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PAM 271



Lyra Yulianti
Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Andalas

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1 Kontrak Kuliah

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1 Kontrak Kuliah

2 Graphs and Subgraphs

Graphs and Simple Graphs
Graphs Isomorphism
The Incidence and Adjacency Matrix

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Kontrak Kuliah

Jadwal dan Buku Pegangan

Tatap Muka : Kamis, 10.10 - 12.40 (3 SKS), Ruang B.1.7

Buku Pegangan
Wajib: Bondy, J.A., and Murty, U.S.R., Graph Theory with Applications, The
Macmillan Press LTD, Great Britain, 1976
Pendukung: Hartsfield, N., and Ringel G., Pearls in Graph Theory: A
Comprehensive Introduction, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, New York, 1990

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Kontrak Kuliah


No Komponen Penilaian Persentase

Penilaian Hasil
1 Ujian Tengah Semester 30
2 Ujian Akhir Semester 30
3 Kuis 10
Penilaian Proses
1 Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan berargumen logis 15
2 Kerjasama dalam tim 15
Total 100

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Kontrak Kuliah

Materi Perkuliahan
Pokok Bahasan
Graf dan subgraf, graf pohon, keterhubungan (connectivity), tour Euler dan
lingkaran Hamilton, matching, pewarnaan titik, pewarnaan sisi, bilangan kromatik,
graf planar, teorema Kuratowski, serta beberapa aplikasi sederhana.

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Kontrak Kuliah

Materi Perkuliahan
Pokok Bahasan
Graf dan subgraf, graf pohon, keterhubungan (connectivity), tour Euler dan
lingkaran Hamilton, matching, pewarnaan titik, pewarnaan sisi, bilangan kromatik,
graf planar, teorema Kuratowski, serta beberapa aplikasi sederhana.

Capaian Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan ini, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu:
(a) Memahami, menerangkan serta menggunakan beberapa konsep sederhana
yang menjadi dasar dalam teori graf.
(b) Mengidentifikasi hubungan antara masalah-masalah dalam matakuliah ini
dengan cabang matematika yang lain, begitu juga dengan cabang-cabang
ilmu yang lainnya.
(c) Berpikir kritis, analitis dan inovatif, dapat berargumen secara logis dan
(d) Mengkomunikasikan buah pikiran secara sistematis, dapat bekerja sama dan
beradaptasi dengan mahasiswa lain dalam kelompok, serta melakukan diskusi
dengan baik.
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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs


1 Kontrak Kuliah

2 Graphs and Subgraphs

Graphs and Simple Graphs
Graphs Isomorphism
The Incidence and Adjacency Matrix

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

The Königsberg Bridge Problem

In 1736, the city of Königsberg was located in Prussia (in Europe). The River
Pregel flowed through the city dividing it into four land areas, namely 1, 2, 3 and
4. Seven bridges were built across the river, namely a, b, · · · , g.

Figure: The Königsberg Bridge

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

The Famous Königsberg Bridge Problem

Is it possible to walk about Königsberg crossing each of its seven bridges exactly

Figure: The Graph Representation of Königsberg Bridge Problem

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

The Famous Königsberg Bridge Problem

Is it possible to walk about Königsberg crossing each of its seven bridges exactly

Figure: The Graph Representation of Königsberg Bridge Problem

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

The Three Friends or Three Strangers Problem

What is the smallest number of people that must be present at a gathering to be
certain that among them, three are mutual friends or three are mutual strangers?

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

The Three Friends or Three Strangers Problem

What is the smallest number of people that must be present at a gathering to be
certain that among them, three are mutual friends or three are mutual strangers?

Six. Why?

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

The Three Friends or Three Strangers Problem

What is the smallest number of people that must be present at a gathering to be
certain that among them, three are mutual friends or three are mutual strangers?

Six. Why?

Ramsey Theory

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

Some Graph Definitions

A graph G = (V, E, ψG ) is an ordered triple, consists of a nonempty set

V (G) of vertices, a set E(G) of edges, and an incidence function ψG that
associates with each edge of G an ordered pair of (not necessarily distinct)
vertices of G.
If e is an edge and u and v are vertices such that ψG (e) = uv, then e is said
to join u and v, the vertices u and v are called the ends of e.
The ends of an edge are said to be incident with the edge, and vice versa.
Two vertices which are incident with a common edge are adjacent.
An edge with identical ends is called a loop, an edge with distinct ends a link.
A graph is finite if both its vertex set and edge set are finite.
A graph with just one vertex trivial and all other graphs nontrivial.
A graph is simple if it has no loops and no two of its link join the same pair
of vertices.

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs and Simple Graphs

Some Graph Definitions

Let G = (V, E). The number of vertices is denoted by |V (G)| = p and the
number of edges is denoted by |E(G)| = q.

Figure: Graph G

Determine |V (G)| and |E(G)|.


Show that if G is simple then q ≤ 2 .

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs Isomorphism


1 Kontrak Kuliah

2 Graphs and Subgraphs

Graphs and Simple Graphs
Graphs Isomorphism
The Incidence and Adjacency Matrix

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Graphs and Subgraphs Graphs Isomorphism

Some Definitions

Two graphs G and H are identical, denoted by G = H, if V (G) = V (H),

E(G) = E(H) dan ψG = ψH .
Two graphs G and H are isomorphic, denoted by G ∼ = H if there are
bijection θ : V (G) → V (H) and φ : E(G) → E(H) such that ψG (e) = uv if
and only if ψH (φ(e)) = θ(u)θ(v); such a pair θ, φ of mappings is called an
isomorphism between G and H.

Figure: Isomorphisms

Show that those graphs are isomorphic (GROUP ASSIGNMENT NO.2)

Show that there are eleven non-isomorphic simple graphs on four vertices.
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Graphs and Subgraphs The Incidence and Adjacency Matrix


1 Kontrak Kuliah

2 Graphs and Subgraphs

Graphs and Simple Graphs
Graphs Isomorphism
The Incidence and Adjacency Matrix

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Graphs and Subgraphs The Incidence and Adjacency Matrix

The Incidence Matrix

Figure: Incidence matrices

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