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Nama : Ernawati Maghfiroh M

NPM : 11517981
Kelas : 3PA13
Tutor : Putri Rosalinda
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I. Tujuan
Tujuan dari praktikum automatic processing ini adalah untuk menggambarkan
mengetahui bagaimana sulitnya secara sadar mengontrol proses yang terjadi
secara langsung

II. Point of View

Praktikum ini penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana mengontrol saat
pemrosesan otomatis
III. Teori Automatic Processing
A. Landasan Teori
1. Pengertian
Menurut Shiffrin dan Schneider (dalam Moskowitz, 2013)
mendefinisikan pemrosesan otomatis sebagai pemrosesan yang tidak
terbatas pada kapasitas, yaitu, tidak terpengaruh oleh keterbatasan memori
jangka pendek dan tidak tergantung pada perhatian.
Menurut Solso, Maclin & Maclin (2007) Pemrosesan otomatis adalah
aktivitas yang sering dilakukan akhirnya menjadi otomatis sehingga
memerlukan sedikit atensi dibanding dengan melakukan hal baru.
Menurut Palmeri (dalam Sternberg, Sternberg, 2012) proses otomatis
seperti menulis nama tidak melibatkan kontrol sadar.
Jadi Automatic Processing adalah pemrosesan menjadi otomatis akibat
aktivitas yang sering dilakukan tanpa kesadaran dan tidak dipengaruhi oleh
memori jangka pendek.

2. Karakteristik Automatic Processing

Menurut Posner dan Sydner (dalam Solso, Maclin dan Maclin, 2016)
ada tiga karakteristik pemrosesan otomatis yaitu:
a. Pemrosesan otomatis terjadi tanpa ada niat sadar
b. Pemrosesan otomatis tersembunyi dari kesadaran
c. Pemrosesan otomatis menggunakan hanya sedikit sumber daya sadar
atau bahkan tidak menggunakan sumber daya sadar sama sekali).
3. Aspek – Aspek Automatic Processing
Menurut Fiedenberg & Silverman (2006) ada dua aspek automatic
processing yaitu:
a. Interference
manusia lupa bukan karena kehilangan memori tetapi karena informasi
lainnya menghalangi hal yang ingin diingati. Ada dua macam
1) Proactive interference
Dalam gangguan proaktif, informasi yang dipelajari sebelumnya
mengganggu informasi yang baru.
2) Retroactive Interference
Dalam gangguan retroaktif, informasi yang dipelajari kemudian
mengganggu informasi yang dipelajari sebelumnya.
b. Facilitation
Respon stimulus sederhana yang di gunakan untuk mengontrol system
kognitif secara sadar atau tidak untuk membantu melakukan
pemrosesan otomatis.

B. Jurnal Terkait
Children’s and Adults’ Automatic Processing of Proportion In a Stroop-
Like Task
Otomatisitas dianggap sebagai proses yang tidak disengaja, tidak
terkendali, mandiri, , murni digerakkan oleh stimulus, tidak sadar, efisien,
dan cepat (lihat Moors & DeHouwer, 2006, untuk ulasan). Sebagian besar
ahli fokus pada apa yang dipelajari proses otomatis dan menekankan
mekanisme pembelajaran yang mengarah ke pemrosesan
otomatis(Anderson, 1992; Logan, 1988). Di saat yang sama, mereka juga
mengakui proses otomatis yang secara genetis merupakan bawaan
manusia(Hasher & Zacks, 1979). Proses-proses sedikit dipengaruhi oleh
perbedaan dalam usia, budaya, pendidikan, pengalaman, dan kecerdasan.
Aspek arus informasi, yaitu, spasial, informasi temporal, dan frekuensi,
yang diasumsikan secara otomatis dikodekan dalam proses ini. Hasil dalam
penelitian ini tidak memberikan bukti langsung tentang asal usul
representasi otomatis proporsi. Efek kesesuaian yang ditemukan dalam
penelitian ini adalah lumayan kuat dan stabil pada anak-anak berusia 5-6
tahun dan kecenderungannya ditunjukkan oleh anak-anak ini sangat mirip
dengan orang dewasa .Karena itu, terlepas dari kurangnya bukti langsun
yang mendasari pada awal kemunculan, efek kuat dan stabilisasi seiring
bertambahnya usia, dan dengan pertimbangan tidak adanya instruksi formal
atau bahkan label eksplisit tentang proporsi di usia prasekolah, kita tidak
bisa percaya otomatis representasi proporsi adalah proses yang diperoleh
dengan belajar ataupraktek. Temuan ini konsisten dengan argumen bahwa
anak-anak itu memiliki pemahaman proporsi yang intuitif, setidaknya
dalam tugas hanya melibatkan jumlah terus menerus (Spinillo & Bryant,
1999. Pemrosesan proporsi otomatis pada anak-anak sama kuatnya dengan
orang dewasa. Hasil ini memberikan bukti tentang mekanisme representasi
proporsi anak,mendukung argumen bahwa representasi ini didasarkan pada
pengkodean intuitif dan persepsi setidaknya dalam kondisi berkelanjutan.
IV. Pelaksanaan dan Hasil
A. Langkah-langkah
1. Buka laman
2. Pada sisi kiri web klik “Reserve Stroop” pada menu experiments.
3. Bacalah teori dan intruksi yang tertera pada laman “Reserve Stroop”,
setelah memahami instruksi, klik “Try it” .
4. Kemudian pada menu “Parameter” ketik jumlah trials = 40 setelah itu
klik “Start Experiment”
5. Arah kan kursor di tengah kemudian klik tulisan “Click to start”.
6. Kemudian terdapat tulisan “blue” berwarna merah. Maka arahkan kursor
ke arah bulatan berwarna biru, bukan merah.
7. Jadi warna dari kata yang berada di tengah berfungsi sebagai distractor.
B. Hasil
Berdasarkan hasil praktikum Automatic Processing pada Kamis, 16
April 2020 berikut hasil yang di dapatkan pada saat praktikum.
C. Pembahasan
Menurut Shiffrin dan Schneider (dalam,1977) mendefinisikan
pemrosesan otomatis sebagai pemrosesan yang tidak terbatas pada
kapasitas, yaitu, tidak terpengaruh oleh keterbatasan memori jangka
pendek dan tidak tergantung pada perhatian. Pada saat praktikum kita
diminta untuk mengklik warna yang sesuai dengan tulisan yang di instruksi
kan tanpa harus mengingat. Terdapat dua aspek automatic processing
menurut Fiedenberg & Silverman (2006) yaitu Interference dan
Facilitation. Interference adalah manusia lupa bukan karena kehilangan
memori tetapi karena informasi lainnya menghalangi hal yang ingin
diingati. Saat praktikum terdapat tulisan “yellow” tetapi tulisan tersebut
berwarna hijau kita tau warna kuning tapi karena tulisan “yellow” berwarna
hijau kita menjadi terdistrac jika kita tidak focus kita akan mengarahkan
kursor ke warna hijau bukan kuning. Warna hijau menghalangin informasi
yang sudah kita tahu sebelumnya. Aspek yang kedua adalah facilitation.
Facilitation adalah respon stimulus sederhana yang di gunakan untuk
mengontrol system kognitif secara sadar atau tidak untuk membantu
melakukan pemrosesan otomatis. Saat kita sedang melakukan praktikum
kita sebisa mungkin focus dan mengontrol diri agar tidak salah karena
tulisan “yellow” yang berwarna hijau.

