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E ima maupun pihak k tahgunakan oleh per INSTRUCTION MANUAL FENADAM KEBAKARAN DENGAN SISTIM BUSA (FOAM) HANGBAR T, I] & 111 - GH 1 PENJELASAN SISTEM Sisten Pemadae kebakaran dengan Busa (Foaa) ini hanya dapat dioperasikan secara manual yaitu Manual Reaote dari meja Remote Kontrol di Ruang Kontrol Hanggar atau Manual Push Button (Foam Starter Break Glass) didekat Foam nonitor/Fire Hose Cabinet di Hanggar. Sisten Penadaa Kebakaran ini khusus diaaksudkan untuk penadanan kebakaran Klas B (bahan bakar minyak) dalam hal ini bahan bakar pesawat terbang. Dalan keadaan stand by sistea pipa berisi air dengan tekanan 5-7 kg/cm? sampai dengan aotorized gate valve @ 12" di Hanggar. Sesudah Motorized valve ini sistem pipa dalam keadaan kosong. * FOAM MONITOR. = Alat untuk menyenprotkan busa (foam) kearah obyek yang terbakar. = Dapat digerakkan kearah horizontal atau vertikal secara elektrikal dengan Joystick dari meja remote kontrol maupun manual dengan memutar kemudi pada Foam Monitor (FM) setelah aenekan Tuas kearah panah. Kemudi pada bagian tengah FH untuk arah Horizontal. Kemudi pada bagian atas FM untuk arah Vertical. = Pada Nozzle alat ini udara bercaapur dengan cairan air & Foam untuk membentuk Busa (Foam) yang berekspansi. - Dipasang tepat dibawah Foam Monitor. = Berfungsi sebagai on/off valve. = Dapat dibuka dan ditutup secara elektrikal dengan aenekan tombol PB di meja Remote Kontrol atau manual dengan menutar keaudi setelah menekan Tuas kearah panah. + EIRE HOSE CABINET. Berisi perlengkapan; 1, Fire hose valve @ 2 1/2", - Berfungsi sebagai on/off valve = Dilengkapi dengan quick coupling dari jenis British Standard/ Instantaneous coupling untuk menpermudah penyambungan selang/tire hose. 2. Fire hose B 2 1/2", = = Berfungsi sebagai Flexible Hose sehingga dapat digerakkan kearah yang kita inginkan ~ Mempunyai panjang 30 a. 3. Foam making branch pipe 2 1/2", = Berfungsi sebagai nozzle untuk mengarahkan seaburan Busa (foam) = Pada alat ini udara bercampur dengan cairan air & foam untuk neabentuk busa (foam) yang berekspansi. ima maupun pihak ki disalahgunakan oleh pe —#F (xs INSTRUCTION MANUAL PEMADAM KEBAKARAN DENGAN SISTIM EUSA (FOAM) HANGGAR T, If & IIT ~ GH 5 2, 3 PANEL TPK : PANEL DOL HEJA KONTROL R. POHPA UTAMA (FP) JOCKEY PUMP. FOAM TANK POHPA FOAN + URE CHECKING FOAN SYSTEM Panel MVDP No. 24 on/off Panel PPFP on/off Panel FP 4 on/off Panel FP 2 on/off Panel FP 3 on/off Semaphore (indikator power dari panel TPK) on/off Indikator gangguan ada/tidak Key Switch porpa (untuk FP No. 1 key switch harus "service" apabila tekanan di pipa < 3,5 kg/cm? Power kontrol 110 VOC Pintu Panel UTILITIES + Semaphore (indikator power panel TPK) Indikator gangguan + HV fuse blow up Short circuit Over load Key Switch porpa Power Supply 220 v. Ac DE kontrol 110 ¥. Dc Low level 1,243; Key Switch pompa Drain valve © 4"/9 1" Tekanan manometer Prining valve Power Supply 220/380 PP - FS (TPK) Panet pembagi ponpa sprinkler Tekanan Isi/kosong. Power Valve Discharge (4) Valve Suction (1) Three way valve (2) Flushing valve (3) By pass valve (5) tertutup/terbuka High temperatur - buzzer * Extreme high temperatur - sirene 5 kg/cm? ~ 7 1/2 kg/ew2, operasi/service on/ott on/oft (pending) ada/tidak operasi/service on/off on/off on/off operasi/service open/closed ada/tidak open/closed on/off on/off on/oft open/closed open/closed open/closed open/closed open/closed (py INSTRUCTION NANUAL @. Gate valve @ 12" Motorized VENTURE PROPORTIONER + ~ Tuas pengatur Foam Konsentrasi 10, MEJA REMOTE KONTROL + = Power - Fuse-fuse kontrol & MCB-HCB motor = Indikater gangguan ~ Key Switch "FH Stand By" (K2) ~ Lanpu “FH Stand By" (L = Key Switch "Bell off" (Ki) = Lanpu "Bell off" (L12) - Key Switch "Foam pump off" (K3) 11. FOAM MONITOR + - Motorized valve “~ fran Nozzle 12. FIRE HOSE CABINET : - Fire hose valve ~ Fire Hose - Foam making Branch pipe/nozzle - Fire Hose valve,fire hose & nozzle 13. FOAM STARTER BREAK GLASS + - Kaca pelindung open/closed tidak onioft on/off ada/tidak on/oft on/oft operasi/oft on/oft operasi/off open/closed tepat/tidak tepat open/closed ada/tidak ada/tidak tersambung/tidak pecah/tidak snerima maupun pihak ketiga. leh diperbanyak, diberikan kepada gihak ke INSTRUCTION MANUAL DAM PEMADAN FEBAKA 8 (Foamy BMF & 11, FOAM MONITOR : - Motorized valve closed - Arak Nozzle Tepat. 12, FIRE HOSE CABINET = = fire hose valve closed - Fire Hose ada - Foaa Haking Branch pipe/nozzle ada - Flexible valve, Fire Hosea Nozzle dalam keadaan tersambung. 13, FOAM STARTER BREAK GLASS + - Kaca pelindung tidak pecan. INSTRUCTION. HAHUAL . Ir, PERABAR FERGKARA DENGAN SISTEN BUSA (FOAM? . HANGGE TE & Tr - BHF 9 SISTEM BEKERJA/TERJADI KEBAKARAN Sveten pemadan kebakaran eengan bus ini dapat dioperasikan dengan 2 cara 1, Nenekan Foam Starter Break Blass didekat Foam Monitor atau Fire : Hose Cabinet. Il, Menekan FM Actuating Button (PBI s/d PB9) dineja Remote kontrol. 1. PENGGUNAAN FOAM STARTER BREAK GLASS DI DALAM HANGGAR Bila di dalam hanggar terjadi kebakaran dan pada saat itu ada orang didalam hanggar mengetahui adanya kebakaran tersebut, aka orang yang bersangkutan dapat menekan foaa starter break glass yang terietak didekat Foam Monitor (FH) atau Fire Hose Cabinet (FHC). Dengan ditekannya Foae Starter tersebut, maka secara automatis : = Motorized gate valve @ 12" terbuka, (Dengan terbukanya valve ini naka tevanan air disistem turun dan Pompa Utama (FP) No. 1 bekerja. Foam Funp bekerja. = Meja Remote kontrol; © * Buzzer berbunyi + Lampu "FH on" menyala berkedip kenudian tetap. (Li s/d L9) + Lampu "Gate valve open" menyala. (LIS) Meja kontrol Utilities; * Lampu "FM on® menyala (H21/H22/H23) * Lampu “Motorized valve open" senyala (HS 1/32/33, * Lampu “Heater on" (H3/H6/H9) mati * Buzzer berbunyi putus2 indikasi pompa utama (FP) bekerja + Tanda garis semaphore tegak lurus. \gunakan oleh penérims maupun pihak ketiga len diperbanyak, diberikan kepada pihak ketiga maupun disal Dalam keadaan ini systen sudah dapat siap dipakai untuk memadankan kebakaran, Penadanan kebakaran dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan + |. 1) FOAM MONITOR (FMD; Yang terdekat dengan lokasi kebakaran. Untuk hal ini, Foag Monitor Valve (FMV) harus dibuks secara manual dengan nemutar "kemudi FHV" kekiri, Ssambil menekan Tuas pengunci FMY, seninggs VALVE terbuks, maka dengan terbukanya valve tersebut, laapu FHV OPEN di feja Resote Kontrol menyala dan FOAM (busa) dari FM keluar. Dan arahkan Foam monitor (FM) kearah kebakaran dengan menggerakkan “keaudi FM" dengan meautar kekanan/kekiri sedikit sambil menekan TUASnys sehingge mengunci dan arah dari FM tersebut dapat dikendalikan melalui + = bagian tengah FH, untuk arah Horisontal ~bagian atas FM, untuk arah Yertikal. Catatan; = Untuk penggunaan Foas Monitor yang ke 2 harus menekan Foam Starter Break Glass didekatnya untuk menghidupkan Pompa Utana (FF) No.2, = Begitu pula untuk Foar Nonitor yang ke 3 harus aenekan foam Starter Break Glass didekatnya untuk menghiduptan Fompa Utama (FP: No.3. 2) FIRE HOSE (FH); - Tarik Fire Hose yang telah tersaabung dengan valve & n objek yang terbakar. - Fire Hose harus ditarik selurubnya dari Cabinet dan tidak beleh tertekuk, - Arahkan nozzle ke objek. - Buks Fire Hose Valve perlahan-lahan. = Jika semprotan Foas dirasa sudah cukup FHV tidak perlu dibuka penuh. le kearah 2 maupun Fire Hose dapat digunakan untuk menanggulangi kebakaran yang na kecil/didaerah yang tak dapat di jangkau oleh FM Monitor. I n kepada pihak ket akan oleh penerima maupun pihak ketiga. 1). FOAM MONITOR 1 Bila kebakaran yang terjadi didalam hanggar diketahui langsung oleh Operator seja remote Kontrol, maka operator harus menekan "FM ACTUATING BUTTON" (PB) 1,2, .seseees 9? Gimeja remote Kontrol sesuai lokasi kebakaran untuk mengaktifkan Foam Monitor. Dengan ditekannya FH Actuating Button (PE) secara otomatis 5 - Motorized Gate Valve @ 12" terbuka - Motorized Foam Monitor Valve yang bersangkutan terbuka - Foaa pump bekeria - Meja Remote Kontrol, * Buzzer berbunyi Lampu "FM on" aenyala berkedip kemudian . tetap (Li s/d L9) 3 * Lampu "Gate Valve Open" menyata (L15) * Lanpu “FM Valve Open” senyala = Neja Kontrol Utility, * Lampu "Fm on" menyala Periksa - Perbaiki/ganti. een a” kan ~ Periksa = Perbaiki/ganti - Perbaiki. Tarik tombol ke luar tganti kaca - Perbaiki- = "ont kan = font ken sLinat — situasi Hanggar. » Jika teriadi ke bakaran lakukan prosedure sisten bekerja. + dika tidak ter jadi kebakaran, - Segera tekaa tombol reset - Jika Laapu"Fton & "gate valve on nenyala keabali te kan terus aeneru tomdol reset (JL) sambil meaatikan power sistem. leh diperbanyak, diberikan kepada pihak ketiga ma leh penerima maupun pihak ketig jisalahgunakan - Buzzer berbunyi ~ Lanpu "Sell off" senyala. - Lampu ‘water low level" menyala. Lampu "FM valve trouble" (L16-L24) atau laapu “gate valve trouble" (LIA) aenyala. ~ Lanpu "FH Stand by" aenyala, - Lampu "foam iow level” aenyala - Key switch "Bell off: diputar keposisi "off" ~ Bak air di R,Utilities kosong - Control sistem tdi bekerja baik 5. VENTURI PROPORTINAL 0 12" 6. FOAM PURP = Tidak beter is - Beker ja tapi tidak naik. Regulater handle tdk diposisi 3% Selector pompa pada posisi 0 Key Switch "foam pump off" dimeja reaate control pada posisi off Power tidak ada Power kontrol off Elektro motor hubungan singkat Didalan poopa terdapat udara Kebocoran besar pada poros pompa - Telp. untuk Pompa Utana dengan key Utility nematikan (FED switch ksa dan Per baiki foam starter break glass atau sistem seja remote kontrol - Lakukan prose- dure commissioning setelah kebakaran untuk flushing sistem pipa. -Jika dalas keadaan kebakaran segera bu ka secara manual. Kembalikan keyswitch "FM standby" keposi- si noreal. = Periksa isi foam tank - Periksa control low level. - Kembalikan normal. keposisi - Periksa & isi kembali ~ Perbaiki. = Keabalikan keposisi 3% ~ Findahkan ke Auto - Pindahkan keposi normal - Perik ~ Keluarkan udara don nembuka plug dibadan ponpa - Perbaiki. r INSTRUCTION NANUAL FEMADAM FEEAKGRAN DENGAN SISTIM BUSA “on* kan - Switch breaker off = "on" kan = Power tidak saapai ke aatorized gate valve - Periksa 2 + Motorized valve rusak = Perbaiki/ganti = Ada koteren yang mengganjal valve - Perbaiki. POMPA UTAMA (FP) 1, 2% 3. = Tidak bokerja | ~ Key switch pada posisi ser ~ Findahkan ke “operasi® - Power tidak ada ~ Periksa i - Power kontrol DC 110 ¥ off "on" kan i238 - Press switch tidak bekerja (untuk eS FP i) ~ Perbaiki af = Ada gangguan, short circuit, HV zi Fuse Blow out, Overload ~ Perbaiki xe ~ Pintu panel DOL terbuka ~ Tutup. LEE = Bekeria tapi Be tekanan tdk naik - Didalan pompa terdapat udara = Priming dengan ff. sisten cial = Drain terbuka = Tutup 3.5 - Bak air kosong - Isi. ste ~ Bokerja tidak sau ne berhenti. ~ Press switch tidak bekeria ~ Ferbaiki fie ~ drain valve terbuka = Tutup i326 - Selektor ponpa pada posisi manual - Pindahkan ke ike auto 3G ~ Valve menuju ke Fress switch ter :3e tutup. ~ Buka ~ Beker ja tapi tekanan tek naik. - Didalas pompa terdapat udera - isi pompa don air ~ Badan ponpa bocer Perbaiki Drain valve terbuke ~ Tutup. MEIA KONTROL R. UTILITIES = bell berbunyi —- HY Fuse putus (H4.1 / HAL? / HAS menyala) ~ Santi ~ Short circuit (HEL 2 ~ Periksa keadaan aenyalal notor atau kabel powernya ~ Overioad (Hé.1/Hb.2/HS.3 menyalai - Feriksa beban = Water Low level (H8) Periksa bak air - Periksa control ye katiga maupua diperbanyak, diderikan kepada disalahgunakan oleh penerima maupun pihak ke er berbunyi - Buzzer berbunyi terputus-put ~ Sirene berbunyi Power DC vo off (HIL/HE2/HI3 nenyala) Elektra motor 3,3 kv panas (HI/ Ha/H7 menyalad -Poapa utama (FP) bekerja - Elektro actor 3,3 ky sangat panas (H2/HS/H8 menyala) “on” kan (dari panel DOL! » dika pompa sedang bekerja, -Periksa juke perlu matikan & Jalankan pompa yang lain. * Jika pompa tidak bekeria, - Periksa heater. - Apabita joan mo- nitor sedang diper- gunakan, Reset Buzzer jika meng- ganggu. Check pro- sedure sisten be- kerja. - Jika tdk ada yang neapergunakan/keba- karan, segera aati- kan ponpa & periksa penyebabnya. * Jika pompa sedang bekerja, - Periksa jika perlu matikan & ja- lankan poapa yang lain. + Jika tidak dimati kan motor akan ter- bakar. * Jika pospa tidak bekeria, - Feriksa ter. 6 E leh penerima maupun pinak Kketig diverbanyak, di ev“ 1, PERAWATAN BERKALA 2. Test Jalan Jockey Pump r M3/IT/50 0008 PERAWATAN |. CHECK HARU penuh setengah 1. Volume foam compound di tangki kosong lain-tain ‘ON OFF 2. Electrical power normal kelainan 3, Tegangan listrik ada tidak 4, Fuse putus normal kelainan 5. Tekanan di system Gara: Amati apakah JP beroperasi secara otomatis saat tekanan air di system turun hingga p = atau 5 kg/cm? dan stop kembali pada p = 7 kg/cm2. Lakukan test sebagai berikut: 1.Buat selector switch daripada Pompa utama ke posis! ‘Manual’ 2.Buat selector switch daripada Jockey Pump ke posisi ‘Automatic’ ‘3.Buka drainase valve secara perlahantahan dan amati apakah JP beroperasi pada saat tekanan air di system Mencapai 5 kg/cm2 4.Tutup kembali drainase valve dan JP stop pada tekanan 7 kg/em2. 5.Stand by kan system kembali, “ dlilakukan setiap minggu sekali -¥€ OISTRIBUS! FOAM \—veNTUR PROPOTIONER 1 1 | | FOAM TANK. DARI FOMPA INOUK FOAM UTILITY iS Wy GATE Wve. CHECK VALVE. REDUCER, FLEMBLE . PRESSURE REDUCER. SAFETY WLYE. PRESSURE GAUGE cRaIn on Hitt £ PROYEK CI: GARUDA /JIA-CENGKARENG ~ g = BAGIAN : FOAM TANK (basement hangar 2) 5 GAMBAR TRRA [ORERAS 3 FOAM PUMP FLOW DIAGRAM. ce PT GUNA ELEKTRO | No casa. KETERANGAN [rremenn rer pa JAKARTA SVL/ O8-W -~T-9 |norsiaia onvuzaerana wamoa| WwW TWoHvann Ho dung weed, Houims 4ait WaisAs 1asay Cypsaw) NadO SNA WS * {Sauna ) anenowL ‘BATA Ha (ypsew) N3d0 anivA 3Lv9 (Su1u9y) 3 enowL 3A1¥A B1¥9 (any) Ag ONVIS Wa- (you) ago 1738 (youu ) 72037 MO WYOs (yossu) 73A37 MOT BBVA (youu) NOWS = -HO 196. , tsw st HOLIMS Aa Ke puis vad. HOLME AB ows twa WOU AOT ee) 7214 35019 3AIVA Ws Let NOLIN PNLLWALIY Ws ts cr a SAS OA-WA-C-Q |norsiaia ounarwene womos| -- 2m (OWINTI VNND 1d|TOUNOA MOL! 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AMEE YALYWIS TO'O -—fe teeta [20 _30¥] ‘wi |ou14a73 WNNO Ld oe 1 dWNd 3uls TANVd AMEE YSLYVIS TOG davis Cf eszet fit 1 “8 W3ISAS Juld YOLINOW vr ee uvIS 100 {70304 0 wlouraia vino 1a] WWHOVIO ONIUIAN = ONINODNI eve pre tat Sw) vs/s/og v abc che bz Nah” EE ca orsiaia onnaawiore wma] AMEE UZLUWIS 101 t—-REeRS =NJ0u1N373 YNNO 1d] WVYOVIG ONIMIM: “= fsanposstavectsen| ONINODNI lerz ere y s7e yy | sur _rs/s/os ovo ecdeibe Se rT ke le (3 oe litas laos v ty ty toy ebz bz bz “OF oz i }OU1M3713 YNND ld roisiam oman wns] AMEE USLYVIS TOO |—lrmn pat oe WVYOVIC ONIMIM [assy pasb[ veo! sect _ Mand 3u13 TANVd AMEE NALYVIS TO’ duvis 4 tad in WALSAS Suld YOLINOW WSN MEE HALYVIS TOO ition WVHOVIC ONIMIM __ lsaaypesbtavedlsest| 90 a ry or ©, 0 1 Es @ 70 co 20 0 i dWNd 38s TANVd AMEE YALUVIS TOO a7 fy os Ry [cine] | zowQQy [urd uz \upe. fT | | WALSAS Auld YOLINOW vf a4 i ‘iv wun Sansa $0°S40 _ wlow1M31a WNNO Lal 1 dWnd_3ul4 TANVd AMEE HALYVIS TOO FFF WALSAS SuI4 YOLINOW VfSW “SAS WO1 BE. 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Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions PREUSSAG Preenng Aevengeetaat te bad Onsasne Maximaler Arbeitsdruck: Max. working presure Maximaler Ourcnsatz: Max. discharge Maximeler Schwenkradius x: Maz. werning radias = Horizontale Schw’ Rotenon Vertikale Schwe Elevation Fertstelleinich Locking dewices Material: Materal Gewient: Waghe Fensch: Flange Ronranschiu®, Pipe connection 16 ber 6500 trun, 1880 mm (mit Rohr SWR 504), 1880 mm (euch pipe SWR 304) 320° 100 DIN 2>v6 A 4” DIN 259 Cooe. Export 522.71.137.5 Pe.2 of 42 a PREUSSAG prmneg Aetergasatnent ota Bed Onsen Fire Fignting System Set AL Cenghareng Operation ang Maintenance Instructions Schaum/Wasser-Werfer M 100E ‘Foam |water-monitor M 100E haa ee ene ana Elektrischer Stellantrieb Electrical adjusting drive Schwenken Eleustion SA6 ~ 32 Drenen Rotation SAG = ..32 fechnische Daten Tecimcal dts Drenzah! Speed 32mn" Apscheitmoment Sexich off momen: 20...80.Nm Antanrmoment Start moment 80Nm Gewient Wega: 209 Elektieche Daten Electrical Date Drehstrommotor, Kifigliuter. 380V, 50 Hz, Schutzer IP 67 Threephase cxrrent motor, squirrel cage rotor, 380V, 30H, protection clas: IP 67 Leiewung Power 0.18 KW Drehzahi Speed 2800 min* Nennstrom ber 380V Nominal current at J80V 0.9 A Antanrstrom bei 380V Start current at 3800 2.64 Fire Fighting System “ c.1.A. Cengkareng Werfer-Unterteil M 100 E Operation and Maintenance Instruct: ons Monuor M ICOE ( coor Exper 522.71.137.5 Pa. 3 of 42 & PREUSSAG Coe: Export Fire Fighting System . § J.1.A. Cengkareng Pg. Operation and Maintenance Instructions Schmitt 8-8 Teileverzeichnis Part list ‘Abmessung, Benennung Designation aoe, 1 1 FuB Sind 2 1 Stopfbuchsenfiansch Packing flange 3 1 Zwischenstiick Fitting piece 4} 4 Verteiier Manifold 5 2 Bogen Bend 6 1 Hosenstiick Header 7 1 Schneckenrad Worm «whee! 8 1 Schneckenspindel Worm 8 1 Schneckenspindel_ Worm 10 1 2wischenfiansch Adapter 1 1 Zwischenflansch Adapter 12 1 Konterring Counter ring 13 2 Waizlager Anti friction bearing 6020 2 RS 14 | 144 Stahikugel Stee! ball 26 15 4 O-Ring O-ring O 85,1x5,34 16 1 O-Ring O-ring 0113.75.34 7 2 Flachdichtung asker @107x1 18 1 Flachdichtung Gasket 0 180x1 19 6 Schmiernippel Lubricating nipple AME 20 2 PaBfeder Fitting key 6x30 21 4 Sechskantschraube Hexagon screw M 8x25 22 | 16 Sechskantschraube Hexagon screw M 10x30 i 23 2 Sechskantschraube Hexagon screw M 10x35 24 6 Sechskantschraube Hexagon screw M 10x40 25 8 Sechskantschraube Hexagon screw M 12x70 26 | 12 Sechskantschraube Hexagon screw M 16x45 27 8 Sechskantmutter Hexagon nut M10 28 8 Sechskantmutter Hexagon nut M12 29 | 16 Sechskantmutter Hexagon nut M16 30 4 Stiftschraube Ser-screw M 16x35 3 2 Stellantrieb Adjusting drive Fire Fighting System J.1.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions Schaum/Wasser-Rohre SWR = Foam |qater-pipes SWR a PREUSSAG oe Wurtweite mit Schaum Schaummiel: Protein Verschtumungszahi &—6 Zumischung: 5% = 120 5 = 100 90 80 70 30 Wurtweite Range of jet 20 10 Range of jet with foam Foam compound: Protein Esmee Admuxture: 5% Druck 70. bee tam wemcormary | 1 85 Po. 5 14 bar 16 Coos: Exper 522.71 .137.5 ‘SWR 906 SWR 506 SWR 305, SWR 263/204 SWR 203/204 of 42 Cooe: Exper 52.71.1325 _| Po.6 of 42 a PREUSSAG. Fire Fighting System J.1.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions Schaum/Wasser-Rohre SWR Foam /water-pipes SWR Wurtweite mit Schaum — Range of jet with foam Schaummmtel: Synthetik Foam compound: Syntnetsc Verschaumungszan!: 12~ 16 Expansion rate 216 Zumuschung: 39 Admextare: 3% 120 110 SWR 906 100 90 Swr 504 80 70 SWR 304 SWR 263/244 SWR 203/204 40 ek uN 30 20 10 2 a 6 @ 10 12 14 de 16~ Druck = { Deure Fire Fighting System J.1.A. Cengkareng Schaum/Wasser-Rohre SWR ‘Wurtweite mit Wasser (bei maximalem Durchmesser der Disse) 100 90 80 70 30 Range of jet Warlweite 20 10 Operation and Maintenance Instructions Coos, Export 22.71.1375 Py.7 of 42 a PREUSSAG Feamfwater pipes SWR Range of jet with water {at maximal diameter of nozzle! SWR 906 SwR 506 = SWR 305 SWR 263/246 SWR 203/204 ° — ° 2 4 6 @ 10 12 Woe 36 Druck ee . Pressure coe Espen 522.71.137.5 m.6 of 42 a PREUSSAG Fire Fighting System T-T.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions ‘Schaum/Wasser-Rohre SWR Foam /water-pipes SWR Druck-Durchsatz-Diagramm Dischargepresure-diagram 13000 urn, 11000 10000 SWR 906 9000 8000 7000 eco SWR 504, SWR 304 SWR 243, 244 ‘SWR 203, 204 71 30 1 2+ 3 4 5 678 10 be 16° PREUSSAG. J.1A. Cengkareng_____ * nt Pg.9 Operation and Maintenance Instructions Schaum/Wasser-Rohre SWR Foam/water-pipes SWR ‘Schaum/Wasser-Ronre SWR fosmwater pipes SUR "swn203 |lswa2oe |swa2es [swn2ee |swRooe 'SwR5De /swASOS AnscnivB) a |g. . . | Connection mm ‘ ‘ a Lange hi 1500 Length i | | | { Auster @ 110 10 Gewient Wego ca. kg Bbar 5 bar |» |» | | | | | weo . | - | | w 109 | relele 2 | si00 [ rejTele| =| miove fe | Pe fe [eo | 3 | mioox le fefpele 5 [miso a a w 1808 | I... tte 150% ra. 1. te 7) tanengewmae DIN-258-—Fircad femaie DIN 239 & PREUSSAG Fire fighting System O.1.R. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions Dee Names > 0, bar amr wena | 1.85, Wa. Servo Motor ‘Auma servo drives are special gears, driven by electric motors. They are used for remote actuation of valves, monitors, etc. They are equipped with switch off-, signal drives and/or position control. For drives 3 phase, 1 phase or direct current motors are used. The motor drives via change gears the worm drive with the drive shaft. All gear parts are running in bearings either in ball- or dry multilayer bearings. The electric part is separated from the gear in special compartment . It comprises the momentum switch, limit switches for both the stops and flash indicator for running operation. The electric connection on the backside consists of a multi pole (max. 48 poles) control plug-and-the motor plug. The servo drive can be actuated by a hand wheel by turning a switch over lever. The lever will be thrown out automatically if the motor starts. Fire Fighting Syster J.1.AL Cenakareng Operation anc Maintenance Instructions Switch off torque a rt torque oo e dian. ei 2: e Weight n Electricel Lete Sk € Speed Size Engine Power Worcinel current carting current Cosy Technical Data SA 6 —.. 32 nin; max. 20, 60 max. Nz. 80 ax. ke. 26 20 2890 58 0,16 0,9 2.6 Ce i i Soo Exper, 522.71.137.5 Py.12 of 42 a ) PREUSSAG 2. 1.A. Cengkareng a Operation and Maintenance Instructions — Fire Fighting Svster ule a PREUSSAG Pm tatengetanet men Exoor $ a PREUSSAG. prmmsag Arsengenict nting System ire Fig! F J. 1.A. Cengkareng toe 0st hat Ontenine -satebus oy fio by) mone hy pri anyon Amey poyenpuoy want yf 3300 potiny apy iprunde ret aga spo fi guise 210 (By) yorins 9 fo uny3 0001 mL :210N juajod auavs 24) Operation and Maintenance Instructions 23375 Py.% of 42 $22.71 eS PREUSSAG cata ar oe 2 Fignting Syster Fire JL1LA. Cengkareng Opera’ ter eas eH om Auv 28uvy By) sb wo pabu founyfurys Adio 05) Buc “we BY yon Poynpuoy yp 2402p pr WX yaasor By) 12109 Bd aouybos ways 1320f im qays pe woop) 210 Bmp ou ny wan (= fod Neyponas3y Py. 96 of 42 522.71.137.5 PREUSSAG 19 Operation and Maintenance Instructions Fire Figntine Svsten J.L.A. Cengkarent sssyouaayon yr Seedy wontd pus ue Buryoooe 20fo9 aioge poqusrap tw Row suit 24) 4) y22y3 (c1 “BY Pa.47 of 42 Exoor, $ ag PREUSSAG rl pence remem uct ion’ A, Cenakareng 3 i J 2 sent wnoys so cove kxsor $ Pg. 18 of 42 Fire F ng System PREUSSAG = J.1.A. Cengkareng Operation anc Maintenance Instructions Venturi inductor in mounted position -¢ PREUSSAG A. Cengkareng ons enance Instruc Operation anc Main @AT@A MoTsxeA0 UTA UOTZeTTeASUT weos t 4no 4 Cooe Export $ 5.20 of 42 & PREUSSAG Fire Fignting Syster —"TTAT Cengkareng Operation anc Maintenance Instructions PRINZIPSEIZZE VENTURI ZUMISCEERS FUNCTION SEETCE FOR THE VENTURI PROPORTI( FOAM, COMPOUND SCHAUMMF cock DOSING LOSCHWASSER SCHAUMMITTELGEMISCH PI P2 —— FOAM WATER MIXTURE VENTURI OUSE VENTURI ORIFICE P3> P1> P2 coos Laser bg. 24 of 4, Fire Fic! J.1.AL Cenakare ng System Operation and Maintenance Instructions venturi Proportioner - Description Tne range where the inductor operates properly, covers e capacity of 1916 1/min to 19160 I/min for the DN 300 type. s the venturi nozzle (1) from The water delivered from the pump en the left hand side. Due to the increase af flow sneed at the narrowes: part (1a) in the nozzle the pressure is reduced at this point compared to the primary water pressure (effective pressurei. The pressure reducs10r 1s proportional to the square of flow. If for instance the flow starts off with a given pressure and then increases 6 times, tne effective pressure will increase by 36 times. The foam compound supplied by @ foam compouné pump runs through the dirt collector with 2 pressure that 1s at least 2 bar higher than the pressure of the water. and enters the double seat valve (92). After passing the two throttle points between tne velve seats and the valve cone (16) the foam compound enters tne chamber (8) 1n front of the admixing cock (10). The pressure of the foam compound 1s transferred into the chamber (11a) under the diaphragm (12). As long as this pressure 1s lower than the primary water pressure in chamber (17), the diaphragm (7) operates the double seat valve to open position. As soon as the pressure above and below the diaphragm (12) is balanced this operation 15 stopped. In this state of balanced pressures the foam compound in the chamber (8) 1n front of the admixing cock (10) has the same pressure as the water in front of the venturi nozzle (1). The water runs with the same pressure drop through the ventur: nozzle (1) as the foam compound through the admixing cock. As the opening in the ‘admixing cock is in a certain relation to the narrowest part of the venturi nozzle a set induction rate of both media 1s reached. Fire Fighting System J.1.A. Cenakareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions This rate 1s constant for the whole range of réqulation. If the effective pressure on the venturi nozzle 1% small {small water rate of flow), the differential pressure on the admixing cock will be small (small flow of foam compound}. If the effective pressure on the venturi nozzle 1s great (great water rate of flow) the differential pressure on the admixing cock will increase proportionally (great “los of foam. compounc ) - The regulation of foam compound induction 1% effector by tne proportioning valve and ensures the induction of @ certain quantity of foam compound. The constant pressure regulator works very exact as the position of the double seat vaive 15 not dependent on the foar compound pressure on the inlet flange nor 15 it influenced by the limited friction caused by the foam compound flow. Due to the diaphragm size even the smallest pressure variations are acting on the double seat valve immediately with relatively great force. Due to tis layout the effective pressure may be kept to @ minimum throughput, without lacking precise induction rates at minimum throughput ... The layout of favourable flow of the venturi nozzle and the diffusor was chosen to avoid big pressure losses. But the installation of larger pumps capacity is sometimes necessary. Loss in proportioner DN 300 is at 3 % admixing rate and 17500 1 /min discharge about 2 bar. To check the correct working of the cosntant pressure regulator, two pressure gauges are installed. Correct working 1s ensured 1f both gauges indicate equal pressure. It has shown up that a full sealing against the water system 1s not Quaranteed by means of tne double seat valve of the venturi inductor; te. during a standstill of the fire extinguishing unit the foam compound must not be under pressure on the inductor. Fire Fionting System a. Operation and Maintenance Instructions ch. Cengkareng This rate 1s constant for the whole range of réaulation. If the effective pressure on the venturi nozzle is small (small water rate of flow}, the differential pressure on the admixing cock will be small (small flow of foam compound). If the effective pressure on the venturi nozzle is areat (dreet water rate of flow) the differential pressure on the adm xing cock will increase proportionally (great ‘low of foar compounc The regulatior of foar compound induction is effectec by tne proportioning valve and ensures the induction of a certain quantity of foam compound . The constant pressure regulator works very exact as the position of the double seat valve 15 not dependent on the foam compound pressure on the inlet flange nor 1s it influenced by the limited friction caused by the foam compound flow. Due to the diaphragm size even the smallest pressure variations are actinc on the double seat valve immediately with relatively crea: force. Due to this layout the effective pressure mey be kept to @ minimum throughput, without lacking precise induction rates at minimum throughput The layout of favourable flow of the venturi nozzle end the diffusor was chosen to avoid big pressure losses. But the installation of larger pumps capacity 15 sometimes necessary. Loss in proportioner DN 300 is at 3 % admixing rate and 17500 } /min discharge about 2 bar. To check the correct working of the cosntant pressure regulator, two pressure gauges are installed. Correct working 1s ensured 1f both gauges indicate equal pressure. It has shown up that a full sealing against the water system 1s not ‘guaranteed by means of the double seat valve of the venturi inductor: i.e. during @ standstill of the fire extinguishing unit the foam compound must not be under pressure on the inductor. & PREUSSAG J.1.A. Cengkareng premaeg Arianennctnen Fire fighting System Operation and Maintenance Instructions After finishing the supply of foam compound the venturi inductor must be flushed thoroughly pressure of foar compounc at proportioner shall be about 2 bar over water pressure. inc from can adiust foam co Venturi -aamixer wit Oto 7%. Reference Tne venturi proporzioner has to be installed im flow direction horizontally with pilot valve arrangement in vertical position. AL] flanges have to be connected without any tension. Fire = J-1.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions Zecnenesene vi Gisplacad at So? ‘nto craving piane Fire Fighting System a | cooe expen hed 522.7% .137.5 PREUSSAG | 5, 96 or 42 J.1.A. Cengkareng peng Aevenomnlnnnat Operation and Maintenance Instructions hans 9.0, bar tm memreormery |} 85 We Operation and Maintenance 1) Operation For operation purpose there are only two things to do. 1.3 Turn the admixing cock to the right position 3%, possible 1s from 0 te During test watch the Gauges. They must show the same pressure. After operation the foam inlet has to be flushed thoroughly. 2) Maintenance - every 6 montns 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Disassemble filter screen from dirt, clean it and reassemble. Remove gauge (19) and push down diaphragm (13) with suitable tool up te the stop If 2.2 not possible or tod heavy to do. remove connection tube (18) and upper part of chamber (17). Lift diaphragm easily all around and clean space behind from all residual foam compound. Flush (11) and (17) carefully, but adequate with water. Check if diaphragm 1s damaged, otherwise renew. Remove drainage screw (7) and nozzle (1) and clean thoroughly. Reassemble everything. Fire Fignting Syster J.-A. Cenakareng Operation anc Maintenance Instructions cove taper 711375 9.26 of 42 & PREUSSA potter creme 01.85 Mark admixing position of cock (10) and test move of the 2.9 handle (should not be toc easy). ther pur cock inte operating position. 2.10 ° After maintenance, Venturi should be testes anc ‘lushed with foam afterwards. & Code: Export Fire Fighting System 522.71.137.5 : PREUSSAG ‘ rronag Actongeaianen | PO-27 of 42 esas J.1.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions VENTURI PROPORTIONER Type Gevicht ftaGe / Dinensions in eo Flanschan Flanges Durehiu Artikel tr, weight oH OL oT) Ck OW ast Throughput Fart noe kg (a) (8) (A) (8) Aten x. cin, mr 52 00 0 50 HE? 1000 2160 216 47 3030 92 Dn 125 62 500 356 9021540 3250 325-7 0792 92 ou 15086 500 3703021540 ' 475047547 3028 92 Du 200 521035 430560 4oz wT 8500 85047 3016 92 ww 250143 50 oT 15660 1366 51.1971 92 ou 300160 a a a 19 6 1916.51 1983 52 on 350 BS tw MO OO TD 33302533 51:1995 92 nr) ” mss, 50 356302 ” 56 1066 92 ow 6% 50 3709 e 51 1846 92 ae 50H e Dk 10" es ee oe Us 12 12 om w2 w 55 1265 92 ‘ oners sounted * B (adaptor DIN - ANSI incl.) OW 5/6 * = 603 a mer = 680 a9 DW 10/2 * = 195 en Cove taper Fire Franting System & ~ 522.71.137.5 JuL:A, Cengkereng PREUSSAG | oa. 26 of 42 Operation anc Maintenance Instructions 7.0, eae am een Working range of foam inductors type Venturi | | q | | i | ' ! | 4 3 i; | 3 i | = 2.900} t A treaty i | | i 1 7 + m 1 1 eal nI cn I it a uf wal fe festa] | pS i i if ! 