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Standard Forms of Building Contract

1998 Editions

Series 2

Practice I

Main Contract Tendering


or of any other cause.

. . . . .. ..
Practice Note 6

Main Contract Tendering

Contents Introduction page 2

Scope and Contents
Use with JCT Forms
Scotland and Northern Ireland
Electronic Tendering
Public Procurement

The Preliminary Enquiry 4 I

The documents
The Project Information Schedule
Basis of assessment and the Questionnaire

The Invitation to Tender

n- 6
Documentsto be issued I
Completing the Forms

The lender 8

Withdrawal and Lapse


The Alternativ


el Form of Preliminary Enquiry for Main Contract Works 13

in Contract Works 20

I Form of Tender for Main Contract Works 22 i

This Prakice Note is intended to be a successor to the Code of Procedure for Single Stage Selective
Tendering, published by the former National Joint Consultative Committee for Building (NJCC). It
includes much of the material from thst Code and also from the NJCC Codes relating to Two-Stage
and to Design and Build Tendering. The Joint Contracts Tribunal Limited is grateful to the NJCC's
constituent bodies for their permissionto include that material.

PNB (7/02) 1

, . . .. . .
. ., a.
.I . . Introduction. . ..

Scope and Contents

1 JCT recognises that there is a need for model forms of tender for use in
obtaining tenders for main contracts. This Practice Note contains JCT Model
Forms and brief notes on their use.

2 The Practice Note is primarily concerned with the m

procedure most common in the United Kingdom const
stage tendering by a selected list of contractors for I

responsibility remains wholly or primarily with

professionalteam, and this is reflected in the Model

3 The concluding section o

differences between the single stage proce
procedure frequently adop
prior to complete develop
footnotes to the Model Forms as to e necessary or
desirable to deal with the
Open tendering and “neg
scope of the Practice Note.

4 Against that background, the Pr del Forms cover (a) the

preliminary enquiry/pre-qu ly follow a preliminary I
listing of potential contract ation to tender; and (c)
the tender itself.

Use with JCT For &)A\\\” i

5 The Model Fo n both the public and the private

sion of the JCT Standard Form of
ontractor‘s Design), with the JCT
s forms and also with the JCT Measured
ed for use in conjunction with Works
anagement Contract, Trade Contracts under
entation or tenders by prospective
actors. In each of these latter cases
JCT Domestic Sub-Contract (DSC), the JCT
invitation to tender and a form of

rn Ireland

and practice in particular differ in certain respects from law and

e remainder of the United Kingdom but, with the assistance of the
ing Contract Committee (SBCC), itself a member of the JCT, notes
luded to indicate the principal differences. In terms of forms used
ng process, practices appear to be more diverse in Scotland than I

is intended that the Model Forms in this Practice Note should

serve as a general guide where the contract is to be governed by
aw and/or to use an SBCC Scottish Building Contract (‘SBC‘)
daptation or equivalent of the relevant JCT Form of Contract.

Accordingly, references in the Model Forms to a JCT Form of Contract or I

Warranty should in such cases be adapted to refer to the relevant SBC or SBCC

PN6 17/02)

8 Similarly, in the case of contracts governed by the law of Northern Ireland, such
references should be extended where relevant to include the appropriate
Northern Ireland Adaptation Schedule, published by the Royal Society of Ulster

Electronic Tendering

9 In recent years there has been a substantial -and welcome - incrctase in the use
of electronic tendering procedures. These offer obvious advantages in terms
both of speed and of reductions in the cost of produci
documentation; use of such procedures will no doubt be

10 In the interests of simplicity, tendering practice and

this Practice Note generally by referenceto a ha
However, this Practice Note applies equally to
password or other protections are built into a
sealed envelope or otherwise to safeguar
and other information, the underlying p
practice remain essentially the same. Th
less than for hardcopy.

