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GCE in Media: Communication and Production

Practical Skills Audit

Over the year you will learn a variety of practical skills as well as develop the skills you already have.
These skills need to be recorded and evidenced throughout. Many of these skills you will learn in Unit 2
but will also develop in Unit 3. Make sure you record your skills in these audits and state the evidence of
where they can be found.

Name:………………………..…………………………... Levels: Basic – Competent - Advanced

Practical Skill AUDIT Evidence AUDIT Evidence AUDIT Evidence
Sound Advanced recording using
Using a microphone the microphone recording in
07/09/10 Basic 24/11//10 different locations for
to record on
location/exterior exterior. (Playground)
Using a microphone Using a microphone to
to record interior record sound in the
07/09/10 Competent Live day 24/11/10 playground for different
sounds for interior.
(The ICT room)
Monitoring sound
levels Using the sound levels
07/09/10 Basic Live day 24/11/10 using the I movie for
Redbridge Asian Mandel.
Competent I
Advanced used for the
Redbridge Asian Mandel for
Recording a voice 07/09/10 Used voice over 24/11/10 the voice over to make the
over commentary Basic sound clearer, used with

Editing for video games

Creating and using 07/09/10 I used sound effects for 24/11/10 using sound affects.
sound effects my webpage in ICT. Competent.
Practical Skill AUDIT Evidence AUDIT Evidence AUDIT Evidence
Recording/editing Filmed a trailer Advanced with recording,
music with images Editing with music and
07/09/10 Basic 24/11/10 images for the Redbridge
Asian Mandel.

Editing Transferred voice overs Transferring music and

Transferring footage footage for the Redbridge
07/09/10 and background music. 24/11/10 Asian Mandel when editing.
Basic Also used for different
locations for recording the
Creating a timeline I used a time line for
07/09/10 the movie trailer to put 24/11/10 Advanced Using a timeline
the scenes in order. for editing for Redbridge
Competent Asian Mandel project and
for different sound locations.
Cutting images
07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 Not done

Creating titles In ICT for webpage, Advanced making titles for

the Redbridge Asian Mandel
07/09/10 discovery board and 24/11/10 using I movie.
power points.
Using transitions
07/09/10 In ICT power points for 24/11/10 Not done
Practical Skill AUDIT ONE Evidence AUDIT TWO Evidence AUDIT THREE Evidence
Sound Editing Used for film trailers
Extracting sound and Redbridge Asian
07/09/10 For film trailer. 24/11/10 Mandel
Competent Competent

Editing sound For The Redbridge

Asian Mandel for
07/09/10 Used in film 24/11/10 editing sound using I
trailer. movie for cutting,
Basic sound which is not
needed. Competent
Increasing and lowering Using I movie for
volume level lowering and
07/09/10 I operated the 24/11/10 increasing the level
sound for the live of sound for the
day. Basic Redbridge Asian
Mandel. Advanced
Lighting Using the high
lighting which brightly
07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 lights the scene. An
Externally lighting a
scene example for this the
charity. Competent

Not done Using different colour

gels for different
Using Diffusers and Gels 07/09/10 24/11/10 shots and genres an
example for this is
romantic. Advanced
Using the three point
light system for the
Using a three point light 07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 charity appeal.
system Advanced

Using lighting to create Using natural lighting

atmosphere an example for this
07/09/10 In media 24/11/10 filming for different
Competent sound locations
(outside school)
Other In ICT for In ICT making
Using fireworks to create products and logos
07/09/10 banners. 24/11/10 for then an example
Competent key ring. Competent
Using PowerPoint to 07/09/10 In ICT 24/11/10 Media console
Practical Skill AUDIT ONE Evidence AUDIT TWO Evidence AUDIT THREE Evidence
Camera In media for film Recording for
Basic operation, different sound
07/09/10 trailers and live 24/11/10 locations with a
recording, playback
day. Competent sound recorder.
and manual focusing
Shot composition In my film trailer. Using different
using different shots types of shots for
07/09/10 Competent. 24/11/10 the Redbridge
Asian Mandel an
example for this is
a mid shot.
Using high and low Used in media Using high and
angle shots. low angles for the
07/09/10 work. 24/11/10 Redbridge Asian
Competent. Mandel.

Camera Movement In my film trailer

Used for making
07/09/10 Competent 24/11/10 video games.

Framing a shot
appropriately Used for the
07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 charity appeal
White balance
07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 Not done
Practical Skill AUDIT ONE Evidence AUDIT TWO Evidence AUDIT THREE Evidence
Set up a blog 07/09/10 Not done Blogger and scribd
for media
24/11/10 Competent

Upload text to a blog Work to put on the

blogger such as a
07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 summary for
different locations
used and
Upload photos to a
blog Uploading photos
07/09/10 Not done to the blogger for
24/11/10 photos with and
without using the
gel. competent

Embed items on blog To embed work

onto the blog to be
07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 marked.

Set up a you tube

account Not done 24/11/10 Competent

Upload footage to a Uploading footage

you tube account on blogger such
07/09/10 Not done 24/11/10 as the Redbridge
Asian Mandel,
different sound
locations, and the
charity appeal.

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