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"El Magonista" | Vol. 8 No. 3 | January 23, 2019

Católicos Por La Raza mark the 50th Anniversary of

their midnight mass clash with police


50 years later, Chicano Catholic activists recall

their midnight Mass clash with police
By: Alejandra Molina ~ Religion News ~ January 16, 2020

LOS ANGELES (RNS) — Fifty years later, Richard Martínez still

remembers the yelling and screaming.

He and a group of supporters of Católicos por La Raza, a lay Catholic

group, were trying to get into the midnight Mass at St. Basil Catholic
Church in Los Angeles, where then-Cardinal James Francis McIntyre
was presiding. They wanted to confront McIntyre about what they said
was the Catholic Church’s neglect of the poor and the lack of Mexican
American representation within the institution.

Off-duty deputy sheriffs, acting as ushers, tried to keep them out. As

Martínez and others tried to force their way in, the crowd outside St.
Basil kept chanting: “Let the poor people in! Let the poor people in!”
Eventually, according to Los Angeles Times archives, more than 20
people were arrested for their part in the melee.

"The church needed to be part of our life," said Martínez, 76.

Read full article here

Firma el CECUT convenio con el CMSC para la

difusión de la cultural Chicana

Por: Redaccion ~ El Imparcial ~ 20 de Enero 2020

Tijuana, BC.- Con el objetivo de propiciar el intercambio artístico

binacional e impulsar proyectos conjuntos, el Centro Cultural Tijuana,
organismo de la Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, y
el Centro de Estudios California-México, suscribieron un convenio
de colaboración.

La directora general del Cecut, Vianka R. Santana, y su similar del

centro de estudios californiano, Armando Vázquez-Ramos, firmaron el
acuerdo que persigue la difusión del arte y la cultura chicana en México.

El fotógrafo Luis C. Garza, autor de “Los días de la Raza”, exposición

que documenta en imágenes el activismo del movimiento chicano de
los años 60 y 70, y que albergó el Cecut a lo largo de los últimos tres
meses, firmó en calidad de testigo el convenio de colaboración que
abarca el intercambio en distintos campos del arte y la cultura.

Para leer el articulo completo haga click aqui

50th Anniversary Celebration of Católicos por La

Raza's historic protest
To mark the 50th anniversary of Católicos por La Raza’s historic protest
for church reform, a group of young people and elders from the Chicano
Movement celebrated the CPLR historic protest for church reform on
December 24, 1969.

The CPLR reunion took place on Saturday, January 11, 2020 at the
legendary Church of the Epiphany in LA's Lincoln Heights
neighborhood, organized by Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos and Lydia
Lopez, and attended by many of the leaders, academics, students, and
family members of the survivors.

Special thanks to Father Tom Carey and Father Richard Estrada for
hosting the event, and to all attendees, including those featured in the
documentary below: Richard Martinez, Rosa Martinez, Gonzalo
Santos, Camilo Cruz, Luis Garza, Don Jones Lobato, Rosalio Muñoz,
Jorge Corralejo, Paul Sandorff, Rosie Bermudez, Ana Nieto Gomez,
Tomas Varela, Sofia Gutierrez, Felipe Hinojosa and Ruben Tapia.
Watch the full CPLR documentary below:

Las dos caras del neoliberismo triunfante

Por: Profe Gonzalo Santos ~ 17 de Enero, 2020

La portada de hoy en el periódico mexicano La Jornada lo dice todo,

mejor que ningún artículo:

Por un lado, una foto mostrando otra caravana más de migrantes

centroamericanos huyendo a pie, desesperados de la violencia y
pobreza crónica en sus quebrantados países, verdaderos estados
fallidos producto de intervenciones militares y guerras de
contrainsurgencia estadounidenses, seguidos en tiempos de "paz" de
onerosos tratados comerciales neoliberales.

Por el otro, la noticia, celebrada en letras enormes y palabras festivas,

que el Senado estadounidense aprobó otro tratado comercial neoliberal
con México y Canadá, que precisamente elude todo lo referente al
desplazamiento forzado de poblaciones que serán pauperizadas
precisamente por semejante régimen económico.

La espantosa realidad brota a la vista de todos. Otra cosa es que no la

querramos ver y que preferimos "celebrarla": ¡Ya se ratificó el tratado
que nos traerá la gran prosperidad compartida a la vuelta de la esquina!

Para leer el articulo completo haga click aqui

National Campaign to Restore DACA's Advance
Parole 2019 Report

Check out our National

Campaign to Restore DACA's
Advance Parole 2019 Report to
learn about the efforts that we
have been making both in
California and in Washington,
DC, as well as what we have
accomplished so far at the
congressional level, and what is
to come in this new year.

Please support our campaigns and upcoming projects as we move forward

into 2020. The CMSC team plans to continue our advocacy to restore DACA’s
Advance Parole until justice is done, and congress does the right thing for
DACA and TPS recipients and for all undocumented immigrants who
contribute to our country and who call our country their home.


The CMSC has decided to initiate in 2020 the Campaign for Immigrants’
Mental Health Services, based on our 5-year experience relying upon group
therapy sessions for the participants in our California-Mexico Dreamers Study
Abroad Program, and the 3 Advance Parole Campaign advocacy trips to
Washington, DC in 2019.

The purpose of this campaign will be to inform and educate the public
regarding the psychological crisis affecting the immigrant population
throughout the U.S., due to a pervasive state of fear generated by the Trump
administration since coming into office in 2017, the targeted acts of violence
as the August 3, 2019 El Paso, Texas mass shooting at a Walt Mart store, and
the hate-crimes aimed against immigrants, Mexicans and Latinos.


Donate on our ActBlue Fundraising Campaign, or donate on the button


The historical legacy of the Raza Unida

Party (El Magonista)

La Raza Unida Party (RUP) was created shortly

after negotiating a settlement between boycotting
Chicano students and the Crystal City
Independent School District Board of Trustees in
early January 1970. The famous and successful
boycott had begun on December 9, 1969... Read
México disuelve a golpes la caravana
migrante (El Periodico)

La tensión en la frontera
entre México y Guatemala estalló en una batalla
campal. Cientos de centroamericanos cruzaron
el lunes a pie el río que separa ambos países y
en la otra orilla les recibió un muro humano de
escudos y gases lacrimógenos. En el choque,
tanto la Guardia Nacional mexicana como
los migrantes se lanzaron piedras y la
avalancha se dispersó para sortear la barrera de
soldados... Leer Más

The world does not trust Trump. And

Mexico leads the opposition to the US
president (La Opinión)

U.S. President Donald Trump still does not

have the confidence of many countries in the
globe . A study by the Pew Research Center
shows the opposition of citizens of 32 nations to
the policies of the Trump administration.

About 64% of respondents do not trust Trump's

management or his decisions regarding US
foreign policy and its impact on global
affairs. Only 29% feel safe having the Republican
leader in charge of this great power... Read


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Copyright © The California-Mexico Studies Center, All rights reserved.

The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.

Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President & CEO
1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815
Office: (562) 430-5541 – Cell: (562) 972-0986

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