relation with additional share capital from shareholder
that is still in progress.


Tambahan modal disetor tahun 2015 sama dengan tahun Additional paid-in capital as of December 31, 2015 and
2014, yaitu Rp139,7 miliar. 2014 were Rp139.7 billion, respectively.

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Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Pada tahun 2015 dan 2014, selisih kurs karena The exchange difference from translation of financial
penjabaran laporan keuangan dalam mata uang asing statements in foreign currencies as of December 31,
masing-masing sebesar Rp305,3 miliar dan Rp177,5 2015 and 2014 were Rp305.3 billion and Rp177.5 billion,
miliar. Peningkatan sebesar Rp127,8 miliar atau 72,0% ini respectively. The increase in exchange difference from
sebagian besar disebabkan oleh melemahnya nilai tukar translation of financial statements in foreign currencies
Rupiah terhadap mata uang Dolar Amerika. was mainly due to the depreciation of Rupiah exchange
rate against U.S. Dollar.


Saldo laba terbagi menjadi saldo laba dicadangkan Retained earnings are classified into appropriated and
dan saldo laba belum dicadangkan. Pada tahun 2015 unappropriated. The appropriated retained earnings as
dan 2014, saldo laba dicadangkan masing-masing of December 31, 2015 and 2014 were Rp227.3 billion and
sebesar Rp227,3 miliar dan Rp213,3 miliar. Peningkatan Rp213.3 billion, respectively. The increase in appropriated
sebesar Rp14,0 miliar atau 6,6% ini disebabkan oleh retained earnings of Rp14.0 billion or 6.6% was mainly
penambahan cadangan umum. Selanjutnya, saldo laba due to additional appropriation. Furthermore, the
belum dicadangkan pada tahun 2015 sebesar Rp794,6 unappropriated retained earnings as of December 31,
miliar dan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp668,8 miliar. 2015 and 2014 were p794.6 billion and Rp668.8 billion,
Peningkatan sebesar Rp125,8 miliar atau 18,8% terutama respectively. The increase in unappropriated retained
dari laba bersih yang diperoleh Telin pada tahun berjalan. earnings of Rp125.8 billion or 18.8% was mainly driven by
profit for the year.


Komponen ekuitas lainya merupakan rugi aktuaria atas Other equity component represents defined benefit
program imbalan pasti, setelah pajak. Pada tahun 2015 plan actuarial losses, net of tax. As of December 31, 2015
dan 2014, komponen ekuitas lainya masing-masing and 2014, other equity component was Rp1.7 billion and
sebesar Rp1,9 miliar dan Rp0,4 miliar. Peningkatan Rp0.4 billion, respectively. The increase in other equity
sebesar Rp1,3 miliar atau 315% ini disebabkan oleh component of Rp1.3 or 315.5% was mainly due to the
meningkatnya kewajiban aktuaria imbalan pasti increase of defined benefit plan actuarial liabilities in
Perusahaan. 2015.


Pada tahun 2015 dan 2014, kepentingan nonpengendali In 2015 and 2014, Non-controlling interests amounted
masing-masing sebesar Rp36,3 miliar dan Rp42,2 Rp36.3 billion and Rp42.2 billion, respectively. Rp5.9
miliar. Penurunan sebesar Rp5,9 miliar atau -14,0% ini billion or -14.0% decrease was attributable from
disebabkan oleh berkurangnya bagian kepentingan decreasing non-controlling intrests from net assets
nonpengendali atas aset bersih di Contact Centre recognized at Contact Center Australia Pty. Ltd. (CCA).
Australia Pty.Ltd. (CCA) . .

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Untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2015, Telin For the year ended December 31, 2015, Telin recorded
mencatat perolehan laba tahun berjalan dan laba profit for the year and total comprehensive income for
komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan kepada Pemilik the year attributable to the owners of the Parent entity of
Entitas Induk masing-masing sebesar Rp 181,9 miliar dan Rp181.9 billion and Rp308.5 billion, respectively.
Rp308,5 miliar.

2015 % 2014* % %

Pendapatan usaha Revenues

Jasa jaringan data Data and voice
2.553.659 78,9% 2.082.020 82,9% 471.639 22,6%
dan voice network services
BPO 260.078 8,0% 73.814 2,9% 186.264 252,3% BPO
Mobile cellular
Layanan selular 249.455 7,7% 181.249 7,2% 68.206 37,6%
Jasa pelayanan International
telekomunikasi 173.000 5,3% 173.000 6,9% 0 0,0% telecommunication
internasional services
Sewa 223 0,0% 220 0,0% 3 1,5% Rental
Jumlah pendapatan
3.236.415 100,0% 2.510.303 100,0% 726.112 28,9% Total revenues

Beban usaha Operating expense

Biaya atas jasa Cost of data and
jaringan data dan 1.427.298 50,0% 1.110.053 51,1% 317.245 28,6% voice network
voice services
Gaji dan beban Salaries and
327.516 11,5% 279.227 12,8% 48.289 17,3%
karyawan employee benefits
Penyusutan 219.428 7,7% 210.498 9,7% 8.930 4,2% Depreciation
Beban operasional Other operating
lainnya expenses
Perbaikan dan Repairs and
408.899 14,3% 252.227 11,6% 156.672 62,1%
pemeliharaan maintenance
Kompensasi Management
83.111 2,9% 64.598 3,0% 18.513 28,7%
manajemen compensation
Beban pajak 63.367 2,2% 27.805 1,3% 35.562 127,9% Tax expense
Pemasaran 51.851 1,8% 37.920 1,7% 13.931 36,7% Marketing
Amortisasi 49.766 1,7% 26.321 1,2% 23.445 89,1% Amortization
Sewa -non- Rent - non-
infrastruktur 42.152 1,5% 34.009 1,6% 8.143 23,9% network
jaringan infrastructure
Sewa -
Rent - network
infrastruktur 35.581 1,2% 16.780 0,8% 18.801 112,0%
Beban konsultan Management
manajemen dan 27.229 1,0% 11.067 0,5% 16.162 146,0% technical and
teknik consulting
*Disajikan kembali *Restated

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 201

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

2015 % 2014* % %

Jasa profesional 22.587 0,8% 16.413 0,8% 6.174 37,6% Professional fee
Beban utilitas 20.759 0,7% 13.344 0,6% 7.415 55,6% Utilities expense
Asuransi aset Fixed assets
4.920 0,2% 4.651 0,2% 269 5,8%
tetap insurance
Beban lain-lain 78.174 2,7% 69.261 3,2% 8.913 12,9% Others
Jumlah beban
Total other
operasional 888.396 31,1% 574.396 26,4% 314.000 54,7%
operating expenses
(keuntungan) Foreign exchange
9.865 0,3% 2.242 0,1% 7.623 340.0%
selisih kurs – loss (gain) – net
Other operating
operasional (19.645) -0,7% (2.754) -0,1% (16,891) 613,3%
Jumlah beban Total operating
2.852.857 100,0% 2.173.662 100,0% 679.195 31,2%
usaha expense

Laba usaha 383.557 336.641 46.917 13,9% Operating profit

32.808 21.187 11.621 54,8% Finance income
Biaya pendanaan (30.250) (30.331) 81 -0,3% Finance costs
Bagian rugi bersih Share of net loss
entitas asosiasi of associate and
(18.066) (19.914) 1.848 -9,3%
dan pengendalian jointly controlled
bersama entitas entity
Laba sebelum Profit Before
368.049 307.583 60.466 19,7%
pajak penghasilan Income Tax

Beban pajak Income tax

(188.178) (164.407) (23.771) 14,5%
penghasilan expense
Laba tahun berjalan 179.871 143.176 36.695 25,6% Profit for the year

komprehensif Other comprehensive
lain yang akan income to be to
direklasifikasi ke profit or loss in
laba rugi periode subsequent periods:

Selisih kurs
Exchange diference
from translation
127.801 23.897 103.904 434,8% of financial
laporan keuangan
statements in
dalam mata uang
foreign currencies

*Disajikan kembali *Restated

202 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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2015 % 2014* % %

Other comprehensive
komprehensif lain
income not to be
yang tidak akan
reclasssifed to profit
direklasifikasi ke
or loss in subsequent
laba rugi periode

Rugi aktuaria atas

Defined benefit
program imbalan
(1.265) (192) (1.073) 558,9% plan actuarial
pasti, setelah
losses, net of tax

Penghasilan Other
komprehensif lain 126.536 23.705 102.831 433,8% comprehensive
- bersih income ne-net

Jumlah laba Total

komprehensif 306.407 166.881 (139.526) 83,6% comprehensive
tahun berjalan income for the year

Laba tahun
Profit for the year
yang dapat
attributable to:

Pemilik Entitas Owners of the

181.957 140.370 41.587
Induk Parent Entity

Kepentingan Non-controlling
(2.086) 2.806 (4.892)
nonpengendali interests

Jumlah 179.871 143.176 36.695 Total

Jumlah laba
komprehesif Total
tahun berjalan comprehensive
yang dapat income for the year
diatribusikan attributable to:
Pemilik Entitas Owners of the
308.493 163.830 144.663
Induk Parent Entity
Kepentingan Non-controlling
(2.086 ) 3.051 (5.137)
nonpengendali interests
Jumlah 306.407 166.881 139.526 Total
*Disajikan kembali *Restated

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 203

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Pendapatan usaha Telin diperoleh dari pendapatan jasa Telin’s revenues are generated from data and voice
jaringan data dan voice, pendapatan layanan selular, network services, mobile cellular services, international
pendapatan jasa pelayanan telekomunikasi internasional, telecommunication services, BPO and rental. In 2015,
pendapatan BPO, dan pendapatan sewa. Sepanjang revenues were Rp3,236.4 billion, increased by Rp726.1
tahun 2015, jumlah pendapatan usaha mencapai billion or 28.9%, compare to Rp2,510.3 billion in 2014. The
Rp3.236,4 miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp726,1 miliar atau increase in revenues was mainly contributed by data and
28,9% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2.510,3 voice network services.
miliar. Pertumbuhan ini sebagian besar dikontribusikan
oleh pendapatan dari jasa jaringan data dan voice.

Sepanjang tahun 2015, jumlah pendapatan usaha mencapai

Rp3.236,4 miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp726,1 miliar atau 28,9%
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2.510,3 miliar.
Throughout 2015, total revenues achieved Rp3,236.4 billion, grew Rp726.1
billion or 28.9% from Rp2,510.3 billion booked in 2014.

1. Pendapatan jasa jaringan data dan voice 1. Data and voice network services revenue
Pendapatan jasa jaringan data diakui setiap bulan Data network services revenue is recognized each
berdasarkan nilai tetap sesuai dengan berdasarkan month based on the fixed chargeable amount
perjanjian dengan pelanggan. Sedangkan untuk depending on the agreement with customers. Voice
pendapatan dari jaringan jasa voice diakui pada network services revenue is recognized at the
saat percakapan terjadi dan diukur berdasarkan time the services are rendered based on actual call
durasi pemakaian aktual dan menggunakan tarif duration and applicable tariffs. For the year ended
yang berlaku. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, December 31, 2015, revenue from data and voice
pendapatan jasa jaringan data dan voice terealisasi network services was Rp2,553.7 billion, increased by
sebesar Rp2.553,7 miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp471,6 Rp471.6 billion or 22.7%, compare to Rp2,082.0 billion
miliar atau 22,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu for the year ended December 31, 2014. The increase in
sebesar Rp2.082,0 miliar. Pertumbuhan ini disebabkan data and voice network services revenue was mainly
oleh meningkatnya jumlah permintaan bandwidth contributed by the increase of bandwidth usage for
untuk data dan traffic pada voice. data service and traffic for voice service.

2. Pendapatan BPO 2. BPO revenue

Pendapatan BPO diakui saat jasa selesai dilakukan Revenues from contact center are recognized when the
dan berita acara dikeluarkan. Selama belum ada services are completed and an official report has been
berita acara, Telin berhak mengakui pendapatan issued. As long as there is no official report, the Company
berdasarkan taksiran. Sampai dengan 31 Desember reserves the right to recognize revenue based on
2015, pendapatan BPO sebesar Rp260,1 miliar, tumbuh estimates. For the year ended December 31, 2015, revenue

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sebesar Rp186,3 miliar atau 252,3% dibandingkan from BPO was Rp260.1 billion, increased by Rp186.3 billion
tahun 2014 sebesar Rp73,8 miliar. Pertumbuhan ini or 252.3%, compare to Rp73.8 billion for the year ended
disebabkan oleh pengakuan pendapatan BPO dari December 31, 2014. The increase in BPO revenue was
CCA pada tahun 2015 selama 12 bulan, dibandingkan mainly due to in BPO revenue from CCA was recognized
dengan tahun 2014 yang hanya 3 bulan. for 12 months in 2015, compare to 3 months in 2014.

3. Pendapatan layanan selular 3. Mobile cellular services revenue

Penjualan kartu SIM diakui sebagai pendapatan pada saat Revenues are recognized based on its products. Sales
kartu perdana tersebut diserahkan kepada distributor, of SIM cards are recognized as revenue upon delivery
penyalur, atau langsung kepada pelanggan.Penjualan of the starter packs to distributors, dealers or directly
voucher pulsa isi ulang (baik digabungkan dalam paket to the customers. Sales of pulse reload vouchers
perdana ataupun dijual secara terpisah) diakui pertama (either bundled in starter packs or sold as separate
kali sebagai pendapatan diterima di muka dan secara items) are recognized initially as unearned income and
proposional diakui sebagai pendapatan berdasarkan recognized proportionately as usage revenue based
jangka waktu dan jumlah panggilan yang berhasil on duration and total of successful calls made and the
dilakukan dan pemakaian jasa nilai tambah oleh pelanggan value added services used by the subscribers or the
atau pada saat sisa pulsa pada voucher prabayar telah expiration of the unused stored value of the voucher.
habis masa berlakunya. Potongan promosi yang belum Unutilized promotional credits are netted against
digunakan disajikan sebagai pengurang pendapatan unearned income. For the year ended December 31,
diterima dimuka. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, 2015, mobile cellular services revenue was Rp249.4
pendapatan layanan selular sebesar Rp249,4 miliar, billion, increased by Rp68.2 billion or 19.6%, compare
tumbuh sebesar Rp68,2 miliar atau 19,6% dibandingkan to Rp181.2 billion for the year ended December 31,
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp181,2 miliar. Pertumbuhan ini 2014. The increase in mobile cellular services revenue
disebabkan oleh meningkatnya pendapatan dari layanan mainly contributed by the increase of mobile cellular
selular di Hong Kong dan Timor Leste, seiring dengan services in Hong Kong and Timor-Leste consistent
bertambahnya jumlah subscriber. with the increase number of subscribers.

4. Pendapatan jasa pelayanan telekomunikasi internasional 4. International telecommunication services revenue

Pendapatan jasa pelayanan telekomunikasi internasional Revenues from international telecommunication
diakui berdasarkan persyaratan dalam perjanjian. services are recognized as earned in accordance
Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, pendapatan jasa with the terms of the agreements. For the year ended
pelayanan telekomunikasi internasional terealisasi December 31, 2015, international telecommunication
sebesar Rp173 miliar, sama dengan tahun 2014. services revenue was Rp173 billion, the same as for the
year ended December 31, 2014.

Pendapatan new business terealisasi sebesar Rp93,9 miliar,

tumbuh sebesar Rp68,7 miliar atau 273% dibandingkan
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp25,2 miliar.
Revenue from new business achieved Rp93.9 billion, increased Rp68.7
billion or 273% from Rp25.2 billion booked in 2014.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

6. Pendapatan sewa 6 Rental revenue

Pendapatan sewa diakui berdasarkan persyaratan Rental revenue was recognized based on the terms
dalam perjanjian. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, and conditions stipulated in contracts. For the year
pendapatan sewa terealisasi sebesar Rp0,2 miliar. ended December 31, 2015, rental revenue was Rp0.2
Beban usaha Telin berupa biaya atas jasa jaringan data Operating expenses of Telin comprise of cost of data
dan voice, gaji dan beban karyawan, penyusutan dan and voice network services, salaries and employees
beban operasional lainnya. Sepanjang tahun 2015, benefit, depreciation and other operating expenses. For
jumlah beban usaha mencapai Rp2.852,9 miliar, tumbuh the year ended December 31, 2015, operating expenses
sebesar Rp679,2 miliar atau 31,2% dibandingkan tahun were Rp2,852.9 billion, increased by Rp679.2 billion or
2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2.173,7 miliar. Pertumbuhan ini 31.2%, compare to Rp2,173.7 billion for the year ended
sebagian besar dikontribusikan oleh biaya penjualan December 31, 2014. Increased in operating expenses was
voice. mainly driven by cost of voice network service.

Sepanjang tahun 2015, jumlah beban usaha mencapai Rp2.852,9

miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp679,2 miliar atau 31,2% dibandingkan
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2.173,7 miliar.
Throughout 2015, total operating expenses achieved Rp2,852.9 billion, increased
Rp679.2 billion or 31.2% from Rp2,173.7 billion booked in 2014.

1. Biaya atas jasa jaringan data dan voice 1. Cost of data and voice network services
Biaya atas jasa jaringan data dan voice diakui Cost of data and voice network services were
berdasarkan periode pemanfaatannya. Sampai recognized based on its utilization period. For the
dengan 31 Desember 2015, biaya atas jasa jaringan data year ended December 31, 2015, cost of data and voice
dan voice terealisasi sebesar Rp1.427,3 miliar, tumbuh network services were Rp1,427.3 billion, increased by
sebesar Rp317,2 miliar atau 28,6% dibandingkan tahun Rp317.2 billion or 28.6%, compare to Rp1,110.1 billion
2014 yaitu sebesar Rp1.110,1 miliar. Pertumbuhan for the year ended December 31, 2014. The increase in
beban ini sejalan dengan meningkatnya pendapatan. cost of data and voice network services in line with the
increase in its revenue.

2. Gaji dan beban karyawan 2 Salaries and employees benefit

Gaji dan beban karyawan diakui sebagai biaya yang Salaries and employees benefit expenses are
tidak didiskonto saat pegawai telah memberikan jasa recognized as expense on undiscounted basis when
kepada Telin. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, gaji employees have rendered service to Telin. For the year
dan beban karyawan sebesar Rp327,5 miliar, tumbuh ended December 31, 2015, salaries and employees

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sebesar Rp48,3 miliar atau 17,3% dibandingkan tahun benefit expense was Rp327.5 billion, increased by
2014 yaitu sebesar Rp279,2 miliar. Pertumbuhan Rp48.3 billion or 17.3%, compare to Rp279.2 billion for
ini disebabkan oleh peningkatan jumlah karyawan the year ended December 31, 2014. The increase in
dibandingkan tahun 2014. salaries and employees benefit mainly driven by the
increase in number of personnel compare to 2014.

3. Beban penyusutan 3. Depreciation expense

Beban penyusutan dihitung menggunakan metode Depreciation expense is calculated using the straight-
garis lurus untuk mengalokasikan harga perolehan line method to allocate their cost or revalued amounts
atau jumlah revaluasi sampai dengan nilai sisanya up to their residual values over their estimated
selama masa manfaat yang diestimasi. Sampai useful lives. For the year ended December 31, 2015,
dengan 31 Desember 2015, beban penyusutan sebesar depreciation expense was Rp219.4 billion, increased
Rp219,4 miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp8,9 miliar atau 4,2% by Rp8.9 billion or 4.2%, compare to Rp210.5 billion
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp210,5 miliar. for the year ended December 31, 2014. The increase in
Kenaikan beban ini sejalan dengan meningkatnya depreciation expense was in line with the increase in
jumlah aset tetap. property and equipment.

4. Beban operasional lainnya 4. Other operating expenses

Beban operasional lainnya diakui berdasarkan periode Other operating expenses are recognized based on
pemanfaatannya. Sampai dengan 31 Desember its utilization period. For the year ended December 31,
2015, beban operasional lainnya sebesar Rp888,4 2015, other operating expenses were Rp888.4 billion,
miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp314,0 miliar atau 54,7% increased by Rp314.0 billion or 54.7%, compare to
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp574,4 miliar. Rp574.4 billion for the year ended December 31, 2014.
Pertumbuhan ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya The increase in other operating expenses mainly
beberapa beban, diantaranya: driven by the increase of several expenses as follow,
among others:
pemeliharaan sebesar Rp408,9 miliar, tumbuh and maintenance expense was Rp408.9 billion,
sebesar Rp156,7 miliar atau 62,1% dibandingkan increased by Rp156.7 billion or 62.1%, compare to
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp252,2 miliar. Rp252.2 billion for the year ended December 31,
Pertumbuhan ini disebabkan oleh bertambahnya 2014. The increase in repairs and maintenance
jumlah aset tetap. expense was mainly contributed by the increase
of property and equipment.

Pada tahun 2015, realisasi beban pemasaran sebesar Rp51,8

miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp13,9 miliar atau 36,7% dibandingkan
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp37,9 miliar
In 2015, marketing expense achieved Rp51.8 billion, grew Rp13.9 billion or 36.7%
from Rp37.9 billion booked in 2014.

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sebesar Rp51,8 miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp13,9 expense was Rp51.8 billion, increased by Rp13.9 billion
miliar atau 36,7% dibandingkan tahun 2014 or 36.7%, compare to Rp37.9 billion for the year ended
yaitu sebesar Rp37,9 miliar. Pertumbuhan December 31, 2014. The increase in marketing expense
ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya kegiatan was mainly driven by the increase of marketing
pemasaran pada tahun 2015. activities during 2015.
miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp35,6 miliar atau 127,9% was Rp63.4 billion, increased by Rp35.6 billion or
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp27,8 127.9%, compare to Rp27.8 billion for the year ended
miliar. Pertumbuhan ini disebabkan oleh kurang December 31, 2014. The increase in tax expense was
bayar pajak untuk tahun 2011 dan 2012. mainly due to underpaid tax for 2011 and 2012.
Rp49,7 miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp23,4 miliar atau expense was Rp49.7 billion, increased by Rp23.4 billion
89,1% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar or 89.1%, compare to Rp26.3 billion for the year ended
Rp26,3 miliar. Pertumbuhan ini sejalan dengan December 31, 2014. The increase in amortization expense
meningkatnya jumlah aset takberwujud. was in line with the increase of intangible assets.

5. Kerugian (keuntungan) selisih kurs - bersih 5. Foreign exchange loss (gain) - net
Kerugian (keuntungan) selisih kurs – bersih diakui Foreign exchange loss (gain) – net are recognized based
berdasarkan fluktuasi nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap on the fluctuation of Rupiah against foreign currencies.
mata uang asing. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, For the year ended December 31, 2015, foreign
kerugian (keuntungan) selisih kurs – bersih sebesar exchange loss (gain) – net was Rp9.8 billion, increased
Rp9,8 miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp7,6 miliar atau 340% by Rp7.6 billion or 34%, compare to Rp2.2 billion for
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2,2 miliar. the year ended December 31, 2014. The increase in
Pertumbuhan ini disebabkan oleh melemahnya nilai foreign exchange loss (gain) – net was mainly driven by
tukar Rupiah terhadap Dolar Amerika. depreciation of Rupiah against U.S. Dollar.

6. Pendapatan operasional lainnya 6. Other operating income

Pendapatan operasional lainnya diakui berdasarkan Other operating income are recognized based on
periode pemanfaatannya. Sampai dengan 31 Desember utilization period. For the year ended December 31,
2015, pendapatan operasional lainnya sebesar Rp19,6 2015, other operating income was Rp19.6 billion,
miliar, tumbuh sebesar Rp16,9 miliar atau 613,4% increased by Rp16.9 billion or 613.4%, compare to
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp2,7 miliar. Rp2.7 billion for the year ended December 31, 2014.
Pertumbuhan ini disebabkan oleh penerimaan atas The increase in other operating income mainly due to
restitusi pajak Telin. the receipt of tax restitution.

Telin mampu membukukan laba usaha tahun 2015 sebesar

Rp383,6 miliar dan marjin laba usaha sebesar 11,9%.
Telin recorded Rp383.6 billion operating profit in 2015 with 11.9%
operating profit margin.

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Laba usaha merupakan selisih dari pendapatan usaha dan Operating profit is the difference between operating
beban usaha Telin. Dengan perhitungan tersebut, Telin revenues and operating expenses. Based on the stated
mampu membukukan laba usaha tahun 2015 sebesar formula, Telin recorded operating profit of Rp383.6 billion
Rp383,6 miliar dan marjin laba usaha tersebut sebesar and operating profit margin of 11.9%. The achievement
11,9%. Pencapaian pendapatan usaha secara absolut of operating profit in 2015 in absolute was higher than
lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2014 dimana laba usaha operating profit in 2014 of Rp336.6 billion, while the
sebesar Rp336,6 miliar dan marjin laba usaha sebesar operating profit margin was 13.4%.


Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan merupakan laba tahun Profit before income tax represents profit for the year
berjalan sebelum dikurangi beban pajak penghasilan. before income tax deduction. Telin recorded profit
Telin membukukan laba sebelum pajak penghasilan before income tax for the year ended December 31, 2015
tahun 2015 sebesar Rp368,0 miliar dan marjin laba of Rp368.0 billion and profit before income tax margin
sebelum pajak sebesar 11,4%. Pencapaian tersebut secara of 11.4%. Profit before income tax in 2015 in absolute was
absolut lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu laba higher than profit before income tax in 2014 of Rp307.6
sebelum pajak penghasilan sebesar Rp307,6 miliar dan billion, whereas profit before income tax margin was
marjin laba sebelum pajak sebesar 12,3%. 12.3%.


Beban pajak penghasilan Telin terdiri dari pajak kini dan Income tax expense consists of current and deferred
pajak tangguhan. Tahun 2015, pajak yang dibebankan taxes. For the year ended December 31, 2015, income tax
atas penghasilan Telin adalah sebesar Rp188,2 miliar, expense was Rp188.2 billion, increased by Rp23.8 billion
tumbuh sebesar Rp23,8 miliar atau 14,5% dibandingkan or 14.5%, compare to Rp164.4 billion for the year ended
tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp164,4 miliar. Pertumbuhan December 31, 2014. The increase in income tax expense
tersebut seiring dengan meningkatnya laba usaha. was mainly driven by the increase of operating profit.

Telin mampu membukukan laba usaha tahun 2015 sebesar Rp383,6 miliar
dan marjin laba usaha sebesar 11,9%. Pencapaian pendapatan usaha secara
absolut lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2014 dimana laba usaha sebesar
Rp336,6 miliar
Telin booked Rp383.6 billion operating profit and 11.9% operating profit margin in 2015.
Operating profit in 2015 in absolute Rp336.6 billion was higher than in 2014 of Rp336.6

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Laba tahun berjalan merupakan laba yang diperoleh Profit for the year represents profit for the current fiscal
dalam tahun buku berjalan setelah dikurangi beban pajak year net after income tax. For the year ended December
penghasilan. Telin mampu membukukan laba tahun 31, 2015, profit for the year was Rp179.9 billion, increased
berjalan tahun 2015 sebesar Rp179,9 miliar, lebih tinggi by Rp36.7 billion or 25.6%, compare to Rp143.2 billion
Rp36,7 miliar atau 25,6% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu for the year ended December 31, 2014. The increase in
sebesar Rp143,2 miliar. Pertumbuhan tersebut seiring profit for the year in line with the increase of profit before
dengan meningkatnya laba sebelum pajak penghasilan. income tax.


Laba komprehensif tahun berjalan merupakan laba Comprehensive income for the year represents profit
tahun berjalan setelah dikurangi atau ditambah for the year after deduction or addition of other
pendapatan komprehensif lain. Telin memiliki comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income
penghasilan komprehensif lain terkait dengan selisih consists of exchange difference from translation of
kurs karena penjabaran laporan keuangan dalam mata financial statements in foreign currencies and defined
uang asing dan rugi aktuaria atas program imbalan pasti benefit plan actuarial losses, net of tax. For the year ended
setelah pajak, sehingga Telin mampu membukukan December 31, 2015, total comprehensive income for the
laba komprehensif tahun berjalan tahun 2015 sebesar year was Rp306.4 billion, increased by Rp139.5 billion
Rp306,4 miliar, lebih tinggi Rp139,5 miliar atau 83,6% or 83.6%, compare to Rp166.9 billion for the year ended
dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar Rp166,9 miliar. December 31, 2014. The increase in total comprehensive
Pertumbuhan tersebut seiring dengan pertumbuhan income for the year in line with the increase of exchange
selisih kurs karena penjabaran laporan keuangan dalam difference from translation of financial statements in
mata uang asing sebesar Rp103,9 miliar atau 434,8% foreign currencies by Rp103.9 billion or 434.8% due to
yang disebabkan oleh melemahnya nilai tukar Rupiah depreciation of Rupiah exchange rate against U.S. Dollar
terhadap Dolar Amerika dan rugi aktuaria atas program and the increase of defined benefit plan actuarial losses,
imbalan pasti setelah pajak sebesar Rp1,1 miliar. net of tax of Rp1.1 billion.


Laporan arus kas adalah komponen laporan keuangan Statement of cash flow is a component of financial
yang menunjukan penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas dan statements which reflects the receipts and the payments
setara kas selama periode tertentu yang dikelompokkan of cash and cash equivalents during certain period and
dalam aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan. Pada classified into operating, investing and financing. As
tahun 2015, Telin berhasil mencatatkan kenaikan kas dan of December 31, 2015, cash and cash equivalents was
setara kas sebesar Rp234,0 miliar, sehingga jumlah kas Rp1,340.4 billion, increased by Rp234.0 billion or 21.2%,
dan setara kas pada akhir tahun 2015 adalah Rp1.340,4 compare to Rp1,106.4 billion as of December 31, 2014. The
miliar. Jumlah kenaikan kas dan setara kas tersebut increase in cash and cash equivalents was mainly due to
meningkat 21,2% dibandingkan tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar the increase of cash receipts from customers.
Rp1.106,4 miliar. Peningkatan tersebut terutama didorong
oleh meningkatnya penerimaan kas dari pelanggan.

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2015 2014 %

Arus kas bersih: Net cash flows:

Dari aktivitas operasi 549.636 148.497 401.139 270,1% From operating activities

Untuk aktivitas investasi (737.079) (641.162) (95.917) 15,0% For investing activities

Dari aktivitas pendanaan 303.733 663.143 (359.410) -54,2% From financing activities

Kenaikan bersih kas Net increase in cash

116.290 170.478 (54.188) -31,8%
dan setara kas and cash equivalents

Dampak perubahan Effect of exchange rate

kurs terhadap kas dan 117.742 5.871 111.871 1905,5% changes on cash and
setara kas cash equivalents

Cash and cash

Kas dan setara kas
1.106.364 930.015 176.349 19,0% equivalents at
pada awal tahun
beginning of year

Cash and cash

Kas dan setara kas
1.340.396 1.106.364 234.032 21,2% equivalents at end of
pada akhir tahun

Kas bersih dari aktivitas operasi selama tahun 2015 jika As of December 31, 2015, cash flows from operating activities
dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014 lebih tinggi Rp401,1 increased by Rp401.1 billion or grew by 270.1% from Rp148.5
miliar atau 270,1% dari Rp148,5 miliar menjadi Rp549,6 billion as of December 31, 2014 to Rp549.6 billion. The
miliar. Hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya penerimaan increase in net cash flows from operating activities mainly
kas dari pelanggan. due to the increase of cash receipts from customers.

Kas bersih untuk aktivitas investasi selama tahun 2015 As of December 31, 2015, cash flows from investing
jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014 lebih tinggi Rp95,9 activities increased by Rp95.9 billion or grew by 15.0% from
miliar atau 15,0% dari Rp641,2 miliar menjadi Rp737,1 Rp641.2 billion as of December 31, 2014 to Rp737.1 billion.
miliar. Hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya investasi The increase in net cash flows from investing activities
jangka pendek dalam bentuk deposito berjangka. mainly due to the increase of short-term investment in
time deposits.

Kas bersih dari aktivitas pendanaan selama tahun 2015 As of December 31, 2015, cash flows from financing activities
jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014 lebih rendah decreased by Rp359.4 billion or -54.2% from Rp663.1 billion

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Rp359,4 miliar atau -54,2% dari Rp663,1 miliar menjadi as of December 31, 2014 to Rp303.7 billion. The decrease in
Rp303,7 miliar. Hal ini disebabkan oleh menurunnya net cash flows from financing activities mainly due to the
penerimaan dari pemegang saham dalam bentuk decrease of cash receipts from shareholder in the form
setoran modal dan utang pemegang saham. paid-in share capital and shareholder loans.


Rasio kinerja keuangan Telin adalah sebagai berikut: Following are Telin’s financial ratios:



KETERANGAN 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 DESCRIPTION

Rasio likuiditas Liquidity ratio

Rasio kas 89,8% 94,8% 82,2% 102,6% 140,0% Cash ratio

Rasio cepat 162,3% 168,0% 141,9% 151,5% 269,3% Quick ratio

Rasio lancar 162,3% 168,0% 141,9% 151,5% 269,4% Liquid ratio

Profitability ratio

Margin operasi 11,9% 13,4% 23,5% 17,1% 35,0% Operating margin

Margin laba
5,6% 5,7% 18,8% 12,6% 26,7% Net income margin

Margin EBITDA 22,1% 24,2% 27,9% 21,8% 39,3% EBITDA margin

EBITDA/Beban EBITDA/interest
1316,7% 1114,1% 4127,6% 3613,2% 4540,3%
bunga expense

EBITDA/ (interest
bunga+pokok 86,3% 84,1% 133,8% 258,9% 339,8%

pengembalian 3,2% 3,1% 10,2% 7,9% 15,1% Return on assets

pengembalian 5,5% 5,3% 17,5% 11,3% 20,3% Return on equity

Rasio solvabilitas Solvability ratio

Rasio pinjaman 14,2% 15,2% 11,0% 4,9% 25,6% Debt ratio

Rasio pinjaman
Debt-to equity
terhadap 24,5% 25,4% 18,8% 7,0% 9,4%

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KETERANGAN 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 DESCRIPTION

Rasio aktivitas Activity ratio

penagihan 70,2 88,4 73,0 95,9 76,3
ratio (day)

57,8% 55,2% 54,4% 62,8% 56,4% Asset turnover

Rasio modal Equity-to assets

58,2% 59,7% 58,3% 70,1% 74,5%
terhadap aset ratio

Sumber Likuiditas Source Of Liquidity
Kami senantiasa menjaga kecukupan saldo kas dan We continuously maintain sufficiency of cash and cash
setara kas dalam upaya pemenuhan liabilitas keuangan equivalents balance to fulfill financial liabilities through
melalui manajemen risiko likuiditas yang diperoleh dari liquidity risk management acquired from analysis and
analisa dan pengawasan terhadap rasio-rasio likuiditas. monitoring of liquidity ratios. The main source of Telin’s
Sumber utama likuiditas Telin adalah melalui kas yang liquidity is through cash from operating activities and
diperoleh dari kegiatan operasional dan pinjaman long-term debt from shareholder. We classified the
jangka panjang kepada pemegang saham. Kami source of liquidity into internal and external.
membagi sumber likuiditas menjadi likuiditas internal
dan eksternal.

Likuiditas Internal Internal Liquidity

Dalam memenuhi kewajiban yang jatuh tempo, kami In fulfilling its due liabilities, we rely primarily on internal
terutama mengandalkan likuiditas internal. Kas dan liquidity. As of December 31, 2015, the cash and cash
setara kas sebesar Rp1.340,4 miliar pada tanggal 31 equivalents were Rp1,340.4 billion, increased by Rp234.0
Desember 2015, atau meningkat sebesar Rp234,0 miliar billion compare to 2014. During 2015, cash flows main
dari 31 Desember 2014. Selama tahun 2015, arus kas driven by cash from operating activities of cash receipts
terutama berasal dari penerimaan kas yang dihasilkan from customers Rp3,411.6 billion.
dari kegiatan operasi yaitu penerimaan dari pelanggan
sebesar Rp3.403,8 miliar.

Kami mencatatkan pembayaran kembali atas utang We recorded repayment of current maturities of long-
tahun berjalan untuk pinjaman sebesar masing-masing term debts of Rp173.6 billion and Rp102.6 billion in
Rp173,6 miliar dan Rp102,6 miliar pada tahun 2015 2015 and 2014, respectively. Cash outflows in 2015 was
dan 2014. Arus kas keluar pada tahun 2015 terutama mainly used for purchase of property and equipment of
digunakan untuk pembayaran pembelian aset tetap Rp557.5 billion. Internal liquidity power reflected from

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

sebesar Rp557,5 miliar. Kekuatan likuiditas internal current ratio, a ratio between current assets and current
kami tercermin dari rasio lancar, yaitu perbandingan liabilities, of 162.3%.
antara aset lancar dibandingkan liabilitas jangka pendek
sebesar 162,3%.

Likuiditas Eksternal External Liquidity

Sumber likuiditas eksternal kami adalah utang bank Sources of external liquidity were bank loan and
dan utang pemegang saham. Pemanfaatan likuiditas shareholder loans. The use of external liquidity was
eksternal, kami lakukan dengan memperhatikan jangka carried out taking into consideration the period of the
waktu dari pendanaan tersebut. stated financing.

Selama 31 Desember 2015 likuiditas eksternal yang As of December 31, 2015, the utilized external liquidity
kami gunakan adalah utang pemegang saham sebesar from shareholder loans was Rp797.6 billion.
Rp797,6 miliar.

Sumber Likuiditas yang Belum Digunakan Unused Source of Liquidity

Saat ini Telin tidak memiliki fasilitas kredit. Telin currently has no credit facility


Kemampuan Telin menyelesaikan kewajiban pada pihak Telin’s ability to satisfy its liabilities to third party improved
ketiga meningkat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. compared to previous year. It was reflected from its debt-
Hal tersebut tampak pada rasio pinjaman terhadap to-equity ratio. The improvement in debt-to-equity ratio
ekuitas Telin. Hal ini terutama disebabkan karena was mainly driven by the increase in equity balance of
adanya kenaikan saldo ekuitas yang lebih besar yaitu Rp543.7 billion was higher than the increase in liabilities
sebesar Rp543,7 miliar dibandingkan dengan kenaikan of Rp511.6 billion. Debt-to-equity ratio was decreased to
liabilitas sebesar Rp511,6 miliar. Rasio pinjaman terhadap 24.5% in 2015 from 25.4% in 2014. Meanwhile, liabilities-
ekuitas mengalami penurunan menjadi 24,5% pada to-equity ratio was increased to 71.9% in 2015 from 67.5%
tahun 2015 dari 25,4% pada tahun 2014. Sementara in 2014. The increase in liabilities-to-equity ratio reflects
kenaikan pada rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas menjadi the increase of external financing portion relative to
71,9% di tahun 2015 dari tahun 2014 dengan angka the internal financing. Furthermore, EBITDA-to-interest
rasio sebesar 67,5%. Hal ini menunjukkan terjadinya expense in 2015 was increase due to the increase of
kenaikan porsi pendanaan eksternal Telin dibandingkan EBITDA was higher relatives to the increase of interest
dengan porsi pendanaan internal. Terjadi kenaikan expense. EBITDA-to-interest expense reflects the
rasio EBITDA terhadap beban bunga pada tahun 2015 outstanding Telin’s ability to pay its interest expense.
yang dikarenakan kenaikan pada EBITDA lebih tinggi
daripada kenaikan beban bunga. Rasio EBITDA terhadap
beban bunga tetap menunjukkan kemampuan EBITDA
Telin yang sangat baik untuk membayar beban bunga.

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Kemampuan Telin menyelesaikan kewajiban pada pihak

ketiga meningkat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.
Telin’s ability to fulfill liabilities to third party was higher compared with
previous year.

Rasio EBITDA terhadap beban bunga dan pokok EBITDA-to-interest expense and loan principal ratio
pinjaman menunjukkan kemampuan EBITDA Telin untuk indicated the outstanding Telin’s EBITDA ability to pay
melakukan pembayaran beban bunga serta pokok interest expense and loan principal. EBITDA-to-interest
pinjaman yang sangat baik. Terdapat penurunan rasio expense and loan principal ratio in 2015 was 86.3%, lower
EBITDA terhadap beban bunga dan pokok pinjaman 2015 compare to 2014 of 89.0%. The decrease in EBITDA-to-
menjadi 86,3% jika dibandingkan dengan rasio 89,0% interest expense and loan principal ratio was mainly due
pada 2014. Hal ini disebabkan adanya penambahan to additional long-term shareholder loans.
pinjaman jangka panjang baru yang berasal dari
pemegang saham.

Kemampuan Telin membayar utangnya, baik jangka Telin’s ability to pay its liabilities, both current and non-
pendek ataupun jangka panjang sangat dipengaruhi current, was highly affected by its source of liquidity. See
oleh sumber likuiditas Telin. Lihat pembahasan pada discussion in “Liquidity” section.
bagian “Likuiditas”. .

2015 2014*

Kas 1.340.396 1.106.364 Cash

Aset keuangan Other current

874.149 769.435
lancar lainnya financial assets

Aset lancar 2.421.041 1.960.894 Current assets

Liabilitas jangka
1.491.992 1.167.288 Current liabilities

Rasio lancar 162,3% 168,0% Current ratio

Rasio cepat 162,3% 168,0% Quick ratio

Rasio kas 89,8% 94,8% Cash ratio

*Disajikan kembali *Restated

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Kemampuan Telin untuk membayar pinjaman jangka Telin’s ability to pay long-term debts is explained in
panjangnya dapat dilihat melalui rasio-rasio pada tabel following ratios:
di bawah ini:

2015 2014*

Pinjaman 797.594 690.971 Debt

Ekuitas 3.260.100 2.716.417 Equity

Beban bunga 30.250 30.331 Interest expense

EBITDA 714.395 606.518 EBITDA

EBIT 435.067 337.914 EBIT

Rasio pinjaman Debt-to equity

24,5% 25,4%
terhadap ekuitas ratio

Rasio pinjaman Debt-to EBITDA

111,6% 113,9%
terhadap EBITDA ratio

Rasio EBIT
Times interest
terhadap beban 13,2 kali 11,1 kali
earned ratio

*Disajikan kembali *Restated

Pembahasan mengenai pinjaman jangka panjang Telin Discussion on Telin’s long-term debts is presented in
diungkapkan dalam catatan 13 pada Laporan Keuangan Note 13, Long-term Debts, Notes to the Consolidated
Konsolidasian. Financial Statements.


Tingkat kolektibilitas piutang Telin semakin membaik Telin’s receivables collectability in 2015 was improved
di 2015 dibandingkan 2014, yang dapat dilihat melalui compare to 2014, which are reflected from ratios as
rasio-rasio pada tabel di bawah ini: follow:

2015 2014*

Piutang 585.566 659.963 Receivables

Pendapatan 3.236.415 2.510.303 Revenue

Lama penagihan Average collection

70,2 hari 88,4 hari
rata-rata period

Rasio perputaran Receivable turn -

5,5 kali 4,1 kali
piutang over ratio

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Rasio-rasio di atas menunjukkan bahwa dalam menagih The aforementioned ratios indicate Telin required 70
piutangnya, Telin membutuhkan waktu rata-rata 70 hari. days in average to collect its receivables. Furthermore,
Selain itu, dana yang berupa piutang rata-rata dapat the receivable turn-over was 5 times in a year.
berputar lima kali dalam satu tahun.

Telin telah membentuk provisi atas penurunan nilai Telin has prepared provision for impairment of
piutang berdasarkan pada nilai ketertagihan dari tingkat receivables based on historical collectability of
penurunan nilai historis dan nilai individual dari kualitas impairment and individual value of credit quality and
kredit dan historis kredit historis dari para pelanggan. historical credit of its customers.

Pembahasan mengenai piutang usaha Telin diungkapkan Discussion on trade receivables in presented in Note
dalam catatan 5 pada Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian. 5, Trade Receivables, Notes to Consolidated Financial


Modal kerja bersih dihitung dari selisih antara aset lancar Net working capital was the difference between current
dan liabilitas lancar sebesar Rp793,6 miliar pada 2014 assets and current liabilities of Rp793.6 billion in 2014
dan Rp929,0 miliar pada 2015. Peningkatan modal kerja and Rp929.0 billion in 2015. The increase in net working
bersih pada tahun 2015 terutama disebabkan oleh: capital in 2015 was mainly due to:
s 1FOJOHLBUBO LBT EBO TFUBSB LBT TFCFTBS 3Q  - Increase in cash and cash equivalents of Rp234.0
miliar; billion;
s 1FOJOHLBUBOJOWFTUBTJKBOHLBQFOEFLTFCFTBS3Q  - Increase in short-term investment of Rp179.1 billion;
miliar; dan
s 1FOJOHLBUBO BTFU MBODBS MBJOMBJO TFCFTBS 3Q  - Increase in other current assets of Rp68.2 billion.
Hal di atas dikompensasi dengan: The increase was partly compensated by:
s 1FOJOHLBUBOVUBOHMBJOOZBTFCFTBS3Q NJMJBS - Increase in other payables of Rp225.3 billion;
s 1FOJOHLBUBOCFCBOZBOHNBTJIIBSVTEJCBZBSTFCFTBS - Increase in accrued expenses of Rp72.1 billion;
Rp72,1 miliar; - Increase in trade payables of Rp26.0 billion; and
s 1FOJOHLBUBOVUBOHVTBIBTFCFTBS3Q NJMJBSEBO - Decrease in bank loan of Rp40.0 billion.


Struktur modal Telin per 31 Desember 2015 adalah As of December 31, 2015, Telin’s capital structure was as
sebagai berikut: follows:



2015 2014*
% %

Liabilitas jangka
1.491.992 26,6% 1.167.288 25,7% 27,8% Current liabilities

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2015 2014*
% %

Liabilitas jangka Non-current

851.890 15,2% 664.985 14,6% 28,1%
panjang liabilities

Jumlah liabilitas 2.343.882 41,8% 1.832.273 40,3% 27,9% Total liabilities

Ekuitas 3.260.100 58,2% 2.716.417 59,7% 20,0% Equity

Jumlah liabilitas Total liability and

5.603.982 100,0% 4.548.690 100,0% 23,2%
dan Ekuitas equity

Perbandingan Comparisan
42 : 58 40 : 60
liabilitas : ekuitas liability : equity

*Disajikan kembali *Restated

Selama tahun 2015, Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas

mencapai 71,9%, dengan demikian Telin dapat
mempertahankan rasio utang terhadap modalnya
The ratio was calculated by dividing liabilities with equity that achieved
71.9%, therefore, Telin succeeded to maintain debt to equity ratio.

Secara garis besar, struktur modal Telin di tahun 2015 In general, Telin’s capital structure in 2015 was better,
semakin sehat, hal ini terlihat dari kontribusi ekuitas which reflected from equity contribution relatives to
dibanding kontribusi pinjaman. Pada tahun 2015, aset debt contribution. In 2015, assets financed by equity was
yang dibiayai oleh ekuitas mencapai 58,2%, dan aset yang 58.2% and assets financed by debt was 41.8%. Telin has
dibiayai oleh liabilitas sebesar 41,8%. Telin menetapkan apportioned its capital consistent with risks proportion,
sejumlah modal sesuai proporsi terhadap risiko, dan and manage its capital structure and prepare adjustment
mengelola struktur modal serta membuat penyesuaian by taking into consideration the changes in economic
dengan memperhatikan perubahan kondisi ekonomi condition and the risks characteristics of the underlying
dan karakteristik risiko aset yang mendasari. Ekuitas assets. In addition for risks mitigation, equity is fully used
seluruhnya digunakan untuk membiayai modal investasi to finance business investment; whereas, liabilities were
pengembangan usaha selain untuk menutup risiko usaha, mainly used for Telin’s capital expenditure for business
sedangkan liabilitas sebagian besar digunakan untuk expansion. Telin uses liabilities-to-equity ratio to monitor
menambah kekurangan dana Telin dalam membiayai its capital by dividing liabilities with total equity. In 2015,

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kegiatan belanja modal dalam rangka pengembangan liabilities-to-equity ratio was 71.9%, which indicates Telin
usaha. Dasar Telin dalam memonitor modal menggunakan succeed to maintain its debt-to-equity ratio.
rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas. Rasio ini dihitung dengan
cara liabilitas dibagi ekuitas. Selama tahun 2015, Rasio
Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas mencapai 71,9%, dengan
demikian Telin dapat mempertahankan rasio pinjaman
terhadap modalnya.

Kebijakan Struktur Modal Capital Structure Policy

Telin menetapkan kebijakan struktur modal yang mampu Telin implemented capital structure policy that reflected
mencerminkan perimbangan antara penggunaan balance between the utilization of internal funding and
komposisi modal sendiri dengan pinjaman/utang yang loan/debt from external which comprises of short-term
terdiri dari utang jangka pendek dan utang jangka panjang loans and long-term loans to optimize Telin’s value.
agar dapat mengoptimalkan nilai Telin. Seiring dengan Consistent with fund requirement for infrastructure
kebutuhan dana untuk pembangunan infrastruktur, Telin development, Telin continuously maintains its capital
senantiasa menjaga struktur modal agar sesuai atau tidak structure to match or not exceeding financial covenant
melebihi financial covenant yang dipersyaratkan dalam as stipulated in loan agreement with its creditors.
perjanjian pinjaman dengan pihak kreditur.

Kebijakan struktur modal Telin yang dijalankan adalah

mengupayakan optimalisasi dalam pengaturan kombinasi
utang dan modal sendiri
The implemented Telin’s capital structure policy is strive for optimizing
combination of debt and capital

Secara umum, kebijakan struktur modal Telin yang In general, the implemented Telin’s capital structure
dijalankan adalah mengupayakan optimalisasi dalam policy is strive for optimizing combination of debt and
pengaturan kombinasi utang dan modal sendiri, capital; thus, the debt-to-equity ratio was 24.5%. The
maka rasio terhadap ekuitas pinjaman adalah sebesar debt-to-equity ratio reflects Telin’s ability to pay its long-
24,5%. Hal ini menunjukan kemampuan Telin dalam term debts and reflects Telin’s potentials to acquire loan
membayar utang sekaligus besarnya potensi Telin untuk for expansion financing in the future.
mendapatkan dana pinjaman bagi pembiayaan ekspansi
usaha masa depan.

Ikatan yang Material untuk Investasi Barang Material Commitments for Capital Expenditures
Modal pada Tahun Buku Terakhir in the Recent Fiscal Year
Telin memiliki ikatan-ikatan material untuk investasi Telin has material commitments for capital expenditures
barang modal sepanjang tahun 2015 dengan rincian during 2015 as follows:
sebagai berikut:

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

A. Investasi dan tujuan ikatan A. Investment and Purposes

Pada tanggal 29 Mei 2015, Telkom USA dan Pachub On May 29, 2015, Telkom USA and Pachub Acquisition
Acquisition Co mengadakan perjanjian dan rencana Co entered into Agreement and Plan of Merger with
penggabungan usaha dengan AP Teleguam Holding, AP Teleguam Holdings, Inc.

Perusahaan memiliki perjanjian-perjanjian dengan The Company has agreements with several global
beberapa mitra global untuk menyediakan jasa partners to provide international data services. The
internasional. Pendapatan yang diperoleh Perusahaan Company earns revenue based on monthly fixed
berdasarkan nilai tetap setiap bulan sesuai perjanjian chargeable amounts depending on the agreement
dengan mitra luar negeri. Jangka waktu perjanjian with customers. These agreements have initial terms
tersebut adalah antara 1 sampai dengan 3 tahun sejak of between 1 and 3 years from the signing date of
tanggal perjanjian tersebut ditandatangani dan dapat the agreements and may be extended based on the
diperpanjang sesuai kesepakatan kedua belah pihak. mutual agreement of the parties.


