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Essential Hypertension – Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology

Sanjay Vikrant*, SC Tiwari**

Population studies suggest the blood pressure (BP) that all of these factors are operative in any given
is a continuous variable, with no absolute dividing patient; but multiple hypotheses may prove to be
line between normal and abnormal values1. High correct, since the haemodynamic hallmark of
blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart primary hypertension – a persistently elevated
disease, stroke, and kidney failure. This correlation vascular resistance – may be reached through a
is more robust with systolic than with diastolic BP2. number of different paths. Before the final
Even when BP is lowered by antihypertensive destination, these may converge into either
medication, the associated reduction in the structural thickening of the vessel walls or
incidence of coronary heart disease lags behind functional vasoconstriction. Moreover, individual
that of stroke3. factors often interact, and the interactions are
proving to be increasingly complex. For instance,
There is a widely held misconception that
insulin resistance is present even before
hypertension is a single disease that can be treated
hypertension develops in those who are genetically
with a single recipe. Hypertension is a
predisposed, the resultant hyperinsulinaemia is
heterogenous disorder in which patients can be
associated with sodium sensitivity, obesity, and
stratified by pathophysiologic characteristics that
increased sympathetic drive as well as impaired
have a direct bearing on the efficacy of specifically
endothelium - dependent vascular resistance8.
targeted antihypertensive medications, on the
detection of potentially curable forms of Table I : Pathophysiologic characteristics of
hypertension, and on the risk of cardiovascular essential hypertension 5.
complications4. No known cause
Essential hypertension is characterised by a Diastolic pressure repeatedly > 90 mm Hg
sustained systolic pressure of greater than 140 mm Total peripheral resistance usually increased
Hg and a diastolic BP at greater than 90 mm Hg Pulse pressure possibly increased or decreased
and by some characteristics listed in Table I. Cardiac output normal, or elevated in some,
possibly early in the disease
The pressure required to move blood through the
Cardiac work increased
circulatory bed is provided by pumping action of
Altered renal physiology, with accelerated
the heart (cardiac output; CO) and the tone of
natriuresis and reduced renal blood flow
the arteries (peripheral resistance; PR). Each of
Normal blood flow to most regions; diminished
these primary determinants of the blood pressure
renal and skin blood flow and increased
is, in turn, determined by the interaction of the
muscle flow may develop
“exceedingly complex series of factors”6 displayed
Plasma volume reduced (may be inversely
in part in figure 1.
related to diastolic pressure)
Hypertension has been attributed to abnormalities Hyper-reactivity of pressure to stress, abnormal
in virtually every one of these factors. It is unlikely vascular reactivity and impaired circulatory
* Senior Resident
** Professor Role of genetics
Department of Nephrology,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, The variations in BP that are genetically determined
New Delhi-110 029. are termed “inherited BP”. Although, we do not
know which genes cause BP to vary, we know from values in biological children than in adopted
family studies that inherited BP can range from children and in identical as opposed to non-
low normal BP to severe hypertension. Although, identical twins. BP variability attributed to all
it has frequently been indicated that the causes of genetic factors varies from 25% in pedigree studies
essential hypertension are not known, this is only to 65% in twin studies. Furthermore, genetic factors
partially true because we have little information also influence behavioural pattern, which might
on genetic variations or genes that are over- lead to BP elevation. For example, a tendency
expressed or under-expressed as well as the towards obesity or alcoholism will be influenced
intermediary phenotypes that they regulate to by both genetic and environmental factors, thus
cause high BP. Factors that increase BP, such as the proportion of BP variability caused by
obesity and high alcohol and salt intake are called inheritance is difficult to determine and may vary
“hypertensinogenic factors”; some of these factors in different populations.
have inherited, behavioural, and environmental Mutations in at least 10 genes have been shown
components. Inherited BP could be considered as to raise or lower BP through common pathways
the core BP, whereas hypertensinogenic factors by increasing or decreasing salt and water
cause BP to increase above the range of inherited reabsorption by the nephron11,12. The genetic
BPs. Further, there are interactions between mutations responsible for 3 rare forms of
genetics and environmental factors that influence mendellian (monogenic) hypertension syndromes
intermediary phenotypes such as sympathetic - gluco-corticoid remediable aldosteronism (GRA),
nerve activity, renin angiotensin aldosterone and Liddle’s syndrome, and apparent
renin - kallikrein - kinin systems and endothelial mineralocorticoid excess (AME) has been
factors, which is turn influence other intermediary identified, whereas in a fourth, autosomal
phenotypes such as sodium excretion, vascular dominant hypertension with brachydactyly the
reactivity, and cardiac cartractility. These and many gene is not yet identified but has been mapped to
other intermediary phenotypes determine total chromosome 12 (12 p). Subtle variations in one
vascular resistance and cardiac output and of these genes may also cause some forms of
consequently BP9. “essential” hypertension.
The identification of variants (allelic) genes that Polymorphisms and mutations in genes such as
contribute to the development of hypertension is angiotensin gene, angiotensin converting enzyme,
complicated by the fact that the 2 phenotypes that B2 adrenergic receptor, adducin, angiotensinase
determine BP, i.e., cardiac output and total C, renin binding proteins, G-protein B3 subunit,
peripheral resistance, are controlled by atrial natriuretic factor, and the insulin receptor
intermediary phenotypes, including the autonomic have also been linked to the development of
nervous system, vasopressor/vasodepressor essential hypertension; however, most of them
hormones, the structure of the cardiovascular show a weak association if any, and most of these
system, body fluid volume and renal function, and studies need further confirmation.
many others. Furthermore, these intermediary
phenotypes are also controlled by complex Cardiac output
mechanisms including BP itself10. Thus there are
An increased cardiac output has been found in
many genes that could participate in the
some young, borderline hypertensives who may
development of hypertension.
display a hyperkinetic circulation. If it is responsible
The influence of genes on BP has been suggested for the hypertension, the increase in cardiac output
by family studies demonstrating associations of could logically arise in two ways : either from an
BP among siblings and between parents and increase in fluid volume (preload) or from an
children. There is better association among BP increase in contractility from neural stimulation of

