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Selamat siang semua

Perkenalkan nama saya …………, saya adalah dokter spesialis okupasi yang ada di perusahaan ini. Pada
kesempatan kali ini sebagai follow up hasil walk through survey dan berdasarkan data kesehatan yang
ada diperusahaan maka saya akan membagikan beberapa informasi terkait penggunaan alat pelindung
diri pernapasan yang mana sangat penting untuk bapak ibu sekalian. Tentunya bapak ibu ingin selalu
sehat dan produktif dalam bekerja? (audiens… yesss).

Baik berdasarkan hasil penemuan saya pada perusahaan ini terdapat beberapa hazard yang perlu
menjadi perhatian kita semua, dua yang terpenting adalah hazard yang dapat meng expose
pendengaran (toward ear) dan melalui pernapasan (toward respiration). Pada perushaan ini telah
menjalankan beberapa pengendalian seperti pengendalian tehnik dan administrative serta pengendalian
yang terakhir yaitu penggunaan alat pelindung diri. Saat ini didepan kita terdapat alat perlindungan
pernapasan yang mungkin telah bapak ibu sekalian gunakan sebelumnya namun ada baiknya kita review
apakah penggunaannya telah digunakan dengan baik oleh bapak ibu sekalian.

(jika alatnya masker 95)

Ini adalah salah satu jenis masker, Namanya masker N95 seri………., seri N95 cukup banyak dan harus
dipilih sesuai kebutuhan misalnya berdasarkan factor lingkungan misalnya lingkungan yang panas dan
lemban dengan N95 seri 8210, jika ada organic vapor dibawah NAB gunakan N95 seri 8516.

masker N95 ini hanya untuk melindungi dari partikel dan hanya digunakan pada lingkungan dengan
atmosfer yang tidak mengandung minyak, terdapat beberapa macam masker diantaranya jenis P (Oil
proof) dan R R (Oil Resistent) digunakan di lingkungan dengan atmosfer yang berminyak.

Angka 95 memiliki arti bahwa masker ini efektif menahan debu /partikel lebih dari sama dengan 95 %.
Jangan lupa pilihlah sesuai dengan ukuran yang benar. Cara menggunakan masker ini dengan benar
adalah pertama cuci tangan terlebih dahulu kemudian kita harus cek kondisi masker apakah ada
kerusakan, jika ada segera kontak supervisor untuk minta diganti. Kemudian kenakan masker dengan

(jika masker 3M seri 1870 (folded type))

1. you have to remove the respirator from its packaging and hold it with straps facing upward
2. after that place the bottom straps under the chin panel nest to the warning sign, fully open the
top and bottom panel.
3. Then you bend the nosepiece around your thumb at the centre of the foam so the straps will
separate when the panels are open.
4. You must assure that the the bottom panels is unholded and completely open
5. put the respirator in your palm and with your palm place the respirator on your face so the
foam rest on your nose and the bottom panels sit securely under your chin
6. pull the top straps over your head and position it high on the back above your ear
7. while holding the respirators firmly on your face, pull the bottom straps over your head and
position it around the neck and below your ears
8. make sure the straps are not twisted for increased confort
9. adjust for confortable fit by pulling the top panel toward the bridge of your nose and positioning
the bottom panel under your chin
10. place fingers tip from both handsat the top of your nose and mold the nosepiece around your
nose to achieve a secure seal. Push inward while moving your fingers down the side of the
nosepiece (always use two hands, if one hand may result improper fir and less effective
respirator performance)
11. conduct the seal check  cup one or both hands over the respirator, covering it as much as
possible and being carefull not to disturb the position of the respirator
12. inhale and exhale sharply. If air leaks around the nose, readjust the nosepiece for a more secure
seal and repeat the user seal check
13. if air leaks around the respirator edges, adjust the position of face and the straps along the sides
of the head. Repeat user seal check

sedangkan cara melepasnya adalah

1. do not touch the facepiece

2. slowly lift the bottom straps from around your neck up and over your head, while keeping the
the respirator seated agains your face
3. lift off the top straps
4. carefully remove the respirator without allowing the outside of respirator to come in contact to
your body
5. and perform hand hygiene