Perjanjian Konstruksi Tower Telekomunikasi, Telecommunication Tower, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical

Pekerjaan Sipil, Mekanikal, Elektrikal (SME) dan and IBS Equipment Construction Agreement
Perangkat IBS

Fase II Phase II
Pada 2 Juli 2013, Telin TL memasuki Fase II Perjanjian On July 2, 2013, the Telin TL entered into Phase II of the
dengan Dayamitra. Harga kontrak termasuk: Agreement with Dayamitra. Contract price consists of
- Biaya pembangunan sebesar Rp66.240 untuk 46 the following:
lokasi. - Cost of construction amounting to Rp66,240 for 46
- Biaya pemasangan listrik untuk On Grid Site sites.
mengacu pada biaya sebenarnya yang dibayarkan - Electricity installation fee for On Grid Site according to
Dayamitra actual cost paid by Mitratel
- Biaya manajemen sebesar 10% jumlah biaya - Management fee of 10% of the total cost of
pembangunan dan pemasangan listrik construction and electricity installation fee.

Perjanjian Operational Supporting System (OSS), Operational Supporting System (OSS), Base Sub
Base Sub Station (BSS) & Value Added System (VAS) Station (BSS) & Value Added System (VAS) System
System Rollout dan Radio Access Network (RAN) & Rollout Agreement and Radio Access Network (RAN)
Core System Rollout. & Core System Rollout Agreement.

Pada tanggal 2 November 2012, Telin TL On November 2, 2012, Telin TL entered into OSS, BSS
menandatangani Perjanjian OSS, BSS & VAS System & VAS System Rollout Agreement and RAN & Core
Roll Out dan perjanjian RAN & Core System Rollout System Rollout Agreement with Ericsson AB and PT
dengan Ericsson AB dan PT Ericsson Indonesia. Ericsson Indonesia.

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Perjanjian akan berlanjut sampai periode yang lebih The agreement will continue until the later of:
lama antara:
- Tiga tahun setelah tanggal efektif kontrak; dan s 5ISFFZFBSTBGUFSUIFFŇFDUJWFEBUFBOE
- Tanggal Purchase Order terakhir yang berdasarkan s 5IF EBUF PO XIJDI UIF MBTU 1VSDIBTF 0SEFS VOEFS
dengan perjanjian ini dihentikan atau berakhir this agreement terminates or expires in respect of
terkait dengan yang dikeluarkan: any Purchase Order issued:
i. Sebelum berakhirnya masa tiga tahun; atau i. Prior to expiry of the three-year period; or
ii. Sebelum berakhirnya perpanjangan periode ii. Prior to the expiry of any extension of the
Perjanjian Jasa Pengelolaan untuk End-to-End term.Managed Services Agreement for End-to-
Mobile Network. End Mobile Network.

Pada tanggal 1 Februari 2013, Telin TL On February 1, 2013, Telin TL entered into a
menandatangani Perjanjian Jasa Pengelolaan Managed Service Agreement for End to End
untuk End-to-End Mobile Network. Perjanjian Mobile Network. The agreement is valid for
ini berlaku untuk 5 tahun dengan jumlah 5 years with total payment amounting to
pembayaran US$26.500.000 US$26,500,000.


Perjanjian Instalasi dan Jasa Pengelolaan – Fase I Installation and Managed Services Agreement - Phase 1
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012, Telin TL On December 31, 2012, Telin TL entered into Installation
menandatangani Perjanjian Instalasi dan Jasa and Managed Service Agreement with Cascadiant.
Pengelolaan dengan Cascadiant. Sesuai dengan Under the agreement, the payment of service shall be
perjanjian, pembayaran jasa adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:
i. Biaya bulanan, dibayar mulai 1 Januari 2013 senilai i. Monthly recurring charge, paid starting January
US$200.000 setiap kuartal di muka untuk 8 1, 2013, amounting to US$200,000 every quarter
kuartal dan US$66.667 setiap bulan di akhir untuk in advance for 8 quarters, and US$66,667 every
36 bulan. month in arrears for 36 months.
ii. Biaya yang dapat ditagihkan, terdiri dari bahan ii. Reimbursable cost, consisting of diesel fuel, EDTL
bakar diesel, tagihan bulanan EDTL dan methanol monthly bill and methanol water.

Perjanjian Novasi Novation Agreement

Pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2014, Telin TL mengadakan On October 29, 2014, Telin TL entered into an
perjanjian dengan Cascadiant Indonesia dan agreement with Cascadiant Indonesia and Cascadiant
Cascadiant LDA untuk perjanjian novasi. Perjanjian LDA for a novation agreement. The agreement states
ini menyatakan bahwa Cascadiant Indonesia that Cascadiant Indonesia assigns to Cascadiant LDA
memeberikan Cascadiant LDA semua ijin, hak, all of Cascadiant Indonesia’s rights, title, interest,
kepentingan, manfaat, obligasi, dan kewajiban benefit, obligations and liabilities under an Installation
berdasarkan Perjanjian Instalasi dan Layanan Kelola and Managed Services Agreement - Phase II as if it
Fase II sedemikian rupa seolah-olah pihak yang were the original party to the Installation and Managed
seharusnya dalam Perjanjian Instalasi dan Layanan Services Agreement. This agreement is effective
Kelola. Perjanjian ini berlaku surut sejak 1 Desember retroactively as of December 1, 2013.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

s ;BJO s ;BJO
Perjanjian Lisensi Merk Dagang Trademark License Agreement
Pada tanggal 23 Juni 2014, Perusahaan On June 23, 2014, the Company entered into an
menandatangani perjanjian pemberian hak eksklusif agreement granting exclusive rights to use and apply
untuk menggunakan dan menerapkan merk dagang Trademarks jointly with Zain Trademarks (Co-Branded
bersama dengan merk dagang Zain (Co-Branded Trademarks) on the co-branded products and services in
Trademarks) pada produk dan jasa co-branded di the region of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 5 years. The
wilayah Arab Saudi selama 5 tahun. Perusahaan Company paid the start-up cost of SAR950,000 to Zain.
membayar biaya awal sebesar SAR950.000 pada Zain. Zain agreed to pay to the Company a royalty of 35% of
Zain akan memberikan royalti sebesar 35% dari Laba Average Net Income Per User (ANPU) on the co-branded
Bersih Rata-rata Pengguna (ANPU) pada Perusahaan products and services sold and activated.
atas produk dan jasa co-branded yang terjual dan

Pada tanggal 19 Desember 2012, perusahaan On December 19, 2012, the Company obtained bank
memperoleh fasilitas bank garansi dari Bank guarantee facilities from Bank Mandiri with total
Mandiri dengan batas kredit maksimum sebesar maximum credit limit of US$15,000,000.

Fasilitas tersebut awalnya tersedia sampai dengan The facilities are initially available up to December 18,
tanggal 18 Desember 2013, dan telah diperpanjang 2013, but they have been extended up to December 18,
sampai dengan tanggal 18 Desember 2016. Saldo 2016. The outstanding bank guarantee facilities as of
pinjaman dari fasilitas bank garansi pada tanggal December 31, 2015 is amounting to US$10,977,000 and
31 Desember 2015 adalah sebesar US$10.977.000 as of December 31, 2014 is amounting to US$10,000,000.
dan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014 sebesar

Tidak ada aset yang digunakan sebagai jaminan atas No assets are pledged as collateral for the loan obtained
pinjaman dari fasilitas ini. from the facilities.

Berdasarkan perjanjian-perjanjian, Perusahaan The loan agreement requires the Company to maintain
diharuskan untuk menjaga rasio keuangan seperti the same financial ratios as required under the loan
yang dibutuhkan pada perjanjian pinjaman dari PT agreement with PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk.
Bank Central Indonesia, Tbk.

B. Sumber dana B. Source of Fund

Sumber dana yang digunakan untuk memenuhi investasi Source of fund used to flfil the above investments was
tersebut di atas berasal dari sumber dana internal from internal and external cousrce through cash or loans.
maupun eksternal Telin melalui kas maupun pinjaman.

222 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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C. Mata uang C. Currency

Jumlah sumber dana yang digunakan untuk memenuhi The amount of source fund used for investment in 2015
investasi tahun 2015 berdasarkan mata uang dirinci based on its original currency are as follows
sebagai berikut:



IDR - 80.144

USD 33.668.548,03 464.252

SGD 77.350 755

AUD 236.966,59 2.285

D. Risiko D. Risks
Untuk melindungi risiko dari posisi mata uang asing To protect from foreign currency risk related to its
yang terkait dengan investasi yang dilakukan Telin, investment, the management has policy to withdraw
manajemen mengambil kebijakan pinjaman dana loan in Rupiah currency which then converted into
investasi dalam mata uang rupiah yang kemudian foreign currency for investment purposes. Therefore,
dikonversikan dalam mata uang asing untuk kepentingan risks associated with the fluctuation of foreign currency
pembiayaan investasi. Sehingga dengan demikian, risiko for loan repayment can be avoided.
terhadap fluktuasi mata uang asing dalam pengembalian
pinjaman dapat dihindari.


Belanja modal Telin sepanjang tahun 2015 terealisasi Telin’s capital expenditures in 2015 was Rp3,6 trillion
sebesar Rp3,6 triliun yang terdiri dari bangunan dan consisted of building and telecommunication network
jaringan komunikasi sebesar Rp1,3 triliun, pembangkit Rp1.3 trillion, power supply and supporting equipment
tenaga dan peralatan penunjang sebesar Rp1,4 triliun, Rp1,4 trillion, office equipment, furniture and fixtures
peralatan dan perabot kantor sebesar Rp51,2 miliar, Rp51,2 billion and construction in progress Rp786,6
dan aset dalam penyelesaian sebesar Rp786,6 miliar billion intended to support operational activities of the
dengan tujuan untuk menunjang kegiatan operasional Company.

Peningkatan Usaha yang Material Significant Business Expansion

Pendapatan usaha selama tahun 2015 mengalami For the year ended December 31, 2015, operating
peningkatan yaitu dari Rp2.510,3 miliar pada tahun 2014 revenue was Rp3,236.4 billion, increased from Rp2,510.3
menjadi Rp3.236,4 miliar pada tahun 2015 atau meningkat billion, or grew by 28.9% for the year ended December
sebesar 28,9%. Peningkatan terbesar secara nominal 31, 2014. The highest increase in absolute was acquired
diperoleh dari data dan voice services sebesar Rp471,6 from Data and voice network services of Rp471.6 billion.
miliar. Selain itu terdapat peningkatan pendapatan BPO Furthermore, there was increase from BPO revenue by
sebesar Rp186,3 miliar pada tahun 2015. Rp186.3 billion in 2015.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 223

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Dampak Perubahan Harga terhadap Kinerja Telin Impact of Price Change to Telin’s Performance
Pada tahun 2015 pendapatan Telin meningkat sebesar In 2015, Telins revenue increased by 28.9% that was
28,9% yang terutama didorong oleh melemahnya nilai mainly driven by Rupiah exchange rate against U.S.
tukar Rupiah terhadap Dolar Amerika. Selain itu, Telin Dollar. Furthermore, there was repricing for voice and
juga melakukan penyesuaian harga untuk produk voice data services as anticipation for price treatment from
dan layanan data sebagai antisipasi price treatment dari competitors. The repricing has increased the traffic
kompetitor. Penyesuaian harga ini telah meningkatkan volume and bandwidht which in general increase Telin’s
volume trafik dan bandwidth yang secara total performance in 2015. Overall, Telin’s profit for the year
meningkatkan kinerja Telin selama tahun 2015. Secara increased by 29.6%. thus, profit for the year margin aslo
keseluruhan, Telin mengalami kenaikan laba bersih increased from 4.1% in 2014 to 5.6% in 2015.
sebesar 29,6%. Dengan demikian, margin laba bersih
Telin juga meningkat dari 4,1% di tahun 2014 menjadi
5,6% pada tahun 2015.

Secara keseluruhan, Telin mengalami kenaikan laba bersih

sebesar 29,6%. Margin laba bersih Telin juga meningkat dari
4,1% di tahun 2014 menjadi 5,6% pada tahun 2015.
Overall, Telin’s profit for the year increased by 29.6%. thus, profit for the year
margin aslo increased from 4.1% in 2014 to 5.6% in 2015.

Pengungkapan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif atas Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure on

Risiko Pasar Market Risks
Kami menghadapi risiko pasar yang muncul akibat We are exposed to market risk which due to changes in
perubahan suku bunga, mata uang dan harga. Kami tidak interest rate, currency and price. We are not specifically
secara khusus melakukan lindung nilai atas liabilitas prepare hedging arrangement for liabilities denominated
dalam mata uang asing. Sejak tanggal 31 Desember in foreign currency. Since December 31, 2014, our assets
2014, aset kami dalam mata uang asing mencapai 95,9% denominated in foreign currency were 95.9% of liabilities
terhadap kewajiban dalam mata uang asing. Potensi denominated in foreign currency. Interest rate risk
terhadap risiko suku bunga dikelola melalui kombinasi potentials mitigated through combination of fixed and
kewajiban dan aset tetap dan tidak tetap, termasuk aset non-fixed liabilities and assets, including assets with
dengan suku bunga tetap jangka pendek. Potensi risiko fixed short-term interest rate. Market risk potentials are
pasar tersebut berfluktuasi selama tahun 2014 dan 2015 fluctuated during 2014 and 2015 in line with Indonesia’s
seiring dengan ekonomi Indonesia yang terpengaruh economy that was hampered by Rupiah exchange rate
oleh perubahan pada nilai tukar Dolar Amerika terhadap against U.S. Dollar and the interest rate itself.
Rupiah dan suku bunga itu sendiri. .

224 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Risiko Nilai Tukar Exchange Rate Risk

Telin terpapar risiko nilai tukar pada penjualan, Telin encountered exchange rate risk from sales,
pembelian dan pinjaman dalam mata uang asing. Mata purchase and loan in foreign currency. Foreign currncey
uang asing transaksi terutama dalam dolar Amerika used in the transaction was mainly in United States Dollar
Serikat. Eksposur Telin akan mata uang asing lainnya denomination. Telin’s exposure against other foreign
tidak material. currency was immaterial.

Tabel di bawah ini menggambarkan eksposur aset dan Below table illustrated financial assets and liabilities
liabilitas keuangan Telin dan entitas anak terhadap risiko exposure of Telin and subsidiaries against currency
nilai tukar mata uang: exchange rate risk:

Jumlah dalam Mata uang asli/ Jumlah dalam rupiah/

Amount in Original Currency Amount in rupiah

Aset Financial
keuangan assets

US$ 128.904.144 1.777.551 US$

MOP 33.197.348 265 MOP

TW$ 19.423.575 8.145 TW$

HK$ 10.841.388 19.296 HK$

AU$ 2.620.645 26.375 AU$

SG$ 1.968.472 19.195 SG$

Jumlah 1.850.836 Total

Liabilitas Financial
Keuangan liabilities

US$ 116.995.981 1.613.564 US$

HK$ 6.239.150 111.05 HK$

TW$ 3.123.222 1.311 TW$

AU$ 2.966.931 29.860 AU$

EUR 50.298 758 EUR

SG$ 25.556 250 SG$

Jumlah 128.401.138 1.656.848 Total

Aset bersih 193.988 Net Assets

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 225

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Pergerakan tingkat suku bunga diawasi untuk Interest rate shifting was monitored to minimize negative
meminimalisasi dampak negatif terhadap posisi impact upon financial position. Liabilities with varied
keuangan. Pinjaman dalam berbagai tingkat suku bunga interest rate brough Telin to be exposed by interest rate
menyebabkan Telin terpapar risiko tingkat suku bunga risk (Telin non-current liabilities was presented in Notes
(pinjaman jangka panjang Telin diungkapkan dalam 21, Consolidated Financial Statements). To measure
catatan 21 pada Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian). market risk from interest rate shifting, Telin conducted
Untuk mengukur risiko pasar atas pergerakan suku analysis on interest rate margin shifting as well as
bunga, Telin melakukan analisa pada pergerakan marjin financial assets and liabilities maturity profile based on
suku bunga dan pada profil jatuh tempo aset dan liabilitas interest rate shifting schedule.
keuangan berdasarkan jadwal perubahan suku bunga.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015, perubahan 25 poin dasar On December 31, 2015, 25 basic point movement in
pada tingkat bunga pinjaman mengambang pinjaman floating interest rate would increase or decrease equity
akan meningkatkan atau menurunkan ekuitas dan and profit or loss amounted Rp5,651, respectively. The
laba atau rugi masing-masing sebesar Rp5.651. Analisa analysis assumed that entire other variables, especially
ini mengasumsikan bahwa seluruh variabel lainnya, foreign currency exchange rate are fixed.
khususnya nilai tukar mata uang asing adalah tetap.


As of December 31, 2015, Telin has not off-balance
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 Telin tidak
sheet arrangements which have material impact to
mempunyai pengaturan transaksi di luar neraca yang
Consolidated Financial Statements, both current and
kemungkinan mempunyai dampak material pada
future, for financial position, revenue or expense,
Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian baik di masa kini
operating income, liquidity, capital expenditure and
maupun yang akan datang terhadap posisi keuangan,
financing sources.
pendapatan atau beban, hasil usaha, likuiditas, belanja
modal dan sumber-sumber pendanaan.


reporting date
Tidak ada kejadian signifikan yang terjadi setelah There was no significant event occurred after audited
tanggal laporan akuntan sampai dengan tanggal reporting date and the issuance of this Annual Report.
penerbitan Laporan Tahunan ini.

226 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Sebagai perpanjangan tangan PT Telkom dikancah As extension of PT Telkom at international market, Telin
internasional, Telin bersaing dengan berbagai competes with various foreign telecommunication
perusahaan telekomunikasi asing, seperti Singtel. Untuk companies, such as Singtel. Therefore, corporate strategy
itu, dalam penyusunan strategi perusahaan terdapat formulation in several issues is highly considered for
beberapa hal yang patut dipertimbangkan dalam Telin future business development and management.
mengembangkan dan mengelola bisnis Telin ke depan.

Berdasarkan data AT Kearney dan Ovum, pertumbuhan Based on data published by AT Kearney and OVUM,
industry International Voice baik di Indonesia maupun International Voice industry growth, both in Indonesia
Asia Pasifik secara umum mulai melambat. Di Indonesia and Asia Pacific was generally slowing down. In
sendiri, pertumbuhan traffic International Voice pada Indonesia, International Voice traffic growth achieved
tahun 2014 sebesar 9% dengan pertumbuhan revenue 9% in 2014 with approximately 5% revenue growth.
sekitar 5%. Sementara di Asia Pasifik, pertumbuhan However, in Asia Pacific, wholesale voice revenue growth
revenue wholesale voice berkisar di 4,1% dengan was approximately 4.1% with 12.6% traffic growth. On
pertumbuhan trafik sebesar 12,6%. Di samping itu, the other hand, data and internet market size growth
pertumbuhan market size data dan internet ke to international in Indonesia was approximately 14% in
Internasional di Indonesia untuk tahun 2014 sebesar 14% 2014 with 44% data traffic growth.
dengan pertumbuhan trafik data sebesar 44%.

Dari segi revenue MVNO, pasar Asia Pasifik diestimasikan From MVnO revenue aspect, Asia Pacific market was
tumbuh sebesar 10% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth estimated to grow 10% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth
Rate) selama periode 2010-2015, dengan pertumbuhan Rate) during 2010 – 2015 perio, with 13% customer
pelanggan sebesar 13%. Ke depan, pertumbuhan ini growth. Going forwards, the growth is forecasted to be
diprediksi akan terus meningkat. higher.

Khusus untuk Timor Leste, pertumbuhan pendapatan Especially for Timor Leste, Mobile service revenue
layanan Mobile diprediksi pada CAGR 10% (2012-2018), growth was projected at 10% CAGR (2012 – 2018) with
dengan pertumbuhan pelanggan voice sebesar 7% dan 7% voice subscribers growth and 37% data subscribers
data sebesar 37%. Sedangkan di Australia, pertumbuhan growth. In addition, 12% BPO market growth and 10% ITO
market BPO sebesar 12% dan ITO sebesar 10%. growth will be achieved in Australia.

Frost & Sullivan mencatat bahwa pendapatan dari pasar Frost & Sullivan recorded that revenue from Data Center
Data Center secara global tumbuh dengan CAGR 20% market grew with 20% CAGR globally (2013 – 2018) and
(2013-2018) sedangkan IDC memprediksi pertumbuhan IDC predicted dat center market growth with 4.2% CAGR
market data center dengan CAGR 4.2% (2013-2018). (2013 – 2018). From this research, Telin is confident that
Berbekal kumpulan riset tersebut, Telin yakin pada the Cmpany will continue recording proud achievement
tahun 2016 mendatang Perusahaan akan terus menorah on international communication service in 2016.
prestasi-prestasi membanggakan dalam layanan
komunikasi internasional.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 227

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Beberapa inisiasi bisnis baru yang diusung Telin seperti

Content Delivery Network (CDN), Go Presence, International
Data Roaming Services (IPX Platform) dan MaCHs
Several new business initiations carried out by Telin are Content Delivery
Network (CDN), Teleprescence, International Data Roaming Serivces (IPX
Platform) and MaCHs.

Di samping itu, Telin juga terus berupaya In addition, Telin also seek to expand to boost the
mengembangkan sayapnya guna meningkatkan Company’s performance. Several new business initiations
kinerja Perusahaan. Beberapa inisiasi bisnis baru yang carried out by Telin are Content Delivery Network (CDN),
diusung Telin seperti Content Delivery Network (CDN), Teleprescence, International Data Roaming Serivces
Telepresence, International Data Roaming Services (IPX (IPX Platform) and MaCHs. Based on analysis result,
Platform) dan MaCHs. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, inisiasi new business initiation explained above are promising
bisnis baru diatas menjanjikan potensi yang signifikan significant potential at domestic and regional markets,
dipasar domestic maupun regional, sesuai data sebagai according to following data:

Estimasi Pertumbuhan
New Business Initiative
Estimated Growth

CAGR 2013-2017 : 24%

Content Delivery Network
(Cisco, Credit Suisse, Frost & Sullivan, A.T. Kearney Analysis)


Global IPX services



MaCH (Global Video Platform)
2018) (Cisco)

Prospek bisnis Telin ke depan juga turut didukung Telin future business prospect is also supported with
pertumbuhan ekonomi dan GDP Indonesia yang berada Indonesian economic growth and GDP approximately
dikisaran 5,5% - 6,0%. Beberapa asumsi indicator makro 5.5% - 6.0% leve. Several macro economic indicators
untuk tahun 2015 sebagai berikut: assumption for 2016 are as follows:

Macro Indicator

Economic Growth : 5,5% – 6,0%

Inflation Rate : 3,5% - 5,0%
BI Rate : 6,2% - 6,5%

228 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Macro Indicator

Loan Rate :
s JIBOR 3 Months +(2,50%)
s LIBOR 3 Months + (2,25%)
Exchange Rate USD :Rp. 11.900,-

Catatan: Notes:
Sumber data pendukung diperoleh dari berbagai Source of supporting data was acquired from various
sumber organisasi atau perusahaan penyedia data pasar, organization or data provider companies, market,
lembaga konsultan, market analis seperti; AT Kearney, consulting agency, market analysis, including AT
Ovum, Frost & Sulivan, IDC, Gartner,Cisco, Credit Suisse, Kearney, Ovum, Frost & Sulivan, IDC, Gartner,Cisco,
dan Informakhususnya yang terlibat dan/atau bergerak Credit Suisse, especially they who are involved and/or
di bidang industri telekomunikasi dan ICT yang diakui operated in telecommunication and ICT industry with
secara global global reputation.


Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan Based on the minutes of the Shareholders’ Annual
yang dinyatakan dalam Akta Notaris No. 24 tanggal 13 General Meeting as notarized under Deed No. 24 dated
Maret 2015 dari Siti Safarijah, S.H., pemegang saham March 13, 2015 of Siti Safarijah, S.H., the Company’s
perusahaan menyetujui pembagian dividen kas shareholders agreed on the distribution of cash
dengan nilai total sebesar Rp42,1 miliar. Pada tanggal dividends amounting to Rp42,1 billion. As of December
31 Desember 2016, Perusahaan belum membayarkan 31, 2015, none has been paid by the Company. The
dividen tersebut. Utang dividen sebesar Rp158,5 miliar dividends payable amounting to Rp158,527 is recorded
dicatat dalam Utang Lainnya. as part of Other Payables account.

Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan, Based on the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting, the
pemegang saham menyetujui penggunaan laba bersih shareholders approved Net Income realization for cash
tahun 2014 untuk dividen tunai sebesar Rp42,2 miliar. dividend amounted Rp42.2 billion in 2014.

Dividen Untuk Tahun Buku

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Dividend For Fiscal Year

Kebijakan Pembagian Dividen

Dividend payout policy

Laba bersih
181.957 140.370 388.054 192.998 343,565
Net income

Dividen Kas yang Dibagikan

54.587 42,111 116,416 - 206,139
Cash dividend distributed

Dividen per Lembar Saham

319 285 12.447 - 22.040
Dividend per share

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 229

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Dividen Untuk Tahun Buku

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Dividend For Fiscal Year

Payout Ratio
30% 30% 30% 0% 60%
Payout Ratio

Tanggal Pengumuman 16 Maret 2016 13 Maret 2015 28 Feb 2014 16 Maret 2016 23 April 2012
Announcement date March 16, 2016 March 13, 2015 Feb 28, 2014 March 16, 2016 April 23, 2012

Tanggal Pembayaran 22 Nov 2012

- - - -
Payment date Nov 22, 2012


Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, Telin bukan As of December 31, 2015, Telin is not a public company
merupakan perusahaan publik dan belum melakukan and not yet conducted public listing that there is no
penawaran umum, sehingga tidak ada informasi information about total shares owned by employees and
mengenai jumlah saham yang dimiliki oleh karyawan management.
dan manajemen.


Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, Telin bukan As of December 31, 2015, Telin is not a public company
merupakan perusahaan publik dan belum melakukan and not cet conducted public offering that information
penawaran umum, sehingga tidak ada informasi about total IPO proceeds, fund realization plan, fund
mengenai total perolehan dana, rencana penggunaan realization description, fund outstanding and date of
dana, rincian penggunaan dana, saldo dana, dan tanggal GMS approval for IPO Proceeds realization are irrelevant.
persetujuan RUPS atas realisasi penggunaan dana hasil
penawaran umum.


Telin memiliki saham entitas anak baik langsung maupun Telin has shares with subsidiaries both directly and non-
tidak langsung sebagai berikut: directly, as follows:

230 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility




Bisnis telekomunikasi
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte.
1. Telecommuncation 2008 100% 100%
Ltd, Singapura

Bisnis telekomunikasi
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Ltd,
2. Telecommuncation 2010 100% 100%

Bisnis telekomunikasi
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (TL)
3. Telecommuncation 2012 99,99% 99,99%
S.A, Timor Leste

Bisnis telekomunikasi
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International
4. Telecommuncation 2013 100% 100%
(Australia) Pty. Ltd.

Bisnis telekomunikasi
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International USA,
5. Telecommuncation 2014 100% 100%

Bisnis telekomunikasi
6. Telkom Macau Limited Telecommuncation 2014 100% 100%

Bisnis telekomunikasi
7. Telkom Taiwan Limited Telecommuncation 2015 100% 100%

Bisnis telekomunikasi
8. Pachub Acquisition Co Telecommuncation 2015 100%

Bisnis alihdaya
9. Contact Centres Australia Pty. Ltd. 2002 75% 75%

Bisnis alihdaya
10 Contact Centres New Zealand Limited 2012 100% 100%

Bisnis alihdaya
11. Financial Information Service Pty. Ltd. 2010 100% 100%

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 231

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Telin memiliki investasi pada entitas asosiasi dan ventura Telin has investment in association and joint ventures
bersama sebagaimana tabel berikut: entity as explained in table below:



Operation Date 2015 2014

Bisnis telekomunikasi
Telekomunikasi Indonesia
1. Telecommuncation 2013 49% 49%
International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Informasi Material Mengenai Ekspansi

Material Information About Expansion
Ekspansi adalah proses pengembangan usaha yang
Expansion is business development process conducted
dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah pembiayaan.
with several financing scheme. In 2015, Telin was in
Pada tahun 2015, Telin dalam keadaan baik dan tidak
sound condition and not conducting expansion activity.
melakukan aktivitas terkait ekspansi.

Informasi Material Mengenai Divestasi Material Information About Divestment

Divestasi merupakan langkah pengurangan beberapa
Divestment is initiative to write-off several assets type
jenis aset baik dalam bentuk finansial atau barang.
either financial or goods. In 2015, Telin did not conduct
Pada tahun 2015, Telin tidak melakukan aktivitas terkait
activity related with divestment.

Informasi Material Mengenai Penggabungan/ Material Information About Business Merger

Peleburan Usaha
Pada tahun 2015, Telin dalam keadaan baik dan tidak
In 2015, Telin was in sound condition and not conducting
melakukan aktivitas penggabungan/peleburan usaha.
business merger activity.

Informasi Material Mengenai Akuisisi Material Information About Acquisition

Akuisisi adalah pengambilalihan kepemilikan Acquisition is taking over company or assets ownership.
perusahaan atau aset. Pada tahun 2015, Telin tidak In 2015, Telin did not conduct activity related with
melakukan aktivitas terkait akuisisi. acquisition.

Informasi Material Mengenai Restrukturisasi Material Inforamtion About Debt/Capital

Utang/Modal Restructuring
Restrukturisasi utang adalah upaya perbaikan yang Debt restructuring is improvement action taken by the
dilakukan Bank dalam kegiatan perkreditan terhadap Bank related with credit activity against debtors with
debitur yang mengalami kesulitan untuk memenuhi constraint to fulfill liabilities with Bank. Debt restructuring
kewajibannya pada Bank. Restrukturisasi utang aimed to restructure liability as well as securing debtor’s
bertujuan untuk penyelamatan utang sekaligus business to recover Company’s soundness.
menyelamatkan usaha debitur untuk memulihkan
kesehatan perusahaan.
Pada tahun 2015, posisi kewajiban Telin dalam keadaan

232 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

normal, sehingga tidak melakukan aktivitas terkait in 2015, Telin’s liabilities position was in normal condition,
restrukturisasi utang dan modal. that did not conduct activity related with debt and capital
Informasi Material Mengenai Transaksi dengan
Pihak Berafiliasi Information About Transaction with Affiliated
Dalam menjalankan usahanya, Telin mempunyai Party
transaksi dengan pihak-pihak, sebagaimana yang In carrying out its business, Telin has transaction with
dinyatakan dalam PSAK 7 (revisi 2010) tentang several parties as presented in PSAK 7 (revised 2010)
“Pengungkapan Pihak-pihak Berelasi”. regarding “Related Party Transaction.”



2015 2014 2015 2014


Aset Assets

Cash and cash

Kas dan setara kas

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 674.229 506.518 50,30% 45,78% under common
lainnya control

Investasi jangka Short term

pendek investments

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 277.547 - 96,18% - under common
lainnya control

Piutang usaha Trade receivables

Telkom 257.176 410.431 43,92% 62,20% Telkom

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 18.010 3.707 3,08% 0,56% under common
lainnya control

Beban dibayar di
Prepaid expenses

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 683 43 1,25% 0,11% under common
lainnya control

Aset lancar lain-lain Other current assets

Telkom 5.645 - 6,89% - Telkom

Entitas sepengendali Other entities under

537 - 0,61% -
lainnya common control

Liabilitas Liabilities

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources



2015 2014 2015 2014

Utang usaha Trade payables

Telkom 175.311 227.135 32,59% 50,12% Telkom

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 53.051 35.682 9,87% 4,98% under common
lainnya control

Utang lainnya Other payables

Telkom 158.527 116.416 32,43% 38,68% Telkom

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 27.535 82.463 5,63% 27,40% under common
lainnya control

Beban yang masih

Accrued expenses
harus dibayar

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 784 608 0,32% 0,35% under common
lainnya control

Liabilitas jangka Other current

pendek lainnya liabilities

Telkom 688 - 2,93% - Telkom

Utang pemegang
Shareholder loans

Telkom 797.594 651.005 100% 100% Telkom


Pendapatan Revenues

Telkom 1.496.182 1.366.793 46,35% 54,45% Telkom

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 5.328 6.386 0,16% 0,25% under common
lainnya control

Pendapatan non- Other non-operating

usaha lain-lain income

Entitas Other entities

sepengendali 1.235 - 0,04% - under common
lainnya control

Beban Expenses

Telkom 877.899 641.495 33,11% 32,67% Telkom

234 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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2015 2014 2015 2014

Other entities under
sepengendali 27.856 23.674 1,05% 1,20%
common control

Finance income

Other entities under
sepengendali 22.173 8.872 67,58% 41,87%
common control

Biaya pendanaan Finance cost

Telkom 23.616 21.596 76,95% 71,20% Telkom

Purchase of property
Pembelian aset tetap
and equipment

Entitas sepengendali Other entities under

lain: common control:

PT Telkom Akses 1.573 7.020 0,06% 1,40% PT Telkom Akses

PT Pramindo Ikat PT Pramindo Ikat

- 1.277 - 0,25%
Nusantara Nusantara

PT Sigma Cipta PT Sigma Cipta

- 843 - 0,17%
Caraka Caraka

Kompensasi manajemen kunci Key Management Composition

Personil manajemen kunci Perusahaan terdiri dari The Company’s key management personnel consists of
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang dirinci pada Catatan the Boards of Commissioners and Directors as disclosed
1c. Kompensasi, yang terdiri dari imbalan kerja jangka in Note 1c. Compensation, which consists of short-
pendek, gaji, dan imbalan kerja lainnya, yang dibayar term employee benefits, includes salaries and other
atau terutang pada manajemen kunci atas jasa pekerja employee benefits paid or payable to key management
adalah Rp45.672 pada tahun 2015 dan Rp32.969 pada for employee services amounting to Rp45,672 in 2015
tahun 2014. and Rp32,969 in 2014.

Kebijakan Perusahaan terkait Mekanisme Review Corporate Policy Regarding Review Mechanism
atas Transaksi dan Pemenuhan PeraturanTerkait on Transaction and Compliance with Regulation
Dari semua transaksi yang terkait dengan pihak berelasi, Above all related party transaction, the management
manajemen menganggap bahwa semua transaksi masih considered that all transactions are under normal
dalam batas wajar sesuai dengan PSAK No.7 tentang limit according to PSAK No. 7 regarding Disclosure of
Pengungkapan Pihak-Pihak Berelasi. Manajemen telah Related Party. The Management has conducted review

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 235

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

melakukan mekanisme review atas transaksi dengan mechanism on related party transaction through audit
pihak berelasi melalui proses audit baik yang dilakukan process both carried out by internal and external uditors.
oleh auditor internal maupun auditor eksternal.


Selama tahun 2015, tidak terdapat perubahan peraturan Throughout 2015, there was no change in legislation with
perundang-undangan yang berpengaruh signifikan material impact against Telin.
terhadap Telin.


Perubahan kebijakan akuntansi yang diterapkan dalam Changes in accounting policy implemented in
penyusunan laporan keuangan konsolidasian tahun consolidated financial statements preparation for 2015
2015 adalah sebagai berikut: are as follows:

Penerapan PSAK 1 (revisi 2013). Penyajian Laporan Application of PSAK 1 (revised 2013), “Presentation of
keuangan Financial Statements”
Efektif 1 Januari 2015, Grup menerapkan Penerapan Effective January 1, 2015, the Group implemented PSAK
PSAK 1 (Revisi 2013), “Penyajian Laporan keuangan’ yang 1 (Revised 2013), “Presentation of Financial Statements”,
mengubah penyajian hal-hal yang dikelompokan dalam which changes the grouping of items presented in other
penghasilan komprehensif lain. Perubahanyang utama comprehensive income. The main changes resulting from
adalah persyaratan Grup untuk mengelompokan hal-hal these amendment is a requirement for entities to Group
yang disajikan sebagai penghasilan untuk direklasifikasi items presented in other comprehensive income on the
kelaporan laba rugi pada periode berikutnya basis of wheter they are potentially reclassifable to profit
(Penyesuaian reklasifikasi). or loss subsequently (reclassification adjustments).

Lapran keuangan konsolidasian telah disusun sesuai The consolidated financial statements are prepared in
dengan PSAK 1 (Revisi 2013) “Penyajian Laporan accordance with PSAK 1 (Revised 2013), “Presentation of
Keuangan” Financial Statements’.

Penerapan PSAK 24 (Revisi 2013). “Imbalan Kerja” Application of PSAK 24 (revised 2013), “Employee
Efektif 1 Januari 2015, Grup telah menerapkan secara Effective January 1, 2015, the Group has retrospectively
retrospektif PSAK 24 (Revisi 2013), “Imbalan Kerja”. adopted PSAK 24 (Revised 2013), “Employee Benefit”.

236 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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PSAK ini menetapkan antara lain, (i) menghapuskan This PSAK provides, among other, (i) the elimination of
“corridor approach’ yang digunakan dalam PSAK the “corridor approach” permitted under the previous
sebelumnya dan (ii) perubahan signifikan dalam version and (iii) significant changes in the recognition,
pengakuan, penyajian, dan pengungkapan imbalan presentation and disclosure of post employment
pasca-kerja. benefits.



Standar akuntansi dan interpretasi yang telah disahkan The standards and interpretations that are issued by
oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DSAK), the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards Board
tetapi belum berlaku efektif untuk laporan keuangan (DSAK), but not yet effective for current financial
tahun berjalan diungkapkan di bawah ini. Perusahaan statements are disclosed below. The Company intends to
bermaksud untuk menerapkan standar tersebut, jika adopt these standards, if applicable, when they become
dipandang relevan, saat telah menjadi efektif. effective.

tentang Prakarsa Pengungkapan, berlaku efektif 1 Statements on Disclosures Initiative, effective January
Januari 2017. 1, 2017.
Amandemen ini mengklarifikasi, bukan mengubah This amendments clarify, rather than significantly
secara signifikan, persyaratan PSAK 1, antara lain, change, existing PSAK 1 requirements, among others,
mengklarifikasi mengenai materialitas, fleksibilitas to clarify the materiality, flexibility as to the order in
urutan sistematis penyajian catatan atas laporan which they present the notes to financial statements
keuangan dan pengidentifikasian kebijakan akuntansi and identification of significant accounting policies.

tentang Metode Ekuitas dalam Laporan keuangan Statements on Equity Method in Separate Financial
Tersendiri, berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2016. Statements, effective January 1, 2016.

Amandemen ini memperkenankan penggunaan The amendments will allow entities to use the equity
metode ekuitas untuk mencatat investasi pada entitas method to account for investments in subsidiaries,
anak, ventura bersama dan entitas asosiasi dalam joint ventures and associates in their separate financial
laporan keuangan tersendiri. statements.


dan Ventura Bersama tentang Entitas Investasi: and Joint Ventures on Investment Entities: Applying
Penerapan Pengecualian Konsolidasi, berlaku efektif 1 the Consolidation Exception, effective January 1, 2016.
Januari 2016.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Amandemen ini membahas isu yang telah timbul dari The amendments address issues that have arisen in
penerapan pengecualian entitas investasi dalam PSAK applying the investment entities exception under
65 Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian, memberikan PSAK 65 Consolidated Financial Statements, provide
klarifikasi atas pengecualian dari penyajian laporan clarification on the exemption from presenting
keuangan konsolidasian yang diterapkan pada entitas consolidated financial statements applies to a parent
induk yang merupakan entitas anak dari entitas entity that is a subsidiary of an investment entity, when
investasi, ketika entitas investasi tersebut mengukur the investment entity measures all of its subsidiaries
semua entitas anaknya dengan nilai wajar. at fair value.

Metode yang Diterima untuk Penyusutan dan Equipment on Clarification of the Accepted Method
Amortisasi, berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2016. for Depreciation and Amortization, effective January
1, 2016.

Amandemen ini mengklarifikasi prinsip yang terdapat The amendments clarify the principle in PSAK 16
dalam PSAK 16 dan PSAK 19 Aset Takberwujud bahwa and PSAK 19 Intangible Asset that revenue reflects
pendapatan mencerminkan suatu pola manfaat a pattern of economic benefits that are generated
ekonomik yang dihasilkan dari pengoperasian from operating a business (of which the asset is part)
usaha (yang mana aset tersebut adalah bagiannya) rather than the economic benefits that are consumed
daripada manfaat ekonomik dari pemakaian melalui through use of the asset. As a result, a revenue-based
penggunaan aset. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa method connot be used to depreciate the property,
penggunaan metode penyusutan aset tetap yang plant and equipment.
berdasarkan pada pendapatan adalah tidak tepat.

Klarifikasi Metode yang Diterima untuk Penyusutan Clarification of the Accepted Method for Depreciation
dan Amortisasi, berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2016. and Amortization, effective January 1, 2016.

Amandemen ini mengklarifikasi prinsip yang terdapat The amendments clarify the principle in PSAK 16
dalam PSAK 16 Aset Tetap dan PSAK 19 bahwa Property, Plant and Equipment and PSAK 19 that
pendapatan mencerminkan suatu pola manfaat revenue reflects a pattern of economic benefits that
ekonomik yang dihasilkan dari pengoperasian are generated from operating a business (of which the
usaha (yang mana aset tersebut adalah bagiannya) asset is part) rather than the economic benefits that
daripada manfaat ekonomik dari pemakaian melalui are consumed through use of the asset. As a result, a
penggunaan aset. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa revenue-based method connot be used to depreciate
penggunaan metode penyusutan aset tetap yang the property, plant and equipment and may only
berdasarkan pada pendapatan adalah tidak tepat dan be used in very limited circumstances to amortize
hanya dapat digunakan dalam situasi yang sangat intangible assets.
terbatas untuk amortisasi aset takberwujud.

Konsolidasian tentang Entitas Investasi: Penerapan Statements on Investment Entities: Applying the
Pengecualian Konsolidasi, berlaku efektif 1 Januari Consolidation Exception, effective January 1, 2016.

238 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Amandemen ini membahas isu yang telah timbul The amendments address issues that have arisen in
dari penerapan pengecualian entitas investasi dalam applying the investment entities exception under
PSAK 65, memberikan klarifikasi atas pengecualian PSAK 65. The amendments clarify that the exemption
dari penyajian laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang from presenting consolidated financial statements
diterapkan pada entitas induk yang merupakan applies to a parent entity that is a subsidiary of
entitas anak dari entitas investasi, ketika entitas an investment entity, when the investment entity
investasi tersebut mengukur semua entitas anaknya measures all of its subsidiaries at fair value.
dengan nilai wajar.
s *4", 
berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2016. January 1, 2016.

Interpretasi ini membahas akuntansi liabilitas This Interpretation addresses the accounting for a
membayar pungutan jika termasuk dalam ruang liability to pay a levy if that liability is within the scope
lingkup PSAK 57 Provisi, Liabilitas Kontinjensi dan of PSAK 57 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Aset Kontinjensi. Interpretasi ini juga membahas Contingent Assets. It also addresses the accounting
akuntansi liabilitas membayar pungutan yang waktu for a liability to pay a levy whose timing and amount is
dan jumlahnya pasti. certain.

s 14",  1FOZFTVBJBO 

pihak Berelasi, berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2016. effective January 1, 2016.

Penyesuaian ini mengklarifikasi bahwa entitas The improvement clarifies that a management entity
manajemen (entitas yang menyediakan jasa personil (an entity that provides key management personnel
manajemen kunci) adalah pihak berelasi yang services) is a related party subject to the related
dikenakan pengungkapan pihak berelasi. Di samping party disclosures. In addition, an entity that uses
itu, entitas yang memakai entitas manajemen a management entity is required to disclose the
mengungkapkan biaya yang terjadi untuk jasa expenses incurred for management services.

1 Januari 2016. Equipment, effective January 1, 2016.

Penyesuaian ini mengklarifikasi bahwa PSAK 16 dan The improvement clarifies that in PSAK 16 and PSAK
PSAK 19 aset dapat direvaluasi dengan mengacu 19 that the asset may be revalued by reference to
pada data pasar yang dapat diobservasi terhadap observable data on either the gross or the net carrying
jumlah tercatat bruto ataupun neto. Dan akumulasi amount. In addition, the accumulated depreciation or
penyusutan atau amortisasi adalah perbedaan amortization is the difference between the gross and
antara jumlah tercatat bruto dan jumlah tercatat carrying amounts of the asset. Carrying amounts of
aset tersebut. Jumlah tercatat aset tersebut disajikan the asset is restated by revaluated amounts.
kembali pada jumlah revaluasianya.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 239

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

s 14",  1FOZFTVBJBO 

berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2016. effective January 1, 2016.

Penyesuaian ini mengklarifikasi bahwa PSAK 16 dan The improvement clarifies that in PSAK 16 and PSAK
PSAK 19 aset dapat direvaluasi dengan mengacu 19 that the asset may be revalued by reference to
pada data pasar yang dapat diobservasi terhadap observable data on either the gross or the net carrying
jumlah tercatat bruto ataupun neto. Dan akumulasi amount. In addition, the accumulated depreciation or
penyusutan atau amortisasi adalah perbedaan amortization is the difference between the gross and
antara jumlah tercatat bruto dan jumlah tercatat carrying amounts of the asset. Carrying amounts of
aset tersebut. Jumlah tercatat aset tersebut disajikan the asset is restated by revaluated amounts.
kembali pada jumlah revaluasianya.

s 14",  1FOZFTVBJBO 

Perubahan Estimasi Akuntansi dan Kesalahan. Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.

Penyesuaian ini memberikan koreksi editorial pada The improvement provides editorial correction for
PSAK 25 paragraf 27. paragraph 27 of PSAK 25.

Perusahaan sedang mengevaluasi dampak dari standar The Company is presently evaluating and has not yet
akuntansi tersebut dan belum menentukan dampaknya determined the effects of these accounting standards
terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan. on its financial statements.


Pada tahun 2015, Telin dalam keadaan baik, sehingga In 2015, Telin was in great condition that there was no

tidak terdapat hal-hal yang berpotensi berpengaruh issues with significant potential impacts against business

siginifikan terhadap kelangsungan usaha Perusahaan. continuity of the Company.

240 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Pelaksanaan GCG di Telin telah sesuai dengan

ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, juga
mengacu pada rancangan Roadmap GCG Telin
yang telah disesuaikan dengan rencana strategis
Perusahaan, serta diperkuat oleh program kerja GCG
Telin di bawah konsep TELIN CARE.
The GCG implementation in Telin has been in accordance
with the provisions of the law and regulation, also refers to
the draft of Telin Roadmap GCG that has been adjusted to
the Corporate strategic plan, and is supported by the Telin
GCG work program under TELIN CARE concept.

Tata Kelola
5 Perusahaan

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik


Setelah berhasil memperluas bisnis melalui footprints

di 10 negara di dunia, Telin memastikan proses bisnis
yang berlangsung tetap mengedepankan kaidah
Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate
Governance/ GCG) untuk memberikan nilai tambah
terbaik kepada pelanggan dan seluruh Pemangku
Kepentingan Perseroan.
After successfully expanding the business through the footprints in 10
countries in the world, Telin ensures its business processes are performed
by putting forward rules of Good Corporate Governance/GCG to provide the
best additional value for customers and all Corporate stakeholders.

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Telin menempatkan GCG sebagai landasan pengelolaan Telin puts GCG as the foundation of Company’s
Perseroan sesuai dengan best practice di industri management according to the best practice of
telekomunikasi Indonesia. Implementasi GCG Telin telecommunications industry in Indonesia. Telin’s GCG
merujuk pada landasan perundang-undangan yang implementation refers to the law and regulation in force,
berlaku, yaitu UU No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan namely Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company
Terbatas serta ketentuan GCG PT Telekomunikasi and the provisions of GCG of PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia, Tbk sebagai Induk Perusahaan. Indonesia as the Holding Company.

Manajemen memastikan GCG berlaku di seluruh The Management ensures that GCG is applied in all
tingkat organisasi dan diterapkan pada semua organization levels and is implemented in all Company’s
aktivitas operasional Perseroan guna mengadaptasi operational activities in order to adapt the GCG
prinsip-prinsip GCG (Transparansi, Akuntabilitas, principles (Transparency, accounting, Accountability,
Pertanggungjawaban, Independensi dan Kewajaran) Independence and Fairness) in all Telin’s work programs.
dalam seluruh program kerja Telin.

Komitmen GCG Telin diarahkan untuk memperkuat The commitment of Telin GCG is directed to strengthen
daya saing Perseroan melalui standar pengelolaan the Company competitiveness through the Company’s
Perusahaan terbaik guna memperoleh kepercayaan dan best management standards in order to gain the
dukungan dari Pemegang Saham dan seluruh Pemangku trust and support from the shareholders and all other
Kepentingan lainnya untuk mewujudkan bisnis yang stakeholders to realize the sustainable business.

Telin menempatkan GCG sebagai landasan pengelolaan

Perseroan sesuai dengan best practice di industri
telekomunikasi Indonesia.
Telin views GCG as the Company’s management basis according to best
practice in Indonesian telecommunication industry.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Praktik GCG yang konsisten merupakan perwujudan The consistent GCG practice is the realization of
komitmen Telin untuk membangun bisnis yang TELIN commitment to build a sustainable business by
berkelanjutan dengan menjunjung tinggi nilai etika dan upholding ethical values and professionalism to achieve
profesionalisme menuju Trusted Company. Langkah the Trusted Company. This measure is part of the effort
ini merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk menjadi Good to become a Good Corporate Citizen.
Corporate Citizen.

GCG merupakan perwujudan komitmen Telin untuk

membangun bisnis yang berkelanjutan menuju Trusted
GCG practice is manifestation of Telin’s commitment to build a sustainable
business towards Trusted Company.

Tahun 2015 merupakan tonggak yang sangat penting di 2015 is significant milestone to development GCG
dalam pengembangan implementasi GCG, dimana pada implementation, which in 2015 the spirit of “Building a
tahun 2015 ini spirit “Building Solid Foundation” hampir Solid Foundation” is almost 100% achieved and to look
100% kami capai dan menyongsong tahun selanjutnya forward the take-off era in the following year. In this
untuk masuk pada tahap akhir era tinggal landas. Di development stage development, Telin always tries to
dalam tahap perkembangan ini, Telin selalu berusaha improve every governance and business processes in
menyempurnakan setiap tata kelola dan proses bisnis order to always comply and conform to the values we
agar selalu comply dan conform terhadap nilai yang kami trust. For us, the trust of stakeholders is an important
yakini. Bagi kami, kepercayaan stakeholder sangatlah thing to fulfill and becomes our priority.
penting untuk dipenuhi dan menjadi prioritas kami.
As an independent entity and is an integral part of
Sebagai entitas yang berdiri sendiri dan merupakan Telkom Group in GCG management, Telin also adopts
bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Telkom Group provisions of laws and regulations concerning GCG
di dalam pengelolaan GCG, Telin turut mengadopsi implementation that is applied by Telkom Group,
Perangkat Penerapan GCG yang berlaku di lingkungan namely Telkom Regulation number. PD.602.00/r.00/
Telkom Group, yaitu Peraturan Perusahaan Telkom HK.000/COP-D0030000/2011 dated May 20, 2011 on the
Nomor. PD.602.00/r.00/ HK.000/COP-D0030000/2011 Guidelines of the GCG Management of Telkom Group,
tanggal 20 Mei 2011 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan GCG which include the followings:
Telkom Group, dengan pengaturan dan ruang lingkup
yang meliputi:

1. Etika Bisnis; 1. Business Ethics;

2. Manajemen Risiko; 2. Risk Management;
3. Kebijakan dan prosedur sebagai acuan aktivitas 3. Policies and procedures as the reference for
operasional; operational activities;
4. Monitoring mechanisms and internal controls;
4. Mekanisme pengawasan dan pengendalian internal;
5. Leadership system;
5. Sistem kepemimpinan;

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6. Uraian pekerjaan yang menunjukkan kejelasan 6. Description of work that shows the clarity of
tugas dan tanggung jawab karyawan; employees duties and responsibilities;
7. Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) untuk 7. Human Resource Development (HRD) to ensure
menjamin kemampuan manajemen dan kompetensi the management capabilities and employees
karyawan; competence;
8. Penerapan evaluasi kinerja; 8. Implementation of performance evaluation;
9. Penghargaan dan pengakuan termasuk penegakan 9. Rewards and recognition including the punishment
atas kesalahan. for fault.