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 141
Fig. 1 : Some of the factors involved in the control of blood pressure that affect the basic equation : blood pressure - cardiac
output x peripheral resistance.

the heart (Fig 1 ). However, even if it is involved in normal subjects18.

initiation of hypertension, the increased cardiac
output likely does not persist, since the typical Autoregulation
haemodynamic finding in established
The pattern of initially high cardiac output giving
hypertension is an elevated peripheral resistance
way to persistently elevated peripheral resistance
and normal cardiac output13.
has been observed in a few people and many
Significant increases in left ventricular mass have animals with experimental hypertension. When
been recognised in the still normotensive children animals with markedly reduced renal tissue are
of hypertensive parents14,15. Such ventricular given volume loads, the blood pressure rises
hypertrophy has generally been considered a initially as a consequence of the high cardiac
compensatory mechanism to increased vascular output but within a few days, peripheral resistance
resistance (after load). However, it could reflect a rises, and the cardiac output returns to near basal
primary response to repeated neural stimulation levels19.
and, thereby, could be an initiating mechanism
This changeover has been interpreted as reflecting
for hypertension16 as well as amplifier of cardiac
an intrinsic property of the vascular bed to regulate
output that reinforces the elevation of BP upstream
the flow of blood, depending on the metabolic
from the constricted arteriolar bed17.
need of tissues. This process, called
An increased circulatory fluid volume (preload) autoregulation, has been described 20 and
could induce hypertension by increasing cardiac demonstrated experimentally21. With increased
output. However, in most studies, patients with cardiac output, more blood flows through the
established hypertension have a lower blood tissues than is required, and the increased flow
volume and total exchangeable sodium than do delivers extra nutrients or removes additional

142 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
metabolic products; in response, the vessels hypertension adopt modern life styles,
constrict, decreasing blood flow and returning the including increased intake of sodium, then their
balance of supply and demand to normal. Thus BP rises and hypertension appears28,29.
the peripheral resistance increases and remains  In population studies, a significant correlation
high by the rapid induction of structural thickening between the level of salt intake and frequency
of resistance vessels. of hypertension has been found30,31. In the
Similar conversion from an initially high cardiac Intersalt study, which measured 24-hours urine
output to a later increased peripheral resistance electrolytes and BP in 10,079 men and women
has been shown in hypertensive people22. But the aged 20 to 59 in 52 places around the
role of autoregulation has been questioned by world32,33, there was a positive correlation
various reasons. These include the finding that between sodium excretion and both systolic
patients with increased cardiac output also have blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood
increased oxygen consumption rather than lower pressure (DBP), but a more significant
level that should be seen if there was overperfusion association between sodium excretion and the
of tissues, as entailed in autoregulation concept. changes in BP with age.
Nonetheless, the auto-regulatory model does
explain the course of hypertension, in volume Experimental evidence
expanded animals and people, particularly in the  When hypertensive patients are on sodium
presence of reduced renal mass. restricted diet, their BP falls34,35.
 Short periods of increased NaCl intake has
Excess sodium intake been shown to raise BP in normotensives,
Excess sodium intake induces hypertension by especially genetically predisposed animals36,37.
increasing fluid volume and preload, thereby  In randomised controlled studies of hundreds
increasing cardiac output. Sodium excess may of patients with high normal blood pressure,
increase blood pressure in multiple other ways as those patients who moderately restricted their
well; affects vascular reactivity 23 and renal sodium intake for 36 months38 to 5 years39,
function24. Diets in non-primitive societies contain had lower blood pressure and a decreased
many times the daily adult sodium requirements, incidence of hypertension than did the patients
an amount that is beyond the threshold level who did not reduce their sodium intake.
needed to induce hypertension. Only part of the
 A high sodium intake may activate a number
population may be susceptible to the deleterious
of pressure mechanisms40, viz., increases in
effects of this high sodium intake, presumably
intraellular calcium 41 and plasma
because these individuals have an additional renal
catecholamines 42 , worsening of insulin
defect in sodium excretion25.
resistance43, and a paradoxical rise in atrial
natriuretic peptide23.
Epidemiologic evidence
The epidemiologic evidence incriminating an Sensitivity of sodium
excess of sodium goes as follows :
Since almost everyone in western countries ingests
 Primitive people from widely different parts of a high sodium diet, the fact that only about half
the world who do not eat sodium have no will develop hypertension suggests a variable
hypertension, nor does their BP rise with age, degree of blood pressure sensitivity to sodium.
as it does in all other industrialised Although, obviously both heredity and interactions
populations26,27. with other environmental exposures may be
 If primitive people who are free from involved44, Weinberger et al45 defined sodium

