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17- Too Stubborn to Die |[317SD]|


You will start out in a hospital room with a commando trying to get in.
your back in control run out the door to knock the commando down. Quickly
to the left and go up the stairs. Go up the various staircases and you will
eventually come to a locked chain gate. Next to it is a red door, go in it.
Go through the room and left down the hallway. Go in the first door to your
right then into the room. Go right into the next room and then through the
room and out the door. Run into the door with the huge sign marked
in it. Go back into the office cubical's. Wait a second and the commando's
show up.

A security guard will run in the room. He is shot by the commando's. Run
and take the guards gun. Kill the commando's and take their MP5's. Go to
right and into the hallway. Go into the first door on your left. Go through
room and go through the door. Kill all of the commando's and then go
the door on your right. Go down the hallway to your left then around the
corner. Go in the first door to your left and kill the commando's. Go back
outside and go down the hallway. Kill all the commando's here. Go in the
ahead of you.

Kill the commando in here and take his ammo. Go through the room and around
corner. Keep going until you get to the hallway. Go in the green door and
the commando's on the stairs. Go down the stairs until you come to the red
double door with the exit sign. Go out the door and into the underground
parking area. Kill all of the commandos in here then walk to the other side
of the lot. The game will show a small cutscene and then end the chapter.

|3.18- On a Crash Course |[318CC]|

This level is basically a reproduction of the level "A Criminal

only this time your fighting Vlad rather than trying to save him. When your
in control go forward up the stairs and kill the cleaners. You will hear
Mike the Cowboy's voice(damn him). He tells the cleaners and workers that
Max Payne is coming, and to get ready. Out of a door the right comes a
of cleaners. Kill them all then go in the room from wince they came. Go
the kitchen and into the wooden door on the right side of the room.
this room? Kill all of the commandos and then go up the scafold.

Go around the room and into the double wooden door tucked back in the left
corner. Go through the two doors and into the next room. Go around the room
once again and into the hallway all the way on the right. Kill the cleaners
that come to kill you then go up the stairs. Go the cement room and into
round dome shaped room. Go up the small stairs and into the door to you
Kill the cleaners in here then take their ammo. Go in the door on the right
side of the room.

Ignore the dummy strapped to the explosives. Go to the other side of the
and kill the commando's. You will now hear and explosion. Go back to where
dummy was to find a huge hole. Outside of the hole is a huge room with
staircases. Snipe all of the cleaners with your MP5 then go on the
thats close to the hole. Go up a little ways and some cleaners on the very
bottom of the room will start shooting you. Kill them and proceed to the
side of the room via the the catwalk. GO down the stairs and then across
room. Go in the door that the cleaners came out.

Go to the end of the room and kill the coommando. Go in the door on the
side of the room. Go down the staircase and into the parking lot. Kill all
of the cleaners and take their ammo. On the right side of the garage is a
door. Go through and up the stair case. Kill the cleaner then go up the
to your left. Kill the cleaners on the step then go into the next room.
all the cleaners and go in the hallway to the right. Go inside Vlad's
and kill the cleaner and Mike. The game will now go into cutscene mode and
show Max looking at Vlad's plans to kill Vinnie. He also looks at the
and to his suprise hears Winterson's confession.

|3.19- A Mob-War |[319MW|

The chapter starts out with a cutscene. It shows Max driving a cleaners van
down a road. Some Mafia Thugs see the van and shoot at it. Max spins out of
control and runs through a brick wall. The Mafia Thugs decide to go in and
waste him. When you are back in control go forward. Go through the room
several boxes and up the stairs. Kill the commando and then wait a sec.
more commandos will come, kill them all. Go up the stairs and go down the
hallway. GO up the next set of stairs and then go half way down the
To your left is a plastered up hole in the wall. Walk into it to destroy
the plaster.

Go through the door on your left. You are now in a room with a hole in the
wall to your right. It has several boards nailed in front of it, preventing
from getting through. Not to far down the wall is another uncovered hole in
wall. Jump through it. There are thee doors in this room. The one directly
front of you contains a tenant watching tv. The one to the left of you is
locked. The one to the far left of you is open. Go through the door on the
far left and out onto the balcony. You should see a huge sign saying
Sweet Deals on wheels", lol. Go in the door to your right.

Go down the hallway and a cleaner will come down the stairs. Shoot him then
wait for the rest of the Thugs and Cleaners to show up. Kill all of them.
down the two staircase and you will see two Mafia Thugs running by. Follow
until you come to a green door. Once your inside the room kill all of the
thugs. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE QUICKSAVE! There is a huge hole in the
with a few suspended boards leading to a window. Across the alley their are
some commandos shooting at you. Kill them and then carefuly walk across the

Once your in the room go through the blue door in the corner. Go left and
out the door. Go up the stairs, Go through the door nearest to where you
up. From this room go in the door to your left. The room you are now in has
hole in wall. Kill the thugs then CAREFULLY go across the boards to safety.
Go through this room and into the next door. The game will now go into a
cutscene. Max walks out to find a couple of Thugs. They mistake him for the
reinfircments Vinnie promised them. Max plays along. In the end they decide
one gun is better than nothing, and let you tag along.

