Anda di halaman 1dari 4

Biology - Biuret – deep blue is positive and

blue is negative
- Sclerenchyma- - Benefits of food processing
- Parenchyma technology
- Collenchyma - Sistem keimunan kanak-kanak akan
- Aerenchyma berkurang.
- 2.Kurang antibodi dihasilkan untuk
menentang patogen
- 3.Mudah dijangkiti penyakit
- 4.Kanak- kanak akan mati
- 5.Jangka hayat bagi kanak- kanak
adalah pendek
- 6.Tiada keimunan pada kanak- kanak
- Merkuri merencat enzim respirasi di
dalam mitokondrion, dan ini akan
menghentikan respirasi sel.
- Tiada ATP dihasilkan, maka
pengangkutan aktif utk mengangkut
ion natrium merentasi membran
plasma tidak dpt berlaku.
- Pengambilan makanan secara
berlebihan pada satu masa
menyebabkan perut menghasilkan
jus gastrik secara berlebihan. Jus
gastrik mengandungi asid hidroklorik
dan enzim2 pencernaan seperti
pepsin dan renin.
- Refluks asid hidroklorik akan berlaku
apabila asid dari perut mengalir balik
ke esofagus dan menghakis
epitelium esofagus. Ini
menyebabkan kesakitan di bahagian
- Embolus di arteri (karotid) menyekat
pengaliran darah beroksigen &
bernutrien ke bahagian tertentu tisu
otak. Sel sel otak akan mati dan
menyebabkan simptom seperti
lumpuh, dan keadaan ini dikenali sbg
- Dapatkan suntikan insulin utk
mengawal aras glukosa sekiranya
aras glukosa terlalu tinggi
- Dapatkan suntikan glukagon
sekiranya aras glukosa terlalu rendah
- Pemindahan organ pancreas
- Semasa serangan gout, pesakit boleh
mendapatkan ubat tahan sakit
seperti Pencegah Inflamasi Bukan
Steroid (NSAID) utk mengurangkan
- Individu S menggunakan bantuan
pernafasan mulut ke mulut supaya
udara yg dihembuskan oleh individu
S dapat membekalkan gas oksigen
kepada mangsa dan oksigen
diangkut ke sel-sel badan
- Individu Q menggunakan teknik
mampatan dada supaya berlaku
jantung terus mengepam darah
beroksigen ke sel sel badan. Dengan
ini, sel sel badan badan mangsa
dapat melakukan proses respirasi
semula. Mekanisme penarikan nafas
dan penghembusan nafas akan
kembali berlaku seperti normal
setelah mangsa diselamatkan.
- Ions/molecules bind to carrier
- ATP breaks down into phosphate
group and ADP. Phosphate group
changes the shape of carrier protein
- Ions/Molecules are then transported
across plasma membrane against
concentration gradient
- Look back carrier and pore protein
- Lamina-
- Pore protein- small molecules or ions
- Main source of enzyme used in
industries- Bacteria
- 2. Fungi (e.g. yeast)
- Molekul sukrosa terlalu besar dan
tidak dpt meresap merentasi tiub
- Molekul air shj yg dpt bergerak
melalui tiub visking
- limfa mengandungi lipid yg diserap
melalui lakteal dalam vilus di usus
- This increases osmotic pressure of
the cell sap of guard cell, causing
more water enters guard cell by
osmosis, and guard cell becomes
turgid. Stoma is then opened to
allow gaseous exchange. So, rate of
respiration is increased to obtain
more oxygen.
- Ya. Melanin ni a type of pigment.
Bila kulit kita di-expose pada UV light
dari sunlight, melanin dalam kulit
bertambah untuk lindungkan kulit dr
damage yg boleh lead kpd skin
- Granum made up of thylakoid
- saturated fat don’t have double
bond and in nature have higher
boiling point
- xylem and phloem all structure

Physics - Resultant force

- frequency is defined as the number - Work done is stationary, waiter, satellite,
of event per unit time constant velocity
- period and frequency only affected - Diagram of light
only if the length of pendulum is - As the water waves are approaching the
changed beach, the wavelength of the water
- longer pendulum, longer period, waves decreases and causes the
lower frequency amplitude of the water waves to
- angle of oscillation increased, increase abruptly . as the amplitude of
displacement increased, amplitude water waves increase when it
also increased approaches the beach, the energy
prodeuced of by the water waves alos
- Vibrate horizontally not affected by
gravitational acceleration
- Only affected if vertical
Chemistry - Streptomycin is antibiotic
- Metalloid
- Mol / atoms / molecules
- Hydrogen peroxide is used on wounds as
an antiseptic and blood is the catalyst
- Reduce/minimize/difficult/ the layer of
copper atoms
- The presences of zinc atoms that are
different size disrupt the orderly
arrangement of copper atoms.
- Make it difficult for the layer of copper
atoms from sliding
- A chemical formula that shows the
simplest ratio of atoms of each element
in a compound
- Oxygen dlm pengiraan ialah 16 bkn 32
(dlm calculation empirical formula)
- By heating, cooling and weighing until a
constant mass is
- obtained.
- More colliding reacting particles can
achieve the lower activation energy
- The mothballs vapour
particles/molecules are tiny and Discrete
- Add concentrated sulphuric slowly//
slant the test tube carefully
- The concentration of copper(II) sulphate
decreases because copper(II) ions
discharged to form copper atom at the
positive terminal. The intensity of blue
colour of copper(II) sulphate solution
- Place a moist blue litmus paper at the
mouth of the boiling tube,
blue litmus paper turns red.






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