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1. What do you mean by Statistical Survey?

Differentiate between “Questionnaire” and

Ans 1. Definition of statistical survey

A Statistical survey is a scientific process of collection and analysis of

numerical data. Statistical surveys are used to collect numerical
information about units in a population. Surveys involve asking
questions to individuals. Surveys of human populations are common in
government, health, social science and marketing sectors.

Stages of Statistical Survey

Statistical surveys are categorised into two stages –

• planning and
• execution.

The figure below shows the two broad stages of Statistical survey.

Fig.1: Stages of Statistical Survey

Information is collected through mailed questionnaires

Often, information is collected through questionnaires. The

questionnaires are filled with questions pertaining to the investigation.
They are sent to the respondents with a covering letter soliciting
cooperation from the respondents (respondents are the people who
respond to questions in the questionnaire). The respondents are asked
to give correct information and to mail the questionnaire back. The
objectives of investigation are explained in the covering letter together
with assurance for keeping information provided by the respondents as

Good questionnaire construction is an important contributing factor to

the success of a survey. When questionnaires are properly framed and
constructed, they become important tools by which statements can be
made about specific people or entire populations.

This method is generally adopted by research workers and other

official and non-official agencies. This method is used to cover large
areas of investigation. It is more economical and free from
investigator’s bias. However, it results in many “non-response”
situations. The respondent may be illiterate. The respondent may also
provide wrong information due to wrong interpretation of questions.

If the questionnaire consists of invalid questions, or questions in

incorrect order, or questions in inappropriate format, or questions that
are biased, then the survey would be useless. An important method for
checking and making sure whether a questionnaire is accurately
capturing the intended information is to pre-test among a smaller
subset of target respondents.

Success of questionnaire method of collection of data depends mainly

on proper drafting of the questionnaire. You have to keep the following
points in mind while preparing a questionnaire:

The respondent should not take much time in completing the

questionnaire. It should be small and not lengthy.
· The questions asked should be well structured and unambiguous.
· The questions asked should be in proper logical sequence.
· Questions should be unbiased. The questions in the questionnaire
should not disturb the privacy of the respondents.
· The task of completion of questionnaire should not have much writing
· Necessary instructions and glossary should be given in covering
· Questions involving technological jargons and mathematical
calculations should be avoided.
· The completed questionnaire should be kept confidential and used
only for the purpose of the survey as mentioned in the investigation.
· There should not be any scope for misinterpretation in the questions.

There are different types of questions that can be used in the

questionnaire. A questionnaire can have Contingency questions, Matrix
questions, Closed ended questions and Open ended questions. Let’s
have a look at each one in detail
Contingency questions are questions that are answered only if the
respondent gives a particular response to a previous question. This
avoids asking people questions that do not apply to them

Matrix questions are questions which are placed one under the
other, forming a matrix. The response categories are placed along the
top and a list of questions are placed down the side. This is used to
efficiently occupy page space and respondents’ time.

Closed ended questions are those where the respondents’ answers

are limited to a fixed set of responses. Usually scales are closed ended.

There are various types of closed ended questions.

Yes/no questions – here the respondents answer with “yes” or “no”.

Some of the examples are:

Multiple choices – here the respondents have several options from

which to choose. For example:

Scaled questions – here the responses are graded on a continuum

(For example, rating the appearance of a product on a scale from 1 to
10, with 10 implying the most preferred appearance and 1 implying
the least preferred appearance). Scaled questions are mostly questions
related to attitudes. A Likert scale provides a number of attitude
statements. The respondent has to say how much they agree or
disagree with each one.
Open ended questions are those questions for which the respondent
supplies their own answer without any fixed set of possible responses.
Examples of types of open ended questions include:

Sentence completion – In these, respondents complete an

incomplete sentence.

Story completion – In these, respondents complete an incomplete


Picture completion – In these, respondents fill in an empty

conversation balloon.

Thematic Apperception Test – In these, respondents explain a

picture or make up a story about what they think is happening in the

Information through schedule filled by investigators

Information can be collected through schedules filled by investigators

through personal contact. In order to get reliable information, the
investigator should be well trained, tactful, unbiased and hard working.

A schedule is suitable for an extensive area of investigation through

investigator’s personal contact. The problem of non-response is

There is a difference between a schedule and a questionnaire. A

schedule is a form that the investigator fills himself through surveying
the units or individuals. A questionnaire is a form sent (usually mailed)
by an investigator to respondents. The respondent has to fill it and
then send it back to the investigator.

