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Ni Putu Ayu Khrisna Murti, Arief Setiawan


Salah satu hasil dari pembangunan pusat kegiatan di Kota Palu adalah Gedung Pertemuan Mary
Glow. Gedung ini menfasilitasi kebutuhan masyarakat seperti fasilitas untuk gedung pernikahan, ibadah,
tempat rapat dan sebagainya. Gedung Pertemuan Mary Glow terletak di dekat simpang tak bersinyal Jalan
Pattimura – Jalan Sulawesi sehingga kinerja simpang tak bersinyal Jalan Pattimura - Jalan Sulawesi perlu
diperhatikan ketika ada kegiatan yang berlangsung pada Gedung Pertemuan Mary Glow. Ketika ada
event, maka pergerakan bangkitan akan semakin tinggi dan dapat mengurangi fungsi serta kinerja dari
simpang jalan sehingga akan berpengaruh terhadap waktu tempuh perjalanan yang sangat merugikan
pengguna jalan.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh bangkitan akibat aktivitas Gedung
Pertemuan Mary Glow terhadap kinerja simpang tak bersinyal Jalan Pattimura – Jalan Sulawesi kondisi
eksisting, pada masa konstruksi, dan 5 tahun yang akan datang setelah pengoprasiannya. Survei dilakukan
pada hari Minggu mewakili libur saat event dan tanpa event serta hari Senin mewakili hari kerja saat
event maupun tanpa event. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada jam puncak pagi, siang, sore dan malam.
Analisis kinerja simpang menggunakan metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI), 1997.
Berdasarkan hasil survei lalu lintas pada kondisi eksisting, arus lalu lintas maksimum simpang tak
bersinyal Jalan Pattimura – Jalan Sulawesi terjadi pada hari Minggu, 14 Juli 2019 pukul 18.45 – 19.45
WITA yaitu sebesar 1504 smp/jam, diperoleh DS = 0,58 dan tundaan = 9,58 detik/smp. Dilihat dari nilai
tersebut, kinerja simpang tak bersinyal Jalan Pattimura – Jalan Sulawesi dapat dikategorikan LOS B. Pada
masa konstruksi kendaraan alat berat beroperasi di hari kerja pukul 08.00 – 09.00 WITA. Sehingga,
analisis kinerja simpang tak bersinyal Jalan Pattimura – Jalan Sulawesi menggunakan data volume
maksimum pada hari Senin, 15 Juli 2019 sebesar 1454 smp/jam, diperoleh DS = 0,54 dan tundaan = 9,36
detik/smp yaitu masuk dikategori LOS B. Pada masa operasi prediksi arus lalu lintas simpang tak
bersinyal Jalan Pattimura – Jalan Sulawesi pada tahun 2025 sebesar 1887 smp/jam, diperoleh nilai DS =
0,82 dan tundaan = 13,39 detik/smp. Dilihat dari nilai tersebut, kinerja simpang tak bersinyal Jalan
Pattimura – Jalan Sulawesi dapat dikategorikan LOS B, sehingga belum membutuhkan penanganan.

Kata Kunci : Simpang Tak Bersinyal, Tundaan, Tingkat Pelayanan, MKJI 1997.


Ni Putu Ayu Khrisna Murti, Arief Setiawan


One of results of the construction activity center in Palu City is the Mary Glow Meeting Hall. This
building facilitates community needs such as weddings, worship, meeting places etc(sy te tau in formal
atau tidak). As the Mary Glow Meeting Hall is located near the intersection road of Pattimura –
Sulawesi, therefore, the performance of intersection road of Pattimura - Sulawesi needs to be considered
when there are activities taking place at Mary Glow Meeting Hall. When there is an on going event, the
trip generation will be higher and can reduce the function and performance of intersection so it will
affect the travel time which is very detrimental to road users.
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of trip generation due to Mary Glow
Meeting Hall Activities on the performance of intersections road of Pattimura – Sulawesi in existing
conditions, construction period, and 5 years after the Meeting Hall already operate. The survey was
conducted on Sunday to represents holiday during or without event and Monday to represents working
days, also during or without event. The data is collected at peak hours in the morning, afternoon, evening
and night. Analysis of intersection performance using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI)
method, 1997.
Based on results of the existing traffic survey, the maximum unsignalized traffic flow at Pattimura
- Sulawesi road occurred on Sunday, July 14, 2019 at 18.45 - 19.45 WITA, amounting to 1504 pcu/hour,
obtained DS = 0.58 and delay = 9.58 se /pcu. Judging from this value, the performance of intersection
road of Pattimura - Jalan Sulawesi can be categorized as LOS B. During the construction period, heavy
equipment operate on weekdays at 08.00 to 09.00 WITA. Thus, the analysis of intersection performance
on Pattimura - Sulawesi Road using the maximum volume data on Monday, July 15, 2019 amounting to
1454 pcu/hour, obtained DS = 0.54 and delay = 9.36 sec/pcu which is categorized as LOS B. During the
operation period, the prediction of unsignalized traffic flow at Pattimura - Sulawesi Road in 2025 is 1887
pcu/hour, with the value of DS = 0.82 and delay = 13.39 sec pcu were obtained. Judging from this value,
the performance of intersection road of Pattimura - Sulawesi can be categorized as LOS B, so it does not
need treatment yet.

Keyword : Unsignalized Intersection, Delay, Level Of Service, MKJI 1997.


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