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A. Situation Analysis

SMA Tunas Harapan is located in JL. Peslek BNI Pesing, Wijaya Kusama, which
is a high school under the auspices of the Tunas Harapan Foundation. The
location of this school is very conducive because it is located in a residential
complex of BNI.

Based on observations made on October 19, 2019 on the condition of the school
before PPL dropping, the following conditions are Tunas Harapan High School:

1. Physical Conditions

a) Study Room

Tunas Harapan High School has 12 study rooms with the following details:

1) 4 Spaces for classes X-1, X-2, X-3, and X-4

2) 4 Spaces for classes XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPS 1, and XI IPS 2
3) 4 Room for class XII IPA 1, XII IPA 2, XII IPS 1, and XII IPS 2

b) Office Space

Tunas Harapan High School office space consists of the Principal's room, the
Administration room (TU), the Teacher's room and the Guidance and Counseling
(BK) Room.

c) Laboratory

The laboratory has an important role in the learning process, so that completeness
and good management is needed. SMA Tunas Harapan has 2 laboratories, namely

the science laboratory and the computer laboratory. The science laboratory is
equipped with an LCD.

d) School Library

The school library is an important tool to achieve learning goals. Tunas Harapan
High School Library has been equipped with television as a source of information.
Tunas Harapan High School Library has been equipped with television as a source
of information. The administration process of book lending can be done
effectively and efficiently in terms of the time in which the borrowing time is
served from morning to afternoon before the second break because after that it
will be carried out by the librarian checking administration. But the condition of
the library needs to get attention, especially in the arrangement of books and
places to read.

e) UKS Room, School Cooperative and Places of Worship

The UKS room is located in the south of the teacher's room or in the north of class
IX. The UKS room is equipped with 2 beds, chairs and tables. The condition of
the UKS room is not yet fully conducive and its cleanliness and neatness need
attention. In the UKS room there are no complete medicines.

The school cooperative functions to provide the needs that are needed by all
residents in the school. In the school cooperative various types of food, drinks,
stationery are sold, and photocopies are also provided. The condition of the
cooperative space itself is still integrated with the TU room.

The place of worship at Tunas Harapan High School is in the form of a mosque
located to the north of the library. In the mosque there is worship equipment in the
form of gown prayer. The mosque is large enough to be sufficient for a large
number, but its cleanliness still needs attention. In addition, the ablution places for
sons and daughters are clearly separated but there is no clear holy boundary so
there are still many students who often cross the holy boundary.

f) Learning Support Space

This space consists of multipurpose room, futsal court, and volleyball court and
basketball which are still not perfect.

g) Other facility space

Other facilities include a canteen, a bathroom and a parking lot.

2. Tunas Harapan High School Non-Physical Condition (School Potential)

a. Student Conditions

In class X the average consists of 30 students per class, for class XI the average
consists of 28 students per class, and class XII consists of an average of 27
students per class. Appearance of the majority of students is good, clothes are neat
and polite and active in the activities of good students, clothes are neat and polite
and are active in learning and extracurricular activities. Tunas Harapan High
School has the potential of learners who can be developed and make proud
achievements with special training. The development of academic potential is
carried out with the addition of lessons after the lessons are completed, while the
development of non-academic achievements through self-development activities
and other activities such as dance and vocal extracurricular and Scouting.

b. Teacher and Employee Conditions

The condition of the instructor or teacher is around 29 educators with S2, S1 and
D3 levels. In addition to teaching staff, there are also school employees who
already have the authority and duties of each, including employees of the
Administration, librarians, and school guards.

c. Extracurricular and Student Organizations (OSIS)

Extracurricular activities and self-development have been well organized and

compulsory for class X and XI, including core platoon (TONTI), sports, scouts,
arts (screen printing, dance, batik), and KIR. The implementation of
extracurricular activities has been made effective. For student council activities

have gone well with the composition of the board of students themselves.
Secretarial conditions are adequate because there is already a special room for
student council although it is still integrated with the teacher's room.

B. Program Formulation and PPL Activity Plan

Based on the results of observations and analysis of the situation that has been
carried out, a number of field experience program plans can be formulated

1. Preparation of syllabus and lesson plans

Before teaching in class, students are required to make learning tools in the form
of syllabi and lesson plans. The lesson plan is used as a guide for teaching in the
classroom at each face-to-face.

2. Practical teaching in class

Teaching in class aims to implement, prepare for, and develop students' abilities
as prospective educators, before engaging directly in the world of education. In
this practice students are expected to conduct at least 4 meetings in class.

3. Preparation and implementation of evaluations

Evaluation of learning is used as a benchmark for the learning process in class,

which aims to determine the level of ability of students to accept the subject
matter that has been delivered by students practice. In this case practice will hold
a test after a few chapters have been delivered. Besides that, practice also
conducts evaluations on every material delivered by post-test and home



A. Preparation of PPL

Before carrying out the PPL program, there needs to be preparation to prepare
students before teaching in class. This preparation also aims for PPL programs to
run smoothly and achieve success. Preparation for Field Program Practices (PPL)
located at SMA Tunas Harapan include: micro teaching, debriefing, observation,
PPL guidance and preparation before teaching.

