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SHIP’S NAME : __________________________________________ REGISTER NUMBER
IMO PERUSAHAAN : _______________
BENDERA : ________________NOMOR IMO : ____________ IMO COMPANY
PEMILIK / MANAJER : __________________________________________ TEMPAT DAN TANGGAL SURVEY : _______________
KLASIFIKASI : __________________________________________
Survey yangharusdilaksanakan
Survey to be carried out

1 Survey PenerimaanKlas Kelas tunggal BKI Kelas ganda dengan.... Kelas double dengan......
Admission to Class Survey Single Class BKI Dual Class with Double Class with
Survey PenerimaanKelasBangunanBaru Survey PenerimaanKelasKapalSudahJadi
Admission to Class Survey for new Construction Admission to Class Survey for Ship in Service
Dari Anggota IACS Dari Klas yang diakui Dari SelainAnggota IACS danSelainKlas yang diakui
From IACS Member From Recognized Class Society From Non IACS Member and Non Recognized Class Society

Terapung DiatasDok Lain-lain

Afloat On Dry Dock Others

2 SurveyPeriodikdan Survey yang lain Kelas : Single/Dual/Double # Kehadiran Tunggal Kehadiran bersama
Periodical Survey and other surveys Class Single Attandance Dual Attendance

Survey PembaruanKelas Survey Antara Survey Tahunan

Class Renewal Survey Intermediate Survey Annual Survey

LengkapNo. Lengkap Survey Penambatan

Complete No. Complete Laid Up Survey

DimulaiNo. Dimulai Survey BersambungLambung

Commence No. Commence Continuous Hull Survey

Parsial Parsial Survey BersambungMesin

Partial Partial Continuous Machinery Survey

Survey PenerimaanKelasKembali Survey Poros Baling-baling Survey InstalasiPendingin

Re-class Survey Propeller Shaft Survey Refrigerating Survey

Survey PerpanjanganKelas Survey Normal Survey Ketel/ PemanasMinyakPanas

Extention for Class Survey Normal Survey Boiler Survey/ Thermal Oil Heater Survey

Survey Pengedokan Survey Modifikasi Penundaan Survey Ketel/PemanasMinyakPanas

Docking Survey Modified Survey Postponement for Boiler/Thermal Oil HeaterSurvey

Survey Bawah Air PenggantiDok Survey Parsial Survey KhususLambung

In-water Survey in lieu of docking Partial Survey Hull Occasional Survey

Penundaan Survey Pengedokan PenundaanSurvey Poros Baling-baling Survey KhususMesin

Postponement for docking Survey Postponement for propeller shaft Survey Machinery Occasional Survey
# coret yang tidak sesuai (delete as appropriate)
3 Survey Statutoria
Statutory Survey
Konvensi Non-konvensi
Convention Non-convention
Survey Item (s)i CAS LL* SC SE* SR* DG OP SP* AP* GS* CM NL* AF HS* SPS P** CG BWM

Kind of Surveyii





i CAS:Condition Assessment Scheme,LL: Load Line,SC:SafetyConstruction,SE:SafetyEquipment,SR:SafetyRadio,DG:DangerousGood,OP:Oil Pollution Prevention,SP:Sewage Pollution, AP: Air Pollution,GS: Gas
Carrier,CM : Chemical Tanker,NL : Noxious Liquid Substance, AF : Anti Fouling System, HS : High Speed Craft, SPS : Special Purpose Ship, CG:Cargo Gear , P: Passenger Ship, BWM : Ballast Water Management
iiNS:Initial Survey of Ship During Construction,ES:Initial Survey of Existing Ship,RS:RenewalSurvey,AS:AnnualSurvey,IS:Intermediate Survey, PS:Periodical Survey, OS:Occasional SurveyhoriCase, * = Partial

Untuk Survey Lain-lain, Sebutkan Jenis Survey nya : …………………….