Public Procurement

11 In the case of within the scope of EU

Directives and UK and their consultants
must continue to and the procedural
requirements of

PN6 /7/021

The Preliminary Enquiry

The documents

12 Following preparation of an initial list of potential contractors, and in order to

establish which of them are both suited to the project and willing to bid, each
contractor should be sent a letter substantially in the form included in the JCT I
Model Form of Preliminary Enquiry, accompanied by a Project Information
Schedule and a Questionnaire. This Model Form enqui
for each of those other two documents are set out in A

13 The Model Form of Preliminary Enquiry envisages

from contractors within 10 days of the date of its ori
of contractors interested in tendering,
completed Questionnaire. A longer perio

The Project Information Schedule


14 To encourage a positive and time
contractors as possible, it is im
should be duly completed.
cide whether or not to
for the issue of

0 the JCTFor

f Contract that will apply;

executed as a deed or as a simple

Schedule’should also have annexed to it the form of

Particulars applicable to the relevant JCT Form,
racticable. Where the form of Contract is one that does


Footnote la1 . Not applicable to contracts governed by the law of Scotland (as to which see the SBCC ‘Note to Users: I


Basis of assessment and the Questionnaire

18 The Preliminary Enquiry, in the letter itself andlor in the Project Information
I Schedule, should indicate whether the tender will be assessed solely on the
price for the works or on some other basis. If the employer requires alternative
tenders, the basis on which each of these is to be made should be stated clearly.

19 Where criteria other than price are to be used in the assessment of tenders (as
opposed merely to being requirements for pre-qualification), those criteria
must be set out in detail and the relative weighting of
specified qualitieskriteria should be stated. For

will of course form a non-price criterion and

Similarly, where tenderers are required to put f

must also be stated.

need to provide in his tender relat
simplify the process as far as pract
such information as contractors can
Preliminary Enquiry stage.


on the responses to the

Questionnaire, it
Tender. However, ent is to be made in respect l
of matters other
intention of maki
letter and/or the

Timing (Cflv prising th& Project Information Schedule,

er should generally be sent out 4 to 6 weeks
ue of tender documents. Occasionally, a longer
a case (or if there is any delay in the issue of
e contractors who gave a preliminary indication of their
, shortly before the issue of tender documents, be asked
to do so.

PN6 (7102) 5

The Invitation to Tender


Documents to be issued

23 After a shortlist of tenderers has been drawn up on the basis of responses to

the Preliminary Enquiry and Questionnaire, then, as soon as the other tender
documents are available for release (that is, the drawings and bills of quantities
or approximate quantities or, where appropriate, specifications, schedules of
work and/or employer's requirements),these should be i
with a Form of Invitationto Tender (see Appendix
Appendix C). Separate Forms of Tender should be
offer sought and each Form of Tender should identi
to which it relates.

24 Where documents are issued in hardcopy f

remains good practice to send these docu
separate envelopes, each with an appropr
sought and also for priced documents wher
The envelope for priced documents should

Completing the Forms

25 Before the issue to tender

or his designated consult

n be viewed; and

the arrangements and procedures with respect to priced documents. . .

If the employer has fixed a date or period for completion of the Works, that date
or period should also be inserted in the Form of Tender; in cases where it is for
the contractor to state his requirements as to time, appropriate adjustments
should be made. [cl

6 PN6 (7m2)

,. . .. .. .-

27 The latest time and date for submission of bids should be stated on the face of
the Form of Tender as well as on the Invitation to Tender because, during the
bidding process, the Form of Tender often becomes separated from the
Invitation to Tender. The Model Form of Tender is expressedto remain open for
acceptance for a 28 day period from that bid submission date. Id]

In Scotland, traditional practice is to examine (or to reserve the right to examine) the priced
documentsof the three lowest or best value tenderers, and hence also in many cases to require
submission of the priced documents at the same time as the tender, but in a separate envelope (the
"two envelope" system).

[c] As respects time and other non-pricecriteria, see paragraphs 18 to 21 above.

[dJ See paragraphs 33 and 34 below.


The Tender I
Tender Submission

28 The tenderer should complete the Form or (where alternative tenders are
requested) Forms of Tender as required and return it or them in due time in the I
envelope(s) sent out with the tender documents. Where priced documents are I
required to be submitted at the same time, these should accompany the tender
in their separate envelope, marked with the
tendering may be extended, as is stated in the
Tender, but tenders received out of time should
Tender Compliance

29 To ensure fair competitive tendering, it is es submitted

are based on identical documents and , with no
attempt to vary that basis through qualific

30 If a tenderer considers that any of equirements are

deficient, whether technically or i ould inform the I
employer or the employer's des as soon as possible, I

preferably not less than ten workin closing date for tenders. !

