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Before we move on to the actual questions I would like to present you some general details about the

blog that I chose for the presentation. Well, what is it about? Probably, from the blog’s name you
already what it is about. It is about classic men’s elegance with plenty of articles telling you how you
should wear different clothes. Of course we are talking about elegant clothes, because well the blog is
named the gentleman’s gazette. It is very popular, to be honest I would describe it as one of the most
popular blogs related to men’s elegance in the world and believe me there is a tone of such blogs in
the Internet so the competition is quite high. Apart from the professionalism of the blog, its artwork
is really convenient and it has plenty of facilities which ease the reading experience. Speaking of
facilities, if I click this icon, such a window appears and it says accessibility adjustment. It is a perfect
tool to ease our reading experience and make it even more pleasant than it already is. If I click this
font adjustment then I can adjust the size of letters for my own preference. These are the exact
details that make this site exceptional for everybody including people with disabilities.

Who are the authors? Well, the owners of the blog are Raphael Schneider who actually is the
founder of the blog and the owner of his clothes shop called Fort Belveder. He is the man in charge of
the whole process and the majority of the articles are written by him. There is also Teresa who is his
wife and helps him in the everyday production. Therefore, the blog is created by a couple. However,
technically there are more people involved in this project from graphic design, through content
director, up to the customer service, because it is worth knowing that this couple also has a YouTube

How does it look like? What is the design of the website? Does it have any cool features as the one
that I showed you a few moments ago. Well, it has 4 main sections. One of them is the main page,
then there is a practical guide how to wear different garments, especially the ones present in the
tuxedo. After that we have the about section in which we can get to know some details about the
authors of the blog, as well as, the blog itself. Following the about section there are categories of the
regular articles that appear on the blog. And then there is the shop in which you can buy the book
about men’s elegance written by Raphael, but also you can buy some clothes designed and produced
by the Gentleman’s Gazette team.

Now finally moving to the actual questions.

Who is the target audience? Well, I have to say that it is not really a hard question to answer in case
of this blog. The targeted audience are primarily the men who are interested in men’s elegance but
also people who want to improve their look and the way how other people see them. The
Gentleman’s Gazette is not only about the clothes. It is also about the general’s savoir-vivre, the
etiquette thus it may be addressed to people who want to know how to live well (savoir-vivre) and
how to behave in a society (etiquette). It is also about the wine and coctails so the target audience
may be people passionate about alcohol, and when I say passionate about alcohol, I do not mean
alcoholics but people who are just really interested in the subject. If I had to choose the general
target audience, I would say that it is the men since all the categories and topics present on the blog
concern men not women.
How does it contribute to the topic?

Well, I believe that it spreads the awareness of the men’s elegance and therefore educates men how
to connect different garments, how to look stylish and not old-timer’ ish at the same time. It stands
also as a great example of entertainment which educates at the same time.

What are the author’s opinions?

Well in case of this blog it is a bit hard to talk about the author’s opinions since he simply describes
the rules of the men’s elegance and says how to look classy. He does not say anything such as politics
which could involve his very own opinion. The only thing that involves the author’s opinion is his taste
and preferences in clothes and other opinion – involved subjects.

What can you learn from it?

As far as I am concerned, there is plenty of things that you can learn from reading the blog. As I
already mentioned many times, they concern the men’s elegance and the choice of clothes. However,
you can also discover the basic rules of savoir-vivre and specific etiquette. This blog is also a perfect
opportunity to see how the taste is formed.

Why do you think it’s so popular?

I believe that in the nowadays world it is more and more important to look good, be creative and
have a distinctive appearance that will make others remember you for a long time. Therefore, men
from around the world look for websites, books, guides and other mediums of information which
could make them a stylish and good-looking person.

Having answered all the questions, I allowed myself to show you the polish equivalent of such a blog
about men’s lifestyle and elegance. The Blog is the name and a surname of a polish gentleman Jan
Adamski. As it was with the Gentleman’s Gazette, his blog has a few sections. All articles, About
section, Style and fashion, politics, birds (by the way he is a huge fan of birds and like to take photos
of them and describe them and finally he has a separate section for progrock, his favourite music
genre. I really invite you to read some of his articles as he is a very intelligent and interesting person
to listen to and to read.

And I believe that is it.

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