Anda di halaman 1dari 4


Diameter Zona Hambat (mm)

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 895,943 5 179,189 6450,788 ,000

Within Groups ,333 12 ,028
Total 896,276 17
Multiple Comparisons
Diameter Zona Hambat (mm)

(I) Konsentrasi Kayu (J) Konsentrasi Kayu Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval
Manis Manis (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Konsentrasi 0% Konsentrasi 2% -15,36667* ,13608 ,000 -15,8632 -14,8701

Konsentrasi 4% -17,16667 ,13608 ,000 -17,6632 -16,6701

dimensio n3
Konsentrasi 6% -18,13333* ,13608 ,000 -18,6299 -17,6368
Konsentrasi 8% -19,33333 ,13608 ,000 -19,8299 -18,8368

Konsentrasi 10% -21,36667* ,13608 ,000 -21,8632 -20,8701

Konsentrasi 2% Konsentrasi 0% 15,36667 ,13608 ,000 14,8701 15,8632

Konsentrasi 4% -1,80000* ,13608 ,000 -2,2966 -1,3034

dimensio n3
Konsentrasi 6% -2,76667 ,13608 ,000 -3,2632 -2,2701

Konsentrasi 8% -3,96667* ,13608 ,000 -4,4632 -3,4701

Konsentrasi 10% -6,00000 ,13608 ,000 -6,4966 -5,5034

Konsentrasi 4% Konsentrasi 0% 17,16667* ,13608 ,000 16,6701 17,6632

Konsentrasi 2% 1,80000 ,13608 ,000 1,3034 2,2966

dimensio n3
Konsentrasi 6% -,96667* ,13608 ,000 -1,4632 -,4701
Konsentrasi 8% -2,16667 ,13608 ,000 -2,6632 -1,6701

Konsentrasi 10% -4,20000* ,13608 ,000 -4,6966 -3,7034


Konsentrasi 6% Konsentrasi 0% 18,13333 ,13608 ,000 17,6368 18,6299

Konsentrasi 2% 2,76667* ,13608 ,000 2,2701 3,2632

dimensio n3
Konsentrasi 4% ,96667 ,13608 ,000 ,4701 1,4632

Konsentrasi 8% -1,20000* ,13608 ,000 -1,6966 -,7034

Konsentrasi 10% -3,23333 ,13608 ,000 -3,7299 -2,7368

Konsentrasi 8% Konsentrasi 0% 19,33333* ,13608 ,000 18,8368 19,8299

Konsentrasi 2% 3,96667 ,13608 ,000 3,4701 4,4632

dimensio n3
Konsentrasi 4% 2,16667* ,13608 ,000 1,6701 2,6632
Konsentrasi 6% 1,20000 ,13608 ,000 ,7034 1,6966

Konsentrasi 10% -2,03333* ,13608 ,000 -2,5299 -1,5368

Konsentrasi 10% Konsentrasi 0% 21,36667 ,13608 ,000 20,8701 21,8632

Konsentrasi 2% 6,00000* ,13608 ,000 5,5034 6,4966

dimensio n3
Konsentrasi 4% 4,20000 ,13608 ,000 3,7034 4,6966

Konsentrasi 6% 3,23333* ,13608 ,000 2,7368 3,7299

Konsentrasi 8% 2,03333 ,13608 ,000 1,5368 2,5299

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Diameter Zona Hambat (mm)

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

2,026 5 12 ,147

Diameter Zona Hambat (mm)

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

Konsentrasi 0% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00

Konsentrasi 2% 3 15,3667 ,11547 ,06667 15,0798 15,6535 15,30 15,50
Konsentrasi 4% 3 17,1667 ,15275 ,08819 16,7872 17,5461 17,00 17,30
Konsentrasi 6% 3 18,1333 ,25166 ,14530 17,5082 18,7585 17,90 18,40
Konsentrasi 8% 3 19,3333 ,20817 ,12019 18,8162 19,8504 19,10 19,50
Konsentrasi 10% 3 21,3667 ,15275 ,08819 20,9872 21,7461 21,20 21,50
Total 18 15,2278 7,26100 1,71143 11,6170 18,8386 ,00 21,50
Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Diameter Zona Hambat ,337 18 ,000 ,696 18 ,000


a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Statistic Std. Error

Diameter Zona Hambat Mean 15,2278 1,71143

(mm) 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 11,6170
Mean Upper Bound 18,8386

5% Trimmed Mean 15,7253

Median 17,6000

Variance 52,722

Std. Deviation 7,26100

Minimum ,00

Maximum 21,50

Range 21,50

Interquartile Range 4,12

Skewness -1,658 ,536

Kurtosis 1,415 1,038

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