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CISCO collaboration with whom- WIPRO/Satyam(search on)

2.Day High means in a stock market -when stocks are traded at an all day high
3Black Monday crash:1987
4ISO14000 Health standards
5Kaizen :continuous improvement
6WTO CHIEF:Pascal Lamy
7Eurodollar:Eurodollars are deposits denominated in United States dollars at ban
ks outside the United States,
8Second highest contributor to world economic growth during 2003-05 (China or So
uth Korea - no certain data found yet)
9first phase of management -- planning
10The Hr Value Proposition (Hardcover) by David Ulrich (Author),
11Arabian nights - Scheherazade
13PE-Private equity
14Chake de:Mir Ranjan Negi
15Panchayat raj res:33% res for womes
16world water proportion:71%
17IPO:Intial public Offerings
18fortune 500-Walmart
19FDI:51 (is it 100 for single brand ? Trying to find)
20Need Hirarchy - Maslow
21good wage - not defined
22Authority linked with responsibilty - Henry Fayol
23not a behavioral scientist - Adam Smith
24The Reason for introducing Domestic Voilence Bill...
25The reason for providing free education to women in elementary education...
26 seagull manager-who comes in and makes a lot of noise
27 External communication - Managing Director
28 aminocentesis - to check for congenital diseases
29 What does MODE 1 refer to in the WTO's Trade & Services Rules/Sumthing....
The ans : Cross Border Trade
30dandi march started from- Sabarmati Ashram
31crisil rating decresed for India inc in how many years -5(not sure)
32 Mental Revolution-taylor
33Which of the following statements concerning the similarities between a genera
l partnership and a corporation is correct?
not sure ( Corporations and general partnerships can declare bankruptcy.)
35The employees who are in direct contact with the customers are involved in dec
ision making in IBM and this is to facilitate
What is IBM doing here??(not sure of answer)
-Taking a competitve edge through people
-Applying scientific priniciples
-Engaged in top down decision making
-Circular reasoning.
36balanced score card- Norton kaplan
37hedging commodities market or stock market (not sure of answer),Stock market s
eems the strong contender
38 ILO is part of UN
1. which of the following is the oldest trade union in India? AITUC.
2.who is the director general of WTO? Pascal lamy.
3.where are the headquarters of ILO? geneva
4.where are the headquarters of World economic forum?
in Cologny, near Geneva
5.which is the country with the highest inflation rate? zimbabwe
6.from which country is Ban ki Moon? South Korea
7.Who wrote "freedom from fear and other writings?" Aan sung kyu
8.which of the following is a retail company operating in india? pantaloon
9.who wrote "globalisation and its discontents" ?joseph stiglitz?
10.which company gives out ramon magsasay award?
11.which of the following is not a member of G-20?
12. what do you mean by commonwealth nations? Former colonies of great britain.
13.Which of the following countries are Members of ASEAN?
Thailand is a member but not Bangkok
14. Vice president of india is? chairman of rajya sabha.
15. What is SEZ? special economic zone
16. Which of the following religion stresses more on one's deed than god? Taoism
17. Full form of LPG? liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation
18. full form of UNCTAD? United nations conference on trade and development
19. who prepares Human development report?UNDP
20. Full form of GATT? General agreement on trade and tariffs.
21. Full form of NAFTA? north atlantic free trade agreement
22. Full form of SAP? structural adjustment programmes.
23. Headquarters of world bank? washington DC
1. which of the following is the oldest trade union in India? i marked AITUC.
2. Which of the following is not a trade union? two options i remember are CII a
nd FICCI. i marked FICCI (not sure whether correct or not)
3. who is the director general of WTO? Pascal lamy.
4. where are the headquarters of ILO? geneva
5. where are the headquarters of World economic forum? i marked Geneva (not sure
6. which is the country with the highest inflation rate? zimbabwe
7. from which country is Ban ki Moon? South Korea
8. Who wrote "freedom from fear and other writings?" Aan sung kyu
9. which of the following is a retail company operating in india? pantaloon
10. who wrote "globalisation and its discontents" ?joseph stiglitz?
11. which company gives out ramon magsasay award? 2 options i remember are Malay
sia and Phillipines, i marked malaysia.
12. which of the following is not a member of G-20? options were China, japan, i
ndia, pakistan.
13. which of the following is not a member of G-20? question repeated again -opt
ions were Brazil, japan, india, pakistan.
14. what do you mean by commonwealth nations? Former colonies of great britain.
15.Which of the following countries are Members of ASEAN? this question was tric
ky as there was the option of bangkok, i marked it.
1. which of the following is the oldest trade union in India? i marked AITUC.
It is Correct
2.Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) is an associati
on of business organisations in India.
CII The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is a non-government, not-for-prof
it, industry-led and industry-managed organisation, playing a proactive role in
India s development process.
Am not really sure which of them qualifies as union.
3.which of the following is not a member of G-20
4.I think if Bangkok was an option in ASEAN countries then it definitely is rule
d out as it like saying that Delhi is a member of G20
16. Vice president of india is? chairman of rajya sabha.
17. What is SEZ? special economic zone
18. Which of the following religion stresses more on one's deed than god? Taoism
19. Full form of LPG? liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation
20. full form of UNCTAD? United nations conference on trade and development
21. who prepares Human development report?UNDP
22. Full form of GATT? General agreement on trade and tariffs.
23. Full form of NAFTA? north atlantic free trade agreement
24. Full form of SAP? structural adjustment programmes.
25. Headquarters of world bank? washington DC

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