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Muffin yang mudah, ringkas dan sedap dari "Noreen UK". Jumlah muffin bergantung pada saiz
muffin cup yang digunakan, jika gunakan muffin cup seperti dalam gambar, kita boleh dapat
lebih kurang 12 biji muffin...

Bahan Disatukan Dan Diayak:-

250 g tepung gandum
2 camca teh baking powder
1/2 camca teh soda bicarbonate
2 camca besar serbuk koko

Bahan Disatukan Dan Kacau Rata:-

250 ml susu
90 ml minyak sayur/jagung
1 biji telur gred A
1 camca teh esen vanilla

Bahan Lain:-
175 g gula halus
150 g chocolate chips
50 g chocolate chips, utk hiasan

Cara membuatnya:-
Dalam satu bekas, satukan bahan2 diayak bersama gula halus dan 150 g chocolate chips, gaul
rata. Tuang bahan2 yang dikacau rata dan gaul hingg semua sebati dan mesra.
Sudukan bancuhan muffin tadi ke dalam muffin cup 3/4 penuh dan hias dgn taburan coklat chips,
buat hingga siap
Bakar dalam oven pada suhu 180Cm selama 18 - 20 minit. Sejukkan sebelum dihidangkan.
Sesuai untuk minum petang bersama keluarga...

Fluffy Banana Cup Cake...memang lembut dan gebu u!!!

Bahan-Bahannya:- (Mat buat 1/2 dari adunan dibawah)

120 g tepung halus/tepung gandum*
1/2 camca teh baking powder*
1/4 camca teh soda bicarbonate*(*disatukan dan diayak)
4 biji telur gred A
120 g pisang, dilecek (mat guna pisang emas)
120 g gula halus
1/2 camca besar ovallate
85 g mentega cair
50 g kacang walnut, dicincang kasar

Cara membuatnya:-
Satukan gula dengan ovallate, pukul hingga sebati dengan gula. Masukkan telur dan putar pada
kelajuan tinggi hingga adunan kembang dan gebu.
Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit, gunakan speed sederhana. Kemudian masukkan pisang
lecek dan diakhiri dengan mentega cair. Gaul hingga semua rata dan sebati.
Masukkan cincangan kacang walnut dan gaul rata, sudukan ke dalam paper cup hingga hampir
penuh. Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 180C, selama 20 minit. Keluarkan
dari oven bila masak dan sejukkan atas jaringan...Boleh dihidangkan bersama teh untuk minum

Chiffon Kaya Roll....memang lembut, sesuai sangat untuk orang yang gigi kurang macam pakcik ni....bukan saja lembut, tapi nak
membuatnya pun mudah. Kalau nak gantikan kaya tu dengan butter cream atau jem, semua boleh. Memandangkan mat dan seisi
rumah tak gemar krim, jadi mat sapu jelah dengan seri kaya.....Bolehlah mencuba kalau ada masa terluang yeaa.....

Bahan A:-
5 kuning telur (guna telur gred A)
50 g gula halus
50 ml minyak jagung
50 ml santan (boleh guna susu)
110 g tepung gandum*
1/2 camca teh baking powder*(*disatukan dan diayak)
1 camca teh pandan paste
Secubit garam
Bahan B:-
5 putih telur
100 g gula halus
1/4 camca teh cream of tartar
Bahan C:-
Serikaya secukupnya (kurang lebih 3 - 4 camca besar) atau butter cream.

Cara membuatnya:-
Panaskan oven pada suhu 175C, lenser tin swiss roll dengan mentega dan alas dasar tin dengan
kertas minyak. Ketepikan.
Satukan semua bahan2 A dalam satu bekas dan kacau dengan wisk hingga semua sebati dan
berkrim. Ketepikan.
Putar putih telur bersama cream of tartar. Masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus
memutar pada kelajuan tinggi hingga menjadi meringue (kental dan bila dicuit, tanduk yang
terhasil tegak dan tidak jatuh).
Gaul no. 3 ke dalam adunan no. 2. Gaul dengan kaedah kaup balik hingga sebati. Tuang dalam tin
tadi dan bakar 20 minit. Bila masak serta merta keluarkan dari oven dan keluarkan kek. Sejukkan
atas jaringan.
Siapkan sekeping aluminium foil, dan letakkan kek tadi. Sapu dengan seri kaya atau butter cream
dan gulung kemas dan ketat sedikit. Simpan dalam peti sejuk 1 - 2 jam, sebelum dipotong untuk
hidangan....Selamat Mencuba!!!!


