Anda di halaman 1dari 498

ho'i'l J(lIm

[jp~ M.a.l'J aw~y \Ifl1. Ii ,b.ti!i ~iLl!I!I[c! iBid!!Ilt' es!JI ng gg,g. 'tom, uLatLon, skll~

'(..e,al' g. flir1! _ ,i B- - title M~ b!.O'lI ,!!.b~~ your ~!l'il~r ... !!In-iI! b "bob.s d,ij:n'~

Lrl-i:Ii 1".0 b O'ti Simi siLllad hia: ~D'b IliiltJii m'u_~t e' el'. ,O:~ ex. , md - D l)!lrtllklSoilope. _~"!"-"

HHiMd .N~~ MII:&.!f}'l~fti?.g "t!.llk'E8 :lI1et'if.roFik concepts ·th~:t are sometimes '~'!Ji!J! esoteric and .a.~bah.'Zi.'ct even foIl' hiig':My '~ecfuil:iiica1 ~lIe,op']e !to iLllITi.derslta,1Ji.i.d w~dlam ,.jillffIDU1~nty :8!ID.,d1 Uiims ·~llieil:iJ.lJ 1i!,ery conerete .aulii.d ;;!l'Pproa.c1~,8!Ib[,e·. ''\i'V'e~

dJ .~~

. Oll.'ilfL

~~HiMd .N~~ }Ik~mu}'{1ir.g :us a cm.1Ll!p:relm.'eml[Ye· iml.'[m dl!1mno1lJ! to ·!1u].d.'e[':~;~and~llijg:} 11nlim~.-drirn~ .an,d !lij.l:ailITl.'~a..iilJ!h~· ,oamput:er ne ~ml.~.The· book "o.ff.e:r~ prI:i.C:~icsJ guidtEFil.Oe om. hi.'O'W to ild.e1fi.i:rrly and :re::pa.li1:" l!ij.'el!~'¥Oi.k QO~lin,e,c:tiolril. :p'l·'!Ji'b:~eIl1l.1I3; 'ClOm~l![;e 3'i,~tches a..n:dl·I~01;;t~eil·8~ .@illd Ulrute. 'YO!l:U[- ne!t~"i!'Ork Sif'C!11!1!'6. lrt]s useful as .a,\ ·~·eNtlbool1k f'O[' '!1l!:OOiI:' ~leil:worJ.cil]g classes and as :8!. reseuree rO'F [(].e'it~'l'ml p]'oofes,s]o~l:aJ!s.~'

~ ]j)i"~ TUn. Ols,orfl.; Chair of tll~ Divisimll or Scieaees.; 8alis'b_ :Korn'tierf13tl C~Ucge

wnJJif' fuig'l~~~dJbllr-e Is 1!A{~JJatt [g oEte1ll Iost ~lf!1. ~monu~'iJ]on ·ttec~JJmoFGi~y how-to ·boob. HeJ F~?:JJt JVeCJ,ooJl.iWlg keeps the fOCiUl8 OlTlJ d~.e· reru. v{odd- di~!;iri~.i:~'Ilg lklJ]Jl[I'w]edge fit'lam experience and ·pl'1ese1.f!I.rr.~.lfi.ig it i~. 'lhyrte.-s]~e packets $O'F t~l,e ]T .!I:ij.'ov]~:~~e. 'I1Je combinaticn of expbtn~:!tUo! witb IFC~ '~or']d poo'Weil:i.tlS ·tt'o' &o1¥e nf!lJ3:t.e-s ·tt~JJis ,aJJ] .. ,~el]e[iit ]e:iil.[",.ll!lll'lIg ·tt,o-ol ~'"

~~,KIil!Ji:~]fy and Be~~!ls lJe;{l'(;t First}tllJa 'itra!Ll!s:f:onl:1s, the pl!.]nred pm.;!:'if: ]iIJ!t'O the clesest 'I!~J!i1:ijg' to a G 0.1 ',"'O!11\;e' ,e",,r'BF. seen. In ,8J, w!l.<~hip ]]rl'l:l!:mLlll~ '~li.e a'!L;I!~J10I:~ make :~e',a["'liij]n~JRva ,a:lITi, elli~'~:~' ~'i,"!.~]ztelre '!i~ey ~Dl"[u~8! do, meX!t?::;

• ,h


""""':'\1\(3 n-e:D :K.euffel- Solh>varoe Develo[1"D:leut 'Ma~azw:e

~~,Be~'Ol'ijd the eilJ!~gUi~' sty~e '~li:hmtt dlr'~i~f3 ";,rO!111. furW'zurrd fro:li11l!rnmv--not~~]L~' ~]fiji1ll e&-1at:edljia'Va!. w',aJInoF S~~:!t'IllS~ Head Hrut}:a'11.31. 'OO"!l:"S a biJJ1~' amount of ,p,ractM:aiR EIlZtitr.,ern tll!a& otlWIE :te..1{tt. [e;a:ve as dil'e, ,dlFead.ed ~~eJrercisE:' :Frnr 'rm"e [·e,ade]t ... ~Ji lifs d.eve:r, 'W1.ry; hip mild P[';RC:~lc-2il[____'lihere alil::r!l,~'~ a lot of t.e:;'l{ltboob tfulai~ 'caJ.l1l1'1l1aike tlli!atcla:io.1,1 a'U]i,d]We ll~p 'lllO itt while ~30 'iteacbJiliij~J '~'i[i'l!l abaur obi eat ser.W[zEl!itco:~, ,8!iIldi !I:lte[\¥Olilt t~Jllil!1011 ,p:roroooi}.s. !!

-D:r:. Dan :Russ eEl!; Directo i" !!lIff U s;er' Scie:ool!3's, a.oo 'EX!perie1!l:ce :Res,ea:rek

IIJ\.j', n'es e 3! CeD:it~r 'a:llld 'itea.'du~:s htifiICial :I'utellige:oee at Stamford IJafver.;i'i'ry')

H]:fs :r.~~: irreverent, :Wl:ln, and ,~~~~1g. ,Be ,erurefi:till-YO!lJ! lll~[ijJt: :m.cibilaiy learn oonJ:etl~ifLr:li}ij).~ ,-Ken Ar,D,ol(l; is e:oior" E'D.gUle er at S:t!w 'Mocros"}'rsteiIHS

Coauttlo i" (widl J MlaeS, Gosl:i:a,g', ,c:t'eamr o£ Java) , Tll,e.Ja.-uJ';I, ,~grar\p{~t,~\t'i'i\~' LaJ}_O"IIIl'a .o:e

~' ~.

~~li fed Hlb~ iii dl!O"~mi p Olll.L!1J.'dJ5 of boob ,h_@iveJIUS[ been bilill3d {I~ of rnry lhe a& ~~

,-"fla,rd C~l..t!ltain:gl-~aEln~ mv€:nMi" ~f' tb,e' '\~Jd! and r'm.uud,~r of the Jlj'Hside Gr.Olll()

~3inlSt ~ll],e l,-~~'ht tnue For the gee.ked"illlUt; 'Ca~!LJ1~-COo] gtlil!!ill oode]' ia1i. all ,of '!1l!S.. TlhL,e '~~ re:fere[ij,C;e [OJ!" pro.cnca [ deveioilJ :m, eliij,~ ~t]'zt;!!e~e;~g(e'!!s il1l:1I.y 'br,aciL!1j, ,:!,l'' W]~ hi 0'!1l! it ~Hliv]!I.]i' '~O; s]qg ~1:i1.lj''O'!1~I~, ,8:. 'bumcfu o:f tIJlrBdi 3!t~if: [profeSOOifl..,sp eak, 1

,-Travis Kahullcli .. ,F01!fi1:der of SB!lnl'r aw..')~, :H.ed SW\!ii!!~s&

M'ember of tiue ~~fIT TRJ;O'1 '

~~T~l!E::re all'€!' books }fOU lbu'Ji boob ')fOU kee]i~ b 0 ofu:s 'ym] Ibeep O!D! 'YoCi,mEr 61!frsk~ and dUIJ[ij2 to O'Reln~y ,fu'Uii.'i1 tlf:IJe :He,rud.lj"l1rst CFeW; ~1I,eF,e is 'itfue ]leilJ!'i..!ih~1Il:a'~,e ca'tt,egol"y~ :HeZid F'rnt 'boob. Tl~,e~/iI:''e the ones itlhlilltt are d,og~e ared, ["!I.laJi1g~ed.~ and carried everywhere, Head :F"rrst SQL ]s Zl'~ ti1]J,e ~1lIP of ~,if:liy stack, Heck, eve iIJ! 'tl~e ,:pr)ll' I fua['~re :fo,:r I,mew is t~l.'ltteil:·'ed and tom,"

HThiID book's a.d!r;ulr:aJbl,e dJui'!t;r; li[ll"Umm" and s!ll'bstu:",~aJ} doses .of dever :1i1ii,ruk,g :ur. the SQ[·tt of "book dl8!t ,he[ps e'I.e"e.!D! DJor:rI.~]liro~]',aJ,nliml.e:r,s t~1!]~l:k ''i,'VeU about problem-solving;"

-_ - C~ry Doctoi"@'w, 'Cl!D!me(l:i:tor ~f 'l.oiagJ!~,omg' At;I'thor~ nDW"~ tl,rtd aid iu :!fi.I'M MagiC Ki:Jwdcx1'n,

and S:O:IiII'~eo;t~e {:'mlli,l,;es to TOlllJ~if., Smlll't,eoJlu Le:fiUJe,dl TQ'~'J"

P-I - _.; , .«" '1- 'IL-' H"",~ F~" 'f b - - 'k' , , Ifau;e 1I0Ir 0 I,ner I, eliJ'u "rs'"oos,

'~,li :t'e ceilved, ,~~:u:~ 'book Ye£'tte:r,dla;y and 'srtartt,ed, to ,I~ea.dl it .. and :[ 'co'IJI~~dn1t .stop .. This is d:eflimi1tt,e]y tres ~,oool" It is :fim ~ but rtb.e'y cover a ~.o;tt of grO'!lliil.'iid and ,tthey are ['ight to dl;j,e ~:)i[I']nt. f:lI1'11, l"S:1fl~~,Y ml]J]l!l:·eS£ea,.~l

-_ - 'lE'rich GatlmnL"':l; ]BM: DiisItiimglllisl1ed 'Eaglin'eei", and, o~ ... a;ldhor of ,D~$WJ'I, R"t1';G:t",'lS'

~~O:L'];e: of: 'the JU.l!H'Ilie.s,tt and S!l.1i]a~,tes~ be ob on SOll,W,8;it<ei ,d~:nl. l\,re' ever read," -_ Aa~u. La']i!:ceil"g:e; ,ToP 1'eeh..u,oiogy, IES"N,. ~Dl.

~~,R~eg,a.lITi:rr. d8S~g1t'II. is :il!t the ,oon oJ ellffir'jf chapter here, each concept conveyed '!!.-¥ith e'CJ!!li!a:~ doses of pi~,[ul!rr.~~:n ,0!n,d v,,;-it .. '~~

HU~l!la~]y'w,he:llii, :read[lilig '~blfOiLlgh ,81 book '!:i'l' UitUd.e OIJi des~ ICIlatli::e1J"lI1s ... :rd, ~l!2I.v,e to ',Y stt~.c~ !I:ii.'ii,j'SeU'

""I-~-",' .',_,' .. "/_i!.. -,' -.!I". "\, ~ -, , -,~,,-, LI'I, 'r'",,- __ I., /',", -'-," '-l~ "I N'-, , -,~?';I-'u, .1i,i L" ,~,- ,0. ;..;!I1, t!':·_' , '

ililii. t].'ii!e eye W~,'LIIU sO:II1I1:!!!t~:1LMJi~ J!1liS~ to ,trliil .-mE: mLne ,II.. was ,p:R} ,1Ll1'[j,~ a.tJL"te,Ii1~mn.., . , m 'Vi. n,u~, 'L~:US IIJ@D:K. .' illl,ljjl, as lIt l(1lii,8!Y

sound, 'rif]is 'iboo,]k makes :~emi!TiliiIJi~' a'lbml![ dles:UgtrlI patte][',[lJs f;un.

'[VV'.fuj][e, od'Ilf~'Jf' boo~ o:1i1! a!es]SfLI'[j, pGi.'tt~,eil.·ll'[j.5 ,:;ue' .sa(yEtCl!jg' ~':BiljelfrL~e1" ••• :B!I.!l.elMelf ••• ,B!ll,e1~e]]' ••• '~ rt[~]S b ook 18 ,ou! '~hif:

Kki§l.~. lbe':~ltilITi;K omm 'S:fuJ,aJ;:e irr i!.mp~ haJby J m

-__ 'lE'dc: '\"Itu~'bJ..(';r

~~,I :~l.te1':,8J~ly :~O'Vf: ~!.i.iID [book .. I':1IiL fa,ot~ J. kissed 'rrhis book in ,~i'o1'l!tt of 1Il1I.1jf w]fe.'~~ - Satis'iil. :(;UlD.l:litr.'

Hrelad IFiir:st "elw1orldlng 'by ,M AmlIe:FOO1nI, :andJ RyatfIJ :Be(ledleilli

GOW)'1~hrtt e ~Hmg Rya'ill 'BeJm.ecretti iMtdl "O\[.Ami1enoIIJ. i\1iJj l~F.s rese1!"vedl. P..L~nrt:edl ilmL me U miiedl S,tares of Ame:lllca.

hhtrmea. t.y O'JiRci~y l'J.1'ed[a, Iae., W©I5, Gr.aVB1Mteln H~h"Wru.y NQ1'~ ;Se1b.B!strDpO'~ CA '95472.

O~~M.y IMedJia ibow :Il[JE[Y be p1LiI~d! fo1" ,ediuica!tio.l.IT.Iai~ business, or' sales iPromo~ru. use, O~ edli~io.mis ,W\e also :3.\Vi:l!Dbl'e _ !(].lli,OStt lims ~ri.m:~~mJ. Fo1" more LnIDFlmntionj OOl11i.t1i_ct rDlltl! oOf'~~e.j'iImtst:irbut:io:mial sailes d,qJ.ail"i!nf1~t ('8 {iJfJI) 9 9!lB~ 9@'2!8 'Of' oorp-fJmtt@,i1~il&M;{fm.

Seriies Creators:

Seriies Ed~IDr:

DeM,glnl EdUD:r.:

Cover De5iglnE!Hr,s:

Produc,tiDIiI IEII:ito,r:


.. age Viiewe,f"S,:

BF-e~t D. ,MilltJ~fiml, Dalmlil. Grim.

jllitfu:: Hawks

.AJ: 'E1.~)) ,Eill1.a~ '!H'I.m AWib111; ~l!:J05if:iWru.aj \i"l1l1ce~ S~10~

Printiing Ins_ory,: l'IAar.y 2[10'9: :F~'s~ Ed .. irli'on.

The, O~Reiil!ty ]o~, is a Ji':ep:e:recl. tradJemBlrx of O~Remy :M:~rna" Iae, The Httid'Jifrst series df:S~nR~ Hatd ,~'WY.~' J&ttmrJing §JITj.dl11,e1§Jted. 'ii::IJ'aJdle m-ess are 1i:rn.tiJemar-k.s of O~Reiltty :U:edlm, blc.

'Wlhiille' !ffi.rf:ry Pf,eCR1!iJti.ofl! has 'lbeeilJ! taken ilmL the pr-ew8!!I."atio-.Lrri of 'ttfuis ibook, me, !pu'blli~b:ef" ,aI.ild'~ ,8!lli! ,Wil1iI.11Ile fLOr ~1billJty ttbF e.L,!\DfS ,or' O;[[~O([JB ... 'Of' fof' ,~,~e5 :Jl'es1i.IIruililg from the use of the' innfuFmaitiOL'li. cO:ll:rnm'edi hereie,

'We ,dedk:ai~e tfur~s boO':&. '~'O' dre~ :[i;["st: person who ever sacidl~ ~~HJ!~']; ]ees OQl]!]j~]£'dt :~bE O!D!e '~'O rtli.aJt one and g~'!f. them to '~aJI! '~O each, oHrnJeIf ••• ~~

Ailld. Ebll' m~[lTIIg ]l]Jet,'!NO:rk]~]g' CCil.1iTlp]ex enough t~,ij2fi.'t 'pe,op:~e need a benk to learn it.

,'I; ']. '11"'0 '~:j"'-I-''L' 'E' ~il." ",'1' _j A:·' '!,:~1I'" fi. "i_ ,~J,Il!U!J! ;t~ 1.1!~_:. ,t"",JllI, ,'UI~'U ••••

AI Anderson is gn'Lt,efU], '~biil:~ ~m f~y ~:111"'j;~ hin:n, th,e time' :1L[Ul£p8iCe 'iDo '\-mte ,[his book, He

]S mQ ~tefuJ1 to halve Ryml as ·Q(]I--:!iliJJ~hOor. Ai is

'!:he nrnedo]" of AcaJdem .. k IT Semoes §I:t Sa~, Koorenru COUe:~lg. He *0 teaches such elasses d,n .IIletwD,dcil'Flg services, l!ii!e~'!NOII.;k ope::rn.ciill~ s"ys~eil;iL1is aiDId" p,[iow..aumm.i!lJ!~· fo[" the IT pE!~r.m1.

.. .i1J has also produoe>dl bolLinim.;g videos O[IJ R11]~ &:IJ1by on Ra~ and .RealBasic. If tfuaiI: was not ,enmJigbj

.he reoe1.!lJ1:iy' fm:is~ed. hE Bad]elo:r:~s lin Com[p;utiDe'r E!I]~n@eM~' :ai'teif .srn:f1~· 2iQ pms )'em'.\!! ~.

This book, ,adve-Ji.rrn~ started over a yeiiIT and hd a:go wBl:f'!IJ! Ry-am and 1\,[ were flo!!.-'V]!l to :BI[iS~'Oilli to ai~tend ITa'mmg .art O'&eilllr'~s ~Carmbrid~ie offke. They W'eil'IE: not under oOlli~!l--ad yell; and '~bey were n'O"~ sure wlll.e:re t~JJ,ejow:'il1ey ''WOcldl take thelifIL lit fumed Ol!l!E to. be ;a, g:re2LE advenh.1i["if'. T.l-i1;~Ullk, you O:~,Re]]ly~

Bya,n Benedetti hold.!!. a :Maste[" of :F]Die- Arts degree' ,m: C["e~'I.'~ve W,cib~ from 'me Urui'leTSlty

of !\{oll'~a, 31m teaches :m th,el' Lib.e']",a~ .Am Dep!Uil::m,cf;]]t at Salish :Koorenai CO:M~ge CS:KC} on ~f' F.ladij~'ad Indian Reservation .

:Fo!l" seven years, Ryam .senredl :aJS 'Dep~ent

Head -rQif I:mJ.O,nnattollJi Ted:~i1:iI.<Q']O.fY ami COl!l1'tpU'fuel" ,~lIleeri~ at SKC. :PriO!l" to '~bj):~ he l'I"{l[led as edlOOif :8!!I:lId :mJ[Q']"mtat~on £),"£1!:,enil.!!. ,specwist fOol' :8!. :civ.eTj stream, and W'!e-tli:lllicl: research pro~m lIiDI, the SC~QCil of FooesITy' a~ th,e: Uruvernity of ~'Iiltama. p08'm£ hJ.ii.v.e been pmiWEh.,edl in Cut ,Btmk and ~~, God[ie:.SC1il'~S &qum~ CrJfpt. He ,kwes :[pam'~rngj ~iilFtOOlll~'j ]lilaym~' blues barmoniea, matki~' F1ashL .l€'a:rn~ 'tOf8~ and ]1rndioim~' zazen, He spends hi.!!.

~ . _. - .

best moments w~:ili his d:a.lllgbte:r ,8!][di son in [h,e'

J\.£[IJ MOlLmwn Va~ey of MontaJJlll;lli~ a'I.!IJ!d "With, his s'!o¥€le1:heHt,. ShoniD!~j ]11.1 Poiridaulldj OR.

1 ow- ,', ~ D' ",iL1 0, b k ,il;. , ~~ .,,' se Wl'S 00,

__... .....


Do '~u 11'lI\9,e~ tl)) :i\e~lnl'!l lllJe.tINDiMk,frug 'for ;!3J ]Oa], lor aelass ~lfke. ec NAt or ~ust llJecause, you 1hiDlJik It's aboUlt '~in;je you l~e~lrr::tiBd lil'iliE! dli1fIDeriE!,[]Oe bet\Meien iSt switctu ;am::! ,61i rout:iBr?

• . I Do '~u W,:sIJllt to learn IlJltJlidlelffihmdi, ~m~ 1fE!!lflllem b ENf" how' 10 IFUJ I'll ,i!linli iindllJl!5t[Ri3IJ'--'51Jr!eHg~h p;a,dke,t: Silil i'ffier. se1j' 111 Pi a DomaJin:' N~me Svs~iam Slia,l:\i',erl' II~uiildi ifiiirew,:SIII ,~I~c~et 'fiUe rs, ,611fl d:

ICO TrfilQlII IF:e, muti'rnQ ,fj,[o[oioo;ls m,k'iB! EliG R,IP?

!, I.,. I Do ¥enJi IPT!8felr :sflilil'ilIUl:I;;a~!'I]iQ dTnllJl!8lF' p~D1ji' iC:OTil\i1e,rr:sar~i[!ln to d FlJ, dllJlm I' aoC:SId'8m~C ilectures?

If yO'IL] can ,21J].S"'iAi'"e[[" ~'yes'~! to llirll.¥ of these;

. . .

. ,,' I Are j!\QillJi aJIF,iSfid 'i.!l) '~Ij some,1hing, [jifif,e!IIiEmt? Wouldl YDU, rather ltH~\I1e, a IFiODt: 'GEJn :SIll '~han 1TIf1fix s1riipes, wi1h Ip!laidJ? 1]0 y'Ou [)!e'lie'MI'E! '~hall a technl~c~llm[)k ciiIJIr1i'1::0 8, senous :iF iit ami I'ilIF:oplOmmphilZes mllJl~~iUl'lle:te,rs ,filn~ OisdlrQiS!E!l]~e.s?

"W" k b '" "'hi kill

" ,,' ,"j ".,' ,,", ' " " ',' ',: '_ I," :,_ , ,-"":~ ,',' _ '1 ': I ' ' I " " I

,j' IJ'IOW w,ola.t you re t '1,",~t1lgl

Yo~Ji' brain craves Eii;O"'f,r.e:~t~ Ifs Ii'I!~W,rari'"5 sea"Lflcl~]!lll;g~ sczt1lli[IJ:hngj 'l,!;~~t?.n\f fo]" £o'm,'e't~J!i1lJi:g l1UlIjLJlBiUal It was b!11~h that w.&}} ,3LlITi,i1 i!tt ]n)e]pa, you struy a1i,v6.

So wbJ:~:t. does )fO'!111[" b:r:..l[l!1, do 'W]~~,], ,aU, the Fou.ri!~]ej O~~JIlllil"1f} !I:l'OnIl];a] -tfil~:~'S yo,,!!.]! elil:OO"!11i[JJtel"'? E've[j{thili1l~' L[ !:a:J1. Ito stop thenij, f~~O(LI]1j, iLlJite~~fe[[iLlI:g' 'w:iltt~l! the blfZt[L],js 'lt1l2i~jolh---:[:-ecm:dili1~' ~h~~.l~ 'tt~l!a[ 'lfl,ccl!te.'[. I:I: diOe:m.!rt 'Il:mt~le:r M:'i.r~:lIil~' the lbomg t~]:UIlJi~; d~Jey never make past: the H~].]S is o'I!n;~.o'!1.]!.si:y ]];Q~ :llLr:I.llipmtzmi1 I f~.l:~e1f.

:HOoW' does yo-mm: b~,8im kn!)'oo whrnf.s In:il:ij.ponalfif[t' SU]l]lose 'you'~re ml!it F.oli'"a ,da}f ~.l!:ile ,8!!I:1d a t~e-Fj~lllfii,:PS i[IJ f["ont .oJ '1''O'!111-, wl~.:3:t happens :uiL'iis~.dl@ YCiU.l!' head :a!l:T1d body?

N'eW"OiL'TjS fire. :HFI101ioru crank '!1]f~J. C-hgj!licais S1&i'ge; A~J!d '~1!al"S ~]jOV{ 'lrUlrUir 'br&i!lJi I.. !I];[II!i';,'S, " , be, h'llportallilt! IDon't 'follrge,t: i:t! ,. ,

_ _ lo1.·I",,",

'D _. • _ l " • ~ 'L ]'- ! ""_,il.' • ~ "l ~a!l1'i V'I -

nut 1I!L1I.ij~li!ll!e' '~!Ll! re at ho:me~ '!:i'I' 1!.1fll ~. [iL'll'F,@!I.l{ _:r S ,a ~'e',~ W.aLl':Lill- 'rr!Lg,e.["-~]',ee 7.'o:lJ1)e. iG,lc'l" .. : i ~

YOilll'j]1e 3h,l!cl,ym~ Ge'~~jll:ijK :re,aJdy fo·]" ,am e%a:m, 0[" 'bi:'rLfJIJ!g to learn some tough ,-~S \~l '!IoJ

'~,edl!ilij.ic~. rlDp'IC ycl'Ul:lf Ib!QSl!o ~hl.i[IJks wiJru ,ttlilik,e·.a 'V.'€ e:k.j 'tell]: da'ys ,at the IIJJ1O!!;~:. ,sa~~l'I!f \:":"', _

Just O:Uli~ :p["cdb]e~lI:L. Yml!ir lbm-M]/'!!' b·y:lltil.,g 11:00 dlo Y'D'l1l! a Ib~' K~voil:: :[fs rLli"'j{[~' ~,o

make sure ~];;[tt oooifJ~s;?, ~l!on-in,i1]_portlliL].l COIJ]:ttelrl!t d\oe£.w'j'tt dUI!~el- 'iLl,P SC8!I'Cii!:

resources. l~.eso~:rces t'fuJ,EI!it :1i'I!i1:''e lberrre!l: s~~ ent st~:nill1g the' ,reiittly !jig' ~~:1tiu~ Lilke t~:r5_ l.ake 'tl]e d0LlITigel" .oJ frre. lillie ]:mw you should never hruve p08"~ed thoae ~~p-aJJi'r.y~~ lP~mt:08" oa '}'O~]' 'FruceboCi~ pa;g,e'. A[td dl,ere's 1fii,iJo s~n.i.ip,]e w,ruy to 't,e:~~. '¥OIl][- b[a]iIJJ,~ ~~:Hey b~,8!i1l1j tfl:ija~lik you very i1:ij]!!1l!ch,~ !but no :nl18J!1JI::elf lilD'W' m;liIlru, '~l.1;rn 'lbOGk ]S~ 2J.iIJ!d ~lOW liilr~~.e' Trn i1:"~~'['eJi'~[lIg 0:111 ffu.'e ,e:mortiollJiru[ RicilHel- scale rught nm"ifj I :["e,a[~y ,do' W,lliLfii:rr youl ,ttoQ keep '~h:is s!tl1uU:' ~~iOlLll~:l!()L'5~'

you ;!I;1I"e here ,.

xxvJi'; intra

So wbai doe:$, 'it lake to Iea,n ~Gmlethtng? 'Flt"SlL ')I'o,u '1.0, gel it. then Imahe' sure ,you don't to.rgel j,t. Ift~'a not about pus'hing facts 'iifttOI y.our head. B,sSied on the "(test rres.earch in oogn'itlve se'lence~ n-eurobtotogy~ and educat!lons'l pSY'C'hiof,ogYt tearnl,n9' ta'hes a ~ot. more than teKt on a page~ We know wbat. turf:l& your brain on.

M,atee itt, 'Vii5,ual .. lma~s am tall" mORi' m@morabl@ than words alone,. and make, I@aming much more'I@ffiiittfv@'(U.P to 19% Improv@M@nt in rec:a!1 and UaMf@rsttid'@s).'t: also mags, tHngs, fOOf@'uM@fitanditbf@,. Pr1.!it t'h,e words wif'hlillilr or neat t(fJ'Ire, (lrapililiic& th@';)' rdat@, tn, rilth@rtilan 00 the- oottom or 00 :another Pi1ge~~ and learners, wm be' up to itW{~ as likely to sokire' p.robt@ms mtamd 'to ''t'h@, content:.

