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Annalitical Exposition

1. Text
Air pollution is one of the harmful substances that cause damage to the
environment, human health and quality of life.
It makes people sick like having breathing problems and cancer. It also
harms plants, animal and the ecosystems in which they live. Some air pollutants
return to earth in the form of acid rain and snow -which corrode statues and
buildings- damage crops and forest, and make lakes and stream unsuitable for
fish and other plant and animal life.
Pollution is changing earth's atmosphere so that it lets in more harmful
radiation from the sun. At the same time, our polluted atmosphere is becoming a
better insulator, preventing heat from escaping back into space and heading to a
rise and global average temperatures. Scientist predict that the temperature
increase called global warming, will affect world food supply, change sea level,
make weather more extreme and increase the spread of tropical disease.
Most air pollution comes from one human activity: burning fossiL fuels
-natural gas, coal and oil- to power industrial processes and motor vehicles.
Among the harmful chemical compounds put into the atmosphere and
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and tiny solid
particle, called particulates. Between 1900 and 1970, motor vehicle use
expanded rapidly, and emissions of nitrogen oxides increased 690 percent. When
fuels are incompletely burned, various chemicals called volatile organic
chemicals (VOCs) also enter the air. Pollutant also come from other sources. For
instance, decomposing garbage in landfills and solid waste disposal sites emits
methane gas and many products give off VOCs.
Some of these pollutants also come from natural sources. For example,
forest fires emit particulates and VOCs into the atmosphere. Volcanoes spew out
sulfur dioxide and large amounts of lava rock called volcanick ash. A big volcanic
eruption can darken the sky and affect the earth’s atmosphere. The 1991
eruption of mount Pinatubo in Philiphines, for example, dumped enough volcanic
ash into the upper atmosphere to lower global temperatures for the next to
years. Unlike pollutants from human activity, however, natural pollutants tend to
remain in the atmosphere for a short time and do not lead to permanent
atmosphere change.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Yumni Fahmi XI IPA 6 Analitical Exposition

2. Translate
Pengotoran udara adalah salah satu unsur berbahaya yang menyebabkan
kerusakkan lingkungan, kesehatan manusia dan mutu dari hidup.
Ia dapat mebuat orang sakit seperti permasalahan nafas dan kanker. Itu
juga merugikan pabrik, hewan dan ekosistem dimana mereka hidup. Beberapa
udara pengotor kembali ke bumi dalam bentuk hujan asam dan salju yang
menyebabkan kerusakan bangunan dan hutan, membuat danau dan aliran tak
serasi untuk memancing serta merusak pabrik dan hidup binatang.
Pencemaran alam yang mengubah atmosfer bumi sangat mempengaruhi
pancaran berbahaya dari matahari. Pada waktu yang sama, atmosfer kotor kita
sedang menjadi satu bahan penyekat lebih baik, mencegah panas dan
mempertahankan temperatur rata-rata global. Ahli sains meramalkan bahwa
suhu banyak memanggil hangat global, akan mempengaruhi persediaan
makanan dunia, mengubah arus laut, membuat cuaca ekstrim dan meningkatnya
penyakit tropis.
Pengotoran udara berasal dari satu aktivitas manusia: membakar gas alam
bahan bakar fosil, batubara dan minyak untuk mendayai proses industri dan
kendaraan bermotor.
Campuran kimiawi berbahaya yang terdapat dalam atmosfer adalah
karbon dioksida, karbon monoksida, nitrogen oksida, belerang dioksida dan
partikel padat kecil, dipanggil butiran. Antara 1900 dan 1970, penggunaan
kendaraan bermotor menigkat dengan cepat, akibatnya pemancaran dari
nitrogen oksida meningkat 690 persen. Ketika bahan bakar dengan kesenjangan
terbakar, berbagai kimia memanggil kimia organik mudah menguap (VOCs) juga
memasuki angkasa. Pengotor juga berasal dari sumber lain. Sebagai contoh,
menguraikan sampah di landfills dan penjualan limbah padat situs memancarkan
gas metana dan beberapa produk menyemburkan VOCs.
Beberapa pengotor ini juga berasal dari sumber alami. Antara lain,
kebakaran hutan yang memancarkan butiran dan VOCs ke dalam atmosfer.
Letusan gunung api yang menyemburkan belerang dioksida dalam jumlah besar
dari batuan lahar memanggil volcanic abukan. Satu letusan volkanis besar dapat
menggelapkan bumi langit dan pengaruh atmosfer. 1991 letupan dari gunung
Pinatubo di Philiphines, antara lain, dibuang abu cukup volkanis ke dalam
atmosfer bagian atas untuk menurunkan suhu global untuk dekat dengan tahun.
Pengotor tidak sama dengan dari aktivitas manusia, bagaimanapun, bahan

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Yumni Fahmi XI IPA 6 Analitical Exposition

pengotor alami cenderung tersisa pada atmosfer untuk satu waktu pendek dan
tidak ke perubahan atmosfer permanen.

3. Question
1. What is the kind of the text ?
Answer : the kind of text is analitical exposition

2. What is the text about ?

Answer : the text about is the air pollution and the impact for the live

3. What does word ‘it’ in ‘it makes people sick’ at paragraph 2 refers to ?
Answer : it refes to air pollution

4. What does word ‘it’ in ‘lets in more’ at paragraph 3 refers to?

Answer : it refers topollution

5. What is the writer’s position of the issue ?

Answer :

6. What are the cause of air pollution ?

Answer : the human activity and the forest fires.

7. What is the impact of air pollution for our live ?

Answer : air pollution can increase the spread of tropical disease, damage to
the environment, it makes people sick, it also harms plants, animal and the
ecosystems in which they live, damage crops and forest, and make lakes
and stream unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal life.

8. What is the writer give a sollution? Why?

Answer: no because at the analitical exposition haven’t a solution.



Tugas Bahasa Inggris Yumni Fahmi XI IPA 6 Analitical Exposition

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Yumni Fahmi XI IPA 6 Analitical Exposition

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