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Re Test – October 2019

Roll Number: _________________
Programme : M.Sc Date : 14.10.2019
Branch : Software Systems Time : 02:45 PM to 04:15 PM
Semester : V
Course Code : 14IST52 Duration : 1 1/2 Hours
Course Name: Web Technology Max Marks : 50


PART – A (10*2=20)

1. Create a XML document, based on the occurrences given in the following tag. (K3)
<! ELEMENT book (chapter+)>
2. Mention the script that prints out the length of ALL collection on a page. (K1)

3. There is an array with five elements a= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], a. length=0. If this expression is (K2)
called out, then what will be the output?

4. State the purpose of dynamic positioning in DHTML. (K2)

5. Show how to display hyperlinks without an underline. (K2)

6. Indicate how to link an external style sheet to HTML file. (K2)

7. Define the syntax of “img” tag with a minimum of four attributes. (K1)

8. Write any two motives behind the creation of internet. (K1)

9. List the three control structures used in java script. (K1)

10. Distinguish between while loop and do while loop. (K2)

PART - B (3*10=30 Marks)

Answer any three questions

11. Summarize the tags and attributes used to create table in web page. (K2)

12. Design a web page for “student information system” with text box, text area, radio (K3)
buttons, check boxes, dropdown list controls.

13. Develop a java script program to sort the data in ascending order. (K3)

14. Elaborate document type definition with its type and suitable example. (K2)

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
(K1) (K2) (K3) (K4) (K5) (K6)
Percentage 13.3 50 36.6 - - -

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