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By Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

This small booklet is aimed at our conscious liberation tech-er who handle the
creative technology that are Afrikan based. In this pamphlet I will show the application
of KemPtah computer analysis on the general and not too much technical manner. This
is also to clear up the erroneous belief in general computer( and electrical)
development that have been injected in our consciousness by white supremacy education
dominating our education. One of the misconstruction, even my mother (Uhuru (Uhuru rest
her soul)
soul) had in her research in finding the exit out the prevailing conditions (Plato’s
cave, white supremist)
supremist) of computer science and computer technology and other who
are trying to escape this digital dilemma of this particular field, is the basic definition of
analog and digital computers and their interrelation. One of the misconceptions is that
the analog is the first computer and digital is the universal “pure
logical”” computer.
In the later book(Pamphlet 2 of computers) I will touch on the Turing machine spookism
those cages all who really want to be a KemPtah computer scientist. But for now, in this
particular booklet I will use the slide rule(and
rule(and the switch for digital)
digital) as the general
model for the fact that even electrical(ether
electrical(ether)) analogs are just electrical (ether
version( but many times more complex, although the basic principles are still
there) of slide rules(mechanical
rules(mechanical analog computers).
computers). Now lets brake down the
analog computer and get gritty with it. In accumulation to, we will take a look at simple
digital principles.
Note: In addition it is advised to read The Pamphlet 1 Of
KemPtah Mathematics: Black God Supreme Mathematics
to follow what I mean in my analysis of the computer. The
European understanding of math may most likely through you off.

The General Computer of analogies: Re-introduction to The

Slide Rule
The Eurocentric Western culture never figured out how to formulate analog
computer. But before we go into this, lets break down the word and know what analog is.
The word “ana
“ana”” means “up“up to”,
to”, “towards
“towards”” , “against
“against”” as in holding something up to,
towards or against another to be compared or relate to. The word “log “log”” means “to
“to enter
into a log book [i.e. like a list or spreadsheet, even a measuring stick is a
simple spreadsheet or wooden book] or record book. book. Hence analog computer
means to compare and record together with numbers(or
numbers(or non-numerical symbols).symbols). A
computer merly “put together things[quality
things[quality]] with number[quantity
number[quantity and it can be
incommeasarble like a logrithm scale]. scale]. In electronic analog computer the electric
current instead of physical slide-ruler becomes the thing or energy that compares and
records with numbers. To compare implies analogy or mold for something to be
compared. Data is simply a measure of something that is already given(known
given(known)) by
comparing( modeling). ). This means analog is also a root word for analogy.
Analog is a special(limited
special(limited)) type of KemPtah computer. The reason it is hard for
Eurocentric scientist to formulate it, is because Analog functions on the direct basis of
KemPtah, which is, pass paradox and seated in synergy of sides. The European can’t even
go pass Paradox so they do not have a real understanding of something bigger than that
– the understanding of synergy of sides. sides. Analog has a specific and limited
processing of synergy of sides.
Analog’s earth or wind (Synergy
(Synergy of destruction and construction)
construction) in the
KemPtah formula has a constant of zero. This means that analog is a limited and special
case compared to KemPtah but yet universal to digital computers(in
computers(in which digital has
it’s fire and water as a constant zero). zero ). Even though analog computer is finite in
relation to KemPtah computer (the (the bio-social form is the aboriginal being)
being) it is
still perpetual and continuous in relationship to digital computer.
The Slide rule does it’s calculation through the laws of KemPtah but only partially
because either wind or earth must assume a zero form and rarely both (zeros (zeros)) directly
correspond with each other (hence
(hence analog has a slim possibility to be digital or
necros computer),
computer), this follow that analog has(as
has(as a maximum, or largest)
largest) half the
power of KemPtah computer (KemPtah
(KemPtah is at minimum, twice as infinite because
both sides, and can assume all numeral(and symbolic) values including zero
hence putting zero in the center as the heart of KemPtah process and not
mainly on the surface like analog and digital). digital). The aboriginal brain is KemPtah,
and it works with all number(or
number(or logical values)
values) and not half. The wholistic
structure/function of the melanated being’s brain (bio-social
(bio-social KemPtah)
KemPtah) creates a
colossal (more
(more precisely infinite)
infinite) capability to contemplate creativity and
continiously. Western Eurocentric brains work more comfortably wit digital
mode(identity crisis analogy)
analogy) and slows down when approaching KemPtah or either
analog. That is why digital is a analog computer that models continuously and directly
the law of identity crisis or Eurocentric logic. The so called “discreteness” comes from it’s
break from reality (modeling
(modeling strictly law of identity crisis).
The calculation (mathematical
(mathematical fire)fire) of the analog works halfway compared to
KemPtah. The 0(zero
0(zero on both sides of the slide rule) rule) become the marker of what to
output and all other synergy of number (input
), represent forms of whatever
number(output)) directly exchanging with zero (0 (0). The constant is always known, so
being a constant brings in some what stable perspective or orientation to what the output
will be hence all other pairs of numbers on the slide rule represent primary input (input
proper) while the numbers paired with zero represent a secondary input (output (output
proper). At times input is the same as output hence some elements of digital is
presented naturally (NTR
(NTR), ), but not as the dominant theme though. Output depends on
input. Notice the output is internal and doesn’t have a apparent material body. The body
output is represented when zero synergizes with neg. and pos. 2. But majority of the
slide-rule’s body doesn’t externarly represent it, only in the process which is
invisible(thanks to KemPtah I can made it visible and show you). you). Most of the
process represent –2 and +2 as fire and water or double negation process and
materializes as Earth and Water when zero is synergzing with them. Other than that the
process of calculation is invisible or internal untill it crystolizes as –2=0(+2=0
–2=0(+2=0).). That is
why I call output(primary
output(primary output(output proper) proper) the secondary input because all
other process (primary
(primary input(input proper))
proper)) must be balance or inputted in order
for the output, to well, out put. Aslo in 2=0 and –2=0 the +2(fire
+2(fire)) and –2(water
–2(water)) still
regulate their own synergy. Input is the beginning of output and output is the end or
fully developed input. Similar to a child developing into a grown woman(man
woman(man). ). Or
woman(man)) developing into a Goddess(God
Goddess(God). ). We have all these children but at least
one(+2 and -2)-2) will be grown. So input/output is not naturally a digital process but an
organic KemPtah process.

