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IOWA: Partly cloudy and

cooler Sunday. Hith 52-58.
Further outlook: M o n d a y
partly cloudy and mild. 10 CENTS
Scattered showers or thun-
derstorms Monday nlrhL



Malenkov's T-H Revisers Model Mate Ofndependence Will Seek
Perplexed by Indo-China
Wife Seen Serious Snags WASHINGTON (AP) — Taft-
Revealed To States Urged To Patch • William Theis.

West Rift
Hartley revisions, asked by Presi-

As Power ent Eisenhower this year, have

un into a serious snag.
The root of the trouble is that
ongress appears in a mood to
jass amendments so far beyond
Be Fugitive WASHINGTON (INS) — Sen-
e Majority Leader William F.
nowland predicled Salurday the
.ministration program of united
hose asked by Eisenhower that a
B e l i e v e d To Exercise ^residential veto would almost esire of 14-Year-Old {Britain and France Still
etainly follow. rties in congress.
Authority in Role of Some Republican leaders are Son for Toy S t a r t s The C a l i f o r n i a Republican Insist on Wait Until
eported to feel they may not be ado his forecast amid mounting
Woman Lobbyist. ble to keep a Taft-Hartley re- World Crumbling. velopments on Ihe Indo-China After Geneva Parley.
vision bill within bounds on the isis, including Democratic de-
loor of the house. A final deci- ands lhat the issue be laid he- By John M. Hijhtower.
LONDON (INS) — Russian ion by top house Republicans on TOLEDO, Ohio (AP)—Col- re the United Nations.
experts in London are specu- pected vhether to have a bill at all is ex- mbus Howard B e n n e t t WASHINGTON (AP)—Sec-,
lating increasingly on the in- to be made shortly. Applauds Dulles Stand. retary of State Dulles took off
NLRB at Issue. •orked hard as a house One high-ranking adminislra- for Europe Saturday night to
triguing possibility that the ainter during his last 18 on source said it is hoped thai try to end a dangerous split
"power behind the throne" If the decision is to go ahead, • case of Red aggression would among the Western Powers
in Russia today is a woman. "eatures he house bill may contain two ears as a Toledo resident. e wilhheld until at least a pledge
which are reportedly un-
The little lady nominated for acceptable to the White House. His wife said the slight, gray- complete independence is given and build a "united front"
the role of chief lobbyist in the One of these would abolish the aired man was a fine husband e Indo-China stales by France against Communist aggres-
cloakrooms—and boudoirs—of the National Labor Relations Board nd a wonderful father to their and lhal Ihe U. N. case then sion In Southeast Asia.
Kremlin is a logical candidate: and channel all unfair labor prac- even children. ight be presented by the ag- A few hours before he departed
Premier Georgi Malenkov's wife, ice cases direct to federal courts The 59-year-old painter's ieved counlries themselves. II by plane for London and Paris,
Elena. The other would give states far only scrape with the law was us pointed out this would pre- Dulles had conferred with Presi-
There is evidence, say the ex- vider powers than contained in i traffic summons for havinf nt the Communists from charg- dent Eisenhower and received the
perts, that Madame Malenkov re- he senate labor committee ver- 10 muffler on his automobile. g that the U. N. effort was a Chief Executive's blessing lor his
gards her position as first lady of sion to deal with strikes and lig power colonialist" move. ssion.
the USSR as more than orna- picketing, whether or not a state But last March 25, Bennett's Knowland declined to comment
mental. emergency existed. 4-year-old son admired a $15 n what might be going on back- Dulles' immediate aim wis to
And Sen. H. Alexander Smith ay fire-engine. That started the age on the Indo-China situa- btain British and French
Women on Upgrade. ainter's world crumbling, and
|R-N. J.), chairman of the senate on, but he applauded Secretary greement to the solid front.