Selama ini di dalam perjalanan menuju Tata Kelola So far in the process to achieve corporate governance
Perusahaan yang sesuai dengan road map yang in accordance with the road map that has been outlined,
telah digariskan, pelaksanaan GCG di Telin terus- the implementation of GCG in Telin continually improves,
menerus mengalami perbaikan, hal ini ditandai oleh it is characterized by the improvement of infrastructures
penyempurnaan infrastruktur instrument aturan GCG, of instrument of GCG rules, as follows:
sebagai berikut:
a. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: KD.227/PS.000/ a. Telin BOD Decree No. KD.227/PS.000/TII-10/IX/2013
TII-10/IX/2013 tanggal 28 Oktober 2013 tentang dated October 28, 2013 regardign Position Trial and
Mekanisme Sidang Jabatan dan Pergerakan Karir; Career Rotation Mechanism.
b. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: KD. 218/PS.000/ b. Telin BOD Decree No. a. KD. 218/PS.000/ TII-
TII-10/X/2013 tanggal 17 Oktober 2013 tentang 10/X/2013 dated October 17, 2013 concerning PT
Sistem Manajemen Performansi Karyawan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Employee
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International; Performance Management System;
c. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: Nomor: KD.050/ c. Telin BOD Decree No. KD.050/ LG.000/TII-10/II/2014,
LG.000/TII-10/II/2014, tanggal 28 Februari 2014 dated February 28, 2014 regarding Procurement
Tentang Kebijakan Pengadaaan Barang dan/atau Policy;
d. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: KD 236/HK.290/ d. Telin BOD decree No. KD 236/HK.290/ TII-10/X/2015,
TII-10/X/2015, tanggal 30 Oktober 2015 tentang dated October 30, 2015 regarding Non-Organic
Pedoman Pengelolaan Pengembangan Bisnis Non Business Development in the Company Business
Organik di Lingkup Bisnis Perusahaan; Scope;
e. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: 54/PS.000/TII-10/ e. Telin BOD Decree No. 54/PS.000/ TII-10/III/2015,
III/2015, tanggal 24 Maret 2015 tentang Pedoman dated March 24, 2015 regarding Outsourcing Practice
Penyerahan Sebagian Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Kepada Manual;
Perusahaan Penerima Pekerjaan (Outsourcing);
f. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: KD.179/PS.000/ f. Telin BOD Decree No. KD.179/PS.000/TII- 10/
TII-10/VII/2015, tanggal 30 Juli 2015 tentang VII/2015, dated July 30, 2015 regarding Organization
Restrukturisasi Organisasi. Restructuring.
g. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: KD.447/HK.201/ g. Telin BOD Decree Number KD.447/HK.201/TII-
TII-10/XII/2015, tanggal 28 Desember 2015 tentang 10/XII/2015 dated December 28, 2015 regarding
Kebijakan Sekuriti Sistem Informasi. Information System Security Policy.
h. Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: KD.448/HK.201/TII-10/ h. Telin BOD Decree Number KD.448/HK/201/TII-10/
XII/2015, tanggal 28 Desember 2015 tentang Petunjuk XII/2015, dated December 28, 2015 regarding System
Pelaksanaan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Implementation

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 247

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Sementara itu, tatakelola proses GCG yang terkait dengan Meanwhile, the governance of GCG processes related
pelaksanaan Manajemen Risiko semakin disempurnakan to the implementation of Risk Management is better
dengan mencakup analisa risiko di seluruh footprint improved including risk analysis on all footprints with
dengan critical point yang dapat kami potret dalam Risk the critical points that we can recorded in Risk Profile of
Profile Telin Group 2015 dimana progress mitigasinya Telin Group in 2015 where all the mitigation progresses
secara keseluruhan termonitor dengan baik selama are well monitored during 2015.
tahun 2015.

Pelaksanaan GCG di Telin telah sesuai dengan ketentuan The GCG implementation in Telin has been in accordance
peraturan perundang-undangan, juga mengacu pada with the provisions of law and regulation, also refers to
rancangan Roadmap GCG Telin yang telah disesuaikan the draft of Telin GCG Roadmap that has been adjusted
dengan rencana strategis Perusahaan, serta diperkuat to Company’s strategic plans, and is reinforced by the
oleh program kerja GCG Telin di bawah konsep TELIN Telin GCG work program under the concept of Telin
CARE. Di sisi lain, praktik GCG Telin juga didukung oleh Care. On the other hand, Telin GCG practice is also
pemberlakuan fungsi serangkaian organ perusahaan supported by the application of a series of company’s
yang memiliki tugas dan fungsi masing-masing. Sebagai organs that each has duties and functions. As a form of
bentuk pengendalian terhadap risiko perusahaan, Telin control on company’s risk, Telin has also implemented a
juga telah menerapkan mekanisme manajemen risiko mechanism of risk management and an audit by internal
serta audit oleh pihak internal dan eksternal. and external parties.


Rancangan penerapan GCG Telin digambarkan dalam The draft of Telin GCG implementation is described on a
Roadmap GCG Telin untuk periode 2011 - 2015 sebagai Telin GCG Roadmap of the period 2011-2015 as the grand
grand strategy dan milestone implementasi GCG hingga strategy and GCG milestones implementation until 2015.
tahun 2015. Praktik GCG di Telin diarahkan untuk GCG Practice in Telin is directed to realize Telin as “The
mewujudkan Telin sebagai “The Most GCG Trusted Most GCG Trusted Company in the Telkom Group” that
Company in Telkom Group” yang berkelanjutan dengan is sustainable by integrating the aspects of compliance,
mengintegrasikan aspek kepatuhan, pengendalian internal control, risk management and corporate social
internal, manajemen risiko dan tanggung jawab sosial responsibility, through a series of programs as follows:
perusahaan, melalui rangkaian program sebagai berikut:

248 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Road to Comply and Conformity

2011-2012 2013-2014 2015

s 1SFBTTFTTNFOU and Assessment s .PTU($(
based on internal for GCG Scheme Trusted Company
readiness s ($("HFOUTBU in Telkom Group
medium level

Implementasi Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) Telin kedepan diharapkan

akan menjadi pendukung utama keberhasilan strategi inisiatif Telin secara
berkelanjutan, baik secara group maupun sebagai bagian dari rencana Telkom
menjadi The Emperor of the Region dilakukan melalui “Strengthening of process,
structure & subsidiary governance.
Going forward, Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) implementation in Telin is expected to
be an engine to support Telin’s strategic initiative in an on going basis, both as a group or part
of Telkom’s plan to be The emperor of The Region, performed by “strengthening of process,
structure & subsidiary governance.


Sesuai dengan pedoman GCG yang diterapkan oleh In accordance with the GCG guidelines implemented by
Perusahaan, tujuan penerapan GCG di Telin adalah the Company, the purpose of GCG implementation in
agar Perusahaan dapat mengoptimalkan nilai-nilai Telin is to encourage the Company to optimize the Telin
Telin sehingga memiliki daya saing yang kuat, baik values so it has strong competitiveness, both nationally
secara nasional maupun internasional dan mampu and internationally, and is able to maintain its existence
mempertahankan keberadaannya untuk mencapai to achieve the Company’s objectives and purposes.
maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan.

Selain itu, implementasi GCG juga diarahkan untuk Furthermore, GCG implementation is also directed
mendorong organ Perusahaan untuk selalu menjunjung to encourage Company’s organ to always uphold
tinggi nilai moral dan kepatuhan dalam setiap tindakan moral values and compliance in any actions and
dan keputusan yang diambil, berlandaskan pada adanya decisions taken, based on the awareness that Telin has
kesadaran bahwa Telin memiliki tanggung jawab sosial social responsibilities for the stakeholders as well as
terhadap Pemangku Kepentingan maupun kelestarian environmental sustainability around the Company’s
lingkungan di sekitar Perusahaan. domicile.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 249

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Tujuan Penerapan GCG Telin adalah untuk mengoptimalkan

nilai-nilai Telin sehingga memiliki daya saing yang kuat baik di
tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
GCG implementation in Telin is to bring the Company in optimizing Telin
values to have strong competitive advantage, both domestically and

Tujuan penerapan GCG di Telin juga diharapkan dapat The purposes of GCG implementation in Telin are also
meningkatkan kontribusi Telin dalam perekonomian expected to improve Telin contribution to national
nasional serta meningkatkan iklim yang kondusif economy as well as to improve the favorable climate
bagi perkembangan investasi. Dalam jangka panjang, for investment growth. In the long term, the Telin GCG
penerapan GCG Telin secara berkesinambungan implementation in sustainable manner is expected to
diharapkan dapat memposisikan Telin sebagai penyedia position Telin as an international telecommunication
layanan telekomunikasi internasional yang dapat service provider that may contribute positively to
berkontribusi positif terhadap peningkatan keunggulan improve the competitive advantage of Indonesian
kompetitif industri telekomunikasi Indonesia. telecommunications industry.

Untuk mencapai tujuan penerapan GCG tersebut, Telin telah To achieve the objectives of the GCG implementation, Telin
menetapkan Target Utama Implementasi GCG, yaitu: has set the Main Target of GCG implementation, they are:

1. Key Target Implementasi GCG: 1. Key Target of GCG Implementation:

a. Performance a. Performance
b. Peningkatan kinerja perusahaan b. Improvement of company’s performance
c. Optimalisasi kinerja karyawan c. Optimizing the employees performance
d. Peningkatan kinerja organisasi d. Improvement of organizational performance
2. Compliance and Conformity 2. Compliance and Conformity
Peraturan perundangan yang berlaku Applicable laws and regulations that are in Accordance
Kesesuaian pada norma dan etika masyarakat with community norms and ethics
3. Ethics Implementation, dimana penerapan etika 3. Ethics Implementation, in which the consistent
bisnis secara konsisten dapat mewujudkan iklim application of business ethics can realize healthy,
usaha yang sehat, efisien dan transparan
efficient and transparent business climate
4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), yang
4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is a
merupakan wujud kepedulian Perusahaan kepada
form of Company’s concern to the surrounding
lingkungan sekitarnya.

250 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Perwujudan GCG di Telin direalisasikan dengan berpedoman Telin’s GCG manifestation is realized by referring to GCG
pada Kerangka Kerja GCG yang disusun sesuai dengan Framework prepared in accordance with the law and
landasan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku,
regulation in force, Company’s vision and mission, external
visi dan misi Perusahaan, pengaruh lingkungan eksternal
environmental effect on the Company as well as the
terhadap Perusahaan serta interaksi seluruh faktor-faktor
interaction of all those factors with the Company’s GCG
tersebut dengan organ GCG Perusahaan. Kerangka Kerja
organ. Telin GCG Framework can be illustrated as follows:
GCG Telin dapat diilustrasikan sebagai berikut:


or r
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Vision and Mission lC K

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Pemegang Saham Shareholders un ga
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Komisaris Commissioner
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Direksi Board of Directors

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Komite Committee

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Sekretaris Perusahaan Company Secretary

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Co u

Etika Bisnis Kebijakan dan Prosedur

Int ans

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Business ethics Policy and Proc edures



Manajemen Risiko Pengawasan dan Pengendalian internal

Risk Management Supervision and Internal Control

Kemampuan manajemen
Kepemimpinan Kejelasan tugas dan Evaluasi kinerja yang Penghargaan dan
dan kompetensi karyawan
yang efektif tanggungjawab efektif Pengakuan
Management capabilities
Effective Clarity duties and Effective performance Awards and
and competencies of
leadership responsibilities evaluation Recognition

Pengukuran dan Pertanggungjawaban

Measurement and Accountability

Pelaku Bisnis dan Lingkungan Bisnis

Business Performers and Business Environment

Kerangka kerja GCG Telin menggambarkan penerapan

landasan GCG Telin serta pengaruh dan lingkungan eksternal
terhadap Perusahaan.
TELIN GCG framework reflects the application of GCG TELIN foundation as
well as the influence of environmental and external to the Company.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 251

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Kerangka kerja GCG tersebut menggambarkan aspek The GCG framework describes the practical aspects of
praktik dari implementasi GCG di Telin, yaitu bahwa: the GCG implementation in Telin, that:

1. Pengelolaan GCG tidak terlepas dari upaya 1. GCG management cannot be separated from the
mewujudkan visi dan misi menjadi kenyataan; efforts to realize the visions and missions into reality;

2. Penerapan GCG di Telin merupakan inisiatif untuk 2. GCG implementation in Telin is an initiative to
menjamin kelangsungan hidup Perusahaan melalui ensure the Company survival through the good
dijalankannya transaksi internal dan eksternal implementation of internal and external transactions
yang baik yaitu sesuai ketentuan internal dan/atau in accordance with internal rules and/or ethical code,
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan law and regulation in force;

3. Beberapa faktor eksternal yang 3. Some external factors

menuntut dipraktikkannya that require the practices of
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance
diantaranya adalah include government and
pemerintah dan regulators, businesses
regulator, pelaku actors and business
bisnis dan environment,
l i n g ku n g a n financial community,
bisnis, komunitas as well as investors.
keuangan, serta Regarding such
investor. Atas external conditions,
kondisi eksternal then Telin is
tersebut, maka decided to consider
Telin bertekad the interests of all
untuk memperhatikan stakeholders by applying
kepentingan seluruh the practice of good
Pemangku Kepentingan corporate governance;
dengan menerapkan praktik
pengelolaan perusahaan yang baik;

Proses utama yang harus diperhatikan dalam The main processes to be considered to implement
menerapkan Tata Kelola Perusahaan adalah: (i) Corporate Governance are: (i) Communication
Transparansi komunikasi dan pengungkapan kinerja Transparency and disclosure of performance and
serta kondisi umum perusahaan; (ii) Akuntabilitas Company’s general condition; (ii) accountabilities of
pengukuran dan pertanggungjawaban kinerja Dewan the performance and accountability of the Board of
Komisaris, Direksi dan Manajemen; (iii) Independensi Commissioners, Board of Directors and Management; (iii)
audit internal dan eksternal; The independence of internal and external audits;

252 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Organ perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab penuh dan The Company’s organ that is fully responsible and
mendorong organisasi untuk dapat menjalankan praktik encourages the organizations to be able to implement
perusahaan yang baik adalah RUPS, Dewan Komisaris good corporate practices is the GMS, the Board of
dan Direksi. Beberapa unit seperti Unit Internal Audit Commissioners and Board of Directors. Some units such
dan Sekretaris Perusahaan dapat mendukung dan as Internal Audit and Corporate Secretary Units can
melengkapi organ perusahaan; support and complement the Company’s organs;

Sedangkan untuk mampu menciptakan Tata Kelola While in order to be able to create good corporate
Perusahaan yang baik, Telin telah membangun beberapa governance, Telin has built some of the management
sistem manajemen meliputi: system including:
a. Etika Bisnis; a. Business Ethics;
b. Manajemen Risiko; b. Risk Management;
c. Kebijakan dan prosedur sebagai acuan bekerja c. Policies and procedures as the reference for
operasional; operational activities;
d. Mekanisme pengawasan dan pengendalian internal; d. Monitoring mechanisms and internal controls;
e. Sistem kepemimpinan; e. Leadership system;
f. Job description yang menunjukkan kejelasan f. Job Description that shows the clarity of employees
tugas dan tanggung jawab karyawan; duties and responsibilities;
g. Pengembangan SDM untuk menjamin kemampuan g. Human Resource Development (HRD) to ensure the
manajemen dan kompetensi karyawan; management capabilities and employees competence;
h. Penerapan evaluasi kinerja; h. Implementation of performance evaluation;
i. Penghargaan dan pengakuan termasuk penegakan i. Rewards and recognition including the punishment
atas kesalahan. for faults.

Telin telah menyusun hemisphere pola peran Telin Telin has prepared the hemisphere of Telin role pattern
dalam mengelola perusahaan dengan prinsip GCG to manage the company using Telin’s GCG principle as
Telin sebagai Multinational Company (parent) dan Multinational Company (parent) and Telin as an investor
Telin sebagai Investor yang telah disesuaikan dengan that has been adjusted to GCG Framework set by Telkom.
Framework GCG yang ditetapkan oleh Telkom. Di In the hemisphere below, it can be seen that Telin does
dalam hemisphere dibawah ini, dapat dilihat bahwa its business function as the investor, that Telin builds
Telin menjalankan fungsi bisnisnya di belahan bagian the operation instrument (shares), marketing (B2B) and
Investor, yaitu Telin membangun instrumen operation finance (Group Financing) while it serves its Holding
(saham), marketing (B2B) dan finance (Group Financing) Company (multinational company) function by build a
sementara menjalankan fungsi Parent (multinational system of governance, risk and Compliance (GRC) within
company) dengan membangun sistem Governance, the scope of parenting, to build a healthy organization
Risk, and Compliance (GRC) dalam lingkup parenting, and to maintain company accountability.
membangun organisasi yang sehat dan menjaga
akuntabilitas Perusahaan.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 253

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Operation Organization/HC

Multi Shareholder MNC

B2B Marketing Parent Parenting Risk RISK
Portfolio (Parent)
(investor) Subsidiary

Finance Role/


Dalam pelaksanaannya di tahun 2015, sebagaimana In its 2015 implementation, as agreed in 2014 Telin has
yang disepakati bersama di tahun 2014 Telin telah been committed to build a solid foundation to implement
berkomitmen untuk membangun fondasi yang kokoh GCG allover TELIN Group, in which the corporate
dalam pelaksanaan GCG di seluruh Telin Group dimana governance as a mechanism, process and relationship
Corporate Governance sebagai sebuah mekanisme, where corporate activitiesare controlled and directed
proses dan relasi dimana aktivitas korporasi di kontrol straight down under some units, they are Corporate
dan didiarahkan langsung dibawah beberapa unit, Secretary, Corporate Affairs, Strategic Investment,
yaitu Corporate Secretary, Corporate Affairs, Strategic Human Capital and Group Performance & Synergy.
Investment, Human Capital dan Group Performance & Broadly speaking, it can be seen in the following scheme:
Synergy. Secara garis besar, dapat dilihat dalam skema
berikut ini:

Corporate Operational
Governance Governance
- Amendment
to AoA
- Review on current
Organization design
- Board
Decree Compliances Organizational - Board Charter of
(Legal & Design Subsidiaries
Regulatory) Policy & Procedures - Realignment of 8 Cycles
- Culture Risk Management Management of SOA (ITIL based)
Board Oversight Process
- GCG evaluation - Appointment of Foster
& Socialization Parents

- Report: Financial & - Risk Profiling - Regular Meetings; BOD,

Regulatory Annual - Group quarterly Report BOC and Shareholders
and Quarterly on Risk Mitigation - Parental Meetings:
Report Progress Subsidiaries: BOD and
- Subsidiary Risk Shareholding
Mitigation Report

254 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Dalam membangun landasan yang kuat dalam GCG To build a strong foundation in the GCG 2015, we divide
tahun 2015, kami membaginya menjadi Corporate Corporate Governance and Operational Governance in
Governance dan Operational Governance dimana which each of the foundation has their respective roles,
masing-masing landasan tersebut memiliki peran as follows:
masing-masing yaitu:

Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance:

Compliance, Risk Management dan Board Oversight. Compliance, Risk Management and Board Oversight.

Operational Governance: Operational Governance:

Organizational Design, Policy & Procedures dan Organizational Design, Policy & Procedures and
Management process. Management process.


2016 2016
Kami menyadari, bahwa penerapan GCG Telin akan We realize that the Telin GCG implementation will always
selalu seirama mengiringi tahap perkembangan be in harmony to accompany Telin developmental
Telin, yaitu “Building Solid Foundation”. Telin telah stage, it is “Building a Solid Foundation”. Telin has set
menetapkan model tata kelola yang disesuaikan, yaitu an adjusted governance model, it is a program that
program yang disusun dengan konsep operating is prepared with the concept of the operating model
model Governance sebagai sebuah mekanisme yang
governance as a mechanism established and run by
ditetapkan dan dijalankan oleh Manajemen Perusahaan
Company Management to translate the elements of
untuk menterjemahkan elemen-elemen kerangka
the framework of Governance policies in Telin Group
kebijakan Governance di Telin Group menjadi pedoman
into practical guidelines, procedures and accountability
praktis, prosedur serta pertanggungjawaban di dalam
within the Infrastructure of Corporate Governance.
Infrastruktur Corporate Governance.

Corporate Governance Operational Governance

* Laws * Shareholding
* Regulatory Risk Resolutions/Directions
* Articles of Association Management Organization * Board Decrees
* Board Charters * Company Regulations

* GCG Group * Strategic Policies

* Brand Management Governance * Business Policies
* Organization Model (System * Operational Policies
Board Capabilities) Policies & * Financial Policies
* Culture & Value
Oversight Procedure * System & HR Policies
* Financial Covenant
* Regular (BOD/BOC/
* Licenses & Permits
SH) Meetings
Management Shared * Parental Meetings
Process Services * CEOs Meetings
* Risk Profiling
* Mitigation Plan
* Financial & Regulatory
* Mitigation Report
* Shareholding Report
* Management Business Communication
Process * Group Communication

To be endorsed/reframed To be amended/adjusted To be available

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 255

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Program kerja GCG Telin periode 2015 dilaksanakan Telin’s GCG work program in period of 2015 is
sebagai suatu kelanjutan dari program kerja GCG tahun implemented as the continuation of the 2014 GCG work
2014. Sesuai dengan evaluasi penerapan GCG tahun program. In accordance with the evaluation of GCG
2014, Telin melaksanakan berbagai program kerja guna implementation in 2014, Telin performs a variety of work
memperkuat penerapan GCG di Perusahaan. Beberapa programs to strengthen GCG implementation in the
program kerja dan aktivitas GCG utama Telin pada tahun Company. Some of the work programs and activities of
2015 digambarkan sebagai berikut: the Telin main GCG in 2015 are described as follows:

19 Januari 2015 Maret 2015 13 Maret 2015 19 Mei 2015 Juli 2015 12 Agustus 2015
Sosialisasi GCG- Diterbitkanya KD no.54/ Pelaksanaan Sosialisasi GCG- Diterbitkanya KD Sosialisasi GCG-
ERM dan etika PS.000/TII-10/III/2015 RUPS yang sesuai ERM dan Etika Restruktur Organisasi, ERM dan etika
Bisnis pada Telin tentang Pedoman dengan nilai dan Bisnis pada Telin no: KD.179/PS.000/ Bisnis pada Telin
Orientation Penyerahan Sebagai prinsip GCG Orientation TII-10/VII/2015 tentang Orientation
Program (TOP) Pelaksanan Pekerjaan Program (TOP) Resrtrukturisasi Program (TOP)
March 13, 2015
kepada Perusahaan GMS May 19, 2015 Organisasi August 12, 2015
January 19, 2015 Penerima Pekerjaan implementation GCG - ERM and July 2015 GCG - ERM and
GCG - ERM and (Outsourcing) according to Code of Conducts Issuance of KD Code of Conducts
Code of Conducts
March 2015 GCG values and Socialization in Organization Socialization in
Socialization in
Issuance of KD No. 54/ principle Telin Orientation Restructuring No. Telin Orientation
Telin Orientation
PS.000/TII-10/III/2015 Program (TOP) KD.179/PS.000/TII-10/ Program (TOP)
Program (TOP)
regarding Outsourcing VII/2015 regarding
Mechanism Regulation Organization

12 Oktober 2015 November 2015 November 2015 Desember 2015 17-18 Desember 2015 28 Desember 2015
Diterbitkanya KD Penyempuranaan Sertifikasi ISO 20000 Penyempurnaan Workshop Risk Diterbitkanya 2 KD:
No.236/HK.290/TII- berkelanjutan dalam untuk ITSMS (IT Sistem pengendalian Alignment -- Reshaping - KD No.447/HK.210/TII-10/
10/x/2015 tentang Pengelolaan ERM Service Management disiplin karyawan Corporate Secretary xii/2015 tentang Kebijakan
Pedoman Pengelolaan dengan framework System) dan Telin Services, kerjasama Sekuriti Sistem Informasi
Pengembangan Bisnis COSO penyempurnaan antara Corporate - KD No.448/HK.210/
Non Organik di Lingkup eTOM ke ITIL December 2015 Secretary Telin TII-10/XII/2015 Petunjuk
Bisnis Perusahaan November 25 Telin Employee dengan Risk & Process Pelaksanaan System
Continuous November 25 discipline controlling Management Telkom. Development Life Cycle
October 2015 ISO 20000 system improvement.
improvement in ERM (SDLC)
Issuance of KD No. 236/ Certification for December 17 - 18, 2015
Management with
HK.290/TII-10/X/2015 ITSMS (IT Service Risk Alignment - December 28, 2015
COSO Framework
regarding Regulation Management System) Reshaping Corporate Issuance of 2 KDs:
for Non-Organic and eTOM upgrade Secretary Services - KD No. 447/HK.210/TII-
Business Development to ITIL. Workshop, a 10/xii/2015 regarding
Management in cooperation between Information System
Company Business Telin Corporate Security Policy
Scope Secretary with - KD No. 448/HK.210/TII-10/
Telkom Risk & Process XII/2015 regarding System
Management. Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) Implementation

Aktifitas GCG Telin dilaksanakan secara Telin GCG activities have been implemented continuously
berkesinambungan sepanjang tahun 2015 melalui during 2015 through various work programs from
berbagai program kerja mulai dari penguatan komitmen strengthening the GCG commitment and concepts

256 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Untuk membangun fondasi GCG Telin menuju To build Telin GCG foundation to be a professional
perusahaan profesional, Telin merancang konsep company, Telin designed a concept of TELIN CARE in
TELIN CARE (TelinPeduli) pada tahun 2014. TELIN CARE 2014. TELIN CARE is based on Telin GCG vision, it is “To
didasarkan pada visi GCG Telin yaitu “Menjadi the Most be the Most GCG Company in Telkom Group” and is
GCG Trusted Company dalam Telkom Group” serta supported by Telin GCG mission namely, “To have the
diperkuat oleh misi GCG Telin yaitu, “Memiliki prinsip- principle of international standard corporate governance
prinsip tata kelola korporasi berstandar internasional that is applicable, and risk based.”
yang aplikatif, berkarakter dan berbasis risiko.”

Implementasi TELIN CARE juga diperkuat oleh prinsip TELIN CARE implementation is also supported by
Rationale sebagai perangkat prinsip yang akan dibangun Rationale principle as a set of principles that will be built
dan merujuk pada referensi GCG dan ERM standar and refer to international standard GCG and ERM that
internasional yang dapat dilaksanakan sesuai peranan Telin is applicable according to Telin Group role as a holding
Group sebagai perusahaan holding dan anak perusahaan company and the subsidiary of Telkom, a state own
Telkom, BUMN telekomunikasi terdaftar di pasar modal. telecommunication company listed on the stock market.

TELIN CARE menjadi tag line yang akan diinternalisasikan TELIN CARE becomes a tag line to be internalized and
dan di sosialisasikan kepada seluruh personel Telin di socialized to Telin personnel in its Head Quarter and all its
Head Quarter dan seluruh Anak Perusahaan sebagai subsidiaries as the basis to implement GCG-ERM of 2015
landasan pelaksanaan GCG-ERM di tahun 2015 dan and the next years so that the vision to be a Trusted GCG
tahun-tahun selanjutnya sehingga visi untuk menjadi the Company in Telkom Group and to have the principles
most GCG Trusted Company dalam Telkom Group dan of international Standard corporate governance that is
memiliki prinsip-prinsip tata kelola korporasi berstandar applicable, and risk-based can be realized at the same
internasional yang aplikatif, berkarakter dan berbasis time.
risiko dapat diwujudkan secara serentak.

TELIN CARE merupakan langkah nyata Telin dalam membangun

kepedulian seluruh unsur Telin Group untuk meningkatkan
Kepatuhan dan Akuntabilitas guna memperkuat daya saing
TELIN CARE is a real step in building awareness of all elements TELIN
Group to increase compliance and accountability in order to strengthen
the competitiveness of the Company

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TELIN CARE (Telin Peduli), sebagai suatu gerakan untuk TELIN CARE, as a movement for implementing the GCG
implementasi GCG mempunyai filosofi sebagai berikut: has the philosophies as follows:

TELIN CARE merupakan konsep yang kami percaya TELIN CARE is a concept that we are sure it can represent
dapat mewakili seluruh nilai-nilai yang terkandung all the values contained in the GCG principles and also
dalam prinsip-prinsip GCG dan juga nilai-nilai Telkom
Telkom Group values as its foundation.
Group sebagai Fondasinya.

Visi: Vision:
Menjadi the Most GCG trusted Company dalam Telkom
Become the Most GCG Company in Telkom Group.

Misi: Mission:
Memiliki prinsip-prinsip tata kelola korporasi berstandar To have the principles of international standard
internasional yang aplikatif, berkarakter dan berbasis corporate governance that is applicable, characterized
risiko. and risk-based.

Rationale: Prinsip-prinsip yang akan dibangun Rationale: The principles that will be built
akan merujuk pada referensi GCG dan will refer to international Standard
ERM standar internasional yang GCG and ERM that is applicable in
dapat dilaksanakan sesuai according to Telin Group’s role
peranan Telin Group sebagai as a holding company and a
perusahaan holding dan subsidiary of Telkom, a state
anak perusahaan Telkom, own telecommunication
BUMN telekomunikasi company listed on the
terdaftar di pasar modal. stock market.

TELlNCARE - adalah nama TELINCARE - is the name

program pembangunan of the program to develop
kepedulian seluruh unsur concerns all the elements in
Telin Group dalam menciptakan Telin Group to create corporate
penatakelolaan korporasi group governance for group that has
yang memiliki nilai dan daya saing di value and competitiveness in 2015,
tahun 2015, yang fokus pada: which focus on:

Compliances - penciptaan kebijakan dan aturan Compliances - to create of policies and rules of corporate
ketatakelolaan organisasi (Corporate Governance) yang governancethat are applicable and integrated in the
dapat dilaksanakan dan terintegrasi di lingkungan group group and each company (instrument + Rules).
dan masing-masing perusahaan (instrument+Rules).

Accountability - penciptaan perilaku seluruh insan dan Accountability - to create the behaviors of all Telin
entitas Telin Group untuk memiliki tanggung-gugat Group personnel and entities to be accountable to
pada kepatutan praktek bisnis dan tata kelola operasi ethical and dignified business practices appropriateness
(operating governance) yang beretika dan bermartabat and operating governance(Employee + Corporate).
(Employee + Corporate).

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Dan dilaksanakan melalui: And they are implemented through:

Responsibility - pembangunan komitmen untuk Responsibility - to develop a commitment to be
bertanggungjawab pada aturan atau tata kelola operasi responsible to rules or operating governance that
(operating governance) yang terencana dalam organisasi areplanned in a business organization and are
bisnis dan berkelanjutan terhadap risiko bisnis dan sustainable of the business risk and global challenges
tantangan global (Resilience + Sustainability). (Resilience + Sustainability).

Enthusiasm - pembangunan tata kelola alur komunikasi Enthusiasm - the development of communication
(communication governance) agar seluruh komitmen governance flow so that all corporate commitment
korporasi dapat sungguh-sungguh terlaksana dan can be fully preformed and behavior oriented to Great
perilaku berorientasi pada Great Spirit Solid Speed Smart Spirit Solid Speed Smart Speed to achieve Telin Group
dalam mencapai tujuan dan nilai korporasi Telin Group
objectives and corporate values (Goals + Value).
(Goals + Value).

Dalam pelaksanaanya, berikut skenario TELIN CARE In its implementation, the following are the TELIN CARE


- Peraturan Lokal
- Local Regulations
- Peraturan Perundangan
- Joint Venture
- Law and Regulation
Kepatuhan - Joint Venture - Prinsip OECD
- Anggaran Dasar
(Instrumen dan - Anggaran Dasar - OECD principle
- Articles of Association
1. Peraturan) - Articles of Association
- Peraturan Perusahaan
Compliances - Pedoman Kerja Dewan - Prinsip COSO
- Company’s Rules
(Instruments + Rules) Komisaris dan Direksi - COSO principle
- Perijinan
- Board Charters
- Licenses
- Perijinan
- Licenses

- Etika Bisnis - Perlu business

- Etika Bisnis
Akuntabilitas - Business Ethics process-system
- Business Ethic
(Perusahaan + - Whistleblower - Requires business
- Pengelolaan anak
2. Karyawan) - Pengelolaan anak process - system
Accountability perusahaan - Pengaturan anak
- Subsidiary
(Corporate + Employee) - Subsidiary perusahaan
Management - Subs to set up

- Kebijakan di bidang
- Kebijakan di bidang - Perlu business
Pertanggungjawaban Operasional, Marsal,
Operasional, Marsal, process-system
(ketangguhan + Keuangan, HR
Keuangan, HR - Requires business
keberlanjutan) - Policy in operational,
3. - Policy in operational, process - system
Responsibility Marsal, Finance, HR
Marsal, Finance, HR - Diatur tersendiri oleh
(Resilience + Aspects
Aspects anak perusahaan
Sustainability) - Covenant
- Covenant Compliances - Subs to determine

Antusias (Tujuan + Nilai) - The World’s Hub of - Diatur tersendiri oleh

4. Enthusiasm TIMES - The Telkom Way anak perusahaan
(Goals + Values) - The Telkom Way - Subs to determine

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Konsep TELIN CARE dan penjelasan posisi masing- TELIN CARE concept and the explanation of each
masing nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya. position of the value contained therein.

Instrument + Rules


C: Compliance A: Accountability R: Responsibility E: Enthusiasm

Makna dari pemilihan warna dalam Logo TELINCARE The meaning of the color selection in the TELIN CARE
sejalan dengan dengan makna warna dalam Logo Telin Logo is in line with the meaning of the colors of Telin
yaitu: logo, as follows:

Compliance, dengan warna dasar PUTIH mengartikan Compliance, with the WHITE base color means that
bahwa compliance atau hal yang terkait aturan adalah compliance or matters related rules is a white, sacred,
suatu hal yang putih, suci dan kesempurnaan. and perfection matter.

Accountability yang didasari dengan warna HITAM, Accountability, with black base color, represents Telin
mewakili insan Telin dan Telin sebagai sebuah personnel and Telin as a company that shall have a
perusahaan yang harus memiliki kemauan yang kuat strong will to implement good corporate governance to
dalam menjalankan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik run a sustainable business.
untuk menjalankan bisnis secara berkesinambungan.

Responsibility didasari dengan warna ABU-ABU yang Responsibility, with the base color of gray in Telin logo
dalam logo Telin berarti teknologi termutakhir bermakna means the latest technology, it has the meaning that Telin
bahwa Telin dan insan Telin bertanggungjawab and Telin’s personnel have joint responsibility to always
bersama untuk selalu menjalankan etika bisnis yang run a responsible business ethics to have the endurance
bertanggungjawab untuk memiliki ketahanan dan and sustainability to encounter all the existing risks.
kesinambungan dalam menghadapi segala risiko yang

Enthusiasm sesuai dengan artinya, antusias adalah Enthusiasm, as indicated by the word, enthusiasm is a
gairah atau kekuatan energi positif yang dimiliki setiap passion or positive energy power that belongs to each
insan Telin untuk selalu semangat dan antusias dalam Telin personnel to keep the spirit and enthusiasm to

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

implementasi GCG dan internalisasi nilai-nilai GCG, dalam implement GCG and internalization GCG values, in this
logo ini Enthusiasm diwakili dengan warna MERAH. logo Enthusiasm is represented by the red color.


Dalam rangka penguatan pelaksanaan penerapan GCG, In order to strengthen the GCG implementation, Telin
Telin melakukan penahapan secara cermat berdasarkan makes some phases carefully based on an analysis of
analisis atas situasi dan kondisi perusahaan dan tingkat the Company situation and condition, and the readiness
kesiapannya, sehingga penerapan GCG dapat berjalan level, so that GCG can be implemented smoothly and is
lancar dan mendapatkan dukungan dari seluruh unsur supported by all elements within the Company.
di dalam Perusahaan.

Tahap penguatan dalam penerapan GCG pada tahun The strengthening phase in GCG implementation of 2015
2015 dilaksanakan dengan memperkuat awareness was conducted by strengthening the awareness with
dengan menanamkan budaya GCG pada seluruh jenjang instilling GCG culture in all organization levels and any
organisasi dan setiap kegiatan usaha. business activities.

Penguatan awareness yang dibentuk salah satunya One of the awareness strengthening creations is
adalah dengan menyelenggarakan Workshop Risk to organize Risk Alignment Workshop – Reshaping
Alignment - Reshaping Corporate Secretary Services Corporate Secretary Services that aim to build the
yang bertujuan untuk membangun pemahaman dan same understanding and perceptions on the concepts
persepsi yang sama mengenai konsep Governance, of Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC), to increase
Risk & Compliance (GRC), meningkatkan soliditas solidarity between individuals in the unit of Corporate
antar individu dalam unit Corporate Secretary dan Secretary and to affirm the commitment of Corporate
mengafirmasi komitmen unit Corporate Secretary untuk
Secretary Unit to establish GRC in Telin Group.
membangun GRC di Telin Group.

Telin has cooperated with the Unit Risk & Process

Telin berkerja sama dengan Unit Risk & Process
Management Telkom thus allows transfer of knowledge
Management Telkom sehingga terjadi transfer
and sharing of risk-based paradigm for the personnel
knowledge dan menyamakan paradigma yang
of Corporate Secretary who are the guard of GCG
berbasis risiko bagi personel Corporate Secretary yang
implementation in Telin Group.
merupakan pengkawal pelaksanaan GCG di Telin Group.


Salah satu bentuk sosialiasi GCG yang kami lakukan adalah One of the forms of GCG socialization we have done is
membangun awareness sejak pertama kalinya karyawan to build awareness since the first time employees join
bergabung dengan Telin dalam Telin Orientation Program Telin in Telin Orientation Program (TOP), which was
(TOP) yang diselenggarakan pada Bulan Januari, Mei dan held in January, May and August 2015. This socialization
Agustus 2015. Sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk menanamkan aimed at instilling GCG culture and enhancing employee

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budaya GCG dan menigkatkan komitmen karyawan untuk commitment to always firmly hold GCG principles in
selalu memegang teguh prinsip GCG dalam operasional their daily operations.


Untuk menjaga konsistensi pelaksanaan GCG di To maintain consistency of GCG implementation
Perusahaan, Telin melaksanakan evaluasi penerapan in the Company, Telin performs evaluation of GCG
GCG dalam Self assessment GCG pada tahun 2013 untuk implementation in the form of GCG Self-Assessment GCG
mengukur tingkat pemahaman pelaksanaan GCG di unit survey in 2013 to measure the understanding level of
kerja. GCG in the work unit.

Di tahun 2015, Telin tidak melakukan self assessment In 2015, Telin did not perform a GCG self-assessment
GCG yang serupa dengan yang telah dilaksanakan pada as one already implemented in 2013. The results of
tahun 2013. Hasil self assessment tahun 2013 masih self-assessment in 2013 still become our reference in
menjadi acuan kami dalam menilai pelaksanaan GCG di assessing the GCG implementation in Telin. However,
Telin. Namun, kami menyadari bahwa self assessment we realize that the self-assessment results in 2013 had
tahun 2013 memiliki keterbatasan waktu dalam hal hasil, limitations in terms of time, respondents and accuracy
responden dan akurasinya jika dibandingkan dengan if they are compared to the current Telin condition
kondisi Telin saat ini yang telah mengalami banyak that had many changes and developments over the
perubahan dan perkembangan selama kurun waktu period of two years. To that end, we have prepared a
dua tahun. Untuk itu, kami telah menyusun program GCG assessment program to be carried out by assessor
assessment GCG yang akan dilakukan oleh pihak independent in 2016. Thereby, we expect Telin personnel
independen assessor yang akan dilaksanakan di tahun both the existing and new employees, have the same
2016. Dengan demikian, kami berharap insan Telin baik paradigm on the implementation of the GCG principles
karyawan lama maupun yang baru bergabung, memiliki in their daily operation.
paradigma yang sama tentang pelaksanaan prinsip-
prinsip GCG dalam operasional hariannya.

Berikut rincian hasil Self-Assessment GCG Telin yang The following are the detailed results of the Telin GCG
mencakup jumlah responden, penilaian karyawan Self-Assessment including number of respondents,
terhadap Tata Kelola Perusahaan dan grafik hasil survey employee assessment on the corporate governance and
secara keseluruhan. the whole chart of the survey results.

Grafik Jumlah Responden

Total Respondents Chart

Corporate Strategy & Invesment
12 Direktorat Utama
Finance & Business Support
Marketing & Sales
Network Operation & Maintenance

262 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Company Strategic &

1 12 100% 83% 92% 4,8 (Baik) (Good)
Company Strategic &

Direktorat Utama
2 12 98% 80% 95% 4,4 (Baik) (Good)
President Director

Finance & Business

3 15 98% 86% 95% 4,6 (Baik) (Good)
Finance & Business

Marketing & Sales

4 20 99% 90% 93% 4,7 (Baik) (Good)
Marketing & Sales

Network Operation &

5 24 99% 75% 95% 4,5 (Baik) (Good)
Network Operation &

Total 83 4,6 (Baik) (Good)

Grafik Penilaian Karyawan Terhadap Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Ratings by Employees on the Governance Chart


Sangat Buruk Very bad

Buruk Bad
25% Cukup Fair
Baik Good
Sangat Baik Very Good


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Sangat Buruk
1 1% 1 1% 1 1%

0 1% 0 0% 0 0%

6 7% 6 7% 6 7%

20 24% 20 25% 20 24%

Sangat Baik
58 55% 58 67% 58 67%

Dari grafik diatas, terlihat hasil Self assessment GCG Telin From the chart above, it can be seen the results of Telin
2013, implementasi GCG di Telin pada seluruh unit kerja GCG Self-assessment in 2013, GCG implementation in
masuk dalam kategori BAIK dengan rata-rata nilai 4,56 Telin on all work units are categorized into Good with the
dari skala 5. average grade of 4.56 of the scale of 5.

Grafik Hasil Survey

Survey Result Chart

-2 75% 80% 82% 83% 85% 86% 88% 88% 89% 90% 91% 93% 93% 94% 95% 96% 97% 98% 98% 99% 100%

N i l Score
Nilai ai

264 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Corporate Strategy &

12 100% 83% 92% 4,8
Corporate Strategy &

Direktorat Utama
12 98% 80% 95% 4,4
Main Directorate

Finance & Business

15 99% 86% 95% 4,6
Finance & Business

Marketing & Sales

20 99% 90% 93% 4,7
Marketing % Sales

Network Operation &

24 99% 75% 95% 4,5
Network Operation &


Tata Kelola Perusahaan di Telin didukung oleh organ Corporate Governance in Telin is supported by main and
utama dan organ pendukung Perusahaan. Interaksi supporting organs of the Company. The interaction and
serta hubungan kerja antar organ perusahaan telah occupational relationship between the Company’s organs
diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga terbebas dari benturan have been arranged such way that they are free from
kepentingan serta telah patuh pada ketentuan yang conflicts of interest and have compiled with provisions as
disebutkan dalam Undang-Undang Perusahaan Terbatas set forth in the Law on Limited Liabilities Companies no.
No. 40 Tahun 2007 (UUPT) dan Pedoman Umum Good 40 of 2007 (UUPT) and the Indonesia General Guideline of
Corporate Governance Indonesia (Pedoman GCG Good Corporate Governance (Indonesian GCG Guideline).
Indonesia). Pada periode tahun buku 2015, praktik Within the fiscal year 2015, the corporate governance
GCG di Telin didukung oleh tiga organ utama dalam practice in Telin was supported by three main organs in
penerapan GCG, yaitu pemegang saham melalui Rapat GCG implementation, they were shareholders through
Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris, dan the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the Board
Direksi. Sedangkan organ pendukung mencakup sistem of Commissioners and Board of Directors. While the
pengendalian internal, manajemen risiko dan audit supporting organ included internal control systems, risk
eksternal. management and external audit.

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Informasi Kepada Pemegang Saham


Sebagai langkah nyata dalam menegakkan salah satu As the concrete measure to uphold one of the fundamental
prinsip GCG yang mendasar, yaitu transparansi, Telin GCG principles, transparency, Telin provides information
menyediakan saluran informasi bagi Pemegang Saham for the shareholders and updates the facilities and
serta melakukan pembaharuan sarana dan prasarana infrastructure that supports the information delivery on
penunjang penyampaian informasi secara berkala. a regular basis. To meet the information needs, Telin also
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi tersebut, Telin keeps trying to strengthen its information technology
juga terus berupaya memperkuat platform teknologi platform,, as main information to the
informasi sebagai portal informasi shareholders that can be accessed quickly and easily.
pemegang saham yang utama yang dapat diakses
secara cepat dan mudah.

Telin senantiasa memperbarui sarana penyampaian informasi

kepada pemegang saham secara berkala guna menjamin
terpenuhinya kebutuhan pemegang saham terkait informasi
Telin periodically updates the information dissemination supporting
facilities to guarantee shareholders need fulfillment related with corporate

Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai To obtain further information regarding the Company,
Perusahaan, para pemegang saham dan Pemangku the shareholders and stakeholders may contact
Kepentingan dapat menghubungi Corporate Secretary Corporate Secretary via phone. 021-29952300, Fax. 021-
melalui Tel. 021-29952300, Fax. 021-52962358, e-mail: 52962358, e-mail: or dodo.rukandi@ atau

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Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan Board of Commissioners carries out monitoring functions
secara umum dan/atau khusus sesuai dengan Anggaran in general and/or in particular in accordance with the
Dasar. Sebagai salah satu organ Perusahaan, Dewan article of association. As one of the Company organs, the
Komisaris juga bertugas untuk mengawasi setiap Board of Commissioners also has the job to supervise
tindakan Direksi serta memiliki kewenangan untuk all Board of Directors actions and has the authority to
memberi nasihat kepada Direksi dalam aspek-aspek advise the Board of Directors in the aspects related to
yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan Perusahaan. Company management. The Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris diangkat melalui RUPS untuk setiap is appointed by the GMS for the period of 3 years and
periode 3 tahun dan dapat diangkat sekali lagi untuk can be re-appointed once again for the another period,
periode berikutnya, dengan tetap memperhatikan hak with due regard to the right of the GMS to dismiss the
RUPS untuk melakukan penggantian anggota Dewan members of the Board of Commissioners any time.
Komisaris setiap waktu.

Dewan Komisaris melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan serta

memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi.
The Board of Commissioners performs supervisory and advisory functions
to the Board of Directors.


Peran, tugas pokok, wewenang dan kewajiban Dewan Roles, main duties, powers and obligations of the Board
Komisaris seputar pelaksanaan prinsip GCG diatur dalam of Commissioners related to the implementation of GCG
Anggaran Dasar. Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris wajib principles are stipulated in the Article of association. Each
membaca dan mematuhi ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut. member of the Board of Commissioners shall read and
comply with the provisions.
Kewajiban Dewan Komisaris di antaranya mencakup: The responsibilities of Board of Commissioners include:
1. Melakukan pengawasan terhadap kebijakan 1. To supervise the policies of management in general,
jalannya pengurusan pada umumnya baik whether regarding the Company or the Company’s
mengenai Perusahaan maupun usaha Perusahaan business that the are implemented by the Board of
yang dilakukan Direksi, serta memberi nasihat Directors, as well as to advice the Board of Directors,
kepada Direksi, termasuk pengawasan terhadap including to supervise the implementation of the

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pelaksanaan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan, Company’s Long Term Plan, Work Plan and Company
Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan serta budget as well as the provisions of the Article of
Ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan Keputusan Rapat Association and the General Meeting of Shareholders,
Umum Pemegang Saham, serta perundang- as well as the prevailing laws, for the benefit of the
undangan yang berlaku, untuk kepentingan Company and in accordance with the Company
Perusahaan dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan purposes and objectives;
2. Melakukan tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab 2. To perform duties, powers and responsibilities in
sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Anggaran accordance with the provisions of the articles of
Dasar Perusahaan dan keputusan RUPS; Association and resolutions of the GMS;
3. Meneliti dan menelaah laporan tahunan yang disiapkan 3. To examine and review the annual report prepared by
Direksi serta menandatangani laporan tersebut; the Board of Directors and to sign the report;
4. Melaksanakan kepentingan Perusahaan dengan 4. To take actions for the Company’s interests considering
memperhatikan kepentingan pemegang saham dan the interests of shareholders and is responsible to the
bertanggung jawab kepada RUPS; GMS;


Sesuai kaidah GCG, komposisi dan pembagian tugas According to the GCG rules of, the composition and
Dewan Komisaris Telin adalah sebagai berikut: division of the duties of Telin BOC are as follows:



Koordinasi fungsi BOC dalam melakukan

Ririek Adriansyah (menjabat sampai
Presiden Komisaris pengawasan dan memberikan nasehat kepada
dengan 13 Maret 2015)
President Direksi.
Ririek Adriansyah (serves up to March
Commissioner To coordinate the BOC functions to monitor and
13, 2015)
advise the Board of Directors.
Koordinasi fungsi BOC dalam melakukan
Honesti Basyir (menjabat sejak 13 Maret
Presiden Komisaris pengawasan dan memberikan nasehat kepada
President Direksi.
Honesti Basyir (serves up to March 13,
Commissioner To coordinate the BOC functions to monitor and
advise the Board of Directors.
Melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan
Herdy Rosady Harman (menjabat
nasehat di bidang Hukum International dan
sampai dengan 13 Maret 2015) Komisaris
Human Capital.
Herdy Rosady Harman (serves up to Commissioner
To supervise and advise regarding the matters
March 13, 2015)
related to International Law and Human Capital.
Melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan
Budi Satria D. Purba (menjabat sejak 13 nasehat di bidang Strategi Bisnis, Hukum
Maret 2015) Komisaris International dan Human Capital
Budi Satria D. Purba (serves up to Commissioner To Supervise and advise the matters related to
March 13, 2015) Business Strategy, International Law and Human

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Era Kamali Nasution (menjabat sampai Melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan

dengan 4 Desember 2015) Komisaris nasehat di bidang teknologi dan network.
Era Kamali Nasution (serves up to Commissioner To supervise and advise the matters related to
December 13, 2015) technology and network.
Nanang Hendarno Melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan
(menjabat sejak 4 Desember 2015) Komisaris nasehat di bidang teknologi dan network.
Nanang Hendarno Commissioner To supervise and advise the matters related to of
(serves up to December 13, 2015) technology and network.
Melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan
Setyanto Hantoro nasehat di bidang Strategi Korporasi, Keuangan
dan Investasi.
Setyanto Hantoro Commissioner
To supervise and advise the matters related to
Corporate Strategy, Finance and Investment.