V. Kesimpulan
Automatic Processing adalah bagaimana cara kita menontrol aktivitas yang
terus menerus secara otomatis. Dalam hasil praktikum yang dikerjakan oleh
praktikan maka dapat disimpulkan pemrosesan otomatis adalah bagaimana kita
mengontrol aktivitas pemrosesan yang dilakukan secara terus menerus dimana
hanya membutuhkan usaha yang sedikit untuk mempelajari informasi yang
telah dipelajari sebelumnya
Daftar Pustaka

Fiedenberg, F & Silverman, G. (2006). Cognitive sains: an introduction to the

studyof mind. United States of America: Hazelden.

Solso, Maclin & Maclin. (2014). Cognitive psychology eight edition. London: Pearson
Education Limited.

Yang, Y., Hu, Q., Wu, D & Yang, S. (2015). International Journal of Behavioral:
DevelopmentChildren’s and adults’ automatic processing of proportion in a
Stroop-like task. 39(2): 97–104.

Sternberg, R. J., & Sternberg, K. (2011). Cognitive psychology sixth edition.

Belmont: Cangage learning.

Moskowitz, B. G. (2013). Cognitive social psychology: the princeton symposium on

the legacy and future of social cognition. London : Psychology Press.

International Journal of
Behavioral Development
Children’s and adults’ automatic processing 2015, Vol. 39(2) 97–104
ª The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permissions:
of proportion in a Stroop-like task
DOI: 10.1177/0165025414556520

Ying Yang,1 Qingfen Hu,1 Di Wu,2 and Shuqi Yang1

This current study examined human children’s and adults’ automatic processing of proportion using a Stroop-like paradigm. Preschool
children and university students compared the areas of two sectors that varied not only in absolute areas but also in the proportions they
occupied in their original rounds. A congruity effect was found in both age groups. The dimension of proportion interfered with adults’ and
children’s area comparison greatly and comparatively. These findings strongly suggest that preschool children automatically represent pro-
portion and provide evidence that this representation is intuitive and independent of formal school instruction.