ALAMAT / ADDRESS :________________________________________________________________________________________ TANDA TANGAN / STEMPEL

F11.1.01-2017/Rev.7 1/4
Pemeriksaan Aplikasi Survey dan Konfirmasi Order (diisi oleh Internal BKI)
Review of Application for Survey and Order Confirmation (Filling by Internal BKI)

Tanggal Terima : No. SPS :

Date of receipt: SPS No :
Surveyor H
ditugaskan M
Surveyor in
Charge E
Daftar Pemeriksaan
Check items
Dapat dilaksanakan survey di Cabang ini (Possible to Carry out by this Location)
Harus di dukung dari Kantor Pusat (To be supported by Head Office)
Harus dimintakan kepad Klas lain (To be requested to other class)
Survey status sudah dikonfirmasi (The survey status confirmed)
Sudah sesuai dengan persyaratan Klas dan Persyaratan Statutory (Complied with class rules or statutory requirements)
Setiap item pada aplikasi sudah dikonfirmasi (Each item on the application confirmed)
Dokumen yang relevan untuk survey sudah disiapkan (Relevant documents for the survey(s) prepared)
a. Biaya Survey (Survey Fee) : Rp..……………….
b. BiayaTambahanDiluarBiaya Survey (Additional Fee) :
 BiayaPerjalanDinas/Peraturan BKI (Traveling Expenses) : Rp…………………
 BiayaKunjungan(Visit Fee)iii:
o Waktu Tunggu (Travel / Waiting) : Rp…………………
o Diluar jam kerja(Additional outside working our) : Rp…………………
c. ………………………………………………………………………
Total Rp…………………
Diperiksa Oleh......................
# Tandai “X” untuk yang sesuai (check “X” as applicable) Reviewed by..............................
Tandai “--“untuk yang tidak sesuai ((check “-” as not applicable)

(Signature Head of Job Location)

Setelah diperiksa dan ditanda tangani agar dikirim kembali kepada Pemohon (After review and sign sending back to applicant)

Perjalanan Dinas/Waktu Tunggu: (Rp. Agar DiisiDenganNilai Baku SesuaiBukuTarif BKI yang berlaku)
Travel/Waiting: Rp.(please fill with valuable Standard from rates prevailing Book of BKI)
Survey di jam Kerja:Rp. (Agar DiisiDenganNilai Baku SesuaiBukuTarif BKI yang berlaku)
Survey on the Working Hours : Rp. (please fill with valuable Standard from rates prevailing Book of BKI)
Survey diluar Jam Kerja :Rp. (Agar DiisiDenganNilai Baku SesuaiBukuTarif BKI yang berlaku)
Survey after Working Hours : Rp.(please fill with valuable Standard from rates prevailing Book of BKI)
Hari jam kerja BKI adalahSenin s/d Jum’at jam 08.00 s/d 17.00 waktusetempat
Working Hours of BKI are Monday until Friday, starts from 08.00 am until 05.00 pm local time
BKI akanmelaksanakan survey jikabiaya survey tersebutdiatastelahmendapatpersetujuandaripemohon.
BKI will do the survey if fee of survey has been approved by applicant.

Diisi Oleh Perusahaan/Pemilik Kapal atau yang Dikuasakan

( By Client/ Customeror who are Authorized )

Denganinikami menyatakan bahwa :

1. Kamimenyetujuibiaya survey yang disampaikandiatas serta syarat dan ketentuan yang
tercantum dibalik lembar ini yang merupakan satu kesatuan dengan Formulir Survey ini.
We hereby approved the survey fee above with the terms and conditions behind this form which is
an integral part of this Survey Form.
2. Kami menyatakan bahwa yang menandatangani formulir ini adalah perwakilan yang sah
dan berwenang dari Perusahaan/ pemilik kapal dan atau individu yang mengajukan
permohonan jasa survey klasifikasi pada PT. BKI.
We declare that the signing of this form is a legitimate representative and have authorities from the
Company/owner and or individuals who apply for classification survey services at PT. BKI
3. Kami menyatakan secara sadar dan tanpa paksaan pernyataan tersebut diatas dan
menyatakan bahwa invoice dapat ditagihkan kepada :
We declare knowingly and without compulsion from above statement and stated that invoices shall
be charged to :