Use' 13 eon-ver:s,8rfiolila' and p-er,somaUz,edr :s.tY'e~, In f@C8Hi1: studf@-s~ students, perfOrmed up 'to <In%. bi@'tt@ron post..f@aming tens" du: cootBnt spok,re d1r@Citly to 'the- mad@r, usfng a flrstep@non.. fj]ft¥J@rsationt11 st)i'1~ rathw 'than 'takIng a 'formlll itOn@l T@II stol1~$ immad oll@cWftng. Us@,casuaf 'ijllgooge. Don't take' YOUf~@lfitOO seriously. 'Whim would ~ pay more, alt@ntlon to.= :it stfmuJatfng dinner party compan oo~ or a l@ctulf@1

Get th.e· ',ei -FneT to 'thin'k more, deep1,y .. 'n oither words~ unl@ss you artlv@1y R@x your n@UfOO~ ooWng mtKh happ@nsin your h@'ad. A mad@rha5 ito be'motlvated, engaged, curious, find Insplmd to solv@' prohl@ms, draw conduslons~ and g@N!(ab!i' new knowledg@, And for 'that;. you need malleng@s" @)(@fd:5@'s~ -and mought''''p.rovoldng qUf!'SJtlons,. and ad.i'IIfti@!ithat: 'nvolv@'both s'd@§ of'th@ brain and munJpi@ S@ft5@S.

G~ "M .... -'d L.... ;1,'1;; - .,-, "'d jl;l"..." ~tiii'-, . '11IiK ,' .. '. 11- i...-d';oi., ,'~'I ','..." ,"" I , ... 1., oo,tl, ., _;t",:' e,_n, _ep-"'U]Je rea eli S'!GI' ,q:;,n .'I,OD. nilli 'Vi@a us· 'LnEil' rea "I want to @amullls ,,' ~ can t~h!lll)!'

awak@:past p.age' onW"@xperf@nC&.'¥oorbrainpaysatbntjmto dl ngs that are out of the, ordinary, intemsiUng, strange, fj)'@ecatthing~ un@~@et@d. learning :a new, ,t'Oug~ tDEhnlcal topic doesn"t hw@, 'ito 00 bmlng. Yow brain wi' h~am much more, c:pJlddy f iit's not.

T'ouch 'Iftldli'" em,oti,rDnS\i 'WtJ, "my know mat your abU§ty to fimIl@mb@f' som@,thlng Is 11ilf"98ly d@PMd@ftt 00 Its €fIj)otfGfliat content You r@membef'wmt you care, aoout You rt!roomber when ')rou ff£f sOffi@tl"dng. N~ W€!'''r"@' not talkfng hfin-wnmchlng smri@s about a boy and hts dog. We.'rEflt"alklH9 emotions, lib, surprfse~ curiOSity, 'run,. ;FWhat 'th@:. •• lD'i and _, fe@~lng of' Rtd@f"'matcomes 'Whm you solve, a pum@J I@arn sO!flJ)@ot.f\1ng @wr!ib.(J(fy @Is@, minb is ham, or realize. you kno'W somethfng that '"1m more, temnk:af 'than ,thou" Bob from @ngineerlng ~stl't.

[f )'OU I.\ean~y want to [e,8!FiDJ, and! 1'0:!1'1I l'i,I',8JiI].t to learn ;mOire Ctl.'I11icJliJy ,ffi1Ji.i:d! U[J.Ol!"e d,eJep['jf, piaY at~'en~~oiDi tOo how you Pru1! at~e ution. Thi:lI1ik ,rub O;!l:E~ l~,ow' you think, Le8Lll11! :~Ol'i.~ 'i,r.Cfl1'11. le,!:'I!iI".L(JJ.

·I wOlf];d!E.!t'" how

I CiOn 'tll"~c;k m'!l" bf',(ijj'Jiij, ii't:~to J1'\iEJmelil1iib-u,i'ng t'hi~ ~1'Uliff ...

M:Ostt of us ,d~d 1I:10'~ t:i.k,e 'OOU:Il'H:S 'O'lIl!L'ifil.'e'r,aco~l]Jicim] OJ!' Le Iilin'li~]ITi~' ,ttheory whe:m we 'WIeJ[18' ~,o'wing '!!.lip. 'VVe' ''!.~11'€' g~;p,ected- to, ]eaFl1i} ib:uJ.~: tr'aIIe]y ~l};'l¥!,'#1.~ to :~eanil ..

But we assume ~'ij,:artt i[' yOilJl.~:re' ,hoklli][i,g dllas' 'boai~ 'you [:'leaUy ''I,-''!,rant tt,1] ~.e,:l!nlil. ][,et'l,-1ifO[.l\ci.1I1!~ A!D!d ';.mil] pifob81ll:d}f ,dbm/t Wml'~ to. s-p,e:ll'.ufl. a ]ot of t\~.i.fite-. :If you ''i,'Vant to use what VOO'!l] read ]!l:iI, this 'book. vou need to '/'e/'}Wlll1>ruT 'wfuat VoQi!ll read, AIITI.d

o'l .. ,if' 1

fm. ttJru,aJJt~ you've ~)[It '~O rirJd~'13'i;I!7J,d it To, ~d tthe 1I][JjOS'~ f[·'o:m. dU8 book, OOF {[til]! b 0 0,1

01- :~ei:ii,:r!l:1i]ng' experience, take res'pon5i'lb~],Ety fo,r '!r',(H,ur bn'l]~]. ¥olUlr brain on {I/'~"s CO'll:'.i.'~,ent


.... !<;.'

se jlllJlst' how' ,DD 'JOlll gle1lt, JGUlll" 1b:IfSI_1liI1 'to trea,t:

, .... ,.. .. - ;,,- ,&- " , 'I-'kl'" '-I' '. , -, ,: : hi' - I' ,.,' t- " ~, n~'l;w'Orn.IIIiiI"gl ' I '. e ,I , w,as, a, IIJJI.l1Irg,r, Ig,e.::

The ~r~'ck ~ 'tto ~,et YOli]]' b:r.aum t-.o, see ~:Ii.'e' new lTl.]J!l![eci,al ']",'Oililf'C: ]ea[[1i]IL'TI~':U Re~]y ¥1I11]Jpm:talf]jt. Criul.ciall. to YO'!1l!!l." welill,,:m.e~lITi~ AB ilTl.]p-onS:[ij:~ as a '[U~"I.:

O~~]eiF'W"i~e; )rot.~."[e ILCI! fOiL :a 'OOlI]J£~,;:)Jl'ij:r. ha.:~r.]e, wn:it'Hl }'Ottl], b:mn.n d.'o,il~]j~· ]tt£ 'ibf'stt ~]) keep the new ,OI]llJ!ll-.e:~iI,t f[,(1m sti.!:ik~lrijg.

There 's the Ski'i,;y, 'ttedJi:Ool1l!£ ''!.-''ir.lit'Y) OlF the :f2'l.£ttel~~ m]CHI'€ .e:ffe c!!lrve- ''!.~.~ The rJow '~'¥aY' fu!. 'a'ibO'!l1Ltt she elf rep etunQlOi. YOilll!. O!bViOllJlS[Y know '~l~[ilt lU!lll Q::II~ Sible t,a, learn

and remember eve ill! the ,(llil.l!~.'est: 0[' i':Ci;pi~ ilf" y'Cli!1l1. keep p'ot]lLtd:U~:i.ig the same cl1J.[[ilg· ]i1:]ilo )'''Qi111EI:' brain, '~':ii~~.l! ,e:li1oiL1_gh :rq]ie~in]m]'1 'y01Jl" blF;ai:lITI. SSiJSj ~~~niill£ dm:~::m~~~fgd,'1!t. to ~mnj b!l1t he keeps ~.C!Ok.1~]~J a~tt ii:l~,e S8!ll:iI.];B tLi!.][J]g ~'eK :lii.i!:Ld ()~i ,8!!L1i.d mM'r} so I Sill!PiPOSe: ii~ must be."

'[~~ i1' '"'..!I ,:f •. .:'-' 'i[._.' ,. • ~'il~ ..!I:,1i:I!"

. ~l!e :~;:)Js~el· wa:y rs mo, 1lJI.Cio a;u.')J,r"rI,mg'Ji;.al' D~~ses Q.'I~llU ~ii!iVIJi,ry, ,eg]lec~;,u!J.y llJIJ1Ii:u.'el'e:li'1!~

:wp,t'll.of b!l:'Zt~n ,:aGtUviuy. TfuJJE: d~]ngs on lhe- previous ,pa~€-.ruJ.fEi :a "big :p,m:.of ~'ij,e so] liI!tcrn:JJj

,a,1Ji.i.d mey!:re all rtl[L~s that have beenproee I]] to ,~:]d:p YO'!11[, b~,ii1!~:1i1 wo:r;k ]~]j yom.~ fa'ro]". 'Foil" ,exa:lllf]jp'k,~ S~:iU.d:~es s~]jow ,tthatt ,puttt][[ij:g' wm~~ uiitAin the ,picrr!l]iL"es' ~1l!ey d,esc~ihe (as IDIPP esed 10 samewffii .. ere else in rl1:1e iP~'f:, ] like a ea!'ptto![JJ '0']' L1I1! the hadly t,exJt) causes yomiF. b:r.;:)J~ll]J to' '~!ry t".O !tnnes sense ,of lliO'w the '~'4'O'[,'C~S and piaLJ1][ie' lre~,a!fre~ and itliIl.1s causes l1TIO[,8 ]ijE!ll![OilJr5 to :1lii!I:"e. I\ok!o:IJ'E neurons :~rh~' = :rn.o:lfI6. Chal]CeS fo[" you]' bl"ailITi, t:o, g;.r that ~' is smuetfui1Ji.ig w.\on~li. payi~' ,l1!!ttell1'~:ic!O:~1i. tOj ,aLlITI,d pm'!lSlJbiy :r:e\OO'lrdi~]g:.

Ii cm:il,ve:rsat]ll:m~, st~]e helps 'ibeCiiI!.iJ..ilSe people retrij.'d to pay more ,rul1j::e:IIl'~~.on 'wll-te:iIl! ~~]je}f

perceise t1 rut ~hey'jl"e' in a. CCi['TI,vet.r'S2LfJ.~on ... since dm:ey'r'e expe eted 00, :f.oUO''1t{ :aJJ..Q'~' and :lrucai~1ll1 '!1]P thei![" ead, The ,rM1f[Ja.:;;i1Ji.ig '~~]j<iF.%1 ~3~ yOl1l!!I:" bt,ii1!ilUl dOe.£lli1,'~'~ ~'ij.'e,oes3a~y ta:~~ dilzt'~ rtliIl.'e 0i,aQ'111Il;!,e:r!ru~wn'~1 i.s b e'ttvlI'ee!l:i.i. ')'0'11] ail:iI.'dl a boo!ld Om '~b.e' ,00ttheF ha!l.l:d.~ if' ~:l€ 'WIi'ltL~' ,~;ily]e ~B fm~lI1rij,:l[ and ,dlry; Y'OUl:r bl"aiL'iL pEl1~eiv'e£ ~t d'l.e same way 'j.'OU experieace be.][iI~·led:)j,][·ed to 'w:~,~.'e s~tniIJJ~' m a ]"0 0 m:il.l! f'IJI]. o:f ~lI~ivle gj:I!IDe udees, No, need to shay awake.

But pieturesaad C01rij,'I,J'81"S~l.'tcim'TI,8& ~t:y]e :acre just '!tl1Je 1h~]il!llil][ijg •••

H ... ,)' .. 1II··~h· f' 'wr d' ·;d~1 ere, S n]"a, .' 5, 1 ..

''\!Ve used pWtu,:res~ !beca11llse YOill'" bl:j1lm is 'frl1l!in.ed ifOI' viru~ not 1texft. All fru-~,!1ILS y'O'ill' br,ain'~s coueemed, a ]1IDiure [oedly ;.; ''WOrth a, thousand words. And! w.hen '~ex~ and pictures '",",,'luck 'oogettheVj we 'en1ibeddledl. 'rrhe 'n,e~ M' 'me pctwr:es because Y'CFI!.lIif br3!mJl1l ~im:b 'more ,e:ff"ectively when t~e ttiextt is ,wit.&m: the thiLliIi' t~e ttiexit '[I$e'!l':S OOj as opposed to in:at ,eatpbmil. Oil buried in !!:fue, tex~ somewhere.

'We' used r.eduiru:l'a.u:~" S8.\}ri[Ti~' the: same iI:1ning in ,Jjf~ellJ ''!IVa']'S and '~r]d~ different media '~es.j and 1},?,ulf,ipi'e '~j t,o incre~e the chance dLat 'llie: comte:iIJ!tt: ~ert:s coded ]!IJ!OO more tliJ.:allii, one area of yow: br.wm,.

'We 11llSedi concepts a!L1Jd. P[C'itUfIm,s in 'Kui£'~dtJ,:d: ''!Nay~ because your b~n is W!L1Jed. for n£lve&l!y~ and. we used :pidiUlFeS- and ideas w,ith at leaS'~ 5~ eJlI',wtioHlI!d Cffnt&n~ because ym.l![' bmin

is 'rnned to. ,pay' a!.'!tt€ nticn to the biodl,e:misil:ll.j{ of ;flno'nio[[S. Th8ilt '\'V1rich causes 'yom: '~o,fiii srn1'l;edil:UiOig E rnore [ik,e']y to ihe remembered, even if d]a~ lfee]illJi~' is noithj~]jg' MOre 1!:bi2lJII! a ]it~e h'J'ln,wiF'::. su:.~j 0.[' ·gtt'e"r:tfst.

'We used a. 'lPe'liSmm~~ized~ conve~ti!o:II"a" ,sf,ple:j because 'YOUI' 'b~, is 'm!J]Jed tn pay more at~,e:!J]jtiOllJi, when irr !believes you.:~'[le' in ,11Ii. ,oo]1vler~rrioo]lI. ttl,8.t[lI, if ,]iI:-~hum 'YOUl.'iI.'if' passnrdy ,1i~;IDe:I!lI~' t"CIl :!1IL p're..!!.eEllmltlo[b, Y01lJl[, b~ru does tIo]S even wh,e:IJJ ym1I,'-re 'reading.

'We iml.!::fudedl more '~hl.illili :SO ,a;c;t.iv~~ies j beCBIJ!Jl3e' ym]El" bml!!DI is rbtmJ,ed '~O ,l.i::,tllI'n ,8)[J]d remember more '~li,em you • ,th~ il:fu8!][ when ymli :read aJbou~ Ibb]~ J\ndl WIe made the 'exercises' cl'iia]le]]j~i1:1i.g"'YEt-d!i:J:..~]lRej 'beCiiiliJl£e' ilftli2l.'tt~£ vihtar~ most people [pFefe.!r.

We' used r:l11,l,'lhpl:e ,l~ar"\n',w sryles~ Ib frcaJilASe_JW ]1JiJ.~t. pl'efel" step:~by~ite!p procedures, .\~.riJj€' someone else W,IDil.'i!£ W undeestand the big p.icrure ffiirst; and! SlO:tiIJiifOEi,e: else just wants m see

a;II! '~mple,. Bm re~es£ ,of 'ymU' OWIIJi ]e;n]'ru~' :p~e§Em:l:noec:; ~~''! ibeTIleflirtE fiLoOlJli( se:e~' '~~1e' Sf1I!.!J:ue' CO[J](e]][ represented ,m ml1!.J!hi:pJl,e' wars.

'We' m.'rnlid.e' !OOiLli[e'll1I.l fo[' Loth ,sides OI.YOIlnT b,ra'i,JE~ because the more of y011J!!r bll.'am you !f']'!lP.fElj the 'more :~Ik,e1y 'YOU aee '[0 ,lecar.rn. Oil!lJid 'remeiliiJibe:r.~ and the ]o~'e.1l" yCi'1iJ! C:mJ!Ji sbLy fOe1iJ!sedi. Sm.'o8' '\'VO:r.k.iIll~ one side of thee brain o(rem, means gi'V'ilt;g the: otJo.'ell" side a cn];8.~i1.ce to JfeS~ 'yml! can 'be m.ore poodluc.tive ,8!~ le,8!]" [ljing flDr a ki'lI1g€l' period of '[)!!l:'De.

And 'We iind111rled slcwMs and exercises fdlia:~ p:rese[Tj,'~ :t:1'l0ftl! I,:'kalJ't OHe po'i'rd aJ r;ri'ew)

!b eeause yo,LIT bmm. i£ 'itLlIil:ll!ed ito ]e:a.rn rnore deejpiy W~lie]iJ, ilfs forned, to ,male' e'V~l!:ajtiG!L1JS and ji1ITd~;e[Jjts.

'We' ,memde,!1 e.ha,lle.1~ges~ with ex.e['-cises~ and 'by askrng ques,tu;n'lS ,tt~l!:,jj:tt d.o:mJ.~'rr ,d,'WaY£ ~]2I.1!!,e

a, strnuJgh'~ a!L1J5\'Vel'j because ym'Iiif 1I::n;-a]n is rumed '~IO l,e,8l]'[JJ and reruemher when iii: has '~O WiJlrt. at ·!llg. Thimk ,allIDlll'~ ,i1-y'o<u Cillltrr ,~e~ ymll 6tJefy ]!D smpe just by W{I&;g,p~op]e: at tl~.'e ~l. BUlt we did. O1!Jil" best to mak'.e- rnre 'ili[ft}t "Wh,en YOUl.:~[\e w'orki[Ti;g' hard} iis on the ~t '~bm~. T~]a;rr,j!ou:;.'!:t:e "wt ,o:n:e ~tra d'eHdnt~ .Ip':rocesmJ~ug iii, 1!uud~,tO-il.mclerBrr:R.lflrl ,exrur.n~~.ej 01' Pa:r:s][J]1 difiiicll.1ilt ... j~iIJ!-nade [Jj~ 0[' ,overly terse t,e:rt.

'We used plWple. III S~OiI.ies, 'B~~'[,es, ]l~.'c~n~ etc. ... because, 'W'eUj because )'Ou-n ,a 'perso['!l. And you[' Ih:r,a][Jj p:mys mO[1e' atfue'[lJnOlll to J}efj/}k than JJt dOe£ to tn~.

j'hc: ,-lriUm i!W ~ ... tctttbT·

U~e {nifO

'He:re,Js 'wlha't YO'U' e,, do to bet1d y'our bra,~tt i:t1t1o ,sU'blft~'SSlOI",

80- we ,dld mUll' :partt. The nstt E up' to 'fOUl, Th .. ese 'lips ,are '& sta['t.mJITj~' :poi1l1l,t~ :~~.s1"e:~, to. YO'!J:Uil" b:r,aiLIJ! ,ID'J.lId f!Lg!Llf~,'e O'!J:~tt what ''1.w!l'b

I .', - .. fm: rO''!1~ alll!d. ''!.'4~].-a!tt do eilHlij,'~'tt. 'Iillf ne.w' -~hnJ:~S,

C\li ihr;:;, O1.I't d",dJ rtlt k ~f.

_~ __ -"",;PI!"-'-" rQ~ ~ ~,",r:5'~~.

S;llow d,ownll The. IliliUJir'e. "Olll und,elrs't~:mdl,. the, :I"e's:s ',-ou Ihavie~ 'tlO' me'l!ii1liO,riizel.

Dorn\ just '/.'g_a'd" Stop- and dl![LIJ!ik.. '\"\ffu:e!lJ! the 'book :02&b YO'I!] a ifp,me.stuon~ d.'o.n'~,~ j-!.I.l!.M Ekip It:O the ,:3!~,ijS~",,!'e:ll;' l~.i.i:l~e '~h2l:tt SOlllf]:·em"i.ifl '['eilly is mrn~' 'tt~Jie '~leS'~ioIrl,. The

lLumFe deep,Fy }f'OilLlf force 'YOiLiIF b~!I.1I. to di]i1l1l~ t1]B better challlCle: you have of [,eM"Wn~' and ]'\elr:t!iI!!~l]Jjberi~J!g.

D:ol tliree, ,e::Kelr'Cise~s:~ ViJlIII'ItIE!!' :YOUIi IOlw,n' nlO't,le!s .. VVe ]:mt: iiliem in bl1l!~]&" we did dl'e:m fo~~ you~ 'fi.fu:;:ut Yit'O'I111W, be .]:[[\re fu~vi![ij~ someoue else dOl ymJlII.' v,rod",'OlJIt5

:[.O'F YO'I.!.] ~,lTld dloilli~tt jrl.!.]S[ YJ-lJik If!:rr tl1il.'e exercises, "US'to a

,P e1'l!!l:(U There's p~e:IITi:~Y of f~"i.fId,e nee that :ph:]""Sk:~l

,aati'Vi~,'ff rcltik le :3!!F:nihl'li~ ,em.,JITI, increase liile :~e2Il'TiLin~

Re:3d 'tib,e! "'1i Iille!fle' 311"'e INh) Ill)lulliil'b Q:U estiiions,!!1 -"nJia;~ means aJ~ IOI t~."J!ell11ij" They're not Op'~~,01Jl;::I![ sidsbars, t.k9'~~ ,pa:r~' oj' ''tJi..e' t!w-e emd:;g'lP;t! DO!llJ'rt s~p them.

'NI.3:~e tl1lli~, t:l1Ile ,l'3s,'1 tlrllilfil'gl yOIlJl n;~\3!d ibe.f'or,e Ibed" o Ii" 3,1; Ile',3is,'[t ·t~e' Ilast Ic;l1Il~d l:eDl1lg'iing 'tlb'iing"

lli[tt 'of tbe ]e2l.1f~,]in~ ~espe ci~..1my tlh.e R"2I.lllS['E:F to :[omg-'~:e[~.IJ]l ~,iI;1f.e~IfIiI.'O>:~'Y) happens ,~rYOiJJll1)l!Jl!t '~h:e 'lbook

d .. C!i'I!lf!D!. 'Ym.:UIr 'b[:HL1~] needs '~IL'Jl!e ,an, its 1jJ'I,-'J!']'!i'j '~7.0 do :miJI~:e 'p~:"!J eeSS[Lri.i.;g. ]f you :Pililt ,mo, so:n'let~~:li~Jjtg n .. ew 'C~1J[il~' 'tt~]Z.t:tt :pmGessllli.i;R '[Jjil.1f~le~ some of wfu:wt ']-U'!111 jiLiIs~: learned '~";,IJ!~~,

'be ['OBt

Ti,all!k, ,adb,o'llJlt it'. [h.!l't, hl,ud.

Speak_'~[I!g' tlcti!"IZl.'tt-e£ ,a diJf{:'Ii'e:Ulrtt ,[plart .of '~h€' lbr:E1.]!I.1I.. If J1'Ou:~["e h1"i1l1lR:' to UlIij,.cIlel:smlildl Si[H'!I.lIBt1~~]fijg; OF ~_'n;c~'ie.-ase ym.lli' dJiaJ)l!ce of il',:emel:'i,llbe:ri[ij~' litt 'LIDtell'~ .sary it 01l.-l!t [O'!ltd. Bett~el.' stiM.~ hy '~O e:~a]i1.1I. ~t oint :~mud, to SI!l:L']!l!eome. else, YOiLl'M_ ~.e-;ail~lITi, Hli.olre '~im;ck~)~ and 1'O'I.1l l'Ii.liigth.i.l iIJIJliLOOWF id.eru. ,]'0'6lf ha,c1~;t k~l[ill,¥,mi. were there wfu:e~,l y.ou we]!le' :[',e~][ljg about it.

". - .. "

IEh':i.li1lk w~tell'~ ILIOlt:S o,f li:tll

YO'LllF brain '~"f,o:r-ks lbeg[ ~]l! a 111l,ice 'badru. of J1f!1lfid,

'n _...iI ' t 11" 'I '-L. L :i."

.elru,),ilJl],,:zI!li.lOll]] \~.j~Jilcfu C~!IJ! happen IlJe~,O'[['e you, ever

tfee&tt~'I!~~:;~;~) decreases cog~Jj~tJ!'Ve :['!1n1citiO]]],

Lii~ste.iIl ,tiim! YQlaJllf'lbI1i:3!iil1"

l~y ,futJte1ll'Elo:ml, to Wihedl:teil." ymnf' blt.airni, E ,~'€tti!Lll.g' ,ove1r'l,00l!dledl. if 'jl'OU fi.l.'l!'td! 'f,o"I1'llL".~.d[ star:tl!l:i.i,g 00, £kiuii .. the surface OF fl[l,:rge~ wl~if:i.t ']U!11 jUS[ lfeai1l ifs '!t[n:!tu:' fmr .a fun~~:l. O:noe- you ~'O ]J!2I..Sti: 'a, oe][~8!.'h~ peint, 'jro'11lI wO!l'l:~rr learn :IF.rts~e1r by ,tt[)~i.t~ t{:!1 shove ~JJlOl'e i~],~ and )1'iDU ~lI:lI~hl e'i,reirii: ~Uill~tt tIlii,lE; ~:UfOceS£.

YOIIJD,- bll:"ElUlLll needs 'IDa; kLr:I!O'W that tbiis mtlltt£~3'> Geil: i~.'[vo~v'e d wut~, the srro:ries. Make '!!.][P yom[' OW[I! captio~s fm' dl'le ,pllJiotOB.. GrGiaml:h[ii~ over ,8b bad j tllb~ IS still be~t.el" tl1,M'l~J1, Ee e':~illJJ!! [l!otfu.'lJ~]g ,a~ a]t

'S et ',01 I.!II iI" ha:n,ds; dii'rt,~

T~l!e:re~s 'Dml~Y O!D!1f" '\-¥ay to learn ILD net'woli1.: get Yo,'!11m: ~Jia[l!d"S dirt,}{_, Aml .. d thrues what 'ymli'n: go~.1r:1!g' tn d .. e 'tt~,liroUl,~hoiLiIt '~~m 'booik.. N errv{odu~,l!,~' is ,81 dci~n, ,8!:L'i.i.,d

the OilJ![Y W-B£Y tn get good ar ~t ]s to :pl'a.ctioe. Wllr8' ~'O]iIl!~ Ito, gU.'i,r,e }ro'Ul, a :~oij: .of :pr:a"c:ttU.c"': 'e'i.fel1f chapter has exercises 'rrhart pose. a ~Jro[b1enij, fm' you to solve, DO:JlJtrr jWiI: slip over t~] .. e:m,-:zI! ]O'~ of tl~e :~eru"[Ij.][I!~ happens '\¥J:wen vou :;Ol:~ the- exereises, '\Jiffe' m:lITi.,dud.'e i1 a SO:~i!,11tiOl~JJ


'IDo each ,uerdBe---.dim],'t 'be ,8!fmld tto' [Jee'k :a:~: ~,e

sO:~Ul.t-]O!D! if }rou g;e'tt srulcJkJI (ffs !e,I:'hSY '~O ~e~ s[[~a~'g-e61, on wm.e,ttfuu:Iiii~' £]:'iJ.1Jil!ll,,) B'![urr. try to solve the plfo!hlle:m before veu 'kiolk i:];tt ~]"e so,FI!.l!no'n. AlJij,d d:e:nJitlj]telv.viErtt :~~

J .6 ~

''ic'\!Or'~~' before you mllJ'!le O:F!i, to the ne:xrr part of the


1'h.iill is ,8! £e:R1f'~J!][JJ~' experience I10tt ,81 ref'eRlITi.oe- h[J;[IJk. \~{B d.e]~b er.8!rtely ::rtrip:ped 011](~ ,evel"ythwlIg Il-~,ai~ l'lil.~rt get [ffi). d1,e ·' of :~e:a.!rlrij.][1j~ wlllat'Ev,e:r is we're ''lc'VO'I~kin~' O[JJ at ·tthal [point l!l.iJ: the hook, }u.'iid tl~)e fillr:st 'tt~.~]E t1u"{)ugh,~ JOl!Jl 'lD!eed t.o '!beg!:unr .rut '~fue 'b-e~imITi][lI~ h8<C8!JIJlBE: 'tthe hi!J;oll[ makes a£Si!JllI:ll'iiJ~·tticEIliiS ab @lH w:~8Jjt 'YO'!1lve alb.l'Ea.dly seem alilld le 8!!i.LIii:e&

,\V.liil~,e· ~:r'~s imp orta!L1I.'tt ro ,c]!,lE.artt,e we1i~.~d!esigIl!ed ~l!e~0l!'4 ibefo['.!E: Y'OUI. cal!l!j 'r'om need to understand the ·b8!S~.'C: '!Ilo:~rpmilJen~8 and "1Zl0'1l10epts ,of neb~lo:r'hl~.ii~ So ''i,-Y€ b~][L '~r m,a'i,"]!Lli~' ']"OU phry&tcailllly ktYOll.;U[ sin:i[i1]l~e net.'!,-J"orb ,an,dl Y.!ort. '~~~h !lliet.wo'r~ cables. The IJij a bJi~ la:re[' ] [ii, the hook, 1Jij,i\e S~!.i.'i:i'W" 'you ~'Cio{il ~le\~Ci'rk dE"sigfii .. pD·c:~ices. Ity thei1C1i }1"Oul'l] ]],a~ a solidi g.ra£p of rln.'e!

b • e ~ • d £! -'~:Ml1 dJ - W .~]-.

