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Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control

Creating a Menu
The menu gives the users access to functions that are not defined as controls (editing,
formatting, etc) and also repeats certain functions that are coded as controls (Exit button,
for example). Menus offer a variety of functionalities to define the application: we can
include sub-menus, checked items, enabled/disabled functions. We use the Menu Editor that
can be found in the Menu bar --> Tools or Press CTRL+E in design window.

Menu Editor Dialog Box Options

Options Description
Caption Allows you to enter the menu name that you want to appear on your menu
bar.If you want to create a separator bar in your menu, type a single hyphen
(-) in the Caption box.To give the user keyboard access to a menu item, insert
an ampersand (&) before a letter. If you need an ampersand to show in the
menu, put two consecutive ampersands in the caption.
Name Allows you to enter a control name for the menu item. A control name is an
identifier used only to access the menu item in code.
Index Allows you to assign a numeric value that determines the control's position
within a control array.This position isn't related to the screen position.
Shortcut Allows you to select a shortcut key for each command.
Checked Allows you to have a check mark appear initially at the left of a menu item. It
is generally used to indicate whether a toggle option is turned on or off.
Enabled Allows you to select whether you want the menu item to respond to events, or
clear if you want the item to be unavailable and appear dimmed.
Visible Allows you to have the menu item appear on the menu.
WindowList Determines if the menu control contains a list of open MDI child forms in an
MDI application.
Right Arrow Moves the selected menu down one level each time you click it. You can create
up to four levels of submenus.
Left Arrow Moves the selected menu up one level each time you click it. You can create up
to four levels of submenus.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control

Up Arrow Moves the selected menu item up one position within the same menu level
each time you click it.
Down Arrow Moves the selected menu item down one position within the same menu level
each time you click it.
Menu List A list box that displays a hierarchical list of menu items. Submenu items are
indented to indicate their hierarchical position or level.
Next Moves selection to the next line.
Insert Inserts a line in the list box above the currently selected line
Delete Deletes the currently selected line.
OK Closes the Menu Editor and applies all changes to the last form you selected.
Cancel Closes the Menu Editor and cancels all changes.
Creating Popup/Shortcut Menu (PopupMenu Method)
Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object at the current mouse location.
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbRightButton Then
Form1.PopupMenu mnuedit
End If
End Sub
The SSTab Control
The SSTab control provides a group of tabs, each of which acts as a container for other
controls. Only one tab is active in the control at a time, displaying the controls it contains to
the user while hiding the controls in the other tabs.