When your back in control the Mafia thugs should run ahead of you. Follow
down the flights of staircases and into the lot. They will start walking
the street, follow them. Kill all of the cleaners that pop out(This is
the game starts to get harder). Continue down the street and you will come
a wall on your right. Kill all of the cleaners that jump over it then
down the street. Kill all of the cleaners you meet. Finally a mafia thug
show up and identify you. Kill the thugs then go down the street. You need
find a door on the right side. It has a huge sign above it stating "All
keep right". Go in it.

Go through the door and then find some cover. Ahead of you is Vinnies car
lot. A cleaners Van shows up to ruin your passing, so take them out. When
are all dead go near the van and a cutscene will start. Max jumps over the
wall and goes into the car lot's main building. There he finds Vinnie,
in a captain baseball batboy costume? Yep. The chapter will now end.

|3.20- Dearest of All My Friends |[320DF]|

A cutscene will show in which some commando's surround the building. Vinnie
is having a fit, will Max is ready to blow someone's head off. When Vinnie
finally done yelling, you will gain control of Max. Get behind some cover
kill the three commandos that come in. Go through this room and down the
into the hallway. Go in the white door to your left. Go outside into the
lot. Kill the cleaners that jump over the wall. Go back inside the building
and protect Vinnie from the waves of cleaners. Vinnie will signal you to
him. Follow him into the hallway.

He leads you to a storage room, but some commandos fly through the window
crash your party. Kill them then follow Vinnie to the back door. Ironically
cant fit his head through. Some cleaners come through the windows, so
retreats into a small room. Defend him from the cleaners. Once they're all
dead Vinnie tells you to follow him. Do as he requests, and follow him.
you get to the elevator Vinnie will rush in and start the elevator. Don't
any attention to him and just kill the cleaners that come. Go up the stairs
located next to the elevator.

When you reach the top of the stairs you will find Vinnie in the elevator.
quickly runs into his apartment and leaves the cleaners to you. Once their
dead go inside and go down the hall. You will come to a pateo type room. Go
out the clear doors. Shoot the metal paneling and a commando will pop up in
front of you. Kill him then look down. You are facing the back of Vinnies
Car lot. Kill the commandos then jump down.

Vinnie will be yelling about being home free, but a van pulls up. Shoot the
cleaners then go back through the small alleyway. Go down the parking lot
a van will show up. Kill all the guards while listening to vinnie yelling
about the door not closing. Go in the garage and the door will close.
jumps on the car and tells you to hoist him up. Go up the stairs and use
controls to get him up there. Kill the cleaners that come then follow him
the hallway and down the stairs. Go into the room and kill the remaining
cleaners. A cutscene will show in which Max gets in and drives. The chapter
now ended.

|3.21- A Losing Game |[321LG]|

A cutscene will show Mona rushing into the burning funhouse. She jumps
the door and over the fire. When your in control head down the hallway and
to your right. Go down the stairs partially. Jump into the hole on top of
wooden trailer. Go down the hallway to your right and then go up the ramp.
The wood in front of you will fall down. Jump down out of the hole and to
left. Wait for some of the barrels to explode and they will reveal an
in the wall. Jump in and go through the door on the right side of the

A cinderblock will fall in the hallway ahead of you. Walk up it then jump
to the right. Go down the hallway then left into the hole created by the
psyco. Go across the room and into the doorway on the far right. Go through
this hallway and into the next room. Quickly jump back into the room and
for the rolling cylinder to stop. Go around it then jump over the fallen
cinderblock. Use the switch next to the painkillers to stop the fire. Go
through the ashs and into the door to your left.

Go through the rooms and you will find a generator. Switch it off then go
to the room with the huge fire. Go through the electric serge area and up
stairs. Go through the hallway and you will come to the remains of Vinnie
Gognitti. He is now nothing more then a huge hole in the ground. Go up the
stairs on the other side of the room. Go into Monas apartment and you will
find Max, bleeding and near death.

|3.22- There are No Happy Endings |[322NE]|

A cutscene will show Max being shot by Vlad. He will go into a dream state.
is an astro-projection type being. You start off in the slums near Vinnies
Car Lot. Walk in the doorway to your left and you will find yourself lying
the ground with Bravura talking to you. The game will transport you to the
hospital, with Bravura lying on the operating table. Bravura silently dies,
the nurses try to revive him. Go into the lineup room(oddly the hospital is
mixed with the police station). You see Max tshooting himself. Go left and
follow him.

