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Internal Power Training of the Tong Ren School

Spiritual training that doesn’t emphasise the complete integration of the bodymind and
Inner-Self with personal effectiveness as its foundation is fraudulent and psychologically
misleading as well as being a spiritual dead-end. Tong-Ren Dao.

Level 1:
Yin Gung: learning to relax at will
Yin Gung is an original method of the Tong Ren School for inducing a
profound level of instant relaxation and sensory withdrawal, while at the
same time, activating the circulation of your blood and energy. It gives
you deep relaxation with both outer and inner awareness.

It is the initial meditative skill that is taught in the Tong Ren School.

Strengthening and grounding the legs

In the Tong Ren School we place a good amount of emphasis on

strengthening the legs which in turn will confidently support the upper
body. The leg strengthening exercises of the Tong Ren School activate the
‘pumping’ of the blood and energy from the lower body to the upper body
and thereby increases the overall circulation of energy, blood and fluids
throughout the bodymind. As well, increased levels of sexual vitality are
promoted through this training. There is a Chinese saying that ‘you are
only as young as your legs’.

Advanced Ba Duan Jin

Advanced Ba Duan Jin teaches you the basic skills of self-awareness
through the co-ordination of your physical movements and breath. This
self-awareness gained through movement and breath control, introduces
you to the experience of the mind and body being fully integrated – this
integrated whole is called body/mind.

The regular practice of Advanced Ba Duan Jin provides many benefits

which include:

•It will consciously connect your upper body and arms with the spinal
column, as well as your lower body and legs to the spinal column, and will
free up stiffness and limited range of movement in the neck, arms,
shoulders, waist, flanks, ribs, hips, legs and knees.

•Advanced Ba Duan Jin is as well, clinically more effective in releasing and

re-circulating blocked energy than both tai chi and hatha yoga.

In the treatment of people with a seized up body, there are eight essential
movements that when done over a period of time will liberate the
bodymind from its rusted cage. These movements are:

•Up and down as in doing wall squats with the legs

•Forward and backward

•Twisting to the left and to the right, and

•Leaning over to the left and right

Combining Advanced Ba Duan Jin with acupuncture, shiatsu or remedial

massage for chronic muscular spasms and bunched up fascia, is
extremely beneficial and will greatly shorten the journey to having all
round freedom of movement.

Abdominal Breathing

When you learn to breathe normally from your lower abdomen you will
find that your mind will slow down and be much more calm and settled
even when you are busy doing other things. In addition to this, you will
have a strong tendency to be both relaxed and present most of the time
without much conscious effort.

This is the second of the meditative skills that are taught in the Tong Ren

Awakening and Energising the Hands

Having hands that are ‘alive and energised’ are necessary when you
practice any form of massage whether professionally or for family and
friends. Hands that are ‘alive’ are also important to have in the advanced
skills of sensual love-making.

Level 2:
Beginning Chi Gung
Once you are confident in the foundation skills of having stronger legs, the
ability to ‘relax at will’; being able to breathe through your lower
abdomen; and increased flexibility; it is then time to learn the Chi Gung
methods of the Tong Ren School. The term Chi Gung literally means
‘energy skills’.

The chi gung skills taught at this level include:

•Yin Standing

•The third meditative exercise of the tong ren school


•Developing powerfully energised hands

Yin Standing for Health and Well-Being

Yin Standing for Health and Well-Being has six primary stances where you learn
to be physically and mentally relaxed while under varying degrees of mental and
physical challenge. These health stances are also the foundation skills of
integrating your bodymind and Inner-Self as one effective unit of wholeness. As
well, you will discharge the built up tension that is locked away in your muscles
and ligaments.

Yin Standing will enable you to cultivate a relaxed demeanour wherever you are
and whatever you are doing.

The Third Level of Meditative Skill

Once you are confident with your abdominal breathing skills, you then
move onto the third of the Tong Ren meditative skills where your ability to
concentrate for extended periods is trained and developed. The benefit of
this level of skill is the ability to remain relaxed yet alert for greater
lengths of time.
If the third meditative skill of the Tong Ren School, is done for twenty to
thirty minutes for one hundred days, you will achieve positive benefits
with improved blood pressure, your moods will balance out, and your
digestion and elimination will much improve, and as well, you will have a
greater sense of well-being.

Level 3: Tong Ren Medical Gung

The medical chi gung curriculum of the Tong Ren School has profoundly
transcended the uninspiring and weary confines of the TCM interpretation
of the art that is mostly being taught these days. The Tong Ren School has
a wide base of reference points from which to draw teaching examples
and also from which it can further adapt effective skills and insights.

Below is a short but incomplete summary of the skills and experience the
Tong Ren School's founder, Master Tong-Ren Dao has accumulated:

•Daoist, Buddhist and Chinese medicine for over thirty years

•Chi gung; nei gung and spontaneous gung in a number of methods


•Chi gung therapy for people with difficult health problems

•The internal training and mind-body mechanics of Hsing Yi and Yi Chuan

•Body-Mind and Inner-Self psycho-therapy

•Daoist internal alchemy

•The Six Yogas of Naropa

Reading the Human Magnetic Field:

These are the scanning and sensing exercises for the developing of tactile
sensitivity as well as for perceptual and interpretive rigor

Voice Training

Having a clear and natural voice is pleasant to express yourself with, and also be
listened to. In this training you will learn how to vocalise both vowel and aspirant
sounds. In the Tong Ren School, vowel sounds are used to affect the surface of
the body while the aspirant sounds are used to affect the internal organs of the

Shaman Palm of the Tong Ren School

Shaman Palm is used to smooth-out bunched-up energies and also to

extract the toxic stagnation that exists between the states of energetic
substance and physical matter. Apart from being a clinically effective
modality, Shaman Palm is also one of the many ways that perceptual rigor
is taught in the Tong Ren School.