automatic processing, congruity effect, proportion comparison, Stroop-like task

Proportional reasoning is important and pervasive in not only proportional reasoning capacities of children (Boyer et al.,
mathematics but also in daily life. Decades ago, proportional rea- 2008). It was proposed that young children’s success on contin-
soning was believed to be extraordinarily difficult and acquired late uous problems indicated that they had an intuitive understanding
in childhood. According to Piaget and Inhelder (1975), to solve pro- or perceptual judgment of proportion (Boyer et al., 2008; Jeong
portional reasoning problems, children must make judgments about et al., 2007; Sophian, 2000). In reasoning proportion about con-
second-order relations which they termed as ‘‘relations between tinuous amount, they relied on an early emerging ability to per-
relations,’’ a hallmark of formal operational thinking which does ceptually code the relative amount (Jeong et al., 2007). While
not appear until the age of about 11 years. solving proportional problems involves discrete sets, children
After some subsequent research that supported Piaget and were more likely to explicitly count. At this age, however, they
Inhelder’s perspective (e.g. Noelting, 1980), continuously emer- had difficulties forming a representation of the relative propor-
ging studies showed a divergence about young children’s capa- tion of discrete numerator to denominator. They misleadingly
bility of proportional representation and reasoning. In tasks focused on the number of numerator while the perceptual rela-
involving discrete sets, evidence was found that the understand- tion of the relative quantities was ignored or overwhelmed
ing of proportion developed quite late. Children at school age (Boyer et al., 2008; Jeong et al., 2007). Therefore, this proposal
had great difficulties in focusing on the proportion (relevant indicated that human children have an early understanding of
dimension) and at the same time discarding the absolute amount proportion. They can represent the relative relationship among
(irrelevant dimension) in a variety of contexts including density quantities in an early age and their difficulty in reasoning pro-
matching or comparing (Noelting, 1980), probability judging portion involving discrete quantities is resulted from disturbance
(Chapman, 1975; Falk & Wilkening, 1998), and conventional of the easily reached presentation of absolute quantities.
fractions (Pitkethly & Hunting, 1996). In other studies involving Some recent studies provided evidence for this suggestion.
continuous quantities, however, even preschoolers showed some Evidence showed that 12–14-month-old infants could predict the
understanding about proportion in proportional matching, ana- probabilities of getting a lollipop they preferred from jars based on
logy or calculation tasks (e.g. Mix, Levine, & Huttenlocher, the proportions (Denison & Xu, 2010). Moreover, even 6-month-
1999; Singer-Freeman & Goswami, 2001; Sophian, 2000; Spi- old infants were capable of extracting ratios across scenes as long
nillo & Bryant, 1991) and probability judging tasks (e.g. Acre- as the ratio was sufficiently large (McCrink & Wynn, 2007). After
dolo, O’Connor, Banks, & Horobin, 1989; Schlottmann, 2001). being habituated to a certain ratio of two sets of objects, they
Some studies directly proved the strong effect of quantity type looked longer when an unfamiliar ratio was shown. These results
on children’s performance in proportional reasoning tasks. Chil- suggested that human infants have some capabilities to represent
dren showed greater and earlier success in judging proportion proportions of discrete quantities. Their apparently-better
involving continuous quantities than in judging proportion
involving discrete quantities even if other variables were con-
trolled to be constant (Boyer, Levine, & Huttenlocher, 2008; 1
Beijing Normal University, China
Jeong, Levine, & Huttenlocher, 2007). 2
Cedarville University, USA
The discrepancy between children’s achievement on propor-
tional reasoning problems involving discrete sets versus continuous Corresponding author:
quantities inspired discussion about the way children process pro- Qingfen Hu, Beijing Normal University, Institute of Developmental
portional information. Some researchers suggested that this discre- Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China.
pancy reflects a divergence between intuitive and more explicit Email:
98 International Journal of Behavioral Development 39(2)

performance than that of the older children might be attributed to life and even in an early age. To provide more direct evidence and
their inefficiency for counting and thereby the much weaker and explore characteristics of children’s and adults’ processing of pro-
less explicit representations of the absolute quantities. portion information, in the present study, we focus on whether
Evidence also showed that infants’ and young children’s repre- proportion could be represented with low-level attention.
sentation of relative quantities might be rather strong or even The present study aimed to examine humans’ automatic repre-
stronger than their representation of absolute quantities. A study sentation of proportion using a Stroop-like paradigm. The Stroop
found that 6.5-month-old infants dishabituated when the relation paradigm has been extensively used in experimental psychology,
between a dowel and its container changed but not when the as one of the most usable and advisable tasks to examine the nature
absolute size of both object changed while the relation was held of automaticity (for a review, see Logan, 1980). In a Stroop-like
constant (Duffy, Huttenlocher, Levine, & Duffy, 2005). Addition- task, participants make judgments on one dimension while there are
ally, in a study which focused on children’s ability to encode and other dimensions that may agree or conflict with the one to be
discriminate extents, relative information was used as irrelevant judged. Participants’ performance suggests an automatic activation
dimension and 4-year-olds showed high sensitivity to it (Duffy, of the irrelevant dimensions. Higher error rates and longer reaction
Huttenlocher, & Levine, 2005). Presented with a target dowel times would be found for incongruent trials than for congruent trials
inside a container and then two containers with dowel inside, (i.e., the congruity effect) if the irrelevant dimensions were
4-year-olds in this study were asked to determine which dowel accessed automatically. Namely, the responses were automatically
showed latterly was same as the original one. The size of the con- facilitated in congruent trials and interfered in incongruent trials by
tainers was manipulated so that it was a conflict situation, in the irrelevant dimensions.
which the dowel that had the same absolute size as the original In the present study, sectors were used as stimuli with their areas
occupied a different proportion in the new container, and the other and the proportions they occupied in their original rounds as rele-
dowel, different in absolute size, occupied the same proportion as vant and irrelevant dimensions, respectively. Participants were pre-
the dowel in the original container. It was found that 4-year-olds sented with pairs of sectors and were asked to compare the areas of
encoded only the relative information and chose the dowel which them. Trials might be congruent, when the sector had a larger area
had the same dowel-container relation as the original display occupied a bigger proportion in its original round (Figure 1a);
rather than the one with the same absolute dowel size. Although incongruent, when the sector had a larger area occupied a smaller
this study was not designed purposively to explore children’s proportion in its original round (Figure 1b). If participants’ perfor-
understanding of proportion, its findings indicated that young mance was worse in the incongruent condition, that is, being inter-
children had a highly spontaneous tendency to represent the rela- fered by the proportions which were irrelevant to the comparison, it
tive information even when this kind of information is irrelevant would provide evidence that the representation about proportion
and sometimes disturbing to the ongoing task. was automatically activated.
While this study did not focus on children’s proportional Previous studies showed that ‘‘half’’ is an especially salient
understanding, it enlightened us on considering a new paradigm proportion and whether the proportions crossed the ‘‘half’’ bound-
for exploring children’s representation of proportion. While the ary affected children’s performance in proportion matching tasks
tasks varied considerably in existing studies about children’s (Spinillo & Bryant, 1991). In their study, 4–7-year-olds were pre-
understanding of proportion, most studies instructed children sented with two boxes of blue and white bricks and asked which one
to compare or match on proportions and to discard absolute of them matched a picture of a rectangle composed of blue and
amount. Answers based on the relation of numerator and white. Results showed that 6- and 7-year-old children performed
denominator were judged to be correct in these tasks, while much better when the two alternative choices crossed the ‘‘half’’
absolute amount often served as conflicting dimension. How- boundary (e.g. 3/8 blue vs. 5/8 blue) or involved ‘‘half’’ (e.g. 1/2
ever, how to explain the tasks’ requirements to children has blue vs. 1/4 blue) than when the two choices did not cross the
been a big challenge in this area of research. Topics about pro- ‘‘half’’ boundary (e.g. 5/8 blue vs. 7/8 blue). The researchers sug-
portion are extremely difficult to be communicated with young gested that ‘‘half’’ plays a crucial role in children’s early propor-
children in an explicit way. This difficulty somewhat restricted tional reasoning and it might be as a category boundary.
the exploration of children’s understanding of proportion, espe- Therefore, this factor was manipulated in the present study. The
cially for young children who lack the formal instruction about pairs of sectors used in our design could be within-half,
proportion and cannot label them verbally. including-half or cross-half. In the within-half pairs, the proportions
Additionally, despite the fact that a great amount of effort has that two sectors represented were both less than 1/2 or more than
been made to explore children’s understanding of proportion, very 1/2. In the including-half pairs, one proportion was 1/2 and the
little is known about the level of children’s processing about pro- other was less or more than 1/2. In the cross-half pairs, one propor-
portion. The study of Duffy, Huttenlocher and Levine (2005) tion was less than 1/2 and the other was more than 1/2. We were
showed that children’s representation of relative information interested in investigating whether the different proportions would
could be spontaneous, but did not refer to whether this process be automatically activated in different level and thus have different
would be automatically activated and hard to be inhibited. interference effects to the area comparisons.
Consistent with the hypothesis that children have an intuitive In the present research, we focused on the question that whether
understanding of proportion and represent the proportional infor- there was automatic accessing to proportion representation and
mation perceptually, it might be expected that the representation whether it appeared in an early age, rather than the developmental
of proportion is an achievement which occurs quite early in changes in the magnitude of interference in our Stroop-like task.
human’s life, independent of schooling, instructions or even the The size of interference in Stroop-like tasks was proposed to be a
ability to verbally label it, and also a process that is efficient, fast function of degree of the irrelevant dimension’s automaticity
and little resource-demanding. Then, it is reasonable to expect (MacLeod & Dunbar, 1988). So, if the automatic accessing of pro-
automatic accessing of proportion, which is universal in human’s portion became stronger with age, resulted from an increasing
Yang et al. 99