, I' '," - I' • I"" I 'i I I· I'· I··· I· . 'I 'I.or I I I '..'. ' .. ,. I· . I· I ' -'.. - ~ (. ' .. = I·

I;;tSUC l!~] .Oll.']I1iI.atmlfl! an . C8!.'UiI. OCil1!£ on tt lie . .'i. 8!.'t1!.oe :a£]l!eC'!i:£ 0:. me iJ:lwIO!L C es:~.UiI .•

'We don't' COVielll' e,velI1'Y' iliillelw'ollikii:ng 'Ie c!l11I,ncdfog y' on the IpI:lalliil eit~,

'WJru,[[e ''!.'\'£L GO!l]W, have Pll:utt evel~r sii:LIlr~'le :1lii.,elt~¥Ol4ri!Df~· t~dil:llii,o:~ogy:un d1i.~ book, we d:L'O'l1liS!l'fu:tt Y01.!l.:~d pEeK'S}'" to l.a:ve: .8! Fe.8!sona:'Ib:~y ]~rta'b[e, book d1!st~: would ·!te-.&ell }U!l.:U -the neiJ:.\!!;lol1ci!DJ~ 'ted].l1lO:~og]es tlrmt w.ill get ·t'Ol1l! up and !I.lL]i1:1i.lIl[lIii~ VVe .,gl'i.e'e YO'Ll the ones you need to kmi.'Oi'l\i'.; dTi.'iE' Ol'IiES

~-!'![iu'~1[ 1lJ1Se '96 percent of t1].'e" thr:Ji1i.e. ~~.~l!d ·\"!!h,en you . ..'<!!.',e done wirh Itfu:us ib ook, YOlil[~ the co!n:fidiem:::e to ~'O research t-hat ho t r['ew '~'e cl,!l' Ei.1l1!1 ]ir!l.l.p['e:Jfnelllt en ya!lJr1f lk~.dal·s.s !Ll!et'!¥o:r'k

'We ilnrt'entiiiollfUlJlllly' Clover thi!ngs dUm:lI',ent:I, ft1!an tilJ1 e onlthe:r' netwolrlldng b oaks QUit 'lhe:l1'e~J

l'~:-tII3~ 1J.J1S. 'We"ve Ire-,aid: ,ru let oK' ~le~Q,](kiJm.iig books, '~'Ve deoidedl IDo' ''''~r.~t:e :81 'boo.k ,th<!l.t OlLU' 8t!111d.e:ul!!ill oomM use -8!. praetieal [book thu,rtt d]d:lIle·~: s!taIil:: 0111t w;:d~ ItJi"e OSI ]~yeE' ~,1I1! 'We

~]ke it 'w1ffi;ell1 .0'111[' g~l1]delllil!S slt3:'.yaw.ake iLIJ! class, 'VVe' also OOI!leL' ~t'!1lill]' we oO·l1lill(ibru.·~·tt fillIld ]~lJ ,othielf Iboo'~ ali~. ~m~UiDtu:r8!~. ~t!111{]' ~h:a.~ ke'e:ps you]"' caQb]e£ [!i.e art: a!llJd mut of .si!.~f]~; how ,g~aL.; .§!st iflr:i.oo-dedl liiiJto 'billl!aJ'']r~ :l~;e'.X., and ,ascii; .8!JITi!d l~!o,w :readlil!l!g fuk~lep[-ints C:§lll! fu:e1!p r'om ]ruy out ymn:L'lL,e'ittwdl

T~].e exercises and Z1! :al'l!l ]J];O'~ add~CHi]&l_; '~fuey'm ]pan: of rtlli"e core OO]iJ!~,ell.iit af the book Same of '~fueil:1Ji ,fun '~o ~ll"e-]p wl,th 11!'.ilfi:llno.l."J; some ,iihl!.'e :f,c.,:r ln~,ij!derS~'H!il:ii,di'Uil.;g:~ a~:ii"dl same wiU" llie:~!P' you ,ap:p:~y 'wThi,ail: y,ail!:~'ve leamed, Dbu'iI!' skip tl"eJ ,e'A"e;'I--e.ils:es. 1.liiJE c!:oss'l,vm~, ru.?;.de~ are H~,e em.:]}' 'tthi.1I1!iS' ya!!:u ,dlo~]/t /z-e.w to do, bur 'tt~J!e'J'~l"e ~,i]iO c] fo[' gi'!l~:fii.g ]"O11l![" b:r.a~ll'11 a d:ii;8!nce '~O fl_]~.l.k abeut the '~'!;,1"(lI[ds and '~ernili5 ym;l!'ve been, :~ea['iI:!Li~Jig liD!. a ,diJtTe[''~ context,

T~liIfe redundalnc,y 1:5, i l1i1teilliltiQ'lI1lal aDd i1Ii11iP'ortant:.

One dlm3ttmnc:~: d]ae ['\)2 nee i~1 a Headl HFst book is rthrut we Wi1ilIli[ ,rou to ,~'gd~ g-et ~t. Ami ''J,¥e W,aJ~JI:~ 'you "tt,o. ~llli,ijd]j the book IDellN.,e:nCl!ib€1ri[lJg' WTh.l8!!t ';to'[~~ve :~ero"Pied_. MC-Bt ]!\e:fe:L"el'iB~!:! b 0 aD don ~,tt hUiIi:v,e rete lfiitlOlITl. and reeall H .at ~oru i but 'k~ll:u£ fu e cit ~.s aheur 19a,~'I1ia·'~.gj £0' '~'"O!Ll!l]~, ~e'~' some of the same CGIIJi.'cepl!:.S carne lllltp llIiim"!e' i~],a!!L'ii. O~:lJCe_.

T,1o. - bO",i!!i'k .... lft~;e'...J!'.. And h~ Ii"~

:IHlrll:=' .",'. ' .. ~ ... UrUII;;'al'. ~ [~ " _ ~1 J I~~I

'''!jIVe :~ov,e it, wll:Le~:ii, '~-u!1] can fim::ll ,finn and useful extra sl!!1l1i1f on book D01flll!lP~:i.lIlJ~,'O]l, sires, Y,o;!ll~] -find 'E:XJtn ~!r!J.:l!ff ID:~, ~.ii.,e'!J.1W.oiki~' ,8!!t: [he f.oHO"!.....1:ng h!j,ro '!11Jr]s:

http d ll~~ ble actf'u:s;da,bsi,cmn/b~~:l[slhf:n1l!.'M'1

http d l~~bfnehli!orL:mg:,cmn

For some of. 'tifue[il], th,e:re is !D:(!I I'ligfu-~: ,i1I!!I:1iS\Wl"j ,a:mH:~ fOIL Mfuern_, part 0:[ the ki~fiI!nll!il!iig experie uce '0':[ the :Blf;1[~:IITi, POi~'l,i\e1!' clI!c[jJ,vl![[,es is fm~ 1j.nDU '~1[lI decide if. and 'whelm 'yUJ1u' answers atm :L~,,:~:tt. ll!1 some or the B'oiWel:' exe ['~es, 'YO!!.l! w~iU :Fi~]Jd, h]!Il~"s to point you [UTi. t]~ e

" 'Ik ...!I' "

F:'l~',Uli:~ U1:U["6Ctt~Oil!ii..

you are here •


me review lea.m M:Oor.e .liL8!S ten yeu£ of e.xpefi,e!l.1!ce as i:1I: m,e'h!({)[~l '~,ecln.[[]!iea4 oOilJ!mbtnil: 3!Jil.d cOR'~mcro,]". He O'W!Il!S Fbr.eruruH~:[" Desi~j a 'Welb demi~ Bind deve[opmernt business FoC8!ted ,m 'Wem.atchee ',"Iiru3hl~[1I.

Tt,jju, Ob!l&to teaches compa~e']" e~eeriilJ!~' OO!Jjd pbysks at SaJisb. Keotenai Collle,_ge .and is on 'me science '~'8'am fDr the ,Nl\JS,A '~rs Sden,ce ,Labo:~tory' oosmQ[JJ. He >f:[]jjoy£ diiilJg' and horseb~cl, ridi[JJ~' 'WJ1,dn. bi£ family in iIi,e' m,m:m~ruilJ!s o.f western :Mo!D!m!lJ!OlI..

:Ro:b.n. 'W~O d ]ive'£ :8!Jld wmb ,m. '~fOil]_t8!~, ITy~ to hri!l'ii.g ~,~h per{orma[[]!ce ,oo>mp1!.]JriilJ!~' to 'me oM 'West Pi 6..1[[ time ernplojee ,of die U [Jlhr,etslty of :Mo[WmnaL, and ballf=time empl,ayee of the 'Univernirty Qf 'WasruiJi~~ml, 11'8 makes ]Us ,livi[]J~'

,_.irn." rL· 'UN' .' IX' il. _, jI . __ . ..-JI__ .-:~ Co L· il.. _. • ... 11.. B" 'M' . . rL • _.;11. __ ,_,,' ...:I, - __ 11~

;rn]: 1f]M!. :" - c1Jlops ana ''I,-~ rema~eHy '[["1o,m ,![]Ji£ ,mJ~' m meltte-'l'r-iOo1!: .. o]J;l!lI:lt8i~ ''!NlI'~1DI a Vl€'W tJ.-'i::JW'!IJi ITIrtt,o 01'8' 'v.1IJI!L€'Y a

EelW miles from TraiVders ReSE where:I...e-wE and! C]8iJ\k lam m!,e!l"'witA Cor--p£ of :Disool!lery ~o ,h1l.l!!IJ!,dred 'yem'S ~o. An ]_,8 y~:a![, 11l!£e~ of LmW{ and &, veteran of R1i232 GandJaEf ,Box,e:I~ 11il.irnNE1; and Tolk:e][ Ri~~ Rohn alPp~~[IDeS i'he need fQo]"' ,[eanIl'mg 'frhe hard. way ,8Jn·dj RTFIM.

Thanks to eur ,edli'~~':r) Pwet~ 1{cI.augh.l]n~ who dove in:~o t!hE proie\c~, 'wi1Le-ll he had. a massive ]o~dl of Qt~e:ir '!:hings to, ,(1]0. Brett he[ped 1lE by

, ' . ..:iI e., ~. .:H ... ,' ....!I!._jj , _j

:lpliI.'tbrug our rceas on, m.i.1U!~ 'ope[1I:li.n~' CUI' ~ to iLl!J!~S we wLli!l:1 II: Sif\e~ allJiu.

pu.shl]l1g'w '~O produce t!h"e best book 'Wle :lPm3~ilbly oo:uJd B['fel~~j ym] are a j~e~,naiWI: of ]lrodl~roo[lj!, ,Rran WOl..l[d eSpeclalily ]ike to mention tb.!.d hE sessions WJ!~h :BreIJI: aad J\] :kept ,him ~omg drnr1IDJ~' a di&frcljJk ]iff:e' iII"mJJSJJnOon. Thanks, ~uy£~

The O'lleill-v, Tea:m. Thanks to 'D,ar,W]ii Grill:tthS [OF [}j.'e. e'xodle]i.l.'~ and m~C8J[ '\-wrk she did to s'hape this b-oD,k IllP ;.iiJ:1J(~, mde it look, be~uMul

Thanks '~oO Cail1werin,e NoliaTIi fo[' ta&.iIDJg a chance 'O[Jj '~O ~~i]i'er.s:~J; fOOl!11! IMo,]['tat['i.i;a.

Thanks toO L.l.u[.re Petrycli fO'1: ~,l3![[],b]~ on m ,8J]ild wekom~ us' to :B05~O[1j and O'-,&'ilty :M:edm, ~ ,if we ''!.¥eife ]olDi~:,,'kisit: fmni~:~

Thanks also to. the Head F'mst :folks we 'met :m Bost:on, gspe,cidry mJlir bmlhern and sis~,ers--,m'''io11:r-[[1J.s:

David, G:rill'iJJths) D:m.\Wl G,ritli~ LylJiR Be~flJJle}) OMY CoU,ett ,a[!1,d Leuise ,B~ Thanles to Kl~rrei1JJ S.h,mnel'~ Hcitit:aJ!ri.i.¥ '8m.ith~ and C~tri.1Di hkCu1lou~iL,

'We willll ]]eveir j['O~'er the d8l¥ 'we disoO'll,fred me Heed 'F]!fS~ series :at '~e fu(]lob~ore'. Thanks to Ka~ 8i.e:rnil and :Bert E:~~,esfofr tigfurtt~, lL~p the neumns Oof ~e,b ,everywheftl~

TbJaiJib to Tim O:~R.e~ly fo[' his vision in crea~~ the be.s'~ ~€ie'k press ,ev,eT~

Al'-s ,bietuls ,dl'Jd' ,lW:WI:~~'

'WdhQl1lft E-mill% DiLy' Mf~ I would halVe ]]jO:~ been ;abi'e to wcit,e this book, Shce rook care 'm blllJsilleSS while I ,hrWiikered d.oWF.i iill the' ,dleiJJ all' 10000n~ weekends and. eveO][1JjgS. I k~ve ym] hOille.y~' 'Wliliout EJlla :and Amnn'".s 'PGL'~ence 'Mtb, their-dad, this wo,1lll1ld ,b~, been a much ~Jja1:['de[' pmject t{J. :a.oCOITil.p]is~],. I]ove: 'Y,a'lLlJ ~ys tooJI Fmatlf,~ ]]iJ,Y frutJhfu! dOl' CC;:, abe' ~ ;a!£ 'Wil~h me ][lJ the de[lj, slee])~ Oof' oQoU["8e.

R;vau's. ,Fri.~',uis tiuul' &h;a:;;~,.~

Thank yot] '~'a' my dalLl!gJde:~JOse:fi.nlli> a!1'1Jd mif SOJiL, 'VmoeLU.'Oj 'wilD> ]ov:e ha,ob ~ m,l1trn jU I d,o. Thanks

'~O Il'ifi)' sweell;i.e~ 8hO[ii1iJ.a g,:lim&} who 'hdieved ]iI:li, me, jl11,n~~ wfu.'eilJ! I was afum.l!t 'lDo :give lL]]l Oon rthis hODk. Thanks also '~G lmy :Mom and :Po:!ps, m,y bm:th.'eirJ;e~ ,my,oi.'e.oes aIDre and Qlllirn...T.iJj 'Dr. Trn.ceeJUnlsOi.1., ~illifiJi Hooks, 'nr:: GilLlISewi OllleJj[Oo~ cW"~s C[ad01:ih,~ G~ .. tJa[DS, Henrietta Goodlma[1j~ IDlJd Dr. ,P.1i.ul Haosen twitl,mlf~ whom I ,nevce'r '!NOwd hruve !'Otte.Ji.l moo '~,emDJol'QID' in th,e frr.M p[8!,oo). Ii lul1~e thanks t'0' ,my ~alllf~bJO'il"~ Ai,:. about ,wh_'iMiI:l, :iPeCip]e ofrteJiL ask, ~~h tlha'~ YOill:' brottiij£I'?'-'- In m.aJ1I.'Y W,B"YSj he is.

..4, S'pea'td Tlltm:k Ynu fran',', Al and'RYaJJ:

Thanks toO iIJlIl.'B' :rr sruden'i!:.s alf' S..afu,h Kcot€'!IJ!alI C001ille~e} widiom whom '""'IE: wowd. IDJe-'!Ie'1: ,have' bee-n ,msp].red '~O write '[his 11:umk in the frn[ p]:.iLoe.

you are t"J.ere to

"V\flUH1i. 'you see a S afa:r:L® [con. en the (love]£' of 1fOlUII' :fa:vm.;~te' t:eC1ml']JO:~O~y '!IDoak. '~ha:t ~.ilJJif:rU]]~ t[~"e book is ,&vrubJb1f; O[b~][ite ~"~,u"IDugh d~.'·J> ,O~R.:eii~y NetwoIDk S;;lLfalJJ. :UoobheU.

SUIili~.i o:ffe1f'£ ,fill. roh!:tI~:~.o:IIii. tllru:1!is better d]aJ] e-books, li'fs ,ru yiJr!t![~aJ. ilj~!I;'.a]'y 'tli]at lers '.)'O'l!l eas~~y search theussnds of top ted], bookE~ C11l!~ and paste {lOidie samples, dm~lJdO;E{d ch.Laptern

, ... il 1::" '·11 ' ri,_L " .. "', ,.-,} . ". I I I' ...!I ,'th " ~ .. ', . " I'" ," 1'1 ,. ' .. ,. :' ,r;.. ., ,.,~ I',' ~II"' r: 'r • ~_

,aLnc~ mil(~ qIJ11~.tlt);. a!lJiS\W!I: is W~l!e!l:i.i. YO-!11 .LllJeellJl. ane ,mos!J. aQC!1l1!1:1'1!:L·.ej C!1U[ l"IlHih iLlll!~'Onna~.IlO~].. _u. I.} ,!h.

,Il\·'·,rr.;· : .. ;,1....", .......... ·,·1·/·:' "i'_' 'I·f· ,·~b·,···; ·k··', ""1' ,co '.' '-:;"" ,·,t'·l:=,·r', "~ll'-r

,u'O] ILFSe: all ,E,!!.1G L.J.? '.. . m.1' ,. 8<8].. a,r _ . OQ, , s' on. ,In.~., Gom; .. par ,a, . CL. e 1.. , ,Yi •

f Mng physical netW9rks


. ~

.. ··IresT

J ust pil ug in that. ,caJblle and the 111 elworlk,'s up, rig ht.? INe<wmt cabRes sil,elITllHy Idio lltle;jr iob." ~llsh tng OUT datal '[mrin 'ltlelFe. to ·~tru3re', ~slter ·tnlflJrn we 'C:!r1i1J bli:rnlk_ lEliul: what halppens when n: :;u goes ·wrong.? OrgaifllnzalinTils rety O:li1i tHl'ear l1Ietwo~Si so m ll:J:cn,

thi!llt 111e .b.Msiirness flajUs api!iIJrt When the ne:~[~. 1Jails_ lhar~s· w,ihry' kJilowing InttOW' to 'fjx phySr:ca~ [l:eMorks is so important Kee,p reading, we'~11 show' yOUJ ho'ill" ro~1mub~e'Stmrn: '){Our networks 'willi ease and fix, p·lhry.sical problems_ Youill soon be in ~Ul~11 conVrO:~ of your nelwm;k~·_

There's ][0 bet~,e·]" walY to ibta1!.f,eJ. betll.-w!B][ :isi8!!lii.,dl£ than by seapbme.} and Goco:ml.l!J!~ Ainv,a;ys has '3![11 ,e[)JtiiB8 'Itl,e'€t They aJlfeT seenie tours, excursions and a h8!liLdly sJifLlIt~e' .!! 'lbemre,eo 'ithe is]2IJ];i1s. Their serviee is PFOVJJ[]]g IPo.PWU 'wiriiiJ. '~mll~ts and loc:mJs od,ile:.

Dema[JJd fo,r ~ht!!. .is sk'Y'-h~bj bu[ c.oco]1J.lLlIrr Ainvar,ys has :a pmhlelilJr'wheneve!l" staff hi' to use lhe m~1ft iIDokilllg sys~m~ th.'~y~1re poo£efllfued '~~:~,;8!, netw'O:rk: ,eIT'01l" m·Bssq'e:

An 1l!I1jjI~~b~ 1l1I1B~If(I@rk"enrtJr hss ~[Il,[IIi1t'E:dI; app.fiC~~i@~ i~ ~orl:ed ~

t~ termmte"


Cocm1L1!l!~' Ailrw.8J¥S depends O[JJ 'rrhe]1l" ffi~t boo1~' 5YS~'en1!. Wlfuo1!l![ i~,~ ]lasseiIJi~if'[,S calli: book. seats, and lies hri[JJ~ng "~eir 'llighb '~O 2L st.m;ds~D.U. 'Wbfs mo[>e} 'l!lO IP'oiI..£ means no 'mo:nff~

CoconuJt Aiinv:ay,s, needs, ID get tiheiir netwur:k, u'P ,and r'UJnn~ngl aga~n", and USil:.1J TllIlin:k you ,can h,el:p tihem out,'?

2.[ Chapmr 1

Here's 'lhe ''1!iiirnngr c~osel 'for' GQOOI'1I~f. AijNays_ Vli'ha!l sort of prnlb~elillls ,d~ you seel? Cume eam OIflS'_

you are t.le:r<e" . a

«. .',

Heine's 'Ilhe ~uirilng ,do!!Jet 'hJu GornnJut. kin~a.V:5., V'Jlhai~: s.-ou~ o~ pro'p~emru5 do }NJU ~ee'? Girde. each ~m:e~.

C",~lk "f'Wr ~(III!lf.I!t:t~s ,a,:tJ.d ,'~:-:::C r*v t>!~\lI'dt-'I'1" y~, ~'!/tll"' ~ w'hl::ln dl ~lOcfL1!!t:t.k

wi I'll yofi' ~,p!~~~ Ily w'~

"'fA' M\",~' ,d.dfh?;.I~~ ~;~ Il~,

fl[... , LIr.' ,1[".:·' " , '" 'f' " , ,,hIU" 11 .... "" 1,.11 ,'.', '~,~ ,'I'd' :, U'£ III DO ,,01 !J S,Y8,1, e~ ~,el.'n'OI,rlL IOIJul, U'J. uOS,' 'I.

It :~ooks :~ijbe g{, break ~:ml. tilli"e ffi~fH b 0 o1k[m1~' network eable :~s g]v:Ull~' tlru:6.

Go CO:m1.'!ll!t. A.~~li"'!l!i,mry3 s~"Z{1fH' ~liifitwOrll: en:01''3. If ''It • te CIiI![i1 f!lX rtThi.'e E1.'et~w[k cable, d~,IiI!t: should ~et: rid of the Iflf.i!e~eSj and COCO:LTi.I.iJ.:l1! A~!I."'i.¥'ru.ys w~ll he' a."lWe '~'O boek passengers 0·1'1i. Ill)€: ir :flfigh:fu3 ,ag,al!I:L.

So' lliow ,(~C! ',IFOU 1~:1ijjiD!ik we .&hQm~,d ~x 'rrhe nehvo\lT'.k_ ,c8IJbl,e?

4, G.haplfu: 1

There are 't'!o¥O k'ef 't~s we- ne.e.di, '~O do ill ol:rdieil." to mend me cable atIlld, gelt ith,e'~"fu:~ ib-001ki1fi.ii" system U'p,' aJJIiI.d1 'n]!J][1ia:iI~' ~',aoin.


We, need t'D cut om Ilbe, bro!:ken :part: ,ot the caibl,iI!lIl It's ~ji,e b~ik in d1e' c8i.bEe thafs causil~' us tbe pro'blleiril:l, 00 l·ef.s i€'tt rid of it

W@ need 'iI!:o' ,alta,ell 31 Cjonnectol':~

,By ,elLllrrrrimg 'GF!JJ!~ th .. e bro"ken, part of m .. f' ciiiLMe.} we Eo£e'd'!l.e OO!lJii[]Je,crro:r om 'rrne 18D(t 'We need fliie· IOOII'I!]i]J8\C~'O']' so tha,t we can plug' the cah[e ,im:~o 'rrnings, so' wenlneed. to ]l1lJlit: a new O()lI'I!e 'Q\[]J.

II lid, IL. B'W' I do WiIIlI A'n ~hi:o' pu-~ r'll u . .'.: . - .. ' . . . .'~ U U '~II . J~~i .~'

At ~he [[rol1'1j£1J]~ we d'5ll11.~'~ know ;a!l.~' aIb'O;!ill~ the 50f[ of. cable it is, and iI:I1"ii.,e' type of cable bias ,!YiI, effeot on h.ow we ~o &]:)011]( ,tth~.

So. wbat ror~ of caJb1e He ''We ,c1le~[~ ,~rth here?

Wihal sorts "Oi]' l"I;eM'ork ,cab~es do you a~readry [mow ,about? How' do; you 'D1iinK wheY' ;i3_re ;d'iif[er-em from one: ,an:olle;r:? Why?

you are ne re .. 5

Ilblt'-r- 0' ',d'I'II.m,;III;ltA n ,t' -Lt.lJi "A'" 'r-" ,I:' A'~ b'--' ~ oQ , rll,- ,I 'IU,Ud!l1 "lldY 1, f,I'~, tt" -, , ,,""',i/ lrM .,' ,~~

The SQ,rtt of ca'h]e !tllu'i]lIJ!hriig '~tl!e :matllJ! Go OQ-lfil.l1"iltt AUFW,ruys 11l!;f:t'lc"ro,lf'Ik: is c8!~le d a Ca:~e~oFf ,5 cable for E-tt~J!en"et~ or CAT-5 cable, li'~ has ~7%',ilO d~tU~]~lJB1~i['ij~: fe:~f!tI11J~:e'£.. l~i:rgt ,of all ~t has ,alil ma£1hr~BJ.,ded. tt\wtEd ~JaIT ,cruMe or ,UTP' c:aTtl]e. Seoo:J1illy::. itt tms an IU-45 COiL1I:iITi!6CtO[[' on ei'~~]Jei[' ,e~l!d 'M..CIs~ Etl]E:rnet llii!e'lr'!,wrb, :L"Ul!J! on G.4lT-,5, cables,

CA 1:...5, cab~~s hiJiIr'l,i,e print: 'O!ll ~~l!e o'!11!tt&l!de ~]vU1~' J'"011U iilTll! ~~-o'r~iil!~,Tjt ~JIT[~bF:m~tUo!D! ~Jbml!rt the Giil!Jbl,e. As an eXI_;~l'ij']jp,]e) )f'O:lJl, C:ruJJ! ~,oo:fu 0.11[ d~,e ID'!Jltskl.e of dl:iJe ,each1e' to see w'ha:~ type i!~ :l!£, wl~,8JJt the spe ed ~ ru1!d, ,8![1Y relevant slt&l!

~, '" h 'I'" ._, -, i-'d' -,' ,c,',a'T ,C ". '!l..111 ?, • ..... ,.;; , t---III,' - ' , 'I' ',' ' ....

, ... ,0 W ;a, ,S lllfiU; II, _ iE!!! ill _'_',M '~I C;itlllli.ill e. ~'Ii. :5, 'i3n-,e ,ill o Dn.ll'

~, Chapler 1

Tlhe, CA:T'~,' cab I, dlss1ected

. . . ,. .. .. ... . ... ..

If you 0iPell '1l1P a CAT~5 cab[,e, youtlll fmd ,e~~t oolor-ed wires il""W]S'~edl ]m;~oQ' ,(0'1!..][' 'p8!IT£.., On:e pau is brown ... ioiLilJiOta1L€l' :p:R>n. is bh,;re~ .8!no"ili,e!l" 'parris ~I'EN:!Yl!~ and '~e fii!l]jal parr ,is om'ElF. :Ecach pcarm consists of O]1.'e'iPiai!Eli and one striped! w.ire.

The prob1em wid], 'M.lOes '~hJat a[if'[l~~ twisted is [halt they ~ne['1lte ,m~ne~ic. fields '~ba~ mJteri7e:re 'with. [hoe S~1J]ja] earned] on dii.'e w,ire. This means that 'YOl!.lI can, ;get ,elI,ectrom~eltic. ]nten€I't8'l10e and c["OO3tallk-' , hoth of whidiJ. are ib:8!d, f'OE ymJir m;eil:'!iVO,r,K: dat8!.

'\,V1lD.'fillJj fhe wires a!['e fwm.u( the m.agnetic: fm.eEdl .8imlLli['[ja tiI.'lI.'8' w]!l1~e fu!. effeclti'!.f,dy dlsm:p~edl so '~ail: aEIi'f' i!lJiil:erlEft']108' is reduced, The more' twJlS'~ there m.'e' in the :pa(ITs~ ilf1l.e' ibeil:te'F.

It's nor jn1]5'~ iI:!lll.€ twl5'ts in itJl'i.i!e' 'M[['ieS rthar£ are S~C:lll!rt~ die colors ,are ,m1lPoQ'rlt8!l!iI.~ roo. :Lees take :at cloS:e'1I." l.aok.

you are here " 7

The '[p4VITed 'mr'e£ ,m a CAT-S c2Lble ;a-!r:~e ,mllored fOii a, re@lson. ,E18!.cJn clolo! a specm'C i1.'D.e~!I.UiDI~ iIDlJd ro, does tal,e' sollidity of th,e color.