1 i roi soot I “4 fay \ 1 i i JIT eee i i | | I { zoo} (I! // [EMI] i Lo | ti 1 T 7 1 | 1004 | ! i | \ | | i [ercBe/ sae! Nn BO TN 100 Wi I2E ty 250 HN 200 Ww 250 Tie 300 Tri 2501 fomin. 7 i501 2161 3281 4751 8501 1366 | T9161 26331 (Omax. | 1500; 21601 3250 | 4750 , B500 | 13060 | 19160] 5250) & SEE maa TKS] Rr Tr] 7 alterations reserved fo . Cooe Export & 522.71.137.5 PREUSSAG | 54.29 of 42 rmany Aatongentt Fire Fignting Syster Jet: Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions AFFF Foam Compound Ruehl AFFF 3% Product Ruen] AFFF 3 % 1s a foam compound on basis of synthetic foaming agents with an addition of Fluorine- tenside. The foam compound is film forming. Application: —AFFF 1s suitable to create heavy foam. From the foam which is appliceted to the burning area (burning fuel, oil etc.) a waterous film is formed. This guarantees a fast extinguishing effect and prohibits re-ignition. Attention: Be careful near electric equipment. Techn. Data: Density at 20°C abt. 1.04 t 0.002 gr/em? pH value abt. 7.0 70.5 Viscosity 10 cst max. Freezing point abt. minus 12° Celsius 8 - 10 (depending on type of equipment and water pressure) nto negative influence if using seawater Foam expansion ratio: Foam concentration: 3 % Compatibility Ruen] AFFF 3 % should not be mixed with other foam condi tions forming agents, this could have an influence on the film forming effect. Storage: at temperatures from -12°C to +50°C either in closed original drums or in foam tanks for several years possible coos, Exo0n § 5.30 of 42 a PREUSSAG Foam making Branch > TYP 2 TYPE a TYPE SE 8 Technical Description and Operating Instructions ‘ah Feuerschutz 0-2060 Bac Olgesioe / W-Germany, PO Box 1260 > (04531) 803-0 Telex 261 525 Teletax (04531) 803-299 Proussag Axtienges Inguatrestrae 10/12 Cosa: Export 522.71.137.5 Pg.37 of 42 & PREUSSAG Preunaag Amsongualincneh toro Fire Fighting System J.1.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions 8 bad Olsaion FOAM MAKING BRANCH PIPES Type SE2/SE4/SE8 Technical Description and Gperating Inst Generai Information Page 1 Contents: 2. Description of Equipment 3. Functional Description - Technical Data 5 5. Gperating and Maintenance Instruction 9 6. List of Models 10 . Last of Spare Parts 05 005 4 DEF Herausguber / Editor / Editeur Bad Oldesine, March 198 3 PREUSSAG ‘Preunang Aktiongetelachat Fauertchuts 0-2060 Bad Olson? Wert Germany, cumtesiae 10/12, Box 1260, Teton (4531 809-0, een 261 S25 & Cone: Export Fire Fighting System 522.71.137.5 J.I.A. Cengkareng PREUSSAG | 5, 39 of 42 Operation and Maintenance Instructions FOAM MAKING BRANCH PIPES Type SE2/SE4/SEB Technical Description and Operating Instructions General Information Jocay the extinguisning egent foam nas cevelopec nto ne of the mast important ones, since large and dangerous fires can ce extinguishes » As generally known, foam consists of the three components water, foam compound and flizng gas. Apart from special cases, air is used as filling gas. The air which 1s con~ teined in the water-foam compounc mixture determines the expansion rate of the foam which specifies the relation of the foam-water-mixture of the produced foam without andicating dimensions. Contrary to water, foam as isghter than all inflammable liquids and therefore suitable to cover and seal the sur- face of liquids. The main extinguishing effect of the foam as based on suffocation and cooling. Depending on the spe- cific kind of the incendiary agent the main extinguishing effect is caused by the one or the other effect. The effect of suffocation is based on the fact that the dense foam cover prevents the further development of auncendiary vapors and the access of atmospheric oxygen to the source of fire. The cooling effect results from the emerging and thereby evaporating water during the slow break down of the foam. Hereby the heat of evaporation 1s extracted from the surface layer of the incendiary agent. & Cove: Export Fire Fighting System _ 522.71.137.5 d.1.A. Cengkareng PREUSSAG | 1A. <= wen | 79-33 of 42 Operation and Maintenance Instructions fan te ed otseice ?.0.barta em Sormany Foam Making Branch Pipes Tpe SE2/SE4/SE8 Technical Description and Operating Instructions 05 005 2 E Due to the high specific gravity of the foam jarge throwing ranges can be achieved, i.e.: extinguishing from a safe distance. For the quality of the foam it 15 important that tne weter- foam compound mixture 1s thoroughly mixed with the falling ges. This 1s achieved with MINIMAX foam making branch pipes by employ:ng new special nozzies for which patents sre pending. Description of Unit The foam making branch pipes SE2/SE4/SEB are used to produce heavy-foam. They have been designed to meet the demands of the DIN-draft DIN 14366. These foam making branch pipes can be operated with protein, fluorprotein, synthetic as well as with aqueos film forming (A3F) foam compound. They are constructed of materials which are resistant to the foam compound as well as to atmospheric influences. Code: Exon 522.71.137.5 a PREUSSAG pemagaswerrer | F934 of 42 Fire Fighting System J.1.A, Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions Foam Making Branch Pipes Type SE2/SE4/SEB Technical Description and Operating Instructions The pipe itself is constructed of stainless steel, whereas the nozzle, the shut-off valve and the couplings are construc ted of aluminium alloys proved effective in the field of fire fighting. The outlet of the fcam pipe is protected by an elastic ring. The handle of impact-proof plastic is large enough to be handled with protective gloves as weil. The foam pipes are mainly used in conjunction with the in- line inductors type 22 r/Z4 =/Z6 ©. Functional Description The special nozzles newly developed for these foam making branch pipes (patent pending) ere designed as adapters for all function components. The screw thread on the mixture intake is used to connect the shut-off valve, onto which the desired coupling 1s connected. On the mixture outlet there is the air intake which accomo- dates the foam making branch pipe body. The guiding device mounted in the pipe provides for better foam making and straightening of the foam jet. The breakaway edge at the outlet of the foam making branch pipe 1s protected by an elastic ring. The water-foam compound mixture emerges from the multi-hole nozzle and extracts eir at the air inteke by means of injection action. The multihole nozzle provides for @ better mixing off the jet with air. Cosa: Export Fire Fighting System $ J.1.A. Cengkareng PREUSSAG penssanoennen | 79-35 of 42 <= Operation and Maintenance Instructions Foam Making Branch Pipes Type SE2/SE4/SE8 Technical Description and Operating Instructions | 4 Note: The shut-off valve 15 utilized for interrupting and not for regulating the flow of the mixture, as this would otherwise lead to tne building up of an unadmissable beck pressure, ‘which could have @ negative effect on the function of the anizne inductor. a Cove: Exper Fire Fighting System 522.71.137.5 JLTLA. Cengkareng ~ PREUSSAG - Operation and Maintenance Instructions — Foam Making Branch Pipes. Type SE2/SE4/SEB Technical Description and Operating Instructions; 5 |0% 005 2 ¢ Technical Data Dessgnat ion Dimension | 1ype of foun making branch pipe st stu sce Nominul flow al $ ber on the four making oni'min 200 400 ‘00 branch pioe Working pressure range ber wo | aio | ato protein foe compound * 5 5 . Rom clure necessary aynlhet ie Four compound 3 3 > T Expansion rate protein foam compound - 6 ‘ 6 nominal Cow eyathelie foar compound 10 10 10 Anount of foam protein (ose ymin. a2 24 produced at Pomnal low wathelie foam 2.0 4,0 5 bar at the foam pipe . a 2 28 Anroming range — & bar at the Foon pipe % Fa 2 with shut-off valve Mergnte na DIN-coup ling ne | 4 7.0 out FittiAge ka ras | 3,2 56a [Connecting Thread DIN 259 vechen a 2 22" Code: Export Fire Fighting Systen - 2 if 522.712137,5 O.1.A. Cengkareng Py.37 of 42 Operation and Maintenance Instructions Foam Making Branch Pipes Type SE2/SE4/SE8 Technical Description and Operating Instructions 05 005 2 & se2 | 825] 735] 700/135] 98] 86] - | 100] 170} 118) - 52 | 72 SE& | 1035] 942] 905 | 335 | 126 | 110) - | 110 s€8 | 1265]1152]1115 | 565 | 145 | 145 | 145 | 116 Type ti }uz] is fia fer fez jes jar aes Measurements in mm aB Cove: Export preussa | °2:7-137-5 peccswarenuen | 9-38 Of 42 Fire Fighting system J.1.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions Page] Foam Making Branch Pipes Type SE2/SE4/SEB [Per Technical Description and Operating Instructions) 7) 05 005 2 £ or | 1) wT] tl sil 2 i g e a stg « | oat 2 5 | e 2 | at 2 | = i 3 3 e £ 1 5 8 - | s 1 : | ° 2 | 8 f a X100 TheowghbGt Ya° per win. ae Coos: Export Fire Fighting System = i 522.71.137.5 J.1.A, Cengkareng PREUSSAG Pg.39 of 42 Operation and Maintenance Instructions Technical Description and Operating Instructions! & | 05 005 2 £ Pressure at foam making branch pipe 10 5 0 a Throwing ronge —= Ss == preussac | 22 77)-7-5 Fire Fighting System J.1.A. Cengkareng 2 Operation and Maintenance Instructions oe Foam Making Branch Pipes Type SE2/SE4/SE8 Technical Description and Operating Instructions 9 05 005 2 £ 5. Operating and maintenance instructions The foam making branch pipes are very easy to operate. = Attach the foam making branch pipe to the nose line behind the inline inductor - Open tne flow of water Not Do not use the shut-off vaive to regulate the rate of Flow. - After use rinse cut the foam making branch pipe with clear water and dry it. - Check the multi-hole nozzle for clogging due te stones or similar objects. 3 S| 15 cose 06 a1wea s/t 2 ¥ 69 dS0 burLdnoD paxty x s 3] 9s twee 95 i —21ee y2/t & w/ateweysz/ du esten 1184 x ‘ . x vee _— olewoay w2 YO USO foul oa paxty * * Fe £ El 9s seze 96 stew wzusstewasezy sates tied [ox [xe | FY 3g s asics | E | etewos w2/t tu-az/t z ere e1ss04 Gurtdnoa poxty » 3 BS los eves os | 2 | ete wea e watewes veya tu enters Tea P| et 28 Elis vue us | 5 92) WU -aZ/1 Z elem Btas0H but{dnos party | x |» Se zs Bl os seve os | E : we ussteweszy onion isa | «| x Se na g [is saeco atuwsy 2/1 2 ¥-@ Outjdnoa panty 5 @ |B 58 3] 9s eves 9s Stee e/t EU/8 te Z/) Ew ALOR 108 » BL GE 3 EP Ts ore ~ Sree trie [enraeysea ie = | és ts | Pl 9s size 9s ee watu/aiewss.z y eaten tiea]| x] x & fe] 3 22 s] ai sit 5 [oS a Sy cpa gt} yel ye rene oe es 238 To _ a] 8] 3 ads Coos: Expon 522.71.137.5 Pg.42 of 42 a Fire Fighting System PREUSSAG J.1.A. Cengkareng Operation and Maintenance Instructions \ Technical Description and Operating Instructions; 11| 05 005 2 £ ie Morris-coupling | re Gh 05?- coupling € ws © Ga Winner TELEFONBAU UND NORMALZEIT cats eertet riche Fire call point — G DIN 14655 for Indoor Installation Application For connection to fire alarm central stations. By adding suitable compo- nents and bridges, the call point can | be apetied in various systems, e.g. | UBS, UGM 2010, current amplification and reduction installations. E ~ Feuerwehr - Installation Surface-mounting with cable inlet for flush- and surface-laid wires. t Design PAL 3000 red aluminium housing with 2 Pg 11 thread holes for inserting the connecting wire. Release pushbutton with pushbutton bolt, call point insert 28 printed circult board with terminal strips and 2 microswitches, suitable A fer aosonmaduing sitare ont Knopf tief dricken Count curert source : 4 : Ly =| Dimensions: Width Height Depth Weight mmf ANm approx 125 125 30 © 0S . Ref. No, 30, 0203. 0715 with English lettering, other languages on request. 3104-30-56 POMPA UTAMA ($P) sour REP Dns “TYPE Pompa =: WKL 150/4 SUMEA : 3 Units/Sets HORIZONTAL DATA ~DATA POMPA = MATERIAL POMPA : Kapasi tas 300 ¥3/h or USOPE Casing Cast iron Total Head 150 m ore Impeller Cast iron N.P.S.H 3 m ore Shaft Stainless steel Putaran 1450 Rpm Diffuser : Temperatur BS 0% . c Daya Pompa 200 TP ok DATA -DATA MOTOR “Diam hisap 200 am/iseh Type Motor AEG AM 355 Rp 4 Diam Tekan : 150 in/ierrch Daya motor 200 Kw Diam impeller : 3 mm/inch Voltage 3,3 kv Jenis cairon Air Putaran : 1450 Rpm Serat jenis ca Ke/Cm3, Viscositas 1 Constistoke DATA-DATA DIESEL Efficiensy : 70 B ‘Type Diesel Daya Diesel Putaran Cooling systen High Pressure Centrifugal Pumps KSB WKLA/WKL Capacities up t0 470 m3/hr (1725 Imp.g.e.m., 2070 US gom) Total heads up to 300 m (985 feet) Temperatures =10°C up to #140 9C (14 OF up to 285 OF) Operating pressures up to 30 kp/em? (425 PSIG) Speeds 2900 r.p.m., 1450 ¢.p.m. Sizes WKLn 1.0.32 mm and 40mm (1 1/4" and 11/2") WKL 1.0.50mm to 150mm (2"t06") 1770.1 E/10 G3 Applications For municipal and industrial water supply in water works, pressure boosting installations, irrigation and sprinkler plants; {a boiler feed pumps and condensate pumps, cooling water land hot water circulation pumps; for high pressure water in hydraulic presses, as fire pumps ete. Construction Horizontal high pressure centrifugal pumps in ring sectional design, single- or multistage, vertically split suction, discharge and stage casings, The individual casing parts are sealed by O-rings on WKta and by flat gaskets on WKL and are clamped together by external tie bolts. The pump feet are cast integrally with the suction and discharge casings, and ‘are arranged beneath the pump. Bearings ‘The bearings are enclosed in two bearing housings, flanged onto each end of the pump. On the suction end of all pump, sizes a cylindrical roller bearing with spacer sleeve is fitted: ton the discharge side of WKLn a deep groove ball bearing, fon WKL an angular ball beuring is titted The rotating assembly is hydraulically balanced by means of back vanes of balance holes at the rear of the impeller the residuil axial thrust being absorbed by a boll bearing at the discharge side. Shaft Seal ‘The shatt is fitted with renewable protective steeves in the region of the stuffing box. Uncooled soft packed stutfing boxes are used for tempera tures up to 110°C (230°F); for temperatures above 110°C (2300F} up to 140°C (285°F) a cooled solt-packed stutting box is used, where the temperature on the stuffing box is kept within permissible limits with the aid of the cooling liquia. Furthermore, special stuffing boxes for connection of sealing liquid trom an outside source are available. Uncooied mechanical seat up to 110° C (230° F) max. Nozzle Orientation On the standard model, the suction nozzle is horizontal righthand side when viewed from driving end, and the dis. charge nozzle is op, vertical ‘The following nozzle positions can be provided on request, with the exception of the bottom vertical position: For suction nozzle: For discharge nozzle: left or top Lp to size 65 only top; from size 80 upwards also right and left, Both nozzles in the same direction only possible from threw stages upwards, on size 150, from two stages upwards. The suction flange is machined according to OIN 2533, NP 16, with the following exception: 1.0, 200 according to DIN 2532, NP 10 Discharge flange machined according to DIN 2533, NP 16 1 according to DIN 2535, NP 40 Drive Direct dre by electric motor through 2 flexible coupling The suction end of the purnp is the diving end, direction of rotation is clockwise; the shaft stub of the driver 1s titted or the discharge sie direction of rotation is counterclockwise) (oF two shaft stubs can be provieal, one at each end Materials of Consteuction ~~ wes | al ee en | Stoysamese [OG? 20 | she | | Selection Charts Selection chart 200 r.p1n Selection chart 1450 ¢.p.m, Meena 40 150 » 2 USsm + 0 i” 00000 » 29 ImPavm +0 0 | 40 500 300 pc y y 10 29 USgem 50 10” 20lmp gpm $0 i | ! bee Cytindrce 30 ing coves ‘00. Geinet WKLn 2 ane 40) M2 hala Ole 00.12 Ena ving (WRU 136 ana 450) Ser {Cening wows ring (WHEL 80 10 150) sor Thrower 508 Suppor ring 5231 0 5233 528.3 Spacur leave tires 100 t0 150 on eta 542 ‘Spacer buam 362 Eyles ain (902.1/21.9 4 {ut wth we Hats WL HO up 10 150) 2) Parr no 4005 an WRL 50 10 150 4) Siu 903.3 from WIL 100 onwards stutfing box (Nb1 = 110% € (2308 F) KSB Klein, Schanzlin & Becker A\ 6710 Frankenthat (Pfalz) single stage / monoétagée / monoescalonado wx [125/1stutig van [OSL pce ee Bcd obs oe be on oot wo & ‘ore oF e SON « single stage / monoétagée / monoescalonado WKL | 150/1stufig par edn ede anar” ooe "068 wabdull_obe cee Gar ech” want” age "Bear" oe" “obs LaBS Hobe Loon 998 sony, “HS! 22H 1770.05 ng instructions High pressure centrifugal pumps type WKL Works serial No l Klein, Schanzlin & Becker Aktiengeselischatt 6710 Frankenthal (Ptalz) Germany Cobles: Kleinschonzlin, Frankentholpfolz ~ Telex: 04 65211 Telephone: 621 Fined in Geman HO Foreword SB machines 0 12 very high quality produets, which will salisfoctory and trouble - free zuiviee, of they ore erected, serviced and operated properly by skilled personnel, The instructions und reconimendations contained in this bookle! shovld be coretully follows! to obtom trouble ~ free operotion, ond it should be eiwetion, operation ond mointenonce of the accessible 10 everyone in charge of machines We shell glodly supply further copies on request Please get in touch with us if you require ony expert advice, We shall be glad to oblige, ‘ond this also applies to any repair work which moy be required. UF the instructions conteined in thi bookle! are followed, you will be covered by the uorontee contained in our conditions of supply. ‘Ove guarantee will however become void, if the machine is used to pump liquids or media other thote specified in the confirmation of order, and ot different operating temperatures; if damage is caused 10 the mochine os « result of improper manipulation, operation auitide the operating ronge specified, the use of unsuitable operating mate: Fials, foully erection, weang or unskilled laying of the pipelines, etc During the velidity period of the guarentee, ony dismoniling of the mechine oF its components may anly be carried ov! aller receiving our previous consent in weiling Table of contents 122 123 124 21 22 221, 31 32 a 42. 43 51 511 52, 521 6 62. 63. 6a, 65. 66 General construction of pumping installation Description of pump Loying of piping Suction line (suction lilt Tine oF positive suction heed fine) Volves and fittings in suction line (suction fill line oF positive suetion heod line) Dischorge line Volves ond fittings in discharge line Erection Erecting the pump Fiting and dismantling the coupling Flexible coupling Instrumentation Commissioning, stort-up ond shuldown Commissioning ond stort~up Shutdown ‘Supervision during running and maintenance Moinienonée of pump Mointenonce of soft-packed wluffing boxes Mointenance of oniifriction beorings Dismontiing ond re-ossembly Dismontiing Dismontling “hot water execution” pumps Re-ossembling the pumps Re-ossembling “ho! water execution” pumps ling troublet: Couses ond remedies Pump does no! deliver rated copecity Driver is overloaded Pump discharge pressure is excessive Pump leaks (leakage of stage cosings or af cooling woter covers) Stuffing boxes leok Excessive beoring temperoture Protection of pump during prolonged shutdowns Spore ports Cross-sectional drowings ond lists of components 10 " n n n 2 13 13 “4 “4 15 15 15 16 v ” ” 18 1. General construction of pumping installation |S 1a. Description of pump The construction of the pump is illustrated in the cross-sectional drawings on pages 1 ond 71 WKL high pressure pun The coning comprises the suclion ond discharge casings (102 and 103}, and o numver of 1 ore multistage centrifugal pumps with @ radially split casing inermodiate, of sage, cosings (104), The individual casing components ore clomped together by tcbols (111). The diffusers (109) ore inserted in the individual stoge cosings The bearing brackets (308) are flonged onto the suction and discharge casings by stud bolts. The individval cosings ore sealed against one another by flo! gaskets t ‘The suction casing ond sloge cosings ore provided with renewable cose wear rings (120) on pump sizes 50 through 150, which con be renewed when the weor hes become excessive, after prolonged operotion, z The pump feet ore cost integral with the suction ond discharge cosings, ond ore arranged ‘of the bottom of the pump. ‘The sholt (201) is protected against oggressive attack by the flvid pumped, by means of } the spocer sleeves (211 ond 2600) ond the shoft protecting sleeves (212, 213). All the impellers (202) face the same way on the pump sho, cnd ore secured ogains! twisting by keys. The spocer sleeves and shalt protecting sleeves, which protect the shalt from wear by the stuffing box pecking, ore firmly locoted axially and secured cgoinst wishing The high tole! haod of these multistoge centrifugal pumps generates on appreciable ‘oniol thrust, On pump sites 32 through 68, !h2.axial forces ore compensated individually Gr each impeller by means of © sealing clearance gop on the entry side ot the impeller heck, ond by redial back vanes at the reor of the impeller bockplate. On pump sizes 80 + through 150, the axial thrust is compensoted by on odditionol sealing clearance gap of the discharge end (backplate) of the impeller. The onnulor space between this sealing gop on the boekplote and the spacer sleeve is connected to the entry side of the impeller by balan: holes. i. ‘The pressures in these two spoces ore thereby bolonced, and the oxiol thrust considerably reduced. The residual axial thrust is absorbed by the front bearing (409) on cll pump sizes (22 theough 150). The fluid flows through the suction cosing towards the first stoge impeller, A certoin mount of energy is imparted 10 the flvid in the impeller, which is provided with o umber of vanes. The flvid then flows out of the impeller into the diffuser, where port Of its Kinetic energy is Converted into potential energy, resulting in a further increase in presture. The fluid then flows through the return guides onto the eye of the following Enpeler, This process is repeoted from one stage to the next, and ot each sioge the pressure increases by the some amount, viz, the stoge head. After leaving the final Gitfuser, the fluid penetrates into the discharge cosing, and thence into the dischorge piping If the flvid is pumped ot operating temperatures sitvoted between 105 ond 140 °C {20 and 285 °F}, purmps of so-colled “hot water execution” ore used. These ore provided with hot water execution stuffing boxes. Cooling woter covers (301) ore orranged Between the casings (102 resp. 103) ond the bearing brackets (308), ond cooling water flowing through the spaces inside these covers keeps the temperoture of the stuffing boxes within ecceploble limits, The cooling woter covers surround the shofi sleeves (212, 213), ond the cooling oction considerably reduces the tempercture of the hot water from the pump, before it penetrates into the stuffing box packing. Cooling is only cllective, however, if the stuffing box is in good condition and seals sotisfactorily Maintenance of hot woter exacution stuffing boxes is the some os for those of stondord ‘execution {see page 17} ‘Cleon, fresh, woter should be used of cooling woler, because sediment ond lime deposits will seriously offect the cote of heo! transfer, and will impoir effective cooling. Even when tring leon, feesh, woter, we recommend thoroughly cleoning out the cooling water spaces from time to time. The cooling waler should be ollowed 10 flow away freely ond visibly, s0 thot its tempe roture ond flow rate can be checked at ony lime. The temperature difference belween ‘Cooling water inlet ond outlet should not exceed 10 °C (50°°F). The cooling water supply Tines should be provided with valves, to enable the cooling woter flow to be odjusted os required, and 10 be tuned off when the cooling woter spaces are cleoned or the pump shut down, re 1.2. Loying of piping It the dischorge valve is closed ond the flow reduced to zero, the power absorbed of the pump shoft will not crop to zero, byt will remain quite oppreciable, and will result in heating of the volume of liquid trapped inside the pump. It is therefore advisoble not to run the pump for any considerable length of lime agains! o closed discharge valve, to prevent evaporation of the fluid wsicie st IF the type af installation is such thot pro longed periods of operation against a closed discharge valve ore anticipated, ¢ manuolly operuied by-pass thovld be provided, to allow a cerloin minimums flow of fluid through the pump and thus prevent overheat ‘We shall be gled 0 advise you regarding the arrongement and sizing of such @ by-pass (oF the provision of an oulomatic by-pass run-return valve (leck-olf valve) 1.2.1, Suction line [suction lift line or positive suction heed line} The pump will only operole sotisiociorily if the suetiontit tine. correctly ort fond laid, It should be loid with @ rising incline towards the pump, should be obsol leaketight, ond should be so ovronged thot the formetion of air pockets is totolly precluded anywhere in the line The nominal size of the pump suction flange is no guide to the correct size of the suction lift piping, which should be sized, omongst other considerations, to give a flow velocity rol exceeding 2 metres/sec (6.5 feet: sec}. Each pump should have its own individual suction lift line, UF this proves impossible for loyout or other reasons, the common suction lift line should be sized for o: low ¢ flow velocity os practicable, and its nominal size should preferably remoin constant right up to the los! pump on the line ‘Avoid ony shorp bends, and sudden and abrupt chenges of cross-section and of direction. Moke sure that the goskels of pipe fleages do not protude inside the pipe IF the ‘velion Hitt lines are loid underground, they should be hydrostoticaly tested a! 3 t0 4 Ka/em? gouge (45 to 55 psig) before being buried. The some considerations os for suction lift lines apply 10 the orrangement and laying of Positive suction heod lines. The horizontol sections of such lines should however be loid with @ gently vising incline towords the suction vessel. If it is impossible to ovoid opexes in the positive suction heod line, each apex should be provided with 0 vent cock Section-tif lines ond positive suction head lines should olvays be kept os short os possible ‘When the lines ore loid, every effort should be made to avoid any stresses being trons ritled from the piping fo the pump. Before the pumping sets ore commissioned, the suction lines ond vessels must be thoroughly cleaned ond flushed through. Unfortunately, welding beads, pipe seals ond ‘other foreign matter often tend to become detached from the piping only olter a consi derable period of service. In order to prevent these foreign bodies from penetrating inside the pump, its necessary to incorporate a strainer in the positive suction head line This strainer should hove a total area of holes equol 10 3 to 4 limes the pipe cross: sectional area, in order to avoid too great o pressure drop when i! becomes chocked Conical strainer in postive suction hood tne with foreign matter. Conicol strainers of the type illustrated in Fig. 1 have proved very isfoctory for this purpose; they should be made of cérrotion-resistont moteriol The pressure ot the pump suction nozzle should be checked at regular intervals. If it drops, the suction strainer should be removed ond cleaned. Alter several weeks of operation, when no more foreign bodies ore anticipoted, the siroiner con be permanently removed. 21. Erecting the pump 12.2. Velvesond fittings en suction line (suction lift line o positive suction hood line) Iholating valves in the suction lft line or the positive suction head lie are solely intended to isolate the line. They should always be kept fully open when the pump is running on isoloting volve is incorporated in-@ suction lift ine, must be installed wth its stom horizontal, oF pointing vertically downwards, to prevent the formation of on pockets We recommend the provision of o sealing water connection or of a water cup on isoloting volves is olways desirable to incorporate an wolating volve in 0 positive suction head line, ‘in order to enable the fluid supply 10 be cut olf whsn repaus or maintenance of the pump ore corried out Io strainer bosket with foot valve is incorporated in the suction lift line, this bosket should be installed opprox-OS metres (17 ft} below the minimum woter level in the pit, ond opprox. 05 metres (1 ft) above the floor of the pit, in order to prevent either oir oF sond oF sludge being entrained into the pump. 1.2.3, Discharge line The dischorge line, like the suction line, should no! present any sharp bends ond ebrupt changes of crass-tection, ond should not transmit ony stresses onto the pump. It must therefore be suitobly onchored and supported. Hot woter lines should be provided with adequate expansion loops. A flow velocity of opprox. 3 metres/sec {10 feet sec) is usuol ond sotistoctory. If the operoting pressure exceeds 10 Kg/em? gouge, (140 pig) the line should be hydroste ticolly tested of 15 times operating pressure; if the operating pressure is lower thon 10 Kg-em? gauge (140 pig] the hydrostotic lest pressure should be S Kg em™ (70} higher thon operating pressute. 1.2.4 Volves ond fittings in discharge line Eoch pump should be provided with on isolating valve in the dischorge line, situated os close to the pump as possible, Aport from isolating the dischorge line from the pump. this volve can be used to regulate or throttle the discharge flow, in order to ovoid possible ‘overloading of the driver. It the dischorge line is of opprecioble length, ¢ non-return valve should olso be incor poroted. This con either be o swing check valve or 0 spring-looded non-return valve, ‘according to the ciccumstonces, The purpose of the nonrelurn valve is fo prevent o reverse flow of fluid from the discharge line into the pump, when the lotier is suddenly shut down, ond to protect it from possible domage arising (vom violent pressure pulsotions The non-retuen valve should be orronged between the pump discharge nozzle ond the dischorge valve, 2. Erection Correct ond skilled erection is on exsentiol pre-tequisile for louble-free operation of the set. Failure to ensure thie will result in pump foilure ond premoluce wear ofthe pump internals. The following points should therefore be scrupulously observed: 1. Moke sure that the foundotion hos set fiemly before placing the pumping set on it 2. Level up the boieplote by meons of packing or shims, if necessory, ond check with the oid of a spirit level 2. Check coupling alignment, ond re-align some if necessory, preferably with « coupling clignment ig if sucha ig is nol ovoilable, by means of @straigh! edge ond gouge block 44. Grout in the boseplote and the foundetion bolt pockels with e quick setting cement minture 1:2 ratio. Moke sre thal no covilies are let 5. When the cement hos set firmly, tighten the nuls on the foundation bolts evenly and firmly 6 Connect the piping to the pump nozzles without imposing any slvess or strain on the pump. Avoid any worping or distortion a oll costs. Remember that ifthe operating temperature it high, any forces resuling Irom thermal expansion of the pipework srust be prevented from being 'ransmiited to the pump. Pumps should on no oecount be used 0s anchoroge points for the pipework. 22, Fitling and dismontling the coupling 7. Aiter the piping 1s connected. she aligmment of the coupling should be checked once gain. It should be possible to rotole the rotating ossembly freely and easily by hand ct the coupling, it the stwifing boxes ore not packed. 