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Cues Diagnosis Analysis Goals / Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Impaired Foods high in animal Goal: Monitor I & Provides Renal function
Severe urinary proteins and salt may After a month O and information has returned to
pain at the elimination increase the risk; however; of nursing characteristics about kidney its normal
back related to Heredity: Some people are intervention, of urine function and status.
stimulation of more susceptible to forming renal function presence of __met
Pain the bladder by kidney stones, and heredity will get back complications – __unmet
during calculi may play a role. The to its normal infection and
urination majority of kidney stones status; client hemorrhage.
are made of calcium, and will be able to Client increased
Difficulty Acute Pain hypercalciuria (high levels flush the Encourage Increased her water intake
of passing related to edema of calcium in the urine) is stones. increased hydration and I&O were
urine formation one risk factor. The fluid intake, if dilutes urine taken every 4
predisposition to high levels Objectives: nausea is not and flushes hours.
of calcium in the urine may present. bacteria, blood __met
Objective: Risk for be passed on from Client will and debris and __unmet
Deficient Fluid generation to generation. increase his may facilitate
Temp: Volume Medications: People taking water intake stone passage –
38.1 diuretics (or "water pills") and I&O will especially small Client increased
and those who consume be monitores stones. the times he
excess calcium-containing voided with 4
antacids can increase the Client will Urinary times
amount of calcium in their increase the Investigate retention may __met
urine and potentially times he will reports of develop, __unmet
increase their risk of void; from 2 to bladder causing bladder,
forming stones. Taking 4 times. fullness; ureteral and
excess amounts of vitamins palpate for kidney
A and D are also associated suprapubic distention,
with higher levels of distention. potentiating risk
calcium in the urine Note of infection and
decreased renal failure
urine output
and presence
of periorbital
or dependent
Diuretics may
Administer be used to
medications prevent urinary
as indicated/ stasis and
calcium stone
formation if not
caused by
disease process
such as primary
or vitamin D
Drugs may be
prescribed to
make urine
more alkaline or
bind cystine in
the urine, when
cystine stones
cannot be

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