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I started experiencing burning in the chest and throat and need to burp in September '07. It started suddenly one night and
remained pretty constant. I had never had heartburn before. After about 2 weeks with no let up, I saw my family doctor. She presribed
omezerperole, which I tried for a month but it did not help. I was sent for a colonoscopy and an endoscopy in late November. The endoscopy
showed a small hiatial hernia. I was started on Nexium, 40 mg per day. It has helped somewhat - no more burning in chest, but still feel heat in
throat and sometimes the feeling of a lump in throat. My question is, how long is it safe to stay on Nexium? On the Nexium website, it indicates
that the medicine is for short-term use (4 to 8 weeks), but my doctor says it's ok to stay on it indefinitely. Has anyone had experience with longer
term use? I am worried about the long term effects but don't know if I should go off it.
Every once in a while during the day I'll feel a thump in my upper chest, near my throat. Usually the top of my stomach hurts and I
can sometimes feel acid climbing up my throat. The thump only happens once or twice, and it feels like I can't draw a proper breath when it
happens. I also get a tad dizzy. This ever happen to anyone else? Thanks.
I've been looking at this forum for a few days as I have recently been diagnosed with reflux. I would just like some reassurance that the range of
symptoms I am experiencing sound familiar to fellow suffers.
I have been experiencing reflux for a couple of years but only on and off and nothing to concern me. However, I have recently started getting a
mild burning just below my left rib - mainly first thing in the morning and made better by eating a small breakfast or even getting up out of bed and
walking around! The symptom which sent me to my doctors is a scratchy, burning sensation in my throat - varies in intensity from hardly
noticeable to quite severe. It sometimes feels like my throat is in a knot. I have also had this feeling further down into my chest on ocassions
too. I get a horrible sicky taste in my mouth which, I am assuming is acid as I haven't been sick.
I have been on Omeprazole 40mg for a week now and wondered how long it takes for them to work. My GP said that it can takes several weeks
for the oesophagus and throat to heal if it has been damaged by the acid reflux.
I am also interested in any lifestyle changes I could make which might help.
Any advice would be very welcome.
Thank you.
yesterday my doctor asked me if i'm interested in surgery to help fix my bile/acid reflux. i said yes, so she told me briefly about
nissen fundoplication surgery and now i'm to be scheduled for a bravo ph probe and manometry (yuk) to see if i'm a fit candidate.
i know there are tons of threads on the fundoplication surgery, but i guess what i'm concerned about is: well, i'm only 20 years old and have had
reflux for just 13 months, my problem is primarily bile reflux, and i'm worried that surgery is being pushed on me. true, the medications aren't
stopping the symptoms, (i'm on reglan and protonix which does nothing, and neither has 80mg of nexium or prilosec otc) but it's not like i'm in
agonizing pain...
basically, what i'm feeling is fluids chugging up my esophagus constantly, and relentless gurgling/croaking and other sensations in my chest and
throat because of the reflux. sometimes i get congested after i eat a fattening meal, and i also sometimes get diaphragm/chest pains & soreness.
i constantly have the hiccups and odd burping that comes up and a nasty taste in the back of my mouth. an endoscopy in may showed
everything was fine, except for the presence of bile in my stomach, and that's how i was diagnosed with bile reflux.
she only JUST prescribed me carafate the day of getting the surgery wagon going, and i've read that that's a primary medicaton for bile reflux.
however, she and other doctors have been treating bile reflux as coinciding with acid reflux, as i guess they go hand in hand?
my question is: how serious was your condition before you turned to surgery? some sites on the internet make it out to be an easy-to-make
decision for people who don't want to deal with medication forever. but then i come across stories and sites that say people only had the surgery
when there was nowhere else to turn and they were really hurting. is it true you can't even vomit anymore after you get it? what happens if you
have food poisoning? she didn't tell me about that, only that i couldn't burp anymore.