Orm'llg. and' ~n 'Wi'!:,RS san,d ,1C!IJI'id rec.ilv:e data,.

The O!f'JL]l~i€' '!Pair .sendls darrn.,. whme the ~iJ.~en iP@.1r receives d8!.ta~

The colfor' ,so II id iiy' ,show,s; th. WiiN: po! ari'ty.

IE' a '\~e' :is £biped.} 'ltheil1l. '~hfu!, means tjij;ar ]~ is posm'l!e. If :8J, wire is

'j!dI .L!I.... - .. 1i.. .'. •

sou, j men uiiJe Wire ,m :mL,ep'rr!l'!.!"e'.

~ s;;.~r~ 'iMiIfCS alft f'(l!:,tillCl' a~ ro1,-d ~1j"C:, air!!! u!Ji'~vc.

Bill:., mn,d brown WiNS aN, NSQll'VQd for futwre

b d ,oath ""

_an; WI "capacrty"'

Bllue and brol'WD W,ITe-S domt[ do anlil:bj[t~l yet) 'but tjbey 'wilil m the f~:It1!JFe:. The eable sm[JJdaros follb dlesi~d c..4,T·5 with th,e extra iooio:red wires so mat '~hJey could be used :for hig,~:ii.e'F bandwidtbs in '~e ]u:mllre..

I •

- - -_.

0; G.haprer'l

~3~~~~~IMbI!; ~~, '*"

~~h -r,b pi" st:toKl.

'Wh' ......... 's '~ho. 'diiff"DIF'CiOIll'If.",£I; ~_"""*W\i:!iii3ii'1i ih":lIIfli,...hlO,,;;,,,,uh '''.:111'110..-111 soeed on ''!:Ii '1'1ho.i. .. - ...... rll.o- iI"':IIhlrDi?'

',,', ' ~l,' U ,~~ ," UII'!i::;;~!Q ,~ bI'!;;:1!. ,~!Gi III tlIl!i;.llD ~!U,WUUIU ul ClI,:DiJI :....r" IG" 1iJ~ ~I GIl, I '~IGII.WU 1\ '1I.ral!Jl !G :

...... , .. , .. , , : , , .. , .. , .. , : , .. , .. , .. , , :" " .. " ., .. , .. , .. , , : , , .. , ..

you are here t 9

L"_ .. A .... ,· .!JI.t'h Jlh L_· H. • j_ r. __l_._ Oa~'1 o't. ~~: '"C e 1li.!lns mlSSIQl!l tafat l1:'y' M' a V~·

~d;wd"'k or ,teletonn:~~,.ltafjon s~5Um.

s'fted: the rate ai whit h samet'hl ~~ 1.1 ab le 'lo ,"(lV'e·

0: Wh:afs 1ihe dlifl"eir.ence, be1i,w,f!if!n


halll!cliwlclilh anti, s,~eed?

A: IBalilldMa"rtih is ,a cEJp'a,cii.~f~ 8'peed is

!!'l raite_ !3al:ld"i'lli:d;~ telns '~)JIJ ~ne aJ:1:imuFn ern Q\ilnl: GI~ ,~ata Jni!'J'~. ')!E!UIr' nefi!.!.rm'k can tI:i''BlMm it S,p~-ed '~eIIE '~ou 'fh-e II',BJf·:g: .alt 'nih;ich :the data: CB n ib'all..~eL The bandwid~h fm' ;::J CAT-5 cable, ls 1 O~~ O@ BaiSe-·l Tin e' spee~ Ci~ ,a CAT-5 ,cat Ie efllaTl~es depeindrn'g CIt.) 100 n ii iiiD1Jl S •.

0 ..

~ Wlha:~~~s, the (]I irWtf;f!lr!f!ll'llee' ~e:'~'nIeen


(if~,e;gOillbi~s ~e\r sJeC{iillld' Utl bp~} i£I~ll"Id

me~!1II!i3iby~es III elF secend (MI~ps)?

A:: Mega!bi~8 per' ~BiOO~d ~rii.lbp8)

is . .a fuJi3incl"~i{Jih rare Ii.Isedi i~ Ihe ·telecornmun:iC'aliof[!s: alila ,com(ptl emIne~luiJ1~if1;g: fi~ lat One: meg;abii' ,eqtla[s tD-rle m~lIi'on. bWlli:s~s O'~: e1iecir,ioa! CLHfi\e~t ~akaJ

Ib itliary lPl'.I~lE~s,). Ml~~ aio~.rres !per ~Eec-iJtlcl (MBps,) i'Sj a d'aia 'kali'isJer ,mne 'us'Bd in ~mpu:tingJ. 0;1'18 meg;aliyte e~~i3Is.' ,'114-8", .576 ~i~es, and' m-ae ~ife '8~llIal's IB. b~na ~' d~gitE ~a~a: birbs} .

Q: ,A[.eJ!l:l there liNz~weIF, 'fasl\eIF caMI!:! sta,l~dardls II:ilke C'AT-5 e arnd CAli'J~:?

1-\:: Cfi.T-:5ie ~ndl C#!;T-o Ic·aMels 'DIre newer ~aj'j@aJrd~: fur ljI:aibile8_ 'Wle' o!Jl'xer CAT--5

Ib e(;aJU~8' if's. ihe IbiJ£ie' wi3im:ewoJk roll' tie

Ih ig flel cabi'e starod\a'r{h GAT-,5e 'i311.d CA l-~' ha:\I18 ~)!;li'idr~\~[dths of 1OltOOXm(l;O B;,-T

0: r, . ~ Ii,.I ·~--:I' • ,. ' ,r",.-J'iT"' 11=: .. _'I'..iI

._ "",;aiD II u.!lIliII.lI 11iIiI,!PiIil'WH """,~,ll-'J'e ,anll.l

IGIi\J.-6 ca.l~le.s?

1\: B"uilding a C.AJ:.5e ~~:Ie ~S' ~ener~[]~' 1fI0 MOre diffreu I~: tha I'i- tmlliMliiilgJ .[I, eli. 1-,5, calb'fe:. W'e dOrl't :recmnmei'ild :l;:iLl.iI~t:ng ~f{ilUr {i!.I'l,tli CATJ~, cables heea,!.J0e: o~ ~~e ptecilEi'olill needs of ~kle.~ ,caiJJe ..

.I-\:= IB~se-T tlEders '~O the diffefl'! sili!i!lilIcli3'r'ds, ror Ef:heli'fl'et tIJr,anSlF:f'1iss!o:n 'lail:e.g .. Ihe 1 (]I Ba;se-T ii>~dar-d iIlr,ansf:81S, ~a'~a ,at 11-0 megab itts per: s!mOria ~M~p.s). Thee' 1 m~ lBas8-T s~liIidia:rcl ~t'ans,fe ~ ,data, ai: till) IMbps_ TMie 1iOOO 6:as.e-T :g~a.n.d\ifjli\cl: tran,sret~ da:~iilI at ~ rn:a;Ss.kll'e 1 000 Mib~s~.

I ,ot,';1 e 'fl', III V' fh' .1,"10' b'r"'o'lk""'llllll 'C'A':", ,T'IIiII"r:, ea blla

~D. '~I ft ..... D -. I ",.: I r: I~I'I . ' .. ,"" [i/'", .,.:' , _.~~I

Nm-v t~:l1i;~ 'W€' M.OW nro'l:e' '-ab!:!'!111~ how CAT,.5, caNes ·wul'k:_:. !e~!£ see if' yill,l eau fL'{ di.e CCiCOil.'iI!U'~ Ai[~:ys ~e-t'lNOil.l: cable . .AJIl. you need is a 'PilIT.· of 'wi!l.'ie'8·!rR~

. '

a uili]ity, :~[[-e~ a cru1Tlp].ng '~Ofjl]j and a~JJ RJ~45 eennecme



Cut: the b,r,okel1l pa.rt 01111 ..

CUlt '~he eable we',n befon th,e break '~O eJ!IsiIJI]1e ib1.' you have- a ~'ood set -of wiee ends.. '~e 'ilie Cl!]t as $itra-~ht as ]lIr::1S3ilWe so []heat d~e ;'ridiVJ1ooal 'Mires are t11J.e ,same ],e~

Slr'-pl the cabl:e cover back an Ihe, 'good end ..

CliJJt caurefully :alO-]iJ~' the ]e[ilgth of rl'a!ejadret -w]ft~ ,at 'b]OiIil'le} ma&l.[]Ig· sure 'YOU don:~'~ cut inrrro the ][JjrnbLtioIDl. of the' b.m~dlled. 'Wires 'mm1de' the iacb·~. A ~'om~ cut h~m is ~ome'MTLere between ]./2: .UJJd ] inch. Onoe you:ve done dtat~ :pd, the cable Jacket ~8J['t mild peel ~:~ ba,ck to expose the tMs~ed pair£.


IUnl,wilst and lIiatil:eul dI,e 'illl'dividua~ w'illieSt. 'UnmrU't the wires so iljhu]!~ you om. ,~[[~. ililem up mth the slot!!. 1()[Jj iI:fu~e RJ45, .coWil.ecko.1C Ge[We']"al].y YOll.] need aboun.l2' mcb of '~he ~, ..

W,[['e to flit :11]iI.'~O the' COlilnec.frO[·. .~ ...

PI1ace ea,ch wir,e 'illlm the, IIJl-45 ,com:liliec,llor~

Each wire' fits into a 8[.jJ;~ 'm di_,e RJ45, couneeton jWiI: 1me up each 'mlre with. rhlwe relev,8!![ll'~ sllm O1L[lJd 'ymJI!re. good to ~o.

Wlh,ere 'you ,pul: ,eatd'll wire 15, i:m:porlanJt.,

E~ch wire needs '~o go into ~.'iP-<M,1i,ClU!1ru' slot]!riL the RJ:"45 ,ooiDIil.'ii:-edoI') 'but :8iJt due moment 'liVe dO[IJ't lil:ii,Cfw wlru]cih 'wrne: ,~i(hes wt'il.ere'. 'We meed. to l:mow more about 'wi1a'rr!£ inside the 'RJ~4.5- '00 [Ij ne dOl?

Nlil'JiII! ,gf.op r'light "t\hiEljl",e!1 Ar'e 'you fr"fvng "to g,eT n'!tg .,Iec:.ffi'Nicu'ItH OJ" ,somef~,ing'? HoW' do '][ kRUW 'MInch PDSliililon ei!iC.~ wil"e 90es mml,?; Do 'YOU! expeer !!I'It€. ·t,o just :guess::?'??

& we saw" e,aJdl,er; the CI[I]:1l.1fl:ecW[' ,a!~ ttn.'e end of a CXr-5 ,calb~,€' Is Galt,ed ZlilJ! HJ 4S oom'ij,'e\C~'O'l". It" allows 'YOlI.!l. to plfJll!~' 'YOiLilil: cable i1lli~n ,Bi, wall j;i.'ticli: 01' l~l!e Ni.'8:~'iNO.~,1~. :poll:1t of :81 li])e:iI:.~ro,tk devioe lik,€:, a CO~'iI1p1..:1t,e!C

Eac:lrn: wire ]~] the ,cI1I!M.'e ~,a es [IDl.'!!iO' a S:~(!It~ ]~:ilsi,de: t1~'e R..J--4S OOillillil.,elcr.o:r~ and

,..,;1,.... • - •• - ,iL -

urtl!S connects ,n to a ]lil.!l:1l, iL1I1! itJII.'e COIITi]!lIe;r:t:O!r.

So whihl.h 'wire g,O'BS: where?

T~J!e pruiicion of each '~e is imp O'lf'~,tUij,t

lV~~,.e'u y:o,m ~h,l!g an lU--4J.S cenneetor ][Jl'Ln ,a.j:al!dk) '[he- ]lim O[Jl dl:€ oOT.lim:i.i.'8.<cIDoir make oo,:nt:iJi.Ctt 'Vl:ilrr.~1J pins hiij, d~!e JSi.CIk. If. d~e: wires are ]~1i, the >corred pos:ll~wn, iilhis ,8!~[,o,ws [1ITi:fOFiI.'iJ.l!f3Un!O!ll!'i i[Jl '~:lIl!e :foni]l! ![if e]ecttroill:s} to fiol!.v. :If due- '~%rin~ are in tl,e' "'W1.I'O,lfij~' ]lO£:~llio'llJij the ~ldo':r:maJ.trO[Jl won't be ,abl,e 00' ~et t~:ri1"O!lJgh.

The ,rnfldeil" ,of ~~l!e wires iim,]' [fill RJ-4S CO:D!:I)i.iJ!;: CItQI~ CO~]:fO~LI]ij.s '~iJi Ci':mI.'E' of two sfr,~]ij,dm~3. Tbese smlil!(tal~& are §68A :an,c] ,5618.

5tiB-A and .568:B aee cab4.i!l.~· smndu& d-r.i01Lt ooU. YDU whiclTl. o,[..-dieil." youlI." wires ne\f1d to ~D :m W~e::[JJ fE~~' an RJ=45 c.abne.

Tb!: ~A.t-i ~c ~clD' '~s,

~' i~b: ,t~.c: t;bGA ~l~c ~d.rIr '~t. ~~:th ~ f~i.t~ ~ tN: ~Iri!:C!!l< ~ti. Ot'a~ ~~c:' ~kthcd a~!Ild..

If yiQl!]J~['e fo.i[ow,q' the 563A Wirii'IJ~' srrmldlm'd, you use the fdllowing Ml"e orner:

Smped ~oee[Jj~ soll[d ~e[!l, srrlped mmil~e~ £l[djd blue, s~ripedl b]me~so1id o~~ stciped bmw1IJJj sollid brown.

If: f'OlL1J'ire rol1,owi~' the 56EtB wm~' standard, ymli :nJ!£E1' H!Le jh]]m,"r][JJ~'"WlliLe o[!deil" ,In.1I.Sread:

«a~>! iM

Can 'ymlJ see' any sim..iktri:!ies Ibe:tw.'ee!Ll the 568.;\ and 560B ,wire omers? The mdeil." for ,ead. srnndlard is bmsic:m]ly ithe same except '~e ora[iJge and ~een 'MIre's ,8!I'e~ ~wM,ed 0'Ile!r.

S ' L.l", h H 'd' 'd:"'h I'd' . ... .,' i .0 WnUI:.· '~Ia" ars· au.' YOUI use'-I

'Whe[IJ YOl!ll a1tsidll, an RJ45, CO[[i]il!ec~o.~ tJa,e ~.ery' t1,mg]S th8JiI: both! ~nd.s of

'~~JLe' iC3!.ble IUS is' '~ihe same standard, Before 't~ :3l 1DJ1fW' RJ...-45 Oi']l[JjnecIDoE~ take '0liL ]ook iRIt '~~]£' atiheT. end of the· cOliLMe. If the 'o'~~lfr ,e[JJd of the' eable 1l,~es staTIaJi.wd SElOA 'fa,r the &J.-45 WE' o['d.e;rj. ~n 'fi:~ your. [)JeW' :RJ45 'oo[JJ[['edo'r 'us~' '~he ,5tlBA shmda[\dl. If it uses 568'B) t.hE'[Jj, use' tilris st8J!lld!3JFd. :~b%:IJd.

your peOOil.-----------------,

The gc:md end of'ihle Ibmlkenl (OCOf!lllJlt Ai~w\iiIIYS' ll'iHl1!Mmlk eable h815 an .IR.tL,.4·,5 COlnlrrnilKtQir wi~e:dI !!JlIP' tII:S,UlfJIg s;taIIJ'lu:hllrc :5~6,SlB. WlhaJt should 'ib't:'H~ W~IN~~' (H"~e~' be 0l1li the oitJhlell" ell1ld?' Dtrarw ,a 11~lne' b-eltweelnl ea;clh w~lJ'ie and lts ~ighdl.J111 slet,


'1 lEt

I' ..

Stmn.decl, in ;a remote re®e3.:och statien :trl"te.r ~ 'hea:;;,Y' ~t.o:!l;·m .. J~d{ IUI!;5!, to II:~[pah ~, CAT-51 cable IDi?([' uses smooru!d 5GBB_ l\lCi(r.m~U~,

'~ _,_li._] ,; . 'L.!_ r. ". __ ,-, '" . ,I'" d .'1' • ..11'

ne iCCiiwu Jl]HIJnp on ms ];iil\;~O:r11De searcn iEngl!llif: m nne [~le: pU"1I. ;®'llt.l wire

Dolor. arrancemeat. but "[he s.tait~nJ!.ll!a:.3, 'titke'l1l out his, conu'EcciiO:!L'l "tto

~ ~

F'·' l'\ lfi"

'1[:\ e ,1V_. 'fill te


]m·'::; in a p:;';l.'nic.., 1i\nl;a~: C1II!.n he do?' ][f he do;eS[L1-t repai'[' ,rthe li'[,e:t'i1iilJ.6, .s.oon~ :he']l lose. 'cE'll'cial rese arch d~ta fii-'O:m his 'w,eiBl:ilie-r-m,olliJtonng iusib:tl!mEnC~_

~ud' ·J'e ..... t.:~ J'''' - n, 'h'''''~' ''''I'Ii'.'~ ']" ,.l ,_ "" <> """I.Jllc.,,,,I'I:=~ the ............. n ....... , ""'rm e .l -a- •. "::;-'-'1.., '" L;l : I _ ~ll. ,J.J;lI,JJ,y~, ... :~It...:J£ ,~ . I;"'~ ilUlL ~11!i_'" ,~ll~Jl..:J1, I~~I!.·!IJ! '1::.,.;;. I [i 'Jl,IUU~;LJl, i:.o~. !.,1. U. -'tf!lf .1i:U:1. :~

'paLir of -gdssors. Five mUi1U!l:E'Z; late'E} the ::qJe.t!ir'J"o,rk's 'bij';;i.'CR: 'l~_

you are here ., '15

your_~ Solution

The '~Iood enid! Of'ltJtM11: b:ro!k.en'CQcorlilJ.Jlt. A~lrwarys, ne'lwo:r'k ,c;cib~"e has ,allJl IRJ~4S: ,oo:nlrhedo~' wl'l!\ed IIJI p !Ulti~lrIigl :5!t.aJIl'lA::Ilalrd 568Et What :!i,hQ!lJI~d. the w~n::; orde'll"be onfEhle ·oltih,e:r Emd?' DIl':aw.81 ~~lrIre beitw'eell'li ,eadh willl'€' alrlld ~iI:s; IfU'glhrtrul~' slot,

N ow t~.l!att 'we know how ni!e wi[.-m~· s!!alITi.d:?l!.TI:t~ :flm:- the ]~4,5, counectors '\'VO,:rk, let's ~'I!ave iaF.l:Odiie:r ~o :ii'I!it £i!::ciil.1ig the ·bl·a&ellii, G..4'"J-5 l,"Let.wCi,lfk caMe :[O'lI' COOO'L1lut Aim.8c\1"3.,

, ~


Cut the ,broke;n, pa rt 0 U 1t~

Cut. the cable 'welll lbef>OH the break to ensure tbial "'joU have a go 0& set of wire ends. Make the '(_1Ll![ as sltF.aig1rn.~ as possi,h~e SCi ttha~ th'f ,individual wires are t'fu.e same Iength,

S'1!:rii'p 'the, cla,bl,e cover baell![ en the Igoo ell @-Ild.,

Cu t ca[er~ly al.cmg the length oI the ji:1l.cket 'wi~h a bla,d~ [IlakiDlg sure y,QU

~,fJl rut into the insu.tatloT.L of the bundled ,'Yire-5 inside &:he jacket, _4., £oiDd ~ The:c: ~ 4hc !l-U'~ 'WC

curt len&;111 is somewhere 'be h'\'ee'r!I, 112 and 1. rn_,eh. Once YOLll\l'e done that, , 'Wi!~t '~doII~h d~O'"

pwl tb" cable jacket apart and peel it ,""d; to expo ee th. ,,,.£.ted,,,,;.... ~

Untwi'st 3i1'11d flatten the individo,al WIres .. ,

Untwist the wires so It.h~t you can line them up 'Mth dte skits >0]1 HIe Rj 45 connect or

BO'[~.l ends 'of :~h!if: cable nee d to follow,'rrhe same w.tlr]n~' srr.>5ul1da:rd, ro make a ~:I!1D1E .of 'wm,ati: rrhe odiliai[' ,end uses,

PI'~ i!'I".fi ft,;o.J;,i"011;,,; '~,uiil'lrj"jj ii'ln- tli'!i t'k". D • AIC: C ..... nMeif'i"t'.I'!i;III"' US"-I'H n ,;job.ft; R.V'!!I;i: !!IiiP.R'~illll · '~!Ii;;;~ II . fUJI . !III:~ n._ .... -,....,~ ::.)U I: •.... ~. ,vl _ : .... 1l111~ Ill. ; '!Ii;;1

e_I_j"jj, ie'iIo~nd 'P.Ii .., .... 1 ,~e, 'iIohft -t'k -r' en ....

,aOA III.;~ alli.~ . " ,,,,,I. g, :..;..,:;:,; II:, '!I;;' u', IU;~ - '!I;;' U'.


,A'ttaclhr tlhle ,conlil,ectoll'" flO tihi!2 calblle wi~th a, ,criiimpiing tOOl:l,1I OtlJice t~e ][IITi.'e£ are ilITl, me ~]!' 'P~:'lopeiL slots, place fhe liU'··4!S into d'le c:riiLr:lI]P]iEI!~' tool, and t~,e'iD! sque eze d~.'6. tnol to C-l!".llm,P 'n:he ,RJ-45 s!l.i1iU,g'ly CEIITI:tt.o tlll,ec cab~e. Check tll:iJe e1l".i!d ,o:f~:he' ,RJ-45 'OO'lr:li!lJiecrto:r '~~O e:L'iI~li!Jf>e' ~]J],~ dile wnl'€- is seate iJ COl":rectJly ill each ~ot.

The Ca~e of the :rYlete~o:rQlogist and the RJ .. 45 Connector

.Mter he .[,cft 1.i'l,.'·ith il:lIke :!H::i~.moB~,J~,dr fD'und an. ,old. RJ-45 end tth~t n,~ed. S'tffndlard S86A_ He cut ofi" the conneetor; it r,a,c-ed. the wives ito ith,elr p:i!rui i@Jud wrote

.1_. "':"L .. .JI s: ,'" -,.]1_ d 0::.0 ":-'0' 1L '.ll~ ... 1L

Uli'il'l:n. tne O\[u!E'[' '!Dr ~j"'I~inblitr" . JiiL!'!iJ'll [J'i" ITa,wng u!i.e

0:: ',,"" '. .' .. ' .' I" • .. , .... ' ," '. . . <! ,) Ii" :"'1'

.__.. Af,e .. !j!i!JU S;UIFe that ,rio b..~I-!) ,~oli!iI1}e,elto.r rs called I~J,4~ ._

~'Vle read that iit's. caUe:o flili!, ",8{P':GC:'" ~Ollirne>C1l~iili'?

A.: 'Tihml1,gti G(l!MFIl on IUIse·, we: ha'if€ carne ti) !Ba;1I rami ·8P'HC ClDlnineCto:r alrJ RJ-45 'C®ttnectlO!l'·. The· alcro.nll'ln ®~~c. Sita.1lds. ror _(l, ~osjtloi1'S, B iDCiitvt.a,cbs_ ·The. RJ-45 Ico:nnecroli 'looks; i!.i lIDt ri~ irJl1I J1PflC ClDhlnecto:r, ~iJ IDIi.l\8!r· - e, FI'I,ai'li~f kiFKs.mislaheJe,clj ~e connedor. Now, tlrC!ii..l~tI·lhat ,CiJJ:flmol1lbut m'Cafll\ect :WEle, more peop'le cali am ~~3C:

C(lli'il'te£&O,F allil RJ-45 CGittlleetm'. Si!il~f "E!iPIffiGCl ro' e lileM'OIi'K 'pro, 'i3rmJi ~I.!.i rnay ~ 8t a lUI1T1'~ leok,

Q: l.I'Inn'!Ji· sh.j]!uiltll·~ ,;Edw,a.ys. use l'he:,e' wiilFi:lrIIg stiillnidanH: ,on Iiloth eiilds ,~~ 1ii1e caMe 7'

A: 1m w.e ,clon'llUse·llie same· $~l¥lr1'd2lflrll Or! bOti'lI"E!ftcig lO'i' ~he' cable:, we ~'Dnn ha:"r.e· a "'s1tra:igh~:-fhmugh" or [p2l:ich G3hr<s~

·.I"·e?II·Ib..""r", ",!LL.""!~''''' "''''I'le·A "" "''''''0' "''''....",.['"'r .... ~l-.Ib ~. I.." ,,~I..,",~. "cljl"l"i • .....It".. !i iL·" Il·h:JJ'l''I:r Mi.IUa& ~ I!Jc:I _ ",\.1 oi ~II~.· ~~.r;:;:' '~kI ,~_ h u uU I..trll ifli1uJ ~\I

·\ltE!'.II·~.ipr-ifllop lhe .grrefm am~ ~he Cllra:tilge ~.wj're ~a:irr$" snd 'ine $Emd ~ti\i~es .21ncl r::e![:ej~ wire3 wi]! '~Ji';ad,e purpo~e$_ A&1"ljIays

cm~dk ~he (IIPP00 ne: erndl oi tie Gable and liilllEliroh 'me 1MI'e plair cont'j'~I;I~ailiorl ..

A: s ulti~OGe ~O!IJ W:aIiI~. to cesneet iI tatprop to a desl:bato ODmptlit,el., One lll.aW o,f'doj],g 'Ini'$ 'i,'1oIOiJiM he· tu use al aross.O"'Jet' cffb~e! a. eahle that C'.an selilld ·and lI'6<· dai~i:!lI!J1l'l bon~ ,ends a~. I~e :saFfle· ·Iime. A, CriJ8SlD'irer ci!.Ih'le is dJ~':ele:nt n©m a strai·gh~.--4t:Jmugh cabhe m iItJ;rJ~ a &ll'"'aig~Hf,t iJugh caM£! C'ii~ on I~f $e~d or r·ecei';.1\E! daJta ,ain .one 6J1d at a ·.Ur~e_

YI[!\lI (lol!lrd ;z;j!lso use a 8~'l.1iIDh '01 allhub J] connect the tvw de'lJiceshut 11<1:11:1 U eEM~' mere ~ho:ut ~ei3'e r8~r ii~ ·~h:e. ~ook_.

Q: IHow !longl :s:holwlbill make: 1'I11(y [;A;rr:~5, calb!e?


: The geliler~~ rule O'~ '~h umb is that ~!"(iU me\3~ure the· ~rs:~aTl!De'

he~i~e:n ~e dieJ."i·ces :¥iJiU waJn~ b (lIJ!li'lec~: ~n:d1 add on 8' ito Ul.i\i:i' feet ID r" ;eN!ibiril.~· O"~ mlJ'!JBmel1i~_ The ma)!irn~m 16!1ilgrth of CAT-·5 i;s .3:2lB Ie et (1 (Il) me~ers.)_

Thanks IDo )fO'!1]~ ~:;Jce CocmJ!Uit Ain"i.rays ma~rF~;~ b Qo,khiigB Syste.ilU is bad [mi, bUS[IIii,'e£S. :]lefm~e too ]Ol:1ig; ,RuM. of tl,eIT &dIiiJe,d111Le,CiI 'm~fut.s are lilJt~y booked aud ['e0Jdy fm:' take~o:[[:

G 0

Hey, ,111D:t ,SlO 'if,m~t:! b 0 Y0!ill t~J'liiiik 1m

~o ~1iii[Jj fl;:1' 't:~.~e; IP~(lJnet>

':-1- iI., .j!. L. ~ "'.J!""

'1J!'j,!,1: I ~'I.OIlJ i' Ll'ellllg :PC.liiili!"

W'A,'Ni 6W1I!"

'W:e: '1Iix~d lnhe fl'bglht, booking ne:l\¥oJrk'", ,but .ilt rooks like 1tflle .l1'ihehl'itD~k trouoles il3l!i€,n'll Qi'!l,e:1f '~O\r Coconut. AillVtl':ays'_ Willat I~O ~ou thi,rn'lk Irni:g ht llia.Vle glO'IJ1i€ \!i,lfong?

You W' done a joh of fi..,"{mg the jj]~.~ booJlci[1~· systeiU. ·U [JJfor~IIllilalt.e[}) ·~hafs not. the Qruy indw'Ork. ~:~ Cocm1l!u~\"i,'OiI.;YS.