Options Description
Current Tab Display the current tab number.
Tab Count To define the number of tabs.
TabsPerRow To define the number tabs per row.
TabCaption Define the caption of tab.
Orientation To allows you to locate the tabs of your tabbed dialog box on either of the
four sides (top, bottom, left, right).
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Private Sub SSTab1_Click(PreviousTab As Integer)
Select Case SSTab1.Tab
Case 0
MsgBox "You clicked on " & SSTab1.Caption
Case 1
MsgBox "You clicked on " & SSTab1.Caption
Case 2
MsgBox "You clicked on " & SSTab1.Caption
End Select
End Sub
The CommonDialog Control
The CommonDialog control provides a standard set of dialog boxes for operations such as
opening and saving files, setting print options, and selecting colors and fonts. The control
also has the ability to display help by running the Windows Help engine.
The CommonDialog control can display the following dialogs using the specified method.
Method Dialog Displayed Action/Value
ShowOpen Show Open Dialog Box 1
ShowSave Show Save As Dialog Box 2
ShowColor Show Color Dialog Box 3
ShowFont Show Font Dialog Box 4
ShowPrinter Show Print or Print Options Dialog Box 5
ShowHelp Invokes the Windows Help Engine 6
FileOpen and FileSave Common Dialog Boxes
Property Description
Filter A filter specifies the type of files that are displayed in the dialog box's.
DefaultExt Set the default filename extension for the dialog box.
FilterIndex Set a default filter for an Open or Save As dialog box.. The index for the first
defined filter is 1.
FileTitle Returns the name (without the path) of the file to open or save.
InitDir Set the initial file directory.
Action Set the type of dialog box to be displayed.
FileName Returns the path and filename of a selected file.
DialogTitle Set the string displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.
Flags Set the options for the common dialog boxes.
CancelError Returns a value indicating whether an error is generated when the user chooses the
Cancel button.Cancel error number 32755
Flag constant for the file open and file save common dialog box:-
Constant Value Description
cdlOFAllowMultiselect &H200 Permits multiple file selection. The user can selected one
more file at run time by the pressing by Shift Key by using
Up and Down arrow keys to select the desired file.
cdlOFNExplorer &H80000 Uses the explore like open a dialog box template.
cdlOFNHelpButten &H10 Display the help button in a dialog box.
cdlOFNHideReadOnly &H4 Hide the read only cdOFNReadOnly check box.
cdlOFNLongName &H20000 Allows long file name.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Example-01 (File Open) Example-01 (File Save)
Private Sub mnuOpen_Click() Private Sub mnuSave_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler cd.DialogTitle = "File Save Dialog Box"
cd.DialogTitle = "File Open Dialog Box" cd.Filter = "Text File|*.TXT|Rich Text
cd.Filter = "Text File|*.TXT|Rich Text Format|*.RTF"
Format|*.RTF|All Files|*.*" cd.FilterIndex = 1
cd.FilterIndex = 1 cd.InitDir = App.Path
cd.InitDir = App.Path cd.Action = 2
cd.Flags = &H4 Or &H200000 Or &H10 End Sub
cd.CancelError = True
fName = cd.FileName
MsgBox fName
If Err.Number = 32755 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Flag constant for the color common dialog box:-
Constant Value Description
cdCClFullOpen &H2 Display the full dialog box including the define custom color
cdlCCHelpButten &H8 Display a help button in a dialog box.
cdlCCpreventFull &H4 Hides the define custom colors section (prevent the user from
Open definig custom color).
cdCCRGBlinit &H1 Set the value of the color initially selected when the dialog box
is opened.
Example-01 (Color DialogBox)
Private Sub mnuColor_Click()
cd.Flags = &H2
Text1.BackColor = cd.Color
End Sub
Flag constant for the font common dialog box:-
Constant Value Description
cdlCFBoth &H3 Display the both printer and screen fonts in the dialog
box. (you must also set the HDC property to specify the
current printer).
cdlCFEffects &H100 Specifies that the dialog box let the user set the strike
thought underline and color effect.
cdlCFForceFontExist &H10000 Specifies that an error message box appear if the user
attempt to select a font or style that doesn’t exist.
cdlCFHelpButten &H4 Display a help butten in a dialog box.
cdlCFLimitSize &H2000 Specifies that the dialog box display only font size whit
in the range specified by the min and max properties.
cdlCFScreenFonts &H1 Causes the dialog box to display only the screen fonts
supported by the system.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Example-01 (Font DialogBox)
Private Sub mnuFont_Click()
cd.Flags = &H1

Text1.FontBold = cd.FontBold
Text1.FontItalic = cd.FontItalic
Text1.Font = cd.FontName
Text1.FontSize = cd.FontSize
End Sub
Flag constant for the print common dialog box:-
Constant Value Description
cdlPDCollacte &H10 Returns or Sets the State of the collate checkbox .
cdlPDDisablePrintToFile &H80000 Disable the print to file checkbox.
cdPDHideToPrintFile &H100000 Hides the print file to checkbox.
cdlPDNoSelection &H4 Disables the selection option butten.
cdlPDNoWarning &H80 Prevent a warning message for being displayed when
there is no default printer.
Example-01 (Print DialogBox)
Private Sub mnuPrint_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim BeginPage, EndPage, NumCopies, i
cd.CancelError = True
BeginPage = cd.FromPage
EndPage = cd.ToPage
NumCopies = cd.Copies
For i = 1 To NumCopies
Printer.Print Text1.Text
Next i
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Sub
Flag constant for the Help common dialog box:-
Constant Value Description
cdlHelplContents &H3& Displays the help content.
cdlHelpContext &H1& Display help for a particular context.
CdlHelpContextPopup &H8& Display a particular help topic in a pop-up of windows
identified by a context number defines in a [map] section
of the HPG file.
cdlHelpForceFile &H9& Insurance that win help displays the correct help file.
cdlHelpHelpOnHelp &H4& Displays help for using the help application itself.
cdlHelpIndex &H3& Displays the index of the specified help file.
cdlHelpSetContents &H5& Determines which content’s topic will be displayed when a
user press the F1 key.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
The TabStrip Control
A TabStrip control is like the dividers in a notebook or the labels on a group of file folders.
By using a TabStrip control, you can define multiple pages for the same area of a window or
dialog box in your application.