The experts cite two reasons abor committee, is prepared to riday night his world fell apart, State John Foster Dulles' stale- He disclosed that the Uniled
—AisocUted Press Wirephoto,
for believing Elena Malenkov, back a similar states rights Fled Texas Prison in '36. ent Saturday that the Red ales government wants this
who, at 44, is a tall, solidly-built, amendment when the Taft-Hart- IOWAN INAUGURATED—Archie Alexander, 65, new governor of the Vir- Police say the man—known to ireat in Southeast Asia "can be ont crealed before—not after—
pleasant-faced mother of two ey revision bill comes up for sen- gin islands, waves during a parade following his inauguration at Charlotte Ama- is family and neighbors only as nded" if free governments unite. e forthcoming Geneva conIer-»
children, wields enormous influ- ate debate April 26. He said in an ennett — is really Christopher nee on Korea and Indo-China.
ence over top Soviet policy: lia, the islands' capital, last week. Seated beside Alexander (a native of DCS Back Independence.
nterview he had the votes to Columbus Howard Hair, who es rilain and France have so far
Her known thirst for persona] pass it and that he planned t< Moines) is Interior Secretary Douglas McKay, who attended the ceremonies. aped from a Huntsville, Texas Several Democrals have urged iken the position that it -would
power and the remarkable stress push it on the floor. enitentiary where he was serv i Knowland has, that France e better to wait until after Gcn-
being placed on women's articles Alexander is the first Republican to serve as governor of the islands since civil ng a life term as a habitua uickly grant or promise by va.
from fashions to cosmetics, in the Conflictinr Aims. erlain date independence fo
drive to provide more consumer Senators close to the Whit government was established in 1931. He was appointed by President Eisenhower. Timinal.
Viet Nam, Cambodia and Lao vith After his 30-minute conference
Inspector Anthony A. Bosc
goods. House privately give this estimat said Bennett admired he escape he three states of Indo-China. UnitedEisenhower, Dulles said the
States, Britain, France and
In fact, it is pointed out thai of the over-all situation: rom the Texas prison in 193 Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn other nations
urged Saturday night that Franc strength" to make sure"join
should our
Soviet women, long accustomet 1. Many leaders in business an
to fighting beside their men in industry are interested in amend C. R. Man Burned Myron Koenig French Slash Gap and that he had successfully d<
ceived his family about his pas ;ive complete independence Geneva conference "will
that the
nol lead
wartime and working beside them ments to the present law only i
Mysteriously in In Encircling Net In tears, Bennett was quoted ;he three countries and that t! to the loss of freedom in South-
in fields and factories, now for the they include new restrictions o
first time are being urged .to de- the conduct of labor unions. Som
velop their more feminine char- legislators are convinced that un Foundry Building To London in Of Red Besieger
telling police:
"I'swore to myself I neve
case of Indo-China aggression
taken before the United Nation east Asia."
Vast Region Periled.
H A N O I , Indo-China (AP)— would do anythinr to dispac
Many Hold Office.
der pressure from Secretary
Labor Mitchell, Eisenhower
veto any bill which did that.
Cedar luidi Ntwi—
Luftu£Melsh, 46, of
burn' court SE, was severely
859 Cam- Cultural Post French Union troops, springing
my wanderful wife and
children. And now it all i
Possible Soviet The present danger, he said, is
not confined to Indo-China, where
the defense of Dien Bien Phu "is
A sign of the times was a recen 2. Labor unions want the law burned Saturday night under cir- WASHINGTON (AP) — Dr. surprise counter-attack, smashe tumbling down."
editorial in Pravda which ex- changed only if the final produc cumstances which were being in- Myron L. Koenig, dean of the a big gap in the encircling nel
Stand at Geneva extremely gallant against over-
Benett first came to the atten whelming odds."
