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Br HeartJ_ 1995;74:215-219 215


Is aspirin safe for patients with heart failure?

John G F Cleland, Christopher J Bulpitt, Rodney H Falk, Iain N Findlay, Celia M Oakley,
Gordon Murray, Philip A Poole-Wilson, Colin R M Prentice, George C Sutton

Despite evidence that ACE inhibitors can The Aspirin Trialists recently suggested
improve the prognosis of patients with heart that the benefits of aspirin in patients with
failure, mortality remains high even when coronary artery disease were "extraordinarily
symptoms are mild. The SOLVD studies definitely established" based on a meta-analy-
have highlighted the contribution of coronary sis including the ISIS-2 study, a study that
ischaemic events to subsequent outcome lasted only 35 days of patients who had had
among patients with substantial ventricular an acute myocardial infarction. A treatment
dysfunction. In the presence of pre-existing that works in the acute state may have a dif-
left ventricular dysfunction a myocardial ferent effect in the chronic condition. ISIS-2
infarction carries a 50% mortality within is the only trial of aspirin to show a significant
three months of the event compared with a reduction in mortality in patients with
mortality of only 20% at four years among ischaemic heart disease.
AMIS = Aspirin Myocardial
those who have had no such event.' Aspirin is A meta-analysis of all the post-infarction,
Infarction Study Research widely used in patients with coronary disease, long term antiplatelet agent trials published in
ISIS-2 = International Study
a common cause of heart failure, to try to 1988 suggested that such treatment would
of Infarct Survival (second reduce the frequency of myocardial infarction save about 4 lives per thousand per year. 4
PARIS-II = Persantine-
and death. However, enalapril did not The 1994 meta-analysis, in which one addi-
Aspirin Reinfarction Study improve prognosis among patients with heart tional trial had been added and the numbers
SAPAT = Swedish Angina
Pectoris Angina Trial
failure taking aspirin in the SOLVD study, a of deaths reported in the previous meta-
SAVE = Survival and finding that has not been well publicised. analysis had changed, suggested a reduction
Ventricular Enlargement
SOLVD = Studies of Left
There are at least three possible explana- in total mortality (about 6 lives saved per
Ventricular Dysfumction tions for the lack of apparent benefit with 1000 patients treated per year) with anti-
V-HeFT = Veterans Heart
Failure Trial
enalapril among those taking aspirin in the platelet treatment.5 The 1988 meta-analysis
SOLVD trial. The interaction between did not report whether the reduction in total
aspirin and enalapril was statistically signifi- mortality was significant or not. The level of
Western Infirmary, cant (P < 0 01) but was not pre-planned. The statistical significance achieved in the 1994
J G F Cleland lack of benefit from ACE inhibition among meta-analysis (P = 0.02) was not substantial
Boston University those taking aspirin could have occurred by given the size of population studied, the num-