Dah lama tak buat muffin, macam rindu pulak. Semalam mat ke satu kedai menjual bahan baking dan
ternampak strawberry filling, jadi sambar leer satu bekas. Tapi masa buat pusingan ke dua, mat sambar lagi kiwi filling dan manggo
filling...Tamakkan?..Apa boleh buat jenis "mata keranjang" nie payah sikit.

Bahan-Bahannya:- (Mat buat 1/2 dari adunan dibawah, dapat 15 biji muffin)
170 g mentega
170 g gula halus (castor sugar)
4 biji telur gred A (berat kurang lebih 60g sebiji)
350 g tepung gandum*
20 g baking powder*(*disatukan dan diayak)
160 ml susu segar
1 camca teh esen vanilla
Strawberry filling secukupnya (atau guna apa filling kegemaran)

Bahan Hiasan:-
100 g coklat berperisa strawberry, dicairkan secara double-boiler (tapi gunakan api paling
perlahan dan biar mangkuk sederhana panas untuk mengelakkan coklat bertukar warna...Tips dari
Ho Ah Lin @ Chef Nor Zailina Nordin...terima kasih!!)

Cara membuatnya:-
Panaskan oven pasa suhu 175C. Putar mentega dengan gula hingga putih, masukkan telur satu
persatu sambil terus memutar hingga kembang dan gebu.
Masukkan esen vanilla dan putar. Perlahankan speed dan masukkan tepung berselang seli dengan
susu segar tadi hingga habis. Gaul rata.
Sudukan adunan ke dalam mangkuk muffin 1/2 penuh. Sudukan 1/2 camca teh strawberry filling
dan sudukan sedikit lagi adunan untuk menutupi filling tadi. Isi hingga 3/4 penuh. Buat hingga
siap dan bakar selama 20 minit hingga kuning keemasan.
Keluarkan dari oven dan sejukkan atas jaringan hingga betul2 sejuk sebelum dihias dengan coklat
berperisa strawberry (jika suka).


Sebenarnya mat dah lama simpan resipi ni, cuma nak buat tu rasa malas....jadi
semalam mat cuba lah buat...rasa dia sedap....macam rasa candy kelapa kawin dengan kek
chiffon....macam mana pulak tu ek?..sendiri rasa baru tau lah ye....maklumlah tekak manusia ni
kan lain2 citarasa....

Bahan A:-
1 cawan susu segar*
1/2 cawan kelapa kering*(*rendam 1 jam)
125 g mentega
1/2 cawan gula halus (gula kastor)
2 kuning telur (gunakan telur gred A)
1 3/4 cawan self raising flour (tepung berserbuk penaik), diayak
1 camca teh pandan paste

Bahan B:-
2 putih telur
1/2 camca teh cream of tartar
1/4 cawan gula halus

Cara membuatnya:-
Pukul mentega dan gula hingga putih, masukkan kuning telur satu persatu sambil terus memukul
hingga gebu. Masukkan pandan paste dan terus memukul. Perlahankan speed dan masukkan
tepung selang-seli dengan kelapa tadi hingga habis. Kacau rata.
Dalam mangkuk lain, pukul putih telur dengn cream of tartar hingga kembang, masukkan gula
dan terus memukul hingga putih telur bertanduk.
Gaul putih telur ke dalam adunan kek secara kaup balik, gaul hingga rata. Tuang dalam acuan
berukuran 14cm x 21cm. Bakar dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan pada suhu 160C, selama 55
minit hingga 1 jam...


Kek yang lembut, gebu dan boleh dipelbagaikan citarasanya, sebenarnya resipi kek marble trio ni dah lama ada kat MyResipi..cuma
mat jarang buat, kali terkahir buat masa raya hari tu, tapi tak sempat nak tangkap gambar dan letak kat sini, jadi hari ni mat dgn ikhlas
hati buat dan letak kat "dapur" peribadi mat nie....jom lah kita buat ramai2!!!!