8. Belore thw: pump ix started up for the fies! fime, the direction of rotation of the driver Shout! tw checked) with the pump uncoupled. Remember tho! even o short run trevor rotation oF © shor! period ot dry running may result n serious damage Turbine-criven pumps should have their turbine overspeed trip tested with the pump uncouples HCeipump © with moter and baseplate, the com will be aligned ‘cour Works before sespelch, but only the pump will be dowelled to the osaplote. The reason for this is that combined baseplates ccnnat, for econonnc reas be made s0 heavy and sturdy tha! they will net tend 10 worp or distort during wen foundation. Therefore we do net dowel the motor af ovr fr if they ore se!-on on u Works, os the set mus! be re-oligned at site lter erection; only alter this has been coretully done, should the motor be dowelied at site with dowel pins The pump ond driver ore connected by @ flexible coupling, and the coupling type most frequently used for this purpose is described below. Al couplings require the most accurete olignment of the pump and driver 3 oxial oF angular misolignment {insufficient concentricity ond parallelism} cannot be holly compensated by the flexibility of the coupling ot the prevailing opercting speeds, 2.2.1. Flexible coupling the torque fram the diver to the pump Clow couplings (Fig. 2) ore us Mointenanee merely consists in occasional checks and replocements of the flexible members. Oil ond greose should never be allowed to come in contact with the couplings Fig. Flesible eovpting Foulty olignment will very soon resull in domoge to the flexible members of the coupling, ‘ond will also damage the pump and motor bearings. Flexible couplings should be heoted to 160 °C (355 °F) approx. before they ore slipped onto the shafts, ond they con be removed with the cid of 0 suitoble extractor (Fig. 3) (On no account should they be driven on or off the shafts with a hommer. Find Gstecor 23, Instrumentation, 3.1. Commissioning and start-up 10 'n order 10 align the shotts, the pump ond driver should be pushed towards one another vnlil the prescribed gap between the two coupling holves, os shown an the general ‘trangement drowing, hos been attained. Then the coupling can be aligned by moons of © straight edge ond 0 gouge block, as shown in Fig. 4 The distance o should be qual to ex, and b = br; furthermore, the oxial gop belween the feces of the coupling halves should remain the some right oround the periphery of the coupling We con supply a special alignment jig on request [see Fig. 5) which enabler olignment to be effected very precisely and quickly sraigh aise [I~ Googe blow ‘toning the coupling by meon ol Hs Cooling stignment ig ‘A coupling can be considered correctly aligned with the alignment jg illustrated in Fig. 5, if the tolerance between the meosuring tips, and also the radial toleronce, measured ot four points around the periphery, at 90° intervals, does not exceed 0.05 mm in ony cose, both in the oxial and redial planes. This olignment check should be repected after the piping has-been connected to the pump. |n order to facilitote operating supervision, we recommend thal each pump be provided with @ pressure gauge, resp. 9 vocuum gouge ot the suction ond discharge noctie These gouges should be of adequate dial size, and should incorporate a gauge cock or valve, They should be mounted in such a way thot they ore exposed fo the leas! possible ‘omount of vibration, Their working life will be considerably increased if the cock or velve is kept shut of oll times excep! when o reading is token, i.e. if they ave no! subjected continuously to the full operoting pressure, 3. Commissioning, start- up and shutdown The direction of rototion of the pump has already been checked. The following steps should now be corried out |. Before the pump is started for the firs time, or when sorting i! up efter @ prolonged shutdown, check that the bearings ore adequately packed with greose, ond af ‘necessory top up the grease fil. Check condition of stuffing boxes, 2. Close valves in discharge line completely, and open valves in suction line fully. 32, Shutdown 4.1. Maintenance of pump 3. If pump operates on positive suction head, check pressure in positive suction head line 4. Prime the oump ond suction lift line {ef opplicable} completely with the prod pumped During priming, rotote the sholt repeatedly by hond, and keep the vent cock on the suction casing open. Priming is effected by meons of Ihe priming tundish (with valve, oF through the filler plug, or by means of @ separate vacuum pump Priming con olso be effected by opening the by-pass on the non-return valve. If this method is used, cemember that the suction strainer basket ond suction lift line must not be subjected 10 too grect a pressure 5, tf applicable, turn on the cooling woter and check thot it flows away freely, 6. Only now should the driver be switched on for o shor! instonl, then switched off ‘ogo immediately. Repeot this several times, observing the rotor, which should run down to 0 standstill evenly and smoothly. 7. Run the pump vp ropidly to full speed, ond check thot the pump atfains the prescribed discharge pressure. 8. After the pump hos oltcined full operoting speed, open dischorge valve ond adjust it to the operating conditions required (design point conditions). Moke sure thot the pump dischorge pressure of the prescribed operating speed never drops below 50% of design point pressure 9. Check stuffing boxes ond bearings, and, i opplicoble, the cooling water temperature. (On pumps operoting on svction lift, also check the seoting water pressure 1. Close discharge valve, 2. Switch off driver, and observe pump rotor running down to o standstill. 3. Hfopplicable, turn off cooling water 4, Supervision during running and maintenance 1. The pump should olwoys run quietly and smoothly, without vibration. 2. Check pressure ond temperature ot pump suction at regular intervols, also the liquid level in the suction vessel or pump pit. 3. Check loading on pumping set ot regular intervals, by comporing actus! pump discharge pressure or current absorbed by motor with the design poin! dote stamped ‘on the rating plate, 4, Check stuffing boxes, particularly during the running-in period. 5. If cooling water is provided, check that the cooling water flows away freely, and check its temperature. If standby pumping sets ore instolled, it is edvisable to operate all the pumps on o rolo system, thus giving each pump in tura a certoin amount of operational duty; this tensures that the standby pumps will always be in good condition for instent start-up if required, We clio recommend keeping 2 lag book in which the operation of all the pumps should be regularly recorded. The data recorded should include pump copecity, suction ond discharge presiure, speed ond beoring temperature, os well os operating dota of the driver, The switching on ond switching olf times should olso be recorded, to enobie the total number of operating hours of each pump to be oscertoined at any time. A further column for “remarks” should be provided, in which details of maintenance ond repeir work can bbe entered These meosures will enoble o clear picture of the condition of oll pumps to be kep! ot all times. Pumps erected on new foundations should be subjected to on clignment check ot the coupling from time to time, 10 ascertain whether any settlement in the foundetions may hove resulted in misalignment of the pumping set 42, Mointenance of sof stulfing boxes 2 The stuffing boxes will give trouble-free ond satisfactory service providing they ore carefully ond coreeclly packed and main'ained The pumps ore delivered with their stuffing boxes unpocked, ond one set of packing for each box 1s incluced in the consignment. Before packing the box, the pocking comport ment ond shal! sleeve should be thoroughly cleoned. The individual rings should be cut iching the coil Hlat in © wooden form as shown from the coil wit « clean scart joint, 3 in Fig. 6 the rings must be cut 40 the correct length, so thot the ring bults are in light Contec! with each other ot the scart joint, when the ring is wropped around the shat sleeve. If the rings ore cut t00 long, they will bulge out at the joint; if they ore 100 shor, there wall be a gop at the bult joint. In either case, the stuffing box will leak os If the stuffing box is provided with o sealing inside the box, os well as the pocking rings. The excc! location of this lontern ring, relative to the pocking rings, is shown on the indicator plote aflixed to the stuffing box connection, @ lantern ting is fied Sting bor packing Before inserting the rings in the packing compartment, they should be thoroughly socked in oil, The first ring is inserted ond pushed fo the bottom of the compariment with the cid of the stuffing box glond. The following rings are then inserted one by one, ond the butt joint of each ring should be offset epprox. 90° from the preceding one; the land is used to push each ring in position. The rings should only be pressed lightly ‘against each other by the glond. Moke sure that the butts of two adjoining packing rings never lie in the some line (see Fig. 7}. Only insert as mony rings in the compartment os will leave a clear gop of the end of at least 5 mm for the positive guidonce of the Gland, 1o prevent it being tightened askew. This would result in scoring and domage to the shaft sleeve by the gland. ‘When oll the packing rings have been inseried, tighten the glond nuts lightly by hond A newly packed stuffing box will lek appreciably af first. If this leakoge does not ceose Of its own accord after the pump has been running o few hours, the glond nuts should bbe tightened slowly and evenly on either side while the pump is running, until the gland only weeps slightly; this indicates thot the packing is functioning correctly. I the sluifing box does not leok at all, or if it storts to smoke, loosen the glond nut slightly Every freshly pocked stuffing box needs @ certain running-in period before i! scitles down, and i should be observed ot frequent intervols during this period. After sel down, it need only be checked occosionelly Alter 0 prolonged period of service, when the existing packing hos been compressed by ‘opproximotely the width of one packing ting, it is time to renew the packing, ond to check the condition of the shalt sleeve on this occasion. If the lotter shows signs of ‘grooving, scoring or surface roughness, it should be replaced by 0 new one. Packing obtoined fresh from the manufacturer should preferably not be used; pecking which hos been kept in store for © period hos @ longer life. We therefore recommend Keeping an adequate supply of spore packing in stock at all times. The onfiriction bearings ore mounted inside the bearing brackets, which are flanged 43, Maintenence of antil bearings conto the suction and discharge cosimys, The beoring brackels of either end of the pump . core identical The bearing of the drive end is a loose bearing, viz @ cylindical roller bearing mounted fon o toperlock bush {308}. whilst thr front end bearing is a fixed hearing, and i esther © deep groove bel! bearing (409) oF an anguler contact ball-bearing (409), depending fon pump size The beorings are proase-lubricoted The beorings ore packed with grease at our Works, ond this initiol grt se fill should las! 2 years, if the pump is operated 8 hours daily; if the: operoting conditions ore more 1 fill should be checked once a year For this purpose, the beorings should be removed with the shofi, and cleaned. Alter cleaning, the becrings should be packed full on both sides with grease (opprox. § to 10 ‘grommes of greose per bearing). A good quality ball ond roller beoring greoss, with ~~ © soda soop bose should be used for this purpose. It should be free of acid ond resin, should not harden or crumble, and should have © drop point of 160 °C minimum (820 “F), Never mix greases which possess different properties, Soda base greases ore not compotible with lithium bose greases, ond the type of grease used should therefore nol be changed. If it is decided, however, to chonge the type of grease used for the bearings, itis essential to clean out the beorings, bearing brackets ond coverplotes of all traces of the old grease firs . severe, the condition of the bearings and their Belore the pump is sared up forthe fis! time, ond when it is started wp after 0 proton € ged shutdown the orean fil shouldbe cected. The bearing brociets ore prowded wih rete nipples lor pping vp he gear il. A iodo bese bell ond fller becrng grease Should be ered foc topping up. The lemperoture ond quel runing ol the beorngs ould be cheated ot regulon lero = 5. Dismantling and re-assembly ~ 52. Dismentling Dismanting 1 check the pump internals ond fit replacement ports should only be covried cout by skilled personnel. Before dismoniling the pump, all pipe connections should be undone, ond the pump should be uncoupled from the driver. When pulling off couplings, stoge cosings, impellers ond spacer sleeves, on no account use hammer blows, os these components . cand the shoft might suffer damoge Atter a prolonged period of operction, it may prove difficult to pul off certein compo: Se nents from the shoft. If this is the cose, © proprietory rust solvent should be opplied, and suitable extractor fools used where possible, In no circumstances should one use force. ‘The pump should elwoys be dismantled storing ot the discharge end (free end) The individual components should be unscrewed, pulled off, or removed inthe Following sequence: 1. Beoring coverplote (427. 2. Flot gosket (439). 3. Shoft nut (219) 4. Becring bracket (208) together with beoring (409, felt washer (4325) ond zeoling end ring (456). Flinger ring (24). Stufing box glond (407) 7. Spocer ring (269), ciclo (2750), spacer ring (26), spocer sleeve {2606} with "O° ring {246}, sholt sleeve (213) with ‘O° ring (2480) ond stulling box pocking (433. The stage casings (104) should be underpinned before dismantling proceeds ony further, : to prevent them folling when the discharge casing (103) is removed, Ss 8. Nols ond tiebolts (111, 122). 9. Discharge casing (103) with ‘O° ring (126) ond final stage diffuser (110) 10. Impeller (202), stage casing (104) with diffuser (109), flot gosket (125), spocer sleeve . an. 13 52. Re-assembling the pumps The individuol stages ore dismontied successively in the above sequence, up to ond including the los! impeller. fits desired 10 dismantle the remaining components which lore scrowed together, use the relevant cross-sectional drowing os 0 guide, ‘After o shalt hos been dismoniled, it should be checked for stoightness (Irve running) Bent shetty should no! be straightened by applying pressure, os this will nol give losting results. IF it is decided, ofter © pump hos been dismontled, thot it should be sent back to our Works for repais, i should be re-ossembled, at lest in a provisional state, before despatch 5.1.1, Dismontling of “hol water execution” pumps Pumps provided with cooled stuffing boxes, viz. so:colled “hot-water execution” pumps have cooling waler covers (201) incorporaied betweea.the beating, brackets (908) end the suction or discharge casing (102, 103). These covers are integral with the stutfing tbox housings, and are filted with ‘O" rings (248b). Dismontling this type of pump is carried ‘out in similar foshion to thot described in pore. 5. Re-ossembly should commence from the drive end [suction end) The individual components are astembled in the following sequence: 1. Shoft sleeve (212) with spocer sleeve (2600) and “O’ ring (248a) should be slipped ‘onto the shot Fit seeger ring (275) 2. Push the lontern ring (207) ~ if provided the stuffing box glond (407) ond the finger rina (241) onto the sleeves on the shaft 3, Stond The fuction cosing (102) on its nozzle {see Fig. 10), and slip the shaft into the cosing 4. Bolt the beoring brocket (308) onto the suction cosing; remember to insert the felt washer (432b) end the sealing end ring (4566). 5, Fit firs stage impeller (202) onto the shaft. & Slip first stage diffuser (10%) onto the shot, and clign the shaft and impeller, tensuring that the centreline of the impeller outlet corresponds with the centreline Of the diffuser inlet (see Figs. 8 ond 9). In this location, scratch @ control mark on the shaft, corresponding to the outer edge of the beoring bracket (308) (see Fig. 10), Then remove the first stage diffuser. pump ster 321048 “ pomp iter 80 0 130 2. Fit spocer sleeve (211), stage casing (104) together with first stoge diffuser (109) and {gasket (125); subsequent components, including the final stage impeller, ore fossembled in the some sequence and in similar fashion. The individual components should be brought into close contact with each other by gentle taps with @ wooden or rubber-sheathed hammer. {The stage cosings should be svitobly underpinned (shaft in horizontal plone). 8. Slip on shaft sleeve (213) with 'O' ring (2480), and push on dischorge casing (103) ‘with °O' ting (126), final stage diffuser (110) ond gosket (125), 6.1. Pump does not deliver rated capacity Jpotts (111) end tighten nuts (112) fiemly ond evenly on the cross 9 Insert 10. The remoining components ore now astembled onto the front end (discharge end) cof the pump, in reverse sequence 10 dismantling. Bolts should be lightened evenly tn the ccoss, When the ball beoring (409) hot been firmly screwed on, the cofirol mmork on the shot (see unde: 6) should be located in its correct (original) position Tt this is not the cose, spacer rings (269) should be inserted os required to achieve the correct shaft location 11, Fit the cylindrical roller bearing ot the drive end (309), the flat gosket (439), the ‘ing end ring (4560) bearing coverplote (324) with felt washer (4320) and se In should be possible to rotate the shoft easily by hand 12, Pack the stuffing boxes [see pore. 42) [RYrertonnection of the piping, the smooth rotation of the shal! shovid be checked ‘again, to moke sure thot the casing hos not been distoried. If this should hoppen, remediol measures mus! be token. 5.2.1. Re-assembling “hot water execution” pumps When assembling pumps provided with cooled stuffing boxes, remember tho! o cooling woter cover (201) with "©" ring (2486) is incorporated ct each end of the pump, betwee the bearing bracket (308) ond the suction, resp. the dischorge casing (102, 103} Assembly is cerried out in similar fashion to that described in pore. 5.2 6. Operating troubles: causes and remedies Possible cause Remedy 1 Excessive pressure in the dischorge Increase pump speed. If this is impos Tine sible on on electrically driven pump, it may be necessory to fit oversize im: pellers or extra stages 10 the pump, Please consult us 2, Incomplete priming or venting of Prime the pump and giping again and pump or piping corefully vent them, if necessary chonge the layout of the piping ond fit vent ‘cocks oF vent lines 3, The suction line, or on impeller, i Cleon out the suction fine and if neces clogged sory dismonile ond clean the impeller. 4, The positive suction head is too tow Check the liquid level in the suction (on pumps operoting with positive suc vessel. fion head) Check thot the isolating volves in the suction line ore fully open, ond if necessary lack them open 10 prevent ‘occidental closure. Moke sure thot the suction line is coveecily designed ond laid, ie, thot it does not present feo- tures which might couse excessive pres sure drops. Cleon out ony strainers in corporated in the line, 5 6.2. Driver is overloaded 1“ Possible cout 5, Excessive suction lift (on pumps ope roting on suction fil) 6. Entcoinment of oir through the stuffing box 7. Reverse rotation 8, The pump speed is too low 9. Excessive weor of the pump internals 1. The pump dischorge pressure is lower thon specified at the design stoge and in the confirmation of order (check figures on the pump roting plote) 2. The pump is pumping o flvid of higher specific gravity thon specified jn confirmation of oF {if the temperature of the fluid pumped js lower thon specified, this will resol in o higher specific gravity) Remedy Check the liquid level and moke sure thot the foot valve is fully open. Cleon ul the strainer baske! and the suction Tine, ond it necessary increase Crossacctionat oreo of the suction piping (fit 0 larger line) Increase seoling fluid pressure; check sealing fluid line in cose it is clogged. Chonge direction of rototion. If the pump is electrically driven, reverse the polority of the motor. Tighten shoft nut (219) if necessary On electricolly driven pumps, this foull connot be eosily remedied. Please con: sult our Works, indicating the ectual Speed of the moter. On pumps driven by an internal combustion engine, the speed can be adjusted within certain Timits by edjusting the fuel governor On pumps driven by @ seo turbine, the speed con uwvally be adjusted by suitebly adjusting the turbine governor (On belt deen pumps, belt slippose may couse the speed to drop. The belt thovid be tightened or if necessary pulley of different diameter should be used. Open up the pump, and replace the worn porls by new ones. Portially close the dischorge volve unl the pressure ot the pump dischorge nozrle corresponds to the pressure Specified in the confirmation of order If the driver is permanently overloaded, decrease the driver speed if possible, of trim the impellers after having pre viously consulted us. If the prescribed pumping temperoture Cf the flvid, respectively the specific (gravity of the fluid connot be attained, Gne of more of the following measures an be token, if the operating condi- tions ollow it The dischorge valve con be partially closed ond consequenily the copocity reduced down to the point where the iriver is no longer overloaded; one or more impellers and their diffusers con tbe removed of the impellers con be ‘rimmed. iF none of the above mea suret are practicable, @ more powerful diver should be installed, Please consult us in ony event, speci- fying the exoct deteils of operating conditions. renee Ratner sea or nro Cc Savers 65. Stuffing boxes leak Possible couse 1, Excessive speed 2. The specific gravity of the fluid pumped is 100 high (eg. the tempera ture of the fluid is lower than specified) 3, The suction pressure is too high (on pumps opercting with positive suction heed} 1. The tiebolts ore no! tightoned suffi ciently 2 The goskels are domoged 1. Worn, unsuitable or bedly fitted —pocking 2. Scoring oF grooving of the shoft sleeve, due to excessive tightening, or tightening askew, of the stuffing box gland, or due lo weor 3, Insufficient cooling woter or fouling {of cooling woter compartments. 4, The pump runs rough, i.e. the shaft chotters 1. The set is mis-oligned 2, The piping causes the pump to warp 3. The prescribed coupling clearance hhas not been observed during erection 4, Insulticient grease oF unsuitable grease Remedy Check speed precisely. If it's not pos sible to decreose the speed, one oF more impellers ond their diffusers Should be removed, or the outlat tips Cf the impeller vanes should be cu! Lock. Please consult us firs! It the pump must operote for prolonged periods at too low @ temperature 6 100 high o specific grovily, the meo sures outlined in para. 1. should be token, Check the suction pressure, If 90 cor rective steps con be token on the in stollotion, the measures outlined in pore. 1, should be considered Shut down the pump, release the pres sure, ond tighten the nuls on the tiebolls” evenly alter the pump hot cooled down completely H the leokoge cannot be cured by tightening the tiebolis, new goskets should be inserted Re-pock the stulfing box, covefully ob: sering instructions on poge 12. The shoft sleeve should be smoothed down or renewed. When the stuffing box hos been re-pocked, tighten the gland corefully ond evenly Remove cooling woter covers, ond ‘horoughly clean out the cooling sur foces, Moke sure that an adequote supply of cleon cooling woter is ovoilable No stuffing box con remoin tight forever if the shoft chotters. First of oll the bearings should be checked and if necessary new beorings should be fitted IK this does not cure the trouble, the pump should be opened up, ond the Sholt checked for true running. The complete rototing ossembly should be rebalanced. When reassembling the pump, carelully follow the instructions fon page 14 Check alignment af the coupling (follow instructions in pore. 22) Ensure thot the piping Wansmits no stress oF drain onta the pump by alte fing the piping loyout if necessory. Re align the pumping set Correct the coupling cleoronce. (For measurements see foundation drawing) Top vp greose fil: if necessory chonge areose (see pore. 43) v7 64, The pump leoks (leakage ot stage casings or ot ) [> Som 65. Stuffing boxes leak 66, Excessive be ing temperature Possible couse 1. Excessive spead 2. The specific gravity of the Mvid pumped is too high (eg. the tompero: ture of the fluid is lower thon specified) 3, The suction pressure is 100 high (on pumps operoting with positive suction head) 1, The tiebolts are not tightened suffi- ciently 2. The gaskets ore domoged 1. Worn, unsuitable or badly fitted pocking 2. Scoring or grooving of the shofi sleeve, due to excessive tightening, o Tightening oskew, of the stuffing box glond, oF due to we 3. Insufficient cooling woter or fouling ‘of cooling water compartments 4 The pump runs rough, i e, the shoft chotters 1, The set is mis-cligned 2, The piping couses the pump to warp 3. The prescribed coupling clearance hos not been observed during erection 4. Insufficient grease oF unsuitable grease Remedy Check speed precisely. If itis not pos- sible to decrease the speed, one or more impeliers and their diffusers should be removed, or the outlet tips of the impeller vanes should be cul bock Please consuit us First Ii the pump must operate for prolonged penods of 100 low temperature fr 100 high a specific gravity, the mea: sures oullined ia para 1. should be token Check the suction pressure, If no cor recive steps can be token on the in. sHollotion, the measures outlined in para. 1. should be considered Shot down the pump, release the pres sure, ond tighten the nuts on the tiebolls evenly oftar the pump hos cooled down completely If the leokoge connot be cured by tightening the tiebolts, new goskets should be inserted Re-pack the stuffing box, carefully ob: sering instructions on page 12 The shoft sleeve should be smoothed down or renewed. When the stuffing box hos been re-packed, tighten the sland corefully ond evenly Remove cooling woler covers, and thoroughly clean out the cooling sur- foces. Moke sure tho! on adequate supply of clean cooling water is ovoilable, No stuffing box can remain tight forever if the shaft cholters. First of all the bearings should be checked ond if necestory new bearings should be fitted W this does not cute the Hrouble, the pump should be opened up, ond the shaft checked for te running. The complete roteting assembly should be ebolonced. When reassembling the pump, corefully follow the instructions fon poge 14 Check alignment ot the covplina., (follow instructions in pora. 22). Ensure tho! the piping tronsmits no slress or strain onto the pump by alte. ring the piping loyout if necessary. Re- clign the pumping sel Correct the coupling clearance. (For measurements see foundetion drawing). Top up grease fill; if necessary chonge grease (see poro. 43) 7. Protection of pump during prolonged shutdowns If-@ pump is shut down for a prolonged period, # must be carefully protected. 1t should bbe completely dismoniled, ond oll components thoroughly cleaned and dried. Then itis re-ossembled [see page |i), ond the tuction ond dischorge nozzles should be closed by wooden covers, 0 prevent foraign bod'ss entering the pump. All the open cooling water connections should likewise be corefully plugged. Any machined por's on the ossembled ump which are expoted to clmosphere should be coated with a rust preventive vornish or thoroughly oiled or greased If the pump is sent bock fo our Works for repairs, it should be drained first, ond all pipe connections ond flonges carefully plugged, ax mentioned above. The pomp should alwoys be despotched in the ossembled state, os the seoling.faces of the individvol components might otherwise be domaged in transit 8. Spare ports We recommend keeping the following components avcilable in store ot oll times: 1 set of diffusers Part Nos. 109 and 110 1 set of beorings Part Nos. 309 ond 409 1 set of case wear rings Port Nos. 120 (on pump sizes WKL 50 upwords) 1 set of goskels Port No. 125 20 rings Part No. 248 (only on hot woter execution pumps). 10" ring Port No, 126 2 complete sels of stuffing box packing Port No. 433 In certain coses, we further recommend keeping the following ports in stock: 1 complete rotating assembly, comprising shaft with keys Port No. 201 1 set of impellers Port No. 202 2 spacer sleeves Part No. 2600 1 set spacer sleeves for diffusers Port No, 211 2 Port No, 212, 213 20" rings Port No, 2480 When ordering spore ports or replocements, always please provide the following informotion: 1. Works serial number of pump concerned (stomped on rating plate and on suction nozzle flange) 2. Part number ond exact designation of each component as listed in the lists of ‘components attached to the cross-sectional drawings on poges 19 ond 21 9. Cross-sectional drawings and lists of components 102 103 108 109 0 m na 120 135 1% | 201 202 m 22 23 219 mu | 2480 | 248 2600 19 | } Design Suction cosing Discharge casing Stoge cosing Diffuser Final stoge diffuser Tie bolt Hexagenol nut Cose wear ring (from pump size 90 upwords) Flot gasket ‘0 ring Shoft Impeller Spacer sleeve/stoge casing Shaft sleeve/drive end Shoft sleeve/tront end Shoft nut Flinger ring ‘0 ring °O' ring Spocer sleeve Spacer ring 2750 Des notion Seeger-Lring Cirelip Cooling water cover Lontern ing Beoring bracket Cylindrical roller beoring Bearing coverplate/drive end Flot goske! Stuffing box gland Aniifrction bearing Bearing coverplote/front end Felt wosher Felt washer Stuffing box packing Flot gasket Seoling end ring Seoling end ring Cooling water inlet Cooling water outlet Sealing water duct for water from an outside source Greate sipple + Deep groove boll beoring on pump sizes 32 ond 40, double row ongulor contact boll bbeoring on pump sizes 50 ond 65 ’ Standard execution Sizes 32 t0 65 aa me 2 RSM 202307200 29769. 2a 2600 486 309 324 G27 408 2750 £32 308 99 126 MO 120 109 1 212 AX WOR 407 2B 275439 4320 4550 Hot water execution Sizes 3210 65 ne 103 5 2 201 202 219 269 486020 2103 ' : aU m9 we 22 2 «382-301 2ABo 407 275 309 Poo 427 409 2750 208 «33 28 E110 0 For.No, | Designation | 102 | Suction casing 103 | Dischorge cosing 104 | Stoge casing 109 | Diffuser NO | Finol stoge diffuser a | Tie bot 112 | Hexogonol nut m3 | Washer 120 | Cose wear ring 125 | Flat gosket 126 | ‘O' ring 201 | Shoft 202 | Impeller BH | Spocersleeve/suction end 20 | Spocer sleeve/dichorge end 211 _ | Spacer sleve/stoge cosing 212 | Shalt sleeve/euction end 213 | Shoft sleeve/dtcharge end 219 | Shaft nut 2a | Flinger ting J 2480 | "O° ring “24Gb | ‘O° ring 2. | Spocerslooe 269 5 2750 201 207 308 Designenon Spocer ring SeegerL-ring Cirelip 9 Bearing bracket Gylindrical roller bearing Bearing coverplote’drive end Flot gasket Stuffing box gland ‘Angular contac! boll bearing Beoring coverplate/front end Felt washer Felt washe Stuffing box packing Flot gosket Sealing end ring Sealing end ring Cooling water inlel Cooling woter outlet Secling woter duct for woter from outside source Grease nipple Standard execution Sizes 80 to 150 \ pe oe roa ni lf bh J Apes i i 427 9269 tse DODO t09wE_-2OZ_—BO!