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Notas bibliográficas sobre os textos relativos a Abraão

Introdução. – Diana V. Edelman e Ehud Ben Zvi (eds.), Remembering Biblical Figures in the
Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods: Social Memory and Imagination, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2013. Eric Hobsbawm e Terence Ranger (eds.), La invención de la
tradición, Barcelona, Crítica, 2001 (original inglês de 1983). Anke Mühling, «Blickt auf
Abraham, euren Vater». Abraham als Identifikationsfigur des Judentums in der Zeit des Exils
und des Zweiten Tempels, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011.

A historicidade de Abraão. – William F. Albright, From the Stone Age to Christianity.

Monotheism and the Historical Process, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1940. Pedro
Azara et alii, «La fundación mítica de la ciudad», in Fundación de la ciudad [catálogo de
exposição], Barcelona, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, 2000. John Bright, La historia de
Israel, 2.ª ed., Bilbao, Desclée de Brouwer, 1970 (original inglês de 1959). Cyrus H. Gordon,
«Abraham and the Merchants of Ura», in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 17 (1958), pp. 28-
31. Ronald Hendel, Remembering Abraham: Culture, Memory and History in the Hebrew
Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005. Mario Liverani, Más allá de la Biblia. Historia
antigua de Israel, Barcelona, Crítica, 2005 (original italiano de 2003). Raymond F. Person Jr.,
The Deuteronomic History and the Book of Chronicles. Scribal Works in an Oral World,
Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2010. Thomas Römer, «Les récits sur Abraham», in
M. Quesnel e Ph. Gruson (eds.), La Bible et sa culture. Ancient Testament, Paris, Desclée de
Brouwer, 2000, pp. 90-100. John van Seters, Abraham in History and Tradition, New Haven,
Yale University Press, 1975. Thomas L. Thompson, The Historicity of the Patriarchal
Narratives: The Quest for the Historical Abraham, Berlim, Walter de Gruyter, 1974. Julius
Wellhausen, Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels [Prolegómenos para a História de Israel],
Berlim, Reimer, 1983 (teve uma primeira edição com o título História de Israel, 2 vols.,

Abraão, Hebron e os ‘am ha-aretz. – Albrecht Alt, Der Gott der Väter: Ein Beitrag zur
Vorgeschichte der israelitischen Religion [O Deus dos pais: uma contribuição para a pré-
história da religião israelita], Estugarda, Kohlhammer, 1929. Jerold s. Auerbach, Hebron
Jews. Memory and Conflict in Land of Israel, Lanham/Nova Iorque, Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers, Inc., 2009. Lisbeth S. Fried, «The ‘am ha-ares in Esra 4,4 and persian imperial
administration», in O. Lipschits e M. Oeming (eds.), Judah and the Judeans in the Persian
Period, Winona Lake, 2006, pp. 123-145. Detlef Jericke, «Hebron», in fwww. b i b e lwi s s e n s c h a f t . d e%2
fwi b i l e x%2 f d a s -
%2fbe0ecd13bc%2f&name=detlef+Jericke&cat=other&showads=1 (consultado em
6/7/2011). André Lemaire, Naissance du monothéisme. Point de vue d’un historien, Paris,
Bayard, 2003. Thomas Römer, La construction d’un ancêtre – La formation du cycle de
Abraham, curso no Colégio de França, 2009-2010 (baixado de, em 6/7/2011).

Etiologias e histórias populares. – Michael Carden, Sodomy: A History of a Christian

Biblical Myth, Londres/Oakville, 2004. Hermann Gunkel, Genesis, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck
& Ruprecht, 1901. Robert I. Letellier, Day in Mamre, Night in Sodom: Abraham and Lot in
Genesis 18 & 19, Leiden, Brill, 1995. Römer, «The Hebrew Bible and Greek Philosophy and
Mythology – Some Case Studies», in Semitica, 57, 2015, pp. 185-203. John van Seters,
Abraham in History and Tradition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1975. Id., In Search of
History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History, New
Haven, Yale University Press, 1983. Philippe Wajdenbaum, Argonauts of the Desert:
Structural Analysis of the Hebrew Bible, Sheffield, Equinox, 2011.
Uma figura exódica e ecuménica. – Bernard Gosse, David and Abraham. Persian Period
Traditions, Paris, 2010. Christophe Nihan e Thomas Römer, «Le débat actuel sur la formation
du Pentateuque», in T. Römer-J.-D. Macchi-Ch. Nihan (eds.), Introduction à l’Ancien
Testament, 2.ª ed., Genebra, 2009, pp. 158-184 (sobretudo pp. 168-171, sobre o escrito
sacerdotal). Albert de Pury, «Abraham: the Priestly Writer’s “ecumenical” ancestors», in S.
McKenzie, T. Römer e H. H. Schmid (eds.), Rethinking the Foundations. Historiography in
the Ancient World and in the Bible. Essays in Honour of John van Seters, Berlim/N. Iorque,
2000, pp. 163-181. Id., «Pg as absolute beginning», in T. Römer-K. Schmid (eds.), Les
Dernières Rédactions du Pentateuque, de L’Hexateuque et de L’Ennéateuque, Lovaina,
Peeters, 2007, pp. 99-128. Id., «Genèse 12-36», in T. Römer, J.-D. Macchi e C. Nihan (eds.),
Introduction à l'Ancien Testament, 2.ª ed., Genebra, Labor et Fides, 2009, pp. 217-238. T.
Römer (ed.), «Abraham et Moïse, deux manières de construire une identité», in Le Monde de
la Bible, 195bis dec. 2010-Jan/fev 2011, pp. 9-13. Francesca Stavrakopoulou, Land of Our
Fathers: The Roles of Ancestor Veneration in Biblical Land Claims, N. Iorque/Londres, 2011.