Medical Centre, chance, an explanation favoured by the trial- ber of analyses performed, and the fact that
Boston, Mass., USA ists. Alternatively, aspirin may negate the the number of deaths reported in some of the
R H Falk benefits of ACE inhibition. This would be a studies had changed long-after the studies
Royal Alexandra potentially serious and costly interaction. had been unblinded. The result gives rise to
Hospital, Paisley
I N Findlay Finally, it is possible that some of the mortal- even more concern because meta-analysis has
Royal Postgraduate ity benefit from ACE inhibition can be failed to predict accurately the result of recent
Medical School, achieved by aspirin alone and that ACE well designed trial of other treatments after
Hanumersmith inhibitors confer no additional advantage. If myocardial infarction.6 Moreover, it is
Hospital, London this were the case the less expensive option unlikely that the 1994 meta-analysis would
C M Oakley
C J Bulpitt would be attractive. have shown any benefit on total mortality had
Robertson Centre for The benefits of ACE inhibitors are well only aspirin studies been considered. Worse
Biostatistics, Glasgow established but the safety and efficacy of still, one of the trials suggesting benefit with
G Murray aspirin in heart failure have not been studied. aspirin lost a third of its patients to follow up
Royal Brompton This article is devoted to examining the argu- and could be regarded as invalid.7
National Heart and ments for and against aspirin in heart failure The apparent disparity between ISIS-2 and
Lung Institute,
London and the potential interaction with ACE the other post-infarction trials suggests that
P A Poole-Wilson inhibitors. The reader should be aware from the benefits of aspirin on mortality may be
Leeds General the outset that the evidence of harm or bene- confined to the period immediately after
Infirmary, Leeds fit with aspirin in this group of patients is myocardial infarction, a view that is sup-
C R M Prentice
entirely inconclusive. ported by several long-term trials.5" The
Hillingdon Hospital, later the patients were randomised after
G C Sutton infarction the less positive the results of the
Correspondence to: Should aspirin be administered to trials became. It should be stressed that it has
Dr J G F Cleland, British
Heart Foundation Senior
patients with heart failure and coronary not been established whether aspirin needs to
Research Fellow, MRC disease? be continued long term after myocardial
Clinical Research Initiative
in Heart Failure and
EVIDENCE FROM POST-INFARCTION STUDIES infarction to maintain the initial gain or
Honorary Consultant The most common underlying cause of heart whether a short course gives rise to lasting
Cardiologist, University of
Glasgow, G12 8QQ.
failure in patients under the age of 75 years benefits.
in industrialised societies is ischaemic heart In five substantial trials10-'4 aspirin was
Accepted for publication
27 March 1995 disease.3 started > 1 month after infarction and more
216 Cleland, Falk, Findlay, Oakley, Murray, Poole-Wilson, Prentice, Sutton