Nama* : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name Disetujui oleh,
Jabatan* : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved by,
Perusahaan* : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alamat Perusahaan*:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Company Address
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________
NPWP* :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature & Date
Tax Number
* wajib diisi

F11.1.01-2017/Rev.7 2/4
SyaratdanKetentuan 6.1.4. BKI bertanggungjawabterhadapisilaporandarijasa yang The particular matters should be stated clearly in the contract. If there is a
Terms and conditions diberikan, yang diserahkankepadapemakaijasa change in the scope of work or working methods in the contract that has
Jasa PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) BKI responsible for the content of the report of its services which had already been underway or signed, it must be stated in an Addendum signed
Services of Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) been submitted to client. by both parties on duty stamp with the same legal force. BKI will not
6.1.5. Jikaadakesalahandalamlaporandarijasa yang diberikan, maka provide services beyond the scope of works which have already been stated
1. Umum BKI hanyabertanggungjawabterhadapisilaporantersebut, in the contract. If a client requests the scope of works exceeding those
(General) sedangkesalahan yang stipulated in the contract, BKI canfile an objection and is entitled to ask for
PT. BIRO KLASIFIKASI INDONESIA yang selanjutnyadisebut BKI melibatkanpihakluartidakmenjaditanggungjawab BKI. BKI the compensation for extra works for3 ( three) times of the service value as
membuatsyaratdanketentuan yang tidakdapatdimintakanpertanggungjawabanterhadapisilaporante stated in the contract for the works. If the client stops the works before
berlakusecaraumumselamatidakbertentangandengan : rsebutapabilapemakaijasamemberikaninformasi yang completion, BKI is entitled to file an objection and ask for the appropriate
PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia hereinafter referred to BKI have arranged salahmengenaiobjek. compensation for the works in accordance with the compensation value of
the terms and conditions applicable in general as long as not conflict with: If there any mistake in the report of its services, BKI only responsible the services as listed in the contract.
1.1. PancasiladanUndang-undangDasar 1945. for the content of the report, while the mistakes involving other party 10. PembatasanPertanggungjawabanKhusus
Pancasila and Undang-undangnDasar 1945. are not the responsibility of BKI. (Limitation of special liability)
1.2. PeraturanPerundangandanperaturanlainnya yang berlaku di BKI does not have responsibility for the contents of the report if the BKI sebagai pemberi jasa serta mengeluarkan atas kegiatannya
wilayahRepublik Indonesia client provides false information about the object. tersebut. Jika laporan dan sertifikat BKI digunakan untuk keperluan
Law and Regulation and other rules of the Republic Indonesia 6.2. PihakPemakaiJasa: informasi bisnis, maka BKI tidak terlibat dan tidak bertanggung jawab
1.3. Peraturanlain yang berkaitandenganpekerjaanjasa survey Client: dalam transaksi bisnis yang dilakukan oleh pihak penjual dan pembeli.
klasifikasidanstatutoria. 6.2.1. PemakaiJasawajibmengajukanpermohonanjasadenganmempersi BKI tidak bertanggungjawab jika terjadikerugian pada salah satu
Other Rules & Regulation related to the classification and statutory apkandanmematuhisegalapersyaratan yang diperlukan, pihak pada proses bisnis tersebut. BKI bukan badan yang bertindak
services. termasuk di dalamnyamenyediakan data daninformasi yang sebagai asuransi ataupenjamin, sehingga tidak dapat dimintai
1.4 Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik diperlukanuntukpelaksanaanjasatersebut yang pertanggungjawaban atas kerugian yang terjadi.