Go down the slum hallway then you will see Max shooting at you. Follow him
go through the door to your right. You will now hear Vinnie begging for his
life. Go through the door ahead of you then left down the strange hallway.
Go into the last door on your right, and then through the room into another
strange looking hallway. Go left and then take a right. Go into the first
on your left then through the door ahead of you. Go right and into the
blackness. Keep going down the hallway adn you will see a cutscene in which
Mona kisses Max. The game will now show the graphic novel.

|3.23- Love Hurts |[323LH]|

The chapter will start out with a cutscene. Mona helps Max up a ledge. The
camera shows both of them standing side-by-side, looking really badass. Max
steadily starts to jump down a ledge, but is forced down to take cover from
enemy fire. When your back in control you will be behind a van with several
enemies shooting at you. Kill them all (watch out for the rooftop
Go in the front door to Wodens mansion. Kill the commando in here then back
up to the doorway. A bomb will go off and the cieling will fall. When all
pieces are down go up the stairs and in the door.

Kill the cleaners then go through the clear glass room on the right. Kill
the commandos in here. Mona will radio you and then a commando will fly out
one of the walls. Max and Mona decide that he will take the 1st floor, and
will take the 2nd. But before they can finish planning their party is
by some commandos. Kill all the commandos that come out of the steel
Go in the hallway behind the steel windows and go in the door all the way
your left.

Go indside this room then through the door on the left. Kill the commandos
here. Mona will take out the ones on the balcony. Max tells her to make her
way deeper into the building. Go in the huge door on the far left. Kill the
commandos then head through the door directly ahead of you. The room you
just entered is full of marble scupltures and several paintings. Walk
and two guards will come out of the door ahead of you. Kill both of them
out, one of them has a striker). Commandos above will start throwing
so be mindfull. Go in the door the commandos came out of.

Make your way down the hallway and take out the commando on the stairs. Go
up the stairs and kill the cleaner with the striker. Kill the Agent
at you then head around the hallway and go into the last door on the right.
through this room then into the door in the left corner. Go into the
door on your left and into the hallway. Kill the cleaners that come for you
then go through the door from wence they came. You are now in a small
courtyard. Kill all the commandos and cleaners in here then go back up onto
balcony and go right through the door.

Go left and kill the guy then go down the hallway. Go through door ahead of
you. Go left then down the hallway and into the door ahead of you. Kill the
agent and then the game will go into cutscene mode. Mona and Max will go
through the door.

|3.24- That Old Familar Feeling |[324FF]|

Here we are, the chapter of the game. This is where it all ends. As seen
the previous graphic novel scene, Vlad is not holding back. The game will
with a cutscene. Woden will tell Vlad to stop, then trys to force him. Vlad
kills woden. Max then starts to strangle Vlad, only to find the vlad
the bomb and makes the floor collapse. When Max and Vlad get up, Vlad
find his gun and runs off. Max stands up and takes the gun from under his
stomech and decides to finish Vlad once and for all.

Go in the door ahed of you and kill the agent. Go left quickly and then
the agents you see. A panic room(large silver trailer will crash in the
behind a huge explosion. All the barrels that were scattered around
area have exploded. Go back out of the panic room and go down the ruined
hallway. There will be two huge holes in the wall, go in the one on the
and jump down. Kill the agent here and go quickly into the door in the
corner. Go up the stairs and across the balcony. Jump over the gap and
continue down the balcony. Go in the door ahead of you.

Go down the hallway and kill the agent. Go left and through the door to
continue the chapter. Go up the stairs and kill the agents you find. At the
top of the stairs is an entrance to another hallway, but its blocked by a
plastic barrier. Vlad is behind it talking to you. After a while he will
away like a little ****ie and leave his agents to guard. Once the barrier
breaks go into the door ahead of you and kill the agents. Stock up on all
guns and ammo in here before you go inside the elevator.

When you get to the top run out of the elevator and kill the agents. Facing
out of the elevator run towards the door in the far right corner. The next
part of this chapter is kinda hard, so prepare yourself. Press the elevator
button and wait for it to come down. Kill and commandos at the top of the
elevator. Vlad will run out occasionally, just lay down some fire and he
should leave you alone. Once the left gets down jump in and press up. Lay
cover for anyone in your way. When you get to the top head in the door
ahead of
you for the final showdown.

Keep moving around the square platform to avoid Vlads molitovs. Shoot the
small orange supports holding up the platform to make it fall. Vlad will
die however, you will need to shoot yet another set of small orange
on the pointy thing right above the glass down Vlad is on. When it falls,
will dodge it. Vlad will not start shooting at you. Whenever he appears,
lead in him till he dies. The game will show a cutscene in which Vlads
platform falls and he flies off to a painfull death. Congratulations, you
beaten Max Payne 2. Sit back and watch the credits roll.

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