_—« R-AK BEBO 432275420480 Hot water execution Sizes 80 40 150 29308 7750) StHAHeR_a OHS 78D «SD dE Lal { | Tess 27 wos 168 SED MD w-2D_ BD 102 HD 0—-2HL_ OH BOHR 407 LAID 7S ADz0 HH Standard execution Sizes 80 10 150, ee mo om at 22307 4072500 427 60926956 433109 oe 202 201K Rho BZD IS LARD 80 Hot water execution Sizes 80 10 150 219 308 750 Hk wea Soa eR ma 2800, 427 os) GED M7 HEBD 10D MDD ta] mOD HEH TAR Ko 407 ABR 1S AIR Kobe AEG-TELEFUNKEN De el tu} ie 0-3) Industrial AEG-TELEFUNKEN Technical Notes Cs AEG motors correspond to the relevant Design in accordance with foreign, Approval for "Non-Sparking” design VDE specifications and DIN standards. fandards also possible. CSA approval _exists for motors in Section 2 (output ‘exists for motors quoted in Sectiona 2 data unchanged as per tables) ‘and 7 to 11 (output data on request). Mechanical Construction Degrees of protection The first numeral designates The second numeral designates Degrees of protection by the degree of protection of persons the degree of protection against harmful enclosures for electrical machines ‘against contact with ive 0; moving parts ingress of water, are quoted in accordance with w ingide the enclosure and of machines DIN 40050, Sheet 2, June 1972 Edition, = against ingress of solid foreign bodies, The following table shows the degrees with the leters I and two of protection used for AEG motors, : characteristic numerals 2 ‘acon gia contc by ge wth ie moving pars ide Weng apa tn re ata nan oh wth Prtecion opamst eget of smal sokd fore tases (ameter gene en 2) Sure by lols wes orsuck objects lthekners roster nan men?) mo har Special protective measures are Special protective paint finish ‘Additional beating seal (for vertical recommended where the motors are Degree of protection IP 55 ‘mounting, shatt up) installed in the open, or in extremely Protective cowl for vertical mounting, moist or dusty conditions shatt down). Extra cost on request, 1" Mounting Arrangements Mounting arrangements for electacal ‘machines are represented by symbols sn accordance with DIN 42950, Mounting Arrangements {0 “4 = . : Bo a) ae Lubrication of Bearings First lubrication with lithium-based K3k ‘grease (DIN 51821) and mineral oi! Maintenance-free le for beatings prepacked with grease but with no ‘greasing arrangement atleast 10,000 hours {or 2 and 4/2-pole motors, atleast 20.000 hours, {or motors with 4 oF more poles, up to amaximum, nowever, of & years v2 Me mounting arrangements listed below according to construction and sizes a aon ‘On motors with greasing arrangements the frequency of lubrication and quantity of grease are indicated on a special instruction plate Relubrication should be done wath similar grease only (note also operating instructions) Relubrication should be carried out more frecuentiy where unfavourane ‘operating conditions prevail. g high ambient temperature, dusty conditions, corrosive atmosphere Motors can be supplied with greasing arrangement embodying a device for expelling excess grease (See table) the mounting ae because i determines the constuction "gt "9 "4 a 4 yp “iq = Transport safety device Motors with role bearmgs to DIN 5412 at the drive end are provided with Transport safety devices to protect them aganst damage n transit These devices must be removed belore ‘motors are put into operation In the case of type dAM. 3 the device ‘must be loosened Terminal Box Design Terminal Box Construction 1) Oesgn 6 ater emanng knockout ety, Baw Soran TTAMSESRB CR yAi3EsRO-4n vend aM 385 REN Ye avOped wih Terminal boxes Location of eemnal box (viewed trom Unive ond) depends on type and frame size on the night, on the lett. or on top (see descnplian of motors) For motors with mountings B 6, 8 7 88. V5.V6thelocation of the Jerminal how 8 eelated t0 a8 3 mounting hed to any one ff four posihions a 90" nterwals Depanciing on type and frame size, construction cortesponds to degree of 155.001 56 Cable entiy can be protection # {inthe ease of plastic terminal Boxes, only plastic glands must be used in order to protect against accidental contact itis possible hat the lower edge of the cable entry mn terminal boxes of types G. or J, when pointing downwards, may be below the ‘mounting base The terminal box ean, however, be raised by inserting a wedge-shaped trame (Please ask for details) The tables of dimensions always show the maximum measurement (g,) {0 the extreme ouisie ofthe available terminal hoxes sf types A103 Thes smaller. gepencing on terminal Dox Cconsteuction if space for mounting is very limited, please make enquiries. 13 Permissible mechanical forces The permissible axial anc radial forces {are indicated inthe tables if require. ‘motors with 4 and more poies of frame ‘sizes 160 to 400 can be titted with equally sized roller bearings in accordance with DIN §4 12 at the drive fend instead of ball bearings to DIN 625 rormally used (Please quote when ordering) anal or radia forces are to exceed the values shown inthe tables itis necessary to give the following Information s0 that shaft and bearing sizes can be determined (see page 1/7) Mounting arrangements Duty cycles Point of oad application Load (magnitude, direction, constant ot varying) Type of machine to be driven Means of transmission (pulley. gearwhee! or coupling etc) Vibration The amplitude of vibration in electric motors is governed by DIN 45665, July 1968 Eton »Ampitude of vibration of rotating electrical machines in trame sizes 80 to 315: Methods of measurement and timits« AEG motors observe or keep below the values of the three vibration classes N (normal R (reduced). (special) as totiows, IN: Standard design R:W 1 design’ S:W2design Mean sound pressure levels (Noise levels) Rotors ate dynar complete shatt key titted Transmission parts (pulleys, pinions or motor halves fof couplings) must be balanced without key on a smooth mandrel with keyway empty Coating Motors with standard coating Colour ~ RAL. 7031 (grey) (Type dAM 43 RAL 7030) Motors with special anti corrosive coating (K 110K 4) Colour ~ RAL. 6003 (olive green) (ype dAM_—d3. RAL 7030) Protection against Corrosion Kt Special external coat of varnish for protection against chemically active ‘gases and vapours, Machined surfaces coated with special ol K2 ‘Special external coat of varnish for protection against chemically active {gases and vapours. Special treatment of the windings and the inside of the moter with special chemically resistant varnish, Machined surfaces coated with special oi K3.and K 4 (on request) For motors particularly exposec to tne action of alkalis Mateo « Fe a6(4) M3180 6 77 G81 (Dt ng) Wa tan $5. 68(N). rot masa or you eAM Ex) Noise levels The nowse level of an electne motor vs determined by measuring the total Sound pressute level in accordance Sram cure Ao! ha sound tval ett OWN Aseds sheet ondisinocated imap) The perrmlted noise levels of electrical machines are listed in VOE 0530. Part 1/11 72, Annox X, Table 6 The ‘noise level of AEG motors les below the specitied tits (see table) ‘Aw borne sound measurements are Ccatned out wa deadened sounds testing chamber to DIN 48 635 at the tated load at distance ot tm trom the motor Speed as resutting trom ihe mains trequency of 50 Hz and the pole umber. Tolerance to VDE 0520 +3.0B (A) Reduction of noise levels The following special measures are recommended in order to reduce the noise level Noise reducing hood 10 te 15.48 (A) noise reduction dependent on.matarsize and mounting: Avaliable on.request Special fan (on eequest) water-cooled heat exchanger on top fof motors of type AJ with internal couling Up to 20.48 1A} nose reduction, Available for frame sizes 200 to 400 on request Electrical Design Voltage and Frequency Standard voltages 380 V, 500 V or 660 V: SoH Motors wound for 50 Hz may generally bbe connected to a 60 Hz supply. Speed increase 20% It the rated voltage of the 60 Hz supply ‘5 20% higher than that of the 50 H2 one, the tabulated values of rated output are ingeneral mereased by about 15-20% Terminal Connections Output and Temperature rise Limits for temperature rise are set out in VOE 0830 part 1/11,72, based on an ambient temperature of 40" C and installation at an altitude of up to 1000 m above sea-level, At higher ambient temperatures or at altitudes above 1000 m above sea-level, he rated ‘output of the motor is reduced (see tables) inthe case of frequent starting and stopping, short time duty and electrical braking, the following particulars are necessary when ordering (600 algo p. 1/7): Output reduction at Values for MAIN and Jali remain practically unchanged Ir ihe rated voltage of the 60 Hz supply ts equal fo that of the 50 42 supply. 10 increase in rated output is possible Rated torque’) and values for Inllss. MArMaG and M/MIN are reduces 10 83%, corresponding to the trequency ratio of 50 60 The absolute torque values are thus 1 Duty cycle and cyclic duration factor in, number of starts per hour and duration of operation 2 Duty type as per VDE 0530 Part 1/11 72 Section Three. (2,$3,$4$5,S657,88) 3 Moment of mera of driven machinery lun kgerband speed of the same (m tina), af maximum motor speed i the case of multrspeed motors reduced by approx 30% In such cases itis necessary to supply a special winding the tabulated torque valves ‘are to be reached No output reduction with vanations of voltage up to £ S% of the rated value |W motors are un on a frequency ot voltage other than that for which they “ave designed, the technical data wil ‘change 4 Load torque (in Ne) at starting and braking ‘Mechanical or electrical braking by means af OC.01 counter-current Overload capacity as per VDE 0530 1 5 umes the rated currants permissible for 2 minutes if motor is funning at is steady temperature, 1 6 umes the rt 18sec sf motor 1s unning al rated voltage and rated frequency, onque ss permite tor ambient temperatures above 40° C Amevent temperature ~ a3 me sc eres Installation at altitudes of more than 1000 m above SA1EVE! cure aso voe 0530 Pant 119 725 us. Insulation ‘The stator windings of cage ancl wound: ‘olor motors correspond in general 10 class B insulation, Exceptions are marked in the tables Slartta staring Low starting current and iow breakaway torque The motor must have teached approxmately its rated speed before i vs switched trom star to Various specitications The temperature rise of AFG motors conforms fo other specications Including those abroad as tong as the rise does not exceed the values given ' The rotor windings of the wound-rotor delta otherwise the current at inthe table below With most motor couespondingeneraltocass changeover wilbe scacaly tess han specications permit a temperature : wlan the starting current wih drect-on ine ret of 80K for class Bnsulation (VDE > starieg (050), the sted outputs unchanged Rated curent The vated currents gen fr 380 Vin he Motor protection Whine temperature use for cass 8 tables are fo be mulled Motor protection posse as olows,_nsulton s under BOK. then by 17340 2200 Motor potechon wach wit brmetal — veducton naling s necessary AS an y0 76 tor S00 release Spproumatvon, tor each SK educion 570.58 for 660V AEG Thermstor protectin wh wr permed temperature se below arcing hat hequency snd power Semiennductor tempevatire detectors BDK the ated outputs reduced by Sk : are he same trie stator wing ote, ‘hon connected toa GO He supply the Ktddtionalmotorprotecion swichy reduced ating can agin be raised by starting Brmeta temperatuedetectorsas 154 (88e page 1/5) : Diectonine stating breakers or makers the stator Should special windings oF special Simple method of starting High winding (1 requed addivonel motor mechanical features be equred, they “ breakaway torque wth high stating protection switch) Resistance Cane pronded at extra cost please current The regulations of tce! thermometers for winding and bearing ask or deta) Electnety Supply Boards must be temperature montorig (on request) observed Permissible temperature rise according to various specifications Eke é 3 e 2 Fabeete e 8 2 ie Stkieteasev s 3 3 8 ear s 8 2 ’ Seen $ 3 8 % Seen Tee Zn Bn = & fore na s & 8 5 Soe vonas) s & B 8 ‘yeesatnca made be nso by peal agement homonaternnbod OKIE a eng ea Tolerances "6 Check list of data to be quoted with enquiries or orders for industrial motors ‘Motors for normal continuous running duty (S 1) and normal operating conditions Quotation uf submitted) NosDate Quantity No Deesigeiton Type Output Qn the ease Of mull speed motors. outputs referred to speeds) kw Speeit un the case of muttespeed motors, speeds reterred Due oF atanon yee rom devesend Mounting arzanqemest to DIN 42950) Degree of rote ton ot motor and terminal tox tte DIN D050. Sheet 2) Maus voltage Mons teequency He tng (direct omine or star-detta) Location of terminal box Machine to be dewven Dimensions of cables, these differ from those taid down by VDE 0100, given an ambient temperature of 40° C or when aluminium conductors are used Where conductors are connected in paralel Additional information for special duty types and dificult operating conditions 5.2. min tshort-tme duty type) 53 sontermittent penodc duty type) S44. cinFT Gntermittent periodic duty type with starting) 5 hn FL untermuttent penode duty type with electric braking) S6_ “eiContinvous - operation periodic duty type) 'S7_ ch Fl. (Continuous - operating periodic duty type with electric braking) 88% _cihAL (Continuous - operation periodkc duty type with related load! speed changes. To be quoted for each speed separately) ‘Starting conditions (nooad starting and starting under too?) Shock loads 4 0ad torave curve during run-up (characteristic) ‘aaitional moment of inertia (Jz) related to motor shatt kam Descr:ption of the type of drive (direct coupling. fat or V-belt, straight or twisted gears, sprocket wheel, crank, eccentnc. etc) Rada force (or diameter of dee element) N Duectun of force and pomnt of application (distance trom shatl shoulder ‘oF wath of drive element) mm 3 2 se0he 1 of apalaton (cacton/tnrust) N Ambient conditions (@ g increased humiaiy, dust accumulation, aggressive gases or vapours, ncreased or extremely low ambient lemperatures. open-a installation, installation alitude above. 1000 m atove sea-level extraneous wbration. ete Adaitional information for special designs Second or anomalous shatt end Radial seating ring Paintianti-corrosive coating Vibration tevel Anli-condensation heating Temperature detectors Special regulations A booklet Technical Hints on Choosing and Using” is available to help in resolving Particularly citficult problems when enquiring or ordering. ww Extras and modifications Weeeai™ “=mtenceses So ee Extras and modifications fortanapree! motos saorvave, a 0000000800 - 1 8 Type designation tis necessary to specity he exact type designation in all enquires when order: ing spare parts or replacement motors for when asking for documentary inforrn The type desyjnat comprises eight points of reference each of which may consist of several letters andior numerals. When the Sth felerence is omitted, only Iwo digits a1e The meainng af the symbols can be seen trom the table For motors not Included m our standard range, speciat symbols may he used which ate not listed neve Examples ' - _— T T 1 T _ 1 | | ] T T 1° T 1 T (2 & Ee fel) © Wo) A Ge T T T - T ’ rie ADE a] ELO EE T T T T T 7 1 Meaning of the symbols ace cote wimout external an eaong ts $F Ererany coed a Stae doing wen external tan, cooking tne trace coed wet etema t Stia casing e VP muted motor Sob, 0,295, 250,200,318, 385,400,450 foormomnesnooe 19 AEG-TELEFUNKEN 3-phase Motors IP 54 TEFC, Cage Rotor AEG motors of types AD. AM, CAM and AMY ae totally-enclosed fan-cooled induction motors At the Hanover Fair they were awarded the designation “Well-designed industrial product ‘Standard motors to DIN 42673, Sh. 1, 1964 Edin. for foot-mounting, and to DIN 42677, Sh. 1, 1965 Edn. for lange: ‘mounting, JEC-dimensions= <= 4 ee ae Degree of protection Frame sizes 56 and 63 pag Frame sizes 71 to 400 Psa Mountings Frame sizes $610 112 33.85,8687,8889.514.515, VILV3.V5.VEME VS V18V 19, 8378 5,83/6 14 Frame sizes 132 0 200 83,85,86,87,88,89,015, Vi.V3.V5.V6V8V9 Bie 5 Frame sizes 225 10.315 83.85.1835 Frame sizes 358 and 400 0s.v1B365 Stator rame Frame sizes 56 and 63 ‘Aluminium, double casing, integraty cast feet Frame sizes 71 to 160M ‘Aluminium, cooling fins, integrally cast feet Frame sizes 1601 to 225 Cast icon, cooling fins, feet bolted on Frame sizes 250 to 400 Cast ion, coating tins, intearally cast t2et Terminal box location fon the night standard design fon the left: possible with all types fon top on request (at extra cost) Cooling Cooling independent of direction of rotation Motors of types AD and AN avaiable without external fan as, type AP and AG respectively... for Installation ina directed airstream (Power data on request) Mult-speed motors of lype AMV have been specially modified for the drvinn of fans, pumps and rotary compressors. They are economical because of ther adaptability of the torque requirements which vary by the square oF ine speea Please enquite about multrspeed motors of different output or pole number Three-phase motors Type AM Monious¥3, 06.07 H4.v8,¥6 Type CAM Type AMV Frame sizes 225 to 400 assy 786 mss 7s as aes Bow a Pees tars bis gas Seas aes mae BIO MY co on 9 os2 1052 “982980 aosy 113813907807 as a2 20m So Sm ae Mas tae Ssz8 Map a2 - ass S950 00 60 64 Sor ans1 toms 11225 s207 207 nae 218 H5D 128 i S18 Mesa Soe 50 S30 S30 Sex Sy Stet tags 14729. teks Idea Zar Re? 180198 955 AH. RP, ROH 620510 55720 72024] a8 HI80S EES 15H HRS 170150 MOOWWLV.LMLX) 7108585910 750760 OY ko TED tae 1808 80 190 Tee at Nomar of pice ‘Seat extensors ‘Sat eriee, i Bear ie to2e apse mate Seem an ee 8 Mm te th th km Me th th um ae iw wr Maa IG RoR seme 10 16 M0 Gome WOCO Za ir iis ids Wis moe ta Seme io 3 te Mao Gms Mao Ge tka 20Mv su M25 4825 M20 AD 152 GOmE WO Gt 1B M20 Smeg? B20 2008v es su su 20 waz 190 sme MO oF 1 M20 75mE_ MO 795 20 M20 iow eos Sis Sis M20 Aud? 19 Gome 40 8 8 Mal fme Mo Jos 29 MAD 25 ese me ue open 26 Mos 1 mi moms no gs zz a0 . 315 M0, Yee Sees Gas Mae Poa oe Gems tao 8th oMaooeme WW) we ae MEO {> MOOLMAVUWLX: 92S gM) am fame MD 795 20-20 OMEN 2107 N18) 29) ME ee a 26 P Report f sctlon-Motor-Gonerator ~ i ar FEN ae AN 385 WP 4 Sorte” ERS aae S062 i \panceceea F080 Congkareng Atepert i. Type mS Fe : T+ ret. Ne 85 - 476 914 Order-No 3300 v 3A] - [Design i493 : 200 wi |[cose _0,86 Enclosure Ta 1497 tein 50__Hz] |typeotBrushes| ~~ = =—A] |or.perstior. = 5 Insul. Cle F P_St 11 lepeccea Date 1.4.85 Name Hirth . Oe CS30/T1572 Approved __|Date_10,8,85 Name _ Ehlers PR-No ret Tndikation Calculation y Us To Po t Ue Veue [WretVal__ 603 Po Se x50 | x O]2 + 06 fest Vv KW |_KW_KWAVAgi 7: No load 9 [958 | 5,9 | 60.0 50 [i,m [4085 | 042 [5,70 | 0,045] 0,0: we RS TRE LOE] aS | 539 Fst | 3125 0,8 [5,17 | 0,62] 0,6 Sr ings [ns | wo[ 33 06 [3455 0,237 [4,75 | 0,058 0,06 le, A [0 [6,0 | 8.0] 333 | 2 00 [3300 Ones | eco ae x OT xo - [Rm 101083 8 Raspes [aT (0, 290 | 9,95 (3,78 | 0,11 | 3,67 | 0,080 | 0,06 wz 30 [0-6 [i510 [6.20 [798 [em | 79 | ore 0,18 . Ux 1_|_Ma | Ue | te | Px_[Ix/TniMa/Mnl cos #K : Locked Rotor [12,5 ds. v A | ew kwkvA ava 8,2 0 0 (0,2 || 1A 0,209] 0, va 7 I TH [eT | 6 | V,263] 0,2 ed Bs 30 436 [30,0 | 6.0 [0,70 0,233| 0,22 I U ‘Sie-Mess | U| 1 | P| cos Sf | 50_| —+0,[5 cs | V_| A_| kW kWkvAe/ea| % | % 60 | #20 | He 3 0,51 3300_| 40,95 | 198.9 | o.a49 | 0.850 “Oss a Loed 0 1168 | 16,6 72,0 [3300 | 36,35 | 186,2 | 0,840 { 0,643 0.45 Gs 6,0 [6,11 6,0 71,3 3300 | 32,33 | 154.5 | 0,63001 0,678 0.36 he Motor 6,0 | 49,3 | 49,0 39,1] 3300 | 24,58 | 106,2 | 6,7559|_ 0,760) 0,25 Generator [6,0 | 8.1 | ¥.0 $95 | 3300 19,03 | 70,2] 0,05] 0,609) - | O,ne 60 | 7,61 25 3300_[ 13,78 | 95] 0,063 0,065] — |= ——_V. Rotor __———_V | Vibration: wax, 0,4 aa/s_| Noise Fesistances TempRise ot Wind. | Bearings ga fee . cod ‘No load fora-osTest| Res. Method |RTDMethod| du = Ae erti1-9s) ga ag wlde= A TOs “clo as L RAgT | ARI Rat aT K K [0s 0.33908 [0.30661 {s-No. Wor ae | 0,33821 Heating: 1e6]0T 2? OV | 1,33 A Te. 0.407 0,33850 1 : z Thereo sensor] 18-19: | 80,50 NOE [2 : No Ty Traraa senso Ta 2 3 “ Rzo= . High Voltage | Stator ~Brests/PhaseaFrame | 160) | 1 min | Bearing Insult DE/NDE | Air Gao 2 Test____ [Rotor v min | Shaft Voltage 18mm insulation | Stator, 00) M2 5000 _%°C [Type of Bearings | OE-NOE. v mm Resistance | Rotor. Ma +c | BE DE-Frame 90-150 « V om Overspeed-test 1800 yvmin | 2 min | NOE NOE-Frame v rom 84.3089 T Cenghareng Airport Kennwor Code Fane 476 914 Serial, [Unteriagen-Nr [Maschinen-Nr $8 1000) i, bussea, Oy Hoe Jeng] 20}04 LAL UAV BunjpideCunwseMy J9p auqeds3 WFO Te Ty ee Bae IGUEGEIONOU Ss) 1200 3620" a si_| 505 STOTT EU) ap Set DEE Set oe € BE or ste Sv yaa apaeag a [ez tam. e2daa |, UNWEAS Wirkungsgradermittlung “nach dem Einzelverlust-Vertahren = Asynchron-Motor ~_ Induction - Motor ASS P56 ao exe y PwaseninenNT 476 ae a. ae [oniact Ia tot eno Canhareng Airport Paw 200 Kw | te | on ust min | Uy Uw 330 oy | cosmn 0.86 tw 80 oe | ta Phasen-Widerstand der Stander-Wickling bel - 1? °C: Phase reststance at: 033908 Phason-Widerstand der Lfuter-Wicktung bet oc: Phase resistance at: © Uy rated voltage v {3x0} as [3300 | s300 | 000 hy a] sass [33,35 |32,53 | 58 | 12,03 cosy 08 Phi os |o.7 Joes | 0,76 | 0,8 . sap x] oss [oss [0,37 0, | 0,17 Py pawerslegut ew | 198.9 [105.2 [rss | toe | m0 | Pur Pay ew | 939 | 11,6 - [150,65 | 03,4 ] 67,57 Vi= Veet eurt Vz RW | 5900 [4,00 13,88 3,05 | 263 fe Vea trates gw | [ver tat [tar [at ra Ew [ee fin fw ta [ow Ve stray.tosses kw ].0,95 | 00 fost | 0% | o,21 Tatar Copper Youn Yosses ew }095 |os2 [oss .| 0,26 | 0,1 Va friction tosses Kw | 255 | 2.55 | 2,55 255 | 2.55 EV total losses’ kw | 850 | 7497 | 6,96 587 | 5,2 ‘ Pa powercutt ww | BOF [17,23 [wr | 10,0 | oe a Afficioney x | 5.1 [95,727 [95,50 | 9647 | 92.46 dlgteae Sufi, wot [wx |sox | at Merreictt achieve: | 95, | 95,6] 94,35) 90, ernie garanteed —_** | 9. 039 annem, Bhi os [oss [ons | ose cospowmin garantees | P| Bomerkungen: Rowarks: Rg = O,N138977 3 1 24181 9 Caleulated efficioncy ace, the single losses sethod blatt oom aoe a ae Ehlers swerve Emers Wh prlifungsnachwels Test Report = Induction-Motor ~ Aeynchron-Motor” : fxe Tan 355 4 +-_|Avftr, Wr. Rrderato, _&4-3089 Traseh, Kr. [Serial-to. matand Tn wee steriegen-nr 7 Kennwort 7 Congkareng Airport Type AM 355 AP E ‘ Bavfors /Desian: 1893 trv. nach: [3 tot J[ne_85 = 476 9.45 Wirsten:/@rushes:_—~ BO 43 A) Pitter 1,6 00 5 70 |[cose 0,86 Lagerisolation DM _Laverseg.2 100-140 a¥ Ta 1491 timin}[__80_c/s 142] } beschriftung: [Erreaungltxe. —_v ——A 7 Riagran [sok F Ji _s4 1] f tage der Kteceen [Terninals WE 0530 / 11.72 : ‘Abveseng | Indikation Tasver tong] Uateatatior Us [To Pe 1 [in| Ue [te [ Pe | Von [iretVe] * coats ad VITAL aw [RW |W WV Aes Per to load je0,8_| 93,1 | 93,0 | 57,0 [67,9 Tf 1,224 | ovo f18,61 [6,54 | 0,37 | 6,17 J0,0502 |0, 03 y a [0 [79,0 179,01 43,9 153.5 [= | a21] 3700 [15,8 15,76 1 0,27 | 5.09 (0,060 [OLR 5.2 1679 | 68 | 3279 5 | 0,998 [3295 173,58 [5,16 | 0,20 | 4,96 [0,065 [0,067 le + A f5a3 Foor" 59,9 | 2 1351 0,892 [2045 117,93 [4,74 | 0,15 | 4559 [0,077 [0,076 ga= 1.07007 g x0) | 30,13 49,8 [109,0 99,8 | 3,1 [68,9 {| 10,756 | amnS 19,095 (4171071 6,06 pS [UTE] 31,8 165,19 | 33,1 1671 1 50 10,482 | 15901 6,5 (3,40 [0,0 | 3,35 9,189], 87] T | 1 1 | 1 {= | at 1 1 1 1 { i Pt Pt 1 i a es amt i 1 t | | : | T 1 T aT T 1 1 I Ux | be Px {1 1 Mal Ue | Ix | Px |Ix/injMa/Mnl cosek Kurzschlus, [Et afi ats - | 50 | (ae WRVA a/c 2} Locked Rotor 63,9 | 60,0 | 60,3 | 6.8 [23,9 798,75 160,15_ [22,65 [1,398 lo,272_[ 0,268 ae 53.9 149,0 | 49,0 | 6.1 [168 673,75 69,0 116,06 11.14 10.280 10, ale naa _[oz [42,9 | 5,0 13,0 601,25 12,0 [0,997] =~ l0,268 [0,252 {00,3 Tue Tw a8 19,0 500,55 em 0,251] 0,230 > ie |e 20143 378,7512%,8 | 4,35 | 0,577 0,267 [0,238 1 1 Ubersetzungsvornalinis: Stindor] | Lauter Mech taut] Gorusctr] Osencireuft veltaye + Stater_[:°——~_" [ator] —~' [urratien [eae 69 als [ote : Tt T-cold Leer! Netoad Ane T= 23 *Clay'=23/m“C} Torso sonsor 18-19: 311,19, RAO | Ral 2] | Therso sensor 10-11; 192,15 278,86 = 6,68 0.338.786 Heating: 720 LSA 338,70 | wange/elaen | 160__v 7am “BieangiS¥ ange/El v min | Datos: / Osta: _ 11.04.1985 Isel. Widerstinde: Stator — pagod M2 | 72/23 7 Wirth] Ehlers locel. Resfstince: Rotor an Prifer: [thecked by: gy. ‘SchYeuderprafung/Dvers 1200 Tain min | Ht Priifungsnachwels Test Report = Anynchron-Motor _ Induction-Motor a : rel an ass 6 +. [auftr, te. Mrder-to, 84-3089 Tasch, te, Sect ro 6 SP a interisgon- Kennwort 7 mt - aid Ty cmt [Grtoriegan-Re 7 Kennwort 7 Cengkareng Airport - ro : c Baufore [Desion: INB3 Evy, nach: 3s Hot [ue 85 476 9 46 [Birsten:/Brushes: — 20 vif a A} [ruthsnon-/sirgap: 1,6 00 200__kY ][{cose 0,86 Lagerisolation 0 [iW Lacersoe.: 100-120 wv 1491 Wmin)[__50_e/s_/ th Beschri flung: 1 | [eresungifixe. —v —— A] [scrnttninter: Pisoren Isol. Ki. Insul.Cl. F_JLIP_ 54 £] | Lage dor Kiesnen /Terainals + WE 0530 / 11.72 ‘Aoleseng | ladination Tusverkung | cateuistiom 4>- Us [Ie Pe Wy | Ue T te 1 Pe -[ Vax fretval cor pe ) “Leomey 2S0 eO e0 V {A [aw | kw | kW beevalex seo to Toad 20,9 | 93,3 193.3 157.7 | 68,0 £1,226 }4on5* | 10,66 | 6,54 | 0,37 16,17 0, 05001 0,050 Yoa HiT 79,0 [79,0 743.9 153.6 123 f3705 15,8 15,82 10,27 15,55 | 0.05%] 0,060 6,9 | 675 T6715 1327 14,3 10,998 }3205 [13,5 15,16 | 0,20 14,96 | 0,0669] 0,067 . fle - Als79 [58,1 I5a.1_ 24,0 132.0 10,877 {2695} 47,62 [4,6 | 0,15 14,65 | 0.0823) 0,082 oRe ra x0t1 30,13 a i - 49,8 | 99,3 )99.2 Ie |a7t | tons (p90 1903 |) alae To oo : i zai 1 ye 1 . {0,0 1 e2,016.9 179.9 1 61,8 150 loss 11500 62 1 81 Olam Oo Toa t 1 1 T 1 T | 1 1 1 T 1 T i i 1 | 1 Tt I i L T T 1 | 1 cdl IT I 1 | TC 1 1 1 1 pee Ue |e Pe Ma | Uc | te] Pe Tel ina road eos 0K Kurzsehius - [12,5 sie ays — { a a “KWAVA as/a2| Lécked Rotor & | s8,5}s9,0 [90 1 72,6 | 50 800_| 58,75] 204 | 1,37 0,250 | 9,249] > . 55.1 | 48,9 49,0 17.0 176,17 1 688,751 48,95 | Le re D [alum v7 | 42,9 [42,9 [5.7 112.8.) 621,25] 42,9 | 10,65{ 1,001 - [0.2301 0,718) - 143.9 | 37,0130 143 + 397 a4 1 0.87 To231 : m2) m3ln9 121 1481 0 Traps | scl as ono) 0, : 1 1] | . 1 1 Ubersetzungsvernditnle: Stinda ule Open cireuit voltage + Stator Resi stances * [e235 *C1 72.23/74 °C} Thorso sonar 18-19 * maT] A i Therso sensor 10-11: 162,05 0 Sie 339,26 | 0.86, Har} 0, 339,56 Heating: 220 LA . [R= t 2,339,69 3 I [Doar = = z 2 Wye FRao= ‘ticklungsprifung + Stator iranga/Elsen 700 Tm | [itch voltage test: Rotor “SanpiStrange/El ¥ ‘min _]Datue: / Dato: _ 11.05.1985 Ise]. Widerstinde: Stator 02 T 22/29 5000 Wirth] Ehlers Incel. Reststance: Rotor ma 76 v Trifer: [Checked by: Hy Schleucergrifung/Overspeed: 1800 Wain > min j iM ‘Switchgear and controlgear for power distribution AEG-TELEFUNKEN Factory-assembled type-tested switch panels type AS with withdrawable : vacuum contactor ‘PT GUNA ELEKTRO uations and standards nevuction, design and testing the gnclosed switchgear comply wath cuinan specilications VDE 0670, section Sind IEG 298. re resistance smich panels type AS are are resist sry compliance with PEHLA duective + 2 The basic version complies with ster 110 4, 10 order a version 1s sup= ‘odin compliance with criteria 1 to In such case additional measures ust be taken such as fting covers Ive font and sides as well ag at the thagerled. For tins version custom: ‘are reauuested to supply details of ‘= instaltaion room, “sistance to short-circuits 2 (See Sarereme rman 1h CUTIENIS Up 10 60 kA. relectric strength "dielectric strength of switch panels + 3.6 kV and 7.2 kV complies with ¥ and 2.of German specifications “+ €0670, section 6 and IEC 298, inthing panel frames and their ter ‘»necting bolls comply with the re- stements tor earthing busbars specilied VOE 0141. A separate earthing cable additionally fitted in metal-enclosed chqear in compliance with VOE 0670, ton G and IEC 298, The covers and ‘TYprorated units are connected to panel frame by means of ratchet ‘ews im such manner that satistactory ‘manent direct earth connections established: \clory-assembled typo-tested switch imels with vacuum contactor peas: “tcuum contactor in maintenance + asition ~ed:in trom switch panel type W2K. Protection categories ‘Switch panels type AS are designed 1 compliance with protection eategory IPH 2. oF IPH 3 10 onder, as specihied in VDE 0670, section 6 and IEC 298 Normal operating conditions The swtch panels type AS are desimned for operation in the following enuron: ments ‘maximum temperature of ambyent aw 40°C ‘mean raung over 24 tis 35°C ‘minimum temperature for bugh humidity ‘but without bedewing 5c installation at max. 1,000 m above sea level - Enquines should be made sf instatintion Conditions ditler rom the foregoing installation Swnich pane s type AS are desiyned Tor instatfaticn sn closed electvical stations 6 stations in complance with VDE 0101 wf Operation The spocateabons VDE 0108, sheet # apply for operation, control and work bear ive pts PT GUNA ELEKTRO sine switeb panels type AS are factory ‘sombled type-tested swilchyeart for taied voltages of 3.6 KV and 7.2 kV lor installation indoors ‘Switch panels incorporating vacuum contactors may be installed in a row ful swatch panels of other types, preter ably switch panels type R. Feed-in can iso take place through adjacent tanster panels type WZK 4 fitted with Inwust/swivel load-break switches type FAL. When the switch panets are installed in a row without adjacent transter panels, {eed-in may take place through a circuit~ breaker oF load-break switch in series (wih oF without tuses). Application Vacuum contactors are switchgear for {a high number of switching cycles and requent switching (switching cycles er hour) and are employed particularly for switching motors. in addition vacuum contactors are suitable for switching capacitors and transformers But since they are contactors, they are designed for switching in the rated current range only. Protection against short-circuits 1s undertaken by a luse connected in series or a circuit-breaker, whereby Ihe admissible making and peak currents {or the contactor must not be exceeded. When the contactors are employed for switching squitel-cage motors in accord ance with service category AC 3 corres- ponding to IEC 470 (disconnection of the motors at rated rotation speed), special measures are not necessary, Exreme requirements are specilied * for the contactor lor switching in accord nce with service category AC 4 corres- ponding to IEC 470 (e.g, disconnection of fast-braked or starting motors, locking ‘operation, etc,), For AC 4 operation ‘we recominend the following: a delayed lime relay prevents the random discon- fection of the motor belore'i-reaches maximum speed, Use of an attenuator 1s recommended \lrequent swiching is speciied of the Lbraked oF starting motor of in locking operation. In motors connected 10 ‘apacitors for reactive power compensa Non, excessive switching voltages need not be expected In such eases an at- enuator need not be proved (CI prospectus HV vacuum contactors rated up to 72 KV for luther details) External enclosure Metal-enclosed switch panels ASM are provided with metal covers on all sides (with the exception of ihe Noor) The front of the switchgear is formed by a door: the withdeawable vacuum Contactor 1s stunted hehind the closed door in the service position and m the disconnected posiion Al the fixed covers can only be removed with the aid of tools . Partitions, ‘Apari trom the intermediate partmons, partiioned switch panels with vacuum contactors are provided with paritions ff the busbar compartment, the outlet ‘compariment or the busbar and outlet compartment for separation o! the switch panols. The perpendicular partition walls are 2rovided with openings for the drive-in contacts, When the drawer is withtrawa, they are Separated trom it by slidable shutters controlled by the drawer Partially partitioned panels are equipped wilt panel paritions only. A moulded panel may be pushed