Among the Board of Commissioners and between
Antara anggota Dewan Komisaris dan antara anggota
members of the Board of Commissioners and the
Dewan Komisaris dengan anggota Direksi tidak ada
members of the Board of Directors shall not be
hubungan keluarga sedarah sampai dengan derajat
biological relative to the third degree, either vertically or
ketiga, baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis ke
horizontally or laterally or marriage relationship.
samping atau hubungan semenda.

Anggota Dewan Komisaris Telin memastikan independensi

dalam pelaksanaan tugas sesuai dengan prinsip GCG Telin.
Telin Board of Commissioners members ensure independency in duty
implementation according to Telin GCG principle.


Remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris ditetapkan oleh Rapat The remuneration of the Board of Commissioners is
Umum pemegang Saham. Berdasarkan Keputusan pada determined by the General Meetings of Shareholders.
tanggal 13 Maret 2015, remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris Based on the decisions taken on March 13, 2015, the
terdiri dari gaji bulanan dan tunjangan operasional, remuneration for the Board of Commissioners comprises
kecuali untuk Komisaris Utama tidak diberikan sesuai of monthly salary and operational allowance, except for
dengan Surat Direktur Keuangan Telkom No.: Tel.120/

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PS500/COP-B0000000/2012 Tanggal 1 Agustus 2012 the President Commissioner which is determined under
tentang Ketentuan Honorarium bagi Komisaris entitas Telkom Finance Director Decree No. Tel.120/PS500/
anak. Jumlah gaji dan tunjangan selama satu tahun bagi COP-B0000000/2012 on August 1, 2012 regarding
Dewan Komisaris adalah Rp2.001.500.000,- dengan Regulation of Honorarium for the Commissioners in
rincian untuk Komut Rp575 juta, dan 3 komisaris yang Subsidiaries. Total annual salary and allowance for
lain masing-masing sebesar Rp475,5 Juta. the Board of Commissioners is Rp2,001,500,000 with
distribution of Rp575 million for President Commissioner
and other 3 Commissioners received Rp475.5 million.


Sepanjang tahun 2015 Dewan Komisaris telah During 2015, the Board of Commissioners has
melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai AD Telin, dengan implemented its duties in accordance Telin Article of
pemaparan umum pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris Association, the description of the implementation of the
tahun 2015, yaitu: Board of Commissioners Duties in 2015, are as follows:

Tugas pengawasan yang telah dilaksanakan antara lain: Supervisory duties that have been implemented are:
a. Persiapan RUPS Tahun Buku 2014; a. To prepare GMS of the Fiscal Year of 2014;
b. Performansi kinerja Direksi per bulan selama tahun b. Working performance of the Board of Directors per
2015; month during 2015;
c. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telin Singapore; c. Optimization of business achievement in Telin Singapore;
d. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telin Hong Kong; d. Optimization of business achievement in Telin Hong Kong;
e. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telin Timor-Leste; e. Optimization of business achievements in Telin Timor-Leste;
f. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telkom Australia; f. Optimization of business achievement in Telkom Australia;
g. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telkom Macau; g. Optimization of business achievement in Telkom Macau;
h. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telkom Taiwan; h. Optimization of Telkom’s business achievements in Taiwan;
i. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telkom USA; i. Optimization of business achievement in Telkom USa;
j. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis di Telin Malaysia; j. Optimization of business achievement in Telkom Malaysia;
k. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis dan pengelolaan k. Optimization of business achievement and
Kantor Cabang Telin Myanmar; Management of Branch Office of Telin Myanmar;
l. Optimalisasi pencapaian bisnis dan pengelolaan l. Optimization of business achievement and
Project KSA; Management of KSa project;
m. Penyiapan second gateway Manado-USA; m. Preparation of second gateway of Manado - USa;
n. Pengembangan bisnis Content Delivery Network n. Business Development of Content Delivery Network
(CDN); (CDN);
o. Pengembangan bisnis telepresence; o. Telepresence business development;
p. Proses Pengembangan Data Center Jurong di Telin p. Process of Data Center Development Jurong in Telin
Singapore; Singapore;
q. Penyiapan Rapat Pimpinan Telin dalam Telkom Group; q. Telin Leader Meeting Preparation in Telkom Group;
r. Pengesahan RKAP Telin 2015 – Januari 2015; r. RKAP Ratification of Telin 2015 – January 2015;
s. Persetujuan Shareholder Loan kepada Telkom USA s. Approval of Shareholder Loan to Telkom Usa – March
- Maret 2015; 2015;

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t. Persetujuan Penerimaan Bridge Financing dari t. Approval of the Acceptance of Bridge Financing
Telkom untuk Transaski Akuisisi dan Penerusan for the acquisition transaction to Telkom USA and
Bridge Financing ke Telkom USA serta Penerbitan Forwarding the Bridge Financing to USa and Issuance
Corporate Guarantee – Mei 2015; of Corporate Guarantee – May 2015;
u. Penetapan Auditor Independen untuk Audit Telin u. Determination independent auditor for Telin audit of
tahun Buku 2015 – Juni 2015 ; Fiscal Year 2015 – June 2015;
v. Tindak Lanjut Hasil Audit IT-GC dan IT-Apcon pada v. Follow-up Results of GC IT and IT-apcon Audits on
Aplikasi Enterprise System (ES) Telin – Oktober 2015; application of Enterprise System (ES) Telin – October 2015;
w. Shareholder Loan kepada Telkom Australia – w. Shareholder Loan to Telkom Australia – November
November 2015; 2015;

Sepanjang tahun 2015 Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan

tugasnya sesuai AD Telin, dengan pemaparan umum
pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris tahun 2015,
In 2015, the Board of Commissioners has implemented its duties based on
Telin Articles of Association with following general explanation about Board
of Commissioners duty implementation in 2015:


Bentuk pengembangan kompetensi Dewan Komisaris Telin Board of Commissioners competence development
Telin dilakukan melalui partisipasi dalam program is performed in the form of participation in a training
pelatihan. Selama tahun 2015, program pelatihan yang program. During 2015, the training program involved the
diikuti oleh Dewan Komisaris Telin: Telin Board of Commissioners are as follows:



Workshop Komite Integritas Angkatan 2 21-22 Desember 2015

Budi Satria Purba
Workshop of Integrity Committee Second Period December 21 – 22, 2015
Innovation for Result 2015 17-18 Juni 2015
Innovation For Result 2015 June 17 – 18, 2015
Nanang Hendarno
Workshop Pemahaman Konsep Integritas 22-23 September 2015
Workshop of Integrity Concept Understanding 22-23 September 2015
Workshop Komite Integritas Angkatan 2 21-22 September 2015
Workshop of Integrity Committee Second Period 21-22 September 2015
Setyanto Hantoro
Seminar Business Judgement Rule 27 November 2015
Business Seminar of Judgment Rule November 27, 2015

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Sebagai organ Perusahaan, Direksi memiliki kewenangan As a Company organ, the Board of Directors has
dan bertanggung jawab secara kolegial dalam mengelola authorities and is responsible collegially to manage the
Perusahaan, termasuk mewakili Perusahaan baik di Company, including to represent the Company both in
dalam maupun di luar pengadilan. Anggota Direksi and out of the court. Members of Board of Directors are
diangkat melalui RUPS untuk periode 3 tahun dan dapat appointed by the GMS for the period of 3 years and can
diangkat sekali lagi pada periode berikutnya, dengan be re-appointed once again for another period, with due
tetap memperhatikan hak RUPS untuk melakukan regard to the right of the GMS to dismiss the members of
penggantian anggota Direksi setiap waktu. the Board of Directors any time.

Direksi memiliki kewenangan secara kolegial dalam mengelola

the Board of Directors has an collegially responsible in managing the


Sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Telin, Direksi memiliki In accordance with the Telin Article of Association, the
tugas, tanggung jawab dan wewenang khusus yang Board of Directors has special duties, responsibilities and
dilaksanakan sesuai dengan sasaran Perusahaan. Untuk authority that are implemented in accordance with the
mencapai maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan tersebut, Company’s objectives. To achieve the Company’s purposes
anggota Direksi menjalankan segala tindakan yang and objectives, members of the Board of Directors may take
berkaitan dengan kepengurusan Telin untuk kepentingan any actions relating to Telin management for the benefit of
Telin dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Telin serta Telin and in accordance with Telin purposes and adjective
mewakili Telin baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan. and to represent Telin both in and out of the court.

Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan tugas Direksi tersebut, To facilitate the duties of the Board of Directors, the Board
seluruh anggota Direksi berwenang untuk: of Directors is authorized:

a. Menetapkan kebijakan kepengurusan Telin; a. To establish Telin management policies;

b. Mengatur pembagian tugas dan wewenang anggota b. To regulate the duties and authority division of
Direksi apabila tidak ditetapkan oleh RUPS; members of Board of Directors if they are not
determined by the GMS;

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c. Mengatur tentang ketenagakerjaan; c. To regulate matters related to employment;

d. Mengangkat dan memberhentikan karyawan Telin; d. To hire and dismiss Telin employees;
e. Melakukan segala tindakan dan perbuatan lainnya e. To take all actions and other measures related to Telin
mengenai kepengurusan maupun kepemilikan management and properties, to bind Telin with other
kekayaan Telin, mengikat Telin dengan pihak lain; parties;
f. Dengan itikad baik dan penuh tanggung jawab f. In good faith and full of responsibility, any members
setiap anggota Direksi menjalankan tugas untuk of the Board of Directors shall perform their duties
kepentingan dan usaha Telin dengan mematuhi for Telin interest and business by complying with the
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. prevailing law and regulation.

Setiap anggota Direksi memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab

tersendiri sesuai ruang lingkup pekerjaan masing-masing.
Every Telin Board of Directors has distinctive duty and responsibility
according to individual scope of work.

Adapun Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan masing-masing The Scopes of Duty of each member of the Board of
anggota Direksi sebagai berikut: Directors are as follows:
1. President Director bertanggung jawab atas: 1. The President Director responsibilities are as follows:
a. President Director dalam fungsinya sebagai a. a. The President Director in his function as
pimpinan Telin memiliki tugas pokok memimpin the Telin leader has a basic duty to direct the
Perusahaan dalam mengemban misi untuk Company that has the mission to achieve Telin
mencapai tujuan dan sasaran Telin dan goals and objectives using good and optimal Telin
memberikan manfaat kepada Pemangku good governance;
b. Bertanggung jawab untuk mengoordinasikan b. To be responsible for coordinating and controlling
dan mengendalikan Telin, yang meliputi fungsi Telin, including the functions of strategic planning,
perencanaan strategis, pengembangan usaha, business development, risk management, Telin
manajemen risiko, tata kelola Telin, internal audit, governance, internal audit, legal and regulatory,
hukum dan regulasi, manajemen sumber daya human resources management and planning
manusia dan perencanaan Telin untuk mencapai Telin to achieve Tellin target governance Telin
target Telin dengan tata kelola Telin yang baik dan good and optimal..

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2. Direktur Marketing & Sales bertanggung jawab atas 2. The Marketing & Sales Director is responsible for
a. Pelaksanaan business strategy yang dituangkan a. Implementing business strategy as outlined in
dalam marketing strategy melalui pemenangan marketing strategy by winning a competition;
b. Pengelolaan, pengendalian dan integrasi b. Managing, controlling and integrating the
penyelenggaraan fungsi product management implementation of the function of product
c. Penciptaan value Perusahaan melalui optimalisasi c. Creating the Company value through the
dan harmonisasi interelasi pengelolaan Marsal di optimization and harmonization of nIT
lingkup Telin Group interrelation management within the scope of
d. Penanganan strategi dan kebijakan fungsional Telin Group
sesuai pembidangan tugas Marsal. d. Handling functional strategies and policies
according to Marsal duty division.

3. Direktur Network & Information Technology 3. Director of Network & Information Technology is
bertanggung jawab atas responsible for
a. Pelaksanaan business strategy melalui leverage a. Implementing business strategy through leverage
kemampuan sumber daya Perusahaan dalam of Company’s resource ability to grow/develop/
menumbuhkan/ membesarkan/ eksploitasi atas exploit the established products/services;
produk/ services yang sudah Established; b. Creating the Company value through the
b. Penciptaan value Perusahaan melalui optimalisasi optimization and harmonization of Marsal
dan harmonisasi interelasi pengelolaan NIT di interrelation management within the scope of
lingkup Telin Group; Telin Group;
c. Penanganan strategi dan kebijakan fungsional c. Handling functional strategies and policies
sesuai pembidangan tugas NIT. according to nIT duty division.

4. Direktur Finance & Human Capital bertanggung jawab 4. The Director of Finance & Human Capital is responsible
atas: for:
a. Pelaksanaan business strategy melalui a. Implementing business strategy through Company’s
pengelolaan dan pengendalian keuangan financial management and control for the benefit
Perusahaan untuk kepentingan pendanaan of business funding and Telin financial function
bisnis dan operasional fungsi keuangan Telin, operation, as well as performing the functions of
serta penyelenggaraan fungsi accounting dan accounting and settlement & billing collection
settlement & billing collection
b. Pembangunan human capital, organization design b. Developing human capital, organization design
dan corporate culture dalam rangka meningkatkan and corporate culture in order to enhance
competitive advantage Perusahaan; Company’s competitive advantage;
c. Penanganan strategi dan kebijakan fungsional c. Handling functional strategies and policies
sesuai pembidangan tugas FHC according to FHC duty division

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Hingga 31 Desember 2015, komposisi Direksi Telin, yaitu: Up to December 31, 2015, the compositions of the Board
of Directors Telin, are as follows:
Presiden Direktur: President Director
Syarif Syarial Ahmad Syarif Syarial ahmad

Finance and Human Capital Director: Finance and Human Capital Director:
Sunarto Parto Sunarto Parto

Network & Information Technology Director: Network & Information Technology director:
Tulus Sudarsono Tulus Sudarsono

Marketing and Sales Director: Marketing and Sales director:

S.P. Natigor Sitorus S.P. Natigor Sitorus


Remunerasi bagi anggota Direksi ditetapkan oleh RUPS, Remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors
setelah mempertimbangkan proposal yang diajukan is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders,
oleh Direksi. Berdasarkan keputusan pada tanggal 13 after considering the proposals submitted by the Board of
Maret 2015, remunerasi bagi anggota Direksi terdiri Directors. In accordance with the decision on March 13, 2015,
dari gaji, tunjangan dan intensif. Jumlah gaji, tunjangan the remunerations of the members of the Board of Directors
dan intensif bagi tiga anggota Direksi selain Presiden consist of salary, allowance and incentive. The total salary,
Direktur adalah 272% dari jumlah yang diberikan kepada allowance and incentives for three members of the Board of
Direktur Utama. Jumlah gaji dan tunjangan selama Directors except the Managing President Director is 272% of
satu tahun bagi seluruh Direksi sebesar Rp7,272 Miliar the amount provided to the President Director. Total salary and
dengan rincian Direktur Utama Rp1.953.000.000 dan benefit for one year for all Board of Directors is Rp7,272 billion
masing-masing direksi lain Rp1.773.000.000,- with the details as follows, Rp1,953,000,000 for President
Director and other directors each Rp1,773,000,000, -


Untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan pengetahuan To improve the competence and knowledge of the Board
Direksi dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya, selama of Directors to perform their duties and functions, during

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

2015 anggota Direksi telah mengikuti seminar, pelatihan 2015 members of the Board of Directors has participated
dan workshop sebagai berikut: in the following seminars, training and workshops:



1 Syarif Syarial Ahmad Training Pre-retirement Senior Leader 21-22 September 2015
SUSPIM 1 Commisionership Executive Program 2-4 September 2015
2 Sunarto
Training Pre-retirement Senior Leader 21-22 September 2015
Directorship Executive Program 10-12 Juni 2015
3 Tulus Sudarsono
Training Pre-retirement Senior Leader 21-22 September 2015
Innovation For Result 2015 17 - 18 Juni 2015
4 S. P. Natigor Sitorus 30 September-1 November
Enhanced Portfolio Mgt For Executive


Pengangkatan anggota Direksi Telin dilakukan oleh The appointment of members of Telin Board of Directors
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) dengan is carried out by the General Meeting of Shareholders
memperhatikan hasil Sidang Jabatan (SIJAB) (GMS) considering the result of Telkom Joint Meeting
Telkom yang dilakukan berdasarkan pada Peraturan (SIJaB) which is carried out in accordance with the
Perusahaan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TELKOM) Company Regulations of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
tentang Manajemen Karir No. PR.208.03/r00/HK250/ (TELKOM) on Career Management no. PR.208.03/R00/
COP-B0020000/2012, dimana proses seleksi karir di HK250/COP-B0020000/2012, in which career selection
Telkom Group dilakukan dengan prinsip dasar kesamaan process in the Telkom Group is carried out with the basic
kesempatan, transparansi dan akuntabilitas dan dengan principles of opportunity equality, transparency and
proses Profile Match Up, proses uji kelayakan dan accountability and with the process of Profile Match Up,
kepatutan (Fit & Proper Test), dan Sijab. fit and proper test and Joint Meeting (Sijab).

Selain itu, pengangkatan anggota Direksi Telin juga Furthermore, the appointment of members of Telin Board
memperhatikan Peraturan Menteri BUMN No. PER – 03/ of Directors also considers the Regulation of Minister of
MBU/2012 tentang Pedoman Pengangkatan Anggota SOE (BUMN) no. PER-03/MBU/2012 on the Guidelines of
Direksi dan Anggota Dewan Komisaris Anak Perusahaan Appointment of members of the Board of Directors and
Badan Usaha Milik Negara, calon anggota Direksi Board of Commissioners members of the subsidiaries of
Telin diajukan oleh Telkom sebagai Induk Perusahaan. state-owned enterprises, the candidates of the Members
Pengangkatan anggota Direksi berlandaskan pada of Telin Board of Directors are proposed by Telkom as the
prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme, transparansi, Holding Company. The appointment of the members of
kemandirian, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban dan the Board of Directors shall be based on the principles
kewajaran. of professionalism, transparency, independence,
accountability, responsibility and fairness.

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Dalam rangka membangun pemimpin-pemimpin In order to create reliable leaders in the Company
yang handal di Perusahaan dan mampu bersaing and is able to compete at the international level, Telin
di tingkat internasional, Telin sebagai Perusahaan yang as a company belonging to the Telkom Group has
tergabung dalam Group Telkom telah membangun sistem established a system and a process that are based on
dan proses yang didasarkan pada kebijakan Arsitektur the architecture policy of Leadership and Corporate
Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Perusahaan serta Sistem Culture and a System of Leadership Development
Pengembangan Kepemimpinan Telkom Group dengan of Telkom Group with a variety of methods such as
berbagai metode yang dilakukan seperti leadership leadership training, mentorship and coaching programs,
training program, mentorship dan coaching program, assignment programs and other necessary methods.
assignment program dan metode lain yang diperlukan.

Prosedur suksesi Direksi Telin dilengkapi oleh ketentuan

proses uji kelayakan dan kepatutan (fit and proper test) serta
mengacu pada Kebijakan Arsitektur Kepemimpinan dan Budaya
Telin BOD succession procedure is equipped with fit and proper test
mechanism and refers to Leadership Architecture Policy and Corporate

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Penilaian Kinerja Dewan Komisaris

dan Direksi

Telin memiliki prosedur pelaksanaan penilaian kinerja Telin has procedures for implementing performance
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sesuai dengan Kontrak evaluation of the Board of Commissioners and Directors
Manajemen dan Key Performance Indicators (KPI) untuk in accordance with the Contract Management and Key
masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Performance Indicators (KPI) for each member of the
Kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dinilai secara Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. The
kolegial dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS). Performance of the Board of Commissioners and Board
of Directors are assessed collegially in General Meeting
of Shareholders (GMS).


Secara keseluruhan, RUPS merupakan pihak yang Overall, GMS is a party to assess the performance of
melakukan penilaian atas kinerja Dewan Komisaris, the Board of Commissioners, related to the duties and
terkait dengan pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab responsibilities of the Board of the Commissioners in
Dewan Komisaris dalam tahun yang bersangkutan. the relevant year. The accountability of the duties and
Pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners of the
jawab Dewan Komisaris untuk tahun buku 2015 dilakukan fiscal year of 2015 is conducted in GMS of 2016.
dalam RUPS yang akan diselenggarakan di tahun 2016.


Indikator penilaian kinerja Dewan Komisaris terdiri dari: Performance assessment indicators of Board of
Commissioners consist of:
1. Aspek Pengawasan dan Nasihat 1. Supervision and advice aspects
2. Aspek Pelaporan. 2. Reporting aspect.
3. Aspek Dinamis. 3. Dynamic aspects

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Dewan Komisaris melakukan self assessment terhadap Board of Commissioners conduct a self-assessment
pencapaian indikator penilaian kinerja namun secara on the achievement of performance assessment
keseluruhan, kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi indicators, but overall, the performance of the Board of
dievaluasi secara kolegial oleh pemegang saham dalam Commissioners and Board of Directors are evaluated
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS). collegially by shareholders in the General Meeting of
Shareholders (GMS).

KPI Direksi dituangkan dalam Kontrak Manajemen (KM)

yang evaluasinya dilakukan secara triwulanan
BOD KPI is stated in Management Contract with quarterly evaluation


Penilaian atas kinerja Direksi dilakukan oleh Dewan Board of Directors perforamnce assessment is carried
Komisaris maupun oleh RUPS, dengan mengacu pada out by Board of Commissioners or GMS, by refering to
pencapaian Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Direksi Board of Directors Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya achievement in duty and responsbility implementation
sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan. KPI tersebut accordign to Articles of Association. The KPI is described
dituangkan dalam Kontrak Manajemen (KM) yang in Management Contract with quarterly evaluation based
evaluasinya dilakukan secara triwulanan berdasar pada on Official Notes No. TEL.213/LP00COP-E0000000/2015
Nota Dinas nomor: TEL.213/LP00COP-E0000000/2015 dated July 9, 2015 regarding Quarter Contract
tanggal 9 Juli 2015 perihal Distribusi target dan Laporan Management Target Achievement Distribution and
Pencapaian KM triwulanan tahun 2015-Telin. Report 2015 – Telin.


Penilaian kinerja Direksi dilaksanakan dalam periode
Board of Directors performance assessment is done
triwulanan menggunakan metode Balance Scorecard,
quarterly using Balance Scorecard Method to measure
untuk mengukur 4 (empat) perspektif yaitu perspektif
4 (four) perspective, among others financial, customers,

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

finansial, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal serta learning internal business process as well as learning and growth
and growth. Rincian kriteria asesmen kinerja Direksi perspective. Explanation of Telin BOD performance
Telin untuk tahun 2015, sebagai berikut: assessment for 2015 period is as follows:

1. Perspektif Finansial 1. Financial Perspective

Penilaian dilakukan dengan menghitung skor yang Assessment is conducted by calculating scores
diperoleh dari hasil pencapaian target Perspektif obtained from the result of Financial Performance
Kinerja Keuangan berdasarkan laporan keuangan Perspective target achievement based on audited
yang telah diaudit yang mencakup pencapaian financial statements including the achievement
terhadap pendapatan usaha, EBITDA, laba bersih dan of operating revenues, EBITDA, net income
khusus pada TW IV ditambahkan indikator Market and particularly in Quarter IV added by Telkom
Capitalization Telkom. Capitalization Market indicators.

2. Perspektif Pelanggan 2. Customer Perspective

Penilaian dilakukan dengan Assessment is conducted by
menghitung skor yang calculating the score obtained
diperoleh yang dicapai from customer perspective
dari hasil pencapaian target achievement including
target perspektif production IC PKSO voice,
pelanggan yang IP Transit bandwidth,
meliputi production non-captive revenue
voice IC PKSO, IP ration and partnership
Transit bandwidth, satisfaction index.
Non-captive revenue
ration dan partnership
satisfaction index.
3. Internal Business Process
3. Perspektif Proses Bisnis Perspective
Internal Assessment is conducted
Penilaian dilakukan dengan by calculating the score obtained
menghitung skor yang diperoleh from the achievement result of internal
yang dicapai dari hasil pencapaian target business process perspective that includes
perspektif proses bisnis internal yang meliputi synergy of Telkom Group, business effectiveness
synergy Telkom Group, business effectiveness assessment, ISO 20000 certification based on ITIL
assessment, certification ISO 20000 based on ITIL and masterpiece (iGlow, iMac and Telma).
dan masterpiece (iGlow, iMac dan Telma).

4. Perspektif Learning and Growth 4. Learning and Growth perspective

Penilaian dilakukan dengan menghitung skor yang Assessment is conducted by calculating the score
diperoleh yang dicapai dari hasil pencapaian target obtained from the achievement result of perspective
perspektif learning and growth yaitu program target of learning and growth, which is the program
Strengthen Culture yang dievalusi berdasarkan of Culture Strengthen evaluated based on Culture
Culture Health Index (Entropy, Employee Engagement Health Index (Entropy, Employee Engagement Survey
Survey (EES) dan Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI)). (EES) and Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI)).

280 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Secara keseluruhan, kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan In general, Board of Commissioners and Board of
Direksi dievaluasi secara kolegial oleh pemegang saham Directors performance are evaluated collegially by
dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS). Evaluasi shareholders in General Meetings of Shareholders
pencapaian Kinerja Dewan Direksi Direktur Utama Telin (GMS). Board of Directors and President Director
untuk disetujui oleh Komisaris Utama Telin dan secara performance evaluation is to be approved by Telin
berkala (per triwulan) dilaporkan ke Direktur Innovation President Commissioner and reported to Innovation
and Strategiy Portfolio selaku Chief Innovation and and Strategy Portfolio as Chief Innovation and Strategy
Strategy Officer. Officer in quarter basis.


Rincian penilaian perspektif finansial, perspektif Explanation of financial, customers, internal business
pelanggan, perspektif proses bisnis internal dan process as well as learning and growth perspective
perspektif learning & growth dapat ditampilkan sebagai assessment is described in table below:


Perspective Weigh Final Score
Perspektif Finansial
40 43.67
Financial Perspective
Perspektif Pelanggan
25 26.69
Customer Perspective
Perspektif Proses Bisnis Internal
Internal Business Process Perspective 25
Perspektif Learning & Growth
10 10.50
Learning & Growth Perspective
Total 100 105.73

Catatan: Notes:
Evaluasi pada TW IV 2015 mewakili kinerja selama tahun The evaluation on Quarter IV 2015 represents the
2015. performance of 2015.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 281

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Kebijakan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris

dan Direksi

Penentuan Remunerasi BOD/ BOC Telin dilakukan oleh Telin BOD/BOC remuneration is determined by Telkom
Telkom selaku Parent Company dengan menggunakan as the Holding Company using the provisions in the
ketentuan dalam Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Regulation of Minister of State Owned Enterprises
Negara Nomor PER-04/ MBU/ 2014 tentang Pedoman number PER-04/MBU/2014 on Guidelines for
Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Determination of the Income for Board of Directors,
Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang Board of Commissioners and Board of Trustees of
diberlakukan untuk gaji/honorarium, tunjangan, dan State Owned Enterprise applied for salary/honorarium,
fasilitas Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas benefits and facilities of Board of Directors, Board of
BUMN tahun buku 2014, dan perhitungan tantiem/ Commissioners and Board of Trustees of SOE of financial
insentif kinerja anggota Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan year of 2014, and the calculation of the director fee
Dewan Pengawas BUMN berdasarkan kinerja tahun (tantieme) /incentive of the performance of members of
buku 2013. the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and the
Board of Trustees of SOE based on the performance of
the financial year of 2013.

Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, ditetapkan bahwa Based on the regulation, it is determined that the

remunerasi Dewan Komisaris Telin terdiri dari: remuneration of the Telin Board of Commissioners
consists of:
a. Gaji; a. Salary;
b. Tunjangan yang terdiri atas Tunjangan hari Raya dan b. Benefit consisting of Religious Holliday allowances
Tunjangan Transportasi (THR) and Transportation Allowances
c. Fasilitas yang terdiri atas fasilitas kesehatan dan c. Facilities consisting of health facilities and legal
fasilitas bantuan hukum assistance facilities
d. Tantiem/ Insentif Kinerja. d. Director Fee/Performance Incentives.

Sedangkan untuk remunerasi Direksi Telin, selain While the remuneration of Telin Board of Directors,
mengacu kepada Peraturan Mentri BUMN di atas juga in addition to referring to the above Minister of SOE
ditetapkan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, setelah Regulation, it is also determined by the General Meeting of
mempertimbangkan proposal yang diajukan oleh Shareholders, after considering the proposals submitted by
Direksi. the Board of Directors.

Berdasarkan keputusan RUPS Telin tanggal 13 Maret Based on the decision of Telin GMS March 13, 2015, the
2015, remunerasi bagi anggota Direksi terdiri dari: remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors
consists of:
a. Gaji; a. Salary;
b. Tunjangan yang terdiri atas Tunjangan hari Raya, b. Benefit consisting of the Religious Holliday allowances

282 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Tunjangan Perumahan dan Asuransi Purna Jabatan. (THR), residential allowance and Post Term of Office
c. Fasilitas yang terdiri atas fasilitas kendaraan, fasilitas c. Facility consisting of transport facilities, medical
kesehatan dan fasilitas bantuan hokum facilities and legal assistance facility
d. Tantiem/ Insentif Kinerja. d. Director Fee/Performance Incentives

Gaji Direktur Utama ditentukan berdasarkan parameter President Director’s salary is determined based on
Gaji Dasar, Faktor Penyesuaian Industri, Faktor the parameters of Basic Salary, Industrial Adjustment
Penyesuaian Inflasi dan Faktor Jabatan. Untuk Gaji Dasar Factors, Inflation Adjustment Factor and Position Factor.
diperhitungkan dengan mempertimbangkan variable The Basic Salary is calculated by taking into account the
Pendapatan Operasional (Revenue) Perusahaan dan variable of Operating Income (Revenue) of the Company
Nilai Aktiva Perusahaan. Gaji Direksi lainnya ditetapkan and Company asset value. Other Board of Directors’
dengan komposisi factor Jabatan sebesar 90% dari salaries are determined by position composition
Direktur Utama. Untuk Komisaris Utama ditetapkan factor of 90% of the President Director. The President
dengan komposisi factor Jabatan sebesar 45% dari Commissioner’s salary is determined by the Position
Direktur Utama, sedangkan anggota Dewan Komisaris composition factor of 45% of the President Director,
lainnya sebesar 90% dari Komisaris Utama. while other members of the Board of Commissioners is
90% of the President Commissioner.

Tantiem/ Insentif Kinerja diperhitungkan berdasarkan Director Fee/Performance Incentive is calculated based
pencapaian sasaran perusahaan sebagaimana tertuang on the achievement of company’s target as stated in on
dalam Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP). the Company Budget Work Plan (CBP).

Penetapan Penghasilan BOD/ BOC Telin dilakukan dalam The salary of Telin BOD / BOC is determined in the General
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) pada waktu Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) in the predetermined
yang telah ditentukan dan dituangkan dalam lampiran time and stated in appendix of the GMS resolution.
keputusan RUPS.

Tantiem/ Insentif Kinerja diperhitungkan berdasarkan

pencapaian sasaran perusahaan sebagaimana tertuang dalam
Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP).
Performance bonus/incentive is calculated based on corporate target
achievement as explained in Budget Plan (RKAP).

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 283

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Frekuensi dan Tingkat Kehadiran Rapat

Gabungan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi,
dan rapat Direksi


Salah satu pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris One implementation of the Board of Commissioners Duties
direalisasikan melalui Rapat gabungan Dewan Komisaris is realized through a combined meeting of the Board of
dan Direksi yang dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota Dewan Commissioners and Board of Directors, which is attended
Komisaris dan Direksi. Pembahasan dalam rapat by all members of the Board of Commissioners and Board
gabungan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi mencakup of Directors. The matters discussed in the combined joint
seluruh aspek pengelolaan Perusahaan. meeting of the Board of Commissioners and Board of
Directors includeall aspects of Company management.

Selama tahun 2015, rincian kehadiran rapat gabungan During 2015, the details of the attendance of the
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagai berikut: combined meetings of the Board of Commissioners and
Directors as follows:



1 26 Maret 2015 Performance bulan Jan - Feb 2015 Performance Jan - Feb 2015
Performance bulan Maret - April 2015 Performance March - April 2015
Pembahasan Kinerja Perusahaan YTD Company Performance Discussion
April 2015 yTD of April 2015
Laporan Progress Project GOLF Report of Golf Project Progress
Update Data Center Jurong Update Data Center Jurong
2 29 Mei 2015 Performance bulan Juni 2015 Performance June 2015
Pembahasan Kinerja Perusahaan YTD Company Performance Discussion yTD
April 2015 of April 2015
Laporan Progress Project GOLF Report of Golf Project Progress
Update Data Center Jurong Update Data Center Jurong
3 29 Juli 2015 Performance bulan Agustus 2015 Performance of August 2015
23 September
4 2015 Performance bulan Agustus 2015 Performance August 2015

284 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Progress Report of Submarine Cable

Progress Report Submarine Cable Project
Dampak Fluktuasi Kurs USD Terhadap Impact of USD Exchange Rate
Bisnis Telin Fluctuation on Telin business
Tindak Lanjut Hasil Audit IT General Follow up of Audit Result of IT General
Control Control
5 29 Oktober 2015 Performance bulan September 2015 Performance September 2015
Performansi dan langkah pengamanan
Performance and TCL security measure
Tindak lanjut project GOLF Follow up of Golf project
6 26 November 2015 Performance bulan Oktober 2015 Performance October 2015
Update progress red alert Update progress red alert
7 23 Desember 2015 Performance bulan November 2015 Performance November 2015
Managing red alert Managing red alert
RKAP 2016 Budget Plan 2016
Financing issue Financing issue


Salah satu pelaksanaan tugas Direksi direalisasikan One implementation of the Board of Commissioners Duties
melalui penyelenggaraan rapat Direksi. Pada tahun is realized through a Board of Directors Meeting. In 2015, the
2015, Direksi menyelenggarakan 43 kali rapat Direksi. Board of Directors held 43 Board of Directors Meetings. The
Rincian frekuensi dan jadwal rapat Direksi tahun 2015 details of the frequency and schedule of Board of Director
digambarkan dalam tabel berikut: meetings of 2015 is described in the following table:

NAMA Jabatan Tingkat Kehadiran Persentase

NAME Position Attendance Level Frequency

Syarif Syarial Ahmad President Director 41 95%

Sunarto Parto Finance and Human Capital Director 40 93%
Network & Information Technology
Tulus Sudarsono 39 90%
S. P. Natigor Sitorus Marketing & Sales Director 40 93%

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 285

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Informasi Pemegang Saham


Hingga 31 Desember 2015, pemegang saham utama dan Until December 31, 2015, the controlling shareholder and
pengendali Telin adalah PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia controller of Telin is PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.

286 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Pengungkapan Hubungan Afiliasi

Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan
Pemegang Saham Utama dan/
atau Pengendali


Family Relation With Financial Relation with BILA ADA
DIREKSI Board of Board of
Directors Controlling Directors Controlling HUBUNGAN
Board of Commissioners Commissioners
Shareholder Shareholder KEUANGAN
Commissioners &
Remark if
Board of
there is family
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NO or financial

x v x v x v x v x v x v v
Honesti Basyir x v x v x v x v x v x v v
Era Kamali
x v x v x v x v x v x v v
x v x v x v x v x v x v v
Budi Satria
x v x v x v x v x v x v v
Dharma Purba
x v x v x v x v x v x v v
Syarif Syarial
x v x v x v x v x v x v v
Sunarto Parto x v x v x v x v x v x v v
Tulus Sudarsono x v x v x v x v x v x v v
S.P. Natigor
x v x v x v x v x v x v v

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 287

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources



Perusahaan mewajibkan anggota Dewan Komisaris The Company requires members of the Board of
untuk mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham dan rangkap Commissioners to disclose their shares ownership and
jabatannya, baik kepemilikan saham pada Telin maupun dual position, both share ownership in Telinor other
pada perusahaan lain, yang berkedudukan di dalam companies, which are domestic and foreign Company in
dan di luar negeri dalam suatu laporan yang harus a report which shall be renewed annually.
diperbaharui setiap tahunnya.

Share Ownership

1 lembar saham
Ririek Adriansyah X Telin Timor Leste X
1 share

Honesti Basyir X X X X

Era Kamali Nasution X X X X

Setyanto Hantoro X X X X
Budi Satria Dharma Purba X X X X
Nanang Hendarno X X X X




Ririek Adriansyah (menjabat Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Menjabat sebagai

sampai dengan 13 Maret Utama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Direktur Utama
2015) Internasional Pte Ltd (Telin Telkomsel
Ririek Adriansyah (serves up Singapore) sampai dengan Februari Serves as President
to March 13,2015) - 2015 Director of Telkomsel
Serves as President Commissioner
of Telekomunikasi Indonesia
InternationalPte Ltd (Telin
Singapore) up to Februari 2015

288 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Ririek Adriansyah (menjabat Menjabat sebagai Komisaris

sampai dengan 13 Maret Telekomunikasi Indonesia
2015) Internasional hong kong Ltd
Ririek Adriansyah (serving (Telin hong kong) sampai dengan
until March 13, 2015) - Februari 2015 -
Chairing as Commissioner
at Telekomunikasi Indonesia
International hong kong Ltd (Telin
hong kong) until February 2015
Honesti Basyir (menjabat Direktur Wholesale &
sejak 13 Maret 2015) International Service
Honesti Basyir(serves since Telkom
- -
March 13,2015) Director of Wholesale
& International Service
Herdy Rosady Harman Direktur Human Capital
(menjabat sampai dengan 13 management Telkom
Maret 2015) Director of Human Capital
- -
Herdy Rosady management Telkom
Harman(serves up to March
13, 2015)
Budi Satria D. Purba VP Wholesale & Menjabat sebagai Komisaris
(menjabat sejak 13 Maret International Network pada Telekomunikasi Indonesia
2015) Services Telkom International (USA) Inc.(Telkom
Budi Satria D. Purba(serves VP Wholesale & USA)
since March 13, International Network Appointed as Commissioner
2015) Services Telkom at Telekomunikasi Indonesia
International (USA) Inc.(Telkom
Menjabat sebagai Komisaris
Telekomunikasi Indonesia
International (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd
(Telkom Malaysia)
Appointed as Commissioner
at Telekomunikasi Indonesia
International (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd
(Telkom Malaysia)
Era Kamali Nasution Menjabat sebagai EGM Menjabat sebagai
(menjabat sampai dengan 3 Network of Broadband Direktur Business
Desember 2015) Division Telkom sampai Integration Solution PT
Era Kamali Nasution dengan 30 Maret 2015 Sigma Cipta Caraka
(serves up to December 3, Serves as EGM Network of Sejak 1 April 2015
2015) Broadband Division Telkom Serves as Director of
up to March 30, 2015 Business Integration
Solution PT Sigma
Cipta Caraka
Since April 1, 2015
Nanang Hendarno EGM Service Operation
(menjabat sejak 4 Desember Division Telkom
- -
Nanang Hendarno
(serves since December 4,
Setyanto Hantoro EVP Strategic Investment
- -
Department Telkom
Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 289
Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Perusahaan mewajibkan anggota Direksi untuk The Company requires members of the Board of Directors
mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham dan rangkap to disclose their shares ownership and dual position, both
jabatannya, baik kepemilikan saham Telin maupun pada share ownership in Telin or other companies, which are
perusahaan lain, yang berkedudukan di dalam dan di domestic and foreign Company in a report which shall be
luar negeri dalam suatu laporan yang harus diperbaharui renewed annually.
setiap tahunnya.

Rincian Kepemilikan Saham Direksi Telin Telin Board of Directors Shares Ownership

Share Ownership
Subsidiary Other Company

Syarif Syarial Ahmad X Telin Timor Leste X 1 lembar saham

(0, 00000015%)
1 share
Sunarto Parto X X X X

Tulus Sudarsono X X X X
S.P. Natigor Sitorus X X X X

Rangkap Jabatan Direksi Telin Dual Position of Telin Board of Directors

Dual Position
Other Company Remark

Telin Singapore
Menjabat sebagai
Telin Hong Kong
Syarif Syarial Ahmad X X Komisaris
Telin Timor Leste
Serves as Commissioner
Telkom Australia
Telin Singapore Menjabat sebagai
Sunarto Parto X Telin Hong Kong X Komisaris
Telkom Australia Serves as Commissioner
Menjabat sebagai
Telin Timor Leste
Tulus Sudarsono X X Komisaris
Telkom USA
Serves as Commissioner
Menjabat sebagai
S.P. Natigor Sitorus X Telin Malaysia X Komisaris
Serves as Commissioner

290 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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Sekretaris Perusahaan

Sekretaris Perusahaan bertanggung jawab langsung The Company Secretary is responsible directly to the
terhadap Direktur Utama dan berperan dalam menjaga President Director and has the role to maintain a smooth
kelancaran hubungan antara Telin dengan Pemerintah, relationship between Telin with the Government,
pemegang saham dan masyarakat luas. Fungsi Sekretaris shareholders and community. The functions of Telin
Perusahaan di Telin dilakukan oleh VP Corporate Company Secretary are determined by VP Corporate
Secretary dan VP Corporate Affairs. Secretary and VP Corporate affairs.

Sekretaris Perusahaan berperan dalam membantu Direksi

sebagai penghubung dengan pihak eksternal Perusahaan.
Corporate Secretary is in charge to assist Board of Directors as liaison
officer with external parties of the Company.

Fungsi utama Sekretaris Perusahaan adalah membantu The main function of the Corporate Secretary is to assist
Direksi, berikut rincian pembedaan kegiatan VP the Board of Directors, the following are the details of
Corporate Secretary dan VP Corporate Affairs: differentiation between activities VP Corporate Secretary
and VP Corporate affairs:

Fungsi Utama Sekretaris Perusahaan Telin dilaksanakan oleh VP

The function of Corporate Secretary in Telin is performed by VP Corporate
Secretary and VP Corporate Affairs.

VP Corporate Secretary: VP Corporate Secretary:

1. Mengelola informasi yang berkaitan dengan 1. To manage information related to Telin business
lingkungan bisnis Telin dan menjalin hubungan baik environment and establish good relations with the
dengan para pihak lembaga penunjang industri agencies supporting capital market industry and
pasar modal dan regulator pasar modal, apabila capital markets regulating bodies, where the Company
Perusahaan telah menerbitkan sahamnya di pasar has issued its shares in the capital market;

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 291

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

2. Memastikan Telin menjalankan prinsip GCG serta 2. To ensure Telin run GCG principle and meet laws and
memenuhi peraturan perundangan yang berlaku; regulations in force;
3. Mnegelola risiko Perusahaan sesuai dengan 3. To monitor the Register of Shareholders;
ketentuan yang berlaku;
4. Memonitor perkembangan peraturan-peraturan 4. To monitor the development of the regulations in
yang berlaku; force;
5. Melaksanakan koordinasi dan dukungan bahan 5. To coordinate and to provide supporting materials for
laporan untuk pelaksanaan RUPS; report materials in GMS implementation;
6. Melaksanakan fungsi legal dan compliance, untuk 6. To implement the legal and compliance functions, to
memastikan Perusahaan dijalankan sesuai dengan ensure that the Company is run in accordance with
ketentuan hukum, undang-undang dan peraturan the provisions of law, acts and regulations in force;
yang berlaku;
7. Melakukan evaluasi dan penelaahan kebijakan 7. To evaluate and review the Company’s internal
internal Perusahaan, perjanjian kerjasama, policies, agreements and other legal documents to
dan dokumen-dokumen hukum lainnya agar be in conformity with the provisions of the laws and
berkesesuaian dengan ketentuan hukum dan regulations in force.
perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

1. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan komunikasi antara 1. To organize communication between Board of
Direksi dan manajemen dengan Pemangku Directors and management with stakeholders to
Kepentingan dalam rangka membangun citra Telin; build Telin image;
2. Menyediakan informasi secara berkala kepada 2. To provide information on regular basis to the Board
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi; of Commissioners and Board of Directors;
3. Memberikan dukungan pelaksanaan agenda 3. To provide support for to perform Board of Directors
Direksi; agenda;
4. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan kesekretariatan 4. To organize the secretary activity of Telin Committee
pengurus Telin serta memfasilitasi hubungan and to facilitate the relationship between Telin or
Telin atau pimpinan dengan para Pemangku leaders with stakeholders;
5. Menghubungkan perusahaan dalam penyampaian 5. To link the Company in communicating of corporate
informasi perusahaan kepada seluruh Pemangku information to all stakeholders, such as: customers,
Kepentingan (stakeholders) yaitu: pelanggan, public, press, creditors and government;
masyarakat, pers, kreditur, dan pemerintah;
6. Melaksanakan koordinasi dan dukungan bahan 6. To coordinate and to provide supporting materials for
laporan untuk pelaksanaan Rapat Komisaris; report materials in Board of Commissioners Meeting;
7. Melaksanakan koordinasi penyelenggaraan 7. To coordinate the implementation of the company’s
aktivitas perusahaan yang terkait dengan program activities related to corporate social responsibility
tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dengan induk program with the Holding Company (Telkom);
Perusahaan (Telkom);
8. Memberikan layanan informasi sesuai kebutuhan 8. To provide information service according to needs
dan kewenangan kepada masyarakat, pasar modal, and authority to public, capital markets and investors;
dan investor;

292 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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9. Menyediakan informasi secara berkala kepada 9. To provide regular information to shareholders and
pemegang saham dan Telkom untuk konsolidasi Telkom for Telkom Group consolidation;
Telkom Group;
10. Memberikan informasi yang material dan relevan 10. To provide material and relevant information to the
kepada Pemangku Kepentingan. stakeholders.


VP Corporate Secretary

Lahir 1 Maret 1969. Menjabat sebagai Born on March 1, 1969. He serves

VP Corporate Secretary sejak 12 as VP Corporate Secretary since
Desember 2012. Menyelesaikan December 12, 2012. He completed
pendidikan S1 Hukum Bisnis di his S1 education in Business
Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta dan Law in University of Indonesia,
S2 Manajemen di Universitas Pelita Jakarta and S2 Management in
Harapan, Jakarta. Sebelumnya Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta.
pernah menjabat sebagai VP Previously, he served as VP
Corporate Affairs Telin. Corporate affairs Telin.

G.E. Dhany Widjajanta

VP Corporate Secretary

Selama 2015, VP Corporate Secretary melakukan During 2013, VP Corporate Secretary performed the
kegiatan sebagai berikut: following duties:
1. Mengelola Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, rapat 1. Managing General Meeting of Shareholders, general
umum pemegang saham di entitas anak, sesuai meeting of shareholders in subsidiaries, in accordance
dengan prosedur yang disepakati dari waktu with procedures agreed from time to time by the
ke waktu oleh Direksi, termasuk persiapan dan Board of Directors, including the preparation and
distribusi pemberitahuan pertemuan, informasi distribution of the meeting notification, information of
surat edaran, agenda dan dokumen pendukung; the circulars, agendas and supporting documents;
2. Mengelola dan memastikan pelaksanaan Etika 2. Managing and ensuring the implementation of
Bisnis di Telin sesuai dengan ketentuan yang Telin Business Ethics in accordance with applicable
berlaku; regulations;
3. Mengelola dan memastikan pelaksanaan Tata Kelola 3. Managing and ensuring the implementation of corporate
Perusahaan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku; governance in accordance with applicable regulations;
4. Mengelola dan memastikan sisi legal and compliance 4. Managing and ensuring the legal and regulatory
serta regulatory sesuai dengan ketentuan yang as well as compliance sections in accordance with
berlaku; applicable regulations;

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

5. Mengelola risiko perusahaan sesuai dengan 5. Managing the Company risks in accordance with
ketentuan yang berlaku; applicable regulations;
6. Memastikan pengajuan dokumen yang diperlukan 6. Ensuring application of the necessary documents
sesuai dengan otoritas yang tepat dan sesuai in accordance with the proper authorities and Telin
prosedur dan kontrol keamanan Telin. procedures and security controls.


Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Indonesian, born on October 11, 1959.

11 Oktober 1959. Menyelesaikan He was completed his S1 education
pendidikan S1 Teknik Fisika dan majoring Physics Engineering and
S2 Teknik Elektro di Institut S2 education majoring Electrical
Teknologi Bandung. Sebelumnya Engineering in Bandung Institute of
pernah menjabat sebagai Technology. Previously, he served
Senior Account Manager Divisi as Senior Account Manager of
Wholesale Services Telkom. Wholesale Services Telkom.

Menjabat sebagai VP Corporate Served as VP of Corporate affairs

Affairs sejak 12 Desember 2012. since December 12, 2012
Dodo Rukandi
VP Corporate Affairs

Selama 2015, VP Corporate Affairs melakukan kegiatan During 2014, VP Corporate affairs performed the
sebagai berikut: following duties:
1. Mengelola kesekretariatan administrasi Direksi 1. Managing the administrative secretariat of Company
Perusahaan dan menghadiri dan bertindak sebagai Board of Directors and attending and acting as
sekretaris dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, the secretary in General Meeting of Shareholders,
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi; Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and Board of
2. Mengelola Anggaran Biaya Direksi; Directors;
3. Memastikan komunikasi Telin kepada Pemangku 2. Managing the budget of Board of Directors
Kepentingan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan expenditures;
prosedur Telin. 3. Ensuring Telin communication to stakeholders can be
4. Membangun citra positif perusahaan melalui performed in accordance with Telin procedures.
aktivitas komunikasi dan promosi; 4. Building Company positive image through
5. Menyusun laporan Manajemen (bulanan, communication and promotional activities;
triwulanan, semester dan tahunan); 5. Preparing Management reports (monthly, quarterly,
6. Menyusun program dan merealisasikan program semester and annually);
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan; 6. Preparing programs and realizing the program of
7. Penyelenggaraan setiap rapat termasuk pembuatan Corporate Social Responsibility;
notulennya dan pengelolaan dokumen yang terkait; 7. Organizing any meetings including preparing the
minutes and managing related documents;

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

8. Memfasilitasi Hubungan dengan Instansi 8. Facilitating a relation with Government Agencies and
Pemerintah dan Institusi Terkait Lainnya serta Other Related Institutions and Stakeholders
Pemangku Kepentingan

Telin melalui VP Corporate Secretary dan VP Corporate Telin through VP Corporate Secretary and VP Corporate
Affairs memfasilitasi dan mengoordinasikan hubungan affairs facilitate and coordinate the good relations
baik di lingkungan Perusahaan (internal) maupun dengan both within the Company (internal) as well as with
Instansi Pemerintah serta Pemangku Kepentingan Government and other external stakeholders.
eksternal lainnya.


Selama tahun 2015, Sekretaris Perusahaan telah During 2015, the Company Secretary have participated
berpartisipasi dalam program pelatihan dan in training programs and competency development as
pengembangan kompetensi sebagai berikut follows:


Name Position Training Description Date

Development Day :
G.E. Dhany Widjajanta Effective 31 Maret 2015
VP Corporate Secretary
Communication with March 31, 2015
Betty Alisjahbana
Development Day :
14 Juli 2015
Coping with Global
July 14, 2015
Business Challenges
Business Simulation 30 September 2015
Training 30 September 2015
Culture Ambassador
Training terkait 1 – 2 Oktober 2015
leadership dan October 1 – 2, 2015
character building
Business Simulation 30 September 2015
Dodo Rukandi VP Corporate Affairs
Training 30 September 2015
Culture Ambassador
Training terkait 1 – 2 Oktober 2015
leadership dan October 1 – 2, 2015
character building

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Untuk menunjang kelancaran saluran komunikasi Perusahaan, Telin

menyelenggarakan 1.014 kegiatan komunikasi internal kepada seluruh
karyawan pada tahun 2015. Kegiatan komunikasi internal yang
dilaksanakan selama tahun 2015 berupa program Internal News Telin dan
disampaikan melalui media mailing list.
To support the Company’s communications channels, Telin organized 1,014 internal
communication activities to all employees in 2015. The internal communication activity
implemented during 2015 is in the form of Internal news Telin program and is communicated via
the media of mailing list.