(jika masker 3M seri 8210 (non folded type))

1. you have to remove the respirator from its packaging

2. put the respirator in your palm and with your palm, with the nosepiece in your fingers tip and
hang head straps freely below hand.
3. Position N95 on your chin and with the nosepiece up on your nose
4. pull the top straps over your head and position it high on the back above your ear
5. while holding the respirators firmly on your face, pull the bottom straps over your head and
position it around the neck and below your ears
6. make sure the straps are not twisted for increased confort
7. adjust for confortable fit by pulling the top panel toward the bridge of your nose and positioning
the bottom panel under your chin
8. place fingers tip from both handsat the top of your nose and mold the nosepiece around your
nose to achieve a secure seal. Push inward while moving your fingers down the side of the
nosepiece (always use two hands, if one hand may result improper fir and less effective
respirator performance)
9. conduct the seal check cup one or both hands over the respirator, covering it as much as
possible and being carefull not to disturb the position of the respirator
10. inhale and exhale sharply. If air leaks around the nose, readjust the nosepiece for a more secure
seal and repeat the user seal check
11. if air leaks around the respirator edges, adjust the position of face and the straps along the sides
of the head. Repeat user seal check
12. sedangkan cara melepasnya adalah
13. do not touch the facepiece
14. slowly lift the bottom straps from around your neck up and over your head, while keeping the
the respirator seated agains your face
15. maintain the hold on the bottom straps and use another hand to lift off the top straps
16. carefully remove the respirator without allowing the outside of respirator to come in contact to
your body
17. if it want to be reuse it again, it should be kept into a new clean ziplock bag,
18. or discarded in the end of shift if not wet of soiled (discard when it wet or soiled after doing the
19. and perform hand hygiene

ingat penggunaan masker yang benar harus dilakukan ketika kita masuk ke dalam lingkungan
berbahaya untuk kesehatan serta digunakan untuk lingkungan yang tidak melebihi 10 kali nilai NAB

N95 respirators are labeled as "single use", disposable devices. If your respirator is damaged or soiled,
or if breathing becomes difficult, you should remove the respirator, discard it properly, and replace it
with a new one. To safely discard your N95 respirator, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash.
Wash your hands after handling the used respirator.

Remember :

 N95 respirators do not provide oxygen; therefore, they should never be worn in an oxygen-
deficient atmosphere such as a confined space.
 N95 respirators only protect against particulates; therefore, they should never be worn in an
atmosphere containing toxic levels of gases or vapors.
 N95 respirators should never be worn in an atmosphere in which the hazards are not known, i.e.
a fire, explosion, or spill of an unknown chemical.
 N95 respirators should not be used in certain industrial applications such as asbestos removal,
sandblasting or painting
 Do not use with beards, side beard, or other conditions (such as scar of face, and others), that
prevent a good seal between the face and the sealing surface of the respirator.
 People with known or suspected breathing problems, emphysema, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, or cardio/pulmonary problems should consult with their
physician before using one. If at any time during use of the mask you experience headache,
nausea, dizziness or have difficulty breathing, immediately leave the area, remove the mask, get
fresh air, and seek medical attention if needed.

Store the N95 in a clean environment to protect it from damage, contamination, dust, sunlight, extreme
temperatures, and damaging chemicals, by put the N95 into a clean plastic ziplock bag and place it on
the store cabinets.

We have to change the respirator if

o Bila menggunakan respirator/masker akan mengalami kesulitan bernafas.

o Secara fisik kondisi respirator/masker sudah rusak,sobek atau kotor

o Terasa pusing/sesak saat menggunakan respirator/masker

o Tercium bau bahan kimia ketika menggunakan respirator tersebut di kantor/ ruangan yang
bebas bahan kimia

the conclution for user

Per user instructions, the respirator needs to be correctly positioned on your face and head:

• Upper strap should be positioned on the crown of the head.

• Lower strap should be positioned below the ears.

• Noseclip should be completely molded to the shape of the nose using two hands.

