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A Doctor's Report on the Forty Day Prayer and Fasting

by John Brinkerhoff M.D., Kelowna, B.C. Canada

Fasting in itself is a wonderful thing. It is one of the oldest known forms of therapy for a number of ailments.
Ironically, it is not widely embraced by the scientific and medical community, although this may be slowly
changing. As a religious discipline, it is so historic and widespread, that it spans not only Judeo-Christian, but
Greek, Muslim, and pagan cultures, to name a few.

Prayer is also a wonderful thing. Through believing prayer "kingdoms were won of old" (Heb. 11:33). As these two
disciplines are married, it is anticipated that much will happen.

My theme for this call to a 40-day fast is start now to get yourself ready. A fast of this length should not be taken
lightly. I think the first step anyone should take is to read up on fasting so as to be informed. That is exactly what I
have been doing. Here are some up-to-date sources of reading:

1. Fasting and Eating for Health, Fuhrman M.D., Joel, St. Martin's Press, N.Y.
2. The Coming Revival, Bright, Dr. Bill, New Life Publications, Orlando, Fl.

Second, some will need a medical consultation, to make sure that you don't have a reason why you shouldn't fast.
Unfortunately, many doctors would be uncomfortable about having a patient go on a fast, and may discourage
you. Here's where I may be able to help you. My suggestion is to make an appointment and say something like
this: "Part of my religious beliefs involves the practice of fasting. I want to begin preparing for a 40-day fast. I
have read up about it and want to make sure I am not putting myself at undo risk by such an undertaking." You
may copy the guidelines that appear below and give the physician a copy of them. He/She may enjoy reading Dr.
Fuhrman's book as listed above, and you could bring it to their attention, or lend them a copy. If there is a lot of
resistance to the idea, you could say something like this: "I hear you saying that it would be unwise for me to
attempt a full (water-only) fast. In fact, a partial (fruit and vegetable juice-only) fast may pose a certain degree of
risk. Nevertheless, I feel God is calling me to fast and pray for our nation. My plan is to begin to live a healthier
lifestyle -- avoiding coffee, tea, colas, nicotine, excessive dietary fats and sweets -- and slowly prepare myself.
What do you think of that?"

This approach gets your doctor off the hook, demonstrates to him your sincerity, and puts the "religious
responsibility" upon yourself. He/She will likely be far more relaxed about it, and will be less likely to reject you as
a fanatic. And indeed, if there is a good reason not to fast you must accept this gracefully.

Despite the above, and despite you demonstrating exceedingly good health, your doctor may still be quite
hesitant. If so, I think you would be well advised to ask for medical supervision irrespectively, and perhaps offer to
sign a waiver of physician responsibility. The doctor could then obtain a full medical history and complete physical
examination, and although not agreeing with you, should respect your approach.

Fortunately, there are more M.D.'s gaining knowledge in the area of fasting. In fact, there is an organization which
offers practitioners certification in fasting supervision. It is the IAPNH, the International Association of Professional
Natural Hygienists, whose address is:

c/o Attorney Mark Huberman
204 Stambaugh Building
Youngstown, OHIO 44503
A list of certified members is available upon request.

Third, do what was stated above. Begin to live a healthier lifestyle. Try a 24-hour fast. Wait a week and try it
again. Slowly work into longer and longer periods, perhaps 3 days, then a week. Know that you will reap many
personal benefits from the preparation for the 40-day fast. I believe lives and bodies all over the world will be
transformed by this renewing power of even preparing to fast!

Once you have begun the lifestyle of fasting, I believe you will be ready for the fast. Let's review what you have
done in preparation. You have:
1 Gathered knowledge and information.
2. Contacted your physician.
3. Begun a healthier lifestyle.
4. Begun short fasts (longer than 7 days including juices).

The final advice I have for you, is to have someone familiar with fasting available to advise you. The family doctor
will hopefully agree to monitor you, but you may need a naturopathic and other health practitioner to follow you if
they are more familiar with fasting. The point is -- be monitored as you fast.

Medical Opinion for a 40-Day, Water-Only Fast

1. In our present society, due to both genetic and environmental factors, I cannot recommend this fast outside of
a medically supervised setting. It is the length of this fast that makes it potentially dangerous. Serious
dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities, and heart rhythm disturbances are some of the complications that could
arise, even in apparently healthy individuals. There is even a rare, inherited condition where because of an
enzyme deficiency, serious problems could be encountered early in a fast.

2. Having said the above, I hasten to add that fasting is generally safe and potentially very beneficial and under-
utilized as a medical therapy. Nevertheless, all prolonged fasting of this type (water-only), must be supervised by
an experienced and knowledgeable physician. The physician should monitor blood pressure, pulse, and hydration
status regularly. Blood and urine tests should be run at intervals, and there should be access to ECG and IV

3. Furthermore, anyone fasting beyond a two days for the first time, would do well to visit a medical practitioner
familiar with fasting. Individuals on medications, diabetics, hypertensives, the elderly, those with conditions
affecting the liver, kidney, or heart, peptic ulcer sufferers, and others, would need special attention if they wanted
to fast. As for children and women who are pregnant or breast-feeding where fasting is really not an option,
perhaps they could go without deserts or sweets for 40 days. Those suffering from anorexia or bulimia nervosa
should not fast.

