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The Red Phone

As you might have noticed, liberals and homosexuals are all up in arms at the thought that anyone
would state the truth that homosexuals are predatory. Not that every homosexual is, but as a group,

With the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) immorality has gained a foothold in the barracks and
showers of the US Military. Liberals say ‘There have always been homosexuals in the military and
nothing has happened’. True, but like a whore in church, homosexuals have been on their best behavior
because that behavior was illegal and they didn’t want to risk being kicked out. Now that DADT has been
repealed, Congress and the Citizens of the US need to develop rules to protect young heterosexual
military members from such predatory behavior by homosexuals.

I can hear liberals screaming into their monitors: “They aren’t predators!”

I disagree. Go down to the Dowd YMCA and let them show you the ‘red phone’. They had to put it in to
stop homosexuals from ogling straight business men in the showers and changing rooms. The same
upper-crust of Charlotte who claim to be for diversity have to install special equipment to protect
themselves from the predatory behavior of homosexuals in a place that should be safe, if homosexuals
were not predatory. This isn’t news but it is hypocritical of Charlotte’s Observer elite. Charlotte’s red
phone isn’t the only one. All across the US there are procedures in place to prevent homosexuals from
preying on men at the Y.

Take a look at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police records and they will show you that the police run
‘sting’ operations to target homosexuals who gather in parks. In most of the last few years, 250
homosexuals have been arrested each year by the CMPD for ‘soliciting a crime against nature’.
Homosexual conduct is still illegal in NC but even though it is, the red phone and sting operations are
still necessary.

A few years ago the County had to spend big bucks redesigning Kilbourne Park so that it did not attract
homosexuals. The County Commission spent your tax dollars to protect you and your kids from
homosexuals and joined with the police to run a sting operation to identify and arrest them.

Ultimately, the louder liberals yell; the more irrational homosexuals froth at the mouth; the more I am
convinced that I am correct to speak about the matter as the next Congress will have to debate and
adopt rules to insure that heterosexuals in the military are not targets of unwanted sexual advances.

This all started because NC Senator Burr (a Republican) voted to repeal DADT without even working out
the details on how to protect young service members. Shame on him. The attention on this was focused
in media articles because of an ill-conceived letter request from BOCC Chair Jennifer Roberts and my
comments that service members would be at risk now that DADT was repealed.

As you might imagine I have received a lot of mail, including some from overseas military. One service
member said:
“I am currently in my second tour in Iraq, and I have a ….. address. Thanks for having the
courage to speak up. I am afraid that from now on, in the military, I will be punished for
speaking up now that immoral conduct is condoned. I prayed that this would not happen, but my
prayer was not answered in the way that I wanted it to -- maybe God has other plans for the
USA that I do not understand.”

Senator Burr, who voted for this has an extra-ordinary responsibility to fix this and protect heterosexual
military men and women.

Currently, Men and Women are separated because it would cause sexual problems if men showered,
changed, and maintained personal space with women. That is common sense and basic biology. Now
that homosexuals are in the military ‘out and proud’ the US Government (and Burr Specifically) should
insure that those that ogle men are separate from those that do not, and those that want to ogle
women are separate from those that do not.

If you had a 18 year old daughter (let’s call her ‘Buffy’) and she wanted to serve in the military to afford
college (G.I. bill) and serve her country would you want her to share a shower with some 35 year old
butch lesbians who ogle her (or worse)? That is what is at stake with the repeal of DADT.

Repealing DADT was a left-wing political move made before Christmas by a lame-duck Democrat
Congress. That vote comes with some severe consequences for military readiness. The left-wing of
America and radical homosexuals will be out in force to try and prevent any rules that would protect
Buffy or her male counterpart, Wally. Young kids who enlist will become sexual targets in the new US

Parents with kids in the military (especially in the enlisted ranks) should band together to demand rules
to protect their kids from unwanted advances in personal spaces (barracks, showers, and other areas).
They can’t put a ‘red phone’ in every military shower but they could separate homosexuals and put
them with their own.

The louder they scream the more I know I am right to bring the matter up and Challenge Senator Burr to
fix this. The fate of thousands of young military men and women (not to mention the military readiness
of the US) hang in the balance.


Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)

Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
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