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 143
sensitivity as a 10mm Hg or greater decrease in because Na+ is the predominant extracellular
mean blood pressure from the level measured solute that retains water within the extracellular
after 4 hour infusion of 2 L normal saline space. One primary function of the kidneys is to
compared to the level measured the morning after regulate Na+ and water excretions, and
1 day of a 10 mmol sodium diet, during which consequently, they play a dominant role in the long
three oral doses of furosemide were given at 10 term control of BP. To achieve this goal, two
AM, 2 PM, and 6 PM. Using this criteria they found important renal mechanisms are utilised. One
that 51% of hypertensives, but only 26% of mechanism regulates extra cellular fluid volume
normotensive were sodium sensitive. Multiple by coupling increases or decreases in urinary
mechanisms of sodium sensitivity has been excretion of Na+ and water, and the related
proposed, viz., defect in renal sodium excretion24, changes in renal perfusion pressure. This
increased activity of the sodium hydrogen phenomenon has been referred to a pressure
exchanger46, increased sympathetic nervous natriuresis and pressure diuresis54 (Fig. 2).
system activity47, increased calcium entry into
The second mechanism employs the renin-
vascular smooth muscle41, impaired nitric oxide
angiotensin - aldosterone system, which directly
synthesis48. Blacks have greater frequency of salt
controls peripheral vascular resistance and renal
sensitivity. Salt sensitivity45 increases with age, and
reabsorption of Na+ and water55.
perhaps more in women than in men50. In a recent
study Fujiwora et al reported that modulation of Renal sodium retention
NO synthesis by salt intake may be involved in a
mechanism for salt sensitivity in human Essential hypertension is due primarily to an
hypertension51. abnormal kidney which has an unwillingness to
excrete sodium56.
Altered renal physiology Various investigations have proposed different
In essential hypertension, physiologic and hypotheses to explain for abnormal renal sodium
pathologic renal changes often precede changes retention as the initiating event for hypertension.
identifiable in other organs, but whether they
Resetting of pressure natriuresis
precede or follow the onset of the hypertension
itself has not been determined. The earliest Guyton considers the regulation of body fluid
physiologic lesion of essential hypertension is volume by the kidneys to be the dominant
vascular, GFR is maintained; whereas total renal mechanism for the long term control of blood
blood flow is reduced (increased filtration fraction). pressure, the only one of many regulatory controls
This pattern may be explained by diffuse, to have sustained and infinite power 57,19 .
predominantly efferent but also afferent, Therefore, if hypertension develops, something
vasoconstriction of all nephrons or, alternatively, must be amiss with the pressure natriuresis control
by selective afferent vasoconstriction with diversion mechanism or else the BP would return to normal.
of blood away from some nephrons to maintain Under normal conditions, the perfusion pressure
near normal GFR. This renal vasoconstriction is is around 100 mm Hg, sodium excretion is about
reversible and could lead to reduced pressure and 150 mEq/day, and these two mechanisms are in
flow in the post glomerular circulation, which may a remarkably balanced state. The curve relating
predispose to increased tubule Na+ arterial pressure to sodium excretion is steep19.
reabsorption52,53. As Guyton and co-workers have shown, either the
entire curve can be shifted to the right or the slope
Abnormal renal sodium transport
can be depressed, depending on the type of renal
Body volume varies directly with total body Na+, insult, which inturn, is reflected by varying sensitivity

144 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
Fig. 2 : Proposed mechanism of pressure natriuresis.

to sodium58.
Cross transplantation studies in animal models59
and in humans60,61 have shown that the alteration
in renal function responsible for the resetting of
the pressure natriuresis curve is inherited.

Reduced nephron number

Brenner et al62 advanced the hypothesis that the
nephron endowment at birth is inversely related
to the risk of developing hypertension later in life.
The congenital reduction in the number of
nephrons or in the filtration surface area (FSA) Fig. 3 : A diagram of the hypothesis that the risks of
developing essential hypertension and progressive renal injury
per glomerulus, limits the ability to excrete sodium, in adult life are increased as a result of congenital
raises the blood pressure, and setting off a vicious oligonephropathy, or an inborn deficit of FSA, caused by
circle, whereby systemic hypertension begets impaired renal development. Low birth weight, caused by
intrauterine growth retardation and/or prematurity, contributes
glomerular hypertension which begets more
to the oligonephropathy. Systemic and glomerular
systemic hypertension63 (Fig. 3). hypertension in later life results in progressive glomerular
sclerosis, further reducing FSA and perpetuating a vicious circle
These investigators point out that as many as 40% that leads, in the extreme, to end-stage renal failure63.
of individuals under age 30 have fewer than the
presumably normal number of nephrons (600,000 an increased susceptibility to hypertension even
per kidney) and “speculate that those individuals, in the presence of a normal nephron number.
whose congenital nephron numbers fall in the The congenital decrease in filtration surface has
lower range, constitute the population subsets that been put forward as a possible explanation for
exhibit enhanced susceptibility to the development observed differences in susceptibility to
of essential hypertension”. Similarly, a decrease hypertension among genetic populations as well
in filtration surface, reflected in a decreased as in blacks, women, and older people, all of
glomerular diameter or capillary basement whom may have smaller kidneys or fewer
membrane surface area may be responsible for functioning nephrons64,96.