The Cooo-mlllt: ~ays aceouuts mnd p~tl. sysfrems ]'i[ffi oitT ;Hi. crntJci~. 1J.lI,eitworl d,o,w[JJ in ftihe basement, and they·w :mQenrtily had a problem 'MiIh .~~U: . . lociJ. w.iI1d[]f.i:l, gie'~~m.g ]l'ii'tto the blLli1ding. lit looks ]ike a :h.1!Jj[J!~ m'~~,e'[" has hle:mL ,a ~orni dJJumil Ollitt of ONI.'e of me cOaxUiilll, ca1We~ aJlm the rutm~cl eable h,8JS bro~bil: ;ilii~s '~O a

'WLth.Ol!ltt· the comai neJlrwor~ COIDOiDill.ilJt .A.]!l"'W"Oi'lY& caIltrr process payn"llents from ClJ.J!s~om.ern :mmd. can"t :pay ;t:]we 'p~[o:ts '~O tTy th,e' pllli]il,e.!.

Tilley need 'you 1:0 save 'Ihe day for the. a,galin ..




\ I 1






• I







\ 'I .. --~~~-g~~1 ,



... --

you are here t 21

Heres ,i3i '5kek.h m it-e' COQOO~~ i\:j ~ys 'mgtd bool;;i[lg~ inehvolr'k. aJnd '~-e' oDBtxr,a1 network, in tne l~a3efiilef1lf. Wlrnat djffe,~eI'1lGe:s do you see betwoon '~he Me network~,1 'W~IY do you fuinlik, ~hey a~,e d jfte~ent?

, \

'\, C~'~ialjl 1ir,rninat:r

\ Mth'oi:1lJ:.; ,eh ,., ,i,~ ~ 'OII~,I! Uilj!'

11.t __ :i::3"'9i1i1::C~~'tIf!!!!!~~,~ ·ro.m.k ;!!r"<l!!hl!S.· .


" '1" -Co~t~'

,.' ~~ati

- - _. ~biiotl! ~,


" \



I I \



\ I 1 ,



- -

J~iI; ]i1,e CAT-5 caMes;:. ,ooax:J1a1 caM,es are used ito create networks, The[le are 'It\¥o :key diltIere![1lces between them,

Tillie c:a.ble ,cORliains ,one bi'g COPPiliP WiN, rath.r than f'Our 'twis1"l!:d' p:li'rs.,

A eoaxial cable us a,jack,et nn '~lre OlLlitside} jw.t]llke :!ll CAT-5 cab[e.I[JJsde' 'ilie lcaib~e.;, ~].<o,,",\g'V,eT:,'o il:he'irie"'!!' just tbe 'iJ,ne W,Ire,. It :fi1;as.a. copper CID,re 'OF iCOndlucto,~ "W'li~~ ,a ]ayeT of ,inM:~L'ttJ1OiJ.'i made of pJastic imJd. other m8!teriaJi.s.

Tlte, ,cab'iZs use, di'fh.rGln,tt sort,s ,o,t' lCDnnGICMrS, a.nd1 tte ..... lIltiI'lD.itors:,. eAT,S c:M."blles 'we RJ~4S connectors, Goax:J!3.l c:libllesj CHill! the other h8!]1ll[)lj use ENe ioon[IJeC[tcE~:Sj T-oml'lrn.etll:oo,rsj and ·~eI'rru.[ljjit~'o,]'£.. The Sca'r~ of COiJ:IDedO[B YOlii. ·1!.1lS'e' depeuds 'i:Elli whY' you 'irre,ecli i[.

r::... - '\

A T .... (.@t!6~.

CoruJa! !I:iJ.;!~'irwcorls. (mb, RG."fi,2 neil:wo:r;ks) 0011l![if~ ena central ~m.,e~ caUed a bcaM. The bus EliLnotl>OlI1!£ as 'rfue spine' ,of the, rnerniOFTh:.

&.cJm. worhtm.non OIDi 'me netl."{{"li. (U' ,~Qde. II.'IM.l!st be eoemeeted ,tto tile n'ert'!.-wrk wilb a T"(~OllllliedDIl". The T ~on!lJiector ,atb,c:he.s dil.,e :!riIo{lLe.'js n,e-t'!.-wrk eable rOO 'me lIl1I...3!m, bus. H th_,e [bUB lID broke:un.~ 1!.][wteTmm::i'l!ted, 01" bas at '~ro1en T .... Cm]J]ii.'erlm .... me- elITltire !lJietwo:r.k ·MIil. ~''O' ,dOWITli.

Ne ["!work professionals we ,8J.llcind ;0:[ mm'it!l:il,aL'!lJim ...]i,e: ml8Jgm.:m ~".CIi depiCiI: at 'm]S neoirwGd. These rna_gr,ams show how d oCi,f the partts .of a. n,e:ih'¥O~k aee ,o,]'~ized. to worfu U a wh.o]e. 'We' cd. these structural

".:II :1'.... if ,.

])ueas u.c~.n; :"Opet~gf;gS.

. "_ .. :

24 Chapler'1

:S""J,O" 11A1'i,: ,titl 'W' ,'tl: ,fiv' ,J.1L.,~ IA:~,b~,CJ1

" ,,", lI! "' ,r~ " " lli;, 11,A IIU ~ 11(;4,1Jj ~ ~ 'I

'Vi;le\fe' f:ound 'b;!11!~ a bit m,o['E' a'bam:ut OQ,8]xl:mJ cables and n,e'~w, ... orks, Dillies tfu,]s gll'lfe' 11]S elITi,Oll.;I(~':~, k:now[e~€ 'tt,o filXttfue GODO(IIiLUrr A~alj'S coaxial n€:ILwaorli:?

The lI"o:der:lt.s: ImIlJ(St h'(l,'i.;''e .c~~~1iEd thr'lough 't:~te bus, If

\t(e OLJt' Q{lIt i!h~ ,ch€:'!UJed purl ,of

thiE. c!liI.'6Ie: Q!lild si'ilch 1011, ,!!ilnofhell" ,eo:nn'l3!::TolI". i!hil1T sh(i:u~d f,i'x iff" R~g&lIt?





ft, W

C!IIII-r 't,h ..... , b,'IIIil'i-k,\il'liin p-~ll!"t' ,",1111I,'t'

II!IIII", '!I:;: III _ ,'!I:;: , _ 'Ill II ,U !:!II .,

Clllit dle cable ',reil 'be$on the 'Ib!l:'e~l '~O ensure d]J:a:~ 'you ~:iLa(\r,e a. ~ooi1 set 0']' ''l,we e:Ui1d13.

,s,'trii'p ;ialnd Ip:lI',epalli"e the, new €Ni1:dlll

Stl!'.~]l bac~ ~11e' ca.'lWe ,oove:["m,~' shiddl and :U~,l!S'lll!~a'tto]J' SOl '~~l!a:~ you ]eztve a 1/2 to l-]~'I!dl! portion Cif the copper Dm-re pro11~,diLlJg;.

PI;~u:;e a, B,NJC IQOllinil:ec,t)l)11"' 'on 'lithe, new e;lfiI:d", Yell..!l,caw, e:Ml!er C.I!"nInp 0[" sok~e.[- t~h,e ]i1,e''l,-''if OOlll~l!ecrtol" onto the end oE t~:ri.ofr cab~e.

,~",,"' 'k,"'!liolil'!:, .jl!oi,'"'!Iiii" 111'",,,,":..,1 '~h""" n"'"!t, ~'illlI\iil'i-r'b-?, -',

;WI! U 11l11,1l!II;;:]I IL!IIII glli. ,AI!;.!!I.I Iii. ,'!I:;: ~ 'ill"'U'¥ ,!!it .•

.i!lC ,£,~

Tlh·, '., nJLII'. "k···/'I·'· ·,.j.·"I'~' .. ' t· '" '. ',I", "'Ie·· ,!II, I. :, 'I "'g-lnIOr" S' Sll.l.,~ 110 .. WOr~t1I~1

U[ijfmtrLil]ru,8)Jtf!~,}~ C!1]ttUilJ!~' out 'icll!e rne'il-ved bF~ ![If :1Ile:t.'!.¥o:rik cable a]1l.'dl fitrr.~:~:1iI! connecmr haslfil,'~l 'vffi'l4red. The .A,oommts sl":;'1U are .st]]l 8eeill'[j~' lJ]jet~i!"·'Q,][-k errer :m.'e.ssages wl1elil.evle:r ~].'ey t17 tto' access their S)l'~~:,e:1i':mo..

;Hlmm., I !i!l.l\iJm~Jell". W'g f!i'.XilZ!dl1ihe: IP~r1t ,o,f the cl(IJble;

thil11" '!.i'~\@;~' vu~'~b~y d(JJtnctged. but that hasn't SI'O'ti"'€;1l; f'~d ·1

,of "the rue.,'It~iQlf'k: p:rcb:!',!?fI1l§i" ,~Il.i:f' ,!!ftllhQ/f' Y'~: the oobd~,'~:

dmlfi£r_g~d ell~ewheli"\e t,oo;:? Mlha,t ~iF we DCifl:'t ,S\~;e, f;;'i.1(h i:ch

birt .i':s; cl~mu~ed?' ' C

I··' .... II' ... ' .. 'b'·.·· ;,4' .. - ,. , _. -i ,., ' "-'-I~I·' ,Ii' ,.' .

11 • .'0'111. a ca •. , e' lu,i3If1i1lag Ii! II,S, VISI..,I e! III rom

tJIiiI,e IDut:s;id:e.,

E-iv,en tfu:O'! wei"ife lllxed the pan of t1~e cZiJil~e dl!&'fs 'iJis"iib]y daI]1ag-ed.~ !l-fu,eH' ~,]".l!a'Y be ~lJIr.t11!e;iF d,aJ[!IHii.~e iL'N!ol'dJe the ,caJlbl,e.

,1<11 iO' :£,U

_j,.,1"""1'\t'Io~;iJtI .... , 'IfIO

r [h~''!.?ll~'~ .!J,~"; ,

D'UD]O ~u,esti9'ns,

Q: IDo 1IiIiI,i.1II1i¥ 'OIi"Qall1ri[z,a~)iCiHi1IS .s;~m use co:aKii!lllli1lelwo~h, :ll1irm;iH'? A_,: Cooxial neb,IJ101ks. lar'8'ibei:ng phased) tOut !ri mos:~: n8ti'j.'O~ aldFnitliGiri3rocus_ H)iJ~ever, '~.fte' Fi~ili1cipJes: bJelhil1d! ol),Cxia:1 ne~)A[(!rk are impCiria'nt fu~ ,a nebu01k. pt1lJfes.s'ion'aJ to u nder:B1an~_ N;o· one C~1iJ 1P~8d}Gi' gelfi ali the' lOOi:oi)!jal tHfM'@t=k'S. 'MI~ Ibec~me le~~in!OC,

Q~: JIK'OOillil-l: is, Ibe~i:lflig irlih~sje d ,Ijlii(]f~', wlhf!j' fJo i S'tiil:l~ need :1.'0 k:liIIOW ;aDrID.i!llt i~:'?

A..: t«(loMttg' tJolll:CG<axi!rJi i'iei.'lm;rb:: ~or~ is, e8seriir~1 f~1 iIlrOU'bJesh.D [tungi, ¥OIJ :tte~i'tI~ir kito""," Ij'j,Ih;en If.DtI"ili IDO'l1Oe aiG~O~ "eg.a~l it'Lf'l"'asJllr!1;G~I..!i~e0........(;3Me.' and 'l1!'k d EniiC!e8, :ti9a'~. a!l'e ollf1 b!1Jt :gti~1 funOOD;n~t1ig ,

():: WhlJll (j,oes, ,j';'j' C;(!im(ii'a! iii etw 0 rrlk. lIiI'ee~ Jj';j, te:rmilll,aior?


A..: Great ,qtieSitimn:! lKee.p reedlililQl, ,afld 1l.r~!"II ~$h;1J .11.1 :y.D11J.



ru ''!.~ • .re've seen, D08!X~ met'!,"rork cruh]es we n.l!ade 1ll1P' of ,IZI! j,;'t!clbet, an iillS!l:llb:~o:lr~ aud a metal cOl'il,dl!1mtO!l:' i~:1i: the 'oel,liteF. The :metaJ co,ndl!L]cw!r. aJ~.C!,w"S dec.tll'OliiS to :mM€ il:Jrul'10Ul:~:ii. itt-, :lZI!mdl, ~h.'e d!fN;:';Itrn.:L'iiS 'carll"!! 'V'Ci~lil]'

~: ~ .if'

Iiliet'l,wdk. d\3L~-a •. :[;l,eC'~:ro:1JJ!S c:!itn~'~ ~J§I£g 'tt~J!i1:'O'L]~ the ]~:bg!.Lli~,8!tor'.

,,~ :~Oiriig as the ~Gi.rrh '!:if the 'Qo,ndilil.d:ol!"' is C01:ii:]p]ete :8J.l!ii,d iL!llr:db~:O:kellii'j

ele i::~["'om ca:;lJij, '[low til]JroUlg~li it ,llilITl.'C~ tiiwe JiteiitWm"i{ 11:aIT:l. ean r.mve~. ,aJ.'Oli1!~' til:i.i!e caMe. '\liIe SfilLY tthrntt lies. ~i@jdin"";!l)U'8.

~t~tr-~~ ~1bW ,t~c~ a'~~ a t.~-&;'Mi~, I"ftd.a~ ~dl!.it~.

-~ : .....• , .. :.,.

'_ - . - .' .. :

,g;:£! , . ~'.' ," ._ -' "., ./;

:[f d~if:r'C's ZI. lb1reztllo: 111. t~].'E com~.'!.Ll.ctoE~ (mills l1l:1eatiilS '~haIt eleccrens ,rn[IJ't "ow' ,all.Olll!~· the :~el'li.§:d~. of the cab~e. ''V\le said ,e,8!tlie[~ '!!If:IJ8!.~ electrons ea~ }1"OlilF ilii.€l"V.,lOlf':k d,ar~a- so if dhi;e el,ectlfio'lm£ C8!]ij,~,tt ,~O throlil~h the cable, lITI:e:i.tThi.,e,~~ can t}~;e ne ItWO!l'-l\: data.




This means t[ii:a:tt if. t~jje1'le'~s ::31 bnE:d.:: mll]] 'filf:le ,oo'&mJ~ cm'ij:rlh1]jcro~:' 10f '~:he 1b!1l!~ ... GOCOlliflJ.:l!tt .AJj["w,aJ'YS will] get neli'l,ro,:rk en:o:r 111il;essages •

.i!1iO ,£,IU

Chapter 1

Go,nillect.oFS oo,I[j.dllil.ot electrons, so. .add:u!l:1ig eonneemrs to. coaxial network cables helps t'O :rn,aJ~.llltE!l]' 'o:m'l!~iiL'l!!1l!OW e':~6C~[~'~ :f.Ilmv.; CO(LIijJ!lleoton; Zi][,OW ,e]eCJi.Tll)~jjB !Do' ~:H"'d~' dij,f:' ~.8!.p' bet:'liIf'e,e-~l .cati~e3; ,m~ b e'!!'!I-\l'ee~:1i. cabl!es and :li1iet.'!AI'CEli"ik devlOeg} and ·th:i.s .ailllo'1."lS l1'OlU' lIJ:et'l'! ... o.rk. olatta to gie1t dl][,ob]~.

lu. '\'lI!"~t'!,{e' se Bl!lij .8!. ,aoaL"ILiaJi. :lI1!erno:lfk C;;tfu:~e. is. [ijl!a,de '!ll~ of 'D.:L'lE '!big' cO~:;Ld:!Ltctto!l'" 'om:El'. '~V]].,e~l! the conduction is :fiI:0i~ ~O![lil? ed ~:HiI!.d{ t~:I!rolJJlg1l! ·t~ihe 'OOP1Pe[" 'oo,:re, we ~ruy t~jjZi.t :H~ ~ uot te'ir.IiJi'.li·~~ted', '\JV]:1i!i~m a win' is [b '-t te [i.iI:It].lIl!atec~j ~:1i.e ne ~WOF1k .

. ~.os~s ~:Ii.,e mow' of eleetrons and, ~].eI0e:fDl.-e; '~'~J!e ;~O'w '0:[ ilJ!lBt~O,:rk d,ruta..

Ii t:ell':mhl]ja~!D:r e~.l!S1;]I."eS t]a,a!!! '~e si;giJ:ij,IiJj[ [IIII. the' cable keeps rn.'lj'in!Lii~ The 'tt,e!r1'lliiJi!liiJI!~O[, do es l~Jiil.s 'by e1ll$!l:uci.~ ·iW.l!zt.'t t~:Il.e· electrons stay in ·a.lITI. if~e,c~r1:CZll loop. A [,·'€'ru'~o:r ill]J tl~.'e t.e:nnilllato:r I:·edi:r,e.ciis ,deob:Oliis ro driB sH1ie]d~:lIlB:' bye'l; wll:JJiclfri. etI6c~i~r,e·ty 1~:ee.pB ·tt4:u::nTl. ]oo.pi~g baek .aJ16]1lH 'k~JJe' ,cruMe ·t~(~.1i.'c"!1lJrr

'[''i''I[,e- i1:1"'lI';''i''rr .. " ·!I. ... ih, 1,,]iL,e- 'Oi,<><'t.!.""",,,,11,,~,, ";!ll''''''-"''' 1 lilf' t'jl...,e Ri'''' ~"n ""'i!.... le .~<, not t'-['1f.I!!1!;"'i' "',; .-li __

.••. '" ........ ~ ." ~.I! .• 'L ~~._ ." ...... u .. ,- ..... iLl\. ,::; ",-~ u, ,"'1J!" .I!... ~~. .;':;n "'LIllIJ! ~'" . ~. iLII:; u, •• ,"-".t !(J1_

the !lJ:eri..~o,Fk '\¥i~n. n'o'tt- rlil!!L'ii.ct]o~]j •.

~ 1!.. d :c.:' - IL.. _ ~." • .". • _ ~ IL..·-I L

;;]0 mOW ,'10 ~tie' lind a ·Il1IFfr~. nlJ! co.:U1I.tilJ.iii!l!l]~~r iI:lil a. cClaKIJi:1!!I. ca'ILli~,e net.'!,'¥O,F1tI..?

'We need to l~Bt,en '!Do ele [:]!I:'O:L1lB .. _.

IU:'8··· ~ fi 'o,'Ml""'~f' "~r:~a'" eersets '·f' "0, ['I;,~lt· '~:'~ 't~I'!I1 iM'I''',lA:f:' rnas

,_,' " .. ~ I,. 1\11'tj!l'" ... ",_u~. ~~.: .. ' . ',.' I. ,~I:I, "u. ~I ~", I YI" .. "

& we've See:Ll~ 'COF.I!till1!!J.'Ul'i!y ~,]'Ie',:3!b ][iJ a .aoa<X~;:3& cable llii.'et'l,"rork sto,p e.~,ed[rO:lflS itkrl!.~!I.'i]g:. As electrons Ca.Fl"'y ,mu" llii.'et'l.ror-t d:aJt:3!- ~:hds means ibb,a[

!.-u" ' ' I', 'iT," 1 '[,., ,dl I~'" .'. ,~,', ~ •. ,. ,ji.1L, i' I I iL, .~~

tne ,1Ji.i,e.~,'l.Wr,t'i.. . ,:3i!L'"&, can ~ 15e'L, ~J!,U[ O!1]gu,~ iflm,lI1!eI:.

One way of ·~lll!d.i!lJi~' a CO!lJiil:"j[[ljUlrlry '~~~e* ]~ ,iil, coaxial calM e is to ]iste:fi), ro[' signs of ][e from the elecrrons, ,8!!l1I:dl we can do t~:rLiis il.JlsilJij~' a\ m~u:'r--,t,r:aoD.e\~· set: So what's '~h0l!t?

A ~llI~.iI.'e]f'~'t.!I:',acel!' S6'[ .is a 'ttoo] 1:1i&Ed by ~eilw'O]\k profe5S:Llo:F.l!:?ilb tn d.'etec~ llii,O]S~ f!l:''O:1J11 ei,e;ct!l:Dns.. You ,lilltt1'ii.'C:fuJ, t1~,e toner pert a,:f ~~1!e 'kll!D!e:r-t)[',a.ce[" set to t~.'e If1i.'e'!!~¥O[k G~Ib~:ej Zfl!1d. 'tt~1!,e ~olll!e~~ ,tthellii, s€'!I:lds 8., ~e["ij.e'l!',:3!ted, si~na[ a~o!l:l~' rth,e' c:R:Ib:~e. You It~,ij.'ffi 11'Iise '~JiI.e '~a"acel! to ~~lsh!:[lI, fo}" ~~.iI.'e' sigLll!;;:t~ by 'piad.l~' [It O~ the cable, The tracer sounds whe~Ji, ~t hears electrons e:3i:lf'lJ"j,rill1J,g' the ~]ii.~,. It imll!1I()ijfi!es t1.'e s~~Z11


He.y. huddy., ir~ !me. Cani you: h@m" !me'?

The '~'O!lJieF' ~'e:mi.'iE:ir8!,rte:s a ~Iig~Ji:a] ,3!ml ~he1l:1!. sends ~:t ~,Q'Ll~"clll.e 'w]n~.

,~B'iJiOp). ~ey., I heaf' Y.OUI!! IEl,e.c;tl!"iD.'IiiI~ live: lilrLcll ilIC't~\i''€: lI"iD'iillr1Jdllh~!"'e. <ie.iJOp~

,E~I!2leftrcUls: Oalrry the :s.i'gl1:aI., \t'\f"heil."'e electrons Zfil.;e mOWl'lJij~'j th.'e'y C;Rr-a:y rtih.e- s:u~:m.] tlffi.,e t(;Elfij_,e 1,"' generates ,aill.O!lJi~' ~~jj)e wire,

The, trii."lJOl2i~1 SlcUJll1ds: when IIliIt' tU20rs the :s:i'gnt'!Jll.

& [o:lJi.ig ,f1!S tlm.'@' ele etrons ,f.hl"€ ,mOW]!I:1ig when; the tr,Jil.£e:r ~:S~ t~].e' 'm~fu~ can get: to itt.


'VVe ,(:;]][]. IUISe: ro]iH~['-n",~il.'Oel' sets to :ulllte:1fii:rrilfy fu!L'"eak£ in COlf[[[)]!I:].IUllty hy ~~ste],[llj!l:lIg our fm~ when tJm_,e eh:iCITOlU BO' qu~et If t~].'e' tracer is '!1l!~:iI~'Ib~.e '~O piCk up,:a S~!IJi:aJl :[ro~:"iIlI ,the '~mle!L> dlrn :n1:ea:~'ij~ there 's a ibl"eak. ibet.weemlltllie 'Wl1e:l:' and ''!.>!j,1:ii€1r€. ~be' t~,"Zi.,eeJ[' is, 'E:!1]I:U,i::l'iJ~~y poslti'iJjllii.'!Elcl

HeUt1? H~~ k~? l()jd y\i)[j 9filY ~iQ\lineithilfl:g'~' T ,oonl"1" h€d~ ''fOUl, H'~n~o?'

i1i~ ... , ,oiIO.,!",,,,",",... t:I .... ~ ... J ... "'iIit,oI"Ii;"" iIfI"", 1!1!u!~ I~~" ~~m·I~.II .. ~, ,.;,;;;,

Q ,s:i'gn(!JJl.


E:I~~,tlf"\Ons ICQ~y 'ilHh,R, si:SlWlil.llm iunlti'l t~!2!f'I\e,~s Q, breClJk.

::~f t:1,e [~~S at b[)~~ in, OQ])]!iillll1lJltl} r~he electrons Call]t~ ~e~ piil!st

If·'.:a:.J1I.. Iii '" III

' 'lIflllG:re 'S: InC!! SI~SlI'ita "

,thi!2, tlK"iQ.c~r!s ,s:ilent'.,

-[~ ~ ~

_ :u' ,e~"e\clJJFmfil£ ,~1re1ll t

e;a[ryiFi.g ttlhe s[git"!L!:J&j. rt~.'e tracer ca:!l~'t pi'ok itt'ill]).

'Wa\r,f'.szLm ~jUilL~ 'iUp uotil tirn.'e bpeat e]e:ch"'CEIilS:RIDe i;'i!Cr_H'!Ie, 'ib-!1ut ,8!ftt,e[" ,the!

'L. . ..",..,.'& lJl., .:iV'io=; ;::o::~ .,.in," ~['~."., L."",,_'I\., ~"" ...,,,...,,,,.'.;',nri'I'''·!L''''Lr]r;::o t:1 •. "" 'I"""",~;rn;t 'W' 1' •. ""' .... "" 'to ~.-.~

IU!J! 1Iii:I~u.";! ILU~,'1,;;i jJ ~,I!.i:I ii;!!~!.:I~.IJ'L_ ". ll~~ 1L!I.Ii·'i:I~. ~_~,UI, II...fU",.IJlL.I!Il.J.!!.!L~1 ~'l i!'! I .J:J:~ .I~~u.:,_1!1 ',. :B!§J',a; ~ . l!at~

ede cuons, ,~ '(Il!Uet .. Th,i:US means II:lhulllt ym1J call :[ii~licl tbe 'OO[IJt:m!1l!~:t.y bre,* b·y pe:pomJtiom~lli1~' the '~mce1f' '!1l!~,ifb!~. '~'O'!1U. :ffi!iI1d. r.~]if:' PO[1!Jfrr where ~fulf: 'e]ectTo[J]Js ~'C!' s~e:nii'~. Al:Tid. '\¥:tinle:ll YO"!l.;l!i'!.Je' ,P]~:1i,-po~:II1I~,e~Jt "~:TI.e:It'f'- the blfe:!FL~ ][il OO:ul~-ill1lJl..lJilty, fu!;~ y.ol1l1 can :Iliix: u,

., IB'!1Iddy7' I"m

1 .... ,o1"nl1if11 "of""UlII ~'~7- ... ",,11 ;:j' , .... ",10'",",,'11

the: medlic~!

o (]

lLe,t:''s; use 'thi!s, 't,o 'ilTiiix: 'tithe

Co conu:t ,Aj'rway:s netwolrlk~1l

yOIJ are here I 3::1

The Gl]~OlfllJt Ai~~\i",ay3 eoaxisl Ga~,]e nel~\I\oi'1k is en Ute ItiJeXipag'e.., .~, toner is aliiadhe>cl to 'U;Je: lflel\'!JOlr.k cabile, ,and! so 8;l"e SieverEiI '~ra:ce(l"Si. MSi!JIme: 'liham ,e:adfii l~mlfilnecbr- glo~s tal a 'ruIflGti:oni ng ~IJO rk3i8.:~0n.. 'Where do ym!l '!hink. t~ e' oOl1!iinJJ~t:i [l,rrealil:: iis, ~f:



I:!. 11

r.:o,~IE'~ 'Eseac;1se OM

The Cocorlll.d Airwa.ys i(io:.3IXi·al caDils ·ne&wor'k'i:Si o-n til e :til19xl pa.gre~. A. tmlJ8ir is arltame;a k~ '~e! me~!Jmk GaJo Ie., :and so 2fl'r8 s;eueral '~rnce'rg\_ A;S15i!.!lme~ thar~: leaC~ l~mtJ' Qloes to a 'Ilmc"honi:flIg ~lmks:h¥F~iGn. 1t11here do VOIJ '~in~, the' lool1liirllj~ty D ~e.aJlk is ~f:

~ '0' nlv 11 'r .... .,,..."'" Ir:' ", o;;AI H- ""Irr"" ''':II':!!I''''~' L... . J J' Ic:lU-li:;.ll'~ l:,J1 !:.:I,I ~U.J ~l~"~~. lit.

3 N-' f' t' n t '"I t

' -', ',," --'QI - ," ',. , '," , ,

''" ", onle~ 0_ I... r,itI:D8rs ,are ~ I eJill _

6: ' '0" I '1" - f a -IH -J t

_ . I . ..,"_ " .. -_" ,_"-. ", .. ~ _.J

.'.. ,n V I ra GelS I ii:m - _ ,are..,J en _

'\ '


IL. II - TWt1 ~d~:!lI,

n.e~c i1i"C:, at'C--'ii!i1~y _

- . !L,~. __ , _",' F""~d. 4 t.i!t'l f~''k·

k(ilrCi a~ ~~.:Ii !Iir- ,,~! "41

!!.if il ~~lfIa~.



YOLil are 11 ere t 35


'lfirnH to give! y~ I1:ght, b:r~, a bBeSlk,~ :Pllt that laft brain, to W[!{Pk. ,Al] U:'i!J8 TJi.Tords aIle related to 'the a:tmf'VLTei'YE!: ,a.turn,ed BiG fEtI' .