31 If it is decided to amend the d or designated consultant

should notify all tenderers a ecessary, extend the period
for tendering.

Qualified Tenders

A tenderer wh
v0=\3 nder should be given an opportunity to
roduce a compliant tender, but without
uses to withdraw the qualification(s),the
of a non-compliant tender is contrary to
most cases it is impractical at that stage
be fair both to the client and to other

tenderers. I

33 be withdrawn during the period for which it

ain open for acceptance, save in the circumstances
I ve 1 below. Under English law, the traditional view is that
thdraw an offer at any time before acceptance would be
if, for example, the tender was executed under seal or there was
n from the employer for the implied promise not to withdraw it -
stances in which such consideration might be inferred.
ish law, an undertaking to keep an offer open for a definite period
d the offer cannot be recalled within that time; only where there is
o keep an offer open for a specified time can it be recalled.
I lapse if not accepted within the specified period. If no
period for acceptance is specified, the offer (unless permissibly withdrawn or
recalled) will remain open for a reasonable period, but that gives rise to
uncertainty and a period for acceptance should always be stated.

Subsequent procedures

Assessment on criteria other than price

35 , In cases where criteria other than price are to be taken into account and the
assessment is one to determine best value, the evaluation of tenders against
the non-price criteria should be completed prior to examination of the priced
36 It should be stressed that where such wider criteria hav
to the tender in question, whether in the Prelimin
Tender or otherwise, the employer should abide by
weighting or order of importance attributed to them
To do otherwise would leave the
by one or more of the unsucces
and other tenders subject to the public proc I
constitute a breach of applicable legislation.

37 Once the assessment based on all

the bills of quantity or other priced
in the same way as one that is to
documents should not be opened be

Notifications to Tenderers . T,kV

38 It is important that II tenderers except
for the three lowe hat their tenders
have been unsucc critical importance to
rd the employer's
ences of errors found I
the second and third lowest (or best
value) tenderers ed that their tender was not the most
favourable one may be approached again if it is decided
eir offer. They should also be notified as soon
I as a tender has
sful tenderers should I

t been successful, as

should not be used

actice dictates that

hould not be attributed to individual bidders. I

icable public procurement requirements, it may be

meaningful lump sum figures. In terms of best value

Examination of Priced Documents and Errors

42 The object of examining priced documents is to detect errors of computation in

the tender before a contractor's offer is accepted but good tendering procedure
demands that a contractor's tendered prices should not be altered without

PN6 17/02) 9 I
justification. When an examination of the priced documents reveals errors or a
discrepancy between these prices and the overall tender figure, there are
several methods of dealing with the situation before the offer is accepted. This
Practice Note recommends use of one of the two straightforward procedures I

set out below. Under the first of them (Alternative 11, correction of the overall
tender price is not permitted; under the second (Alternative 21, it is permitted.
43 The choice as to which Alternative is to apply must be made before contractors
are invited to tender. This should be reflected by the appropriate deletion, both
in the Project information Schedule to the Preliminary
of Invitation to Tender. i
44 Alternative 1 may be inconsistent with a
considered appropriate in two-stage

Alternative 2 is open to abuse if not

The examination of the pr

consideration should be made by the emplo

whom should treat the documents as confi

details of the tenderer's pricing be disc1
employer, the consultant(s) and the cont
express permission of the tenderer.

46 If errors are found, they should act administrator who,

in conjunction with the empl
implement the procedure pro

47 errors and afforded an opportunity

of confirming or withdrawn, the priced
documents tenderer should be
in them, this tenderer (and
a similar opportunity to

48 his tender, an endorsement should be added to

o acceptance, indicating that all rates or prices
contingencies, prime cost sums and provisional
ments by the tenderer are to be considered as
ame proportion as the corrected total of priced
short of his offer price (again excluding the items,
oned above). Both parties to the contract should

r should be given an opportunity of confirming his offer or of

to correct genuine errors. Should he elect to amend his offer with
at the revised tender is no longer the lowest or best value (as the
as as a result become the lowest or best value

end his offer, an endorsement will be required

er does amend his tender figure, and possibly I
certain of the rates in his documents, he should either be allowed access to his
original tender to insert and initial the correct details or be required to confirm

Footnote [e] Under Scottish procedurewhere the priced documents for the three lowest or best value tehders are
examined, the processes will of course take place in parallel.
10 PN6 (7/02J
all the alterations in a letter. If in the latter case his revised tender is then
recommended for acceptance, a copy of the letter should be attached to the
tender acceptance letter or form before that acceptance is sent or
communicated in any way to the tenderer; the acceptance letter or form itself
should record clearly that the amended tender figure and rates in the tenderer's
letter are substituted for those in the original tender.