Difference between Questionnaire and Schedule is as follows:

S.N Basis Questionnaire Schedule

1. Liability Informant is liable for Enumerator fills it up
for filling filling it up. after getting answers
up from informants.
2. Means of It is sent to the Enumerators
Informati informants by post. themselves take up
on schedules and contact
the informants.
3. Personal Investigator does not Both investigator and
Relations have a personal contact informants have
hip with the informants. personal contact
through schedule.
4. Nature of Sometimes incomplete Complete information is
Informati as there is lack of received because of the
on personal contact. personal contact
between the
investigator and
5. Scope of The use of Questionnaire Schedule can be used
Enquiry is suitable where the for both literate as well
informants are literate. as illiterate persons.
6. Economic Information by mailed It is comparatively a
al questionnaire method is costly method as most
economical. of the enumerators are
7. Reliability The information collected It is reliable method as
through it is less reliable the enumerators can
as informants cannot get correct answers
give correct answers to after clarifying the
some of the questions. questions to the
8. Delay There is delay in the The information is
receipt of information by quickly collected by the
this method. enumerators.

Q2. The table shows the data of Expenditure of a family on

food, clothing, education, rent and other items.

Items Expenditu
Food 4300
Clothing 1200
Education 700
Rent 2000
Others 600
Depict the data shown in the table using Pie chart.

Ans 2.

Items Food Clothing Education Others Rent

Expenditure 4300 1200 700 600 2000


4300 Others

Q3. Average weight of 100 screws in box „A‟ is 10.4 gms. It

is mixed with 150 screws of box „B‟. Average weight of
mixed screws is 10.9 gms. Find the average weight of screws
of box „B‟?

Ans 3. Given:
Average Weight in Box ‘A’ [XA] = 10.4 gms.
Number of Screws in Box ‘A’ [NA] = 100.
Number of Screws in Box ‘B’ [NB] =150.

Average Weight of mixed Screws [XAB] =10.9 gms.

10.9 = (100 X 10.4) + (150 X XB)
100 + 150

XB = 11.23 gms.

4. (a) Discuss the rules of “Probability”.

(b) What is meant by “Conditional Probability”?

Ans 4. Rules of Probability (unit-5) (5.2 and 5.3)

Managers very often come across with situations where they have to
take decisions about implementing either course of action A or course
of action B or course of action C. Sometimes, they have to take
decisions regarding the implementation of both A and B.

For Example: A Sales manager may like to know the probability that he
will exceed the target for product A or product B.sometimes,he would
like to know the probability that the sales of product A and B will
exceed the target.the first type of probability is answered by addition
rule.the second type of probability is answered by multiplication rule.

Addition rule:

The addition rule of probability states that:

i) If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are any two events then the probability of the
occurrence of either ‘A’ or ‘B’ is given by:

ii) If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are two mutually exclusive events then the
probability of occurrence of either A or B is given by:

iii) If A, B and C are any three events then the probability of

occurrence of either A or B or C is given by:

In terms of Venn diagram, we can calculate the probability of

occurrence of either event ‘A’ or event ‘B’, given that event ‘A’ and
event ‘B’ are dependent events. From the figure 5.5, we can calculate
the probability of occurrence of either ‘A’ or ‘B’, given that, events ‘A’
and ‘B’ are independent events. From the figure 5.6, we can calculate
the probability of occurrence of either ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’, given that,
events ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ are dependent events.

iv) If A1, A2, A3………, An are ‘n’ mutually exclusive and exhaustive
events then the probability of occurrence of at least one of them is
given by:

Multiplication rule :

If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are two independent events then the probability of
occurrence of ‘A’ and ‘B’ is given by:

5(b) Conditional Probability :

Sometimes we wish to know the probability that the price of a

particular petroleum product will rise, given that the finance minister
has increased the petrol price. Such probabilities are known as
conditional probabilities.

Thus the conditional probability of occurrence of an event ‘A’ given

that the event ‘B’ has already occurred is denoted by P (A / B). Here,
‘A’ and ‘B’ are dependent events. Therefore, we have the following

If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are dependent events, then the probability of occurrence
of ‘A and B’ is given by:

It follows that:
For any bivariate distribution, there exists two marginal distributions
‘m + n’ conditional distributions, where ‘m’ and ‘n’ are the number of
classifications/characteristics studied on two variables.

