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League of Women Voters

of the Virgin Islands

P O Box 302816 St. Thomas, V.I. 00803-2816

Questions frequently asked about the LWV-VI

Why join the League of Women Voters, and how does it work?
The League offers a person the chance to make a positive difference in the Virgin Islands. The
League works through the active interchange of the ideas of its membership. When an issue
arises, the League studies it and then through the consensus process, develops a position on that
issue. If necessary, the League may also take action on the issue in the form of letters, petitions,
statements before the Legislature or other Governmental Agencies, public forums, or through
special voter education publications.

How did the League get started, how is it organized, how is it financed, and who is qualified
for membership?
Nationally, the League of Women Voters of the United States was started in 1920 by former
suffragists when the Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote. The League was the
first true grassroots organization whose major goal remains to ensure good government for and
by the people. Locally, LWV-VI was formed in 1968 when the Territory was about to elect its
first Governor. In 1969 a “Know Your Government” study was begun which later culminated in
the publication of a Citizen’s Handbook.

The League of Women Voters is a non-profit, non-partisan political organization founded to

promote political responsibility through informed voters who actively participate in government.
In 1974, the League’s membership widened to include men. The League is an organization of
diversity. All citizens of voting age are eligible to become voting members of the organization.
Non-citizens and people under voting age may become Associate Members but may not vote on
League business. All members receive national and territorial bulletins, materials for use at unit
meetings, the results of League studies and publications relevant to League issues. Funds for
League activities are raised through membership dues, contributions and fund-raising activities
that often include a luncheon with a guest speaker. Contributions to the League of Women
Voters Education Fund, a separate non-political corporation (on the national level), are tax

Each League has an elected Board of Directors, which includes a President, 1st and 2nd Vice
Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary and eight Directors who serve a two year term. Directors
appointed to the Board serve for one year. The Board meets monthly on St. Thomas and
addresses the program items approved by the general membership at the Annual Meeting held in
April. Officers, directors and members are volunteers who serve without compensation.

If you would like to participate in a process that can make a difference, join us!

To join the LWV-VI, complete the application form and mail it with your check for $50.00
(individual) made out the League of Women Voters of the V.I. at the above mailing address.
The League of Women Voters of the Virgin Islands
P.O. Box 302816, St. Thomas, V.I. 00803-2816

Membership Application Form


Mailing Address:___________________________________________________

Island:____________________________________ Zip Code:_______________

Physical Address: ___________________________________________________

Phone (H)______________ (W)________________ (Fax)__________________

E-mail address:_____________________________________________________




League Experience (V.I. or elsewhere):__________________________________


Enclosed is my ___Check ____ Money Order in the amount of $______________ for

dues, payable to the League of Women Voters of the Virgin Islands. (The rate for dues is
$50.00 per year for single membership, or $85.00 for a family of two persons at the same
residence). Contributions are also gratefully accepted. For further information, please
email or call (340) 998-3964. Visit us online at

Thank you for joining the LWV-VI

The League remains the only non-partisan political organization in the V.I.

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