into these panels. into the disconnection gap when the doris closed. ‘Switch panels type AS with transfer panel type WZK. The contactor section is in the disconnected position: the moulded insertion plate is inserted. car view of switch panels type AS, anster panel type A, showing the ititioned busbar compartment and earthing short-circuit switch pe KGV, construction of the switch vanels hye switch panels type AS consist of fixed section, the switch panel rame, va wilhdrawable section with the yeuum contactor and the luses. Switch panel frame The base frame and the supporting sec= tions for incorporated units are designed aS 2 composite consiruction Irom welded and bolied sections, Rear walls, end ls, upper covers and optionally com- partment walis are fitted in accordance with customers” choice Irom the tables. The covers, rear and end walls are made rom sheet steel, the partons trom insulation material. In panels with com- partment partons of the cable connect Jon compartment and tows the cable slory a pressure rele shalt 1s provided fn the panel rear as an attached section. In all switch panels terminal stops, fuses, metets.relays, etc. are accommodates ina relay box, which is mounted at a height depending on the switch panels, arranged in «row walh panels type AS, This relay bex olters suthcient space for all ordered unit complements, In auton te the vacuum contactor the switch panels may be equipped with earthing switches, current luanslormers and voltage tanslormers, which are accommodated in the lixed section For switch panels lor which arc resist: ‘ance in compliance with PEHLA directive No.2, entera 1 10 5 1s specilied, attach: mmnnt covers: me fitled above the rely box and, it necessary, across the side ‘and rear walls. Busbars ‘The busbars are arranged in separate busbar attachments and connected by down leads to the drive-in contacts situated in the main panel. The busbars are connected to the busbar ‘compartment of the adjacent panels, through bushings in panitions. Withdrawable section ‘The wihdrawable section consisis of the distor on-less lower section made from sheet stee! sections, on which the contactor including fuses is mounted ‘Within the pane! the withdrawable section is moved hough a spindle, Surface protection Paintwors Preliminary wentment of the parts 10 bbe varnished takes place by a tive-step phosphate: coating method, the upper coat as baked enamel with high-quality acryl varnishes, The surlace consists of smooth varnish or textured varnish with leather grain ellect, Tre polish degree is 30% to > 40% "PT GUNA EL socking Service | position positon ‘switching os no possible y Vacuum *) contactor | onor st ott ow Actuation — | ag no possibio, w : ! connector pluggedin plugged in Status Switching — | gg no Canning?) passin | short-eireuit | switen ‘switen | open open stas ! Interlocking to order and inteviocking of additional units opening | 0 10 possibie oor | Poston | [closed closes Molded insertion | no Dane! posse | Shutters) Status opened °Intenvonal cease of hevntrioctong may be syevented by oaciocks The aillerent interlocking methods are shown in the table. In addition the panels may be equipped with a mechanical locking device Control and reporting units Push switches, through which the service position and disconnected position may ve imicated, are Focated of the with rawable section as control contacts for reporting the contactor position The connector tower section of the LV Connector provided with a 24-pin inset is bkewise mounted on the withdrawable Section. Through a lexible cable and the connector upper section the connec tion 15 established between the fixed Section and the witnarawable section, The report «connector withdrawn 1s ‘given by two contacts 1a the connector ‘upper seciion. Control lines are con Wucted inside earthed sheet steel sec- tions and thus protected, ‘Switch panels type aS with wanstes parol type ¥ Ds position, yos Onor oll plugged removed ‘open Closea yes loses yes closed. locked onnected Intormdiate ves onor yos plugged fomoved you ‘pon yes closed, Tockes Maintenance Intermediate Removed position position position oner ott on plugced - Temoved removed __ removed open ‘open loses Slosea = yes por ‘pen ‘open Closes ves yes yes closed, closes, locked locked ‘Switch panels type AS with transter panol typo W2K. Tho contactor suction is in tho ‘maintenance position. PT GUNA ELEXERE c at ratings of the switch panels Construction / type AS anal 00 ated voltage ~ auniaciee avon Dimonsion idontitication No. Pano! with Dimensions. Paneinelght 3 dnpin Switch nano! Connection R pane! ~F pane! Hhusbar rated curront Rated peak current win AA ‘Typicet catings of the units inthe switch panet Rated Rated | making Component perts wotod — | uptona Fuse » - vacuum with FU | a9! contactor with- ters | h out | Lond-break i switch win FUSE | weet mm hots | 400 eR ithe ers "1 Rated current n ACS and AC 4 operon “ Switch panels type AS with transter panel type R. The contactor section is in the truck Aalod short-time | upto Ka Rated | Rated short-time | peak Current 33 | current UDtORA | utokA wenn ar Asmar nO-2 72-20 3O-2r 72D ar 400 1700 800 nwo 1600 2600 40 80 Tronster panel Contactor pane! —$—$__________ Catalogue HS HS 5609 : dacksenweth Factory-ossombed,type-tested 07.78 : LICHT: UND KRAFT-AXTIENGESELLSCHAFT. High-voltage switch panels Type Series AS Characteristic quantities : WEKMaT TASMB | wWanwar [aSmor ‘soa Tyne ot ¥ersion! 72-2 Rated voltage ~ Insulation cating / et Se 7 - = Rand tat to parih La a 60 a! ‘Pulso witha "00 __across thy Isolating woo Sen 0 mie Rated power-tequency —tocarth —__ ——-- a Hs ‘withstand voltage, ‘across the isolating geo. av oe ‘Switch Finted pank curront « a ! panel Rated short-time cunont t oA te uw | : Noted enromt - upto A | aun Gusbers Ratod peak current upto, KA oe * Rated shor i 6 < Uoad- Rated current “400 ‘0. ; ic * 400 ated woauendy cy Rated breaking Gu Making curent Shorttine curer’is — Pomer Incr inductive Switching troquoney a Mecheneal ite Electrical ite ‘opin ‘Switching oper ‘Siatehing operations. : Vacuum r contactor * Maximum switen- nc. avy | : ing eapaety Teansiormors max ish 9 KA) WVA when switching Capscitors imo Wee Extintion curoniTavaragey - * Operating woage aS Operating cod ower consumpvon 2309 WW | " Famer coRsUmONON Ning WW occuped or no cxeut = polos nov A Auniory sutton < ) on Switching S& _290y A (> eapecity ‘making A ( iron bresung—e Non'sinno apeaing stage oncnga Normal operating conditions Temperature of * surrounding a lative humdhty Sie atade up io 1660 Taner on “ condiions. 6g levated ambient lemporature. non standard ia nlitude, endure Ate sary (estan nnd covairaction Gonctie nnd lempertura evs imelat enclosed ‘novian and shan te testa mechanen Woctee eae OE OsrO Parts ot ancitary doves, ning crac : C200 Rosintanee to arcing Basic ae Faull to PEHLA Guidolin No. 2 To order Enrtting EC 298, VOE O11 YOE 0105 Partt Erection, building dimensions, Basic design . types of room tovOE Osa) Teor ————— ‘Tyee of enciows | Locked eiecrcalswitewrooms — Indusval promises a Base doaign cares of protection : To order He WH Jachsesuveth, LICHT UND KRAFT-AKTIENOESELLSCHAFT Introduction The switch panols of Type Serins AS ave tac- tory-assembied, typertesied swatch units for indoor instalation with vacuum contac: Type Series AS covers rated voltages of 96 AV and 72 KV, a busba¢ rated evivent up to 1600 A oulgoing feeder rated current upto 400 WA and rated peak currents up 10 40 KA. The switch panels with vacuum contactor ‘can be lined up with switch panels of other {ype seving, protornbly with switch pnnols of Type Senes A. The incoming Inod ean also be realised by lined-up supply panels Type Series W2K4 equipped with thrust/swivel Yoad-break switeh Type FAL, When arranged without lined-up supply aneis the incoming teed is via a series connected circuit-breaker oF load-break switch (with or without fuses). Sphere of application Vacuum contactors areitems of switchgear for high numbers of switching operations and a high switching trequency and are snainlyemployedtorhenormatoperstional Swiiching of motors Furthermore vacuum contactors are. suitable for, smtching apaciters and transtormers. AS they a contactors, they ave only designed Tor Ewtiching inthe order of magnituce ol the fated currents, The shor-ercut protection iS provided ty a series-connectog fuse or & coteultbreaker, whereby the making and Deak currents permissible for the contec- for must be observed Ate contactors aro employed to switen squirte-cage motors to Sermce Category ACB maccordonce with EC 470 Switching @if the motors during running trom the fated speed). no panicular measures are imecossary Employment to Service Category AC 4 In accordance with 1&6 470 0.9, bwiching of motors with locked rotor 0% during tun Up, inching ete) make extreme demands upon the contaciors. On AC 4 duty tm recom. mended A delayed ek-up time celay prevents ab "rarysmitching oll homoto elore run ep compining The employment of a suppression cxeut ‘whan requent switching ofthe motor wih locked rotor or ring run up is requeg in Yah motors wth capacsors Connected for ower lacior covrectnn switching Wane Stents ato not expected to occur in this aso suppression dons not need to be pro. vided, Catalogue HS Factory-assombiod, typo-tosted High-voltage switch panels Enclosure external metal covers on all sidoe (except facing tne tloor) The front ofthe switengear truck is formed by a daor: in the operating ‘nd isolated positions the withdrawable vacuum contactor i located behind the Closed door All fixed covers can be opened only with the id of tools, Internal compartmentalization Compantmentalized switch panels with vacuum contactors have nol only partitions {or separating the panels from one another Dut also either compantmentalization of he Dbusbar compartment, the outgoing feeder ‘compartment or the busbar and outgoing feeder compartment, ‘The vertical bulk: heads nave openings for the plug-in con tacts. When the switchgear truck is with drawn these are closed by siding shutters ‘operated by the switengear truck With cempartmentalization of the outgoing feeder compartment and with respect tothe. table duct a pressure relief shalt should be rovided on the rear sige fox pressure veliet Partly compartmentalized switchgear and controigear only have paritions. Win these switchgear and contoigear ts possible to slide an insulating plate into the isolating ‘Gap with the panel door closed, HS 5602 07.78 Construction of the switch panels The switeh panels of Type Series AS consist ol a lixed par. tho switen panel framework. and 9 withdrawable part with the vacuum Contactor and the tuse links ‘Switch panel framework The basic tramework and the supporting olomonts for the buil-In oquipmant ar constructed ax 9 compuritn structutn of welsied and bolted components. In necord= {ance with the selection tables the basic framework is augmented by rear walls. end walis. top covers. paritions and. where ap- Dlicable, bulkheads. The covers, rear and enc walls consist of sheet stect. the part tions of insulating material In panels with Coingartmentalizaion of the cable con. ecling space and with respect totha cable cellar a pressure reliel shaft 1s provided as {an atlachment to the rear of the pane! Fo" allswitch panels aelay boxmatched 10 ‘the-height of the switch panels to which the Tye AS switch panols are lined up. is pro. viced to accommodate terminal” strips, fuses. instruments, relays ete. This relay ‘ex has sufficient space for all possible ‘ccmbinations ot equipment, The switch panels can. in addition, be ‘ecuipped with a vacuum contactor and ecrining switches. current tanslormers and voltage tanstormers, which ave acconvno- ‘ated in tno fines par, For switch panels for which a resistance to arcing faults to PEHLA Guideline No. 2 Criteria Nos. 1-5 is demanded. bolt-on E2vers above the relay box and. where ecessary, above the side and rear wall available 23 subassemblies, Busbars ‘he busbars are arranged in separate bus: bar attachments and connected to the fined plug-in ntacts located in the basic part of ne pane! by droppers, Connection of the busbars to the busbar Zompartment of the neighbouring panel is via partitions with bushings. PT GUNA ELEKTRO 3 eo cwarranrienceseL.scnart indrawable part w thorawablo tray consists of the tray Taucture comprising a torsion-resist: jon sheet steal fabrication. on the “contactor including {us0s 1s nied. The tray iS moved within the I by moans of 8 spindle. struction of the vacuum con- tors sw usual type of construction in that hing takes place not in aie, but in a svn, Ifthe alternating current is inter= 4 in a vacuum, an are forms in the ‘vapours arising at the contacts that is ned almost unl passage ofthe cur rough zero, At this instant Ts afeS™ seed by a naghstengt inslaling $3 ‘mntnsona atigh recovery votape sine portion ofthe metl vapours cow “tsonthe contacts andisthus alate that forthe subsequent switehing cP ins The remainders precipitated ons ‘round te contcts protecting he vam of ho enclosure Ieing peviod extends for nol longer « Shaeyce: ou o tne smal are vel the energy ofthe vacuum are is om lyse tan hat ofthe are nan aie “Src The operating cls of te cor. vnc cenorgireg (wah economy ro ‘Should avaiable for op: win a buege-connecied rector “td be connected in sree Contacor can ational e provies «STimechamical olan device whieh hes he contactor inne closed postion non tne operating cl isl cone Myryenerized and wbien can bo ited “Voy menos ole shun! wip oF by aman sna —<$<$<$<$—$$$$<$$<$$_-- Catalogue HS Factory-assembied. type-tested ‘gh-voltage switch panels Motor fuses ‘The high-voltage motor Tuses with dimen- sions 10 8S 2692 oF to DIN 43625 avo mountod on the contactor. When DIN Tuses tre employed it should be noted that the usoholders require @ gouge of fuse for 24 kV, When fuses for 2 KV are used with @ ‘gauge for 12 kV a supplementary extension Is required. As high-voltage fuse links for motors must withstand the thermal and mechanical Sstressos of repeated motor run ups without fering their characteristics, we recom= mend that the special motor fusos listed in this catalogue aro employed. To ta selection of the fuses, this section of the catalogue hes selection tables which in ‘ach case state the required fuse rated cur- fent as a function of the maximum run-up time and starting current, Should exact de- tallsof the run-up time ang number of starts hot be known, the following can be as- ‘sumed 83 an approximate value. ump motors 4=32 starts/hr, run-up time, 6s rit motors 2~32 starts/he, run-up time 10-15 5 fan motors 2-8 starts/nr, run-up time 60, Control and indicating devices Je control contacts for indicating tho position of fhe contactor, push switches fre mounted on tha withérawablo tray and le the operating and isolated positions to bo indicated, The. plug dase of :ne low-voltage pivg ‘equipped with a 24-p0le insert is likewise ‘mounted on the tay. The connection be- tween the fixad part and the tray 1s estab~ lished by means ofa fexible cable and the plug top. The "Plug withdrawn” signal Is, ‘given by 2 contacts inthe plug top. Control Teads ate run inside earthed steel sections ‘and are thus protected, HS 5603 07.78 — Surface protection v hr coating “The parts tobe varnished catding 10 2 live-rone phosph ‘nique and then steve enemolied with high (grade acrylic varnishes. ‘The top coat consis of elther smooth var~ nish or textured varnish with Imitation Teathor lfect. Tre degree of gloss is 30-40%. Standard varnish coating ‘The standard varrish costing is RAL-U 705 coke grey forthe lramowork and RAL:U 705 pearl grey for all large surfaces, such as, {doors and covers. ‘When no details of finish are given in the ‘order, the switch panels are, supplied with the stondard finish, The built-in switchgear fundamentally a’. has a RAL-U 705 pos 907 finish. Notmal coating Besides tne two-tone standard varnish coating, the normal coatings RAL 7001 Silver grey, RAL 3011 mignonette green or RAL 7032 silica grey are possible for the switch panels a! n9 extra cost. Special varnish evating “The switch panels can also be given a sin ‘gle-tone special czating in other RAL col- Ours. to special. reer. For proterred colours For extra cost the switch panels can be supplied with icreased corrosion protec: tion. Interlocks The individual storlocking possibilities can bbe taken trom tho Tablo. Furthermore the switeh panels can be provided with a pad- tock intarlock PT GUNA ELEKTRO cotta tte - HS 5605 : hksenweth, Catalogue HS Factory-assembled, type-tested Hghevoltage switch panels 07.78 CUNO KRAFT-AKTIENOESELLSCHAPT re A — ) JAShave a ros aracteristic quantities characteristic quantities can be taken tho Table below. uipment of the switch panels complete range of possible equipment «be taken trom the Summary Table and Selection Tables. sistance to arcing faults switchgear and controlgear of Type Se- tance to arcing faults in lance with PEHLA Guideline No. 2 Ja"3.‘By means of attachments (co- Ited at ine vont and. here applicable. fi the ends and at the rear) Criteria 4 fe alco sath. For satoction of ttachments, appropriate details are hited concerning the point of installa: Operation and erection “the Regulations in the relevant sections Should be obsorved {see Table below), Earthing Motatenclosed switehgear and control (gear to VOE 0670 Part 6 or IEC 298 have & SSparate earthing conductor within the Switch panel trameworks. The protoctive covers and builtin equip ment are connected to the switch pane! Tamework using toothed locking bolts such that galvenically permanent earthing Connections capable of carrying high curr rents are created Points of installation an of protection degrees Details concerning the degrees of protec tion of the individual types of construction fand the installation possibilities dictated by these in industrial premises and closed tlectrial switchrooms are given In the T Delivery and connection ‘Tho individual switch panels aro assem- bind, wired up and tasted in tha tactory and Theaivarnd voter with tho. withidrmwnt teny, Conmorctatyivallabto cablon nd teend tings or busbars cam be omployed foconnect the switch panels. (For details of this see Operating and Erection instruc tions.) Operating and erection instruc: tons Detailed operating and erection instruce tions are availabie, These also contain. in particular, recommendations end advice Concerning erection of the switchgear and ‘controlgear site. Ordering details ‘whe ordering # switchgear and control gear. the follow:ng subassemblies should be taken into censideration ‘Switch panol including withérawable tray Accessories Motor tuses Switchgear accassories Possibilities of ining up with switch panels (of ott typo soul. pT GUNA ELEKTRO - — Catalogue HS HS 5604 : hsesuvethe, eas type-tested 07.78 1c UNO KRAFT-AKTIENOESELLSCHAFT High-veltage switch panels | secoumeomato win ne I : ; ; | > > ene F ; : E < < < { Fe Opaeating Isatnted Maintenance | Withdrawn mle l= le ees nike Jeontactor 7) lopen or lopenor Jopen or open or wae ee oss (eee (oOIS [mo acnes leon ee ele wm ebm fee eee (ee [SSS [mores _|nnove Kan loome Jom fem fm fm fm fe Bling lecina foo foo foes eee eens’ (eer (eee wattas ine Jawiicn 2) | stale opener ome _jetosoc. —_|etosed__ [closed + | Fin” Feroromenv ame rot [a (ae 2 [ieee [essere Tg [aww [eSlouw [Shave |rmentin lovato [ros : Guortmncnrg niacin bs vse one coe oe pm TOT - bey 2 = me foe ovo erage Position closed [closed [closed [closed 1 flocked flocked locked flocked flocked frovy [owe [oom | — (eo ioe [ees ends . "yon ing of he tench cane graven Dy B&docNs CPL rie cenacainmosat 7» macnn ne 2 Ihcenmarganrretog ann simran muchancel vce and can adattonaty be cated cu acne (0, mia superernated PT GUNA ELERTRO | Installation ani Operating Insti : Factory-Assembled, : Type-Tested Low-Profile Switch Panels with Vacuum Contactors Contents General Technical specification Description General constructign-of switchgear Enclosure Internat compartmentalization Switch panel framework with covers Busbars Relay box Equipment of switch panels Contactor tray Motor fuses Earthing switches Interlocks Mechanical interlocks Magnetic interlock Transportation up to erection point Transportation from manufacturer's works to site Unpacking of transportation unit Transportation within Building Erection and fixing General Erection of switch pane's Fixing Fiting top covers Earthing the switchgear Installation of the busbars Electrical connection Outgoing cable feeder Low-voltage connection of contro and indicating devices Final work before commissioning Operation Insertion of contactor tray into operating position Withdrawal of contactor tray irom operating position into isolated and maintenance positions Earthing Carrying out work on switchgear Maintenance Visual checks General inspection Treatment of switchgear after faults Appendix Treatment of contact points Extract from maker's Manufacturing Instruction FV 73 Alterreatment of welded seams made on site, 4 Installation and Operating Instructions No. 531 521 No. 532 521 Issue 04.79 E General These instalation and operating instructions apply to factory-as- sembled, type-tested, low-profile switch panels of 3.6 and 7.2 KY rated voltage with withcrawable vacuum contactors, optionally with ‘compartmentalization of he busbar and outgoing feeder compart ments. The switchgear complies with the regulations according to \VDE 0670, Par 6 and IEC 298, VDE 0100 with respect to tne low. voltage part, as well as PEHLA Guideline No. 2, Criteria !~3 forthe basic design and Criteria 1-5 on request. ‘Switch panels of Type Series AS are intended for indoor installation and should be erected observing regulations VDE 0100 and VDE 0101 indoors al the normal operating conditions stated in these regulations Maximum value of surrounding air temperature 4orc Maximum value of 24-hour average temperature 35°C Minimum temperature -5C Relative humidity upto 70% Site alttude Lp to 1000 m above sea level 8 Fig. 1 AS panels lined up with switch panel of Type Series R For non-standard operating conditions, e.g. for a site altitude of ‘morethan 1000 mabove sea evel, reference to the manuacturaris necessary. According to the protection categories of the individual types of design, the switchgear can be erected in locked electical switchrooms (basic design: protection category IPH 2) and in in- dustrial premises {to order: protection category IPH 3). Apart from the cable sealing ends themselves, the connection points of the upward or downward outgoing busbar or cable feed. FS, where located inside the panel, are included in the type tests The cable sealing ends must therelore be installed maintaining the tested connection zone WV the vacuum contactors are employed to switen squirrel-cage motors to Service Category AC 3 in accordance with IEC 470 (Switching off motors during running fram rated speed), no sup. plementary measures are necessary. Employment to Service Category AC 4 in accordance with IEC 470 sets extreme demands on the contactors For AC 4 duty the following is recommended 1 instalation of a delayed pick-up time relay, so that intentional switching off of the motor is prevented before run up is completed 2. Employment of a smoothing circuit when frequent switching of ‘the motor with locked rotor or on run up in normal operation is re Quired or on tandem operation. When motors are connected with capacitors for power factor correction switching transients are not expected to occur. In this case a smocthing circuit need not be provided. The short-circuit protection is provided by a series-connected fuse The fuse links are selected withthe aid of the Table (in the “Motor fuses" chapter) ‘The operational relabilty and life of the switchgear depend upon ‘expert erection and instalation, correct operation according to the instructions as well as regular and careful maintenance. We thete- fore recommend observance of the advice contained in these in- Stallation and operating instructions and ensurance that mainte ‘nance is carried out regularly. Non-observance of the installation and operating instructions jeopardises al claims under guarantee. In the event of queries, please state all data gwen on the rating plates of the switch panels, vacuum contactors and equipment, in order to facilitate rapid processing The carrying out of installation work external to the Type AS switch gear is not part of the scope of these installation and operating instructions, For operation, control and work in the vicinity of live parts of the switchgear described VDE 0105 applies. Technical specification Version! ashe typeof fated votge Insulin rating / ae panel Dimension code number a7 fated voase ww ae wit oa wal a “0 ra for nd wal = 2 wih 610mm elapbox Fortinguy wih panctin basi vesion mm | -¥700 Panel ght wih 140mm lator Fortningupwih panel wih ey box mm | 2850 Basisane cs 00 wnorassur rola shat cH ors Pane den win vn conve who dor tachment ian [300 ining up with R panel without front door attachment Ratediightningoulso —f.8 fw 40 withstand voltage across isolating gap_ kV 46 Rated power-trequency to earth kv 10 ‘withatand voltage across isolating gap kv 12, patessuce oer ” ‘0 swienpanet Ralowaecurent fed curet voto A 100 Busters Raed surge caren voto Ka © Toe vesAoeo08 fate ure Ac Sand AC 4 ty ‘ 400 fated trewerey We aa Making eorert a in ower cor. inde 02s Sting reavony at #08 sw ces 1200 Macha it ocyen 108 lcci 219004 om: yee, 208 Ciosing pwatng tines Opering ‘Vacuum aning (a. ¢. side of rectifier) weir pain een um switening ity when switching Extinction current (average) Operating coi ‘Auxiliary switch (pole! ‘Speed of contact operation Opening ‘ph a.¢. motors Transformers (max inrush 9 KA) Capacitors (max. nvush 18 KA} kVA 2000 a 03 ‘Operating voltage v 1100r220 Power consumption “O° ud = holaing w 76 ‘occupied forthe circuit Poles 5 nov a 13 ewitening *° 2200 A o7 ee making A A ~ Grsos a 15 "For a.c. operation a selenium bie retifr shouldbe coonacto in secon 2 Ais oval orate requoncy of 0 He a as], ar 72-21 ar 72 400 1700 2040 23390 1900 975. 1300 1100 60 70 20 23 0 a8 1600 80 318 veaap4o0c 400 50%) 4000 03 110 01 220 615 181 5 13 o7 20 1s Description General construction of switchgear Factory-assembled, type-tested switch panels of Type Series AS with withdrawable vacuum contactors are suitable for employment at rated voltages of 38 and 7.2 kV. They are designed for a max: imum rated surge curreat of 80 kA. AS an extension to existing Switch panel type seriés, they are particularly sultabe for applic: tions with a high switching frequency. The incoming supply is by lining up with switch panels of other type series. ‘The vacuum contactor together witn the built-on fuses is mounted fon a withdrawable substructure which can be inserted and with 3 2 315 7.10411, 882 Reza RS 276-88 3 3 120 tasle 13eis Saree Rezatw RS 27635, 3 3 10 lane 1384834, 78,112, 2640 7 Types of Tripping, Special Circuits, Special Designs 7.1 Types of tripping Tripping by direct voltage In the case of the designs RSZ2(3)tdh, RSZ2(3}twh as well as RSZ2(3)tdy, RSZ2(3)twv the built-in auxiliary Felays, visual signals and the timing elements require for the actuation a direct voltage. Consequently it is practical to use also for the tripping a direct voltage. This type of tripping should be used as far as possible also for the other relays (Fig. 17). 7.1.2 Tripping with capacitor tripping device CA & ino direct voltage is available itis also possible to use the capacitor tripping device CA 4 (Fig, 18) for the trip- ping in the case of the designs RSZIt, RSZ2U(a) and RSZ3t(d) as well as RSZ2tw and RSZ3tw. Here, the electrical energy required for actuating the tripping device in the case of a fault is stored in capacitors. For the optimum design of such a tripping device an internal impedance of 300 st at a rated voltage of 60 V is recom: ‘mended. Tripping with higher consumption are unsuitable for this type of tripping ‘The capacitors of the CA 4 tripping device are charged indisturbed operation trom the ‘voltage transformers x/100 V. These voltage transformers ‘carry a slight load only for approx. 1.5 seconds while being charged which, however, has practically no effect, ‘on the readings of the measuring instruments connected to the same transformer. The transformer should be con- nected to the feeding side of the power switch to be trip- ped, to ensure that if a short-circuited phase is switched fn the capacitor is charged already and can initiate the tripping. In addition the tripping circuit should be inter- connected via an auxiliary contact of the power switch, 50 that after tripping due to an overload and while the contacts of the thermal system are still closed, the ca- pacitors can be recharged (not shown in Fig, 18). i BaggsGBoOee bs uy) ur SUT | 7.1.3 Transtormer current tripping If the relays have an adjusting range 3/3.8 to 6 A, this, ‘also permits tripping by transformer current (Fig. 19). Here the tripping devices are supplied from the trip ping transformers connected in the secondary circuit of the main current transformers, The secondary current Of the tripping transformers is designed for a rated cur- ent of L A. The consumption of the tripping device i 12 to 14 VA with open magnetic system. For 2-pole relays the tripping transformer AW 14 has ‘two primary windings with differential circuit. Since the thermal systems only use normally open contacts, the secondary side of the AW 14 is open during normal ‘operation. In the case of three-pole relays, cue to the high leakage power of a three-pole tripping transformer ‘operated with open circuit, only a circuit with two trip ping transformers can be recommended which act on separate tripping coils. This requires in the relay separate contact circuits (special design W, Fig. 20). 7.1.4 Combined tripping by zero voitage an transformer current Combined tripping by zero voltage and transformer cur rent makes it possible to keep the tripping transformers short-circuited on the secondary side. For this purpose it is necessary to equip the power switches with a trip- ping device actuated by zero voltage in addition toa tripping device actuated by open-circuit current, and to use tripping devices of the relays which have normat- ly closed contacts instead of normally open contacts (Gpecial design R, Fig. 21). The device tripped by zero voltage is then actuated by the normally open contacts Of the thermal systems and the short-circuit of the coils. a LU agg 22love awe iron oly] [wo] * fe ‘The protective resistor R prevents the shortcircuiting of the voltage transformer. The tripping by closed-circuit, ‘current is initiated by the de-allocation of the tripping transformer via the normally closed contacts of the tripping devices in the case of faults of a short-circuit nature 7.2 Special circuits 7.2.1 Separation of contact circuits transformer current Code letter W, only with RSZ3td, Since the load of the ‘main transformers placed on them by a three-pole, fopen-circuit-operated teipping transformer is too great, itis recommended to use for the tripping one single. pole and one two-pole tripping transformer AW 10 and ‘AW 14 each which act on separate tripping coil. This requires separation of the contact circuits (Fig. 20) tripping by 7.2.2 Internal circuit for connection to power unit WNtv Code letter N (only with RSZtdv and RSZtwv), only for relays suitable for 24 V~. Here the negative pole of the timing circuit is placed by the timing element T on a separate connection terminal because this circuit has 2 separate supply. 