• Always conduct a user seal check.

• Always follow the appropriate user and donning instructions for the specific model

(jika respirator chemical or particulate reuseable)

1. Check the facemask chemical / particular for any damage in facepiece, gasket, straps, all plastic
part and valve for distorsion, cracks, tears, and dirt
2. Do not wear if there is parts are damaged, defective or missing
3. There are 3 form pf particular filter, the cicle shape, box (the plastic containers) (must get an
adaptor device (this is dissposible just for one filters, if reuseable it may risk of leakage)) in order
to combine to chemical catridge) and the last has the shape similar with the chemical catridge (
need the retainer in order to combine with the chemical catridge)
4. To attach the filter to the facemask, aligning the open filter with the facepiece attachement,
push together and rotate the filter in clock wise one quarter turn until it can not turn again. Do
not turn it passing the stoping point, it is the same with the chemical catridge there is the 2
small strips (bayonet look) in the facemask as a guidance to attach the catrigde
5. Attach the second filters to the other side
6. If both need the chemical and particular we have to attach the particulate filters in the the
chemical filter before we attach it into the facemask, Placing the particulate filters to retainers
with the printed side away from the retainer, then press the retainer firmly on the chemical
catridge until its lock correctly, to replace the the filter remove from the retainer by lifting on
the tabs
7. If the catrigde or filters have been attaced, before we wear the facemask make sure the straps is
Pulled far enough to make easier to adjustment, place the respirator over your mouth and nose
and then pull the head hardness over the crown of your head
8. Positioning the face fice below your nose bridge for the best possible fit and prevent the
respirators blocking your vision
9. Take the bottom straps on both hand and hook them together behind your neck
10. Tighting the straps by pulling on the end strap, the top straps first then the bottom (behid your
neck) until the respirator fit securely and confortablely
11. Do not full the straps too tight, if it is too tight push up the back of the buggled to loosen them
12. Conduct the seal check using the negative and positive pressue test
Positive pressure:
Tempatkan tangan di atas katup saluran pembuangan napas pada respirator dan hembuskan
napas secara perlahan.
Negative pressure:
- Reusable respirator jenis filter, Tempatkan ibu jari pada filter dan tarik napas secara
- Reusable respirator jenis cartridge, Tempatkan telapak tangan pada cartridge dan tarik
napas secara perlahan.

Apabila terasa ada kebocoran dari sela-sela respirator, kencangkan tali masker atau atur posisi noseclip
dan ulangi penggunaan masker.

Perawatan khusus terhadap respirator/masker, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :

o Tidak boleh disemprot dengan compressor Karena filter dari respirator/masker bersifat aktif
(dapat mengikat kontaminant udara meski tidak dipakai), maka untuk penyimpanannya respirator harus
ditaruh didalam plastic clip kedap udara.

o Dilarang menempatkan respirator/masker di tempat terbuka

Reusable respirator (dengan cartridge) :

o Lepaskan terlebih dahulu filter dan katub-katub yang ada di masker

o Cucilah menggunakan tisu yang dibasahi air atau dengan air yang mengalir gunakan sabun yang
ringan (sabun cuci tangan).

o Bila perlu gunakan sikat gigi untuk membersihkan kotoran yang menempel pada masker.

o Lalu keringkan (jangan di jemur di panas matahari, akan tetapi cukup di angin-anginkan di
tempat sejuk)

o Cek bagian-bagian yang rusak (cartridge, tali masker, gasper, katub dll) dan gantilah bila

o Rangkai kembali respirator

o Simpanlah respirator di dalam plastic clip kedap udara, lalu masukkan kedalam loker/almari

demikian apa yang dapat saya sampaikan sebelumnya, mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan dan
sebelum saya tutup, apakah ada pertanyaan …
baiklah saya tutup, apabila ada yang perlu didiskusikan lebih lanjut silahkan datang ke divisi kesehatan
kerja di perusahaan kita atau dapat email saya di

terimakasih banyak atas perhatian bapak ibu sekalian, happy and safe working. Good day.

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