2 butir telur 250 g gula halus

125 ml susu tawar cair 1 camca besar Ovallate
80 g mentega/margarine, lelehkan 30 g gliserin
100 g gula pasirBahan-Bahannya:- 20 g air
300 g mentega 1/2 camca teh esen vanilla
280 g tepung halus (tempung gandum pun ok)* 1/2 camca teh strawberry emulco
1 camca teh baking powder* 1 camca teh chocolate emulco
1 camca besar susu tepung*(*disatukan, gaul
dan ayak)
5 biji telur gred A (berat kurang lebih 60g
Isi, Aduk Rata:
100 g manisan ceri/ceri segar, potong-potong
4 sdm sirup coco pandan warna merah
60 g selai stroberi
Cara membuatnya:-Directions:
Kocok telur dan gula pasir selama 3 menit menggunakan mixer kecepatan sedang (gigi 2).
Masukkan campuran tepung ke dalam kocokan telur. Aduk rata.
Tuang susu tawar cair dan mentega cair. Aduk menggunakan spatula plastik atau sendok kayu
hingga tercampur rata.
Siapkan cetakan muffin yang telah di beri cup kertas. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan muffin. Isi
dengan potongan ceri dan selai stroberi. Tutup lagi adonan hingga cetakan hampir penuh.
Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
Panggang dalam oven bertemperatur 170 derajat celcius selama 20 menit atau hingga kue matang
dan berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat. Hidangkan hangat.

Pandan Muffins


250 gm. Self-raising flour

1 tsp. Baking Powder
100 gm. Castor Sugar
1 1/2 large egg or 2 medium size eggs - lightly beaten
180 gm. Coconut milk or Evaporated Milk
80 gm. butter
5 blades of Pandan leaves - blend with milk
a drop of (pandan paste
Some macadamia nuts - cut into half for top

(1) Cream the butter and sugar together until creamy.

(2) Add in beaten egg gradually and then add in the pandan milk.
(3) Add in pandan paste.
(4) Sift the self raising flour and baking powder twice and then mix into the
butter mixture and stir gently. Do not overmix the batter, it should be lumpy.
(5) Pour batter into muffin cups and put about 4 pcs. of macadamia nuts on top.
(6) Bake at preheated oven at 200C for about 25 mins.

Ginger cheese cup cake

60 gm. chocolate colour ginger biscuits or Khong Guan chocolate biscuits
20 gm. crystalized ginger - chopped finely

300 gm. cream cheese - room temperature

110 gm. sugar
20 gm. crystalized ginger - chopped
50 ml. dairy whipping cream
2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice (if you don't like too sour, cut down to 1 1/2 Tbsp.)
1 Lemon Zest
65 gm. eggs

Topping: Grated chocolate

(1) Blend ginger cookies with crystalised ginger until fine and sprinkle into 12-hole muffin pan
lined with paper cups. Use a tea spoon to press it down and level it.
(2) Beat cream cheese, sugar and crystalised ginger in a mixing bowl for a few mins.
(3) Add in lemon zest,lemon juice and beaten eggs and mix well. Mix till a smooth batter is
(4) Scoop mixture into the prepared paper cups and level surface with a spoon.
(5) Bake in a preheated oven of 175C for about 30 mins or until just set.
Leave in the oven with the oven door slightly ajar for about 5 mins. before removing from oven.
Use a sharp knife to loosen the edge and lift it up. Cheese cake will be wobbly when hot and
leave it to cool to let it set. Chill in the fridge.
When cooled, grated some chocolate on top and serve.
Brandy chocolate cupcake with chocolate mirror icing

Ingredients: Chocolate Mirror Icing:

130 gm. Butter - diced 60 gm. sugar
120 gm. castor sugar 20 gm. cocoa powder - sifted
120 gm. Self-raising flour 80 gm. liquid glucose or corn syrup
10 gm. cocoa powder 2 Tbsp. Water
3 Eggs (Large ) 50 gm. chopped chocolate
1 Tbsp. Milk 50 gm. butter
30 gm. walnuts - crushed finely 1/2 tsp. vanilla essence
1 Tbsp. Brandy a pinch of salt
2 Tbsp. fresh orange juice
1/2 tsp. Vanilla essence Chocolate mirror icing:
a pinch of salt (1) Place sugar, cocoa powder , glucose and
water in a non-stick pot and cook over low
Method: heat, stirring continously to prevent burning.
(1) Sift the self raising flour, salt and cocoa (2) Remove from heat, add in melted chocolate
powder together. and stir till smooth.
(2) Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add in (3) Stir in butter, essence and salt and continue
vanilla essence. to stir until smooth.
(3) Add in eggs one at a time till well mixed. (4) Pour the mirror icing immediately as it will
Add in orange juice. set because of the glucose.
(4) Fold in sifted flour, milk and brandy. (5) Decorate with roasted almond flakes and
(5) Mix in chopped walnuts. cherries.
(6) Spoon into muffin pans lined with paper
(7) Bake at 175C for 20 mins. or until skewer
inserted into the centre of cup cakes comes out
(8) Remove from oven and leave it to cool.
Tiramisu Cup Cakes