Episódios antiexódicos. – Bob Becking, «Abram in Exile. Remarks on Genesis 12,10-20», in

A. C. Hagedorn & H. Pfeiffer (eds.), Die Erzväter in der biblischen Tradition: Festschift für
Matthias Köckert, Berlim/N. Iorque, 2009, pp. 35-47. Marc Z. Brettler, The Creation of
History in Ancient Israel, Nova Iorque, 1995. Thomas Römer, «Exodus Motifs and Polemic
with Exodus in Patriarchal Narratives», in I. Kottsieper, R. Schmitt & J. Wöhrle (eds.),
Berührungspunkte. Studien zur Sozial- und Religionsgeschichte Israels und seiner Umwelt.
Festschrift für Rainer Albertz zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, Münster, 2008, pp. 3-20. Id.,
«Genesis, book of» [I. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament], in C. Furey et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia
of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 9, Berlim/Nova Iorque, Walter De Gruyter, 2014, cols.

Abraão, modelo de fé. / Nas origens do midrache. – Charles E. Carter, The Emergence of
Yehud in the Persian Period: A Social and Demographic Study, Sheffield, Sheffield
Academic Press, 1999. Janice A. Curcio, Genesis 22 and the Socio-Religious Reforms of Ezra
and Nehemiah, tese de doutoramento, Brunel university (Londres), 2010. Ernst A. Knauf,
Ishmael. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte Palästinas und Nord-arabiens im 1. Jahrtausend
v.Chr., 2.ª ed., Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1989. Lucasz Niesiolowski-Spanò, «Passover, the
Jewish cultic calendar and the Torah», in Palamedes 2 (2007), pp. 35-54. Gerard von Rad, El
libro del Génesis, 2.ª ed., Salamanca, Sígueme, 1982. Konrad Schmid, «Abraham’s sacrifice:
Gerard von Rad’s interpretation of Genesis 22», in Interpretation 62/3 (2008), pp. 268-276.
Louis Ska, «Essai sur la nature et la signification du cycle d’Abraham (Gn 11,27-25,11)», in
A. Wénin (ed.), Studies in the Book of Genesis: Literature, Redaction and History, Lovaina,
2001, pp. 153-177. Claus Westermann, Genesis: An Introduction, Minneapolis, Fortress
Press, 1992.

Reescritura da Bíblia, na Bíblia! – David M. Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart:
Origins of Scripture and Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005. Sidnie W.
Crawford, Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans Publishing
Co., 2008. Gard Granerød, Abraham and Melchizedek: Scribal Activitry of Second Temple
Times in Genesis 14 and Psalm 110, Berlim/Nova Iorque, Walter de Gruyter, 2010. Martin S.
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth. Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism: 200 BCE-400
CE, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001. Thomas Römer, «Abraham and the ‘Law and the
Prophets’», in P. Carstens e N. P. Lemche (eds.), The Reception and Remembrance of
Abraham, Piscataway, Georgias Press, 2011, pp. 87-101. Jan Alberto Soggin, “Abraham and
the Eastern Kings: On Genesis 14”, in Z. Zevit, S. Gitin & M. Sokoloff (eds.), Solving
Riddles and Untying Knots. Biblical Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C.
Greenfield, Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 1995, pp. 283–291. Hanne von Weissenberg, Juha
Pakkala & Marko Marttila (eds.), Changes in Scripture: Rewriting and Interpreting
Authoritative Traditions in the Second Temple Period, Berlim/Nova Iorque, Walter de
Gruyter, 2011.
Epílogo: O casamento de Isaac. – Jack M. Sasson, «The servant’s tale: How Rebekah found a
spouse», in Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 65/4 (2006), pp. 241-265. John van Seters,
Prologue to History: The Yahwist as Historian in Genesis, Louisville, Westminster/John
Knox Press, 1992. Lieve M. Teugels, Bible and Midrash: The Story of ‘The Wooing of
Rebekah’ (Gen. 24), Leuven, Peters, 2004.

Anexo: O ciclo de Abraão na exegese recente. – [ordem de apresentação dos autores, e

cronológica] Gerard von Rad, El libro del Génesis, 2.ª ed., Salamanca, 1982. John van Seters,
Abraham in History and Tradition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1975; Id., Prologue to
History: The Yahwist as Historian in Genesis, Louisville, Westminster/John Knox Press,
1992. Erhard Blum, Die Komposition der Vatergeschichte, Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener
Verlag, 1984; Id., Studien zur Komposition des Pentateuch, Berlim, Walter de gruyter, 1990.
David M. Carr, Reading the Fractures of Genesis: Historical and Literary Approaches,
Louisville, Westminster John Knox Press, 1996. Rainer Albertz, Israel in Exile. The History
and Literature of the Sixth Century BCE, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2003.
Thomas Römer, La construction d’un ancêtre – La formation du cycle de Abraham, curso no
Colégio de França, 2009-2010 (baixado de
romer/audio_video.jsp, em 6/7/2011). Israel Finkelstein & Thomas Römer, «Comments on
the Historical Background of the Abraham Narrative. Between “Realia” and “Exegetica”», in
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 1, vol. 3, 2014, pp. 3-23. Mark G. Brett, «The Priestly
Dissemination of Abraham», in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 1, vol. 3, 2014, pp. 87-107.
Nadav Na’aman, «The Pre-Priestly Abraham Story as a Unified Exilic Work», in
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, vol. 29, 2, 2015, pp. 157-181. Oded Lipschits,
Thomas Römer & Hervé Gonzalez, «The Pre-Priestly Abraham Narratives from Monarchic to
Persian Times», in Semitica, 59, 2017, pp. 261-296.

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