Berita Telkom Group yang dipublikasikan kepada Telkom Group News published to Teliner is the news
Teliner adalah berita yang melibatkan Telin (misalnya involving Telin (such as Olimpiakom News – Telkom
berita Olimpiakom - Olimpiade Telkom, dimana Telin Olympics, in which Telin participated) or, having the
berpartisipasi) atau, memberikan pengaruh kepada effects to Telin business (such as CEO Message).
bisnis Telin (misalnya CEO Message).


Penyebaran informasi oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan Telin, Information dissemination by the Telin Corporate
dilakukan melalui sarana internal yang dinamakan Secretary, is carried out by the internal means
Teliner. Selama tahun 2015 Sekretaris Perusahaan called Teliner. During 2015, the Company Secretary
telah melaksanakan komunikasi internal dalam rangka has performed internal communication to spread
penyebaran informasi kepada karyawan sebanyak 532 information to the employees 532 times with the
kali dengan kategori informasi baik mengenai kegiatan categories of information about Company’s internal and
Internal Perusahaan maupun kegiatan eksternal. external activities.

Angka ini jauh melampaui angka di tahun 2014 yaitu This number exceeds the number in 2014, which is 97
sebanyak 97 kali disebabkan oleh informasi internal times, because internal information distributed via
yang diberikan melalui e-mail broadcast ini semakin e-mail broadcast is more intensive consisting of new
intens dengan pengiriman berita baik lokal maupun communication locally and internationally related to
internasional yang terkait telekomunikasi, update saham, telecommunication, share update, currency exchange
update nilai tukar mata uang, serta CEO Message Telkom. rates update and CEO Message Telkom. Daily, the
Dalam satu hari frekuensi distribusi e-mail beraneka frequency of e-mail distributed varies from 1 to 3 times
ragam 1 sampai 3 kali dipengaruhi oleh keluarnya berita depending on the release of such telecommunication
telekomunikasi tersebut. news.

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Beberapa Kegiatan internal Telin dilakukan secara Some Telin internal activities are performed regularly
regular melalui sharing session. Agenda ini merupakan through the sharing session, this agenda is cooperation
kerjasama VP Corporate Affairs dengan VP Human between VP Corporate affairs and VP Human
Resources; sebuah forum dimana seluruh karyawan Telin Resources; a forum in which all Telin employees gather
berkumpul untuk menerima informasi atau knowledge to receive information or knowledge related to the
yang relevan dengan bisnis telekomunikasi maupun telecommunications business and employees daily life,
kehidupan sehari-hari karyawan, demi pemenuhan to fulfill employees’ welfare.
kesejahteraan karyawan.

Selain sharing sessions, beberapa kegiatan internal yang In addition to sharing sessions, some internal activities
rutin dilakukan setiap tahun adalah Perayaan HUT Telin, regularly conducted annually are Telin anniversary
Buka Puasa Bersama seluruh karyawan Telin, dan Halal celebration, Break fasting program (Buka Puasa
Bihalal dalam rangka pasca Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Selain Bersama) of all Telin employees and Halal Bihalal, a
kegiatan rutin tersebut terdapat juga kegiatan insidental program organized post-Idul Fitri. In addition to the
yang disesuaikan dengan kepentingan bisnis Telin regular activities, there are some incidental activities
seperti sosialisasi kebijakan baru dan lain-lain. that are adjusted to Telin business interests such as new
policy dissemination etc.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Selama tahun 2015, pemberitaan melalui media During 2015, the news via external media increased 126
eksternal meningkat sebanyak 126 berita dibandingkan compared to the previous year which only published 12
tahun sebelumnya yang hanya menampilkan 12 berita. news. Similarly the internal media increased 30 news
Demikian juga pada media internal, yang meningkat from 67 in 2014 to 97 news in 2015. This is due to the
sebanyak 30 pemberitaan dari 67 berita pada tahun 2014 existence of Telin several subsidiaries in 2015, the news
menjadi 97 berita pada tahun 2015. Hal ini dikarenakan on the number of subsidiaries are published through
kehadiran beberapa entitas anak Telin di tahun 2015, internal and external media.
pemberitaan mengenai sejumlah entitas anak tersebut
dimuat melalui media eksternal maupun internal.

Sementara untuk membangun corporate branding, Meanwhile to build corporate branding, a media
dilakukan melalui media campaign baik internal maupun campaign is carried out through internally and externally.
eksternal. Tema utama dalam membangun branding dan The main themes to build branding and to create a
citra positif Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut: positive image of the Company are as follows:
1. International Expansion 1. International Expansion
2. New Corporate Identity 2. New Corporate Identity
3. Budaya Perusahaan 3. Company Culture


Siaran Pers Press conference
Sebagai bagian dari aktivitas media Perusahaan, Telin As a part of Company media activities, Telin publishes
menerbitkan Siaran Pers yang dipublikasikan di media Press Releases published in the national media, both
nasional baik cetak maupun elektronik. Berikut daftar printed and electronic. The following are the lists of press
siaran pers yang diterbitkan oleh Telin selama tahun releases published by Telin during 2015:


1 6-Feb-15 Cucu Perusahaan Telkom Raih Nominasi The Green Mobile Award 2015 dari GSMA
Sub-Subdiary of Telkom is nominated in The Green Mobile Award from the GSMA 2015
2 12/Mar/15 Telin Memperluas Jangkauan dengan Kehadirannya di Datamena
Telin Extends its Reach with Its Presence in Datamena
3 31/Mar/15 Pembangunan Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Bawah Laut SEA-US Dimulai: Konsorsium dan NEC
Siap Melayani Pertumbuhan Bandwidth antara Asia Tenggara dan AS dengan Pembangunan
Kapasitas 20Tb/s
The Construction of Sub-marine Cable Communication Sea-US Started: Consortium and NEC are
Ready to Serve Bandwidth Growth between Southeast Asia and AS by developing 20TB Capacity
4 19/May/15 Kartu As 2in1 Hadir di Taiwan
Kartu As 2in1 Sells in Taiwan
5 1/Jun/15 Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA) Plans to Acquire GTA
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA) Plans to acquire GTA

298 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


6 5/Jun/15 Focus on International Business, Telkom Build Data Centre in Singapore

Focus on International Business, Telkom Builds Data Centre in Singapore
7 14/Jun/15 Telkom Taiwan Secara Resmi Meluncurkan Kartu As 2in1 di Taiwan
Telkom Taiwan Officially Launched Kartu As 2in1 sim card in Taiwan
8 30/Jul/15 Telin Luncurkan Go Presence, Solusi Layanan Global Audio Conference dan Presentasi Jarak
Jauh, Bekerjasama dengan Arkadin
Telin Launches Go Presence, Global Service Solutions of Audio Conference and Remote
Presentation, in collaboration with Arkadin
9 19/Aug/15 TELKOMCEL Gandeng Finnet Guna Mendukung BNCTL Hadirkan International Remittance di
TELKOMCEL Joined Cooperation wihFinnet to Support BnCTL Presenting International
Remittance in Timor-Leste
10 21/Aug/15 simPATI Saudi Memberangkatkan Umroh Keluarga TKI di Indonesia
SimPATI sends Umrah Migrant Worker (TKI) Family in Indonesia
11 10/Sep/15 Telin Malaysia Hadirkan Kartu As 2 in 1
Telin Malaysia Presents Kartu As 2in1
12 30/Sep/15 Telin Selected as the Most Innovative Wholesaler
Telin Selected as the Most Innovative Wholesaler
13 1/Oct/15 Telin Perkuat Layanan Roaming Internasional:
Kerjasama dengan Syniverse untuk 4G roaming dan signalling connectivity
Telin Strengthens International Roaming Services: In Cooperation with Syniverse for 4G roaming
and signaling connectivity
14 28/Oct/15 Telkomcel and Facebook Launch Free Basics Service in Timor Leste
Telkomcel and Facebook Launch Free Basics Service in Timor Leste
15 19/Nov/15 Mega Proyek Kabel Laut SEA ME WE 5 telah Mendarat di Dumai
Submarine Cable Mega Project SEa ME WE 5 has Served Dumai

Website Website
Kami senantiasa memastikan kepatuhan terhadap We always ensure the compliance with the provisions
ketentuan keterbukaan informasi kepada khalayak of the information disclosure to external audiences.
eksternal. Kepatuhan terhadap hal ini, khususnya The compliance with this, particularly to communicate
dalam penyampaian sejumlah laporan dan informasi number of reports and other important information shall
penting lainnya yang harus dimuat dalam website. Kami be included in the website. We manage a website of this
mengelola website dengan alamat : address:

Adapun laporan maupun informasi lainnya yang wajib Concerning the reports and other information that shall
disampaikan dalam website adalah sebagai berikut: be presented in the website are as follows:
1. Informasi Perusahaan 1. Company Information
2. Informasi Produk dan Layanan 2. Products and Services Information
3. Informasi Kegiatan 3. Event Information

Website Telin juga terhubung dengan website footprints Telin website is also connected to footprints website via
melalui hyperlink. Dinamika website Telin kami lakukan hyperlinks. Telin website dynamics are not achieved only
tidak hanya dengan update berita kegiatan, namun by updating news of the activities, but also varying the
juga variasi headline yang berganti menyesuaikan headline according to atmosphere of the day and special

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suasana serta hari special, seperti Tahun Baru, Hari Besar days, such as New Year, Religious Celebration or a global
Keagaamaan, atau program telekomunikasi global yang telecommunications program participated by Telin (eg:
Telin ikut serta (misalnya: CommunicAsia). CommunicAsia).

Kami senantiasa melakukan pengembangan dan We are constantly developing and adding information
penambahan fitur akses informasi pada website. access features on the website. Updating the recent
Pengkinian informasi terbaru menjadi prioritas information is our priority to manage our website. In
pengelolaan website kami. Selain itu kami juga memiliki addition, we also have sufficient intranet network so that
jaringan intranet yang memadai sehingga dapat we can communicate more actively.
berkomunikasi secara lebih aktif.

Website Telin kami daftarkan ke Google Analytics untuk We register Telin website to Google analytics to obtain
memperoleh laporan performance baik harian sampai performance report daily to annually. During 2015, Telin
tahunan. Selama tahun 2015, website Telin telah diakses website has been accessed by 61.576 visitors, with the
sebanyak 61,576 dengan total jumlah halaman yang total pages accessed is 238.429. The following are the
diakses adalah 238,429. Berikut detail di setiap bulannya: monthly details.


Jan 20 25
Feb 2 2
Mar 169 172
Apr 2,233 9,263
May 8,180 33,011
Jun 7,705 34,240
Jul 6,051 23,136
Aug 6,347 25,030
Sep 8,055 32,037
Oct 5,902 25,314
Nov 7,258 25,811
Dec 9,654 30,388
TOTAL 61,576 238,429

Dari jumlah tersebut makan diperoleh rata-rata halaman Of this amount, it can be obtained the average pages
yang diakses oleh pengunjung ke website Telin adalah accessed by Telin website visitors is 3.87 pages per visit.
3.87 halaman setiap kedatangan.

Pelaksanaan kegiatan sponsorship Perusahaan The provision of corporate sponsorship has the purpose
bertujuan untuk membina hubungan baik dengan para to develop good relations with stakeholders. The series
Pemangku Kepentingan. Serangkaian kegiatan tersebut of these activities include sports activities, placement

300 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

antara lain kegiatan olahraga, placement advertisement advertisement in several foreign magazines, exhibitions
di sejumlah majalah eksternal, pameran, dan kegiatan- and other activities with stakeholders. During 2015 Telin
kegiatan lain bersama Pemangku Kepentingan. Selama provided sponsors to 32 activities implemented by Telin
tahun 2015 Telin ikut memberikan sponsor pada 32 stakeholders.
kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh para Pemangku
Kepentingan Telin.

Number of Participation

1 Januari 0 January
2 Februari 1 February
3 Maret 4 March
4 April 3 April
5 Mei 1 May
6 Juni 3 June
7 Juli 1 July
8 Agustus 1 Augustus
9 September 2 September
10 Oktober 0 October
11 November 0 November
12 Desember 3 November
JUMLAH 19 Total

Pada tahun 2015, Telin melakukan aktivitas pameran In 2015, Telin joined the exhibition activities organized
yang dilakukan baik mandiri maupun bersinergi dengan either independently or in synergy with Telkom Group.
Telkom Group. Berikut daftar pameran yang dilakukan Here are the lists of exhibitions followed by Telin:
oleh Telin:


Pacific Telecommunication Pacific Telecommunication

1 18 January 2015 Hawaii, AS
Council (PTC) 2014 Council (PTC) 2014
CDN Customer Gathering CDN Customer Gathering Jakarta,
2 29 January 2015
Business Group Business Group Indonesia
3 11 February 2015 AirTel Connect 2015 AirTel Connect 2015 New Delhi, India
Product Knowledge Kartu As Product Knowledge Kartu As Lombok,
4 4 February 2015
Malaysia PT Wira Karitas Malaysia PT Wira Karitas Indonesia
Product Knowledge Kartu As Product Knowledge Kartu As Lombok,
5 5 February 2015
Malaysia PT Hamparan Malaysia PT Hamparan Indonesia
Product Knowledge Kartu Product Knowledge Kartu
6 6 February 2015 KSA
simPATI Saudi simPATI Saudi
7 February 2015 Bintang Asik 2015 Bintang Asik 2015 Hong Kong

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8 11 February 2015 Bazaar Valentine Telkomcel Bazaar Valentine Telkomcel Timor Leste

9 2 March 2015 Mobile World Congress Mobile World Congress Barcelona, Spain
Product Knowledge Kartu As Product Knowledge Kartu As Lombok,
10 3 March 2015
Malaysia PT Bale Trans Malaysia PT Bale Trans Indonesia
Product Knowledge Kartu As Product Knowledge Kartu As Lombok,
11 9 March 2015
Malaysia PT Jatim Malaysia PT Jatim Indonesia
Product Knowledge Kartu As Product Knowledge Kartu As Lombok,
12 11 March 2015
Malaysia PT Wira Karitas Malaysia PT Wira Karitas Indonesia
Product Knowledge Kartu As Product Knowledge Kartu As Lombok,
13 24 March 2015
Malaysia PT Hamparan Malaysia PT Hamparan Indonesia
KJRI Hot Line Jeddah KJRI Hot Line Jeddah
14 7 March 2015 KSA
Launching Launching
15 16 March 2015 International Culture Exhibition International Culture Exhibition KSA
Family Gathering Ahlan Family Gathering Ahlan
16 29 March 2015 KSA
Community Community
Telkmcel Wifi Campus Telkmcel Wifi Campus
17 12 & 24 March 2015 Timor Leste
Roadshow Roadshow
18 6 May 2015 CDN Media Luncheon CDN Media Luncheon
Coordination Meeting Marketing Coordination Meeting Marketing Jakarta,
19 4 May 2015
& Sales & Sales Indonesia
International Telecoms Week International Telecoms Week
20 10 May 2015 Chicago, AS
Telkom Taiwan Commercial Telkom Taiwan Commercial
21 14 June 2015 Taipei, Taiwan
Launching Launching
22 2 June 2015 Communic Asia Communic Asia Singapore
Global Carrier Community Global Carrier Community
23 3 June 2015 Singapore
Meeting Meeting
Product Knowledge Kartu Product Knowledge Kartu
24 29 June 2015 As Malaysia PT Saraswati As Malaysia PT Saraswati
Karangsukun Karangsukun
25 14 June 2015 simPATI Saudi Umroh PBSR simPATI Saudi Umroh PBSR KSA

26 14 June 2015 simPATI Saudi with BMI simPATI Saudi with BMI KSA
Evolution of Mobile Technology Evolution of Mobile Technology
27 15 June 2015 Timor Leste
Seminar Seminar
28 2 July 2015 Sepfope Event Sepfope Event Timor Leste
29 10 July 2015 Belajar ASik Belajar ASik
30 2 July 2015 simPATI Saudi IMW care simPATI Saudi IMW care KSA

31 16 July 2015 Halal Bi Halal Riyadh Halal Bi Halal Riyadh KSA

32 12 July 2015 Iftar with BMI Iftar with BMI Taiwan

33 19 July 2015 BMI Gathering BMI Gathering Taiwan

34 1 August 2015 Telkomcel Fun Bike Telkomcel Fun Bike Timor Leste

302 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Safari Ramadhan Telin Malaysia Safari Ramadhan Telin Malaysia Lombok,

35 12 August 2015
Kartu As Malaysia Kartu As Malaysia Indonesia
36 27 August 2015 Dialog Haji Dialog Haji
Summit Gold Coast Telkom Summit Gold Coast Telkom Gold Coast,
37 24 August 2015
Australia Australia Australia
38 26 August 2015 TechDay – Cyber Security TechDay – Cyber Security
39 21 August 2015 BUMN Expo – Indonesia Hebat BUMN Expo – Indonesia Hebat
Coordination Meeting Marketing Coordination Meeting Marketing Jakarta,
40 4 August 2015
& Sales & Sales Indonesia
Kartu As 2in1 Product Knowedge Kartu As 2in1 Product Knowedge Lombok,
41 18 August 2015
PT Hamparan Karya Insani PT Hamparan Karya Insani Indonesia
42 10 September 2015 Launching Kartu As2in1 Malaysia Launching Kartu As2in1 Malaysia Malaysia
Asian Carrier Conference (ACC) Asian Carrier Conference (ACC)
43 1 September 2015 Cebu, Philippines
2015 2015
44 30 September 2015 IPX Summit 2015 IPX Summit 2015 London, UK
45 8 September 2015 APNIC 2015 APNIC 2015
46 22 September 2015 Bazaar Telkomcel Bazaar Telkomcel Timor Leste

47 2 October 2015 Carrier World Awards 2015 Carrier World Awards 2015 London, UK
48 26 October 2015 Marketing Clinic Marketing Clinic
49 8 October 2015 CDN Media Forum CDN Media Forum
50 23 November 2015 Jambore BMI Jember Jambore BMI Jember
51 24 November 2015 Communication Summit 2015 Communication Summit 2015 Bali, Indonesia
52 16 November 2015 KPKU KPKU
Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu Ponorogo,
53 16 November 2015
As 2in1 Pnorogo As 2in1 Pnorogo Indonesia
Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu
54 17 November 2015 Blitar, Indonesia
As 2in1 Blitar As 2in1 Blitar
Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu Malang,
55 18 November 2015
As 2in1 Malang As 2in1 Malang Indonesia
Coordination Meeting Marketing Coordination Meeting Marketing
56 10 November 2015 Bogor, Indonesia
& Sales & Sales
57 5 November 2015 Trilateral Business Forum Trilateral Business Forum Timor Leste

58 November 2015 Bintang Asik Telin Hong Kong Bintang Asik Telin Hong Kong Hong Kong

59 14 December 2015 Reward Loyalty Simpati Saudi Reward Loyalty Simpati Saudi Lebak, Indonesia
Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu Double Sided Sosialisasi Kartu Lombok,
60 3 December 2015
As2in1 As2in1 Indonesia
61 1 December 2015 Capacity Asia 2015 Capacity Asia 2015

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Internal Audit

Untuk menegakkan prinsip akuntabilitas di Perusahaan, To uphold the Company accountability principles,
implementasi GCG di Telin didukung oleh pelaksanaan GCG implementation in Telin is supported by the
fungsi Internal Audit sebagai bagian dari organ implementation of the internal audit function as part
perusahaan. Dalam struktur organ Telin, Internal Audit of the Company organ. Within Telin structure organs,
berada di wilayah kerja yang memiliki fungsi untuk Internal audit is in a working area that serves to provide
memberikan nilai tambah dan meningkatkan kinerja added value and to improve operational performance of
operasional Telin. Unit Kerja Internal Audit dipimpin oleh Telin. Work Unit of Internal Audit is led by a Vice President
seorang Vice President (VP) yang bertanggung jawab (VP), which is directly responsible to the President
langsung kepada Presiden Direktur Perusahaan. Director of the Company.

Pelaksanaan kerja Internal Audit di Telin mencakup The implementation of internal audit in Telin includes
kegiatan audit (assurance) dan konsultasi (consulting) independent and objective audits (assurance) and
yang independen dan objektif dengan menggunakan consulting activities using a risk-based audit approach.
pendekatan audit berbasis risiko (Risk-Based Audit).


Unit Internal Audit Telin dipimpin oleh VP Internal Audit Telin internal audit unit is led by VP Internal audit, Sri
yang dijabat oleh Sri Wiyono Herlambang dengan Wiyono Herlambang, the following is his short profile
paparan profil singkat, sebagai berikut: description:

Lahir 10 September 1964. Born on September 10, 1964. He

Menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 completed his S1 education majoring
Electrical Telecommunication Electrical Telecommunication in
di Telkom/Pattel. Sebelumnya Telkom/Pattel. Previously he served
pernah menjabat sebagai VP as Telin VP and General Support as
General Support Telin dan sebagai VP Procurement and Logistics since
VP Procurement and Logistic December 12, 2012.
sejak 12 Desember 2012.

Menjabat sebagai VP Internal He served as VP Internal Audit since

Audit sejak bulan Juli 2015 dengan July 2015 by the Decision of the
Sri Wiyono Herlambang
VP Internal Audit Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama President Director of Telin number
Telin nomor SK.151/PS.000/TII-11/ SK.151/PS.000/TII-11/VI/2015 dated
VI/2015, tanggal 22 Juni 2015. June 22, 2015.

304 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Untuk menjalankan fungsi Internal Audit di Perusahaan, To perform the function of internal audit in the Company,
Unit Internal Audit Telin memiliki 5 (lima) orang personil Telin Internal Audit Unit has 5 (five) personnel who
yang mempunyai kompetensi memadai dan memegang have adequate competence and hold a certification in
sertifikasi sesuai dengan bidangnya. Sejalan dengan accordance with the field. In line with the development
perkembangan bisnis dan organisasi perusahaan maka of the company’s businesses and organizations, on an
secara berkesinambungan sepanjang tahun 2015 telah ongoing basis throughout the year 2015 there had been
dilakukan peningkatan kemampuan personil Internal improvement of personnel Internal audit ability through
Audit melalui pelatihan, workshop, seminar, baik training, workshops, seminars, both domestically and
domestik maupun internasional. internationally.

Internal Audit Charter menggariskan pedoman kerja

Internal Audit di Telin
Internal Audit Charter outlines the guidelines of internal audit
works in Telin.

Untuk mengemban tugas sebagai Auditor Internal To serve the duty as Telin internal auditor, internal audit
Telin, personil Internal Audit dipersyaratkan memenuhi personnel are required to meet the following general
kualifikasi umum, yaitu: qualifications:
1. Memiliki integritas dan perilaku yang profesional, 1. Having integrity and professional behavior,
independen, jujur dan obyektif dalam pelaksanaan independent, honest and objective to perform their
tugasnya; duties;
2. Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengenai 2. Having knowledge and experience on audit
teknis audit dan disiplin ilmu lain yang relevan technique and other relevant disciplines in their
dengan bidang tugasnya; respective fields;
3. Memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai untuk dapat 3. Having sufficient knowledge to be able to identify,
mengenali, meneliti dan menguji adanya indikasi
examine and test the indications of fraud;
4. Secara kolektif memiliki pengetahuan tentang risiko 4. Collectively having knowledge on the risks and
dan pengendalian yang penting dalam bidang important control in the field of information
teknologi informasi dan teknik-teknik audit berbasis technology and auditing techniques based on the
teknologi informasi; information technology;

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

5. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang peraturan 5. Having knowledge on laws and regulations in capital
perundangundangan di bidang pasar modal dan markets and other related law and regulation;
perundangundangan terkait lainnya;
6. Memiliki kecakapan untuk berinteraksi dan 6. Having the ability to interact and communicate both
berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis secara verbally and in writing effectively;
7. Wajib mematuhi standar profesi dan kode etik yang 7. Must comply with professional standards and code
dikeluarkan oleh International Standard for the of conducts issued by the International Standards
Profesional Practice of Internal Auditing; for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing;
8. Wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi dan/atau data 8. Must maintain the confidentiality of the information
Perusahaan terkait dengan pelaksanaan tugas dan and/or Company data related to the implementation
tanggung jawab Internal Audit kecuali diwajibkan of the duties and responsibilities of the internal
berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan atau audit unless required by law and regulation in force
penetapan/putusan pengadilan; or court ruling;
9. Memahami prinsip-prinsip tata kelola dan manajemen 9. Understanding the principles of corporate
risiko; governance and risk management;
10. Bersedia meningkatkan pengetahuan, keahlian 10. Willing to improve the knowledge, skills and
dan kemampuan profesionalismenya secara terus professional capabilities continuously.

Selain kualifikasi umum tersebut, internal auditor Telin juga

telah memiliki sertifikasi guna mendukung pelaksanaan
Efektifitas Internal Audit Telin juga didukung oleh SDM
tugas audit internal dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
Auditor Internal yang handal dan telah tersertifikasi
Telin internal audit effectiveness is also supported by reliable
and certified HR Internal auditors.

Selain kualifikasi umum tersebut, internal auditor Telin juga In addition to the general qualifications, Telin internal
telah memiliki sertifikasi guna mendukung pelaksanaan auditor is also certified to support the implementation of
tugas audit internal dengan rincian sebagai berikut: internal audit tasks with the following details:



ISO 22301 (BCMS) & PAS 99

Agus Tri Sardjana Risk Audit Advisor
ISO 20000 (ITMS)
Agus Purwanto Operational Audit Manager QIA
Yulhasril Financial Audit Advisor QIA

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Dalam mendukung pelaksanaan tugasnya, Bidang To support its operation, Telin internal audit department
Internal Audit Telin mengacu pada Piagam Internal Audit refers to Internal Audit Charter as the basic guidelines
(Internal Audit Charter) sebagai pedoman dasar yang governing position, authority and responsibilities and
mengatur tentang kedudukan, wewenang dan tanggung work methods to perform the duty of internal auditors
jawab, serta metode kerja dalam menjalankan tugas in order to realize an effective internal control in the
auditor internal untuk mewujudkan sistem pengendalian company.
internal yang efektif di perusahaan.

Piagam Internal Audit menjelaskan kedudukan, wewenang,

tanggung jawab dan metode kerja internal auditor dalam
melaksanakan pengendalian internal Telin
Internal Audit Charter describes the position, authority,
responsibilities and work methods of internal auditors to
perform Telin internal control.

Piagam Internal Audit yang telah ditetapkan oleh Direksi The Internal Audit Charter that has been determined by
Telin sebagai dasar dan pedoman kerja bidang Internal Telin Board of Directors as the basis and guidelines on
Audit adalah Nomor: KD.004/HK.000/Tii-103/1/2011 the work of internal audit is the Internal Audit Charter
tanggal 14 Januari 2011. Piagam ini merupakan bagian number: KD.004/HK.000/Tii-103/1/2011 dated January 14,
dari kelengkapan kebijakan GCG yang terkait dengan 2011. This Charter is part of the GCG policies completeness
penerapan prinsip akuntabilitas, independensi, dan related to the application of principles of accountability,
kewajaran dalam pelaporan keuangan. independence and fairness in financial reporting.

Tujuan penetapan Piagam Internal Audit adalah: The objectives of the Internal Audit Charter determination
1. Menetapkan posisi kegiatan Unit Internal Audit dalam are:
organisasi; 1. To establish the position of Internal Audit Unit
2. Memberikan otorisasi kewenangan kepada unit activities within the organization;
Internal Audit dalam memperoleh akses secara penuh, 2. To authorize the Internal audit unit to obtain full, free
bebas dan tidak terbatas terhadap semua catatan dan and unlimited access to all the records or information
atau informasi tentang seluruh aktivitas dan sumber about all Telin activities and resources related to its
daya Telin yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan duty implementation;
3. Menetapkan lingkup tugas dan aktivitas Internal 3. To establish Internal Audit scope of duties and
Audit. activities.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Sesuai dengan ketentuan yang disebutkan dalam In accordance with the provisions stated on Internal
Piagam Audit Internal tersebut, Kepala/Pimpinan Unit Audit Charter, Chief/Head of Telin Internal Audit is
Internal Audit Telin diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh appointed and dismissed by the President Director with
Direktur Utama atas persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. the approval of the Board of Commissioners. To illustrate
Untuk mengilustrasikan garis kewenangan dan the lines of authority and accountability of Telin Internal
pertanggungjawaban Unit Internal Audit Telin, Audit Unit, the Internal Audit Unit position in the company
kedudukan Unit Internal Audit dalam struktur structure is illustrated by the following scheme:
Perusahaan digambarkan oleh skema berikut:






Audit Plan disusun setiap awal tahun dan ditetapkan oleh

Direktur Utama untuk kemudian dilaporkan dan disetujui
oleh Dewan Komisaris
Audit plan is prepared in the beginning of each year and is
determined by the president director and then is reported and
approved by the Board of Commissioners.

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Setiap awal tahun, bidang Internal Audit menyusun Every beginning of each year, Audit Internal Department
Program Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT/Audit Plan) yang prepares Annual Audit Work Program (PKAT/audit Plan)
ditetapkan oleh Direktur Utama perusahaan dan determined by the President Director of the company and
mendapatkan persetujuan dari Dewan Komisaris. approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Annual
Adapun Program Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT) untuk Audit Work Program (PKAT) of 2016 are as follows:
tahun 2016 sebagai berikut:
1. PKAT Bidang Audit Internal meliputi kegiatan: 1. PKAT of internal audit field includes the activities of:

a. Assurance: a. assurance:
Melakukan review terhadap aktivitas operasional Reviewing Company operational activities
perusahaan (kesesuaian ketetapan dan prosedur, (compliance with the determination and procedures,
performansi bisnis dan performansi layanan), business performance and service performance),
melakukan evaluasi terhadap penerapan control evaluating control and GCG implementation and
dan GCG serta melakukan review terhadap reviewing financial statements on a quarterly basis
laporan keuangan Headquarter dan Subsidiary of the Headquarter and Subsidiary.
secara triwulanan..
b. Consultation: b. Consultation:
Melakukan kegiatan internal consulting dan Performing internal consulting and management
instruksi manajemen atas aktivitas perusahaan, instruction of the company’s activities,
melaksanakan monitoring atas temuan/ catatan/ monitoring the findings/notes/suggestions/
saran/ rekomendasi eksternal dan intenal auditor. recommendations of external and internal
Memberikan pelayanan whistleblower yang auditors. Providing the services of existing
terjadi dan dilaporkan oleh karyawan perusahaan. whistleblower cases and reported by the
company’s employees.
2. Program Kerja Non Audit Tahunan (PKNAT) 2. Annual Non-Audit Work Program (PKNAT)
Program kerja bidang Internal Audit lainnya meliputi Wok program of internal audit includes the
pengembangan dan peningkatan kompetensi development and improvement of personnel
personil audit, menjadi counterpart pelaksanaan audit competence, being a counterpart of the
audit eksternal dan pemerintah. Menyusun laporan implementation of the external audit and government.
manajemen kegiatan Internal Audit secara tiga bulanan Preparing the management report of internal audit
kepada manajemen serta melakukan kegiatan lainnya activity on quarterly basis to the management and
yang berhubungan dengan kelancaran pelaksanaan performing other activities related to assurance
assurance dan internal consulting perusahaan. implementation and company internal consulting.

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Selama tahun 2015, realisasi dari program kerja audit During 2015, the realization of the annual audit work
tahunan Telin meliputi: program of Telin includes:
1. Program Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT) terdiri dari: a. 1. Annual Audit Work Program (PKAT) consists of:
Sebagai fungsi Assurance meliputi:
a. Sebagai fungsi Assurance meliputi: a. As the assurance functions include:
1) Financial Audit: 1) Financial audit:
a) Review Laporan Keuangan Konsolidatian a) Reviewing Consolidated Financial
Triwulanan di Head Quarter dan Statements on Quarterly basis in the Head
Subsidiary; Quarter and Subsidiary;
b) Review Proses Bisnis Internal Control over b) Reviewing the process of Control Internal
Financial Reporting (ICFR) siklus Tax dan Business over Financial Reporting (ICFR)
Aset. of Tax and asset cycle.
2) Operational Audit: 2) Operational audit:
a) Audit Wholesale Voice Service; a) Audit of Wholesale Voice Services audit;
b) Audit Subsidiary Business Performance b) Audit Subsidiary Business Performance of
Telin TimorLeste; Telin Timor-Leste;
c) Audit New Service Performance (CDN); c) Audit of new Service Performance (CDN);
d) Evaluasi IT General Control & Application d) Evaluation of IT General Control and
Control; application control;
e) Review Data dan dokumen perusahaan; e) Review Company’s data and documents;
f) Audit Internal ISO 20000 Direktorat f) Internal Audit of ISO 20000 on Telin
Network Operation Telin; Operation Network Directorate;
g) Join Audit ISO 27001 dengan Telkom; g) Joint Audit of ISO 27001 with Telkom;
H) Evaluasi Enterprise Risk Management and h) Evaluation of Enterprise Risk Management
GCG. and GCG.

b. Sebagai fungsi Internal Consultation meliputi: b. As the function of the Internal Consultation
1) Kegiatan Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (HPS) includes:
2) Kegiatan Penyusunan Risk Profile 1) Self-Estimated Price (HPS) Activity
perusahaan; 2) Preparation of Company Risk Profile Activity;
3) Kegiatan Internal Consulting lainnya. 3) Other Internal Consulting Activity.

c. Monitoring Tindak lanjut Catatan Hasil Audit c. Follow-up monitoring of the Audit Result Record
(Internal & Eksternal audit): (Internal & External audit):
1) Penyelesaian Management letter dan 1) Completion of Management letter and the
hasil catatan eksternal audit tahun buku record of external audit result of financial year
2014 di Head Quarter dan Subsidiary; 2014 of Head Quarter and Subsidiary;
2) Penyelesaian catatan hasil audit, 2) Completion of record of audit result,
rekomendasi, saran oleh Internal Audit recommendations, suggestions by the internal
tahun buku 2015 dan 2014; audit of financial year of 2015 and 2014;

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

3) Penyelesaian hasil synergy audit dengan 3) Completion of the results of audit synergy
IA Telkom tahun buku 2015. with IA Telkom in the financial year of 2015.
2. Realisasi Program Kerja Non Audit Tahunan (PKNAT) 2. Realization of Annual Non-Audit Work Program
terdiri dari: (PKNAT) consisting of:
a. IA Competences Development: a. IA competences Development:
1) Rapat Kerja Nasional Forum Komunikasi 1) National Working Meeting of Forum of
Satuan Pengawasan Intern (FKSPI) 2015; Communication of Internal Control Unit
(FKSPI) in 2015;
2) Seminar Nasional IIA 2015; 2) National seminar IIa 2015;
3) Seminar Nasional YPIA 2015; 3) National seminar YPIA 2015;
4) Benchmark ke Internal Audit SingTel 2015; 4) Benchmark to Internal audit of SingTel in 2015;
5) Seminar bisnis MVNO 2015; 5) Seminar of Business of MVNO in 2015;

b. Counterpart External Auditor: b. Counterpart External auditor:

1) Pengawalan dan pendampingan proses 1) To guard and mentor the audit process
audit oleh Eksternal Audit (Internal control & conducted by External Audit (Internal Control
Financial Statement) di Head Quarter; & Financial Statement) in the Head Quarter;
2) Pengawalan dan pendampingan proses audit 2) To guard and mentor the audit process by
oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik State Audit Agency of Indonesia (BPK-RI);
Indonesia (BPK-RI); 3) To support the implementation of the audit
3) Mendukung pelaksanaan proses audit di process in Telkomsel by External audit in
Telkomcel oleh Eksternal Audit di Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste.
c. Realization of other work program consists of:
c. Realisasi program kerja lainnya terdiri dari: 1) Management and preparation of RKAP of the
1) Pengelolaan dan penysunan RKAP bidang internal audit;
Internal audit; 2) Improvement of documentation and filing of
2) Pembenahan dokumentasi dan filing hasil audit results;

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Pelaksanaan fungsi Auditor Independen mendukung

pertanggung jawaban dan kewajaran pengelolaan
keuangan dan operasional Telin
Implementation the function of Independent Auditor supports
the accountability and fairness of financial management and
Telin operational.

Dalam rangka mendukung pertanggungjawaban atas To support the accountability on the financial
kewajaran pengelolaan keuangan dan operasional management and Company operations fairness to
perusahaan kepada shareholder maupun stakeholder shareholders and stakeholders as well as to meet
serta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelaporan keuangan the requirement of consolidated financial statement
konsolidasi dengan Telkom (sebagai induk Perusahaan) reporting with Telkom (as the holding company) and to
dan memenuhi keperluan pelaporan pajak badan tahun meet the requirements of tax agency reporting of 2016,
2016, diperlukan audit laporan keuangan Perusahaan it is required Company financial statements audit by the
oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) untuk memperoleh Public Accounting Office (KAP) to obtain the opinion
opini dari Audit Independen. from the independent audit.

Selama tiga tahun terakhir, yaitu pada tahun 2012 Kantor Within the last three years, in 2012, Public Accounting
Akuntan Publik yang ditunjuk KAP Ernst & Young (EY) Office appointed is KAP Ernst & Young (Ey) that is in the
yang berpartner dengan KAP dalam negeri bernama partnership with the domestic KAP namely Purwantono,
Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja. Sungkoro & Surja.



Nama KAP KAP name

Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst & Young) Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst & Young)

Nama Akuntan Publik Name of Public Accountants

Drs. David Sungkoro Drs. David Sungkoro
(Public Accountant Registration No. AP. 0691) (Public accountant Registration no. AP. 0691

Nomer Izin Usaha Business License Number

Registered Public Accountants KMK No.381/KM.1/2010 Registered Public accountants KMK 381 / KM.1 / 2010

312 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Rincian penunjukkan auditor independen Telin selama 5 The details of Telin independent auditor appointment for
(lima) tahun berturut-turut, yaitu: five (5) consecutive years, are:

2011 2011
Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan Rp 350.000.000 Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Partners Rp 350.000.000

2012 2012
Purwanto, Suherman & Surja Rp 312.750.000 Purwanto, Suherman & Surja Rp 312.750.000

2013 2013
Purwanto, Suherman & Surja Rp312.750.000 Purwanto, Suherman & Surja Rp312.750.000

2014 2014
Purwanto, Suherman & Surja Rp419.000.000 Purwanto, Suherman & Surja Rp419.000.000

2015 2015
Purwanto, Sungkoro & Surja Rp512.000.000 Purwanto, Sungkoro & Surja Rp512.000.000

Pada periode 2015, KAP Purwanto, Sungkoro & Surja In the period of 2015, KAP Purwanto, Sungkoro & Surja
tidak melakukan jasa audit lain kecuali audit Laporan did not perform audit services except Telin Consolidated
Keuangan Telin Konsolidasian. Financial Statements.

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Seluruh kegiatan operasional Telin diawasi oleh All Telin operating activities are supervised by the
mekanisme Sistem Pengendalian Internal sebagai suatu mechanism of Internal Control System as a system to
sistem untuk menghindari terjadinya penyimpangan prevent any procedure violation, including financial
prosedur, termasuk penyimpangan laporan keuangan. statement deviation. The Supervision performed by
SPI is intended to allow Telin to grow into a trustworthy
Pengawasan yang dilaksanakan melalui SPI ditujukan
company and free from any form of bad corporate
agar Telin dapat tumbuh menjadi perusahaan yang
terpercaya dan terbebas dari segala bentuk bad
Corporate Governance.

Seluruh kegiatan operasional Telin diawasi oleh mekanisme

SPI untuk menghindari penyimpangan prosedur di
All of the operational activities in Telin are supervised by an Internal
Control System as a system to prevent procedure in Corporate

Sistem Pengendalian Internal merupakan suatu sistem Internal Control Systems is a system performed by the
yang dilakukan perusahaan yang meliputi struktur company including organizational structure, methods
organisasi, metode dan ukuran-ukuran untuk menjaga and measures to maintain and direct the company
dan mengarahkan jalan perusahaan agar bergerak to move according to the Company’s objectives

sesuai dengan tujuan dan program perusahaan dan and programs and to encourage efficiency and the
compliance with management policies.
mendorong efisiensi serta dipatuhinya kebijakan

Tujuan penerapan sistem pengendalian intern dalam The purpose of internal control system application in the
perusahaan adalah untuk menghindari adanya company is to avoid any procedure violations, financial
penyimpangan prosedur, laporan keuangan yang statements produced by the company can be trusted,
dihasilkan oleh perusahaan dapat dipercaya, dan and the company’s activities are in accordance with laws
and regulations in force.
kegiatan perusahaan sejalan dengan hukum dan
peraturan yang berlaku.

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Sedangkan unsur-unsur Sistim Pengendalian Internal While elements of Company Internal Control System
perusahaan meliputi: include:
a. Struktur Organisasi yang memisahkan tanggung a. Organizational structure that explicitly separates
jawab fungsional secara tegas; functional responsibilities;
b. Sistem wewenang dan prosedur pencatatan yang b. Authority and recording procedures systems which
memberikan perlindungan yang cukup terhadap provide adequate protection on the Assets, Loan,
Aktiva, Hutang, Pendapatan, dan Biaya; Income and Expenses;

c. Praktik yang sehat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan c. Healthy practice to perform duties and functions of
fungsi setiap unit; each unit;
d. Mutu karyawan sesuai dengan tanggung jawabnya. d. Qualified employees in accordance with their

Sistem Pengendalian Internal juga merupakan suatu Internal Control Systems is also a process that involves
proses yang melibatkan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors,
manajemen, dan personil lain, yang dirancang untuk management and other personnel, that is designed to
memberikan keyakinan memadai tentang pencapaian provide reasonable assurance on achieving these three

tiga tujuan berikut ini: objectives:

1. Efektivitas dan efisiensi operasi; 1. Operational effectiveness and efficiency;

2. Keandalan pelaporan keuangan; 2. Financial reporting reliability;
3. Kepetuhan kerhadap hukum dan peraturan yang 3. Compliance on laws and regulations

SPI Telin juga melibatkan dewan komisaris, direksi,

manajemen dan personil lain di perusahaan

The Internal Control System Telin also involves the board of

directors, management and other personnel in the company.

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Telin sebagai subsidiary PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Telin as a subsidiary of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia
Tbk. (TELKOM), mengacu kepada kerangka kerja Tbk. (TELKOM), refers to internal control framework of
pengendalian internal Committee of Sponsoring the internal Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal Control
Internal Control yang ditetapkan TELKOM sebagai determined by TELKOM as the internal control
kerangka kerja pengendalian internal Perusahaan. framework.

SPI Telin mengacu kepada kerangka kerja pengendalian

internal COSO yang ditetapkan TELKOM.
Internal Control System referring to internal (COSO) framework,
applied by Telkom.

Komponen Sistem Pengendalian Internal Telin terdiri The Components of Telin Internal Control Systems
dari: consist of:
1. Lingkungan pengendalian (control environment). 1. Environment Control. Controlling environmental
Faktor-faktor lingkungan pengendalian mencakup
factors include the integrity ethical values and
integritas, nilai etis, dan kompetensi dari orang dan
competence of person and entities, management
entitas, filosofi manajemen dan gaya operasi, cara
manajemen memberikan otoritas dan tanggung philosophy and operating style, the way management
jawab serta mengorganisasikan dan mengembangkan grants authorities and responsibilities as well as
orangnya, perhatian dan pengarahan yang diberikan organize and develop persons, concern and direction
oleh board.
provided by the board.
2. Penilaian risiko (risk assessment). Mekanisme yang
2. Risk Assessment. The established mechanisms are to
ditetapkan untuk mengindentifikasi, menganalisis,
dan mengelola risiko-risiko yang berkaitan dengan identify, analyze and manage the risks associated with
berbagai aktivitas di mana organisasi beroperasi. various activities where the organization operates.
3. Aktivitas pengendalian (control activities) Pelaksanaan 3. Control Activities. The implementation of policies
dari kebijakan-kebijakan dan prosedur-prosedur
and procedures established by management to assist
yang ditetapkan oleh manajemen untuk membantu
ensuring that the objectives are met.
memastikan bahwa tujuan dapat tercapai.
4. Informasi dan komunikasi (information and Communi- 4. Information and Communication. A system allowing
cation). Sistem yang memungkinkan orang atau person or entity, obtains and exchanges information
entitas, memperoleh dan menukar informasi yang needed to implement, manage and control operations.
diperlukan untuk melaksanakan, mengelola, dan
mengendalikan operasinya.

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5. Pemantauan (monitoring). Sistem pengendalian 5. Monitoring. Internal control systems need to be

internal perlu dipantau, proses ini bertujuan untuk monitored, this process aims to assess the quality of
menilai mutu kinerja sistem sepanjang waktu. Ini
performance system all the times. It is conducted by
dijalankan melalui aktivitas pemantauan yang
continual monitoring activities, separate evaluations
terusmenerus, evaluasi yang terpisah atau kombinasi
dari keduanya. or a combination of both.


Telin secara berkesinambungan melakukan evaluasi Telin continuously evaluates the effectiveness of internal
terhadap efektivitas pengendalian internal. Evaluasi control. The evaluation is carried outin the form of audit
dilakukan dalam bentuk kegiatan audit dan konsultasi and consulting activities by the Internal audit unit on
yang dilakukan oleh unit Internal Audit terhadap the application of compliance, risk management and
penerapan compliance, risk management dan Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The results of the
Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Hasil audit and consulting activities are reported
dari kegiatan audit dan konsultasi regularly to the President Director.
tersebut dilaporkan secara rutin
kepada Direktur Utama.

The effectiveness of
Efektivitas pengendalian
internal control on
internal atas laporan
financial statement of
keuangan pada 31
December 31, 2015 have
Desember 2015 telah
been audited for its
diaudit atas kepatuhan compliance with internal
terhadap pengendalian controls by the Public
internal oleh Kantor Accounting Office (KAP)
Akuntan Publik (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro &
Purwantono, Sungkoro Surja, as stated in their report
& Surja, sebagaimana on Consolidated Financial
dinyatakan dalam laporan Statements.
mereka yang tercantum dalam
Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian.

Unit-unit yang bertugas dalam evaluasi system The units that have the job of internal control system
pengendalian internal dan tindak lanjutnya antara lain: evaluation and its follow-up,are as follows:
1. Evaluasi fungsi compliance pada pengendalian 1. Compliance function evaluation on Company internal
internal Perusahaan oleh Sub Direktorat Corporate control by the Sub Directorate of Corporate Secretary;
Secretary; 2. Following-up the results of Company audit by Sub
2. Tindak lanjut hasil pemeriksaan audit Perusahaan Directorate of Internal Audit;
oleh Sub Direktorat Internal Audit; 3. Handling and examining Company’s business
3. Penanganan dan pemeriksaan terhadap proses bisnis processes and procedures as well as Fraud
dan prosedur Perusahaan serta Fraud Management Management by Performance & Synergy Sub-group;
oleh Sub Group Performance & Synergy;

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

4. Evaluasi penerapan GCG oleh Sub Direktorat 4. Evaluation of GCG implementation by Sub Directorate
Corporate Secretary; of Corporate Secretary;
5. Pengelolaan risiko Perusahaan (Enterprise Risk 5. Enterprise Risk Management/ERM by Sub Directorate
Management/ ERM) oleh Sub Direktorat Corporate of Corporate Secretary in coordination with Sub
Secretary yang berkoordinasi dengan Sub Direktorat Directorate of Internal to conduct risk-based audit
Internal Audit untuk audit berbasis risiko dalam in mitigating and evaluating the effectiveness of risk
memitigasi dan evaluasi efektivitas penerapan management implementation in Telin.
manajemen risiko di Telin.
Hasil evaluasi efektivitas pengendalian internal dijadikan The results of evaluation of internal control effectiveness
dasar evaluasi manajemen untuk terus-menerus will be the management evaluation basis to continuously
improve internal control process on financial reporting.
memperbaiki proses pengendalian internal atas
pelaporan keuangan.



Pada 2015, tidak terdapat perkara atau gugatan hukum In 2015, there are no cases or lawsuits against Telin.
terhadap Telin.


Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akses informasi bagi To meet the needs of information access for shareholders
pemegang saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan, Telin and stakeholders, Telin provides information channel
menyediakan saluran informasi dan data perusahaan and company data that can be accessed by the public in
yang dapat diakses oleh publik pada alamat atau media the following address or media:
sebagai berikut:

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Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility




Telepon 021- 29952300

Selain akses informasi tersebut, Telin juga In addition to such information access, Telin also organizes
menyelenggarakan kegiatan untuk menyampaikan activities to communicate company information on a
informasi perusahaan secara berkala, antara lain regular basis, including through organizing 2 (two) Press
melalui penyelenggaraan 2 (dua) Konferensi Pers untuk Conference on the publication of the Sub-marine Cable
pemberitaan Mega Proyek Kabel Laut Indonesia – Mega Project Indonesia – America Consortium (SEA - US)
Amerika (Konsorsium SEA – US) pada tanggal 28 Agustus on August 28, 2014 and launching Simcard As 2 in 1 at
2014 dan peluncuran Kartu AS 2 in 1 di Maca pada tanggal Maca on October 13, 2014.
13 Oktober 2014.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Sebagai perusahaan telekomunikasi dengan cakupan As the telecommunications company with international
bisnis internasional, Telin memiliki beragam risiko yang business scope, Telin has a variety of inherent risks, such
melekat yaitu risiko strategis, operasional, finansial as strategic, operational, financial and compliance risks.
dan kepatuhan. Untuk mengelola risiko-risiko tersebut, To manage these risks, Telin has built a risk management
Telin telah membangun perangkat manejemen risiko tool including policy, system and risk mitigation
meliputi kebijakan, sistem serta proses mitigasi risiko process under the coordination of Governance & Risk
yang berada di bawah koordinasi Unit Governance & Management Unit.
Risk Management.


Dalam rangka memperkuat instrumen pelaksanaan GCG In order to strengthen Telin GCG implementation
di Telin, implementasi Manajemen Risiko memegang instruments, risk management implementation plays
peranan penting dalam pencapaian Company Objective important rolesto achieve the Company Objective in
tahun 2015, yaitu dengan menemukenali dan menganalisa 2015, it is done by finding, identifying and analyzing risk
risiko secara lebih menyeluruh yang mencakup seluruh more thoroughly in all subsidiaries of Telin Group. As the
anak perusahaan di Telin Group. Sebagai referensi, reference, we have implemented risk management using
kami telah mengimplementasikan manajemen risiko the framework of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
dengan framework Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) from COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
dari COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization of of the Treadway Commission), which we have adopted
the Treadway Commission) yang kami adopsi sesuai in accordance with the framework implemented by PT.
dengan framework yang diimplementasikan oleh PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Tbk) as our holding company.
Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Tbk) sebagai induk kami.

Implementasi Manajemen Risiko memegang peranan penting dalam

pencapaian Company Objective tahun 2015.
Risk Management implementation plays an important role to acheive Company
Objective in 2015.