Options Description
Index Display the current tab number.
Insert Tab To add the tab.
Remove Tab To remove the current tab.
Caption Define the caption of tab.
Image To define the image for current tab from imagelist index number.
Private Sub TabStrip1_Click()
If TabStrip1.Tabs(1).Selected Then
MsgBox ("you click on " & TabStrip1.Tabs(1).Caption)
ElseIf TabStrip1.Tabs(2).Selected Then
MsgBox ("you click on " & TabStrip1.Tabs(2).Caption)
End If
End Sub
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
The Toolbar Control
A Toolbar control contains a collection of Button objects used to create a toolbar that is
associated with an application.

Options Description
Index Display the current Button index number.
Caption Define the caption of Button.
Key Define the key name of current button for use in coding.
Style Define the button style.
ToolTipText Define ToolTipText of button to display when mouse over on button.
Insert Button To add the button.
Remove Button To remove the current button.
Value Define button status Pressed or Unpressed.
Width Define the width for Plaseholder.
Image To define the image for current tab from imagelist index number.
Button Menus Use for add more button in Dropdown style button.
Button Style Property Determines Button Behavior
An important property of the Button object is the Style property. The Style property
determines how a button behaves — and the function assigned to the button can have a
bearing on which style is applied to it. The five button styles are listed below, with their
possible uses:
Constant Value Possible Use
tbrDefault 0 Use the Default button style when the function it
represents has no dependence on other functions.
tbrCheck 1 The Check style should be used when the function it
represents is a toggle of button.
tbrButtonGroup 2 Use the ButtonGroup style when a group of functions are
mutually exclusive. That is, only one of the functions
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
represented by the group of buttons can be on at a time.
tbrSeparator 3 Use the separator style to create a button that
separates one button from another.
tbrPlaceholder 4 The placeholder style functions as a "dummy" button: use
this button to create a space on the Toolbar control
where you place another control.
tbrDropdown 5 To create the dropdown combo and add ButtonMenus for

Events Description
ButtonClick Occurs when the user clicks on a Button object in a Toolbar control.

ButtonDropDown Occurs when the user clicks the dropdown arrow on a Button object.

ButtonMenuClick Occurs when the user clicks a ButtonMenu object.

Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
Select Case Button.Index
Case 1
MsgBox "You click on New button."
Case 2
MsgBox "you click on Open button."
End Select
Select Case Button.Caption
Case "Save"
MsgBox "You click on Save button."
End Select
End Sub
Dim tbrDropdownName As String
Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonDropDown(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
tbrDropdownName = Button.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonMenuClick(ByVal ButtonMenu As MSComctlLib.ButtonMenu)
If tbrDropdownName = "Font Size" Then
Select Case ButtonMenu.Index
Case 1:
MsgBox "You click on " & ButtonMenu.Text
Case 2:
MsgBox "You click on " & ButtonMenu.Text
Case 3:
MsgBox "You click on " & ButtonMenu.Text
End Select
End If
End Sub
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Placing Controls on the Toolbar
You can easily place other controls, such as the ComboBox, TextBox, or OptionButton
control, on the Toolbar control at design time.
To place other controls on the Toolbar control at design time
• Create Button objects and assign appropriate properties.
• Create a space on the toolbar where you want the other control to appear, then add a
button with the Placeholder style, and set the Width property to an appropriate value.
• Draw the other control in the space occupied by the placeholder button.

The CoolBar Control

A CoolBar control contains a collection of Band objects used to create a configurable toolbar
that is associated with a form.

Options Description
Index Display the current toolbar index/band number.
Child Define the toolbar which is associate to band.
Style Define the toolbar style Fixedsize or Normal.
Insert Band Add new Band in CoolBar.
Remove Band Remove selected Band.
• Drag coolbar on form.
• Define Number of Bands
• Drag Toolbar on Coolbar Band.
• Run your application and test it.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
The StatusBar Control
A StatusBar control provides a window, usually at the bottom of a parent form, through
which an application can display various kinds of status data. The StatusBar can be divided
up into a maximum of sixteen Panel objects that are contained in a Panels collection.