Ingredients for cup cakes: Ingredients for coffee syrup: Mix them
4 large eggs together.
120 gm. castor sugar 100 ml. boiling hot water
90 gm. Self raising flour 60 gm. sugar
30 gm. cocoa powder 1 Tbsp. Instant coffee granules
3 Tbsp. corn oil 1 1/2 Tbsp. Kahlua or Tia Maria

Ingredients for cream cheese icing: For dusting: cocoa powder and some coffee
125 gm. cream cheese seeds for decoration
1 1/2 Tbsp. icing sugar
1 Tbsp. Kahlua
80 gm. whipped cream
(1) Whisk eggs and sugar till thick and creamy.
(2) Sift self raising flour and cocoa powder together and add into the eggs mixture.
(3) Pour in cornoil and gently fold it till well mixed.
(4) Pour into prepared paper cups in muffin pans and bake at 180c for about 20 to 25
mins. or till skewer inserted comes out clean.
(5) Leave it cool on wire rack.
(6) Cream cream cheese and icing sugar till creamy. Add in kahlua and then fold in
whipped cream.
(7) Brush cupcakes with coffee syrup and then pipe cream cheese rosettes on top.
(8) Sieve some cocoa powder on top of rosettes and decorate with coffee seeds.

Chocolate Almond Cupcake with chocolate icing

Ingredients: Chocolate icing:
100 gm. Butter 100 gm. dark chocolate - melted
80 gm. castor sugar 30 gm. butter
1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 Tbsp. fresh milk
60 gm. superfine flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. bicarbonate of soda
40 gm. breadcrumbs
60 gm. dark chocolate - melted
3 nos. eggs
80 gm. ground almonds
(1) Beat butter and sugar till creamy.
(2) Add in egg yolks, melted chocolate and stir till combined.
(3) Fold in flour, breadcrumbs, baking powder and bicarbonate of Soda and mix
(4) Whisk egg white till stiff, then fold into the egg yolk mixture.
(5) Scoop into muffin cups or paper cups in muffin pan and bake at 175C for about 25
mins. or till cooked.
(6) Remove from muffin pan and leave to cool on wire rack.

Chocolate icing:

Melt chocolate over simmering water till chocolate melts. Remove from heat, add in
butter and milk and stir till smooth. Pipe onto muffin cups and decorate muffins as

Eggnog cupcakes
190 gm. Butter
160 gm. sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. Bailey's coffee or Rum
1/2 tsp. Vanilla Essence
1/2 tsp. almond essence
190 gm. cake flour
1/2 tsp. Baking powder
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt
125 gm. egg nog


(1) Cream butter and sugar till creamy.

(2) Add in eggs one at a time and beat well after each addition.
(3) Add the bailey's coffee, almond essence and vanilla essence.
(4) In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon powder
and salt.
(5) Add the flour mixture into the butter mixture, alternating with portions of the eggnog.
Mix well.
(6) Scoop mixture into prepared paper cups , three quarter way and bake at 180C for
about 20 mins. or till skewer inserted comes out clean.
(7) Decorate cupcakes with some fresh cream, some decorations and sieve some cocoa
powder over it.