7.3 Special designs 7.3.1 Tropical finish Code letter T, for humid climates. Not used with RSZt, RSZtd and RSZtw. Relay RSZtI then receives the case 11, Combined upping by undervottage ana transformer current Sin Bipote tring transformer WA 25 and two {Bing coi 7.3.2 Silver-palladium contacts Code ietter K2, suitable for medium sulphur content of the ambient air. 7.3.3 Increased short-circuit tripping range Code letters Kx (x = upper adjusted value). Adjusting ranges lower than 12 to 35 A or 3 to.9 A are not per mnissible due to the danger of overloading and the low return ratio. 7.2.4 With semi-automatic visual signal Code letter H, only with RSZtan or RSZtwh. Here the auxiliary tripping relay H with automatic visual signal is replaced by an auxiliary relay RHA 100 with Semi-automatic visual signal. Here the auxiliary relay H ‘and the visual signal M are reset simultaneously by hand fon the protruding resetting key. 17.3.5 Other timing ranges for the RSZtd(w)v in the case of delayed short-circuit systems Code letters Lx. Thermal over-current time-tag relays, with delayed short-circuit systems permit in the standard design delay times between 0.1 and 3 s. Other timing ranges are possible (x = upper timing end value). ° | , = - R 5 i J rm «1007 ‘wor | t Ol) treater ay XA ™ 8 Min tong resto WO. we crores 7.3.6 Short-circuit tripping device with normally closed contacts Cove letter R, for combined tripping by undervoltage {for overload) and transformer currents (short-circuit) ‘The mode of operation of this combined type of trip- ping is inaicated in Fig. 21: ‘The 3-pole tripping transformer WA 25 in normal op ation is short-circuited on the secondary side by the three series-connected normally closed contacts K of the tripping device, If one or several tripping devices dre actuated, the K contacts are opened and thus elimi- nate the short-circuit of the tripping transformers so that the device actuated by the open-circuit current can be actuated. The tripping coils should be designed optional- iy for 0.5 or 1 A, at a vonsumption of 10 to 15 VA when open. In the case of an overload one or several contacts of the thermal system connected in parallel in the relay close and short-circuit the undervoltage tripping device U and thus cause the switch to trip. The protective resistor Ry prevents short-circuiting of the voltage transformer. The Voltage coils of the tripping device connected in series with the protective resistor R,, is placed on the transfor mer voltage, This should be taken into consideration ‘when designing the coll. Ifa resistance of 50 @ is chosen for Ry, a current of approx. 2 A flows during the brief short-circuiting of the coll 7.3.7 Flush-mounting on switchboards with turned around terminal strip. Code letter E, 2) zove_{| {Et = awe ro il Whe 7G thea overcurrent timelag relay RS2246 UL" power switch with tripping coi 1 A (10..18.¥A when open) 8 Maintenance ‘The thermal over-current time-tag relays require no maintenance. It is recommended, however, depending (on the importance of the protected equipment, to carry ‘out periodically a functional test and to check at the same time all screw connections, especialy if the place of installation is exposed to vibrations. 9 Relay Test ‘The electrical check can consist of a primary or asec: ondary test. The primary test requires the disconnec- tion of the protected system from the mains. The primary side of the main instrument transformer is ‘then connected to the test current, which can be sup- plied, for instance, by a relay testing device (Fig. 22). This testing method has the advantage that all parts Cf the protection device including the connecting 1eads and the tripping circuit can be tested realistically in the case of tripping by the transformer current, $0 that also faults which are external to the relays can be covered and eliminated, ‘The secondary test requires disconnection of all con: necting leads to the relay. This time-consuming dis Connecting and reconnecting of the leads can be avoided if special connection terminals (test switches) have been provided for during the planning stage already for the realisation of differe.< test circuits Before starting with the electrical test the mechanical condition of the relay system should be checked. In the case of the thermal measuring elements it should be ‘checked whether the windings of the heating coil are uniform and at a sufficient distance {rom the bimetal Strip. The steel dise attached to the bimetal, as well as the adjusting slide for the release should have sharp ledges, to ensure the instantaneous opening and closing of the contacts. The movable part of the magnetic short- circuit tripping device should not jam. The shaft should have longitudinal play. It is recommended to start the electrical test with the high tension test. At 2 kV, 50 Hz all terminal connec- tions should be tested for 1 second against the chassis, In addition the terminals which are not connected to the chassis or to each other galvanically should be tested against each other. 1 during the subsequent checking of the tripping charac teristics inadmissible deviations occur, the tripping time can be changed by shifting the paw! § (Fig. 12) in tongi- tudinal dicection, which is fastened by means of two. screws. The tripping time is shortened by shifting the paw! downward. ‘When testing the tripping devices it should be checked that at the lowest current adjustment the contact actuating lever does not touch the contact spring. If the ‘measurements show inadmissibly large deviations, recalibration is recommended which is best carried out by the manufacturer. 10 Accessories and Spare Parts 10.1 Accessories 10.2 List of spare parts hSza1, aszetaim RSZ3tGr, REZItw Saturation enokes 3/3.8 Visual signa rely H (RM 803 2) 3.0:0038 a8? 7") 3:0-0038 082 7°) ngs 272.8 on A 94573-0-0085 $75.4 [Ail 52m, RSZt (only for standard aesigns) Contact sets (6.0.€.) ster, no Retay 11 (Rt.909 2), ems, complete, please a 94073.0-0086 4757 92873-00028 2131 3.0-0028 345 2 Adresses and marbeted ty the ALG purating eUErUNKen (Our field offices in the Federat Republic of Germany and West Berlin AEG TELEFUNKEN F Eero: nd inher Vertrmbaniederassung 1000 Benin 33 er (a0) 82 92.1 Berlin anktunt Boniingen AEG TELEFUNKEN Eneraie und Ings! Vertrcbsmederiassung Dornirerate 7 {7350 Beviingen Hum Tet (070 31) 66 08 ik Bremen AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie ond Industrietecnai Vertrebsniederiosure ‘Steesemannstrabe 29 2100 Bremen 4 Tet (0471) 4494-1 Homburg Dortmund AEG-TELEFUNKEN Hannover Energie: und Industietechrik Vertriebsniederiasuee Rheinland 14600 Dertmund 1 Tet t02 311 12 00-1 Diiseldort AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie und Industitechni Vortstebsniederiageug Schwanenmarit 21 8000 Dusseldort 1 Ter (021118 36-1 Kas! Esen AEG-TELEFUNKEN Kiel Energie: ind Industrietechik Vertriebsnioderassung Krupgstrate 6 3300 Essen t Ter 402 01) 2.441 ‘Our Representatives in Europe Belgien Societe Anonyme beloe Iran AGG-TELEFUNKEN 440, Rue Souveraine 8-1050 aruseies Tel, 8133970 Dinemark AEG-TELEFUNKEN Bank Eloktictets Aktesoskab Roskigevs) 8-10, DK. 2020 Albertsture Tol 6485 2 ‘Sankoliikkeiden OY Pos a8 ‘SF-01901 Vantaa 20 Teresa latand Finnland Luxe Frankreich AEG-TELEFUNKEN, burg France SA. 6 Boulevard du Géndal Leclere £92118 Clichy Tel 799.39 10 Griechen: fon AEGHELLAS Viomichanio Tektrikon Kataskevon AE, POB. cas, ‘Athen 122 Tel (01) 32924 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Wrsua 202 Kensington Charen Street Condon we 40P ‘Tel 279 9248 Nieder fande Groat. britanien Norwegen Energy Distribution Division AEG TELE UNKEN Koln 13500" Fan tant Tel (O13 267 AEG TELEFUNKEN Fel (orn) 2 HO AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie ond Industretechoik Vertnebsniederlossng Stadthouructe 9 2000 Hamburg 38 Ter (0-40) 34 96.1 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie und Industrieveennie Vervrisbsniederiasng Colter state? ‘3000 Hannover 1 Tet. t05 11) 16.78-1 Munster ‘AEG-TELEFUNKEN, Eneraie- und Industietechnik Vertlebseiederiasung Falserbuvmstioge 23 $3900 Kasel Woldos - Tel (0561) 5071 Nirnterg AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie: und Incustetechaie Vertriebsniederlasiny Wittone 10 2300 Feet? Tat ioa'31) 5201-4 Associnted Engineering Ontoreien Group td TE Kennedy Road Nass Road Dublin 2 Tel 50 1497 racdurnie Ormsson H/F LLigmdla 9,P.0 8.867 Feyejavik Te 3.8820 Portugal AEG-TELEFUNKEN SPA Via. Pirelli 12 120124 Milano. Tel.6265 Sehwedon AEG-TELEFUNKEN CUXEMBOURG SARL 2B Rive Albert Sorschette Bolte Postale 2008 Loxembourg-Kirchborg Tol 43.68 68 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Schweiz Negerland NV" Postbus 1816 NU-1000 BY Amstoréam 140205116335, Spanien AEG-TELEFUNKEN NORGE A/S Bag Hammarskjolds Vei 47 Postboks 187, Okern, Nosio5, ‘Tel. 186590 EGA Elektro-Generator Aksieelkep Postboks 53, Bkern Hiatmar Bractingsiei 6 Niosto'S Tel 221900 anus, Mica Platz 2, to waa 124 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Charge ond Industiteervk veaonaesirg S000 Koln at 1 (0221) 5891-9 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie und tagustentectik N7_5.-6 Kunstsirae 14d Wane 1 Tel oe 21) 247 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energle- und tncustristechaik Vertisbaniaderiassing Aenultstratte 208. £80001 Musehen 19 ‘Tet (0189) 1305-1 AEG-TELEFUNKEN EEnorgle: und Industrietechnik Vertrictsniederassung Fregrich Ebert Stale 7 ‘4800 Munster Ter (02511 5.961 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie: und lngustietechnik ‘Vertrebaniederessung 2oiiausstrate 9 8500 Nurmbors Ter too 11) 898.1 AEG-TELEFUNKEN Energie: und ladusiritechik Vertriebanioderiassung Mainzer Strode 176, 18600 Soarbracker 3 Te) (06 811 81 28 42 Oxterreicnische AEG. TELEFUNKEN Ges mM Brunner State 52 A210 wien Tel. a808 AEG-TELEEUNKEN Portuguese SAR L. ‘Apartado 51-49 Usboa 5 Tel 891171 ‘AGG-TELEFUNKEN Elektrik Aktiebolaget Svetssvagen 10 S:17101 Solna Tel. 2800 80 AB Hugo Titlavist Box 3008 5.17103 Soine 3 et.630100 Elektron AG Fiedhotatr 11 CH8804 AU ZH Fel 78901 11 AEG-berca de Elekricidad, SA General Mola, 112-114 Apartado 235 Madrid 2 ‘Tel. 2627600 OUR REF FOAM PUP, YOUR REF : SUMLAH JUMLAH, DATA -DATA POMPA = MATERIAL POMPA : Kepasitas a ¥3/h or BEGPH Casing Total.ead : 170 m ort Impeller 4.P.S.H : m or ft Shaft Putaran = 2000 Rpm . Diffuser : c ‘Temperatur 40% - Paya Pompa HP or Kw DATA DATA MOTOR = Biam hisap mn/inch Type Motor : MG Biam Tekan mm/inch Daya motor : 40 Diam impeller mm/inch Voltage : 3O/OV Jepis cairon Putaran > 200 Scrat jenis Ke/Cm3 Viscositas Constistoke DATA-DATA DIESEL Efficiensy z ‘Type Diesel Daya Diesel. Putaran Cooling system High Pressure Centrifugal Pumps 6) MOvI? a. KSB Capacities Q up to3t Ws (112 m9/h) Total heads H up to 400.m Temperatures 1 from 10°C to +140°C Pump discharge pressures pup to 40 bar Rotational speeds 18 2900 1/min, 1450 1/min Sizes ON 3210 65 1773.16 G3 “ MOV! 50 and 65 Selection chart for 2900 tevin MOV1 32 and 40 Selection chart for 1450 1/min MOVI 50 and 65 Selection chart for 1450 1/min MOV! 40 10 68 pu running at 1450 Aap lcarwerks, pressure Loosing, sprinkling ad iigation installations; for boiler Teed, cooing water and fot wate Cireulation duties, for she pumping of condensate vod the feneration of power water; fr Fvefigning due ete Construction Horizontal, single or multistage high pressure centrifugal ‘pumps of ring section type The individual casing components are sealed against one another by O-rings and clamped together by external tie bolts. Pump feet are integrally cast onto the bearing hous: ings. The stub shaft is arranged at the suction end (standard construction) (On request, the stub shaft can be arranged at the discharge ‘end, or the pump can be supplied with a stub shaft at both ends, Bearings ‘Two grease-lubricated deep groove ball bearings. Shatt Seat The shaft is fitted with renewable protecting sleeves in the egion of the stuffing boxes, Uncooled soft-packed stuffing box up to 110°C and un- ‘cooled mechanical seal up to 140°C max. Nozzle Orientation Standard construction: Suction nozzle pointing to the right hand, viewed from the suction end, and discharge nozzle ‘ative nozzle orientations can be provi Suction nozzle: pointing ta the left hand, or pointing vertically upwards Pointing to the left hand or to the right hand Discharge nozzle: Selection Charts MOV! 32 and 40 Selection chart for 2900 1/min Both nozzles can be provided pointing in the samie direction ‘on pumps of 3 or more stages. Suction and discharge flange machined in accordance with DIN 2535, PN 40. Drive Dizeet drive via # tlexible coupling by an electric motor {type 83), oF by an IC engine oF a steam turbine, In special cases, a drive via a gearbox or a hydraulic speed control coupling, or a belt drive can be arranged, 2 2 ‘ lsc2s |co2s |oc2s |oaas jec2s |oc2 |oo2s [cass S807 oor a0 S02 [81007 |raosr0s | s4057.08 Ee [0022 [eusn 10/928 [usa 10 a cz 20/8... 14 [e0z20 |&, 7 eusn 14 usm 14 fas leczaa|&, Joozzo |S 2 ay [oreee Hawne © [eas 14 [85220 | Cisn v4 905 [fecon [over [searx Javan [saz 1A sat of 1479 maar! can bestia on i mata con + pan 523.120.9148 KSB Klein, Schanzlin & Becker Aktiengesellschaft 6710 Frankenthal (Pfalz) a 50 US.0m_ 190 no 200 ° 50 Impgpm ico 10 Tay tf NC 155) Mo A tt HAH ETE 0 oh i CHE: We = TT nesut | Py t Zh aw seeth epi the hee : | ath TN wel att To seo oe One 20 < tee tee ‘ PUSam eo mo 32 Impopm_ig0 PATTI te tT Ty Laufrad-Ound Leufradkombinationen siehe Seite 2 See page 3 for impeller diameters and impeller combinations Pour les Odes roues et leurs combinaisons possibles consulter ta page 4 Dimetra det rodere w eam: ornare 8 $0. USepm 190 ne 200 ¢ 50 Imp.epm_ 190 rr a Tid THe 700 200 8 0 wi 4 60 500 to 00 200 ‘0 © 200 ° 10 Om 20 30 o <0 ° 10 On¥n 20 30 ry 0 DO eee, mee te ee e 50 US.o9pm 190 "0 20 e $0 US.0m 190 0 290, ® so Impspm_100 ° 50 Impopm 00 9 0 00 TT tg tore sx | — n900~ + t t | [ ax COIN Trt | t ALLL | 4 Ee “AI v0 |S) n+ tf ! i tte Ld rears | : 2b a0 Pi Ei tt solale L ooo Own a0 oe Onin 90388 td te Pn Oe pte ew On tht pate Ca ORE te Mow 4olp ; 170% 5 30 5h 19e oo Loufrad-Dund Laufradkombinationen siche Seite 2 ‘See page 3 for impeller diameters and impeller combinations Pour les Odes roues ct leurs combinaisons possibles consulter la page 4 Diémetro det rodete y combinaciones del rodete véese pénina 5 1" “TYPE POMPA : ‘HORLZONTAL/ VERTICAL DATA -DATA POMPA Kapasi tas Total Head NPS. Putaran ‘Temperatur Daya Pompa Diam hisap Diam Tekan Diam impeller Jenis cairon Serat jenis Viscositas Efficiensy JOCKEY PUMP. SEPU 32/3 Self priming HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL. 4G/n or BSGPM- m or te moor ft Rpm 0% WP orKr nn/-tech mim/irrehe ma/inch Kg/Cn3 Constistoke OUR REF: : YOUR REF JUMLAH + 4 Unite/Sets JUMLAH STAGE : 3, MATERIAL POMPA 2 Casing Cast iron Impeller Brass Shaft St steel Diffuser : DATA -DATA MOTOR AEG ‘Type Motor Daya motor : 5,5 Hp Voltage : 380 /660 V Putaran : 1450 Rpm DATA-DATA DIESEL Type Diesel Daya Diesel Putaran Cooling system Starting | Self-priming Centrifugal Pumps SEPU Fields of Application For water supply to buildings, farms and weekend houses; for use as garden, sprinkler and irrigation =. pumps;'as cooling-water, condensate and small boiler feed pumps etc. Liquid Pumped Clean water, not tiable to attack the pump materials either chemically or mechanically, Operating Data Capacity O up to 12 mosh (3,33 V/s) Total head Hup to 132 m Operating temperature t +2 °C to 105 °C Speed up to 1450 1/min Pump sizes DN 20 to 50 KSB 17208 £/2 G3 200 wocati | a Sissy | o sil ce 4 _ | h be 3 ) I | ; a iN cy oe 1 Omin 15, 2 2 6 ' 0 s . Sona oe 4 Lt Electrical Connection Data Size of pump #et Fang | Three-phase motor ~ Single-phase ac: motor ] Romeat Motor Rated curent at Noma Motor Mote [oecs” be | gov Voces ae - vom | ik time | x aw. ] taree-ahaue maior not avavabie 195 we = i 2orzos4ow tao9 "58 es 450 ry 33 donovan too | 60 EY Single pnase ae. mator not seat 257-0580 1 as ze j doiicoren Nao, 2 a2 | 35121140 v0 | gs aa | single-phase a6 motor rot 96 35/2:1540 N00 st en | Bead Moo | St o 2o/aa2ed 10 a - - 32-1140 1400 Ba 1880 Hoo | Riise. 400 322.2240 130 aingle-onase ac 3eaateo ae 3aaoeo (0 EY . — won-ts40 fo220 50/1.1540 s0/1.2240 50/2-30¢0 502-4080 so/a.ss40, s0s78e0 50/8754, So/a-tios0 50/5.7540. So/s-ti00 gngle phase a¢ motor not asia Dimensions of Pumps and Pump Sets iy aon varay ai 35 {iio Taehvafra Ta | ao Tuoliao | aT 1 frre [90 [as [ars 08 Tas a ates asia lk 133 (170 ositzite 8s | 60 0/100 | 70 Ho |130 | 98/1618 05. 38 for \zor.osew asin! at 135 jie (a5tz.te 8s | ao lt08 | 70 M0 130 | 98 [183 5 108 28 $03 Boho (G73 imr iat HBB [tte SE 13 N08: 88 38.488 | 78 ni0_|185 | $5 [te 3 (108.28 dat [aert-oeno to3s fat fat ise | 95 {tas Tato ‘eo! iol te {i009 “so}t00 | 70 rae fis ie [rar te Toae as an [a5soveo ovs int [at lise | 93 103 [200 |s0,00 16 100 | 80 colt00 | 10 24 [tao |380 |tat sti. 2s Hie prance (AC Kt te foe bes fei ee | sti | 8 jae frao [iso [ia (5 [ns las 25/2 |25/2-1540 15 Im) Jay tse hat |sey [200 laolisise 160 | 90 («9.100 | 10; | |tze [tB0 iso /tat /s 119 25 3a [Ba igae [03 fay Is fags (os lite [208 vaghaahss nem | 33 ladies | 72 tao fisa les (8 jase. 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Notice de service Preserizioni ai montaggio e a manutenzione Bodrifsvoorschritt ‘selt-priming Centritugal Pumps SEPU Pompes contrifuges aulo-amorgantes S.£.P.U. Pompe centrifugho autoadescanti tipo SEPU Zeltzuigende cleculatiepomp SEPU Klein, Schanalin & Becker Aktiongeselischaft, 6710 Frankenthal (Pfalz) Tel. (06290) 861 - Drantwort: Kleinschanzlin « FS: 0465211 und 04 65212/213 . 1720.801 M 0 a10}2q prend Suyjdnos v wy 0} Aiessa09u 5) 1 pueng Buydnoy “yz “und ou “Buuuns 5} dund 2 “oas/uu @ 01 2 peasxe you pinoys ot “ouy) uonans uy 0} se oul) e6:e49sIp O41 OF Kidde su Ayoynjosqe 9q yen a "1 woniang, 0} sossons Aue Gui | e6s0\psIp pue LONIONS Sus 1 Gurdid ou feu) enowey 9q ysnw Gurdid ou, Suidia zz ‘uoj¥epuno} ynOUW polfesu! 10 uoNtepUNd} © uO es 9q Joule Veo ypiym “ereidaseq UoUWOD B Uo pEjUnoW eve JoVOW puE dune eu 18 speag Buspio% ‘puss Jo 901 9 g110U CYL "MOI 10 soseaou) dund gag oui Aq paqiesct ‘suonepuowuosey u 14 aBed uo Bumeip jeuonses un ul paresisni! s} dwnd oyr 40 Ue ‘eouewioyed ui volionpeu 8 0} peo} pur sf 109 Sumpediomunvs oyeussumaed 22 L % & oe ; ae [eo tune ssSumpedsypnaidois | x 2 SS FAZ vabunssawiqy-uness Bun) uneisbunped ts ww ul ogo a z 0% ogeuSusdung sdunisvatiom | i deal c sjuauodwog jo ‘ors pus edfy duund “(oid 6: stom 0 sed o1ede Supe Vou JoquiNN IeHEs “9 Bum asei6 Buueeq ) Buywed Weg eu, 2) uel soueualuiew “dup Sy © ynouyn Uns 0} pamoite eq s949U Pinoys PUEIE 24 mols pue fuans snus puis gu (28) sin wow 96 -yva| enissaoxe Jo age9 Uy “Gujvurs'st duind Pinoys pues 3. jesadg Jo uojsiniadng uu 0-1 180u 8 pUB ws G0 E80 A inoue senley Eujcno> OM de6 aus “poxooLd 9G TeMW JUSUUBITE SuydAoD auj pavorssiuiuiog S| 195 8u eau [eUid | wawUby 5 cs ‘quow9[énoo28,p sey29 un 9xe;nb J9uUoHoUO} Yop eu ednos0 27, wawe/dnos9e,p 8ue9 “vz yNdejosd op sno}auols|p un — anonbia vo vos 98 Inb UoyoLNo|9 un Jed sanjooH9 © 189 1) wesvadsipul sed ‘eunwiueD vonepuoy — uw/i oops renew 9p sojuedioweoine sobr wonduosad “L a9 Bupped vonoo euaien Supoee “1 eL we Gg a ze we oe | at 8 ze @ > ae wwownediwoa Bunped xoq, .duioo Buyaed x08 Suijinis woupedwog Sureed ZL oe ae | _s 2 oe |v we a ‘ ' |e ors dung uyeus aris feo! as 1| i Sy’ sudjpuawig yeus ams Ve BETA VAG-BETA-Schieber 136 PN 10 und PN 16 DIN 3352 Teil4B Baulange Reihe F 5 DIN 3202 VAG BETA Gate Valve 136 PN 10 and PN 16 DIN 3352 part 4B Face to Face series F 5 DIN 3202 equal to series 15 ISO 5752 PN 10 aus Meehanite-GuB PN 16 aus Meehanite-Nodulat-GuB mit innenliegendem Spindelgewinde PN 10 Meehanite cast iron PN 16 Meehanite-Nodular cast iron (ductile iron) inside stem screw KAT 106800-A Blan Sheet: 1 1 Ausgabe /1stediion: 26. 6. 1981 VAG-BETA-Schieber 136 PN 10 und PN 16 DIN Soo ee oie VAG BETA Gate Valve type 136 PN 10 and PN 16 DIN 3352-4 B se stom sciow Rohrdeckung / Cover death (ee Bestonung bite angebany fo be speeea more 2 - a - \ ae Sonderaustiinrung , si Sultzigerwerk : ae N10 Ast NDAD 70°C - KAT 106807 ‘ Jor} | PNI@AUSLNBADis 70°C. KAT 207207 . \ Optional features, | | mininercator ' P10 Type NBA to 70°C ~ KAT 106807 ere PN 16 Type NBR 10 70°C ~ KAT 207207 tid 1% rE ay -o- 2 1 = Einbaugarnitur fir Erdeinbou Equipment for underground Installation Darstellungen unverbinaich imustavons are subject to change, Mate mmr Denson men Newmste/Fensce ov |_| [a [a | imo [me Te 200 [250 [300 | 30 Baunate a a0_| 200 | aso | ao [ois 88 313 | ae0-| 00 | s00 | 500 vane a8 zo} 2 | 2] | 2 | 28 zw] 2] | 0 mensions a iio [ae ais | ais | 220_[ 200 ais | ae | ao | ars | 50 % zis [265 | aos | seo | 360 |-a20 aes [sre ors | 755 | ms fe [2] || so] oe a7 fs sro] 310-[ 65 | 05 | aso [G30 a0 i zao_| 250 [270 | 200 | 900 | 205 Es % weep fr] |e 2 - te rar fr ar [or z Fanaa 3 7s0_[ yes | ve5 | ao0_| 220 Bee 50s, necourase Bi Petes [as [reo [eo [210 aco | 515 Fenge teoermes [<}«] «Tema wef Ginetions Po “8 za ° _ 34 mo | Havas x0 0 | 500 Eecrane 28 oui a8 see PM za] we Gagan “2? ewe “3s [26 [se [a9 iNeto-Geweit ig _7 Handing \roates | oa Were "S anmwness s [ss | 53 | aunboasin” «05s | or | ooe0 | 0125 Rounboawim” | ano | 0125, Erich ina oe | Setenencmvemnascnrer tl | o49 | a0 | 050 | 080 | 030 | 030 | 60 07 Sanwmucovercepmbr ame hos . | 290 | 020 cerceosiogsaotenn } | \ | _| bem aso | o60 | sn | 060 | 0%) 07 | 07] urs | 090 | 100 | r00 | v00 | rom | 100 | 140 YAG-Armaturen Gmblt VAG-Armaturen GmbH po Form € Botung l sa sisarisacd | 3030 | ves P1851 210) asia fast t vw 90 20s) S250 418 360] Malt "ay"entsprechend der Motorgre Boumate des Schibers siehe KAT 106 600-A Made in mm Dorsteting vvertnsich! Schieber Zuordnung der Stellantriebe sei 6! 16 22/92 Les 63 | 905 oo 20] 10 og 930 [ox fax a [on 25 [18113 o8e age ou az "916 7 27 [ya oae ose | 047 aa | 07 § ae Tar ws 1 [ar [058 | on | a2? 010 i BF ag 13 [088 [ons | ou” Pad a2 A a3 ts fost om 079 on ou | = yj is fom as_anaas a7 | = | > [ar lan ow Pur (ore “ose “oe a27 019 | | fas 27 (20 [1a {o96 “058 aus ose ax 4s a2 2a [a6 | am as7 041 028 Stom umvandele Schiefzsiten sind 14 beverzugen "oje Uméremungen/Hsb berieben sich aul de elekvschen Abschalipunkte Beispiel: BerA- Scnieder 96 ON 300, Diflerenrouck 12 bor, gewinsche Schiefzei co. 15 Min Gewahlt- AUMA-Stellontned. SA 25 32, Schieteet 16 Mn TTT Jstining AUMA-Narm Oreraaht der Abtiebowelte ‘mi! Steonieb-Typ Anvhttorm aach 01 3210 [ Wahere Angaben sum Eleiro-Steiontrad bene Ubersentstaele KAT 600070-€, 10H VAG-BETA-Schieber 136 PN16 KAT 207 203-Z mit innenliegendem, eingéingigem Spindelgewinde und Dania | Abie oe eae ElektroStellantrieb Fabrikat AUMA Tefaair trsniew Acaqubet ror 6 B17 ‘ — aumae Actuators SA6-SA100 Contents Ambient temperature ‘Amplifier for inductive position transmitter auma-compact axial loads at output drives Basic equipment Bearings Bevel gear set Blinker transmitter Brief description Calculations Certification PTB ‘Change of operating time Closing direction Connection to valve Conduit entries Control Control switch Counter for operation time control Cutaway drawing Development Dimensions auma-norm output drives Direction of rotation Double torque switch Drive mechanism Drive motors Electrical data Electric connection Electrical rating micro switches thermostats Electric wiring Enclosures Explosion protection Features Final inspection Flame prgof motors Four train gear limit switches Gear housing Guarantee Hammer blow effeet Handwheel operation High temperature service Hollow shaft Inductive position transmitter Inspection Intermediate switches Intermittent duty Life time Limit switching. Low temperature service Manual drive Mechanical position indicator Micro switches page 12.16 15s B B 16 B 10 B 16 12 6,7 913 813 n Is 20 19 3 14 3 18 5,6,8 8 10 4 10 lo 2 B 15 10 4 18 16 2 713 Motors Motor testing Mounting postion Multiplig Nuclear service actuators Operating time Optional extras Ordering Output drive types formation Paint Position indicator Potentiometer Power supply unit (or potentiometer) Quality Quality control Radial load at output drives Recommendation for cable sizing Reduction gearing Regulating application Remote position indication Requirements of actuators Reversible actuators Safety Selector switch Setting Service factors Service life Short time duty Sizing Sizing factors Space heater Special features Special motors Starting torque Stem diameter, max, Stem nut Stem protection tube Switch gearing, Tandem switches Technical data Terminal plate Tests Thermostat Thrust, permissible for output drive type A. Torque calculation Torque switching Trial ran Tripping torque Type of control Types of duty Types of enclosure Valve connection Versions Visual inspection Weights, actuators output drives Worm Worm wheel 19 10 4 14 4 10 10 16 18 14 14 18 " 10 16 18 16 15 ” 7 B B % hy Prst]sa 6 sare SA2s xy | 5s 200 x | seo 140 208 yy | as 250 as a, | 190 250 80 on ay"entsprectend der Motorgrede Bouma ss Sees tbe KAT 6 800° Sct amet Zuordnung der Stelantriebe tele see 6 2? 92 es 690 us 100 ao] [wpe Tae ao eyes as Jae [ane QT an ] 50 yal Legg 2 28 1 13 ane abe | one amr ax? a6 6 ss fas [6] 30 27 ap ue ose 088 | ox7| 009 a2 air § ao | | 17 feo yo ast om [oss] om ano i roo jg Bf zt [ees [Bee a7 26 19-43 095 | 066] 047 929 023 017 an] EF 125 | ig 25 [295 leew x ast | 0 oz 7 i 1s0|° “1 a1 [sos aa 28 1a te |osrfoe ae om a2 on) = 200 {2 8] 2 [nao | see a1 m1 5 | ur fore ase ox 027 ons) & 250 |) | © [025 Joc e x3 27 29 | 13 | 056 ase ows or om ope 4 12 2 [as | ost 57 41 028, ostuming AUMA-Norm Stetented yp "Oe Umdehungen/Hub bertenen sich oul de elektnachen Abschelipurkte Ameen nach OW 2210 Beispiel: GETA-Scmever US ON 200, Dillerenasiuch 2 bar, gewunschle SehueRzet Gewahlt AUMA-Steldhined SA 25~E 32. Scefet 16 sin Nobare Angaben ran At 800 070-€. 61016 VAG-BETA-Schieber 136 PN16 Elektro-Stellantrieb Fabrikat AUMA mit innentiegendem, eingangigem Spindetgewinde und KAT 207 203-Z Bia © Ausgabe 26 1 196 Klemmenplan und Schaltungsvorschlag tur SA/SA Ex 6 = 100 Marking of terminals and proposed wiring diagram for SA/SA Ex 6 ~ 100 pésignation des bornes et schéma de cablage propose pour SA/SA Ex 6 = 100 ASV 28.201 ——GFFEN— wopabnangig abschan ‘20 drenmomentabhangig abschatten TL fo seo stop ty tora teh torque seaten) S_GEN. Shop by it sme FEIME_SuGt pr tenteur do count - Bete rin (a) Ut ar aasuung SA Es worden ‘pur 3 Wicktungsenden rH Us nceta to mtot temas ear Bone Inet ing hone one unger he hans ‘uma Lieferumtang cata == auma supply eset teres livraison auma 1) be #ypon 4 Ex nur au besonaere Besteting fu tningremande Stent rane 254nd 80m rubs Doersaratewerng en itch Ot Rela volgesener ween, arnt ce Fee ease Hare ne veverongcovtaior conte system eons win constoniyenergved Cas se masntcin mean Poupan sna macs reer afsey e180 on sernse mun oye te enpou a camande Sea cao mane Tarearwpnase w Wotor (Drenaton) = ‘wotor phase AC) sR Drenmmomentschalte: Sehtionen: Recrisaut Torque sateh. closing Contact umteur de couple, Fermeture matehe a doe ws Wegschalter,Schueden, {mat sate, closing, act in de course, Feimeturé Rechts! ‘lockase tration smorehe aareite wii. Weaschates.Otfren ‘Lint swt, paring Contact tn de course, Owenure, stout fantrelockwse olatan farene a gauche en Bunageder Blinker trorsratter Cignotont Th ‘Thermaschalter (3 Stuck) Trormoswtenes (3 Nos) Protecuions thermiaues (3 pieces) a Fauntscnaites Mainswten Intesrupteur principal [ea Dnucktaster Mal - Fora Push-button stop - remote _—_-ovton-poussox arét~ ede dis | ba Onuckiaster Zu = Fern Push-button close - remote __‘outon-poussow forme - a 85, DBlucktaster Aut - Fern push-button open remote Boulon-poussow overt - ede, a dist cr ‘Schutz 2u Contactor close Contacteu terme 2 Senute Aut Contactor open Contactewt ower ered Hawntienerungen Navn uses Fosies prncipates er Bimetatears Thermal everioad relay Relass theme > Steversicnerung onto fuse Funbie leveut cae) nm Anzosgelampe .2u° ngicatar amp “coses” Lampe de signataaton terme” ha Anzesgelampe Otten” Ingieator amp “open Lampe de signatsation “ouvert - ta Anzeigelampa “Stonng” Incicator iam “wouble™ Lampe oe sgnalsation “oetaut™_ RST ULLAL Prasen Phases Prases Mocs “Witetpunitieiter ewiel - Fiinoute SLOPE) Sehuteeter Earth Ausgabe Issue 1.83 auma RIESTER KG Edition Schaltungsvorschiag fur SA/SA Ex 6 ~ 1600 Proposed wiring diagram tor SASA Ex 6 ~ 1600 Schéma de cAblage proposé pour SA/SA Ex 6 Zu, dkehmomeniabhanga) abschaiton Le Sloseo Sopp tore nrteh ae ogy FERWE” _ iwtt pus liteurscooos Poul types SAE unajuement sr coe eephcte 0 ASV 28.201 Endschalter Abwicklung switen operation fonctionnement des contacts SA wirkt ais Uderiastschutz uber dem gesamten Stelweg Er unterbricht beirn Ereichen des eingestelten Drehmomentes den Sieucrsiiemecn, Ger Stevantieb wird abgeschaltet, WSR dient zur Signaksioneng or nie einzustelon, daB er kurz vor Ereschen der Endlage AU elation dig ACHTUNG! ber die beiden Schattkrise eines Mikroschalters dartnurdasselbe Poten {2h geschatiet werden. Fais unterschiediche Potentale glecresing ge Schaltet werden sole. st dees nur mul Tandemschaltern mogheh (codon, isch getrennte Mikvoschalterin einem Gehause), DSA acts as overload protection over fuiltavel.itbreaks the control circuit preaching the set torque, the actuator wilbe switched oll Wishnomec i enalzation,it must be sei to operate shortly betore reachingendece wen ctoseo, ATTENTION! Sennect only one potential tothe two ctcuits of one micro-switch Incase {ilerent potentials are applied tandem switches (2 ganeme renare ‘icto-switches in one housing) mast be used, Sgnatsation esta régler de lacon a agi juste avant que la pocnoe ae “FERMETURE™ sot attemnie ATTENTION: Ne raccorder uniayement un potentel pour les deux ctcuits d'un micro: Gontact. Au cas ou de diterents potemtils soient raccordes on mas femps.utiiser des contacts jumeles (2 microcaniacls gaivenee ane Deiter m oto brenawom Osa Brehmomentschate Me Schithen Rectisout war ecscatier Senienen wot Weascnaite, Otimen a Binngober Th Thermosehater(9Siveh 2 Drucktaster at - Fern a Brucstastr 2a Fein bs. Drucktator Aut Fein 1 Schutezu eres Havptsichorangen oe metals es Steversicherang n Anzegetampe 24° 2 Anzeigetampe Otter ha “Anzeigelarnpe Sténaegr AST WALZ) Phesoe Mbt Matelpuniiaar SLOPE) —Schuteotor Wotor (phase AC) Torque smite. closing ‘Tour phase) Contact imteur de couple locke rotation Fermetura, marche a oreite nn satch, closing, ‘Contact tn do coutee, Fermeiure ‘lockwse lation smarehe d diote Contact inde course, Ouverture, marche a gauche Biker ranamiien Chenaton Thermoswrthes (3 Nos) Protechons thermique’ (9 pcos) Mamomitch Interptor pineal Push-button top ~remate Bouton: poussor al ~ dé & di. Pushbutton close remote Solon peussowrierma ae aed Pushbutton open -remole uvion poussoi ouven ~ ede bled Contactor open Contacteu! ouvert an tuses Fusiies mincipates Thermal overt relay As nermaue Conta tse Fuso enc ede) Lampe de signalistion “ierme” Indicator amp “closed” \deator lamp “open Lampe te signaliatin Indicator lam “trouble” Lampe de signalisation “aefaut™ Ausgabe | aumMa RIESTER KG Issue 183 Edition FRA BPR BG ‘Actuators provide the force to move valves. Thereby it must be possible » to have a continuous travel or step-by-step movement, Sufficient thrust must be available over the range and for proper seating in the shut position. Operating speed should meet the demands of the installation. + Further requirements are competitive price easy mounting to the valve trouble-free service — simple servicing ~ economic operation auma-actuators meet all these demands. Thus the valve manufacturer and the user of the valve will get a very economic and reliable solution. The wide range of auma-actuators is arranged in three main groups: 1. auma-actuators types SA 6 — SA 100!) * ~~ output torques from 20 Nm to 1000 Nm auma-actuators types SA 140 — SA 1000 output torques from 350 Nm to 14000 Nm. 3. auma-quarter-turn-actuators types SG 0S — SG 12 : output torques from 60 Nm to 1200 Nm Descriptions of each type will be found in respective leaflets. auma-actuators of the range SA operate and control valves, c. g. gate valves. Together with worm gear boxes they can be used to operate 90° valves (butterfly, ball and plug valves). auma quarter-turn-actuators types SG operate and control valves with rotary angle from 30° to 1802, e. g. butterfly valves and plug valves. Each auma-actuator has the benefit of almost 20 years experience in the field of actuators and motorizing industrial valves. All models are built with equally high quality materials and to the same 00d finish. Every unit has the same excellent reliability and receives + the same care in development, type-testing, manufacture and final + inspection. 