horted officials to improve them- eliminates all the law's injunctio vestigated by Cedar Rapids de- George Washington University work of Communist-led Vietmin tion of authorities two week Hinted by Pravd "There is danger to the entire
selves culturally and to pay more provisions and other sections Ion tectives. junior college, has been named
to represent the U. S. govern- attack preparations around th ago. ,, MOSCOW (Sunday) (INS) — nterests area," he said. "It affects the vital
attention to their families and a target of union criticism. The Melsh was taken by Ambulance He was out driving with on
children. Nothing, say observers know this is impossible in th Service to St. Luke's hospital ment "in all its cultural rela- muddy fortress of Dien Bien Phu of his sons. While Bennett wa The Soviet Communist par Southeast o£ many nations in
Asia and the Western
would be more natural if a woman present congress. about 10:35 p.m. from the Univer- tionships with the United King- Saturday. newspaper Pravda lashed out to Pacific, including the Philippines,
getting water for his car's rad:
3. The White House wants n sal Foundry building, 1791 I ave- dom,"
were calling the tune. the university announced day at "United States activity t nd Australia, and New Zealand,
Saturday. They drove the rebels off one ator, the boy noticed the toy re
Still another indication of the amendments which go beyond th nue NE. dominating hill at the point oi fire-engine on a sidewalk near ndo-China" and accused "Amer vith whom we have mutual se-
rising star of women in Russia i senate labor bill, except lor inclu The eall came in after n eave Koenig, 43, has been given a bayonets, killing or wounding by. A man poked his head out o can aggressors of launching ne\ urlty treaties."
that no fewer than 300 distaf sion of the strike vote plan. nnidentifed man informed per- fective of absence from GW ef- >robably hundreds. a house and yelled that the bo dvenlurcs on the boundaries o Dulles did not go into details
representatives now.hold seats ii sons in a nearby lunchroom cultural May 31 to become chief The French with lightning
officer for the United peed bowled over a long string was
stealing the engine. bout his plan to meet the danger,
Pravda published an articl le is understood, however, to
the 1,330-seat supreme soviet that a man "with his clothes on
Among them is Madame Malen-
Women Downcast fire" was at the foundry.
States Information Agency's pub- f rebel foxholes and winding
lic affairs office in London.
Betrayed by Fingerprints. etting the tone of Soviet thinkin ant 10 nations, including Britain
n advance of the April 26 Genev and France, to cooperate in under-
Elena is Malenkov's second Police quoted Melsh as giving a A native of Minneapolis, Koe- renches on the eastern fringes of Bennett's boy dropped the to
onference, at which the Big writing the security of Southeast
wife. He was first married tc By Men's Victory somewhat incoherent story that nig taught at Coe college, Cedar he bastion after a tremendous and ran to the car. Bennett drov
"hree Western Powers will con- Asia.
Lena Rubtsova, one-time secre he had ignited his clolhing with a Rapids, Iowa, for 10 years be- irtillery barrage lasting nearly off, but the angered man loo
cr with representatives of Russia
~tary to Foreign Minister V. M In Driving Match cigaret, had entered a shower fore joining the GW staff in 1945. bree hours.
room to douse the flames and had French
down his license number and no
gunners pumped thou- •ified police about what h nd Communist China on matters French Cause Concern.
M o l o t o v . It reportedly wa ARLINGTON, Va. '(UP) — Si> ands of shells into Vietminh thought was an attempted theft. elating to Korea and Indo-China. In France there is powerful
through Lena's influence tha downcast women Saturday trie fallen there and cut his head. josilions starting just after dawn. Detectives called at Bennett' The paper denied that Com- sentiment for ending the Indo-
Malenkov was brought to Stalin' to salvage some consolation frot
attention and eventually became their defeat by six men in a con
Melsh, who officials said has a
police record of intoxication, Mundt, McClellan
re- Led by tanks, French Union in- home, and after questioning th nunist China is taking part in the China war, and this has caused
ndo-China war and counter- apprehension here about the abil-
antrymen then jumped off on the lather and son, booked Bennet
the premier's private secretary. test to determine which sex is th vived second degree burps on his To Keep Inquiry ounter-attack and by 11:30 a.m. on a charge of contributing to th harged that the United States is ity of the French government to
arms, hands, chest, neck and back. lanning "intervention onto Chi- stand up under Russian pressures
Bolshoi Prima Donna. better driver. He also had multiple lacerations lad driven the Vietminh from a delinquency of a minor.
ese territory."
