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MECG1019 Handout

End Conditions of Columns in Buckling

MECG1019, II-2019 C.G. Helguero

This handout explains the tendency of direction in which buckling of columns typically occurs, especially
in a rectangular cross section, or cross sections that are not symmetric with respect to the centroid. In
design problems pertaining to bucking, conditions of the end constraints will affect the design of buckling
of columns. Some considerations are discussed here.

Tendency of buckling in rectangular cross sections:

If the cross section of a column is symmetric, such as a cylindrical column,

column buckling will depend on the end conditions and the column can buckle h
in any direction as column is compressed.
However, a column of rectangular cross section will always tend to buckle Figure 1: Rectangular
to bend the weak side. In the following discussions, we will note that the longer cross section in column
side of the rectangular cross section is the base (or width), b, and the shorter design problems.
side is the height, h, as shown in Figure 1. The area moment of inertia, I, of the
rectangular cross section shown in Figure 1 is
I= b h3 (1)
When the load is applied, the smallest critical load is when I is the smallest for the rectangular cross section
with respect to certain axis. Such smallest value of I is given by equation (1) with h being the shorter side.
That is, buckling is most likely to take place when the loading Pcr is obtained from equations (3) or (4) and
(1). In conjunction with equation (1), the radius of gyration is

k=√ (2)

Based on this observation, the tendency of buckling for a rectangular cross section, subject to different
end constraints, is shown in Figure 2. It is clear that the tendency of buckling, unless b ≈ h, is the same
for both cases because the Pcr required to buckle in the shown orientation will be reached first. In the
consideration of design of columns, the difference in applying the design equations rests on the usage of
the end constraint conditions, C. End conditions of C = 1.0 is used for the in-plane buckling condition in
Figure 2(b), and C = 1.2 is suggested for the out-of-plane condition in Figure 2(a).

Equations of Design for Columns:

The equations of critical loading in column are derived in the textbook, based on the slenderness ratio


(a) End condition: nearly build-in supports

(b) End condition: hinge supports
Figure 2: Buckling tendency for a rectangular cross section with different end constraints: (a) out-of-plane
buckling in which hinge supports is out of plane with the buckling of column; the end constraints act like
built-in constraints; take C = 1.2; (b) in-plane buckling in which the hinge supports act like pivot joints for
both ends; take C = 1.0.

of the column,

Cπ 2 E I
l l
Euler column: Pcr = ≥ (3)
l2 k k 1
A Sy l l l
Johnson column: Pcr = Sy A − ≤ (4)
CE I 2π k k 1

Or in alternate formulation
Cπ 2 E
Pcr l l
Euler column: = ≥ (5)
A (l/k)2 k k 1
Pcr 1 Sy l l l
Johnson column: = Sy − ≤ (6)
A CE 2π k k k 1

where C is the condition for the end constraints, E is the Young’s modulus, l is the length of the column,
and I is the area moment of inertia. The reference slenderness ratio in equation (7) determines which of the
two sets of equations, Euler or Johnson equations, is to be applied.
2π 2 C E
= (7)
k 1 Sy

where Sy is the yield strength of the material. Note equation (7) is only a function of materials property and

Note that once h is determined, you have to check the following two conditions:

(i) The height is indeed smaller than the base (or width), i.e., h < b.

(ii) The slenderness ratio is in the assumed range. This needs to be compared with the reference slender-
ness ratio in equation (7). For example, if you assume “Euler column” to start with your design, once
you have found h by employing equation (3) or (5), you need to calculate the actual slenderness ratio
of your design by using
l l
= √ (8)
k h/ 12
and confirm that the actual slenderness ratio of the column obtained in equation (8) is indeed larger
than the reference value in equation (7). Otherwise, you will have to revise your design, or use the
Johnson column equation instead.

Example: (Problem 5-73 in the Shigley textbook, 7th ed.) Link 2, shown in Figure 3, is 1” wide, has 1/2”-
diameter bearings at the end, and is cut from low-carbon steel bar stock having a minimum yield strength
of 25 kpsi. The end-condition constants are C = 1 and C = 1.2 for buckling in and out of the plane of the
drawing, respectively.

Using a design factor of safety nd = 5, find a suitable thickness for the link. Consider both the in-plane
and out-of-plane buckling.

Figure 3: Buckling design problem of a column (Prob 5-73)

Solution: First, the force F shown in Figure 3 can be obtained from the free body diagram drawn for
the triangular element by taking the moment with respect to A. Note also the column OB is a two-force
member; hence, the forces at O and B need to be along the line of action and of same magnitude but in
opposite directions. Solve for F = 297.7 lbf .

Next, the width (longer side, b) of the column with rectangular cross section is b = 100 . The height, h, is
to be determined. The in-plane or out-of-plane buckling is determined by how the sides are lined up, since
the column always tends to buckle in the weaker side. From Figure 3, the in-plane buckling occurs when
the shorter side h is facing you; whereas, the out-of-plane buckling occurs when the longer side b is facing
you. Furthermore, the following data are also given:
Pcr = (5)(297.7) = 1488 lbf with factor of safety nd = 5
32 + (1.75)2 = 3.4730 = 41.6800
l =
Sy = 24 kpsi
k = √
b = 100

1 3
In plane: We first assume that this is an Euler column and apply equation (3) with I = 12 bh .
In addition, the end condition is C = 1. Thus,
(1)π 2 (30 × 106 ) 1
1488 = × (1)h3
41.682 12
1 00
Solve for h = 0.47200 . We will pick a stock size of h = 2 . Therefore, the design for the cross section will
be (100 × 12 ).

We have to check if this is indeed an Euler column, as we have assumed in the design. The reference
slenderness ratio given in equation (7) will be computed here.
s r
2π 2 C E 2π 2 (1)(30 × 106 )
= = = 157.1
k 1 Sy 24 × 103

The actual slenderness ratio of this design is

l l 41.68
= √ = = 289
k h/ 12 0.1443

where k = √h12 = 0.144300 . Since the actual slenderness ratio is larger than the reference (l/k)1 , this is
indeed an Euler column so the design is valid.

Note that the column’s tendency to buckling in this case is the same as that illustrated in Figure 2(b).

Out of plane: We again assume that this is an Euler column and apply equation (3) with
I = 12 bh3 . However, the end condition is now C = 1.2 since out-of-plane buckling is
expected, as illustrated in Figure 2(a). Similarly,
(1.2)π 2 (30 × 106 ) 1
1488 = × (1)h3
41.682 12
Solve for h = 0.44300 . We will pick a stock size of h = 21 . Therefore, the design for the cross section will
be (100 × 12 ). The design also checks against the assumption of Euler column.

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