Figure 1. Examples of sector pairs in congruent condition (a) and in incongruent condition (b).

capability to present proportion information, we should expect an Method

increase of the interference. However, there was sufficient evidence
that the Stroop-like interference effect decreased markedly in size Participants
with age and this decrease was believed to be the result of Adult participants were 35 undergraduate and postgraduate students
the increasing capability of inhibition (Gerstadt, Hong, & Diamond, (18 female, 17 male) recruited from Beijing Normal University.
1994; Hanauer & Brooks, 2003; Wright, Waterman, Prescott, & The mean age was 21 years (range 18–25).
Murdoch-Eaton, 2003). These two effects would counteract, result- Child participants were 30 children aged 5 years and 30 children
ing an unattributable developmental change in the size of interfer- aged 6 years, recruited from a kindergarten in Beijing, China. The
ence in the present design. 5-year-olds (16 female, 14 male) ranged from 4 years 7 months to
Therefore, what we were most concerned about in the present 5 years 6 months, with a mean age of 5 years 1 month. The 6-year-
study is whether the irrelevant dimension of proportion in this olds (14 female, 16 male) ranged from 5 years 7 months to 6 years
Stroop-like task would interfere with the comparison of areas from 6 months, with a mean age of 6 years 0 month. While all these par-
an early age. The findings would provide some valuable evidence ticipants were taken into analysis for error rates, only 28 of the
to the highly concerned topics about nature and origin of children’s 6-year-olds were included in the analysis for correct RT because
understanding of proportion. As the perceptual dimension is highly two children in this age group responded falsely in all the trials
automatic in the early life, it will greatly interfere with the compar- in one of the conditions, resulting in a missing value.
ison for relevant dimension (Girelli, Lucangeli, & Butterworth, Initially, we tried to test 4-year-olds but finally dropped this age
2000). In this way, if the proportion representation was intuitive, per- group because the task appeared to be too difficult for them. In the
ceptual and early acquired, as some researchers currently believed experiment, children in this age group stopped answering fre-
(Boyer et al., 2008; Jeong et al., 2007; Sophian, 2000), a robust inter- quently and complained that they could not judge which sector was
ference effect would be expected at an early age. On the contrary, if bigger. Especially in the second block, several children paused
the process of representing proportion was gradually acquired and occasionally, looking around or talking to the experimenter. This
became automatic only through extensive learning experience, we made the data of reaction time in this age group invalid and the
should expect a later appearance of the interference effect. accuracy questionable compared with other age groups.
Both adult and child participants were included in the present
study. University students were tested to evaluate the feasibility
of the experimental paradigm and to provide evidence about adults’
automatic accessing to proportion representation. In addition, 5- and
6-year-old children were tested to explore whether the automatic Each stimulus consisted of two red sectors that were displayed
representing of proportion was appeared at preschool age. side by side with a white background on a computer screen. The
100 International Journal of Behavioral Development 39(2)

Table 1. Critical stimuli used in the present study.