Options Description
Index Display the current panel index/panel number.
Text Define the Panel caption to display in statusbar.
Insert Panel Add new panel in statusbar.
Remove Panel Remove selected panel.
Alignment Define alignment of current panel text. (Left,Right,Center)
Style Define the statusbar style.
Bevel Define bevel style (Inset,Raised,Nobevel)
AutoSize Define the width of panel text.
The Style Property: Automatic Status Functions
One feature of the StatusBar control is its ability to display key states, time, and date with
a minimum of code.
Constant Value Description
sbrText 0 Text and/or a bitmap. Set text with the Text property.
sbrCaps 1 Displays the letters CAPS in bold when Caps Lock is enabled,
and dimmed when disabled.
sbrNum 2 Displays the letters NUM in bold when the number lock key is
enabled, and dimmed when disabled.
sbrIns 3 Displays the letters INS in bold when the insert key is
enabled, and dimmed when disabled.
sbrScrl 4 Displays the letters SCRL in bold when scroll lock is enabled,
and dimmed when disabled.
sbrTime/ sbrDate 5,6 Displays the current time/Date in the system format.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Settings for the AutoSize property are:

Constant Value Description

sbrNoAutoSize 0 No autosizing occurs.
sbrSpring 1 When the parent form resizes and there is extra space
available, all panels with this setting divide the space and
grow accordingly. However, the panels' width never falls
below that specified by the MinWidth property.
sbrContents 2 The panel is resized to fit its contents.
Example-01 (Accessing panel through code on click event)
Private Sub StatusBar1_PanelClick(ByVal Panel As MSComctlLib.Panel)
Select Case Panel.Index
Case 1:
MsgBox "You click on panel " & Panel.Text
Case 2:
MsgBox "You click on panel " & Panel.Text
End Select
End Sub
Example-02 (Design Panel at Run-Time)
Private Sub Form_Load()
StatusBar1.Panels.Add(1).Text = "Start"
StatusBar1.Panels.Add(2).Text = ""
StatusBar1.Panels.Add(3).Text = ""
StatusBar1.Panels.Add(4).Text = ""

StatusBar1.Panels(1).Bevel = sbrRaised
StatusBar1.Panels(1).AutoSize = sbrContents
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Picture = LoadPicture("c:\windows\Blue Lace 16.bmp")

StatusBar1.Panels(2).Bevel = sbrRaised
StatusBar1.Panels(2).AutoSize = sbrSpring

StatusBar1.Panels(3).Bevel = sbrInset
StatusBar1.Panels(3).AutoSize = sbrContents
StatusBar1.Panels(3).Style = sbrDate