With his foot firmly in the
The women said their husband of Ihe face and head. Within Bounds till several hundred feet high Police recorded and- circulate
iverlooking the fortress just five- Bennett's'fingerprints as a matte Pravda struck hard at "United at Dulles'
call for united action
door Malenkov shed Lena. He ni would
probably have made their The Universal Foundry man- 'tales activity in Indo-China and was reported to be designed, in
lives miserable if they had won ager who was called reportedly WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen! ighths of a mile from its heart. if routine. Friday night, they re lleged that the peoples of the part, to bolster the position of the
longer needed the files and min But the fair sex wasn't ready had to use a key to get inside Mundt (R-S.D.) said Saturday the This is the closest -the rebels reived a telegram from Texas au
isters to which she had access to concede the battle was reall. senate investigations subcommit- have come since the siege began thorities describing B e n n e t t ' world" see that the aggressive French government, and lessen
His problem now was how to bet seltled. Several women driver where Melsh was found. The man tee "is not going to get into every March 13. prints as those of Hair, who wa olicy of the United States is the the chances that, under the influ-
ter himself socially — a problem took pains to point out that th who notified lunchroom person- Kilkenny fight around here" in A union command spokesman >iven the life sentence after main obstacle on the road to the ence of home front hopes, it would
which he solved by marryin contesl was judged by a man. nel of Melsh's whereabouts then stablishment of peace in Asia. accept a peace settlement at Gen-
Elena, a popular Bolshoi theate disappeared and had not been lo- its probe of charges exchanged by jaid savage hand-to-hand fighting series of burglaries.
A surge of- superior male ski! cated by late Saturday night. Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) and high >rought considerable losses to Detectives who talked to Ben eva which would, in fact, let the
prima donna. Reds take over Indo-China.
behind the wheel Friday
The wedding, which took plac men a 129-122 point victory. Th
gave th Detectives were checking on
army officials. both sides. nett said he answered their aues
Mundt has replaced McCarthy The French opened with a tions immediately and stated h Job Help Offered Dulles was accompanied by
in 1938, was a brilliant social af ladies had piled up an early lea< how Melsh (who was not a as chairman of the subcommittee heavy artillery barrage on the "knew aK along they would calc three high level advisers — State
fair and was attended by Hus on the basis of written and me Universal employe) not into the for the duration of the investiga- rebels' eastern hill positions. up with me."
sia's top theatrical and politica chanical reaction tests, but the foundry and whether foul play tion, set to start with televised,
Bogus ProfeSsor Department Counselor Douglas
personalities, including Stalin. Wife To Make Flea. PHILADELPHIA (UP) — A MacArthur II. and Assistant Sec-
couldn't stave off the men whe might be involved. public hearings on April 22. Bao Dai Flics to France. rmilhemalical wizard who was retaries Livingston Merchant
Elena Malenkov was surround it came to actually piloting th A doctor at St. Luke's reported In separate interviews, Mundt SAIGON, Indo-China (AP) — Mrs. Bennett said she woul (Europe) and Walter S. Robert-
ed not only by an aura of| cars. appeal to the governor of Texa xposed as a bogus college physics
that Melsh's condition was "no and Sen. McClellan (D-Ark.) said
glamor, but also brought a meas- Mrs. Randall Everett, who di better than fair" late Saturday. that both McCarthy and army Bolstered by pledges of support for a pardon on the ground Ben irofessor was offered a chance son (Far East).
ure of polilical influence to the ected — but did not judge— th rom a group of former critics, nett has led an "exemplary" lif a gel a job Salurday. He said
representatives will be asked to Viet Nam Chief of State Bao Dai e's ready to go lo work any
marriage. She was the sister of ive-day contest, said bravely "W advise the subcommittee in ad- lew to France Saturday to de- since he came to Toledo. ime as a nuclear physicisl or a
a rising party functionary, Nikita Ipn't feel too bad. It was a mora Venomous Letters vance of the hearings of any addi- mand immediate independence Bennett said he would waiv guided missile expert.