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 145
Acquired natriuretic hormone and mobilises calcium from intracellular stores.
Blaustein has formulated an overall scheme for
The Guyton hypothesis allows for a normal blood
this acquired compensatory mechanism for renal
volume despite an elevated pressure, in keeping
sodium retention, which could be a cause of
with most volume measurements in hypertensive
essential hypertension (Fig. 4)66.
patients65. The next hypothesis requires an initially
expanded plasma volume that, after an inhibition
of renal sodium reabsorption, is allowed to return
Renin-angiotensin - aldosterone
to normal. system
Ouabain, an endogenous digitalis like inhibitor Renin may play a critical role in the pathogenesis
of sodium pump, which arises when plasma of most hypertension, a view long espoused by
volume is expanded, increases intracellular sodium Laragh67.

Fig. 4 : Diagram showing various feedback loops that may be involved in the rise in blood pressure that accompanies the
attempt to prevent plasma volume expansion when excessive sodium is ingested relative to the innate ability of the
kidneys to excrete a sodium load. The increase in intracellular sodium is the direct result of the inhibition of the Na+ pump
by ouabain; the increase in intracellular calcium is then mediated by the Na +/Ca2+ exchanger as a result of the rise in
sodium. (+) positive feedback loop; (–), negative feedback loop; ADH antidiuretic hormone; ANP, atrial natriuretic peptides;
[Na+] intracellular sodium concentration; [Ca2+], intracellular calcium concentration66.

146 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
Fig. 5 : Schematic representation of the renin-angiotensin system, showing the major regulators of renin release, the biochemical
cascade leading to AII, and the major effects of AII. CNS, central nervous system, ECFV, extracellular fluid volume.

Fig. 5 is a schematic overview of the renin- 30% have low renin values, with the remaining
angiotensin system showing its major components, half distributed between these two extremes68.
the regulators of renin release and the primary
It seems likely that this mechanism is abnormally
effects of angiotensin II (AII) excluding the All
activated in many patients with essential
hypertension, and at least three mechanisms have
Although, low renin levels are expected in essential been offered : nephron heterogeneity, non
hypertension, the majority of patients with essential modulation, and increased sympathetic drive.
hypertension do not have low suppression renin
Nephron heterogenecity with unsuppressible
angiotensin levels but “inappropriately” normal
renin secretion and impaired natriuresis as
or even elevated PRA levels. Indeed, when renin
cause of essential hypertension:
profiling is correctly performed and indexed in
patients with essential hypertension, about 20% Within the kidneys, there exists a functional and
are found to have high renin values, and about structural basis for the abnormal renin secretion

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 147
and impaired Na+ excretion that are characteristic increased, promoting sodium excretion. These
of hypertensive states54 (Table II)69. changes are mediated mainly by changes in All
level, increasing with sodium restriction and
Table II : Hypothesis - there is nephron
decreasing with sodium loading.
heterogeneity in essential hypertension 69.
1. There are ischaemic nephrons with impaired Non-modulation is characterised by abnormal
sodium excretion intermingled with adapting adrenal and renal responses to All infusions and
hyperfiltering hypernatriuretic nephrons. salt loads71. These findings have been attributed
to an abnormally regulated and rather fixed level
2. Renin secretion is high from ischaemic
of AII, that, in the adrenal tissues, does not increase
nephrons and low from hyperfiltering
aldosterone secretion in response to sodium
restriction and, in the renal circulation, does not
3. The inappropriate circulating renin- allow renal blood flow to increase with sodium
angiotensin level impairs sodium excretion loading. The hypothesis that there is an abnormally
because: regulated, fixed local All concentration in these
a. In the adapting hypernatriuretic nephrons modulators received support from the correction
i. It increases tubular sodium of both the adrenal and renal defects after
reabsorption. suppression of All by ACE-inhibitors.
ii. It enhances tubuloglomerular feedback
Non-modulation in the face of relatively high
- mediated afferent constriction.
dietary sodium intake could explain the
b. As the circulating renin level is diluted by pathogenesis of sodium sensitive hypertension and
non-participation of adapting nephrons, it provide a more targeted, rational therapy for
becomes inadequate to support efferent correction. Moreover, a lower prevalence of non-
tone in hypoperfused nephrons. modulation has been found in young women,
4. A loss of nephron number with age and from suggesting that female sex hormones may confer
ischaemia further impairs sodium excretion. protection against this genotypic predisposition to
This has been proposed by Williams and
Low renin essential hypertension
Hollenberg for normal renin and high renin levels Although low renin levels are expected in the
seen in nearly half of hypertensive patients due to absence of one or another of the previously
defective feed-back regulation of the renin - described circumstances, a great deal of work has
angiotensin system within the kidneys and the been done to uncover special mechanisms,
adrenal glands70. prognoses, and therapy for hypertension with low
Normal individuals modulate the responsiveness renin.
of their AII target tissues with their level of dietary The possible mechanisms for low renin
sodium intake. With sodium restriction, the hypertension include volume expansion with or
adrenal secretion of aldosterone is enhanced without mineral corticoid excess but majority of
and vascular responses are reduced, with careful analyses fail to indicate volume expansion73
sodium loading, the adrenal response is or increased levels of mineralocorticoids74. Recent
suppressed, and vascular response are studies by Fishar75 et al focus on adrenal and
enhanced, particularly within the renal pressure responsiveness to angiotensin II (ang. II)
circulation. With sodium restriction, renal blood as a function of dietary salt intake in patients with
flow (RBF) is reduced, facilitating sodium low renin hypertension, normal renin hypertension,
conservation; with sodium loading, RBF is and normal controls. There were striking functional