1) types which replaced the range SA SA70 4 auma-actuators are special gears driven by electric-motors. They are used for remote operation of shut off or regulating valves. They can be equipped with switching or signalling devices as desired and also with position indicators. The actuators can be mounted to different types of valves by means of standardized output drive couplings (DIN 3210). 3+phase AC-, single phase"AC- or DC motors can be used to drive auma-actuators. Through a pair of change gears the motor drives the worm gear which is directly on the output shaft, All rotating shafts run in ball bearings or in multi-layered dry bearings. All electric components are ina compartment separated from the gear-case. It contains torque switch, limit-switch for both end-positions and the blinker transmitter for running indication Additional equipment, ¢. g. mechanical position indicator, potentiometer or inductive transmitter for electric remote position indication and limit switches for intermediate positions can also be mounted in his compartment. For electric connection a maximum 48-pin control plug and a motor plug are provided on the back side of the housing, For flame proof version the plug is replaced by clip-on type terminals. During power operation, which has preference, the handwheel does not rotate. Manual operation can be engaged by a lever. Due to the high class of enclosure the actuators are well protected against adverse environments. ‘Suitability to the valve ‘each ovtput drive type according to DIN 3210, form A stem cut Form B plug-seeve orm € dogs oupling Form D stubs «alt form E bore vath keyway can be mounted 10 the actuator, : All output drive types of same standard size are interchangeat.le Mounting dimensions are according to standard. Hollow output shaft with large acceptance for rising valve sprndle Easily adaptable to operating speed demands Large range and fine steps of output speeds, range 4 ~- 180 pin Operating speed can easily be changed by using another set wf change wheels or by changing the motor (this can be done at any time) Well-protected against environment High class of enclosure of the whole actuator (IP 67, protection against short Lume submersion in water), High class of protection of micro switches for limit and torque switching (IP 66). ¥ _auma-motors in high class enclosure (IP 67) ate used to drive she actuators Conditions of service and duty “~ A SA Standard version for Open-Close control duty. sort time duty S2-- 10min (DIN 3210), SAR For regulating application. SA Ex Explosion proof actuators. + SAT Version for low ambient temperatures SAH - Version for high ambient temperatures SANISAL- Special versions for nuclear service according to sespective specifications. Safety + = Double-break micro switches for limit and torque switching If the switching point of limit switch gear has been overturtwed madvertently by ‘manual operation, the switching point itself does not change No resetting is therefore required Handwheel does not rotate during power operation, Manual drive is automatically disengaged when the motor sta:1s Design of stem nut makes it possible to remove the actuator -:wm the valve but maintaining valve operability, " Electric connection Actuators for most 3 phase, single phase and DC voltages are. wilable Simple connection of motor-, contiol- and signal cables at at vs multiplug. + which is standard for non-hazardous units Easy setting Easy setting of limit switches (counter-whee!-mechnsm) + The tripping torque is easily read at the circular scale of the sue switch ‘mechanism Extras available Additional instruments for position indication and sequence Extras can be easily fitted ala later date if requited. Service simplicity To remove the electric motor itis not necessary to open the ¢ ssse-filled gear bos, Change wheels are outside of the grease filled space auma-plug makes it possible to have a trial tun at the valve wnaasct’s plant, and also to test cach actuator during the start-up on site Maintenance is usually unnecessary for the first two years, + Commercial considerations Competitive price. Low investment for installation and wiring Very low running cost PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS Mounting position aumaactuators ean be mounted Uirectly on the valve. They work in any position, The actuators ca bbe easily fitted to existing manually operated valves. For special conditions the actuator ccan be mounted on a floor pedest The valve can be operated by drive shaft from above or below the actuator, Operating times auma-actuators are available with out- put speeds from 4 to 180 rpm (ratio 1.4). Most operating times can be met, particularly in conjunction with auma spur and bevel gear boxes, (Change of operating time During the trial run it may be found necessary t6'change the operating time lis easy to change the wheels or the electric motor on site. The grease-filled gear case need not be opened for this purpose. The switch settings (tripping torque, number of spindle turns) remain the same, Drive motors aumaactuators are driven by auma: urpose-builtsmotors (3-phase AC Squiriel-cage). The motor housing is ‘made of aluminium pressure die casting. The pot-type motor is sealed completely. A gasket is placed ar the ‘mounting flange. Thesetore sum motors have a very high class oF protection (after mounting IP 67) They are sealed against the envirot tent and protected against ingress of humidity and dust, and are therefore equally suitable for water treatment works, steel plants, oil and petrochemical installations auma motors are class F insulated and specially designed for valve operation, They provide high starting and stalling torque. The insulation tropicalised and suitable for tempera tures of up t0 155°C. This ensures the actuator is suitable for high tempera {ure valve operation e.g. steam and feed heating valves for Power Generations Mounting dimensions of auma-motors correspond to DIN/IEC standards. Since the motors ae used for short time duty, the size is reduced compared to standard motors for continuous duty, This results in reduced inertia of the rotor, therefore less run on after electric switching off and also more safety for the valve. Al motors have ball bearings with per ‘manent lubrication. For explosion proof motors reer to page 12 Special motors On request, single phase AC of DC motors for normal of other voltage andjor frequency can be used for awinaactuators. Its aso possible 10 supply actuators with two-speed or brake-motors Motors of other manufacturers can be ‘mounted to the aetuators if desired (extra price on request). ‘Types of enclosure for special motors according to standard of motor manu. fucturers, minimue IP 44 ‘Thermal protection of the motor Hf the actuator is run for a period beyond the rated duty of the motor Dor the rotor is stalled, phase Failure Or foo high an ambient temperature occur, the winding may burn out. To avoid damage, all aumi-motors are thermally protected, Thiee thermo: Stats connected in series ate placed in the stator winding They inteerupl the conte etcuit a sous the temperature poes beyond the peemissibte winding temperate OF 140°C: After cooling down to app 110°C the thermostats lose andthe actuator ean be started aga. The thermostats provide a eontinuons dineet contial ofthe winding tempera ture: They ate wited up to the conte plug o 1 the terminals, Electrical rating of the thermostats 250 V, S0- 60 Hz (AC) cos phi = 1 2,5 Amps £08 phi= 0,6 1,6 Amps Direct current (DC) 220 OSA lov OBA 60V roa aQVv 12a av Sa Handwheel operation In case of supply failure the manual rive can be engaged by means of a lever. Ifthe motor starts running the manual drive is disengaged imme. diately, Motor drive as preference. There is no danger for the operator Since the handwheel does not rotate during power operation, Hammer blow effect When reversing the actuator in power ine the worm wheel turns idle for part of a turn, Only then is the output shaft driven. [n this way the motor reaches its nominal speed belore ‘pening a well seated valve ‘i manual operation a hammer blow ccan be effected with the handwheel, ‘The hammer blow makes it possible to. open a jammed or rately operated valve RACTICAL CONSIUPRALTIONS Mixo witches in enclosure 1P 66 Not only 8 the complete actuator sealed 10 1P 67. The micro switches dre also sealed to IP 66, Should any water gees take place i the actator isopened up on sit. the totaly sealed Switches wll not be affected. The ouble scaling provides double protection, The micro switches are executed 28 double-break change-over switches, the circuit willbe mntereupted simi taneously at two points The micro switches have high cleetceal rating, high accuracy and Tong life-time, Bue to the spring mechanism fast movement and sure Separation of the contacts Is guaranteed The contacts are sver made. On request inicroswitches with gold-contacts can be supplied (extra price). a a att 30 24 NONC —-NCNO ‘Two different circuits can be switched with tandem switches, refer page 15. Mechanical life is more than 107 operations. Electrical rating Type of ating ie amps at cureent sv | 125¥ | 250v ac Gduetive toad) ig oad Multisplug in enclosure IP 67 auma-actuators have a 24-pin control plugand a 6-pin motor plug in a common housing as standard. Lint switches, torque switch and blinker transmitter are wired up to the control plug. For additional electric equipment the plug can be extended up 10 48 pins, The auma-plug makes it possible to check all functions of the actuator with the help of a portable control box. This Is 9 great advantage For trial runs in the valve maker's plant and during statt ap To prevent the plug getting loose while in rough service or subjected to vibra tions, and also to meet different lor ign specifications, the plug housing is Fixed with 4 serews at the actuator Incoming wires can be connected 10 the plug with screws, The terminals are suitable for a wire cross section up 104 mm?, The rating of the conteol plug is 16 amps at 380 V AC. 8 Multiple Terminal blocks Motor connection is at motor plug on studs suitable for wires up to 10 mun? cross section. There are 2 conduit entties of PG 29 and 1 of PG 13.5 at the plug housing. For terminal identi fication refer to plan “marking of terminals SA 6 1600" Terminal plate (On request terminal blocks ean be used instead ofthe aumasmult-pin plug. Up to 48 terminals for control wits and additional motor connections ste provided. Marking of terminals is the same as for the plug, The terminals for control are suitable for wie eross Section up to 4mm? (14 SWG), for motor connec- tion up to 6 oF 10 mm? (12 oF 9 SWG) Terminal rating is 16 A at 380 VAC. Types of enclosure IEC 144 specifies the requirements for protective enclosures. The degtee of protection is indicated by the letters IP followed by 2 characteristic numerals. The fest numeral designates the degsee of protection of persons sgainst contact with live oF moving parts side the enclosure and of {equipment aginst ingeess of solid Foreign boas ‘The second numeral designates the degree of protection against ingress of quid, WP 44 indicates tools, objects or foreign bodies greater than T mm eannot entes, Protection ‘against splasiung liquid from any rection, which shall not have any hrarmful eflect to the equipment WP 6S indicates complete protection against contact ‘with parts mide the enclosure, protee thon against anress al dust, Protection aygunst waterets from any direction, wwhicl shall have no harmful effect. 1P 67 indicates ssame as above, but in addition protec- ‘von against immersion in water, Water shall not enter the enclosure under stated conditions of pressure and time, All auma-actuators in standaed ve are protected to IP 67, the highest class of enclosures mentioned above. For use in places where explosive gases Inay occur explosion prot actuators canbe suppied Por dsratsreter page 12, © Connection to the valve ‘Output drives for rising oF non-sising valve stems. types A to L according to DIN 3210 ean be coupled to the hollow shaft of auma-actuators. For output drive types and dimensions refer to page 19. If the actuator is mounted on a floor pedestal to operate the valve by a drive shaft, the actuator can be equipped with an additional output shaft at the upper side (type DD). Output drives of the actuators SA, spur sear boxes GST and bevel gear boxes GK are Feely interchangeable {tet aexoring to DIN 3210) Wah this ype of eutat dre all wal teeeeatetenty say C Sespned hes bearings amd wl ox be ing on te tats Rowing Ths Suga nes pease oreo the Sere mic eee canara Shel hs is wa thew ein be peated wi help os sprit ey sven wen the seats The nt saate out of speci bronze Rov iph Scott ago wea resistance (CuZn40A 12). It will be Sepa unde wis pot hole Greeque itcan be sppled tts ttpceel ice ean acordng to DIN ios or eth speicg ACM theadextsrpae Stem nut asembly. Output drive ype A. Fock pot actuator housing heust dre Dearne ut howsing Torque switching In standard version aumacactuators are supplied with single torque switch It acts in closing direction and can switch off the actuator after the set torque has been reached. If limit switch cut olf has been selected the torque switch serves as an overload protection over the full range. Diagram for the function refer to page 13 On request a double torque switch (for closing and opening direction) can be fixed into the actuator (extra price) Subsequent fitting of double torque switch instead of single torque switch 1s simple. After reaching the set torque the respective micro switch will be opera: ted by a cam, current to the motor is cut off by the contactor. The tripping torque is infinitely adjustable between maximum and minimum values. The set torque can be read at the scale in Nm (10 Nm = I mkp, appr. 7,25 Ibsft) The adjusting range of the torque ‘hes can be found in the technical data, refer to page £7 ‘The micro switches have also NO con- tacts, which ean be used for indicating purposes, either after tripping off in the end-position or over the range. 1) elockwise rotation when looking at the hundwhest PERFECTION Limit switching ‘The limit switching is based on the counter gear principle. It is easily set without prior knowledge of the required number of spindle the valve travel, The valve is dei the end position and the respective counter wheels are set, The aecursey of setting is 1/10 tu The switeh cam will make a snap action in the end position, eliminating contact wear problems, The number of spindle turns can be set between | to 720 or | to 7200 (on request, at no extra price). Four train gear limit switching is also available, refer to page 14 Motor test rig All motors used by aumia are subjected to type testson our motor test rigs. During te tests we check the current, power factor and speed depending on torque (starting torque, nominal torque and stalling torque). The values are recor- ded ona x-y plotter, The temperature rise at the winding, at bearings and at the housing are recorded over the time. Development and tests The test rigs ate equipped with modern electri and electronic insteuments to ‘east all typical mechanical electrical values, With this equ wwe also test aumaaetuators under extreme conditions. For example: Operation at low and high ambient temperatures (irom 60°C to 150°C) Operation at dry heat and at high (85°C at 5% humidity to 100% humidity) Operation under steam pressure in ‘our autoclave (up to 200°C at 15 bar). Port of research laboratory with torque teste During the enducance tests setuators subjected to rigorous checks. Function of mechanical and electrical vomponents is tested over millions of ‘operation cycles, In addition, the suitability of greases, scaling elements, insulation materials, paints and surface trcatments ate tested, In this way the development and test equipment helps us to offer our customers technical perfected and reliable auma-actuators ELLA Bib ¥ auality Ouahity starts at the development stage fon the drawing board and 1s our guide Tine up to the completion of each sumavactuator. Long experience in design and manulacture guarantees reliable operation, Housiig and com ponent parts are made of best suited hraterials and are manufactured on ‘modem machine tools Quality contrat Strict inspections in all stages of ‘manufacture ensure uniform quality Only good parts are passed for assemb- ly. Any material or machining defect is further investigated and suitable measures are taken 10 ensure first class quality Details may be found in our handbook ‘Quality Assurance”. (CNC machining conter Gear housing The cigid housing of east iron is machined to high accuracy on special machines. Before assembly 1s sub jected to 4 porosity and tolerance test. The inner gear space receives a coat of special primer paint The worm and worm gear are lubricated by a specially selected grease which will assure long tem. trouble Tree service Bearings Ample sized ball bearings are used for the worm shaft. The hallow output shaft runs ina ball bearing at the out pput side. at the lnandwhee! in a nv layered self lubricating dey bearing Worm The worm is made out of alloy steel ‘After surface hardening the Hanks are ground. Special attention is given to Thigh quality surface to keep friction values to a minimun 10 Component inspection Worm wheel Good running properties combined with high strength is given by using diestorged blanks out of special bronze. The worm wheels are machined on precision machine tools. The teeth are cut on gear-hobbing machines, Electric wiring All cables in the actuator are stranded ‘copper wire with cross section 0.75 mm2. The insulation is of synthetic rubber, which is very ageing resistant. It has excellent mechanical properties, is tropicslized and is temperature resistant up to 120°. Paint aumaactuators are often installed out doors and have to funetion in surround: ings with aggressive ait and vapours. Therefore special attention is given to surface protection. Alll cast iron parts receive a primer coat of synthetic paint Finish painting after assembly is done with enamel paint on epoxide-base. I auma-actuators are subjected to extreme atmospheric conditions we recommend higher corrosion protection KI ot K2 (after assembly two coats of epoxy. based enamel paint). For spectal application we can also provide other paints (extra price). Final inspection Each auma-actuator will be inspected, tested according to the final inspection plan and set to the values specilied by the customer (number of spindle turns, tripping torque), The final inspection includes, among others, the following points 1 Visual inspection i execution according to data. sheet? is mounted electric motor of correct power, for specitied type of eurtent, voltage and Trequency”” ‘are name plates and instruction plates complete and in correct language? is assembly done in good work- manship? is electric wiring executed according. to correct terminal plan’? 11 Test and trial run ~ correct function of all switches high tension insulation test ‘motor drive in both directions is full vorque reached in both directions? nt while idle running and Full load Js noise level within permissible humsts? und: change-over to manual drive manual drive in bath diteetions automatic reset to power drive UI Setting torque-switeh in closing direction (for double torque switch also in opening direction) set to the value speeitied by the customer limit switching set to desired umber of cms re Our general business conditions apply to all our supplies and services, Under these conditions the Riester KG guarantees trouble-free function of Suma-actuators for a period of 12 months after despatch ex-works or after supply of valves with mounted auma- actuators from the valve-marker's plant Zéina norm auma compact auma-norm actuators This version offers a complete acluator type SA with electric motor Torque switch for closing direction, limit-switehes for both end:-positions, and blinker-transmitter for running indication are placed in the separate, sealed switch compartment Conteot ‘The required reversing contactors must be installed ina separate contvol-box!? and wired to the motor of the actuator. For signalisation of the switchings and to trip the contactors over micro switches control wires are requited from the auma-plug to the reversing contactors and to the control stand Control signals can be given from the ‘main control point or from separate local control stations. ‘The model auma-compact simplifies the installation and wiring considerably, (see diagram). ‘auma-compact actuators auma-compact is an actuator ready for service, complete with all required electric control gear. The reversing contactors are fitted within a water- tight aluminium housing which is mounted directly at the back of the actuator. The control operating cover also. carries the switch gear sub-assembly. ‘The reversing contactors are electrical ly and mechanically interlocked. The Control switch and selector switch are also mounted on this cover. If the ‘control voltage is other than 110 or 220 volts, 50 or 60 Hz, a control trans- former is vequired. This can as well be ‘mounted within the enclosure. All electric wires are brought to the mult: pin-plug in the housing. When removing the front cover all electric connections will be automatically separated Conduit eitries for electric cables are provided at the plug housing, Power supply for the motor and control wites can be connected to the terminal points in the multiplug. The switch Bear housing, which is sealed in our works, need not be opened for install ing and start up, auma-compact offers remarkable advantages motor is completely wised with the reversing contactors, only the multi-plug need be upened for electrical connection, the switch gests ave well protected inthe 1) completely wited control boxes it ‘optional accessoies can be oudeed inatplag reversing | control ‘no additional control box is required, therefore saving of cables, installation materials and cost of labour, selected type of control is indicated by position of the selector switch knob, the compact electrics ate easily exchanged due to multi-pin- plug. ‘when inserting the sub-assembly there is no danger of jamming long all electric equipment can easily be checked for correct function while the sub-assembly is removed auma-compact Selector Ibeat vont reversing power supply = control wites contol Control switeh OPEN STOP. CLOSE To operate the actuator on local control. When turning the switch it first indexes in the position of selected unning direction. To start the actuator fone has to turn the knob further to the position “Start™. The knob can be released immediately. since it returns by spring action. The running direction oof the actuator remains indicated by the position of the knob, uma compuct housing contol operating cover Selector switch LOCAL OFF Position LOCAL: ‘The actuator can be operated locally, te. directly with the control switch, Position OF The actuator is completely off und ean not be started either with the local ‘control switel or from a remote control point REMOTE (lockable) Position REMOTE ‘The actuator van be statted only from the remote control point, Its not Possible to start it on local control The selector switch can be locked in ‘any position by padlock to prevent unauthorized operation The knobs of selector and control switches are protected against dan by a cover plate hood. auma-compact ‘Actuators for regulating applications aumaactuators of types SAR are suitable for regulating service. The motor is started at short intervals to correct deviatioiis fom a preset value. ‘The actuators differ in several points from the standard version, eg. ~ Less over shoot since four-pole motors are used ~ worm with high quality finished flanks ~ disk springs on wormshaft pre- compressed to reduce dead band when reversing While selecting auma-actuators for regulating applications the following points should be observed: ~ max. starts 1200 eyecles/hour at motor power up 10 0,55 kW 600 cycles/hour at motor power above 0,55 kW!) — output speed not more than 45 rpm. torque for regulating duty should not exceed 50% of maximum torque full torque can be used for eating and unscating the valve ~ for reversing service duration of ‘impulses minimum SO:ms electronic position transducer or precision potentiometer should be Used for remote position indication. Explosion protection For service in areas where there is a danger of explosions additional safety measures are offered. ‘The specifications are found in the European Standards EN 50 014, EN 50 018 and 50.019. The standards differentiate between. enclosure EEx ¢ = increased safety enclosure EEx d= explosion proof housing, Application explosion-proof | nuclear service auma-norm SA Ex ‘They are supplied in enclosure EEx ed TC 42). The mechanical design is basically the same as for standard actuators. Terminal compartment and ‘switch compartment are executed in enclosure EEx e. The built-in electric equipment has by itself the required type of enclosure. The control and ‘motor cables are wired to approved terminals in the common terminal compartment. auma-compact SA Ex This version corresponds to the actuators auma-norm SA Ex. All electric sparking equipment is located in the explosion proof switch gear housing, which is mounted to the actuator, Explosion-proof motors auma-motors for actuators SA Ex meet the rigid demands of EN 50 018. The winding has class F insulation, the built- in thermostats trip at a winding tem- perature of approx. 140°C. Type of enclosure for motor: (after mounting) IP 67, Certification Both versions auma-norm and auma compact have been tested successfully by the Physikalische Technische Bun desanstalt Braunschweig 3), Test certifi cates of all units are available. For identification purposes all explosion ‘proof actuators receive a test plate with the PTB.certificate number in addition to the standard name plate. ‘Actuators for low temperatures Special low temperature grease is filled into the gear housing. The ball bearings Of the electric motor are also provided with special grease, Type SAT ~ for ambient temperature From — 52°C to +60°C. | for Open-Close duty for regulating application low temperature service high temperature service | nuclear service inside containment | ambient temperature °C ee from 2010 +80 from 2010 +60 | from 2010 +40 from 5240460 | rom 010 +120 from 0104120 from 0104175 ‘auma actuators for hi Seals of temperature resisting materials and special cable insulation materials guarantee trouble free function. Special Brease is provided in the gear housing ‘Type SAH ~ for ambient temperature from OC to + 120°C. h temperatures uma actuators for nuclear plants ‘auma has undertaken extensive tests to qualify the operation of the actuators and the suitability of materials used under the extreme conditions found in nuclear power plants. In the course of the tests actuators have been subjected to high temperatures, high pressure, humidity, steam and vibration. They have been exposed to chemical spray to find out the most suitable surface protection. ‘The resistance against radiation has been tested. For more details refer to separate brochure. ‘The tests procedure was according to specific US standards (i.e. IEEE). Documentation on the tests can be sent on request. ‘Type SAN ~ for service outside containment, radiation dose 5 x 107 rad ‘Type SAL. - for service inside containment, radiation dose 2.1 x 108 rad (gamma rays). 1) tm speciat eases up to 1200 cycles hour esl conta 3) Highest explosion group NC fui ‘demands for ail lower groups. and tem perature clase TA moet al Fequire- ments of lower clases. ve, 11, 12,73. Sy National Certifying Authority. i | auma-norm SA For Open-Close control duty (short time duty $2. 10 min) at ambient temperature from 20°C to +80°C. Drive mechanism Worm gear dive, output shaft and Changeover mechanism for engaging manual rive ave accomodated in the freaseiled housing, Manual drive When pressing the hand/auto lever the hhandwheel will be directly engaged to the output shaft, Manual drive remains ‘engaged tll the motor is started. During power operation the handwheel is disengaged and remains stationary. ‘One turn at the handwheel corresponds to one turn of the hollow output shaft ‘This results in high efficiency and high safety. In case of emergency a fast and sure operation is possible Further reduction by bevel-gearset is possible, refer to page 15. SA 100 mounted on GST spur gear box Switch gearing Single torque switch (infinitely adjust- able), limit switches for both end positions and blinker transmitter, as Well as optional extras (e. g. position indicator, intermediate switches, electric remote position indicator) are accommodated in the switch compart- ment, which is separated from the gear housing. Holes into the housing for drive shafts are sealed. All electric components ate wired up to the auma- plug. Blinker transmitter AA blinker transmitter is provided as standard and ean be used for running indication of the actuator. It gives 1 impulse per turn of the output shaft Hollow shaft The hollow shaft (output drive) provi des space for rising valve ster, The sertations on the hollow shaft guraran- {ce good power transmission from the coupling. Clutch jaws according to auma standard are at the lower end of the hollow shaft, They are suitable for all output drive types according to DIN 3210. BASIC Example! —epen — Travel = Lost oFEN Mp = torque OPS switch tipping point ‘Type of control The standard equipment of auma- actuators makes it possible to control the valve depending on its type and special application requirements. This means, the valve can be controlled by limit or torque switches. Tripping torques and number of spindle tuens ccan be set independently. Proposals for electric wiring suitable for different types of control can be furnished on request Direction of rotation Connection of motor wires Li, L2, L3 (R, S, 7) to the terminals U, V, W will give running direction “CLOSED” of, the actuator (clockwise rotation while looking at the handwheel).. Stem protection tube To protect rising valve stems a protec- tion tube can be fitted into the hand- wheel hub. A thread is provided as standard (sizes ee dimensions on page 20). Ifno protection tube is fequired, the handwheel hub will be closed with aid. auma-actuators are supplied with 2 conduit couplings Pg 29. They have a sealing ring of neoprene. When tightening the gland the sealing ring is pressed closely round the cable. This gives a durable sealing and at the same time secures the cable. On delivery the actuator conduit couplings are sealed with a shim, On our suma-multi plug there is an additional conduit entry Pg 13.5, which is closed by a plug on delivery. Ordering information To have a definite speci following data when plac 1. Version of the actuator (uma-norm, auma-compa Size of actuator - your order: Speed of output shaft (rpm)—— Extras according to reference No. >. Type of current, voltage and frequency SA,SAR,SAT) 1 Output drive type (according to DIN 3210) — - bPOUP MEN! Example tt ‘Travel — t CLOSED oN set tipping torque Sct travel (turns of spindle) toraue Mp required at vale Example 1 Position “CLOSED”: Stop by torque Position “OPEN’ Stop by limit Overload protection in closing direction over the full travel by single torque switch. Example It Position “CLOSED”: Stop by limit Position *OFEN": Stop by limit switch Overload protection in both directions over full travel by double torque switches. SA 6 mounted on GS 80 worm gear box uma compact SA Mechanical and electrical execution as described above, but including reversing contactor controls in completely closed housing mounted to the back of the actuator, Motor and switches are wired with the reversing contactors. Electric connection at the separate terminal compartment. ation of the required auma-actuator we request the avma-norm SA 25 J Desited length of protection tube (only for rising valve stem) Setting tripping torque in closing direction Setting tripping torque in opening direction (only for double torque switching) Setting of number of turns for valve travel B pTIONAL EXTRAS spun the variety of extra equipment built into the actuator ifs possible to have sR ctuator most suited 0 a particular application. Double torque switching (Figure 1) Pohhave an overload protection for the valve and actuator also in the ‘pening direction, the double torque switch can be fitted in place of the single torque switch RefNo. 