Krushchev. iclory for us because the ^ tional charges they plan to make :or his war-ravaged Indo-Chinese extradition, hoping his coopera Robert K. Sawyer, Philadcl- Insist on Delay
houeht they were going to walkj
iway with it."
S e n t to Clerics and the witnesses they want itate. (Continued on Page 4. Col. 2.) hia's city managing direclor, LONDON (AP) — Britain and
Belgian V o t e r s "I'm so pleased and proud of
lapping McCarthy
They said this should be done rote lo Marvin Hewitt, 32-year- France appeared set Saturday
Id father of three small chil- night to hold out for postpone-
ny girls I could just die," she so that the subcommittee, in lay-
Go to Polls Today .aid. NEW YORK (AP)—Two Epis- ing down its "ground rules" for ren, and told him he would in- ment of Washington's "united
roduce him to local business front'' program to block Com-
BRUSSELS (AP) — Belgium Thomas J. Broyhill, who led the jopal church leaders said Satur- the hearings, can determine the
icn who might be able to use munist seizure of Indo-China.
holds its national elections Sun- men lo viclory, accepted his plau- day they have been swamped scope of the investigation, define
dits modestly. is talents. This was the official stand on
vith letters bitterly condemning the issues and, as McClellan put Sawyer, with the cooperation the eve of U. S. Secretary of State
All adults over 21 must vote or "The women are pretty good," hem for their attacks on the it, keep from "going off on tan-
t Police Commissioner Thomas Dulles' flight to Europe to press
risk a fine, unless they can juslify he admitted. "But I haven't found methods of Sen. Joseph R. Mc- <ents."
. Gibbons, made the offer in Ihe for immediate action.
their absence from polling boolhs one yet who didn't get excited Carthy (R-Wis.). "We are not going to be a con- lemory of Hewitt's father, Sgt.
The 5863,072 voters will cast when the going gets rough." Dean Francis B. Sayre, of the tinuing board of arbitration, 1 There was a hint in the
iamuel Hewitt, a Philadelphia Conservative
three sels of ballots: For 106 sen- Washington, D.C., Episcopal ca- Mundt said in emphasizing the oliceman who was shot to death! British may prove press that the
hedral, and Dean James A. Pike, subcommittee did not intend to more cordial
ators, for 212 deputies in Ihe
house of representatives, and for Two Japs Held in of New York's Cathedral of St. be drawn into side issues.
in 1947 while chasing an auto-j to Dulles' Idea of setting
mobile thief. up an
j Asiatic coalition in the Pacific
the nine provincial councils. lohn the Divine, said many o(
The main parties are ihe Social Bribery Scandal the letters were obscene and
Hewitt, at his Long Wand than to the proposal to warn
mmc, said he had not received Communist China apainst ex-
Christians, Socialists, Liberals and TOKYO (Sunday) (INS)—Po- anonymous. lice Opens Way To the letter but that he would get pansion.
Communisls. ice announced the arrest today of In the current issue of the in touch with Sawyer as soon as
two prominent Japanese shipping Episcopal Church News, Dean Win Negro Vote his offer arrived. And there was hope a com-
men on suspicion of connection Sayre said the reaction to his WASHINGTON (UP)—Repub- 'I'd certainly like to place my!promise could be worked out
with a government bribery scan- anti - McCarthy s e r m o n w a s lican campaign strategists saic background in the service of my I with Dulles,
Sunday's Index dal. 'enormous and frightening," with
Saturday that President Eisen- country," he said. "There is a The British and French gov-
SECTION I. Kaneo Niwa. president of the about 85 percent of the letters hower has opened the way to win great demand for mathematicians jermnenls have agreed in diplo-
Lal« Newt Mitsubishi shipbuilding company, backing McCarthy. a majority of the Negro vote for now." malic exchanges to urge Dulles
and Yasuzo Ichii, president of the "I have been hit with obscene Hewitt said he had not worked to delay his proposed "hands off"
Ofathn the first time in 20 years.