Sector 1 Sector 2

Proportion Area (mm2) Radius (mm) Proportion Area (mm2) Radius (mm)

Congruent Within-half 1/4 900 33.85 1/3 2400 47.87

2/3 900 20.72 3/4 2400 31.91
Including-half 1/4 900 33.85 1/2 2400 39.08
1/2 900 23.93 3/4 2400 31.91
Cross-half 1/4 900 33.85 2/3 2400 33.85
1/3 900 29.31 3/4 2400 31.91
Incongruent Within-half 1/4 2400 55.27 1/3 900 29.31
2/3 2400 33.85 3/4 900 19.54
Including-half 1/4 2400 55.27 1/2 900 23.93
1/2 2400 39.08 3/4 900 19.54
Cross-half 1/4 2400 55.27 2/3 900 20.72
1/3 2400 47.87 3/4 900 19.54

Note. Within-half pairs: the proportions of the two sectors occupied in their original round do not cross the ‘‘half’’ boundary, both less than or more than 1/2;
Including-half pairs: one of the proportions of the two sectors occupied in their original round is half; Cross-half pairs: the proportions of the two sectors occupied
in their original round cross the ‘‘half’’ boundary, one less than 1/2 and the other more than 1/2.

center-to-center distance between the two sectors was 174 mm. In present design. If the performance was worse in the area–proportion
order to avoid additional strategies for comparing, the sectors were incongruent condition than in the congruent condition (i.e., the
primarily made with their left edges vertical and then turned 60, interference effect occurred), it must be an interference effect of the
150, 240, or 330 degrees clockwise. This meant that each sector had disturbing proportions, rather than the uncoordinated facilitation of
four directions. In each stimulus pair, the two sectors to be com- radiuses.1
pared did not have identical direction. The same number of each In order to enhance the variety of stimuli to be compared and
direction of every sector was used. avoid potential strategies, sector pairs with 5/8 area ratio (one sector
Table 1 showed the critical stimuli used. In congruent pairs, the was 1,500 mm2 and the other was 2,400 mm2) were added as filler
sector whose area was larger occupied a bigger proportion in its items. The congruity and proportion factors of the 5/8 pairs were set
original round (Figure 1a). In incongruent pairs, the sector whose identically with those of the 3/8 pairs. However, the 5/8 items were
area was larger occupied a smaller proportion in its original round not suitable for exploring the interference effect of proportion in the
(Figure 1b). The area ratio of two sectors was constantly 3/8, with present study, because the problem caused by covariation of
one sector was 900 mm2 and the other was 2400 mm2. radiuses with area and proportions was severe in these pairs, some-
Each sector is a part of a round, with the sector and the round times even making the variation of radiuses inconsistent with that of
having the same radius, and 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4 were used for areas. Therefore, even if the participants’ performance was worse in
the proportions of the sectors occupying their original rounds. In the area-proportion incongruent condition than in the congruent
this way, the proportions that two sectors represented in each pair condition, it was difficult to determine whether it was the interfer-
could be within-half, including-half or cross-half. In the within- ence effect by inconsistent proportion or by inconsistent radius.
half pairs, the proportions that two sectors represented were both Therefore, the 5/8 items were not included in data analysis.
less than 1/2 (1/4 vs. 1/3) or more than 1/2 (2/3 vs. 3/4). The dis- In each block, each of these 12 critical pairs (2 congruence lev-
tances between each two proportions were 1/12. In the cross-half els  6 proportion pairs) and 12 filler pairs of sectors was presented
pairs, one proportion was less than 1/2 and the other was more than twice, either with the larger area to the left, or to the right, giving 48
1/2 (1/3 vs. 3/4, 1/4 vs. 2/3). The distances between each two pro- ([12 þ 12]  2) trials in each block. The stimuli in each block were
portions were 5/12. In the including-half pairs, one proportion was presented in a random order made by E-prime. There were two
1/2 and the other was less or more than 1/2 (1/4 vs. 1/2, 3/4 vs. 1/2). blocks in which same stimuli were presented in different orders.
The distances between each two proportions were 3/12. Thus, this So, each participant did a total of 96 trials (48 critical trials and
factor and distance effects were completely confounded. 48 filler trials).
It is worth noting that the radius of a sector was entirely deter-
mined by its area and the proportion it represented. Therefore, the
radiuses inevitably co-varied with sectors’ areas and proportions in
this design, making an irrelevant variable. However, for the sector The participant’s task was to decide which of two sectors in a given
pairs in this study, the direction of variation in radiuses was con- display had a larger area.
stantly consistent with that of areas. The sector that had larger Participants were seated about 50 cm from the computer screen.
radius always had larger area (see Table 1). So, if the representation Each trial began with two fixation points displayed simultaneously
of radiuses would also be activated, they would facilitate the area for 1,000 ms and followed by a pair of sectors. The pair of sectors
comparison rather than interfere with it. At the same time, the stayed on the screen until the participant responded or for 5,000 ms
length difference of radiuses was larger in incongruent pairs than without any responses. The inter-stimulus interval was 500 ms.
in congruent pairs. So, if the radius facilitating area comparison Each participant first performed 10 practice trials. Then, each par-
in deed, area–proportion incongruent pairs should be facilitated ticipant received two test blocks, each of which had 48 trials. The
more. This insured the validity of the interference effect in the participants had a few minutes’ rest between the two blocks.
Yang et al. 101

Table 2. Means of adults’ and children’s error rates and correct response times.