148 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
Fig. 6 : High blood pressure mechanisms80
similarities between normal renin hypertension If so, perhaps the blunted responsiveness to
and non-modulating essential hypertension with ang. II during sodium restriction could reflect
normal plasma renin activity, including : the continuing generation of ang. II, with
(i) Salt sensitivity of the blood pressure, angiotensin receptor down regulation in these
(ii) blunted plasma aldosterone responses to ang.
II infusion and upright posture after 5 days of Mutations in the HSD II B2 gene causes a rare
rigid dietary sodium restriction, and monogenic juvenile hypertensive syndrome
called apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME).
(iii) relatively low basal plasma aldosterone levels.
In AME, compromised II. HSD enzyme activity
These differences compared to normal controls results in over stimulation of the mineralo
and modulating hypertensive subjects corticoid receptor (MR) by cortisol; causing
disappeared when dietary salt intake was sodium retention, hypokalaemia, and salt
increased to 200 mEq/day, consistent with dependent hypertension76,77.
suppression of plasma ang. II activity during There is evidence that an impaired II
high salt intake with resensitization of ang. II hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (II B HSD2
receptors and improved ang. II responsiveness. activity) type 2 may play a role in the

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 149
pathogenesis of essential hypertension in some renin and other by Na+ - volume forces, seen
patients and this may be genetically determined. in extreme forms of hypertension also operate
Because 40% of patients with essential in essential hypertension. Laragh and co-
hypertension have low renin levels, a number workers78,79 have long attached a great deal of
of these patients may have a mild form of AME. significance to various PRA levels found in
Furthermore, as spironolactone causes ready patients with essential hypertension. According
remission, it is important to seek the diagnosis to this view, the levels of renin can identify the
by genetic and clinical studies. The prevalence relative contribution of vasoconstriction and
of mutations of II HSD2 in general population body fluid expansion to pathogenesis of
of patients with essential hypertension is hypertension. According to the “bipolar
presently unknown. The epidemiology of such vasoconstriction - volume analysis,” arteriolar
mutations is relevant for two reasons. First, the vasoconstriction by AII is predominantly
prevalence is important in order to define the responsible for the hypertension in patients with
cost-benefit ratio for screening patients with low high renin, whereas volume expansion is
renin-low aldosterone hypertension. Second, the predominantly responsible in those with low
accurate diagnosis of AME should permit the renin. Though, both lead to increased
design of more specific therapies for patients peripheral resistance, which is the common
with this disease76,77. characteristic of all hypertension. The similarity
ends there, however, because the conditions
Two forms of vasoconstriction in essential
imposed by these two agents are radically
different in their implications for risk, survival,
Two forms of vasoconstriction, one mediated by and treatment (Fig. 6)80.

Fig. 7 : The spectrum of hypertensive disorders stratified according to their renin-sodium relationship. Normal subjects, as
indicated by the equation at the bottom of the figure, maintain and defend normotension by curtailing renal renin secretion in
reaction to a rise in sodium intake or autonomic vasoconstriction, or by proportionally increasing renin secretion in the face of
either Na+ depletion or hypotension from fluid or blood loss or a neurogenic fall in blood pressure. Hypertensive subjects sustain
their higher blood pressures by renal secretion of too much renin for their Na+ volume states, or by renal retention of too much
Na+ (Volume) for their renin level, which often fails to fully turn off as it does in normal subjects. High renin hypertensive patients
are proportionately more vasoconstricted with poor tissue perfusion and therefore most susceptible to cardiovascular tissue
ischaemic damage. BP = blood pressure; PRA = plasma renin activity.

150 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
The predominance of activity of either pole fail to fully turn off as it does in normal subjects69
depresses activity at other, whereas both (Fig. 7).
vasoconstrictive forces may well assert their
influence when renin levels are in the medium Stress and sympathetic overactivity
range. As shown in Figure 1 an excess of renin-
angiotensin activity could interact with the
Human hypertensive disorders as a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) to mediate
spectrum of abnormal plasma renal-sodium most of its effects. On the other hand, stress
volume products may activate the SNS directly; and SNS
Normotension is sustained and defended by overactivity in turn, may interact with high
fluctuation of PRA according to salt intake and sodium intake, the renin-angiotensin system,
Na+ balance. Human hypertensive states are and insulin resistance among the other possible
characterised by excessive renal renin secretion mechanisms. Considerable evidence, supports
and thus PRA for the concurrent state of Na+ increased SNS activity in early hypertension and,
balance (i.e., by a spectrum of abnormally high even more impressively, in the still normotensive
plasma renin levels) for the Na+ -volume status offspring of hypertensive parents, among whom
or vice versa, i.e., renal retention of too much a large number are likely to develop
Na+ (Volume) for their renin level which often hypertension.