1) Micro Teaching

The earliest preparation that must be done for the practitioner is to attend a micro
teaching lecture for 1 semester, which is managed by a PPL supervisor. In micro
teaching, practice do teaching practices but in small classes consisting of 20
students. Practice acting as a teacher while a groupmate acts as a student. In
teaching practice, practice must also prepare learning tools used in teaching as
well as teaching preparation in school. Making syllabus and lesson plans in
preparing learning.

In micro teaching, the supervisor gives input, both in the form of criticism and
suggestions every time the practice finishes teaching practice. Various methods
and learning media were tried in this activity, so that the practitioner understood
the appropriate media for each material. Thus, micro teaching is expected to help
students readiness to practice directly to school both in terms of material and
delivery / teaching methods. Micro teaching is also a requirement for students to
be able to take part in PPL.

2) Debriefing

PPL debriefing is carried out before going into the field (school). PPL debriefing
is an activity organized by the STKIP Panca Sakti institution to provide guidance
to prospective PPL students in carrying out PPL. The briefing material was given

by Mr. Nurhendi, SS., MM from the English Education Study Program. The
material presented includes the administration of learning, PPL reporting
administration, as well as various things that support the implementation of PPL.

3) Observation

This observation was carried out on 19 October 2019. Observation was carried out
by observing the school environment and observing students in the class taught by
the supervisor. In this observation activity, practice observing learning activities
carried out by English subject teachers. The thing that was observed was the
learning methods, media, devices and behavior of students when they were
learning English. Observation activities were carried out in class XI IPA 1 in the
academic year 2019/2020.

4) PPL Guidance

The PPL guidance is carried out at the school location where the PPL is conducted
by the field supervisor (DPL PPL). During the implementation of PPL in schools,
guidance is carried out 4 times, namely on October 21, 2019 to November 1,
2019. This guidance aims to help difficulties or problems and the development of
methods and concepts in learning English in the implementation of the PPL

5) Preparation Before Teaching

Pre-teaching preparation conducted by PPL students is to prepare learning tools

that include syllabi and lesson plans. RPP is made to facilitate the implementation
of learning activities to be carried out, which includes the media to be used,
materials, learning methods and learning scenarios to be implemented. Other
preparations made before teaching in class are the preparation and preparation of
learning media and Student Worksheets (LKS) if needed. Making learning media
is done if there is no available media at school.

Another preparation is a discussion with fellow students practice to exchange

experiences, suggestions, and solutions. By conducting discussions with

colleagues, can improve the existing deficiencies and become better next. In
addition to fellow student fellow practitioners, the discussion is also conducted
with the subject supervisor, namely with guidance and consultation. This is done
so that the atmosphere and conditions of learning in the classroom can be
improved with the advice of the supervising teacher.

B. Implementation of the PPL Program

1. Preparation

Before implementing teaching practices, practice prepare learning tools,

including: RPP (Learning Implementation Plan) and learning media. The
following details the learning activities that are arranged in the RPP and carried
out each meeting includes:

a. preliminary

1) Checking the presence of students

2) Give apperception

3) Conveying learning objectives

b. Core activities

1) Exploration

2) Elaboration

3) Confirmation

c. Cover

1) Give material conclusions

2) Give assignments to students

3) Evaluation of learning

In making learning tools, practice refers to the reference book to make learning
tools that are adapted to the teacher of English subjects, books supporting English
lessons, English material to be taught in accordance with ”Kurtilas.”

2. Teaching Practice

The main activity of implementing PPL is teaching practice in class which aims to
apply the knowledge that has been learned during lectures. Thus, students are
directly involved in the learning process in class.

Teaching preparation is applied in teaching practice. However, these preparations

are consulted in advance with the subject supervisor. After teaching, the
supervising teacher gives an evaluation and inputs to the learning process that has
been done so that the next practice can carry out better and the existing
deficiencies can be corrected.

Practice teaching 4 classes namely, XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2

starting from October 21, 2019 to November 1, 2019. The material presented is
Conjunction, Modals, Simple Future Tense & Simple Past Tense. Allocation of
time for one lesson is 40 minutes and every week of English learning there are 4
hours of study divided into 2 meetings for each class, so that the total teaching
time is 8 hours. Activities provided during learning consist of introduction,
explanation of material, practice, practice exercises and tests. The schedule and
description are as follows:

No. Hari Jam Kehadiran Kelas Materi

1. Senin, 21 Oktober 2019 XI IPS 1 Conjunction

2. Selasa, 22 Oktober 2019 XI IPS 2 Modals
3. Rabu, 23 Oktober 2019 XI IPA 1 Simple Past Tense

4. Jumat, 25 Oktober 2019 XI IPA 2 Simple Future Tense

C. Analysis of Implementation Results

The PPL activity program provides students with practical experience in

managing classes and developing potential. PPL activities are focused on the
ability to teach such as the preparation of learning designs, the implementation of
teaching practices in the classroom, which then compiles and applies evaluation
tools, analysis of student learning outcomes, and the use of instructional media.