Editoriili Mitsui Lines, were taken into cus- and vitriolic lellers, many ol Their statement was based on since Feb. 1, when it was dis-l warning to Red China until after
tody for questioning about alleged :hem from business men and what they call "solid achieve- closed he had been teaching!the Geneva conference. This par-
Drite Much? bribes made to government offi- .awyers, wilh some, of course, physics at several universities ey with the Russians and the
cials for favored treatment. from crackpots," he said. ments" to improve the lot of without ever going to college. Chinese Communists opens April
G. I. Gaxftte Dean Pike said, "An alarming Negroes during the ftJf^
Iowa Newi
Jiing in many of Ihe lellers is of the Eisenhower administration British official sources s a i d
Ton and lowm Adlai To Undergo ihe manner wilh which Ihe writ- They said Mr. Eisenhower has
ers view McCarthy as a leader done more, with less talk, than Pink Water from -ondon and Paris disagree with
Dulles' contenlion that action of
Folitieal Note«
Surgery Monday with almost religious devotion. It his D e m o c r a t i c predecessors
Servicemen'! Roundup ....
certainly indicates fanatical sup- Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Capitol Fountain (Conlinued on Pcge 4, Co). 5).
CHICAGO (UP) — A d l a i port." S .Truman. WASHINGTON (AP)—The na-
BniHIni Politicians agree that the Demo- —Anorlittd Pre<« Wlrtnhoto.
SECTION Ilh Stevenson, Democratic president- tion's capital, already bright with
ial nominee in 1952, will undergo
an operation Monday for removal McMath to Run Against
crats have won an overwhelming HERO'S SON FACES CHOICE-Colin Kelly, III, 13-
majority of the Negro vote since year-old ton of World war II hero Capt. Colin Kelly, waves spring flowers, had an extra
touch of color Saturday—a large
Today's C buckle
Around the Town The widow had placed a
New Books of a kidney stone, it was an- McCellan for Senator 1932. Prior to that, the Republi- fountain near the Capitol gushed tombstone
nounced Saturday. cans had a big edge. from the cockpit of * plane at International airport in Phila- at her husband's
bright pink water.
William McCormick Blair, ad- 'LITTLE ROCK, Ark. HNS)— Exact figures on Negro voting delphia. After his father died in action, the youngster was
M«fiti grave, bearing this noble sen-
This festive touch brought timent: "Without you I cannot
ministrative assistant to the for- Sid McMath, former Democratic ore scarce. Republican estimates offered en appointment by the late President Roosevelt to much favorable comment from
«.<!. >nd TV
SECTION IT. mer Illinois governor, said doctors governor of Arkansas, Salurday indicale the G.O.P. got only abou sightseers, but Capitol Architecl bear lo live." A year later she
told Stevenson he would be con- announced his candidacy for the 32 or 33 percent in the last two West Point when he finishes high school. In ease Colin would David Lynn said il wouldn't last remarried and ordered the
Fln.iul.,1 fined to Passavant hospital for U. S. senate. He will oppose Sen. presidential eleclions. But they rather be a flyer than a soldier, Sen. James Duff of Pennsyl- long. The color comes from a monument maker to add one
about a week after he undergoes John L. McClellan, r a n k i n g expect to Ret more than 50 per vania' also has promised an appointment to the proposed new word. So he went back and
Marlon chemical put in the fountain an- chiseled, "alone."
TT.«I Adi ... surgery. Democrat on Sen. Joseph R. Mc-cent in Ihis year's congrcssiona Air Academy. Now th* choice will be up to Colin, who lives nually to clean the pipes, and it's (CoprtllhtV
"The operation Is not consid- Carthy's investigating subcom- election and K still larger share expected lo disappear by Sunday.
CriMwird in the 1956 presidential voting. with his mother, Mri. Donald Pedlow. in suburban Philadelphia.
ered dangerous," Blair said. mittee.

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