8 Four train gear limit switches (figure 2) ‘This limit switching has 4 micro switches and 4 counter geats, which can be set independently. ‘The setting accuracy is less than 1/10 turn of the actuator output shaft 2 counter gears are required to switch off when reaching end positions. The other two are available for setting to any position between the end positions. ‘After being actuated by the cam the switches remain actuated tll reaching the end of valve travel Examples for application: =" to stop at intermediate position — sequence control, ie., to start a pump after certain opening of valve _. Shitch fo other speed when using two-speed drive motor. RefNo. 9 Reduction gearing (figure 3) For mechanical position indicator, electric remote indicator and intermediate switehes, The'main shaft of the gearing turns for ‘appt. 270° while the actuator performs full travel. The reduction ratio needed for each particular case will be fitted in our works. Ref. No. 10 2 Mechanical position indicator (figure 3) ‘Through a sight glass in the switch compartment cover the position Of the valve can be read off continuously at the actuator The two dials OPEN ( = ) and CLOSED ( = ), which are placed above noe cach other, will be set along with the limit switching. Ref, No. I Remote position indication ‘A potentiometer will be mounted on tie reduction gearing, ‘A power supply unit must feed the potentiometer with curtent of low voltage. The output signal is proportional to the position __ Of the valve. The valve position can be read off continuously on the position meter mounted in the control panel. T Standard execution, 220 ohms (figute 3) Ref. No. 12 Tinearty 3%, 4, on request 100,560 or 1000 ohms poteciometersin tandem arrangement Ref. No. 13, U1 Peeision potentiometer 3 $0,300 or 1000 ohms, linearity # 0.5%, 1.5 8 Ref. No. 14 IIL Power supply unit suitable for potentiometer Poet Yet PSL) for 220.V,50 2 supply RefNo, 821 VI Position meter 0-100%, size 48 x48 mm (app Ref. No. 35 72x72 mn (appr. 3 Ref, No. 36 (igure 4) 96 x96 mm (appr. 4"4") Ref No. 37 Intermediate switches (figure 5) These are mounted onto the reduction gearing in sets of 2 oF 4 pieces. The switch cams consist of 2 cam disks which can be rotated against each other. Each switch cam can be set independently throughout the valve travel. Each micro switch has ‘one NO and one NC contact. The switches can be operated 25 follows: Make contact adjustable from 0 to 100% of travel Break contact adjustable from 0 to app. 65% of travel numbers Ref. No. 15 Examples for setting the switches 4 numbers Ref. No. 16 break contact MM make contact wiv win o Travel —> sIZING DATA When planning a project the expected service conditions should be assessed ascompletely as possible, They must be considered in sizing the auma: actuator. Different applications may ‘often lead to questions, which must be taken into consideration at the planning stage. Experts of auma are feady to advise you with their long ‘experience in the manufacture of actuators. The results from extensive research can be added to the practical experience. If auma-actuators are purchased together with the valve from the valve-manufacturer, experts of the valve-manufacturer are in a position to select the most suitable actuator for every application. The correct combination and setting of limit- and torque-switches will be made suitable to the valve, Experts of the valve- ‘manufacturer will mount the actuator to the valve and will have a trial run before supplying the unit. The ‘customer will receive an M.O.V. ready for service. The valve-manufacturer will give a guarantee for the valve with actuator. The valve-manufacturer is backed up by auma. Sizing factors tis common practice to select actuators according to the demands of operating time and torque. Tough competition in the valve industry demands a competitive price and therefore the sizing of actuators tends to be as small as possible. Experience has shown that it is necessary to have sizing factors for actuators as is established practice for gears. Environment conditions (i. e. dust, lubrication of valve stem), number of starts and ambient temperature affect the total efficiency and the life time of actuators. auma has fixed sizing factors for selection of actuators. This ‘was done with the desire to help the customer to select the actuator most suitable for his particular application. Sizing The torque of the actuator must be sufficient to provide the required force for operating the valve. From the service data of the valve!) its known which torque or which thrust ‘are required for operating. For sizing Caleulation the factors 11-1) must be taken into consideration. 1). Values forthe valve (eg. torque or seating thrvst) are avalable from the Valvermanufacturer. % ‘The torque required by the setuator can be caleulated by using the formula’ My xf x {2x3 (Nm) Ms torque of actuator (Nm), Mj = torque required to operate the valve (Nm) F113 = service factors, Ifonly the thrust requited to operate the valve is known, the respective torque can be calculated as follows Service factors ‘Type of valve | easy going e. g. gate valve with rubber coated wedge | ‘normal, e.g. gate valves, globe valves, butterfly valves [nding Pg aes heavy, e.g. pen stocks £1 = type of valve ‘Ambient temperature in °C from ~50 to +6 My = Ft xtan (090) (Sm) [From ~40 10 ¥60 F = seating thrust in N from ~30 10 460 a tm middle radius of stem. Seo —20 10 #80 omelet thread in metres fiom 010 +90 tl c= eligangleofstem thread ee dto4l (rapezoidal thread a Ona according to DIN 103) ose ° = friction angle (9° to 14°). £2 = ambient temperature | Example: service life required pe 5 x 108 turns of 0, ‘output shaft: f; = 1.13 - f, Ee Pee ETE Ng turns of output shaft Factor £3 = Service life ‘Axial and radial loads at output drive connections, For values of max. permissible axial load for different output drives please refer to the table below. For stemnut (type A), plug sleeve (type B) and dog coupling (type C) no radial load is permissible ‘The values for max. radial load (F pay, ) of stub shaft (1ype D) and for bore (form E) refer to the middle of the stub shaft (Iy/2). If load acts at greater distance from the flange the values given in the table must be reduced accordingly. For high radial load on the shaft a bearing should be provided at the free end. B ax [ao foo 2 aye Ta fe fe 23 Pama sip [18 Type EAN Fema NP ass = TAN=100kp TN LAN=225 i To00ee 2) The permissible anal forces ar considerably beyond the max. thrust of actuators available “chen converting tary to linear movement by using trpezoida thread. 55/40 26 9000 1-720 lor 11-7200] doves 2oves | 25/55 doves | 25755 yard | 25155 pores _| 25/55 pore | 25/55, 2vvas_| 26757, 2146 | 25/57 2aias_| 29159 2748 | 27789 2aiaa_| 27159 120 88 150 110 10/80. 120/88 112 13500 2046 | 27/89 2riae_| 28162 ‘a1ae | 28/62 221aa | 28162 1-720 234 | 28162 20a | 26162. lor 1-7200} Bias | 27/53 2arsr_| e164 ass | 30166 2arsa_| 30166 24/53 | 30/66 2a1s_| 30765 250 185 300 220 [220/160 250/785, 52 120 27000 Boras | SaIT16 ‘avg0_| $5112 ‘aorag | Sarr1o aise | 547119 1-720 a1190_| 51127 41/90_| 85/121 or 720084 ag/92_| 561123 42192 | 56/123 a7rT0g | 617734] 31109 | 6134 47/102 | 61/134 47/103 | 61134 100 500 370 'a507330 | 50 52 160 36000 ‘49/108 | 65/143 soia| 66/150 suii2| 67/147 Sai1r4| 68/750] 1-720 soif2t | 71/156 S921 | 711156 lor 1-7200} | serr2a| 721158 86/723 | 721158 | sora2| 761167 60192 | 767167 | eorra2] 761167) 60/132 | 261767 200 150 1000 740 1200 880 200/665 11000/740, 6 2172 190 42700 74/163] 95/209 39/174 | 1007220 71162] 95/209 air63| 95/208 1-720 0, 176 | 1007220 80/126 | 1007220 or 1-7200 14: 82/180 | 109/226 821160 1071295 3071235 ¥07/295 | 120/282 107/235 | 128/282. 1) infinitely adjustable 2) direction open without torque switch 3) non-self-locking (observe note on page 18) 44) with motor, without drive adaptor 5) when operating at 60 cycles the output speeds will be 120% of the values given in the table 6) includes handwheel standard UL with bevel gear set Additional weight of version auma-compact 8 kel 18 [bs auma-semipact 4 kg/ 9 lbs ” - auma actuator | Three phase AC motor, squirrel cage lOC- Ks XX] 7 cle ‘ s i. Neveht Bee | alr|si3 YSO.53 Hs UNDER=L ats te] KG | Beret 2]-/3 3500T 60001 T €| 16.21 76. 14 “ERETK Pe 21 76 1 Be “LADLE ~ - | GB 36. 27,1810... ee EHEC — Lists 7615 5 =A Cie. ete ae CE hE PEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE MATERIAL DESCRIBED HEREIN HES GEEN MACE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TFE RULES OF THE CONTRACT. ye y : MANAGER, INSPECTION Yewata Works sf £ CUSTOMER CONTI = B43-N3-5=2-6.4041021 -i_SEAMLESS STEEL PIPE 0 SPECIFICATION _: APY SPECSL GRADE B DOCUMENT NO. CERTIFICATES cusTOMER : SHIPPER REFFRENCE MAK pooooaitoo~ 2 DATE OF ISSUE : .9@4-02-21 ____ No AS42028 _ | Tiydrostatie Prat Test Drift lo [ew mens IPPUNG OT ERE; LUKRPURA] UN. ° ; INSPECTION CERTIFICAT: = 1 ea ae < SE ‘iE sneer 5 a COMMODITY : SEAMLESS STEEL PIPE = SHEET NO. 24000000424 SPECIFICATION: API SPECSL GRADE 6 _ GsToveR: SIN SOON MAT _ DATE OF ISSUE : 1964-05-17 DOCUMENT NO. 2 SuPEE : WARUBENI CEREORAT REFERENCE 30. Tes Control Na Tensile Test =| Impact Test [lard z F EET g} | a ile al FIE/-lE | . E sf! | s Caste Te Bi 3] |s:8 wo em | « A Seg “E57 BeNDS S22 "x20" 25500803411 : GI ee + T TERSILE ZEST sPCineRsL CwEL Moe === the em po jaDLA Lancen on uiptulfiset ! Bs as : IPPON: STEEL CORPOR-5(0N = wav?’ INSPECTION CERTIFICAT. At : =o SHEET) i ' 05, Japon SHEET NO. : B00007451- 2 asrwe: SIN SOON Har DATE OF IssuE : 12-28 r Ht REFERENCE No. See ———12=28 SMB -NISSHO IMAL conpoRATION = ___—aftEFERENCE, Tensile Feat TE] impact Tent lod, IE Chemicol” Composition sfe]_ le [z Fells lo 164653 17897 2: 44700 6966047 iLL i 7 (oth 12 T : i] 782 s7i36cassasesers 17857 he 4seo0 68600440, | 1 i | | ! i i | 14 13 i | | _| ei ME HEREGY CERTIFY THAT. THE MATERIAL IN AccokDance’ WITH THE RULES weenie teset vig skeenres = NIPPON. STEEE CORPOR yo'-F INSPECTIO! ERT / = | ae i - CONTRACT No. Le. (mite oof E ss. takyushe 805, Japon commoviry "'"" : SEAMLESS BLACK STEEL PIPE . “Eo a Ses . SHEET NO. :___899000184- 2 SPECIFICATION P1_SPEC5L GRADE a QIsTWE: SiN _SOON_HUAT DATE OF ISSUE 01-07 DOCUMENT XO: sme: _nassiin_ ak conporat ton zea wagoia eal Control Ne Tensile Tet & Z| =| Impact Toot 3 e 7 T |e i Sune Weve 1 Gore Te icer | Ipc : 3 lates se mE 3 os] KG Mom Ea 2 3 808: 5 7 T H The ! i i g |_FISis 76 10 9 { he t Fee { tfep [Berk { i : = | i 1615 77 10 4 T 7 i 4 i + i i 7 1 Ppa T T Loo_prEce! J s f : L | las ad 7 T a T74 To? 4 452600 KG = u | sense fest sezcivs ‘2 ie | ‘ HYDROSTATIC TEST Se — — — 1340 Psi = — ! { Seon ! ae i H 1 i _— i i I i i | i — i _——- \ | i | te io . 4 I i : me) i | | | jit | it [. i i | | J crcoon FE TE CLIT 6 :coo $i8im 626.60 7:7 hee WE HEREEY CERTIFY THAT THE MATERIAL DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS, BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES “of _THE CONTRACT. { a Re “NIPPON: STEEL: CORPORATION: INSPECTION CERTIFICAT? ©” cusrowen cox’ COnTRACT NO. N39 5-¥-401 3 “Yevete Hae CONTRACT NO. > 1-545: 124-03) sweety < te Hh COMMODITY _: SEAMLESS BLACK STEEL PIPE SHEET NO. SPECIFICATION = 4p) SPECS) GRADE B. @UsTOWER? “SIN SOON HUAT i F REFERENCE NO. SHIPPER 2 NISSHO IMA] CORPORATION ________ 2K4__MBQO1.4 Impact Test [Herd DOCUMENT KO. Control No Sire Wek Ce Vinwalt Dimension Flaitening Test “[Hatrertotie Test it tae fk re DESCRIBED HEREIN Has THE CONTRACT. 4 es DOCUMENT _NO. SUPPER: ORA ION DATE OF ISSUE = 07-15 REFERENCE XO. 003 Control Xo, iiore z INSPECTION CERTIFICAT CONTRACT NO. >? §=R43-NI=5e2=64941.08) it SHEET)” -" oc AMIPPON STEEL CORPORA ON Nad sores eee commopiry : SEAMLESS STEEL PIPE _ _i_p090000823 SPECIFICATION _: APT SPECSL GRAVE B STONER ee “ rai 29849 02-06 SHIPPER Tet Sine Weveht Prete] KS Flattening Test Hydrostatic Test Sd _Dnre dis 40 50° T 20! 5o| 439 £7667/036501_ 29051 L2 43000, €9300440) feS1_ SPECIMEN: icnuiju2e:==-stake C aan n nw nnnnen bebo Min | 15491 Pst ae! (UmE=--=-==-b--b-pwtn | 5 Setona} An tae, 1 = | i{ jj 4. wh hs Works, Tata BADAN PENGKAJIAN DAN PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI LABORATORIUM UJI KONSTRUKSI e a TEST REPORT UJT TARTK DAN TEKUK STATIS DAN ANALISA’ METALLOGRAFT SAMBUNGAN LAS MATERIAL PIPA’ NO: C. 8. + GUNA’ ELEKTRO CONTRACT NO:C. 9%. T. fii iy" Fe PREPARED awa | 7} T Capea SIGNATURE NAME Nursant Tr, Dakso Svi jono The publication, duplication and utilization of this document Or parts of it, is subjected to prior written permission of the Institute. All rights reserved. LL Page 7? TEKNOLOGI LEK (AeonaTORIUM Ua KONSTRUKS! Te TUMAN PENGUSTAN = Maksud penguiiam statik yeng dilekukem Sai adelat untuk mengetatt Yustam mekants deri kekuatam terik dem tekukem deri bende ujf. = Mglsud analise MetellogrefS yang dilekuken fnfi adalat untuk wengetatnd analise wikro dam makro dari’ struktur sambungar les dart benda jis IX. PERATATAW PENGUJTAN = Resim uJf RME 100 = Mes ithe uff UPH 200 -X -¥ recorder = jangle sonong ~ Mikzoskop Leitz - Wezlar - Perelatam prepares’ specimen + - Grinding = Polishing = Etsa ITI, STANDARD PENGUJIAN STI=- 0164-77 SII - 0318 - 60 ~ SII = 0316 - 80 TV. HASTL PENGUJIAN Hail pengujian bise dilshat pada halaman berikutnys. Prepered by (Ws cia = ; jot el | fest Nr s¢. 85 . Oh Material ‘Baja. Customer pT, GUNA ELEKTRO Specification :SIT - 0301 = 80 Contcact Nr :€. 9. T. % Specimen ?Semb.las material pipe pate 212 = Oh = 1985 Hachine 2UPH 1000 \ 1 I J SPLCIRON Yied Tens ile] Elonga- Reduc-| Modulus )-—— Stress’ | Stress | tion tion elasti~ bimension| Area | Gauge city i Teng th Renarn | 5% bo Lo Re Ru 1 cy | Con) |) | Gunny | (en/unn) Ce) |e) [yay i 1 |6,8x33,2 | 225,76] 50,8 | 310,08| 434,09] 31,89) - = |putus diluar Sambungan Las 7 , + Mock tod by r (7? TEXNOLOG! Caeonatomion un €ONSTRUCS! HASIL UJI LENGKUNG Pave Pemakai jasa PT. GUNA ELEKTRO Material —: Baja. No. Kontrak - OT. OF + dbyek i samb.les pipa. No. Laporan 10. 8. 9h Standar uji_; S11-0397-80 STI-0301-80 ‘Tanggal 10h = 04 = 1985 Mesin gpm 200 Dimensi |Jarak |Diameter |Kuat \Sudut- No. elintang ‘Tumpuan|Penekan | Lengkung |Lengkung |Lengkung _ mS Ww D P G x KETERANGAN 0 XBy (rm) form} (om) | 0) frm | GE 1| 6,6x33,2 | 145 GE 2| 6,8%33,2 | 145 50 11,2 = 50 6,75 - 180 | - deri quar beik = 180 | - dari dalam baik Seteleh diiakukan| pesih lebih kecil pengujias} tekuk Yerjadi! k re yang: besernye Jari pads |syaret-syeret yaug ditfinkay SIT.O16% Nilai rata rata T Disusun Diperiksa [| Disetujui Tanggal ‘Yanda tangan ON ih Nome re) NUU'E'S'2 n S| Tre Dakso S. Ye. Amir Pe err TexNOLOG! CABORATORIUM UN XONSTAUKS! Page: Te Diagram F -S untuk bends uji terik PT. GUNA FLEKTRO Propaned by ‘Me Modified by Date: KOT LAMPIRAN Analysa Mikro & Makro Steuk tur Sambunyan Las Pipa Sp Negi YA tea ee t Etsa HNO3- Gambar 1. Struktur mikro logam dasar berupa Ferrite (war na putih) dan Pearlite (waraa hiten). sf at | Etsa Hho 3a. 100 x Gambar ¢. $truktur mikro daerah HAL berupa bainite gan - Ferrite-Pearlite berukuran lebih halus dari pada material doser. | ‘fom Wf pe aR = | tk ‘re TEKNOLOGI LAPIRAN Analisa Mikro & Makro Struktur -—————_—_—_—- (ABORATORIUM Ux KONSTRUKS! Sambungan Las Pipa Gambar 3. Struktur mikro logam las-lasan yang berupa Bai- Mite, WidmanstStten dan Ferrite. exo pend by + Gomi etdr [our 27? TEKNOLOGI = LAMPIRAN rr Analysa Mikro & Makro Struktur ae Sambungan Les Pipa (ABORATORIUM Us KONSTRUXS! Etsa HNOs 3% 100 x Gambar 4, Batas daerah las-Lasan. Logam las-lasen den logem dasar menyatu sempurna, Struktur mikro seperti gambar 2. Dem: Moditied by : foams ty sD Date orF TEKNOLOGI Pa LAMPIRAN Analysa Mikro & Makro Struktur Sambungan Las Pipa {ABORATORIUM UN KONSTRUKS! Etsa HNO 3%. 100 x Gambar 5. Batas daerah las-lasan. Logam lasan dan logam dasar menyatu Sempurna. Struktur mikro seperti gambar 2. Dew Moctied by : Dete Gambar 6. Logam lasan menyatu sempurna dengan logam dasar Gambar 7, Terdapat cacat permukean pada lasan pipa - sebelah dalam. Va Ny Wl bane Modited by | Jone. - fore TERNOLOG! q Analyse Mikro & Mokro Struktur | Sambungan Las Pipa TTS LABORATDAIUM UR KONSTAUXSE LAMPIRAN Kesimpulan . Hasil pemeriksean dibawah mikroskop terhadap kedua contoh menunjukken bahwa logam les menyatu dengan baik dengan 10 gem dasar. Ditemukan cacat permukaan dilas-lasan pada ba- gian dalam pipa tersebut (lihat foto No 7), . Pada daerah HAZ pada perbatasan dengan logem las-lasan (weld material) didekat permukaan (foto No. 4 & 5), ukuran butiran (bekas butér Austenite), retetif jauh lebih beser deri pada bagian yang lain, sehingga deerah ini sensitive terhadap retakan. Struktur mikro pada logam dasar berupa Bainite, Widmanstatten. Struktur mikro pada daerah HAZ berupa Bainite,Widmanstatten dan Ferrite-Pearlite cohen dari pada logam dasar. Struktur Mikro pada logam dasar berupa Ferrite dan pearlite. Modified by : fe Mectronic Automation Components Pneumatic Grippers Rotary Actuators Slide Cylinders Guide Cylinders agai seeeweioiiabestinienaien vy Automation Components Mectronic Content Page Pneumatic Grippers Sories MGS ... il Pneumatic Grippers Series MGP .. Hh Pneumatic Grippers Series MGPU. 7 Rotary Actuators Series RA... _ 9 Slide Cylinders Series PSAIPSC......-.5 aa Guide Cylinders Series PSB. 14 Slide Cylinders Series PSD... Origa Rodless Cylinders oo 22 J PIAB Pumps & Suction Cups... : 23 Automation Components Mectronic Pneumatic Gripper Fulcrum Type Series MGS Main Features Model Number * Compact and light weight MGS-16 S 2 Doe oe i | "Number of sensors required provides resistance to wear ) | , >: oar and side mounting | With magnet for sensor holes facilitate versatile | ‘operation (optional) and easy installation i * Available with sensors ; Cytron bore) for signal output 12- 12mm bore 46 - 16mm bore 20 - 20mm bore 32 - 32mm bore ——— Fulerum type aripper Specitications Model mGs-12 MGs-16 MGS-20 MGS-32 Action | Single-acting | Double-acting 7 Sensor option No Yes Yes Yes Medium Compressed air Pressure range 35-7 bar 2-7 bar Max. pressure - 10 bar Temp. range —_ "5-606 Lubrication - Standard lubricated air Port connection M5 Weight without magnet 409 959 1650 3959 Weight with magnet : 1109 180g 4450 Automation Components Mectronic DIMENSIONS @ MGS-12 wavien _wegsee PB er NTS T vwix iy} oz sefos ae] 0 aso + hosomfaalie 2) ju fd Seep 10 eee Stee ae eae eee li led» cow Automation Components + Gripping Force Calculation: =M ea F(kgf) = theoretical grip force M(kgf-cm) = torque L(em) =length of clamping point Max. length(L) MGS-12 = 30mm MGS-16 = 40mm MGS-20 = 50mm MGS-22 = 70mm ‘The gripping force should be 10 10 20 times the component ‘weight depending on coetticient of fletion, clamping claws and shapes, surtace condition, impact during movernent, etc. Ts 6 tint = | I arent Mectronic 5 vain? \ Automation Components Mectronic A | by Main Features Compact and light weight * Aluminium alloy body with hardened surface provides resistance to wear Rear and side mounting holes facilitate versatilo and easy installation Claws incorporate roller bearing to ensure smooth and precision movement, and long service life Pneumatic Gripper Parallel Clamping Type Series MGP Model Number "—— Cylinder bore 16 - 16mm bore 20 - 20mm bore Parallel clamp gripper Specifications Model MGP-16 | MGP-20 Action’ 7 Double-acting Medium Compressed air Pressure range 2-7 bar a Max. pressure - 10 bar Temp. range — 5-60" C Lubrication Standard lubricated air — Port connection M5 Weight 118g I 2049 Automation Components Mectroni DIMENSIONS — - o| of 1 id wit, teat eaxnoe/ oe a ie Poem 4 wenoue \. GRIPPING FORCE ——— CLOSED MGP-16 . Seren oh sal sy Rl * i - a Q permit anor cui roar raat - MGP-16 Lmax = 40mm eon ne Sveontven cae MGP-20 Lmax = 50mm ma we a “ Example: MGP-16 Ata supply pressure of 5 kgt/cm 2(bar), with L = 25mm, the grip force F is 1.45kgf Selection Guidelines ‘The gripping force should be at least 10 to 20 times the weight of the component depending on the coeticient 0 friction, shape of component and clamping claws, surface condition, speed of movement, type of movernent (linear circular), etc. fimpactis tobe encountered, the gripping force should take into consideration additional safety factor Consider a force of 30 to 50 times the weight of the component. Automation Components Main Features Mectronic Pneumatic Gripper Large Parallel Clamping Type Series MGPU Model Number * Aluminium alloy body U-20 with hardened surface Ms ey provides resistance to wear * Parallel action with adjust- ; able opervclose length —— Cylinder bore without affecting centering 20 - 20mm bore position | 82-32mm bore * Large parallel opening allows handling of big Parallel clamp gripper object * Rack and pinion design provides positive clamp action and long service lite * Mounting holes on body provides easy installation Specifications Model MGPU-20 MGPU-32 Action - Double-acting Medium Compressed air Pressure range - 2-7 bar - | Max. pressure ee 10 bar - Temp. range [ 560°C _ Lubrication [ Standard lubricated air | Port connection M5 Weight 4109 | 10009 Automation Components Mectronic DIMENSIONS GRIPPING FORCE MGPU-20 MGPU-32 ml fs |p froero = ap sya) 4 ATL 0 0|oe fe wera aene [a [tf RA-16- | 180 | 02 | 4s 65 [35 | 27 | te | 60 | 35 |resiios| 24 Mex 07P, doo | 38 A_[se|oo es] [er] ™ so ene = 20 [=|= [mle |=|= = reread e)[cIls RA-20- [180 [ea] [70 [or [= [we a [exer ame [a fe fae A_|s|s7|m|a |a[e 25 [18 [v0 te [orofizo] wsx07P, ane | @ 90 |re[ee 78 [as [ar [ae 0 pe | a)e0) "MERaTP, de - RA-25- [180 [io] [76] = for [ee 210 eal | aT a a , A |i06) 66 | 75 [45 | 3: [6s 10 be [era)t@0] MSxO7P, dopiho | [aa] are | 3 | tale @ METHODS OF INSTALLATION Automation Components Mectronic Main Features * Compact, economical, and simple linear slide unit * Double-rod provides guided linear movement * Double-piston provides twice the cylinder force Slide Cylinder Double Rod Type Series PSA Model Number PB 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 mm * Incorporates magnets for a sensors actuation 16, 20, 25, 32 * Sensors can be easily | ‘mounted on integral rails —— Slide cylinder on the slide body double-rod type * Using simple mounting plates, ‘other components such as gripper, rotary actuator, can be assembled to perform pick and place application in factory automation Specitications Mode! PSA16* | PSA-20 PSA-25* PSA-32 Gylinder bore 20mm 25mm 32mm Stroke 25, 50, 75, 100mm '50, 75, 100,150mm| Medium Compressed air Pressure range 15-7 bar Max: pressure 10 bar ‘Temp. range 0-60" C Lubrication Standard lubricated = ee Port connection Ms MS 18 Velocity _ 100 - 506 nivs Accuracy extended 10.25° * Replaced by new model: PSC 16, PSC 25, 1 Automation Components DIMENSIONS = hes TRoK®, Ta re LecsTROKE) Asestnone) Mectronic a ef SSS 7 | = = Sal L {7 at o ® —— | coe \name De) Nae \ a em wa Welght Table (kg) WEIGHT ACTING STROKE (mm) TYPE 25 50 75 100 150 | PSA-16 0.33 0.40 0.47 0.53 ~~ PSA-20 0. 48 0.57 - 0.66 0.75 PSA-25 0.72 : “0.80 0.93 1.06 = PSA-32 = 1.05 - 1.22 1.40 1.76 Automation Components Mectronic Methods of Installation (C) (A) Lal Note: With this instalistion, will reduce the load capacity Mounting of Sensors NOTE: PSC Models have no sensor mounting on sides B Thrust Table (kof) peeonerea — PRESSURE USED (kgf/cm?) TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Psa-ig [THRUST] 4.02 | 8.04 | 12.06 | 16.08 | 20.10 | 24.12 PSC-16 PULL | 3.01 6.03 | 9.04 | 12.06 | 15.08 | 18.09 _ THRUST| -6.28 | 1256 | 18.84 | 25.12 | 31.40 | 37.68 PULL | 4.71 | 942 | 1413 | 1884 | 23.55 | 28.26 PSA-25 |THRUST| 9.81 | 19.62 | 29.42 | 3924 | 49.05 | 58.86 | 68.67 PSC-25 PULL | 7.55 | 15.10 | 22.65 | 30.20 | 37.75 | 45.30 | 52.85 PSA-32 [THRUST| 16.08 | 92.16 | 48.24 | 64.92 | suo | 96.48 | 112.56 PuLL | 13.0 | 260 | 390 | 520 | 650 | 780 | 91.0 PSA-20 Automation Components Mectronic Guided Cylinder Serles PSB Main Features Model Number * Economical precision linear PSB - 32-200 slide unit of simple ns eerie construction * Precision linear movement 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 mm. using guide rods and linear bearings | * Designed for both horizontal ‘and vertical installation * Parallel guide rods enable taking heavy side load * Sensors easily mounted on the cylinder * Using simple mounting plates, other components such as gripper, rotary actuator, can be assembled to perform pick and place application in factory automation ——~ Cylinder bore 20, 25, 32, 40mm, ——— Guided Cylinder Specifications Model PSB-20 PSB-25 PSB-32 PSB-40 Gylinder bore 20mm 25mm. 32mm, 40mm. Stroke 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300mm | Medium Compressed air Pressure range 2-7bar Max. pressure 10 bar ‘Temp. range 0- 60°C. Lubrication “Standard lubricated air Port connection 118 Velocity 50 - 500 mvs = Automation Components Mectronic DIMENSIONS Lo eston eS “is moce 7 1 | —— { kK} 3 tS tL futoxaorse Luly testo) p+ ei eesrmoney zeanote EIT alc loloe| e falls |ylklujelo) mw jule| a Ris|rijulviwly) oz an | pse-20 [lm lulelolm| [mle lafelulin|aleducelrle| — lolmleludadola sw-25 [afer [norm ns *® al o [anon |eo |e] sl oe] wea | 0 [on [ott [eo] salvo] | ve |olon| Se HeSB-32 | os | vs |o7| 2 foos] [sn] 04| suc] co | ts] ose] waxam | © | «||| BS2 |e [oem Ps eet E pse-40 aw x 0 leon] | ace |» | e047 | all | | |] | RE | ! Tl Weight Table (ko) . WEIGHT CYLINDER STROKE (mm) TYPE 50 100 150 200 250 300 PSB-20 1.38 1.50 1.63 1.75 1.88 2.0 PSB-25 2.0 2.21 2.42 2.63 2.84 3.06 PSB-32 2.07 2.30 2.54 2.77 3.0 3.24 PSA-40 3.67 4.03 4.40 4.57 5.13 5.50 Automation Components Mectronic Methods of Installation Note: With this instalation, will reduce the load capacity Thrust Table (kg) THEORETICAL| ACTING PRESSURE USED (kgf/cm?) 3 4 5 6 THRUST 9.42 12.56 15.70 | 18.84 PULL 7.91 10.55 13.19 | 15.82 THRUST PULL 14,72 12.36 | 19.68 16.49 24.54 | 29.44 20.61 | 24.73 | THRUST 32.16 PULL (40.21 | 48.25 | 9455 | 41.46 THRUST | | | 62.83 | 75.39 PULL 52.77 | 63.33 Automation Components t Main Features * Linear slide unit with flexibility of applications: fixed body with rods sliding, or fixed rods with body sliding * Double-piston provides twice the cylinder force * Double through-rod provides rigidity and precision guide * Integral hydraulic shock absorbers (optional) for high speed application * Incorporates magnets for sensors actuation * Using simple mounting plates, ‘other components such as gripper, rotary actuator, can be assembled to perform pick and place application in Mectronic Slide Cylinder Double Through-Rod Type Series PSD Model Number PSD -.25- 150-20 | | Cioptions N. = Basic type 2A = with hydraulic | | ‘shock absorbers —— Stroke 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200mm | ————— | 4 50 | 62s | 75 E 87 112 | 197 162 187 212 237 F 16 6 6 16 16 16 16 Weight Table 7) ‘TYPE aio | ‘50 75 100 125, 150 175 200 N ose 072 | ose | oo | 101 | 111 | 121 PSD-16/ ia | 065 | 075 | oo | 094 | 104 | 144 | age 2A 0.68 0.77 0.87 0.97 1.07 V7 1.27 8 Automation Components PSD - 25 (STROKE: 50 ~200mm) Mectronic sasecsragxenos : [i T3s(STROED sonora. L] + + sé"nau-veer7 seer i e- -@- - a | A * 4 | 96-DEEPB. vs. {SAD EPCW Pore) eae a ‘BOLE rey J t Bache [rseaercie Bore) ce Automation Components Methods of Installation Mectronic ‘¢ TABLE SURFACE FIXED TYPE. —_ — © END PLATE FIXED TYPE, Alr Connections Connection: A, B ‘* TABLE SURFACE FIXED TYPE, en ome c(i = rn: Connection: C, D, E or F ‘* ENDPLATE FIXED TYPE. meen Thrust Table (kgf) THEORETICAL ‘THRUST | PRESSURE USED (kgf/cm *) pete Goes — TYPE 1 | 2 a3) 4] s 6 7 8 9 | | PS-16 3.01 | 6.02 | 9.03 | 12.04) 15.05 27.09 pp tf PS-20 471 18.84 | 23.55 | 28.26 | 32.97 37.68 | 42.39 L. | ~ | PS-25 7.55 | 15.11 | 22.66 soz 37.77 | 45.33 | 52.88 | 60.44 | 67.99 — — _ PS-32 | 13.0 26.0 |39.0 |52.0 | 65.0 |78.0 | 91.0 | 104.0 | 117.0 Automation Components Installation of Sensors Mectronic ‘* TABLE FIXED TYPE Induetion switch is installed insie the main body indented channel on table surface; induction magnet is fixed inside the fixing rod Indented_ indented (/channel channel * ENDPLATE FIXED TYPE Induction switch is installed on the tited rod: Induction magnet is hidden inside the table unit. N \ Fixed \-Indented rod) channel Deformation Values ‘* WEIGHT CONCENTRATED ON TABLE SURFACE (NOTE): Weight gravity must be kept near the table surface center, ‘* WEIGHT CONCENTRATED ON ENDPLATE ax [a7 | ove | 020 om [car Pow | ost a MEME | ons [ox | o2e| eae | a fhe [iow aha PS coon ame | 04 at Automation Components The Product Range Series P 210 ~ 9 10, 16, 25,32 mm Series P 220 - 9 2.x 25, 2x32 mm Duplex Cylinder Series P 230 - 9 25,32 mm Cylinder with Guide Series P 235 ~ 9 25, 32 mm Cylinder with Guide and Integrated Brake Series P 240 - 9 25,32 mm Cylinder with Brake Series P 120 - 9 40, 50, 63, 80 mm Series P 140 - 9 40, 50, 63, 80 mm Cylinder with Brake Please ask fora separate catalogue ORIGA Automation Components PAB The PIAB Vacuum Pump-available in 26 different sizes ed ‘The PIAB Vacuum Pump programme consists of three separate groups, the L, M and H types totalling 26 different pump capacities. The pumpsin the L series give an extra powerful flow at depression in the interval — 10 to —S0 kPa. The M series is constructed to give a de Pression of maximum 90% and with the H series a maximum vacuum of 99% is obtained. Please ask fora separate catalogue A complete suction cup programme The PLAB range of high quality suction cups is manufactured in four types, all in a range of sizes and in two alternative materials. A total of 60 different cups in sizes from 6 to 150 mm diameter with all the necessary fittings it and adaptors cover almost every application. \ ' | fy woaty fC Moat Hake ° . . Mode 0 Motel i fis | * PIAB Suction Cups have threaded connections, which permit high precision mounting and allow b: auick and easy change Bris © Changeable rubber cups for low cost maintenance i 4 Angleadapor,ballointsand shock absorbers re available as aes ask for separate afr mation. © Swedish quality engineering by PIAB. \ 2

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