StatusBar1.Panels(4).Bevel = sbrInset
StatusBar1.Panels(4).AutoSize = sbrContents
StatusBar1.Panels(4).Style = sbrTime
End Sub
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
The ProgressBar Control
The ProgressBar control shows the progress of a lengthy operation by filling a rectangle
with chunks from left to right.
Property Description
Max Set the maximum value.
Min Set the minimum value.
Orientation Sets a value that determines the orientation (horizontal or vertical)
Scrolling Sets a value that progress bar appears solid or segmented.
Value Returns or sets the value of an object.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For X = ProgressBar1.Min To ProgressBar1.Max - 1
ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1
Next X
End Sub
The Animation Control
The Animation control allows you to create buttons which display animations, such as .avi
files, when clicked. The control can play only AVI files that have no sound.
Property Description
Open Opens an .avi file to play.
Play Plays an .avi file in the Animation control.
Stop Stops the play of an .avi file in the Animation control.
AutoPlay To allow the Animation control will begin to play an .avi file when the .avi file
is loaded into the control.(True,False)
Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()
Animation1.Open ("c:\windows\clock.avi")
Animation1.Play 2
End Sub
Private Sub cmdStop_Click()
End Sub
The UpDown Control
An UpDown control has a pair of arrow buttons which the user can click to increment or
decrement a value, such as a scroll position or a value in an associated control, known as a
buddy control.
Property Description
Max Set the maximum value.
Min Set the minimum value.
BuddyControl Sets or returns the control used as the buddy control.
BuddyProperty Sets the property used to synchronize the UpDown control.
Value Returns or sets the value of an object.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
• Drag Text control on form
• Drag UpDown control on form
• Set Min and Max Property
• Set BuddyControl property to Text1 (text control name)
• Set BuddyProperty to Text (text property to display value in text control)
• Run application and enjoy it
The DateTimePicker Control
The DateTimePicker control enables you to provide a formatted date field that allows easy
date selection.
Property Description
CheckBox Returns or sets a value that determines if a check box is displayed to the left
of the selected date.
UpDown Returns or sets a value that determines if an up-down control appears to the
right of the DateTimePicker control.
Value Returns or sets the value of an object.
MaxDate Set the Max Date.
MinDate Set Min Date.
Private Sub Form_Load()
DTPicker1.Value = Date
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If DTPicker1.CheckBox = True Then
If Not IsNull(DTPicker1.Value) Then
MsgBox DTPicker1.Value
MsgBox "Please first select date."
End If
End If
End Sub
The MonthView Control
The MonthView control enables you to create applications that let users view and set date
information via a calendar-like interface.
Property Description
MaxSelCount Sets the maximum number of contiguous days that can be selected at
MonthColumns Sets a value that the number of months to be displayed horizontally.
MonthRows Sets a value that the number of months to be displayed vertically.
MultiSelect To allow that the multiple dates can be selected at once.(True,False)
ScrollRate Sets a value that the number of months are scrolled when the user
clicks one of the scroll buttons.
ShowWeekNumber Sets a value that the week numbers are displayed next to each week.
StartOfWeek Returns or sets a value that specifies the starting day of the week.
Value Returns or sets the date currently displayed.
SelStart (Method) Returns the upper bounds of the date range that is selected.
SelEnd (Method) Returns the lower bounds of the date range that is selected.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Private Sub Form_Load()
MonthView1.Top = 0
MonthView1.Left = 0
MonthView1.MonthColumns = 3
MonthView1.MonthRows = 4
MonthView1.StartOfWeek = mvwMonday
MonthView1.MinDate = "01/01/2010"
MonthView1.MaxDate = "31/12/2010"
MonthView1.ShowToday = True

Form1.Width = MonthView1.Width + 120

Form1.Height = MonthView1.Height + 430
End Sub
The ImageList Control
An ImageList control contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be
referred to by its index or key. The ImageList control is not meant to be used alone, but as
a central repository to conveniently supply other controls with images.