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility


Dasar pelaksanaan ERM di Telin merujuk pada peraturan ERM basic implementation in Telin refers to law and
perundangan dan kebijakan, antara lain: regulation in force and policy, such as:
- UU PT No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas; s $PNQBOZ-BXOPPGPO-JNJUFE-JBCJMJUZ$PNQBOZ
- Keputusan Direksi PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia s %FDJTJPOPGUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPSTPG155FMFLPNVOJLBTJ
(Persero),Tbk, Nomor: KD.16/PW000/PRO-IIC/2006 Indonesia (Persero), Tbk, number: KD.16/PW000/
tanggal 3 Februari 2006 tentang Pengelolaan PRO-IIC/2006 dated February 3, 2006 on Company
Risiko Perusahaan yang direvisi dengan Peraturan Risk Management that has been revised by the
Direktur Nomor: PD.614.00/r.00/HK.200/ Director Regulation numbers: PD.614.00/r.00/HK.
COP-D0030000/2015, tanggal 30 September 2015 200/COP-D0030000/2015, dated September 30, 2015
tentang Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan (TELKOM onCompany Risk Management (TELKOM Enterprise
Enterprise Risk Management). Risk Management).
- Peraturan Perusahaan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia s $PNQBOZ3FHVMBUJPOPG155FMFLPNVOJLBTJ*OEPOFTJB
(Persero), Tbk. Nomor PD.602.00/r.00/HK.000/ (Persero), Tbk. number PD.602.00/r.00/HK.000/
COP-D0030000/2011, tanggal 21 Mei 2011 tentang COP-D0030000/2011, dated May 21, 2011 Guidelines
Pedoman Pengelolaan GCG Telkom Group. on GCH Management of Telkom Group.


Seluruh jajaran Direksi dan Senior Leader baik di Telin All Board of Directors and Senior Leaders of Telin both
Jakarta maupun Subsidiary, telah berkomitmen untuk in Jakarta and in the Subsidiary have committed to run
menjalankan bisnis secara profesional dengan prinsip the business professionally with GCG principles and
GCG dan penerapan Manajemen Risiko secara terpadu. implementation of integrated risk management. This
Komitmen ini disepakati dalam bentuk penandatanganan commitment was agreed in the form of the signing of
Komitmen Bersama dalam workshop TELIN CARE di the Joint Commitment in Telin Care workshop in Bogor
Bogor pada Desember 2014. in December 2014.

Seluruh jajaran Direksi dan Senior Leader baik di Telin Jakarta maupun
Subsidiary, telah berkomitmen untuk menjalankan bisnis secara profesional
dengan prinsip GCG.
All Board of Directors and Senior Leaders in Telin Jakarta and Subsidiaries have
been committed to run the business professionally referrign to GCG principle.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Tindak lanjut dari penandatanganan komitmen bersama The follow-up of the joint commitment signing is
tersebut tertuang dalam aksi nyata untuk meningkatkan realized in actual actions to improve the quality of risk
kualitas penerapan manajemen risiko yaitu dengan management in the form of continuous improvement in:
adanya perbaikan secara berkesinambungan dalam:

1. Menerapkan manajemen risiko yang 1. Implementing risk management that is

terintegrasi dengan prinsip GCG integrated with GCG principles by
dengan menyatukan fungsi unifying guard functions of GCG and
pengkawal GCG dan ERM ERM in the unit of Governance
dalam unit Governance & & Risk Management (GRM)
Risk Management (GRM) under Corporate Secretary.
di bawah Corporate
Secretary. 2. Preparing Risk
2. Penyusunan KD Management KD of
Manajemen Risiko PT Telekomunikasi
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International,
Indonesia International which is currently in a
yang saat ini dalam circular stage. KD has
tahap sirkuler. KD ini become a valid legal basis
menjadi payung hukum to implement Telin Risk
yang kuat dalam pelaksanaan Management.
Risk Manajemen Telin.
3. Meningkatkan awareness dan 3. Increasing awareness and changing
perubahan paradigma menjadi risk based the paradigm into risk based with internal
dengan sosialisasi internal, baik melalui Telin dissemination, both through Telin Orientation
Orientation Program (TOP) kepada karyawan baru, Program (TOP) to new employees, as well as through
maupun melalui workshop untuk seluruh karyawan; workshops for all employees;
4. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan 4. Increasing knowledge and skills of GRM personnel
personel GRM dalam penanganan dan analisa risiko to handle and analyze the risks by participating
dengan mengikuti training terkait ERM dan Business the training of ERM and Business Continuity
Continuity Management System (BCMS); Management System (BCMS);
5. Menetapkan Petunjuk Teknis Penyusunan Risk Profile 5. Establishing Technical Guidelines to Prepare of Telin
Telin, sebagai acuan dan petunjuk teknis kepada Risk Profile, as a reference and technical instructions
seluruh Unit dan Subsidiary dalam menyusun, to all units and Subsidiary to develop, identify and
menemukenali dan menilai risiko yang ada di masing- assess the risks in each unit;
masing unit;
6. Penetapan Risk Universe Telin sebagai acuan dalam 6. Determination of Telin Risk Universe as a reference
mengidentifikasi kategori risiko; to identify risk category;
7. Menjadikan Manajemen Risiko menjadi dasar 7. Making Risk Management as the basis to prepare
penyusunan Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan Risk Based Company Budget Plan (RKAP) to achieve
(RKAP) berbasis risiko untuk mencapai objective Company objectives;

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

8. Menjadikan hasil identifikasi dan analisa risiko dalam 8. Making the results of the identification and risk
risk profile Perusahaan menjadi dasar pemeriksaan analysis in the Company’s risk profile as the basis
internal audit (risk based audit) dalam rangka of its internal audit examination (risk-based audit)
meningkatkan fungsi pengendalian internal dalam to improve internal control function in Corporate
Tatakelola Perusahaan. governance.
9. Menjalankan early warning system bagi risiko yang 9. Applying early warning system for risks that have
memiliki dampak tinggi baik secara finansial maupun high influences both financial and non-financial
dalam aspek non finansial dengan memberikan aspects to provide notification to the risk owners
notifikasi kepada risk owner untuk memitigasi risiko to mitigate the risk an effective and appropriate
dengan cara yang efektif dan tepat guna. manners.
10.Melakukan evaluasi efektivitas pengelolaan risiko 10. Evaluating the effectiveness of Company risk
perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh tim GRM bekerjasama management performed by GRM team in cooperation
dengan Unit Internal Audi. with Internal Audit Unit.

Langkah-langkah diatas kami lakukan secara Then we take above measures on an ongoing basis to
berkelanjutan guna meningkatkan ketajaman kami improve our sharpness to identify, analyze and respond
dalam menemukenali, menganalisa dan merespon risiko the risks that may occur in the future that have impacts
yang mungkin terjadi di kemudian hari yang berdampak on Company objective achievement.
pada pencapaian tujuan perusahaan.

Struktur Organisasi Manajemen Risiko Organizational Structure of Risk Management





Dalam memperkuat dan mempermudah koordinasi, To reinforce and facilitate coordination, in accordance
sesuai dengan Keputusan Direksi Telin, Nomor: KD.179/ with the Decision of Telin Board of Directors, number:
PS.000/TII-10/VII/2015, tanggal 30 Juli 2015 tentang KD.179/PS.000/TII-10/ VII/2015 dated July 30, 2015 on
Restruktur Organisasi, Manajemen Risiko Telin dikelola Organization Restructuring, Telin Risk Management is
oleh Departmen Governance & Risk Management (GRM) managed by Governance & Risk Management (GRM)
di bawah Unit Corporate Secretary. Unit Corporate Department under Corporate Secretary Unit. The

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Sectretary yang berada langsung di bawah Direktur Secretary Corporate Unit that is directly under the
Utama memudahkan pelaksanaan manajemen risiko President Director to facilitate the implementation of
sehingga mencakup ke seluruh Direktorat dan seluruh risk management so that it covers all Directorates and
Subsidiary. Subsidiaries.

“Dalam framework COSO, tujuan Perusahaan dapat dibedakan ke dalam 4

(empat) kategori yaitu Strategis, Operasional, Financial dan Compliance.”
Telin Risk Management is handled by Governance & Risk Management (GRM)
Department under Corporate Secretary Unit.

Secara operasional, proses manajemen risiko menjadi Operationally, risk management process is a part in all
bagian di seluruh unit dan subsidiary sebagai risk owner, units and subsidiaries as the risk owner, while analysis
sementara proses analisa, pelaporan, informasi dan process, reporting, information and communication,
komunikasi, monitoring dan evaluasi manajemen risiko monitoring and evaluation of risk management
dilakukan oleh Unit GRM. isconducted by Unit GRM.

Secara Umum pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalam In general, the parties involved in the implementation of
implementasi Kebijakan Manajemen Risko Perusahaan Risk Management Policy in the Company are as follows:
adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Direksi; 1. Board of Directors;
2. Unit Pengelola Risiko Perusahaan; 2. Risk Management Unit of the Company;
3. Unit Internal Audit; 3. Internal Audit Unit;
4. Pimpinan Unit (Vice President/setingkat); 4. Head of Unit (Vice President/similar level);
5. Seluruh Karyawan; 5. All Employees;
6. Anak Perusahaan. 6. Subsidiaries.

Masing-masing pihak yang terlibat di dalam implementasi Each party involved in the implementation of Company’s
kebijakan Pengelolaan Risiko Perusahaan ini mempunyai Risk Management Policy has roles and responsibilities
peran dan tanggungjawab sesuai dengan tugas dan according with their duties and functions as set forth in
fungsinya yang diatur di dalam Kebijakan Pengelolaan of Company RiskManagement Policy.
Risiko Perusahaan.


Dalam framework COSO, tujuan Perusahaan dapat In COSO framework, Company’s objectives can be divided
dibedakan ke dalam 4 (empat) kategori yaitu Strategis, into four (4) categories: Strategy, Operation, Finance and

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Operasional, Financial dan Compliance, dimana dalam Compliance, which in practice, ERM considers the activities
pelaksanaannya, ERM memperhatikan aktivitas di semua in all levels in the organization,they are Enterprise Level,
tingkatan dalam organisasi, yaitu Enterprise Level, Divisi Division or Subsidiary and Processes in Business unit.
atau Subsidiary dan proses-proses di Business Unit.


1. Internal Environment - Penetapan filosofi ERM 1. Internal Environment – ERM philosophy Determination
dari Manajemen, Budaya Risiko Perusahaan, of Management, Company Risk Culture, consider all
memperhatikan seluruh aspek Perusahaan yang aspects that may affect the Company’s C Risk culture
dapat mempengaruhi budaya Risiko Perusahaan

2. Objective Setting: Strategi Risiko dalam menyusun 2. Objective Setting: Risk Strategies to prepare Company
Tujuan Perusahaan, Menyusun Risk Acceptance Goals, Preparing Risk Acceptance Criteria, to what
Criteria, berapa besar risiko yang mampu diterima extent the Company can accept and tolerate the risks.
Perusahaan dan dapat ditolerir.

3. Event Identification: Membedakan antara risiko dan 3. Event Identification: Distinguishing between risks
peluang yang mempengaruhi strategi Perusahaan, and opportunities that affect Company’s strategies,
mengidentifikasi event, penyebab dan dampak identify the events, causes and impact on Company
terhadap Objective Perusahaan. Objectives.

4. Risk Assessment: Metode Penilaian risiko secara 4. Risk assessment: Risk assessment method
kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dan menilai risiko inheren qualitatively and quantitatively, and assess inherent
maupun residual. and residual risks.

5. Risk Response: mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah 5. Risk Response: identifying measures that allows to
yang memungkinkan untuk merespon risiko, menilai respond the risks, assessing the cost and benefit and
dari segi benefit dan cost dan dinilai apakah langkah assessing whether such measures are effective to
tersebut efektif untuk menurunkan tingkat risiko. lower the risk level.

6. Control Activities: kebijakan dan prosedur untuk 6. Control activities: policies and procedures to
memastikan bahwa respon terhadap risiko telah ensure that the riskshave been responded, in which
dilakukan, dimana prosedur ini berlaku di seluruh the proceduresare applicable at all levels of the
level organisasi, termasuk aplikasi dan kontrol IT. organization, including applications and IT control.

7. Information & Communication: Manajemen 7. Information & Communication: Management

mengidentifikasi, menangkap dan identifies, captures and communicatesthe
mengkomunikasikan informasi yang memudahkan information that facilitate a person to implement the
seseorang menjalankan tanggungjawabnya dan responsibilities and link to related departments or
menyambungkan bagian atau pihak yang terkait parties related to the risks.
dengan risiko tersebut.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

8. Monitoring: aktivitas monitoring dilakukan untuk 8. Monitoring: Monitoring activities is carried out to ensure
memastikan bahwa pelaksanaan ERM di Telin that ERM implementation in Telin is in accordance with
dijalankan sesuai framework dan seluruh aktivitas all frameworks and all mitigation activities have been
mitigasi telah sesuai dan tepat guna. implemented properly and effectively.


1. Pengembangan Kompetensi Pengelola Risiko 1. Development of Risk Management Competence
Untuk mendukung operasional pelaksanaan To support operational implementation of risk
manajemen risiko, Manajemen Telin selalu management, Telin management always provides
memberikan kesempatan yang luas bagi karyawannya wide opportunity for the employees to develop their
untuk mengembangkan skill dan knowledge di skills and knowledge in Risk Management and GCG by
bidang Manajemen Risiko dan GCG dengan mengikuti participating in public and in-house training on ERM
training publik maupun inhouse tentang ERM Fundamentals, Business Continuity Management
Fundamental, Business Continuity Management System (BCMS), the participation in the National
System (BCMS), keikutsertaan dalam Seminar Seminar about Internal audit and certification
Nasional Internal Audit dan sertifikasi of Internal Lead auditor of ISO 20000–
Internal Lead Auditor untuk ISO 1: 2011 IT Service Management
20000-1 :2011 IT Service in which there are special
Management dimana clauses risk assessment as
didalamnya terdapat the development of our
klausul khusus risk insight and knowledge.
assessment sebagai
wawasan dan
pengetahuan kami.

Dalam hal In terms of competence

pengembangan development and
dan peningkatan improvement, Telkom,
kompetensi, Telkom, as the Holding Company
sebagai induk dari Telin, of Telin, has significant role
memiliki andil yang cukup besar to provide technical assistance
dalam memberikan bantuan teknis (Bantek) and assistance in the
(bantek) dan pendampingan pelaksanaan implementation of risk management by
manajemen risiko dengan melakukan Focused Group organizing Focused Group Discussion (FGD) on Risk
Discussion (FGD) implementasi Manajemen Risiko Management implementation of Telkom Group
TelkomGroup yang diadakan setiap triwulan. Dalam quarterly. In this FGD, Telkom subsidiaries share
FGD ini, subsidiary dari Telkom saling memberikan the best practice to implement risk management
best practise pelaksanaan manajemen risiko dan and regularly invites guest speakers who havethe
secara berkala mengundang pembicara tamu yang expertise in Risk Management field. The following are
ahli di bidang Manajemen Risiko. Berikut acara FGD the events on FGD Risk Management of Telkom Group
Manajemen Risiko Telkom Group selama tahun 2015: during 2015:

326 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

a. Triwulan I 2015, 23 Maret 2015, Telkom GMP a. Quarter I 2015 on March 23, 2015, Telkom GMP
Jakarta, Tema: Telkom Risk Profile 2015; Jakarta, Theme: Telkom Risk Profile in 2015;
b. Triwulan II 2015, 22 Juni 2015, Telkom GMP b. Quarter II 2015 on June 22, 2015, Telkom GMP
Jakarta, Tema: Fraud Simbox Detection; Jakarta, Theme: Fraud Simbox Detection;
c. Triwulan III 2015, 28 September 2015, Bandung, c. Quarter III 2015 on September 28, 2015, Bandung,
Tema: Big Data, Insurance Management; Theme: Big Data, Insurance Management;
d. Triwulan IV 2015, 27 November 2015, Telkom GMP d. Quarter IV 2015 on November 27, 2015, Telkom
Bandung, Tema: Subsidiary Risk & Risk Profile GMP Bandung, Theme: Subsidiary Risk & Risk
TelkomGroup 2016. Profile of Telkom Group 2016.

Selain peningkatan untuk personel GRM , kami In addition to improve GRM personnel, we also
juga melakukan sosialisasi dan workshop untuk organize socialization and workshop for related
unit terkait, yaitu: units, such as:
a. Workshop Risk Assessment dalam Rangka a. Risk assessment Workshop in Preparing
Penyusunan Risk Profile Telin 2016, pada 15- Telin Risk Profile 2016, on October 15-16,
16 Oktober 2015, di Bandung, yang diikuti 2015, in Bandung, followed by the units of
oleh Unit Governance Risk Management, Governance Risk Management, Corporate
Corporate Legal, Regulatory Management, Legal, Regulatory Management, Internal
Internal Audit, Network Operation dan Project Audit, Network Operation and Project &
& Consultancy. Consultancy.
b. Workshop Risk Alignment – Reshaping b. Workshop Risk alignment – Reshaping
Corporate Secretary Services, pada 17-18 Corporate Secretary Services, on December
Desember 2015, di Bandung. Diikuti oleh 17-18, 2015, in Bandung. Followed by the Units
Unit GRM, Corporate Legal dan Regulatory of GRM, Corporate Legal and Regulatory
Management beserta unit Risk & Process Management and Risk & Process Management
Management Telkom. Telkom.
c. Sosialisasi GCG dan Risk Management di Telin c. GCG and Risk Management Socialization
Orientation Program (TOP) untuk karyawan in Telin Orientation Program (TOP) for new
baru di bulan Januari, Mei dan Agustus 2015. employees in January, May and August, 2015.

Di tahun 2015, Telin bersama dengan Telkom dan pihak ketiga melakukan
pengembangan aplikasi CURA.
In 2015, together Telin with Telkom and third parties to develop CURA applications

2. Pengembangan Aplikasi CURA 2. CURA application Development

Proses Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan memerlukan Company Risk Management process requires
support system yang mumpuni dalam hal pencatatan, a support system that is reliable for recording,
penilaian dan pelaporannya. Mengingat Telin assessing and reporting. Considering Telin is a part of

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

merupakan bagian dari TelkomGroup, dimana Telkom, which the risk management implementation
pelaksanaan manajemen risiko dilakukan dalam is carried out within the scope of the Group, then
lingkup Grup, maka di tahun 2015, Telin bersama in 2015, Telinalong with Telkom and third parties
dengan Telkom dan pihak ketiga melakukan develop CURA applications, it is a Risk Management
pengembangan aplikasi CURA, yaitu aplikasi application that enables Telin in real time, to report
pelaporan Manajemen Risiko yang memungkinkan the implementation of Risk Management, mitigation
Telin untuk secara real time, melaporkan pelaksanaan process and risk levels assessment.
Manajemen Risiko, progress mitigasi dan penilaian
tingkat risikonya.

Dalam pengembangannya, kami memberikan In its development, we provide feedback so that

feedback sehingga format pelaporan dari CURA sesuai the reporting format of Cura is in accordance with
dengan format standar TelkomGroup, dapat dibaca standard format of TelkomGroup, can be read and
dan dianalisa dengan mudah dan memungkinkan risk analyzed easily and allow risk owners to view the
owner untuk melihat progress mitigasi yang dilakukan mitigation progress conducted as well as to get a
serta mendapatkan reminder atau notifikasi dalam reminder or notification to handle predetermined
penanganan mitigasi risiko yang telah ditetapkan. mitigation risk.

3. Penetapam Risk Universe Telin 3. Determination of Telin Risk Universe

Sebagai koridor dalam pengkategorian risiko As a corridor to categorize risks and as the measures
serta sebagai langkah untuk memudahkan proses to facilitate risk identification process, GRM team has
identifikasi risiko, tim GRM telah menyusun Risk developed Telin Risk according to risk categories that
Universe Telin berdasarkan kategori risiko yang generally occur in telecommunication industry and is
umum terjadi di industri telekomunikasi dan adjusted to Company objectives in accordance with
disesuaikan dengan objective perusahaan sesuai the COSO framework which are divided into four risk
dengan framework COSO yang dibedakan menjadi categories, they are Strategic Risk, operational risk,
empat kategori risiko yaitu Strategic Risk, Operational Financial risk and Compliance risk.
Risk, Financial Risk dan Compliance Risk.

Dari assessment Manajemen Risiko tahun 2015, tim GRM berhasil

mengidentifikasi risiko-risiko yang termasuk dalam risiko Strategis,
Operasional, Finansial maupun Compliance.
From Risk Management carried out in 2015, GRM Team successfully identiified
risk profiles including Strategic, Operational, Financial or Compliance.


Dari assessment Manajemen Risiko tahun 2015, tim GRM From the Risk Management Assessment of 2015, GRM
berhasil mengidentifikasi risiko-risiko yang termasuk team managed to identify the risks included into
dalam risiko Strategis, Operasional, Finansial maupun Strategic, Operational, Financial and Compliance risks.

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Compliance. Dari 22 jenis risiko yang teridentifikasi, Of the 22 types of risk identified, the Management has
Manajemen telah memfokuskan pada risiko utama yaitu focused on the following main risks:
sebagai berikut:

1. Risiko Strategis 1. Strategic Risk

Risiko strategis merupakan risiko yang muncul akibat Strategic risk is the risk arising from Management
adanya keputusan strategis Manajemen, pelaksanaan strategic decision, improper decision implementation
keputusan yang tidak sesuai atau dorongan dari or external encouragement (business environment)
luar (lingkungan bisnis) yang secara signifikan dapat which significantly can obstruct Company’s strategic
menghambat pencapaian tujuan strategis Perusahaan. objectives achievement.

Telin menempatkan risiko-risiko yang terjadi di Telin puts the risks existing in the subsidiary into
subsidiary menjadi risiko strategis, yaitu terkait proses a strategic risk, it is one related to mergers and
merger & akuisisi Telkom Australia, delivery time pada acquisitions process of Telkom Australia, delivery time in
project MVNE di Telin Malaysia, pencapaian target MVNE project in Telin Malaysia, the target achievement
revenue Mobile di Telin Timor Leste dan risiko bisnis of revenue Mobile in Telin Timor Leste and business risk
Telin Myanmar. Telin Myanmar.

Dalam jangka waktu satu tahun, ada beberapa risiko Within one year, there are some strategic risks that
strategis yang berhasil dimitigasi dan termasuk dalam manage to be mitigated and included into the category
kategori Very Low Risk, namun ada risiko yang masih of Very Low Risk, but there issome risks that are still in
dalam progress mitigasi hingga akhir tahun 2015 mitigation progress until end of 2015, such as business
diantaranya adalah risiko bisnis di Telin Myanmar terkait risk in Telin Myanmar related to the regulation pattern
dengan pola regulasi yang berlaku di Myanmar. applied in Myanmar.

2. Risiko Operasional 2. Operational Risk

Risiko operasional didefinisikan sebagai risiko yang terdapat Operational risk is defined as the risk in Company
dalam kegiatan operasional perusahaan sehari-hari yang daily operations that directly or indirectly arise from
baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung muncul dari insufficient or failure of internal processes, Human
ketidak-cukupan atau kegagalan proses internal, Sumber Resources (HR) and systems or events beyond the
Daya Manusia (SDM), dan sistem atau dari kejadian di luar company’s control, including natural disasters.
kendali perusahaan, termasuk bencana alam.

Beberapa risiko yang termasuk dalam risiko operasional adalah Shortage

Revenue pada Wholesale Voice dan price WAR pada layanan Data dan risiko
tidak terpenuhinya SDM di seluruh entitas anak.
Several risks classified as operational risk are Shortage Revenue at Wholesale
Voice and Data Service price WAR as well as HC inadquacy fulfillment risk in all

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Beberapa risiko yang termasuk dalam risiko operasional Some of the risks included into operational risk are
adalah Shortage Revenue pada Wholesale Voice Shortage of Revenue in Wholesale Voice and price war
dan price war pada layanan Data dan risiko tidak on Data services and the risk of non-fulfillment of human
terpenuhinya SDM di seluruh entitas anak. resources in all subsidiaries.

Risiko operasional yang terkait dengan shortage The operational risk associated with shortage of revenue
revenue telah dimitigasi dengan baik dengan adanya has been mitigated well with the improvement of the
improvement terhadap package yang ditawarkan ke package offered to customers and quality of service.
pelanggan dan kualitas layanan. Sementara risiko terkait While HR-related risk has been mitigated by intensive
SDM telah dimitigasi dengan melakukan koordinasi yang coordination with TelkomGroup as holding company of
intensif dengan TelkomGroup sebagai induk Telin yang Telin who has a competent talent to meet the needs of
memiliki talent kompeten untuk memenuhi kebutuhan human resources in Subsidiaries.
SDM di Subsidiary.

Pada akhir tahun 2015, seluruh risiko operasional berhasil In the end of 2015, all entire operational risksmanage
dimitigasi dengan baik dan efektif sehingga level risiko to be mitigatedwell and effectively so that the risk level
dapat diturunkan sesuai ekspektasi Manajemen, yaitu can be lowered according to management expectations,
Very Low Risk. Very Low Risk.

3. Risiko Finansial 3. Financial Risk

Risiko finansial adalah risiko yang muncul akibat adanya Financial risk is the risk arising from deviation or
penyimpangan atau variasi dari peformansi keuangan variation of the Company’s financial performance
Perusahaan yang diakibatkan oleh pergerakan atau due to the movement or certain variables fluctuation
gejolak variabel tertentu (nilai tukar, tingkat suku bunga, (exchange rates, interest rates, inflation) including
inflasi) termasuk kepatuhan pelaporan keuangan. financial reporting compliance.

Di tahun 2015, risiko yang termasuk dalam risiko finansial In 2015, the risks included in the financial risks are
adalah terkait Lebih Bayar Pajak yang berdampak pada related to tax overpayment that affects the company’s
performa finansial perusahaan. Dalam hal ini, Unit financial performance. In this case, Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance telah melakukan mitigasi yang efektif Unit has conducted effective mitigation by applying
dengan lebih tertib administasi, peningkatan kompetensi more discipline administration, improving personnel
personel dan bekerja sama dengan konsultan pajak competence and joincooperation with the competent
yang kompeten, sehingga risiko lebih bayar dapat tax consultant, so the impact risk of overpayments can
diminimalisir dampaknya dan terselesaikan di triwulan be minimized on and resolved in quarter III of 2015.
III 2015.

4. Risiko Compliance 4. Compliance Risk

Risiko yang melekat di industri telekomunikasi adalah The risks that are inherent in the telecommunications
risiko teknologi, kompetisi dan regulasi. Mengingat industry are technology, competition and regulation.
bisnis Telin adalah bisnis Internasional, maka hal terkait Considering that Telin business is an international
perijinan dan kepatuhan terhadap regulasi di negara business, then matters related to license and compliance
footprint menjadi fokus utama kami untuk selalu with regulations in footprint country will be our main
memenuhi dan mematuhinya. focus to always meet and comply with them.

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Risiko yang melekat di industri telekomunikasi adalah risiko teknologi,

kompetisi dan regulasi.
Inherent risk of telecommunication industry includes technology, competition
and regulatory risks.

Langkah mitigasi telah dilakukan untuk mengurangi Mitigation measures have been taken to minimize
dampak yang dapat merugikan Perusahaan yaitu the impact that may harm the Company including
membenahi sistem dokumentasi dan pelaporan improvement of documentation system and license
status perijinan, penggunaan jasa konsultan hukum di reporting status, use of legal consulting services in the
negara-negara terkait, melakukan pendekatan dengan relevant countries, approach the relevant regulator and
regulator terkait dan juga konsultasi dan koordinasi also consultation and coordination with Telkom Legal
dengan tim Legal dan Regulatory Telkom. Risiko ini and Regulatory team. These risks are well mitigated in
berhasil termitigasi dengan baik pada triwulan ketiga the third quarter and are categorized as Very Low Risk
dan dikategorikan sebagai Very Low Risk pada triwulan in quarter IV of 2015, considering regulatory condition
IV tahun 2015, mengingat kondisi dan iklim regulasi and climate in the footprint countries are dynamic, thus
di negara-negara footprint yang dinamis, sehingga it is needed risk mitigation that are always updated with
diperlukan mitigasi risiko yang selalu update dengan such condition.
kondisi tersebut.


Dalam rangka pengawasan EFFECTIVENESS
dan evaluasi efektivitas To monitor and evaluate
pelaksanaan manajemen the effectiveness of
risiko, Telin melakukan risk management
evaluasi atas laporan implementation, Telin
progress mitigasi risiko evaluates the report
setiap triwulan sehingga of risk mitigation
profil risiko yang telah progress on a quarterly
ditetapkan Perusahaan basis so that the risk
dapat termitigasi secara profile predetermined
tepat dan terukur. by the Company can be
mitigated appropriately and
Pelaksanaan evaluasi efektivitas measurable.
Manajemen Risiko Telin dilakukan The evaluation of risk management
dengan dua cara yaitu kuantitatif maupun effectiveness in Telin is carried out
kualitatif. Kami terbantukan dengan adanya aplikasi two methods: quantitative and qualitative. We are
assisted by the CURA application that is developed to

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CURA yang dikembangkan guna membantu pelaporan assist reporting and monitoring the effectiveness risk
dan pemantauan efektivitas pelaksanaan manajemen management implementation.

Berikut hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan Manajemen Risiko di The following are the results of evaluation of Risk
Telin sepanjang tahun 2015 yang kami paparkan dalam Management in Telin throughout 2015 that are
tabel, peta dan gambar berikut ini. representedin tables, maps and pictures below.


High 6 8
Like Hood

1 5

Low 10

Very 4
Low 9

Very Very
Low Medium High
Low High

Garis Risk Appetite Risiko Awal

Risk Appetite Line Risiko Q4
Very Low Medium High Very
Low High

Pergerakan Top Risk 2015 selama periode satu tahun. Top Risk movement of 2015 during the period of one
Maps ini menggambarkan terdapat beberapa risiko yang year.This map illustratesthat there are some risks whose

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mengalami penurunan level risiko selama 4 triwulan level decrease during the fourth quarter after mitigation.
setelah dilakukannya mitigasi.

No Risiko Q1 Trend Q2 Trend Q3 Trend Q4 Trend

Price Errosian dan New Competitor pada

1 Medium Medium High Medium
Price Errosian and New Competitor into

Price Errosian
2 Medium Medium Low Low
Errosian Price

Shortage revenue Traffic Outbound

3 Medium Medium Low Low
Shortage revenue Traffic Outbound

Human Resources Very Very Very Very

Human Resources High High Low Low

Mobile Services Timor Leste Very

5 Medium High High
Mobile Services Timor Leste High

Merger and Acquisition Very Very

6 Medium High
Merger and Acquisition High High

Keterlambatan delivery MVNE Telin

Very Very Very
7 Malaysia Medium
High Low Low
Delivery delays MVNO TELIN Malaysia

Kegagalan bisnis Telin Myanmar Very Very Very Very

Telin Myanmar business failure High High High High

Pajak Very Very Very

9 Low
Tax High High Low

Risiko kegagalan dalam mematuhi

perintah peraturan legal
10 High Medium Medium Low
Risk of failure in obeying the legal

Evaluasi efektivitas pelaksanaan manajemen risiko, Evaluation of risk management effectiveness, in addition
disamping dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi risiko yang ada, to evaluate the risks involved, it is also conducted
juga dilakukan untuk mengukur efektivitas pelaksanaan to measure the risk management effectiveness in
manajemen risiko di Telin, Evaluasi pelaksanaan Telin. The evaluation of Company risk management
manajemen risiko Perusahaan ini dilakukan oleh Unit implementation is carried out by Internal audit Unit, as
Internal Audit, sebagai bagian dari three lines of defence the part of three lines of defense that we use to guard
yang kami gunakan dalam pengkawalan efektivitas the effectiveness Management Risk. Internal audit plays
Manajemen Risiko. Internal Audit berperan dalam a role to provide feedback and evaluation to build and
memberikan feedback dan evaluasi guna membangun develop Risk Management implementation, particularly
dan mengembangkan pelaksanaan Manajemen Risiko, the role of GRM unit to apply early warning system to risk
terutama peran unit GRM dalam memberlakukan early owner of high risk and time-limited risks.
warning system kepada pemilik risiko dengan risiko
tinggi dan risiko-risiko berbatas waktu.

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Bertujuan untuk lebih memperkuat instrument aturan Aiming to strengthen more on the instrument of GCG
tata kelola GCG serta landasan pedoman berperilaku rules and foundation of Code of Conduct for employees
bagi karyawan dalam melaksanakan etika kerja dan etika toimplement work ethic and business ethics, then Telin
usaha, maka Telin telah menetapkan Etika Bisnis pada has established Business Ethics in 2011 as stated on the
tahun 2011 yang tertuang dalam Keputusan Direksi PT Decision of the Board of Directors of PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia International number KD.044/PS.000/
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International nomor. KD.044/
TELIN-10/IV/2011, dated April 4, 2011 on Business Ethics.
PS.000/Telin-10/IV/2011, tanggal 4 April 2011 tentang
Currently, GRM team of Telin has developed a revised
Etika Bisnis. Saat ini, tim GRM Telin telah menyusun
draft on Decision of the Board of Directors (KD) of
draft Revisi Keputusan Direksi (KD) Etika Bisnis sebagai
Business Ethics as the improvement of KD Business
penyempurnaan dari KD Etika Bisnis sebelumnya
Ethics that the contents previously have been adapted to
yang isinya telah disesuaikan dengan perubahan dan changes and business development, corporate culture
perkembangan bisnis, budaya perusahaan dan struktur and organizational structure.

Budaya Perusahaan di dasarkan pada The Telkom Way The company culture is based on The Telkom Way in the
di lingkungan Telkom Group, yang meliputi 4 (empat) Telkom Group, which includes four (4) dimensions:
dimensi yaitu:
1. Dimensi Spiritual, dikelola melalui olah Ruh; 1. Spiritual Dimension, managed by Spiritual Exercise;
2. Dimensi Emotional, dikelola melalui olah Rasa; 2. Emotional Dimension, managed by Sense Exercise;
3. Dimensi Intellectual, dikelola melalui olah Rasio; 3. Intellectual Dimension, managed by Rational Exercise;
4. Dimensi Physical, dikelola melalui olah Raga. 4. Physical Dimensions, managed by Physical Exercise

The Telkom Way meliputi 4 dimensi yaitu Ruh, Rasa, The Telkom Way includes 4 dimensions, they are
Rasio dan Raga Spirit, Sense, Rational and Physic

Core Value Perusahaan dan sekaligus Great Spirit The Core Value and Great Spirit of the Company is 3S,
Perusahaan adalah 3S, yakni: they are:
1. SOLID, yaitu sikap mental untuk bertindak didasari 1. Solid, it is the mental attitude to act based on the
adanya rasa kesatuan, kesamaan dan rasa saling sense of unity, equality and mutual trust to achieve
percaya dalam mencapai tujuan bersama; common goals;
2. SPEED, yaitu sikap mental untuk bertindak secara 2. SPEED, it is the mental attitude to act proactively to
proaktif dalam mengelola pekerjaan/penugasan manage work/assignment quickly, accurately and
secara cepat, tepat dan berkualitas; qualified;
3. SMART, yaitu sikap mental untuk bertindak 3. Smart, it is the mental attitude to act intelligently to
secara cerdas dalam menyelesaikan semua finis all works/tasks to achieve the splendid results.
pekerjaan/penugasan untuk mencapai hasil yang

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Etika Bisnis Telin sejalan dengan kebijakan budaya Telin Business Ethic is in line with company culture that
perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan oleh induk is predeterminedby the Holding Company (Telkom),
perusahaan (Telkom), nomor: PR.201.01/r.00/HK250/ number: PR.201.01/r.00/HK250/COP-B0400000/2013,
COP-B0400000/2013, tanggal 10 Juni 2013 tentang dated June 10, 2013 on Company Culture of Telkom
Budaya Perusahaan Telkom Group. Group.


Untuk lebih memahami dan memacu karyawan bertindak To better understand and encourage employees to
sesuai dengan Etika Bisnis yang telah ditetapkan, maka act in accordance the predetermined Business Ethics,
Perusahaan menyediakan ruang sosialisasi melalui the Company provides socialization room through the
sharing session dan media online portal Telin yang dapat sharing session and online media of Telin portal that can
dipelajari dan diakses oleh seluruh insan Telin. be learned and accessed by to all Telin personnel.

Upaya penerapan Etika Bisnis The efforts to implement of Business

tersebut dilakukan dengan cara: Ethics are conducted by:
1. Seluruh karyawan diminta 1. Requiring all employees are
untuk membaca dan read and understand the
memahami Etika Bisnis business ethics through
melalui penyediaan provision questionnaire
kuesioner dan and socialization in
sosialisasi di forum sharing session forum;
sharing session; 2. Each leader shall
2. Setiap pimpinan wajib disseminate business
melakukan sosialisasi ethic to subordinates
kepada bawahan yang under his/her
menjadi tanggung
3. Each employee signs a
3. Setiap karyawan
compliance statement on Telin
menandatangani surat
business ethics;
pernyataan kepatuhan terhadap
Etika Bisnis Telin;
4. Pemantauan dilakukan secara terus menerus. Apabila 4. Monitoring is done continuously. In case of
terjadi pelanggaran, maka akan diberikan sanksi sesuai violation, there will be sanction according to prevailing
dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. regulations.

Etika Bisnis Telin disebarluaskan ke seluruh lini Perusahaan Telin Business Ethics is disseminated throughout the
melalui sharing session dan media online Telin Company line by sharing session and Telin online media.

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Etika Bisnis Telin berisi tentang Etika Kerja dan Etika Telin Business Ethics contains Work Ethics and Business
Usaha yang wajib dipatuhi oleh seluruh insan Telin. Ethics that shall be obeyed by all Telin personnel.
Etika Bisnis Telin berisi hal-hal sebagai berikut: Telin Business Ethics contains the following:
a. Etika kerja yang terdiri dari: a. The work ethic which consists of:
1. Pengamalan Nilai-nilai: Kejujuran, Transparan, 1. The practice of values: Honesty, Transparency,
Komitmen, Kerjasama, Disiplin, Peduli dan Commitment, Teamwork, Discipline, Care and
Tanggung Jawab;
2. Pelaksanaan Perilaku Utama Telin atas Budaya 2. Implementation of Telin Key Behavior on
Perusahaan; Company Culture;
3. Perilaku Utama bagi Karyawan, kewajiban dan 3. Key Behavior of Employees, Liabilities and
larangan bagi Karyawan; Prohibition for Employees;
4. Perilaku utama bagi pimpinan Perusahaan. 4. Key Behavior of Company Leaders.

b. Etika usaha yang terdiri dari: b. Business Ethics consist of:

1. Hubungan Perusahaan dengan regulator; 1. Company relation with the regulator;
2. Hubungan Perusahaan dengan Pemangku 2. Company relation with stakeholders;
3. Penerapan perilaku persaingan usaha yang sehat. 3. Implementation of healthy competing behavior.


Penerapan Etika Bisnis yang terdiri dari: The implementation of Business Ethics consists of:
1. Sosialisasi Etika Bisnis; 1. Business Ethics Socialization;
2. Sanksi Pelanggaran Etika Bisnis; 2. Sanctions on Business Ethics Violation;
3. Pelaporan Pelanggaran; 3. Violation Reporting;
4. Penanganan Perkara Etika Bisnis. 4. Handling Business Ethic Case.


Etika Bisnis Telin wajib dilaksanakan secara konsisten Telin Business Ethics shall be implemented consistently
sebagai budaya kerja dalam aktivitas operasional as the work culture in daily operating activities. To
sehari-hari. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, Telin support this, Telin develops procedures for socialization
mengembangkan tata cara untuk melakukan sosialisasi and publication of business ethics and implementation
dan publikasi etika bisnis serta tata cara penerapan, procedures, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.
pelaporan, pemantauan dan evaluasinya.

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Etika Bisnis Telin diterapkan secara konsisten dalam aktivitas

operasional sehari-hari sehingga merepresentasikan menjadi
budaya kerja Telin.
Telin Business Ethics is consistently implemented in daily
operational activity that represents Telin corporate culture.


Sosialisasi Socialization
Kebijakan Etika Bisnis ini disosialisasikan kepada seluruh Business Ethics Policy is disseminated to all Telin
jajaran Telin oleh seluruh pimpinan, sehingga kebijakan employees by all the leaders, thus the Business Ethics
Etika Bisnis ini dipahami oleh seluruh Karyawan, policy is understood by all employees, including new
termasuk karyawan baru dalam Telin Orientation employees in Telin Orientation Program (TOP) in January,
Program (TOP) di Bulan Januari, Mei dan Agustus 2015. May and August 2015

Sanksi Pelanggaran Etika Bisnis Sanctions on Business Ethics Violation

a. Pelanggaran Kebijakan Etika Bisnis ini secara a. The violation on the Business Ethics Policy will
signifikan akan diberikan sanksi secara tegas significantly be subject to sanction
b. Sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Perusahaan b. The sanctions are in accordance with the provisions of
/ kebijakan Direksi Telin lainnya Company Regulations/other Telin Board of Directors policies

Pelaporan Pelanggaran Violation Reporting

a. Karyawan wajib melaporkan kesalahan yang a. Employees shall report faults that potentially harm
berpotensi merugikan secara material dan citra materially and harm Company’s image, such as
Perusahaan seperti penyimpangan keuangan, financial deviation, reporting manipulation, ethical
manipulasi pelaporan, pelanggaran etika dan lain- violations etc. And the company facilitates the
lain dan Perusahaan memfasilitasi penanganan dan handling and solution.
b. Pelaporan disampaikan kepada atasan langsung atau b. The report shall be delivered to immediate supervisor
unit Human Capital or HR Management unit
c. Laporan harus dilengkapai data yang jelas dan tidak c. The report shall be supplemented by clear data and it
menutup kemungkinan laporan yang tidak jelas akan is not impossible that unclear data will be processed.
diproses juga.
d. Perusahaan akan melindungi dan menjamin pelapor. d. The Company will protect and guarantee the

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Penanganan Pelanggaran Etika Ethics Violation Handling

Penangan Pelanggaran Etika dilakukan oleh: Ethics Violation is handled by:
a. Unit pengelola SDM, jika menyangkut pelanggaran a. HR management unit, when it involves violation on
ketentuan pada peraturan disiplin Karyawan; the provisions of Employee disciplinary regulations;
b. Internal Auditor sebagai pemeriksa lanjutan atas b. Internal auditors as advanced inspectors on findings
temuan hasil pemeriksaan sebelumnya untuk from previous examinations to examine the validity of
meneliti kebenaran informasi atau pengaduan information or complaint on the breach of obligation
atas pelanggaran kewajiban atau larangan yang or prohibition concerning the actions to impose
menyangkut tindakan penjatuhan sanksi hukuman sanctions that may be decided by Human Capital (HC)
yang bisa diputuskan oleh unit Human Capital (HC). Unit.

Selama tahun 2015, tidak ditemukan adanya pelanggaran During 2015, there were no ethical code violations of
kode etik Telin baik oleh manajemen, karyawan maupun Telin by management, employees and other relevant
Pemangku Kepentingan terkait lainnya. stakeholders relevant.

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Pemberian Dana untuk Kegiatan

Sosial dan Politik

Sesuai dengan landasan peraturan perundang- In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations
undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia, serta kebutuhan prevailing in Indonesia, as well as the requirement to
untuk menghindari potensi benturan kepentingan, Telin prevent any potential conflict of interest, Telin strictly
secara tegas membatasi dan melarang insan Telin untuk restricts and prohibits Telin personnel to involve and
terlibat dan menggunakan sumber daya Perusahaan make use of Company resources to contribute any
untuk kontribusi dalam kegiatan politik. Sebagai Good political activities. As Good Corporate Citizen, all Telin
Corporate Citizen, seluruh insan Telin harus terbebas personnel shall be free of political interests that are in
dari kepentingan politik yang dapat bertentangan conflict with the law and regulation in force.
dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Di sisi lain, Telin senantiasa mendorong inisiatif On the other hand, Telin always encourage active
keterlibatan aktif dalam bidang sosial kemasyarakatan involvement initiatives in social activities through
melalui kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that are distributed
(Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR) yang disalurkan in a variety of programs within the framework of the
dalam berbagai program dalam framework Program Partnership Program and Community Development
Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL). Alokasi dana (CSR). The social fund is allocated in Telin partnership
untuk bidang sosial telah disalurkan dalam program- programs during the current year.
program kemitraan Telin selama tahun berjalan.

Sebagai Good Corporate Citizen, seluruh insan Telin harus

terbebas dari segala bentuk kepentingan politik yang dapat
bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.
As a Good Corporate Citizen, every Telin’s people has to be free
from political interest that may violate the Law.

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Whistleblowing System

Untuk menjamin perlindungan terhadap hak-hak To ensure the protection of stakeholders’right and the
Pemangku Kepentingan serta risiko adanya pelanggaran risk of regulatory violations by certain parties, Telin
peraturan oleh pihak tertentu, Telin telah memiliki already had the mechanisms for reporting violations
mekanisme pelaporan pelanggaran (whistleblowing (whistleblowing system) which was produced in
system) yang dibentuk berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi accordance with the Decision of the Board of Directors
No.: KD.062/PS.000/Tii 10/V/2011 tanggal 19 Mei 2011 no : KD.062/PS.000/Tii 10/V/2011 dated May 19, 2011 on
perihal Ratifikasi Kebijakan dan Prosedur Penanganan the Ratification of Policies and Procedures of Complaints
Pengaduan (whistleblower) PT Telekomunikasi (whistleblower) Handling of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
Indonesia Tbk di lingkungan PT Telekomunikasi Tbk in the environment of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
Indonesia International. International.

Sesuai dengan pedoman tersebut, Whistleblowing In accordance with such guideline, Whistleblowing
System (WBS) merupakan kebijakan dan prosedur System is a policy and procedures that are designed to
yang dirancang untuk menerima, menelaah dan receive, examine and follow up the complaint submitted
menindaklanjuti pengaduan yang disampaikan oleh by Telin employees and stakeholders. The complaints
karyawan dan Pemangku Kepentingan Telin. Pengaduan submitted may be in the forms of information or
yang disampaikan dapat berupa informasi atau indikasi indications of fraud, mismanagement that occurring
kecurangan, mismanajemen yang terjadi di lingkungan in Telin vicinity. All complaints submitted through
Telin. Seluruh pengaduan yang disampaikan melalui jalur the channel of Whistleblowing System will receive
Whistleblowing System (WBS) tersebut akan menerima confidential and security guarantee in accordance with
perlakuan jaminan kerahasiaan dan keamanan sesuai the law and regulation in force.
dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Setiap pelanggaran yang diterima melalui mekanisme

Whistleblowing System akan ditindaklanjuti secara seksama
dengan jaminan kerahasiaan dan keamanan bagi Pelapor
Every report accepted via Whistle blowing System will be followed-
up thoroughly with confidentiality and security assurance for the

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Secara rinci, jenis pengaduan yang dapat disampaikan In detail, the type of complaints that can be communicated
melalui mekanisme WBS dapat dibagi menjadi empat via the Whistleblowing System mechanism can be
kategori sebagai berikut: divided into four categories as follows:

1. Akuntansi dan Auditing 1. The accounting and auditing

Permasalahan akuntansi dan pengendalian intern atas The issues of accounting and internal control on
pelaporan keuangan yang berpotensi mengakibatkan financial reporting that may result in material
salah saji material dalam laporan keuangan serta misstatements in the financial statements and audit
permasalahan audit, terutama yang menyangkut issues, particularly ones concerning the independence
independensi Kantor Akuntan Publik; of the Public Accountants Office;

2. Pelanggaran Peraturan 2. Violation against the Regulations

Pelanggaran terhadap peraturan pasar modal dan The violation against capital market regulations and
peraturan perundangan yang berkaitan dengan laws on Telin operation or violations against the
operasi Telin maupun pelanggaran terhadap internal regulations that may potentially result in the
peraturan internal yang berpotensi mengakibatkan Company damages;
kerugian bagi Perusahaan;

3. Kecurangan dan atau Dugaan 3. Fraud or Alleged Corruption Fraud

Korupsi and or alleged corruption
Kecurangan dan atau committed by Telin officials or
dugaan korupsi yang employees;
dilakukan oleh
pejabat dan atau
karyawan Telin;

4. Kode Etik Bisnis 4. The Company’s

Perusahaan Business Code of
Perilaku Direksi Conduct
dan Manajemen Directors and
yang tidak terpuji management
yang berpotensi misconduct that
mencemarkan potentially damage
reputasi Telin Telin reputation TELIN
atau mengakibatkan or result in losses for Telin,
kerugian bagi Telin, including but dishonest,
meliputi antara lain tidak jujur, conflict of interest with Telin or
ada benturan kepentingan dengan provide misleading information to
Telin, atau memberikan informasi yang public.
menyesatkan kepada publik.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


1. Pengaduan dari pihak ketiga dan/atau dari karyawan 1. Complaints from third party and / or Telin employees
Telin harus ditempatkan dalam kerangka peningkatan should be considered to be in a framework to improve

2. Pengaduan harus disampaikan oleh pelapor dengan 2. Complaints shall be communicated by the
rasa tanggung jawab dan bukan bersifat fitnah whistleblower responsibly and not complaints
yang dapat mencemarkan nama baik atau reputasi consisting slander that may damage a person’s
seseorang; reputation;

3. Pengaduan yang disampaikan harus memenuhi 3. Complaints submitted shall meet the following
syarat-syarat sebagai berikut: conditions:
a. Pengaduan disampaikan secara tertulis a. Complaints shall be submitted in writing
b. Memuat identitas pelapor (kerahasiaan identitas b. Attaching identity (confidentiality of
pelapor akan tetap terjaga); whistleblower’s identity will be maintained);
c. Memuat informasi yang memberikan petunjuk c. Containing information that provides hints on the
mengenai permasalahan yang diuraikan pada issues sated on the above section
bagian di atas
d. Informasi harus didukung dengan bukti-bukti d. Information shall be supported by adequate and
yang cukup dan dapat diandalkan sebagai data reliable evidence as the initial basis for further
awal untuk melakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut; examination;
e. Komisaris Utama atau Direktur Utama hanya akan e. President Commissioner or President Director shall
menindaklanjuti pengaduan pihak ketiga dan/ only follow up the complaints from the third parties
atau karyawan Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan and / or employees of the Company and its subsidiaries
yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas. that meet the above-mentioned requirements.

“Pengaduan harus disampaikan oleh pelapor dengan rasa

tanggung jawab dan bukan bersifat fitnah yang dapat
mencemarkan nama baik atau reputasi seseorang”
“Complaints must be submitted by the complainant with a sense of
responsibility and not defamatory to defame or reputation of a person”


Prosedur penyampaian pengaduan adalah sebagai The procedures of complaints submission are as follows:
1. Pengaduan dialamatkan ke Komisaris Utama 1. Report is addressed to President Commissioner via
melalui VP Internal Audit, apabila terkait dengan VP Internal Audit, if related with Board of Directors
permasalahan Direksi atau hal-hal yang terkait dengan issue or other issues related with managerial activity
kegiatan manajemen level Direksi. at Board of Directors level.