. A·;i'<r, .... ~;~ ,~ ~ ~~~


2 . .fit ,~ylinbo!ic :dia,~r.a m '~nat Sf1l0~S 'hOf1.l' a rle1Jw.arik, ~!orh:.s_ 3,. IEquaRs ~ne nii~lI]on bursts ~1j ,eli£t-{~ ical' [i:me'nt

fa. nr '~f:le ma.'in cablla! iis not , 'Ine, neti.lm~, ~in rim

rul1)QITa Ii'j

7'. lit ca!de' iIlhai~ ,DaTI' s!9(1'1dl ,and ~,eoeilj,ile on bilJith 'e~ds a~: iItle samH time_

R UTP 'Ci9~1e with: en RJi-4;5; COflJit6iC1U

'~11_ Tih:e lr.lJe !lamH liJr lhe- RJ-4.5 DD rmecta:F:_

'~2 .. SilBrufl6lF'diS 'toi Bt\'em e~: '~rr,[ij!]afrfissro~ r:a!~s ~ 3,_ Cm~tacf. pO~tl~S\ en a j;ad::

t. The, trsnsmlssien 'C;3IJ;aciltv of' acom n'1J er liiIetw'O{k: or

if.J. tf'"

'l'Eille00mmllnic8Jtion $~f$'~)9m 4,., :Sig;rh8i[ g;a,ner,aitorr'

15". Arnrnher name fiffir 0 ~b'.ai:ght-,tht1DiU.,gh ,cahle,.,"1 9'. POUlt whe~e"Uile- e-lectl'!lJll1S g:(lllql1i'el .. __

~ ~l Sb'iped mange. :soiM orange:" :silriped ,glr'eelilll solld b~lJe,. str.ped lNue" sotid green, :s~rip.ed brolUflI, solJdl br,ClINn __ . 141.. TiD, ~ake, ollliUB islEiJrieal: 1b:U1$, Uge ·~hts .. rfl!si1.ia .. ~ :!]'_ Maximum IIe'ngth or a CAl-5 C8.ble' 11m feel)

9iC' ~IU

"y. "1" ,_,J'", ! ·f:·I;., '. di ~h""'" ".:. . ,!II - . ~,:,' b'I' :-.

: OU ve, II.XII 11"e eoal~a~ leau.e,

'WeU d'Ollle;:, y'C!'IJi~,re ~O'!l.:J!nd it]n:e blr-e'ak in ~]:e COOm'lJlLK AJin"i.ray£ c08L"ILLal cahle [[ijEtwo:r:k~ T'llie A(Joml[[ij,ri~]~ d,e]:r&1"~lll1i.i:e~]t .tl/trJJ' iru.r1e ~db:~e 'lDo, we dh;eilf syS'~eH.i£ ,aJgrun_!o and :p:lil.'lf dru,elT pi]O'it.s.

\~l(IJhey,,, tlfIi[lln'iZY'! F.1:l1i p:r. i'med and r'eiooy to if Iry'.

IBll!Iir '~~ fh~f' {it anr;k "doud I ,Sl~, en the; ~!i]f'~:zon?

'W'ei're, i'HI for' a bump" ll!'iiide.

T'rcop]ca] S~:OI[]I][JS :;.::un: a real problem our iLl d'rl.,e ~aJ~,]!~ and iGDCiD]ruJU.'~ rurw,arys lm,Ifu"i,fe to cfu"te:~illlIDy ;avoid f[y[~ ~~]eii[' se8ip]a.lLlle£ 'wl~le II] 'df:JJe we8Ld~;eir g,e~s roo :fl)e:rne. :NQ'l!'maJ~,~f

ies ] a p:rcibi,e1llfil, as d1l£y g,el'tt up~'~o-t:fuJ;e---\l.iI.l]!IJ!i!jJt:e' '\Wa:tr11eir '!Lie.p!Dm over the ]~:li1:en1!et

'today ,abn:: .dJ:Wffer6iL])t C:m::m]IUI:~ Aun'¥,a:r'"S lost lhe]1f :[,]iJlDef[":E1i:e'tt connectlo:Ifij'j and :H['S 'IDOl]; d,8i[TJ;g'e:rmnl trOll tlIT ... e [[' pilots '~O my witlO'u.:u~ lmpdial'tted we at~,TI:e'J[' ,~~e,[J 0,]'[5,

Go COIT!l:!1l!~ Ail'"!W'nr~ are ,eo'1!1I.!D!ected to 'i!l~e IIT!I.leil:"1li.i:er. v]a a :fibe1i'-'@o]I~ic :~illle7 ,8Jnd ik loob ]i1e dtIJere :m,ight 'be a pl('Cih~e;L1r:JJ ''I,'¥i~h it. BEU~ "r:hat can problem be?

lLe,t:'5, start' by la,ki:l'iIJ,g ,aI1cllQ'5;er I:ioolk: at: how' lilb er .. opliiic· 'c=:'I'bles 'wor'k.

o c

F",c cab~_es send !lJje~,~ mfQiI'm;m;~ion UlS~ ,rathel" than e[,ec:~[-om.. [.]~'E bOlLlJiJJCeS dU>D~l the inside of the' cruMe:} Gam-yffi;g the

n,etwork spal .

The ,l.Wht :1(H]j~es thmllll,gh the ITaJIlJSPm1~]1rt 'core ,of the fiJhe']'-'op!ic ,cab1e.

T.~ OQI15ei is mil1ide: of '[ram.pareruil: ~' 0[' p]ilil.Stic~ w,ihicfu :n1k~w.s. ]ight to pass ~ugh ['t e:asiliy; The l81ye[' just m.itsidJe of '~bJe ~COl'e' is caUledl ,claddv-w. CL8!d.w!l1g acts a bit ~ke :8!. mIT.iDDr, :!fet1EH3I:i!l.~' l.]~iI: so '~2I!t iii: bounces ,dong' d'iLe" core and doesn't escape,


.. :', . " ", . , ..


. .. ".

- -

The OlllJbiid,e- of [fu,e cable :is coat-ed wit11i, :~o1yme:r~ mad KeVbvrltID ibl'i.iI'eaJm I'iIlll!lJjiiIJI~' between the QO]'Ie and the looa~' add stt[-e:~rrh :ruJild '[proteCD:]O!lJj '~O the' cable.

l[ill,I!.j!Jj;r- ''''OFdi;,IIiS Ih-' Q:!JIJ'1li e' -0- 1A1""~"'·AIV'G ,to I,

[' 1II!Irt. . - tJ'! 1111'. . ali,. ~ .' '" 111!lIJIIUtI'I,U!li;li ..... " .

Jwt ]~e CAT:"S OilIIJd ClO8JX~, ,eaJb[,esj the ends of:a fEbe~(}]J~ic ,calbi,e ,ba\\re -OO[JJme.;C~,a':r.s. There's :EL. V,8!ci€'~ of 'OOl!1i~O]" types ~ha't can be wed.

So wh;,i[~ aheut GO-OO1!1IJ1'F~ Airways?'

Here's '~he ffilbe~!Jp;~ic e.aM8'. Can YO'll see m,ow' ~]r~y ~:fs be!lJiil:?

Fi'lbe["~O]ltic caWes w~ly 'fu.W;i.Je a mciriliml!lm 'be[JJd '~~iw of 3:.0 em, If '~if: cable's be!lt m-ore tJIum, this, the fibeir. cere 'c:ru1i. develop ~O~ :frn.cb.u'ES, ,rea[ tf~ctllJf["e~ 0[" severely' leak, ,I]gbt And as ies '!:he' ]~iI: '~bJa'['s ea!ITY~ the '[Jlehv;ol'k da'~84 a Ioss of tigbt means ,m ]08£ .of

'.IT" • .:II _ji..

'[nltJ!lDml'OOO!D! anu nernro,n'i': 'Br,m,l'£..'s 'take :fil closer :Ioo'k, at tlhle ,s:teips 'm,:r spl:ieingl a fil8ef-.Op,liiic 'ca ble.

A fuSW,E. splli'Oeflr mJi[.Q'WS 'YOI!']' to Eil!Se' two, pieces of fiber 'tto~tfuell.", The sp~ae[' 'Pro~_dles !Ug1l,iJ.'l!B,cimon ~des 'run8!!t ,aiEo:w Y'011], to. ]me 1!lp the Eibe!r. Once 'ym..l~"Ve got the ends ]i1U!e;di 1Ll~} .you. ,~]eailt the ~D euds

'M'th ,tUII, ,ei[eCltr.l;c are :.i[ndl ]JIL1!sh dlem, '~,o, MIDeii you :[~e th .. e ends 'tto.!le~,e:!I.} -]he :ti'usi-o,llt-sphlaer fueaJt-sh,imls. at protective CCI'!Ie.[, ,orVel' }-yt1!i1:' splioe..

He'1B"8 a!l:l8' il::Hwe steps you. 1I.1LEH~d ito. ~D dll[DI!.]gh in ,()['deil." 1N:" t[]x a, jfj]b~o]J~ic c.ab1e wiitih, a fmJ10n .sp]icel'.

Stri'pl 't~e ooo1'lil'1g "fir,om G;(!JlchJ li2,ldl of the fl~bilir'-,o,-t\ie CQb~!I 'you wcm1ti' f,o, ,Sp!~~CR.,

Fus,ron 8M expe,OsJVB' and 000 _be tricki/, ,00 ~se. b:ut :U1eY~M' waJi worth ,th'8 lio'Il'Ii~~9'J' alld 6\Jott

• ~ [I~~',~ ~

: •• ,,"'1111 I I'~_"" I I ~,~ __ f11 I· ~,:;.- .. I I. --_ .. I 1,::" __ .. ,1 ~





· "

" '" ,

" " "

V~i!1 ,~,n .... ~ to train II Uu n!!l:;ellII

exlensiiY@'I, O'n ,8 "'UlSJiOIlil spliicer 'betore U!~d~l!1 OneloJ

• '. 'I • ;;.;;, iI "I I I __ iI ill .. I • I. Il~-- •• I,II~~; ...... I'I"I!" "" •• ~ •• ;; ./J II '. I ---


. I L~nQ, up I~, .nd.

Tbe ~wdes -on tfu.'e: fwiml 'spLEcer a][{],W' you to be lLea1ly pFeC~' ,aJbo,u~ th:is.

...... li
~ -~ I

~ ~ ~;
r "'" ''\:
,_ 5 ..... 11.. ,,'L __ a--~ .. I!..-f' ........... f'., 'I·" "I""i'l ,...JL_m

mOO'II" ,1'Ui:, .. tWloI;, IiJej W. __ I .... ~J njl Wln.-; ~

The EliSion s,ftllice.!I." creates g[[IJ ,!)J['C of eleciYricirtty '~b:m:tt makes the f~.'aes ,of the 'OO'H:' 8:l!.lPif:!l" Sil'!l:lOOt.h so tJuat. ·~ey C8;1'1, alI~ piroperl1y.

IFu5R tIle end\S ~Q,gcQ,t~,. 't~]e :rnmliIJJ ]llLU']JIO£e of the fu]~Iion spliCle'lC The el'fH::ItriC. :8J1rC me']1rs the eJil.d,~,.! fus~' '~~]em. '~,o~'€rt:fue!r '~O Cil5eare a .!!.p]i,oed core,




: r

you ,are here t 4i 1

COCO!rnJutt i\.i["!;'{@ys has one more problem ,with '~en. 'trnlbel~]J~ic: cable, 'We've" :fix,ed 'th,e oveil:"-be.n~ cahlej b!l,;lit one oK the 'ao:nr!DIect~}rn is. '[lfitW~' '~oo.~ ~':fir~ 'iLU'I308!1l" ~he ''L~[j:acl., 'We meed ,~,o 6iI: ,81 ilJ!ew couneetoe so that ''L¥f: 'i:'ail.'ll. pru~ iti'il!e' fibe~o]J~ic imail: '~[i].e' walt

Fibsr-optie c8!.b]eg tU'.e V,~O'lkliS types ,of eennectors, ibut itil:ref' all] .db th,e S8!j[ifIJ.'i11' basicjob: dUlY bri.[b~'lthe ends of mro fibeI"'-Opt~c cables t~~'if:the]'::. and ,aillJow ]~h!t to :flow' t1rr.o~], 1111illl.i!rU!tell!liillpt.ed.

The d:l&J:erenoe.s ~etw::ele[JJ the' ,oon[JJecw(rS is an '~'O do, 'wirth ,ttherr 'hol1m[JJ~ lim. O'~['iJ.eT 'word.s~ the sh .. arpe, Co]O]"1 how ]a:r.-_ge or smJaJ], hoW' close '~oQigeth.'e]" a!D!oti'il.'e]"vtrnJbe]" cenneetoe CaL'!IJi 'bf\:. l!ii.nJd baw d1L€:lI ~'fulJch.

Here ,a:Jfe ~om,e of t:h..e fibel""'O]lmC CO!DI]1J.eC1!:'m's}'OlLl :m~~lrt see around,

Why dlo some of the' connectors have a, paiir of fiitJler cores, where o~hers tli, O:I1l~y a s~riI,g~e Dane?

CO]1l[l!eOOOIl"5 and receptacles must mattd:il. in or type. Mat,ch. each of th'El' eenneeters below to the reeeptaele it :Ritts m~o.

CahllOOtt'··· . . .- .. ' - , .. [tl

I I'· I - '.;' .

._ . _._ID.

you are here t 43


::,' ," '",I " .. _

01 ,I'_-'~", e

COJi.i.!Iliecron and receptacles :rnJUS[ ma.tch m. terms of type. I\{aritc:h each of the eonneetors ibel,ow ito the receptacle it '~s mrro.

IC'.!OlUlecfj,',,",,' l)~'

. .... . . .....' .~,

There's jflll!srr onE' mere th~' dlla1i: can atIJoc~ wheat £Ort of connector l'l,re clllC!05e to ~')JI O!I.l tire' end of d"e c;1lWe: dJ.·e[oe' are twD'typ'fS ,of' f! Lefs t~,e' OiL look.

Th' tw' tv· f" f"I'b

,', '[ '_ : " '","1 ' ,,', '[' '. ,," , .• ['

,ere ,ar,s , " :0., pes, 0 ,I. er

In a s~le mode f~.he:r~ tIl,e' ,ijgh~ ib:awells m lil smgl:e :patb; It takes a laser ,~h:~~ :3rrnd lirr has a 'Very S!l:ij]I~LU iOOIl.1E .lib iI:ilw:

~ "

In a mm'itimode ftr.eT! the' ~'h,tt tta'!.1ie]s :0ll3HIllY paths. It"ltak' ] or LED Ji~ilht} aJI1d has ;81. nRtrn ]~e!L" core like ,~is:



Thf!ll"l!i s Ii ~a~¥ t.(!lt! :50 +.~! +.~~ at-t: rtnawt ra& t(W·l~ ~l?bl +.0 bkt.

T~].e it.'!,¥O' '~~!p"es 10,f Jijjlber-o]l];~c cable l,"il2i.'l,f,e' 'very diH'em:~Jiil: ,dil[hl"',a.cltf:[ilsoas. Thenre' are difffce]!\eillces ~Jf'I! areas SIUI,C1hi. ZI3 ]leiLi{iIlll:ii]zt~]]Cej ~'6ei1, ;;:md. ]lO£Si'lb~e d~t'liIl:Ii1Cle.., There ';i\U~E' bi£' ,diifferel],'Of::S iu plr1)Oe, t",OOj as :~ts ~jjJiH,~e:L' to ~,iI.]zt~lllUlfa'C;It!l.nie si~']e ~:lI.indJe ~heF"

l-rete:~~, 8! 'g)!1l1l,dk gJlllide to the ,diffe!reilii:oes 'ibehvee':Iil'e ruode :;:L!DJd mlrtilitiL110dle fibeil:·"'op~i.c c~dh]e.

S[ng~e ,Mode MIIJUlimode
Cost High Low
Easy of ~ m'w;[@m,entatu'on High LoW
• • J) •
Pelrfo[-~TljaIIi1lCel '14, Tbitls 10 Gbitls
LED Source laser Only Laser Of LED
Distances 10-1IOOJ(m 2000m+
S]~)m:al[ loss. + ..
Core 5tz.e' Snrri1all LallOle
.·· .. :1 .. ·· , \ ,,', - Yo IJ it1i6ed tal ~}[.!I~ soma 'i1ibFr...,opuc; cable and r!W'.n ,Ei 'I'~eh~o!rik, 1 JO'O meters ~.wiilh a speed 0'. ~ Gbu~f:&.sc: .. Cho'OiSe giing~e me de m' mUlI:~modHr a[ld oorii'e yotllr reacsons for ~'Oulr ehoiee.

It';1 fl",lIIt, t'h' ,,', .,' w" ",,~, fl-III'b"" "'t"·:'" Iwe" ,S, C',,' ,," e, eOi1,l!Ietilor O",-I~'III ' ',' ,Ier",opi ,lIe

, ,I


II It _,--,--, tl'.., t ,.JI\ - h f"·l!.. - '. '~..J

usa: ,CII call1lnCfoiO!II !OI!'iIi'; Ril I aDQS liN ~ ,G,W Q I '11Hi:1i" i1nS:aill:.,

Yau QPOXY' 1he flibii.r of the paitc!h callie b1.sidl• tihe ;CO~I., tlMn poli'sh 'tM Qra ,o,f' ,the fi'bD.

T.lm tedll~qU'f' is slowel"' aed more rnmp]icalk'ed, and you, n,e.ed s_peciaill. eqm.IPm'eJl!~ and, m"a'Mri. The' ,8!.dY:8!ntag€' :is '~b:~:~ i'lt makes a, h~her qua]ity' 'oo(b1[JJectlolJJj.

\Vlui[e' '\¥e ornJilld we: eitilrer technique, [el~~ go' 'M'~ 'me ]lre~bM[ 0]I[]Jneeoo'r f.QI" no-w:; OEly om. few- '~OQ']s aroe ,£il£N;:ded :fDr ,[his :app!l'iO\a!dlij and any lliLe'r'!NOII.;_k ,~€,ch can, learrn to do them. in ]egs 'tthan '[:5 mmliJj~es-w!bidTi. me:m.!EI!s tha![ Co,aollil.1llf~ Airw,8!)"S W.m get '~bJe][" Ii[if~,e-'l'n€ltt con'Uil.,ectrn'll iUfi' 2l1Jldl ["-umJj~' preJbt.f' qwcldy; Yml cam even pt vidleos and q,rud, ~1UJid!e:s on. bow 'rrolfiE these from m2bmllf~I".i.

So Ibas 'Ul,is fi'xed the probfrem for CocollllIl Airways?

you are here ~ 41

You ineed to hUill sorns 'rnbeT-\o~dic, Gable and Ulllln a ItllehlJoril;, 1:300. meters willh a speed of i, Gbi~J.seG. ChGlo:Js :Jnng~e. mode. or' mUJl1imodle'li arid ~Iriue your reasons for :~ollm' OOQ'jlCe_

't ,It

, "'"'1C1h

,·.·, •. ···,',ig~i~~

~~~: .I~~:. ~~~~ .. '~.~ . ~~.~ . ~~. ~~~~:. :~~~.~~: .~. ~~~. ~~~~#.. ~ .. '~~: .~~:~~:' .. ~.~.~~~~~:. ~~~~~ .~~~: .,~ .

~~~ .. ~.~~,~. ~'~ .,t~~~. ~.~~:~~, .


'11 .. The ~ral4smis~ Ciilpacil~' 0"';3, 'i)OO1PIiJ~8t' naiw.'{irk or , e]eOllimli[lI.miiAl1:i~M ~~eli"fl [.BANDWI~TH]

'~" SfgJ1!i11 g~atcr [TONBi:l

15. Another' Il\rame~ 'fa ,a '\sf.r,aight--1li"IflJ. " ,cable_" [pA.TCH]

91.lPnrfiit'~ n1i8 e~Bs. go ' laiet .. _ ~.BRE~'KI~if...!'NTINUnYl

116. Sbipedl 'O~Bti~~ :solid,'9r,fJ~g,er stJripedl ,gr:een~ solid tlU8" st -iW~ blu;aJ ~olIdi green, stripal braloWil, :~ bf!1wn ..... ~SfAtfDMD!EOO~l,

'1:4 .. 10 If.H3i-ll8 a! t'f'l8 eleemllbVlS netw.IOt:1\;, use tMs: m~. [OOA){IAlLCABllE,]

1.6. I~'\'a:rjm~ ~, 'oTa, 'GA.T-:5 1l:8ble' [jim "-eet) [336]


2. A s~"fnb.(!Ii:G ~~am hi: ShuM.1S bOlA1 a: !I'iJ'ebtJDFK 'I.'.IDIK:s_ '[TOPOLOGY~

3. Equals GMe. ~ ~1.lut~ of [8'lealJi~ c:ulre_nt [MEGABrFl Ifj,. Ii lone Ij:Mil1 ,iJiMe iE ticl: _ , 1t:le ne:lWiJ!fk ~,\'lill Mt_ func:~ [flE~M INlATlEiD.l

'f. ,A, ca'ble~ 1Ii181: ciln sel\1.d1 and !l'e~~re' i:)';.'11 ~iJ.'lh am at 'tire 8ame tim:l8_ [CROSSOVER~

is. UTI? cable' ~i}h 0fuI' R..I.i,i!J; i)OO well{lr !,cAI~]

~1_ Tlh8 true MM_e ~nne RJ-46 {;CiJiiliieJ)'rD.t'. !CiIP8C]

t2 .. :S~i'I\~S: 'filN' Etl'ileJ'ne:t trai'!iSfiAi~ion ~,alE.s, I,B~lET] 1.]. e~"ttact [p-Dints,;Oro 031 ja~. IP~NSl

Co.~aJlu1ati'0m~ You Ve moae:gsful1y 'b.'oufu]es~:JJOoted a:~d fB..'K.ed ,am, of the ir:I!etwork, prob[,enu tth:a:l COC0II:1JU:tt .Al1r'lNa;YS were e"Peli,e'll'lc~'j and '~bJe~l]'1e' bi'ck in :£11.]]1 opentio][. AM of [fu,err Jl]iglb:~ are f'l.l~ly boo1im~,i1j dlie][" cash-flow p,roMe!L1IJ!5 are 11.00 m.o:re:j mil .. dl [he pilots can Dy safely iI:ha!rtlb to '~heiill" up-to-date '\¥ellLiI11e:!I:" lruorntatio,m.

YOll\re learned a nO'~ ][JJ lhis Chap'Die~. You~ve found 0111lE a'lbourt the diH:ere]iJ:~ types of ]we'h-wm ca!b'[,ej 'you\re, ]e:a!l'Wedi some ]miPDrl!al[il:~ ,tt~ol1d)],es~IDotiill!g' teclill!iLiqUl~ and 'YOl11!ive seen (iii .. e stt.!::,ps you need t"o ~'O '~h:roiJjgb :~o fix V.3!JrTom£ caJb»iIng!L'Ds.

1 . 1

.... , . ,0 ,_ .. ,' ' . .'

2 P annmg netw9rk ll)'Quts


~ T

Networking in the Da'rk +-

H&Q\i\E!nS, a ![AT-Ei in The doghous~" 'Who; wou~dl''!re fhofi.!lght,,,,,,

Tiired olf' tri,Plpiing over 'wires, and gettii ng Imauhad by yo ur

1- 10_"' I I oIio-t!'1

e ,ee u -lea 'CIIO&B'IL,::- 'W,[l,e:ni yau bn.:rmd a nelvrom 'wilitnout: Ipli3JnnnniQI. ~Ou;ll endup wiH1 a

11)~g messr-wires rUlnn~ng IEF\H:!!ry wf:l:iicni way, ~res connected] to 'Whe, knows what?" ~'1i'I1 UllS chaptelr; 'you~nl ~egjFl1]I how to pHan a ph~c:Eallne(Mork ;ta,ji'oO!1JiIt '"f)al willi salve your bacon down the m~d .. , You wiill raHso teca If, 1ITl: how to 1US€' proper 'nE_mlt;: 'h:~r,dwaJlfe to co:rnt'aJilEl: aJrlJd [help mana,ge' al] 1ho~' wires..

Ah··o-IO .... ·w" ·Qlf-··c'h··· l1oDd<iS" I·Y_ 'olUr Ih,l.i;llpl:

\1"., .01 - 'UI, ,,';' rll.~~' ''1181 .' ii,

The moot popular 'rea]~t;1"' TV shov .... m N'etworltville

is G~IDst ·Watch. Evelry' '!.¥eel. th,e G~IDst Watch ·t'ean1J. goes ] []j 00' an old bu.iillmllJi~· and. '[1foQ-:r-db :3iJI1I:y sb''3lI1~,e sigihJts .a~:]j(ft ~mmd.s they ,enaa!lJJlwt-e:r LlSm.g· '[heir' high..tedit

. 1~ - :tL'~':L ! _jl_. -~ _~~·t_

'eq[.II.H~melil.t. . . .II!e "Itr.OHwe ]8J blie rerun 's :neIft"w,Q[-,Kmg a!l!l.l!.l!!

k-ee]ll~;~~i~' them dowm.~ and tln.€lir fO!D~€' ends lhli]J '~'a.Q distorted 00 llJ!.Se~ OIL" ]sn~t even :record.ed.

This week tih.,e' G1lJog~ ·Wa·tcl1 [e&ITJ] ]S m all old.

ah!.u\d .. Ci'liled hotel.:;. and. clJi,ey liiie~d1 you to he:[p ri1,em sett up tl.,e-Ur iIletwoI'k. They need l1li!i.'Ti.CI!h'ltrHmI'!le ca;lb4]~~· 'M~ .ai, d,ean sig1lJ!a1lj and -rrfu.ey :mlillSt be' .aiM,e' to adapt qwcMy to ·,,¥.hateve[" Di1!"ighrt: ~'ljle[JJ. Here He theIr' requirements,

S""' wl1-r- ~1Ii<o-ul'd 'WA !il?iIo-lrl' . ,'fg -. . ~ s:;: .a{l]lev r .. '. ,~, :alll.A ;~i'

Net.'!,~ro:r'-Jci!l.ij~' ]!I1~ves lii.iIJlll.'cThi, more 'tt~JiZilll Sh'i[L~'iiig' c"dbks ;a["mll~].d h!:ap~,]:a.zru.n::tll~ Be:~(Ere- 'l(011l! starrr P't~~l~,i.t~' ~,iil.]"es all over the :p:ba~} you need to :~@11[,!E: ![i;l!1tt 'w:fui,alit JOlil! ClDl.'iLl!1ec:~i:L~'1 ''i,''IlheF6 atm these dhi~:1ITI£3 are gIO:~~:iig ~IQI be

~ .,~ d'I'iL 'IL.~ ~ L ~

~ilJc:a;~e (~~ am .. · I uO"W' 11JIE:5'tt tn me!t'\'Vo:r:iK ~:uJ!em,.

'W~~te GO!I/M'1flI ,EI: II~ ~1t of the ,dlev~ces, 1!h ffilt 8Jlf'e Illceedh8·dl, a 1,Q!!fi,,§ wlitllll wlhieiFe '~jhley 111Ie.e.d 110 g!O.

I~ ~1i1It: t;8ike iii kilOit at 1!Hle: IP8lg e OlPdJ osite,


Physical area

'your pencil , S,lutjlon

'WiFlit:e ,dIOWI'll .Eli ,11~st: '0.11' the dfeVi1'ce5 ~1'Nilltt are Ir~eed ed, alcn gl w,ldl WJI"heiFe 1!11'iley need to ,gIO.

~ij lIIitt: ta I:<e- a le 0.&:. ,alit: the IP !!jlge opp Oi5,~t:e.


Phy5iic.a~ area

S,OI h'OiW' dOls, fih.i d:1,v'i;c,1 nsf hlelp us' Iplat1 a i1,etw'ork',?'

The :Kl!rsrr step in pDa.l!liiJ]il!l~ a good [Il,e:!!'li!'?o!l:l :Us ito W01":k ![Ilil.'~ eK8!ot1:~ 'l1,.<!!'Ihia:tt devices need] '~O' be ~lTi.i.dll_itd.'e,dj ,u.d where theym be :~ocated.. '\V~t1~D'l1l!~ :li~5 lU!lll!l"e ,&ffecli.1vely lTi.i.'e!r'Vrodti!lll!g' in t~~j.'e d;8!l'k

-·'-"NI '~6"""E:.