Primitive Digital Computers: Re-Introduction to The

Switch(necros analogy)
Digital is an analog computer that models the law of identity crisis. While the
analog computer is more concrete, digital represent things being strictly identical (pure (pure
abstraction), in addition to having this “craziness
“craziness”, ”, quality or analogies of
information must come through this narrow logic to be validated. But since all things are
not identical, data has the tendency to throw it off and whether the data is valid or not in
nature, the European computer scientist calls it an error or false so they zero it out(or
else the raw wholistic information will zero the computer out(computer
out(computer crashes,
freezes or the so-called computer virus). virus). That is also why digital movies don’t look
real and one can easily tell that the movie is fake and not done through a camera. The
limited interfaces and bionic do not feel (or appear) organic. It’s that digital trash (the
law of identity crisis) that stops advancement. The only difference from Atari( and the
80’s Commador 64) 64) is more trash on top of trash to solft the old trash, so they can
fake it like it’s organic or real. Now they in the Congo getting Cotan(expensive
Cotan(expensive metal
according to the white world) world) to soften their trash technology. They make the Black
kids pay for the European trash tech with their life and limbs. Now we are buying in on
these blood gadgets (cell
(cell phones, apple computers, I-Pads etc). etc). Nature makes
these scam artist computer companies pay but we accept the bill. I guess that burst your
bubble if you thought Bill Gates was a saint. He is getting rich off of little black children.
Their(Eurocentric)) truth tables reflect the same thing and they use this truth
table (which
(which is really a lie table or scam table) table) as a measuring stick to further their
computer production and advancement (scams (scams). ). They say if the sentense is correct in
syntax (sin
(sin tax)
tax) and semantics then it is True (or(or else is False).
False). They use this very
same assumptions to analyse real information (which (which puts information in a tight
straight jacket and if it don’t fit it gets cut off) off) .The switch is a perfect specimen
for that evaluation. The switch (they
(they use transistors as switches)
switches) is a “say
“say no to all
synergy of sides”
sides ” electrical component, and all diversity(even
diversity(even diversity of
information itself)
itself) of electrical components flows from this limited electronic device.
The fuzzy switch is nothing more than identity crisis logic component on steroids (like (like
bodybuilders with more muscle and rip but still has the same twig-like legs), legs),
but essentially in the same family. Fuzzy logic has all numbers in between non-zero and
zero but those numbers “in between” must be equal and identical too, therefore it is still
necros. Furthermore, the so-called computational neuro-network are based on the law
of identity crisis hence it still digital with a different “face”. If the switch deviates from
the law of identity crisis it is then said to “malfunction” which is also a misconception
too. “As above so below”, the digital computer is setup on a malfunctioning logic in the
first place, hence the digital (even a apparently working one) is a zombie calibration
device. The switch has two states, Non-zero equal to the same Non-zero or zero equal
zero is only a complexity or density of the analogy of this Eurocentric malfunctioning
logic. How can something broken be broken? The apparent malfuction originates from
faulty set-up just like the levies that broke in New Orleans, both was white power scams
from the start. Nature just speed up their wicked intent.