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2. Pengaduan dialamatkan ke Direktur Utama melalui VP 2. Report is addressed to President Director via VP
Internal Audit, apabila terkait dengan permasalahan Internal Audit, if related with Board of Directors isue
karyawan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh or other issues related with activity commited by
karyawan Perusahaan. employees.
3. Pengaduan dapat disampaikan melalui surat atau 3. Report may be delivered via letter or email with
email dengan tata cara sebagai berikut: following mechanism:
a. Dalam hal pengaduan melalui surat, pada bagian a. Report submission via letter, at uppre right of
kanan atas dari sampul surat harus diberi tanda the letter cover has to be marked confidential or
Rahasia Pribadi atau disingkat RHSPRIB RHSPRIB with address:
dengan alamat:

PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International

Gedung Jamsostek Menara Utara Lt. 24 Gedung Jamsostek Menara Utara Lt. 24
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 38 Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 38 Jakarta 12710
Jakarta 12710

b. Dalam hal pengaduan melalui email dialamatkan b. If the report is sent via email, it should be
ke alamat e-mail addressed to


Pihak-pihak pengelola pengaduan adalah sebagai The Parties managing the complaints are as follows:
a. VP Internal Audit: a. VP Internal audit:
1) Menerima pengaduan; 1) Accepts the complaint;
2) Memilah masalah dan meneliti kelengkapan 2) Sorts the issues and examines the completeness
persyaratan pengaduan; of the complaint requirements;
3) Meneruskan pengaduan ke: 3) Forward the complaint to:
a) Direktur Utama bila permasalahan a) President Director if the issue related to the
berhubungan dengan Karyawan; employees;
b) Komisaris Utama bila permasalahan b) Board of Commissioner if the issues related to
berhubungan dengan Direksi. the Board of Directors.
4) Melakukan pemeriksaan pendahuluan; 4) Conducts preliminary examination;
5) Melakukan Audit Investigasi; 5) Conducts Investigation audit;
6) Melaporkan Hasil Audit Investigasi; 6) Reports the Results of Investigation audit;
7) Mempimpin Tim Penyelesaian Penindakan Kasus; 7) Leads a Team of Case Prosecution;

b. Direktur Utama: b. President Director:

1) Menerima pengaduan yang berhubungan 1) Accepts the complaint related to employees;
dengan Karyawan;

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2) Mengistruksikan kepada VP Internal Auditor 2) Instructs VP Internal auditor to perform:

untuk melakukan:
a) Pemeriksaan pendahuluan; a) Preliminary investigation;
b) Audit Investigasi apabila hasil pemeriksaan b) Investigation audit if the result of preliminary
pendahuluan ternyata benar. investigation is valid.

3) Menerima Laporan Hasil Audit Investigasi. 3) Receives the Report of investigation audit results.
4) Membentuk Tim Penyelesaian Penindakan Kasus 4) Establishes a Team of Case Prosecution if the
apabila dari hasil evaluasi Audit Investigasi Preliminary Investigation Case result indicates
ditemukan kerugian Negara/ Perusahaan. state/Company losses.

c. Komisaris Utama: c. President commissioner:

1) Menerima pengaduan yang berhubungan 1) Receives the complaints related to the Board of
dengan Direksi; Directors;
2) Bekerja sama dengan unit Internal Audit Telkom 2) Cooperates with Telkom Internal Audit Unit or
atau Internal Audit Telin untuk melakukan Telin Internal audit to conduct a preliminary
pemeriksaan pendahuluan dan melakukan Audit audit and perform investigation audit when the
Investigasi bila hasil pemeriksaan pendahuluan preliminary audit was declared to be valid;
dinyatakan benar;
3) Mempekerjakan tenaga ahli dan/ atau konsultan 3) Hires experts and / or consultants if necessary;
apabila diperlukan;
4) Menindaklanjuti hasil pemeriksaan untuk proses 4) Follows up the audit results for the next settlement
penyelesaian selanjutnya. process.

Dalam skema WBS Telin telah disediakan mekanisme

pengaduan tersendiri untuk menyampaikan laporan
pelanggaran di Perusahaan
In Telin WBS scheme, autonomous report submission mechanism has
been provided to submit fraud reporting in the Company.



Telin memberikan jaminan perlindungan kepada Telin provides protection guarantee for informant and
pelapor dan terlapor sesuai dengan ketentuan dan reported parties in accordance with the prevailing
melalui penelaahan yang cukup, termasuk perlindungan regulations and based on adequate review, including the
dari tindak diskriminasi dalam penyelesaian perkara, protection against discrimination in settlement of the
pencemaran nama baik dan perlakuan tidak adil lainnya. case, defamation and other unfair treatments..

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Selama tahun 2015 tidak terdapat pengaduan dari During 2015, there were no complaints from employees
karyawan yang disampaikan melalui Whistleblowing submitted via Telin Whistleblowing System.
System Telin.

Telin memberikan jaminan perlindungan kepada pelapor dan

terlapor sesuai dengan ketentuan dan melalui penelaahan yang
cukup, termasuk perlindungan dari tindak diskriminasi dalam
penyelesaian perkara.
Telin provides security assurance both for the whistleblower or reported
party based on prevailing regulation and after an adequate observation,
including a protection from discrimination in settling the case, defamation
as well as other unfair treatments.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Kebijakan mengenai keberagaman

komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Penentuan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Telin didasarkan Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
pada kompetensi yang mempertimbangkan latar appointment in Telin is based on competency considering
belakang pendidikan, pengalaman dan keahlian, tidak educaiton, experience and expertise backgorund, not
termasuk di dalamnya usia dan jenis kelamin. including discrimination of age and gender.



Ririek Adriansyah (menjabat Presiden Komisaris International Business &

sampai dengan 13 Maret 2015) President Commissioner Telecommunication
Honesti Basyir (menjabat sejak 13 Presiden Komisaris
International Business & Finance
Maret 2015) President Commissioner
Herdy Rosady Harman (menjabat Komisaris
International Law & Human Capital.
sampai dengan 13 Maret 2015) Commissioner

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility



Budi Satria D. Purba (menjabat Komisaris Business, Telecommunication &

sejak 13 Maret 2015) Commissioner Corporate Governance
Era Kamali Nasution (menjabat Komisaris
Technology & Network
sampai dengan 3 Desember 2015) Commissioner
Nanang Hendarno Komisaris
Technology & Network
(menjabat sejak 4 Desember 2015) Commissioner
Komisaris Corporate Strategy, Finance &
Setyanto Hantoro
Commissioner Investment.



Direktur Utama Business & Corporate management,

Syarif Syarial Ahmad
President Director Telecommunication
Sunarto Parto Finance, Business & Human Capital
Direktur Network, Telecommunication &
Tulus Sudarsono
Director Information technology
Direktur Marketing & Sales,
Suranto Paruhum Natigor Sitorus
Director Telecommunication

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Langkah Telin untuk mengakselerasi footprints baru dan

memberikan multiple values memberikan inspirasi pada
Perusahaan akan manifestasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial
Perusahaan yang lebih substansial. Hal ini salah satunya
juga diwujudkan melalui implementasi program Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) yang berkelanjutan bagi seluruh
Pemangku Kepentingan Telin.

Telin’s steps to accelerate new footprints and provide multiple values

inspired the company to realize more substantial corporate social
responsibility, one of them is also realized through the implementation
of sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for all TELIN

Tanggung Jawab
4 Sosial Perusahaan

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

Seiring dengan penguatan portfolio dan ekspansi In line with the portfolio strengthening and the
footprints Telin, Perusahaan memberikan kontribusi expanded footprints of Telin, the Company provides
yang lebih besar kepada seluruh Pemangku a greater contribution to all stakeholders. Telin CSR
Kepentingan (stakeholders). Aktivitas CSR Telin activity is the realization of partnership and community
merupakan realisasi program kemitraan dan bina development program (CDP) in accordance with the
lingkungan (PKBL) sesuai Undang-Undang Perusahaan Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Company which aims
Terbatas No. 40 Tahun 2007 yang bertujuan untuk to develop a harmonic relationship between TELIN
membangun hubungan harmonis antara Telin and four (4) main elements including employees,
dengan 4 (empat) elemen utama meliputi karyawan, customers, environment and all community members.
pelanggan, lingkungan hidup dan masyarakat secara Through CSR activities, the company’s long term
luas. Melalui kegiatan-kegiatan CSR yang dilakukan, growth strategy will be achieved by providing relevant
strategi pertumbuhan jangka panjang perusahaan benefits to all Telin stakeholders.
akan dicapai dengan memberikan manfaat yang
relevan bagi seluruh stakeholders Telin.

Komitmen CSR Telin mengarah kepada tercapainya Telin’s CSR commitment is focused on the achievement
Good Corporate Citizen di mana proses bisnis Telin telah of Good Corporate Citizen where Telin business
dilaksanakan sesuai dengan best practice dalam seluruh process has been implemented with the best practice
aspek, termasuk aspek pertanggungjawaban sosial in all aspects, including corporate social responsibility.


Telin mewujudkan tanggung jawab terhadap Telin has realized the corporate social responsibility
masyarakat melalui program pembinaan dan through community mentoring and development
pengembangan masyarakat yang dirancang which is designed in line with to the local community
sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarkat sebagai salah needs as one of the major stakeholders of the
satu stakeholders utama Perusahaan. Kegiatan Company. Community mentoring and development
pembinaan dan pengembangan masyarakat activities are carried out within the framework of the
dilaksanakan dalam framework Program Kemitraan Partnership Program which aims to improve people’s
yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan lives and realize TELIN’s commitment to create better
masyarakat serta mewujudkan komitmen Telin untuk social condition.
mewujudkan kondisi masyarakat yang lebih baik.

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Melalui kegiatan CSR, strategi pertumbuhan jangka

panjang akan dicapai dengan memberikan manfaat
bagi seluruh stakeholders Telin.
Through CSR activities, long-term growth strategy will be achieved by
providing benefits for all Telin stakeholders.

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Telin mewujudkan tanggung jawab terhadap masyarakat

melalui program pembinaan dan pengembangan
Telin realizes the corporate social responsibility through community
mentoring and development program.

Pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial Telin dalam aspek The implementation of Telin’s corporate social
kemasyarakatan selama tahun 2015 meliputi berbagai responsibility in social aspects during 2015 is including
sektor kemasyarakatan seperti pendidikan, kesehatan various social sectors such as education, health and
serta keagamaan, yang dijabarkan sebagai berikut: religion, which can be described as follows:
1. Sumbangan sebesar Rp. 50 juta untuk Dukungan 1. Donation of Rp. 50 million for participation support
partisipasi dalam Pembangunan Masjid Al-Mush’ab in building al-Mus’ab Mosque of Indonesian
KBRI Yangon Myanmar Embassy in Yangon Myanmar.
2. Bantuan Anak Yatim ( Yayasan Tolabul Ilmi) 2. Orphan Aid (Tolabul Ilmi Foundation)
3. Bantuan Kesehatan, Peralatan Sekolah untuk anak – 3. Health Aid, School Equipment Aid for Children, Tali
anak, Tali Kasih Bantuan Sekolah untuk keluarga yang Kasih School Aid for Poor Families around TELIN’s
membutuhkan di lingkungan sekitar Telin. business place.
4. Sumbangan untuk Yayasan Guraim 4. Donation for Guraim Foundation
5. Sumbangan Buku untuk Perpustakaan An Naml 5. Book Aid for an Naml Library
6. Qurban Telkom Grup di Masjid Telkom Jakarta Barat 6. Telkom Group Sacrifice (Qur’ban) at Telkom
Mosque in West Jakarta
7. Qurban Telin di Masjid Bangka I 7. Telin’s Sacrifice at Masjid Bangka I
8. Sumbangan Yayasan Anak Matahari 8. Donations for Anak Matahari Foundation.

Untuk merealisasikan kegiatan pengembangan To realize the social development activities

masyarakat selama tahun 2015, Telin telah throughout 2015, Telin has allocated budget from
mengalokasikan anggaran dengan rincian alokasi CSR budget in the social field as follows:
anggaran CSR bidang sosial kemasyarakatan sebagai



Sumbangan Pembangunan Masjid Al-Mush’ab

KBRI Yangon Myanmar
1 50.000.000 15-Feb-15
Donation for Building al-Mus’ab Mosque of
Indonesian Embassy in Yangon Myanmar.

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility



Bantuan Anak Yatim (Yayasan Tolabul Ilmi)

1 10.000.000
Orphan Aid (Tolabul Ilmi Foundation)

Bantuan Kesehatan
2 5.000.000 14-Mar-15
Health Aid

Tali Kasih Bantuan Sekolah

3 5.000.000
Tali Kasih School Aid



Sumbangan untuk Yayasan Guraim

1 20.000.000
Donation for Guraim Foundation

Sumbangan Buku untuk Perpustakaan An Nami

2 10.000.000 29-Jun-15
Book Aid for An Nami Library

Peralatan Sekolah untuk anak-anak OB dan Driver

3 20.000.000
School Equipment Aid for OB and Driver’s Children



Qurban Telkom Grup di Masjid Telkom Jakarta

Barat 1 Ekor Sapi
Telkom Group’s Sacrifice at Telkom Mosque in 1 Cow
West Jakarta

Qurban Telin di Masjid Bangka 1 1 Ekor Sapi

Telin’s Sacrifice at Bangka Mosque 1 1 Cow
Seperangkat Meja Kursi, 1
Sepeda Motor dan Uang
Sumbangan Yayasan Anak Matahari senilai Rp. 10.000.000
Donations for Anak Matahari Foundation A set of tables and chairs, 1
motor cycle and money of
Rp. 10,000,000,-

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Pelaksanaan kegiatan CSR bidang lingkungan hidup Implementation of CSR activities in the environmental
di Telin berdasarkan pada kebijakan perusahaan yang field at TELIN is based on the company policy referring
mengacu kepada Kebijakan CSR Telkom sebagai to Telkom CSR policy as the main company, namely
perusahaan induk yaitu Kebijakan Telkom Nomor: Telkom Policy number: PD.701.00 / 1.00 / PR.000 /
PD.701.00/1.00/PR.000/COP-A3000000/2014 tanggal COP-a3000000/2014 dated 14 October 2014 about the
14 oktober 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Telkom Corporate Management of Telkom Corporate Social Responsibility.
Social Responsibility.

Kebijakan CSR Lingkungan Hidup Telin merujuk

pada Kebijakan Telkom No. PD.701.00/1/00/PR.000/
COP-A3000000/2014 tanggal 14 Oktober 2014.
Telin CSR Environment policy refers to Telkom Policy No. PD.701.00/1.00/
PR.000/COP-a3000000/2014 dated October 14, 2014.

Dengan mengadaptasi kebijakan tersebut, Telin By adopting this policy, TELIN emphasizes environmental
menempatkan upaya pelestarian lingkungan protection as an important aspect in the CSR activities
hidup sebagai aspek penting dalam kegiatan CSR starting from community level to TELIN concern at
perusahaan dimulai dari level masyarakat hingga global level, especially in the Company’s footprints area.
kepedulian Telin di tingkat global, khususnya di lokasi
footprints Perusahaan.

Di tingkat masyarakat, Telin secara aktif mendorong At the community level, TELIN actively encourages
kegiatan pelestarian lingkungan di wilayah opreasional environmental conservation activities in the Company
Perusahaan. Komitmen terhadap lingkungan hidup opreational area. Commitment to the environment is
kemudian diperkuat dalam kegiatan bisnis sehari-hari then reinforced in daily business activities by adopting
dengan menerapkan kebijakan Paperless Office sejak Paperless Office Policy since 2014, which is followed by a
tahun 2014 yang diikuti oleh siklus kerja yang ramah friendly environment work cycle with electronic working
lingkungan dengan metode kerja elektronik. methods.

Telin juga terus mendorong environmental compliance Telin also continues to encourage environmental
di lokasi footprints dengan memenuhi ketentuan dan compliance at footprint area by complying with the law
peraturan perundang-undangan lingkungan di seluruh and regulation on environment in all footprint areas. In
wilayah footprints. Pada tahun 2015, Telin Timor 2015, Telin Timor Leste in building BTS used eco-friendly
Leste dalam membangun BTS menggunakan konsep concept by building a solar powered-BTS. The use of this

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eco-friendly yaitu membangun solar powered BTS. concept has made TELIN Timor Leste was nominated at
Penggunaan konsep ini telah menjadikan Telin Timor The Green Mobile Award 2015 in Barcelona, Spain.
Leste masuk ke dalam nominasi di The Green Mobile
Award 2015 di Barcelona, Spanyol.

Pada tahun 2015, Telin Timor Leste membangun BTS dengan

konsep eco-friendly dan solar powered.
In 2015, Telin Timro Leste has built BTS with eco-friendly concept, by
building solar-powered BTS.

Untuk terus mempertahankan kontribusi Perusahaan To continue maintaining the Company’s contributions
terhadap kelestarian lingkungan, Telin menghindari to environmental sustainability, TELIN avoids business
praktik-praktik usaha yang bertentangan dengan practices that are contrary to the principles of
asas pelestarian lingkungan, termasuk norma environmental sustainability, including humanitarian
kemanusiaan, norma sosial dan undang-undang norms, social norms and labor laws.


Sebagai bagian tidak terpisahkan dari Telin, karyawan As an integral part of Telin, the employees are directly
merupakan pihak yang berkaitan langsung dengan related to all of Company’s operational activities. To
seluruh kegiatan operasional Perusahaan. Untuk ensure the sustainability and welfare of all employees,
menjamin keberlanjutan dan kesejahteraan seluruh Telin has included employees’ welfare improvement
karyawan, Telin telah mengikutsertakan program program in human resource management policy that is
peningkatan kesejahteraan karyawan dalam kebijakan supported by various working programs in the fields of
pengelolaan SDM yang didukung oleh berbagai program remuneration, health and employees protection in the
kerja di bidang remunerasi, kesehatan dan perlindungan workplace..
karyawan di lingkungan kerja.

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Telin menjamin keberlanjutan dan kesejahteraan karyawan

melalui pengelolaan SDM yang baik dan didukung oleh
program peningkatan kesejahteraan karyawan.
Telin ensures the sustainability and employees welfare through good
human resouces management and supported by employees welfare
improvement program.


Perlindungan karyawan Telin salah satunya Telin’s employee protection is implemented through
diimplementasikan melalui Sistem Manajemen the Occupational Safety and Health Management
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) sesuai dengan System (OSHMS) in accordance with the Regulation of
Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Nomor 05/MEN/1996. the Minister of Manpower number 05/MEn/1996. The
Penyelenggaraan program SMK3 merupakan bagian dari Implementation of OSHMS program is a part of TELIN
sistem manajemen Telin termasuk sistem manajemen management system including risk management system
risiko untuk menciptakan tempat kerja yang aman, to create a safe, efficient and productive workplace. The
efisien dan produktif. Tujuan penerapan Keselamatan objectives of applying the Occupational Health and
dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di Telin antara lain untuk: Safety (OHS) in TELIN are:

1. Meningkatkan efektivitas perlindungan keselamatan 1. Increasing the effectiveness of occupational safety

dan kesehatan kerja yang terencana, terukur, and health protection which are planned, measured,
terstruktur dan terintegrasi; structured and integrated;
2. Mencegah dan mengurangi kecelakaan kerja dan 2. Preventing and reducing occupational accidents
penyakit akibat kerja dengan melibatkan unsur and diseases by involving elements of management,
manajemen, pekerja dan serikat pekerja; workers and trade unions;
3. Menciptakan tempat kerja yang aman, nyaman dan 3. Creating a safe, convenient and efficient workplace to
efisien untuk mendorong produktivitas. support the productivity.

Sesuai dengan kaidah SMK3, Telin menciptakan tempat kerja

yang aman, efisisen dan produktif.
In accordance with the rules of OSHMS, TELIN creats a safe, efisisen and
productive workplace.

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Pelaksanaan K3 Telin dilakukan berdasarkan KD Telin’s OHS is implemented based upon Decree of the
Kebijakan Pengelolaan Keamanan dan Keselamatan Board of Directors on Company Security and Safety
Perusahaan (Enterprise Security & Safety Governance) Management Policy No. 37 / UM400 / COO-D0030000
nomor 37/UM400/COO-D0030000/2010. / 2010.

Dalam menunjang program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan To support Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
Kerja (K3) Telin telah menyediakan sarana pendukung program, Telin has provided supporting security and
keamanan dan keselamatan kerja, dengan rincian safety facilities as follows:
sebagai berikut:

Sarana tambahan: Additional facilities:

1. Ruang Laktasi dengan ukuran kurang lebih 3m X 4m, 1. Lactation room with a size of approximately 3m x 4m
pada waktu yang bersamaan dapat menampung 5 that can accommodate 5 mothers with comfortable
Ibu – ibu dengan posisi nyaman. Ruangan tersebut position. The room is equippped with sofa, refrigerator
dilengkapi dengan, sofa, lemari es dan perangkat and other supporting equipment.
pendukung lainnya.
2. Kursi Pijat dapat dipergunakan oleh seluruh karyawan 2. Massage Chairs which can be used by all employees
sebelum jam kerja, pada jam istirahat atau setelah jam before office hours, at resting time or after working
kerja. hours.
3. Penempatan Alat Pemadam Api Ringan (APAR)sesuai 3. The placement of Lightweight fire extinguisher (LFE)
dengan rekomendasi dari unit kebakaran Jakarta as recommended by the fire unit in South Jakarta.
4. Penempatan kotak P3K di tempat yang strategis yang 4. First aid box is placed in strategic places accessible to
dapat dijangkau oleh seluruh karyawan. all employees.
5. Kursi roda diperuntukan untuk kebutuhan darurat 5. The wheelchair is intended for emergency needs of
bagi karyawan atau tamu perusahaan yang the company’s employees or company’s guests who
mengalami gangguan kesehatan pada saat bekerja have health problems at work that will be brought
yang akan diantar oleh unit General Services ke UGD by General Service unit to the emergency unit of the
rumah sakit terdekat. nearest hospital.
6. Pengharum ruangan yang memiliki sertifikat aman 6. A set of room fragrances which have a safety
bagi kesehatan, ditempatkan di beberapa titik untuk certificate for health, placed at some points to give a
memberi rasa segar bagi karyawan. fresh feeling for employees.

Program keamanan & keselamatan kerja : Occupational Health & Safety Program:
1. Pest control & general cleaning dilakukan secara 1. Pest control and general cleaning are done periodically
periodik untuk memberikan rasa aman kepada seluruh to give safety for all employees against diseases
karyawan dari wabah penyakit yang ditimbulkan dari caused by small animals and insects.
binatang-binatang kecil maupun serangga.
2. Karyawan yang melakukan tugas dalam kota maupun 2. Employees who work in the city or out of the city
ke luar kota disediakan fasilitas mobil operasional will be provided with company car driven by an
perusahaan dengan dikemudikan oleh pengemudi experienced driver or employees who work in the city
yang berpengalaman atau bagi karyawan yang or work overtime at night can also take taxi, whose all

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dinas dalam kota atau bekerja sampai larut malam costs will be borne by the company.
dapat juga menggunakan fasilitas taxi, seluruh biaya
ditanggung perusahaan.
3. Untuk memberikan rasa nyaman bagi karyawati yg 3. To give comfortable condition for pregnant employees,
sedang mengandung, perusahaan mendata rumah the Company has listed some hospitals chosen by the
sakit yang dipilih oleh yang bersangkutan untuk concerned pregnant employees as a place to give
tempat melahirkannya serta menginformasikan birth and the Company tells the operational drivers
kepada para pengemudi operasional untuk siaga to be ready to accompany them when they need
apabila mendadak perlu penanganan dokter. immediate doctor’s help.
4. Pelatihan mengenai keamanan di lingkungan kerja 4. Training in workplace safety is done in the form of a
dilakukan dalam bentuk sharing session yang sharing session given to all employees with the title of
diberikan kepada seluruh karyawan, dengan judul Emergency First Aid on October 16, 2015. The speaker
Pertolongan pertama gawat darurat, pada 16 Oktober was the emergency medical expert of 4Life, Dr. Agung
2015. Pembicara yaitu tenaga ahli medis gawat darurat Cahyono T.Ms.
dari 4Life, Dr. Agung Cahyono T.Ms.


Telin always commits to provide the
Telin senantiasa berkomitmen best telecommunication services
untuk memberikan layanan with high quality product,
telekomunikasi terbaik so the customers will get
dengan standar kualitas the best service. As the
produk yang tinggi responsibility and
sehingga pelanggan the company’s care
akan mendapatkan for customers,
pelayanan terbaik. Telin provides
Sebagai bentuk communication
tanggung jawab dan channels to all
kepedulian terhadap customers that
pelanggan, Telin can be used to
menyediakan saluran convey various
komunikasi untuk information of either
seluruh pelanggan customer suggestions,
yang dapat digunakan complaints or other
untuk menyampaikan requests. TELIN’s customer
berbagai informasi baik saran, service channel is made
keluhan ataupun permintaan available through Network

358 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

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4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

pelanggan lainnya. Saluran pelayanan pelanggan Telin Operation Center (NOC) in Jakarta and is used as a
tersedia melalui Network Operation Center (NOC) yang customer help. Throughout 2015, NOC has operated in a
bertempat di Jakarta dan difungsikan sebagai sentral wide range of services as follows:
bantuan pelanggan. Sepanjang tahun 2015, NOC telah
beroperasi dalam berbagai layanan sebagai berikut:

s Service and Network Monitoring; s 4FSWJDFBOE/FUXPSL.POJUPSJOH

maintenance. and maintenance.


Untuk menyampaikan pengaduan, pelanggan Telin To convey their complaint, Telin’s customers can contact
dapat menghubungi NOC dengan alamat sebagai NOC at the following address:
berikut :
s BUBVũũ5&-*/ 
 s BUBVũũ5&-*/ 


Bentuk pengaduan yang disampaikan dilengkapi Every complaint conveyed should be completed with
dengan beberapa data pendukung untuk mempercepat some supporting data to get a prompt response, for
penanganan gangguan layanan, misalnya: example:
s *%4JSLJU s $JSDVJU*%

Dengan menyampaikan data-data tersebut, NOC By giving those data, the NOC is expected to be able
diharapkan dapat menanggulangi permasalahan to respond and solve the problems quickly so the
yang terjadi secara cepat sehingga pelanggan dapat customers can enjoy Telin service within the short time.
menikmati kembali layanan Telin dalam tempo waktu

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Telin juga menyediakan sarana komunikasi lain Telin also provides other communication facilities to the
kepada para pelanggan berupa media edukasi dalam customers in the form of education media like forum or
bentuk forum atau workshop rutin. Kegiatan tersebut routine workshop. The aims of the activity is to educate
bertujuan untuk mengedukasi pelanggan dalam hal isu the customers in terms of technical issues, product
teknis, performansi produk, dan cara menanggulangi performance, and to solve complaints through the fol-
pengaduan melalui kegiatan berikut: lowing activities:

1. Forum Delivery Channel (Divisi Enterprise Service/ 1. Delivery Channel Forum (Enterprise Service Division/
DES, Divisi Business Service/DBS dan entitas anak ESD, Business Service Division / BSD and Telkom
Telkom Group) Group subsidiaries)
2. Sebuah workshop operasional yang dihadiri oleh 2. An operational workshop attended by representatives
perwakilan Telin dan Telkom, workshop ini membahas of Telin and Telkom; this workshop discussed the
implementasi operasional proyek terutama program operational implementation of the project, especially
“Go to Market Alignment”, implementasi teknis dan “Go to Market Alignment” program, technical
performansi produk. implementation and product performance.

Quarterly Quality Meeting Quarterly Quality Meeting

Pertemuan rutin Telin dengan Telkom dalam rangka Telin’s regular meeting with Telkom to discuss the issues
membahas isu-isu terkait kualitas dan performansi related to service quality and performance which is car-
layanan yang dilaksanakan secara rutin setiap 3 bulan. ried out routinely every 3 months.

Delivery meeting Meeting Delivery

Pertemuan rutin Telin dengan partner dan customer Telin regular meetings with the partners and custom-
untuk mengevaluasi progress pemenuhan order untuk ers to evaluate the orders fulfillment progress for data
layanan data yang dilaksanakan setiap bulan. services which is done every month.

Annual Operation and Maintenance Meeting Annual Operation and Maintenance Meeting
untuk International Submarine Cable International Submarine Cable
Pertemuan rutin yang dilakukan untuk membahas isu- The regular meeting is done to discuss operational
isu operasional terkait dengan international submarine issues related to international submarine cable. The
cable. Pertemuan ini dilakukan antara Telin dengan meeting was conducted between TELIN and other con-
anggota konsorsium yang lain. sortium members

Procurement Group (PG) Meeting Procurement Group (PG) Meeting

Pertemuan ini dilaksanakan secara berkala untuk The meeting is held preodically to discuss the issues of
membahas isu-isu pengembangan kapasitas kabel laut. submarine cable capacity development. The meeting
Pertemuan ini dilakukan antara Telin dengan anggota was conducted between TELIN and another submarine
konsorsium kabel laut yang lain. cable consortium members.

Forum CDN CDN forum

Dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari Telin, AM Telkom, DWS, DES The forum is attended by representatives of Telin, AM
dan Metra, CDN Workshop telah dilakukan sepanjang Telkom, DWS, DES and Metra; CDN Workshop was done
2015. Agenda yang dibahas dalam forum tersebut throughout 2015. The agenda discussed at the forum

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adalah Product Knowledge, Technical Implementation, were the Product Knowledge, Technical Implementa-
Customer Handling, dan Sales Scheme. tion, Customer Handling and Sales Scheme.

Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia Association of Indonesian Internet Service

(APJII) Providers (APJII)
Sebuah forum yang dilaksanakan untuk para penyedia
jasa internet di Indonesia. Forum ini berupa forum A forum which is held for the internet service provid-
musyawarah dimana dilakukan pembahasan informasi ers in Indonesia. This forums is a deliberation forum to
termutakhir dari dunia internet dan permasalahan yang discuss the latest information on the internet world and
terjadi di pasar. any problems that occur in the market.

Communic Asia CommunicAsia

Sebuah pameran internasional yang dilaksanakan An annual international exhibition which is held in
tahunan di Singapura. Expo ini mempertemukan Singapore. This Expo brings together all the carrier and
semua pemain carrier dan teknologi di seluruh dunia technology players around the world to discuss the
untuk membahas potensi bisnis dan kemitraan. Telin potential business and partnerships. Telin has given
telah memberikan edukasi terhadap layanan beserta education on Telin’s services and portfolio worldwide.
portofolio Telin di mata international.

International Telecoms Week (ITW) International Telecoms Week (ITW)

ITW adalah sebuah meeting point para komunitas ITW is a meeting point by the service providers com-
penyedia layanan wholesale telecommunications munity of wholesale telecommunications to develop
untuk mengembangkan jaringan kemitraan. Telin a network of partnerships. Every year, Telin regularly
secara tahunan rutin menghadiri acara tersebut untuk attends the event to educate TELIN services in the
mengedukasi layanan Telin di pasar internasional international market by attending the bilateral meeting
dengan mengikuti billateral meeting dan sponsorhip. and sponsorship.

Asia Carrier Conference (ACC) Asia Carrier Conference (ACC)

ACC adalah perhelatan internasional yang ACC is an annual international event held in Cebu,
diselenggarakan tahunan di Cebu, Filipina. Kegiatan Philippine. This event is addressed to the leaders of the
yang ditujukan kepada para pemimpin layanan dari wholesale fixed services and mobile carrier which are
wholesale fixed dan mobile carrier ini dimanfaatkan oleh used by Telin in educating TELIN’s service products
Telin dalam pengedukasian produk layanan Telin melalui through bilateral meetings and sponsorship.
bilateral meeting dan sponsorship.

Capacity Asia Capacity Asia

Sebuah konferensi tahunan untuk para pemain It is an annual conference for the wholesale telecom-
telekomunikasi wholesale yang merupakan momentum munication players as a momentum to update the
dalam update pasar telekomunikasi di Asia, kesempatan telecommunications market in asia, business opportuni-
bisnis dan memperluas kemitraan. Edukasi pelanggan ties and expand the partnerships. Customer education
dilakukan oleh Telin melalui bilateral meeting dan is conducted by TELIN through bilateral meetings and
sponsorship. sponsorship.

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Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC)

Konferensi tahunan ini mengundang seluruh pimpinan This annual conference invites all senior leaders and
senior dan para penyedia layanan telekomunikasi di telecom service providers around the world to build
seluruh dunia untuk membangun kemitraan, update partnerships, to update the latest market, business
pasar terkini, strategi bisnis dan regulasi. strategy and regulation.

Carrier World Asia Carrier World Asia

Keikutsertaan Telin pada Carrier World Asia (CWA) 2015 Telin’s participation in Carrier World Asia (CWa) 2015
yang diselenggarakan pada setiap tahunnya adalah held every year is the global data business development
sebagai program pengembangan bisnis data global ke program to Japan, USA and Indochina to strengthen the
Jepang, USA dan Indochina untuk mempererat jalinan relationship between TELIN and global partners.
hubungan antara Telin dan mitra global.

idEA Kamis Commerce & Grand Seminars idEA Kamis Conference & Grand Seminars
Merupakan komunitas perusahaan E-Commerce di It is a E-Commerce enterprise community in Indonesia.
Indonesia. Telin bergabung dalam komunitas ini pada Telin join this community in 2015 and has approached
2015 dan telah melaksanakan pendekatan kepada the idEa community to give product knowledge which
komunitas idEA tersebut dalam pemberian product has been held twice on Thursday Commerce and Grand
knowledge yang telah dilaksanakan dua kali di Kamis Seminar.
Commerce dan satu Grand Seminar.

Sebuah acara global tahunan di Singapura yang An annual global event in Singapore allows a meet-
memungkinkan pertemuan komunitas bisnis telco ing of telco business communities, consisting of more
beranggotakan lebih dari 50 negara di seluruh dunia. than 50 countries around world. On this occasion, Telin
Telin pada kesempatan ini berpartisipasi dalam participated in products and services education for this
pengedukasian produk dan layanan Telin pada community.
komunitas tersebut.

Capacity Middle East Capacity Middle East

Sebuah konferensi tahunan yang diselenggarakan An annual conference which is held to search for busi-
bertujuan untuk peluang bisnis, update pasar, dan ness opportunities, market updates, and to expand
memperluas kemitraan di regional Timur Tengah. Telin partnerships in the Middle East region. Telin participates
berpartisipasi untuk edukasi layanan dan peluang bisnis in providing education on services and business oppor-
melalui bilateral meeting. tunities through bilateral meetings.


Melalui Network Operation Center (NOC) yang bertugas Network Operation Center (NOC) is in charge to receive
menerima pengaduan dan memberikan bantuan layanan complaints and provide the best service support to
terbaik kepada para pelanggan, sepanjang tahun 2015, customers. Throughout 2015, TELIN recorded 4,138
Telin mencatat penerimaan pengaduan sebanyak 4.138. complaints..

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Tindak lanjut pengaduan pelanggan disesuaikan Follow-up of customer complaints is adapted to the
dengan Global Service Assurance Fault Reporting dan Global Service Assurance Fault Reporting and Escala-
Escalation Matrix, yaitu mencatat seluruh informasi lalu tion Matrix, which records all the information and then
memberikan nomor trouble ticket kepada pelanggan/ provides trouble ticket number to the customers / part-
partner yang melakukan pengaduan yang disimpan ners who have complaints that are stored for further
untuk diproses lebih lanjut. process.


Pengaduan kerusakan (Fault Handling) terhadap Any Complaints against Telin service will be processed
layanan Telin akan diproses dalam suatu mekanisme in a standardized mechanism, firstly, the Company will
yang terstandarisasi di mana Perusahaan pertama- collect all complaints related to the fault to begin ana-
tama akan mengumpulkan seluruh pengaduan lyzing the fault. Once the data on fault is collected, Telin
yang berhubungan dengan kerusakan/gangguan will perform testing and make repairs with related par-
untuk memulai analisa gangguan tersebut. Setelah ties until the fault is handled well. Complaints handling
data kerusakan dikumpulkan, Telin akan melakukan in TELIN is categorized as follows:
testing dan melakukan perbaikan dengan pihak-pihak
yang terkait sampai gangguan teratasi. Kategorisasi
penanganan pengaduan kerusakan di Telin dibagi
sebagai berikut:



Kritis Complete network outage

Severity 1
Critical Complete network outage

Tinggi Service down or partial network outage

Severity 2
High Service down or partial network outage

Sedang Quality of service issue, packet drops

Severity 3
Medium Quality of service issue, packet drops

Rendah Request log

Severity 4
Low Request log

Updating Updating
NOC Telin juga akan memberikan update kepada Telin NOC will also give updates to customers
pelanggan secara berkala dalam masa perbaikan sesuai periodically about the repair progress with the following
dengan kategorisasi kerusakan sebagai berikut: categorization of faults:

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Critical business and service impact : Critical business and service impact :
The service totally down or so severely impacted The service totally down or so severely
to the business that the customer cannot impacted to the business that the
reasonably to work. customer cannot reasonably to work.
Tingkat 1
Severity Level 1 problems could have the Severity Level 1 problems could have the
Level 1
following characteristics : following characteristics :

Significant business and service impact : Significant business and service impact :
The service down with partial network outage. The service down with partial network outage.

Severity Level 2 problems could have the follow- Severity Level 2 problems could have the
Tingkat 2
ing characteristics : follow- ing characteristics :
Level 2

Minimal business and service impact : Minimal business and service impact : Cus-
Customer service has minor loss of problem tomer service has minor loss of problem
functionality. functionality.

Tingkat 3 Severity Level 3 problems could have the follow- Severity Level 3 problems could have the
Level 3 ing characteristics : follow- ing characteristics :

No business and service impact : No business and service impact :

Minor problem or question that does not affect Minor problem or question that does not
the business and services. affect the business and services.

Severity Level 4 problems could have the following severity level 4 problems could have the
characteristics : following characteristics :
Tingkat 4
Level 4
no loss traffic

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Dalam skema penanganan kerusakan, waktu respon In fault handling scheme, response time is defined as
didefinisikan sebagai waktu yang telah berlalu antara the elapsed time between the time when customers /
waktu ketika pelanggan/mitra melaporkan sebuah partners report a problem to TELIN NOC and when TELIN
kesalahan ke NOC Telin dan waktu ketika NOC Telin NOC provide a reply with a ticket number to customers
membalas dengan nomor tiket kepada pelanggan/mitra. / partners. Normal response time since the complaints
Waktu respon normal sejak pengaduan sampai Telin delivered until TELIN provides trouble ticket number is
memberikan nomor trouble ticket adalah 15 menit. about 15 minutes.

Berikut adalah kategorisasi untuk waktu updating dilihat The following is categorization for updating time related
dari tingkat kerusakan, yaitu: to the level of faults:



Kritis Setiap 30 menit

Severity 1
Critical Every 30 minutes

Tinggi Perjam
Severity 2
High Hourly

Sedang Setiap 2 Jam

Severity 3
Medium Every 2 hours

Rendah Setiap 8 jam

Severity 4
Low Every 8 hours


Setelah pengaduan terselesaikan, NOC Telin akan After the complaint is handled well, the Telin NOC
menghubungi pelanggan/mitra untuk mengkonfirmasi will contact the customer / partner to confirm that a
bahwa pengaduan telah diselesaikan. NOC Telin complaint has been solved. Then Telin NOC will close the
kemudian menutup tiket gangguan. trouble ticket.


Untuk kerusakan dengan tingkat kerusakan kritikal, For critical fault level, Telin will provide service incident
Telin menyediakan laporan kerusakan layanan (service report (SIR) within 7 days after the relevant customers
incident report) dengan jangka waktu 7 hari setelah apply for the issuance of SIR.
pelanggan mengajukan permohonan penerbitan SIR.


Jika kerusakan tidak dapat diperbaiki dalam jangka waktu If the fault or damage cannot be repaired within a
yang sudah ditargetkan, pelanggan dapat meningkatkan targeted time, the customers can increase the scale of
skala pengaduan kepada tingkat yang lebih tinggi sesuai complaints to higher level in the following management
dengan skema manajemen berikut: scheme:

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1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources


Level 1 Level 1
Shift Manager Shift Manager
Level 2 Level 2
Customer Interface Management Manager Customer Interface Management Manager
Level 3 Level 3
Vice President Global Service Assurance Vice President Global Service Assurance
Level 4 Level 4
Network Operation & Engineering Director Network Operation & Engineering Director


Telin memberlakukan kebijakan bahwa seluruh Telin adopts the policy stating that the entire planned
pemeliharaan jaringan yang sudah direncanakan harus network maintenances must be reported to the
dilaporkan kepada Perusahaan di alamat Company at the address by providing
dengan menyediakan informasi berikut: the following information:
normal/regular, penting, sangat penting atau darurat. normal / regular, important, very important or emergency.
s Circuit ID (CID) yang terdampak s"ŇFDUFE$JSDVJU*% $*%



Sebagai bagian dari kriteria PMW, indikator berikut As a part of PMW criteria, the following indicators can
dapat digunakan untuk menginformasikan kegiatan be used to inform the network maintenance activities in
pemeliharaan jaringan Telin melalui NOC: TELIN through NOC:


Normal/regular maintenance At least 14 calendar days before maintenance date

Under 14 calendar days and at least 8 calendar days
Urgent maintenance
before maintenance date
Under 8 calendar days and at least 4 calendar days
Very urgent maintenance
before maintenance date
Emergency maintenance Under 4 calendar days before maintenance date

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Sebagai ukuran kinerja layanan Telin kepada pelanggan, As a measurement of Telin’s services performance for its
Telin secara rutin bekerja sama dengan perusahaan customers, Telin routinely cooperates with an independent
survei independen untuk melaksanakan survei atau survey company to conduct a survey or measure customer
pengukuran tingkat kepuasan pelanggan. Kegiatan survei satisfaction level. The survey activities are carried out for
tersebut dilaksanakan untuk segmen wholesale dan the wholesale and international segments and in several
internasional pada beberapa dimesi berbeda yaitu: tangibles, different dimensions, namely: tangibles, responsiveness,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy dan reliability dari para assurance, empathy and reliability from the respondents.
responden. Hasil riset dari kelima dimensi tersebut bertujuan The research results from the five dimensions is intended
untuk mengembangkan roadmap sebagai hasil Customer to develop a roadmap as a result of Customer Satisfaction
Satisfaction Index (CSI). Adapun kriterianya adalah: Index (CSI). The criteria are as follows:

0% - 24,99% = sangat tidak puas 0% - 24.99% = strongly dissatisfied

25,00% - 49,99% = tidak puas 25.00% - 49.99% = dissatisfied
50,00% - 62,49% = netral 50.00% - 62.49% = neutral
62,50% - 74,99% = cukup puas 62.50% - 74.99% = fairly satisfied
75,00% - 87,49% = puas 75.00% - 87.49% = satisfied
87,50% - 100,00% = sangat puas 87.50% - 100.00% = very satisfied

Pada tahun 2015, Telin memperoleh CSI dengan rincian In 2015, Telin got CSI with the details as follows:
sebagai berikut:

Segmen Unit Fungsional Functional unit segment

Segmen ini merupakan nilai kepuasan pelanggan This segment represents the customer satisfaction
terhadap fungsi unit di Telin. Berikut penilaian yang value towards the functional unit in TELIN. The following
diberikan: ratings are given:

s Order Handling: 75,34% s 0SEFS)BOEMJOH 

s Installation: 74,63% s *OTUBMMBUJPO 
s Product Using: 72,78% s 1SPEVDU6TJOH 
s Problem Handling: 66,94% s 1SPCMFN)BOEMJOH 
s AM Service: 76,59% s ".4FSWJDF 
s COSQM: 66,72% s $042. 
s Billing: 75,61% s #JMMJOH 

Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa From those results, it can be concluded that the
penilaian pelanggan terhadap ketiga fungsi unit di assessment of the customers towards the three
Telin adalah Cukup Puas. functional units in Telin is Fairly Satisfied.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 367

Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Management Report 2 Company Profile 3 Human Resources

Hasil survei kepuasan pelanggan tahun 2015 menyatakan

bahwa pelanggan CUKUP PUAS terhadap layanan Telin.
Customer satisfaction survey achieved in 2015 indicated that our
customers FAIRLY SATISFIED with Telin’s services.


Segmen ini merupakan nilai kepuasan pelanggan This segment represents the customer satisfaction
terhadap layanan produk yang dimiliki Telin. Berikut value on product service owned by TELIN. The following
penilaian yang diberikan: ratings are given:

s International Voice Wholesale Services: 68,53% s International Voice Wholesale Services: 68,53%
s IP Transit: 75,78% s IP Transit: 75,78%
s IPLC: 78,84% s IPLC: 78,84%
s IEPL: 77,56% s IEPL: 77,56%
s Global IP VPN: 74,87% s Global IP VPn: 74,87%
s CDN: 59,44% s CDN: 59,44%
s A2P: 71,11% s A2P: 71,11%

Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian From those results, it can be concluded that the
pelanggan terhadap layanan produk Telin berada di area assessment of the customers towards TELIN product
Cukup Puas. services are in the Fairly Satisfied area.

Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada Thus, it can be concluded that in 2015 the service of
tahun 2015 layanan Telin memperoleh penilaian rata- TELIN reached average values of CSI from wholesale
rata CSI dari pelanggan wholesale dan internasional and international customers with Fairly Satisfied Value
dengan nilai Cukup Puas (72.66%). (72.66%).

368 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
4 Management Discussion & Analysis 5 Good Corporate Governance 6 Corporate Social Responsibility

Referensi Laporan Tahunan


Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |

I. Umum | General
1. Laporan tahunan disajikan dalam
bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar
dan dianjurkan menyajikan juga dalam
bahasa Inggris.
Written in good and correct in Bahasa, it
is recommended to present the report as
well as in english.

2. Laporan tahunan dicetak dengan kualitas

yang baik dan menggunakan jenis dan
ukuran huruf yang mudah dibaca.
Printed with good quality using readable
font type and size.

3. Laporan tahunan mencantumkan Nama perusahaan dan tahun Annual Name of the company and year of the
identitas perusahaan dengan jelas. Report ditampilkan di: Annual Report is disclosed on:
The Annual Report should clearly disclose 1. Sampul muka; 1. The front cover;
the identity of the company. 2. Samping; 2. Sides;
3. Sampul belakang; dan 3. Back cover; and
4. Setiap halaman. 4. Each page.

4. Laporan tahunan ditampilkan di website Mencakup laporan tahunan terkini dan The Annual Report includes current and
perusahaan. tahun-tahun sebelumnya. previous years.
Annual Report is posted in the Company’s

II. Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting | Financial Information Highlights

1. Informasi hasil usaha perusahaan dalam Informasi memuat antara lain: The information discloses, as follows:
bentuk perbandingan selama 3 (tiga) 1. Penjualan/pendapatan usaha; 1. Revenue;
tahun buku atau sejak memulai usahanya 2. Laba (rugi): 2. Income (Loss):
jika perusahaan tersebut menjalankan a. Diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas a. Attributable to owner of parent
kegiatan usahanya selama kurang dari 3 induk; dan entity; and
(tiga) tahun. b. Diatribusikan kepada kepentingan b. Attributable to non-controlling
Information of the Company’s business nonpengendali; interest;
performance in comparative from over a 3. Total laba (rugi) dan penghasilan 3. Total other comprehensive income
period of 3 (three) financial years or since komprehensif lain: (loss) and other incomes:
the Company commenced its business if a. Diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas a. Attributable to owner of parent
less than 3 years. induk; dan entity; and
b. Diatribusikan kepada kepentingan b. Attributable to non-controlling
nonpengendali; dan interest; and
4. Laba (rugi) per saham. 4. Profit (loss) per share.
Catatan: Apabila perusahaan tidak
memiliki entitas anak, perusahaan
menyajikan laba (rugi) serta laba (rugi)
dan penghasilan komprehensif lain secara Note: if the Company does not have
total. subsidiary entity, the Company shall
present total amount of income (loss) and
comprehensive income (loss) and other

2. Informasi posisi keuangan perusahaan Informasi memuat antara lain: Information discloses, as follows:
dalam bentuk perbandingan selama 3 1. Jumlah investasi pada entitas asosiasi; 1. Total investment with associated
(tiga) tahun buku atau sejak memulai 2. Jumlah aset; entities
usahanya jika perusahaan tersebut 3. Jumlah liabilitas; dan 2. Total asset
menjalankan kegiatan usahanya selama 4. Jumlah ekuitas. 3. Total liabilities; and
kurang dari 3 (tiga) tahun. 4. Total equity
Financial information of the Company
in comparative form over a period of
3 (three) financial years or since the
Company commenced its business if less
than 3 years.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 369

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
3. Rasio keuangan dalam bentuk perbandingan Informasi memuat 5 (lima) rasio The information discloses 5 (five) general
selama 3 (tiga) tahun buku atau sejak keuangan yang umum dan relevan financial ratios that are relevant with
memulai usahanya jika perusahaan dengan industri perusahaan. company’s industry.
tersebut menjalankan kegiatan usahanya
selama kurang dari 3 (tiga) tahun.
Financial Ratio in comparative form over a
period of 3 (three) financial years or since
the Company commenced its business if
less than 3 years.

4. Informasi harga saham dalam bentuk 1. Informasi dalam bentuk tabel yang 1. Information in the form of a table
tabel dan grafik.* memuat: contains:
Share price information in table and graph a. Jumlah saham yang beredar; a. The number of shares outstanding;
forms.* b. Kapitalisasi pasar; b. The market capitalization;
c. Harga saham tertinggi, terendah, c. Highest, lowest and clossing stock
dan penutupan; price
d. Volume perdagangan. d. Trading volume.
2. Informasi dalam bentuk grafik
yang memuat paling kurang harga 2. Information in the form of graphs that
penutupan dan volume perdagangan contains at least the closing price and
saham. trading volume of the stock.
Untuk setiap masa triwulan dalam 2 (dua) For each quarter in the past two (2) fiscal
tahun buku terakhir. years.

5. Informasi mengenai obligasi, sukuk atau Informasi memuat: The information includes:
obligasi konversi yang masih beredar 1. Jumlah obligasi/sukuk/obligasi 1. Number of outstanding bonds/
dalam 2 (dua) tahun buku terakhir.* konversi yang beredar; convertible bonds
Information about bonds, sukuk (islamic 2. Tingkat bunga/imbalan; 2. Interest/yield rate
bonds) or converted bonds issued within 3. Tanggal jatuh tempo; 3. Maturity date
the last 2 (two) financial years.* 4. Peringkat obligasi/sukuk. 4. Bonds/sukuk rating

III. Laporan Dewan Komisaris & Direksi | Report from The Board of Commissioners and Board of
1. Laporan Dewan Komisaris. Memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut: Includes following items:
Report from the Board of Commissioners. 1. Penilaian atas kinerja Direksi mengenai 1. Evaluation in Board of Directors
pengelolaan perusahaan dan dasar performance regarding the Company’s
penilaiannya; management;
2. Pandangan atas prospek usaha 2. Evaluation on Company’s business
perusahaan yang disusun oleh Direksi prospect prepared by the Board of
dan dasar pertimbangannya; Directors;
3. Penilaian atas kinerja komite-komite 3. Committees under the Board of
yang berada di bawah Dewan Commissioners supervision;
Komisaris; dan 4. Changes in Board of Commissioners
4. Perubahan komposisi Dewan composition altogether with its reason
Komisaris (jika ada) dan alasan (if any).

2. Laporan Direksi. Memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut: Includes following items:

Report from the Board of Directors. 1. Analisis atas kinerja perusahaan, 1. Analysis on company’s performance,
yang mencakup antara lain kebijakan including strategic policy, comparison
strategis, perbandingan antara hasil between achieved result and target
yang dicapai dengan yang ditargetkan, implemented and any constrain faced
dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi by the company;
perusahaan; 2. Business prospect;
2. Analisis tentang prospek usaha; 3. Good Corporate Governance
3. Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan; implementatation performed by the
dan Company;
4. Penilaian atas kinerja komite-komite 4. Changes on Board of Directors
yang composition and its reason (if any);
berada di bawah Direksi (jika ada); dan 5. Change in Board of Directors
5. Perubahan komposisi anggota Direksi membership composition (if any)
(jika ada) dan alasan perubahannya. altogether with the reason.