Fig. 8 : Indications that an increased sympathetic outflow may be key factor in primary hypertension. The outflow is increased
when arterial baroreceptors are reset so that they exert less inhibition on the vasomotor center. The resetting could be due to
genetic changes in the endothelial lining of the carotid sinus and aortic arch and/or at the vasomotor centers. The increased
sympathetic outflow may be further enhanced by stress. As a consequence of this neurohumoral excitation, the systemic vascular
resistance is increased. In addition, the endothelial cells in the resistance blood vessel may secrete less vasodilator and more
vasoconstrictor substances, thus compounding the vasoconstriction. Furthermore, mitogens produced in endothelial cells and
also released from platelets, together with norepinephrine, can cause proliferation of the vascular smooth muscle with a further
aggravation of the systemic vasoconstriction82.

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 151
Baroreceptor dysfunction the role of mental stress in the development
of hypertension remains uncertain. Its effects
The baroreceptors when activated by a rise in BP
are likely to depend on an interaction of at
or central venous pressure, respectively, normally
least three factors: the nature of the stressor,
reduce heart rate and lower blood pressure by
its perception by the individual, and the
vagal stimulation and sympathetic inhibition.
individual’s physiological susceptibility91.
When hypertension is sustained, these reflexes are
reset rapidly from both structural and functional The role of acquired tubulointerstitial disease
changes so that given increase is BP evokes less in the pathogenesis of salt dependent
decrease in heart rate81. Shepherd postulates that hypertension 92
the decreased inhibition of the vasomotor center It proposes that hypertension has two phases : an
resulting from resetting of arterial baroreceptors early phase in which elevations in blood pressure
(mechano receptors) may be responsible for (BP) are mainly episodic and are mediated by a
increased sympathetic out flow and thereby in the hyperactive SNS or RAS, and a second phase in
perpetuation of hypertension (Fig. 8)82. which BP is persistently elevated and that is
Stress : People exposed to repeated psychogenic primarily mediated by an impaired ability of the
stresses may develop hypertension more frequently kidney to excrete salt, NaCl. The transition from
than otherwise similar people not so stressed. the first phase to the second occurs as a
consequence of catecholamine induced elevations
 The blood pressure remained normal among
in BP that preferentially damage regions of the
nuns in a secluded order over a 20 years
kidney (juxtamedullary and medullary regions) that
period, whereas it rose with age in women
do not autoregulate well to changes in renal
living nearby in the outside world83.
perfusion pressure (Fig. 9)92.
 Annual rate of developing hypertension is 5.6
This may be the major mechanism for the
times greater among air traffic controllers, who
development of salt-dependent hypertension, and
work under high level of psychological stress,
particularly for the hypertension associated with
than non professional pilots84.
blacks, aging, and obesity. Thus, essential
 Among healthy employed men, job strain hypertension may be a type of acquired
(defined as high psychological demands and tubulointerstitial renal disease.
low decision latitude on the job) is associated
Hypertension may result from entry into the
with 3.1 times greater odds ratio for
pathway at other stages :
hypertension, an increased left ventricular mass
index by echocardiography 85, and higher i Interstitial damage due to other mechanisms:
awake ambulatory blood pressure86. Hypercalcaemia, chronic pyelonephritis,
obstruction, heavy metals (lead), radiation, or
 People may become hypertensive not just
associated with gout.
because they are more stressed, but because
they respond differently to stress. Greater ii Mechanisms that directly compromise renal
cardiovascular and sympathetic nervous medullary blood flow-Cyclosporine, analgesic
reactivities to various laboratory stresses have abuse, genetic reduction in medullary blood
been documented in hypertensives and in flow in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).
normotensive at higher risk of developing iii Directly resulting in decreased sodium
hypertension87,88,89, extending even to a greater excretion.
anticipatory BP response while awaiting an Liddle’s syndrome, glucocorticoid - remediable
exercise stress test90. aldosteronism, and the syndrome of apparent
 Despite the rather impressive body of literature, mineralocorticoid excess, and a genetic reduction

152 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
in nephron numbers.
In conclusion, this hypothesis links early, episodic,
salt independent hypertension with the later
development of a persistent salt dependent
hypertension with the new concept that it is
mediated by acquired tubulointerstitial and
peritubular capillary injury. A strength of the
hypothesis is that it unites many prior hypotheses
into one pathway; including that of Julius on the
role of the sympathetic nervous system in early
hypertension93, of Cowley et al on the role of
medullary ischaemia94, of Sealey and Laragh on
activation of the renin-angiotensin II system69, of
Guyton et al on impaired pressure natriuresis54,
of Kurokawa on enhanced TG feedback95 and
Mackenzie, Lawler and Brenner on reduced
nephron number 96. In addition, it potentially
provides answers to many questions not easily
addressed by other individual hypothesis.

