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How to conduct oneself inside the company/business establishment during the

immersion period.
Self-determination, consistency and competitiveness is a must and very needed in our
work or in a company. There’s a lot of things that we need to be enhance and to be upgrade in
our self to perform a good action inside the workplace. And from being a good employee/worker
this will be a good sign of conducting “oneself” inside the organization. To become an excellent
employee in the company, as an individual you need to have a guideline in performing oneself in
a workplace.
First, as you step in the entrance of the company that you will working on, you must have
a 99.9% confident. To perform a oneself inside the workplace it is important that you have
confident, to do all the task that is given to you by your manager. Just be on your self always and
everything is going to be okay.
Another one is you need to have a daily goal every time you go to your work. It is
important so that you will push your self to strive more to achieve your set goal. It is a good
practice of being a competitive person to enhance your skill in achieving different kind of task
inside the company. It is also the best way to motivate your self to become a successful one every
time you overcome your daily objectives.
The upcoming immersion is not that easy. But we all know that aside from being a
requirement in order for us to graduate, I know that it will be a good process to enhance our
working skills just like in decision making and many others that is align in our choosing
specialization. It is a must that we need to take it seriously and confidently determinate.
Oneself is just a word that is easy to read and easy to spell out. But when performing this
inside the workplace is there’s a lot of things that we must also be consider. Entering in one
organization is a serious thing. Just one wrong move in doing your work, all of you will be affected
and involved. Always remember that you are not only working for your own self or for your own
good but you also working for the whole company or organization. Observation is a good way to
catch up or to learn every time you are in a workplace.
There will be a lot of lesson that you will be able to learn from observation as long as you
pay attention to the person who give an instruction or teaching you as a first timer or a learner
inside the company. In this world full of imperfection hard work, self-determination and trusting
your self will only be your weapon to fight from those hindrances that we may encounter in life
especially in our work. We all know that time will come job is become our priority, this will be the
source of our income. And job/work will provide our daily needs, that’s why as early as possible,
those immersion or training that we have today must take it seriously.
And if we follow all of our good plan, this could be a good help in performing “oneself”
inside the organization or in a workplace.

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