U' YO;!11 take ,a, step-by-step apPli'(llZ'iicl\ and plan YOl1l![' :L'ii.,e:t~rork byou'~ WjiJ,rtJ ruL1!Lii:~~:l!~' a .. e il::2Lb~ej YOl1lJru save- '}'O'Il1['seJ ,i3!, llatt of '~~ij]Je and !L1i:],'Ci1I1:~

H8'!I:ie' are t]ru .. e. ~,e";l st,epB }'Olll ~"ij:e,e d 00' ~'O '~JM:'O'Itl!~:

" .' , _ 'Nt.' ~ "~ d~t ih~ d:cr"

Ust out tlh,Q, 'yar~;iiOtl;S iIiI;!2,fwo~1k de;'IIi'o!2s and' whi!Zl~'Q, ,t,ke,y' 'WI III1 ~ J

IbG!, locat'ed '"

lie' £'111[,13 '}1"OUI. illi.i.,' wh,8!t '~pe 00:[ cable ffu.'e}f ]ii .. eed,} fo[[' eXaJI.1f:i1,pl!ej Ui\1-:'5.

A,A:~ I' 'f ,,", I· ~I j" fr, Ib" ""-,,,'I~" ',' , MIWUUIlS )"O!lJr 1~~,CU1 , or o,s' ~!f;,!IiC ~es,

M.okit2, a ~ilils1t' of the hardWt!1Pti you wi'll Inud t'OI fIIUJ,iIi the clIlbme.

T.&is :U.iIliC'~Jlilccl!es ~]:m~ lliilre ICaJibLe ~'if'ay£~J-'hoG:ks~ wire ties, and so CEIIiI,.

,Pillit y'Ol!I_~1 w,i'I~~ I~rd

]Q..!UIlI 'jIO'l!Uf ca'Me:s bet'i ..... eeru the val;'uWIIj,S devices,

So f:a[" we''i/ce completed O[IJ1f' '!:If these steps, 'VVe:~ve' m:ade a Hs[ C!f -a][ ~.ij!e G~Jj .. 05t ,",Vatch demaes Vie need to wtlre '!l.:~~~~8!1o~' '~"!,qftth, w:here Ie!IDdi, of '~heil:1jl needs '[,0 ~'o.. Lef£ I[ii])ove CEF':Lt,o, t11i:e- next step.

you are tlere ~ :5<5

:F~OO!l:"~)i8!ITi.i.s :!:ll'!!e you, a '\wy of plotJmilfiig' '~e nom' space ;[If the area iLIII, '\'¥lm,~d.i.i 'yml! need ~o Lay dm¥1l.1, '!lle:~ml cables. They Sl.10W'YOIJ.!1. ilITi:rol'~m:atil.ioill suc]n, all nom" Ilmjroill.} and ,~ll~ck :m2l.11y. of 'trl'Jiifl 'lIleh¥O'Fhl~:i.i~ ,a;rm.~t'ad.,es ~:h:at ,}'ml! need to pF3!.'LIiI, [Of' when 'l"U!1l:L"e llayiLliIg ,db!W1l.1 cables,

Th~; 1:5' ~h~w' hoi wdt~ h~~3 ..3tn.dl HVAC ~~,ft dt-~,,~,


0,0'· .. ·, 0 0····' 0'" 0:"

.". ." .. ".".




U,8S~ll1fW~S:hllllllgl Ilna,(ll~iIFil e

!----- ' CJ
'1 'I J I:
r' IV




G~].'iJSlt 'Watch has gotrI:S'lJij, l],o:M ,[1,:[ Uom:1P~a:lll!s far.r e:m.cfu Hoar of tl~!e ll!C!te~, ~h.ey~[';e ][ll'!lest~,H!Jii[[jg. \~e callli use these to check fo:r obstacles ,l1bl1ij,dl ,p:~alil where 'iiii:rJe :lIleil:'ifJOl1.. cables rulO!1l!ld ~o!.

roo Ifill

,I/' Of£."

[8 f\ o '""ce

U 10

\ I '-.J


Hlel'te ;8jIr'e tFie ~Jompl,8jns 'tor '~he( base,m~n& (if ~he. hoteL

YOOllr task is fn id\erutif!l ,21TeaiS o~ il-e bu[lding ·!hat milght p~3e. pirohleflil3 .in IrLlliUI~n g; cable' or c[lil]l~ di3Jmag-e, '~he cabfJe~., Cilrde an cl make netss about 'five sreas '~ha.t. mig ht ,be p;roblemati:c ~\lifJlem '~be~ nel'l.!JO n'k cable's. are instaUed_

,~1O ~~ 'fOWli!T

~.~i!: "

u .... ,~'_"",. ,1'ilrw,WI'!::!;a II

:~~J~: :p?i!;~,~. ~.~~: ~~~~~. ~!~~~ ,.~'~~. ~.i~ro'~~!~?~~ , .. , .. " .. , : , .. , .. " .. , : , , .. , .. , , : , .. , .. " .

you are tlere ~ :51

He'~e :are ina tlfomphans for Ute basementt ~f '~he hot:e~,. V!Je/'lfe d~all'iln irr the '1J.Elr&OUl3 rBcmdi[l:g de!\fires that mJeea '1.'0 to anile :3lfltotherr'.,

Y'~!.IIlr 'task us to nd)emiiy alMaJS [!i~ '~he, 'b IJlk~i[j~g '~hat .m~glhi Pi[)SB pro!bl:e ms in [rUIn I:li~n:g' cable~ 'OT eeuld da rnag,e '01:8' Ic:alb~e., OJ r,che an d make note'S, ,aibo!JIl 'fijfe areas U]at [FIiilight ~e p'rob..Iemruahc ~\i'rn6n~ 'ihe~ ,tlIe'ruro:nk cablss a.l'te ,i[l~,dalredL.

llD 1j!~4: POW!!'" ~i'M.i!l

d> " L . ,....:1., __ , N:~ 111!!7'r. 'ViI J'Ot'f

)"0; Th~ b. 1 ,- , '-f: h - ',' d,,'b .", , ;!; , ,nt!~i !k ~- !!Idr-' "'·u ' ' rf:. Th- , ~~, ' ,- -, 'b "cc~,

1r#J,ote:~,,, . _I_ .. '~ ... ~! .~~ .~1 ~S~ .'E! .. i~~I~.'~~ .. ~I .. ,~~I.~~.~~ .~.'~ .'-:-. -.S.::-:'. r.:': .... ~: .. :: Y.~.~-!r~:~:-:: .... :'.~~. ~.~ .. ~ ... '.~.~I.<:_:· ...

ar- lr.i.d -I:1h' ~~-dTV! ,QI ·;)mC; ,l. n.'" [lar"" ~ ,ttriti~ lifn - III:'· 'ck l.o 'b - :a~" 'd ,d· Tlb',' ~ot w,~, ~,,~, ~~

,~-.~;" ' .. ,c. :~ .. '" ~ .',-, -I, ,~, 1f~I .. ·: ,~, .. , .. ,.,~', , .. , ,J~, ~ ,~; ,c .. ,'~ .... , ·:·A,: ~~: ".,';'" .. ~, .. , ',~,:~, :~' .. ",-,~, .... C,' :;";, ...... ~,; :,;'" .. -:, ,':" '"''

~ood. ~~ c ~i ~~ lbe: ~o!, a~.d ~(cd. W b~. iV~d¢(l Tbc '~II!.iiO'fif!~i!'ltl:, i!t'lfh-i:, :~ ,~: ~~: ~~icrt'O'"tt.;te',

.......... - - - -J ~~~ i'· - .

ol..~ L.-.. .... :11 ...•. -rh.. ·Cl-· .

'UiJt.~ es ur ,.. ,uSe

So. Wh21:~ should yoU!. do wi;.I.en you. enceuater ol)smcles ]lLli N·eh~,<"orb,illIIe? :He:['oB?S at qmcl:, ~dled '~,on.l".


Ir-.A:-~- •. - ... -.~-:= .... '---,.a.- .. -:-~-lii-_-:.;A.=··~-, ,-~:- .. - .. ""1"- Ycru can n~[[[ 'ymJI[' around '!,-V,a!1is, or d~ ,'~[-.jJ,].~h ,il:fuem ]1IJis1J:i!~al~~ Pay aYbt:eJil:itJ!oru '~O wll:h:m.t ymJ!ii wds are [i11J,8!d.e 'OK YOIlJ! need. 'fro be' comre§w. w1he~:1I. you dr-ill rth[iJ;!ilrgh concrete wa]b~ and ]~ ~T:I! 'be hard to ,at~mch, tIl, itO' '~!I.ick, and concrete,

.oi( ilJIlP



Ym:1! Ca!D! me s:t8!JI!iS as a w:ay of gertrtinJg carb]e from one tf]om: to. m['Oi~e[) bl!]f~, mike.MrnE that it's, out IOf the ''!Iilmy D,jf people w~ the stairs 'by U[s]IJJ!K b'ay.s o~J= Hooks,

Ymll can\t nli!lJi eables '~~!ro1LlIgb '0,1' ~cro~ ''I,.Y]!lJld.o'WS. R.wa yom~ cab]e above or fue[ow instead,

e ~ Silllb~ ShDWlr~!I' Iltid alii: thhl"g,s w,rt

~O ,~

'W:a.ter .8J][d c~bles domtt 'R'iIJJX. W8!Jter lean corrode ,¥Ol!J1r' cables 10,]" milke tl!-d,em s,[J§Lrk. M*e S!1lrl"e Y'Ollll :Rvoidi n1!![JJ:nUrng yow cab.les m,e,alii Wil.'~er~ and ]!IJI partJ1Cllllla~ dm]~rr rILlIiI'l! cables 11]!!D!(llieT sinks nr showe rs,

I~~ .. , ~. I~ Stoves BPlid alllthillllls hot

o :Ne.Motr:l. ,aa'b[es mtrntmJ.:iI,[ gle'~ roo horrj ~O' d_oru![ rum rne'Molli, caMes

1.0,;' ..... 0·.· . " CI'!Ie[' or above g~O'IireSj Oil othe I" oibabdles tllLarrr ~['!;!,e' off' l~e:8!t

,... .. ,_: prolWem 'wi,~ stoves is lfil[ilif; electric stoves are' £l1li]1f1lied 'wid~ 220VAC fil,ect[~a], ]IEJe&, aud 1I~is. 'm[ eause noise in nemmiL cah],es that run ton close .

.A.s Wfl'][".as giv,mg off' heat) moters also ~irve: off v.ib]",~3J!I].'om. :Dldl e[,oct[OOnlL~[lJetic w.8!V'~ 'Vil.lhra!~will1l.! an bim.dl fail." you]' lI:i1.d;~ro&, 'rnfulesj SCi' dO!lJi'iI: nm eahles OV>f-'l' inooors 0']" SJlm]]2llf devices. Eled:roll'il~ne'liic wa1iles can C::i1il!S8' mrene.!l'ence ,lsSl1l)es.

'0' Q'!3I d' 'Y" t' '0' P' I' At" Iiii· 0' .;illi [tAll"" •. "0' rk ,A a b' 'I'llis 4' :h,~1 r """ 11,~1' :,', er ,~i' 'I'l'l ~ rll'~'lnl:", /, ~,-;: I '_, ,tt:{, f

'Y!lJU'~'i;r-e' ~e;;:t!L.Lrij:edl :8! ]O~ about '\~]2L~ obsbdes Ca.ll]] eause probi,e:rnJ£ !fb'l' y011]~~ lri!,e'hrork h}1"Ou:t Let's see lln.,ow· you ~,e'~: mil. 'W]tt~li :ph~:I!i1:iji'il~ tll,e !rO:!J:~t-:e the netv!;'lD,tk ,c,rub:~es shml~.d tili :fo(r' G1hoo'~ \,\i'"01:~CTh,.

Q: Wlhf~' wiilJlr 'ge:Ming n~e list ,of d,e""lice~ w'rrIO~i[l1 ,oiIJ;slllif:mney d©.i'A'D 'the m~dl?

J\, .. 'll ,,, ,~=" ,.!I.:;, ,;" e"" '::' """ ,il"."., "I'll "". ''''''tlI .... ~ .l-\. II ,_,I .. , i .... ...., y""''"',.:.".,:, ..... ,'''"' .0"'::l"M~ .... ' c..r

;:ijdd8~ ~rell' in 'th:e tp'lojec' 'lma& lJi~lLan1f is n®:: a biig if8al. Hut i~,a .IaJ~e number 0" d,elJL<p8~, ,are Fffisse~ or M~Jl.lai:edl: '~hiG i1:a~ eaase ~1"IDU 'fi) h a!l,!",8! tbD IiIB;do !ill '~iJ!Jr' c.mreif'u~llf p~ai"1i'i1edJ 'i.'I.1[f;iTig. iWhi'ch mea1r]s yCilJ1 j!liS'H Iii€! t1he ~roject 1:!.~~ce..

0....,:: :SI!) :sJ~o:U!I!II I make! ,il 1,I!!l'waJnoe!s. i!1I1I my l!'.IIla 1111 'full" alddii~i!fii:l1ifllll ~e!';{i'ce~~ ~,o be, iiIIOdiiHiI?

A: Great lidea,!' Th is flliU '~G!Je you ,i3j iIlJ:em:e!llldi)u;sam(iul1i~, iD,f time" ene~~~ an~ motte'y d ~11J ~he. ma,d! ~'h'ell I[i~he;r' ~e~I~'e.-s are ad~B[L

Q: Illffiow {]lo ~ make' '~Ihlo:z;;e: a IliOiw13IHoe,s;?,J\:: Firg!: 'flhiili'ig] '~OI db is to 1P1a;n ro f!.tn oome e:dra !calb!es. UJat t'l.1~y ';ne~' are [n plaiD8! w~e\n lf10'U: need them. Y~u: maL~' lile8cl. to !'u:n s;f!veroa:i l~1pelL

SelOOli'lii, ,[Iidirl SlDme 'Iett.gth ~\[I Ihe !Callies, lRla1 are Ibeing I"Ui'iL Th~~ Fl'H~lans: if you tp!a:n calls f.~1 ,i3J Sii}' caM8!, add ,1i%1 to 10% O'J 25' to

7 S'" On 10 nger ,l'l.In s, ,ad.d: 15%. U Q in;g] ~h!s II'I.I~I aooure '~ha~ :~iU ne:~er (lome !.lJi1 eho ~, encable,

Q: I[l!o, I need to w'iInry alb~Hd eiledTi:~al [P'ower f;or ll~e devioe!S?'

l\.: Geed 'iJ.'u,e.81tiotli .. H: ~e lIieJ,ioe8i that yO\!i, DIre' dealiflg 'lI'iiHh Ineed ~!Yi.\!er·; like ICiJ]ifi~U~_er'S, pr.ilit~ers~, o IF' n8t~'mt de~ijce~, it wol.ilcl be

;!;I e;mDd rcl'e;!;l to t'h ink abo;'l)lt p01.ll€r., Ot-Iie I

~iii: is ,an !3IiijE!F11houg!ht lE~lerl more, p6{l~!e: ilelil~ '~,iJ tr~r 00 ru~ roo man~f >clevic6ls 'iliom a: ~iiF\ticular te:lennc~1 pmIJ,8t' SOIJlFlDB:.

Q: Ill!I!o'nl'd;o i dde'lrlWlline 'Wfil;eil1l;~ !!lJOI thlFMlU{I'n aiD O,bsitade: Vleif:srus !OI®'i 11,[1 ;3ir''OIDIIlJ~1 iit?

.1\,: -.- i3!tli!i" '~h:ililjg)S impaG.'~ '~h is, aecisi'GlIii.

Firs:~, is ~e li'rIett~0ti'ik cEihling beiilil!] ins.;a~6id' go:ingJ to be ~ermJ~nea1l~? n so, '~e\n 1{iJilJ! 'f"i!i ~'a:nt W use ~e;l'lmii:ilttei'iit ~lO~lJti,iJ!1iS to !ge~ ~t'(i!!.!llildll[!t!Gt.a.cles.. For exa;lfllP~e:, iftiher·e

is IIsl in j.fIJ'Uir ",ya~f,: :ii fhe c·ab~e 'is, goil'l~Jo staY' in lP~aDe, the~ Y0U proba:hl~' 11111 wani: to go lh to!:!liih the IIltaBI. ~i 'ime ~a:b Ie ~s: (ln~ telm,p'~"ratJ, 'fiftef.l lf~ lili~ want to jUg!: go

;!;I 1'0. Iild ~h.e wall.

Q::_..: I:ll'o-w' dol get U~ Irlo~ll~h walls?

A,': 'Thai: d8JJ)'BI\"I@G Olil lh:8: ~¥1Pi8 (I ~ '1/talL 'Ymi CEJtli dlrill iI!\Ql!I~h a! t!fp'i'~1 ~h:8,eib'ack cO'a'ereil' '1I1~ Dr lifie;ffilI1Il,aJL These i!1i!l8, '1tie tY1Pes, (Ii 1l1,[l lis, tiD L!llfid in mD~~ ~omeg. YOUI ~i[III.!'ilr.i ,to be !care-klll: ah,_iJut eredr~caJ ~tl€;S inside '~he: w~I~. El rick. ,an.d c{!f1cl"efe \\1i::1lh cen be irlE'iUedJ ~hr,o!1;ghJ bu~ ~~eeia~ dlrijl bil~i Cililid' l1anlt'mel:'--dri~G awe lfieed'ed.

Q_:,;: Slnloulldl :il tallk "n'r~h 'ruhe' II:mi~(ijTIf'lg':s OliN1fllE!'f 'or maliLa{l:eli bef,ore nlll'liIillililiQl eal;)~e's?

A,: li'llie ilills )!;I~arti@tll ilJ·f ~e e..ables: is .!)oimlg] til be piB',rman8fitJ it is !ifernr iimip!J(r;;z;nr~: t'(l irlc' iItle pe-DpIB' mal: he aJl1idi 0'1/1'1.

~e 8~a:ce 'Hlilt 'iJ'O u ;mile: lI'!'Jtlnin gl !c;a.b~e 'in. Sha_ri,t:1~ ~f(i!Ur plan ~ith _hem IDa'r] helLO ~rou roo. The:'J," m,a.y Ibe: able '10 ,muggiest ,ailfern?/~:e mutin<g: oi caMes 101 iJthe ~sta!cles' haJ~: 'Jl@1J] mi'gM, n.jJIt be i:Mrare 'of.


f:ak,e ,a smb at Rayillngl O!JJilt: '!thie' calb~e·s, Olfil t:lhi~'~, 1110011"" of tl1"iJe' tlotelil. D~aw ,calb~e8 rncm the Eame1r,i!IJ$ an d mlcs te the mQfII~ito;rli~lIg ,diesk. lI'liot:lJli1Ig where you IfIl'Il~gh1i giG 'itlhrrollJlgin. W81~~',!l.

Monmming deslk,

li.o basement ...

Meohaniaal roOillil

IE l!ev atoJ"

Frn:JJd desk




pen your plm~1

. SI_utlon

iFri"anft desk

lake a titBib at Il8l.y~ngl <G!!.Jflt the' e:iiilb~e s on 1t~'lIhi.1nloolf Ciil' ·d-h€:' !rno1teU. D~~aw 'Gaiblles fll(llm the came;r,!3IS andllillks, te 'tlhiE: mOrliilt,o'r'ilfllg deslk. lI'lIotlirng Wlhelre' you II'Il1I~ght 'giG ,ltlhlll''O!lJlg~lI Wiill~~'S.

O 0··· 0 r :10 .. , 0:···· 0:· ... ···

~ .' _:. "." . . .... . -: . _'.'


Ell evam r

IM!ealilaninall moml

Lef£ hike i?i.!lJJC!&)em~ ~oolk at t'fuJ"e lITi.,e'11:V!l"O[~k: :phL!IJJ~]i~l!g' steps .amd, see how' f:aT:' a[Olr:l!~ '~'V€ :!'I!.'D"e.

Malltoe la, ~ll~st, of: 1It:he hard!wtU'lri, YOUI WjiJ~ I In!2Jri_d~ tOI I~U'n tlhQ, i:1ob,li!2 u

This l!IJJchl1des t\]~]~'3 [ike' Gable b~ys::.J -hoeks, wn"e' ties, ,:aLlm,d so 'CHr:I!.


A: YOIJ ha'i,l\e, i3 eouple O'~ 8ol'.lIiiD~tG:. Of I[llJ\UlS8 ')"OU ,Go!JJcl ,alllltill,Ys fig uY',e !J ut om l11i111' ,[I,r®l.lnd! ili:ie 'IAi;all, blJlt ::±1rnme~illlles,'tl1~~ is not an cption .. Th ~ e are ~~ec~I.lrfri]1 b~1:s ,[lwd d~I~~ '~hiat !filiBI :allarl\1' ~rm.l to dlrill a hele 'nt'0'Jign iCotU::lfere_ II is Ibeslt to iOOnlSl!I~t 'I.\!ij};jihe building m~nager Ibe D'F€ :].NJtI dil '8om;eilflLl1g [Ike ihis ..

Q: litow' ~I,o I deal 'Wi~h big: le!tec~rri'iI:;alllilil,e!S 't]r.aJt are m:!~r 'H~J e,lne' the liI'etwo:r:k: !C!lIID le lIiIe;elDls ~o' ~:o 1-

A.: A'Il'iJ>id th~m! B!Jt :!(O!JI ikn IY,",' "fhaJt ,aJrealdl~jl'. The r/J;D':si: 'ililii'ilg '~o d I) r;un ' he ItBtlA'iJ:r~ eahle 1Pi3~a:He~ tOJ~e ,elec!briC3I'Ii'rle_ ti ~liJ!l.I Mla!UIB'

no ,e:noilDf: blJ1~' 'fol run :il f,!ta:raHeil ',.:0 all, ,eie!CtricaJl' ~il1Jer then plJit ,ill, roO'~ or ~~'O 11'b betlWeeJ'l liIe 'tlJeTI.\101t line and the efeootcalline ..

A_,: ¥Oll,l n ~e.d ,.0 avoid t1ur.llili'ng neTI\lor:K cables on the fbQ!J':. ¥o!J will see ii'l man.y IP laces f at :i'.: ~ tun Ih,ail: ~1iIi3!'i- ~!I.I~ 'it r~l(!f beeemes a h'aza:r@_ P'·e{~1P18 can ilJJ'i'~ 011 i ~ It car. 'Cl!:l!JIse ,diftictlli:ies, ~liiin wh,6elcha;ir aeeess, 'The eable C31il evBtlI he d~mat~Ed Irnm ]3IeDp~e' ,",aJl~it11l' on it. So' '~ry Iwt 00 do this,

Q: IIHIlo'N' :is liIe~,w®irlk, c~b'le runa in lil'eW' ;buiill~Ii'II1I~S?'

A,: Good q;u)8~iol1. I'n neil.i' ibutliiil:lii).G,' I eire ~t>e diffef\ew~ t:uFies:

of c:on;iiuj~s Ihat are 'p-ut it'll iP~aDe \;\!netlJ the build in gl ii~ '!;lin der ~n8~li'u\E:'fiol:1i_ Orl!en i!, is, i1he ,eledIJrical'camtrae:~DF iItilal fuill d'll ,1.ti~~L lthis il'I a '8,8 i.: v-erlj ,eas)!' ;0 I'iUIil '~he Ineilwmt eables Ib·ecalls8' VoiJt! just pull fh em 'inflDugh fhF8 iOOni:l!1lli .:8: &i?/.: nile 'e!ec~ne:ra~s _ nsf'a lled,

'W' d'l tn d !lid' t~~ bl

" ','.',' e, tI,ee' I ,:'1 '. eCI'llI,e, Ott, '. r '18 ea ','1 s

' ... ·iYAgilJ1IU,,, ..... Ih'mrd' W' 'B"y:d'

·.IIi"II'a., ; 5'1I1n1,ir;P] ,~: - " -, : ~

The ~:u~,x~ sfuep OiD the p]a!D! ]S to take' a :md.:, at the e:abl't'!! ~aJuw~:tne.f.l:t Aamwa,re we need ED-r '~~]e' Ghoot 'Watcll rn'e~ork So< wh!:IJt's ti]'a!~?'

So' :fR~ we'w ~m:&ed at:a1], the routes 01lJ{1r lii.'ehwrk cables mouilld ~e;:. 't:aJkin.1i.;g ilPlito, atCCO;tII..R'tt aruy :and! pro(b[oeu, areas that m~ht 'be

ill the wa:~ Cable rna:ruag-enlle]1l.t [iJ.:a![Uiware :M'f:,]",s ito all of t]]"e it'ems we' need to' ~1l'~m.1. how 'tthe cabdof' gQ-es when, ''!I¥f: want it t,o.

& ,Bllii. e.xrum,p]e~ suppose' we ''!M1!1Jiit '~O run a, cable ac['OOS the top of a doo[imn:lI!e'. 'We[ij,'t just place the ca'We '~~]ere; lW' [1I,ENldi to '~]ow. i~ in place so' that ~:~ sl!.ao/S where ''!.¥e waD'~ ]~ ~, sta,-s Ol!.l"~ die wao/,. and doesn't ;[8iU. S-im'il!i!rly; if W'e w,aFiI:ibed '~'O- 'null. ciWes aJolrilg' the side of :!:IJ w,aill.]! '\'¥e"'d need call~e;ement ~Jiaorclware '~O keep '~e cables out th"e- w-ay ,rumJ,d s~,O"p '~em from m~g.

EveDI 'w!hen the lIi1,elwork,':s onlry 5'I1I1orl: 'il:eirlT:l!1 'you st!ill need caJblle ma.nagellfl'lent: hardwa fie ..

Leal'ill1[IJ~' s~my" cables DOU]]Jd is d8J~e:[-{)1J]S-:fl'oil:" peopl'e and lfD_r eqwpme-n;t S,omeJtimnes ,poorly p]oces cables aee easy f.or people to trip on, and i:1I.S we\re seen, cables :ml-l~irn'jt run t:hffi;!l.;I\~-h.£elr 0]" aemss ohmdes t~l!a'~ OOlL]M dlru-nage the cajb1i!lJi~ ,EveJIl! when ym.:I!'re .!!!e,lt"fiing lllrp a 'tt,e:mpo-:rar1' IEliBtrw©w.kj YOllli sti.1lll need '[0 prope~y 'Khmk it tbrlrU!Ll!~.

So wh~:~ does the caib1Jl!llg ['o<o:k ,like, 'Vi'lidii.oU'~ the' ca1hle m8JI]'8!g,emel:l!iI: ~Jiill'!rdw,a(['e ]11.1 pia'Cle?

m~t hordw~, on thi's, g;i!i~' we're. not going 'to' be, [h.ere, fm" lo~. r'Ve diIJ~~ used your plm to tiDy, tke fl.'eitlWOJ"lk ,cables.

, wllr: Dln·~1 ,t-u- r -,;., ;~UI

Take a ~O-O!k: ;ait 't)rlJeciilIlbli ~Iilg eff:OTts, ,BlbolYe. Wn;~t: sorts or p:nJjb~el!nii do. you 's,ee? ~ow WOIIJI~d }!' orgi3iriIH2ie 'mj rilgS, difIT:er'e'llliU1f~

lFalke a iodk ;art 'ltike' ~alb~ ilfllg effo(rb ,iiIIOO/llle. Wha'ii: sorts of ~(J"iO!b~er!fll5' do :!f6u :5iee? ~ow wOIUl~d }"OIlJl olfgGin&tHl: tihl r1igs, diilf.e~IIHlidy.'~'

.. ~~:.~.~.~'.~~ .. ~.J~~~-'~.~.~._#~:.~~~~~.~~~.~~~.~.~'.~.~ .. ~:~.~:!~ '. ,.~~,.~.~~'I.~:.~".·!.~.~~.~: .. , . .. ~.~.~.~~~:_~,~.I..~~:.~'~~.~_.~_~:_'~~.~~.AiU_'~~~_~'~'~~:.~i.4._~_~~~ .. ~~~.~~:,._~~.~~!4.~~_~_ .

. . ~'-~~~' .~~~.~ .. I~.~:- ~'!.I .. ~~~: .. ~:~~~ .~.~'~~ , .. , , .. _ , .. , , .. _ _ .. , .. , , .. _ _ .. , .. ,.

&hosf Wat,e"h tI,eeds cable, 'iIt,llIage,'l1,lttt Ihardwa're

AB 'yotll can .see~ tlru.e calWmg is fu8Jzm;d!rnLJJs l,at1].ml~ 3llfytrutrng !k:ee]J'm~~r the iEa,b1'BS mlf~ of harms W,8..1- There are cables rllJl.lIl!ru.iru~l from, ,Rool' '~O ceiiRmg; doW][ th'El' s~ru].iJ:'s ... and ~1]2L]lh8!zaml]r across dle :Il]COIr.