Table 1 Effects of aspirin on total mortality in late-initiation long term studies after aspirin to show significant benefit even
myocardial infarction among groups stratified for risk does not sup-
Non- Non-fatal port this conjecture.'2 The PARIS-II trial
Total Vascular vascular myocardial Non-fatal showed an overall trend towards benefit with
Treatment deaths deaths deaths infarction stroke
(S studies) (%/6) NO) (%)
(NO) () aspirin but the trend was in the opposite
Control direction among patients with heart failure or
(n = 5667) 494 (8 72) 434 (7 66) 60 (1-06) 457 (8 06) 109 (1-92) major ventricular dysfunction. The evidence
Aspirin supporting the long-term use of aspirin in
(n = 6880) 602 (8 75) 513 (7 46) 89 (1-29) 426 (6-19) 82 (1 19)
Events patients with coronary disease and well pre-
prevented per served ventricular function was supported by
1000 treated -0 3 +2-0 - 2-3 + 18-7 +7 3
Events prevented data from the Swedish SAPAT study.19
per year per Overall the data suggest that long-term
1000 treated -0-1 +0 7 -0-8 + 6-2 +2-4
aspirin may indeed be helpful in patients with
Numbers are taken from the 1988 meta-analysis.4 Negative numbers indicate an excess of well preserved ventricular function but possi-
events in aspirin treated groups. Average duration of trials was about 3 years. Note numbers
randomised to aspirin and control were unequal. bly harmful in high risk patients with major
ventricular damage.
Most of the long-term studies of aspirin
used doses greater than 900 mg/day; indeed
than 90% of patient were followed up. In all six of the late initiation studies did.4 The
these trials there was not even a trend for high doses of aspirin used in the older trials
aspirin to reduce overall mortality and even could have caused harm and the lower doses
the effect on vascular deaths was small (table in current use may be much safer. However,
1), compared for instance with the effect of the lowest dose of aspirin used in any long-
ACE inhibitors or fi blockers after infarc- term post-infarction trial was 300 mg/day.
tion.'5 16 Aspirin seemed to reduce non-fatal These doses may not be relevant to today's
stroke and non-fatal myocardial infarction. practice but because there are no data to
The effect of aspirin on morbidity alone show a long-term benefit from aspirin in
might support its long-term use but, again, doses lower than those studied it is possible
the effect on non-fatal events was not large. that long-term aspirin prophylaxis after
Several of the long-term post-infarction tri- myocardial infarction is futile with doses cur-
als indicate a trend to an increase in sudden rently advocated. Comparative trials in
death with aspirin. About 25% of all myocar- patients at risk of stroke have not shown any
dial infarctions are not associated with symp- major difference in benefit or harm with
toms that are recognised as such.'7 Aspirin is doses ranging from 75 to 1200 mg/day5 but
an analgesic and raises pain threshold even neither do the studies of lower doses of
when given in modest doses.18 Aspirin may aspirin show a clear reduction in coronary
reduce the recognition of myocardial infarc- events compared with placebo in this popula-
tion. This might reduce the number of symp- tion.20 21
tomatic, documented acute recurrent Although aspirin seems to be cheap, treat-
infarctions but increase the risk of sudden ing its side effects may not be. Patients taking
death owing to failure to deliver adequate aspirin are at a fourfold increased risk of gas-
treatment, while leaving overall mortality trointestinal haemorrhage.22 23 Aspirin may
unaffected. Thus the reduction in myocardial account for a third of all major gastrointesti-
infarction by aspirin in long-term studies nal haemorrhage in subjects over 60 years of
could be artefactual. age,24 those most likely to have heart failure.
The AMIS and PARIS-II trials both Currently for every 1000 patients taking
reported the influence of baseline characteris- aspirin about two each year will have a major
tics on outcome (table 2)."1 12 The AMIS trial, gastrointestinal bleed, leading to death in
the largest aspirin study ever conducted in 10% of cases.22 Many more will have aspirin
terms of patient years exposure, showed a induced dyspepsia. Prophylaxis of and treat-
trend to increased mortality with aspirin in ment of dyspepsia with H2 antagonists or
most subgroups studied. Differences in base- omeprazole and hospital management of
line -characteristics might have biased the haemorrhage is expensive.
AMIS study against aspirin, but the failure of Several of the long-term aspirin trials also
noted that patients taking high dose aspirin
had a higher serum urea and uric acid." 12
Because renal function is often precarious in
patients with heart failure this is of some con-
Table 2 Effects of Aspirin on total mortality in patients with and without evience of heart cern. The effect of lower doses of aspirin on
failure after myocardial infarction renal function in large long-term trials is
PARIS II AMIS unknown.
Placebo Aspirin Placebo Aspirin
Total mortality 114/1565 (7-3) 111/1565 (7-1) 219/2267 (9-7) 246/2267 (10 9)
HF Absent NA NA 6-9 8-3 Evidence from large heart failure trials
HF Present NA NA 212 23-7 There is no evidence of an effect of aspirin on
NYHA I 5-8 4-9 7-3 8-6
NYHA II 8-9 94 14 3 14 3 mortality in heart failure, because the issue
First infarct 6-2 59 8-1 9-2 has not been addressed. The V-HeFT studies
> 1 infarct 13-5 13-5 19-6 19-2
Digoxin: suggested that aspirin reduced thromboem-
No 6-3 55 7-4 9.3 bolic events, not including myocardial infarc-
Yes 13-7 15-6 21-0 20-8
tion, but this was not a randomised
Is aspirin safe for patients with heart failure? 217

