GML PUPR - 01 Lereng Batuan HO

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Imam A. Sadisun, Dr. Eng.

Kelompok Keilmuan Geologi Terapan, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian
Institut Teknologi Bandung (

Imam A. Sadisun, Dr. Eng.
Associate Professor of Engineering Geology
Program Studi Teknik Geologi
Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian
Institut Teknologi Bandung

HP: 081320126099 
Telp/Faks: (022) 2502197, 2510802

EngGeo Laboratory

 Tim Penyusunan Konsep dan Kriteria Desain, Tim Audit
Teknis P3SON Hambalang, Balitbang PUPera (2016-skr)
 Komite Keselamatan Jembatan dan Terowongan Jalan,
Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, PUPera (2015-skr)
 Tim Evaluasi Enjiniring (sebelumnya Tim Kelayakan
Enjiniring), Proyek Konstruksi Jalan Tol Semarang-Solo, Jawa
Tengah, Trans Marga Jateng (TMJ) (2011-skr)
 Tim Pakar, Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Tingkat
Provinsi Jawa Barat (LPJKP) (2012-skr)
 Project Review Panel (PRP) Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage
Hydroelectric Power Project of West Java (2010-skr), PT.
Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)
 Mirror Committee for ISO/TC 223 Societal Security, Badan
Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) (2011-skr)
 Nara Sumber Ahli, Dinas Perindustrian dan Energi (DPE) DKI
Jakarta (2012-skr)
 Nara Sumber Ahli - Forum Pengurangan Risiko Bencana
(FPRB) Jawa Barat (2014-skr)
 Ketua Bidang Geologi Teknik dan Hidrogeologi (2014-skr)
Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI), Ketua IAGI Pengurus
Daerah Jawa Barat – Banten (2013-2016), President
Indonesia National Group of International Association for
Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) (2010-skr)

EngGeo Laboratory

You cannot teach a man anything; 
you can only help him 
discover it within 
Galileo Galilei (1564‐1642)

EngGeo Laboratory

 Pengertian Dasar 
 Material dan Massa Batuan
 Ketidakstabilan Lereng Batuan
 Karakterisasi (Lereng) Massa 
Batuan – Solusi Empiris
 Catatan Penutup

EngGeo Laboratory

What is ……….
the definition of ROCK ?
EngGeo Laboratory

BATUAN adalah satu gabungan hablur
mineral yang bersatu dan memadat,
sehingga memiliki derajat tertentu, yang
terbentuk secara alamiah melalui proses
pelelehan, pembekuan, pengendapan dan
perubahan alamiah lainnya.

SNI 03-0394 - 1989: Batu alam untuk bahan bangunan

EngGeo Laboratory

Deskripsi dan Klasifikasi Batuan

The rock cycle shows that rocks change continuously over geologic time.
EngGeo Laboratory

Description is the
initial step in an
assessment of
rocks and soils.
EngGeo Laboratory

Beberapa jenis umum batuan beku atas dasar mineralogi dan teksturnya.
EngGeo Laboratory

Kelimpahan relatif jenis batuan sedimen.
EngGeo Laboratory

Perubahan tekstur dan mineralogi serpih pada kenaikan derajat metamorfisme.

EngGeo Laboratory

Aid to the identification of rocks for engineering purposes (based on a similar table in BS5930, 1999)
EngGeo Laboratory

….. the influence of geological history on the

most important aspects of

Rock Mechanics
EngGeo Laboratory

“The corner-stone of
any practical rock
mechanics analysis is
the geological data
base upon which the
definition of rock
types, structural
discontinuities and
material properties is
EngGeo Laboratory ROCK ENGINEERING ‐ Course notes by Evert Hoek (p.7)

Pengaruh sejarah geologi

pada lima aspek yang paling
penting dalam mekanika
 Batuan utuh (intact rock)
 Diskontinuitas dan struktur
 Tegangan pra-tegang in-
situ (in-situ pre-existing
rock stress)
 Fluida-fluida pori dan
aliran air
 Pengaruh waktu

EngGeo Laboratory

“The existence of

in a rock mass makes rock
mechanics a unique subject”

EngGeo Laboratory

The two main factors that cause the differences between

rock mechanics and soil mechanics are :
 the importance in rock
mechanics of the pre-
existing in situ rock stress
 the presence of the
discontinuities which
govern the rock mass
stiffness, strength, failure
behavior and permeability.

EngGeo Laboratory

Batuan utuh (intact rock) tidak memiliki retakan dan
umumnya dianggap sebagai material yang isotropik.

Diagram ideal yang

menunjukkan transisi
dari batuan utuh ke
massa batuan (rock
mass) yang sangat
terkekarkan dengan
peningkatan ukuran

EngGeo Laboratory (after Hoek and Brown, 1980)

The rock mass is the total

in situ medium containing
bedding planes, faults,
joints, folds and other
structural features, so that
rock mass is
discontinuous in its nature
and variable in space.

EngGeo Laboratory B.H.G. Brady and E.T. Brown (2005)

The scale factor of rock masses and the variation in strength of the material
depending on the size of the 'sample' involved (after Janelid, 1965).

EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory

Landslides occur when the slope changes
from a stable to an unstable condition.

EngGeo Laboratory

….. slope failure mechanisms in a rock

mass with some discontinuities.
EngGeo Laboratory

Geometry of block on inclined plane.
EngGeo Laboratory

Conditions for sliding and toppling of a block on an inclined plane (from Hoek and Bray, 1981).
EngGeo Laboratory

Relationship between geology and classes of rock strength (Wyllie and Mah, 2004).
EngGeo Laboratory

The four basic mechanisms of rock slope instability: (a) circular slip; (b) plane sliding;
(c) wedge sliding; and (d) toppling (from Matheson, 1983).