Eversoft Ginger and Spice

100 gm. Cake flour
30 gm. Self-raising flour
1/2 tsp. Bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp. Ground ginger
1/4 tsp. cinnamon powder
1/4 tsp. Mixed spice
90 gm. castor sugar
1 large egg
1/2 cup milk
60 gm. butter
100 gm. Treacle
20 gm. golden syrup
30 gm. chopped candied ginger - for sprinkling
Some sesame seeds for sprinkling on top

(1) Sift plain flour, self-raising flour, bicarbonate of soda, ground ginger, cinnamon
powder and mixed spice into a large mixing bowl and stir in the sugar.
(2) Whisk eggs and milk together.
(3) Put butter, treacle and golden syrup together and microwave till butter melts and stir
till evenly mixed.
(4) Pour liquid mixture into dry mixture and mix evenly. Mixture is runny.
(5) Spoon mixture into 10 paper cups. Sprinkle sesame seeds and chopped ginger on top
and bake at 180C for about 20 mins. or till cupcakes are cooked.
(6) Cool on wire rack before serving.

**Recipe adapted from the book "Tempt"

Pandan Chiffon Cupcakes
80 gm. cake flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
3 nos. Large eggs
75 gm. sugar
1/8 tsp. cream of tartar
30 gm. santan or box type coconut cream
35 gm. pandan juice
1 Tbsp. cornoil
1 Tbsp. evaporated milk
a drop of green colouring (optional)

(1) Whisk egg white and then pour in sugar gradually and continue to beat till thick.
(2) In another mixing bowl, whisk egg yolks lightly with a hand whisk and then pour into
the beating egg white.
(3) Pour the liquid ingredients (coconut milk ,green colouring, evaported milk and
cornoil), in a slow steady stream into the egg mixture and still beating at the same time.
(4) Fold in sifted cake flour and baking powder in batches.
(5) Spoon mixture into paper cups and bake at 175C for about 20 mins or till golden
(6) Remove from oven and leave to cool on a wire rack.

Chocolate chip muffins

280 gm. Self raising flour
1 no. large egg
120 sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
180 gm. butter
100 gm. milk or buttermilk
1 tsp. Vanilla Essence
120 gm. chopped dark chocolate

(1) Sift self-raising flour into a mixing bowl.
(2) Add in butter and rub with fingertips till it resembles breadcrumbs.
(3) Add in sugar , salt and mix well.
(3) Mix wet ingredients together: egg, milk, vanilla essence and add into dry ingredients.
Stir lightly. Do not overmix.
(4) Add in chopped dark chocolate and stir lightly and scoop batter into paper cups - 3/4
full and bake at 200C for about 20 mins. till golden or till skewer inserted comes out
(5) Remove from oven and cooled....before serving.

Fresh Blueberry Muffins

100 gm. sugar
100 gm. Butter

2 nos. eggs
120 ml. Buttermilk or Fresh milk
220 gm. Cake flour
65 gm. Egg white
10 gm. Baking powder, sifted together with the cake flour

100 gm. Fresh Blueberries


(1) Beat butter and sugar till smooth and creamy.

(2) Add in eggs one at a time, followed by buttermilk or milk.
(3) Fold in flour mixture, don't overfold.
(4) Whisk egg white till soft peak and fold into mixture. Be careful not to overwork this
(5) Throw in fresh blueberries and lightly fold.
(6) Scoop into paper cups in muffin pan and bake at 180C for about 20 min.s or till
skewer inserted comes out clean.
(7) Remove from oven and leave it to cool on a wire rack.

Brownie Muffins
Recipe by Stefanie.

125g butter 1 tbsp rum, Tia Maria,Baileys or Kahlua

150g 70% cocoa solids chocolate (like 1/2 tsp baking powder
Lindt) OR Van Houten Cooking Chocolate 1/2 tsp baking soda
200g brown sugar 150g plain flour
pinch of salt 3 tsp cocoa powder
3 eggs chocolate chips for scattering
1 tsp vanilla extract
Roughly chop up butter and chocolate and microwave to melt, OR sit in a large (heat-
proof) bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir to melt.
Stir in salt and sugar.
Stir in vanilla, eggs and rum,beat lightly to mix.
Preheat oven to 180C.