comparison.25 Myocardial infarction and altered responses to endothelium mediated

unstable angina were no less common among vasodilators33 and raised plasma concentra-
those taking aspirin in the SOLVD study tions of von Willebrand factor and other
placebo group' although little significance can defects in haemostasis.34 3
be attached to this finding because patients at ACE inhibitors may reduce the degrada-
higher risk of infarction may have been more tion of bradykinin and, thereby, enhance pro-
likely to receive aspirin. duction of prostaglandins.36 Angiotensin II
The clinical trials suggest that stroke is not can also stimulate the production of vasodila-
a very common event in patients with heart tor prostaglandins, and ACE inhibition, by
failure, at least among the age groups incor- reducing angiotensin II production, could
porated into the landmark studies reported to theoretically reduce renal prostaglandin syn-
date.25-27 Interestingly, several studies of thesis.37 38 ACE inhibitors may also reduce
patients with heart failure suggest that production of thromboxanes, much the same
thromboembolic events are no more common as aspirin.39 Platelet activation generates
in patients with atrial fibrillation,2528 although angiotensin II which may enhance local vaso-
studies of atrial fibrillation suggest the con- constriction; it is not clear if this can be pre-
trary.29 Greater weight should be put on the vented by ACE inhibitors.40 Angiotensin II
latter trials as these were prospective studies. may, in turn, enhance thromboxane-induced
arterial contraction.39 The overall effect of
ACE inhibitors on prostaglandin synthesis
Is there an interaction between aspirin and platelet aggregability remain controver-
and ACE inhibitors? sial.3"' But aspirin and ACE inhibitors may
All the long-term studies on the effects of exert similar effects in several ways.
aspirin on mortality after infarction were con- Administration of indomethacin to patients
ducted before treatment with ACE inhibitors with heart failure results in vasoconstriction, a
was commonplace. The debate on a poten- fall in cardiac output, renal blood flow, and
tially harmful interaction between ACE glomerular filtration rate.3242 Effects are more
inhibitors and aspirin was initiated when the prominent among patients with hypona-
SOLVD study findings showed that enalapril traemia.32 High doses of aspirin cause urinary
had no beneficial effect on mortality among sodium retention but it is not known whether
those taking aspirin.2 No other large mortality low doses exert similar effects on salt and
trial of heart failure has reported on the water metabolism in patients with heart fail-
effects of aspirin on the improvement in mor- ure.43 Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis
tality associated with ACE inhibitors. All the may cause hyponatraemia,44 an ominous
post-infarction trials that have reported it prognostic sign in heart failure.45
show a tendency to less benefit from ACE Several studies have addressed the interac-
inhibition among those taking aspirin,'530 with tion of aspirin and other inhibitors of
the exception of the SAVE trial.3' Even the prostaglandin synthesis on cardiovascular
SAVE trial shows a trend to less benefit on a function. Hall et al noted that single doses of
combined morbidity and mortality outcome 350 mg of aspirin prevented most of the bene-
among those taking captopril and aspirin.3' In ficial central haemodynamic effects of
the SOLVD trial there was no evidence of an enalapril in patients with severe heart fail-
adverse interaction between aspirin and ure.46 Nishimura et al used plethysmography
enalapril on recurrent coronary events.' to study the effects of indomethacin on capto-
pril induced changes in peripheral haemody-
namics in patients with heart failure.47
Theoretical basis for the interaction Indomethacin attenuated the effects of
between aspirin and ace inhibitors captopril. In contrast van Wijngaarden et al
Aspirin inhibits the production of could discern no such interaction48 but sug-
prostaglandins. The prostaglandins are a gested that the use of lower doses of aspirin
diverse group of compounds: some are (< 300 mg/day) might explain the difference
vasodilator and antithrombotic (for example, from Hall's study. Schwartz et al studied the
prostacyclin) others are vasoconstrictor and effects of captopril and aspirin on renal func-
prothrombotic (for example, the thrombox- tion in 10 elderly patients with heart failure.49
anes). Only one patient had a marked fall in creati-
Production of vasodilator prostaglandins nine clearance on receiving the combination
appear to be an important counter-regulatory treatment. Baur et al also found no important
pathway in patients with heart failure,32 interaction between aspirin (300 mg) and
reflecting extensive dysfunctional endothe- enalapril on haemodynamics or renal func-
lium. Plasma concentrations of vasodilator tion in an 8 week open-label study.38
prostaglandins are increased and this is Townend showed that single doses of
proportional to the activation of the renin- indomethacin attenuated the increase in car-
angiotensin system and the serum sodium diac output and renal blood flow in response
concentration.32 Thus the response of to captopril but not the increase in forearm or
prostaglandin synthetic pathways to inhibitors calf blood flow.50
may be very different in patients with Baur et al also studied the effects of
heart failure than in patients with coronary aspirin and enalapril on urinary excretion of
artery disease and good ventricular function. prostaglandin metabolites.38 Their data suggest
Patients with heart failure have other that enalapril and aspirin may have similar
evidence of endothelial dysfunction including effects on thromboxane metabolism. This
218 Cleland, Falk, Findlay, Oakley, Murray, Poole-Wilson, Prentice, Sutton

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