Peripheral resistance
Multiple factors affect peripheral resistance (Fig.
1). Main determinant of sustained elevated BP
is increase in peripheral resistance which resides
in precapillary vessels with a lumen diameter
of less than 500 µm97. In human hypertension
and in experimental animal models of
Fig. 9 : Scheme for pathogenesis of salt dependent hypertension, structural changes in these
hypertension. The hypothesis proposes that early
hypertension is episodic and is mediated by a hyperactive
resistance vessels are commonly observed. In
sympathetic nervous system or activated renin-angiotensin patients with essential hypertension, the
system. The acute norepinephrine or angiotensin II characteristic findings include :
mediated elevation in BP are transmitted to the peritubular
capillaries of the kidney in association with a reduction in 1. Decreased lumen diameter and,
blood flow secondary to the vasoconstrictive properties 2. Increased ratio of the diameter of vascular
of these substances. Capillary damage and
tubulointerstitial injury with fibrosis results. The local smooth muscle layer of the vessel (tunica
ischaemia stimulates [(adenosine, local angiotensin II, media) to lumen diameter, referred to as the
renal nerve sympathetic activity (RSNA)] or inhibits [(nitric media to lumen ratio.
oxide (NO), prostaglandins, dopamine] vasoactive
mediators, resulting in NaCl reabsorption due to enhanced According to Poiseulle’s law, vascular resistance
tubuloglomerular feeback. The capillary damage and is positively related to both the viscosity of blood
increase in renal vascular resistance also blunts the
pressure natriuresis mechanism. The consequences of both and the length of arterial system and negatively
enhanced tubuloglomerular feedback and impaired to the fourth power of the luminal radius. Since
pressure natriuresis is an acquired functional defect in neither viscosity nor length are much, if at all,
NaCl excretion. This results in a resetting of the pressure
–natriuresis curve to a higher pressure in order to restore
altered and the small change in luminal radius
sodium balance back to normal92. can have such a major effect, it is apparent that
the increased vascular resistance seen in

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 153
established hypertension must reflect changes in Cell membrane alterations
the calibre of the small resistance arteries and
There is a body of evidence that shows that the
cell membranes of hypertensive animals and, less
The increase in media to lumen ratio of the
resistance vessels occurs by the addition of material
to the outer or inner surfaces of the blood vessel
wall 97. This process requires growth (either
hyperplasia or hypertrophy) of the cellular
components of the blood vessel wall and results
in an increase in it’s cross-sectional area. An
alternative process, referred to as vascular
remodelling, can result in an increased media to
lumen ratio through the rearrangement of the
existing material without an increase in the cross
sectional area of the vessel. For this to occur, a
reduction in the external diameter of the blood
vessel is required. In human essential hypertension,
there is increasing evidence to support the view
that vascular remodelling rather than growth, is Fig. 10 : Hypotheses linking abnormal ionic fluxes to increased
the predominant change occurring in resistance peripheral resistance through increase in cell sodium, calcium,
vessels. or pH.

Fig. 11 : A flow diagram illustrating the link between Na+/H+ exchanger activation and essential hypertension104.

154 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
convincingly, of hypertensive people are altered Endothelial dysfunction
in a primary manner, allowing abnormal
Nitric Oxide (NO) is the primary endogenous
movements of ions and thereby changing the
vasodilator (Fig. 12)108. Although, the role of
intracellular environment to favour contraction and
NO in the regulation of BP is uncertain, several
growth (Fig. 10)99. These primary alterations are
studies have reported its influence on BP and
differentiated from the secondary inhibition of the
renal haemodynamics 109 . In healthy human
Na+/K+-ATPase pump by ouabain, which is
subjects, inhibition of NO synthase by N-
secreted after volume expansion and, as described
monomethyl-L-arginine acutely increased BP,
earlier, is a possible mechanism for renal sodium
peripheral vascular resistance, and fractional
excretion of Na+110.
Abnormalities of the physical properties of the
NO is tonically active in the medullary
membrane and of multiple transport systems have
circulation, so that reducing NO production or
been implicated in the pathogenesis of
vascular responsiveness, reportedly enhances
hypertension100. Most relate to vascular smooth
the pressure natriuresis response, followed by
muscle cells, but since such cells are not available
reductions in papillary blood flow, renal
for study in humans, surrogates such as red and
interstitial hydrostatic pressure, and Na+
while blood cells are used. Transport systems
excretion by almost 30%, without corresponding
present in the cell membrane of erythrocytes that
changes in total or cortical RBF or GFR109. This
control the movement of sodium and potassium
mechanism may contribute to the blunted
to maintain the marked differences in
pressure natriuresis reported in experimental
concentration of these ions on the outside and
inside of cells, which in turn provides the elector
chemical gradients needed for various cell Endothelin : Endothelin is among the
There is evidence that the sodium hydrogen
exchanger is stimulated in hypertensive patients
either by an increased cellular calcium load or
enhanced external calcium entry. An increased
Na+/H+ exchanger could play a significant role
in the pathogenesis of hypertension, both by
stimulating vascular tone and cell growth and
possibly by increasing sodium reabsorption in
renal proximal tubule cells (Fig. 11)104.
RBC membranes from hypertensives have an
increased cholesterol : phospholipid ratio in
association with high sodium lithium transport Fig. 12 : Nitric oxide in arterial smooth muscle. A messenger
(SLC) 105 and increased ratios of fatty acid molecule such as acetylcholine binds its receptor on an
metabolites to precursors compared to those endothelial cell, activating inward calcium currents. Calcium
binds to calmodulin and activates endothelial cell nitric oxide
from age matched normotensives 100 . Such synthase, which converts arginine plus oxygen into citrulline
changes in lipids produce a high membrane and nitric oxide. Nitric oxide diffuses out of the endothelial
microviscosity and decrease in fluidity106, which cell into an adjacent smooth muscle cell and activates
guanylate cyclase by binding to the iron in its haeme group.
may be responsible for increased permeability
The increase in cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGNP)
to sodium and other alterations in sodium causes smooth muscle relaxation and thus vasodilation. GTP
transport 107. - guanosine triphosphate.