Option Description
Genernal Tab Set Image size.
Index Define the index number of image.
Key Define the key string of image.
Insert Picture Insert image in Imagelist
Remove Picture Remove image from Imagelist.
Overlay Draws one image from a ListImages collection over another
• Drag ImageList control on from
• Select imagesize and insert images
• Drag Toolbar and associate imagelist
• Set Image index with individual toolbar button.
• Run application
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
• Drag Image control on form
• Drag command button and write following code.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set Image1.Picture = ImageList1.Overlay(2, 1)
End Sub
The RichTextbox Controls
The Rich Textbox control is the core of full-blown word processor. It provides all the
functionally of a Textbox control it gives you the capability to mix different fonts,sizes, and
The RTF Language
RTF is a document formatting language uses simple commands to specify the formatting of a
document .
Rich Textbox Control`S Properties For Manipulating Selected Text.
Property Description
SelText The Selected text.
SelStart The position of the selected text`s first character.
SelLength The length of selected text.
SelBold, SelItalic, Various font attributes of the selected text .
SelStrikeThru, Selcolor,
Selindent, SelRighttindent, The indentation of the selected text.
SelRightMargin, The right/left margin of the selected text.
SelRTF, SelText The RTF/Text code of the selected text.
SaveFile(filename) Method Saves the contents of the control to a disk file.
LoadFile(filename) Method Loads the contents from a disk file.
AutoVerbMenu To display popup menu when the right mouse button is clicked.
BulletIndent Set the amount of bullet indent.
SelCharOffset Set the text to appear as a superscript or as a subscript.
SelPrint Sends formatted text to a device for printing.
SelProtected Returns or sets a value which determines if the current
selection is protected.
Tow file type recognized by the rich textbox control.
Constant Value Type Description
rtfRTF 0 (default) RTF The Rich TExtBox control saves its contents as an
RTF file.
rtfText 1 Text The RichTextBox control saves its contents as a
Text file.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Private Sub Form_Load() Private Sub mnuNew_Click()
RTB.Top = 0 RTB.Text = ""
RTB.Left = 0 StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = ""
RTB.Width = Form1.Width End Sub
RTB.Height = Form1.Height Private Sub mnuOpen_Click()
RTB.Text = "" cd.Filter = "Text File|*.txt|Rich Text
Form1.Caption = "WordPad Application" Format|*.rtf"
StatusBar1.Panels.Add (1) cd.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Bevel = sbrInset cd.ShowOpen
StatusBar1.Panels(1).AutoSize = sbrSpring RTB.LoadFile (cd.FileName)
End Sub StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = cd.FileName
End Sub
Private Sub mnuSave_Click() Private Sub mnuSubScript_Click()
cd.Filter = "Text File|*.txt|Rich Text RTB.SelCharOffset = -80
Format|*.rtf" End Sub
cd.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly Private Sub mnuSuperScript_Click()
cd.ShowSave RTB.SelCharOffset = 80
RTB.SaveFile (cd.FileName) End Sub
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = cd.FileName
End Sub
Private Sub mnuHangingIndent_Click() Private Sub mnuBullet_Click()
RTB.SelHangingIndent = 300 RTB.SelBullet = True
End Sub End Sub
Private Sub mnuIndent_Click()
RTB.SelIndent = 300
End Sub
Private Sub mnuProtected_Click()
mnuProtected.Checked = Not mnuProtected.Checked
RTB.SelProtected = mnuProtected.Checked
End Sub
Private Sub mnuBold_Click()
mnuBold.Checked = Not mnuBold.Checked
RTB.SelBold = mnuBold.Checked
End Sub
Private Sub mnuUnderLine_Click()
mnuUnderLine.Checked = Not mnuUnderLine.Checked
RTB.SelUnderline = mnuUnderLine.Checked
End Sub
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
The MSFlexGrid Control
The Microsoft FlexGrid (MSFlexGrid) control displays and operates on tabular data. It
allows complete flexibility to sort, merge, and format tables containing strings and pictures.
When bound to a Data control, MSFlexGrid displays read-only data.
Property/Method Description
AllowBigSelection Returns or sets a value that determines whether clicking on a column or
row header should cause the entire column or row to be selected.
AllowUserResizing Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user can use the
mouse to resize rows and columns
Cols Returns or sets the total number of columns
Rows Returns or sets the total number of rows
FixedCols Returns or sets the total number of fixed columns.
FixedRows Returns or sets the total number of fixed rows.
FormatString Sets the column widths, alignments, fixed row text, and fixed column
text of the MSHFlexGrid.
MergeCells Returns or sets a value that determines whether cells with the same
contents should be grouped in a single cell spanning multiple rows or
SelectionMode Returns or sets a value that determines whether an MSHFlexGrid
should allow regular cell selection, selection by rows, or selection by
WordWrap Returns or sets a value that determines whether a cell displays multiple
lines of text or one long line of text.
Col Returns or sets the coordinates of the active cell.
ColWidth Returns or sets the width of the column in the specified band.
Row Returns or sets the coordinates of the active cell.
RowHeight Returns or sets the height of the specified row.
FixedAlignment Returns or sets the alignment of data in the fixed cells of a column.
MergeCol, Returns or sets a value that determines which rows and columns can
MergeRow have their contents merged. These properties must be True to use the