Good Corporate Governance (GCG)BKI diaturdalamperaturanteknik BKI danRegulasiPemerintah yang BKI tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesengajaan maupun
BKI memberikanpelimpahanwewenangkepada BKI. ketidaksengajaan pernyataan atau laporan atasjasanya dan atau hal
memilikihakuntukmenambahataumerubahsyaratdanketentuaninisetia Client shall apply by preparing and complying with all the lainnya yang tidak benar atau yang menyesatkan atau yang melibatkan
psaattanpaterlebihdahulumemberitahukankepadapemakaijasasejauhti requirements necessary service set out in technical regulations of adanya konspirasi dengan pihak lain untuk merugikan pihak lain yang
dakbertentangandenganseperti yang tersebutdiatas. BKI and Regulationsfrom flag state administrations which have given dapat mengakibatkan dikenakannya hukuman administratif, pidana,
BKI has the right to add or change the terms and conditions at anytime the authority to BKI. perdata bagi personil yang bersangkutan dan pihak lain yang terlibat,
without prior notification to clients to the extent not contrary to the 6.2.2. PemakaiJasawajibmembayartagihansesuaitarif yang berlaku di termasuk Pemakai Jasa BKI dan pegawainya.
aforementioned. BKI paling lama 28 (duapuluhdelapan) BKI as the service provider and issuesthe service reports and certificates on
2. Perusahaan harikalendersetelahtagihanditerimauntukbiayapelaksanaanjasa such activities. If BKI’s reports and certificates are used for the purposes of
(Company) yang secaranyatatelahdilaksanakandandiselesaikan, business information, then BKI shall not be involved and not be responsible
BKI adalah Perusahaan badanusahamilik Negara Republik Indonesia danlaporantersebutditerimaolehpemakaijasa. BKI in the business transactions conducted by the seller and buyer. BKI is not
danatasnamapemerintahRepublik Indonesia berhaktidakmemenuhipermintaanjasaberikutnyadanmenahanSe responsible for any loss to either party in the business process. BKI is not a
didirikanberdasarkanhukum Indonesia yang bergerak di rtifikatdandokumenlainnyaapabilaPihakPemakaiJasatidakmeme body acting as an insurance or guarantor, s it can beheld responsible for
bidangKlasifikasi&Statutoriakapalsebagaibadanhukum yang nuhiketentuantersebut. any losses incurred.
diakuidansebagai Recognize Organization (RO) . ApabilaPemakaiJasatidakmelunasitagihansetelahtanggaljatuh BKI is not responsible for intentional/ unintentional statement or its
BKI isaRepublic of Indonesia state owned company and was established tempo makaPemakaiJasadikenakandendaketerlambatansebesar services report and/or other case which false or misleading or involves a
under the Indonesian law which is engaged in ship classification and 1‰ (satupermil) perharidarijumlahtagihan. conspiracy with other party to harm the others which may result in
statutory services as corporate and recognize organization (RO). Client is obliged to pay the invoice according to the applicable tariff administrative penalties, criminal, civil to the concerned personnel and
3. PemakaiJasa of BKI not later than 28 (twenty eight) calendar days after the invoice others who involved, including the Clients and Employees of BKI.
(Clients) is received for the cost of servicesthat has been conducted 11. Kerahasiaan
BKI andcompleted, and the reporthas beensubmitted to the clientBKI (Confidentiality)
bekerjaberdasarkanpermintaandariperusahaanataupribadiatauperseo hasthe right to refuse therequest of client to conduct the next services 11.1. Kewajibanumumkerahasiaan
ranganbaikdaridalamnegeridanluarnegeri, pemakaijasa-pemakaijasa and hold certificates and other documents if the parties do not Semuainformasi yang ditukarantaraParaPihak,
yang berbadan hokum baikdaridalamnegeridanluarnegeri, comply those requirements. If the client does not settle the invoice suatuPihakdanAfiliasinyaatausubkontraktorakandiperlakukanse
instansiswastaataupemerintah, yang after the due date, the client will be charged a late fee equal to 1 o / oo bagairahasia.