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 155
vasoconstrictors yet to be identified. Its similar blood pressure 113 . The increase in
actions are mediated through two types of cardiac output is proportional to the
receptors, ET A and ET B, both of which are expansion of body mass and may be the
located on vascular smooth muscle. An orally primary reason for the rise in BP 114 . The
active mixed endothelium receptor antagonist prevalence of hypertension increased equally
bosentan, reduced BP in hypertensive patients with increasing BMI, degree of upper body
to a level that was comparable to enalapril 111 . obesity, and fasting insulin levels 115 (Fig. 13).
Bosentan has also been reported to block the
effects of an infusion of angiotensin II on BP Insulin resistance and hyper-
and renal blood flow in rats 112. This raises the insulinaemia
issue of whether a component of these Higher insulin levels are associated with more
angiotensin II actions may be mediated by hypertension, and many possible mechanisms
endothelin. may explain the association. (Table III) 116.
The hypertension that is more common in
obese people may arise in large part from
Hypertension is more common in obese the insulin resistance and resultant
people. Obese individuals have higher hyperinsulinaemia that results from the
cardiac output, stroke volume, and central increased mass of fat. However, rather
and total blood volume and lower peripheral unexpectedly, insulin resistance may also be
resistance than non obese individuals with involved in hypertension in non-obese people

Fig. 13 : Overall scheme for the mechanisms by which obesity, if predominantly upper body or visceral in location, could promote
diabetes, dyslipidaemia and hypertension via hyperinsulinaemia.

156 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001
a s w e l l 117. T h e e x p l a n a t i o n f o r i n s u l i n vascular smooth muscle.
resistance found in as many as half of non- Stimulation of sympathetic nervous activity
obese hypertensive, however is not obvious Reduced synthesis of vasodilatory
and may involve one or more aspects of prostaglandins
insulin’s action (Table IV ). Impaired vasodilation
Increased secretion of endothelin
Table III : Proposed mechanisms by which
insulin resistance and/or hyperinsulinaemia Effects of hyperinsulinaemia on blood
may lead to increased blood pressure. pressure :
Enhanced renal sodium and water reabsorption. Figure 13, portrays three ways by which the
Increased blood pressure sensitivity to hyperinsulinaemia that develops as a
dietary salt intake consequence of insulin resistance and
Augmentation of the pressure and reduced clearance could induce hypertension.
aldosterone responses to AII Other mechanisms have been proposed
(Table III). Of these, impaired endothelium -
Changes in transmembrane electrolyte
dependent vasodilation may be particularly
i m p o r t a n t 118 I n s u l i n n o r m a l l y a c t s a s a
a. Increased intracellular sodium vasodilator 119-121 . It has been shown that
b. Decreased Na+/K+ - ATPase activity although insulin increases sympathetic
c. Increased intracellular Ca2+ pump activity activity, the effect is normally overridden by
Increased intracellular Ca2+ accumulation the direct vasodilatory effect of insulin (Fig.
Stimulation of growth factors, especially in 14 ) 119.

Fig. 14 : The left panel represents insulin’s action in normal humans. Although insulin causes marked increases in sympathetic
neural out flow, which would be expected to increase blood pressure, it also causes vasodilation, which would decrease blood
pressure. The net effect of these two opposing influences is no change or slight decrease in blood pressure. There may be an
imbalance between the sympathetic and vascular actions of insulin in conditions such as obesity and hypertension. As shown in
the right panel, insulin may cause potentiated sympathetic activation or attenuated vasodilation. An imbalance between these
pressure and depressor actions of insulin may result in elevated blood pressure119.

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine  Vol. 2, No. 3  July-September 2001 157
Table IV : Factors that may induce insulin resistance in hypertension.
Aspect Normal site of action Effect of hypertension
Insulin delivery Capillary bed Vasoconstriction; attenuated vasodilation, capillary
Insulin transport Interstitium Impaired transport
Insulin action muscle fibre Genetic or acquired increase in type 2B fibres,
hormonal interference with insulin effects, decreased
transport protein.

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