In the implementation of learning, practice always try to adjust to the learning

implementation plan that has been made before so that the time is well allocated
and the material can be conveyed properly, but there are some things that are not
in accordance with the learning plan that has been made due to limited tools,
media, or time which is available.

The results of teaching practices that have been implemented, including in the
implementation of practice learning using several methods, namely conventional
and teacher center. The use of these methods is in accordance with the material
being taught. In the learning process students are trained to be active in finding
their own concepts, although at the end of learning the teacher still provides the
stabilization of the concept.

The learning process carried out by the practitioner in accordance with the lesson
plan, students easily accept the lessons delivered by the practitioner, and the class
is easy to condition.

1. Obstacles

In carrying out learning, practice experience several obstacles. Obstacles

encountered during teaching practice mainly come from students, including:

a. Some student preachers are not serious in participating in learning.

b. The condition of the classroom is hot, and there are some classes
that are poorly lit.
c. Infrastructure for audio lacks support.
d. Basic ability of students is lacking.

2. Solution

Based on these obstacles, there are several attempts to reduce and overcome
obstacles, among others.

a. In the implementation of teaching practices, students try to

coordinate with the supervising teacher regarding classroom
b. Students practice trying to create a serious learning atmosphere,
but relaxed by inserting a bit of humor, so students do not feel
bored that seem monotonous
c. Set the voice intonation in delivering the material, so students can
estimate the material that is important
d. Optimize teaching time settings according to the lesson plan
e. Prepare learning media well before learning begins.

After the delivery of material is finished, practice evaluating learning by giving

practice exercises. The question exercise is done by working on the questions
given by the practitioner to students.

The results of the evaluation of the whole class XI are quite good and satisfying,
but there are some children who need special guidance.

D. Reflections on the Implementation of PPL

Teaching practices that have been carried out by students practice provide a lot of
experience in the field especially at SMA Tunas Harapan. Based on the teaching
experience that has been done, teaching is not easy. Teaching requires careful
preparation and planning so learning can take place according to plan. Both in
terms of teaching in the classroom, interacting with students, and in managing the
class. From the implementation of the PPL work program that has been carried
out and the results obtained, it can be said that the PPL program is going well.

Teaching practice provides a direct picture of how the learning process is applied,
how to interact with students, how to convey the material well and understood by
students, good classroom mastery, questioning techniques, how to allocate
learning time effectively, applying methods, using media, how to evaluate and
also close the lesson.

Mastery of the material is very necessary in learning. Mastery of the material will
affect the delivery of material and success in learning. In teaching in class, the
learning methods applied must be in accordance with the conditions of the
students. Because not all students can be conditioned with various teaching

In general, the results obtained by students in the practice of PPL in this school
are students getting experience in terms of teaching skills, time management in
teaching, interaction with students, and classroom management.


A. Conclusion

Based on the field experience that has been carried out at Tunas Harapan High
School, it can be concluded as follows:

1. PPL activities can provide opportunities for students to find the actual
problems surrounding teaching and learning activities in the locations
where PPL is. In addition, students can also find solutions to solve these
2. PPL activities are very useful for students to provide experience and
insight, as well as a real picture of learning in school as a provision for
prospective educators before engaging in the real world of education.
3. PPL activities provide opportunities for students to be able to develop
their potential and creativity, for example in developing media, compiling
their own material based on their competencies, and so on.

B. Suggestions

There are several things that need to be considered based on the results of the field
experience while in the PPL location, including:

1. For UPPL Parties (STKIP Panca Sakti)

a. The debriefing should be given long before the jump so students
can prepare more carefully for the implementation of PPL.
b. There is a need for controlling and monitoring the PPL location
where students are deployed.
c. There needs to be increased coordination with UPPL, supervisors,
and schools where PPL students practice teaching.

2. For Tunas Harapan High School

a. Need to increase discipline and order for students in the school
environment to create a conducive learning atmosphere.

b. It is necessary to optimize the use of learning support media (CDs,
pictures, LCDs and other teaching aids) so that the specified
competencies can be achieved through more interesting learning.

3. For PPL Student Parties

a. Need to prepare both physically, mentally and material / science so
that the implementation of PPL can run smoothly and be useful.
b. In delivering the material it is necessary to increase the use of
communicative and participatory methods and be able to increase
the use of instructional media in the delivery of material.
c. Class management skills need to be improved so that learning can
be carried out smoothly.


Tim Pembekalan KKN-PPL, 2015. Materi Pembekalan KKN-PPL

Tahun 2015.

Yogyakarta: UPPL Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Tim Pembekalan KKN-PPL, 2015. Materi Pembekalan Pengajaran


Tahun 2015. Yogyakarta: UPPL Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Tim Pembekalan KKN-PPL, 2015. Panduan PPL Universitas Negeri

Yogyakarta Tahun 2015.Yogyakarta: UPPL Universitas Negeri

Tim Pembekalan KKN-PPL, 2015. Panduan Pengajaran

MikroTahun 2015.

Yogyakarta: UPPL Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.


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