Within-half Including-half Cross-half Total

% Error Response time % Error Response time % Error Response time % Error Response time

Children Congruent 4.30 1050.03 1.69 1134.74 3.30 1135.07 3.10 1106.62
Incongruent 8.14 1110.53 13.34 1160.29 16.19 1051.15 12.55 1107.32
Adult Congruent 0.49 635.47 0.34 606.88 0.34 592.33 0.39 611.56
Incongruent 3.80 670.98 3.89 683.74 14.86 677.75 7.52 677.49

Note. n (children) ¼ 58; n (adult) ¼ 35. Within-half pairs: the proportions of the two sectors occupied in their original round do not cross the ‘‘half’’ boundary, both less
than or more than 1/2; Including-half pairs: one of the proportions of the two sectors occupied in their original round is half; Cross-half pairs: the proportions of the
two sectors occupied in their original round cross the ‘‘half’’ boundary, one less than 1/2 and the other more than 1/2.

measures ANOVA with congruity (congruent and incongruent) and

the proportions that sectors represented (within-half, including-
half, and cross-half) as within-subjects factors and age group as a
between-subjects factor. Results showed that the main effect of
congruity was significant, F(1, 93) ¼ 20.19, p < .001, partial
2 ¼ .18. Participants made more mistakes in the incongruent
(M ¼ 10.69%, SE ¼ 1.84%) than in the congruent conditions
(M ¼ 2.10%, SE ¼ 0.47%). The main effect of proportion was also
significant, F(1.60, 148.39) ¼ 14.33, p < .001, partial 2 ¼ .13, with
the error rate increasing from about 5% in within-half and
including-half pairs (M ¼ 4.72%, SE ¼ 0.91% for within-half pairs
and M ¼ 5.52%, SE ¼ 1.17% for including-half pairs) to 8.95%
(SE ¼ 1.28%) in cross-half pairs. The error rate in cross-half
pairs was significantly higher than in within-half pairs, t(94) ¼
4.21, p < .001, d ¼ 0.37, and in including-half pairs, t(94) ¼
3.58, p ¼ .001, d ¼ 0.43, but there was no difference between the
latter two, t(94) ¼ 1.29, p ¼ .20, d ¼ 0.13.
The interaction between these two factors was significant,
F(1.70, 157.94) ¼ 14.08, p < .001, partial 2 ¼ .13. Furthermore,
the interaction among all the three factors was also significant,
F(1.70, 157.94) ¼ 3.55, p < .005, partial 2 ¼ .037 (See Figure 2).
Figure 2. Congruity effect in error rates for each age group.
Therefore, the further analysis focused on the performance patterns
Note. n (children) ¼ 58; n (adult) ¼ 35.
of the two age groups respectively.
For adults, the effect of congruity was highly modulated by pro-
Participants were instructed to press the left- or right-hand key portion, F(1.35, 45.94) ¼ 10.67, p ¼ .001, partial 2 ¼ .24. The con-
(F and J) according to which position of the sector had the larger gruity effect was significant for all the three proportion conditions,
area. Both speed and accuracy were emphasized in instructions. while the difference of error rates between congruent and incongru-
The software E-prime 2.0, installed on a ThinkPad laptop, was ent conditions was much larger in cross-half pairs, t(34) ¼ 4.14, p <
used to present the stimuli and record participants’ responses and .001, d ¼ 0.70, than in within-half pairs, t(34) ¼ 2.05, p ¼ .048, d ¼
their reaction times (RT). 0.35, and in including-half pairs, t(34) ¼ 2.23, p ¼ .03, d ¼ 0.38.
For children, the effect of congruity was moderately modulated
by proportion, F(1.74, 100.83) ¼ 8.04, p ¼ .001, partial 2 ¼ .12.
Results The congruity effect was also significant for all the three proportion
Table 2 summarizes the participants’ mean error rates and the aver- conditions. Children made more errors in congruent pairs in all the
age reaction times of correct responses. Preliminary analyses three proportion conditions. Unlike adults, however, the difference
revealed that there was no significant age main effect between the of children’s error rates between congruent and incongruent condi-
two childhood-age groups, nor any significant effect was found for tions was larger in cross-half pairs, t(59) ¼ 3.54, p ¼ .001, d ¼ 0.46,
the interactions involving age, indicating that response pattern of and including-half pairs, t(59) ¼ 3.71, p < .001, d ¼ 0.48, than in
5- and 6-year-olds were similar. As a result, we collapsed the data within-half pairs, t(59) ¼ 2.10, p ¼ .04, d ¼ 0.27.
of these two groups to create a single ‘‘child group,’’ and compared Another repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to analyse
the performance of children to that of adults. the participants’ RTs of correct responses. The main effect of con-
The overall error rate was 3.95% for adults and 7.82% for gruity was significant, F(1, 91) ¼ 4.94, p ¼ .029, partial 2 ¼ .05.
children. The low error rate indicates that participants understood Overall, participants spent a longer time comparing the areas of the
the experiment guideline and made the comparisons based on the sectors in the incongruent conditions (M ¼ 947.40, SE ¼ 34.07)
sectors’ areas rather than the proportions the sectors represented. than in the congruent conditions (M ¼ 922.38, SE ¼35.07).
The average error rate for every participant in each condition The main effect of age group also reached significant level,
was calculated and entered as dependent variable in a repeated- F(1, 91) ¼ 85.58, p < .001, partial 2 ¼ .49, adults (M ¼ 644.53,
102 International Journal of Behavioral Development 39(2)