selanjutnyadisebutsebagaipemakaijasa. (one per mille) per day of the total invoice. Pemohon/ Pemakai JasaharusmemastikanbahwaAfiliasi,
BKI works on request from the company or a person or corporate or other Syarat-syaratdankondisidalamkontrakdanpernyataan BKI karyawandansubkontraktornyamemperlakukaninformasirahasi
Institution from national company or international company, private or tetapberlakudanmengaturhak-haksertakewajiban-kewajiban atersebutsesuaidengansyaratdan ketentuanini.
government agency, hereinafter referred to as clients. PARA PIHAK dalamsegalahal, Kecualiseperti yang dinyatakandalamPasal11.2berikutini,
4. Jasa kecualidiubahberdasarkankontraksesuaidengankesepakatanPem Pemohon/ Pemakai
(Services) akaiJasadan BKI. Jasatidakbolehmengungkapkaninformasirahasiatersebutkepada
BKI memberikanjasa : The terms and conditions of the contract and BKI statement remain pihakketigamanapuntanpaizintertulissebelumnyadari BKI
BKI will provide services: valid and regulate the rights and obligations of the parties in all The general obligation of confidentiality
4.1. Pemeriksaankonstruksikapal, respects, unless those are altered in accordance with the agreement All information exchanged between the Parties, a Party and its
pengawasandanpengujiansertapenerbitansertifikatkelas, between client and BKI. Affiliates or subcontractors shall be treated as confidential.
registrasikapaldankonstruksilepaspantai. Pemohon/pemakaijasadiwajibkanmengisi data yang sebenar- Applicants/clients shall ensure that its Affiliates, employees and
Inspection of the ship's construction, supervision and testing as well benarnyapada form permohonanjasa. BKI subcontractors treat such information confidential in accordance
as the issuance of class certificate, registration of ships and offshore tidakbertanggungjawabatassegalainformasi yang with the terms of this Term and Conditions.
construction. diisikanpadapermohonanini. Except as provided for in Article 11.2 below, Applicants/clients may
4.2. Pemeriksaandanpengujianalat- Applicants/clients are required to fill application form services in not disclose such confidential information to any third-party without
alatapungdanfasilitaskonstruksilepaspantai. good faith.BKI is not responsible for any information filled in the the prior written consent from BKI.
Inspection and testing equipment and facilities floating offshore application form. 11.2. Informasi di luar kewajiban kerahasiaan.
facilities. 6.2.3. Apabilaterjadisuatuperselisihan yang Kewajiban menjaga kerahasiaan yang dikenakan kepada
4.3. Pengujiandansertifikasi material dankomponen. melibatkanisidaripermohonanjasa BKI Pemohon/ Pemakai Jasapada syarat dan ketentuan ini tidak
Testing and certification of materials and components. makapihakdan/pemilikkapal yang berlaku untuk informasi yang;
4.4. Pengujiandanpenerbitansertifikatkualifikasijurulas, inspector menandatanganipermohonansertifikasiinibersediauntukbertangg Information excluded from the obligation of confidentiality.
lasdanahlilaslainnya. ungjawabsecara hokum berdasarkanperaturanperundang- The obligation of confidentiality imposed on Applicants/clients by
Testing and issuing certificates of welder qualification, welding undangan yang berlaku. this terms and conditions does not apply to information which;
inspectors and other welding experts. If there any dispute involving the contents of the services application 11.2.1. Merupakanataumenjadibagiandari domain
4.5. Melaksanakanpemeriksaandansertifikasi di form, the applicant partywho signed this formis willing to be umummelaluitanpakelalaiandariPihaktersebut;
bidangstatutoriaberdasarkanotorisasidaripemerintahRepublik responsible legally based on the legislation in force. Is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the
Indonesia maupundaripemerintahnegara lain. 7. Penolakanpekerjaan Party;
Conducting inspection and certification of statutory matters based on (Refusal of Work) 11.2.2. MerupakanmilikPemohon/ Pemakai
the authorization of the government of the Republic of Indonesia and Dalamkegiatanpelaksanaanjasa, BKI JasaataumilikAfiliasinyasebelummenerimainformasisesuaiden