Buddha Palm of the Tong Ren School

Master Tong-Ren designed the Buddha Palm method for the Tong Ren
School in order to return palm-healing to its original intention of restoring
physiologic function to the bodymind. Buddha Palm works very well for
cases of blocked energy and energy weakness, as well as correcting the
state of the tissues being treated. Unlike other approaches to palm-
healing, Buddha Palm has a clinically testable body of skills, paired with
accurate theoretical explanations. Within the Buddha Palm method are
thirty different positions of hand-placement called spheres. Master Tong-
Ren chose the term sphere as it pertains to the idea of sphere of

As well, each of the spheres has two sets of technical challenges that are
called Practical Exercises and Therapeutic Intention. Mastering these
technical challenges will greatly improve your success rate with your

clients, friends and family. Achieving better therapeutic results, will further
deepen your own sense of personal confidence.

Level 4: Advanced Tong Ren Medical Gung

Advanced Skills in Powerfully Energising Your Hands
Having hands that are full of power and aliveness will make a big
difference in your healing ability as well as your martial projection skills.
Hands that are full of sensitive vitality are achieved by training them daily,
just like learning how to play a musical instrument or competently using
These skills have nothing to do with the silly and extremely self-important
reiki attunements. Reiki, despite its universal energy claims, is merely a
franchise to peddle phony attunements (initiations) to the gullible. If you
look up ‘reiki attunements’ on Scribd you will bemusedly laugh at the
utter nonsense that is being peddled as genuine transmission

Restoring the Core Vitality and Activating the Eight

Psychic Vessels
This treatment method will re-build the vitality of your client’s internal
energy. Individually, each of these points will release the tension,
tightness or weakness from a specific area of the client’s body. In various
combinations, these points effectively treat a wide range of health

Clearing Pain, Tension and Weakness from the Abdomen

These easy to learn treatments are very effective in pulling people out of
acute episodes of abdominal and pelvic discomfort. As well, chronic health
conditions will also positively respond to these treatment strategies.

Advanced sensory training of the Tong Ren School

Apart from the five commonly known senses, in the Tong Ren School, we
actually train a further six senses that are generally neglected and
sometimes even unknown. These further six senses include emotional
feeling; balancing; mind; visceral or inner-senses; animal-instincts; and

Embedded within this module, are Master Tong-Ren’s profound and

insightful objective/subjective exercises.

Level 5:
Developing Positive Internal Pressure

Positive internal pressure is an indication that the internal training is

having results. The step by method of building this positive internal
pressure also provides you with a sense of inner-support, comfort and
well-being. This feeling of inner-aliveness is generated through the
training methods of the Tong Ren School. The outer methods of training
include the yang standing of Yi Chuan, and the santi stance of Hsing Yi,
while the inner training has an emphasis on the nei gung central channel
skills of the Six Yogas of Naropa. These are further supported with the
advanced Tong Ren sensory training.

Yang Standing for Martial and Medical Power

Yang Standing teaches you about the body structure and alignment skills
that are necessary in the training of the internal martial arts as well as
higher medical and meditative skills. Yang Standing requires much more
effort and discipline than the Yin Standing. However, the benefits are well
worth the effort. These skills are the road to having authentic internal
power and awareness.

Nei Gung of the Tong Ren School: parts 1-7

Nei Gung means ’inner skills’ as in there is nothing to outwardly see. This
term can also imply ‘hidden skills’ as in methods and insights that are
kept secret.

The nei gung curriculum of the Tong Ren School is roughly as follows:

• mastering the lower abdominal energy-centre

• whole body breathing

• opening and energising the Central Channel

• fully activating the Pearls (dan tians) within the Central Channel

• aligning and fully integrating the Pearls in relationship with each


• having the Central Channel and the Pearls working in synergy as

one conscious, energetic unit

• uniting the Belt Channels with the advanced methods of the Micro-
Cosmic Orbit and then fully integrating these with the Pearls and
the Central Channel.

These complete and fully integrated skills and insights are unique to the
Tong Ren School.

Level 6: Advanced Medical Gung

Mastering the Acupuncture Doll for Evidence-Based
Distant and In-Person Healing
This original skill of the Tong Ren School is the Medical modality of the
present and future. It is highly advanced and comprehensive yet relatively
easy to learn. This is the only truly evidence-based distant healing method
that is taught and practised in the world today.

The Tong Ren School has original and unique training methods that teach
you how to read all of the nuances of response that are possible with the
Tong Ren acupuncture doll.

Master Tong-Ren has practiced Chinese and Tibetan medicine for over
thirty years and has embedded deep and profound skills and insights
within this body of knowledge. Master Tong-Ren has written a text book for
this advanced medical skill which you will find for sale through the

An over-view of the clinical approaches that are taught includes:

• Buddha Palm

• Shaman palm

• Tapping, pressing and rocking

• Whole body circulation

• Clearing the abdomen of pain, tension and weakness

• therapeutic sounds

• Muscle bands

• Core formulas

• Comprehensive formulas

• 130 Tong Ren medical insights

• Distant release points

• 8 control points

• Restoring the core energies

• Specific treatment points

• Effective point combinations

• Secret rules for muscle, bone and nerve injuries

• Tong Ren point craft

Level 7: Internal Power Skills

The upper level of the Tong Ren Internal skills training includes and will be
described in full when students reach Level 5 of the Tong Ren System.

Six Directional Power and Awareness

Peng and Ground-Force Internal Force Skills

Advanced Internal Strength and Bodymind Mechanics

Training and Fusing Internal Power with the Inner-Self

Level 8: Master Level Skills, Discussions and


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