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What to do before, during Before Volcanic Eruption Where do you go if a volcano

and after volcanic erupts?

If a Volcano Erupts in Your Area
Before Evacuate only as recommended by
authorities to stay clear of lava, mud
Before a Volcanic Eruption: The following flows, and flying rocks and debris. Before
are things you can do to protect yourself, you leave the house, change into long-
your family and your property in the event of sleeved shirts and long pants and use
a volcanic eruption. Build a Disaster goggles or eyeglasses, not contacts.
Survival Kit, which includes items like non-
Wear an emergency mask or hold a
perishable food, water, a battery-powered or
hand-crank radio, extra flashlights and damp cloth over your face.

During a Volcanic Eruption: Follow the During Volcanic Eruption
evacuation order issued by authorities and
evacuate immediately from
the volcano area to avoid flying debris, hot
gases, lateral blast and lava flow. Be aware
of mudflows. ... Look upstream before
crossing a bridge and do not cross the
bridge if a mudflow is approaching.

1. Listen to your local radio stations for civil
defence advice and follow instructions. After Volcanic Eruption
2. Stay indoors and away from volcanic
ashfall areas as much as possible.
3. When it is safe to go outside, keep your
gutters and roof clear of ash as heavy
ash deposits can collapse your roof.
 Flashlight and extra batteries Trunk lines:
 First aid kit and manual
(02) 8911-5061 to 65 local 100
 Emergency food and water
 Manual (nonelectric) can Operations Center:
opener (02) 8911-1406
 Essential medicines
 Sturdy shoes (02) 8912-2665
 Respiratory (breathing) (02) 8912-5668
protection (02) 8911-1873
 Eye protection (goggles)
 Battery-powered radio

If you are told to evacuate

Follow authorities’ instructions if

HOW TO PREPARE they tell you to leave the area.
Be prepared either to shelter or to evacuate. Develop Though it may seem safe to stay at
an evacuation plan and a sheltering plan for yourself, home and wait out an eruption, NATIONAL HOTLINE
your family, and others in your household. Review
the plans and make sure that everyone understands doing so could be very dangerous.
done so, put
them. If you haven’t already
Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous
together aemergency supply kitExternal
gases, ash, lava, and rock that are
powerfully destructive. 911

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