from other governments. berhakmenolakbaiksebagianataupunseluruhnyapermohonandaripema gansyarat dan ketentuan
4.6. Melaksanakanpengawasan system kaijasaapabiladarihasilpenelaahandokumensebelumpelaksanaanjasaad inidanbukandiperoleholehPihakatauAfiliasitersebutdaripihakk
mutuprodukdanjasaPemakaiJasa yang aketidaksesuaiandari data yang etiga di bawahsuatukewajibankerahasiaan.
berkaitandenganpembangunankapal. diberikanolehPemakaiJasadanataumasihadanyapiutangPemakaiJasa is in the possession of the Applicants/clients or in the possession
Implementing quality control system for products and services of yang belumdiselesaikan. of any of its affiliates prior to the receipt of information under this
Client related to shipbuilding. In implementation ofitsservices, BKI has the right to refuse the client’s terms and conditions and was not acquired by the Party or
4.7. Melaksanakansurvei, audit, request, either in part or in wholeif the result of document review prior to Affiliate from a third party under an obligation of confidentiality;
daninspeksiatasnamapemerintahbenderanegara yang the services has shown any discrepancy of data given by client and/or there 11.2.3. DidapatkanolehPemohon/
telahmemberikanpelimpahanwewenangkepada BKI. is outstanding invoice. PemakaiatauAfiliasinyadaripihakketigatanpakewajibanmenja
Conducting surveys, audits, and inspections of on behalf of the flag 8. PengajuanKlaim gakerahasiaan.
administrations which have given the authority to BKI. ( Claim) is received by the Applicants/clients or its Affiliates from a third
Dalampelaksanaanpekerjaanjasasurvei, audit JikaPemakaiJasaakanmengajukanklaim, makadiajukan paling lambat party without an obligation of confidentiality
daninspeksiklasifikasidanstatutoriastandar yang 2 (dua) 11.2.4.
digunakanadalahperaturanteknik BKI danketentuandaripemerintah harikerjasetelahselesainyapekerjaandanataupenerimaanlaporanjasadi DiharuskanuntukdiungkapkansesuaidenganPeraturanKaidah
Negara bendera yang telahmemberikanwewenangkepada BKI. maksud. PemakaiJasadapatmengajukansuratklaim yang UmumPara Pihak, undang-undang yang
In conducting survey, audit, and inspection of classification and statutory ditujukankepadaDivisiHubunganPelanggandansalinannyadiajukankep berlakuatasperintahpemerintahataupengadilan.
services, the standards used are technical regulation of PT. BKI and ada surveyor/cabang BKI yang is required to be disclosed under General Regulations, applicable
regulations from flag state administrations which have given the authority bertanggungjawabterhadappekerjaantersebut. Suratberisimasalah law or by court or government order.
to PT. BKI. yang diklaimsertaisipermohonan yang 11.3. Untukmenghindarikesalahpahaman, rinciandata-data dan
5. LaporandanSistiminformasi dijadikanacuanbesertabuktipendukungklaimtersebut. BKI pokok-pokokkonfirmasi order yang dicantumkandalamForm
(Reports and Information Systems) akanmemberitanggapansecaratertulisterhadapklaimmaksimaldalamw inidanharusdianggaprahasia&tidakbolehdiungkapkankepadapih
Dalammeningkatanpelayananjasadanpercepatan proses reporting, BKI aktu 5 (lima) harikerjasetelahklaimditerimasecaralengkap. akketigamanapuntanpaizintertulisdariBKI.
telahmengembangkan system If the client wants to file a claim,it should be filed not later than 2 (two) For the avoidance of doubt, the details of the confirmation order
informasimanajemendenganmengembangkanbeberapaaplikasibaikunt working days after the completion of works and/or the said services report principles is listed in this form and shall be considered confidential
ukperkantoranmaupunaplikasiperhitunganteknik. has been accepted. The client may file a claim addressed to the Customer & shall not be disclosed to any third party without the written
In improving services and accelerating the process of reportingBKI has Relation Division BKI and its copy is submitted to the Surveyor of BKI who permission of the BKI.