4. For individuals still planning on embarking on an extended water-only fast, I have a number of suggestions.
Prepare ahead of time by stopping the use of coffee, tea, nicotine, and caffeine-containing beverages like colas
and chocolate. Begin adopting a healthier dietary lifestyle. For most North Americans, this would mean a drastic
reduction in fat intake and refined foods, and an increase in the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. For 2 or 3
days before the fast, consume nothing but raw and cooked vegetables and fresh fruits. This will prepare the
intestines for, and help in, fecal elimination. Drink only distilled, spring, or reverse osmosis water(de-chlorinated).

5. An average of 1 lb. (0.45 kilogram) of weight is lost per day over a long fast. Thinner people may lose less than
average. Even lean individuals, however, have sufficient reserves for 30 to 40 days without re-feeding. Initially a
large amount of fluid loss occurs with the water-only fast, coinciding with a hunger phase. On about the third to
fifth day the hunger sensation disappears as the body shifts its metabolism to use fat stores for energy. This
phase is marked by "ketone breath". There may also be quite a sense of well-being and alertness. It is when a
sense of hunger returns that it is important to break the fast. Failure to do so would then indicate the onset of true
starvation (use of muscle protein for metabolic needs).

6. It is extremely important that a fast be broken carefully. The lining of the stomach and intestines is extremely
sensitive after a long fast. A piece of watermelon the size of a slice of pie or 4 ounces of fruit juice can be given
every couple hours on day one. Over the next couple days cooked vegetable and raw fruits can be taken in
gradually increasing amounts as feedings are gradually spaced further apart. By day 4 potatoes and grains
should be tolerated, with meals taken at appropriate times. The temptation to over-indulge needs to be strongly
resisted after breaking the fast. A diet mainly of raw fruit and vegetables for a month would give the body time to
adjust to its lowered metabolic needs. On the contrary, too many calories may add unwanted weight rapidly.

7. Bowel movements generally cease after the first few days in a long fast. There may be one at some point.
After breaking the fast, the rare person may need a bowel lubricant or suppository because of a hard, retained
stool. In fasting facilities, enemas are sometimes given early in a fast if there is a history of difficulty with
Guidelines for a 40-day Juice Fast
1. This is also a rigorous discipline, but I think with careful planning, most of us can do it. First, we must
understand that by "juice" is meant fruit and vegetable juice, preferably fresh squeezed, although this is not
essential. Strongly acidic orange, lemon, or grapefruit juices may be less preferable, unless diluted. If prepared
juices are used, avoid added sugar or additives. Watermelon, grape, apple, beet, carrot, tomato, cabbage, celery,
guava, and mango, among others, would be good choices. Flavored sugar-water drinks would not be as
desirable, although not harmful in small quantities. Colas, rootbeer, and of course milk (a food product) wouldn't
qualify as juices and should be discouraged. Broths prepared from boiled vegetables would be acceptable, but
don't add salt. Prepared V8 type juices from vegetables are high in sugar and salt, but could be used if diluted
somewhat. Pure (dechlorinated) water would be fine. Many authorities recommend fruit juices in the morning and
vegetable broths later in the day. The idea would be to take sufficient fluids to avoid dehydration.

2. Because of the length of this fast, I again recommend for everyone involved to consult their physician. This is
especially important for those who have chronic medical conditions, who are on medications, diabetics, thyroid
patients, arthritics, and many others. As enthusiastic as I am about joining in this historic call to fast and pray,
above all I want it to be a safe event.

3. Because of the natural sugars in the fruit and vegetable juices, many of the symptoms experienced in the pure
water fast will be ameliorated. Dr. Joel Fuhrman in his excellent book on fasting (above), states that because the
blood pressure can fall upon standing, the chief risk in fasting, is fainting with resultant injury. He wisely suggests
that no one jump out of bed too quickly, and to lie down immediately if feeling faint (even if it is on the floor). For
the same reason, long, hot baths should be avoided. Other symptoms may include headaches, mild nausea,
insomnia, vague achiness, feeling cold, runny nose, and occasionally vomiting. These symptoms often represent
the removal of toxins from tissue stores. Again, other than the boredom of the diet and "hunger-pangs", most of
these symptoms should be mild and chiefly experienced the first few days. If new symptoms, such as swelling,
appear in the later half of the fast, they should be promptly reported to a medical practitioner. This may be an
indication to break the fast.

4. Because of the abundance of naturally occurring minerals and vitamins in these juices, I would discourage the
addition of vitamin supplements and nutricuidicals.

5. Coffee, teas and other stimulants should not be used during the 40-day juice fast. They could cause
dangerous heart rhythm disturbances

6. One should not over-exercise during this type of fast, nor sunbathe. One should not become too warm or too
cold (chilled), as this wastes energy. It is advisable to gear down ones schedule to accommodate extra rest. You
may feel more energy than you expected, but should still be wary of doing too much. I would particularly urge
participants to have access to help and\or advice should the need arise.

7. It is worth mentioning that some weight loss will occur during this fast but not nearly as much as in water-only
fasting. Even thin individuals doing moderate exercise should have sufficient reserves in most cases. Again, it
should be noted that the body will have decreased metabolicrequirements after 40 days. A diet chiefly consisting
of raw foods for a month will help ensure that too much weight won't be gained immediately after the fast.

I would hope that as many as possible will join in this call to fast and pray. May it be done with a heart burning,
with holy desire for the purposes of God. May it be accomplished safely and gracefully before others.

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