Sift in rising agents,flour and cocoa,stir to combine. Scatter 1 tsp chocolate chips in your
liners,then half fill with the batter. Do not be tempted to fill more!
Scatter 1 tsp more chocolate chips overtop,bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until
risen,springy and an inserted toothpick comes out with moist crumbs clinging to it.
If there is wet batter,bake a while more but monitor closely. Because if it comes out
dry,you have overbaked it.
Cool a while before enjoying it warm.
This keeps well for a few days without refrigeration.
You can add a variation of chopped nuts or orange zest.
If you want to use cupcake liners which are smaller,start testing after 12 minutes.
New year Dried Longan and Red Dates cupcakes
50 gm. Egg Yolk
2 gm. Salt
30 gm. brown sugar
50 gm. cornoil
150 gm. cake flour (original recipe is only 100 gm.)
100 gm. Orange Juice
190 gm. Egg white
30 gm. brown sugar
50 gm. Dried Longan (soaked and diced)
50 gm. Red Dates (soaked and diced)
50 gm. Raisins (soaked)

(1) Mix egg yolks, salt, brown sugar and 30 gm. brown sugar using hand whisk.
(2) Add in cake flour and orange juice and mix till thoroughly mixed.
(3) Whisk Egg white with 30 gm. of brown sugar until soft peak.
(4) Mix egg white mixture and egg yolk mixture.
(5) Lastly add in dried longan, red dates and raisins and lightly mixed till even.
(6) Pour the mixture into muffin pan lined with paper cups.
(7) Bake at 180C for about 20 mins.
(8) Serve warm.

**Recipe by Phoon Huat.

Orange Poppy Seed Muffins

300 gm. Self-raising flour
40 gm. poppy seeds
90 gm. caster sugar
130 gm. unsalted butter
200 gm. marmalade jam
230 ml. milk
2 eggs.
1 Tbsp. grated orange rind

(1) Sift flour into a mixing bowl. Stir in poppy seeds.
(2) Put butter and marmalade jam into a bowl and microwave it till butter melts. Stir and
mix evenly. Cool slightly.
(3) Whisk together milk, eggs and orange rind. Add in the butter mixture and mix well.
Make a well in the flour and pour egg and milk mixture into the flour mixture. Fold
gently with a spoon until just combined. Do not over mix - the batter should still be
lumpy. Over mixing will make them tough.
(4) Spoon mixture into prepared paper cups and bake at 190C for about 20 to 25 mins. or
until muffins are risen and golden.
(5) Serve warm or at room temperature.

Marshmallow, Choc & Cola Muffins

250 gm. self-raising flour
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
1 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. salt
130 gm. caster sugar
1 egg - lightly beaten
6 Tbsp. corn oil
150 ml. coca-cola
80 gm. mini marshmallows

(1) Mix the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt and sugar in a large mixing bowl.
(2) In a separate mixing bowl, mix together the egg and cornoil. Mix thoroughly , then
add in coca-cola and mix till even.
(3) Pour the cola mixture into the flour mixture and mix briefly until just combined.
(4) Spoon a large spoonful of batter into muffins cups, then add 3 or 4 mini
marshamallow in the centre then top up with another spoon of batter. Spoon remaining
batter and divide equally.
(5) Bake at 190C for about 20 to 25 mins. or until well risen and firm to the touch.
(6) Cook in the tin for 5 mins. before turning out onto a wire rack.
(7) Serve warm or cold.

Fresh Figs, tim tam and walnuts muffins

130 gm. soft butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla essence
150 gm. castor sugar
2 eggs
150 gm. chopped dried figs or 200 gm. fresh figs
100 gm. cake flour
50 gm. self-raising flour
100 gm. tim tam biscuits - chop coarsely
80 gm. walnuts - chopped
60 ml. milk

Chocolate Ganache:
80 ml. whip cream
200 gm. cooking chocolate

6 medium fresh figs - cut into wedges for decoration

(1) Beat butter, vanilla essence and sugar till light.
(2) Add in eggs and mix till light and fluffy.
(3) Stir in figs, walnuts, tim tam ,sifted flours and milk.
(4) Scoop mixture into paper cups.
(5) Bake at 180C for 25 mins or till cooked.
(6) For chocolate ganache: bring cream to a boil in small saucepan, pour over chocolate
in small bowl and stir until smooth. Let it cool and set.
(7) Spread muffins with chocolate ganache, decorate with fig wedges.