that adults made more mistakes and spent a longer time making
judgments in the incongruent conditions than in congruent condi-
tions. Children’s accuracy showed the exactly same pattern,
although their RT data were not clear.
What is worth noticing is that there was an evident speed-
accuracy trade-off in children’s cross-half condition (see Table
2), where a contra-congruity effect was found. This indicates that
the RT data of children should be interpreted with great caution.
Speed–accuracy trade-off was occasionally found in children’s
Stroop-like tasks (Gerstadt et al., 1994; Simpson & Riggs, 2005).
In these situations, researchers believed that the simultaneity of low
accuracy and short latency was resulted from young children’s giv-
ing up (Gerstadt et al., 1994). Therefore, reaction time may not be
sufficiently sensitive for young children (Simpson & Riggs, 2005).
Additionally, the RTs of correct responses were used for analysis in
the present study. However, children’s error rates were rather high
in the incongruent cross-half comparisons (see Table 2), making
many defaults in the RT data in this condition. So the RT data
involved in the analyses were somewhat partial. Therefore, our dis-
Figure 3. Congruity effect in response times for each age group. cussion no longer depends on reaction time here.
Note. n (children) ¼ 58; n (adult) ¼ 35. In the basis of the accuracy and RT data of adults and the accu-
racy of children, the present study provided strong evidence that the
representation of proportions was automatically accessed in this
SE ¼ 24.37) compared more rapidly than children (M ¼ 1110.11, area comparison task while it was irrelevant and disturbing to the
SE ¼ 36.17). The interaction between congruity and age was also main task. This automatic activation of proportion representation
significant, F(1, 91) ¼ 4.84, p ¼ .03, partial 2 ¼ .05. Simple effect appears early in children’s development, at least by the age of
tests showed that the congruity effect was significant only for 5 years.
adults, t(1, 34) ¼ 4.34, p < .001, d ¼ 0 .73, not for children, Unlike previous research exploring the content of children’s
t(1, 34) ¼ 0.016, p ¼ .99, d ¼ 0 .00. representation of proportion, the present study examined the auto-
In addition, the interaction of all the three factors was signifi- matic, unintentional process of representation. The similar para-
cant, F(1.94, 176.16) ¼ 5.12, p ¼ .008, partial 2 ¼ .05 (See digm was used frequently in research exploring the development
Figure 3). Therefore, the further analysis focused on the perfor- of automatic processing of numerical information and it has pro-
mance patterns of the two age groups respectively. vided profound understanding of the acquisition of numerical rep-
For adults, only the main effect of congruity was significant, resentation (e.g. Girelli et al., 2000; Rubinsten, Henik, Berger, &
F(1, 34) ¼ 18.85, p < .001, partial 2 ¼ .36. Adults spent a longer Shahar-Shalev, 2002; Zhou et al., 2007). However, there were no
time comparing the areas of the sectors in the incongruent condi- previous studies that have directly demonstrated the automatic and
tions (M ¼ 677.49, SE ¼ 29.24) than in the congruent conditions unintentional representation of proportion when it acted as an irre-
(M ¼ 611.56, SE ¼21.17). The main effect of proportion and the levant dimension to the main task. For the first time, we tested this
interaction between these two factors were not significant, ps > .05. automatic representation in children directly and found some results
For children, the congruity effect was not significant, F(1, 57) ¼ consistent with or beyond what has been reported in previous stud-
0.00, p ¼ .99, partial 2 ¼ .00. However, the main effect of pro- ies using explicit tasks.
portion, F(1.61, 91.60) ¼ 3.77, p ¼ .03, partial 2 ¼ .06, and the Recent studies provided rather strong evidence that children
interaction between these two factors, F(1.91, 108.86) ¼ 5.61, showed competence on tasks involving proportional reasoning
p ¼ .005, partial 2 ¼ .09, reached significant level. Further analy- about continuous amounts as early as the preschool years. The
sis showed that the congruity effects of children were different youngest age for accomplishment found in these studies depended
among the three proportion conditions. In the within-half pairs, the on the problems and contexts used. In general, it was found that
congruity effect was significant, t(57) ¼ 2.53, p ¼ .01, d ¼ 0.33. children were able to reason about proportion in matching, analogy,
Children compared more rapidly in the congruent pairs (M ¼ or comparison tasks by age 6 years (Boyer et al., 2008; Jeong et al.,
1053.98, SE ¼ 37.57) than in the incongruent pairs (M ¼ 2007; Spinillo & Bryant, 1991) while some studies even found 3- or
1114.12, SE ¼ 35.83). In including-half pairs, the congruity 4-year-olds also showed success when the tasks were involving
effect did not reach significant level, t(57) ¼ 0.65, p ¼ .52, only simple proportions or undemanding contexts (Duffy et al.,
d ¼ 0.08. In cross-half pairs, however, a contra-congruity effect 2005; Singer-Freeman & Goswami, 2001; Sophian, 2000). To
was found, t(57) ¼ 2.36, p ¼ .02, d ¼ 0.31. Children compared whatever degree the explicitness were in these studies, representing
more rapidly in the incongruent pairs (M ¼ 1053.67, SE ¼ 42.69) proportion was highly relevant and goal-directed. In the present
than in the congruent pairs (M ¼ 1138.18, SE ¼ 44.07). study, from another point of view, we found children accessed
proportional representation automatically. The performance of
5–6-year-olds was highly evident and convictive, providing more
in-depth evidence that representing proportion is clearly an early
In sum, the current study examined to what extent the representa- achievement, independent of formal learning or school instruction.
tion of proportion is activated automatically and whether this auto- At the same time, the present study provides a significative attempt
matic representation appears early in development. Results showed to explore children’s proportional reasoning using an implicit task.
Yang et al. 103