PN6 (7/02)
I Two-Stage Tendering

52 Two-stage tendering procedures are particularly suited to large or complex

schemes where close collaboration with the contractor during the design stage
will assist the search for the best solution for the employer in terms of cost,
programme and design. The professional team is able to make use of the
contractor's expertise when finalising the .design; the contractor has an
opportunity to become involved in the planning and key decision-making
process for the project and to build a working relationshi
professional team.

53 In two-stage tendering, the first stage is a competiti

usually based on tenderers' track records and on

partially-developeddesign information. This fir

award but with the selection of a tenderer fo I
level of pricing produced in the first stage is
second stage tender based on bills of quanti
reflect the completed design.

54 In addition to price negotiation and fu

the contractor and/or specialists, the nvolve matters
such as methods of working; value
'buildability'; negotiation and a
programming; and the procure

documentation ecialist sub-contractors. The
contract award

56 With modificatio the footnotes to the Model Forms,

57 The involveme ve contractor, the utilisation of his knowledge

of ideas in the development of the final

it is essential that the discussion and negotiation of

not be such as in any way to undermine the integrity of

that the time involved and lack of contractual certainty

e inevitably carry certain risks. If the final price cannot be
d tenderer, the employer may find that other acceptable
taken on other commitments and much of the further
,wasted. It may be necessary to invite fresh first stage
cting both the employer's schedule for completion of the
neration; contractors' tendering costs may also become

. I

12 PN6 17/02)

Appendix A
JCT Model Form of Preliminary Enquiry
for Main Contract Works - Enquiry Letter
Notes on completion

Insert name and

address of


Project title:

enclosed Project Information Schedul

See Note 1 below. would let us know whether you wish

Should you wish to do so, please

return it to us so as to arrive not I

invited to tender, but

days from the closing date for the

ot wish to bid will not prejudice you

that we put out to tender. Should you
t subsequently find that you are
us as soon as possible.

llow tendering procedures consistent with JCT

of the invitation to tender that the tenderer should not at

ification of the award of the contract disclose to or

, See Nota 2 below.

2 If a material element of Contractor's design is required, appropriate assurances shquld be given in the
Preliminary Enquiry and/or in the Invitation to Tender as to limitations on use of the successful
tenderer's designs (unless those limitations are expressly set out in the contract conditions) and as to
the return end non-use of those submitted by unsuccessful tenderers.

PN6 17/02) 13
Appendix A

Project Information Schedule

Notes on completion
Project title:
Description of the works:
Location of the works:

[e) In the case of Design

and Build tenders, it may
be necessary to provide
additional information on
e.g. site considerations,
planning requirements ani
any proposed novation of
agreements with the


Any er' re uir ments or other matters affecting the order or methods
of wor 'ng:

of issue of tender documents:


c roposed number of tenderers:

*Delete or amend as necessaw

14 PN6 17l02)
. ...
Project Information Schedule

Names and Addresses of:

Employer: Tel No:

Fax No:

Employer's Consultants:

lbl State which JCT Form
(or, where appropriate,
SEC or other form of
contract) and which
edition or revision end
! issue is to apply, end state
also which (if any)
Contract Particulars or equivalent items for insertion in
Amendments end/or [so far as completed,l* are set out in the
Supplements [including, 1* to this Schedule.
for Northern Ireland, the
NI Adaptetion Schedule)
and which optional
clauses ere to apply.

~ ~~

*Delete or amend a s necessary

PN6 17/02] 15
Project Information Schedule

[cl Not applicable in ICI The contract is to be executed as a deed/as a simple contract*

Particulars of any Listed, Named or Nominated Sub-Contractors and work ,

intended to be the subject of such sub-contracts

[dl Stete or summarize

these requirements (so fer
as known) either here or ir
a further Annexure to this
Schedule, with
appropriate cross-
reference. (See Note 1
below for a lid of points to
be covered in relation to
current JCTforms of
collateral warrantv.)