Maltesers Muffins
130 gm. cake flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. Bicarbonate of soda
60 gm. butter
110 gm. sugar
60 gm. dark chocolate - melted
2 large eggs (70 gm. each with shell)
a pinch of salt
120 ml. fresh milk or buttermilk
1/2 tsp. of vanilla essence
1 cup of maltesers

(1) Line muffin pan with paper cups.
(2) Sift cake flour with baking powder and bicarbonate of soda.
(3) Cream butter and sugar until light.
(4) Add in melted chocolate and eggs.
(5) Fold in sifted flour and salt alternately with milk.
(6) Fold in maltesers lightly and scoop mixture into prepared paper cups.
(7) Bake at 175C for about 25 mins.

Neapolitan Cakes
Marbled buttercake: Butter Cream:
125 gm. Butter 125 gm. butter
1/2 tsp. Vanilla essence 240 gm. icing sugar
150 gm. caster sugar 2 Tbsp. milk
2 eggs pink food colouring
190 gm. Self-raising flour 1 tsp. chocolate paste
80 ml. fresh milk
pink food colour or strawberry
1 Tbsp. Cocoa powder + 1 Tbsp. Hot water
(1) Cream butter, vanilla essence and sugar till creamy and light. Add in eggs one at a
time and mix till well combined.
(2) Add in self-raising flour alternately with milk and then divide mixture equally among
3 bowls. Tint one mixture pink, one chocolate and the other plain.
(3) Drop alternate spoonfuls of the three mixtures into paper cups. Pull a skewer
backwards and forwards through mixtures for a marbled effect, smooth surface.
(4) Bake at 175c for about 20 to 25 mins. or till cooked.
(5) To make butter cream - beat butter and sugar till white and creamy. Add in milk and
mix till well combined.
(6) Divide butter cream into 3 portions. Colour one pink, one chocolate and the other
(7) Pipe butter cream onto cooled cupcakes to your desired pattern.
(8) Serve.

Tiramisu Cupcake
Vanilla buttercake: Mascarpone Cream:
90 gm. butter - softened 250 gm. mascarpone cheese
1/2 tsp. vanilla essence 40 gm. icing sugar
100 gm. castor sugar 1 Tbsp. Marsala wine or Kahlua coffee
2 eggs liquer
150 gm. self-raising flour 180 gm. whipped cream
2 Tbsp. UHT milk
Coffee syrup:
Decorations: 50 gm. dark cooking 1 tbsp. instant coffee granules
chocolate - grated finely 80 ml. boiling water
2 Tbsp. marsala wine or kahlua coffee
(1) For cupcakes: Cream butter, vanilla essence and sugar till creamy. Add in eggs, flour
and milk and mix on low speed until ingredients are just combined. Increase speed to
medium, beat until mixture is changed to a paler colour. Spoon miture into muffin pan
with paper cups.
(2) Bake at 175C for about 20 mins. Turn cakes onto wire rack to cool.
(3) To make mascarpone cream: Combine mascarpone, sifted icing sugar and wine into
small bowl and then fold in whipped cream. Note: I added in some coffee paste to make it
a more fragrant coffee taste.
(4) For coffee syrup: Combine coffee, the water and wine in a bowl and cool.
(5) Remove paper cups from cakes. Cut each cake horizontally into four slices. Brush
each slice of cake with coffee syrup. Join cake slices with mascarpone cream.
(6) Spread top of cakes with mascarpone cream and then sprinkle with grated chocolate.
Refrigerate till set before serving.

Black Forest Cakes

425 gm. can pitted cherries in syrup For decorations:
165 gm. butter 160 ml. whipped cream
100 gm dark chocolate - chopped coarsely 2 teaspoons cherry brandy
130 gm. sugar 100 gm. dark chocolate
60 ml. cherry brandy or cherry liquer
150 gm. plain flour
6 Tbsp. self-raising flour
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
1 egg
(1) Drain cherries, reserve syrup. Process 110 gm. cherries with 125 of the cherry syrup
until fine. Halve remaining cherries, reserve for decorating cakes. Discard remaining
(2) Combine butter, chocolate, sugar, brandy and cherry puree in a small saucepan, stir
over low heat until chocolate is melted. Leave aside to cool for about 15 mins.
(3) Sift flours and cocoa into a big mixing bowl.
(4) Whisk egg into melted butter mixture and then pour into flour mixture and stir till
(5) Spoon into paper cups and bake at 175C for about 25 mins. or till cake is cooked.
(6) Leave onto wire rack to cool. Brush cake with some cherry brandy.
(7) Top cakes with remaining cherries and whipped cream. Using a grater, grate some
chocolate shavings on top of the cream and cherries.