any experiences about making the decision about the surgery, the bravo ph probe & manometry, the surgery itself, post-op, temporary and
permanent side effects, ANYTHING would be really appreciated. i still don't know if i'll be qualified to have it but i'd like to gather as much info as
I just left our holiday dinner tonight and out of the blue I had a feeling that started under my left rib cage, close to the middle that
was almost like fast bubbles moving over and then almost like it was up my throat. It kinda felt like heart flutters but not exactly. I got kinda scared
but just kinda forgot about it. Then it happened again only right in the middle pf my chest and just as quick as it started it stopped the second
time. Does anyone else experience this with GERD? I was put on nexium some time ago for stomach symptoms and I do have alot of
palpatations but this felt diffrent somehow. I just kind of get freaked out about it and think it is my heart. Just checking in to see if anyone else has
had this happen as a result of GERD.
I've been reading a bit on this board about this and online, and I really think I have this
What really triggered this notion was because this past 5 days, I am suffering from what can only describe as mucus lke feeling in my throat that
never goes away, then the past 2 days I feel dry mouth. I am drinking 10 cups of water, 8 oz cups lets say, and I am not any different. I would
drink tea and then have the same symptoms come back couple hours later.
I also suffer from the following...last 3 years, I just had an onset of choking bouts - from steak to potato chips. I guess they went down the wrong
pipe and caused a fear. I'm slowly overcoming the problem, though I do avoid steak and pork - I was such a meat eater, I loved it. But now I don't
know if it is actually my fear or acid reflex. I don't eat chicken - I eat chicken patties and cheese burgers for meats. That's it. I have tried to eat a
sandwhich and managed to eat it, but always in fear of choking.
I can't say I';ve lost much weight but I am skin ny to begin with. But now with this onset of muhcus like feeling, and dry mouth, I constantly feel
that I have something obstructing my airway. I read that acid reflex causes sensitivity to teeth too? I suffered from that too!! I almost changed
doctors b/c I thought he was missing the cavity...he insists my teeth are cavity-free.
I went and did a esophogram in may; doctor said everything was normal, and said so even during the exam.
Now this feeling of dry mouth & mucus in I have acid reflex? Wouldn't have shown up on the esophogram?
I am so upset....I am avoiding certain foods due to fear of choking, I think some people have noticed & think I'm a picky eater...but now I might
not have had a choking problem all along. Yet I feel something is in my throat and it won't go this incurable? Do we just suffer and
convince ourselves to just live with it? Or is it just a plan cause of an insetting cold? Please help!!
Hi I have recently watched a clip of Suzanne Somers speaking at a doctors conference and she stated that she takes a
supplement called Niacin instead of the drug Lipator for cholesterol and then she stated another supplement which i did not catch instead of
using Nexium. It seemed to me that it started with the letter M but if any posters have her books it may be in that or if you know the name of
supplement please let me know. thanks Canna
lap fundo post op problems
(I've also posted this on the Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung/Respiratory boards):
Is there ANY way to treat this? Where is the pathology centered? I've had a laryngoscopy (nothing found on the vocal cords), endoscopy and
colonoscopy (esophagus looks fine), swallowing, motility and PH tests (everything functioning; only a small amount of acid), an MRI (negative), a
sinus CT scan (ditto) and other exams, yet the sensation persists. One theory is that it's minor reflux; another says it might be reactive airway
disease (something in the upper trachea and/or bronchi); another suggests it might be post-nasal drip. Maybe it's a combination of all three. I am
taking Prevacid, and I'll soon be buying a special elevated pillow. I might have a bronchoscopy to rule out any pulmonary involvement.
Anyone else have the same infernal problem? Is there any hope? Or is this sensation permanent, the manifestation of invisible scarring or
secretion or somesuch? Thanks, Dave
Hi Everyone,
I habe a question has abyone tried dgl? I have bad breathing problems all day from this all. I have high blood pressure so i was nerves to try it,
Did it help anyone i have read some great stuff about it helping peolpe but i trust you guys more. Thanks
p.s. I am desparate for help this is destrying my life and family.
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