(if different from those'

Annexure/Annexure 1* to this

"Delete or amend as necessary

. --- .. . -.. . - .- . - - , . ..-... ._

Project Information Schedule

I -
The criterion for assessing the tender is price only*

The criteria for assessing the [alternative]* tender are:*


[e] Specify criteria for the [Time]

tendeds) together with
weighting or other means
of assessment to be used. [Other criteria]
See also Note 2 below.

n and correction of priced bills:

ivel/Alternative2* will apply

Date: 20

*Delete or amend as necessary

PN6 17/02) 17
Project Information Schedule

Notes 1 Collateral Warranties

The statement or summary should cover the following points:

0 whether Collateral Warranties are required:

- in favour of a Funder and/or Purchasers andlor Tenants
- from the Main Contractor, Sub-Contractors andor Professionals
0 the Forms of the Collateral Warranties in each case (i.e. JCT MCWaF, MCWa/P&T, SCWa/F,
SCWa/P&T, SBCC equivalents or other)
0 the identity or category of beneficiary end warrantor in each case an
maximum number of warranties required from each warrantor
0 in the case of JCT Warranties to Purchasers and Tenants, whether
is to apply and, if so, which of the alternative provisions is to appl
0 the identity of Consultants and Sub-Contractors for the pur

0 whether the copyright licence provisions are applicable

0 whether Professional Indemnity insurance cover is requi mum level in each
- per claimkeries of claims from one event end/or in
- for pollution and contamination
and the period from the date of Practical Com

0 the limitation period for each warranty.

(It is anticipated that these details and/or e hird party rights may in
due course be incorporated in the Append Forms of Contract.)

2 Additional Criteria I

Approach , Resources . .
- culture - on-site facilities
- method stateme - personnel (general)
- programme - personnel (designated)
- mobilisation peri - financial

Sub-Contractors and Supply Chain

- selection procedures and quality
- supply chain management
- length of relationships

- design capabilities
- quality inspection capabilities
Design and Build only
- aesthetics
- functional requirements
- life cycle costs
- flexibility in use

I Appendix A


See Note below. In respect of the Project identified in this Preliminary Enquiry, please indicate
the following:

1 The Company's recent experience in dealing

the standards and on the time scale envisaged.

2 The particular technical skills and'capabil

delivering this project, including (where r

3 Management and Personnel

contribute to projects of thi

(b) the proposed manage ct (give name, position,

qualifications and exp

with the Employer and his

out the project, with particulars of its

Note This questionnaire can (and should1 be adapted as necessary, both with regard to any non-price
criteria to be used in assessina tenders and otherwise to meet the particular circumstances (see, for
example, the examples of other criteria for tender assessment set out in Note 2 to the Project
Information Schedule). As regards assessments against non-price criteria, see paragraphs 18-21 and
35-37 of the Practice Note.

PN6 (7/021 19
Appendix B
JCT Model Form of Invitation to Tender
for Main Contract Works
Notes on completion


Project title: R erence

Location of the works:

See Note 1 below. You are invited to provide a tender for the WO

0 Drawings listed in the a

0 Specification, Schedule

0 Employer's Requirements*;

See Note 2 below. 0 The JCT Form and 0th

See Note 3 below.


enclosed Form of Tender, sealed in the

i See Note 4 below.
so as to be received not

you that the contract has been awarded. At that stage t

See Note 5 low. of all tenderers (in alphabetical order) and a list of tender l

ing order of value).


procedure will be conducted in accordance with the principles
Practice Note 6 - Main Contract Tendering. The employer
Se Note be ght to postpone the closing date for bids and to accept any
der or no tender at all. No tendering expenses will be payable.

ned by or on behalf of


Position: Date:

I 20

Appendix B

Please note:
0 Drawings and details may be inspected at:

0 Inspection of the site is by arrangement with: I

Notes Delete andlor complete as necessary.

1 In two-stage tender procedures, it is good practice to make

stage" tender.

