Anda di halaman 1dari 10



O m The function of melanin in the skin is:
a an essentially useless by product of keratin synthesis
b body temperature regulation
c to produce an enzyme necessary for vitamin D synthesis
d unknown
e protection of living cells from ultraviolet

2 m Differences in skin color result from:

a m mount of pigment
b m Depth of pigment from the surface
c m olor of the pigment(s)
d m posure to ultraviolet rays
e m ll of the above are concerned

3 m airs originally develop from:

a m eticular layer of dermis
b m apillary layer of dermis
c m tratum basale
d m il glands
e m tratum granulosum

4 m The hair shaft:

a m is only within the dermis
b m is composed of only living cells
c m is located in the dermal papilla
d m
s reinforced by dense,parallel collagen fibers
e m one of the above

5 m hich of the following is not directly associated with a hair:

a m rrector pili
b m ebaceous gland
c m pidermis
d m ccrine sudoriferous gland
e m haft

£ m ºelanin is synthesized and distributed by:
a m ºelanocytes
b m ibroblast
c m hromatophores
d m rocarotenoicytes
e m ºesenchymal cells

7 m  hair shaft is homologous with:

a m tratum corneum
b m tratum basale
c m tratum spinosum
d m tratum granulosum
e m ccrine gland duct

8 m kin pigmentation functions for:

a m rotection against bacteria
b m rotection against ultraviolet energy
c m weat glang protection
d m air coloration only
e m one of the above

9 m hich of the following is only found within the skin of those who are ³red-haired´:
a m ºelanin
b m tratum rubrum
c m Trichosiderin
d m heomelanin
e m hromatophores

O m ye color in someone lacking melanin:

a m rown
b m lue
c m ellow
d m ed
e m reen

OO mºelanin is located in:

a m pidermis
b m drenal gland
c m air shaft
d m etina and iris of the eyes
e m ll of the above

O2 m hich part of a hair shaft or nail would be the oldest:

a m Distal
b m ºiddle
c m roimal
d m ariable
e m There is no difference ±it is formed entire

O3 mrotection of living cells from ultraviolet radiation is the responsibility of:

a m eratin
b m ebaceous gland
c m ºelanin
d m Tricosidrin
e m arotenes

O4 m hich of the following is not involved in skin pigmentation:

a m ºelanin
b m ºelanocytes
c m emoblobin
d m arotenes
e m roteodlycans

O5 mThe nail¶s lunule is produced by:

a m ess vascularity in the underlying nail bed
b m ir cells,which produce a situation homologous with white hair
c m tracellular keratin
d m acterial by-products
e m o known mechanism

O£ m hich of the following would not be a part of all hairs:

a m haft
b m oot
c m ollicle
d m ebaceous gland
e m pocrine gland

O7 m nail¶s equivalent to a hair¶s shaft is:

a m ody
b m ed
c m unule
d m old
e m oot

O8 mThe active growth area of a nais is:

a m oot
b m ody
c m ed
d m yponychium
e m ponychium

O9 mThe source of melanin is:

a m ºesenchymal cells
b m ºelanocytes
c m ºyeloid cells
d m hondroblasts
e m hromoblasts

2 m hich part of a hair shaft or nail body would be the youngest:

a m Distal
b m roimal
c m ºiddle
d m ariable
e m There is no difference-it is completely formed at the same time


O m The following steps of the nursing process are listed in proper sequence
a)m ssessment
b)m lanning
c)m ursing diagnosis
e)m valuation
)m T ) 

2 m hich of the following is the best definition of nursing diagnosis?

a)m ursing diagnosis refers to a health problem or condition that nurses are legally
licensed to treat
b)m ursing diagnosis includes etiology and relates directly to the defining
c)m ursing diagnosis is a clinical judgement about individual,familyor community
responses to actual or potential health problems/ life processes
d)m ursing diagnosis is derived from the assessment phase of the nursing process

3 m The nurse gathers assessment data from the following sources:

a)m lients history
b)m lient physical assessment
c)m aboratory result
d)m nowledge of disease process

)m  and  )  and 

)m ,,D D) ll of the above

4 m The implementation phase of the nursing process is best described as the

a)m rganizational aspects of the nursing process

b)m ction component of the nursing process
c)m oundation for the therapeutic plan of care
d)m roblem solving foundation of client care

5 m elect an eample of nursing diagnosis from the following terms

a)m otential pneumonia

neffective breathing pattern
c)m ight side 
d)m ºetabolic imbalance

£ m  client returns froms surgery hich is the priority nursing diagnosis at this time?
a m
neffective breathing pattern
b m Deficient fluid volume
c m isk of bleeding
d m ltered in comfort: pain

7 m The following is the correct way of documentation in nursing

a)m rite only in permanent ink
b)m se correction fluid on entry correction
c)m se common vocabulary and any abbreviations or symbols that you like
d)m hange another person¶s entry if you know there is error in documentation
e)m ow many steps are in the nursing process

8 m ow many steps are in the nursing diagnosis?

9 m hat are the names of each of the steps?
O mive an eample of a primary source of data?
OO mive an eample of and secondary source of data?

O2 m hich of the following are objective data and which are subjective data

)m ausea
)m omiting
)m nsteady gait
D)m niety
)m ruises on the right arms and face
)m Temperature OO


O m The rational nurse to spread their feet when they prepare to help raise a patien from chair
would be:
)m se the body¶s weight to assist movement
)m ºake a long steps
)m rovide a base support
D)m acilitate use of the stronger back muscles

2 m ncik bu is eperiencing some difficulty breathing The nurse most appropriately assist
him ioto the:
)m Dorsal recumbent position
)m ateral position
)m owlers position
D)m upine position

3 m hile doing range of motion eercise with a patient who is bedridden,the nurse is aware
)m eck hypertension should encourage should be encourage,particulary in older patient
)m ercise should be continued until the patient is fatigue
)m ercise should be done frequently to lessen pain for the patient
D)m ach joint is eercise to yhe point of resistance but not pain

4 m  bedridden patient with pressure ulcer on the sacral admitted to your ward hich
nursing diagnosis would be priority?
)m isk of imbalance body temperature related to two stage pressure ulcer
mpaired skin intergrity related immobility
)m eeding self-care deficit related to weak
D)m ctivity intolerance related to prolong bed rest

5 m uan ni is 5£ years old who had an operation on her stomach The nurse is going to
dangle before ambulation fter sitting her on the edge of bed,which nursing
intervention should be perform before ambulation?
)m ssess her temperature
)m ssess her pulse and respiration
)m heck her oygenation
D)m emove antiembolism stocking

£ m The nurse accidentally knocks the bo in the floor hen picking the bo proper body
mechanism for the nurse is:
)m ower the body by fleing the knee
)m end from waist and hips
)m le the knee and bend at the waist
D)m eep the legs straight and fle the waist

7 m ik aila £ years who had and operation on her right leg The nurse reposition her to the
left side and placing pillow between her leg and another to her back The nurse assesses
the proper placementof ik aila body to evaluate:

)m ase support

)m ody alignment
)m ead alignment
D)m eg alignment

8 m
t is first day for uan iti after delivery The nurse wants to do sterile perineum care for
her The preferred position is:
)m Dorsal
)m ithotomy
)m upine
D)m ateral

9 m  patient admitted to your ward with dyspnoea



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