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Hello and welcome future author!

I’m Julie Broad, author and founder of Book Launchers.

I’m really excited that you want to write a book.

Sharing your experience and expertise with others is an amazing gift to give. It’s also an
excellent way to build a business, make money, and become the name people know!

But, before you dive in to the 7 steps to get started, there is something you should know:

Writing a good book that stands out in the crowded marketplace

and gets people talking takes a lot of effort.

You will have to do some deep thinking, invest some money, and most certainly spend
time. Even if you hire someone to write it or help you write it. There’s still effort involved.

Anybody who promises you that writing a book their way is quick and easy is leaving out
part of the story! And, most certainly if they guarantee you an award or bestseller status,
they have a gimmick that will benefit them more than you.

But, please don’t let that deter you. I share that to prepare you, not scare you.

These pages will get you started. Put some effort into each step. I know you want to write
a book that that changes your life and the life of others. This is how that journey begins.

Let’s get started.

To your success and happiness,

Julie Broad
#1 What’s your goal?

Maybe you want your book to be a best seller. That’s not a great goal to start your
book. Dig deeper. Why? What do you want your book to do?

Here are some examples of goals from our clients:

• Add a 0 to my consulting fees
• Become a paid speaker
• Attract media attention to help gain more exposure for my cause / purpose / business
• Generate more leads for my business
• Speed up the time it takes for people to sign up for my services
• To be seen as a top expert in my industry and be known for my specialty in
the media and industry conferences

It’s fun to be a bestselling author, but the reality is that the vast majority of authors who say they are ‘Amazon #1
Bestselling authors’ didn’t make any money from the sale of their books. Let’s focus your efforts on the things
that will make you a profit, boost your profile, and make a real impact in the lives of others. Becoming a
bestseller will probably happen anyway if you write a great book and invest in building the right team of
experts around you and your book project.

Use this space to write what you’d like to happen after you publish your book:







Now, focus in on THE most important thing that you want the book to do for you or
your business:

WaNT morE? Watch this video:




#2 Who are you writing your book for?

This isn’t exactly about demographics. It means knowing the problem you are solving for someone andwhy
they want the solution. It also means that you know how to find your reader.

For example, every bald man isn’t looking for a solution to get his hair back. But, some bald men may feel like they
are getting passed over for promotions at work because they lack hair, and others may be struggling to find love.
Understand how you’re helping your reader at a deeper level. When you do that you’ll be better able to write
directly to them.

When you’re clear on who your book is for, you’ll be able to identify:
• Magazines they read
• Conferences they might attend
• Podcasts they will listen to
• Other books they will read
• TV Shows or Movies they will be big fans of
• What solutions they are looking to solve
• Who they would already be reading, watching, or listening to in this space
• The words they use to describe their problem and search for solutions

Now, use this space and tell me about your ideal reader:












#3 What’s the hook of your book?

The hook is the single thread that ties your book together,
creates curiosity, and sells the work.

In non-fiction it needs to answer an essential question:

What’s in it for me?

People are inherently selfish and want a really good reason to part
with their $20 and, more importantly, the 5-10 hours it will take
them to read your book. Watch this video to LEarN morE

The hook of your book tells them why they should invest that time and money into your book. It might be in the
sub-title of your book, but it doesn’t have to be. When you talk about your book, this is what you will say to get
them excited about reading it.

If you’re stuck trying to develop the hook of your book, it helps to get a third party perspective. That is why our
clients work with a Writing Coach. It’s really hard to see what’s cool about you and what you do. It can take an
outsider looking in to say, ‘now that’s pretty neat’.

You’ll also need to take a good look at the other books in your industry. Ask yourself:
• What is the common theme they are all talking about?
• What do you believe that is different?
• What have you experienced that goes against some of the common advice?
• And, finally, what is the problem you’ll be solving?
• How do you solve it in a way that others haven’t solved it yet?

The answers to these questions will help you figure out your hook. And, if you’re still stuck, ask your clients and
colleagues the questions and see what they say about you.

4 Hour Work Week wasn’t really about working four hours a week.
It was a comprehensive gameplan to ditch the 9-5 gig from a cubicle and
create business that supports you living an exciting adventure filled life.

Now, that’s a good hook.

T. Harv Ecker’s The Millionaire Mind: Have you ever wondered why some people
seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle?

This creates curiosity and suggest that if you know the answer you could be a millionaire. That’s a great hook.

Thrive: Our current definition of success is, as Thrive shows, literally killing us. We need a new way forward.

A little different in that it doesn’t explicitly say what you’re going to get from the book, but it works because it plays
on the fear and exhaustion that many people have that they need to keep working or be irrelevant, and yet knowing
it’s taking a tall toll on their health.
Now, let’s develop your hook:
What is the common theme everyone in your industry talks about or all the major books in your
niche are talking about?




What do you believe that is different?




What have you experienced that goes against some of the common advice?




And, finally, what is the problem you’ll be solving?




How do you solve it in a way that others haven’t solved it yet?




What is your hook?




#4 Brainstorm

Now, it’s time to plan the content of your

book. Write down all the topics, stories, and
ideas you could share. Go ahead! Use this space:




If you already have a blog or a

podcast, this video will help.











#5 Draft an outline, review, and refine

There are many ways to build an

outline. This article gives you three.

Choose the best approach and create your outline.

Write the final version here:






















Don’t read and reread, just write.

Go ahead, open up the word document or other file and just start typing.

If you want a few tips to write more

and write faster, check this out:

#7 achieve the first step: a bad first draft.

Celebrate! You’ve hit the first big milestone on your way to publishing a book that will grow
your business, boost your income, and help you become the name people know and trust.
There’s still a lot of work to do to bring your book project to life, but you’ve already achieved
something few people do … you finished something you started!

Now … it’s time to reread the book and make

sure you’ve hit the most important parts,
included enough stories, and communicated
your most important messages effectively.
Don’t worry too much about whether it’s
good or not … it’s probably not that good
right now. But, that is what editors are for!
When you’re ready for editors, designers, and marketing support, we’d love to help you take
this first draft to the finish line. Or, if you want help with everything above we have writing
coaches and writers to help!

Tell us about your book and we’ll hop on the phone and chat about your fantastic book project:

Who are we?

Book Launchers helps authors in the United States and Canada write, self-publish, and sell their books.
Distribution options include Amazon, Independent Book Stores, Barnes & Noble, Chapters Indigo, Kobo,
Kindle, and Google Play.

Book Launchers writing coaches will help you define yourself and your message. Then, you will be fully
supported through the phases of self-publishing, from writing to editing, and finally promoting your non-
fiction book.

You own 100% of the content, have total creative control, and keep all the royalties. Our publishing team
is YOUR publishing team. And the most important thing to us is that you achieve your goal from your book.

Let’s Chat About How We Can Help –

We also have
Writers retreats!
Learn more at

12655 W Jefferson Blvd, 4th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90066

Messages for Founder,

Explode Your Book. Julie Broad: 1-877-207-7666

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