So ·w:ha~ irLarniwMe' :is ,8i'!l,ru:I!afui~e 'r,'C1 deal '\'¥lid!] 'rl~ese sorts of proti~enu?

r- - - - - - - - _,_ - - -,

I' 1


! ! .. J~Hooks

1 !"~

1 JC'.' . J~fuoob are used '~O lhLa.l!i.ig cable fa'o:rn,. These are IlJIS!1]~[Y ':a:litadJl.edl to ]]00[" joisrs or


L , oJ'

};~,t;Ii Ib' III" Ill-r',· Inr ..... ,iI' lIi ,~!iJ.M,.IIC\o, p!u'I:~I!J.!!',II!IIo!!i'~

C2ii.'We Preteetors are used to pmte err c>lii.·b:~e~ d~,0i,t furuo;,Je to run 0]Ji.i, 300']'5 .. Gl!'15<l!iI: c2L'!ll!Aio'1Il sheuld be used 'w:trii.'e'!IJi iFl'lr!p]e:L1llJ!eil:1L'~[1~J t.hese 0[1 .a. :[Ijom~ where there m.s

a lot of b~c. The cable p'l"'Otectm:" is a trip 'lliaza['di and can create hac[":ciel~ll f.m: w:ihe:e[Chi,ilIT.s..




rJ J)

~< / ~ /:":,.. .

: ~.",~:( .... .:«. I

1 :--..,~:I"

I . . ,

1 ~)

1 I

1 .... -: .... J

L ~~-------~-

CaMe 'lJr8fys :a!il."e· used ~1) held 6.[B!~ ilJ!lIJl!I:i.iiilhen of cables thaJj: ha'1.f{: 'liOl llililllJ! :rdauiive]y ]mlig' dEt8!ir!i.Ces. Tlaese are ii:ij.1C1Brr.~:y used in basemenrs :airrt~.,t.3j and ot'tin!e l:" Th.iJ16i.dle ml S~:h8!CeS beeause OJ.,ey a~,e v,er], ]~].dlll!si!Fia~ ]!l:1L ,appe[hl",:3;1I:1i.ce. A.h~'I!Oililghj roems it1:1Uil!tt

. !'J!"!' n. ~ .. -l·~·

are FiI.'e:I!'!,"{Ork O(](IF cilllmp1J:I!!~:rspec.llli:n:::: otren ~]ZiL'!l,e Uay~ ["IlJI]Iii.mlil1']j~· !1I£,8:1L'" t],tel' ,ce.].~J![l'

C&'Lb~e 'IJrRiYS '~:8!ke' a ~pC!d (!lezJ, ,0I :tpLaJ["iilfii:[['i.ig kl' imtaJ.~. t},j.,e:m GID'r.reC1tily and SG1J11)~ sp eci:a] I[DI013,


~I!.allewa~s . . . . ..... . .

. A, ]',acew.:3iY ,itS of,t.enfii. used to Fun eable '~O WO][btZ1:t~.oJi.iB t~1!a~ do [lot fu,all/e Wi:'Jllrn jack

access. Ofle~'[j. C!l.lIbide :fz:til'[m; 'wilill. tl];a".re sorue ~O'.J!'nll: ,o:If ['Z1!oe"W21Y ]li1s~8l!lled :fc!,]' phone and ~1!e;t~'!fQ,tk eaMes.


1 1 1 1 1 1 1


L ~

Ca'b:]e ties are a grea'n 'Vi/',ay to k.'~ep cables lIleat.J!1lBt l·e:lIIDe~.if.I!heT not to over ~igihtelfii, tli1:e:m. Oye'['~~ghrterii.[[ijg_ ,R wire !i:[e en C8:!t S ea'We 'CZi.iIJ! ,aill:tt,e [. EiI£ ,~t¥.k;[ and! 'CJ!'Ie,a~e

'il.'] e • 'iI.. .il iL'il

:p'!ID1J..lI. ems w.~tu,u b~.e: eamee.

ySt~,ur'f 1\J'b,es

A mii,11uf tube is ~e~lli,e~]y ["Ufii, in .lfIi.,e:w lin;l!iiLc11[~s ]~J!sid.,e tlii.'e" 'w:ah One: i8md ,atDcJ.hiL'i.ig no 3. 'W.a!~n. box, the 'o;fi.1]er' Em some ~:I:OQe.oo~.'Ih1te' bllJl.~ bJ1d.d,en 'p]Z1iC€' su'ci] as :;;:JJ, ha.serii.le-:rii,~ 01" ,atnic:.

T~Jie :mi.c:ropThi.'o':Iiles [LI] the b8!se:mei[Tj:t. ara pic1kmn~' '(!,lIP IDliJ.'iI.,e' s~n:lLlITige [ij,O:USeS. ''\{\fe need Yo,"!l .. l1 1[':0 :~~!' i[ roliIJi.,e'~fu[~' is ~,it]"ess[~' ''I,~dh Ul:JJe m~t'l!\;'O'r:k cables, and CaJ.rL~]IIl~' tiiiJe !rn.o,lID-e..

!Look at the ,cabl~~gl CI1fl the clia;gtraiJn to '[he leffi_, WFe down, soma "trings ~hlat oou~d affe:G'[ fni8 cab~es and causa strange lI10isES to be! I'\eror{~)ed_,

.. , .. , .. ,. _', ., .. , , .. , .. ,. _', .,. _ - ., .. , _', .,. _ - ., .. , _', ., , .. , .. , .. ,. _', ., , .. , .. , .. ,. _'. _ - ., .. , ,. _', _.

INftiiill2:oiI!i, """'-n _ft_ft , UII,;:!II-~ .;.,igl, _UII'.'.!!Ii;;'

fro',1111 gllilos:b; ,or flium UI'iDigS, messl'D,g with YOII r cab~es;.

Y1J'liIf cabtes are csny,n,g' electrica1 sig,nais., ,Anytiwing' "h'ar affects the ca'lJ.les me,cJl'iJ'lllc:aiiy or ele-dlnc.efiY' can 'Gre,aJe' ,nDiS€,_

. . .................................................................

your permiI

1ilat }fOIL! lteard "" .'. that if.OO~

.. your.~aiI, ------------, ' So'lution

L.ook at t~e cablin g, on "~he' diia:gIr.El1in to U~el ~eft WrH~E ~o!W[j soms 'ihingi5 ~hla& ,oou~d .afire d the' cablle3 and Ci3U3e st.range noises '~[!I be r,em~d~ed]_

1··········· 1·········· ·······1·· ··········1·· I·· I·· ········1· .

~..........,....,...._.".....-~~ ~~:~'. ~.~ .~.~'~~'- .~~~~?1.'. ~~~~~: . - . , , , .. - . , , , .. - _ .. , , .. - _ .. , , .. , .. - .

'~l ' -" " ,01"~ 'ft.",~ ,''', '~i ~'~" .fJ'hi~ 'b" ~ , "III d "tt r. ,~-k" ','b~ , \1<)" f1. ~ ,at ' !ltd 'I}.'·lw~" ~!. ,!!. f'~~ ..... -'-- ._""'_:-. '''-- '~~!'-~'-"" '.I!. __ .- __ . _:~,_ ~._t:oI_.,.: .-~ ,_."I_~_ -_.f!r..'_ t:oI. __ L_'-- -'_. ,-~ _. :·_<l-_.n. '- ._- _ --~'-. -_ ..

,," A' ··~, .. A'''''lriit ~'alb 1._ A' I§;lI!I'oii ~,.;! ~ II!I""'J'!!'" "11'il' _"L . .i'F~ ,ii' ,~IJL,'il_

'.,._' .. ~.".~~:.~: _U.~:i.!,:~. ~._.'.~:-?:~._".~.~ .~< .. ~~~.~~ .. ~~u_~ _. _ .. ,._._ _. _. _ .. ,._._ _. _., .. _._._ .

R.a-b ~~ crb1n.C'F ~C;'f i'i;.!._ ~:!~~i 'bi~, Wo'b~Ci~ io rn~or~ ti'M~~, n~ t~~ ,!) w'i'FC ~,k.

/' : .. :,." ,.:~.: '_. ::.~. J.~ :"' :: :.Ji .•. -. ' '. ,: : .: .. : .: ..• :" : ": :."':1- '.'::. ~u, :: .. :,~.:: .-.- , .

" Ilj,;LJl:_,,~ I§;".~ _' torT- ' :"" .. , '3,- d" ,:1!h:<:-L- 'iil'I. t.""iL!",,:s,;,

... ~~ . ~~~ .. - - "'f'?~'!-"i'.'. !'!'~. " ~¥:~. ~. ,:" :a!'!J~~.- _ , , ·

72 Cha,p;rer 1

So it 9Q\ing'? ,fig,t ffurt Mise, Ih.aRd!ed?

,Fraol::1 I '~rnll ijgQt dl~l.'[ noise taken care of bo/ mO\f,mg t~]at caMe '!IlIe:a1L it,h,e s~O"V,e • .AJ.e 1til1l.,e:r€' ether e[,ecmc;]] 'il:hi~5 I sh,a,111!lld look out '!fQ['r'

lEJe!i::trie.hul:ll T~:IiII:~n::' are 10m of '~~]fii~'S you need ItO. 10M: alL1!~:

foil."'. Fir$~ some people thai!: ,d)0lil',"[ ,~!DiOW mo.y ib-etfr,eil" run, ne:il"!o¥Cl':r'k: eahles m tbe same ,oo,][dm~ as d.ecirneall. ,!We. Tbat is 3. IDfhcj!pe :fOF

•. J.


Fi"au..:k:1 That is good ,tto ,kI[ljO'w. 'W,~:I!:Ei:rr ,m-1B' SDm .. 8 otll .. er du.wgs? EJ€'~tridaD~ If you have the e[e.atnoia[IJs :E:lL1!nl '[he Bmw{ '~l'be fm' y,~1.lI' neTIwifk geM::; he speoific aI_'brn;lIt where YO'lili W.8!]if~ itt to run, If you let thern decide ... it mao/ be h~dl 'ito. p1L]U lil!el~['1k c:alWes to' '\'Vih.>eTle you need it ]a:~'E'r on.

Frnr!lil..k:~ S,hm,]kll I visit 'w]rrh the ,e1ectJ.rid2l.[JJ['

Elee:Jtrkiblm:m Y01!J! 'be·t,rn:a! That is tll,e: best way to OCf.li1ID1I.lLlJ[J![ear!e 'YOlJl needl.

Plill.D:JJlb er~ 'Dm:li~~ :fO:r.I'E'~ to visi'~ 'wiltt~ the HV AC ,8LmLd p]Wll1bin_g people as wclt

Fr:au..:k:1 flue thu::lTe rb1u[JJ~ I need to 'Watch ifo[" with HVAC :aJ.lJJd p]JUJm:'b]ng:'

Pblmilb er~ I wOllJIM mot run !I.'iI.'e'~O'Ili, .cable 1llIndeil" aiDfyd;!mg

thaJt holds wareT; ~ ~.'~ is best ,if YOl1li l!1]iIJJ YOlL][" tnL)'"S U~y th~, HVAC and] P]Wll'~~' W'Od,. is dO]1,e'in;a, mew 'ooil!ding. That w.a)'; ith][ 'WOn~~ ~,e'rr moved::aJlte[" 'ro,m hruve: liIJistded, 1ti1i1.em, to :mak,e

~. .

way ,unr. £'O>DiI.<€:' jpli]le.

lEJeemci:an:c .Ren1l .. erntU:lll' 'ttoa .... :lif: you need ~Q,m,e rips 0II.'iJ.

~~! '~' .:Ii ;i... _n:' • _ t~ • ..:Ii~iCr. __ ._1\ ••• ~

]J!1]W!l'i.i;g anes ann BiiJwiLj 'e.sp'EH:::JiW~,y m iLlill!LiL!I.II.;JULJI[ spots_:. 'Wl!~~J! an.

e~e\,~ He ,prohalbiy has run ]!lJJOO' a simniU.!3l]' Mrna'Dion .aI1l!~ ikilJ!m¥5 a ~af!: sollurio!lli.

'vou,J"ve rea~ly'" cdea,t1ed up, th1a.t tloi'.s:1 RtiI,d:

.. . . .. .

sfr.a,~glhtelned out MO,ST Orf the e:a,b:l:es~

'WeU donel So :f~[' 'f011"1!'-ve created ,8."11 ~nv,e1i1jii::o.iI:"7· of devices tlbi,at G lru,IQst: '\\f8l:tt,cfu llii.'e;edj yml!~'ve' pbilJl:LTII"ed where the 'calibh::s sI~,oQ'!lliM, run, and 'you'~ve also used caJli~e :m3!:Ui.Lag,e:nll!e~ll,t ~,ijlFtlidW,3!l1'e to re:;J~,}r tic1fy dl!ilTl!~ '!l~p at['o1l]!I:]d ,tthe hotel,

U liifmtuLiijJillte[)~ some of O'IJIF 'MrlrtLl1!g' ,!l'i[Ui.i.3 d1!I,"O'!1'I!,glij, the: hO'te]s old wmil'1!~' dose'~ and ~t is :a. messl There are cables ,ew;e['y'wllie!l:"ej .al[[l,d :lif£ mi.i:],]lQFmLb~e to tEn W~]j~.'clm, cz;dh~e 'be~o:mI;gs tel '\'vhiclll de1!.ri,ce.

The' 'Ghost '\,'\la'~,dtrl. team ~jJ:ij,8!y need to Jr."E1,act qlll!icMy if tiheIT eameras pid:: 'Iil!P' S.]El~u~!!' oOI >!ii.'cirih.rM~a[l!d ~].'ey CZl.t'.!!'~~ rulTo:rd to miss '!,~:!1l!:Et'lb]e :foo~e ,:fOlF ,tthd~," shioil.¥, T~U'~ ~],'CPW' can d'ley '~e][ wh.l, h cable ,~3 ~Jjirn?'

ilHC!iW' cj))lJjil(~ 'V~[lI; '1TIindi out W~'j:n:::h tablle 'iis Iliiit:llkl2iQ, fLo whii,dli de'~;ite'?

'I et "s' ", iIli'f: '-t1(r'·"tc Ib':y" la ,b'~I'II;[tAn fl'Ch'lil! ea ~~e"",

:I-~ ":R I , l_ .. ~, 11.- .•• ' -:.It. 1.lf11y l J ".~ ~ ••• , lU~ . .' .. "

Q['JJ;E 0£. t~1Le proM.e]J]J[JB '~ha:~ G~lOg~: 'V.Vz.i.'tt,c:l~ fu,aE; i!s ~~J.iZf~ litt'£ d~:ffic!l;Iili[ '~O teU, 'Wh~,d1. cable be~.ol!ll;g5 '~G wfuidl dlev:Uoe. There are so itl['[J,aiil:1.Y c8!JbEe.s_~ and ,efil!.Ch of ~.'e:1!11! Joo:k Idel!ll:!!uca]. 'It wO'!11!lldl .help if we blbd.ed, each caMe, 11:m]t~ we CZI.[IJ OJi"l![Y d.o,·t~ut'!t ouee we :know where iE,aJd]: eable is ~nm~' and what i'~: il~'iiiks ,~,o. So how ,db ''!Itt: do, 'tl~at~

C aJ~:1i, 'r'O'!!J renli.i:e:lJ]]ibe[' the toner aad traeee set we saw ][IJ '~J!e ]Zi.St ,C:I.i:H'b[:!'t,el~?' V\l~~,> we can clever.J.y IIJIBe ,~:tll[s ,e,qrt1Iipllli1!lIm:~ t:o m,~k,e Sf: ilJ!SE: of '0lU' cables,

liLlII, ','I~ t'h t"" I ,t'" ,.II!.." ,,:C, "- ""...!II 'f'-' ,.JIl.. ' blll'-'

n;OOiK. ,',;:, :,0 tiH2f'1' up I ,0' ~11Ill1it I' '0111" e n!;;i, 10 1111"';:' C;(!IJ ,1 e.,

This is 't{l.ije ,e1ll!d.ttha'~~8 ,:;:UVIZLY :[il'O~J.fl! the 'wil"iil.'iig' doset. It omdd, be :a "~[ j;a,e."k ,0]" 'wlru,aJreve~\~ on tJh"e' end,

T~1fS bavc ~'!~~~ d;f~ -It~.a,t. a-.,.~ i:,dt!d,

+.0 tJ~r' \»\tp ·i:bl: ~~~S,


U,SIR, the 'mrt1'C.iZ:~ c~n 'ffi'\hrz Wi'l~ ing el Qs!Z,t' sli'de 'M Chi2hCk ~~II the ,cdb~ ~;S". "VVfueil.'i,t 'YQ!Lli '' the OO![ijJ:;, you b:rtoQ"'~'!j' 'YOiJ.iI.'ive :ffi01l.:l!lld dIe; eable,

< Bio:op'> ~1ey',. ,j';~: thil11' Y'O'Ii!I! 'Wh01t"~' Il:Ip?' ,-;::B'iJo[p:\i<

o f"'!;

'1..,J. ,

It (:d b~,~ l!a~'~ rribh, 0\I,i, 'db! r~ that 1wTar d~d

thf! t.a::b'f!, S,Ot!l!li!l ~d ~ ~j)' 'itli'~ ~iI\!!: d rro:b:ct.i:~ t~, ~

L;I,s!G:. lI! ,cab~ iiZ kdb,;:I~!Zr t,'O, Iprilliliffi" o;lliIf ill lialbe,1 ,.' t~ii2ln sti'c'k, lilt !On "hili, oaib,llI"

Then repeat £:00]' ;rJW '~:lh,e '!1mlaibet,ed eables in the closet,

'14 Chapter 1

R,O_ It::' tll,lh, er '.Ill are ,d~:I':I: ~1t:"t'S.'.'· I~f:' ~:a-',:,,"b~~"o

~~. .. . ~ ~... ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ... ~ . I ~ ~ ~ ~

EWElril, \vl~e:u: the cables are :~abeJ.ed~ ~l~e dOBe'fr. S:!l.1[~ [0 o.:b~ [TJleS£'lf, ,w]tt~J! S'pag'l:ii.e'I!n:i!.Ji:,e s~nlctuu:eS :W:2rt][i!El!g' liD! ]ifO!l:l'~ of otll1,e1!' rr1ili!l:ijgs in d~,e: closet,

One '~hi~J!i$' '\~r.e ,caw, do is ~athe:[' '~he , :~~jjAID' lllila1i1lagiea'lb]e '1h!J..'EL'1d[,e~ ,8!:DlI,d tie '!them 01llit of the way iLn.silliLg pbl$tic wire' '~ies oQ(lf velero straps, T~JJ~s "if.i~l ]l]J!aM,e i!~ elearer 'Whf!l'€' ead\ caMe is gim~];g. The :key 'tt~JJiLl]J~ here ,is :mi:O'~ to tie the 'caJib1'eskno ~':&:~ as this Ci![[l! :i[t.'er the e:~.ectF.~ca[ d~a1"',act:e:i[--~lic.s of th,e ca'Mes..

GI3JM.e ~:rna.n~eil:ij:l!€1Iii:tt ih~'}'5 are also iUsefil'J:~, to l,e ep 'cl3!ble l1:o:m, fdilJlil iLIlI, :r1fio:lJiJ:t of ,o,tfue[-- d1L]ii_gS ]~l! '~he -clO&e;~.

a'I:~'" W', 'Ih,?tl ~Iloln: A'''!I,f.iil1 'W"~' od,B','

IPIU' ~, u ~I,,~ ~"!II'I !Ci; Uu ~

Eve1lii, dj,Ol1~'fu, tliis ~,l,d[Jg> '~1te[~1s stt~DJ a pl"OibleJllf1. There are stirul a '[ot 0:[ ,C3!)bleill '~O search t1]rough 'vlhe.1'1! YO'IJl'~,re 10 o!khlijg :[oJ!.' ome ][i], pSil"~~w]8!.t;, :8ilITid Ole c~Jb]e: ]abeb ca!El! be tllJ~Jdle!l1 0]" eve:1ITL f:ilill o:ff

SOlllllij.'dJ inl!,PCls.MM,e:? :D0II.1!rt V.'O[-i]:"'jf" '~~.'I!en:."s smi]J!etl~]mg 'fJblfu_~~ Vif:il~[ solve zJ[ of these ]l![OMelUS and mZl.:L'l!y m.ore. Iftl called a ,pa.f:tJ?k J.}Q;N;el.~

you are tlere ~ 15

A 'p~i.'~d.h paJlli.i.d ls used to m];.EI!:rrd.~e the caMe- and "fire 'ClmlJ!i1.'ij,edlo[ljs in YO'!1][' W][~I]J~' c[oset· C<il.'Mes comi~'·f}\m:i1.]' ,]'Olll:f '~Jieil.",,\'ifor:k devices or 'V{a:~~, jacks ph:~' into rr\,8' baek '0:[ the pa:ttdru, ~J€i.iIl!el~ :8!~:ii.d tThLe'£e- ,aI.'e ClOiI:U1i.'e,t:tte d to nrher devices liIB]~Ji~' s.fum:t ]l8!tdl cruMe.s ~t the :flllJ.:Iru:t ,Jtt1s 111'ipical~y mounted om ill :IIT1.'e!!v( ,[:atCk~ ,iii!. s~Jed&Hzed :[l[',aJ~"[ne ,ttha:tt ~mlLii'ijS the p1ru.)rslca:~. s:ke~£:1NJ,]l! of y'OUlf :~.'e;!i:vi.'Ork dosett ,bb ,tthis:



.jl'_' In'i,a~ efNl'u~)' '* ,~~~'!i.i ·~ddl'0U¥~ ;IJ'I.l'W.~a!o-~~~ta~~~t~

·,Il:h"'iJ Md' 'f' ·h,' "lJ S" "CIlJM1lfi 0: of' a p'~a' t'"fI:h" p' '!;Ii Minl(

!V~" ,II-I. .!" II· " .. · .. ~I·I~ . ,'. _,."", .. ,.:A,r'llY

A ratel" panel,

~1 .• '111_ 'WviKS Uke

a ,switcLboard, :Lut lor ~aLlesl

So how do you OO!EILn<e'c~ devices ro~'e~~e:r '",,¥i!~~ :at ])futclll. '[pmLiIJ!e[? Let's 'take a.look.


~~ M\.Ie5, 50 ~~~.

bY~ ~~"! Iladt '* t~c rilt~ ,i~cl,

,A, cabl,&!. I.adj,n,g fFOJR Raeh gtwofllic aRyjCQ is IWlired into tha back ,o.f' the IP(lrTch pillilel,. :Nernorl devices can :ind.lruide wa][ j:mdm, 'oom]l11litef"S~ bllJibs, aed ,so, O!J].


',I ,Sih&rt pa,teh caibl\e:s;, at tAR 'front Q'f' thrlit: patch, Ipaneil control lho. devi'cifIi!s ,aN c_nlilich2d,.

The p~.dcln. caMes a'lJ: tlii€,~fm:r.JJt of' the pairrch pal].'e~ eennect tbe d~evioe£ '~O swikhes 0[' ,a;ihe[' paitcll panels,

To ch~ ,t~ c.onnecti.ot1i~ sJmp1y cllnln,p which ,socike,t it;M, pa:lilch, CGbhl!: :pe; it1lt,o ..

you are he're ~ '11

Tlh'" ,111_", ." II t'" , ' ,-' ih d'" " b"'I'" k :, 'I w~res IglO ~"IJ) ,H, pOt1,e,< I OWl", ,,01,'

If )f'Oi!1l! rl:JLU'!I'I! the pa.wh.[p[:l!l'l!ei ()'i,l!3[; YO'lil.l~ see 'iiI!,p',~,wh d@mJ\!. bl'(jck. 'You ]plliIJITidil ]~'I!d.:iMd'lil~ wires ][J]Ji;o the Mock: 11]s[mtg' au im,pruct puach itm::iL

I I ~ I I I ~ I
:e ~ ! Ii:
~ U U u
" ,!ilo::' .:!Ii. ,:( .
,a,. t! t :25 r: t ,:iii
.=g ~ I ~ ~ I
I I The 'W'lAJ i~lJ w.hidl} you [1Jl.S'!ta~ll dlwe WlireS is mli:P OF.!taiLij,[. TIle W;:LceS fO:~[ow a S]lec[~c eoler pattern, and '}!0'!11! need l'G [oM,ow d~] t];j,~t YO'll] C~HJi ]11ij,ak,E' 'OGlmll.'e C:ltUons het~¥eelITi, devices. Th.'e ,[p0l:~~:,eil.''1l'[l depends O~lJ tlt:be '!type' of '!b~,m:::ik yO'!lJl~'re iliI£d!D!~ and the ~we' of '~'Vi[ie you'~!r,e p'[u!lldl!:~!lJJ1 -[Lf1!OO 'ttlh:e block,

EaGfu ca.'lWc 0]" set ,of wires C;O]f,[ie£p,oniJs to ,8:, .rock,e~ om t1]e' t£iro]J]r~ of

the IIl~ti'h, '~:!f:t.~l!e~,.lf: yo,m 'L!iI!lbe:l ea'cfu, sncket '\<\,~tth '~"{il:~l;7i:~ i~l£ ,LJO!D!U'E: ere d to; y'Q;!1l~] be [:tJb:~e '~O tell ,as[ a gb .. uce ''!,vh<:il:tt each ,of 'yo,m[' :l1TI.'e!t'!i\'O[-k devloe£ ,ru:re eonneete dl to, and it wiJlli also '!be n!.illld], easleil:' ro, ,cfua~'if the ,aOilJ!lI.'ii!e"c!rio~.Tiih

The ~"]ijle!f:IDl. fO[i:i.i.i.i, rOll' '![ijg· dil.'e sockets o:U], you]' :pa'~,£'li. IF.HiLL[ii.e[ is '~O use the [D·Dlll]. number :lfOIil.oWBdi '!by tl.,e jI~ 0[' mode 1'1!!1]mb !E!:I[; .As 8!il:ii. ;t:X8!!tiiJlp£e} }fO'!lld ~.iiI!!bel ti~:e'socbt ,oo'1"I!!Ileote,C1I to. room C llij,ode J as ~~Cl..~:."

hh .... b'ot.k n:!l; a~ ~ftlf l7l~k. ~e


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i ~'I:'.r!I ~Ii.~, "1'1I1~~'!lI.j!;i"i.ft fl1f.'tn'll ;Ih~ 'L..~'I~ l,.e:I''''lIU~, iI-._" eermeet ;1115 Ualr"I\r:.III;~ .::!'51!"L~i!!Il'\C' ~l!L"r:'A.~i"i.!I'!I.:I' a""...iI ,!:!~ .. Ii""""-al:" U~~ liJll~ ,. U!UI.,I'I~lnJfv..ll:1. v.1.!11 ~ leIiJ., Jw. ~ .un' ltv ~ J,iI'li:rVo ~; 'M '_ U~~ ~~d' ~'w.1 iJ1,ll ur~~~'L~r~ " 11:f611 ;;;,n.U.r!:l·I~

to. 'lhe ,app:i!\ap~late ,d\e~ice_lDraw a !DOrIJlfleclJio!'!l, hne frolIllii itl,e' Ipalcl1 ,a.l:lle~ to 'fiR~' end ,d\e~ice_



Devioe COllllil'll ect 1'0



lDe'lluoe COll1lil'O eel T <0

a __ .If. _~ If\~

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rOI!J'~1 CalbliB, 'Ma,itag,e:~,e",t


Take a ]ook 8!!t these IPIDb~ns o:W ilJ!et.w01fK ~],a[dw,i:lJl"e'. :FOl~ ,e8!.C~:!i. o[[J;ej £8.(Y wba'tt ifs ,eaH®IlJ1. and wfuelr~]eF ifs ,aJ, '~o-o:~, OoF Ga:JMe l:iJ.lia.ll!~€ni1,e;lIlil: dfe'Vioe.

.. J;,,-~-' ..... ---- - -- ---. .. ~:-:-.l'"

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.... , , .

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Take a ]oo't .at these ,pIDt,W"es ,cdf [JJeJt:y,,;;Q~ [ij;aJ[iIIware. For each OI[]l,If, ~80/

'Yiba'~ ifs caiIDed :aurnd whether ifs ;81, '~0D'] or c8!JMe iJ."i.ru1iill!~nli!ent device,

t.---' .--.-----, .. ~~.-.l

1i3. iiiI,

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r oD:VCable, Ma'"atu'.~ .. e,",t

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