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NIT : 19333239

Di sini adalah dialog antara pertemuan dua orang untuk pertama


Dialog A ( Bosun mengambil tingkat baru untuk melihat Master).

Bosun : Permisi, Pak. Tingkat baru ada di sini.

Master : Bagus, baiklah. Sekarang, bisakah Anda memperkenalkan diri ?
Lang : Ya Pak. Saya Johann Lang.
Master : Darimana asalmu Lang ?
Lang : Saya dari Norwegia, Pak.
Master : Apakah kamu berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik ?
Lang : Saya lakukan, Pak. Saya selalu bekerja di atas kapal
Master : Bagus. Anda bisa mulai bekerja sekarang. Bosun akan
menjelaskan pekerjaan Anda. Senang bertemu denganmu Lang.
Lang : Senag bertemu denganmu juga, Pak.

Dialog B ( Tingkat baru sedang berbicara dengan teman sekamar barunya).

Fano : Apakah Anda tingkat baru ?

Lang : Iya. Nama saya Johann Lang. Kamu bisa memanggilku Johan.
Fano : Hai, Johan. Saya Michael Fano. Panggil saya Mike. Saya orang
Lang : Saya dari Norwegia.
Fano : Jadi, kamu orang Norwegia. Apakah dengan demikian pekerjaan
pertama Anda ?
Lang : Tidak, ini yang kedua.
Fano : Oh, aku pikir itu pekerjaan pertamamu. Kamu terlihar begitu
muda. Berapa usiamu ?
Lang : umur saya 28 tahun. Bagaimana denganmu ?
Fano : Oh, umur saya 33 tahun. Ayolah aku akan memberimu tur kapal.
Lang : Bagus, ayo pergi.
NIT : 19333239

(a) Ships that are sailing along a shipping lane or narrow shipping lane
must sail as close as possible to the outer boundary of the shipping lane
located on the right side of the hull as long as it is safe and can be carried out.
(b) Ships with a length of less than 20 meters or sails that must not obstruct
the path of other ships that can only sail safely in the shipping lanes or narrow
shipping waters.
(c) Ships fishing are not permitted to obstruct the path of other vessels that
sail in the shipping lanes or narrow shipping waters.
Ships may not cut narrow shipping waters or narrow shipping lanes, if
such cuts obstruct the course of ships which can only sail safely in such
shipping lanes or water.
(d) The latter may use the sound signal set in Rule 34 d if in doubt about the
intention of the ship cutting off the bow.
(e) i. If a catch can be carried out or a narrow shipping water, only the ship
arranged must take action to enable it to pass safely, so the ship intending to
catch up must show the intention by sounding the appropriate signal required
by rule 34 (c) (i). the vessel which is overtaken if agreed, must play the cues
according to those specified in rule 34 (c) (ii) and take steps to enable them to
be safely passed. if in doubt you may sound the cues set in rule 13.
ii. This rule does not exempt vessels that follow from their obligations
under rule 13.
(f) Ships approaching a bend or shipping area or narrow shipping waters
where other ships may be obscured by obstacles which lie between them must
sail with caution and caution and must sound the signal in accordance with
the requirements of rule 34 (e).
(g) Every ship, if permitting conditions must avoid anchor anchor outside
the narrow sails.
Explanation :

The rules 9 : applies to any narrow sea lane-related shipping channel that can
be sailed by sea ships and does not apply strict rules.

Does not apply to the area of traffic separation even though the waters are
relatively narrow.

Shipping lines can be considered as narrow shipping lines :

- Between 2 pier and ± 100 meters outside the port entrance sign.
- Shipping lines between buoy lines.
(a) Ships in narrow shipping lines must sail as close to the right as possible.
- Check the position as often as possible especially in limited vision areas.
- Radar Conditioning on.
(b) Ships < 20 m and sailing vessels (all sizes) may not interfere with ships
that can only sail in the channel or the water sails are narrow.

Small vessels and sailing ships must provide their own way possible
without waiting for whether there is a danger of collision or not.

This regulation does not exempt power vessels from their obligation to
avoid the small vessels that follow them or ships that cut from their right or
sailing vessels which will cause collisions.