developed a management information system to develop multiple is responsible for such work. The letter shall contain any matter to be 12. PenyelesaianPerselisihan
applications both for offices and technical computing applications. claimed and the contents of the referenced application along with the (The settlement of disputes)
6. Kewajibanparapihak supporting evidences. BKI will provide a written response to the BKI danPemakaiJasasepakatapabilaterjadiperselisihanatasapa yang
(Obligations of The Parties) claimwithin maximum 5 (five) working days after the claim is received diperjanjikaniniakandiselesaikandenganmusyawarahuntukmencapaike
6.1. Pihak BKI : completely. sepakatan,
BKI : 9. AdendumdanPerubahan danapabilatidakmencapaikesepakatanpenyelesaiaanakandiselesaikanm
6.1.1. Memberikanjasasesuaiatauberdasarkanpermohonanpemakaijas (Addendum and Amandement) elaluijalur Pengadilan untukdidapatkanputusanpenyelesaiannya yang
aseperti yang tertuangdalam form permohonanjasa. Hal-hal yang khususharusdisampaikansecarajelasdalampermohonan. final.
Providing appropriate survey, audit and inspection services in Jikaadaperubahandalamlingkupkerjaataumetodakerjapadapermohon BKI and Client agreed in the event of any dispute over this agreement will
accordance with client’s request as stipulated in the survey, audit, or an yang sudahberjalanatautelahditandatangani, be resolved by consensus to reach an agreement, and if it does not solved,
inspection application form. makaharusdituangkandalam addendum yang completion will be resolved by the Court to obtain the final settlement
6.1.2. Menjaminmutujasa yang diberikan. ditandatanganikeduabelahpihak di atasmateraidengankekuatanhukum decision
Ensuring the quality of services provided. yang sama. BKI tidakbisamemberikanjasamelebihilingkupkerja yang 13. Bahasa
6.1.3. Bertanggungjawabuntukkerugianataukerusakan, telahdituangkandalampermohonan. (Language)
apabiladapatdibuktikanbahwakerugiantersebutdihasilkanlangsu JikaPemakaiJasamemintalingkupkerjamelebihi yang Syarat dan ketentuan umum ini ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan
ngdaritindakanataukelalaian yang dilakukanoleh BKI. tertuangdalampermohonan, maka BKI Inggris dan dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa-bahasa lainnya.
Pertanggungjawaban dapatmengajukankeberatandanberhakmemintakompensasiataskelebih Jika terdapat perbedaan tafsir maka yang digunakan adalah versi
BKIdibatasimaksimumsebesarbiayajasaterakhir yang dilakukan. anpekerjaansebesartiga kali lipatdarinilaiPembayaranjasa yang dalam bahasa Indonesia. Semua dokumen terkait kegiatan
Responsible for any loss or damage, if it can be proved that the loss terteradalam tariff untukpekerjaantersebut. penyampaian jasa dan laporan jasa BKI menggunakan bahasa
is a direct result of acts or omissions by BKI. Accountability BKI is JikaPemakaiJasamenghentikanpekerjaansebelumselesai, maka BKI Indonesia. Jika pemakai jasa ingin menggunakan bahasa selain bahasa
limited to the cost of the last survey. berhakmengajukankeberatandanmemintakompensasiataspekerjaanses Indonesia maka harus tertuang dalam kontrak. Jika terjadi
uainilaiPembayaranjasa yang tertera dalam Tarif.
F11.1.01-2017/Rev.7 3/4
ketidaktepatan atau kesalahpahaman interpretasi dokumen, maka
yang menjadi acuan adalah dokumen dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
These General Terms and Conditions are written in Indonesian and English
version and may be translated into other languages. If there are differences
in the interpretation, then the Indonesian language version shall be
prevailed. All documents related to the services delivery and BKI activities
reports shall use the Indonesian language. If client wants to use other
language than Indonesian language, then it should be stated in the
contract. In the event of inaccuracies or misunderstanding in the
interpretation of documents, then as the reference is the document in the
Indonesian language.

F11.1.01-2017/Rev.7 4/4

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