Corniest Corn Muffins

1 cup Plain flour
1 cup yellow cornmeal
6 tbsp. sugar
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
pinch of nutmeg - grated
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup Buttermilk
3 tbsp. melted butter
3 tbsp. cornoil
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
1 cup corn kernels (add up to 1/3 more of you like)

(1) Prepare a 12 mould muffin pan.
(2) Whisk flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and grated nutmeg.
(3) In another bowl, whisk buttermilk, melted butter, cornoil, egg and yolk together until
well blended.
(4) Pour liquid ingredients into dry ingredients and stir with a spatula till just blended.
Batter will be lumpy and that's just the way it should be.
(5) Stir in corn kernels.
(6) Spoon batter evenly among the muffin cups.
(7) Bake for 20 mins. or until cooked.
(8) Transfer the pan to a rack and cool for 5 mins. before carefully removing each muffin
from its mould.

**Recipe adapted from the book "BAKING"

Pukul mentega hingga kembang dan putih, masukkan tepung yang telah diayak tadi sedikit demi
sedikit hingga habis, gaul rata. Ketepikan.
Dalam mixing bowl yang bersih dan kering, masukkan telur, gula dan ovallate. Pukul dengan
kelajuan tinggi hingga adunan kembang dan pekat seperti adunan baulu. Perlahankan speed dan
masukkan adunan no.1 sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis. Gaul hingga semua sebati.
Kemudian masukkan air dan gliserin dan gaul hingga semua sebati. Bahagi adunan kepada 3
bahagian yang sama banyak. Satu bahagian dimasukkan esen vanilla, satu lagi dengan strawberry
emulco dan satu lagi dengan coklat emulco. Gaul hingga sebati.
Dalam bekas berukuran ( 8 x 8 x 3 ) inci, (tapi dalam gambar mat guna acuan bulat berlubang
tengah, acuan yang orang guna untuk buat kuih bingka). Lenser acuan dengan mentega dan alas
dasar dengan kertas. Masukkan setiap adunan berselang-seli hingga habis dan buat beberapa
pusingan menggunakan chop stick.
Hentak tin 2 - 3 kali dan bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 170C selama 35 - 40
minit. Sejukkan kek 5 minit sebelum dikeluarkan dari tin. Sejukkan kek atas jaringan hingga
betul2 sejuk


Kek pisang yang sedap, tak berapa manis dan harumm...seakan2 macam kek gula
hangus. Lagi sekali resipi inovatif dari yani..MR...

120 g tepung gandum*
1 camca teh baking powder*(*disatukan dan diayak)
90 g gula pasir
50 ml minyak jagung/masak
2 biji telur gred A
1 biji pisang embun/montel
30 g gula pasir + 1 camca besar air*
2 camca besar air*(*untuk karamel)

Cara membuatnya:-
Lenser acuan pouncake berukuran (7 x 5 x 20) cm dgn mentega/marjerin, alas dasar dan tepi
acuan dengan kertas dan lenser juga kertas dengan mentega/marjerin. Panaskan juga oven pada
suhu 175C.
Pisang dipotong kecil. Ketepikan. Masak 30 g gula dengan 1 camca besar air hingga bertukar
menjadi karamel. Tuang 2 camca besar air dan kacau rata. Masukkan pisang tadi, gaul rata dan
biarkan sejuk.
Masukkan telur, gula dan minyak ke dalam mangkuk tahan panas. Kacau hingga rata.
Tenggekkan atas air mendidih dan kacau cepat hingga gula hancur. Angkat dan masukkan tepung
sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis. Kacau rata.
Tuang pisang + karamel tadi dan gaul hingga rata. Curah dalam acuan dan bakar 30 - 35 minit
hingga masak. Sejukkan sebelum dipotong. Simpan semalaman untuk mendapat rasa yang

Cherry Muffin
Tip: Self raising flour adalah tepung terigu yang telah diperkaya dnegan bahan pengembang.
Tersedia di supermarket terkemuka. Bisa diganti dengan mencampur 500 g tepung terigu protein
sedang (cap segitiga biru) dengan 1 sdt baking powder.

Campur & Ayak:

200 g self raising flour
40 g tepung maizena
1 sdt baking powder
½ sdt garam halus

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