MergeCells property.
MouseCol, Returns the current mouse position, in row and column coordinates.
Text Returns or sets the text content of a cell.
TextMatrix Returns or sets the text content of a specified column and row.
ColSel Returns or sets the start or end column for a range of cells.
RowSel Returns or sets the start or end row for a range of cells.
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Private Sub GridHeader()
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 3
MSFlexGrid1.Cols = 5
MSFlexGrid1.FixedRows = 2
MSFlexGrid1.FixedCols = 0
MSFlexGrid1.WordWrap = True
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Student Roll Number"
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 1000
MSFlexGrid1.FixedAlignment(0) = flexAlignCenterCenter
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Student Name"
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(1) = 1500
MSFlexGrid1.FixedAlignment(1) = flexAlignCenterCenter
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "Student Father's Name"
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(2) = 1500
MSFlexGrid1.FixedAlignment(2) = flexAlignCenterCenter
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 3) = "Student Class"
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(3) = 1000
MSFlexGrid1.FixedAlignment(3) = flexAlignCenterCenter
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 4) = "Student Address"
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(4) = 2000
MSFlexGrid1.FixedAlignment(4) = flexAlignCenterCenter
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 0) = "Student Roll Number"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 1) = "Student Name"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 2) = "Student Father's Name"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 3) = "Student Class"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 4) = "Student Address"
MSFlexGrid1.MergeCol(0) = True
MSFlexGrid1.MergeCol(1) = True
MSFlexGrid1.MergeCol(2) = True
MSFlexGrid1.MergeCol(3) = True
MSFlexGrid1.MergeCol(4) = True
MSFlexGrid1.MergeCells = flexMergeRestrictColumns
End Sub
Private Sub FillGrid()
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 2
For X = 2 To 10
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = MSFlexGrid1.Rows + 1
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(X, 0) = X - 1
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(X, 1) = Chr(63 + X)
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(X, 2) = Chr(87 - X)
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(X, 3) = "10-" & Chr(67 + (Int(Rnd * 5)))
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(X, 4) = "Flat No. " & Int(Rnd * 50) & " Block # " & Chr(65 +
(Int(Rnd * 5))) & " Karachi"
Next X
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call GridHeader
Call FillGrid
End Sub
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y
As Single)
MSFlexGrid1.ToolTipText = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.MouseRow,
End Sub
Example-02 (Data Entry in Grid)
Private Sub Form_Load()
MSFlexGrid1.FormatString = "Sr |Student Name |Class |Marks "
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 10
MSFlexGrid1.Cols = 4
MSFlexGrid1.FixedCols = 1
MSFlexGrid1.FixedRows = 1
For x = 1 To 10
cboClass.AddItem (x)
Next x
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_EnterCell()
If MSFlexGrid1.MouseRow = 0 Then
cboClass.Visible = False
txtBox.Visible = False
Exit Sub
ElseIf MSFlexGrid1.Col = 1 Or MSFlexGrid1.Col = 3 Then
txtBox.Top = MSFlexGrid1.Top + MSFlexGrid1.CellTop
txtBox.Left = MSFlexGrid1.Left + MSFlexGrid1.CellLeft
txtBox.Width = MSFlexGrid1.CellWidth
txtBox.Height = MSFlexGrid1.CellHeight
txtBox.Text = MSFlexGrid1.Text
txtBox.Visible = True
ElseIf MSFlexGrid1.Col = 2 Then
cboClass.Top = MSFlexGrid1.Top + MSFlexGrid1.CellTop
cboClass.Left = MSFlexGrid1.Left + MSFlexGrid1.CellLeft
cboClass.Width = MSFlexGrid1.CellWidth
cboClass.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_LeaveCell()
If MSFlexGrid1.Col = 1 Or MSFlexGrid1.Col = 3 Then
MSFlexGrid1.Text = txtBox.Text
ElseIf MSFlexGrid1.Col = 2 Then
MSFlexGrid1.Text = cboClass.Text
End If
End Sub
Visual Basic Advance ActiveX Control
The Clipboard Object
The Clipboard object is used to manipulate text and graphics on the Clipboard. You can use
this object to enable a user to copy, cut, and paste text or graphics in your application.
Method Description
SetData Puts a picture on the system Clipboard.
GetData Returns a graphic from the system Clipboard.
GetFormat Returns an integer indicating whether an item on the system Clipboard
object matches a specified format.
SetText Puts a text string on the system Clipboard.
GetText Returns a text string from the system Clipboard.
Clear Clears the contents of a system Clipboard.
Private Sub mnuCopy_Click()
Clipboard.SetText Trim(Text1.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub mnuCut_Click()
Clipboard.SetText Trim(Text1.Text)
Text1.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub mnuPast_Click()
Text2.Text = Clipboard.GetText
End Sub
The MDIForm Object
An MDI (multiple-document interface) form is a window that acts as the background of an
application and is the container for forms that have their MDIChild property set to True.
• Add MDIForm in Project
• Add one or more form
• Set MDIChild property to True of other forms
• Set BorderStyle property to none of other forms (For Scrolling in MDIForm)
• Drag PictureBox control or create menu on MDIForm
• Write following code on PictureBox click event or Menu click event
Private Sub Picture1_Click()
End Sub

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