2 The other Conditions of Contract referred to here include ative clauses and
optional clauses, any changes to the Contract F
requirements specified, together with the completed A or completed list of
equivalent items forming the Annexure (or Ann
and Northern Ireland, reference also should be

H any required details were not supplied t o te 1 Preliminary Enquiry and Its
Project Information Schedule (e.g. as to mpletion, Collateral Wananties
or other matters that then remained t o any subsequent change in
those details, prospective tenderers sh tion t o Tender, if not before.

3 These may include, for example, (in he Contract Sum Analysis and (in
other cases) collateral

4 The reference to price leted as necessary see also the reference

to those documents i and paragraph 24 of the Practice Note.

5 Inthe case of two-stage and s, subject to any applicable public

procurement requir y these lists (or to qualifV that
uch that there are unlikely to
(Ad respects feedback in best value cases, see

tage tendering, it is desirable that not more than two or

three contract0 list or reserve list for second-stagediscussions and that the

6 required, appropriate assurances should be given in the

Tender as to limitations on use of the successful
the contract conditions) and as to the return and non- I
rers. Unless specified in the Employefs Requirements or
on to Tender should also indicate the period required by
istrator for approvaVcomment on designs and drawings I

PN6 17/02) 21 II

Appendix C
JCT Model Form of Tender
for Main Contract Works I
Notes on completion
See Note 1 below. Reference No:

Insert description end Tender for:

location of the Works.

Insert name end address To:

of Employer.

lnsen name end address From:

of Contractor.

This list should be We have examined the follo I ocume s:
conformed with the
Invitation to Tender, prior
to issue to tenderers. 0 Drawings liste in nvita . n to I

0 Specification, Sche*s of-rk o m s of Quantities/Approximate


d other CO ditions of Contract specified in the Project

Information che ac ed to the Preliminary Enquiry dated I

. Oun


See Note 2 below. Lf Wen off to

? arry ?
out the4
whole of the Works described in a cordance with th

( -)&red to above;

VAT chargeable

S Not 3 b from acceptance of our tenderhhe Date of Possession,

omprising a period of:

L [ 1 weeks from acceptance to the Date of Possession; and

- [ 1 weeks from the Date of Possession to the Date for Completion].

22 P N 6 (71021

Appendix C

Delete if not appliceble. For the purposes of the guarantee requirements mentioned in the Project
Information Schedule to the Preliminary Enquiry, our parent company (if any)

(Registered No. ) whose registered office is at:

Delete whichever We agree to supply [a] fully priced document[s]

alternative is not based within three days of being required to do
applicable, prior to issue.
priced document[sl in the separate envelope

We agree that if any

I Delete whichever
alternative is not

applicable, prior to issue,

procedure set out in JCT P
and see Note 4 below. specified in the Preliminary Enquiry. I

We undertake in the event of yo ute with you a formal I

contract embodying all th ained in this offer within

21 days of being required to

This tender remains open ays from the latest date fixed
for the submissi


/ received by at

not later than hours on the

day of 20 -
23 I
. - . ._.

! Appendix C

Not838 1 Where alternativetenders are required a separate form of tender should be used for each tender. The
form of tender must indicate clearly the nature of the alternativetender.

2 In a two-stagetendering process there should be substituted for this paragraph a paragraph in terms
similar to the following:

"We offer to enter into second stage negotiationson the basis of the enclosed priced tender
documents [and the first stage tender sum o f f (exclusive of VAT)]. Subject to
satisfactory completion of those negotiations [the preparationof priced bills of quantities] and
agreement of a contract sum we confirm our willingness to execute
to do so on the basis of the contract form and other conditions refer

(The reference to a first stage tender sum should be included only if t

documents permit, and the references to bills of quantities and other
the particular circumstances.)

4 See paragraphs 42 to 50 of the Practice Note. AI

and may be inappropriate in partnering arrange

24 PN6 /7/02)
Standard Forms of Building Contract
1998 Editions

Series 2

Practice Note 6
Main Contract Tendering P(

Issued by The Joint Contracts Tribunal Limited

Association of Consulting Engineers Limited
British Property Federation Limited
Construction Confederation
Local Government Association
National Specialist ContractorsCouncil Limited
Royal Institute of British Architects
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
The Scottish Building Contract Committee


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