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YAN MAULANA. Karakter Vegetatif dan Reproduktif Tanaman Mutan Padi Sensitif Aluminium.
Mekanisme toleransi Aluminium (Al) pada tanaman padi belum sepenuhnya dimengerti.
Untuk mempelajari mekanisme toleransi Al dapat digunakan tanaman sensitif Al yang berasal dari
tanaman toleran Al. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari karakter vegetatif dan reproduktif
tanaman mutan padi sensitif Al yang berasal dari padi cv. Hawara Bunar (HB) yang toleran Al.
Biji mutan padi HB generasi ke 2 (M2) ditapis dengan teknik hidroponik berdasarkan karakter
Root Re-Growth (RRG). Kecambah padi umur 5 hari ditumbuhkan pada kultur hara minimum
dengan cekaman Al 15 ppm selama 72 jam dan masa pemulihan (tanpa Al) selama 48 jam. Nilai
RRG ditentukan berdasarkan selisih panjang akar utama setelah pemulihan dan setelah cekaman.
Tanaman terpilih kemudian ditanam di rumah kaca dengan teknik budidaya padi sawah. Hasil
percobaan menunjukkan akar utama tanaman mutan sensitif Al tidak mampu tumbuh kembali
setelah masa pemulihan. Sebanyak 13 nomor mutan sensitif Al diperoleh dari penapisan terhadap
populasi M2. Mutan nomor 20-11 memiliki nilai rata-rata RRG terendah dan memiliki prosentase
mutan yang tinggi. Karakter vegetatif dan reproduktif tanaman mutan M2 sangat bervariasi.
Berdasarkan analisis kemiripan, tanaman mutan yang relatif mirip dengan tipe liarnya yaitu nomor
20-11-5, 16-20-14, dan 20-11-6. Tanaman mutan yang potensial untuk dikembangkan yaitu nomor
20-11-5 dan 20-11-6 karena memiliki sifat sensitif terhadap Al dan memiliki kemiripan karakter
vegetatif dan reproduktif yang tinggi dengan tipe liarnya. Sifat sensitif Al tanaman mutan belum
sepenuhnya stabil hingga generasi ke 3.

Kata kunci: Tanaman mutan, Padi var HB, RRG


YAN MAULANA. Vegetative and Reproductive Characters of Aluminum Sensitive Rice

Mutants. Supervised by MIFTAHUDIN and TATIK CHIKMAWATI.
Aluminum (Al) tolerant mechanism in rice has not been fully understood. Aluminum tolerant
mechanism can be studied using Al-sensitive plant originated from Al-tolerant plant. The research
objective was to study the vegetative and reproductive characters of Al-sensitive rice mutant
derived from rice cv Hawara Bunar (HB) that originally tolerant to Al. Seedlings of rice mutant
generation M2 were screened using hydroponic technique based on Root Re-growth (RRG). Five
days old seedlings were grown on minimum culture solution containing 15 ppm of Al for 72 hours
and then transferred to non Al-treated culture solution for 48 hours. The value of RRG was
determined based on the length difference between root seminal length after recovery and after Al
stress. The selected seedlings were grown in green house according to low land rice cultivation
technique. The result showed that the seminal root of Al sensitive rice mutants was not able to
regrow during period of recovery. The screening result obtained 13 numbers of Al-sensitive
mutants in M2 generation. Mutant number 20-11 had the lowest of RRG average value and the
highest percentage of mutants. Vegetative and reproductive characters of rice mutant generation
M2 were varied significantly. Mutant plants similar to wild type were numbers 20-11-5, 16-20-14,
and 20-11-6. The mutant numbers 20-11-5 and 20-11-6 were potential to be developed, because
they were the most similar to the wild type, except the tolerance to Al. Al-sensitive mutant plants
is not fully stable until the third generation.

Keywords: Mutant Plant, Rice var HB, RRG

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