With respect to problems about proportion being notoriously diffi- The results about children were quite consistent with the conclu-
cult to be explained or instructed in explicit language for young sion made in a previous study that ‘‘half’’ played a crucial role in
children, the new paradigm used in the present study might be help- children’s proportional judgments (Spinillo & Bryant, 1991). That
ful to advance our understanding about children’s knowledge of study showed that 6–7-year old children discriminated proportions
proportion in the future. that cross ‘‘half’’ or involving half more easily than those that do
Automaticity is considered to be a process that is unintentional, not cross the ‘‘half’’. According to Spinillo and Bryant (1991),
uncontrolled/uncontrollable, goal independent, autonomous, purely ‘‘half’’ might be as a category boundary in children’s early propor-
stimulus-driven, unconscious, efficient, and fast (see Moors & De tional reasoning. The present study, taking a further step, indicated
Houwer, 2006, for a review). Most theorists focus on the learned that this propensity was also true in automatic process and in com-
automatic processes and emphasize the learning mechanism to parison. Children were rather sensitive to the ‘‘half’’ boundary and
account for automatizaion which leads to the automatic processing automatically accessed the comparison of two proportions that
(Anderson, 1992; Logan, 1988). At the same time, they also admit crossed this boundary more readily. At the same time, they were
the innate automatic processes for which humans are genetically also sensitive to the ‘‘half’’ proportion itself and compared it to
prepared (Hasher & Zacks, 1979). These processes are proposed other proportions more easily. Adults showed similar tendency with
to be widely shared and minimally influenced by differences in children and showed analogous sensitivity to the ‘‘half’’ boundary.
age, culture, education, early experience, and intelligence. The fun- The only difference is that adults did not treat the ‘‘half’’ proportion
damental aspects of the flow of information, namely, spatial, tem- itself distinctively, and thus the including-half pairs showed no
poral, and frequency information, are assumed to be automatically advantage for them. We think these results indicated the potential
encoded in these processes. Our results in this study do not provide change of the role of ‘‘half’’ in development. The age of about
direct evidence about the origin of the automatic representation of 5 to 7 years (according to the study of Spinillo and Bryant, 1991,
proportion. However, its early appearance in development is and our study) might be a starting point for children to get the half
remarkable. The congruity effect found in the present study was boundary, and children give it special attention in this age. And for
rather strong and stable in 5–6-year-old children and the inclination adults, the boundary has already been adeptly set up and used in
showed by these children was very similar as that of adults. These various tasks, but there is no need to treat the boundary itself
results all fail to correspond with a gradually-acquired process. distinctively.
Therefore, despite of the lack of direct evidence, basing on its early In summary, our findings in this study demonstrate that children
emergence, strong effect and stabilization with age, and in consid- have an automatic representation of proportion long before they
eration of the lack of formal instruction or even explicit label about have formal school instruction about proportion or can label them
proportion in preschool ages, we can hardly believe the automatic verbally. The automatic processing of proportion in children was
representation of proportion is a process acquired by learning or as strong as that of adults. These results provide in-depth evidence
practice. This finding is consistent with the argument that children about the mechanisms of children’s representation of proportion,
have an intuitive understanding of proportion, at least in the tasks supporting the argument that this representation is based on an
only involving continuous amounts (Spinillo & Bryant, 1999). To intuitive and perceptual coding at least in continuous conditions.
take this approach further, future research could investigate the
potential variation of the automatic representation of proportion Funding
depended on culture, education and intelligence. This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in
Another interesting finding in this study is the modulation of the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
the proportions the two sectors presented to the congruity effects.
In the present design, the levels that were divided based on ‘‘half’’ Note
boundary were confounded with the distance between the two pro-
portions. However, we believe the modulation of proportions to 1. See the 1/4 vs. 3/4 pairs in Table 1 for an example. In the con-
congruity effects is mainly an effect based on the ‘‘half’’ boundary gruent pair, the radius of the bigger sector was 47.87 mm and
effect than on the distance effect because the degrees of modula- that of the smaller sector was 33.85 mm. In the incongruent pair,
tion were inconsistent with the distance between the two propor- the radius of the bigger sector was 55.27 mm and that of the
tions. The three levels of the variable of the two proportions were: smaller sector was 29.31. So the sector that had bigger area
1) within-half pairs with a distance of 1/12 (1/4 vs 1/3, 2/3 vs 3/4); always had longer radius, leading to the results that the differ-
2) including-half pairs with distance of 3/12 (1/4 vs 1/2, 3/4 vs ence of radius would facilitate the area comparison rather than
1/2); and 3) cross-half pairs with distance of 5/12 (1/3 vs 3/4, 1/ interfere with it if the radiuses were also automatically activated.
4 vs 2/3). The distance increased with a constant (2/12). Inconsis- Additionally, the difference of radiuses was bigger in the incon-
tent with this constant increase, the variance of congruity effect gruent pairs than in the congruent pairs, so the facilitation in
was not linear. In adults, the congruity effect was bigger in the incongruent pairs would always be greater. Therefore, if the
cross-half proportion pairs than in the within-half and including- radiuses were automatically represented, they would only coun-
half pairs, showing that the automatic comparisons of cross-half teract the congruity effect rather than exaggerate it.
proportion pairs were more easily accessed by adults. In chil-
dren, the congruity effect was smaller in the within-half pairs References
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