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The Company provides products for the needs of contruction industries.

So, business prospect of the

Company can be seen from performance of contruction industries in Indonesia.

Indonesia's construction will continue to thrive over the forecast period (2017–2021), driven by investment in
infrastructure, energy, and residential projects. The construction sector in Indonesia is projected to reach 6.9
- 7.2% in 2019 compared to 6.9% in 2018 with an increase in government infrastructure projects and private
sector infrastructure projects.

Asia diprediksi akan menjadi pasar konstruksi dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia kurun saat ini hingga
2020. Aecom, penyedia jasa teknis profesional global, memprediksi Indonesia khsususnya Jakarta memiliki
potensi terbesar dalam hal pertumbuhan dan profitabilitas pasar.

Asia sendiri merupakan kawasan pasar konstruksi terbesar di dunia, dengan pengeluaran konstruksi 40%
dari total pengeluaran global tahun 2019. Pada 2020 mendatang, Asia diprediksi akan mencapai hampir
setengah dari pengeluaran konstruksi global.

Sementara itu, BCI Asia memprediksi nilai konstruksi bangunan tumbuh 13.82% pada 2020
menjadi IDR 168.20 triliun dibandingkan 2019 yang ditaksir sebesar IDR 147.77 triliun. Kontributor terbesar
terhadap konstruksi bangunan berasal dari sektor hunian, yakni IDR 56.75 triliun atau setara dengan

Dalam catatan BCI Asia, nilai konstruksi bangunan 2020 menjadi titik tertinggi dalam rentang lima tahun
terakhir, 2016-2020. Bahkan, dari sisi pertumbuhan pun menjadi rekor terbaru mengingat dalam rentang
waktu itu konstruksi bangunan cukup fluktuatif dan cenderung melemah.

Tahun 2020, market size pasar perumahan (residensial) diperkirakan mencapai IDR 56.75 triliun atau
tumbuh 2.71% dibandingkan dengan 2019. Bukti pertumbuhan perumahan ditunjukkan oleh keberadaan
pasar domestik yang masih baik.

Meanwhile, in a short-term period, the property and construction index will be largely influenced by the market
movement, after depressing to 2.05% in July 2019.

Moreover, the World Bank released the global economy will grow 2.5% in 2020, slightly better than the 2.4%
estimate for 2019, though both yearly estimates are lower than the last forecast released in June (2.6% for
2019 and 2.7% for 2020).

The World Bank maintains Indonesia's economic growth forecast for 2020 at 5.1%. This growth projection
remains the same as in the World Bank's quarterly report in December 2019. This figure is slightly below the
target of the government's macro assumptions in the 2020 State Budget of 5.3%. Regionally, growth in East
Asia and the Pacific is predicted to weaken to 5.7% in 2020, reflecting a moderate slowdown in China to
5.9% in 2020 amid continued domestic and external obstacles, including the impact of trade tensions.

On other hand, looking at the slowing down of world economic growth that affects Indonesian economy, this
must be watched out for by all business players.

In term of business prospect, Indonesia's construction will continue to thrive over the forecast period (2017–
2021), driven by investment in infrastructure, energy, and residential projects. Even so, we predict that the
Company's business is still prospective in the future


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