5. (a) What is meant by “Hypothesis Testing”? Give

(b) Differentiate between “Type-I” and “Type-II” Errors?

Ans 5 In hypothesis testing, we must state the assumed or

hypothesised value of the population parameter before we begin
sampling. The assumption we wish to test is called the null hypothesis
and is symbolised by ’Ho’.

The term ‘null hypothesis’ arises from earlier agricultural and medical
applications of statistics. In order to test the effectiveness of a new
fertilizer or drug, the tested hypothesis (the null hypothesis) was that it
had no effect, that is, there was no difference between treated and
untreated samples. If we use a hypothesised value of a population
mean in a problem, we would represent it symbolically as ‘µ H0’. This is
read – ‘The hypothesised value of the population mean’.
If our sample results fail to support the null hypothesis, we must
conclude that something else is true. Whenever we reject the
hypothesis, the conclusion we do accept is called the alternative
hypothesis and is symbolised H1 (“H sub-one”).
For the null hypothesis H0: µ = 200, we will consider three alternative
hypothesis as:

H1: µ ≠ 200 (population mean is not equal to 200)

H1: µ > 200 (population mean greater than 200)
H1: µ < 200 (population mean less than 200)


We want to test the hypothesis that the population mean

is equal to 500. We would symbolise it as follows and read
it as,

The null hypothesis is that the population mean = 500

written as,

The purpose of hypothesis testing is not to question the computed

value of the sample statistic but to make a judgment about the
difference between that sample statistic and a hypothesised
population parameter.

The next step after stating the null and alternative hypotheses is to
decide what criterion to be used for deciding whether to accept or
reject the null hypothesis. If we assume the hypothesis is correct, then
the significance level will indicate the percentage of sample means
that is outside certain limits (In estimation, the confidence level
indicates the percentage of sample means that falls within the defined
confidence limits).

5(b) Type I error:

Suppose that making a Type I error (rejecting a null hypothesis when it

is true) involves the time and trouble of reworking a batch of chemicals
that should have been accepted. At the same time, making a Type II
error (accepting a null hypothesis when it is false) means taking a
chance that an entire group of users of this chemical compound will be
poisoned. Obviously, the management of this company will prefer a
Type I error to a Type II error and, as a result, will set very high levels
of significance in its testing to get low β ’s.

Type II error:

Suppose, on the other hand, that making a Type I error involves

disassembling an entire engine at the factory, but making a Type II
error involves relatively inexpensive warranty repairs by the dealers.
Then the manufacturer is more likely to prefer a Type II error and will
set lower significance levels in its testing.

Q6. From the following table, calculate Laspyres Index

Number, Paasches Index Number, Fisher‟s Price Index
Number and Dorbish & Bowley‟s Index Number taking 2008
as the base year?

Commodity 2008 2009

Price (Rs) per Kg Quantity Price (Rs) per Quantity in Kg
in Kg Kg
A 6 50 10 56
B 2 100 2 120
C 4 60 6 60
D 10 30 12 24
E 8 40 12 36

Ans 6.

2008 2009
Price Qty in Price Qty in
Commodity P0q0 P1q1 P0q1 P1q0
(Rs.) per Kg (Rs.) per Kg
Kg (P0) (q0) Kg (P1) (q1)
A 6 50 10 56 300 560 336 500
B 2 100 2 120 200 240 240 200
C 4 60 6 60 240 360 240 360
D 10 30 12 24 300 288 240 360
E 8 40 12 36 320 432 288 480
Total (Σ) 1360 1880 1344 1900

a) Laspeyer’s Method= P01= Σ P1q0 X 100

Σ P0q0

Laspeyer’s Index Number= P01= 1900 X 100 = 139.71


b) Paasche’s Method= P01= Σ P1q1 X 100

Σ P0q1

Paasche’s Index Number= P01= 1880 X 100 = 139.88


c) Dorbish and Bowley’s Method= P01= Σ P1q0 + Σ P1q1

Σ P0q0 Σ P0q1 X 100
Dorbish & Bowley’s Index Number= P01= 139.71+139.88 = 139.80

d) Fisher’s Method= P01= √Σ P1q0 X Σ P1q1 X 100

Σ P0q0 Σ P0q1

Fisher’s Price Index Number= P01= √ 1900 X 1880 X 100 = 139.79

1360 1344

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