(c) Fishing vessels are won in to catch fish in narrow waters when not in
use. therefore fishing vessels must give way to every ship that is using the
channel including ships < 20 m and sailing ships.
(d) Ships may cut narrow shipping lines but if the cuts result in obstacles to
ships that can only sail in narrow shipping lanes, such cutting is prohibited.

If there is still a cut, then give a warning signal with 5 short blow.
(e) Narrow water catchment can only be carried out if the ship that is
overtaken gives way to the ship that follows. therefore the ship that will
follow must include its intention with the following signals :
Overtake from the right :¾ ¾.
Overtake from the left :¾ ¾ ..


(a) This rule applies to the system of segregation of traffic that is legally
accepted by the organization and does not free any ships from its obligation to
implement other rules.
(b) Ships that are using traffic segregation procedures must :
i. Learn traffic lanes that correspond to the general traffic direction for that
ii. As far as possible remain free from the dividing line or traffic separation
iii. Traffic lanes are generally entered or left from the end of the lane, but
when the action of entering or leaving the lane is carried out from one side,
the action must be carried out in such a way as to form a small angle towards
general traffic.
(c) As far as possible, ships must avoid cutting off the traffic lane but if
forced to do so must cut with the bow as far as possible perpendicular to the
direction of public traffic.
(d) i. Ships which are located in the vicinity of the traffic separation system
may not use traffic zones near the coast if they can safely use suitable traffic
lanes. however ships less than 20 meters long, sailing vessels and fishing
vessels may use traffic zones near the coast.
ii. Apart from subparagraph (d) (i) the ship may use a near-shore traffic
zone when it is sailing to or from a port, offshore installation or building, a
scout station or any place located within a traffic zone near Panati or to avoid
sudden danger.
(e) Ships except a ship which is cutting or ships entering or leaving the lane,
in general may not enter the separation zone or cut the dividing line, except :
i. In an emergency to avoid sudden danger.
ii. To catch fish in the separation zone.
(f) Ships that are sailing in the area near the end of the traffic separator must
sail very carefully.
(g) Wherever possible, the ship must avoid anchoring itself in the traffic
separation system or in areas near the edges.
(h) Ships that do not use traffic segregation procedures must end up with a
maximum threshold.
(i) A ship that is catching an adverb may not obstruct the ship's road every
other ship that is following a traffic lane.
(j) Ships less than 20 meters in length or sailing ships may not interfere
with safe payments from power vessels that are following a traffic lane.
(k) Ships whose capability is limited by movement when it is their duty to
maintain the safety of the navigation / navigation in the section on traffic
segregation are freed following this regulation to the extent necessary to carry
out their duties.
(l) Ships which are limited by their movements if in the process of
installing, maintaining or lifting sea cables in the traffic separation section are
freed following this regulation as far as is necessary to carry out their duties.

Explanation :

(a) Rule 10 applies in the area of the Traffic Separation Procedure (TPL)
which has been ratified by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Other TPL rules also apply.
(b) Ships using TPL :
1. In the traffic lane sailing on the lane according to general LL direction.
2. Free from dividing lines or dividing zones.
3. Entering or leaving the LL lane that is not from the end of the lane must
be at a small angle ® (< 20 )
(c) Prohibited cutting must be perpendicular either when there is another
ship or no other ship.
(d) Do not use or enter traffic near the coast, except :
1. Ships with a length of < 20 m.
2. Sailing boat.
3. A boat that is catching fish.
4. Ships that avoid sudden dangers.
5. Ship that have interest in the area.
(e) Ships may not enter SEPARATORY ZONES or cut dividing lines,
except :
1. In an emergency to avoid danger.
2. Catching fish.
3. Enter, cut or leave the lane.
(f) Ships must be more careful at the end of the TPL
1. The radar must be in the On position
2. The main driving machine in the condition Stand by for by motion.
3. Manual steering.
4. The skipper must be on the bridge.
(g) Anchor anchors are prohibited in the TPL and the area near the edges.
(h) Ships do not have to use TPL, but if they do not use TPL, they must
cross as far as possible from the dividing line (> 2 miles).
(i) Ships that are catching fish can enter all parts of the TPL but when
catching fish in the LL lane it is not permitted to obstruct ships using the lane
and must sail according to the general lane.

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