370 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
3. Tanda tangan Dewan Komisaris dan Memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut: Disclosing the following informations:
anggota Direksi. 1. Tanda tangan dituangkan pada 1. Signatures of the Board of
Signature of the Board of Commissioners lembaran tersendiri; Commissioners & Board of Directors are
and Board of Directors. 2. Pernyataan bahwa Dewan Komisaris on a separate sheet;
dan Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh 2. Statement that the Board of Directors
atas kebenaran isi laporan tahunan; and Board of Commissioners are fully
3. Ditandatangani seluruh anggota responsible to the truthfulness of the
Dewan Komisaris dan anggota Direksi content of the Annual Report;
dengan menyebutkan nama dan 3. Signed by all members of the Board
jabatannya; dan of Commissioners and the Board of
4. Penjelasan tertulis dalam surat Directors by mentioning their names &
tersendiri dari yang bersangkutan positions;
dalam hal terdapat anggota Dewan 4. Written explanation in a separate
Komisaris atau anggota Direksi letter from the concerned member in
yang tidak menandatangani laporan the event of not signing the Annual
tahunan, atau penjelasan tertulis Report, or, written explanation in
dalam surat tersendiri dari anggota separate letter from other member in
yang lain dalam hal tidak terdapat the event the concerned member did
penjelasan tertulis dari yang not provide written explanation.

IV. Profil Perusahaan | Company Profile

1. Nama dan alamat lengkap perusahaan. Informasi memuat antara lain: nama & The information discloses name and
Name and address of the company. alamat, kode pos, no.telp, no.fax, email, address, zip code, telephone and/or
dan website. facsimile, email, website.

2. Riwayat singkat perusahaan. Mencakup antara lain: tanggal/tahun Includes: date/year of establishment,
Brief history of the company. pendirian, nama, dan perubahan nama name and change in the company name,
perusahaan (jika ada). if any.
Catatan: apabila perusahaan tidak Note: if the Company never changes its
pernah melakukan perubahan nama, agar name, to be disclosed.

3. Bidang usaha. Uraian mengenai antara lain: Description includes:

Line of Business. 1. Kegiatan usaha perusahaan menurut 1. The line of business as stated in the last
anggaran dasar terakhir; articles of association;
2. Kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan; dan 2. Business activity commenced; and
3. Produk dan/atau jasa yang dihasilkan. 3. Type of products and/or services

4. Struktur organisasi. Dalam bentuk bagan, meliputi nama dan In chart form, including name and position
Organizational structure. jabatan paling kurang sampai dengan of at least one position structure/position
struktur satu tingkat di bawah direksi. below the Board of Directors.

5. Visi, Misi, dan Budaya Perusahaan. Mencakup: Including :

Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture. 1. Visi perusahaan; 1. Company’s vision;
2. Misi perusahaan; 2. Company’s mission;
3. Keterangan bahwa visi dan misi 3. Statement that the vision and mission
tersebut telah disetujui oleh Direksi/ have been approved by the Board of
Dewan Komisaris; dan Directors or Board of Commissioners;
4. Pernyataan mengenai budaya and
perusahaan (corporate culture) yang 4. Corporate culture statements.
dimiliki perusahaan.

6. Identitas dan riwayat hidup singkat Informasi memuat antara lain: The information includes following item:
anggota Dewan Komisaris. 1. Nama; 1. Name;
Name, title, and brief profile of the Board 2. Jabatan (termasuk jabatan pada 2. Position (including in other companies
of Commissioners members. perusahaan atau lembaga lain); or institutions);
3. Umur; 3. Age;
4. Domisili; 4. Domicile;
5. Pendidikan (Bidang Studi dan 5. Educational Background;
Lembaga Pendidikan); 6. Employment History;
6. Pengalaman kerja (Jabatan, Instansi, 7. First appointment date as Board of
dan Periode Menjabat); dan Commissioners member.
7. Riwayat penunjukkan sebagai anggota
Dewan Komisaris di Perusahaan.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 371

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
7. Identitas dan riwayat hidup singkat Informasi memuat antara lain: The information includes following item:
anggota Direksi. 1. Nama; 1. Name;
Name, title, and brief profile of the Board 2. Jabatan (termasuk jabatan pada 2. Position (including in other companies
of Directors members. perusahaan atau lembaga lain); or institutions);
3. Umur; 3. Age;
4. Domisili; 4. Domicile;
5. Pendidikan (Bidang Studi dan 5. Educational Background;
Lembaga Pendidikan); 6. Employement History;
6. Pengalaman kerja (Jabatan, Instansi, 7. First appointment date as Board of
dan Periode Menjabat); dan Directors member.
7. Riwayat penunjukkan sebagai anggota
Direksi di Perusahaan.

8. Jumlah karyawan (komparatif 2 Informasi memuat antara lain: The information includes following item:
tahun) dan deskripsi pengembangan 1. Jumlah karyawan untuk masing- 1. Number of employee for each
kompetensinya (misalnya: aspek masing level organisasi; organization level;
pendidikan dan pelatihan karyawan). 2. Jumlah karyawan untuk masing- 2. Number of employee for each
Number of employees (two years masing tingkat pendidikan; education level;
comparative) and competency 3. Jumlah karyawan berdasarkan status 3. Number of employees based on
development description (for example: kepegawaian; employment status;
employees education and training 4. Deskripsi dan data pengembangan 4. Description and data of employee
program). kompetensi karyawan yang telah competency development done
dilakukan dengan mencerminkan reflecting equal opportunity for each
adanya persamaan kesempatan untuk organization level; and
masing-masing level organisasi; dan 5. Employee competency development
5. Biaya pengembangan kompetensi costs that have been incurred.
karyawan yang telah dikeluarkan.

9. Komposisi pemegang saham. Mencakup antara lain: The information includes following item:
Shareholders Composition. 1. Rincian nama pemegang saham yang 1. Names of shareholders having 5% or
meliputi 20 pemegang saham terbesar more shares;
dan persentase kepemilikannya; 2. Information about shareholder
2. Rincian pemegang saham dan and shares ownership percentage,
persentase kepemilikannya meliputi: including:
a. Nama pemegang saham yang a. Name of shareholders with 5% or
memiliki 5% atau lebih saham; more ownership:
b. Nama Komisaris dan Direktur yang b. Name of Commissioner or Director
memiliki saham; dan with shares ownership; and
c. Kelompok pemegang saham c. Public shareowner with less than 5%
masyarakat dengan kepemilikan ownership
saham masing-masing kurang dari

10. Daftar entitas anak dan/atau entitas Informasi memuat antara lain : Information includes, following item:
asosiasi. 1. Nama entitas anak dan/atau asosiasi; 1. Name of the subsidiaries/associations;
List of subsidiary and/or associated 2. Persentase kepemilikan saham; 2. Share ownership composition;
entity. 3. Keterangan tentang bidang usaha 3. Information regarding, subsidiaries/
entitas anak dan/atau entitas asosiasi; associations; and
dan 4. Information regarding subsidiaries/
4. Keterangan status operasi entitas associations operational status
anak dan/atau entitas asosiasi (telah (has been operated or has not been
beroperasi atau belum beroperasi). operated).

11. Struktur Grup Perusahaan. Struktur grup perusahaan dalam bentuk Company’s group structure illustrating
Company’s Group Structure. bagan yang menggambarkan entitas anak, subsidiaries, associations, joint venture
entitas asosiasi, joint venture, dan special and special purpose vehicle (SPV) or
purpose vehicle (SPV). statement not holding any group.

12. Kronologis pencatatan saham.* Mencakup antara lain: Information includes, following item:
Shares listing history.* 1. Kronologis pencatatan saham; 1. Shares listing history;
2. Jenis tindakan korporasi (corporate 2. Types of corporate action that caused
action) yang menyebabkan perubahan changes in the shares volume;
jumlah saham; 3. Changes in the shares volume from
3. Perubahan jumlah saham dari awal the initial shares listing to the end of
pencatatan sampai dengan akhir tahun recent financial year period;
buku; 4. Name of Stock Exchange in where the
4. Nama bursa dimana saham company shares are listed.
perusahaan dicatatkan.

372 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
13. Kronologis pencatatan efek lainnya.* Mencakup antara lain: Information includes, following item:
Other Securities Listing History.* 1. Kronologis pencatatan efek lainnya; 1. Other securities listing history;
2. Jenis tindakan korporasi (corporate 2. Types of corporate action that
action) yang menyebabkan perubahan affected any changes in securities
jumlah efek lainnya; volume;
3. Perubahan jumlah efek lainnya dari 3. Changes in the securities volume
awal pencatatan sampai dengan akhir from the initial listing to the end of
tahun buku; dan current financial year period; and
4. Nama Bursa dimana efek lainnya 4. Name of Stock Exchange where the
dicatatkan company’s other securities are listed.

14. Nama dan alamat lembaga dan/ atau Informasi memuat antara lain: Information includes, following item:
profesi penunjang pasar modal.* 1. Nama dan alamat BAE/pihak yang 1. Name & address of Shares Register
Name and address of stock exchange mengadministrasikan saham Agency;
supporting institutions and or perusahaan; 2. Name & address of Public
professions.* 2. Nama dan alamat Kantor Akuntan Accountants’ Office; and
Publik; dan 3. Name & address of the securities
3. Nama dan alamat perusahaan rating company.
pemeringkat efek.

15. Penghargaan yang diterima dalam tahun Informasi memuat antara lain: Information includes following items:
buku terakhir dan/atau sertifikasi yang 1. Nama penghargaan dan/atau 1. Name of the Award and/or certification;
masih berlaku dalam tahun buku terakhir sertifikasi; 2. Awarding year;
baik yang berskala nasional maupun 2. Tahun perolehan; 3. Awarding and/or certification
internasional. 3. Badan pemberi penghargaan dan/atau institutions;
Awards and certification received sertifikasi; 4. Validity Period (for certification).
by the company, both on national or 4. Masa berlaku (untuk sertifikasi).
international scale.

16. Nama dan alamat entitas anak dan/atau Memuat informasi antara lain: Contains information such as:
kantor cabang atau kantor perwakilan (jika 1. Nama dan alamat entitas anak; dan 1. Name and address of the subsidiary;
ada). 2. Nama dan alamat kantor cabang/ and
Name and address of subsidiaries and/ or perwakilan. 2. Name and address of branch /
branch or representative office (if any). Catatan: Apabila perusahaan tidak representative.
memiliki entitas anak/ cabang/ Note: If the company has no subsidiaries/
perwakilan, agar diungkapkan. branches/ representative, in order to be
expressed disclosed.

17. Informasi pada Website Perusahaan. Meliputi paling kurang: Includes, at least:
Information on Company's Website. 1. Informasi pemegang saham sampai 1. Shareownership information until
dengan pemilik akhir individu; individual owner;
2. Struktur grup perusahaan (jika ada); 2. Corporate group structure (if any);
3. Analisis kinerja keuangan; 3. Financial performance analysis;
4. Laporan keuangan tahunan (5 tahun 4. Annual financial report (5 recent
terakhir); dan years); and
5. Profil Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. 5. Board of Commissioners and Board of
Directors profile.

V. Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Atas Kinerja Perusahaan |

Management Discussion & Analysis on Company Performance
1. Tinjauan operasi per segmen usaha. Memuat uraian mengenai: Contains information such as:
Operational review per business 1. Penjelasan masing-masing segmen 1. Explanation of each business segment.
segment. usaha. 2. Performance by business segment,
2. Kinerja per segmen usaha, antara lain: among others:
a. Produksi; a. Production;
b. Peningkatan/penurunan kapasitas b. The increase / decrease in
produksi; production capacity;
c. Penjualan/pendapatan usaha; dan c. Sales / revenue; and
d. Profitabilitas. d. Profitability.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 373

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
2. Uraian atas kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Analisis kinerja keuangan yang mencakup Financial performance analysis including
Description of company’s financial perbandingan antara kinerja keuangan comparison between current year with
performance. tahun yang bersangkutan dengan tahun previous year financial performance (in
sebelumnya (dalam bentuk narasi dan naration and table forms), The information
tabel) , antara lain mengenai: includes following items:
1. Aset lancar, aset tidak lancar, dan total 1. Current asset, non-current asset and total
aset; asset
2. Liabilitas jangka pendek, liabilitas 2. Short-term liabilities, long-term
jangka panjang, dan total liabilitas; liabilities and total liabilities
3. Ekuitas; 3. Equity
4. Penjualan/pendapatan usaha, 4. Operating revenue/cost of sales, income
beban dan laba (rugi), penghasilan (loss) and expense, other comprehensive
komprehensif lain, dan total laba (rugi) income and total comprehensive income
dan penghasilan komprehensif lain; (loss)
dan 5. Cash Flow
5. Arus kas.

3. Bahasan dan analisis tentang kemampuan Penjelasan tentang : Explanation on:

membayar utang dan tingkat kolektibilitas 1. Kemampuan membayar hutang, 1. Solvability, both short or long term;
piutang perusahaan, dengan menyajikan baik jangka pendek maupun jangka 2. Accounts receivable collectability
perhitungan rasio yang relevan sesuai panjang; ratio.
dengan jenis industri perusahaan. 2. Tingkat kolektibilitas piutang.
Discussion and analysis regarding
Company’s solvability and collectibility by
presenting relevant ratio calculation.

4. Bahasan tentang struktur modal (capital Penjelasan atas: Explanation about:

structure), dan kebijakan manajemen atas 1. Rincian struktur modal (capital 1. Capital Structure;
struktur modal (capital structure policy). structure) yang terdiri dari utang 2. Capital Structure Policy.
Discussion on capital structure and berbasis bunga dan ekuitas; dan
capital structure policy. 2. Kebijakan manajemen atas struktur
modal (capital structure policies) dan
dasar pemilihan kebijakan tersebut.

5. Bahasan mengenai ikatan yang material Penjelasan tentang: Explanation about:

untuk investasi barang modal pada tahun 1. Tujuan dari ikatan tersebut; 1. The purpose of the commitment;
buku terakhir. 2. Sumber dana yang diharapkan untuk 2. Fund source expected to fullfil
Discussion of material commitments for memenuhi ikatan-ikatan tersebut; respective commitment;
capital investments in the last fiscal year. 3. Mata uang yang menjadi denominasi; 3. Currency of denomination;
4. Langkah-langkah yang direncanakan 4. Steps taken by the company to
perusahaan untuk melindungi risiko protect the risk against related foreign
dari posisi mata uang asing yang currency position.
Catatan: apabila perusahaan tidak Note: Should be disclosed if the company
mempunyai ikatan terkait investasi has no material ties in capital goods
barang modal, agar diungkapkan. investments.

6. Bahasan mengenai investasi barang Penjelasan tentang: Explanation of:

modal yang direalisasikan pada tahun 1. Jenis investasi barang modal; 1. Investment type of capital goods;
buku terakhir. 2. Tujuan investasi barang modal; dan 2. Investment objective of capital goods;
Discussion of capital investments that 3. Nilai investasi barang modal yang and
were realized in the last financial year. 3. Value capital investments incurred in
dikeluarkan pada tahun buku terakhir.
Catatan: apabila tidak terdapat the last financial year.
realisasi investasi barang modal, agar Note: if there is no actual investment
diungkapkan. capital, so that disclosed.

7. Informasi perbandingan antara target pada Informasi memuat antara lain: Information includes following item:
awal tahun buku dengan hasil yang dicapai 1. Perbandingan antara target pada awal 1. Comparison between target at the
(realisasi), dan target atau proyeksi yang tahun buku dengan hasil yang dicapai beginning of fiscal year with the
ingin dicapai untuk satu tahun mendatang (realisasi); dan realization
mengenai pendapatan, laba, struktur 2. Target atau proyeksi yang ingin dicapai 2. Implemented target or projection in
permodalan, atau lainnya yang dianggap dalam 1 (satu) tahun mendatang. next one year
penting bagi perusahaan.
Comparative information between
target at the initial financial year with
the realization, and target or projection
for next one year regarding revenue,
income, capital structure, or other aspects
considered significant for the Company.

374 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
8. Informasi dan fakta material yang terjadi Uraian kejadian penting setelah tanggal Description of important events after the
setelah tanggal laporan akuntan. laporan akuntan termasuk dampaknya date of the report, including its impact
Material Information and facts subsequent terhadap kinerja dan risiko usaha di masa on the performance of accountants and
to the date of the accountant’s report. mendatang. business risks in the future
Note: if there is no subsequent material
Catatan: apabila tidak ada kejadian event after accountant reporting date, to
penting setelah tanggal laporan akuntan, be disclosed
agar diungkapkan.

9. Uraian tentang Prospek Usaha Uraian mengenai prospek perusahaan Company’s prospects description
Perusahaan. dikaitkan dengan industri dan ekonomi related with industry and economy
Company’s Business Prospect secara umum disertai data pendukung generally, accompanied with supporting
Description. kuantitatif dari sumber data yang layak quantitative data from reliable data
dipercaya. source.

10. Uraian tentang aspek pemasaran. Uraian tentang aspek pemasaran atas Information regarding the marketing
Marketing Aspect Description. produk dan/atau jasa perusahaan, antara aspect of the company’s products and
lain strategi pemasaran dan pangsa pasar. services, namely marketing and market
share strategy.

11. Uraian mengenai kebijakan dividen dan Memuat uraian mengenai: Information includes following item:
jumlah dividen kas per saham dan jumlah 1. Kebijakan pembagian dividen; 1. Dividend distribution policy;
dividen per tahun yang diumumkan 2. Total dividen yang dibagikan; 2. Amount of dividend;
atau dibayar selama 2 (dua) tahun buku 3. Jumlah dividen kas per saham; 3. Amount of dividend per share;
terakhir. 4. Payout ratio; dan 4. Payout Ratio ; and
Dividend policy and the dates and total 5. Tanggal pengumuman dan 5. Announcement date and the payment
dividend per share (cash and/or non cash) pembayaran dividen kas untuk of cash dividends.
and total dividend per year declared and masing-masing tahun. Note: if no dividend was paid, state the
paid for the last 2 (two) years. Catatan: apabila tidak ada pembagian reason
dividen, agar diungkapkan alasannya.

12. Program kepemilikan saham oleh Memuat uraian mengenai: Contains a description of:
karyawan dan/atau manajemen yang 1. Jumlah saham ESOP/MSOP dan 1. Number of ESOP/ MSOP shares and
dilaksanakan perusahaan (ESOP/MSOP). realisasinya; realization;
Implementation of Employee and/ or 2. Jangka waktu; 2. Term time;
management stock ownership program 3. Persyaratan karyawan dan/atau 3. Employees Requirements and /or man-
(ESOP/MSOP). manajemen yang berhak; dan agement of the beneficiaries; and
4. Harga exercise. 4. The exercise price.
Catatan: apabila tidak memiliki program Note: if it does not have such programs,
dimaksud, agar diungkapkan. in order to be disclosed.

13 Realisasi penggunaan dana hasil Memuat uraian mengenai: Information includes following item:
penawaran umum (dalam hal perusahaan 1. Total perolehan dana; 1. Total funds acquired;
masih diwajibkan menyampaikan laporan 2. Rencana penggunaan dana; 2. IPO Proceeds plan;
realisasi penggunaan dana).* 3. Rincian penggunaan dana; 3. Details of IPO Proceeds;
IPO Proceeds realization (regarding the 4. Saldo dana; dan 4. Outstanding Proceeds; and
Company is obligated to disclose IPO 5. Tanggal persetujuan RUPS atas 5. Date of GMS Approval on IPO Proceeds
proceeds realization report).* perubahan penggunaan dana (jika amendment (if any).

14. Informasi transaksi material yang Memuat uraian mengenai: Information includes following item:
mengandung benturan kepentingan dan/ 1. Nama pihak yang bertransaksi dan sifat 1. Name of related party and nature of
atau transaksi dengan pihak afiliasi.* hubungan afiliasi; affiliation;
Transaction information material conflict 2. Penjelasan mengenai kewajaran 2. Explanation of transaction fairness;
of interest and/ or transactions with transaksi; 3. Reason of the transaction execution;
affiliates.* 3. Alasan dilakukannya transaksi; 4. Transaction realization in recent fiscal
4. Realisasi transaksi pada periode tahun year period;
buku terakhir; 5. Corporate policy related with
5. Kebijakan perusahaan terkait dengan transaction review mechanism; and
mekanisme review atas transaksi; dan 6. Compliance with related law and
6. Pemenuhan peraturan dan ketentuan regulation.
terkait. Note: if there is no transaction, to be
Catatan: apabila tidak mempunyai disclosed.
transaksi dimaksud, agar diungkapkan.

15. Uraian mengenai perubahan peraturan Uraian memuat antara lain: perubahan Description includes, among others:
perundang-undangan yang berpengaruh peraturan perundang-undangan dan change in regulation and impact for the
signifikan terhadap perusahaan. dampaknya terhadap perusahaan. company.
Description of the changes in legislation Catatan: apabila tidak terdapat
that significant effect on the company. perubahan peraturan perundang- Note: if there is no change in regulation
undangan yang berpengaruh signifikan, with material impact, to be disclosed.
agar diungkapkan.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 375

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
16. Uraian mengenai perubahan kebijakan Uraian memuat antara lain: perubahan Description should contain among
akuntansi yang diterapkan perusahaan kebijakan akuntansi, alasan dan others: any changes in regulation and its
pada tahun buku terakhir. dampaknya terhadap laporan keuangan. impact on the company
Description of the changes in accounting Catatan: apabila tidak terdapat Note: if there is no change in regulation
policies applied by the company in the perubahan kebijakan akuntansi, agar with significant effect, shall be disclosed
last fiscal year. diungkapkan.

17. Informasi kelangsungan usaha. Pengungkapan informasi mengenai: Information disclosure on:
Business continuity information. 1. Hal-hal yang berpotensi berpengaruh 1. Aspects with potential material impact
signifikan terhadap kelangsungan for Company's business sustainability
usaha perusahaan pada tahun buku in recent fiscal year;
terakhir; 2. Management assessment on aspects
2. Assessment manajemen atas hal-hal stated in point 1; and
pada angka 1; dan 3. Assumption applied by the management
3. Asumsi yang digunakan manajemen in performing assessment.
dalam melakukan assessment. Note: if there is no aspect with material
Catatan: apabila tidak terdapat hal- impact for Company's business
hal yang berpotensi berpengaruh sustainability, to be disclosed the
signifikan terhadap kelangsungan assumption used by the management
usaha perusahaan pada tahun buku to ensure that there is no aspect with
terakhir, agar diungkapkan asumsi material impact for the Company's
yang mendasari manajemen dalam business sustainability in recent fiscal
meyakini bahwa tidak terdapat hal-hal yaer.
yang berpotensi berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap kelangsungan usaha perusahaan
pada tahun buku.

VI. Tata Kelola Perusahaan | Good Corporate Governance

1. Uraian Dewan Komisaris. Uraian memuat antara lain: Information includes:
Board of Commissioners Description. 1. Uraian tanggung jawab Dewan 1. Description about Board of
Komisaris; Commissioners' responsibility;
2. Program pelatihan dalam rangka; 2. Training program to develop Board
meningkatkan kompetensi Dewan of Commissioners' competency
Komisaris atau program orientasi bagi or orientation program for new
Komisaris baru; dan Commissioner; and
3. Pengungkapan mengenai Board 3. Board Charter disclosure (Board of
Charter (pedoman dan tata tertib kerja Commissioners work manual and
Dewan Komisaris). guidance).

2. Informasi mengenai Komisaris Meliputi antara lain: Include among others:

Independen. 1. Kriteria penentuan Komisaris; dan 1. Criteria for determination of the
Information about the Independent 2. Pernyataan tentang independensi Commissioner; and
Commissioners. masing-masing Komisaris Independen. 2. Statement about the independence of
each Independent Commissioners.

3. Uraian Direksi. Uraian memuat antara lain: Information includes, among others:
Board of Directors Description. 1. Ruang lingkup pekerjaan dan tanggung 1. Scope of duty and responsibility of each
jawab masing-masing anggota Direksi; Director;
2. Program pelatihan dalam rangka 2. Training program to develop Board of
meningkatkan kompetensi Direksi atau Directors competency or orientation
program orientasi bagi Direksi baru; dan program for new Director; and
3. Pengungkapan mengenai Board 3. Board Charter disclosure (Board
Charter (pedoman dan tata tertib kerja of Directors working manual and
Direksi). guideline)

4. Assessment terhadap Dewan Komisaris Mencakup antara lain: Includes following items:
dan Direksi. 1. Proses pelaksanaan assessment atas 1. Board of Commissioners and Board
Board of Commissioners and Board of kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi; of Directors members’ performance
Directors members assessment. 2. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam assessment process.
pelaksanaan assessment atas kinerja 2. Criteria used in carrying the
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi; dan performance assessment of Board
3. Pihak yang melakukan assessment. of Commissioners and/or Board of
Directors’ members’ performance.
3. Assessor party

376 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
5. Uraian mengenai kebijakan remunerasi Mencakup antara lain: Includes:
bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. 1. Pengungkapan prosedur penetapan 1. Disclosure on Board of Commissioners
Description of Board of Commissioners remunerasi Dewan Komisaris; remuneration policy;
and Board of Directors remuneration 2. Pengungkapan prosedur penetapan 2. Disclosure on Board of Directors
policy. remunerasi Direksi; remuneration policy;
3. Struktur remunerasi yang 3. Remuneration structure indicating
menunjukkan jenis dan jumlah type and amount of remuneration,
imbalan jangka pendek, pasca kerja, post-employment benefit and/or other
dan/atau jangka panjang lainnya untuk long-term benefits for each Board of
setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris; Commissioners member;
4. Struktur remunerasi yang 4. Remuneration structure indicating
menunjukkan jenis dan jumlah type and amount of remuneration,
imbalan jangka pendek, pasca kerja, post-employment benefit and/or other
dan/atau jangka panjang lainnya untuk long term benefits for each Board of
setiap anggota Direksi; dan Directors member; and
5. Pengungkapan indikator untuk 5. Disclosure of Board of Directors
penetapan remunerasi Direksi. remuneration policy indicators.

6. Frekuensi dan tingkat kehadiran rapat Informasi memuat antara lain: Information includes:
Dewan Komisaris, rapat Direksi, dan rapat 1. Tanggal Rapat; 1. Date of meeting;
gabungan Dewan Komisaris dengan 2. Peserta Rapat; dan 2. Meeting participant; and
Direksi. 3. Agenda Rapat. 3. Meeting agenda.
Frequency and level of attendance of untuk masing-masing rapat Dewan for each Board of Commissioners, Board
board meetings, meetings of Directors, Komisaris, Direksi, dan rapat gabungan. of Directors and Joint Meetings.
and joint meetings with the Board of
Commissioners Board of Directors.

7. Informasi mengenai pemegang saham Dalam bentuk skema atau diagram, In the form of schematic or diagram, ex-
utama dan pengendali, baik langsung kecuali untuk BUMN yang dimiliki cept for state-owned entirely by the gov-
maupun tidak langsung, sampai kepada sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah. ernment.
pemilik individu.
Information on major shareholders and
controlling, directly or indirectly, to the
individual owner.

8. Pengungkapan hubungan afiliasi antara Mencakup antara lain: Includes following item:
anggota Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan 1. Hubungan afiliasi antara anggota 1. Affiliation between the members of
Pemegang Saham Utama dan/atau Direksi dengan anggota Direksi the Board of Directors with members
Pengendali. lainnya; of other;
Disclosure of affiliated Relationship 2. Hubungan afiliasi antara anggota 2. Affiliated relationship between
between Board of Directors members, Direksi dengan anggota Dewan Board of Directors and Board of
Board of Commissiones members and/or Komisaris; Commissioners members;
Majority/Controlling Shareholders. 3. Hubungan afiliasi antara anggota 3. Affiliated relationship between Board
Direksi dengan Pemegang Saham of Directors members with Majority
Utama dan/atau Pengendali; and/or Controlling Shareholders;
4. Hubungan afiliasi antara anggota 4. Affiliated relationship between Borad
Dewan Komisaris dengan anggota of Commissioners members;
Dewan Komisaris lainnya; 5. Affiliated relationship between Board
5. Hubungan afiliasi antara anggota of Commissioners memebrs with
Dewan Komisaris dengan Pemegang Majority/Controlling Shareholders.
Saham Utama dan/atau Pengendali. Note: if do not have respective affiliated
Catatan: apabila tidak mempunyai relationship, shall be disclosed.
hubungan afiliasi dimaksud, agar

9. Komite Audit. Mencakup antara lain: Includes following item:

Audit Committee. 1. Nama dan jabatan anggota komite 1. Name and position of Audit
audit; Committee members;
2. Kualifikasi pendidikan dan 2. Educational qualification and
pengalaman kerja anggota komite employment history of Audit
audit; Committee members;
3. Independensi anggota komite audit; 3. Audit committee members
4. Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; independency;
5. Laporan singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan 4. Duties and responsibilities description;
komite audit; and 5. Brief report of the activities of the
6. Frekuensi pertemuan dan tingkat audit committee;
kehadiran komite audit. 6. Audit committee meeting frequency
and attendance level.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 377

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
10. Komite/ Fungsi Nominasi dan/ atau Mencakup antara lain: Includes:
Remunerasi. 1. Nama, jabatan, dan riwayat hidup 1. Name, position and brief profile of
Remuneration and Nomination singkat anggota komite/fungsi nomination and/or remuneration
Committee. nominasi dan/atau remunerasi; committee/function;
2. Independensi komite/fungsi nominasi 2. Independency of nomination and/or
dan/atau remunerasi; remuneration committee/function;
3. Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; 3. Duty and responsibility description;
4. Uraian pelaksanaan kegiatan komite/ 4. Description of nomination and/or
fungsi nominasi dan/atau remunerasi; remuneration committee/function
5. Frekuensi pertemuan dan tingkat activity implementation;
kehadiran komite/fungsi nominasi dan/ 5. Meeting frequency and attendance
atau remunerasi; level of nomination and/or
6. Pernyataan adanya pedoman komite/ remuneration committee/function;
fungsi nominasi dan/atau remunerasi; 6. Statements of nomination and/or
dan remuneration committee/function
7. Kebijakan mengenai suksesi Direksi. charter.
7. Board of Directors succession policy.

11. Komite-komite lain di bawah Dewan Mencakup antara lain: Includes following items:
Komisaris yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. 1. Nama, jabatan, dan riwayat hidup 1. Name, position, and brief profile of the
Other committees under the Board of singkat anggota komite lain; members of the committees;
Commissioners. 2. Independensi anggota komite lain; 2. Other committees members
3. Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; independency;
4. Uraian pelaksanaan kegiatan komite 3. Duties and responsibilities description;
lain; 4. Other committees duties
5. Frekuensi pertemuan dan tingkat implementation report;
kehadiran komite lain. 5. Other committees meeting frequency
of meetings and the attendance level.

12. Uraian tugas dan fungsi Sekretaris Mencakup antara lain: Includes following items:
Perusahaan. 1. Nama dan riwayat jabatan singkat 1. Name and brief profile of Corporate
Corporate Secretary duties and function sekretaris perusahaan; Secretary officer;
description. 2. Uraian pelaksanaan tugas sekretaris 2. Corporate Secretary duties
perusahaan; implementation report;
3. Program pelatihan dalam rangka 3. Training program to develop
mengembangkan kompetensi Corporate Secretary's competency.
Sekertaris Perusahaan.

13. Uraian mengenai Rapat Umum Pemegang Dalam bentuk tabel mencakup antara Presented as a table containing:
Saham (RUPS) tahun sebelumnya. lain: 1. GMS resolution in previous year;
A description of the General Meeting of 1. Keputusan RUPS tahun sebelumnya; 2. Realization of previous year GMS reso-
Shareholders (AGM) of the previous year. 2. Realisasi hasil RUPS tahun sebelumnya lution in recent fiscal year; and
pada tahun buku; dan 3. Reason if there is any GMS resolution
3. Alasan dalam hal terdapat keputusan that has not been realized.
RUPS yang belum direalisasikan.

14. Uraian mengenai unit audit internal. Mencakup antara lain: Includes following items:
Description of internal audit unit in the 1. Nama ketua unit audit internal; 1. Name of the Head of internal audit unit
Company. 2. Jumlah pegawai (auditor internal) 2. Number of internal audit unit
pada unit audit internal; employees
3. Sertifikasi sebagai profesi audit 3. Internal audit qualification/certification
internal; as an internal audit profession
4. Kedudukan unit audit internal dalam 4. Organizational structure or position of
struktur perusahaan; the internal audit unit
5. Laporan singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan 5. Duties implementation report
unit audit internal; dan 6. Respective party that appoints or
6. Pihak yang mengangkat/ dismisses the Head of Internal Audit Unit
memberhentikan ketua unit audit

378 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
15. Akuntan Perusahaan. Informasi memuat antara lain: Information includes, among others:
Corporate Accountant. 1. Nama dan tahun akuntan publik yang 1. Name and year of public accountant
melakukan audit laporan keuangan auditing annual financial statements in
tahunan selama 5 tahun terakhir; 5 recent years;
2. Nama dan tahun Kantor Akuntan 2. Name and year of Public Accountant
Publik yang melakukan audit laporan Firm auditing annual financial
keuangan tahunan selama 5 tahun statements in 5 recent years;
terakhir; 3. Amount of fee for each type of audit
3. Besarnya fee untuk masing-masing service provided by public accountant
jenis jasa yang diberikan oleh akuntan in recent fiscal year; and
publik pada tahun buku terakhir; dan 4. Other services provided by the
4. Jasa lain yang diberikan akuntan selain accountant other than annual financial
jasa audit laporan keuangan tahunan statements audit in recent fiscal year.
pada tahun buku terakhir.
Catatan: apabila tidak ada jasa lain Note: if there is no other service, to be
dimaksud, agar diungkapkan. disclosed.

16. Uraian mengenai manajemen risiko Mencakup antara lain: Information Includes following items:
perusahaan.Description of to Risk 1. Penjelasan mengenai sistem manajemen 1. Explanation of Risk Management
Management of the Company. risiko; System;
2. Penjelasan mengenai evaluasi yang 2. Explanation of Evaluation of Risk
dilakukan atas efektivitas sistem Management Activity;
manajemen risiko; 3. Explanation of the risks faced by the
3. Penjelasan mengenai risiko-risiko yang company;
dihadapi perusahaan; 4. Efforts to manage those risks.
4. Upaya untuk mengelola risiko

17. Uraian mengenai Sistem Pengendalian Mencakup antara lain: Information Includes following items:
Internal. 1. Penjelasan singkat mengenai sistem 1. Brief explanation regarding internal
Explanation of Internal Control System. pengendalian internal, antara lain control system, including operational
mencakup pengendalian keuangan and financial control
dan operasional 2. Explanation of internal control system
2. Penjelasan kesesuaian sistem conformity with international recognized
pengendalian intern dengan kerangka framework/COSO (control environment,
yang diakui secara internasional/COSO risk assessment, control activities,
(control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, and
control activities, information and monitoring activities)
communication, and monitoring 3. Explanation regarding evaluation on
activities) internal control system effectiveness
3. Penjelasan mengenai evaluasi yang
dilakukan atas efektivitas sistem
pengendalian intern

18. Uraian mengenai Corporate Social Mencakup antara lain informasi tentang: Information, includes as follows:
Responsibility yang terkait dengan 1. Kebijakan yang ditetapkan manajemen; 1. Policy implemented by the
lingkungan hidup. 2. Kegiatan yang dilakukan; dan terkait management;
Description of corporate social program lingkungan hidup yang 2. Activities carried out; and related with
responsibility on environmental activities. berhubungan dengan kegiatan environment program engaged with
operasional perusahaan, seperti operational activity of the company
penggunaan material dan energi yang such as environment friendly and
ramah lingkungan dan dapat didaur recyclable material and energy
ulang, sistem pengolahan limbah consumption, corporate waste
perusahaan, pertimbangan aspek management system, environment
lingkungan dalam pemberian kredit aspect consideration on loan
kepada nasabah, dan lain-lain. disbursement for customers, and
3. Sertifikasi di bidang lingkungan yang others.
dimiliki. 3. Certification on Environmental sector
(if any)

19. Uraian mengenai Corporate Social Mencakup antara lain informasi tentang: Information, includes as follows:
Responsibility yang terkait dengan 1. Kebijakan yang ditetapkan manajemen; 1. Policy
ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan dan dan 2. Activity carried out related with
keselamatan kerja. 2. Kegiatan yang dilakukan terkait employment, occupational health and
Description of Corporate Social praktik ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan, safety practice such as gender equity
Responsibility on occupational health and dan keselamatan kerja, seperti and opportunity for occupational,
safety activities. kesetaraan gender dan kesempatan facilities and safety.
kerja, sarana dan keselamatan.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 379

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
20. Uraian mengenai Corporate Mencakup antara lain informasi tentang: Information, includes as follows:
Social Responsibility yang terkait 1. Kebijakan yang ditetapkan manajemen; 1. Policy;
dengan pengembangan sosial dan 2. Kegiatan yang dilakukan; dan 2. Activities carried out;
kemasyarakatan. 3. Biaya yang dikeluarkan terkait 3. Budget allocated related with social
Description of Corporate Social pengembangan sosial dan and community development such as
Responsibility on social and community kemasyarakatan, seperti penggunaan local worker employment, community
empowerment activities. tenaga kerja lokal, pemberdayaan development in company's
masyarakat sekitar perusahaan, neighborhood, social facilities and
perbaikan sarana dan prasarana sosial, infrastructure renovation, other type
bentuk donasi lainnya, dan lain-lain. of donations and others.

21. Uraian mengenai corporate social Mencakup antara lain: Information, includes as follows:
responsibility yang terkait dengan 1. Kebijakan yang ditetapkan manajemen; 1. Policy implemented by the
tanggung jawab kepada konsumen. dan management; and
Description of corporate social 2. Kegiatan yang dilakukan. terkait 2. Activity carried out related with
responsibility related with responsibility tanggung jawab produk, seperti product responsibility such as
to the customers. kesehatan dan keselamatan customer health and safety, product
konsumen, informasi produk, sarana, information, facilities, number and
jumlah dan penanggulangan atas handling for customer complaint, and
pengaduan konsumen, dan lain-lain. others.

22. Perkara penting yang sedang dihadapi Mencakup antara lain: Information Includes following items:
oleh perusahaan, entitas anak, anggota 1. Pokok perkara/gugatan; 1. Case/litigation decsription
Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan 2. Status penyelesaian perkara/gugatan; 2. Case/litigation settlement status
Komisaris yang menjabat pada periode 3. Pengaruhnya terhadap kondisi 3. Impacts on the Company’s financial
laporan tahunan. keuangan perusahaan; dan condition;
Litigation or legal cases faced by the 4. Sanksi administrasi yang dikenakan 4. Administrative penalties imposed
Company, subsidiaries, members of kepada Entitas, anggota Dewan on the Company, the Board of
Board of Directors and/or Board of Komisaris dan Direksi, oleh otoritas Commissioners and Board of Directors,
Commissioners serving on the Annual terkait (pasar modal, perbankan dan by the relevant authorities (capital
Report period. lainnya) pada tahun buku terakhir markets, banking and others) in the last
(atau terdapat pernyataan bahwa tidak financial year (or there is a statement
dikenakan sanksi administrasi). that is not subject to administrative
Catatan: dalam hal tidak berperkara, sanctions).
agar diungkapkan. Notes: If there is no case/claim, shall be

23. Akses informasi dan data Perusahaan. Uraian mengenai tersedianya akses Description on access to corporate
Corporate Information Data Access. informasi dan data perusahaan kepada information and data to the public, for
publik, misalnya melalui website (dalam example through website, mass media,
bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris), mailing list, bulletin etc. availability.
media massa, mailing list, buletin,
pertemuan dengan analis, dan sebagainya.

24. Bahasan mengenai kode etik. Memuat uraian antara lain: Information Includes following items:
Discussion on Corporate business ethic. 1. Isi kode etik; 1. Business ethnic Content
2. Pengungkapan bahwa kode etik 2. Revelation of Business ethic is
berlaku bagi seluruh level organisasi; applicable to all organization level.
3. Penyebarluasan kode etik; 3. Dissemination of codes of conduct;
4. Jenis sanksi untuk setiap pelanggaran 4. Type of sanction for code of conducts
kode etik; dan violation; and
5. Jumlah pelanggaran kode etik beserta 5. Amount of code of conducts violation
sanksi yang diberikan pada tahun and punishment charged in recent
buku terakhir. fiscal year.

Catatan: apabila tidak terdapat Notes: if there is no code of conducts

pelanggaran kode etik pada tahun buku violation in recent fiscal year, to be
terakhir, agar diungkapkan disclosed.

25. Pengungkapan mengenai whistleblowing Memuat uraian tentang mekanisme Includes whistleblowing system
system. whistleblowing system antara lain: mechanism:
Disclosures of the whistleblowing system. 1. Penyampaian laporan pelanggaran
2. Perlindungan bagi whistleblower 1. Distribution of whistleblowing report
3. Penanganan pengaduan 2. Protection for the whistleblower
4. Pihak yang mengelola pengaduan 3. Report handling
5. Jumlah pengaduan yang masuk dan 4. Report management party
diproses pada tahun buku terakhir 5. The number of incoming complaints
serta tindak lanjutnya. and processed in the last financial year
as well as follow-ups.
Catatan: apabila tidak terdapat
pengaduan yang masuk pada tahun buku Note: if there is no complaint received in
terakhir, agar diungkapkan. recent fiscal yaer, to be disclosed.

380 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
26. Kebijakan mengenai keberagaman Uraian kebijakan Perusahaan mengenai Description on corporate policy regarding
komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. keberagaman komposisi Dewan Board of Commissioners and Board
Policies regarding diversity composition Komisaris dan Direksi dalam pendidikan of Directors composition diversity on
of the Board of Commissioners and Board (bidang studi), pengalaman kerja, usia, education (major), professional history,
of Directors. dan jenis kelamin. age and gender.

Catatan: apabila tidak ada kebijakan Note: if there is no such policy, to be

dimaksud, agar diungkapkan alasan dan disclosed the reason and consideration.

Informasi Keuangan | Financial Information

1. Surat pernyataan Direksi dan/atau Dewan Kesesuaian dengan peraturan terkait Financial Statement compliance with
Komisaris tentang tanggung jawab atas tentang Tanggung Jawab atas Laporan related regulation responsibility.
Laporan Keuangan.* Keuangan.
Board of Directors statement regarding
to the Responsibility of the financial

2. Opini auditor independen atas laporan Keuangan Kesesuaian dengan SPAP-IAI. Financial Compliance with SPAP-IAI.
Independent auditor’s opinion on the
financial statement.

3. Deskripsi Auditor Independen di Opini. Deskripsi memuat tentang: The description contains:
Independent auditor’s opinion description 1. Nama & tanda tangan; 1. Name and signature;
on the financial statement. 2. Tanggal Laporan Audit; dan 2. Audit Report Date;
3. Nomor ijin KAP dan nomor ijin 3. Public Accountant Office and
Akuntan Publik. Individual Public Accountant license

4. Laporan keuangan yang lengkap. Memuat secara lengkap unsur-unsur includes all elements of the financial
Full financial statements. laporan keuangan: statements:
1. Laporan posisi keuangan;
2. Laporan laba rugi komprehensif; 1. Balance sheet;
3. Laporan perubahan ekuitas; 2. Comprehensive income statement;
4. Laporan arus kas; 3. Report on changes in equity;
5. Catatan atas laporan keuangan; 4. Cash flow statement;
6. Laporan posisi keuangan pada awal 5. Notes to the financial statement;
periode komparatif yang disajikan 6. Financial position at the beginning of the
ketika entitas menerapkan suatu comparative periods presented if the
kebijakan akuntansi secara retrospektif company implemented an accounting
atau membuat penyajian kembali pos- policy retrospectively or restated an
pos laporan keuangan, atau ketika account in the financial statement, or
entitas mereklasifikasi pos-pos dalam if the company reclassified financial
laporan keuangannya (jika relevan). statement accounts (if relevant).

5. Perbandingan tingkat profitabilitas. Perbandingan kinerja/laba (rugi) tahun The description of the comparison of
Comparison of profitability level. berjalan dengan tahun sebelumnya. profit / loss for the year by prior year.

6. Laporan Arus Kas. Memenuhi ketentuan sebagai berikut: Should fulfill the following provisions:
Cash Flow Report. 1. Pengelompokan dalam tiga kategori 1. Classification of activities into three
aktivitas: operasi, investasi, dan categories: operating, investing and
pendanaan; financing;
2. Penggunaan metode langsung (direct 2. Use of the direct method to report cash
method) untuk melaporkan arus kas flow from operating activities;
dari aktivitas operasi; 3. Separate presentation of cash income
3. Pemisahan penyajian antara and/or expenditure in the current
penerimaan kas dan/atau pengeluaran year from operating, investing and
kas selama tahun berjalan pada financing activities;
aktivitas operasi, investasi dan 4. Disclosure of non-cash activities in the
pendanaan notes to the financial statemen.
4. Pengungkapan transaksi non kas
harus dicantumkan dalam catatan atas
laporan keuangan

7. Ikhtisar kebijakan akuntansi. Meliputi sekurang-kurangnya: Includes at least:

Accounting policy highlights. 1. Pernyataan kepatuhan terhadap SAK; 1. Statement of compliance with SAK;
2. Dasar pengukuran dan penyusunan 2. Financial statement measurement and
laporan keuangan; preparation foundation;
3. Pajak penghasilan; 3. Income and expense recognition;
4. Imbalan kerja; dan 4. Fixed Asset;
5. Instrumen Keuangan. 5. Financial Instrument.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 381

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
8. Pengungkapan transaksi pihak berelasi. Hal-hal yang diungkapkan antara lain: Several aspects disclosed, as follows:
Affiliated Party transaction disclosure. 1. Nama pihak berelasi, serta sifat dan 1. Name of the affiliated parties, as well
hubungan dengan pihak berelasi; as the nature and relationship with the
2. Nilai transaksi beserta persentasenya affiliated parties.
terhadap total pendapatan dan beban 2. Value of the transaction and the
terkait; dan percentage on total related income or
3. Jumlah saldo beserta persentasenya expense.
terhadap total aset atau liabilitas. 3. Outstanding and the percentage
towards total asset or liabilities.

9. Pengungkapan yang berhubungan Hal-hal yang harus diungkapkan: The things that must be disclosed:
dengan perpajakan. 1. Rekonsiliasi fiskal dan perhitungan 1. Reconciliation of fiscal and current
Disclosure on any aspects related with beban pajak kini; income tax calculation;
Taxation. 2. Penjelasan hubungan antara beban 2. Explanation of the relationship
(penghasilan) pajak dan laba akuntansi; between tax expense (income) and
3. Pernyataan bahwa Laba Kena Pajak income tax accounting;
(LKP) hasil rekonsiliasi dijadikan dasar 3. Statement that Taxable Income
dalam pengisian SPT Tahunan PPh (CGC) reconciliation results as basis
Badan; for charging the Annual Income Tax
4. Rincian aset dan liabilitas pajak Agency;
tangguhan yang diakui pada laporan 4. Details of deferred tax assets and
posisi keuangan untuk setiap liabilities are recognized in the
periode penyajian, dan jumlah beban statement of financial position for any
(penghasilan) pajak tangguhan yang periods presented, and the amount of
diakui pada laporan laba rugi apabila tax expense (income) Deferred tax is
jumlah tersebut tidak terlihat dari jumlah recognized in the income statement
aset atau liabilitas pajak tangguhan yang if the number is not visible from
diakui pada laporan posisi keuangan; the amount of deferred tax assets
dan or liabilities are recognized in the
5. Pengungkapan ada atau tidak ada statement of position finance; and
sengketa pajak. 5. Disclosure or no tax disputes.

10. Pengungkapan yang berhubungan Hal-hal yang harus diungkapkan: Items that must be disclosed:
dengan aset tetap. 1. Metode penyusutan yang digunakan; 1. Depreciation method used;
Disclosure of fixed assets. 2. Uraian mengenai kebijakan akuntansi 2. Explanation of whether fair value
yang dipilih antara model revaluasi dan model or cost model have been
model biaya; adopted as accounting policy;
3. Metode dan asumsi signifikan yang 3. Method and significant assumptions
digunakan dalam meng-estimasi nilai used in estimating the fair value of
wajar aset tetap (untuk model revaluasi) fixed assets (revaluation model) or
atau pengungkapan nilai wajar aset disclosing the fair value of fixed assets
tetap (untuk model biaya); dan (cost model);
4. Rekonsiliasi jumlah tercatat bruto 4. Reconciliation of recorded gross
dan akumulasi penyusutan aset amount and cumulative depreciation
tetap pada awal dan akhir periode of fixed assets at the beginning and
dengan menunjukkan: penambahan, end of the period by showing addition,
pengurangan dan reklasifikasi reduction and reclassification.

11. Pengungkapan yang berhubungan Hal-hal yang harus diungkapkan: The things that must be disclosed:
dengan segmen operasi*. 1. Informasi umum yang meliputi 1. General information which includes
Disclosures relating to operating faktor-faktor yang digunakan untuk the factors that are used to identify
segments. mengidentifikasi segmen yang segments reported;
dilaporkan; 2. Information about income, assets, and
2. Informasi tentang laba rugi, aset, dan liabilities are reported;
liabilitas segmen yang dilaporkan; 3. Reconciliation of total segment
3. Rekonsiliasi dari total pendapatan revenues, segment income reported,
segmen, laba rugi segmen yang segment assets, segment liabilities
dilaporkan, aset segmen, liabilitas and segment material elements other
segmen, dan unsur material segmen related to the amount of the entity;
lainnya terhadap jumlah terkait dalam and
entitas; dan 4. Disclosures on entity level, which
4. Pengungkapan pada level entitas, includes information about products
yang meliputi informasi tentang and / or services, geographic areas and
produk dan/atau jasa, wilayah major customers.
geografis dan pelanggan utama.

382 Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report

Kriteria | Criteria Penjelasan Description Hlm. |
12. Pengungkapan yang berhubungan Hal-hal yang harus diungkapkan: Shall be disclosing:
dengan Instrumen Keuangan. 1. Rincian instrumen keuangan yang 1. Detail of financial instrument owned by
Disclosure regarding the Financial dimiliki berdasarkan klasifikasinya; classification;
Instruments. 2. Nilai wajar dan hirarkinya untuk setiap 2. Fair value and hierarchy for each
kelompok instrumen keuangan; financial instrument group;
3. Kebijakan manajemen risiko; 3. Risk management policy;
4. Penjelasan risiko yang terkait dengan 4. Risk explanation related with financial
instrumen keuangan: risiko pasar, instrument: market risk, credit risk and
risiko kredit dan risiko likuiditas; dan liquidity risk; and
5. Analisis risiko yang terkait dengan 5. Risk analysis related with financial
instrumen keuangan secara kuantitatif. instrument quantitatively.

13. Penerbitan Laporan Keuangan. Hal-hal yang diungkapkan antara lain: Several aspects shall be disclosed, as
Issuance of Financial Statements. 1. Tanggal laporan keuangan diotorisasi follows:
untuk terbit; dan 1. Date of authorized financial statements
2. Pihak yang bertanggung jawab issuance; and
mengotorisasi laporan keuangan. 2. Responsible parties in authorizing
financial statements.

Telin Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 383

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