EngGeo Laboratory

Various modes of rock slope failure
EngGeo Laboratory Tennessee ‐ TDOT Rockfall Hazard Training Manual

Various modes of rock slope failure
EngGeo Laboratory Tennessee ‐ TDOT Rockfall Hazard Training Manual

EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory

Photograph of block toppling at Fort St.
John, British Columbia, Canada.
(Photograph by G. Bianchi Fasani.)
EngGeo Laboratory

The importance of location and orientation on the

engineering significance of discontinuities.

EngGeo Laboratory

There is no
possibility of
measuring rock
mass properties
from the rock core.

EngGeo Laboratory

“At present time most geologic and

petrographic descriptions of specimens or
bodies of rock are qualitative, whereas rock
mechanics determination of mechanical
properties of rock are quantitative.
Because many engineering decisions are
based on a combination of geologic and rock
mechanics data, it is important that a more
systematic means of combining and
correlating this information should be
(Definition of the most promising lines of research by ISRM, 1971)

EngGeo Laboratory

Karakterisasi bidang-bidang diskontinuitas dalam rekayasa
batuan (from Hudson and Horrison, 1997).
EngGeo Laboratory Schematic of the primary geometrical properties of discontinuities in rock 

Metode scanline untuk karanterisasi diskontinuitas

Frekuensi diskontinuitas,  = n/L m-1 Spasi rata-rata,  = L/n m

EngGeo Laboratory

Parameter yang diamati dan diukur dalam
survei scanline ini meliputi:

 Jenis diskontinuitas (type of discontinuity)

 Kemiringan (dip)
 Arah kemiringan (dip direction)
 Kemenerusan (persistence)
 Terminasi (termination)
 Lebar bukaan (aperture width)
 Jenis isian (nature of filling) Discontinuity
 Kekuatan isian (strength of filling) Survey Data
 Kekasaran permukaan (surface roughness) Sheet
 Berntuk pemukaan (surface shape)
 Panjang alunan (waviness wavelength)
 Amplitudo alunan (waviness amplitude)
 Kekasaran kekar (joint roughness)
 Spasi (spacing)
 Aliran air (water flow)

EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory

Information on characterstic rock mass parameters obtaned from
various possibilitied of data colection (Arild Palmström, 1995).

EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory Spherical projections plot and analyze joint orientation data

Bidang-bidang diskontinuitas muka lereng
galian pada Formasi Brani di Kelok Sembilan
EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory

(A) inclined plane

(B) stereographic 
representation of 
inclined plane

EngGeo Laboratory Basic concept behind hemispherical projections

Proyeksi stereografi sangat umum digunakan untuk solusi dari

masalah-masalah yang melibatkan orientasi bidang dan garis
serta berbagai hubungan geometris dalam struktur geologi.

EngGeo Laboratory

Kinematic analysis ‐ Identification of modes of rock slope instability

Jenis-jenis utama keruntuhan lereng batuan dan proyeksi stereografi

bidang-bidang diskontinuitas yang mempengaruhinya
(from Hoek and Bray, 1981).

EngGeo Laboratory

“Because many engineering decisions are based on a

combination of geologic and rock mechanics data, it is
important that a more systematic means of combining
and correlating this information should be developed.”

Rock Mass
EngGeo Laboratory

The objectives of rock mass classifications are
therefore to (after Bieniawski, 1989):
 identify the most significant parameters
influencing the behavior of a rock mass
 divide a particular rock mass formation into
groups of behavior, that is, rock mass classes
of varying quality
 provide a basis for understanding the
characteristics of each rock mass class
 relate the experience of rock conditions at one
site to the conditions and experience
encountered at others
 derive quantitative data and guidelines for
engineering design
 provide a common basis for communication
between engineers and geologists
EngGeo Laboratory

The following six parameters

are used to classify the ground
using the RMR system:
 uniaxial compressive
strength (UCS) of the rock
 spacing of discontinuities
 condition of discontinuities
 groundwater conditions
 orientation of discontinuities

EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory RMR rock mass classification (after Bieniawski, 1989) 

Rock mass
classification can be
a way of evaluating
the performance of
rock cut slopes,
based on the most
important inherent
and structural

EngGeo Laboratory

 There are many field based
rock mass classification
system which are frequently
used for stability assessment
of rock slopes.
 The Rock Mass Rating (RMR)
classification system
(Bieniawski, 1974) and the
Slope Mass Rating (SMR)
technique (Romana, 1985)
have been the most popular
classification systems since
they were proposed.

EngGeo Laboratory

Design Parameters and Engineering Properties of Rock Mass

EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory Slope mass rating (SMR ) method by Romana (1985)

Various Stability Classes as per SMR Values

EngGeo Laboratory

EngGeo Laboratory Suggested supports for various SMR classes

EngGeo Laboratory Suggested supports for various SMR classes

EngGeo Laboratory

Rock mass classifications are 
not meant to be taken as a 
substitute for engineering 
design. They should be 
applied intelligently and used 
in conjunction with 
observational methods and
analytical studies to 
formulate an overall design 
rationale with the design 
objectives and site geology.
EngGeo Laboratory (Bieniawski, 1989)

Only an accurate
diagnosis makes it
possible to properly
understand the
landslide features,
mechanisms and
causal factors thence
to propose effective
remedial measures.

EngGeo Laboratory

Because of the
discontinuous nature of
rock, the application of
rock mechanics and
structural geology
principles to stability
analysis of rock slope is
the most widely applied.

EngGeo Laboratory

The significance of
the rock mass
behavior lies in the
eye and brain of
the engineer, not in
the mechanics.

EngGeo Laboratory (John A. Hudson and John P. Harrison, 1997)

EngGeo Laboratory


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