On=On and Off=Off

Once closed(on
closed(on)) , negative and positive current is summed as zero. Once open(off
open(off)) the
current is zero(off
). This the law of identity crisis again in which the two zeros(the sum
of all current is zero(on) and the specific current is zero(off) perpetuated the same
electrical scam. This is like the difference between dieing and dead. When you dieing, the
nerve endings still kicking but is moving to death(off) and in a off circuit the circuit is
dead until it is closed(which is like a electric shock to start the heart up again, bring it
back to dieing).
Dead End of Ohms Law from being a
incomplete electrical(ether
electrical(ether)) circuit. The zero on the ohms law represent the sum of
negative and positive current going in a reciprical directions hence zero on the top and
bottom(- and + represent directions).
directions). In the Kirchoff or cut off law, we KemPtahly
derived to show that the current stopped ( zeros on the four sides of the equation)…dead
double negation(no
negation(no fire, water, earth, wind).
wind). The reason that something connected
to an outlet appears to be perpectual is in the fact that paying bills and working is
perpectual and gets translated to electrical (ether
(ether)) energy by the Electrical scaming
companies such a PS&G. So these big time scammer appear to have continious and
perpectual electrical power. All things are interrelated beginning and ending with
synergy of sides. That is why European superpowers refuse to patent or sell un-ending
energy because they know total and complete independence is power and their
scientist(and their O. Gz such as Ohms, Maxwell, Kirchoff, Einstien, Plato,
Thales,) would be expose for what they are, scam artists.

They do have digital slide rules but the genuine scheme of the slide rule are not
modeled, but the superficial appearances of the slide rule are imitated( i.e. how we
conventionally read the slide rule).rule). All workings of the digital slide rule is based on
whether or not it can be validated by the law of identity crisis. The only reason their so
called computers seem smart is because we try to imulate their state of mind then
challenge them in their own scam(game
scam(game). ). Free thought is quicker and more powerful
than any fabricated false one…even at minimum speed.

White Power Calculation and Black On

Black Genocide:

Most of us are wired to calculate against our own kind. When it

comes to hating, killing, maiming one another it is simple and
Eurocentric like 1+1 = 2. An autumatic rote reactionary response. As if
the I-Bot chips in our people are working perfectly for the white
masters. This white power math has plague our own thought processes
and made us self-destructive machines made of God Flesh. When it
comes to getting that power most of our people imagine only a color
difference when contrasting White power and Black power. The KKK
never went through Trans-Atlantic slavery, so who’s foot are they’re
superceding when they cry White Supremacy? Most of us think that we
“happen” to be born black and unlucky not to be born white. The
thought that thinks that white sumpreme logic (and
(and therefore the
math) is universal strike a blow to our mindset even before our minds
are set. We calculating without a cause and plotting without a
progressive path. How can we conquer something with their own
calculations. We cannot calibrate black power to white power in order
to be freedom. Everyday our children goes to these school detention
camps to learn how to calculate like a crakkker or like the coon’s white
master, then our children comes home to use this “no-color line”
education to conquer the parents. If you send your young Goddess and
Gods to them camps then when they vamp on you (according
(according to
white supreme school)
school) they deserve an A+. They(the
They(the children)
actually doing what the racist schools pushed as education on your
children. The root that make it all look consistent and humane is their
mathematical-logical system that glues all the diversity of white power
into a so-called consistant education. All other Eurocentric education
just reinforces it.

Coming Soon: PamPhlet two: Modal value(concrete

value(concrete information and Data
Value(Abstract Information).
Information). In this booklet we will go into why information is
Mental Wealth and the weighting of information depends of Analogy(modal
Analogy(modal value)
value) and
data(Data Values)
Values) and why the two opposites are synergy of sides. How digital is
forcefully circulating data by separating data values from modal values hence throws the
natural balance off.
Also KemPtah Children’s Books:Counting for the Children Tree of Life Style. Counting
on Black.

Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

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